LabView DSC Module Tips

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Getting Started with the

LabVIEW Datalogging and

Supervisory Control Module

This document provides an introduction to the LabVIEW Datalogging and

Supervisory Control (DSC) Module and contains exercises to help you
understand the functionality that the DSC Module provides. To use this
document effectively, you should be familiar with LabVIEW and the
shared variable and with building an application in LabVIEW.
The following resources contain information you might find useful:

The Getting Started with LabVIEW manual, available in the

labview\manuals directory, contains introductory information
about LabVIEW.

The LabVIEW Help, available by selecting HelpSearch the

LabVIEW Help, contains extensive information about LabVIEW.

The Sharing Live Data Using Shared Variables topic in the LabVIEW
Help contains information about the shared variable in LabVIEW.

The NI Example Finder, available by selecting HelpFind Examples,

contains example VIs and LabVIEW projects.

What Is the DSC Module? ...................................................................... 2
Building a DSC Module Application...................................................... 3
Opening and Running an Example .................................................. 3
Creating a New Project Library ....................................................... 4
Creating a Periodic I/O Server......................................................... 4
Deploying the Periodic I/O Server................................................... 6
Creating Shared Variables ............................................................... 7
Enabling Logging for the Project Library ................................ 9
Creating the VI................................................................................. 10
Additional Exercises ............................................................................... 12
Configuring Front Panel Security .................................................... 12
Creating a New Security Domain ............................................. 13

Adding a New User ...................................................................13

Adding Security to a Control ....................................................14
Viewing Real-Time Data..................................................................14
Viewing Alarms Using the Shared Variable Monitor ......................15
Where to Go from Here ...........................................................................16

What Is the DSC Module?

The DSC Module extends the LabVIEW graphical development
environment with additional functionality for the rapid development of
distributed measurement, control, and high-channel-count monitoring
The DSC Module also enhances the LabVIEW shared variable. Use the
shared variable to access and pass data among several VIs in a LabVIEW
project or across a network. A shared variable can represent a value or an
I/O point. With the DSC Module, you can log data automatically; add
alarming, scaling, and security to the shared variable; and configure the
shared variable programmatically.
The DSC Module includes the following components:

Functions and VIs PalettesThe DSC Module installs the following

palettes: Alarms & Events, Engine Control, Historical, Security,
and Shared Variables. The DSC Module also includes the Historical
Trend Express VI and the Real-Time Trend Express VI.

DSC Module Controls PalettesThe DSC Module installs the

following controls palettes to help you build user interfaces that
resemble a plant or system and to view real-time data from the plant
or system: 2D Controls, 3D Controls, Alarm Controls, Trend
Controls, and Vessels. The DSC Module also includes the Historical
Trend control and the Real-Time Trend control.

Citadel DatabaseThe DSC Module logs shared variable data to the

Citadel database. The Citadel database stores historical data, alarms,
and events. You can access and view Citadel data using the Historical
Data Viewer and using the Historical VIs.

Historical Data ViewerUse the Historical Data Viewer to view

data stored in the Citadel database. Select ToolsDSC Module
View Historical Data to launch the Measurement & Automation
Explorer (MAX). Expand the Historical Data category to select a
database that appears under Citadel 5 Universe. You also can use the
Call HDV VI to launch the Historical Data Viewer programmatically.

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module

Shared Variable MonitorUse the Shared Variable Monitor to view

the current value of a shared variable and its status and alarm state.
Select ToolsDSC ModuleMonitor Variables to launch the Shared
Variable Monitor.

The DSC Module also provides tools for graphing historical or real-time
trends, enhancing the security of front panels, and writing custom
I/O servers. You can read or write to OLE for Process Control (OPC)
connections, programmable logic controllers (PLC), or custom I/O servers
that you write. The DSC Module provides solutions for supervisory control
of a wide variety of distributed systems using graphical LabVIEW

Building a DSC Module Application

In the following exercises, you will build a VI with DSC Module

Opening and Running an Example

The DSC Module includes several examples you can use to learn about
DSC Module features and applications. In this exercise you will look at an
example you will use later to create a custom I/O server.
Complete the following steps to run the DSC Tank Simulator example.

Select HelpFind Examples to display the NI Example Finder.


Select Directory Structure in the Browse according to section.

Browse to the lvdsc\Getting Started\Tank Simulator folder
and open the DSC Tank Simulator VI. This VI simulates a tank filling
with water.


Run the VI.


Move the sliders to increase or decrease the rate at which the water fills
the tank. As you move the sliders, notice that you control how fast the
water flows into the tank.


Stop and close the VI.

This VI does not use any DSC Module features. In the exercises that follow,
you will create a DSC Module application based on this VI.

National Instruments Corporation

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module

Creating a New Project Library

In this exercise you will learn how to create a new LabVIEW project and a
project library. The project allows you to manage shared variables, project
libraries, and VIs in one window. LabVIEW project libraries are
collections of VIs, type definitions, shared variables, palette menu files,
and other files, including other project libraries.
Complete the following steps to create a LabVIEW project library.

Click the Empty Project link in the Getting Started window. The
Project Explorer window appears.


Right-click My Computer in the Project Explorer window and select

NewLibrary from the shortcut menu.


Select FileSave All. The Name the Project dialog box appears.


Enter Tank System in the File name text box.


Click the OK button. The Name the Library dialog box appears.


Enter Tank System IO Server in the File name text box.


Click the OK button.

You now have a project containing a project library. In the following

exercise you will use the project library in the project to create a periodic
I/O server.

Creating a Periodic I/O Server

A server is an application that communicates with and manages
input/output devices such as PLCs, remote input/output devices, remote
Shared Variable Engines, and data acquisition (DAQ) plug-in devices.
These servers read selected input items and write to them on demand. The
DSC Module can connect to any OPC-compliant server and to many
third-party device servers. You also can create custom I/O servers. You
will build a periodic I/O server in the following exercise. The periodic I/O
server will run as a service and publish NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol
(NI-PSP) data items to the network.
Complete the following steps to add the periodic I/O server to the project.

Right-click the Tank System IO Server.lvlib project library in the

Project Explorer window and select NewI/O Server from the
shortcut menu. The Create New I/O Server dialog box appears.


Select Custom VI Periodic from the I/O Server Type list and click
the Continue button. The Configure Custom VI Periodic I/O
Server dialog box appears.


Click the New button to display the Select VI step of the Custom
VI-based Server Periodic Wizard.

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module




Complete the following steps to select the VI from the Opening and
Running an Example exercise to convert into a periodic I/O server on
the Select VI page.

Click the button with the file folder icon. The Open dialog box


Navigate to the labview\examples\lvdsc\Getting

Started\Tank Simulator folder in the Open dialog box.


Select the DSC Tank Simulator VI and click the OK button.


Click the Next button in the Custom VI-based Server Periodic

Wizard to advance to the Select Controls and Indicators To
Publish step.

Complete the following steps on the Select Controls and Indicators

To Publish page to select the front panel objects you want to publish
as shared variables.

Remove the checkmark from the stop checkbox in the Controls

list. You will publish the remaining controls and indicators.


Click the Next button to advance to the Select Method To Stop

The Server page.

Complete the following steps on the Select Method To Stop The

Server page to select the mechanism you want to use to stop the VI.

Select Stop the following While Loops.


Place a checkmark in the While Loop checkbox.

Click the View on block diagram button to highlight the While Loop you select on
the block diagram. Use this option if you have multiple While Loops on the block diagram
to make sure you select the correct While Loop.



Click the Next button to advance to the Configure Server

Distribution Component step.


You can select what you want the wizard to build on the Configure
Server Distribution Component page. For this exercise, leave the
default options and click the Next button to advance to the Server
Distribution Component page.


The DSC Module displays a summary of the files that the Custom
VI-based Server Periodic Wizard will create from the Server
Distribution Component page. Click the Build button. The wizard
displays the Build status dialog box as it creates a VI template file,
a registration VI, and a support DLL and VIs.


After the wizard creates the periodic I/O server, the Configure
Custom VI Periodic I/O Server dialog box appears with the name
of the periodic I/O server and the data items it contains. Click the OK
button. LabVIEW adds the periodic I/O server to the Tank System IO
Server project library.

National Instruments Corporation

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module

10. Right-click the Custom VI Periodic1 item in the Project Explorer

window and select Rename from the shortcut menu. Rename the
periodic I/O server Tank1. The Project Explorer window appears as
shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Tank System Project

11. Select FileSave All in the Project Explorer window to save the
project, project library, and periodic I/O server.

Deploying the Periodic I/O Server

Now you must deploy the periodic I/O server so that the data items in the
I/O server are available for use in other VIs and across the network. In this
exercise you will deploy the periodic I/O server and view the I/O server
data in the Shared Variable Monitor.
The periodic I/O server runs continuously in the background until you undeploy the
library in the Project Explorer window that contains the I/O server.


Complete the following steps to deploy the Tank1 periodic I/O server and
view the data.

Right-click the Tank System IO Server.lvlib project library under the

My Computer item and select Deploy All from the shortcut menu to
deploy the project library.


Click the Done button to close the Deploy dialog box when the
deployment is complete.

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module


Select ToolsDSC ModuleMonitor Variables. The National

Instruments Shared Variable Monitor window appears. Notice that
the Tank System IO Server appears in the left pane of the window.


Expand Tank System IO ServerTank1 in the left pane. Notice that

the controls and indicators of the I/O server appear under Tank1.
Because you deployed the project library in step 1, the I/O server is
running and each control and indicator is an I/O data item.


Click each data item and drag it into the upper right pane. The data
items appear in the table.


Double-click the Tank1.Input Flow Rate [GPM] control in the upper

right pane. The Write Network Item tab appears.


Enter a value of 10 and click the OK button. Notice that the values of
Tank1.Tank Level [Gallons] and Tank1.Tank Output Flowrate
[GPM] begin increasing.


Close the Shared Variable Monitor. The periodic I/O server continues
to run.

Creating Shared Variables

In this exercise you will add the network-published shared variables that
represent the data items in the periodic I/O server to the Tank System
Shared Variables project library.
Complete the following steps to add the Tank System Shared Variables
project library to the Tank System project.

Right-click My Computer in the Project Explorer window and select

NewLibrary from the shortcut menu.


Right-click the new project library you created and select Create
Bound Variables from the shortcut menu to display the Create
Bound Variables dialog box.


Select Network Items from the Browse Source drop-down box.


Expand localhostTank System IO ServerTank1 in the Network

tree. The shared variables appear under Tank1.


Select each shared variable with the data type DBL and click the Add
button to add each variable to the Added variables list.


Click the OK button. The Create Bound Variables dialog box closes
and the shared variables appear in the Multiple Variable Editor


Click the Done button to close the Multiple Variable Editor window.


Select FileSave All. The Name the Library dialog box appears.

National Instruments Corporation

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module


Enter Tank System Shared Variables in the File name text box.

10. Click the OK button. LabVIEW binds the shared variables in the Tank
System Shared Variables project library to the corresponding items on
the network.

Configuring Data Logging

When you add logging to a shared variable, the DSC Module logs shared
variable data, including the shared variable value, timestamp, whether the
value is in an alarm state, and the quality of the value. The DSC Module
logs all data to the Citadel database. Complete the following steps to add
logging for the Tank Level [Gallons] shared variable.

Right-click the Tank System Shared Variables.lvlib project library

and select Edit Variables from the shortcut menu to open the
Multiple Variable Editor window.


Double-click the Logging:Enable cell for the Tank Level [Gallons]

shared variable and select On from the drop-down list that appears.
Additional logging options appear as columns in the table.


Double-click the Logging:Alarms and Events cell for the Tank Level
[Gallons] shared variable and select On from the drop-down list that
appears. This option enables alarm and event logging for the shared


Double-click the Logging:Data cell for the Tank Level [Gallons]

shared variable and select On from the drop-down list that appears.
This option enables historical data logging for the shared variable.


Double-click and enter 0.1 in the Logging:Data cell for the Tank
Level [Gallons] shared variable. This value compresses the value to
one decimal point when the DSC Module logs the values of this shared
variable to the Citadel database.


Leave the Logging:Deadband cell with the default value of 0.01.

This value specifies that the DSC Module log the shared variable value
only when the shared variable value differs from the previous shared
variable value by 1% of the shared variable engineering scale range,
which is 0100 by default.

Configuring Alarming
An alarm is an abnormal condition on a shared variable or a user-defined
condition. An alarm occurs if a shared variable value goes out of its defined
alarm limits or if a shared variable has bad status. In this exercise you will
add an alarm for the Tank Level [Gallons] shared variable.

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module

Complete the following steps to add alarming.


In the Multiple Variable Editor window, double-click the

Alarming:Enable cell for the Tank Level [Gallons] shared variable
and select On from the drop-down list that appears. Additional
alarming options appear as columns in the table.


Double-click the Alarming:HI:Enable cell for the Tank Level

[Gallons] shared variable and select On from the drop-down list that
appears. Additional options for the HI alarm you enabled appear as
columns in the table. Notice that the default value of the HI alarm is
75, as shown in the Alarming:HI:Limit cell.


Click the Done button to apply the changes to the shared variable and
to close the Multiple Variable Editor window.

Enabling Logging for the Project Library

Complete the following steps to enable data logging and alarm and event
logging for the Tank System Shared Variables project library.

Right-click the Tank System Shared Variables.lvlib project library

in the Project Explorer window and select Properties from the
shortcut menu. The Project Library Properties dialog box appears.


Select DSC Settings: Database from the Category list.


Verify that the options in the DSC Settings: Database page appear
similar to Figure 2.

Figure 2. DSC Settings: Database Page of the Project Library Properties Dialog Box

National Instruments Corporation

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module

The Enable Data Logging option turns on data logging for the project
library. localhost specifies the local computer. Use localhost instead
of the name of the computer to reduce the changes you must make if
you move this project to another computer. The Enable Alarms and
Events Logging option turns on event logging for the project library.
The Use the same database for alarms and events option ensures
that the DSC Module logs alarms and events for this project library to
the same database that it logs data.
You can change the Database name that appears in the Project Library Properties
dialog box to a more useful or descriptive name.



Click the OK button to close the Project Library Properties dialog



Right-click the Tank System Shared Variables.lvlib project library

in the Project Explorer window and select Deploy All from the
shortcut menu to deploy the shared variables.


Click the Done button to close the Deploy dialog box when the
deployment is complete.


Select FileSave All in the Project Explorer window to save the

project, project library, and periodic I/O server.

Creating the VI
In this exercise you will create a VI to display data on a front panel. You
do not need to add any code to the block diagram.
Complete the following steps to create a front panel to display the data
items in the periodic I/O server.

Right-click My Computer in the Project Explorer window and select

NewVI from the shortcut menu. A new VI front panel and block
diagram appear.


Select the Tank Level [Gallons] shared variable from the Tank
System Shared Variables.lvlib project library in the Project
Explorer window and drag the shared variable onto the front panel.
The shared variable appears as a numeric control. Notice the triangle
that appears next to the control. The triangle indicates that this control
has been configured for data binding.


Right-click the Tank Level [Gallons] control and select Change to

Indicator from the shortcut menu.


Right-click the Tank Level [Gallons] indicator and select Replace

DSC ModuleVesselsOpen Tank from the shortcut menu.


Use the Positioning tool to resize the Tank Level [Gallons] tank.

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module



Right-click the Tank Level [Gallons] indicator and select Properties

from the shortcut menu. The Properties dialog box appears.


Select the Data Binding tab in the Properties dialog box.

Tip If the Data Binding tab is not visible, scroll through the tabs until you reach the Data
Binding tab.


Place a checkmark in the Blink while Alarm On checkbox to

configure the control to blink when the water level reaches 75,
the default alarm you set in the Configuring Alarming section of
this document.


Click the OK button.

10. Select the Input Flowrate [GPM] shared variable from the Tank
System Shared Variables.lvlib project library in the Project
Explorer window and drag the shared variable onto the front panel.
11. Right-click the Input Flowrate [GPM] control and select Replace
Num CtrlsPointer Slide.
12. Select the Tank Valve [%] shared variable from the Tank System
Shared Variables.lvlib project library in the Project Explorer
window and drag the shared variable onto the front panel.
13. Right-click the Tank Valve [%] control and select Replace
Num CtrlsPointer Slide.
14. Select FileSave As. The Name the VI dialog box appears.
15. Enter Tank System HMI in the File name text box.
16. Click the OK button.
17. Click the Run Continuously button to run the VI. The VI should
function in the same way as the example you ran in the Opening and
Running an Example exercise. Figure 3 illustrates the front panel of the
Tank System VI.

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Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module

Figure 3. Tank System VI Front Panel

18. Click the Abort button to stop the VI.

Additional Exercises
The following exercises introduce some of the additional functionality
available with the DSC Module.

Configuring Front Panel Security

Use the DSC Module to add security to front panel controls. The DSC
Module provides the Front Panel Security dialog box, which you can use
to configure security for more than one control at the same time. You also
can configure security settings for individual controls. Before you can
configure security settings, you must create users and groups. Refer to the
LabVIEW Help for more information about creating users and groups in the
Domain Manager.

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module


In the following exercises, you will add security to controls on an individual


Creating a New Security Domain

Complete the following steps to create a new domain on the local

Select ToolsSecurityDomain Account Manager. The Domain

Manager window appears.


Select FileNewLocal Domain. The Domain Properties dialog box



Enter MyDomain in the Domain text box on the General page.


Click the Access Control tab.


Click the Add button in the Grant List section.


Enter localhost in the list.


Click the OK button. The Change Password dialog box appears.


Enter a secure password of six or more characters in the New

password text box.


Enter the same secure password of six or more characters in the

Re-type new password text box.

10. Click the OK button to create the new local domain. MyDomain
appears in the Domain Manager window under My Computer.

Adding a New User

Complete the following steps to add a user to MyDomain.

Select MyDomain in the Domain Manager window.


Select FileNewUser. The User Properties dialog box appears.


Enter User1 in the User name text box on the General tab.


Click the Change Password button. The Change Password dialog

box appears.


Enter a secure password of six or more characters in the New

password text box.


Enter the same secure password of six or more characters in the

Re-type new password text box.


Click the OK button to close the Change Password dialog box.


Click the OK button in the User Properties dialog box to add User1
to MyDomain. User1 appears in the Domain Manager window.

National Instruments Corporation


Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module

Adding Security to a Control

Complete the following steps to add security to the Input Flowrate [GPM]

Open the Tank System VI front panel.


Right-click the Input Flowrate [GPM] control and select Properties

from the shortcut menu.


Click the Security tab in the Slide Properties dialog box.

If the Security tab is not visible, scroll through the tabs until you reach the
Security tab.



Click the Add button to add access to a user you created in the Domain
Manager. The Add New Host/User dialog box appears.


Select User 1 from the Users and Groups list and click the OK


Select Full Access from the Access drop-down list for User1.


Click the Add button.


Select Guest from the Users and Groups list and click the OK button.


Select Disabled & Grayed Out from the Access drop-down list for

10. Click the OK button. The Add New Host/User dialog box closes and
adds security information to the Input Flowrate [GPM] control.
11. Run the VI continuously and select ToolsSecurityLogin to log in as
User 1. The Input Flowrate [GPM] control should be enabled and
you should be able to move the slider.
12. Log in as Guest. The Input Flowrate [GPM] control should be
disabled and grayed out.
13. Stop the VI.
You can add security to multiple controls at one time in the Front Panel Security
dialog box, available by selecting ToolsSecurityFront Panel Security.


Viewing Real-Time Data

You can use the DSC Module to view live data. The Real-Time Trend
Express VI displays live data from a shared variable on an XY graph. In the
following exercise you will add the ability to view live data to the Tank
System VI.

Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module


Complete the following steps to add a Real-Time Trend Express VI to a

block diagram and view live data.

Place the Real-Time Trend Express VI, available on the DSC Module
palette, on the Tank System VI block diagram. The Configure
Real-Time Trend dialog box appears.


Click the down arrow next to the Shared Variable list and select
Browse. The Browse Shared Variables dialog box appears.


Click the button with the folder icon. The Open dialog box appears.


Navigate to the Tank System Shared Variables project library and

click the OK button.


Select Tank Volume [Gallons] in the Library list.


Click the OK button to close the Browse Shared Variables dialog



Click the Add button in the Configure Real-Time Trend dialog box.


Click the OK button to close the Configure Real-Time Trend dialog



Place a waveform chart on the front panel.

10. Wire the trend data output of the Real-Time Trend Express VI to the
waveform chart on the block diagram.
11. Place a While Loop around the waveform chart and Express Real-Time
Trend control.
12. Run the VI. The waveform chart shows the water level. Notice that the
waveform chart displays the changes when you adjust the Input
Flowrate [GPM] control.

Viewing Alarms Using the Shared Variable Monitor

Complete the following steps to view alarms in the Shared Variable

Select ToolsDSC ModuleMonitor Variables to display the Shared

Variable Monitor.


Expand the Tank System Shared Variables project library in the left
pane to display the shared variables.


Double-click each shared variable to view shared variable information

in the right pane. Notice that the alarm for the Tank Volume [Gallons]
shared variable that you created in the Creating Shared Variables
section of this document appears in the lower right pane.

National Instruments Corporation


Getting Started with the LabVIEW DSC Module

Where to Go from Here

Refer to the following documentation for more information about
LabVIEW or the DSC Module:

LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module Release and

Upgrade Notes

LabVIEW Help

Select HelpFind Examples to display the NI Example Finder and browse

LabVIEW and DSC Module examples.
Refer to for additional developer resources, training, technical
support, and so on.

National Instruments, NI,, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.
Refer to the Terms of Use section on for more information about National
Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade
names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the
appropriate location: HelpPatents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or In regards to components that use Citadel 5, the following copyright applies.
Copyright 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for a listing of the conditions
and disclaimers.
20002007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.



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