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Genetic Code, the Golden Section

and Genetic Music

A.Koblyakov, S.Petoukhov, I.Stepanian

The Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

The human brain does not possess a special
center of music. The feeling of love to music
seems to be dispersed in the whole organism. It
is known that dierent emoAons belong to
inherited biological phenomena. It seems that
many aspects of musical harmony also belong
to inborn feelings and are connected with
geneAc phenomena.

Charles Darwin:
"... all the chief expressions exhibited by man

are the same throughout the world. ... we may

infer with much probability, that such
expressions are innate or insAncAve."

(hFp:// )

From ancient times, understanding the phenomenon

of music and musical structures were associated with
mathematics. G.Leibniz declared:
Music is a secret arithmetical exercise and the
person who indulges in it does not realize that he is
manipulating numbers and music is the pleasure
the human mind experiences from counting without
being aware that it is counting.

The range of human sound percepAon contains an

innite set of sound frequencies. Pythagoras has
discovered that certain mathemaAcal rules allow
separaAng - from this innite set of frequencies - a
discrete set of frequencies, which determine the
harmonious sound set.

But Pythagor said nothing about the fact that other

discrete sets of sound frequencies may exist, which
will also form harmonious sets of sounds.
Many scientists of different centuries (including
Kepler, Descartes, Leibniz, Euler) have tried to find
new musical scales but they didnt know about the
genetic code.

This presentaAon is devoted to geneAc musical
scales, which are based on symmetric features of
molecular ensembles of geneAc systems. We present
our study of these scales very briey here.

It is known that DNA-molecules of heredity

contain a sequence of 4 letters (adenine A, cytosine
C, guanine G, thymine T) along their filaments.
64 triplets = 43 (or combination of three genetic
letters: CGA, TAG, etc.) encode 20 amino acids (and
punctuation signs), a sequence of which defines a
primary structure of proteins.

Letters A-T and C-G form complementary pairs

with 2 and 3 hydrogen bonds correspondingly.

Matrix presentation of genetic alphabets.

In computers, information is stored in a form of matrices and
is processed by means of tensor (or Kronecker)
multiplications of matrices. One can present a set of 4
genetic letters in a form of a square matrix [C T; A G]. Then
each complete set of 4n polyplets with a length n can be
represented algorithmically by a matrix [C T; A G](n), where
(n) is a tensor (Kronecker) power. For example, a (8x8)matrix [C T; A G](3) contains all 64 triplets in a strong order.

Quantities of hydrogen bonds (2 and 3) of

complementary DNA-bases A-T, C-G have an
important meaning in the genetic scheme. Let us
replace each n-plet in [C T; A G](n) by the product of
numbers of hydrogen bonds: C=G=3, A=T=2. For
instance, due to such operation, the triplet CGA is
replaced by 332=18. As a result, [C T; A G](n)
[3, 2; 2, 3](n). As an example, Figure demonstrates the
numeric matrix [3, 2; 2, 3](3):

These family of numerical genomatrices [3, 2; 2, 3](n)
have interesAng mathemaAcal properAes.

A connection between genetic matrices and the

golden section. The genomatrices [3, 2; 2, 3](n) have a
hidden relation with the famous golden section =
(1+50.5)/2 = 1,618 If we take the square root from
any genomatrix [3, 2; 2, 3](n), the result is a new
matrix ([3, 2; 2, 3](n))1/2 = [, -1 ; -1, ](n), all
elements of which are equal to the golden section in
different powers. In this way a new tensor family of
matrices [, -1 ; -1, ](n) arises:

For instance, the matrix ([3, 2; 2, 3](3))1/2 =

[, -1 ; -1, ](3) has only two pairs of inverse
numbers: 1 and -1, 3 and -3. The golden section is
a mathematical symbol of a self-reproduction for
many centuries (Leonardo da Vinci, J.Kepler, etc). It
is well known that the golden section is shown by
many authors in genetically inherited physiological
systems: cardio-vascular system, respiratory system,
electric activities of brain, etc.

The golden section exists in 5-symmetrical figures,
which are presented widely in living nature. Many
objects of generalized crystallography have the golden
section: quasi-crystalls by Nobel Prize winner
D.Shechtman, R.Penroses mosaics, fullerenes,
dodecahedrons of ensembles of water molecules,
biological phyllotaxis laws, etc.

Whether such vibrational systems exist in the Nature,

whose resonant frequencies are associated with the
golden section ? Yes, the article "Golden ratio
discovered in quantum world: Hidden symmetry
observed for the first time in solid state matter" has
been published in Science Daily on 07.01.2010

Researches of cobalt niobate, which has magnetic

properties, have revealed that "the chain of atoms acts
like a nanoscale guitar string. ... The tension comes
from the interaction between spins causing them to
magnetically resonate. For these interactions we found
a series of resonant notes: the first two notes show a
perfect relationship with each other. Their frequencies
(pitch) are in the ratio of 1.618, which is the
golden ratio famous from art and architecture".

A connection between genetic matrices and

Pythagorean musical scale (genetic music)
The genomatrices have a close relation with
Pythagorean (or quint) musical scale based on the
quint ratio 3:2 (the perfect fifth). Genomatrices
[3, 2; 2, 3](n) demonstrate a quint principle of their
structure because they have the quint ratio 3:2 at
different levels: between numerical sums in top and
bottom quadrants, sub-quadrants, sub-sub-quadrants,
etc. including quint ratios between adjacent numbers
in them.

For example, [3, 2; 2, 3](3) contains only 4

numbers 27, 18, 12, 8 - with the quint ratio between
them: 27/18=18/12=12/8=3/2. Such genomatrices can
be named quint genomatrices.

It is known that the ancient Greek Pythagorean scale was

basically identical with the old Chinese music scale. Both of
them were based on quint ratio 3/2. In Europe this music
scale is known as Pythagorean scale. In Ancient China this
music scale had a cosmic meaning connected with the book
I Ching: numbers 2 and 3 were named numbers of Earth
and Heaven and they were the basis of Chinese arithmetic.
After Ancient China, Pythagoreans considered numbers 2
and 3 as the female and male numbers, which can give birth
to new musical tones in their interconnection.

Ancient Greeks attached an extraordinary significance to

search of the quint 3:2 in natural systems because of their
thoughts about musical harmony in the organization of the
world. For example, Archimedes considered as the best result
of his life a detection of the quint 3:2 between volumes and
surfaces of a cylinder and a sphere entered in it. Just these
geometrical figures with the quint ratio were pictured on his
gravestone according to Archimedes testament. And due to
these figures Cicero has found Archimedess grave later, 200
years after his death.

Vcyl : Vsph = Scyl : Ssph = 3:2

This Table demonstrates a known example of

application of the quint 3/2 to construct a symmetrical
sequence of 7 musical notes of the Pythagorean scale;
a frequency ratio between any adjacent notes of this
sequence is equal to the quint 3/2 (the designation of
notes is given on Helmholtz system).

Each quint genetic matrix [3, 2; 2, 3](n) contains an

individual sequence of (n+1) kinds of numbers which
reproduces geometric progression, a coefficient of
which is equal to the quint 3/2:
[3, 2; 2, 3](1) 3, 2
[3, 2; 2, 3](2) 9, 6, 4
[3, 2; 2, 3](3) 27, 18, 12, 8
[3, 2; 2, 3](6) 729, 486, 324, 216, 144, 96, 64

In such way we have the genetic triangle:





243 .
162 .
108 .
72 .
48 .
32 .
But this genetic triangle was published 2000 (!)
years ago by Nichomachus of Gerasa in his famous
book Introduction into arithmetic. (J.Kappraff* and
G.Adamson informed S.Petoukhov about this
* - J. Kappraff, "The Arithmetic of Nicomachus of Gerasa and its Applications to
Systems of Proportion", Nexus Network Journal, vol. 2, no. 4 (October 2000), http://





243 .
162 .
108 .
72 .
48 .
32 .

This genetic triangle was famous for centuries as

the bases of the Pythagorean theory of musical
harmony and aesthetics. In accordance with this
triangle, the Parthenon and other great architectural
objects were created because
architecture was interpreted as
the non-movement music, and
the music was interpreted as the
dynamic architecture.

The numeric sequence from each genomatrix [3, 2; 2, 3](n)

can be compared to a quint sequence of musical notes. If one

confronts the least number from a matrix with a musical
note (fa (F)) then all series of numbers automatically
corresponds with a series of musical notes. For example, the
sequence of numbers 27, 18, 12, 8 of [3, 2; 2, 3](3) correspond
to the frequency sequence of notes fa(F) - do(c) - sol(g) -

Genomatrix [3, 2; 2, 3](6) contains a sequence of 7

numbers, which correspond to the whole quint
sequence of 7 notes: fa(F) - do(c) - sol(g) - re(d1) - la
(a1) - mi (e2) - si (b2).

Such musical analogies take place not only in the case

of the hydrogen bonds but also for a few other
parameters of molecules DNA, for example, for
number of atoms in rings of nitrogenous bases. The
quantity of non-hydrogen atoms in molecular rings of
pyrimidines (C and T) is equal to 6 and the quantity of
non-hydrogen atoms in molecular rings of purines (A
and G) is equal to 9. Their quint ratio 9:6=3:2 can be
considered as a fundament for appropriate quint
genomatrices and for atomic genetic melody of the
nitrogenous bases and triplets along DNA. Two
filaments of DNA have different complementary kinds of such atomic
genetic music.

The family of the golden genetic matrices
([3, 2; 2, 3](n))1/2 = [1, -1; -1, 1](n) denes another
numeric triangle, because a set of entries in each
matrix represents a fragment of a geometrical
progression with the coefficient 2 (square of the
golden secAon):

1 2 3 4 .
-1 0 1 2 .
-2 -1 0 .
-3 -2 ....


Significant analogies exist between this golden
triangle and the quint triangle of Nichomachus of
Gerasa. The quint triangle is connected with three
main mathematical ratios of three quantities "a", "b",
"c", which were used in the Pythagorean theory of
musical harmony and aesthetics of proportions
[J.Kappraff, 2000]:
the arithmetic mean: c = (+)/2 ;
the geometric mean: c = (*)0.5 ;
the harmonic mean: = 2**/(+).

Inside the quint triangle, these ratios are represented
for each internal number and its neighboring pairs of
numbers. For example, number 18 is the arithmetic
mean for numbers 9 and 27 located above it:
(9+27)/2=18. The same number 18 is the geometric
mean for numbers 6 and 54 located on the sides
(6*54)0.5=18. The same number 18 is the harmonic
mean for numbers 12 and 36 located under it:

3 9 27 81 243 .
2 6 18 54 162 .
4 12 36 108 .
8 24
72 .
48 .
32 .

But inside the golden triangle, all its numbers

from the same places are also connected with these
basic ratios of the Pythagorean theory of harmony. For
example, number -1 is double the arithmetic mean for
numbers -2 -3: -2+-3 =-1. The same number -1
is the geometric mean for 0 -2: (0+-2)0.5 =-1.
The same number -1 is harmonic mean for 1 0:
1*0/( 1+0)=-1.
1 2 3
-1 0 1
-2 -1

4 .
2 .
0 .
-2 ....

These results testify additionally that the

golden triangle can be the basis of a new system
of musical harmony and aesthetics of proportion by
analogy with the quint triangle of Nichomachus of

The coefficient 2 of geometric progressions

in the golden triangle, which was received
from the tensor families of genetic matrices
([3, 2; 2, 3](n))1/2 , exists also in a chain of
regular 5-stars (pentagrams), which are
embedded in each other, as the constant ratio of
scaling the adjacent stars.
1 2 3
-1 0 1
-2 -1

4 .
2 .
0 .
-2 ....

The same ratio 2 exists in phyllotaxis laws

because it defines an ideal angle of phyllotaxis
3600/2 . By this reason, these genetic scales can
be named also as phyllotaxis scales. But
finally they have been named as Fibonaccistage scales because of their close connection
with Fibonacci numbers: Fn+2=Fn+Fn+1: 1, 2, 3,
5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...

1 2 3 4 .
-1 0 1 2 .
-2 -1 0 .
-3 -2 ....

This golden triangle is connected with a system

of mathemaAcal scales: a hierarchical system of
Fibonacci-stage scales (see details in the book:
Petoukhov S.V. The Matrix GeneAcs, Algebras of the
GeneAc Code, Noise-immunity, Moscow, 2008,
316p., in Russian, for open reading on the website

When we have constructed algorithmically these
scales (by analogy with a known algorithmic
construcAon of the Pythagorean scale), it was
unexpectedly revealed that number of stages in each
of these scales is equal to Fibonacci numbers: we
have received scales with 3-, 5-, 8-, 13-, 21-, 34-,
stages. Numbers of small and big intervals in each
scale are also automaAcally equal to Fibonacci

The more Fibonacci stages in a scale, the more

Fibonacci quantities of small and big intervals exist in
it in accordance with the following algorithmic tree
(black circles mean big intervals, white circles small
intervals). This tree coincides with the famous
Fibonacci tree in his mathematical problem about a
reproduction of rabbits.

Fibonacci-stage scales form an hierarchy, where

each scale is embodied in all scales with higher
Fibonacci numbers. For example, all sound
frequencies of 5-stage scale belong also to the 13-stage
scale, the 21-stage scale, etc.
This hierachy resembles Russian matreshka:

Table shows an example of frequencies (Hz) of the

hierarchal structure of the Fibonacci-stage scales with
2-, 3-, 5-, 8-, 13-, 21-stages.

These mathematical scales, which were constructed

by analogy with Pythagorean musical scale, can be
considered as new musical scales, which open new
opportunities for composers. Examples of musical
compositions in these genetic scales are represented in
the concert of genetic music on 4 July in Vienna from
the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory hFp://
program2.pdf .

Described facts are related with a problem of

genetic bases of aesthetics and inborn feeling of
harmony. The famous physicist Nobel prize winner
Richard Feynman noted about feeling of musical
harmony: Whether far we stand from Pythagor in
understanding of why only some sounds are pleasant
for hearing? The general theory of aesthetics,
apparently, has been moved forward not significantly
since Pythagorean times [Feynmans lectures of
physics, v. 4].

From the viewpoint of musical harmony in

structures of molecular-genetic system, outstanding
composers seem to be researchers of harmony in the
organization of living substance.
Many composers declared about a mysterious
connection of music with the golden section early. In
our opinion, this connection has genetic bases.
Science and culture seem to be connected each other
more closely than one could demonstrate it till now.

In our opinion, music is not only the tool for a call

of emotions and pleasures, but also one of the
principles of the organization and language of living

The aesthetic aspects of genetic music can be

connected with informational aspects, which provide
an effect of recognition of a kindred language during
listening genetic music. This effect of recognition can
be provided by biological algorithms of signal
processing inside organisms. For example, in the case
of genetic music coming from the outside world, our
organism can recognize those ratios, on which its own
genetic system is built, and organism responds
positively to this manifestation of a structural kinship
between the outside world and its own genetic
physiology. This positive reaction resembles two
persons talking in the same language (if they talk in
different languages, mutual understanding doesn't arise
though they can speak more and more loudly).

The Moscow P.I.Tchaikovsky Conservatory has

created recently a special Center for Interdisciplinary
Researches of Musical Creativity. One of tasks of this
center is studying the "genetic musical scales from
different viewpoints including new opportunities for
composers and for musical therapy. Head of scientific
department of Moscow Conservatory Prof. K.Zenkin is
now here as the chairman and the organizer of this
Section Music, Information and Symmetries.
The next lecture of a
composer and physicist Ivan
Soshinskiy will continue this
topic. He will also present
compositions of genetic
music on the concert today

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