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Chapter 6

Energy Medicine
Christina L. Ross
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
Energy medicine (EM) is medicine based on physics instead of biochemistry. Energy medi
cine works with subtle forms of energy known as chi or prana that exist in and around the
human body. EM treats with the understanding that all illness results from disturbances in
this energy known as the human biofield. Physics does not override biochemistry, it drives
it. Biology and chemistry behave according to the laws of physics. Physics is the study of
energy. The human body is made of energy. It has structure (bones), plumbing (digestive
tract), and electricity (nervous systems), all infused with energy. Energy is a property of all
matter, therefore cells, molecules, and atoms are all made of energy. Science has begun to
measure the subtle but important energy field around the human body and research is
showing that when the natural flow of energy is obstructed, disordered, and depleted, the
body becomes diseased [1]. Pharmaceuticals affect chemical signals in the body but EM af
fects electromagnetic signals in the body. EM heals using an integrated system that super
vises the interaction of all the bodys systems and is not only faster, but more efficient. A
continuous, uninterrupted flow of energy through the biofield plays the main role in health
and healing.
In 1989 the term energy medicine was coined by the International Society for the Study of
Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine which studies the science of medical and therapeutic
applications of subtle energies. Energy medicine came under government guidelines in 1992
when the National Institutes of Health (NIH) established the National Center for Comple
mentary and Alternative Medicine [2]. According to the NIH, energy medicine is defined as
a form of complementary and alternative medicine which has two distinct categories:
Veritable energy medicine, which uses mechanical vibration (sound) and electromagnetic
radiation (light) in order to affect health and healing. Veritable EM involves the use of
specific, measurable wavelengths and frequencies to treat patients. Many of the human body

2012 Ross; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Alternative Medicine

electrical systems and electromagnetic fields are well known, and veritable forms of EM are
being used in well established models for patients in todays medicine. Examples of verita
ble forms of EM are the use of lasers and magnetic pulses which have been found to be
therapeutic. Commonly used forms of veritable EM such as electrocardiogram (EKG), elec
troencephalogram (EEG), Computerized Tomography (CT or CAT) Scan, Magnetic Reso
nance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasound equipment are currently being used in traditional
medical applications.
For many years it was thought that electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure would cause only
harmful effects in the body, but it is now understood that the amount of energy (field
strength or amplitude), and the frequency of the field is what determines whether it is
harmful, therapeutic or benign [3]. In particular, ionizing radiation has been shown to cause
harmful effects by breaking the electron bonds that hold molecules like DNA together[4, 5].
Ionizing radiation includes alternating current (AC) that is produced by power lines, elec
trical wiring, and electrical equipment. Some epidemiological studies have suggested there
is an increased risk of cancer associated with magnetic field exposure near electrical pow
er lines [3, 6, 7]. The energy in non-ionizing radiation, however, is not strong enough to
break ion bonds in atoms and molecules [8, 9]. Depending on the frequency and ampli
tude, the beneficial effect of non-ionizing EMF has been reported to affect natural killer cells
fighting cancer and viruses [10-16], traumatic brain injury, post-operative infections, as well
as bacterial and viral related inflammatory responses that are major complications in to
days medicine [17-19]. Extra low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) in the 50 Hz
range has been reported to prohibit bacterial growth and improve immune response against
bacterial infection [20].
Veritable EM treatments also include pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy. A
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field device has been approved by the US Food and Drug Adminis
tration (FDA) for bone repair, although it remains widely unused due to physician misun
derstanding and lack of knowledge concerning the treatment [21]. PEMF therapeutic devices
can be applied in two different ways - either by capacitive or inductive coupling. In capaci
tive coupling there is no contact with the body, whereas direct coupling requires the place
ment of opposing electrodes in direct contact with the surface of the skin of the targeted
tissue [22]. Inductive coupling does not require electrodes to be in direct contact with the
skin because it produces a field (see Faradays Law of Induction) that emanates in all direc
tions. Research shows that therapeutic applications of PEMF at extra low frequency (ELF)
levels (3-300 Hz) are beneficial to the immune system by suppressing inflammatory respons
es at the cell membrane level [23]. PEMF can pass through the skin and into the bodys con
ductive tissue [24-26], resulting in reduced pain and the onset of edema shortly after trauma.
Where edema is already present, treatment exhibits significant anti-inflammatory effects
[27]. In a study of the effect of PEMF therapy on arthritis, three hours of exposure to a 50-Hz
magnetic field revealed that experimentally-induced inflammation in rats was significantly
inhibited as a result [28]. Strong beneficial effects have also occurred using 75 Hz frequency
MF treatment in patients suffering from fractures of the ankle joints [29]. PEMF treatments
also promote cell activation and endothelial cell proliferation through the cell membrane.
ELF levels can increase the rate of formation of epithelial cells in partially healed wounds

Energy Medicine

[30] and also quicken the healing time of skin wounds [31]. Fields at 15 Hz were used to sig
nificantly accelerate wound healing in diabetic mice [32]. Skin wounds have electrical poten
tials that can be stimulated by ELF-EMF to aid in the healing process by dedifferentiating
cells near the wound, thereby accelerating cell proliferation [23]. In a study examining the
effects of whole body magnetic fields (50-165 Hz) on patients suffering from different forms
of cancer, results showed the MF therapy had overall beneficial effects, particularly with re
spect to improved immune status and postoperative recovery [33]. Treatment consisted of
15 cycles, each 1-20 minutes in duration coupled with more traditional cancer therapies.
PEMF has also been reported to reduce pain and inflammation after traumatic brain injury
[34], decrease osteoarthritic inflammation [35], and reduce neuropathic pain [36], as well as
control the growth of lymphocytes [37].
EMF treatments appear to improve certain psychological conditions as well. A study of
twelve patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression underwent
PEMF treatment of either 1 Hz or 5 Hz as an adjunct to antidepressant medications. Seven
ty-five percent of the patients had a clinically significant antidepressant response after treat
ment, and 50 percent had sustained that response at 2-month follow-up as compared with
controls. Comparable improvements were seen in anxiety, hostility, and insomnia [38]. Lowfrequency PEMF therapy at 0.1 64 Hz has been shown to improve mobility function, pain,
and fatigue in fibromyalgia patients [39] as well. It has been firmly established that tissues
such as blood, muscle, ligaments, bone and cartilage respond to biophysical input, including
electrical and electromagnetic fields. Research shows that certain field strengths and fre
quencies of PEMF appear to be disease-modifying [Table 1].


B or Freq *


Treatment Number

Alzheimers [40]

5-8 Hz

30 min


Arthritis [41]

50 Hz

60 min


Back Pain [42]

64 Hz

16 min

until pain stops

Key Finding
Significantly improves
cognitive function
Reduction of pain and
Statistically significant
potential for reducing
Increased immune

Bacterial Infection [20]

50 Hz



response against
Tumor specific

Cancer(breast, colon and

prostate tumors) [43]

0.1 Hz to 114 kHz

4 months


frequencies showed
significant decrease in

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Statistically significant
20 Hz



short- and long- term

pain reduction



Alternative Medicine


B or Freq *


Treatment Number

Key Finding
Proved effective in
patients suffering from

Chronic Bronchitis [45]

30 mT

15- 20 min


chronic bronchitis
when coupled with
standard drug

Edema [27]

70 mT

15 - 30 min


Significantly reduces
acute edema
Improved function,

Fibromyalgia [39]

0.1-64 Hz

30 min

2x day/3 weeks

pain, fatigue, and

global status in FM
77 % of treatment
patients experienced
elimination of gastro-

Gastroduodenitis [46]

100 Hz

6-10 min


esophageal and
refluxes compared to
29 % of controls

Mastitis [47, 48]

10-25 Hz

60 min

1x/2-3 mos

Multiple Sclerosis [49]

1-25 Hz


Up to 5 weeks

Significantly reduced
post-op inflammation
PEMF device
significantly alleviated
Effective, short-term

Migraine Headache [50]

27.12 Hz

1 h/day

5days/wk/2 wks

intervention for
migraine, but not
tension headaches
Pre and post injury

Nerve Regeneration [51]

2 Hz/0.3mT

1 h/day

10 days

exposure suggests that

PEMF influences
regeneration indirectly
Produced beneficial

Neuritis [51]

10-100 Hz

6 min


effects in 93% of
patients suffering from
nerve problems
Significantly reduce

Oral Surgery [52]


30 min

3-5 days prior to

inflammation in clinical

Energy Medicine


B or Freq *


Treatment Number

Key Finding
Rapid improvements of

Osteoarthritis [53]

25 G/5-24 Hz

25 G/5-24 Hz


immuno-logical indices
& alleviates symptoms

Pain and edema [54]

1mT or 5 mT

6 h/day

90 days

Significantly aids in
clinical recovery
Seventy-five percent of

Post Traumatic Stress

Disorder [38]

1Hz or 5Hz

40 sec or
8 sec/1 hr

patients had a clinically

20-30 days


Rheumatoid Arthritis [55]

30 mT

30 min

15 20x

Septic Shock [56]

50 Hz/2mT



Skin Ulcers [57]

75 Hz/2.7 mT

4 hr/day

for 3 months

Tendonitis [58]

30 mT

60 min

10 20x

Whiplash [59]

64 Hz

8 min


Reduces pain in chronic

pain populations
E. coli became more
sensitive to antibiotics
Positive effects but
only in small lesions
Significant beneficial
Considerable and
statistically significant
pain reduction
Postoperative pain was

Wound Healing in diabetic

mice [60]

significantly reduced
15 Hz

8 h/day

24 days

for a decrease in the

need for analgesic

Table 1. Veritable EM therapies applied to various conditions. * B=magnetic field; G=Gauss; T=Tesla; Hz=Hertz; 1
mT=10 Gauss

How do veritable EMF therapies work?

The mechanism for action of EMF on cells and tissues is based on how cells can detect and
generate electromagnetic fields in general. Biological systems such as cells communicate not
only with each other but also interact with their environment [61, 62]. This is done through
several mechanisms at many levels depending on the type of cell tissue and nature of the
information being communicated. Most known mechanisms in the literature address cellcell interaction as chemical or electrical signaling, but intercellular interaction can also be at
tributed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) [63]. Burr et al published a report on stable voltage
gradients in various biological systems back in 1935 [64]. Since then researchers have discov
ered that these stable gradients can be altered when the whole organism undergoes biologi



Alternative Medicine

cal processes such as growth, localized injury and microbial invasion. Because EMFs radiate,
they behave in a wave-like manner (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

The biological effects of low-frequency magnetic fields have been the subject of extensive
studies since they can penetrate deep into tissues [65-72]. It has been shown that low-fre
quency EMF can act at the cellular level affecting various cell functions, including cell
proliferation and differentiation [73-76], apoptosis [77-79], DNA synthesis [80, 81], RNA
transcription [82], protein expression [83], protein phosphorylation [84], re-dox mediated
rises in NFkB and cell damage [85, 86], microvesicle motility [87], ATP synthesis [88], hor
mone production [89], antioxidant enzyme activity [90], metabolic activity [91], and the
inhibition of adherence [92]. It has been proposed that the initial interaction occurs out
side the plasma membrane, but could also involve interactions with transmembrane pro
teins [93, 94]. For example, NIH3T3 cells exposed to a 50 Hz PEMF for over 2 h significantly
increased the clustering of intermembrane proteins compared with controls [95]. Investiga
tors concluded that the signal was likely being propagated and amplified through the intra
cellular signal transduction pathways [96]. An example of this is when the calcium stored
in the intracellular compartment prompting mitochondria to produce free radicals (which
increase DNA response) [97] can be controlled by PEMF[98], providing a first order effect
in preventing the onset of inflammatory responses. The impact of EMF on calcium chan
nel protein has been reported many times [99-102]. The genes that encode ion channels are
important because they produce the gradients that determine downstream cell behavior.
Future advances in this work will fully integrate bioelectric cascades. Increased understand
ing of how these mechanisms work will lead directly to devices that stimulate cell treat
ment directly to the damaged region producing the bioelectromagnetic changes needed to
repair and regenerate tissues.
Effect of EMF on cytokine production

Energy Medicine

It is now well established that exogenous applied EMFs affect cell signaling and cyto
kine production. PEMF treatment appears to be disease-modifying in a model studying
osteoarthritis [103]. Since transforming growth factor beta (TGF-) is understood to upre
gulate gene expression for aggrecan (a cartilage-specific core protein), downregulate ma
trix metalloprotease and IL-1 activity, and upregulate inhibitors of matrix metalloprotease,
the stimulation of TGF- could be considered a mechanism by which PEMF favorably
affects cartilage homeostasis.
Application of PEMF does not appear to alter the cell immunophenotype of fibroblast-like
cell populations, but does appear to decrease the production of inflammatory cytokines
IL-1 and TNF-. PEMF also appears to increase anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 [104].
Both IL-1 and TNF- concentration in the synovial fluid were significantly lowered while
TGF- was significantly higher compared with controls. Large bone formation was also ob
served one month after osteochondral graft implantation using PEMF treated grafts which
favor early graft stabilation [105]. PEMF exposure at 75 Hz, 45 mT limited bone resorption in
the subchondral bone while cytokine assessment in the synovial fluid indicated a more fa
vorable articular environment for the graft.
EMF and Inflammation
EMF has many well documented physiological effects on cells and tissues including anti-in
flammatory effects. MF therapies can provide noninvasive, safe and easy to apply methods
to directly treat the source of pain, injury, inflammation and dysfunction [106]. Low-fre
quency EMF has a long term record of safety, backed by tissue culture, animal and clinical
studies which have been conducted for over two decades [107]. Although the exact mecha
nism of anti-inflammatory effect is unclear, the cell membrane is most often considered the
main target for EMF signals [106]. It has been reported that EMF affects membrane mediated
signal transduction processes, especially the Ca2+ transport system [108]. Early events in sig
nal transduction play a critical role in calcium influx in the lymphocyte. Because calcium is
an important second messenger for a wide variety of important cellular processes such as
RNA, DNA and protein synthesis; modulation of calcium signaling by electromagnetic
fields has the potential to influence these cell functions [108]. Studies have demonstrated
that EMF can stabilize the cell membrane by restoring membrane protein activity (Ca2+ -AT
Pase) and maintain intracellular Ca2+ levels [109, 110]. Biological systems in transition have
been shown to be more sensitive to EMF exposure than in stationary systems. In one study
immune compromised animals constituting systems in transition state were shown to be
more sensitive to EMF exposure; whereas healthy animals, considered to be in relatively sta
ble systems, exhibiting no sensitivity to the same field parameters [111]. Low-frequency,
low-intensity EMF was reported to be beneficial in reducing inflammation without potential
side effects indicating its value as a viable alternative for treating inflammatory responses.
In living systems, from planarian flatworms to humans, mechanisms involved strongly sug
gest that therapeutic EMF applications stop inflammation first, then initiate healing [98].



Alternative Medicine

2. Veritable EM Devices
PEMF Knee Device
The PEMF knee device is an FDA-approved device consisting of a cuff that surrounds the
knee. It has a coil and heating pads that send magnetic pulses and heat through injured tis
sue. This device combines PEMF energy and thermal therapy to increase circulation, reduce
swelling, relieve chronic pain and arthritis, as well as improve range of motion. It has been
reported to benefit patients with osteoarthritis [112].
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) uses electric current to stimulate nerves
to induce therapeutic treatment. These devices are usually connected to the skin using elec
trodes. A typical TENS device is able to modulate pulse width, frequency, and intensity of
the electrical field it uses. TENS applied at frequencies above 50 Hz uses intensity below
motor contraction (sensory intensity). TENS applied at frequencies below 10 Hz, use an in
tensity that produces motor contractions [113]. Studies show that TENS stimulates nerves in
order to reduce both acute and chronic pain [114, 115].
PEMF mats produce a therapeutic pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) that surrounds the
entire body. PEMF whole-body mats are promoted in many countries for a wide range of
therapeutic applications. Randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind trials focusing on os
teoarthritis of the knee (3 trials) or the cervical spine (1 trial), fibromyalgia (1 trial), pain per
ception (2 trials), skin ulcer healing (1 trial), multiple sclerosis-related fatigue (2 trials), or
heart rate variability and well-being (1 trial) have been performed, with outcomes varying
between improvement and ineffective [116]. PEMF mats are primarily advertised and dis
tributed over the internet, and are often used without medical supervision. More research is
needed to repeat outcomes. As of 2012 they have not been approved by the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA).
The second type of energy medicine is known as putative energy medicine.
Putative energy medicine is based on the idea that human beings are able to influence subtle
forms of energy with their hands, intentions, or meditation. By focusing on these subtle en
ergies, EM practitioners are able to feel vibrational frequencies with their hands and align
the biofield through healing treatments [117]. Putative energy medicine is an all-inclusive
term used for practices that include, but are not limited to Acupuncture, Alexander Techni
que, Bowen Technique, Chakra Balancing, Craniosacral Therapy, Eden Energy Medicine,
Energy Psychology, Feldenkrais, Healing Touch (HT), Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination
Techniques (NAET), Polarity Therapy (PT), Reiki, Rolfing, Therapeutic Touch (TT), Tradi
tional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Trager Approach and yoga.
Putative EM is based on the understanding that a therapist instead of a device is able to fa
cilitate healing by balancing disturbances in a patients energy field. Practitioners are able to

Energy Medicine

generate sub extremely low frequency (sub ELF) fields (0.3-30 Hz) from their hands through
meditation and intention [118, 119]. This subtle energy entrains the biofield of the patient
and initiates a healing effect. Instruction on body movement is also used to shift energy im
balances. Treatments are carried out in an integrative and holistic manner. The concept of
holism in medicine dates back to 460 B.C. with Hippocrates, the father of medicine, positing
the idea that every aspect of our body and mind are interrelated to every other aspect of our
being [120]. Manipulation of the holistic field allows for healing throughout the entire being
body, mind and spirit.
How Putative EM Techniques work
The hands of EM practitioners produce coherent electromagnetic fields that affect the hu
man biofield in many ways. A measuring device called the Superconducting Quantum In
terference Device (SQUID) is a magnetometer used to detect very weak biomagnetic fields.
SQUID has detected frequencies coming from the hands of practitioners in the sub extra low
frequency electromagnetic field (sub ELF-EMF) range of 0.3 to 30 Hz [121]. The signal emit
ted by a practitioner is not steady or constant, but moves through the range of sub ELFEMFs with an average range around 7 8 Hz. EM techniques are capable of producing
healing results because they directly affect mechanical vibrations in the membrane and the
cytoskeleton of human cells as well as the biofield in general. Many research studies have
detected the frequency limit of cell oscillations to be only 30 Hz [122-126], which is the same
frequency range coming from the hands of EM practitioners. This suggests a subtle reso
nance involved in the healing process. An interesting characteristic of energy emission from
any living organism is that it stays somewhat organized in its fields. It has a tendency to re
main stable and does not randomly dissipate [127]. Biofield vibrations are like tuning forks,
acting as both transmitters and receivers of vibration coming from their environment. They
resonate at specific harmonic pitches when we are healthy. When we are not healthy a noncoherent type noise vibrates from our cells and our biofield. Valerie Hunt, PhD, Professor
Emeritus in the UCLA Department of Physiological Sciences has been conducting research
in this field for over 40 years. She was the first to research the relationship between changes
in bioenergy fields and human health. In mapping bioenergy fields, Hunt has found that
each individual has a unique resting pattern she calls the Signature Field. The Signature
Field of a healthy human being is composed of balanced, coherent energy patterns running
the full spectrum of frequencies (4 20 microns in wavelength [128]). This coherency shows
up on a graph as smooth, gentle, shallow waves evenly distributed throughout the frequen
cy spectrum. There are two types of patterns in the Signature Fields of people who have (or
are soon going to develop) disease: deficiency patterns, and hyperactive patterns. They ap
pear in graphs as thick, jagged waves concentrated in the high- or low-frequency bands
(Figure 2).



Alternative Medicine

Figure 2.

Deficiency diseases like cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome have what Hunt calls anticoherent patterns in the high frequency ranges, with almost no energy at all in the lower
frequencies. Hyperactive conditions like colitis, hypertension, and skin problems show anticoherent patterns in the low frequencies, with absent vibrations in the high frequencies
[129]. The sub ELF-EMF frequency emitted from the hands of EM practitioners is capable of
retraining the incoherent frequencies back to a healthy state. Gentle changes in body move
ment exhibited in EM therapies such as Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais and yoga retrain
the cells and biofield back to a healthy vibrational state as well. The application of energy
medicine, whether from a medical device or from the hands of a practitioner, is a viable al
ternative or complement to conventional medicine. Free flowing energy throughout the
body eliminates physical health problems attributed to pain, disease and structural dysfunc
tion [130]. EM significantly increases energy levels even if no specific problem exists [131]. It
is used as both a preventative as well as a healing treatment.
Energy Medicine Therapies
More people are turning to energy medicine because of its holistic approach that includes not
just the physiological, but mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of disease. Being diag
nosed with a life threatening illness is very emotionally and psychologically disruptive; EM
helps the patient find solace despite challenge. It also eases or counteracts the side effects of
conventional therapies [131]. When it comes to selecting an EM therapy there are a variety of
options. The following EM treatments are substantiated by peer reviewed published research:
Acupuncture uses meridians of Eastern medicine traditions which form a continuous, semi
conducting network. This Chinese medical procedure uses the stimulation of specific points
on the body where the insertion of needles through the skin removes blockages in the flow
of chi through the bodys meridians to reinstate health. Acupuncture needles are metallic,
solid, and hair-thin. Experienced differently, most people feel little or minimal pain while
the needles are inserted. Some feel energized by treatment, others feel relaxed. Acupuncture
has been shown to improve treatment related pain in cancer patients [132], pain manage
ment for women in labor [133], treatment of temporomandibular (TMJ) disorders [134], treat
infertility, improve symptoms of menopause [135], improve insomnia [136], and improve
chances of successful in vitro fertilization [137]. Relatively few complications have been re
ported from the use of acupuncture; however, acupuncture can cause potentially serious

Energy Medicine

side effects if not delivered properly by a qualified practitioner. Make sure the practitioner is
a certified Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.).
Alexander Technique improves physical postural habits, particularly those that have become
ingrained or are conditioned responses. The technique has been purported to improve ath
letic performance, self observation and impulse control, as well as relieve chronic stiffness,
tension and stress. It changes movement habits in everyday activities, improving ease and
freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination, teaching the use of appropriate
amount of effort for a particular activity, increasing energy. It is not a series of treatments or
exercises, but rather a reeducation of the mind and body. It can be applied to sitting, lying
down, standing, walking, lifting, and other daily activities. Strong evidence exists for the ef
fectiveness of Alexander Technique lessons for chronic back pain and moderate evidence in
Parkinson's-associated disability [138].
Bowen is a gentle technique involving a series of moves held for several seconds and then
released. The therapist gently pulls the skin on the back of the neck, knees, or affected body
part away from the muscle or tendon beneath it and applies light pressure following a spe
cific pattern. Bowen relieves both physical and psychosocial problems, including pain,
sports injuries [139], shoulder problems [140], postpartum symptoms [141], fatigue, anger
and depression [142].
Chakra balancing based on the seven energy centers along the center of the human body start
ing from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Chakras are responsible for keeping
vital energy flowing through the biofield. They create openings for life energy to flow into
and out of the aura. Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the
development of our self-consciousness. They are associated with physical, mental and emo
tional interactions. An energy worker trained in chakra balancing will determine which
chakras are functioning poorly and which chakras are over stressed in order to keep the
bodys energy balanced. When one or two chakras are performing at a reduced level, the re
maining chakras have to work harder. Having a non-functioning or closed chakra can cause
another chakra to blow, creating havoc in the biofield [143]. Blown chakras cause pain and
initiate disease. Chakra balancing reprograms the chakra system to flow as nature intended.
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a manipulation technique involving light touch to the cranium
(skull) and sacrum (tailbone). It is based on the theory that the movement of bones within
the skull and the lower back, as well as the rhythmic flow of cerebrospinal fluid (in and
around the spinal cord), play a central role in the bodys overall function. Obstruction of this
flow of spinal fluid contributes to problems in the brain, spine and endocrine system. Re
search shows statistically significant improvements in the treatment of migraine headache
using CST [144].
Eden Energy Medicine activates the bodys natural healing ability by restoring weak or distur
bed energy. Eden EM utilizes techniques from acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology, and qi gong.
Energy is brought back into balance by tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, or connect
ing specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin; by tracing or swirling the hand over the
skin along specific energy pathways; through exercises or postures designed for specific en



Alternative Medicine

ergetic effects; by focused use of the mind to move specific energies; and/or by surrounding
an area with healing energies. There is qualitative evidence that Eden EM relieves pain;
stimulates immune function, relieves headaches, releases stress, improves memory, enhan
ces digestion, relieve arthritis, neck, shoulder, and low back pain [145].
Energy Psychology (EP) addresses the relationship of energy systems to emotion, cognitive
behavior and health [146]. Energy psychology uses imagery, narrative, and hyperarousal as
sociated with traumatic memory or threatening situations to resolve traumatic memory
[147]. When the brain reprocesses traumatic memory, the new association is retained by re
ducing it to hyperarousal. This leads to treatment outcomes that involve less time with few
er repetitions and higher impact. These techniques show less chance of retraumatization
[147]. During EP treatments, mental/emotional/spiritual problems are healed through the
biofield. The biofield is connected through the consciousness, thought processes and spirit,
and includes the electrical activity of the nervous system, heart, meridians, biophotons (en
ergy field particles), and chakras.
Feldenkrais Method uses gentle movement and directed attention to improve range of motion
and enhance human functioning. Based on principles of physics, biomechanics and an em
pirical understanding of learning and human development, Feldenkrais exercises have been
reported to be an effective way to improve balance and mobility, flexibility and coordina
tion, helping to offset age-related declines in mobility and reduce the risk of falling among
community-dwelling older adults [148].
Healing Touch (HT) is an energy medicine practice involving the relationship between the
practitioner, the patient, intention, and the power of touch to facilitate healing. Like most
EM treatments the patient is lying on a massage-type table, where the practitioner applies
different forms of touch in order to assess the patients biofield imbalances. HT is widely
used to help ease pain, stress and anxiety [149]. Patients receiving music, imagery and touch
therapy during angiograms or other cardiac procedures were 65 percent less likely to die in
the following six months than patients who received no such intervention [150]. Other re
search shows that HT lowers blood pressure, heart and breathing rates, fatigue, mood dis
turbances, and pain in patients receiving chemotherapy [151]. HT is endorsed by the
American Holistic Nurses Association.
Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) is an EM treatment designed to alle
viate allergies using a combination of energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures
from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disci
plines of medicine. Research suggests it is effective in treating allergies to milk, sugar, egg
whites, pork meat and other foods causing eczema and dyspnea [152].
Polarity Therapy (PT) uses touch, verbal interaction, exercise, and nutrition [153] to balance
and restore the natural flow of energy in the biofield. Blocked and stagnant energy is re
sponsible for both emotional and physical pain as well as disease. Energy medicine treat
ments are patient-practitioner oriented, where both the giver and receiver of the energy
treatment work in tandem to facilitate treatment. The practitioner grounds and centers
his/her body, meaning all thoughts, emotions and physical sensations are neutralized

Energy Medicine

through intention. This mindset begins the healing process for both the practitioner and the
client. PT balances the subtle energy of the biofield which can be detected and manipulated
by movements of the practitioners hands. The practitioner provides the resonating template
for the patients biofield to follow. Change occurs on a spiritual or unconscious level, and
most people do not feel much other than becoming very relaxed. This mind-body state is op
timal for healing and cell regeneration. After effects of the treatment last from hours to days
with feelings of calm, focus, peace and serenity. PT bases its philosophy in the traditional
system of Ayurvedic medicine, which defines patterns of health as energy moving through
the Five Elements of Life Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. The practice of PT focuses on
the balance of these elements as the foundation of good health. It integrates philosophies of
Ayurvedic medicine, hermetic or ancient Egyptian medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM), chakra balancing and the balance of yin and yang. PT understands that energy flows
through the body along five pathways, enabled by positive and negative poles of the body.
Five energy centers along the body represent the five elements of Ayurvedic tradition relat
ing to different organs and functions in the body. Practitioners aim to correct disturbances
and enable optimal physical, emotional as well as spiritual healing. Along with energy bal
ancing sessions, cleansing diet and energy exercises are part of the therapy. PT has been
shown to reduce cancer related fatigue [154], and improve the quality of life for caregivers
of dementia and Alzheimers patients [155] as well as improved stress reduction in burned
out oncology professionals [131].
Reiki is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist practice in which practitioners serve as facilitators for
life force energy (chi). Reiki is used to reduce stress, improve health and quality of life, and
promote mental clarity. Practitioners use 12 15 specific hand positions each held for a few
minutes on the patients clothed body. Sessions last 30-90 minutes and the number of treat
ments may vary. Like other EM therapies, Reiki practitioners assert treatments can be effec
tive over long distances. Formal scientific evidence has shown that Reiki can increase
quality of life and reduce pain when used with standard medications [156]. Reiki has also
been reported to relieve stress and improve psychological well being in patients with heart
rate variability [157], and pain management issues [158].
Rolfing focuses on fascia tissue that connects all internal structures within the human frame.
Connective tissue unites the structure of the body and divides it into individual function
ing parts. Fascia is constantly changing and adapting in response to demands placed on the
body. It reacts to trauma to a joint for instance by producing extra tissue to enhance stabil
ity and support; however, it can produce more than is necessary. In time, rather than stabi
lizing movement it can actually reduce mobility, leading to a changed posture and altered
patterns of movement. After completing ten sessions a client can expect greater ease of
movement and all over range of motion, along with better posture. Rolfing has been shown
to significantly decrease pain and increase range of motion in adults who have cervical
spine dysfunction [159].
Therapeutic Touch (TT) is similar to PT and HT, except practitioners usually do not actually
touch the patient, but hold their hands 4-8 inches (10-18 cm) from the body in order to detect
energy imbalances and correct them. TT has been shown to significantly reduce pain and in



Alternative Medicine

crease the quality of life in fibromyalgia patients [160], significantly decrease pain and im
prove function in patients with osteoarthritis [161], produce significant reductions in
behavioral symptoms of dementia [162], and chemical dependency in pregnant women who
suffer from anxiety [163]. TT is mainly practiced by nurses.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) suggests that the basis for disease results from the disrup
tion in the flow of subtle energy known as qi or chi. TCM works with imbalance in the
forces of yin (feminine principle) and yang (masculine principle). Practices such as Chinese
herbs, meditation, massage and acupuncture aid healing by restoring yin-yang and Qi to ho
meostasis. This same subtle energy is known as ki in the Japanese Kamp system.
Trager Approach is a combination of massage, meditation and movement education. The
head, torso, arms and legs are manipulated with rhythmic pull and rotation techniques
in order to release tension, increase mobility and clear the mind. Movement awareness is
emphasized to promote relaxation and ease neuromuscular pain. The Trager Approach
has been shown to reduce symptoms of chronic headache along with reduction of head
ache medication [164].
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice uniting the spirit, the body and mind accomplished
through physical postures, controlled breathing exercises, and meditation, often accompa
nied by healthy lifestyle and search for higher consciousness. Yoga is not a religion but a
philosophy and way of life. Hatha yoga is most commonly practiced in North America and
Europe, using a sequence of postures or asanas held statically or moved through dynamical
ly in sequence, using the breath and hand positions for balance. Ashtanga yoga builds
strength, stamina and flexibility, more commonly known in the United States as power yo
ga. Bikram yoga is practiced in rooms heated to 100 F (39 C). Profuse sweating loosens
muscles and tendons while promoting inner cleansing. This type of yoga should only be
practiced after consulting with a physician. Research has shown the practice of yoga can re
duce pain, and increase energy, flexibility, and function during physical activity, as well as
relieve stress and anxiety in breast cancer survivors[165]. It has also been shown to reduce
pain associated disability [166], reduce stress [167], and as a complementary therapy for ma
jor psychiatric disorders [168].
As with pharmaceuticals, the effectiveness of these treatments varies with each patient. It is
important to speak with a practitioner before scheduling an appointment to discuss your
needs and ask questions about what to expect during your visit. Most of these therapies are
practiced with the patient fully clothed except for shoes, socks and jewelry. Although hu
man biofields have as yet been proved measurable with conventional scientific equipment,
medical journals have published articles suggesting the existence of such fields [169-171].
Please consult with a physician to determine any health issues (recent surgeries or trauma)
which may not allow for physical manipulation. Many EM treatments are not recommended
for people who have multi-personality disorder or schizophrenia as manipulation of the bio
field can sometimes exacerbate delusion, hallucination and bring out multiple personalities
at once.

Energy Medicine

In Summary
The growth and maintenance of correct vibrational patterning of tissues and organs is the
hallmark of good health. Current biomedical interventions ultimately attempt to restore the
bodys optimal vibrational patterns. In order to accomplish this goal it is imperative to under
stand the key aspects of immune response with respect to cellular communication, as well as
biochemical, bioelectrical, and bioelectromagnetic processes; and to develop technologies to
facilitate the bodys use of this information during the repair and regeneration process.

Author details
Christina L. Ross1,2*
Address all correspondence to: [email protected]
1 Department of Energy Medicine, Akamai University, U. S. A.
2 Research Fellow, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, U. S. A.

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