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Some key takeaways from the document include strategies for refining online searches to find hidden resumes, using country domains and fill-in-the-blank searches. It also discusses the ReferYes tool and two helpful Firefox extensions for downloading and previewing search results.

The two Firefox extensions discussed were DownThemAll for downloading multiple search results and Cool Preview for previewing links without leaving the search results page.

ReferYes is an automated sourcing tool that can help source talent in addition to manual searches. It allows searching profiles, businesses and universities to find additional fields of information. It is important to pay attention to the fields it imports.

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Notes from the free webinar:

Learn how to build search

strings for finding
resumes .
And then I show you how to
automate the process
using a cool
(and free)
tool -
Ryan Leary
Ryan Leary is an executive talent acquisition consultant
with Kenexa Technologies. Leveraging knowledge based
recruiting, Ryan has been recognized for his expertise in
developing priority talent communities, strategic/tactical
planning, and competitive intelligence gathering. Ryan is a
documented search specialist responsible for the develop-
ment of key social media and social recruiting strategies
for Kenexa’s RPO services group.

Ryan has been featured as the “Ambassador of the Virtual

Handshake” and has been written as an “Emerging Indus-
try Leader” in Search 2.0 and recently published in the
UAE’s 24/7 business journal for his leadership in Social
Media and Recruiting. His reputation for re-energizing
search techniques has him frequently sought after for
industry training and speaking engagements.

Ryan is the author of, a social media blog

dedicated to deciphering the world of Talent Acquisition
through the eyes of social media. CruiterTalk examines re-
cruiting search tools and software providing hands-on
analysis and unbiased reviews. He holds a Bachelors De-
gree in Global Communications and Marketing from
Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa.

To network with Ryan Leary:


Email: [email protected]
Jim Stroud
Jim Stroud is a "Searchologist" (someone adept at online
research) with an expertise in the full life-cycle placement of
Executive and Technical personnel, Recruitment Research
and Competitive Intelligence. He has consulted for such
companies as Google, Siemens, MCI and a host of start-up
companies. During his tenure with Microsoft, he served as a
Technical Sourcing Consultant and was a regular contributor
to Microsoft’s Technical Careers Blog.

When not engaged in Recruitment Research,

Competitive Intelligence and Training projects for the
aforementioned organizations, Jim created and sold two
online properties while managing the award-winning blog –
The Recruiters Lounge of which he still contributes.

Recently, Jim launched The Searchologist website where

he teaches Recruiters resume sourcing and lead generation
strategies via articles, a video series and a bi-monthly print

When Jim Stroud is not online, he suffers severe withdrawal

pains that can only be soothed by chocolate chip cookies and
family time.

To network with Ryan Leary:

Email: [email protected]


[1] Refine your searches to lesser known domains such as .info, .name, .cc and others.
By doing so, you get access to resumes that you would most likely overlook. Here are a
few examples:

· intitle:resume education programmer java site:cc -example -sample -apply

· intitle:resume education programmer java site:info -example -sample -apply
· intitle:resume education programmer java site:name -example -sample –apply

[2] Refine your searches by country TLD (Top level domain) to find resumes hosted in a
certain country.

The example below is for finding java resumes in Australia.

 site:au intitle:vitae education programmer -your -submit –apply

Find a list of countries sorted by their TLD, go to:

[3] Search for resumes based on the various spellings of the word resume.

 intitle:resumé | intitle:résumé C++ education -submit –apply

 You can add the accent mark a few ways:

[4] Search for passive candidates based on how they speak. (Natural Language

 “I am a Software Developer”
 “we made an iphone app”
 “Why I love Linux”
[5] Ask Google to fill in the blank on your search.

 I worked with * at Microsoft

 * was my manager at Microsoft
 according to * of Microsoft

[6] Use the Tilde ( ~ ) to search for a keyword and words synonymous with that
keyword. For example, search for ~CV. You will notice that certain words are highlighted.
These are words that Google thinks is synonymous with CV. Those words are: CV,
Curriculum, vitae and curriculum vitae.

A search for ~job is a search for jobs, salary, career, employment, recruitment and

For example:

intitle:resume –intitle:~job education –submit –apply

The above search string is asking Google to: Find documents with resume in the
title. Do not return results that have the word job, jobs, salary, career, employment,
recruitment or vacancy in the title. Find the term “Verification Engineer.” Do not return
the words submit or apply.

We discussed 2 very important Firefox extensions:

 First if you do not have Firefox on your system, you can download the browser here:

 Down them All: Download Link:

 Down Them All: Video Demo:

Simply run your resume searches on any search engine. Click “Down them all” under the “tools” tab on the
menu bar. It’s self explanatory, but all you need to do is select the folder you want to download all of the
files and choose the specific files you want to download.

It’s recommended that you stick with any file that mentions the word resume or CV, etc. as well as any file
that is a DOC, PDF, HTML, TXT, etc. Tip: You can also use this to download mass MP3s.

Cool Preview:

Cool preview is a great app that will allow you to hover over any link and view the file without clicking the
link and leaving the results page. Depending on how you have your settings you will be able click the next
or previous arrows to browse all of the results through one box.
When using ReferYes Sourcer:

1. It’s important to understand that automated sourcing tools should compliment and
not replace your best practices.
2. ReferYes currently allows you to source dozens of practical ways to help uncover
talent that you may not have found otherwise.
3. It’s important to remember that when running profile search, business searches and
university searches that you pay attention to the various field’s ReferYes imports. This
is a great feature as ReferYes attempts to customize significant search options right
through their interface.
4. I recommend using Firefox and leverage the Firefox add-on’s mentioned above.

If you would like to be notified of new webinars, join the

mailing list here –>


The Searchologist Magazine is the ONLY magazine focused on resume sourcing and
lead generation strategies. It is a print publication that is published bi-monthly. Get your
copy now!

The Recruiters Lounge is an award-winning blog that explores the wacky world of em-
ployment with articles, comics, videos, podcasts, recruiter training and more. Check it out
online at:

The Recruiters Guide to Google is a video tutorial on how to create basic search
strings for finding free resumes online. Download your copy here:

How to Find Clients For Your Recruiting Business is an ebook full of lead
generation goodness. Download your copy now!

End Report

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