Documents Required For Non-ECR

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Documents Required for Non-ECR

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Documents Required for Non-ECR

Non-ECR Category
All holders of Diplomatic/official Passports

All GAZETTED Government servants, their spouses and

dependent children.

Document(s) Required
No separate document is required except Diplomatic passport.

1. For Gazetted Government servants

i) Identity Certificate as per Annexure B
ii) No Objection Certificate as per Annexure M
iii) Prior Intimation Letter (PI) as per Annexure N
2. For spouses of gazetted government servants
i) Identity Certificate as per Annexure B
ii) An attested copy of marriage certificate issued by Registrar
iii) Joint Affidavit as per Annexure D
3. For dependent children of gazetted government servants
i) Identity Certificate as per Annexure B
ii) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office
authorized to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and
iii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving
certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school
last attended by the applicant or any other recognized
educational institution
iv) Passport copy of the government servant

All persons having educational qualifications of matriculation

Matriculation Pass Certificate
and above

All persons above the age of 50 years

1. i) Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Authority or any

office authorized to issue Birth and Death Certificate by the
Registrar of Births & Deaths
ii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving
certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school
last attended by the applicant or any other recognized
educational institution
iii) Affidavit sworn before a Magistrate/Notary stating
date/place of birth as per the specimen in Annexure "A" by
illiterate or semi-illiterate applicants (Less than 5th class)

All children up to the age of 18 years. (For re-issue of

passport, after they attain the age of 18 years, documents to Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office authorized
proof their non-ECR category has to be submitted, else ECR to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and Deaths
stamping will be done)

Income-Tax payers (including Agricultural Income-Tax

payees) in their individual capacity, their spouses and
dependent children below the age 18 years

1. i) Proof of assessment of income tax and actual payment of

income tax for last one year
ii) Income Tax return statement (with income tax being paid

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Documents Required for Non-ECR

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Non-ECR Category

Document(s) Required
by the applicant) for last one year that is stamped by income
tax authorities and a copy of the PAN card
Note: i) Proof of payment of advance tax is not sufficient. You
need to submit additional documents as specified above
ii) Applicants submitting NILL income tax return statement are
not eligible.
2. For spouses, certificate signifying relation
i) An attested copy of marriage certificate issued by the
Marriage Registrar needs to be submitted. For verification,
spouse's name needs to be endorsed in the applicant's
3. For dependent children certificate signifying relation
i) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office
authorized to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and
ii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving
certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school
last attended by the applicant or any other recognized
educational institution

Persons possessing two years diploma from any institute

recognized by the National Council for Vocational Training
(NCVT) or State Council of Vocational Training (SCVT), or
Pass Certificate issued by the Institute
persons holding three years diploma/equivalent degree from
institutions, such as Polytechnics recognized by the
Central/State Governments of India
Nurses possessing qualifications recognized under the
Indian Nursing Council Act. 1947

All professional Degree holders , their spouses and

dependent children. Examples of professional degree
holders are Doctors holding MBBS degree or equivalent
degree in AYURVED or HOMEOPATHY, accredited
Journalists, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Cost
Accountants, Lecturers, Teachers, Scientists, Advocates, etc

All persons who have been staying abroad for more than
three years (the period of three years could be either in one
stretch or broken) and their spouses

Nursing Certificate

1. Certificate of the professional degree held

2. For spouses, certificate signifying relation
i)An attested copy of marriage certificate issued by the
Marriage Registrar needs to be submitted. For verification,
spouse's name needs to be endorsed in the applicant's
ii) Joint Affidavit as per Annexure D
3. For dependent children certificate signifying relation
i) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office
authorized to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and
ii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving
certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school
last attended by the applicant or any other recognized
educational institution

1. Passport copy (first two and last two pages, including

ECR/Non-ECR page and the page of observation (if any),
made by Passport Issuing Authority)
2. For spouses certificate signifying relation
i)An attested copy of marriage certificate issued by Registrar
of Marriage
ii) Joint Affidavit as per Annexure D

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Documents Required for Non-ECR

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Non-ECR Category

Document(s) Required
iii)Spouse name should be endorsed on each others passport
3. Applicant has to submit a written statement detailing all the
dates of exit and entry into India and produce the passport for
verification. (Format: Sl. No, Date of Exit. Port of Exit, Page
Number of passport containing the stamp, Similarly details of
corresponding entry. The last column should mention number
of days spent outside India. This should be more than three
years (1095 days).

Seamen who are in possession of Continuous Discharge

Certificate (CDC), or Sea Cadets and Deck Cadets

1. Who have passed the final examination of three

years B.Sc. Nautical Sciences courses at T.S.
Chanakya, Mumbai and
2. Who have undergone three months pre-sea training
at any of the Government approved training
institutes, such as T.S. Chanakya, T.S. Rehman,
T.S. Jawahar, MTI (SCI) and NIPM, CHENNAI, after
production of identity cards issued by the Shipping
Master at Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai
Persons holding Permanent Immigration Visa, such as the
visas of UK, USA and Australia.

Continuous Discharge Certificate

Copy of Immigration Visas, or the Permanent Resident card of the

country of stay

Note:If the applicant does not have Non-ECR status then All such ECR passport holders need to obtain Emigration Clearance
Certificate from the Protector-General of Emigrants, Ministry of Overseas India Affairs.


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