Civics Education Manual
Civics Education Manual
Civics Education Manual
ISBN 9982-23-035-2
Introduction to Economics
Human Rights
This manual has been written on the basis of promoting ideals and
values of democracy. It deals with civic educational experiences which
promote national, regional and international understanding. It tackles
contemporary issues such as human rights, social justice, interdependence,
tolerance, peace and conflict and sustainable development. The concept of
citizenship and the values of the Zambian constitution have widely been
covered. This book has been written in simple language. I trust that it is
reasonably comprehensive to enable the user to utilize it as a guide in the
teaching of Civics. It also examines the teaching of positive attitudes and
values as well as social study skills through which civic awareness can be
realised in society. It is through effective teaching of Civics that
democratic governance can be achieved.
Sichalwe M. Kasanda.
Permanent Secretary.
E.F Chingo,
Movement for Multi-Party Democracy.
UNIP - United National Independence Party.
NEC - National Executive Committee.
FODEP - Foundation for Democratic Process.
WLG - Womens' Lobby Group.
ZCEA - Zambia Civic Education Association.
NGO - Non- Governmental Organisation.
NGOCC - Non- Governmental Organisation Co-ordinating Committee.
SADC - Southern Mrican Development Community.
COMESA - Common Market for Eastern and Southern African
ECOWAS - Economic Organisation for West African States.
UAPTA - Unit of Account of-Preferential Trade Area.
PLC - Public Limited Company.
ZPA - Zambia Privatisation Agency.
OAU - Organisation of African Unity.
WCED - World Commission on Environment and Development.
WID - Women in Development.
WAD - Women and Development.
GAD - Gender and Development.
VIS - Village Industry Service.
ZARD - Zambia Association for Research and Development.
NORAD - Norwegian Agency for Development.
SIDA - Swedish International Development Assistance.
ODA - Overseas Development Agency.
EEC - Europian Economic Community.
nCA- Japan International Development Agency.
IMP - International Monetary Fund.
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Political Science is one of the major components of Civics. This is
because one of the main aims of teaching Civics is to make the learner be
aware of the nature, purposes and functions of political institutions. In
every part of the world people are governed and they take part in the
running of government in one way or another. Governments have leaders
who make laws to ensure order, peace and harmony. The type of
government and the manner in which it is run affects the welfare of the
people. Some of the most important obligations of a (modern) citizen are
therefore, to know how a government operates and to monitor the
decisions and actions of the government so that it responds to the
changing needs of the people.
By the end of this unit you should be able to: discuss the major political science concepts such as state, government,
power, authority, democracy.
distinguish a democracy from a dictatorship.
describe the functions and the main structures of government.
identify and discuss citizenship qualities that are compatible with
discuss the roles of political parties, elections and pressure groups in
promoting democracy.
identify some study ahd social skills that promote citizen participation.
A monopoly of force held by the government.
Government is usually associated with a state but the two are not the
same. It is possible to have a government without a state. For example, a
family, community or tribe can be said to have a government in that it has
accepted rules of conduct, of maintaining law and order and of meting out
punishments to offenders. A government can therefore exist
Every state has a political system. The political system includes the
individuals, who take part in public affairs, the structures and institutions
through which these individuals act and the values that shape their
behaviour. The political system comprises the government and political
culture, values, beliefs and attitudes that determine political behaviour.
The political process refers to the prescribed pattern of political activities
such as law making and the electoral system. A state can have changes in
its political system. From 1973 to 1991, Zambia had a One Party System
whose features were different from the Multi-Party System of the Third
The most important institution in a political system is the government. It is
the institution through which a nation is ruled. It consists of the formal
institutions and offices involved in making decisions for a political system.
It is the framework in which the Executive, Legislative, Judicial and
Administrative functions are carried out. This framework is usually
defined in a constitution.
In every society some form of organised government is found because of
the need for an institution capable of exercising overall social control.
The following are therefore recognised as the primary functions of a
government in every society:-
Traditional authority:- this is the right to rule which comes from the
continuous exercise of power through inheritance e.g. chiefs.
Charismatic authority:-
The answers to these questions are used to classifY political systems into
either dictatorships or democracies.
A democratic state
The word and concept of democracy comes from the Greeks. 'Demos'
means people and Kratos means rule - thus democracy means rule of the
people. Democracies are governments that are based on a popular vote
and elections which decide who will be in power.
The alternation of power, which means that a government that has lost
an election held in accordance with the rules must agree to resign and
leave for the new majority, i.e the latter given an opportunity to
These five principles must all be present
having democratic foundations.
Democratic Value.
A democratic state will decline rapidly if it is not sustained by democratic
values. Values are beliefs that 'guide the behaviour of people. Democracy
requires that participants in the political process share common standards
of behaviour.
These are some of the values that sustain democracy: respect for human rights.
tolerance and respect for the beliefs and opinions of others.
settling of disputes through persuasion, negotiation and compromise
within the framework of the law.
Obligations ofcitizens
Democracy places certain obligations on citizens. These obligations are
to: vote wisely in local and national elections.
become actively involved in the nation's political system by joining a
political party, seeking political office and by encouraging others to
do likewise.
respect the symbols of national identity such as the flag.
demonstrate willingness to finance government services through
payment of taxes.
help defend the country.
By fulfilling all or some of these obligations a citizen becomes an active
participant in the country's decision making process. Citizens in a
Tribalism and nepotism.
Gender inequality.
Suppression of human rights.
Rigging of elections.
Lack of respect for the rule oflaw.
The constitution.
This is the fundamental law that a society uses to organise its government,
define and limit its power by describing its relationship with the citizens. A
constitution is the foundation stone for democracy because it performs the
following functions: promoting the rule oflaw.
limiting the power of the government.
distributing power among the organs of government, that is the
separation of powers.
protecting the human rights of citizens.
A constitution can either be written or unwritten, flexible or rigid. A
written constitution is in the form of a book. An unwritten constitution is
based on conventions, traditions and customs of the society. A flexible
constitution can be -amended by a majority in the Legislature while a rigid
constitution requires a referendum before an amendment can be effected.
bill of rights.
qualifications for Zambian citizenship.
powers of the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.
Political Parties
A political party is a voluntary association whose members share common
beliefs and wish to form the government of the country. Political parties
make democracy work by carrying out the following functions: nominating candidates for elective positions in the national and local
government elections.
putting forward political, economic and social issues by deciding where
the party stands on a particular question of public interest. This
declaration of principles is called the party platform or manifesto.
conducting election campaigns in order to gain public office, so that the
party's manifesto can be implemented.
acting as a watchdog over the party in power. Opposition parties must
be alert to actions taken by the ruling party which may not be favourable
to the interests of the people.
Pressure Groups
A pressure group is a voluntary association of people who share certain
aims and who wish to influence the decisions of the government. Pressure
groups act as communication links between the government and the
citizens who wish to influence the decisions of government leaders.
Elections can be defined as the means by which people choose and
exercise some control over their leaders. In Zambia electoral democracy is
guaranteed by law. The constitution states that the President and
Members of Parliament (MPs) must be elected every five years. In Zambia
there are three types of elections. General elections are held every five
years to elect the President and MPs . Local government elections are
held every three years to elect councillors for local government.
By-elections are held when an MP or a councillor for example dies,
resigns or is imprisoned.
Elections play the following functions in a democracy: enabling citizens to choose their leaders.
legitimising the government in power.
enabling citizens to exercise some control over government policies.
It is therefore very important that elections are free and fair.
Study Skills
Social Skills
For any country to develop its economy, it must be well organised.
Economics is a key factor in national development. Economics is a vital
subject for national development. It is therefore, important to seriously
examine some of the economic issues affecting a country. This unit will
discuss the following concepts:
Economic development.
Demand and supply.
Financial institutions.
Private and public enterprises.
Economic groupings.
By the end of this unit you should be able to: discuss the subject matter of Economics and its relationship with other
explain the relationship between demand and price, supply and price.
define development and underdevelopment.
An underdeveloped country is one which has good potential for using
more capital or more labour or more available natural resources to
support its present population but fails to do so. The following are
indicators ofunderdevelopment:-
Indicators ofDevelopment.
The following are the indicators of development:- adequate family income for providing the basic necessities, such
food, shelter and clothing.
- availability ofjobs to all family heads.
-increased productivity in the economy.
- high standard of living- including nutrition, housing, health and
- high national income or Gross National Product(GNP).
national independence.
Economic Development
Economic development entails the increase in the amount of goods and
services produced in a country. Demands for higher standards of living
have put great pressures on governments to achieve faster rates of
economic growth. Economists have identified several factors which
determine the rate of growth.
Factors ofproduction
Any activity which helps to satisfy material wants is called production.
Enterprising individuals organise production by employing what are called
factors of production(land, labour and capital).
Land includes all kinds of natural resources such as agricultural areas,
natural grasslands, woodlands, deserts, oceans, seas and lakes, rivers,
the atmosphere and everything in them.
This is human effort, physical and mental, directed to the production of
goods and services. It must be understood that it is the services of
labour which are bought and sold and not labour itself
Productive Forces
These are means of production such as factories, machines and people
with production experience, labour skills and knowledge (science and
Working conditions.
The efficiency of labour is very much influenced by the conditions
under which it is carried out. Great attention should be paid to things
such as ventilation, lighting, temperature and many others in places of
Welfare services.
Firms should provide welfare services for their employees such as
playing fields, social and recreational facilities, medical facilities and
transport. Such provisions contribute towards a happier, healthier and
more efficient l~bour force.
This is a very important determinant of productivity. A high degree of
joint satisfaction is necessary for improved productivity. The payment
of bonus schemes where monetary reward is more closely related to
effort, are widely used as means of stimulating productivity. Profit
sharing schemes can also encourage workers to work hard. Also
workers should be involved in decision making process. If workers pass
decisions involving reaching certain targets in production, they will
work harder.
Labour Market
This is where people who are ready to work sell their labour. There are
those who are trained to do specific jobs, referred to as skilled workers
and those who are not trained at all, known as unskilled workers.
Another category of workers in the labour market is that of highly trained
people with years of specialised training. These are called professionals.
They require intensive training to master the skills of their professions.
Semi-skilled workers receive training for a short time only e.g. drivers.
Labour Laws
There are a number of laws protecting both an employee and an employer.
These laws are contained in the Industrial Relations Act of 1972 (refer to
Civics Grade 9 Teacher's Book).
Labour Movement
A labour movement is an organisation of trade unions. Trade Unions are
organisations formed by workers for the purpose of collectively
bargaining with employers. Objectives of trade unions are to: Improve members' working conditions in terms of working time,
holidays, welfare facilities and negotiating for higher wages and salaries
for members and so forth.
Encourage members to take an active role in national development.
Provide workers' education, especially on workers' rights.
If an agreement is not reached between a trade union and the employer, an
arbitrator is called. He or she is an independent official who comes in to
solve a dispute between the trade union officials and the employers.
In Zambia, the Industrial Relations Court makes a final decision on labour
disputes. When workers go on strike without the support of their trade
union, it is 'an illegal or an official or wild cat strike. A strike becomes
legal when a union declares a dispute with the employer,
Capital is any product of labour and land which is used to produce goods
and services. It includes all equipment used in production e.g. factory,
buildings, motor vehicles, roads, darns, money and so on. The capital used
in the direct production of commodities may be subdivided into fixed and
working capital. In the textile factory, the machinery installed in the
factory forms the fixed or sunk capital. While the various inputs which are
fed into the machinery in the process of production are the variable
capital. Whether production is carried out or not, expenses must be
incurred on fixed capital, while expenses on variable capital only occur
A person responsible for an enterprise in a business is called an
entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is responsible not only for arranging how a
piece of work shall be carried out but also for organising the work of
others. He or she has to make important decisions, to determine what to
produce, how much to produce and the production methods to be used.
Economic Policies
Economic policies are guidelines or an outline of measures government
intends to take in order to achieve specific goals. Economic analysis is
concerned with the means of achieving particular economic objectives.
The choice of the objectives, how people want economic resources to be
demanded in Kg
Graph J
Demand Curve
I-+- Amount I
Price in Kwacha
In this diagram the line DD is the Demand Curve. It indicates the various
quantities which will be demanded at different prices. At a price ofK30,
the amount demanded will be 7Kg. If the price were to rise toK50 the
amount demanded would fall to 3 Kg. While if the price were to fall to
KIO, the demand would rise to IOKg. Notice that these changes are in
accordance with the relationship between price and demand as shown in
the graph.
Supply schedules and supply curves:~ You can show the relationship
between price and supply by a table of prices and the different quantities
supplied at each of these prices as follows:-
Amount Supplied in Kg
If you plot the above schedule as a graph you obtain a Supply Curve:
Graph 2
Supply Curve
Quantities Supplied in Kg
The line SS in the diagram is the supply curve. It shows the various
quantities which will be supplied at different prices. If the price is K20
the supply will be 4Kg; but if the price rises to K30 the amount supplied
will rise to 7Kg. A rise in prices will cause a rise in supply.
then the total expenditure will rise from K240 to K320, that is 40 items at
K8 each. This means that demand is elastic.
c). If there is a small fall in price leading to a very small extension of
demand, so that the total expenditure on the commodity has now
fallen, the demand is inelastic.
Luxuries or necessities:
The demand for luxury goods is generally elastic, while the demand for
necessities is usually inelastic. Necessities have to be purchased whatever
happens to their price. Thus, the demand for salt is inelastic not only
because it is a necessity, but also because it has no adequate substitute.
Personal Habits:
Our personal habits often decide which commodities have elastic demand
and which do not. Some people have turned goods which are really
luxuries into necessities. For example, tobacco and alcohol are luxuries
and may not be necessities to some, so the demand for these goods tends
to be inelastic. Increases in the price usually have very little effect on the
quantities of these goods.
Financial Institutions
Financial institutions are very necessary in any given economy. There are
organisations that deal with money. There are different types of financial
institutions such as Commercial Banks, Credit Unions, Building Societies
and Insurance Companies. Without financial institutions, most business
activities would be at standstill.
Money is a medium of exchange. It should be fairly durable, capable of
being divided into reasonably small units and easy to carry about. It
should also be relatively scarce, that is, using special metal like silver as
money or special print paper which is difficult for counter feiters to copy.
Functions ofMoney
a) used as a means of exchange.
b) acts as a measure of value. It expresses value of all other commodities.
c) as a means of accumulation or loading. You save money in the bank for
future use.
d) as a means of payment for something or services done.
e) as an international means of purchase, for example, the US dollar and
the British pound. One single currency is used in relation to other
currencies in international trade and at the world market. This is
known as convertible currency.
Any currency which is legally accepted by a government becomes a legal
tender. A legal tender is any means of payment that a debtor can legally
compel his creditor to accept.
Types ofInflation
i) Creeping or chronic inflation. This involves a steady but moderate
annual rise in the general price level of goods and services at an annual
rate between 1 and 6 percent.
ii) Hyper or galloping iriflation. This occurs when the price level of
goods and services rise at a very rapid rate. Money loses function or its
value as a medium of exchange. People are unwilling to receive it and
prefer to barter their goods. When things have become very bad like
this, the only possible course of action is to withdraw the currency and
issue new monetary units. A good example is when Zaire's currency
"Zaire" was pegged at 2.5 million to a 1 US$ in 1993. Zaire withdrew
the currency and replaced it with a new one.
iii) Suppressed Inflation. This is a situation where demand exceeds
supply, but the effect on prices is minimised by the use of measures
such as price controls and rationing. However, price controls do not
deal with the causes of inflation, they merely attempt to suppress the
symptoms. The excess demand continues to exist and tends to show
itself in the form of waiting lists and queues.
Causes ofInflation
Causes of inflation are usually classified as demand as a pull factor and
cost as a push factor.
i) Pressure ofdemand When too much money is chasing too few goods
and services, there is bound to be an increase in supply. This type of
inflation is called buyers' inflation or demand inflation. It is a situation
where aggregate demand persistently exceeds aggregate supply at
current price so that prices are being pulled upwards. This type of
inflation is mostly associated with conditions of full employment. A
situation of excess demand may arise when a country is trying to
achieve an export surplus, in order to payoff some external debts.
people. Thus, output and employment levels are likely to rise during
iii) the effects on the pattern ofsavings. During inflation, money is not a
good store of value. The real value of assets such as savings deposits
and life insurance policies, begin to fall. People prefer to invest in
property and art objects whose value rises during inflation.
iv) the effects on borrowers and lenders. Borrowers gain at the expense
of lenders, by the time a borrower repays his or her loan its value will
have been reduced.
v) the effects onforeign trade. By raising prices of home-produced goods
relative to the prices of goods produced abroad, inflation encourages
imports. Similarly, exports are discouraged. With imports rising and
exports declining, a country is likely to end up with severe difficulties
with the balance of payments.
This is a continuous fall in the general price level of goods and services.
It is a deliberate contraction of money supply in an attempt to reduce
prices. Deflation is usually caused by a fall or reduction of total demand
for goods and services. When this happens producers are forced to sell
their goods at lower prices.
Solutions to deflation
Government tries to increase total spending by lowering:i) the bank rates, making it cheaper for business people and consumers to
borrow money and hence increase demand. Purchasing power can be
increased by reducing taxes.
ii) government may increase its own expenditure to increase demand. It
may increase the salaries and wages of public employees and encourage
firms to do the same for their workers.
This is a deliberate expansion of the money supply undertaken to stimulate
an economy that is under employed.
Functions of banks are to:i) accept cash deposits and safe guard them. This is done on savings
accounts, fixed deposits and current accounts.
ii) act as agents for payment. A cheque is the principal method of
payment in businesS. It provides a safe means for the transmission of
money from one business to another or from one customer to another.
iii) issue bank notes. Bank notes are issued in fixed denominations. On
its face the banker promises to pay the bearer on demand the sum
stated. A bank note is thus an acknowledgement. This is done in
Zambia by the Bank of Zambia in conjunction with other commercial
iv) lend some money to customers. A bank can lend a customer cash as
long as the customer promises to pay back with interest. This is
possible especially for those with established businesses or big savings.
This is done in the following ways:-
citizens spend more money, the economy will be revived. Another way of
doing this is for the government to increase welfare benefits to the needy
people and to go ahead with capital projects. This will stimulate the
economy and recovery will start.
Budgeting for a surplus
Inflationary pressure in the economy will make the Ministry of Finance
take measures to arrest the situation. For example, it can raise taxes to
reduce spending. This will leave the budget with a surplus. The reduction
of money supply in the economy will reduce the demands for goods and
services. This will prevent prices rising and ease the inflationary pressure
in the economy. Whether the economic policy is successful or not
depends on the reaction of the tax payers. The extra taxation may
encourage wage demands that may fuel inflation. The people may give up
extra work due to heavy tax burden. This will result in the drop of
productivity. This is also inflation.
A neutral budget
The Ministry of Finance wiJl bring in a neutral budget when the economy
is believed to be right, with neither a stimulus nor restraint required. This
means any tax charged will cancel out another. For example, an increase
in the tax of fuel and a reduction in duty tax will make little difference.
This will leave the demand for fuel unchanged.
Tax is a sum of money paid to the government in accordance with
theTaxation Act. Taxation is the act of taxing or money raised from taxes.
Tax is paid according to income, property owned, goods bought, etc.
Taxes are of two main types - direct and indirect.
Donor support
The government cannot raise the required revenue to meet its budget. It
therefore asks for donors to support funding of some projects, especially
capital projects. Donors give grants and loans to Zambia. Refer to the
section on Foreign Aid. International financial institutions also give loans
to Zambia. However, the loans, unlike the grants, have to be paid back
with interests. This creates a debt burden to Zambia.
In this enterprise a sole trader takes a partner into the business, thus
sharing responsibility and ownership. It is a very convenient method of
getting more capital for the expansion of business. The number of
partners is limited to 20. It is also a suitable method of acquiring
expertise. People specialise in different aspects of the business such as
taxation and transport. The tasks, responsibility and organisation of the
Public enterprises
In the public enterprises there are usually no private shareholders. The
government owns the capital and appoints the members of the controlling
board which has similar functions as directors, but they are answerable to
the government and not to shareholders. In general, the policy to be
followed by the enterprises is determined by the government. However,
the controlling board is given wide freedom of action.
The main purpose of the public enterprises is to provide an efficient public
service at a reasonable price. It does not aim to maximise its profits, but it
is given the responsibility to operate economically.
In contrasting the joint stock company and the public enterprises the
following features should be noted: Control: The joint stock company is controlled by a board of directors
elected by the shareholders, while the public corporation is controlled by
a board appointed by the government.
Finance: A joint stock company raises its own capital by the issue of
shares to the general public, but the public corporation obtains most of
the capital directly from the government.
Nationalisation is the taking over of private companies by the
government. This is done through a complete take over after
compensation is paid to the owners of the company or through buying
over 50 percent of the shares in the private company.
Nationalisation allows the interests of the community to prevail. The
government may try to influence the general economic activity by way of
nationalisation. For example, it may want to create more jobs by
encouraging expansion of industries.
A private industry producing a major source of government revenue may
be nationalised. For example, the Zambia Consolidated Copper
Mines(ZCCM) which was nationalized in 1968 is the major foreign
exchange earner for Zambia. The arguments for nationalisation are that: Basic industries should be operated in the national interest and not with
a view to private profit.
This is the process of selling state owned businesses to the private sector.
This includes the selling off of government owned shares in state
Arguments for Privatisation are that: It raises revenue for the government. The revenue makes it possible for
the government to reduce its borrowing and to make tax cuts without
reducing its own spending.
It increases competition and efficiency. Competition motivates private
companies to imr ;()ve their products and services. Inefficiency leads
to bankruptcy.
Street markets. This includes stalls in markets. They are mostly owned by
small retailers who have complete control of their businesses.
Multiple shops. These are large scale retailers specialising in a range of
goods or a large variety of goods.
Departmental stores. These are mainly found in big towns and cities.
There are separate departments dealing with specific goods, for example,
furniture, electrical goods, clothing and so on. All departments operate
under one roof
Supermarkets. These are generally known as self-service shops. They
mostly concentrate on food and household goods.
Hypermarkets. These are very huge supermarkets which sell a much
wider range of products especially consumer durable goods. They require
a large area for buildings and car parks.
In general terms a market is a place where people come together to buy
and sell goods and services. Shopping centres are markets.
Types ofmarkets
The Perfect Market. In this market all potential buyers should have
perfect knowledge of the prices asked for by all potential sellers, and
that all sellers should seek to maximise prices for their produce, while
all buyers should try to pay minimum prices in order to obtain the best
value for their money. All persons should also be dealing in readily
identifiable products.
Commodity Market. These are places where variety of commodities
are sold. The methods oftrading may be by:i)
Auction Sales. Buyers decide how much they are prepared to pay for
every commodity. The highest bidder wins.
ii) Ring Trading. Dealers sit in a ring announcing their bids for
consignments, especially metals.
iii) Private Treaties. These characterise the Stock Exchange, the Foreign
Exchange, etc. In a Stock Exchange, a broker will approach a number
of wholesalers on behalf of his or her client before concluding a deal
on the most favourable terms available.
International Trade
Nations trade with one another for several reasons:
Balance of Trade
This is a situation where the value of a country's exports and the value of
the imports of visible items are equal. Visible items are items which can
actually be seen. For example, raw materials, food and manufactured
goods are kinds of visible trade. If a country's exports exceed imports, it
has a favourable balance of trade or trade surplus, but if imports exceed
exports, it has unfavourable balance of trade or trade deficit.
Balance ofpayments
A country's balance of payments is a record of all its financial and
economic transactions with the rest of the world. International trade gives
rise to indebtedness between countries. The balance of payments shows
the relationship between a country's payments with the other countries
and its receipts from them, and is thus a statement of income and
expenditure on international accounts.
Payments and receipts on international accounts fall into three groups:i) the visible balance of trade.
This account includes both long term and short term capital movements
between the home country and all other countries. The long term capital
movements include direct investments (which involve the actual setting up
and controlling of an enterprise in a foreign country), portfolio
investments (which involve the purchasing of the securities of a foreign
company or government) and inter-governmental loans. The short-term
private lending and short- term investments.
We can, therefore, define a deficit and surplus on the balance of payments
as follows; a deficit exists when the value.ofautonomous debt items exceeds the
value of autonomous credit items.
a surplus exists when the value of autonomous credit items exceeds the
value of autonomous debt items.
Terms of Trade
Terms of trade mean the rate at which one country's products are
exchanged for those of another. It depends on the prices of commodities
entering into international trade. The terms of trade are said to be
favourable to a country when the prices of its exports are relatively higher
than the prices of its exports. If the prices of its imports are higher than
those of its exports, then the terms of trade are unfavourable.
Zambia's balance of payments h~ve been very unfavourable since the
1980s. Exports continued to decline mainly because of the decline in
copper exports. Merchandise exports declined by 53 percent from
US$I,457 million in 1980 to US$681 million in 1986. Imports of goods
and non-factor services declined by 9.7 percent. The drastic cut in
imports aggravated the already very difficult economic situation. Despite
the shortfall in goods, the trade balance improved from a deficit of US$
20 million in 1986.
the shortfall in goods, the trade balance. improved from a deficit of US$
20 million in 1986.
The following table shows Zambia's balance of payments from 1990 1993:-
270 3743
150 3658
811 12406
1264 8839
5101 2464
108 4294
13162 4908
26200 6472
47632 13526 581 14910
Foreign Aid
There are two sources of Foreign Aid:1. Multilateral aid This is aid from international agencies to a country.
For example, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Zambia, World
Bank and Zambia.
2. Bilateral aid. This is aid from one nation to another. For example, aid
from the United Kingdom to Zambia.
Policies ofDonors
Many developing countries that are recipients of aid prefer that it came
from and through multilateral rather than bilateral channels. Multilaterally
provided aid is considered to be comparatively neutral in its effect upon
domestic politics, and to have relatively fewer strings or conditions of use
than bilateral aid. The donor countries continue to prefer programmes of
direct aid. They often wish to influence the political and economic policies
of the recipient countries at least indirectly. They desire that credits be
supplied against purchases of advantage to them, and they are likely to
allocate funds to countries where there is a special interest. Practically, all
aid, is tied, but this does not make such aid undesirable, even though
untied aid would theoretically be preferred by the recipient country.
Bilateral loans or credit, usually carry a lot of strings. These strings can be
broken up into two main dimensions:i) Ideological aspect. A given country wants to make sure that it shares
the objectives with what the other countries are going to achieve.
ii) The Commercial aspect. This is the potential aspect for a receiving
country to repay the loan. The donors ensure that money is invested in
viable projects which are likely to benefit the majority. This is most
likely where a country is perceived to run into financial problems. At the
same time, there is a fear that the money will be misused if it is pumped
into those projects.
Debt Crisis
Third World countries' over dependence on aid has resulted in more
dependence on International Aid. Hence facing a problem of debt
servicing for a long time. Between 1970 and 1974, the debt in Third
World countries stood at 606 billion US dollars. The increase of debt was
a result of debt servicing and not the actual money that the countries
The floatation of interest rates. The interest rate changes according to
the international rates.
The shortening of the maturation period. In the period 1970 - 1985, the
period in which the interests were going to mature was shortened from
10 to 3 years. That led to the accumulation of debts.
The tendency of Third World countries borrowing to finance consumer
products. Hence the failure to repay the money due to lack of
productive infrastructure.
Most ofthe commodities exported from Third World countries to
developed countries are undervalued. As a result, they are unable to
repay the loans. Since they could not repay the debts, the loans were
rescheduled with higher interest rates. Hence, the debt crisis came in
as a result of accumulation of debts.
Economic Groupings
It was formed on 1st April 1980 in Lusaka, Zambia. The main aim was to
try to reduce economic dependence on South Africa so as to enforce UN
economic sanctions against South Africa. This was at the height of the
liberation struggle in Southern Africa. The name SADCC became SADC
in August, 1992.
In 1996 it had 11 member states. These were Zambia, Angola, Botswana,
Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho,
Malawi and South Africa. South Africa was admitted as a member in 1994
after the first democratic elections in South Africa. The secretariat of
SADC is in Gaborone, Botswana.
The following are the objectives of SADC: Achieve development and economic growth to reduce poverty, improve
the standard and quality of life of the people through regional
Encourage common political values, systems and institutions.
Promote and defend peace and security.
Promote the proper use of resources of the region and achieve
protection of the environment.
Strengthen and consolidate the long standing historical, social and
cultural values and links among the peoples of the region.
Overview ofSA De
Trade has been increasing among SADC countries. However, trade has
been in favour of the most industrialised countries like South Africa and
Zimbabwe Other countries have continued to be dumping grounds of
finished products SADC has assisted in the development of many sectors
All the member states who have signed the treaty, agree to the formation
of:1. A free trade area to allow free movement of goods and services
amongst cOMESA states by removing tariff and non-tariff restrictions.
2. A customs union in which goods and services bought from countries
which are not members of cOMESA are charged a single tariffby all
COMESA members.
3. A gradual establishment of a payment union through the cOMESA
clearing house and eventually establish a common monetary union with
a common currency.
4. The adoption ofa common visa arrangement so as to remove visa
requirements within cOMESA for all citizens.
cOMESA has achieved a number of successes. Trade among member
states has increased. Unit of Account of Preferential Trade Area
(UAPTA) was introduced to enable member states trade without
obstacles offoreign exchange constraint. Under this arrangement, member
states use their own local currencies to purchase goods from other
members. PTA clearing house now cOMESA clearing house was
established to facilitate trade relations among member states.
1. For the ordinary man the community has brought the benefits of a
wider choice of products and services and new opportunities to work in
any of the member states.
2. A fund for cooperation, compensation and development has been set up
to finance member states.
3. There is considerable trade or barter arrangements in commodities
among countries in ECOWAS.
Many leaders in ECOWAS have not shown serious concern for poverty
for the masses of their population.
Products produced in member states no longer attract good prices
overseas. This has led to serious economic difficulties due to lack of
foreign exchange.
Due to the diversity of languages and culture in ECOWAS, European
buyers have shown some form of discrimination. For example, French
buyers buy from French speaking countries.Portuguese buyers buy from
Portuguese speaking countries and so on.
There is unbearable taxation borne by the poor and evaded by the rich in
member states.
There are monopolistic activities of marketing boards.
There are misguided agricultural policies.
Poor communication links.
Proliferation of currencies and a foreign exchange restrictions and
Economic nationalism and acute economic difficulties by member
2. The European Investment Bank: The main source of funds is the capital
subscribed by member countries. Its aim is to provide loans for
projects such as those which stimulate development in the less
prosperous regions, develop resources for energy, protect the
environment, expand the use of new technology and improve
3. The European Regional Development Fund: The main aim of the fund
is to redistribute community resources to the poor regions. Aid from
the fund is in the form of non-repayable grants. Much of the money
goes to infrastructure, roads, water schemes, bridges,
telecommunications, ports, etc. The policy of the fund is to provide
additional aid for projects mounted by national governments.
4. The European Social Fund: This fund is meant to provide assistance in
form of grants. The main purpose is to improve employment
opportunities for workers and to increase their occupational movement.
It helps to fund training, resettlement and job-creation schemes.
5. The European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund: This fund
accounts for more than two-thirds of the community's expenditure. It
consists of two parts.
a) The Guidance Section. This is concerned with the improvement of the
organisation and structure of agriculture. It supports general
modernisation of farms and drainage
Successes ofEEC
Since it came into being, the EEC has made substantial progress. The
common external tariff has been established and progressively reduced.
Progress has been made in establishing a common market in agriculture.
There has been a large increase in the trade among the member countries.
In 1957 the original six members did 34 per cent of trade with one
The European Monetary System (EMS) was introduced in 1979 in order
to obtain a greater degree of stability in the exchange rates among
member countries of the EEC.
By the end of this unit, you should be able to: define the terms "International Relations" and "International
Organisations" .
explain the importance of interactions among nations.
describe Zambia's foreign policy correctly.
justifY Zambia's membership to international organisations.
peace and harmony with all her neighbours based on this common
Historically, Zambia's economy has been based on one product - copper,
which is a wasting asset. She wishes to diversifY her economy to attract
investment from donor countries and international organisations.
Fundamental values
Zambia cherishes the values of human freedom, equality of races and
equitable development for all peoples.
Pan - Africanism
At independence, Zambia, together with other independent states
supported the liberation struggle for the total liberation of Africa from
colonial rule. Having achieved this by 1990, efforts are now towards the
economic development and security of the African continent through
Pan-African co-operation.
National interests
National interests are those values that Zambia is determined to defend in
international relations. These are:-
Military:- her defence force is not only used to defend her borders
and sovereignty but also in the maintenance of international peace and
security in line with international agreements e.g. Peace keeping in
Mozambique, Angola and Rwanda and Burundi under the United
Human and natural resources: Zambia's skilled citizens working in
other countries are encouraged to behave in a manner that promotes
good relations with the host countries. Various sporting links have been
fostered with countries in Africa and the world. Her natural resources
have been exploited to strengthen trade, cultural and environmental
co-operation with other countries.
The Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth was established in 1931 by the statute of
Westminster. The Commonwealth is an international organisation of
Britain and her former colonies and dominions. It is an association based
on voluntary co-operation among members and held together by
communities of history, English language, similar education, legal and
parliamentary systems.
The Commonwealth aims to:-
Originally the Commonwealth consisted of the United Kingdom and its
dominions of Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. With the
ind~pendence of India and other Afro-Asian colonies, it became
multi-racial and by 1996 it had more than 50 member countries of equal
status, but recognising the Queen of England as Head of the
Commonwealth. However, some countries that were not colonies of
Britain have been admitted as members such as Mozambique, Namibia
and Cameroon. South Africa which was expelled in 1961 was readmitted
in 1995.
The Commonwealth consists of four main organs:-
Through this structure the following functions are performed: Co-ordination of economic and social development programmes in
member countries.
Administration of the commonwealth fund for technical co-operation,
the Commonwealth Multilateral Technical Assistance Scheme funded
by voluntary contributions from member countries.
Dissemination of information on issues of vital interest to member
Membership is open to all independent African states, both in Africa and
surrounding islands.
The Structure
The GAD has four main organs:-
Carries out the administrative work of all the other organs of the GAD.
Carries out duties assigned to it by the DAD Charter, e.g. making sure
that decisions of the Council of Ministers are carried Qut.
Prepares the GAD budget.
Prepares the agenda for meetings of the Council of Ministers and other
GAD organs.
It was evident with the outbreak of the second world war in 1939, that the
league of nations had failed. For six years the world had suffered death
and distraction. However, people still believed that the best chance for
peace lay in forming international organisations stronger than the league
of nations.
Before the end of the war in 1945, the leaders of Britain ,the United
States, France, Soviet Union and China (the Big Five) met in San
Francisco to draw up a 'Charter' or a "Constitution" for the United
Nations Organisation.
Other nations were encouraged to sign the charter. The United Nations
came into being on 24th October 1945 made up of 51 nations. Zambia's
independence day 24th October is also United Nations day. It was
deliberately chosen so as to underscore her faith in the world body.
Membership has increased from 51 in 1945 to about 150 in 1996. Zambia
became a member on 1st December 1964 and has a Permanent
Representative at the UN Headquarters in New York.
Principles ofthe UN
These are rules which every member must abide by. Every member nation
must: regard all other members-nations as equals.
sincerely fulfil the aims of the charter.
settle disputes by peaceful means without force or the threat of force .
- help the UN in any action it takes in accordance with the ,Charter, and
not help any country against whom action is being taken.
Any independent country is free to apply for membership of the UN.
Structure andfunctions
There are six main organs of the UN each with special tasks to perform:1. The General Assembly
The main functions of the Security Council are to 'TIaintain World Peace
through: investigating any dispute which may threaten peace.
recommending how disputes should be settled.
application of economic sanctions against intransigent nations instead of
using force.
dispatching a UN peace keeping force to an area of conflict or taking
military action against an aggressor.
Important decisions of the Council require a 9 vote majority in favour but
the permanent members have the power of "Veto" to prevent action being
taken. When this happens, the matter is referred to the General Assembly
for action.
3. The Secretariat
This is the Civil Service of the UN staffed by international workers. It is
headed by the Secretary General who is appointed by the General
Assembly and recommended by the Security Council for a term of five
years. The Secretary General: informs the Security Council of any threats to international peace and
speaks on behalf of the international community and his/her words and
deeds are taken seriously.
has routine consultations with world leaders and attends various UN
The Secretariat employs more than 25,000 civil servants from more than
150 countries, its functions are: to implement the decisions of UN organs.
to advise the Secretary General on world problems.
to publish UN reports and run an information service.
halting conflicts and preserving the peace once it has been achieved
(peacemaking and Peace-keeping).
taking measures to prevent the recurrence of violence among nations
and peoples (post-conflict Peace-building).
The UN has a wider realm of work for peace through decolonisation,
disarmament, international law and socio-economic development. The
world has been plagued by a number of conflicts and massive human
suffering and deprivation. But this would have been far worse without the
continuing efforts of the UN.
This unit has covered International Relations in the context of Zambia's
Foreign policy and her membership to three international organisations
namely the GAD, the Commonwealth, and the UN. International
understanding and co-operation are important components of Civics
Education. As Civics teachers you should take part in activities that
promote international solidarity.
l.. __H_u_m_a_D_R_ig_h_t_s_ _
Today, people are advocating for the promotion and enjoyment of Human
Rights. Human Rights are claims which individuals make against the
rulers. These are inherent to all human beings. Every human being
irrespective of his or her culture, religion, nationality, political opinion and
tribe is entitled to the enjoyment of human rights.
By the end of this unit you should be able to; define the concept of Human Rights.
give a brief history of the United Nations Declaration for Human Rights
describe the International Convention on Children's Rights.
explain the violations of vulnerable groups in society.
list institutions that safeguard Human Rights.
explain the role of pressure groups in the promotion of Human Rights.
give a case study of Zambia on Human Rights (Munyama Human
Rights Commission).
The above rights are enshrined in the Zambian Constitution under the Bill
of Rights. The world observes the 10th of December as a Human Rights
Yet they receive directly only one tenth of the world's income and
own less than one- hundredth ofthe world's property. "
The above quotation shows how women have been made more vulnerable
in their political, economic and social rights. Women have. been
discriminated against after divorce in terms of property inheritance. In
terms of credit facilities, women have also been discriminated against. In
Zambia today some women especially those in the urban environment
have had little access to borrowing finances from business institutions and
organisations. Most have had to seek permission from their husbands.
Others may borrow using their fathers or brothers. In most parts of
Zambia women are not allowed to own land.
It was therefore these social, economic and political violations that made
the United Nations Charter to lay emphasis on the equal rights between
men and women. According to the United Nations Declaration on Human
Rights, all people are born equal and free in dignity and rights. Hence all
people are entitled to the same rights. In order to improve the status of
women in society, the United Nations Commission on the Status of
Women was established in 1946 by the Economic and Social Council. It
advocated for raising the status of women in politics, education, economic
development, in law and in practice.
In 1952, the United Nations again introduced the Convention on the
Political Rights of women. It was aimed at instituting equal human rights
between men and women in laws.
In 1962, the Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for
Marriage and Registration of Marriages was ratified. This was intended to
ensure by national legislation, equal rights for married people.
In 1979, the Discrimination Against Women was ratified. It examined
women's rights in politics, health, education, public life, nationality and
family life.
Another group that has been vulnerable since biblical times are refugees
and these can be defined as groups of people who flee from their countries
to live in other countries for religious, economic, political and other forms
of social violations. Almost all countries have received refugees.
Refugees have lost most of their rights and fundamental freedoms. Those
who run away from their countries because of political and other forms of
These too have suffered in terms of the denial of Human Rights. In most
countries, prisoners may be detained without trial. Sometimes law
breakers have been given unfair trial. National governments should not
interfere with the Courts of Law. They should be made to bear in mind
that no human being can be imprisoned without evidence that they are
guilty of an offence. Sometimes people have been indefinitely put in
police cells where they have been .tortured and some cases they have died
The Aged
Elderly people have been discussed during the United Nations
Conventions for example, the World Assembly on ageing was convened in
Vienna in 1982. It emphasised action in employment, education, financial
security; health, housing, nutrition and social security. The General
Assembly and the Economic and Social Council urges governments and
NGOs to prioritise the matter of ageing populations. They have also
advocated for the creation of government ministries that would look into
the plight of these vulnerable people.
The United Nations Centre for Human Rights has its Headquarters in
Geneva, Switzerland. It has a liaison office in New York. The centre is
headed by the Under Secretary for Human Rights. The functions of this
organisation are outlined below: It assists the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the
Commission on Human Rights and UN bodies to promote peoples'
rights and fundamental freedoms.
It works in liaison with governmental, inter-governmental and
non-governmental organisations to gather and collect information on
Human Rights. It publishes articles on Human Rights issues.
It also offers secretarial services and substantive information to UN
organisations which advocate for the promotion of peoples' rights.
2. The European Court and Commission
Non-Governmental Organisations
Non-governmental Organisations are pressure groups that support the
promotion of peoples rights and freedoms, for example the Minority
Rights which has its headquarters in London pressurises rights for groups
of people in the world whose rights have been violated through various
forms of discrimination. They also receive information on human rights
violations and investigate them in order to find solutions. Amnesty
International sees to it that people, world over are not tortured and
imprisoned without fair trial. It ensures that those who are imprisoned
unjustly are released.
The Organisation of Mrican Unity through its Charter sees to it that the
people of Mrica respect each others' rights. It advocates for peace and
security among nations. It observes the concept of attitudes for example,
co-operation, tolerance, inter-dependence and social justice.
The United Nations Commission for Refugees sees to it that refugees are
offered asylum and are provided with all basic human requirements.
At local level, Zambia has many pressure groups that offer various forms
of assistance such as training skills, health, water and other social and
economic services to the disadvantaged groups. Some of these groups
include Churches, the Women Lobby Group and many more. NGOs also
receive and investigate cases of human rights violation. They conduct
seminars and workshops to educate people and disseminate information
on how to solve human rights violations.
~~_ _
Conflict can be defined as a misunderstanding between two persons or
countries. Conflict may take place in the home, school, community,
country, region or the world. The First and Second World Wars were
extreme forms of conflict at global level.
By the end of the unit, you should be able to: define the concepts: conflict, peace and resolution.
describe the causes and effects of conflict at national, regional and
global levels.
suggest possible solutions to conflict.
conduct a case study of conflict in Zambia.
In a multi-party system, conflict may occur over inter-party ideologies.
The struggle may be over power, positions, wealth and recognition.
Conflict can also be intra-state (domestic) or inter-state in nature.
Peace signifies the absence of conflict. Currently many governments spend
a lot of financial resources to buy firearms and ammunition. As a result
some of them are undergoing a state of absolute poverty. However, most
peace loving nations get concerned when peace seizes to be the order of
the day. Peace promotes a given country's national unity and harmony.
The United Nations organisation advocates for international peace in
Resolution of conflict is a way of negotiation through diplomatic means.
This can be attained through round table discussions and negotiations at
national, regional and global levels.
Racial Discrimination
Racial discrimination is a characteristic of racial superiority by certain
racial groups. The founder minority white South African population are a
good example of people who believed in this theory. Racism is associated
with disputes in job opportunities and provision of social amenities like
schools, hospitals, recreation facilities and so on.
Racial Segregation
Racial segregation stands for separate development policies for different
racial groups. The former Apartheid regime of South Africa was
renowned for this policy. Blacks, Coloureds and Indians were segregated
against. Africans were confined to Bantustans or homelands. Although
these areas were referred to as independent lands, they were not
recognised by the international community.
Genocide involves the killing of one group by another. During the reign of
Adolf Hitler between 1939 and 1945, 6 million Jews were killed. In mid
1994, Hutus killed one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda.
Genocide is another extreme form of conflict.
Ethnic Conflict
When tribal groupings become more loyal to its own kind than to the
nation, ethnic conflict arises. Cultural differences may also be a cause of
conflict. Ethnic conflicts have been experienced in Nigeria, Chad and the
Sudan. Somalia is one country in Africa which has experienced inter-clan
wars. Genocide can be attributed to a selfish leadership who has cared
less for the majority.
Colonial Boundaries
Colonial boundaries were demarcated without regard for various ethnic
groups. The partition of Africa by European powers, Britain, Germany,
Belgium, Spain, Portugal, France and Italy aimed at acquiring national
resources such as cotton, cocoa, timber and minerals from Africa, created
some conflict among countries.
The result of the division of the continent was disparity between Africa
and Europe in terms of social and economic development. Colonial
boundaries also divided people who spoke similar languages and practised
similar cultures, customs and traditions. These colonial boundaries have
also led to border conflicts e.g. Chad, Libya, Somalia and Kenya, Ethiopia
and Somalia.
This can lead to unfair distribution of resources and political instability.
Religious Conflicts
Religious conflict may arise when a country denies its citizens the right to
practice their religion of their choice. Countries like Lebanon and India
have experienced religious conflicts.
Class Conflict
Class conflict is a social phenomenon which takes place between the rich
and the poor. This type of conflict is as a result of "exploitation" of the
poor by the rich. In some countries this conflict has resulted in strikes,
riots, civil wars and revolution e.g. Russia, Cuba and China.
Gender conflict
Gender conflict is a common feature through out the world. Gender
conflict is more prominent in terms of land and property ownership.
Women grow more food in the developing world and yet they have little
con~rol over what they produce.
Demographic factors refer to changes that take place in a population. The
factors of population change include births, deaths and migration. These
three variables are referred to as components which affect population
change. These variables determine the numbers in a population, its age
composition and how fast it is growing or declining. People studying such
type of information may ask questions such as:How many are they?
What are their ages?
How many births have occurred and to whom?
What are the characteristics of those who die or migrate?
How and why will these change?
Characteristics ofPopulation
It is not only important to know the absolute numbers of the population
inhabiting a selected area but it is also important to learn about their
characteristics. A population has measurable attributes such as age, sex,
marital status, citizenship, rural-urban residence, education, occupation
and income.
Age and sex: These are very important because they are directly related
to fertility and mortality. For instance, only women aged 15-49 are
capable of bearing children. Also, people die more frequently at some ages
than others. The number of births and deaths clearly depend to some
degree on the age-sex composition of a population. For example, from the
1990 Census of Population, the Zambian age structure was as given
10 9
ZDHS 1992
More than 50 percent of the population was below the age of 15.
Marital Status: The institution of marriage is universal and nearly in all
societies the vast majority of births occur to married women. Therefore
the number of marriages and the marital composition of a population are
closely related to trends in the number of births.
Other characteristics may be economic in nature. Occupation groups, for
example differ with respect to fertility and mortality. Occupational
distribution of a population also indicates a great deal about its
socio-economic structure apart from the possible relevance of such
information to population trends.
Theories ofpopulation
Demographic factors discussed earlier have always been associated with
theories. These theories are important in providing explanations to
population changes over time. One of the prominent theories is that of
Thomas Malthus. His theory postulates that unless there are preventive
Population policies
World population
Although estimates of the world's population before the twentieth century
are less reliable, it is estimated that today the world population exceeds,
five billion people and has been growing at a very fast rate since 1700.
The United Nations (1988) reported that since the 18th century the rate of
growth of population speeded up largely because of falling death rates, so
that on average for many countries life expectancy increased.
World level examples of population pressure on the forests are cited from
Brazil and India. Brazil's development strategies of encouraging migration
into the Amazon forest have been responsible for the destruction of the
rain forests. In India and China the destruction is directly tied to overpopulation as timber cutters respond to the needs of the cities for
fire-wood and timber. Other resources like wildlife are also endangered.
Water also continues to be polluted.
It is estimated that non- renewable resources are limited, and these will
probably be consumed within the next few hundred years. These products
include fossil fuel, coal, petroleum and natural gas. It is pointed out in the
same report that the consumption of these fossil fuels e;g. coal has
increased since 1965. In 1994 the same commission pointed out that only
1.2 percent of the total value of all production is that of non-fuel mineral
resources. This implies that ever increasing population has to rely on
other sources of energy.
In Zambia, the way we keep our environment shows the extent of the
sense of responsibility to property and also respect for our resources. We
should be aware that we live in a world of interdependence within our
ecosystem and therefore we should bring up citizens who do not only
exploit the environment but also take care of it by e.g. using toilets,
planting trees and cleaning the surroundings. These values should be
inculcated in pupils and the surrounding community. Therefore, a school
should be a model of environmental awareness to the surrounding
community. Our environment faces major problems of deforestation,
firewood, air pollution, garbage dumping, contamination of water, soil
degradation, dilapidated and dirty buildings and poor sanitation. There is
Over the past decades there has been increasing pressure on governments
to recognise the importance of women's contribution to developmental
issues. This is because a number of development strategies have failed to
address women as equal partners in development.
A clear understanding and appreciation of how gender acts as a social
variable and organising principle in society which in turn affects access to
land, control over development, resources and other benefits is crucial.
This will bring an increased awareness, understanding and appreciation of
gender issues and also of areas in which women are discriminated against.
This unit focuses on certain gender issues in order to make you aware of
the importance of pressurising governments and society to promote
gender equality in all aspects of development.
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
describe the historical development of Women in Development (WID)
and its linkages to Women and Development (WAD) and Gender and
Development (GAD).
distinguish between gender and sex roles.
discuss how cultural practices and myths affect male and female
participation in education and socio-economic development.
discuss how gender roles are linked to the value system of society.
Gender: Refers to the identity of men and women in any society. It is a
variable that is used to establish the socio-cultural relationship between
males and females. It is culturally and physiologically determined as
opposed to sex which is biologically determined.
Development: This concept has no universally agreed upon definition. It
may be taken to refer to economic growth, modernisation or
transformation in the quality of social, cultural and economic status of
individuals as a given society moves from one level to another. The
definition involves an improvement in the quality of life for all (see unit 2
on Economics).
Myths: Beliefs which people have about men and women in society. These
beliefs may be in terms of personal qualities, mental capabilities, physical
characteristics and roles and duties in society.
Gender roles: These are acquired modes of behaviour in a given social
context. They determine which activities, tasks and responsibilities are
considered feminine or masculine. In terms of men's and women's
activities gender roles may be termed reproductive, productive or
Sex roles: refers to the function that a male or female performs by virtue
of his or her biological characteristics. Sex roles are closely linked to
human reproduction.
South can only gain freedom and develop by cutting ties with the
exploitative developed North".
The Gender and Development (GAD) approach is more of a reaction to
the first two approaches which helped further marginalize the women in
socio-economic development. GAD deals with what both women and men
do by seeking equal participation and equal employment benefits. Overall,
this approach seeks to understand the root causes of gender inequality
such as poverty and lack of basic services and addresses itself to these
causes. It emphasises equality of benefit and control and concerns itself
with social construction of gender that also determines division of labour,
access and control of resources. Therefore GAD involves greater
participation of women and men especially the poor, in defining and
shaping the development process with the ultimate goal of empowering
women. This means that GAD also gives special attention to women.
1. Learning institutions
In institutions of learning, males and females are treated differently
because of the upheld myths, values and attitudes. Different experiences
and training opportunities are offered in a gender discriminatory manner.
Values and attitudes are imparted to children by teachers, books and
peers. A female student, for instance, may lose her academic potential in a
mathematics subject because she may believe that females are not good at
mathematics. Other results of perpetuating myths, values and attitudes
are: Boys are offered science and mathematics subjects while girls are made
to study the traditional "girls" subject courses such as Home Economics,
Typing and Nursing.
Teachers expect boys to be more intelligent than girls and encourage
them to work hard.
Teachers make boys participate more in class than girls.
Boys take technical subjects and even pursue technical courses unlike
the girls. For example, boys become engineers and doctors while girls
become nurses and secretaries.
2. The Family
This is the primary and most important social unit of society. It serves the
functions of reproduction, production, socialisation, consumption and
provision of labour. The family transmits and promotes gender values and
attitudes in the following ways: The belief that boys will propagate lineage and support the family while
girls get married. This marginalizes girls in a home.
In case of limited resources families prefer to educate and spend more
money on boys than on girls if made to choose between the two sexes.
Parents make girls do most of the household work, leaving them with
little or no time for study.
Girls perform poorly at school because they are made to believe that
they will get married and be taken care of.
Women not taking part in decision making at home or even at the work
Women, especially married ones, becoming submissive to men.
4. Tile church
Religious institutions perpetuate gender myths, values and attitudes in the
following ways: Decisions are usually made to discriminate against women e.g. there
may be no female pastors because of gender.
conducting various courses for both men and women to increase their
skills of entrepreneurship. It also provides credit assistance to
strengthen women's enterpreneurship capacity.
women behaviour such as the Tasintha, Centre for Battered Women and
the Young Women's Christian Association(YWCA). Others provide
assistance in form of protecting women's rights such as the Legal Aid
Clinic for Women. With several world conferences that always emphasize
the importance of recognizing females as equal partners in development, it
is important that women and the girl child receive adequate education.
This will encourage them to participate fully in all areas of development.
What is Civics?
Civics is a living subject. It deals with human beings and their natural and
social environments. This means that it operates within onds immediate
environment. The teaching of Civics can also be based on the aspect of
awareness creation about people's social, cultural, political and economic
development. Pupils ought to be sensitized to the idea of living and
working together in one world. They have to know that they live in a
multi-cultural and multi-racial environment inhabited by people with
different religious practices, cultural values, traditions and customs as well
as diverse political ideologies and economic policies.
Civics is an interdisciplinary subject. This means that it covers a wide
range of subjects in the school curriculum. Civics can be taught through
History, Geography, Environmental Science, Moral and Spiritual
Education, Political Science and Economics.
The teaching of core values, attitudes, social and study skills are not often
emphasized. These are necessary in character shaping of pupils. The
subject should therefore be taught in such a way that Pupils should grow
up into useful global citizens.
Methods of Teaching
Research has proved that the success of a lesson depends on the. type of
methods applied during the learning process. In selecting these methods
the teacher should consider the pupil's varied abilities, interests and levels
of learning. The method chosen should be pupil - centred rather than
teacher-centred. The method should encourage maximum pupil
participation. The teacher therefore plays the role of a facilitator. Pupil
motivation can be achieved by applying a wide range of teaching and
learning methods.
Below are some of the suggested methods which can be used to teach
civics effectively:-
Written methods:- these are usually found in libraries and archives. They
expose the teacher and the learners to a wide reserve of information. Once
recorded information cannot be altered. The method can be used to teach
all topics in the syllabus.