A Review On CNSL Biodiesel
A Review On CNSL Biodiesel
A Review On CNSL Biodiesel
Abstract: The world is confronted with serious problems like depleting reserves of petroleum and environmental issues have led to the
search for more environmental friendly and renewable fuels. Biodiesel obtained from various renewable sources has been recognized as
one of the alternative fuel due to its biodegradability, high cetane number, no sulphur emissions and low volatility. In this paper Cashew
nut oil is used as raw material to produce a biodiesel. This paper reviews the preparation of biodiesel from Cashew nut shell oil (CNSL),
properties of oil and Biodiesel, performance and emission of cashew nut oil as biodiesel in Compression Ignition engine. Cashew nut oil
is one of the most efficient and high productivity Non-edible oil crops. The cashew nut oil blended in varying proportion like 10%, 20%,
30% etc. with diesel fuel in the CI engine. By varying the Compression ratio, Injection pressure, Speed, Load or by using Additives we
can check the performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel-diesel blends and finds the most preferable combination of the
blend for diesel engine. Based on various studies, this paper generally found that CNSL biodiesel is considered as offering many
advantages, including sustainability, decrease of HC, CO, NOx gas emissions and many harmful pollutants.
Keywords: Cashew nut shell oil, Biodiesel, performance, harmful pollutants, Non-edible oil crops.
1. Introduction
Diesel engines are the major source of transportation, powergeneration, marine applications etc. But due to gradual
depletion of world petroleum reserves and the impact of
environmental pollution there is an urgent need for suitable
alternate fuels for use in diesel engines. In view of this,
vegetable oils like palm oil, cottonseed oil and Neem oil,
Pongamia oil are considered as alternate fuels to diesel
which are promising alternatives [1]. The world is
confronted with a twin crisis of limited supply and the
increasing cost of fossil fuels. This issue has led to increased
exploration into alternative renewable energy for ensuring
energy security and resolving environmental issues [2].
Biomass-based fuel such as alcohol, biogas, biodiesel and
vegetable oil are found to be possible substitutes for
petroleum based fuels [3]. The consumption of diesel fuels
in India was 28.30 million tones which was 43.2% of the
consumption of petroleum products. This requirement was
met by importing crude petroleum as well as petroleum
products [4]. The reserves of crude petroleum are stiffly
depleting and the pries of the furnace oil and light diesel oil
are constantly increasing [5]. A renewable fuel such as
biodiesel, with lesser exhaust emissions, is the need of the
day. Hence, researchers and scientific community worldwide
have focused on development of biodiesel and the
optimization of the processes to meet the standards and
specifications needed for the fuel to be used commercially
without compromising on the durability of engine parts [6].
In 1970s, Africa was the largest producer of raw cashew nuts
accounting for 67.5% of world production. This
subsequently declined to 35.6% by 2000, with Nigeria,
Tanzania and Mozambique being largest producers. The
production in Asia during the same periods increased from
26.8% to 49.5% with the major producers being India,
Indonesia and Vietnam. Similarly, the production in South
and Central America also rose from 4.5% in 1970 to 14.5%
in 2000 with Brazil and El Salvador being the leading
producers [7]. India is the largest producer, processor,
1.4.4 Transesterification
Pure oils are not suitable for diesel engines because they can
cause the carbon deposits and pour point problems and they
can also cause the problems like engine deposits, injector
plugging, or lube oil gelling. So to use the oils in the diesel
engines, they are chemically treated and that chemical
transesterification which is also known as alcoholysis is the
reaction of fat or vegetable oil with an alcohol to form esters
and glycerol. Mostly a catalyst is also used to improve the
rate and yield of the reaction. Since the reaction is reversible
in nature, excess alcohol is used to shift the equilibrium
towards the product. Hence, for this purpose primary and
secondary monohydric aliphatic alcohols having 1-8 carbon
atoms are used. The chemical reaction of transesterification
processes is shown below in fig.2. where R represents a
Table 6: Properties of cashew nut oil, its biodiesel and blends to ASTM D6751-02 and EN 14214
2. Literature Review
Velmurugan A & Loganathan M 2011 [30] conducted
experimental investigation of performance and Emission of a
DI Diesel Engine Fuelled with Cashew Nut Shell Liquid
(CNSL) and its Blend (B20, B40, B60, B80 and B100) and
the results are compared with neat diesel operation. In this
study Biodiesel produced by Pyrolysis method and
properties are evaluated. The diesel engine was not modified
during all the tests. At each engine operating mode,
experiments were carried out for the diesel fuel, and each of
the Cashew-Diesel (CD) blends. The Author conducted
experiments by changing injection timing (18, 19, 21, 23,
26, and 28bTDC), and injector opening pressure (18 Mpa,
20 Mpa, and 22Mpa) to optimize the best brake thermal
efficiency with neat diesel. It was found that the optimized
injection timing and optimized injection pressure is 19
bTDC and 22 Mpa respectively for diesel operation. The
brake thermal efficiency is decreased with higher blends of
CNSL oil (B40, B60, B80 and B100) compared to neat
diesel operation. But in the case of lower blend B20 the
brake thermal efficiency is closer to diesel operation. The
specific fuel consumption is increased in the case of CNSLDiesel blends compared to neat diesel. The unburned
hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions are increased
with blends of CNSL-Diesel as compared to neat diesel. The
smoke density also increases for the blends of CNSL-Diesel
compared to neat diesel operation. The Oxides of Nitrogen
(NOx) emission level is decreased with the blends of CNSL
oil compared to neat diesel. The exhaust gas temperature
decrease with the blends CNSL-Diesel compared to neat
diesel. In general the performance and emission level of
CNSL Diesel blends does not improve, but it can be used as
a low cost alternative fuel for diesel engine. The author
based on this result finally concluded that, In future the
additives and oxygenates can be used with CNSLDiesel
fuel to improve the performance and emission of direct
injection diesel engine.
Mallikappa et al. 2011 [31] In this research work, they made
the detailed investigation on performance and emission
characteristics of four stroke single cylinder engine with
variable loads were studied, cardnol bio fuel volumetric
blends like 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% were used. In this
case the author used two-stage distillation method because of
certain difficulties of operation with regard to single-stage
fractional distillation method to produce cardnol from
CNSL. Cardnol produced was used as raw material to
produce Biodiesel by using transesterification process.
Author found that the brake specific energy consumption
decreases by 30 to 40% approximately with increases in load
conditions. This reverse trend was observed due to lower
calorific value with increase in bio fuel percentage in the
blends. The brake thermal efficiency increases with higher
loads. In all cases, it increased with increase in load. The
maximum thermal efficiency for B20 (31%) was higher than
that of the diesel. The NOx emissions (ppm) increases with
increased proportion of blends and also with higher EGT.
This trend mainly because of presence oxygen in bio fuel,
this leads to more oxidation at higher temperature and
responsible for more NOx emissions. The HC emissions are
nominal up to B20, and more at B25, the reason for this is
4. Result
Many researchers worked on the CNSL oil and they found
some result as shown in following graph [32]. When the
pyrolysis method was used for producing Biodiesel, the
Brake thermal efficiency found to be lower and specific fuel
consumption more than that with diesel. Unburned
hydrocarbon, Carbon monoxide and smoke density
increases, but because of low exhaust temperature NOx
emission decreases with blends of CNSL-Diesel as
compared to neat diesel. Investigators based on this result
concluded that, the additives and oxygenates can be used
with CNSLDiesel fuel to improve the performance and
emission of direct injection diesel engine [30]. Some
investigators used 2-stage distillation method to produce
cardnol from CNSL oil and then Biodiesel produced by
Transesterification method. And it was found that brake
specific energy consumption decreases where as brake
thermal efficiency noted to be 31%. And for B20 (20% bio
fuel & 80% diesel) blend HC, CO & NOx emission are less
compared to higher blends [31]- [32]. But, when 2-stage
distillation method used to produce cardnol from CNSL oil
and then Biodiesel produced by Transesterification method
with Ethanol used as additive to CNSL bio fuel the result
was totally different from previous results. For B20 blend
and 10% ethanol CO2 reduced by 27%, HC reduced by 8%
and NOx reduced by 57% at full load than that of B20 blend
alone [23]. Whereas brake thermal efficiency for 10%
ethanol and B20 blend found to be 35.1% which is more
than diesel (34.52%) and B20 (29.95%) with Improved
performance of Engine [33].
6. Future scope
Biodiesel derived from CNSL oil is reported to be feasible
choices for developing countries including India where
consumption of fuel is very high. CNSL oil is relatively an
inexpensive and available raw material for biodiesel
production as India is one of the largest producers of cashew
nut in the world. The following points may be considered
before introducing the fuel in India:
5. Conclusion
Combustion of petroleum based fuels in internal combustion
engines results in Environmental pollution, global warming,
and also effects human health. Whereas on combustion of
biodiesel produced from various edible / Non-edible oils
produce very less amount of HC, CO and oxides of NO
compared to Hydro carbons and this will mitigate the above
mentioned issues. But for using Biodiesel in pure form
engine modification required. But, if we are using blends of
diesel and biodiesel as fuel in engine modifications not
required. Depending on the properties, engine running
conditions like speed and load etc. performance of engine
varies. Keeping that in mind we should select correct blend
of biodiesel and diesel. Brazil is using Ethanol as fuel for
most of the vehicles. In USA gasoline-Ethanol blend used as
fuel in petrol engine vehicles. But, in India because of
market monopoly still dependent on Petrol and diesel fuels
for vehicles. If we use Biodiesel which are produce locally,
decreases the nations dependence upon foreign energy and
Fuel crisis like problems will not occurs. In this paper we
study the properties of CNSL oil, transesterification process,
properties and result of CNSL Biodiesel as an alternative
fuel for CI engine. Based on this study on CNSL biodiesel,
we can conclude that the CNSL oil can be used as an
alternative fuel for diesel engine.
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Author Profile
Raghavendra Prasada S.A received the B.E. degree
in Mechanical Engineering from Shree Devi Institute
of Technology, Mangalore in 2012. He is now M.
Tech. (Thermal Engineering) final year Student in
Alvas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moodbidri,
Karnataka, India.