Hacking GSM
Hacking GSM
Hacking GSM
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2) After getting used to this signal, a good point to begin is: http://www.rtl-sdr.com/rtl-sdr-tutorialanalyzing-gsm-with-airprobe-and-wireshark/
To setup all the necessary software you will need to perform this task, so I had followed this link. I have to
alert you that some linux distributions may not be able to get airprobe working. In my case I tried first to
get airprobe at ubuntu 12.04 LTS operating system and I cant get it working, so the solution is to install
at your PC the Kali Linux operating system that is a perfect system to use airprobe. It comes with some
radio features that enhance the experience of anyone who likes sniffing diferent types of signals.
Although the link installs the gnuradio and gqrx softwares via an install script, I recommend you to go to
the Ubuntu Software Center or in case you use Kali linux, I recommend to use the program to
install/update/remove software named: Add/Remove Software, which is placed at Applications >
System Tools > Add/Remove Software.
Once you have this software opened, look for gnuradio packets and install all of them. If it doesnt find
gnuradio, you have to install Ubuntu Software Center at Kali linux operating system and it will find the
gnuradio packets for sure. This is the best way of installing gnuradio because the system will compile all
the necessary scripts without any problem and all the related packets will be installed too.
At the next link, there are some explanations of how to update softwares available in Kali
linux: http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2013/03/23/how-to-install-software-on-kali-linux/
After installing gnuradio and check that it works well, the next step is to install the gqrx software by the
same way I have described you to install gnuradio.
After getting gqrx running correctly, you will have to compile airprobe software using the steps at the link
above, and if all goes well you will have to get it working correctly without any problem.
3) Before beginning with all the GSM documentation, to understand how the system works, I also
recommend you to install the Kalibrate tool to identify where are the principal GSM channels in your area.
You can setup this software using this other link: http://www.rtl-sdr.com/how-to-calibrate-rtl-sdr-usingkalibrate-rtl-on-linux/
This software is used to calibrate the RTL-SDR USB dongle offset and know if you are tunning on the
exact frequency or you are working with some offset. But in our case, we will use this tool to identify the
most powerful GSM channels in our area.
4) Other two posts are interesting for you to read before the beginning:
http://www.rtl-sdr.com/receiving-decoding-decrypting-gsm-rtl-sdr-youtube-talk-slides/ (The video of this
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link will make you some idea of how is the procedure to crack a GSM call)
http://www.rtl-sdr.com/receiving-decoding-decrypting-gsm-signals-rtl-sdr/ (This other link will bring you to
the blog that I talk about some lines above, which is the main blog I worked with to get used to this
complex objective)
5) Finally, it was posted few weeks ago another topic about a new tool called pytacle that improves the
situation using the Kraken tool to get all the procedure runnning with only using this software:
But I want to remark that I have not used this software because it runs with the kraken tool, and I
personally cant get the Kraken tool running no way.
Anyway its intetersting to see this tool working in the video shown in the link.
The problem is that the kraken tool needs a separate GPU core to realize hard CPU spending tasks with
the A5/1 tables to unencypt the frames of GSM. The separate GPU that Karsten Nohl recommended to
me by mail is an ATI 5xxx GPU.
Here is the link to download the A5/1 rainbow tables that use the kraken tool:
https://opensource.srlabs.de/projects/a51-decrypt/files (You can download them from torrent with any
linux distribution and I recommend you to download the last file which is a .tgz and contains all of the
above tables)
So I recommend not to take this way and continue reading.
Documentation LINKS:
1) Read the first post of the blog of Domi to see in a big way how the GSM system works:
2) Then all the things that you dont understand can be found here: https://skydrive.live.com
/view.aspx?resid=8F7DEEEC761F130B!603&app=WordPdf&wdo=2&authkey=!AN3UlLqs7FxmZmQ (in
my case, this document has helped me in understanding the complex GSM system so many times that I
cant count them.)
3) Other interesting documents that can help you understanding the GSM system are:
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ROM running on your Samsung device in another thread of this page of my blog.
I will also be really happy if someone could tell me why the Stock ROMs of Samsung make possible the
characteristic of being treated as a Modem, so if someone is an expert of the android system I would
really be very happy if you contact with me (my mail is in the about page of this blog).
So after this quite a long chatter, we can begin with the principal steps:
STEP 0: Put your Mobile device working only in GSM not in 3G.
Go to the dialer of the phone and enter the following code like if you will want to call someone:
A new menu will appear and enter Telephone information. Scroll down and go to the option that
indicates: Define the prefered network > and choose GSM only. Make sure that your option is
selected and go back.
With this action you have forced the phone to use the GSM network only.
In some phones this option can be chosen in Settings menu > Inalambric connections > Mobile
network. But in my case it only allows to choose WCDMA (3G) only or WCDMA/GSM prefered. So you
have to enter to advanced options to change it.
STEP 1: Capture the data on the main ARFCN.
The main ARFCN for the cell would be the one with the maximum signal strength and this can be
determined with kalibrate tool. We use this tool to get the maximum signal strength in a certain moment.
Example of use:
Found 1 device(s):
0: ezcap USB 2.0 DVB-T/DAB/FM dongle
Using device 0: ezcap USB 2.0 DVB-T/DAB/FM dongle
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Exact sample rate is: 270833.002142 Hz
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power: 100204.30
power: 91973.50
power: 181214.37
power: 65380.82
STEP 2: Identify your service providers frequencies and the BTS towers identification numbers.
In my case, VODAFONE Espanya is my service provider and I identified that the frequency range
assigned to them in Spain is between: 949,9 959,9 MHz. I found this information in
wikipedia: http://wiki.bandaancha.st/Frecuencias_telefon%C3%ADa_m%C3%B3vil
Do a google search for your country and for sure you will get success. Its important to notice that the
GSM900 downlink band is between: 935 960 MHz.
Another thing that you must take into account is that airprobe is only able to decode the GSM downlink
frequency channel.
So after identifing your own service provider frequency range, you have to look for those frequencies in
Kalibrate tool that are inside the range of your service provider. These are the frequencies you have to
tune with the RTL-SDR USB dongle to find your call or SMS.
The other thing you must know is what MNC and MCC numbers are the ones that identify your service
providers BTS towers and your country number, respectively. I recommend you to look for them at this
link: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/MCC/MNC (in Spanish, but you can translate it with your browser)
Here is explained what are the MNC and MCC numbers and which are the ones for your country (MCC)
and for your service provider (MNC).
These numbers can be used to place in a map the BTS towers you are using at a specified moment. The
following web page will shoe you how a map and the situation of BTS towers with the input of your MNC
and MCC numbers: http://www.opencellids.org/en/opencellid/cell-location
STEP 3: Get your mobiles TMSI number.
This number is the one that is assigned to your phone when it is paged and is going to comunicate with
the BTS tower. So this is the number that the BTS will use to identify your mobile device. To get this
number I used the AT commands procedure to get acces to the SIM card of the mobile device where this
number is stored and then I followed this link to enter the specific AT commands for this
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3G message with information that we dont take into account in this study. Like 3G neighbour cell
Type 13: Channel type = BCCH (But GSM CCCH Info)
They contain all the important information about GPRS like GPRS Cell options, GPRS Power Control
This second type contains information of the Mobile Station (MS).
B) Paging Request Types:
Type 1: Channel type = CCCH (And GSM CCCH Info)
Mobile Identity 1 number (IMSI)
Page Mode = normal paging (P1)
Channel Needed
Mobile Identity 1 and 2 = TMSI/P-TMSI
Page Mode = normal paging (0)
Channel Needed
I altres tipus de Paging Request Type 1 poden portar qualsevol combinaci didentificadors de la MS com
per exemple TMSI/P-TMSI del MS1 i IMSI del MS2 o IMSI del MS1 i MS2, etc.
Noms el IMSI del MS1 o b No idnetity code, etc.
Type 2: Channel type = CCCH (And GSM CCCH Info)
Mobile Identity 1 and 2 = TMSI/P-TMSI i IMSI del Mobile Idnetity 3
Page Mode = normal paging (0)
Channel Needed
Type 3: Channel type = CCCH (And GSM CCCH Info)
Mobile Identity 1, 2 , 3 and 4 = TMSI/P-TMSI (Not decoded)
Page Mode = normal paging (0)
Channel Needed
C) Immediate Assignment: Channel type = CCCH (And GSM CCCH Info)
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So in this case, the tool will save the data into a file named: rtl_sdr_capture.bin and placed inside the
tmp directory. The -s flag is to specify the sample rate which seems to be better than the 1.8e6 which is
the default one. The other settings are the frequency which we want to tune and the gain.
I prefer to decode a live channel that use top_block tool that comes with airprobe to get the information
because this tool seems to be not as efficient as the rtl_sdr that have a bandwidth of 3.5MHz which is
enough to include all the GSM channel with the frequencies the system can change during the call.
As we know the GSM is a frequency hopping system that will change the transmitter and receiver
frequency in a call following the pattern of ARFCNs received in the System Information Type 1 frames
before setting the call.
STEP 5: Convert the .bin file into a .cfile file with a precompiled gnuradio-companion scheme.
The gnuradio-companion is a tool that comes with gnuradio and it has a graphical interface. You must
download the next file: http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/attachment/wiki/rtl-sdr/rtl2832-cfile.grc (Go to the end
of the page and click on download in original format).
After this, open gnuradio-companion by typing it in a terminal prompt:
And the program will open, the go to the tab open file and search the downloaded file named: rtl2832cfile.grc.
Set the file source to the capture.bin file directory where you have saved it with in the previous STEP
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and set the file output for a file called capture.cfile which should be located in the airprobe/gsmreceiver/src/python folder. Also, make sure that Repeat in the File Source block is set to No.
Now execute the GRC flow graph by clicking on the icon that looks like grey cogs. This will create the
capture.cfile. The flow chart will not stop by itself when its done, so once the file has been written press
the red X icon in GRC to stop the flow chart running. Because it wont stop by itself.
Then you can close the gnuradio-companion and delete the .bin file saved in the tmp directory.
STEP 6: Open and setup wireshark:
Open another terminal prompt and to open wireshark with sudo privileges:
Note that its always better to work with sudo privileges when using airprobe, wireshark, gnruadio, etc.
Then the wireshark software will open and you must select lo(loopback) and start. Note that wireshark
comes installed in kali linux.
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When a window which is capturing is opened go to the filter box and write gsmtap to see only the GSM
STEP 7: Finally use the go.sh tool that comes with airprobe to send the decoded information to
wireshark and analyze the frames.
First, we have to decode the signalling frames to know more things about the calls we are decoding:
./go.sh capture.cfile 64 0B
The 64 is the decimation rate of the RTL-SDR, 0B is the configuration which go.sh is going to use: 0
means Timeslot 0 (beacon channel), B is the configuration that the cell uses on the beacon channel.
With this we will get information about the system and of the calls identification numbers TMSI or IMSI(in
few cases).
The information that contains any frame of signalling will be explained in a new thread in the next days.
STEP 8: Procedure and configuration of airprobe to identify all the information and decode it.
As this part is perfectly explained in the Domis blog, this is the same explanation:
a) Decoding an SMS:
Here are all the available configurations that are supported by airprobe:
As you can see these are the GSM configurations used in the different frames and you will have to be
able to recognize each one to identify if you must use an airprobe configuration or another to decode the
data of your call or SMS.
If you look at the traffic in Wireshark but it doesnt seem to be right (for example you made a call or sent a
text message while capturing but the Ciphering Mode Command is missing) it is pretty sure that you are
using the wrong configuration (0B instead of 0C or vise versa). It is important to try both and figure out
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I will explain how to get the Kc key with my method in a later thread.
What are we looking for now? Well, it depends on the network: either there is an Immediate
Assignment telling the phone to move to different timeslot (so they are not using the busy beacon
channel to do their business) or you will actually be able to see the text message.
If instead of the SMS you find an Immediate Assignment message you need to open it and see which
timeslot the phone is being commanded to and then you need to decode that timeslot using go.sh. So, for
example if it says that the phone needs to go to Timeslot 2 then your command would be:
Notice that I did not only change the Timeslot number from 0 to 2, but also the configuration from C to S,
because the target phone is now on a Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH), not on the
beacon channel so we need to decode it differently.
Also worth noting that SMS messages are almost always sent on the Control Channel not on the Traffic
Here is a flowchart of the whole process to make it easier to understand (naturally since we can only see
the downlink this shows only what happens on the downlink):
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./go.sh capture.cfile 64 0C
What do we expect to see? Nothing besides the Cipher Mode Command because we didnt provide
the key, so lets do that:
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All right, what should we see now? Logically there needs to be an Immediate Assignment command,
because the phone NEEDS to change at least once to a different timeslot to receive voice data (to a
Traffic Channel, Timeslot 1-7). What we saw when decoding the SMS is correct here too: depending on
the network configuration we can see some messages about the call setup (if it is an incoming call we
can even see the caller ID the phone number calling our target) then an Immediate Assignment
(configuration C combined) or we can only see an Immediate Assignment directing the phone to a
Control Channel (just like it happened when receiving an SMS, configuration B).
Of course if you follow the phone to the Control Channel you will see the call setup messages (in case of
an incoming call) then another Immediate Assignment command, this time directing the phone to a
Traffic Channel.
Here is again a flow chart showing the process:
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Now there is only one question left: how do we decode the traffic channel to actually get the voice data?
Again, it is something that depends on the network: if the network uses simply Full Rate Speech then you
can do the same what has been written in Srlabss tutorial:
What does this command do? It decodes Timeslot 1 as a Traffic Channel. We know what timeslot to
decode from the Immediate Assignment command message, T means Full Rate Speech. The
command results in a file called speech.au.gsm, which needs to be converted to .au file using
toast -d speech.au.gsm
The toast tool is a software to convert files and I will explain the setup process of this software on another
The resulting .au file could be played back using any player, e.g. cvlc (Command Line VLC):
cvlc speech.au
This results in a file called speech.amr which could be played back without any more modifications
using for example Commandline VLC:
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cvlc speech.amr
All the threads related to this topic will be classified under the category of GSM software setup!!!
You can read them on the first page!!!
3 bloggers like this.
on 22 febrer 2014 a les 4:41 AM said:
on 22 febrer 2014 a les 9:31 PM said:
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on 22 febrer 2014 a les 10:21 PM said:
on 24 febrer 2014 a les 12:14 AM said:
on 25 mar 2014 a les 11:59 PM said:
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06/27/2016 09:50 PM
Hi, In step 8 you talk about decoding SMS and voice call. But
airprobe can decode only the downlink traffic. So what kind of
SMS do you decode? And what kind of voice call do you
on 26 mar 2014 a les 10:49 AM said:
Its like youre only able to decode the phone calls and
SMS messages of people that sends or calls at a nearby
tower from where you are.
on 3 juny 2014 a les 3:34 AM said:
on 3 juny 2014 a les 11:04 AM said:
on 8 agost 2014 a les 6:19 AM said:
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on 8 agost 2014 a les 11:50 AM said:
on 7 setembre 2014 a les 7:16 PM said:
Hi mate
this really interesting my aim to establish my SAT
network via VOip but I have no idea could you pls
help me to decode my out calls hence I am using
airtime I dont wish my company to see outband
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on 8 setembre 2014 a les 10:45 AM said:
on 26 agost 2014 a les 6:11 AM said:
Which antenna did you use with rtl-sdr ? was it the one shipped
with the stick or some other ? which antenna to use for best
reception of GSM?
on 26 agost 2014 a les 10:13 AM said:
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This will improve your reception! But as you should know
you have to position the antenna in the top of your
building house or whatever!
on 8 setembre 2014 a les 1:04 PM said:
on 8 setembre 2014 a les 1:23 PM said:
https://ferrancasanovas.wordpress.com/about/ here is
my email address!!!
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on 10 maig 2015 a les 8:11 AM said:
on 16 mar 2016 a les 12:06 AM said:
Thank a lot for your article.
Can you recommend me any RTL-SDR usb adapter to use to
perform GSM monitoring?
I am performing study case and I would like to showcase the
GSM wearkness to potential person.
Basically, I would like to have both GSM 900, 1800 and 1900.
If you have additional information for japanese phones, that
would be great as well.
Thank a lot
on 16 mar 2016 a les 12:23 PM said:
just google it and you will find on the internet a good
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comparison of prices.
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