AIBO Quickstart
AIBO Quickstart
AIBO Quickstart
Ricardo A. Téllez
1 Introduction 2
2 Installing the OPEN-R SDK on the PC 3
3 Installing the Memory Stick Reader/Writer 3
4 Installing the OPEN-R base system on a memory stick 5
5 Setting the Wireless Network 5
6 Brief OPEN-R SDK Description 7
7 Other Aibo Programming Environments 8
8 Tips and Tricks 8
9 Interesting Links 9
1. Introduction
Development with Aibo is possible using the OPEN-R SDE. The OPEN-R SDE is a set of tools
released by Sony for the development of programs for Aibo. It is composed by the OPEN-R SDK,
the R-Code SDK, the Aibo Remote Framework and the Aibo Motion Editor. This document
describes how to set up a research environment with an Aibo robot for the use of those tools, but it
does not includes instructions about how to use the tools or how to program the robot. For those
other purposes you can consult the official documentation or the other documents released by the
same author of this document1.
Aibo can be programmed by using the scripting language R-Code or the C++ environment provided
by OPEN-R, but when using Aibo for complex control only the second option is used. Because of
that, this document will focus on the creation of a development environment for the OPEN-R.
OPEN-R is composed of libraries and sample programs that allow a complete control over the Aibo
hardware using a C++ environment. Even that this development kit is mainly targeted to a Linux
platform, it is also possible to use it on Windows platforms by installing the Cygwin application.
The usual procedure to work with Aibo is the following: a program is created on the computer using
OPEN-R and C++. This program is then cross-compiled to target the Aibo platform. Then the
resulting binaries are transferred from the PC to a memory stick. The memory stick is then inserted
onto Aibo.
To set up all the required environment, it will be necessary to install first the OPEN-R SDK on the
PC. Then a installation on the PC of a memory stick reader/writer will also be necessary in order to
transfer programs from the computer to the memory stick. Once the PC is able to use the memory
stick reader/writer, it will be necessary to prepare a memory stick with the OPEN-R base system.
The last step will be to configure the wireless network for communication between the PC and
The used environment for the development of experiments with Aibo was composed of an Aibo
ERS-220a equipped with a wireless LAN card, a computer running Windows XP and a wireless
access point connected to the computer. A second environment was also proved to work perfectly,
consisting of the new Aibo ERS-7 (which has a built in wireless card) and a Linux computer
equipped with a wireless LAN card, working in Ad-hoc mode.
1 For a description of the R-Code language read the R-Code SDK Tutorial. For a description of OPEN-R read
OPEN-R Essentials both available at
2. Installing the OPEN-R SDK on the PC
When starting to work with Aibo, the first thing to do is to visit the OPEN-R web page
( and download all the information and programs required. When accessing
the page for the first time a registration will be required (a free one, though). After having the
access code, the download section will give access to all the programs and documentation related to
the SDE.
At this point, you should first decompress the OPEN-R SDK Documentation package and start
reading the Installation Guide document. This document will guide you on how to install the
OPEN-R SDK under Windows or Linux, and it is very straight forward. The installation of the
OPEN-R SDK onto your PC will allow you to use the OPEN-R libraries to create your Aibo
programs, and also to cross-compile those programs generating Aibo binaries.
Special mention is required for the installation of Remote Processing OPEN-R. This is an additional
package of OPEN-R that allows a computer to run some of the Aibo processes when the whole
processing load is very high to be executed on Aibo itself. It allows the split of programs between
Aibo and a computer host. To install this extra package just go to the
/usr/local/OPEN_R_SDK/RP_OPEN_R/bin directory and execute the setup-rp-openr
script. Do not install the package if you do not plan to use it.
How to access Sony AIBO Memorystick using Dazzle USB Memorystick Reader under
Yu Wang ([email protected])
It is recommended to plug the usb reader into the USB port before turn on the
power of the computer, although most of the linux distributions support hotplug
technology for USB devices. Make sure the Sony AIBO Memorystick is correctly
plugged into the usb reader.
After log into the bash shell, make sure that the usb reader is recognized by
the system. You can check it by typing:
Now we can mount the memorystick into the system by the following steps:
2. And then mount the memorystick (You must have supervisor privilege first)
$ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
After mount the memorystick to the specified directory(/mnt/usb), you can use
it just like other storage device, such as hard drive. Most of the file system
command, such as ls, mkdir, cat, etc., can be applied.
When you "ls" the memorystick for the first time, you will find a file names
memstick.ind already existing in the memorystick. DO NOT delete it, since this
memorystick is to be used by the Sony AIBO robotic dog
Following your previous selection, copy the following directory into the root of the memory stick:
For Basic environment with memory protection:
For Basic environment without memory protection:
For Wlan environment with memory protection:
For Wlan environment without memory protection:
For Wconsole environment with memory protection:
For Wconsole environment without memory protection:
Depending on the parts you have purchased, you can establish a wireless LAN by using an access
point or by using just a simple wireless card on a PC.
Note: In all the configuration cases, it has been taken the 192.168.10.x network by default. This can
be easily changed by specifying another network in the configuration files explained. Just be
2 This path presumes the use of a ERS-7 model. For other Aibo models, change the ERS7 for ERS200
consistent with all the configurations to use the same network.
You must set the following parameters on the AP. Configuration of the AP depends on the model
purchased, but most of them allow web based configuration. Check the AP instructions for that.
WEP key: AIBO2
Wireless channel: any between 1 and 11
IP address:
Operation mode: router
5.1.2.Configuration of the PC
You can configure the PC using the typical Control Panel under Windows or the ifconfig
command under Linux.
IP address: (or any available in the same range)
Wireless configuration of Aibo requires to modify a special file included in one directory of the
memory stick. You should skip this step until you understand how the memory stick works. For
this, you should read the Programmer's Guide document and section 4 of this document.
APMODE=2 # this mode indicates auto-mode
Hint: the auto-mode of Aibo allows it to boot the wireless network on managed or ad-hoc mode,
depending on the detection or not of a nearby AP. This means that, when Aibo is booting, if it
detects an AP, it will boot in managed mode. Otherwise, it will boot in ad-hoc mode.
5.2.1.Configuration of the PC
Use Control Panel under Windows, or ifconfig/iwconfig under Linux, to configure the wireless
card with the following parameters:
Wireless Channel: any between 1 and 11
IP address: (or any available in the same range)
Communication mode: ad-hoc (also called Peer-to-Peer)
The procedure to run a program on Aibo is as follows: having an empty memory stick, you first
copy to it Aibo's operating system. Then you go to the directory in your PC that contains the
program you want to run on Aibo and generate the binary files (cross-compilation). Next, you must
modify the wireless LAN settings if necessary. Last, you copy the generated binaries into the
memory stick, and plug it into Aibo.
The best way to start is to test this procedure with one of the sample programs. To compile and
install any of the sample programs do always the same: go to the directory in your PC that contains
the program (for example, I would like to compile the HelloWord sample program, and I
uncompressed the sample programs under the /usr/local/sample_programs/ directory) and type
make install. This will create the binary files and place them into the
/usr/local/sample_programs/HelloWord/MS/OPEN-R/MW/OBJS/ directory. Then
transfer the contents of /usr/local/sample_programs/HelloWord/MS/OPEN-R directory
to the memory stick (this transfer process must not replace the existing directory, but to merge with
the existing files. This means, do not replace one directory for the other, but overwrite common
files). If you want to modify the wireless settings, do it in the /OPEN-
R/SYSTEM/CONF/wlanconf.txt file of the memory stick.
Any OPEN-R program on Aibo is composed of objects running concurrently. When you create a
program for the robot, you must create all the required objects for your control program. Those
objects will run independently one of the others, but will communicate between them through
connections in order to behave coordinately. Most of the sample programs are already valid objects
for your own programs, so it is a good idea to start creating your programs by modifying the
existing sample ones.
Note: you can use Remote Processing OPEN-R to execute some of the objects on a PC and the rest
of object on Aibo, sharing in this way the CPU load that has to support Aibo's processor (for more
information on this see the Programmer's Guide).
Yart/RCodePlus (
This is an environment built on top of the Rcode of Sony, that allows the easy creation of behaviors
on Aibo by using a scripting language that boosts the power of the original Rcode. It is easy to use
and program but functionality is limited by its easiness. However, it contains some interesting tools
added, like remote control of Aibo, wireless consoles, etz.
You can include debugging messages in your Aibo code to appear in the telnet console. The
allowed calls for messages are OSYSPRINT() and OSYSDEBUG(). The first one will print always
the message indicated. The second one will only print on console the message if the debug flag was
set during compilation.
8.2.Using the FTP server to transfer a program to AIBO without using the memory
stick reader/writer
You can avoid the extraction and insertion process of the memory stick anytime you want to change
Aibo's program, by using an FTP server. The FTP server is an Aibo program provided by Sony on
the samples directory, called TinyFTPD, that allows direct transfer of any new program from the
PC to the Aibo memory stick, when the stick is in Aibo. It uses FTP protocol, so any typical FTP
client can be used on the PC to transfer the files.
To use that program, you must first compile it and install it onto the memory stick. So, you must go
to the TinyFTPD directory (samples/TinyFTPD/) and do make install. Then you will have to
copy the generated object samples/TinyFTPD/MS/OPEN-
R/MW/OBJS/TINYFTPD.BIN to the /OPEN_R/MW/OBJS/ directory of the memory
Next, you must add a line containing /OPEN-R/MW/OBJS/TINYFTPD.BIN to the file
/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/OBJECT.CFG (of the memory stick).
Last, add the file samples/TinyFTPD/MS/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/PASSWD to the
/OPEN-R/MW/CONF/ directory of the memory stick.
When Aibo is running this new program, it will be possible to access Aibo's memory stick using
any FTP client on the PC. Just type ftp AIBO_IP. The server will answer requesting a username
and a password, where you can answer anonymous on both cases.
Once connected you can use the typical FTP commands to transfer, delete and copy new files to the
Aibo memory stick. If you upload a new program to Aibo and what to reboot it, just type the
following FTP command: quote rebt.
• Remember to assign writing privileges to the configuration files OBJECT.CFG ,
CONNECT.CFG, etc, otherwise, the FTP commands will not be able to overwrite the files.
• Be careful when rebooting Aibo, since if it is standing up, on rebooting it will fall down
causing severe damages !!
To have a good overview of Aibo's capabilities, including physical limits, return values of
sensors and output devices, consult the document Model Information for ERS-xxx
Use OSYSPRINT for debugging on a wireless console environment.
Execute make clean after any modification in any of the *.h files, since it can clear some
untraceable segmentation fault errors.
It has to be taken into account that Aibo's MIPS processor is little-endian when transferring data
to/from systems working in big-endian mode.
9. Interesting Links
Apart from the well known page of the OPEN-R SDK ( there are just a few
good web pages related to the insights of Aibo. Nevertheless hundreds of pages can be found with
no interest for research. Only the first type of pages are listed here:
OPEN-R SDK Tutorial at ENSTA: a very good tutorial about OPEN-R available on the network
OPEN-R Essentials: another tutorial about OPEN-R based on the previous one
R-Code SDK Tutorial: the first tutorial on the net about R-Code programming
Sony OPEN-R SDK school: 6 powerpoint tutorials describing some of the sample programs (OPEN-R SDK University section of the registered area)
Aibo Hack: a web site with lots of hacks for Aibo
Aibo life bot house: an interesting forum where to learn and ask about Aibo, including technical
Dogsbody net: good extension programs for Aibo