HP Pay Fixation

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Any administration backed by the use of ad-hoc measures and whimsical orders from the lack
of knowledge of Rules, Regulations and Instructions as also from improper skill to interpret
and to execute them is bound to leave the employees discontented. Himachal Pradesh Institute
of Public Administration , Shimla (HIPA) has, therefore, always remained in hunt for employing
various methods for updating the knowledge and sharpening the skill of the administering
officers and assisting staff of the State of Himachal Pradesh.
Under the aegis of UNDP and the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training,
New Delhi, HIPA conducted Training Needs Analysis of various categories of the civil servants in
the State of Himachal Pradesh. During the conduct of training needs of the employees, it
revealed that personnel matters still find a lions share. Therefore, it was considered
necessary to equip the officers and staff deciding and dealing with the provisions of
establishment Rules and instructions on the subjects besides inculcating in them the skill to
apply these. However, large number of the civil servants have scarcity of time and means and
vastness of the service matters did not allow us to venture into fulfilling whole of such
requirements. Obviously, it was also not possible for us to prepare a package of class-room
training for all. As a step ahead, HIPA, therefore, decided and prepared training modules in
the following three most important aspects of service matters:

Pay Fixation,
Leave Rules and
Pension Rules

These modules are the outcome of mammoth labour, wide-ranging research and significant
care. These modules have been drafted with the belief that these will go a long way in
finalizing personnel matters of the civil servants promptly, fairly and in their right
On the basis of long deliberations during the workshops and suggestions received from the
experts and faculty members on Finance and Accounts at HIPA, a module after its validation
by a penal of experts, finally prepared a module on Pay Fixation which is in your hands.
The module has been prepared in self-instructional mode and with the belief that time and
travel cost would be saved. .
I would like to place on record the appreciation for the excellent work done by Shri B.M.
Gupta, Assistant Controller (Finance and Accounts), HIPA who has taken a lot of pains in
drafting this module by working day and night for months together in bringing this module
out by his hard work. He also deserves my gratitude for the entire word-processing job
employed in this task.
I would also like to place on record my appreciations for giving valuable suggestions
provided by Sh. V.K. Sood, Retd., Controller, Finance and Accounts, Department of Personnel, HP
Government, Shri H.R.Verma, Deputy Controller(Finance & Accounts), H.P.Tourism Development
Corporation, Shimla, Shimla,and Shri R.P. Sharma, Deputy Controller (F&A), Treasury and
Accounts Organisation , Himachal Pradesh and Shri M.L. Chauhan, Assistant Controller(Finance
and Accounts), HIPA, Shimla, for validating this module by devoting and sparing their

valuable time. I also place on record my sincere thanks to Dr. Kailash Walia, Retd. Principal
for giving his services for editing the module. I am also grateful to Shri A.D. Negi, Deputy
Controller(F&A), Shri Moti Ram Verma and Shri K.K. Sharma, Assistant Controllers(F&A) of the
Institute for scrutinizing the preliminary draft of the module.
My sincere thanks are also to the participants who attended the Pilot-Run workshops of this
module for their hard work while on their job and also suggesting valuable rectifications,
language use and filling the gaps in the presentation of the draft module. Names of these
valuable contributories are given in the Annexure.
I would also like to place on record my appreciation for the untired efforts, support and
contributions made by Shri S.S. Panwar, Programme Officer, UNDP, HIPA at various stages of
drafting, editing, preparation, managing and timely presentation of this module. The work
was done by him with great devotion to duty.
Last, but not the least,
I am extremely grateful to the United Nations Development
Programme(UNDP), New Delhi and the Training Division, Department of Personnel and Training,
Govt. of India, New Delhi for financing this project as well as their continuous moral and
academic support without which the Institute could not have even thought in this direction.
I believe this work of HIPA will prove to be a milestone in handling personnel matters
efficiently and effectively in all State and Semi-Government Organisations at various levels of
official hierarchy.

18th October, 2002

Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration,
Fairlawn, Shimla-171 012.


Dear Learner,
Efficiency in Administration is the need of the hour. Efficiency can be
ensured through constant touch with the latest developments in the related
area. We recently conducted a study on training needs of various categories
in the government offices. This inter-alia included the ministerial
categories of government servants as also the Heads of Offices. We found
that their training needs mostly & commonly revolve around the service
matters. Obviously, we cannot jump into the entire bulk in one go. We
sorted out these needs further and found that not less than 75 to 80% of
service matters in every office relate to three aspects Pay fixations, Leave
cases and Pensionary benefits.
Our study further revealed that the number of persons to be trained is quite
large. It was not possible to prepare a package of face-to-face training for
all, as that would have taken a long time. As an alternative to face-to-face
classroom training, we therefore, decided to launch a training programme
through Distance Learning.
And, therefore, we feel immense pleasure in bringing for you a package of
three important aspects of Service Rules Pay Fixation, Pension and
Leave. The first in the chain of these - Module on Pay Fixation, is now in
your hands
to explain is the importance of the Module. Presently, the
fixations of pay are not governed under Fundamental Rules alone. A series
of executive instructions issued by the government also affect these. The
present module aims at bringing those provisions under one cover so that
you could easily understand their implications.
For your convenience, we have divided the module in two Units. Unit-I
envisages wrapping up pay fixation cases of general importance that you
face as a routine while processing or deciding various establishment
matters. These include fixation of pay on appointment, promotions,
placements and on-request reversions. The Unit also covers yet another

vitally important aspect of pay fixation i.e. Assured Career Progression

The 2nd unit on Pay fixation is also equally important. Here well take care
of some specific provisions governing pay fixations. In this Unit, well
deliberate on regulation of pay on stoppage of increments, reversions to the
lower post service or grade and also on reduction in stage of pay in the
same pay scale. Combination of appointments, which is another pivot of
the official happenings, also finds place in this Unit.
We believe that you will find all the three modules quite helpful in
processing and deciding the cases of these areas. Since this compilation is
purely for understanding purposes, we request you to keep a copy of the
relevant rules and executive instructions with you while going through
these. Whenever you feel it necessary, you may consult the same. This
compilation is not and should not be quoted as an authority anywhere.
Last but not the least, we have taken utmost care in preparing the modules.
Nevertheless, you may note some deviations/mistakes that might have crept
in. We look forward not only for your suggestions for better presentation
of the modules but request also to lets know these deviations/mistakes so
as to be rectified in our future training programmes.
B.M. Gupta,
Assistant Controller(F&A)
HIPA, Fairlawns, Shimla-171012


Dated 10 October, 2002



Pp 1-61

Common Service Events and fixation of pay
On First Appointment
On transfer to a higher post
On Placement
On request reversions
Assured Career Progression Scheme
Fixation of Pay of Probationer and Apprentice
Pay fixation on Revision of Pay Scales
Points to remember
Self-Assessment Questions
Sum up
Answers to self-assessment and in-text questions.






Fixation of pay as a result of penalty

On Stoppage/withholding of increments

On Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale

On Reduction to a lower post, grade or service

As a consequences of setting aside/modification

of penalties on appeal
Combination of appointments
Points to remember
Self Assessment questions
Answers to Self-Assessment Questions

Annexure A
Annexure B
Annexure C

Pp 103-105
List of the Members of Validation Team
List of Members of Editing Board
List of Participants of Pilot Run



Common Service Events and fixation of pay
On First Appointment
On transfer to a higher post
On Placement
On request reversions
Assured Career Progression Scheme
Fixation of Pay of Probationer and Apprentice
Pay fixation on Revision of Pay Scales
Points to remember
Self-Assessment Questions
Sum up
Answers to self-assessment and in-text questions.




Dear Learner, the term pay fixation is not new to you. There are various events in the
service life of government servants when we need to fix or re-fix the pay drawn by
them from time to time. Fundamental Rules 22 and 23 are the main rules that cover the
determination of pay on different events. Therefore, It is the appropriate time for you
to jot down the events that require such fixation or re-fixation. Please try to re-call as
many circumstances as you can when the pay of a government servant needs fixation or
re-fixation. After having done so, compare the list prepared by you with the one
provided by us at Appendix-I at the end of this Unit.
Does your list match with Appendix-I? If yes, you have done a great job. If some of the
events do not find place in your list, draw the variations and give a thought why those
could not be included by you in your list. You should not feel discouraged. Your list
must be containing most of the events, which do frequently occur. The missed out ones
must be the events that are rare.

The present Unit on Pay Fixation is an attempt to bring all the common events of pay
fixation at one platform. This embraces the regulations enforced through various Rules
and executive instructions in the matters of pay-fixations. Lets work through the same
in this Unit.



At the end of this Unit, the learner will be able to:


describe how to fix or re-fix the pay on:

o First appointment
o Promotions
o Placements and
o Reversions.
enlist the provisions of Assured Career Progression scheme
describe fixation of pay on revision of pay scale of a post.



The service events included in this Section are not new to you. These events happen
almost in every government servants service life on one or the other occasions. You
generally process or decide cases of fixation of pay when government servants are
appointed for the first time. With the passage of time, they get promoted to higher posts
or are placed in some higher pay scales. Sometimes administrative circumstances may
warrant their reversions. On some occasions, the government servants may themselves
intend to seek reversions compelled by their circumstances. You have been doing the
job of fixing or re-fixing their pay on the happening of such events. Lets discuss the
provisions regulating the fixation of pay under each of these one by one:



Dear learner, you will agree that this is the occasion that comes in the
official life of every government servant. In fact, one becomes a government servant
only after he/she is appointed to a government job. The regular appointment of any
government servant is made on a post that carries a definite pay scale. We generally do
not feel any need to fix the pay of a government servant on first appointment. Do you
know why?
Our general presumption is that the government servants on first appointment will
always get the initial of the pay scale of the post to which they are appointed. Actually
our presumption is not wrong to a major extent. But can you think of a situation when

this presumption may not hold good? Definitely, there is one. Before proceeding
further, try to think over that.
Have you found the answer? Does it match with the one given by us in our following
You are aware that appointments to a number of posts in the government are made
through H.P. Public Service Commission. The Commission is competent to recommend
the grant of a higher stage of pay than the initial of the pay scale, to a person to whom it
recommends to be appointed. Generally, the Commission recommends the grant of
higher stage keeping in view the educational qualification and experience of a person.
Situation may arise when a particular post may need appointment of a person of stature
and standing in that field e.g. a Specialist in the Surgical Department of a State Hospital
or a Director of a Technical Department. Do you think that a person fit to be appointed
against such posts, will be ready to accept the appointment at the minimum of pay scale
of the post? Under such circumstances, the Commission may not think it proper to lose
the services of such a person and offer a stage of pay that is higher than the minimum of
the pay scale. Therefore, while recommending the appointment of such persons, it
recommends also the grant of a higher stage of pay. The appointing authority is bound
to fix the pay of such persons at the stage of pay recommended by the Commission.
Lets take an example:

H.P.Public Service Commission recommends the appointment of Mr.A to a post
carrying the pay scale of Rs. 14300-400-15900-450-18600-500-20100. As Mr. A is
well qualified to hold that post by virtue of his educational qualifications, research
work in the job-requirements and experience in that line, the Commission
recommends that his pay may be fixed 5 stages higher than the minimum of the
pay scale.
The pay of Mr. A will be fixed at Rs.16350. i.e. five stages higher than the
minimum of the pay scale.
You must keep in mind that the pay of only those persons is to be fixed at higher stages
where the Commission has specifically recommended the grant of a higher stage. If it
recommends that the pay should be fixed under the normal rules, the pay will be fixed
under normal rules of pay fixation. However, where the communication by the
Commission does not contain any specific recommendation, the pay is to be fixed at the
minimum of the pay scale of the post to which appointed.

H.P.Public Service Commission is a body that recommends the appointments. It does not make
appointments. Appointing authorities are those authorities that issue the appointment orders. The
recruitment and promotion rules of different categories of posts contain the name of the authorities who
are competent to make appointments to that category of posts.

Miss X was holding a post in the government as a Trained Graduate Teacher in
the pay scale of Rs. 5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 . She applies through
proper channel for the post of a school Lecturer in the pay scale of 6400-200-7000220-8100-275-10300-340-10640. The Commission recommends her appointment to
the post of school Lecturer. It does not say anything about the pay to be drawn by
Since Miss X was already holding a post in the Government and has been
appointed to a higher post now, her fixation of pay will be done under normal
provisions of the rules. The case will be covered under the Pay fixation on
Transfer to a Higher Post. She will not get the minimum of the pay scale.
Find how the pay of Miss X would have been fixed as a school Lecturer in the
above example had she been appointed for the first time in the government

How would you have fixed the pay of Miss X had she been holding a post in an
identical pay scale prior to her appointment as school Lecturer.



Dear learner, do you agree with us that this pay fixation, popularly known as pay
fixation on promotion, is the most occurring event in the service careers of government
servants? If we sort out the pay fixation cases, the fixation of pay to higher posts takes
a lions share. You should, however, keep in mind that the rules governing the pay
fixation on promotions do not
apply only to the promotional cases . When a
government servant is appointed from a lower post to a higher post, these rules are
equally applicable. . That is why we are using the term transfer instead of
promotion. Our example in Section 1.3.1 is a befitting case here too. But all provisions

are not equally applicable to the cases of promotions and appointments. Therefore, you
should not deem these terms as inter-changeable. We have also used the term higher
post. Before we venture into the laid down provisions of pay fixations on transfer to a
higher post, lets first understand what we mean by a higher post.
You have many a time used the term promotion. You know that this obviously is used
for a higher post. The term higher is used in relation to the post held before
promotion. For example, if an Assistant is promoted to the post of Superintendent
Gr.II, the post of Assistant becomes a lower post and that of Superintendent Gr.II
becomes a higher post. Are you aware that before we treat a post as higher one, it
should fulfill two conditions? These conditions are:

The new post must involve assumption of duties and responsibilities of

greater importance. The comparison of duties is to be made with the
duties and responsibilities attached to the post held prior to
promotion/appointment. In cases of promotion the test is quite simple.
You may go through the Recruitment and Promotion Rules of the
category of post to which promotion is to be made. These rules contain a
clause mode/method of filling up of posts. If this clause contains the
name of category from which promotion is to be made, the new post
automatically becomes a higher post. Lets continue our example of
Assistant and Superintendent Gr..II, We will go through the clause
stated above incorporated in the Recruitment and Promotion Rules of
Superintendent Gr.II. That contains 100% by promotion from amongst
Assistants with 5 years service as Assistant. In this case, the category of
Assistants is to be termed as a feeder category. Naturally, it is to be
presumed that the post of Superintendent Gr.II carries duties and
responsibilities of greater importance compared to that of Assistant.

In the first condition for higher post, we discussed that the new post
must involve assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater
importance. Fulfillment of this condition alone, does not mean that we
will treat the new post as a higher post. To pass our test of higher
post, the new post must also carry a higher pay scale as compared to the
lower post.

You know that both the posts - the feeder and the promotional, carry independent pay
scales. Both the pay scales will have their respective minimums, maximums and the
spans of the pay scales. You are aware that the minimum is that stage of pay from
which the pay scale starts. Similarly, both the scales end on a certain stage of pay. That
stage is to be treated as the maximum. The span of the pay scale is the number of
stages counting from minimum and reaching the maximum


In the pay scale of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660, determine the minimum, the maximum
and the span of the pay scale.
Span of pay Scale:
7220-7440-7660-7880-8100-8375-8650-8925-9200-9475-9750-10025-1030010640-10980-11320-11660 = 17 years.

For comparison of the pay scales, you are to see if the minimum of a post is less than
the other, the post with higher start is a higher post. If minimum is same, you should see
the maximum of both the pay scales. The post ending with higher stage of pay is the
higher one. Where both these criteria fail, count the span of the pay scales. The post
with a higher span is a higher post.
You are now familiar with the two tests. The new post must qualify both these tests
before it could be termed as a higher post. If either of the two conditions is not
fulfilled, the new post is not to be treated as a higher post and consequently our
discussions in this sub-section will not apply to those cases. These provisions are also
to be applied with certain changes, where a government servant is promoted to a higher
post after having received the benefit of Assured Career Progression Scheme. We will
take up that later in a separate section.
State if the 2nd post is a higher post or not. Use the space provided to give your



Pay Scale of the

Ist Post

Pay Scale of the

2nd Post

Duties and
responsibilities of
2nd post
compared to Ist



Of greater



Of greater

Yes, if 2nd
post is a
higher post.
Say No, if it
is not


Having determined that the new post is a higher post, we now take up the provisions
for fixation on transfer to that post.



Government servants on promotion to a higher post on regular basis, get two options.
These are:

to get their pay fixed on the higher post directly from the date of
promotion; and
to get their pay fixed temporarily from the date of promotion and to get it
re-fixed on a date when they would have earned next annual increment in
the feeder post.

The appointing authorities are required to incorporate the facts about the availability of
this right of option in the promotion orders. The government servants should exercise
their options within one month from the date of promotion.
The benefit of option is not applicable in cases of direct appointments and ex-cadre
appointments. In their case the first alternative i.e. direct fixation from the date of
transfer/appointment automatically comes into operation.
The option is also not applicable in case of ad-hoc promotions. The pay of the
government servants who are promoted on ad hoc basis is directly fixed under the first
alternative. However, if their ad hoc promotion is regularized without reversion to lower
post, they get the right of option retrospectively as if promoted on regular basis from the
date of ad hoc promotion. They have to exercise this option within one month from the
date of regularization.
There is yet another case, where the right to option is not available. If the existing pay
of the government servants is less by two stages (or more) than the minimum of the
pay scale of the post to which promoted, this option is not available. In their case, the
pay fixation will be done directly under the first alternative.
A government servant who is drawing basic pay of Rs.9450 w.e.f. 1-4-2001 in the
pay scale of Rs.7880-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660, is promoted to a post
carrying pay scale of Rs.10025-275-10300-340-12000-375-13500-400-15100 w.e.f. 13-2002.

the post from which promoted

The Himachal Pradesh government has withdrawn the benefits available to H.P. government servants
which they earlier enjoyed on transfer to ex-cadre posts. Now neither Deputation allowance nor benefit
through pay fixation on ex-cadre posts is available. The pay fixation on ex-cadre appointments has,
therefore, become redundant.


The pay of the government servant will directly be fixed under the first alternative
i.e. from 1-3-2002 as option is not available in this case.
State whether the following statements are true or false. Use the space provided to
write your answer:



On promotion, the government servants at their discretion can get their pay
fixed in any of the two specified ways subject to the condition that their pay
on old post is not below by two or more than two increments of the minimum
of promotional post.
Option given as at question 1, has to be exercised within one month from the
date of promotion.
The benefit of option is available in all cases of transfers to higher posts.
In cases of ad hoc promotions, followed by regularization without reversion,
the right to exercise option is available retrospectively from the date of ad
hoc promotion
Appointing authorities are required to incorporate the fact about the exercise
of option in the orders of promotion.

Till now you have determined the two facts:

That the post on which transfer is effected, is a higher post; and

Whether the right of option is available or not.

We will now discuss the method of pay fixation under each of the alternatives provided
by the option:
Now you are familiar with the fact that this alternative covers the pay fixation cases of
following categories:

Government servants opting to get their pay fixed directly from the date
of their promotion;
Government servants directly appointed by transfer from other posts.
Initial pay fixation of government servants promoted on ad-hoc basis.
Government servants appointed to ex-cadre posts.
Government servants whose pay is less by two or more stages of the
minimum of new pay scale.

At this stage you should first determine the

See footnote on the previous page.



Basic pay of the government servant that he was drawing immediately

before promotion. Naturally this relates to the post from which
Rate of Increment at that basic pay that the government servant would
have drawn had he not been promoted. You are aware that the
government servants continue to draw increments in the master scale
even if they complete the pay scale. Therefore, If the government
servant is drawing basic pay at the maximum of the pay scale, we will
take the rate of increment of the master scale, which comes next to the
maximum of the pay scale. Thirdly, if the rate of this increment is less
than Rs.100/- we will presume the increment to be consisting of Rs.100/.

(i)Lets presume that the government servant was holding before promotion, a post in the pay
scale of Rs. 7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660. He was drawing a basic pay of Rs. 8925 w.e.f. 14-2001 on this post. The basic pay for our purpose is Rs.8925/- and the rate of increment at the
stage of pay of Rs.8925/- is Rs.275/-.
(ii) Had the employee been drawing Rs.11660/- other facts remaining the same, the rate of
increment for our purpose would have been Rs.340/- (This rate of increment is available in the
master scale Appendix-I))

After having determined these two elements, we will add the both. The resultant figure
is termed as Notional Pay. In the above illustration (i) our notional pay comes to
Determine the notional pay in the illustration (ii) above.




_____________________________ _____________________________
Please note that we have so far taken basic pay and the rate of increment of the lower
post. We have not touched the pay scale of the higher post till this stage. Now after we
have determined the notional pay with the help of these elements, we severe our links
with the lower post and come over the post to which promoted.
Look at the pay scale of the new post. Determine its all stages.



Let us presume that the pay scale of the new post is 7880-220-8100-275-10300-340-12000.
Stages of pay in this scale are : 7880-8100-8375-8650-8925-9200-9475-9750-10025-10300-1064010980-11320-11660-12000.

From these stages, you are now to find out the stage of pay that is next to the notional
pay determined by you. Notional pay in our case was determined at Rs.9200/-. In the
new pay scale, the stage next above this notional pay is Rs.9475. The pay of the
government servant on the new post will be fixed at Rs.9475/- from the date of
promotion. The government servant will draw increment next year from the first day
of the month in which promoted. However, here is one exception. The increment will be
drawn from the Ist of the next month if the government servant joins the new post on
the last day of any month in the afternoon.
Mr.X, serving in the pay scale of 6400-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 is promoted to a post
carrying the pay scale of Rs. 7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 w.e.f. 11-4-2002. He was
drawing his pay at Rs.8375/- in the lower post w.e.f. 1-4-2002. He opts to get his pay fixed
directly from the date of promotion. The pay of Mr. will be determined as under:
1. Basic pay in the lower post
2. Rate of Increment at basic pay in the
lower post
3. Notional Pay
4. Pay in the higher post w.e.f. 11-4-2002
5. Date of next increment in the higher post

Rs.8375/Rs.275/Rs.8375+275= 8650

Fix the pay in the above case had the pay drawn in respect of the lower post been Rs.9200.



Restrictions to abnormal increases in Pay:

The fixation of pay discussed by us above, is subject to the following conditions:

The government servant should have been promoted after he fulfilled the
eligibility conditions prescribed in the Recruitment and Promotion Rules.

Where the promotee did not fulfill the eligibility conditions, the pay is to
be fixed in the same way. However, the increase in the pay should not be
abnormal in this case. Rules restrict the maximum benefit in pay as

Basic Pay on lower post

Amount of maximum increase in basic pay

(maximum Rs.1000)

Up to Rs.8000
Exceeding Rs.8000/-

15% of basic pay

12 % of basic pay

While applying the above ceiling of maximum benefit, if by adding the

benefit of above percentage, the pay comes to be minimum or more than
minimum, the pay is to be fixed at the minimum.

The pay of lower post held on regular basis is to be taken into account
while fixing pay on a higher post.

Protection of pay drawn on previous occasions:

Prior regular service rendered, if any, on a post in the same time scale or in an
identical time scale of the new post, also qualifies for determining the initial pay on the
new post subject to laid down conditions. The intention of this provision is that if a
government servant has earlier held a post but was reverted thereafter and is now again
promoted, should not get less pay than he drew on such higher post earlier. However,
this provision does not apply to cases of re-appointment/re-promotions after resignation,
removal or dismissals from service. Further, in some cases some government servants
are required to tender resignation before taking up new assignment with proper
permission. This type of resignation is treated as a technical resignation. These
provisions are applicable to the cases of technical resignations with certain additional
conditions. We will have a talk on them later.

Same time scale means when the pay scale of two posts is identical and both the posts fall in a cadre
or a class of cadre. Cadre means the strength of a service or a part of a service sanctioned as a separate

Identical Time Scale posts are those posts, where the minimum, the maximum, the rate of increment
and the period of increment of both the posts are same.


This provision of protection of pay drawn earlier and counting of incremental periods,
is applicable under the following circumstances:


When the government servants have held in permanent or temporary

capacity either the same post or a permanent or temporary post on the
same time scale.
The benefit of protection is also admissible subject to certain additional
conditions if such previously held permanent or temporary post was in
identical time scale. Whether such identical time scale post was in the
government or in a body that is wholly or substantially owned or
controlled by the government, does not matter. The benefit is admissible
in both cases. We will also discuss the additional conditions soon.
The benefit of a tenure post held on earlier occasion is admissible only
if the new appointment is also to a tenure post. This benefit is subject to
the following conditions:
o Appointment to the new tenure post should have been made only
subject to eligibility of recruitment and promotion rules of that
post; and
o The pay scale of the new tenure post must be identical with the
post held on earlier occasion.

In the above cases, the initial basic pay to be fixed on promotion/appointment cannot
be less than the basic pay last drawn by the government servant on the previous
occasion. Further the broken incremental periods of service at that stage of pay also
count while determining the date of next increment on fresh promotion/appointment.
If the previous post was a temporary post and some pre-mature increments were
granted to the government servant on that post, the pay to be protected will normally be
the pay drawn as if these pre-mature increments were not granted.
Lets take an illustration:
A government servant who was drawing a basic pay of Rs.10300/- in the pay scale
of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 is promoted to a higher post in the pay
scale of Rs.7880-220-8100-275-10300-340-12000 on regular basis from 1-4-2000.
Due to non-availability of post, he was reverted to his lower post w.e.f. 1-10-2001
but was re-promoted to the same post w.e.f.1-12-2001. The pay of the government
servant on re-promotion from 1-12-2001, will be fixed as follows:

This is a permanent post which an individual cannot hold for more than a limited period e.g.Chairman
of H.P. Public Service Commission



Lower post (7220-11660)

Higher post (7880-12000)

1-4-2000 to


1-4-2001 to
1-10-2001 to


Date of next increment





11320 DNI 1-6-2002

Have you observed the change in the date of increment on re-promotion? On re-promotion we
fixed the pay of the government servant at Rs.11320/- which is the same stage at which he drew
pay on that post when he held it on the previous occasion. Therefore, no protection as to the
basic pay was necessitated. However, at this stage of pay, he had already worked for 6 months at
that time. Therefore, these six months will count towards determining his increment being at the
same stage of pay. Since the total incremental period is 1 year (12 months), he will have to
render another service for 6 months at this stage to earn the next increment. That is why his
date of next increment has been determined as 1-6-2002.

(I) You are given the following data. Determine the pay and the dates of next increments of the
incumbent from time to time. The government servants opts for the Ist alternative.

Basic Pay in Substantive Capacity

= Rs.8375 w.e.f 1-3-2000


Scale of permanent post held substantively


7000- 220- 8100-

Promoted w.e.f.1-4-2000 to officiate

On a post in the pay scale of

Date of reversion to permanent post

= 1-9-2001

Date of regular promotion to the

post in the pay scale of
Ans: ________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________ _________________________________


Benefit of protection of previously held identical time scale posts:

We had earlier talked about certain additional conditions for extending benefit of
protection to persons who held on previous occasions, a post in identical time scale.
Rules extend the benefit of protection of stage of pay drawn in an identical time scale
post, as also the benefit of broken incremental periods at that stage of pay, in the
following cases:

Where initial pay is fixed on reversion to parent post from a post in a

government body that is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by
the government. Such body need not necessarily be incorporated; and
Service rendered in the government on an identical time scale posts;

However, extension of this benefit will only be granted if the following conditions are

The government servant to whom this benefit is to be extended should

have been approved for appointment to that grade in parent cadre;


All seniors of the government servant should be serving either in posts

carrying the scale of pay in which benefit is to be allowed or they must
be holding some higher posts. This is not any pre-condition that all his
seniors should be serving in the department itself. They may be serving
anywhere either in the same scale of pay or on some higher post. To
simplify, this implies that all the seniors of the government servant
should already have been promoted at least to the post in which benefit
to the government servant is to be allowed;


At least one junior should have been promoted in the department to the
post that carries the same pay scale in which benefit is to be allowed..
Additionally, he should also be holding a post in the department. If such
junior was the last person holding this post and he is not serving in the
Department, the senior cannot get the benefit of protection.


The service on such higher post will count from the date of promotion of
the junior. The total benefit will not exceed the period for which the
government servant would have held that higher post but for holding the
identical time scale post.

Lets take an illustration to understand the implications of what we have discussed on

protection of pay drawn in an identical time scale post:


Mr.A, Ms B, Ms C and Mr.D hold posts of Assistant Controllers and their names are
consecutively in the seniority list. Mr.A is senior-most and Mr.D is junior-most. All of them
are in the pay scale of Rs. Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 drawing basic pay of
Rs.9200/- from 1-6-99. Subsequently, Mr.A and Ms B were promoted as Deputy Controllers in
the pay scale of Rs. .7880-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 w.e.f. 1-4-2000. From 1-6-2000, Ms C
was deputed on a post carrying pay scale of Rs. .7880-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 outside
the Department. Mr.D was also promoted w.e.f. 1-8-2001 in the department, to a post
carrying this pay scale. Ms C reverts to the department and joins the post of Deputy
Controller w.e.f. 1-4-2002.
Pay of Ms. C, on reversion to parent cadre post, will be fixed as under:
(i) 1-6-99 to 31-5-2000
(ii) 1-6-2000 to 31-5-2001
(iii)1-6-2001 to 31-3-2002
DNI 1-8-2002
Ms.C was holding an identical time scale post drawing basic pay of Rs.10300/-. She will get
the benefit of protection of pay on an identical time scale only from the date her junior is
promoted in the department. Here the date of promotion of the junior is 1-8-2001. Since Ms C
has worked for 8 months after this date and drew pay at the same stage in an identical time
scale, her increment in the department will be pre-poned by 8 months. Therefore, her date of
increment has been determined to be 1-8-2002 instead of 1-4-2003.

Application of provisions on technical resignations:

The above provisions are applicable to technical resignations if the following
additional conditions are also fulfilled:

The application for new post should have been sent either through proper
channel or after proper permission.
If the government servant had applied for certain other posts before
joining and is now selected against any of the such posts, the benefit of
protection can be extended if the government servant:

has intimated immediately after his/her joining the details of such

specifically requests on selection to other post to treat the
resignation as technical resignation and gives complete details;
The authority competent to accept the resignation is of the firm
opinion that the application for the new post would have been
forwarded had the government servant applied for that, after



Dear Learner, so far we have discussed how the pay of government servants is fixed
when they opt to get their pay fixed directly from the date of their promotion to a higher
post. You are also now familiar with the circumstances under which pay has necessarily
to be fixed under this alternative and no option is available.
You will recall our discussions on availability of option for fixation of pay on regular
promotions. The government servants on promotion are entitled to get their pay fixed
under the first alternative, which we have discussed in detail.
You also know that as a second alternative, they can get their pay fixed temporarily
from the date of promotion and then get it re-fixed from the date of accrual of next
increment in the lower post. You also know that in cases of ad-hoc promotion, this
option is not admissible. However, option becomes retrospectively available to them if
such ad-hoc appointment is regularized without reversion. The benefit of option is also
not admissible if the government servants on the lower post was drawing a pay two
stages or below than the minimum of the new pay scale. Benefit of option on promotion
is, therefore, admissible only if the following conditions are fulfilled:

The promotion to a higher post is on regular basis;


The basic pay of the government servant is not more than one stage
below than the minimum of the new pay scale;

Mr. A holding a post in the pay scale of 5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 is promoted to a post
carrying pay scale of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 w.e.f. 1-9-2001. He was drawing basic
pay of Rs.6800/- on his lower post w.e.f. 1-10-2000. He requests that his pay on promotion be fixed
temporarily from 1-9-2001 and thereafter, it be refixed from the date of accrual of next increment
in the lower post that he would have drawn but for his promotion. Since the pay of Mr. A on lower
post on the date of promotion is less by 2 stages than the minimum of pay scale of the higher post,
the benefit of option is not extendable to him. His pay is to be fixed under the first alternative i.e.
directly from the date of promotion.


If Ad-hoc promotion is followed by regularization without reversion.

Mr.X holding a post in the pay scale of 5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 is promoted on ad hoc
basis to a post carrying pay scale of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 w.e.f. 1-9-2001. He
continued to work on the higher post till 1-11-2002 from which date his services on that post were
Mr.X becomes entitled to avail the option with retrospective effect i.e. w.e.f.1-9-2001 the date of
his ad hoc promotion.


How would you have processed/decided the case of option by Mr.X had he been reverted to the
lower post from 1-4-2002 and again promoted from 5-4-2002?

Let us now discuss as to how the pay of a government servant who fulfills the above
conditions and opts for the second alternative, is to be fixed and re-fixed.
Here also, you are to take as base the basic pay that the government servant so
promoted, was drawing immediately before promotion. That is, we are to consider the
last pay drawn on the lower post. After having determined this pay, you are
immediately to switch over to the new pay scale. As we have done under the first
alternative, you are to determine the stages of the new pay scale. At this stage you are
having with you two elements (i) last basic pay drawn on the lower post and (ii)
stages of pay of the new pay-scale. In these stages of pay, you are to find out the stage
that is next above the basic pay determined by you. The government servant will draw
that basic pay as a temporary measure, from the date of promotion. You have
completed the first stage temporary fixation of pay on promotion. Our job ends here
till the government servant would have drawn annual increment in the lower scale of
pay but for promotion.
The temporary fixation of pay comes to an end on the date when the government
servant would have drawn increment in the lower scale, but for promotion. We will redetermine the pay of the government servant on this date on the lower post.
Do you agree that the government servant would have drawn an increment here on this
date? Lets add that to the basic pay he/she last drew on this lower post. Now this is the
basic pay that would have been drawn by the government servant had he/she not been
promoted? This basic pay becomes our basis for re-fixation of pay from this date.
Once you have determined the above basic pay of the lower post, there is no difference
between the pay fixation under the first alternative and that under the second alternative.
You are to repeat the same steps. Add one increment to the basic pay so arrived at to
find the notional pay. Now determine the stages of the new pay scale and then find out
the stage that is immediately next above this notional pay. This is the pay determined on
re-fixation. The government servant will draw this pay now. He/She will draw next
increment after one year from this date. Is it not so simple?


Lets take an illustration on the 2nd alternative.

Mr. M is holding a post in the pay scale of Rs.5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-8925. He is
drawing a basic pay of Rs.8650 from 1-7-2001 in this pay scale. He is promoted w.e.f. 1-122001 to a higher post that carries the pay scale of Rs.6400-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200. Mr.
M opts to get his pay fixed on promotion, under the 2nd alternative.
The pay of Mr. will be fixed as follows:
Step-I. Temporary fixation on the date of promotion(1-12-2001):

Rs.8650/(i) Pay in the lower post on 1-12-2001

(ii)Stage in the new pay scale next above this pay


Step-II: Re-fixation of pay from the date of accrual of next increment in the lower post i.e. 17-2002:
Presumptive Pay drawn on the lower post

Rate of increment at this stage on the lower

Notional Pay
Pay re-fixed w.e.f. 1-7-2002 in the new pay scale
at the stage next above the notional pay
Date of Next increment


Protection of Pay drawn on previous occasion:

You are familiar with the provisions of protection of pay drawn on previous occasions
by the government servants on the same post and posts in the same or identical time
scales of pay. We had detailed discussions on them while talking about pay fixation
under the first alternative. Those provisions are applicable in their totality for the pay
fixations made under 2nd alternative. We believe that you are fully capable of applying
those and , therefore, will not require us to repeat those here.

This pay will be drawn on the new post till 30-6-2002, the date on which the government servant would
have drawn increment in the lower post but for his promotion. On that date he will cease to draw this pay.

This is the basic pay last drawn on the lower post plus increment that would have become due on 1-72002 but for promotion. Please see carefully that although amount determined on fixation of pay in first
step and the pay of lower post determined now are the same, yet their constituents are different.


With this we have come to an end on our deliberations concerning pay fixations on
higher posts. We do hope that you have worked through these provisions and will not
find any difficulty in processing and deciding the cases of pay fixation while
government servants are promoted to higher posts. Lets now ponder over to another
step to our pay fixation in a different aspect placements.



In sub-section 1.3.2, you have discussed in detail the laid down provisions relating to
the fixation of pay on higher posts. You know how we are to determine the fact that the
new post is a higher post. Do you remember that to be a higher post, we had applied
two tests (i)test of duties and responsibilities and (ii)test of pay scale. If the post
cleared both of these two tests, we termed the post as a higher post. Accordingly, we
deliberated on the method of pay fixation on promotion/appointment to that post. We
are now left with the pay fixation of those posts that could not qualify these tests
because of the following reasons:

the new post did not involve assumption of duties and responsibilities of
greater importance as compared to the old post; or

the pay scale of the new post was not a higher one in relation to pay scale
of the old post;

When a government servant is appointed to any of such posts that does not fulfill both
these tests, we term the appointment as placement. Lets have a couple of illustrations
on such posts first:

(1) In the four tier system of pay scales, the incumbent are allowed higher time scale of pay after
definite years of service in the cadre. On the grant of such higher pay scale, the designation of
the incumbent is also changed in some cases. However, all posts starting from entry scale to the
fourth tier have been declared as not involving duties and responsibilities of greater importance.
Therefore, when a government servant under this system of pay scales is granted a higher
scale/higher status, the pay fixation is not done as on higher post. Officers of H.A..S. Cadre,
H.P.S.Cadre, Medical Officers and Engineers are some of the examples of such placement.
Horticulture/Agriculture Development Officers are also examples of similar nature. Although
officers of all the above and many more other cadres are given higher scales of pay after certain
years of service, yet the new post is not treated to be carrying duties and responsibilities of
greater importance for the purpose of pay fixation.
(2) Our second test was to compare the pay scales of old and new post. The new post to be a
higher post must carry a higher pay scale. The recruitment and promotion rules of the post of
Deputy Director (Education) provide that the post will be filled up by promotion from amongst
the District Education Officers. Thus the post of District Education Officer becomes a feeder
post for promotion to the post of Deputy Director. However, the pay scale of both these posts is
same. Therefore, when any District Education Officer is promoted to the post of Deputy


Director, he/she is not deemed to have been promoted. Instead, we are to treat him as placed.
This is because of that provision of the rules which says that posts in the same time scale or an
identical time scales are not to be deemed to carry duties and responsibilities of greater
importance. This is a case where the post of Deputy Director is higher, the post of District
Education Officer being a feeder post. However, because it does not carry a higher pay scale, we
cannot treat it as a higher post for the purpose of fixation of pay.

Fixation of pay:
Lets now discuss the method of fixation of pay when the new post either does not
involve duties and responsibilities of greater importance or it does not carry a higher
pay scale. We may face two types of cases here:

Where pay drawn by a government servant on old post is less than

minimum of pay scale of the new post; and
Where same stage of pay is available in the pay scale of the new post as
the government servant was drawing in the old post immediately before
Where same stage of pay is not available in the new pay scale as the
government servant was drawing in the old post immediately before

The method of fixation of pay is quite simple in the first case. If the minimum of the
new post is higher than the pay being drawn by the government servant on old post, the
pay is to be fixed at the minimum of the pay scale of the new post. In such a case, the
government servant will draw next increment after one year of fixation of pay on new
If the pay scale of the new post does have the same stage of pay as he/she is drawing in
the old post on the date of placement, the pay will be fixed at the same stage in the new
pay scale. Government servant will draw increment in the new pay scale on the date it
was due in respect of the old post. Did you find here that no financial benefit accrues to
a government servant in such a situation? Neither his/her basic pay changes nor there
comes any change in the date of increment.
If the same stage of pay in the new pay scale is not available, the pay in the new scale is
fixed at the stage next above his/her pay of the old post. In such a case, the government
servant will draw the next increment after completion of one year from the date of such
fixation. Of course, the increment is to be allowed from first of the month in which it
falls due.
You have seen that the rules afford two alternatives to government servants who are
promoted to higher posts. Somewhat similar alternatives are available here also. These


The government servants can get their pay fixed directly from the date of
their placement; or
They can continue to draw the pay of the old post and get it fixed in the
pay scale of the new post from the date they would have earned their
next increment in the old post.

The benefit of option is available for appointments only within the cadre not available
for ex-cadre appointments.
Dear learner, you are aware that the government of Himachal Pradesh has allowed its
employees the pay scales under a master pay scale. The master pay scale is Rs.2520100-3220-110-3660-120-4260-140-4400-150-5000-160-5800-200-7000-220-8100-27510300-340-12000-375-13500-400-15900-450-18600-500-23600. All the scales granted
to the State government employees under the H.P.C.S.(Revised Pay)Rules, 1998 are a
part of this pay scale. The main inference that comes from the master pay scale is that
irrespective of the pay scale of the post, all employees will get the same rate of
increment at a particular stage e.g. If a Superintendent Gr. I draws basic pay of Rs.8650
in the pay scale of Rs. 7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 as also an Assistant draws
Rs.8650 in the pay scale of Rs.5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200, both will draw the
same rate of increment.
Another implication of the master scale is that some of the stages of two adjacent pay
scales are bound to overlap in maximum number of cases. You can find that in our
example of the pay scales of Superintendent Gr.I and that of an Assistant, all stages of
pay from Rs.7220 to Rs. 9220 are available in both the scales. This being the position,
you will hardly face any case where on placement same stage of pay is not available in
the new pay scale unless it is less than the minimum. In view of this, the pay on
placement will either be fixed at the minimum of the new pay scale or at the stage of
pay that was being drawn in the pay scale of the old post. The concept of option also,
therefore, does not come into operation.
Lets now take some illustrations on the methods of pay fixation when placement takes
Mr. Z is holder of a post in the pay scale of Rs.7800-275-10300-340-12000. He is drawing
Rs.9200 w.e.f. 1-5-2001 in this post. On 1-9-2001, he is transferred to another post carrying the
pay scale of Rs.10025-275-10300-340-12000-375-13500.
The pay of Mr. Z is less than minimum of the pay scale of new post. Therefore, his pay will be
fixed at Rs.10025 on 1-9-2001, with date of next increment from 1-9-2002.
In the above illustration, what would have been the position had the basic pay been
Rs.10640/- instead of Rs.9200?
Since same stage of pay is available, the pay of Mr.Z, would have been fixed at the same stage
with date of increment in the new pay scale as 1-5-2002.


Protection of Pay drawn on previous occasion:

You are familiar with the provisions of protection of pay drawn on previous occasions
by the government servants on the same post and posts in the same or identical time
scales of pay. We had detailed discussions on them while talking about pay fixation
under the first alternative. Those provisions are also applicable in their totality here.
We are not repeating those and leave those to be applied by you.


Dear Learner, you must be aware of the provisions of rules relating to reversions to the
lower posts. Reversions can be on two grounds (i) Reversions as a disciplinary
measure on account of inefficiency or misbehavior and (ii) Reversions on request of the
government servant. We will separately devote our time for covering the cases of
reversions as a disciplinary measure. Here we are taking up the fixation of pay of a
government servant who seeks an on-request reversion.
We had ample discussions on the method of pay fixation in cases of placement. In the
context of H.P. government servants, the pay on placement in a new pay scale is
generally fixed either at the minimum of the new pay scale or at the same stage that the
government servant was drawing immediately before placement. You are well aware of
the provisions as to when it is to be fixed at the minimum and when at the same stage.
Identical provisions are applicable when we fix the pay of a government servant who
seeks reversion on request to a lower post. Here, however, minimum of new pay scale
cannot be less than the pay drawn by the government servant on old post. Find out
yourself, why? It (basic pay on higher post) can be more than the maximum of the new
pay scale. Therefore, if the pay drawn by such a government servant in the old post is
higher than the maximum of the new pay scale, the pay on transfer to a lower post will
be fixed at the maximum of the new pay scale. The other provision remains the same. If
the new pay scale does have the same stage of pay that the government servant is
drawing in the old post, the pay is to be fixed at the same stage
The provisions with regard to the protection of pay drawn on same or identical post that
we discussed in the first alternative under pay fixation on appointment to higher posts
are fully applicable here also.

Mr. S is drawing basic pay of Rs.9200 in the pay scale of Rs.5800--9200. Owing to some
domestic compulsions, he seeks reversion to a post carrying the pay scale of Rs.5480-8925.
Since the pay drawn by Mr. S exceeds the maximum of the new pay scale, his pay on
reversion will be fixed at Rs.8925/- i.e. at the maximum of the new pay scale.


Fix the pay of Mr. S if in the above illustration if he would have been drawing basic pay of
Rs.7880/- in stead of Rs.9200. Before that, completely write the pay scales of both the posts from
master scale of pay.

Ans:(i)Pay scales:5480-8925______________________________________________________
(ii) Pay fixed at:




Dear Learner, you know that the Government of Himachal Pradesh has implemented a
scheme popularly known as ACP i.e. Assured Career Progression Scheme. Have you
gone through the provisions of the same? If you have, you must be aware of the
objective behind implementation of the scheme. In many of the Departments a number
of government servants remain stagnated in the same pay scale. You will appreciate the
human psychology. Stagnation is bound to breed in to them the most dangerous thing
inefficiency in administration. Government servants are human beings and need
appreciation for their job-performance. The best way to appreciate their work is to
provide them a dynamic career. That is why in the government, you observe that most
of the higher posts are filled up by promotion from amongst the serving government
servants. Despite this, a number of government servants remain stagnant in the same
pay scale for years together. The government has fully appreciated their grievance. The
assured career progression scheme is an effort to inculcate dynamism in the career of
the government servants. The main objective behind the implementation of the scheme
is to ensure that no government servant retires in the same pay scale in which he/she
was recruited. You will see in our discussions to follow that under the scheme if a
person serves the government for 32 years in the same post, he/she is bound to get at the
minimum 4 increments (including 2 higher pay scales) in his/her service career. Well
deliberate on this aspect later.
This scheme is not applicable to those government servants who are to be allowed pay
scales under 4 or 3 tier systems of pay scales. You already know about some of those
categories e.g. Officers of H.A.S. and H.P.S. cadres, Medical Officers, Engineers,
H.D.O.s, A.D.Os. etc. The scheme also does not apply to government servant to whom
U.G.C. pay structure is applicable. It also does not apply to those categories of
government servants for whom benefit of career progression is already available.
However, since the work-charged employees are governed under the same structure as
other employees of the State government, these provisions are applicable to them.


The benefits of the scheme are to be allowed w.e.f.1-1-1996 or from the date the
government servants switches over to the pay scale under HPCS(Revised Pay)Rules,
1998, whichever is later. This is equally applicable even if government servants become
entitled to the benefits prior to 1-1-96.
Before venturing into the benefits granted by the scheme, let us once again go back to
recapitulate some aspects of the master pay scale. You are familiar with the master
scale. You also know that pay scales granted to H.P. government employees under the
C.C.S. (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 are a part of the master pay scale. This master-pay
scale has many divisions each called a pay scale. We are providing you with a list of
these divisions at Appendix-I.
Please go through Appendix-I. Tick the pay scale of your post. Then observe the
scale of pay, which comes next to it in this list. Encircle it.
Let us now come over to the benefits of this scheme. The structure of the scheme is
such that if a government servant does not get any addition to basic pay except on
account of

Annual Increment including advance/pre-mature increments

acquiring higher qualifications and sports activities; and
Revision of pay scales


Then after 8 years, 16 years, 24 years and 32 years of service, he/she will be granted
benefit under the scheme on these occasions. The benefit is to be allowed only if he/she
has received no addition to pay barring the above two elements. Lets discuss the
benefits of the scheme:


You are now aware that the scheme provides additional benefit to a government servant
after 8, 16, 24 and 32 years of service on fulfillment of certain conditions. Lets discuss
the bonanza that is available to a government servant:
When government servants remain working continuously for 8 years on a post :

Without promotion to a higher post; and

Without getting any additions to basic pay barring exceptions that we
have discussed,

they become entitled to two benefits simultaneously as follows:



They will be placed in the next scale of pay. Next here does not mean
the next scale in the line of promotion. It means the scale next in the list
at appendix I. You are to find out the existing scale of the government
servant. Then you are to find out the scale next higher to it in this list
The government servant is to be placed in this scale. Dont worry even if
the scale does not exist in your department.


After having determined the pay scale to be granted, you are to fix the
pay of the government servant in this scale. The basic pay of the
government servant is already with you. Determine the stages of the new
pay scale. Now find a stage that is next above the basic pay of the
government servant. This is the stage at which pay of the government
servant is to be fixed. If the minimum of the new pay scale is higher
than the stage that was being drawn in the old scale, the pay will be fixed
at that minimum. You are to take care of one important point here. If
the government servants had drawn any benefit under the then scheme of
Proficiency Step-up on completion of 8 years, the next stage of pay is not
to be granted. They will draw pay at the same stage without any change
in the date of increment.

Did you see the difference in fixation? In normal cases of placement we fix the pay of
the government servants at the same stage. Under this scheme it is fixed at the stage
next above. Isnt it?
Have you given two benefits to the government servant the next higher scale and the
next stage of pay?. You need not to determine the date of next increment in the higher
The government servant will draw annual increment on the date it would have fallen
due but for the grant of higher scale. In other words, the old date of increment remains
unchanged. However, if the pay is fixed at the minimum, the next increment will be
granted after full incremental period.
Mr. A a Section Officer is appointed to this post on 10-6-92. On revision of pay scales, his pay
in the revised scale of Rs.7000-220-8100-275-10300-340-10640 was fixed at Rs.8100 w.e.f. 1-1-96
with date of next increment on 1-6-96. He fulfills all the eligibility conditions for the grant of
benefit under ACP.


Mr. A becomes entitled to the grant of Ist benefit under the ACP scheme w.e.f. 10-6-2000. His
placement and pay will be regulated as under:
Existing Scale:
Next scale as per Appendix I 7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660
Therefore, Mr. A will be placed in the pay scale of Rs. 7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 w.e.f.

Pay fixed on 1-1-996

Annual Increment 1-6-96
Annual Increment 1-6-97
Annual Increment 1-6-98
Annual Increment 1-6-99
Annual Increment 1-6-2000
Pay on 10-6-2000


Stages of Pay Scale: 7220-7440..8100-8375.9200-9475-9750-10025-1030010340.11660

Stage next above the existing pay: Rs. 9750
Mr. A is entitled to the basic pay of Rs..9750 w.e.f.. 10-6-2000 in the pay scale of Rs. 7220-2208100-275-10300-340-11660. He will earn his annual increment w.e.f. 1-6-2001.

Now comes another question. How will you fix the pay if such government servants are
promoted to higher posts on any date after the grant of this scale but before completing
16 years service? Here one important point is to be considered by you. You are to see as
to from which date the first benefit (next higher scale + next higher stage) of this
scheme has been given. If the date of grant of this benefit is pre 1-1-1996, the fixation
is to be done in normal way as discussed in Section 1.3. If this dual benefit has been
granted on or after 1-1-1996, the fixation is to be done as per discussion that follows.
The instructions provide that they are to be granted one increment instead of two
normally available, on such promotion. You are now familiar with the provisions of the
rules determining pay on promotions. That does not speak of any concept of two
increments. Therefore, we are waiting for the amplification from the government on this
issue. Till then, lets honour the directive. We have already talked on master scale. If
you go deeply into the fixation of pay on higher post, you will find that government
servants virtually get benefit of two increments on promotion in the master scale. Lets
pay him one increment only. Therefore, now our pay fixation structure for those who
get promotion after receiving benefit under ACPS, becomes as under:


(i) If the government servants opt the Ist alternative:

Pay in such cases is to be fixed at the stage next above the pay they are drawing. The
instructions are silent over the grant of next increment on regular promotion. This
implies that the same is to be determined under the Fundamental Rules. Fundamental
Rules say that the increment is to be granted after one year service in such cases.
Therefore, the government servant gets next increment after one year from the date of
regular promotion.
(I) Mr. X, Superintendent Gr.II was appointed on promotion to this post from 1-7-87.
Under the then instructions of Proficiency Step-up, he was granted a proficiency step
up w.e.f. 1-7-95. While he was drawing Rs.8650 as basic pay with DNI on 1-11-99, he
is promoted to the post of Superintendent Gr.I. w.e.f. 1-7-1999. He opts to get his pay
fixed under Ist alternative. The pay scale of Superintendent Gr.II is 6400-200-7000220-8100-275-10300-340-10640 and of Superintendent Gr.I is 7220-220-8100-27510300-340-11660.
Since Mr. X has been granted Proficiency step up prior to 1-1-1996 that will not
affect the pay fixation on regular promotion.
Therefore, pay of Mr. X on regular promotion will be fixed under normal rules
and not under the provisions of ACP.
In illustration (I) above, had it made any difference in our
fixation on regular promotion if the date of appointment of Mr. X as Superintendent
Grade-II would have been 1-7-90 and his pay w.e.f. 1-11-96 at Rs. 8100, other facts
remaining the same.
Yes, the pay fixation would have entirely been different in the 2nd case. This is because of the
reason that in illustration(I), proficiency increment granted before 1-1-96 does not affect the
fixation on regular promotion. In the 2nd case, Mr.X would have been granted higher pay scale
+ stage next above. This benefit is to be adjusted on regular promotion. In the 2nd case, the
fixation would have been done as follows:

1. Pay on 1-11-96 as Supdt.Gr.II

2. Annual Increment 1-11-97
3. First Benefit under ACP scheme 1-


4. Annual increment 1-11-98

5. Pay fixed on 1-7-99 as Supdt. Gr.I
6. Date of next increment 1-7-2000





next scale in hierarchy of pay scales as per appendix-I

Grant of next stage under ACP does not affect old date of increment.


Scale of pay

Fix the pay of Mr. X on 1-7-1999 and then re-fix it on 1-11-1999 in illustration (I)
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________

(ii) If the government servants opt the 2nd alternative:

The instructions are silent over the issue of first fixation from the date of promotion.
Lets combine, pending clarification by the government, instructions of the government
and the provisions of Fundamental Rules. Usually, from the date of promotion, the
government servants are to be allowed stage next above the pay as a temporary
measure. This stage already stands granted to them under the scheme. Therefore, at this
stage they will only be granted the new pay scale and not the stage. No change in basic
pay will result. Then comes the re-fixation. On the date of accrual of next increment in
the old post, the position becomes clear. Well grant annual increment over and above
the pay being drawn by the government servant on that date. We will give yet another
one increment of new pay scale on account of re-fixation. He will draw next increment
after one year from the date of such re-fixation.


In illustration II in our previous case, the pay of Mr.X would have been fixed as under if he had
given the option for the 2nd alternative:
1. Pay on 1-11-96 as Supdt. Gr.II


2. Annual Increment 1-11-97

3. First Benefit under ACP scheme 1-7-98


4. Annual increment 1-11-98

5. Pay fixed on 1-7-99 as Supdt. Gr.I


6. Pay re-fixed on 1-11-99




7. Date of next increment 1-11-2000


Did you observe from the above discussion that the first benefit is a temporary benefit?
It is at least temporary to those who are subsequently promoted to higher posts. On
regular promotion, the government servants will draw the same pay that would have
been drawn by them but for this benefit. The intention behind this is clearly the
objective of the scheme. When a government servant is promoted on regular basis, the
stagnation ends. The benefit is, therefore, definitely to be treated as a stopgap
arrangement to end stagnation.
We had detailed deliberations on the benefit to be granted after 8 years service.
Examples are not lacking where the government servants neither get regular promotions
nor any increase in their basic pay(barring exceptions) even after 8 years. It may happen
that such government servants remain on the same post or alike and complete 16 years
of service without any increase in pay barring exceptions. At this stage the increase in
their basic pay granted to them as a first benefit under the scheme is also to be ignored
i.e. it also becomes our exception. Such government servants are to be granted one
increment as a proficiency step up. Here, no further scale is to be granted. They will
earn their next increment from the date it was due to them prior to the grant of
proficiency step up. In other words, their date of increment again remains unchanged.
Another important adjustment awaits you here. Under the then scheme of proficiency
step-ups, government servants were eligible for one proficiency step-up each, after
completion of 8 years of service and 18 years of service.

next scale in hierarchy of pay scales as per appendix-I

Grant of next stage under ACP does not affect old date of increment.

These need yet to be amplified by the govt.


At this juncture, therefore, you have to segregate the cases where government servants
completed 18 years service prior to 1-1-1996. Since in such cases, the proficiency stepup under the then scheme has been allowed to them, this 2nd benefit under the new
scheme does not become available to them. However, the 2nd proficiency step up under
the old scheme(18 years) will be deemed to be the first proficiency step under the new
scheme paid after completion of 16 year.

Ms P is appointed as an Assistant w.e.f. 1-4-84. She is continuing as such. Her pay before the grant
of benefit under the scheme is fixed at Rs.7660 w.e.f.1-1-96 in the pay scale of Rs.5800-200-7000220-8100-275-9200 with DNI on 1-1-97.
On completion of 8 years service, Ms P becomes entitled to the first benefit w.e.f.1-4-92. However,
she is to be granted the first benefit
w.e.f.1-1-96 i.e. the date she switched over the new pay scale. On 1-1-96, she will be allowed the
next higher scale of Rs.6400-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200. However, she must have drawn the
proficiency step up under the then scheme. Therefore, she will continue to draw pay at Rs.7660/-.
She draws annual increments on 1-1-97, 1-1-98, 1-1-99 and 1-1-2000 raising her pay to Rs.7880,
8100, 8375 and 8650 respectively. She becomes entitled to the 2nd benefit of this scheme w.e.f.1-42000. Please see carefully. We have calculated this date from her initial appointment as an
Assistant. On 1-4-2000, she is to be allowed the Proficiency Step-up. Therefore, she draws Rs.8925
from this date with date of next increment on 1-1-2001(original date).

Promotion after the grant of 2nd benefit:

The benefit granted on this occasion is of permanent nature and is not to be adjusted on
regular promotions. However, this does not mean that the first benefit is also not to be
adjusted. On regular promotion after 16 years of service, the fixation is to be done in the
same way as we have discussed in the 1st benefit of the scheme benefit after 8 years
It may happen that some government servants may remain on the same post or alike
and complete 24 years of service without any increase in pay barring exceptions. At this
stage the increase in their basic pay granted to them as a first benefit under the scheme
as also the proficiency increment granted to them after 16 years service is also to be
ignored i.e. these also become our exceptions. Such government servants are to be
granted another one increment as proficiency step-up. Here also, no further scale is to
be granted. They will earn their next increment from the date it was due to them prior to
the grant of proficiency step up. In other words, their date of increment again remains


If in our example under the 2nd benefit, Ms.P continues to hold the post till 1-4-2008, she
becomes entitled to third benefit. She gets one Proficiency Step-up on that date. You need
not worry that she has reached the end of her pay scale. Under the master pay scale, the
employees continue to get annual increments till they reach a maximum of Rs.23600/-.

Promotion after the grant of 3rd benefit:

The benefit granted on this occasion too, is of permanent nature and is not to be
adjusted on regular promotions. However, the first benefit is to be set-aside on regular
promotions. If regular promotion takes place after 24years of service, the fixation is to
be done in the same way as we have discussed in the 1st benefit of the scheme benefit
after 8 years service
You may find a case in which a government servant continues to remain serving for 32
year on the same post or on a Identical time scale post without getting any increase in
basic pay but for the exceptions. The first three benefits under the scheme also become
exceptions and will be ignored while counting the period of service. Such a government
servant will be granted yet another higher scale in the hierarchy of pay scales of the list
already gone through by you. You are well aware as to how to find out the next scale
from this list. Here again, this scale may not necessarily be the scale of his/her
promotional post.
After having determined the higher scale to be granted, the pay fixation in this scale is
to be done at the stage next above the pay that is being drawn by the government
servant. You are now capable of working out the next stage yourself.
If a government servant is promoted after the grant of this benefit, the method of pay
fixation is similar to that we have discussed along with the grant of benefit after 8
years of service. However, at this stage the government servant would have drawn two
next stages along with two higher scales and two proficiency step-ups. But this does not
make any difference. On promotion only one increment is to be adjusted in the way
discussed under the first benefit.
Presume the date of appointment of Ms.P in the illustration under the 2nd benefit,
to be 1-4-76 instead of 1-4-84. Fix her pay on this post presuming she continues to
hold the same till 1-4-2008.



We hope you are now well aware of the benefits available under the scheme. We have
time and again discussed about the length of service of 8 years, 16 years, 24 years and
32 years. Lets see how this length of service is to be calculated.



Dear Learner, you are aware that the benefit under Assured Career Progression Scheme
is to be granted after completion of 8, 16, 24, and 32 years of service in a post or a post
in the same cadre. Let us first have a talk on the factors that are to be considered while
counting the length of service. These are:
(1) Service in the Time Scale:
You are aware of the term time scale of pay. Entire service rendered in any one time
scale(pre-revised and revised) in a cadre counts. The counting will start from the date of
appointment in a particular time scale of pay. Service in different cadres in identical
time scales also counts. Tenure service on previous post does not count at all even if it
may be in an identical time scale post.
Some categories of government servants may be granted senior scale also. You are
familiar with the method of fixing pay in the senior scale. Do you remember that since
appointment to the post in the senior time scale does not involve duties and
responsibilities of greater importance, it is to be treated as a placement? Service
rendered in the senior time scale is also to be counted as service rendered on the same
post if on placement:

The pay of government servant was fixed at the same stage as he/ she
drew in the old post; or

The pay was fixed at the minimum of new post but the benefit accrued to
the government servant was less than one increment.


If as a result of pay fixation on placement, the pay of the government servant was fixed
at the minimum and the government servant derived benefit of one or more than one
increment, the service in the senior scale is not to be clubbed.
Let us take some illustrations on this aspect:
(1)Ms X, an Assistant is in the pay scale of 5800-9200(revised). She was promoted to this post w.e.f.
1-4-93 and continues as such. The entire service rendered in the post of Assistant counts and she
becomes entitled to the first benefit under ACP w.e.f. 1-4-2001.
(2) Mr. A, a clerk joins PW Department w.e.f. 15-8-88. He is placed in the senior scale from 4-1093. His basic pay on placement in senior scale was 3 stages less than the minimum of senior scale.
Mr. A is
not entitled to club his service in the senior scale with that to his service in the post of Clerk.
Counting of his service starts afresh from 4-10-93 and he becomes entitled to the first benefit under
ACP from 4-10-2001.
(3) Ms. Y, a Steno-typist joins government service on 15-5-90. She gets placed in the senior scale on
19-4-97 and her pay is fixed at the same stage at which she was drawing in the old post. She is
eligible to club service of both the posts. Therefore, she is entitled to first benefit under ACP from

(2) Service in Ex-cadre appointments:

Previously government servants appointed to ex-cadre posts, were enjoying two
options as under:

To continue to get pay of their parent post + Deputation Allowance; or

To draw pay scale of the ex-cadre posts.

If on ex-cadre appointments the government servant had opted the first alternative, the
entire service on ex-cadre appointment is to be counted. If the ex-cadre appointment
carries a higher scale of pay as compared to the cadre post and the government servant
opts to draw pay scale of the ex-cadre post, service rendered on ex-cadre appointment
does not count.
(3)Service Rendered on merger of two time scales:
It happens sometimes that the pay scales of two cadres are merged in to a one scale. If
one of such cadres was a feeder cadre and other was a promotional cadre before such
merger, service rendered on feeder cadre (repeat feeder cadre) qualifies along with
service in the merged scale of pay.


(4) Service on re-promotion:

You may also face a case where a government servant is reverted to a lower post and
after some time re-promoted to the same post. In such a case, the past service rendered
on that post will qualify to be counted along with service rendered after re-promotion
to that post. Do you observe here that the period spent under reversion will qualify to be
counted alognwith past service rendered in the lower post. Lets make it more clear
through the following illustration:
Following are the particulars of a govt servant:
(i) Date of appointment as Superintendent Gr.II
(ii) Promotion to the post of Superintendent Gr.I
(iii)Date of reversion as Superintendent Gr.II
(iv)Date of re-promotion as Superintendent Gr.I


The counting of service will be done as under:

Superintendent Gr.II(first spell) = 1-8-87 to 30-11-94 = 7 years 4 months
Superintendent Gr.II(2nd spell) =1-4-98 to 30-11-98 = 8 months
The officer becomes entitled to first benefit as Superintendent Gr.II w.e.f. 1-12-98
Superintendent Gr.I(Ist Spell) = 1-12-94 to 31-3-98 = 3 years 4 months
Superintendent Gr.I(2nd spell)*= 1-5-99 to 31-12-03 = 4 years 8 months
The government servant has to serve as Superintendent Grade-I only up to 31-12-03. Then he/she
becomes eligible to get first benefit from 1-1-2004 after 8 years service in the cadre of
Superintendent Gr.I.

(5) Drawl of Presumptive pay:

Period of service for which presumptive pay is drawn under Fundamental Rule 49
does not count and is to be excluded while counting length of service.
(6) On Up-gradation of a post: We have discussed the provisions about the counting
of service when a government servant is placed in a senior scale. Similar provisions are
applicable here also. If the government servant gets any financial benefit (even less than
one increment) in fixation of pay on up-gradation of the post, counting of service will
re-start from the date of up-gradation. However, if his/her pay remains the same, you
should count the previous service with the service rendered after up-gradation.
(7) Military Service:
Dear learner, you know that ex-servicemen are frequently re-employed into civil service
after their discharge from military service. They are given the benefit of approved

Clubbing of service to make 8 years

pay granted under certain circumstances when a government servants holds the charge of more than
one posts.


military service in the fixation of pay on civil employment. However, the counting of
service for the purpose of this scheme in their case commences from the date of reemployment. Military service does not qualify here. Can you spell out the reason? Is it
not that the grant of benefit under the scheme is admissible only for working on the
same or on an identical time scale post?
(8) Ad hoc service:
Ad hoc service does not count at all as a general rule. If a government servant was
recruited on regular basis and thereafter appointed to some other post on ad hoc basis,
the government has allowed specifically such service to be counted for the purpose of
promotion and confirmation. Since the objective of ACPS is also not different from
promotion, such ad-hoc service will also count for this purpose.
Mr. A, an Assistant was promoted on ad hoc basis as Superintendent Gr.II w.e.f. 5-4-93. His
services were regularized on this higher post w.e.f. 4-4-96.
Mr. A becomes entitled to the first benefit under the scheme w.e.f. 5-4-2001. This is because of the
reason that ad hoc service rendered by him qualifies for counting as per specific orders of the



In our preceding sub section we have seen as to how the length of service is to be
worked out for the grant of benefits under this scheme. But this does not imply that by
completing this length of service in a scale without getting any increase in basic pay,
one automatically becomes entitled to the benefits. Do you subscribe to our view that
inefficient government servants should at the minimum be debarred from receiving
extra benefits? Your reply must be in affirmative. Is it?
The procedure laid down for the grant of benefits, therefore, provides for the certain
eligibilities before government servants are allowed any of the benefits under this
scheme. Lets take up those now. They are:
Successful Completion of departmental test/ examination:
You are aware that Recruitment and Promotion Rules of certain categories of posts
provide passing of certain departmental test/examination for promotions to higher
levels. In that case, the benefits of scheme are admissible only and only on the
fulfillment of such condition. Similarly, if some additional qualification is a prerequisite for promotion to higher levels, the benefits of the scheme are admissible only
on acquisition of such higher qualification. In simple words you can say that the benefit
under this schemes are to be granted if the government servant is fully fit for promotion
on these basis.


Good Service Record:
Before the grant of benefits under the scheme, the entire service record is to be gone
through. The government servants become eligible only if they are adjudged at least
good on the basis of overall service record. This means that at least 50% of the total
number of A.C.Rs. of the government servants should at least be good and at least 2
of the last 3 A.C.Rs. should be good or above. Rest of the reports can be
No Increase in Basic Pay:
We have already discussed this eligibility condition. Only those government servants
are entitled to the benefits under the scheme who have not gained any hike in their basic
pay except on account of any or more of the following:

Annual Increments.
Revision of Pay Scales. Any step up provided under the rules of such
revisions is also not to be treated as a hike.

HPCS (revised Pay) Rules, 1978 contained a provision that on fulfillment of certain conditions, the
pay of some of the government servant will be stepped up. This stepping up resulted in
enhancement of basic pay. This is not to be treated as a hike for the purpose of grant of benefits
under ACP scheme.
You should be careful to see that this step up was as a result of provisions of the Revised Pay Rules
and not as a result of Fundamental Rules or under instructions from the government. Any
enhancement in basic pay by virtue of stepping up outside the Revised Pay Rules is always to be
treated as a hike.


Advance/Premature Increments granted on account of acquiring higher

qualifications; and


Advance/Pre-mature increments granted on account of sports activities.

If any government servant has received any hike in the basic pay other than the above,
such government servant becomes eligible to the benefits of the scheme only after
completion of requisite length of service from the date of such enhancement.
Basic Time scale and Personal Pay Scale:
You may be aware that some Revised Pay Rules, 1998 allow personal pay scales to
some categories. These scales are purely personal to the existing incumbent of these
posts. As and when they vacate such post, the next incumbent of the post is to be
appointed in the basic time scale. You may have to process/decide a case where the
government servant who has been granted a personal pay scale, becomes entitled to the
grant of benefit under ACP. In such a case, while granting any of the four benefits, the
basic time scale is to be considered. Such a person will be granted scale next above the


basic time scale if the first and still the next higher scale if the fourth benefit is to be



The government has prescribed the following procedure for the grant of benefits under
this scheme:
(i) Authority:
Are you aware who is competent to grant benefits under this scheme? Same authority as
is competent to grant promotion to the respective category of government servant, is
also competent to grant the benefits under this scheme. Generally, these are appointing
Prepare a list of different categories of government servants serving in your Office.
Indicate before each of them the authority who is competent to grant promotions to the
incumbents of that category.

(ii) Consideration of Cases:

You must have processed/decided the cases of grant of benefits under the scheme. How
have you done that. Did you process/decide these after these have become due to the
government servants? Or did you do this sufficiently before these became due. The
intention of the government is to allow these benefits from the due dates. For that, the
procedure laid down for the grant of these benefits says the consideration of such cases
at least 3 months before the grant of benefit becomes due. You should, therefore, have
with you a list of all such government servants who are due to become eligible for the
grant of these benefits in the near future. You should process/decide their case at least
three months before they actually become due for the grant of the benefit.
You are aware that the grant of these benefits is subject to the condition of good
service record. This necessarily speaks of consideration of Annual Confidential Reports.
A.C.Rs. are based upon financial year(April-March). As per A.C.R. calendar, ACR for a
financial year is finalized by 30th September next year. For example, ACR for 20012002 becomes final on 30th September 2002. The government has laid down the
following guidelines for consideration of A.C.Rs.


Month of eligibility
i) Cases of teaching staff of
Education Department becoming
eligible between January-December
any year
(ii)Cases of other government
servants becoming eligible between
October previous year-September
next year any year

ACRs to be considered
ACRs that required finalization in
previous financial year. For Example in
cases becoming eligible between JanuaryDec.2002, ACR up to and including
financial year 2000-2001 are to be
ACRs that required finalization in
previous financial year. For example in
September 2001-October 2002, ACRs up
to and including financial year 20002001
are to be considered.

(iii)Retrospective grant of benefit:

How will you process/decide the cases where a government servant could not be
considered on due dates? In such cases, the benefit can be granted with retrospective
effect. In such cases presume that the government servant is being considered on the
due date. Consider only those ACRs that are relevant. However, Vigilance Clearance
Certificate, Integrity Certificate and disciplinary/judicial proceedings clearance
certificate as on the date of DPC will be considered. If any of these certificates cannot
be issued due to pendency of proceedings etc., his/her case for the grant of benefit will
be considered only after decision on such proceedings is finalized.
If some government servants become ineligible, their cases will be reviewed on yearly
basis. The benefit will be released from the date he/she becomes entitled to it on the
basis of record.



Dear Learner, we have seen that Assured Career Progression Scheme is not applicable
to the categories of government servants who have been granted structured pay scales.
By structured pay scales, we mean that the incumbents of the posts are granted higher
pay scale after they have rendered certain years of service on a particular post or a post
in the cadre. In fact, this scheme is also termed as Assured Career Progression Scheme
for the categories to be benefited by it. However, the benefits of the scheme are
different from the one that we have discussed earlier.
Lets first see which are those categories that are covered under this scheme of the
government. The incumbents of the following services l get benefit of this scheme:



H.P. Administrative services

H.P. Police Services
H.P. Health Services Class-I(Generalist)
H.P. Health Services Class-I(Dental)
Animal Husbandry Veterinary Class-I services
Assistant Engineer
Assistant Architect
Assistant Town Planner.

Counting of Length of Service:

We have already seen that the benefit of this scheme is admissible if the government
servant serves on the same post for certain years. The term same post means a post that
is in the same cadre with the same designation and in the same pay scale. However,
if some post carried different pay scales prior to 1-1-1996 but transfer from one pay
scale to another was not treated as promotion, the service rendered in all such scales is
to mean service on the same post. Therefore, service from entry scale (from the date of
assignment of seniority) to the highest scale in the cadre will count as service on the
same post provided the transfer from one scale to another is not treated as promotion.
Secondly, the service that is not treated as qualifying for increment will also not qualify
here. You are already aware as to what service does not qualify for increment. Thirdly,
the service that is adjudged as less than satisfactory will also not count for determining
the benefit.

Placement in Higher Pay Scale:

The beneficiaries of the scheme are granted higher pay scales after 4 years, 9 years and
14 years of service. However, they are not to be granted the higher pay scale exactly on
the date they complete these lengths of service. Instead, the placement is to be done
from Ist January of the following year in which they complete the required service. For
example, government servants completing service of 4 years, 9 years or 14 years on 2nd
January, 2001 will become eligible for benefit under the scheme from Ist January, 2002
although they complete service on 1st January, 2001 and become entitled to the benefit
from 2nd January, 2001.

Fixation of Pay:
We have seen that the benefit is always to be allowed from Ist January next from the
date in which one completes the required qualifying service. On the date of grant of this
benefit, the government servant is simply to be placed in the higher admissible pay
scale. You are already aware of the principles of placement in another scale. Those are,
however, not applicable here.
While allowing any of the pay scales under this scheme, benefit of at least one
increment is to be allowed and date of next increment in every case here will be after 12
months from the date of grant of this benefit. Lets take an illustration:


We presume that a particular cadre has been sanctioned the following pay scales under this
Entry Pay scale
Scale after 4 years
10025-275-10300-340-12000-375-13500-400-15100 Scale after 9 years
Scale after 14 years
Lets further presume that the government servant is drawing basic pay of Rs.12375 in the pay
scale of Rs.10025-15100 with DNI on 1-4-2002. The government servants completes 9 years service
in this cadre on 5-7-2001 and is to be placed in the pay scale of Rs.12000-16950.
The government servant will be granted the scale of Rs.12000-16950 w.e.f. 1-1-2002 subject to
fulfillment of other eligibility conditions. His pay from this date will be fixed at Rs.12750 with date
of next increment from Ist January, 2003.

It may also happen that at the time of grant of higher pay scale, the government servant
may be drawing a pay that is less than the minimum of the new pay scale. In such a
case, one increment is to be added to the pay being drawn notionally. If the resultant
figure still happens to be less than or equal to the minimum of the new pay scale, the
pay of the government servant will be fixed at the minimum of the new pay scale. The
next increment in this case too, will be granted after one year from this date.
In the above illustration, lets presume that the pay of the government servant is Rs. 11660 other
facts remaining the same. In that event, the pay of the government servant after adding one
increment comes to Rs.12000 (i.e.11660+340) that is equal to the minimum of the new pay scale.
The pay will, therefore, be fixed at the minimum.


Work and Conduct: The same parameters as are applicable for promotion are
applicable to the grant of next pay scale under the scheme. The employee should be
adjudged as good on the basis of overall service record as also should fulfill all other
conditions for promotion.
The employees are adjudged as good; if at least 50% of their ACRs are at least good +
2 of the last 3 ACRs are also at least good.
Departmental Examination/other specific qualification etc.: If promotions in the
cadre are granted only on certain qualifying condition e.g. passing of departmental
examination or acquiring higher qualification, training etc.,
that condition
automatically applies to the grant of higher pay scale under the scheme. If any


government servant does not fulfill such conditions, he/she is not to be considered for
placement in higher pay scale.
Consideration of Cases: all cases falling due up to 31st December are to be considered
by the end of October of the same year. ACRs up to immediately preceding 31st March
will be the basis for assessing the overall performance. Unsuitability for the grant of
higher pay scale does not mean any punishment under CCS(CCA)Rules, 1965.
Review of cases found unsuitable: If a government servant is found unsuitable, his/her
name will be reconsidered on year-to-year basis and scale granted from the Ist January
next when he/she is found eligible.
Competent Authority: The authority that is competent to grant promotion is the
authority to grant the next pay scale. Representations against the orders are also to be
dealt with in the same manner as in cases of promotions.
Promotion after the benefit of scheme:
If a government servant is promoted to a higher post after availing one or more benefits
of this scheme, the pay on promotion is to be fixed by adding one increment and not
under the normal provisions of the Rules. Do you observe that this provision is more or
less identical to the main scheme of Assured Career Progression? Please venture to see
the promotion after availing first benefit of that scheme and try application of those
provisions here..




You must have heard about the terms of probationer and apprentice. Probationer is a
person whose appointment is conditional. The condition must be fulfilled during the
period of probation. Passing of departmental examination is an example of such a
condition. It is a pre-requisite that probationer is appointed only against a permanent
vacancy. Their services are regularized only after they have fulfilled the condition said
as afore during the period of probation after probationary periods, they may be
appointed regularly or confirmed against such vacancies. You should not take the term
probationer as on probation. On probation means on trial. No other condition is
attached to a person who is on probation.
Officers appointed to HAS, HPS etc. cadres are probationers. They are appointed with a definite
condition of passing the departmental examination during probationary period. Persons appointed,
as Horticultural Development Officer are the persons on probation. They
are not appointed with a definite condition at the time of their appointment. They are required to
successfully complete the period of probation through their performance of job.


How do you fix the pay of a probationer? Obviously it is to be fixed at the minimum
of the pay scale of the post to which such person has been appointed. However, there is
certainly some difference between the fixation of pay on first appointment in the case of
a probationer and in other cases. Generally, when a government servant is appointed,
he/she gets annual increments even though he/she may be on probation. A
probationer draws only probationary stages during the period of probation. This is a
simple case that relates to first appointment as a probationer.
Can you think of a case of pay fixation where a government servant already in service,
is appointed as a probationer? How his/her pay is to be regulated on such
appointment? Lets see that.
First of all, you have to see whether the government servant is confirmed or not on the
previous post. If he/she is a confirmed government servant, he/she will get during
probation, either:

Initial of the pay scale and other probationary stages as a probationer;

The presumptive pay of his/her permanent post;

whichever is higher.
The pay drawn during probation of such a person should not fall below the presumptive
pay. Such a person continues to draw this pay till confirmation in the new post or
service. You can say in other words that during probation the substantive pay of such a
person in respect of the previous post is protected. On confirmation in new post or
service, the pay of such government servant is to be fixed under the normal rules.
This benefit of fixation under rules is not available to the government servants who
were temporary on the previous posts. Such temporary government servant on reversion
will continue to draw pay in the time scale of the service or post.
Mr. B, a permanent School lecturer in the pay scale of Rs.6400-200-7000-220-8100-275-10300-34010640 is drawing pay at the stage of 8375/- w.e.f.1-4-98. is appointed in HAS cadre in the pay scale
of Rs.7880-220-8100-275-10300-340-12000-375-13500 with initial start at Rs.8000/- w.e.f.1-6-1998.
After successful completion of the probationary period of two years, the services of the officer are
confirmed in this cadre.
During probationary period and on confirmation in the HAS cadre, the pay of the government
servant will be regulated as under:
Substantive pay

Pay in HAS cadre

1-4-98 to 31-5-98

Rs. 8375


1-6-98 to 31-3-99

Rs. 8375


1-4-99 to 31-3-2000

Rs. 8650



1-4-2000 to 31-5-2000

Rs. 8925



Rs. 9475

Do you observe that the government servant will draw presumptive pay of his permanent post
during the period of probation? On 1-6-2000, he will take the benefit of normal rules and his pay
will be fixed as on higher post. We leave it to you to reach at the figure of Rs.9475/-.

We have so far concentrated our discussion on fixation of pay of a probationer.

Similar provisions are applicable in the case of an apprentice. However, instead of
initial scale of pay or probationary stages, an apprentice will draw stipend during the
period of apprenticeship.



Dear learner, the term revision of pay scale is quite popular. Have you ever enjoyed its
benefits? The pay scale in which you are drawing your pay today is the result of the
revision that came into effect from Ist Day of January, 1996. These types of revisions
are known as general revisions as they tend to change the pay scales of all the categories
in the government. These general revisions are normally accompanied by a separate set
of rules. This set of rules is applicable for fixation of pay as a result of that revision. It
has also been our experience so far that this set of rules has a over-riding effect on
Fundamental Rules. An important aspect of such sets of rules is that they are applied
only for a definite period of time mostly for a day known as appointed day.
Appointed day means the day on which one elects to switch over to revised pay. This
does not mean that they remain applicable only for one day. One day is to be related to
individual government servants. Once pay under these rules is fixed on appointed day
and date of next increment decided, these rules generally become irrelevant to that
individual. Fundamental rules again come into operation the next moment. There has
been one exception to the generality of application for one day in the last three
revisions. The pay under HPCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 1979 was mainly fixed from 1-178 but under the provisions of that set of rules, pay of some government servants was
stepped-up the next day also. The general revisions revise altogether the pay structure in
government services.
Since CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 have become a past event, we do not intend to
dig into that. Here we will take up the provisions of Fundamental Rules that govern the
fixation of pay on revision of pay scale of a particular post or posts in a cadre. You
would have observed that at times a post is sanctioned a higher scale of pay in the same
structure of pay scale.


In a particular department the post of Deputy Director in the pay scale of Rs.7880-220-8100-27510300-340-12000-375-13500 may be notified to carry pay scale of Rs.10025-275-10300-340-12000375-13500.
In another case, the post of Research Officer in the government in the pay scale of Rs.7880-2208100-275-10300-340-11660 may be ordered to carry the pay scale of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300340-11660.

Above are the cases of revision of pay scale under Fundamental Rules. The first one is
upward revision and the second one is downward revision. Do you see any change in
the duties and responsibilities of the incumbents of the posts in either case? These
remain the same.
When such type of revision takes place, the incumbent of the posts will be deemed to
have come over to the revised pay scale on the new pay. However, existing incumbents
of such posts are given an option to the following effects. They may:

Elect to come over to the new pay scale and new pay from the date of
next or any subsequent increment/. The term subsequent increment
includes the date of coming over to the next grade of pay in 3 or 4 tier
system of pay scales; or

Elect to draw pay in the pre-revised scale till they vacate the post or till
they cease to draw pay in that time scale.

Government servants opting the 2nd alternatives continue to draw pay in the pre-revised
pay. However, next incumbent of such a post is appointed in the revised pay scale.
You may face a case where the pay scale of post is revised and a person, who is under
suspension, mans that post. The right to option of such a person is regulated as under:

If revision of pay scale is effective from a date prior to the date on which
such government servant was suspended, option can be exercised as if
suspension has not taken place.
The revision may take effect from a date on which the government
servant was under suspension. In that event, you have to see whether the
government servant holds a lien on the post of such a post. If yes, such a
government servant can exercise the option. However, benefits will
accrue to him/her only after re-instatement All the benefits of revision
will be available to the government servant from due date, if suspension
period is treated as duty. If the period of suspension is not treated as
duty, the benefits will be granted only from the date of re-instatement.


Revision of pay scale falling during the suspension period and the
government servant not holding lien on that post carries away the
availability of option. Such a government servant is allowed to opt only
on re-instatement. If the time limit for exercising option is already over,
that can be relaxed in such cases.

(i) Mr. A holds a post substantively in the pay scale of Rs.6400-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200. Mr. A
was placed under suspension from 1-2-2001 and continues as such. The pay scale of this post is
revised to Rs.7000-220-8100-275-9200 w.e.f. 1-1-2001.
A is entitled to opt for the revised scale as he was not under
suspension on the date on which
revision comes into effect. This does not matter whether he is holding the post in substantive
(permanent) or officiating (temporary) capacity.
(ii) If in example (i) above, the scale would have become effective from 1-5-2001, A, being a
permanent holder of the post, would have been allowed to exercise option. However, whether
during the period of suspension benefit of such revision is to be given to him or not, depends upon
the period of suspension being treated as duty or non-duty. If it is treated as duty, he will get all
benefits from due date. If it is treated as non-duty, he will get these benefits from the date of reinstatement only.

If in the example (i) above, Mr. A would have been holding the post in temporary capacity and
would have been placed under suspension from 1-1-2001, how would you have processed or decided
the case of option and allied benefits?

Answer: ____________________________________________________

In the cases of exercise of option, another important point is that one may choose the
next or any subsequent date to come over to the revised scale. It may happen that the
date of such next or subsequent increment is preponed e.g. due to stepping-up of pay. In
such a case, if the government servant has already exercised the right of option, he does
not need to file a fresh option. The option exercised earlier is sufficient. The
government servant will be allowed to switch over to revised scale from such a
preponed date of increment.


Fixation of Pay:
You are now familiar with the provisions relating to the exercise of option when pay
scale of the same post is changed upwards or downwards. According to these, when
pay scale of the post is revised upward or downward, the existing incumbent of the post
exercises option either to:

Come over to revised scale immediately or retain the old scale till next
increment or till any subsequent increment; or

elect to retain the old scale till he/holds that post or ceases to draw pay
in that scale.

Lets now discuss how the pay of government servants is to be regulated if they come
over to the revised scale immediately or from next or any subsequent date of increment.
In such cases, you are to see whether the revision is upward or downward. If it is an
upward revision, the pay of such person will be fixed under the normal rules treating as
if the new post does not involve assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater
When it is a downward revision, do you presume that the existing incumbent of the post
will elect to come over to that? Therefore, we are leaving it here.
If the revision of the pay scale also results in the change of duties and responsibilities,
then pay is to be fixed under normal rules of pay fixation that we have discussed in our
Section 1.3.




Pay generally fixed at the minimum of the pay scale of the post to which
appointment is made.
In cases of appointments made by the H.P.Public Service Commission,
the pay is to be fixed at the stage recommended by Commission, if any.
In other cases, the pay is to be fixed under the normal rules.

To be a higher post the post must qualify two conditions It must carry
higher pay scale and it must involve duties and responsibilities of greater
Posts in same or identical time scales are not higher posts.



On promotion to higher posts, the government servants have to exercise

option either (i) to get their pay fixed direct from the date of promotion
or (ii)to get it fixed temporarily from the date of promotion and refixed
from the date they would have earned their next increment in the old
post. Option is not admissible in certain cases and the pay is to be fixed
under the first alternative only.
Option has to be exercised within one month from the date of promotion.
Appointing authorities should incorporate about the availability of
option in the promotion orders with last date for exercising option.
On ad hoc promotions, option is not available. On regularization of ad
hoc promotion without reversions, the government servant can exercise
option with retrospective effect.
Fixation of pay under first alternative is to be fixed at the stage next
above the notional pay. For arriving at Notional Pay you have to add
one increment (which the government servant would have earned had
he/she not been promoted) to the basic pay. Basic pay is the pay that the
government servant was drawing in respect of old post. DNI in this case
is after one year from the date of fixation.
Under second alternative, the pay is fixed temporarily at the stage next
above in the new pay scale, to the basic pay of old post. It is then refixed on the presumptive date of accrual of next increment in the old
post. The re-fixation is done as if the government servant is promoted
from this date. DNI falls after one year from the date of re-fixation.
On the fulfillment of certain conditions, the benefit of past service
rendered on the same post, posts in the same time scale or posts in an
identical scale, is also admissible. Broken incremental periods of service
also count at the same stage of pay.



When duties and responsibilities of the new post do not involve duties
and responsibilities of greater importance, the pay is to be fixed at the
same stage as was being drawn in old post. DNI remains the same as was
in the old post.
It is fixed at the minimum of the new pay scale if it is higher than the pay
being drawn. DNI falls after one year from the date of such transfer.

The pay is to be fixed at the same stage as was being drawn in old post.
If maximum of new pay scale is lower than the basic pay being drawn on
old post, pay is fixed at such maximum.





Benefits of scheme admissible after completion of 8 years, 16, 24 years

and 32 years of service.
The counting of service in all cases commence from the date of
appointment in a particular post or a post in the same time scale.
The main condition for the grant of benefits under the scheme is that the
government servants pay should not have been increased barring a
few exceptions.
After 8 years service and 32 years service in the same post on a post in
the same time scale, the government servants are to be granted a higher
scale in the hierarchy of pay scales. This hierarchy is as per annexure-A
of pay scales appended to the HPCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998. This
may not necessarily be the next scale in the line of promotion. If a
government servant has availed the benefit of proficiency step-ups prior
to 1-1-96, next higher stage is to be allowed. This benefit does not bring
any change in DNI.
On completion of 16 and 24 years of service, the government servants
are to be allowed one proficiency increment on each occasion. This also
does not change the date of next increment.
Pay of government servants promoted after availing any of the benefits
of the scheme is to be increased by one increment instead of two
increments. Proficiency step-ups granted before 1-1-96 are not to be
considered as benefit for this purpose. Pay in such cases is to be fixed
under normal rules.


Probationers and apprentices draw minimum of the pay

scale/probationary stages and stipend respectively during probation.
Government servants who were confirmed in previous posts and
appointed now as probationers draw either presumptive pay of such
permanent post or the pay as at above, whichever is higher till they are
probationers. On regularization or confirmation after the period of
probation, their pay is to be fixed under normal rules. These provisions
are equally applicable mutatis mutandis to the government servants
appointed as apprentice.
No benefit of temporary service is available either during the period of
probation/ apprenticeship or on regularization/confirmation.




General revision i.e. revision changing the pay structure in the

government carries a separate set of rules and the pay is fixed under that
set. Fundamental Rules do not apply in that case.
Revision of the pay scale of the same post may be upward or downward
as also with or without change in the nature of duty.
If revision is on the higher side without changing duties, the existing
incumbent can opt to draw pay in the revised scale with immediate
effect, from the date of next increment or from any subsequent date of
increment. Pay in such cases is to be fixed as transfer to a post not
involving duties and responsibilities of greater importance.
If revision carries change in duties and responsibilities also, the pay of
existing incumbents is fixed under the normal rules.


Question No.1:
Match the following:
Pay on First appointment in (a) Stipend
govt. service is fixed at:

Initial pay of a govt. servant on (b) The stage equal to that in the
promotion to a higher post is
present scale.
fixed at


An apprentice during the (c)

period of apprenticeship draws


The pay of the government (d) The scale of that post is

servants re-appointed to same
posts or posts in the same scale
cannot be fixed


If minimum of a new post is (e) Minimum of the pay scale

lower than the stage of pay
or at stage recommended by
being drawn by government
the HPSC
servants, their pay on transfer
to such a post is fixed at


Probationers are the persons (f)

appointed to permanent posts


Within one month

At the same stage of pay on



The option to get pay fixed on (g) Reach

promotion has to be exercised


The government servants are (h) With a definite condition.

free to opt the existing scale if


In master scale, government (i)

increments until they

Stage next
notional pay


Broken incremental periods of (j)

service on a previously held
post count for increment

At a stage that is less than

that drawn on previous




Question No.2:
Write whether true or false:

Pay of government servants under ACP is fixed at the

next stage of pay in the same pay scale after 8 years of


Service on an ex-cadre post counts for ACP if a govt.

servant drew deputation allowance on such post.


Benefit of past service rendered on same post is virtually

not available if on re-promotion to that post, the pay of
government servant is fixed at a higher stage to the one
already drawn on previous occasion.


Benefit of option is available in all cases on promotion

without linking it to the stage of pay being drawn.


Subject to fulfillment of certain conditions, ACP

guarantees two higher scales of pay + 2 proficiency
increments + 2 next stages of pay to govt. servants not





having avenues of promotion.


Pay of govt. servants on promotion is to be increased by

one increment instead of two increments if they were
granted proficiency step-ups prior to 1-1-1996.


On downward revision, the existing incumbents can opt

for the existing pay scale.


Benefit of past service rendered in govt. is not available

on regularization, to persons appointed as probationers


Benefit of previous appointment is not available if reappointment to another post is after

resignation, from the previous post.


Pay under certain circumstances can be fixed at a stage

less than the minimum of the pay scale.

Question No.3:
Choose the right answer (link master scale where necessary):
1. A govt. servant is drawing basic pay of Rs.7220 w.e.f. 1-8-2000 in the pay scale of
Rs.6400-10640. He is promoted to a post in the pay scale of Rs.7220-11660 on ad hoc
basis w.e.f. 1-12-2000. His pay will be fixed at:
(iii) Rs.7660
None of the above
2. The government servant will draw next increment in q.no. 3(1) above, from:
(iii) 1-1-2001
None of the above
3. Ms B, draws Rs.7880/- w.e.f. 1-4-2001in the pay scale of Rs.7220-11660. She is
transferred to a post in the pay scale of Rs.7220-11660. It is certified that the new post
involves assumptions of duties and responsibilities of greater importance. The pay Ms
B will be fixed at
(iii) Rs.8375
None of the above


4. A government servant drew benefit of one proficiency step on 1-12-95 in the pay
scale of Rs.7220-11660. On 1-1-1996, his pay under the Revised Pay Rules was fixed at
Rs.9475/- with DNI on 1-11-96. On 1-7-96, he is promoted to a higher post in the pay
scale of Rs.10025-15100. He opts to get pay fixed in the new scale under first
alternative. His pay will be fixed at Rs.
10025/- from 1-7-96 DNI 1-7-1997

10025/- from 1-7-96 and 10300/- from 1-11-96 with DNI 1-11-97

(iii) 9750 from 1-7-96 and 10025 from 1-11-96 DNI 1-11-97
None of the above
5. A government servant in the pay scale of Rs. 5800-9200 is drawing basic pay of Rs.
9200 w.e.f. 1-4-2001. On promotion w.e.f. 1-12-2001, to the next higher post in the pay
scale of Rs.6400-10640, he opts to get pay fixed under the second alternative. His pay
will be fixed as under:

Rs.10025 on 1-4-2002
Rs. 9475 on 1-12-2001 and 10025 on 1-4-2002
Rs. 9750 on 1-12-2001
None of the above




Dear learner, you are now familiar with the provisions of the rules relating to the
fixation of pay under common circumstances. We hope, the consolidation of
instructions on the Assured Career Progression scheme will also solve many of the
barricades you face in processing and deciding these cases. The unit is definitely to
instill in you a confidence in providing you the speed in lightening your tables of the
pending pay fixation cases. This is, however, not the end of the cases you might face in
your offices. Some other peculiar ones may also come to you. The most important and
common one of such cases is fixation on imposition and restoration of some of the
penalties. Our Unit-II takes you in that direction where you may find many concepts of
your interest. With the hope that you join us there, we take your leave now to meet
again in our Unit-II.






Question No.1



(c )





Question No.2









Question No.3
(i)(Benefit of option not available as pay in old
post is less by two stages from minimum of new
pay scale.



Do yourself (1)
Her pay would have been fixed at the initial of the pay scale of the post of lecturer.
Do yourself (2):
Her pay would have been fixed as on transfer to equivalent post.
Do yourself (3):
(i) Basic Pay on old post:
(ii)Rate of increment
(iii)Notional Pay


Do yourself (4):
(i) Basic pay in old post
(ii)Rate of increment
(iii)Notional pay
(iv)Stage next above in new pay scale 9750



Do yourself (5)

1-3-2000 to 31-3-2000
1-4-2000 to 31-3-2001
1-4-2001 to 31-8-2001
1-9-2001 to 30-11-2001
DNI 1-7-2002


Do yourself (6)
Retrospective right of option is admissible only if ad hoc promotion is regularized
without reversion.. Therefore, Mr. X is entitled for option only from the date of regular
Do yourself (7):
Pay scales: (i) 5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200
(ii) 5480-160-5800-200-7000-220-8925
Pay fixed at Rs.7880/Do Yourself (8):
DNI 1-11-2000

8925+275=9200 Stage next above = 9475. Pay fixed at 9475 with

Do yourself (9)



Ist benefit under ACP
2nd benefit under ACP

3rd benefit under ACP

Next stage is not to be granted if benefit of proficiency step-up(s)availed prior to 1-1-96





Next pay scale

DNI 1-1-2009

Do yourself-10:
No option is available. The Government servant will avail the opportunity of option
from the date of re-instatement. If the time period is over, that has to be relaxed.

Exercise 1:









Important circumstances requiring fixation or re-fixation of


1. Appointment
2. Transfer to a higher post
3. Transfer to an equivalent post
4. Transfer to a lower post on request
5. Transfer to an Ex-cadre post
6. Reversion from an Ex-cadre post
7. Combination of appointments
8. Reduction to a lower stage, post, service or grade as a penalty
9. Restoration after penalty of stoppage of increments, reduction in rank/ stage
10. While granting benefits under ACP
11. Re-employment after retirement
12. Revision of Pay scales

Now there is no need to fix the pay on transfer to an ex-cadre post. Such an appointment is always in
own scale and own pay. The alternative of drawing deputation allowance is also not available.





2520- 100- 3220 110 3660 120 4260 140 4400 150 5000 160 5800 200 7000 220
8100 - 275 10300 340 12000 375 13500 400 15900 450 18600 500 23600



2520-100-3220-110-3660-120-4140 (initial start Rs. 2620)






3120-100-3220 -110-3660-120-4260-140-4400-150-5000-160-5160






4020-120 -4260-140-4400-150-5000-160-5800-200-6200
































13500 -400-15900-450-16800














Fixation of pay as a result of penalty


Stoppage of increments
Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale
Reduction to a lower post, grade or service
Consequences of setting aside of penalties on appeal

Fixation of pay on combination of appointments

Points to remember
Self Assessment questions
Answers to self assessment questions

Dear Learner, welcome over to our 2nd Unit of module on fixation of pay. Hope you
have worked through the Ist one. In that weve already talked on various common
provisions of fixation of pay on transfers to different posts, on appointments as
probationers and apprentices and on revision of pay scales. We also had an elaborate
chat on the newly introduced policy of Assured Career Progression Scheme. But as we
said there, these provisions do not complete our knowledge. There is still a gap between
what we require to handle pay fixation cases and the knowledge acquired by you in
Unit-I. The first Unit does not tell us about another frequently occurring event
requiring fixation of pay when a government servant is inflicted penalty of reduction in
rank/stage of pay or that of stoppage of increments envisaged in Rule 28 and 29 of
Fundamental Rules. The present unit aims at abridging these gaps. Besides, here well
also devote our time on another related aspect of pay fixation combination of
appointments i.e. pay fixation when government servants are required to hold charge of
more than one post under Rule 49 of the Fundamental Rules. Lets, therefore, start
sailing in these directions. We hope you will go on working through this unit too, alike
our previous one.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

describe how to fix pay of government servants on infliction of penalty

p Stoppage of Increments
p Reduction of stage in pay-scale; and
p Reduction to a lower post, grade or service.
explain regulation of pay on restoration after penalty;
explain the consequences when an order of penalty of stoppage of
increments, reduction to a lower stage or to a lower rank is set-aside on
describe entitlement of additional remuneration on combination of


Dear learner, you are aware that conduct and discipline are the backbone of civil
services. The government has two separate sets of rules on these - C.C.S. (Conduct)
Rules and C.C.S. (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965. The former
describes what government servants are expected to do and what not to do. If they do
what they should not do or if they dont do what they should do, that tantamounts to
violation of these rules. The government servants are then subjected to disciplinary
actions. The later set of rules prescribes the procedure for the conduct of inquiries so
initiated. If it is proved that the government servant is indeed guilty of misconduct, they
are penalized.
CCS (CCA) Rules also prescribe various kinds of penalties that can be inflicted upon
the government servants. These are divided under two categories minor penalties and
major penalties.
Prepare a list of the penalties that can be inflicted upon a government servant. Divide
these into two categories minor and major. Now compare your list with the one given in
Rule 11 of C.C.S.(CCA) Rules, 1965.

Do you find that three of such penalties as envisaged in the CCA rules are:
Stoppage of Increments
Reduction to a lower stage of pay
Reduction to a post, grade or service


The above penalties are either with cumulative effect or without cumulative effect.
Without cumulative effect means the effect of penalty is only temporary. At the end of
penalty, the government servants are allowed the same monetary benefits to which they
would have been entitled but for penalty. No arrears are paid for the period of penalty.
On the other hand if the penalty is with cumulative effect, it is to be taken as forfeiture
of service for increment. This will be equal to the period for which the penalty remained
current or for any shorter period specifically ordered. This means that the government
servants have to forego the increment(s), which they would have earned during the
period of penalty. Thus, loss on account of penalty with cumulative effect is irreparable.

Do yourself- (1)
Write, in the space provided, whether the following statements are true or false.
Penalty with cumulative effect means the forfeiture of service for
2.. After the end of penalty with non-cumulative effect, arrears of
increments withheld are allowed to the government servants.
CCS (CCA) Rules describe the conduct of a government servant.

Dear learner, so far we have taken a broad outline of the penalties that require fixation
of pay at the time of commencement of penalty as also at the time of end of penalty.
All the three penalties that came in our discussion are distinct penalties having specific
provisions. Therefore, we deem it proper to discuss these individually.


You are aware of the term increment. But lets define it in a different way. In our first
Unit, we had time and again used the term next stage. Do you see that the increment
is differential amount of such two stages of pay? Government servants are entitled to
such increase in their pay annually as a matter of routine. At this stage, lets give a
pause to our discussions and think over the circumstances where this increase in pay is
not granted.
Naturally, an idea must have come into your mind when it is stopped or withheld. You
are right. But whether this is the sole occasion? There is definitely another one. You
will agree that when a government servant reaches the maximum of master scale of pay
i.e. Rs.23600/-, he/she also cannot be allowed next stage of pay. Anyhow, this is not the
subject matter of our discussions.
Who is competent to withhold the increment which otherwise should be drawn as a
routine? This is the disciplinary authority. This is so because withholding of increments


is a penalty and falls under the ambit of CCS (CCA) Rules. Any penalty under these
rules has to be inflicted only after following the procedure detailed therein.
You should also keep in mind that recruitment and promotion rules etc. may provide
that the next increment to a particular category of government servants will be drawn
only after fulfillment of certain condition(s). For example, as per rules/instructions, a
government servant may not be allowed increments unless he/she qualifies a
departmental test. This type of increment does not fall within the ambit of penalties.
The provisions that we are discussing become operative to such government servants
only after they clear the prescribed test etc.
When disciplinary authorities decide penalty of stoppage of increment to be awarded,
the order also must clearly state

The period for which penalty will remain operative; and

Whether this will have a cumulative effect or non-cumulative effect.

Penalty operative only from prospective date of increment

You should keep in mind that the penalty of withholding of increments cannot be
operated retrospectively. Whenever this penalty is awarded, it has only and only
prospective effect. Why is it so, is quite simple. You cannot stop the increment(s) that
has already been drawn by the government servants. Not only so, if government servant
has not drawn any increment that was due, that increment also cannot be withheld.
Therefore, the operation of penalty of withholding of increments commences always
from the next due date of increment. It can neither have immediate nor a
retrospective effect.

Mr. B, is drawing a basic pay of Rs.9475/- with DNI on 1-7-2002. On 31-1-2002, he is awarded a
penalty of withholding of one increment for 2 years with non-cumulative effect.
The penalty comes into operation only from 1-7-2002 the date from which Mr. B is to draw

the next increment.

Next Increment v/s one increment

Dear learner, do you observe any difference between these two terms?. There is a big
difference between the two. When the orders state next increment for 5 years the
government servants will be deprived of all the increments falling during the next 5
years. On the other hand, if the orders say one increment for five years, the government
servants will draw all increments falling during the five years except the one withheld.
Lets take a couple of illustrations.




The basic pay of Mr. Q is Rs.8100 w.e.f. 1-3-2001. An order dated 1-7-2001 states his
next increment for 3 years is withheld with non-cumulative effect. The pay Mr.Q
draws during the operative period of penalty , will be as under



1-3-2001 to 28-2-2002


1-3-2002 to 28-2-2003


Penalty commences

1-3-2003 to 29-2-2004


Penalty operative

1-3-2004 to 28-2-2005


Penalty Operative



Penalty ends

If in the above illustration, had the penalty been of stoppage of one increment, Mr. Q
would have drawn pay as under:
1-3-2001 to 28-2-2002
1-3-2002 to 28-2-2003
1-3-2003 to 29-2-2004
1-3-2004 to 28-2-2005


Penalty commences
Penalty operative
Penalty Operative
Penalty ends

Implementing a Series of penalties:

Dear learner, you face various cases when another penalty of stoppage of increments is awarded
while the earlier one is still in operation. How do you deal with such cases? If both penalties are of
stoppage of increments, these cannot run simultaneously. For operation of the 2nd penalty, you
have to wait till the first one ends. Once the first penalty ends, the pay is to be raised (if the penalty
was with non-cumulative effect) to the figure to which it would have otherwise been admissible.
Only after that, the 2nd penalty comes into operation as if this be the first penalty. Do you agree
with us that this becomes the first after the previous one has ended?


Mr. A with a basic pay of Rs.6400 from 1-5-2001, is awarded on 1-7-2001, a penalty of
stoppage of one increment for 2 years with non-cumulative effect In another inquiry, he is
again awarded penalty of stoppage of 1 increment for 3 years with non-cumulative effect. The
orders of 2nd penalty were passed on 1-4-2003.
The pay of Mr. A is to be regulated as under:
1-5-2001 to 30-4-2002
1-5-2002 to 30-4-2003
Ist Penalty commences
1-5-2003 to 30-4-2004
Ist penalty operative
1-5-2004 to 30-4-2005
Ist penalty ends and 2nd penalty
1-5-2005 to 30-4-2006
2nd penalty operative
1-5-2006 to 30-4-2007
2nd penalty operative
2nd penalty ends

Regulation of pay on grant of advance increments

You are aware that recruitment and promotion rules of various services provide for the
grant of advance increment on account of passing of departmental examinations,
acquiring of higher qualifications etc. You may also encounter a case where grant of
advance increments interferes with the stoppage of annual increment. You are now
familiar with the provision that stoppage of increment becomes operational only from
the date of increment that falls after the date of order imposing such penalty. Therefore,
such interference can be of three types, as under:

When the government servant earns advance increment from a date

earlier to the date of imposition of penalty;
When government servant earns advance increment after the date of
order of imposition of penalty but before the penalty becomes operative;
Where the advance increments are earned during the operative period of
penalty i.e. after the penalty has become operational.

Type of Case

Date of increment




Date of earning
advance increment

Date of order
imposing penalty

In the first type of cases, the advance increments are to be allowed as usual. In such
cases the penalty is still to be imposed. The question of its implementation does not
arise at all. This, therefore, does not come in the way of grant of advance increments.
You will agree that the advance increments have nothing to do with the imposition of
penalty of stoppage of normal increments. Therefore, in the 2nd type of cases, the
advance increments should be allowed as usual. The normal increment falling due after
that should be withheld.
In the 3rd type of cases, on the analogy of 2nd type, the advance increments accruing
after the implementation of penalty should also be released in the usual manner.
Ist type of Case Penalty imposed after advance increment(s) had become due:
Basic pay
Date of increment

Rs. 5800 from 1-7-2001 in the pay scale of

5480-160-5800-200-7000- 220-8100-2758925

Date of accrual of two advance increments


Date of imposition of penalty of one increment for

2 years with non-cumulative effect


The pay of government servant will be regulated as under:

1-7-2001 to 31-3-2002


1-4-2002 to 30-6-2002


Release of two advance increments

1-7-2002 to 30-6-2003


Penalty commences

1-7-2003 to 30-6-2004


Penalty operative



Penalty ends

IInd type of case Advance increment becoming due after order of penalty is
passed but before it became operative.
Basic pay

Rs. 5800 from 1-7-2001 in the pay scale of

5480-160-5800-200-7000- 220-8100-2758925

Date of increment
Date of accrual of two advance increments
Date of imposition of penalty of one increment for
2 years with non-cumulative effect



The pay of government servant will be regulated as under:

1-7-2001 to 31-3-2002
1-4-2002 to 30-6-2002
1-7-2002 to 30-6-2003
1-7-2003 to 30-6-2004


Release of two advance increments

Penalty commences
Penalty operative
Penalty ends

3rd Type of case Advance Increments becoming due after penalty becomes
Basic pay

Rs. 5800 from 1-7-2001 in the pay scale of

5480-160-5800-200-7000- 220-8100-2758925

Date of increment

Date of accrual of two advance increments

Date of imposition of penalty of one increment for
2 years with non-cumulative effect
The pay of government servant will be regulated as under:
1-7-2001 to 30-6-2002


1-7-2002 to 31-8-2002


Penalty commences

1-9-2002 to 30-6-2003


Release of two advance increments

1-7-2003 to 30-6-2004


Penalty operative



Penalty ends

Dear learner, weve so far discussed the cases of stoppage of increments without
cumulative effect. If penalty is imposed with cumulative effect, the regulation of pay is
still simple. You have seen that when penalty ends in the above cases, we released the
increment/increments that was/were withheld. In other words, in cases of noncumulative effect, the government servant starts drawing same rate of pay that he would
have drawn had no penalty been imposed.
In cases where the increment(s) is/are withheld with cumulative effect, the increments
so withheld are not released at the end of penalty. In such cases, the government servant
suffers a recurring loss of pay.




The basic pay of Mr. M is Rs.8100 w.e.f. 1-3-2001. An order dated 1-7-2001states that his
next increment for 3 years is withheld with Non- cumulative effect. The pay Mr. M will
draw during the operative period of penalty , are as under
1-3-2001 to 28-2-2002
1-3-2002 to 28-2-2003


Penalty commences

1-3-2003 to 29-2-2004
1-3-2004 to 28-2-2005


Penalty operative
Penalty Operative
Penalty ends

If in the above illustration, had the penalty been of stoppage of one increment with
cumulative effect with the direction to earn intermediary increments, Mr.M would have
drawn pay as under:
1-3-2001 to 28-2-2002
1-3-2002 to 28-2-2003
1-3-2003 to 29-2-2004
1-3-2004 to 28-2-2005


Penalty commences
Penalty operative
Penalty Operative
Penalty ends

Please try to observe the difference between illustration (I) & (II). Is it not that in the
second illustration, penalty once imposed results in recurring loss? The loss is such
that it does not end even with the service career of the government servant. In our
module on pension rules, you will see that this reflects even upon the Pensionary
benefits including family pension.
Here we want to add that the intention of the rules is only to stop/withhold one
increment or next increment. We have seen orders issued in a number of cases where
more than one increment are withheld for specified periods with non-cumulative effect.
For example, we have seen orders stopping two increments for 3 years not having the
effect of postponing future increments of pay (without cumulative effect). Such type of
penalties is impracticable to be implemented. Therefore, whenever you propose or
award penalty of withholding the increments, it should be either for one increment or


the next increment only. You should also specify the period for which the penalty will
remain in operation and whether it is with cumulative or non-cumulative effect.
Cumulative or Non-cumulative effect: When order for withholding increments is
passed, it must specify its effect at the end of the penalty. The effect is of two kinds (i)
whether it will have the effect of postponing the future increments of pay or (ii)whether
it will not have the effect of postponing future increments of pay. The former effect is
popularly known as cumulative effect and the later as non-cumulative effect. When
any penalty is ordered with cumulative effect, as we know, this results in the forfeiture
of service. The entire period is treated as non-qualifying for the purpose of increments.
In contrast to this, non-cumulative effect does not result in forfeiture of service. The
penalty period is not treated as non-qualifying. The government servants are released all
the increments withheld. The benefit is released immediately at the end of penalty. Lets
have a couple of illustrations to be clearer:
(I) The basic pay of Mr. Z is Rs.8375 w.e.f. 1-3-2001. An order dated 1-7-2001 states
that his next increment for 3 years is withheld with Non- cumulative effect. The
pay of Mr.Z during the operative period of penalty, will be as under

1-3-2001 to 28-2-2002
1-3-2002 to 28-2-2003


Penalty commences

1-3-2003 to 29-2-2004
1-3-2004 to 28-2-2005


Penalty operative
Penalty Operative
Penalty ends


Had the penalty been with cumulative effect, Mr.M would have drawn only
Rs.8650 as basic pay on 1-3-2005 with DNI on 1-3-2006

Do yourself-2:
Fill in the blanks from the alternatives given.
Withholding of future increments is a_______ penalty.

2. Increments can be stopped only with _____________ effect.



3. ____________________increments do not interfere in the Advance


implementation of penalty of stoppage of increments

___________________________effect results in permanent
forfeiture of service for increments



You are aware that this is again a penalty envisaged in the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965.
Whenever, this penalty is imposed upon a government servant, the appointing authority
should state in the order itself:

The stage of pay to which reduced;

The period for which the penalty shall remain operative;
Whether or not the government servant will earn normal increments
during the period when penalty is operative;
Whether it is with cumulative or non-cumulative effect.
The date from which the penalty becomes operative; and

In the case of stoppage of increments, you have seen that the penalty becomes operative
only from the next date of increment. Unlike that, when a government servant is
reduced to a lower stage in a time scale, the penalty can even have an immediate effect.
The penalty, therefore, can come into operation from the date of order itself.

Ms C is drawing Rs.4700 w.e.f. 1-4-2001. She is in the pay scale of Rs.4020-120-4260-140-4400150-5000-160-5800-200-6200. On 1-7-2001, the disciplinary authority orders reduction in her
pay, to a stage of Rs.4400 with immediate effect for 3 years. The penalty was not to have
cumulative effect. The order further directs that intermediary increments will be released.

The pay of Ms C is to be regulated as under:

1-7-2001 to 30-6-2002
Penalty commences
1-7-2002 to 30-6-2003
Penalty continues/normal increment
1-7-2003 to 30-6-2004
Penalty continues/Normal increment

1-7-2004 to 31-3-2005
Penalty ends


1-4-2002 = 4850; 1-4-2003= 5000; 1-4-2004=5160


Have you observed that penalty of stoppage of increments had commenced from the
next due date of increment whereas here the penalty of reduction to a lower stage
commenced immediately from the date of order?
Further, as the name of the penalty implies, the government servants pay is to be
reduced to a lower stage in that time scale. You are familiar with the term stage. The
order must specify the definite stage of pay to which the government servant has been
reduced. For example, taking the above illustration, the order must say that the pay is
reduced to the stage of Rs.4400. This part of the order is of much significance related
to the earning of increments during the period of penalty. If the order specifies a definite
stage, the government servants pay will remain constant at that stage for the entire
period of penalty. On the other hand, if the order states that the pay of Mr./Ms
__________ is reduced by ____ (No. of stages e.g. 2,3,4 etc.), the government servant
will continue to draw annual increments in the usual way. In that event, every time the
pay of the government servant should be less than by the number of stages specified in
the order. Lets take a couple of illustrations to see the difference.
The Pay of Mr. X, drawing pay of Rs. 6800 w.e.f 1-5-2000 in the pay scale of Rs.5800200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 is reduced by two stages w.e.f. 1-9-2000 for three years without
cumulative effect, with immediate effect.

The pay of Mr. X will be regulated as under:

1-5-2000 to 31-8-2000
1-9-2000 to 30-4-2001
1-5-2001 to 30-4-2002
1-5-2002 to 30-4-2003


1-5-2003 to 31-8-2003





Penalty commences
Penalty continues/annual
Penalty continues/annual
Penalty continues/annual
Penalty ends (DNI 1-5-2004)

The Pay of Mr. X, drawing pay of Rs. 6800 w.e.f 1-5-2000 in the pay scale of Rs.5800200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 reduced to the stage of Rs.6400 w.e.f. 1-9-2000 for three years
without cumulative effect and with immediate effect.
The pay of Mr. X will be regulated as under:
1-5-2000 to 31-8-2000
1-9-2000 to 31-8-2003


Penalty operative
Penalty ends (DNI 1-5-2004)

Do yourself (3):
Regulate the pay in the preceding illustration (I), if the penalty had the effect of
postponing future increments of pay( i.e. with cumulative effect).

The third important ingredient of the order imposing this penalty is the period for which
penalty remains operative. The provisions do not intend to impose this penalty as a
permanent measure or for an indefinite period. The order must, therefore, be definite on
the operative period of the penalty. Continuing our above illustration, it should have
definitely been stated in the order itself that the reduction will remain effective for 3
years. Again it is not mandatory that the penalty be imposed for completed years. It can
be for any period of time. Penalty can be imposed even for example, 6 months or 1
Notwithstanding, the provisions of rules for inserting a definite order on the operative
period, this has been found wanting in many cases. The provisions, therefore, also take
care of such a situation. If no definite operative period is specified in the order, the
penalty will be taken to be of permanent nature. You will agree here that penalty with
unspecified operative period cannot be without cumulative effect. This is so because
no period after which it is to be restored, has been specified.

In the preceding illustration-(II), regulate the pay of Ms. X presuming that the penalty
was imposed for 2 years instead of for 3 years.


You are already familiar with cumulative effect and non-cumulative effect of a
penalty. We had detailed discussions on that in our previous sub-section. You are also
aware that the provisions of these rules come into play only after compliance of the
provisions of CCS (CCA) Rules. Unless a penalty is ordered under those rules, these
provisions are redundant. You are also aware that CCS (CCA) Rules divide various
penalties in two categories minor penalties and major penalties. The penalty of
reduction to a lower stage in time scale falls under both these categories. There is,
however, a definite difference between both. Lets see what is that?
Reduction to a lower stage Minor penalty
Penalty of reduction to a lower stage in time-scale of pay for a period not
exceeding 3 years, without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his
pension falls in the group of minor penalties. To be a minor penalty, therefore, the
following points need attention.

Lower Stage of Pay: The penalty should relate to the pay scale of the
post which the government servant is holding at the time of imposition of
penalty. The pay of the government servant can be reduced to any stage
in this pay scale. Such stage should obviously be below the stage of pay
that is being drawn by him/her.

Drawal of Intermediary increments: When minor penalty is imposed

and order is specific as to the drawl of increments falling due during the
operative period, increments will be regulated in the manner so
directed. If the penalty states the specific amount of the stage to which
the pay is reduced, intermediary increments will not be granted. The
government servant will draw a constant rate of pay during the
operative period. In another type of case, it may happen that the pay be
reduced by the number of stages e.g. 2 stages, 3 stages etc. without
specifying the amount of stage to which reduced. Here, the government
servant will draw annual increments on every due date falling within the
operative period. We already had enough discussion and illustrations
on both of these aspects. Therefore, we now leave it to you to practice
your knowledge in cases where minor penalty has been imposed

Non-cumulative effect: The minor penalty cannot have cumulative

effect. In other words, imposition of this penalty results only in a
temporary loss to the government servant. When penalty comes to an
end, the government servant regains the entire loss suffered during
operative period. No arrears are paid for operative period. You can
also say that the quantum of loss is equal to the arrears.


2nd important implication of this provision is that when the penalty

cannot be with cumulative effect, it must specify the operative period
If it does not specify, the penalty becomes for an unspecified period
resulting in cumulative effect automatically. Isnt it so? We believe, your
reply must be affirmative. . Is it that we will not have the specific period
after which the loss to the government servant in his/her pay is to be
restored? If it is, you are well within our expectations from you.
Naturally, when the loss cannot be restored, it does not remain a minor

No effect on Pension: Minor penalty of reduction in stage should not

affect pension of the government servant. Do you know, how pension
can be affected by this penalty. For that you have to go to our Module on
Pension Rules. You will find that pension is based on monthly average
of the last ten months emoluments. Now if the minor penalty extends
over to these ten months, the average emoluments will come down, Less
is the average of emoluments, less is the amount of pension. Thus this
becomes one of the condition to be a minor penalty that the operative
period of this penalty should not extend over these ten months. If it
extends even to the first month of these 10 months, then it is not a minor

Maximum operative period: Another condition to be a minor

penalty is that the operative period of penalty should not exceed 3
years. If it exceeds 3 years, it becomes a major penalty. You should keep
in mind another important point here. You know that the minor penalty
cannot have adverse affect on pension. Thus, if the operative period of
penalty lands into any month of the last ten months of service, that
becomes a major penalty. This remains so even if the operative period
is within the maximum permissible limits of 3 years.

Reduction to a lower stage -Major Penalty:

We had detailed deliberations on the conditions when reduction to a lower stage of pay
is to be treated as a minor penalty. Now think over for a while. What will happen if a
minor penalty is imposed and any or more of the conditions that we discussed are not
fulfilled? Then that is to be treated as a major penalty.
CCS (CCA) Rules describe this major penalty as reduction to a lower stage in the
time scale of pay for a specified period, with further directions as to whether or not
the government servant will earn increments of pay during the period of such
reduction and whether on the expiry of such period, the reduction will or will not
have the effect of postponing the future increments of pay.


Lets see the requirements that a disciplinary authority must fulfill while imposing
major penalty of reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale. The order must have the
following constituents:

Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale: The penalty

should relate to the pay scale of the post, which the government servant
is holding at the time of imposition of penalty. The pay of the
government servant can be reduced to any stage in this pay scale. Such
stage should obviously be below the stage of pay that is being drawn by
him/her. Do you find that this is the similar requirement as is in case of
minor penalty? Certainly, it is similar.

Drawl of Intermediary Increments: When major penalty is

imposed, the order should be specific as to the drawl of increments
falling due during the operative period. If the order contains any such
direction, increments will be regulated in the manner so directed.

In absence of any such directions, you should follow the following


If the penalty states the specific amount of the stage to which the
pay is reduced, intermediary increments will not be granted. The
government servant will draw a constant rate of pay during the
operative period.

In another type of cases, the order may say that the pay is reduced
by specified number of stages e.g. 2 stages, 3 stages etc. but
without specifying the amount of stage (in terms of rupees) to
which reduced. Here, the government servant will draw annual
increments on every due date falling within the operative
period. This provision is just a covering direction where the
order does not specify (in terms of rupees) the stage to which
reduced . You should, however, be careful to specify the stage of
reduction in terms of rupee. The rules also require this. If your
intention is such that the government servant may not be deprived
of the intermediary increments, you can specifically pass an order
on that too. If you pass specific orders on the drawl or non-drawl
of intermediary increments, you will be fulfilling another
requirement of the rules.

We would like to add one inference here. When penalty with cumulative effect is
imposed, the intervening increments should not generally be granted. This is because of
the fact that the entire operative period is to be treated as non-qualifying for
increment at the end of the penalty. Naturally, the government servant is to draw the


same stage of pay that he/she was drawing at the commencement of penalty. Lets take
a presumptive illustration on this inference:

A Government servant is drawing Rs.10025 in the pay scale of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-34011660 w.e.f. 1-4-2001. Disciplinary authority orders reduction of pay to a stage of Rs.9475 w.e.f.
1-8-2001. The major penalty has cumulative effect and is to operate for 5 years.
Let us presume that the intervening increments are granted. In such an eventuality, the pay will
have to be regulated as follows:
1-4-2001 to 31-7-2001
1-8-2001 to 31-3-2002
1-4-2002 to 31-3-2003
1-4-2003 to 31-3-2004
1-4-2004 to 31-3-2005
1-4-2005 to 31-3-2006
1-4-2006 to 31-7-2006



DNI 1-4-2007

It is clear from the above illustration that the government servant will be drawing
Rs.10025 at the end of penalty whereas during penalty period he drew the stage of
10980 also. This obviously is not the spirit of the rules. Secondly, since the entire
penalty period is to be treated as non-qualifying, this, in our opinion, cannot be
qualifying during operative period also. This inference equally holds good where
penalty of stoppage of increments with cumulative effect is inflicted. We can,
therefore, safely conclude that whenever penalty of reduction to a stage in time scale
with cumulative effect or penalty of stoppage of increments with cumulative effect is
imposed, the accompanying order should be that the government servant would not
draw intermediary increments. There is, however, no such implication where penalty in
either case is with non-cumulative effect.

Effect on Future Increments: In the case of minor penalty, you

have seen that the same cannot have cumulative effect. Here the
provisions are different. The major penalty can have either cumulative
effect or non-cumulative effect. You are well conversant with the
implications of both these aspects. We want to share with you another
important aspect here. When penalty is with cumulative effect, the rules


do not require that the entire period of reduction should necessarily have
cumulative effect. You can order that a part of the penalty will have
cumulative effect and partly the penalty will be non-cumulative. You
should remember always that part can never be more than the whole.
Therefore, extent to which the increments are to be postponed cannot
exceed the total period of penalty. Did you find here that the penalty
cannot be for an unspecified period, at least where the extent of
postponement is a part and not the whole? It can also not be for
unspecified period where it is with non-cumulative effect. Thus,
disciplinary authorities are free to order either of the following:

The entire operative period will have cumulative effect; or

The entire operative period will have non-cumulative effect; or
A part of the period will have cumulative effect and a part will
have non-cumulative effect.

Mr. S is drawing basic pay of Rs.8100 in the pay scale of Rs.7000-220-8100-275-10300-340-10980
with DNI on 1-8-2001. The disciplinary authority on 1-2-2001, ordered reduction in his pay to the
stage of Rs.7600 for 3 years with the further direction that the government servant will not draw
annual increments during the penalty period. It further ordered that half of the penalty period
would have the effect of postponing the future increments. The penalty was to take immediate

The pay of Mr. S during the period of penalty will be regulated as under:
1-2-2001 to31-7-2001
1-8-2001 to31-7-2002
1-8-2002 to31-7-2003
1-8-2003 to31-1-2004




DNI 1-2-2005

What will you do where the order of penalty does not state whether it will have
cumulative or non-cumulative effect? In that event, the benefit goes in favour of the
government servant. When the penalty order is either silent over the postponement of
future increments or specifically says that the period will have non-cumulative effect,

One increment restored at the end of penalty and the DNI postponed by 6 months to postpone
increments for of the operative period.


the pay of the government servant at the end of the penalty will be restored at the stage
that he/she would have drew but for imposition of penalty.

Let us presume that in the above illustration the disciplinary authority had not stated whether
the penalty period will or will not have cumulative effect.
The pay here will be regulated as under:


1-2-2001 to 31-7-2001


1-8-2001 to 31-1-2004





DNI 1-8-2004

Do Yourself-5 :
Write whether following statements are True or False. Use the space provided to write your
Stage of reduction in the pay scale, should be specified in terms of
Penalty of reduction to a lower stage in the pay scale should
necessarily be for whole year(s)
When disciplinary authority does not specify whether the penalty
will postpone or not postpone the future increments, the period of
penalty is to be treated as to have cumulative effect.
If penalty of reduction of stage in the pay scale specifies the
reduction by stage(s), the intermediary increments become payable
to the government servant.
Penalty of reduction to a lower stage with cumulative effect is not
always a major penalty.

1-8-2001=8375, 1-8-2002=8650, 1-8-2003=8925. The loss will be restored at the end of penalty, since
the order was silent over its effect on postponement of future increments.





Dear learner, you have seen that C.C.S. (C.C.A.)Rules also contemplate imposition of a
penalty of Reduction to a lower post, grade or service. This is commonly known as
Reduction in Rank and is a major penalty. We have seen the nature and contents of
orders to be passed while imposing penalty of reduction to a lower stage in the timescale. The orders to be passed in the instant case are not different from that. These are
almost similar. Lets see what orders are required to be passed when a penalty of this
kind is inflicted.

Period of Reduction:
The period of reduction may be specific or non-specific here. No further orders are
needed if the penalty has been imposed for an unspecified or indefinite period.
However, if the penalty is for a specific period, the qualifying orders should also be
passed. The order in such cases should also specify the operative period in terms of
years and months. Secondly, it should also specify whether or not the penalty is
cumulative in nature. It can be partly cumulative and partly non-cumulative also.
Do you observe from this discussion that the contents of the order to be passed in case
of penalty to a lower service, grade or post for a specified period? Do we find these
not similar to those discussed at length while considering cases of reduction to a lower
stage in a time-scale?
Obviously, these are the same. However, some additional orders are also required to be
passed. These additional orders become necessary to avoid implications of reversions
on restoration/re- promotions. But before that we have to see in what ways this penalty
can operate. The orders imposing penalty, may be with regard to:

Reduction for an unspecified period

Reduction for specified period
p with cumulative effect; or
p with non-cumulative effect;
partly with cumulative effect and partly with non-cumulative

Lets have some deliberations on each of these.

(1) Reduction for an unspecified period:
The term unspecified means indefinite. When such an order is passed there is no
question of automatic restoration to the post, service or grade from which reverted.
However, such orders do not bar the government servants from future promotions after
they are found fit for promotion with reference to their work and conduct on the posts to


which they have been reduced. The government servants will be promoted to higher
post, service or grade in normal course and their pay will be fixed according to the
normal rules of pay fixation. Naturally, such a government will lose earlier seniority in
the upper post, grade or service. You are to assign him/her seniority on re-promotion
with reference to the date of re-promotion only and without giving benefit of the past
service rendered on that post.
You should use the following prescribed language as a constituent of the operative part
of your orders:

A is reduced to the lower post/grade/service of X until he/she is found fit by the competent
authority to be restored to the higher post/service or grade of Y.
Here, A is the government servant;
X is the post, grade or service to which reduced; and
Y is the post, grade or service from which reduced

The disciplinary authorities are at liberty to pass another order simultaneous to the order
of penalty. It may declare that the government servant will not be considered for
promotion in future. If the orders imposing penalty contain this bar, the government
servants become permanently ineligible for promotions.
If the disciplinary authority at the time of imposition of penalty is of the view that the
government servant should not be debarred permanently from re-promotion but his/her
work and conduct on the reduced post should be watched for a definite period of
time, it can order that the government servant will be considered for re-promotion only
after a certain period. In such cases the government servant will be considered for repromotion only after he/she has worked after reduction, on the lower post, service or
grade, for the period specified by the disciplinary authority. In such cases also, you are
to assign him/her seniority on re-promotion with reference to the date of re-promotion
only. Here, pay on re-promotion will again be fixed under the normal rules.
In such cases also, you can use the following prescribed language as a constituent of the
operative part of your orders.
A is reduced to the lower post/grade/service of X until he/she is found fit after a period
of_____ years from the date of this order, to be restored to the higher post/service or
grade of Y.
Here, A is the government servant;
X is the post, grade or service to which reduced; and
Y is the post, grade or service from which reduced.


(2) Reduction for a specified period :

You must have observed that while passing orders of reduction to a lower post, grade or
service, we need not necessarily to specify the operative period. However, if the
period is to be specified, it must definitely specify the period in terms of years and/or
months for which the penalty period will remain operative. Simultaneously, it should
also speak of the effect of penalty after the period so specified. In other words, It
should make clear whether the period of penalty will postpone or not the future
increments. We have already discussed these aspects while working through the penalty
of reduction to a lower stage in time-scale. You should keep in mind all those points.
Another important aspect that should find place in the orders of reduction for a specified
period relates to the orders on seniority of the government servant. It should be
specified in the orders itself whether or not the government servant will regain the
seniority in higher post on restoration. If the orders contain this reference, there comes
no problem at the time of restoration. The government servant at the end of penalty will
be assigned seniority as per orders of the disciplinary authority.
If the orders of disciplinary authority are silent on this aspect, we have again to
determine the seniority according to the nature of penalty. If it is with non-cumulative
effect, the government servant on restoration will automatically regain the original
seniority on the higher post. However, if the penalty is with cumulative effect, the
government servant will not regain the original seniority in the higher post. However,
he/she will get credit for the entire past service rendered on that post prior to the date of
imposition of penalty, in its re-determination.

Imposition of consecutive penalties:

Dear learner, instances are not lacking where same penalties of reduction to a lower
stage in a time scale and/or reduction to a lower post, service or grade are imposed
one after the other on the government servants for different mis-doings. The operative
periods of these penalties may overlap. How will you operate those penalties?
You are already familiar with the provisions of the rules how to implement two
consecutive penalties of stoppage of increments. There, we waited for the first penalty
to come to be restored. We immediately implemented the 2nd penalty thereafter. But the
provisions are different when two penalties of reduction to a lower post, grade or
service or to a lower stage in the time scale, are imposed as a result of separate set of
When the second penalty is imposed during the currency of first penalty, the
disciplinary authority should clearly indicate the time of commencement of 2nd penalty.
It may order whether it will run concurrently with the first penalty or it will commence
after the end of the same. If the order of penalty is clear about the implementation of
second penalty, it commences from the date as given in the order.


You may find a case where disciplinary authority does not pass orders as above. You
may find there that the second penalty is of a higher order e.g. the first penalty is that of
reduction to a lower stage and the second one is that of reduction to a lower post. In
such an eventuality, the second penalty will commence immediately. You are aware of
the proverb survival of the fittest. It is practically implemented here. The penalty of
higher order swallows the penalty of lower order to the extent it can. How? Both
penalties will run concurrently from the date of implementation of 2nd penalty. This
goes on till the time 2nd penalty comes to an end.
You will observe here that 2nd penalty does not pose any problem in its
implementation. Now comes the fate of first penalty on the date of end of 2nd penalty. It
might have already come to an end. If it is so, it is to be restored. If it has not and still
continues, it will continue to terminate on its due date and restored thereafter.
Mr.X was imposed a penalty of reduction to a lower stage of pay from Rs.9200 to Rs. 7880 in
the pay scale of Rs.7880-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660. He was drawing pay of Rs.9200 from 110-2001. The penalty was effective from Ist December 2001. The penalty was to run for four
years without cumulative effect.
As a result of second penalty vide order dated 1- 4-2002, he was reduced to the lower post in the
scale of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 and on reduction, his pay was ordered to be
fixed at the stage of Rs.7440. This penalty was to run for three years with immediate effect.
The first penalty in the instant case operates from 1-12-2001 to 31-3-2002. The operative period
of this penalty is up to 30-11-2005.
From 1-4-2002 the 2nd penalty, which is of higher order, comes into operation to run
concurrently with the first penalty. Second penalty runs up to 31-3-2005. On this date, the first
penalty is still operative as it is to run up to 30-11-2005. The first penalty again, therefore,
becomes operative singly from 1-4-2005 to run till 30-11-2005. Thereafter, it will also come to an

Fixation of Pay on penalty of Reduction in Rank:

When a government servant is reduced to a lower post, service or grade, his/her pay can
be fixed at any stage in the pay scale of the post, service or grade to which reduced.
However, there are two conditions that should be kept in mind. The pay on reduction
cannot exceed the maximum of pay scale of the post, service or grade to which reduced.
Secondly, the pay on such reduction cannot be more than the pay he/she would have
drawn on transfer to such lower post, service or grade. You are already well aware of
both these aspects. Do you remember that we have discussed these while we discussed
fixation of pay on transfer to a lower post, in our Unit-I. Barring these two conditions,
the pay can be ordered to be drawn at any stage of the post, service or grade to which



In sub sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, you have seen as to how the following penalties are to
be implemented:

Penalty of stoppage of increments with and without cumulative effect;

Penalty of reduction to a lower stage in time-scale with and without
cumulative effect; and
Penalty to a lower post, service or grade for an unspecified or specified
period with and without cumulative effect.

C.C.S. (C.C.A.) Rules provide the government servant with an opportunity of making
appeals against the orders of disciplinary authorities. Again, the appellate authorities
can also review and revise the orders of penalties imposed by the disciplinary
authorities on their subordinates. These appellate authorities are empowered to either
modify the order in any direction or to set it aside.
When any order of above penalties is either set aside or modified on appeal or review,
the normal rules of pay fixation do not come in to picture. The pay of the government
servant is to be regulated under specific provisions. Do you know what are those?
In simplest words we can say that the orders of appellate authority supersede the orders
of the disciplinary authority. If you presume that the original order of penalty has never
come into effect and only and only the orders of the appellate authority is to be
implemented, the provisions of the rules will be complied with. Lets see how our
presumption holds good. As per the provisions of the rules:

When order of penalty is set aside on appeal or review:

If the penalty has commenced as a result of original order, the
government servant will be paid the pay that would have been paid but
for the imposition of penalty. This payment will be made from the date
of commencement of order. The intermediary period (i.e. the period for
which the original order has been in force till it was set aside) will count
for all purposes as of the post held/stage of pay drawn before imposition
of the penalty.

When order of penalty is modified on appeal or review:

When the original order is modified, the modified order will be
implemented from the date of commencement of the original order. It


will be presumed that this modified order was made in the first instance.
The intermediary period will count for all purposes as of the post from
which reduced but only to the extent the modified order permits.
(1)Mr. Z is drawing a pay of Rs.7220 in the pay scale of Rs.6400-200-7000-220-8100-275-10640
with effect from Ist October, 2000. His pay was reduced to the stage of Rs.6800 for a period of 2
years from 1-11-2000. The appellate authorities set aside the order on merit vide its order date
The pay of Mr. Z will be regulated as under:
1-11-2000 to 30-9-2001

Pay after

Entitlement to pay
after orders on appeal

(2) Mr. M is drawing a pay of Rs.7220 in the pay scale of Rs.6400-200-7000-220-8100-275-10640

with effect from Ist October, 2000. He was reduced for a period of 2 years from 1-11-2000 to the
scale of Rs.5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 and pay fixed on reduction at the stage of Rs.6800
with cumulative effect. The appellate authorities modified the order on appeal vide its order
date 1-10-2001. As per modified order the pay of Mr. M was reduced to the stage of Rs.6800 in
the original pay scale for a period of two years with non-cumulative effect with the further
direction that he will earn intermediary increments.
The pay of Mr. M will be regulated as under:

Pay after

1-11-2000 to 30-9-2001
1-10-2001 to 30-9-2002
1-10-2002 to 31-10-2002


Pay after
(DNI 1-10-2003)

Do yourself-6:




Penalty of reduction to a lower post, service

or grade is a__________ penalty.
Penalty of reduction to a lower post, service
or grade can be _______period(s)
Disciplinary authority is competent to impose
a bar on promotion for a ________ period
where penalty of reduction to a lower service,
grade or post is imposed.
Two or more penalties of reduction to a lower
stage, service, grade or post run

Specified/unspecified/either for
specified or unspecified
specified or permanent



Dear Learner, we do hope that you have worked on our previous section. You are now
well conversant with the provisions of the rules that regulate the pay of a government
servant on imposition and restoration of any of the following penalties:

Stoppage of increments;
Reduction to a lower stage in the pay-scale; and
Reduction to a lower pay scale.

Having gone through the ins and outs of fixation of pay in the above cases, lets now
step in to another aspect of pay fixation. You are aware that government servants
generally hold charge of one post only. But at times, they are directed to hold charge of
two or more posts also. This is termed as combination of appointments. The
arrangement is made temporarily till return/appointment of the regular incumbent on the
post additionally held.
There are many permutations and combinations in which such additional charge can be
held. Lets see how many ways are there for holding this additional charge. The
additional post, as per provisions of the rules, can be:

A higher post in the same office and in the same cadre/line of promotion
as of original post of the government servant;

A post in an identical time scale of pay as of the original post in the same

means the post that the government servant is holding but for additional charge.


Any other post in the same office outside the cadre/normal line of
A lower post within the same office
Any other post that is not in the same office but is within the
Any other post that is not in the same office but is outside the

We have seen what appointment to another post will constitute combination. There are
other general conditions too. We will discuss those later. At this stage, we will see what
benefits in the pay are admissible to a government servant when he performs duties of
two or more sanctioned posts. The rules do not prescribe a uniform direction on pay.
Since the combination can be in different ways, the provisions of rules also deal
differently with each combination. Lets take up those first:



Government servants can be appointed to hold additionally the charge of higher posts
in the same office and in the same cadre/line of promotion. The benefit is permissible
only if the post held in addition to own is:

A Higher Post:
You are well aware of the term a higher post. We have discussed it at
length in our Unit-I. Summarily, the additional post should be in the
higher scale of pay. It should also involve assumption of duties and
responsibilities of greater importance as compared to the original post.
Both the conditions should be fulfilled simultaneously. If the additional
post fulfills either or neither of these two conditions, the benefit under
this provision is not available.
In the same cadre/line of promotion:
We have discussed in detail the term feeder post in our Unit-I. The
posts that feed the higher posts in the matter of appointments are termed
as feeder posts. Whether or not a post is a feeder post can be determined
from the Recruitment and Promotion Rules. In this case if the original
post is a feeder post to the post of which additional charge is given, the
later will fall in the same line of promotion. For example, when an
Assistant is directed to hold additionally the charge of the post of
Superintendent Gr.II, the posts of Assistant and that of Superintendent
Gr.II are in the same line of promotion.

Similarly, if both the posts fall in the same cadre of service and the new post is a higher
post, the benefit of additional charge is permissible. You are aware that structured


(three/four tier) pay scales have been granted to various services in Himachal Pradesh.
Cadres of HAS, HPS, ADOs. HDOs, Engineers etc. are the examples of such a pay
structure. The personnel manning posts in these cadres are granted higher scale of pay
and in some cases status too, after serving for definite period in their respective cadres.
However, as per directives on pay fixation, the grant of higher pay scale/status does not
involve assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance. Therefore, in
such cases the additional post in the same cadre will not be a higher post. Again, you
can infer that the term line of promotion necessarily involves appointment to a
higher post. Therefore, the condition is not fulfilled.

In the same Office:

The post of which additional charge is held, should be in the same office
as is own of the government servant. If the additional post is in any other
office, it does not fall within the ambit of this combination. This remains
so even if it is a higher post and is in the same line of promotion.
When the above conditions are fulfilled, the pay of the government
servant will be fixed as if he/she is promoted to such a higher post.
He/she continues to hold charge of his own post as well. Nothing more is
to be paid to him/her on this account. You are familiar with the fixation
of pay when a government servant is transferred to a higher post. Same
provisions are to be applied here.

An Assistant District Attorney in the pay scale of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 is
appointed to hold additional full charge of the post of District Attorney in the pay scale of
Rs.10025-275-10300-340-12000-375-13500-400-15100. Both the posts are in the same office and
orders to hold additional charge are issued by the competent authority.
The incumbent of the post of Assistant District Attorney will be entitled to pay of the post of
District Attorney, as if transferred to a higher post. No additional remuneration for performing the
duties attached to the original post of Assistant District Attorney will be payable.


Here the post is in the same cadre. It is also in the same office as is the original post.
But the post of which charge is held additionally, is in identical time scale of the
original post. You know that the posts in identical time scales, even if one is feeder and
the other promotional are not higher posts. Naturally, the government servant is not
entitled to any benefit in pay for holding such a post. The government servant will draw
simply the pay of original post. Nothing becomes payable for the additional charge.


You may face a situation that all the conditions of this combination are fulfilled. But the
additional post may carry a special allowance. By holding the additional charge of such
a post, the government servant becomes entitled to the grant of such special allowance.
In the office of Excise and Taxation Commissioner, there are two posts of Excise and Taxation
Officers in the pay scale of Rs.7220-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660. Incumbent of the one post is in
receipt of Special allowance of Rs.400 for some arduous nature of duties attaching to that post. This
post falls vacant and the incumbent of the other post is assigned additional full charge temporarily.
He/she is also directed to perform the arduous duties as well.
The officer is entitled to the payment of Special allowance only. No additional pay is payable for
performing duties of the two posts. This is because of the reason that both the posts are in the same
office, in the same cadre and in identical scales of pay.

In the above illustration, determine the additional benefit payable had there been no special
allowance attached to any of the two posts.


In such cases, the additional post can be a higher post, a post in an identical time scale
or a lower post. You are to keep in mind that here the posts are ex-cadre posts in the
same office. In such cases, if the government servant is assigned charge of one
additional post, you will have with you a combination of two posts. One of these can be
a higher and the other lower. These can be in identical time scales too. If the
government servant holds charge of more than two posts, including the original one, the
combination will be of three or more posts. One of these can be the highest or higher of
the other two. The government servant will be entitled to:

Pay of the higher post or the highest post, as the case may be; and
10% of the presumptive pay of the other post or all the other posts.

The above benefit is admissible if the additional charge is held at least for more than 39
days. The maximum period for which such additional charge is held should not exceed
3 months in normal circumstances. If it is likely that the additional charge will be held
for more than 3 months, prior sanction of Finance Department is required beyond these
three months.
Another point to be kept in mind here is that the original post of the government servant
may fall in other or others category. When you are comparing the two posts and if
the post, the charge of which is additionally assigned is a higher post, the government


servant will draw pay of the higher post and 10% of presumptive pay of the other
(original) post.
Presumptive pay means the pay to which the government servant would have been
entitled if he/she holds the post substantively and were performing its duties. If the post
of which presumptive pay is to be determined, carries a special allowance, that
allowance will be granted only if the person also discharges those duties for which such
special allowance was sanctioned. For determining the presumptive pay,
therefore, you have once again to refer to Unit-I of this Module. The presumptive pay
is to be determined accordingly classifying such other post or posts in the categories
of higher post, equivalent posts or lower post. You are already familiar with the
fixation of pay on transfer to any of these categories. Just determine the pay as if the
government servant is transferred to that/those post(s) and work out 10% thereof if
other conditions are fulfilled.
An officer in the pay scale of Rs.7880-220-8100-275-10300-340-11660 is appointed to hold full
additional charge of another post in the pay scale of Rs.10025-275-10300-340-12000-375-13500-40015100, for a period of 70 days from 1-5-2001. Both the posts are in the same office but not in the
same cadre/line of promotion. The officer is drawing pay of Rs.10640/- w.e.f. 1-1-2001.
Since both the posts are not in the same cadre/line of promotion, the officer is entitled to pay of the
higher post + 10% presumptive pay of the lower post. His/Her pay will first be fixed as if the officer
is transferred to the higher post. That becomes his/her basic pay for the period of additional
charge. In addition, he/she will also be entitled to 10% of the pay of his/her original post which is a
lower post in this case.

An officer in the pay scale of Rs. 10025-275-10300-340-12000-375-13500-400-15100 is appointed to
hold full additional charge of another post in the pay scale of Rs. 7880-220-8100-275-10300-34011660, for a period of 70 days from 1-5-2001. Both the posts are in the same office but not in the
same cadre/line of promotion. The officer is drawing pay of Rs.10640/- w.e.f. 1-1-2001.
Since both the posts are not in the same cadre/line of promotion, the officer is entitled to pay of the
higher post + 10% presumptive pay of the lower post. Since own post of the officer is a higher post,
he/she is entitled to the pay of his/her own post i.e. Rs.10640/-. In addition, he/she will also be
entitled to 10% presumptive pay of the additional post. The pay of the officer will first be fixed as if
transferred to a lower post. That comes to Rs.10640/-. The Officer gets Rs.1064/- per month as
additional pay for additional charge. The DA will be based on the basic pay fixed for higher post(In
this case Rs.10640). Other compensatory and sumptuary allowances will be as may be ordered to be
drawn. These should not exceed compensatory and sumptuary allowances attached to both the
posts taken together.

The pay transfer to a lower post is fixed at the same stage if same stage is available in the pay scale of
the lower post. This is subject to the condition that the stage should not be more than the maximum of the
pay scale. Please see Unit I on Pay Fixation for details.




In sub-section 2.4.3, we have seen the benefits admissible to government servants when
they are appointed to hold charge of more than one post in the same office but in
different cadre(s). When a government servant is appointed to hold additional charge of
another post or posts outside his/her own office, all the provisions and conditions that
we have discussed in sub-section 2.4.3 are equally applicable. Here the additional
post(s) may not necessarily be ex-cadre posts. The provisions remain applicable even if
the post(s) is/are in the same cadre/line of promotion. The main condition here is that
the additional post(s) should not be in the same office in which original post of
government servant is.
The condition that the benefit is admissible if the additional post is held minimum for
45 days and maximum for 90 days is also applicable here.



1. Additional Charge for Short periods only:

Dear Learner, you will agree that when a post is created in the government service, it is
created after giving full thought. Every additional post justifies the posting of one
independent person to man it. Therefore, if any post is filled up by giving additional
charge, it does not justify the existence of the post on full time basis. Secondly, such an
arrangement is not conducive to efficiency. Therefore, an independent holder should
fill up every post. However, at times the circumstances may warrant the filling up of a
particular post by giving its charge on additional basis to a person who is holding
another post. Such an arrangement should only and only be a temporary and stopgap
arrangement. The independent incumbent should fill up the post at the earliest possible.
If it is not possible to appoint regular incumbent in exceptional circumstances for longer
periods, this arrangement is required to be made only with approval of the Finance
2. Additional Charge of Ex-Cadre posts not a deputation:
You have seen that it is permissible to hold additional charge of not only cadre posts but
also of ex-cadre posts. When a government servant is asked to hold additional charge of
an ex-cadre post, it should be treated just like any other additional charge and not a
deputation. You are aware that the Government of Himachal Pradesh has
discontinued the practice of granting deputation allowance or the scale of the excadre posts to persons sent on deputation/foreign service. Therefore, now when a
government servant is appointed to hold additional charge of an ex-cadre post, he/she is
to be treated as if holding an ex-cadre post in own scale. Therefore, this condition
becomes redundant in its application to the government servants of Himachal Pradesh.


We would like to make it clear that here the ex-cadre appointment embraces only the
posts in the government. Therefore, additional charge cannot be given for a post that is
outside the government. Therefore, these provisions are not attracted for appointments
in autonomous bodies, PSUs, Govt. undertakings, Societies etc. If any person who is
holding a post in the govt, is appointed to hold additional charge in such organizations,
no additional remuneration is payable. They also remain entitled to same facilities like
TA/DA and allowances in the PSUs as are admissible to them in the government.
3. Benefits admissible only for full charge of the post:
The benefits that we have discussed in the foregoing two sub sections are admissible
only if the person so appointed holds full charge of the two or more posts. By full
charge, we mean that the incumbent is asked to discharge all the duties and exercise all
the statutory powers attached to the additional post. You can take the examples of
judicial and quasi-judicial authorities. They are supposed to discharge judicial/quasi
judicial functions while implementing various acts and rules. In other cases, these
include the actions under CCS (CCA) Rules, Central Civil Service Regulations, and
Financial Powers, other Legislative Acts, Rules, By-laws etc. When such full charge is
vested on additional basis, the competent authorities should issue the formal orders. The
incumbents can, thereafter, be paid additional remuneration under these provisions.
Assignment of current charge of duties and responsibilities does not entitle a person for
any additional remuneration. When such an order is made, it should also be specified
what duties are to be discharged by the officer and what not. Secondly, it should also be
made clear in the order itself that additional remuneration will not be payable on
account of additional charge.
4. Maximum Period of additional charge:
We have already discussed that additional remuneration of holding full additional
charge is permissible for 90 days only. This additional remuneration is further subject to
the condition that formal orders are issued by the competent authorities. On fulfillment
of all the conditions, the administrative department is competent to allow additional
payments up to 90 days. Prior approval of Finance Department is required if the charge
is to be continued in rare and exceptional circumstances beyond this limit.
5. Restrictions under F.R. 35:
We have seen that additional remuneration is payable when government servants are
asked to hold additional charge of the higher post(s) in the same office and in the same
cadre/line of promotion. If such appointment involves exorbitant increase in the pay, the
restrictions imposed under F.R. 35 that we have discussed in our Ist Unit, are to be
made applicable. No additional pay is admissible if charge of a lower post in
comparison to original post, is held.


6. Regulation of Allowances:
You know that compensatory or sumptuary allowances may be attached to all the posts.
When a government servant is allowed additional pay of other posts, the payment of
these allowances is to be regulated by the government. At the maximum the government
servants can be paid the compensatory or sumptuary allowances attached to all the posts
taken together and not beyond that. Dearness allowance will, however, be based on the
basic pay only which is determined on holding additional charge.
Do yourself (8):
Comment on the following: Write your answers in the space provided.
A Superintendent Grade-II is asked to perform duties of another Superintendent Grade-II
in a Directorate for 78 days and is consequently sanctioned honorarium of Rs.1000/- per month.
A government servant was given additional charge of an ex-cadre post for 60 days was
sanctioned deputation allowance.
A government servant was ordered to hold additional charge of a post in a Corporation.
The post in the Corporation was in a higher pay scale. The officer was allowed to draw pay in the
pay scale of this higher post and in addition was sanctioned 10% of the presumptive pay of own
post in the government.




Stoppage of Increment:
p An Increment is to be drawn as a routine unless withheld.
p Withholding of increments is a minor penalty under the C.C.S.(CCA)Rules
and requires procedure to be followed before orders.
p Stoppage of one Increment does not debar from drawing intermediary
p Intermediary increments are not to be allowed on imposition of penalty of
Stoppage of next increment.
p Operative period of penalty commences from the date of next increment. It
cannot be given effect retrospectively or immediately.
p Penalty can be with cumulative effect or with non-cumulative effect.
p Cumulative effect means permanent financial loss.
p When penalty is ordered with non-cumulative effect, the increment(s)
withheld/not released during the operation of penalty, are restored at the end
of penalty period. No arrears for operative period of penalty are payable.
p Language for operative part of the penalty order prescribed.


Reduction to a lower stage in pay scale:

p A minor penalty if ordered for a period up to 3 years without cumulative
effect and without affecting pension.
p If above conditions are not fulfilled, becomes a major penalty.
p Stage of pay can be reduced to any level with or without cumulative effect.
p Period of penalty to be specified.
p Intermediary increments not to be allowed when penalty is ordered with
cumulative effect.
p Is to take immediate effect or from the date specified in the order.
p Intermediary increments can be released if it is without cumulative effect.
p When penalty is with cumulative effect, pay is restored to the level of that
drawn at commencement of penalty. Period of service on that stage counts
for next increment.
p When penalty is without cumulative effect, the pay is to be restored at the
level at which it would have been drawn but for imposition of penalty. No
arrears are payable for the operative period of penalty.
p Language to be used is prescribed.



Reduction to a lower post, service or Grade

p Pay can be fixed at any stage of pay scale of the reduced post. It should not
exceed maximum of this pay scale as also the pay that would have been
admissible had the government servant been transferred to the lower service,
grade or post in the normal course.
p Can be for an indefinite period.
p Can be for a specific period also. In such cases, it should be specified
whether the penalty will have cumulative or non-cumulative effect. It should
also say whether the government servant will draw intermediary increments
or not.
p Where penalty is for unspecified period, the disciplinary authority can
specify also the minimum period after which the government servant can be
considered for re-promotion.
p If no such minimum period is specified, the government servant will be
eligible for promotion during the normal course.
p If the penalty of reduction in rank is for a specified period and without
cumulative effect, the government servant will be restored on the same post,
service or grade from which he/she was reduced at the commencement of
penalty. He/she will draw the pay that would have been drawn but for
imposition of penalty.


Write whether the following statements are true or false. Use the space
provided to write your answer:

It is permissible to stop/withhold increments without

resorting to procedure laid down in CCS(CCA)Rules
Increments can be withheld with immediate effect.
Increments can be withheld with or without cumulative
Increments with cumulative effect are restored after the end
of penalty.
When next increment is stopped, the government servant
draws intermediary increments.
Government servant suffers no recurring financial loss if
penalty with non-cumulative effect is imposed.
Increments can be withheld for an unspecified period.
Penalty of reduction of pay in the time scale can be with





cumulative effect only.

Penalty of reduction of pay in the time scale is always a
major penalty.
Cumulative effect means forfeiture of service for a period
equivalent to the operative period of penalty.
Cumulative effect can be for a greater period than the
period of penalty.
It is permissible to postpone future increments for a part of
the penalty period.
When a government servant is imposed penalty of reduction
in stage of pay scale without cumulative effect, on
restoration he/she draws the pay that would have been
admissible but for imposition of penalty.
Penalty of reduction to a lower post can be for an unspecified
Penalty of reduction to a lower service can contain a specific
order barring future promotion for ever.
Penalty of lower service with period of reduction not
specified means a penalty for an unspecified period.
When a penalty of reduction in rank is imposed, the
government servant can be given any stage of pay of the post
to which reduced not exceeding the maximum of pay scale
of that post.
A government servant can be ordered to hold additional
charge of a lower post.
The pay of the government servant who holds additional full
charge of a higher post in the same office and in the same
cadre is fixed as if transferred to that post.
No additional remuneration is payable if an officer is asked
to hold additional charge of a post in identical scale of pay in
the same office and in the same cadre/line of promotion
10% of Presumptive pay of additional post is payable even if
the posts are in identical scales and in the same cadre/line of
promotion but not in the same office
If the post, additional charge of which is given, is a higher
post, 10% of presumptive pay even of original post is
payable under certain circumstances.
Appointing authority is competent to make officiating
appointments assigning additional charge to effect economy.
Additional remuneration is payable in respect of each post,
barring one, for holding full charge of more than two posts.
Additional remuneration is payable if one post is in the
government and other in the University.


Choose right answer from amongst the alternatives given and write your choice in the
space provided:






If one increment is withheld for a specified period, the intermediary increments

are :
(a) Payable
(b) Not payable.
The additional remuneration payable to a govt. servant holding a post in the pay
scale of Rs.5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 and drawing basic pay of
Rs.7660/-who is asked to hold additional full charge of a post for 65 days in an
identical time scale in the same office and in the same cadre comes to Rs.
A disciplinary authority reduces a government servant from a post in the pay scale
of Rs.9200-275-10300-340-12000-375-13500-400-13900 when the government
servant was drawing a basic pay of Rs.10980. The pay scale of the post to which
reduced is Rs. 7880-220-8100-275-12000-375-13500. There is no mention in the
order as regards the stage of pay to be drawn in the post to which reduced. The
pay of the officer on reduction, will be fixed at :
(a) Rs.10980
(b) Rs.10640
(c) Rs.10300
(d) Rs. 7880
A government servant drawing a substantive pay of Rs.6800 in the pay scale of
Rs.5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200 is given additional and full charge of a
post in the pay scale of Rs.5480-160-5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-8925 + 200
special allowance, for 89 days in another office. Additional remuneration payable
to the officer per month works out to Rs.
None of the above
An officer in the pay scale of Rs.14300-400-15900-450-18600 with a basic pay of
Rs.15900 is asked to hold additional full charge of a post in the pay scale of
Rs.16350-450-18600-500-20100 in a Public Sector Undertaking. The additional
charge is to continue for a period of 50 days. The officer is entitled per month, to
an additional remuneration of
None of the above
An officer in the pay scale of Rs.14300-400-15900-450-18600 with a basic pay of
Rs.15900 is asked to hold additional full charge of a post in the pay scale of
Rs.12000-375-13500-400-15500 in another office. The additional charge is to
continue for a period of 60 days. The officer is entitled per month, to an additional
remuneration of





None of the above

A government servant is drawing a basic pay of Rs.6800 w.e.f. 1-4-2000, in the

pay scale of Rs. 5800-200-7000-220-8100-275-9200. The disciplinary authority
vide order dated 1-7-2000 orders withholding his next increment for three years
without cumulative effect. The pay of the officer on 1-7-2000 will be:
None of the above
In question No.7, on restoration, the officer will draw basic pay of Rs.:
Penalty of reduction of one stage in pay with cumulative effect, is a:
(a) Major Penalty
(b) Minor penalty
The original seniority of the government servant is not disturbed if he/she
is reduced in rank with cumulative effect for a specified period.
Is reduced in rank with non cumulative effect for a unspecified period
Is reduced in rank with non cumulative effect for a specified period
None of the above.

2.7. SUM UP
Dear Learner, you have gone through our module on Pay Fixation. You must have
enjoyed working through the same. Fixation of pay is a most common task in every
office. We hope this module will equip you with the knowledge and skill required in
processing and deciding such cases that are varied in nature. This is certainly to go a
long way in building a confidence in you as also will result in improving the working
of your office.
Our next module will steer you in yet another important and perhaps in the most
frequently occurring direction of official scenario Leave. You will be interested in
being communicated that the compilation of leave rules not only covers the kinds that
are included in the leave rules but also equip you will the details of the unrecognized
kinds of leave. We hope youll definitely sail with us in our leave adventure. Till then,
lets depart.






Question No..1: True or False:

1. False
2. False. It is withheld from the next due
date of increment.
3. True
4. False. Cumulative effect results in
permanent forfeiture of service for
5. False
6. True.
7. False. These are to be withheld for a
specific period.
8. False. Reduction in stage of pay can be
with or without cumulative effect.
9. False. Such penalty can be a major
penalty or a minor penalty.
10. True. The operative period; here
results in forfeiture of service for
11. False. Cumulative effect of penalty
cannot exceed the operative period of

14. True
15. True
16. True
17. False. The stage of pay also cannot exceed
what would have been admissible on transfer to
that post under normal circumstances.
18. True
19. True
20. True
21. True
22. True. When a government servant is given
additional full charge of a higher post, his/her
own post becomes a lower post.
23. False. The orders of additional charge are to
be issued by the competent authority not to
effect economy. The regular incumbent should
be posted at the earliest.
24.True. Government servants draw pay of one
post and additional pay of all the additional

12. True. Cumulative effect can be for a 25. False. Additional remuneration is not
period less than that of operative period. payable when additional charge is in any
organization outside the government.
13. True.


Question No.2 Choose the right alternative:

1. (a)

2. (b). Additional remuneration is not

payable when additional charge is of a
post in identical scale in the same cadre
and in the same office.
3. (a). The pay will be fixed as on transfer
to a lower post because the disciplinary
authority has not specified any stage.

6.(a) Additional pay on transfer to a lower post

should not exceed the maximum of pay scale of
the lower post. Therefore, presumptive pay will
be 10% of this maximum.
7. (a)Penalty commences from the date of next
increment i.e. 1-4-2001. Therefore, the govt.
servant will draw the same rate of pay as was
being drawn before imposition of penalty.
8 (a).
Pay on 1-4-2001= Rs. (7000)
1-4-2002= Rs. (7220)
1-4-2003= Rs. (7440)
1-4-2004 = Rs. 7660
9. (a) Reduction in stage with cumulative effect
is always a major penalty.

4.(c). When full charge of two

independent posts is held, the government
servant is entitled to pay of the higher
post + 10% of presumptive pay of the
additional post. Here the original post is a
higher post. The govt. servant draws pay
of this post. He/she is also entitled to
presumptive pay of additional post and
sumptuary and compensatory allowances
of both the posts Presumptive pay of the
lower post come to Rs.6800/-(same stage)
i.e.Rs.680+200 special allowance =
5. (b)Additional pay is not payable if 10. (c ).
additional charge is outside the



Do Yourself-1:
1-True, 2-False, 3-False

Do Yourself-2:
1- Minor. 2-Prospective, 3-Advance, 4-cumulative

Do Yourself-3:





Do yourself-4:
1-5-2000 to 31-8-2000 = 6800
1-9-2000 to 30-4-2001 = 6400 (6800)
1-5-2001 to 30-4-2002 = 6400 (7000)
1-5-2002 to 28-2-2003 =6400 (7220)
1-3-2003 to 30-4-2003 =7220
1-5-2003 =7440 DNI 1-5-2004

Do yourself-5:
1-True, 2-False, 3-False, 4-True, 5-False

Do yourself-6:
1- Major, 2-Either specified or unspecified
3- Either specified or permanent, 4- Simultaneously

Do yourself-7:
No additional remuneration would have become payable.

Do yourself-8:
(1) The action is irregular. No additional remuneration is payable when additional
charge is of a post in an identical pay scale and in the same cadre.
(2) Payment of deputation allowance is irregular. The government servant should have
been paid additional remuneration by way of pay of the higher post + 10% of
presumptive pay of the lower post.
(3) Both the payments i.e. pay of higher post and 10% of presumptive pay are irregular.
No additional remuneration is payable if the ex-cadre appointment is outside the


Validation Workshop
Development of Modules
Pay Fixation Rules
Sl. No.

Name & Designation

Dr. Desh Deepak, IAS.,
HP Institute of Public Administration,
Fairlawns, Shimla-12.

Shri V.K. Sood,

Retired Controller(F&A),
Department of Personnel,
HP Secretariat, Shimla-2.

Shri H.R. Verma,

Deputy Controller(F&A),
HP Tourism Development Corporation,

Shri R.P. Sharma,

Deputy Controller (F&A),
HP Public Works Department,

Shri B.M. Gupta,

Assistant Controller (F&A),
HIPA, Shimla-12.

Shri M.L. Chauhan,

Assistant Controller (F&A),
HIPA, Shimla-12.

Shri S.S. Panwar,

Programme Officer, UNDP-ATI,
HP Institute of Public Administration,
Fairlawns, Shimla-12.


Editing Board
Development of Modules
Pay Fixation Rules
Sl. No.

Name & Designation

Dr. Desh Deepak, IAS.,
HP Institute of Public Administration,
Fairlawns, Shimla-12.

Dr. Kailash Walia,

Retired Principal,
Flat No. 228, Below BCS,
New Shimla-9.

Shri B.M. Gupta,

Assistant Controller (F&A),
HIPA, Shimla-12.

Shri S.S. Panwar,

Programme Officer, UNDP-ATI,
HP Institute of Public Administration,
Fairlawns, Shimla-12





Name and Address of Participants
Shri N.R. Verma, Administrative Officer,
Directorate of Horticulture, H.P. Shimla171002.
Shri Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Engineer(Design).
O/o Engineer-in-Chief, HPPWD, Shimla-171001.
Shri Mahesh Bhardwaj, Superintendent(Fin.C),
H.P.Secretariat, Shimla-171002.
Shri Gopal Dutt Sharma, Jr.Assistant,
O/o Block Dev.Officer, Gohar, Distt. Mandi(H.P.).
Shri A.R.Verma, Sr. Assistant,
H.P.Institute of Public Administration, Shimla171012.
Shri D.R. Chauhan, Sr.Assistant,
H.P.Institute of Public Administration, Shimla171012.
Shri P.S. Parmar, Superintendent,
Directorate of Ayurveda, H.P. Shimla-171009
Shri Prem Chand Tanta, Superintendent,
Directorate of Panchayats, H.P. Shimla-171009.
Dr.(Mrs.)Neena Shandil, Sr.Medical Officer,
DDU Hospital, Shimla-171001.
Shri Yadvinder Paul, District Food & Supplies Controller,
Shri N.C. Kashyap, Section Officer,
H.P.Public Service Commission, Shimla-171002.
Shri T.R. Sharma, Superintendent,
Capital Treasury, Shimla-171002.


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