Ohio VOAD Ohio Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster Membership Directory
Ohio VOAD Ohio Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster Membership Directory
Ohio VOAD Ohio Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster Membership Directory
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Ohio Volunteer Organizations Active In Disaster
Membership Directory
“Communication, Cooperation, Coordination, Collaboration And Clarification“
Board of Directors; Mary Woodward, Chair, Rebecca Tollefson, Vice Chair, Roy Nelson, Treasurer, Douglas Dowson, Secretary, Brenda
Hostetler, Parliamentarian, Bob Davis, Communications Dir., Tonya Craft, Education Dir. (Alternate: David Goldsberry), Bill Sutherin, Finance
Dir., Frank Kirk, Governmental Relations Dir., Jim Ditzler, LTRC Coordination Dir., Erin Cordle, Membership Dir., David O’Reilly, Publicity Dir.,
Portia Pulsifer, Ohio EMA Liaison., Greg Keller, Ohio EMA Disaster Representative, Ian Becherer-Gerrie, FEMA Region V Liaison.
Ohio EMA EOC Ohio VOAD Desk - 614-799-3979 also 889-7150 (Assessment Room)
Bill Adams
2850 Kalamazoo Ave.
Grand Rapids, Michicigan 49560
O: 800-848-5818 E: [email protected]
Jeannette M. Adkins
Ohio Crisis Response Team (OCRT) Co-Coordinator/Director
61 Greene Street, Lower Level
Xenia, OH 45385 County: Greene
H: 937.848.8344 O: 937.562.5087 C: 937.581.5999 F: 937.562.5647 P: E: [email protected]
Bill Baker
East Ohio Conference Of The United Methodist Church Disaster Response Chairperson
5312 Ford
Madison,OH County: Lake
H:440-298-1474 E: [email protected]
Al Banner
Seventh Day Adventist - Ohio VOAD Finance Committee
9448 Hacker Farm Ln.,
Centerville, Ohio 45458
O: 937.885.7872 C: 937.603.1268 E: Banner @CBCeng.com
John Bill
Friends Disaster Service
82 S. Sylvan Ave.
Columbus, OH 43204 County: Franklin
H: 614.279.6293 O: C: F: P: E: [email protected]
Byron Bossenbroek
Area Manager, Classis Lake Erie, Christian Reformed Church
5895 Linworth Rd.
Worthington, OH 43085 County: Franklin
H: 614-840-0353 C: 614-214-7966 E: [email protected]
Morris Briggs
Rotary International
1120 S. Sunbury Rd.
Westerville, OH 43081 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.891.7768 C: F: P: E:
Tim Briscoe
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
H.A.R.P. President
810 Main Street
Caldwell, Ohio 43724
O: 440.725.1351 E: [email protected] Web: www.harpmission.org:80/
Christian Brown
VISTA Volunteer - Jefferson County Red Cross
630 Market Street
Steubenville, OH 43952
O: 740-282-6251 F: 740-282-1709 E: [email protected]
Lura J. Cayton
Emergency Response Specialist - Church World Service Emergency Response Program
1808 N Purdue Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
O: 405.942.2044 C: 405.760.4713 E: [email protected]
John Chapman
American Radio Relay League
743 Fleetrun Ave.
Gahanna, OH 43230 County: Franklin
H: 614.478.3350 O: 614.261.2276 C: 614.371.3209 F: 614.261.2711 P: 800.681.0486 E:
Bornain Chiu
Tzu Chi Foundation - Disaster Response Coordinator
Columbus Service Center
2200 Henderson Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43220
O: 614.457.9215 & 614.466.7487 H: 614.504.2078 C: 614.806.1789 F: 614.457.9217 E: [email protected]
Erin Cordle
Catholic Diocese of Columbus Office For Social Concerns
197 East Gay Street
Columbus, OH 43215-3229 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.241.2540 C:614.570.2950 F: 614.228.7302 P: E: [email protected] [email protected]
Tonya Craft
American Red Cross of Greater Columbus - Director, Emergency Services
995 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43205
O: 614.253.2740, ext. 2274 C: 614.402.9435 F: 614.253.4081 E: [email protected] Web: http://columbus.redcross.org
R. Scott Davis
Ohio Funeral Directors Association
1310 3rd Street
W. Portsmouth, OH 45663 County: Scioto
H: O: 740.858.4100 C: F: 740.858.4192 P: E: [email protected]
Robert Davis
United Methodist Committee on Relief, West Ohio Conference
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
204 Oak Ridge Addition
Wellston, OH 45692 County: Jackson
H: 740.384.3703 O: 740.286.1320, 888.237.3141 F: 740.288.4308 P: E: [email protected]; [email protected]
Deborah De Weese
Ohio United Way Franklin County
88 E. Broad Street Suite 620
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.261.9261 O: 614.224.8146 C: F: 614-224-6597 P: E: [email protected] [email protected]
Jim Ditzler
United Church of Christ, OH Conference Disaster Response Director
2519 Stahr Lane
Wooster, OH 44691 County: Wayne
H: 330.262.3242 O: C: 330.464.3318 F: P: E: [email protected]
Douglas Dowson
United Methodist Committee on Relief, West Ohio Conference
275 Market St.
Richmond Dale, OH 45673 County: Ross
H: 740.884-0008 O C: F: 740.884-0008 P: E: [email protected]
Nicole Evans
Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Services Program Director
1031 Superior Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115 County: Cuyahoga
H: O: 216.696.6525 X 3520 C: F: 216.566.0963 P: E: [email protected]
Beth Fetzer-Rice
The Salvation Army - Columbus Area Services5
340 E. Fulton St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.437.2148 E: [email protected]
Linda Fink
Director, Emergency Services
American Red Cross - Cincinnati Area Chapter
720 Sycamore St.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
O: 513.579.3963 F: 513.579.3064 E: [email protected] Website: www.cincinnatiredcross.org
Lee W. Foster, MS
Manager, Disaster Preparedness - Homeland Security
195 N. Grant St.
Columbus, OH 43215
O:614.22.6766 x 168 E: [email protected] Blog: http://nonprofit-em.blogspot.com Twitter: @Firstlink_emLee W. Foster, M.S.Manager,
Disaster Preparedness - Homeland SecurityFIRSTLINK
Jeanne Frankenberg
Ameritech Telephone Pioneers
601 Alton Rd.
Galloway, OH 43119-9542 County: Franklin
H: 614.878-9535 O: C: 614.361.2427 F: 614.853.0312 P: E: [email protected]
Robin Franz
Medical Reserve Corps
280 E. Broad St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215 County Franklin
W: 614.462.3608 E: [email protected]
Stephen Gehlert
Ohio Funeral Directors Assoc. Mortuary Response Team
PO Box 21760
Columbus, OH 43221 County: Franklin
H: 614.865.3646 O: 614.486.5339 C: F: 614.486.5358 P: E: [email protected]
Harold Green
17981 Brown School Rd.
Marysville, Ohio 43040
H: 937.644.9090
Joann Hale
Church World Service Emergency Response Program Disaster Response and Recovery Liaison
3331 Wallace Dr.
Grand Island, New York 14072
O: 716.773.7935 C: 917.705.3038 E: [email protected] 1Website: www.churchworldservice.org
Marwood Hallett
Adventist Community Services
PO Box 1230
Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 County: Knox
H: 740.392.6443 O: 740.397.4665 C: 740.504.3008 F: 740.397.1648 P: E: [email protected]
David A. Hersh
Salvation Army Greater Cincinnati Disaster Services
4220 Dane Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45233 County: Hamilton
H: 859.442.0640 O: 513.648.1525 C: 859.250.2201 F: 513.681.0464 P: 513.691.2335 Emergency 24 Contact: 513.648.1525
Nextel D/C # 136*139302*12 E: [email protected] www.saeds.com
William Hall
Ohio Community Service Council Executive Director
51 North High Street #800
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Licking
H: 740.967.1588 O: 614.728.2916 C: F: 614.728.2921 P: E:[email protected] (O)
Joseph W. Hill
Ohio Department Of Mental Health
State Risk Administrator And Interstate Contract Coordinator
30 E. Broad St., 8th Floor
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Columbus, Ohio 43266
O: 614.644.6996 F: 614.466.6349 E: [email protected]
Jim Hopewell
OH Federation of K9 Search Teams, Inc
675 Granville Rd.
Newark, OH 43055 County: Licking
H: 740.344.5927 O: 614.265.6497 C: F: P: E: [email protected]
Terry Hoppe
Tzu Chi Foundation - Disaster Response
Columbus Service Center
2200 Henderson Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43220
H:614.775.1388 C:614.893.0484 E: [email protected]
Susan Jensen
FEMA Region V Volunteer Agency Liaison
536 S. Clark, 6th Floor
Chicago, IL 60605 County: Cook, IL
H: 708.763.8170 O: 312.408.5337 C:312-622-0559 F: 312.408.5599 P: 800.759.8888, pin 2161824 E: Jensen, Susan [email protected]
Keith Johnson
Synod Of The Covenant Presbyterian Church (USA)
256 Bunty Station Rd
Delaware, OH 43015
H: 740.363.0121 C: 614.266.7029 E: [email protected]
Sam Kelley
State Convention of Baptist in Ohio Coordinator Disaster Relief
2932 Lake Park Drive
Columbus, OH 43232 County: Franklin
H: 614.235.2765 O: 614.827.1752 C: 614.309.9751 F: 614.491.8231 P: E: [email protected]
Ross Kelsey
The Salvation Army Executive Director
Athens-Vinton-Meigs Counties
One Townsend Place, Athens, Ohio 45710
H: 740-797-3404 O: 740-593-7082 F: 740-592-5259 E: [email protected]
Bruce Kindy
Mennonite Disaster Service Coordinator, E. OH
260 Bernard Rd.
Wooster, OH 44691 County: Wayne
H: 330.264.7521 O: 330.857.2871 C: F: 330.857.2831 P: E: [email protected]
Avram Kluger
Assistant Vice President, Community Services
The Columbus Jewish Federation
1175 College Avenue
Columbus, OH 43209
O: 614.559.3234 O General: 614.237.7686 H: 614.775.6121 F: fax: 614.237.2221 C: 614.364.0600 E: www.jewishcolumbus.org
[email protected]
Cindy Kuhr
Ohio Crisis Response Team Co-Coordinator, Director
P.O. Box 365
London, OH 43140 County: Madison
H: 513.897.1769 O: 740.845.2641 800.282.3784 C: 614.579.2790 E: [email protected] [email protected]
Bill Lawson
Coordinating Council Emergency Specialist
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Columbus Ohio Region
6720 Evening Street
Worthington, OH 43085
H: 614.844.6537 C: 614.940.0492 (urgent or weekend calls) E: [email protected]
William Lawson
Director, Friends Disaster Service
33937 SR 30
Lisbon, Ohio 44432
O: 330.429.4292 E: [email protected]
Jim Long
First Community Church Minister of Missions
1320 Cambridge Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43212 County: Franklin
H: 614.459.4366 O: 614.488.0681 X223 C: 614.560.7282 F: 614.488.2763 P: E: [email protected]
Joe McDonald
United Methodist Church, East OH Conf
4005 S.R. 60
Vermillion, OH 44089 County: Lorain
H: 440.967.7621 O: C: F: P: E:
Bob McGhee
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Worthington Seventh Day Adventist Pastor
O: 385 E. Granville rd.
Worthington, Ohio 43085
H: 22475 Slateshire Dr.
Dublin Ohio 43016 County: Franklin
H: 614.356.3017 O: 614.885.7812 C: 614.439.0818 E: bobmcghee.net
Ken Mills
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
5909 Algoma St.
Dayton, OH 45415-2408 County: Montgomery
H: 937.275.4079 O: C: F: 937.275.2466 P: E: [email protected]
Ron Moorefield
American Radio Relay League
6040 Green Knolls Dr.
Huber Heights, OH 45424 County: Montgomery
H: 937.236.6530 C: 937.416.7216 E: [email protected]
John Morris
IRFF (International Relief Friendship Foundation)
1269 Clydesdale Ct.
Columbus, Ohio 43229
H: 614-985-3123 E: [email protected]
Bonnie Morrison
Ohio State Coordinator, United Animal Nations
Tri-State CART Coordinator
1819 Bell Tower Cir.
Batavia, Ohio 45103
H: 513.797.1881 O: 513.702.8373 C: 513.604.5509 E: [email protected]
Roy Nelson
Adventist Community Services
1900 Co. Rd. 22A
Bloomingdale, Ohio 43910 County: Jefferson
H: 740-264-7471 0: C: 740-381-7703 E: [email protected]
David O’Reilly
Ohio Citizens Corp - Database Administrator
51 N. High St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
O: 614.995.1849 C: 614.309.6291 F: 614.728.2921 E: davido’[email protected]
Rebecca A. Owens
Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo Community Emergency Services Coordinator
35 N. Park St.
Mansfield, Ohio 44902 County: Richland
H: O: 419.524.0733 x25 C:419.908.3201 F: 419.524.2055 P: E: [email protected]
Gary Persecepe
Executive Director, Greater Dayton Christian Connections
601 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45406
H: 937-277-5368 C: 937-239-0688 O: 937.227.9485 F: 937.227.9407 E: ws: http://www.christianconnections.org/contactus.html
John J. Pokorny
Society of St. Vincent DePaul Chairman, Disaster Committee
4541 Greenwold Rd.
S. Euclid, OH 44121 County: Cuyahoga
H: O: 216.291.2120 C: F: P: E:
Will Pollard
State Convention of Baptists in Ohio Southern Baptist PIO
5897 Northcliff Blvd.
Dublin, OH 43016
H 614-718-0921 O: C 614-309-9750 P: E: [email protected]
John Poole
Ohio Community Service Council Communications Director
51 N. High Street- Suite 800
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.459.1491 O: 614.728.5177 C: 614.313.2021 F: 614.728.2921 P: E: [email protected]
Portia Pulsifer
Ohio Emergency Management Agency OHVOAD Liaison
2855 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235-2206 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.889.7167 C: F: 614.799.3678 E: [email protected]
Michael D. Raia
401B Venture Dr.
Lewis Center, OH 43135 County: Delaware
H: 740.362.1614 O: 614.785.6882 C: 614.419.5666 F: 614.785.6884 P: E: [email protected]
Leslie Remaly-Netter
CAN Senior Officer Community and Deployment Support
14940 SW 153 Street
Miami, Florida 33187
O: 202.373.9090 E: [email protected] Website: www.can.org
Roger Roberts
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator - Madison County-London City Health District
13 North Oak kSt.
London, Ohio 43140
W: 740.852.3800 H: 740.852.2706 F: 740.852.4223 M: 614.581.3236 E: [email protected]
Dallas Rodgers
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
2155 Kingsborough Dr
Painesville, OH 44077-1548 County: Lake
H: 440.639.9040 E: [email protected]
Jenny Ryman
OH Federation of K9 Search Teams, Inc Secretary
Ohio VOAD Membership Directory (Rev. 2010.01.20) Page 9 of 26
Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
County: H: O: C: F: P: E: [email protected]
Betty Sampley
Ohio Southern Baptist Child Care Coordinator
240 Wren Wood Ct.
Englewood, Ohio 45322 County: Montgomery
H: 937.836.0792 O: C: 937.239.0777 F: 937.237.0161 P: E: [email protected]
Sam Sampley
Ohio Southern Baptist Chaplain Coordinator
240 Wren Wood Ct.
Englewood, Ohio 45322 County: Montgomery
H: 937.836.0792 C: 937.212.4668 F:937.237.0161 E: [email protected]
Tim Schmidt
Ohio Funeral Directors Association
12125 Crown Ct.
Cincinnati, OH 45241 County: Hamilton
H: 513.489.9140 O: C: 513.260.7267 F: 513.489.9140 P: E: [email protected]
Bruce Schultz
Southern Baptist Communications (Amatuer Radio) From:
3820 Three Rivers Drive
Groveport, OH 43125 County: Franklin
H: 614-836-1826 C: 614.440.2007 E: [email protected]
Bob Shank
Ohio Funeral Directors Assoc Mortuary Response Team
Columbus, OH County: Franklin
H: O: C: 614.560.5182 F: P: E:
Erica Shemberg
Salvation Army in Columbus Community Relations
340 E. Fulton
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.444.7922 O: 614.221.6561 x204 C: F: 614. 221.1896 P: E: [email protected]
Laurel Shoaff-Tranick
OH Office, Corp. for National & Community Service
51 N. High St. Suite 800
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.771.6983 O: 614.469.7442 C: 614-679-4231 F: 614.469.2125 P: E: [email protected]
George Siddall
United Church of Christ, OH Conf Disaster Response Team
403 Green Gate Dr.
Lebanon, OH 45036 County: Warren
H: 513.228.0515 O: C: 513.850.1525 F: P: E: [email protected]
Tammy Simendinger
American Red Cross, Cincinnati Area Chapter
720 Sycamore Dr.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
H: 513.367.1066 O: 513.579.3031 F: 513.579.3064 C: 513.312.7413 E:[email protected] W:
Janice R. Skinner
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Church of the Brethren, Disaster Child Care, OH Representative. COB CAIR- Child Care in Aviation Incident Response
15720 Agnes Blvd.
Brook Park, OH 44142-3307 County: Cuyahoga
H: 216.267.0243 O: C: F: P: E: [email protected]
John Smith
Adventist Community Services
1339 E. Broadway
Columbus, OH 43205 County: Franklin
H: 614.431.2062 O: 614.252.5271 C: F: 614.252.3246 P: 614.303.2971 E: [email protected]
Madge M. Stewart
Athens County Citizens Corps
20 Kern St.
Athens, Ohio 45701
E: [email protected] or [email protected]
Bob Sterken
Richland Coda, Board Member
64 Randall Rd.
Mansfield, OH 44907
H: 419.756.8891 O C: 491.571.6881 E: [email protected]
Bill Sutherin
Columbia County VOAD (Contractual Member)
East Palestine, Ohio
H: 330.426.9608 C:330.921.8635 E: [email protected]
Larry Swain
American Baptist Churches of OH Executive Minister
PO Box 376
Granville, OH 43023 County: Licking
H: O: 740.587.0804 C: F: 740.587.0807 P: E: [email protected]
Connie Thuring
President Steel Valley Search Dogs
61285 Webb Heights Road
Shadyside, OH 43947
E: [email protected]
Jim Tobin
Catholic Conference of Ohio
9 E. Long St.
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.433.9908 O: 614.224.7147 C: 614.204.9745 F: 614.224.7150 P: E: [email protected]
Rebecca Tollefson
Ohio Council of Churches Executive Director
6230 Busch Blvd., Suite 430
Columbus, OH 43229-1879 County: Franklin
H: 614.846.8137 O: 614.885.9590 Ex13 1800.760.9590C:614.582.2445 F: 614.885.6097 P: E: [email protected]
Willis Troyer
Mennonite Disaster Service Region 2 Director
4360 Troyer Rd.
Smithville, Ohio 44677
H: 330-669-3021 E: [email protected] [email protected]
Karen Upson
Ohio Valley Relief Center
400 W. 26th St.
Bellaire, Ohio 43906 Mail c/o PO Box 412, Lansing, Ohio 43934
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
740-671-8820 Info/Needs 740-671-8821 Donations 740-671-8822 Volunteers/Fax E:[email protected] E: [email protected]
Bob Weaver
Society of St. Vincent DePaul
1926 Mears Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45230 County: Hamilton
H: 513.232.3280 O: C: F: P: E: [email protected]
Libby Weigel
OHEMA Disaster Recovery Branch
2855 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235-2206 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.889.7176 C: 203.5975 F: 614.791.0018 P: E: [email protected]
Mark Weiner
Co-Coordinator - Ohio Crisis Response Team
155 E. Main St.
Newark, Ohio 43055
O: 740.670.5545 E: [email protected]
Kenneth R. Willie
Volunteer Disaster Recovery Group
61 Summit St.
Glouster, Ohio 45732
H: 740.767.4909 F: 740.767.3922 E: [email protected]
Scott Wilson
United Church Of Christ
P.O. Box 586
Thornville, Ohio 43076
E: [email protected]
Mary Woodward
Lutheran Social Services of Central OH Director of Southeast Ohio Ministries
810 Main St.
Caldwell, Ohio 43724 County: Noble
H: 740.838.5005 O: 740.732.6700 C: : 740.509.1132 F: 740.732.6710 P: E: [email protected]
Carl Yerian
Telcom Pioneers
2422 Yates Ave.
Grove City, Ohio 43123
H: 614-875-4572 C: 614-648-3857 E: [email protected]
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Marwood Hallett
PO Box 1230
Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 County: Knox
H: 740.392.6443 O: 740.397.4665 C: 740.504.3008 F: 740.397.1648 P: E: [email protected]
Bob McGhee
Worthington Seventh Day Adventist Pastor
O: 385 E. Granville rd.
Worthington, Ohio 43085
H: 22475 Slateshire Dr.
Dublin Ohio 43016 County: Franklin
H: 614.356.3017 O: 614.885.7812 C: 614.439.0818 E: bobmcghee.net
Roy Nelson
1900 Co. Rd. 22A
Bloomingdale, Ohio 43910 County: Jefferson
H: 740-264-7471 0: C: 740-381-7703 E: [email protected]
John Smith
1339 E. Broadway
Columbus, OH 43205 County: Franklin
H: 614.431.2062 O: 614.252.5271 C: F: 614.252.3246 P: 614.303.2971 E: [email protected]
John Chapman
743 Fleetrun Ave.
Gahanna, OH 43230 County: Franklin
H: 614.478.3350 O: 614.261.2276 C: 614.371.3209 F: 614.261.2711 P: 800.681.0486 E:
Ron Moorefield
6040 Green Knolls Dr.
Huber Heights, OH 45424 County: Montgomery
H: 937.236.6530 O: C: 937.416.7216 F: P: 937-850-6291 E: [email protected]
Tonya Craft
Ohio VOAD Membership Directory (Rev. 2010.01.20) Page 13 of 26
Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
American Red Cross of Greater Columbus - Director, Emergency Services
995 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43205
O: 614.253.2740, ext. 2274 C: 614.402.9435 F: 614.253.4081 E: [email protected] Web: http://columbus.redcross.org
Linda Fink
Director, Emergency Services - Cincinnati Area Chapter
O: 513.579.3963 F: 513.579.3064 E: [email protected]
Tammy Simendinger
American Red Cross, Cincinnati Area Chapter
720 Sycamore Dr.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
H: 513.367.1066 O: 513.579.3031 F: 513.579.3064 C: 513.312.7413 E:[email protected] W:
Carl Yerian
2422 Yates Ave.
Grove City, Ohio 43123
H: 614-875-4572 C: 614-648-3857 E: [email protected]
Catholic Church
Erin Cordle
Catholic Diocese of Columbus Office For Social Concerns
197 East Gay Street
Columbus, OH 43215-3229 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.241.2540 C: F: 614.228.7302 P: E: [email protected] [email protected]
Nicole Evans
Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Services Program Director
1031 Superior Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115 County: Cuyahoga
H: O: 216.696.6525 X 3520 C: F: 216.566.0963 P: E: [email protected]
Ken Mills
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
5909 Algoma St.
Dayton, OH 45415-2408 County: Montgomery
H: 937.275.4079 O: C: F: 937.275.2466 P: E: [email protected]
Rebecca A. Owens
Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo Community Emergency Services Coordinator
35 N. Park St.
Mansfield, Ohio 44902 County: Richland
H: O: 419.524.0733 x25 C:419.908.3201 F: 419.524.2055 P: E: [email protected]
John J. Pokorny
Society of St. Vincent DePaul Chairman, Disaster Committee
4541 Greenwold Rd.
S. Euclid, OH 44121 County: Cuyahoga
H: O: 216.291.2120 C: F: P: E:
Jim Tobin
Catholic Conference of Ohio
9 E. Long St.
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.433.9908 O: 614.224.7147 C: 614.204.9745 F: 614.224.7150 P: E: [email protected]
Bob Weaver
Society of St. Vincent DePaul
1926 Mears Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45230 County: Hamilton
H: 513.232.3280 O: C: F: P: E: [email protected]
Diocese of Toledo
Rebecca A. Owens
Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo Community Emergency Services Coordinator
35 N. Park St.
Mansfield, Ohio 44902 County: Richland
H: O: 419.524.0733 x25 C:419.908.3201 F: 419.524.2055 P: E: [email protected]
Byron Bossenbroek
Area Manager, Classis Lake Erie
5895 Linworth Rd.
Worthington, OH 43085 County: Franklin
H: 614-840-0353 C: 614-214-7966 E: [email protected]
Janice R. Skinner
Disaster Child Care, OH Representative. COB CAIR- Child Care in Aviation Incident Response
15720 Agnes Blvd.
Brook Park, OH 44142-3307 County: Cuyahoga
H: 216.267.0243 O: C: F: P: E: [email protected]
Joann Hale
Disaster Response and Recovery Liaison
3331 Wallace Dr.
Grand Island, New York 14072
O: 716.773.7935 C: 917.705.3038 E: [email protected] Website: www.churchworldservice.org
Joe McDonald
4005 S.R. 60
Vermillion, OH 44089 County: Lorain
H: 440.967.7621 O: C: F: P: E:
Karen Upson
Ohio Valley Relief Center
400 W. 26th St.
Bellaire, Ohio 43906 Mail c/o PO Box 412, Lansing, Ohio 43934
740-671-8820 Info/Needs 740-671-8821 Donations 740-671-8822 Volunteers/Fax E:[email protected] E: [email protected]
Episcopal Church
Peter W. Nielsen, III
Episcopal Diocese of Ohio Cedar Hills Camp and Conference Center
5811 Vrooman Road
Painesville, OH 44077 County: Lake
H: 440.354.6054 O: 440.352.6363 C: 440.479.3493 F: 440.352.1538 P: E: [email protected]
Susan Jensen
Region V Volunteer Agency Liaison
536 S. Clark, 6th Floor
Chicago, IL 60605 County: Cook, IL
H: 708.763.8170 O: 312.408.5337 C:312-622-0559 F: 312.408.5599 P: 800.759.8888, pin 2161824 E: Jensen, Susan [email protected]
Lee W. Foster, MS
Manager, Disaster Preparedness - Homeland Security
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
195 N. Grant St.
Columbus, OH 43215
O:614.22.6766 x 168 E: [email protected] Blog: http://nonprofit-em.blogspot.com Twitter: @Firstlink_emLee W. Foster, M.S.Manager,
Disaster Preparedness - Homeland SecurityFIRSTLINK
William Lawson
33937 SR 30
Lisbon, Ohio 44432
O: 330.429.4292 E: [email protected]
Tim Briscoe
810 Main Street
Caldwell, Ohio 43724
O: 440.725.1351 E: [email protected] Web: www.harpmission.org:80/
Mary Woodward
Director of Southeast Ohio Ministries
810 Main St.
Caldwell, Ohio 43724 County: Noble
H: 740.838.5005 O: 740.732.6700 C: : 740.509.1132 F: 740.732.6710 P: E: [email protected]
Willis Troyer
Ohio VOAD Membership Directory (Rev. 2010.01.20) Page 18 of 26
Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Region 2 Director
4360 Troyer Rd.
Smithville, Ohio 44677
H: 330-669-3021 E: [email protected] [email protected]
Robin Franz
Medical Reserve Corps
280 E. Broad St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215 County Franklin
W: 614.462.3608 E: [email protected]
David O’Reilly
Database Administrator
51 N. High St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
O: 614.995.1849 C: 614.309.6291 F: 614.728.2921 E: davido’[email protected]
John Poole
Communications Director
51 N. High Street- Suite 800
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.459.1491 O: 614.728.5177 C: 614.313.2021 F: 614.728.2921 P: E: [email protected]
Madge M. Stewart
Athens County Citizens Corps
20 Kern St.
Athens, Ohio 45701
E: [email protected] or [email protected]
Cindy Kuhr
Co-Coordinator, Director
P.O. Box 365
London, OH 43140 County: Madison
H: 513.897.1769 O: 740.845.2641 800.282.3784 C: 614.579.2790 E: [email protected] [email protected]
Mark Weiner
Ohio VOAD Membership Directory (Rev. 2010.01.20) Page 19 of 26
Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
155 E. Main St.
Newark, Ohio 43055
O: 740.670.5545 E: [email protected]
Ohio EMA
Libby Weigel
Disaster Recovery Branch
2855 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235-2206 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.889.7176 C: 203.5975 F: 614.791.0018 P: E: [email protected]
Portia Pulsifer
Ohio VOAD Liaison
2855 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235-2206 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.889.7167 C: F: 614.799.3678 E: [email protected]
Roger Roberts
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator - Madison County-London City Health District
13 North Oak kSt.
London, Ohio 43140
W: 740.852.3800 H: 740.852.2706 F: 740.852.4223 M: 614.581.3236 E: [email protected]
Jenny Ryman
County: H: O: C: F: P: E: [email protected]
Stephen Gehlert
Mortuary Response Team
PO Box 21760
Columbus, OH 43221 County: Franklin
H: 614.865.3646 O: 614.486.5339 C: F: 614.486.5358 P: E: [email protected]
Tim Schmidt
12125 Crown Ct.
Cincinnati, OH 45241 County: Hamilton
H: 513.489.9140 O: C: 513.260.7267 F: 513.489.9140 P: E: [email protected]
Bob Shank
Columbus, OH County: Franklin
H: O: C: 614.560.5182 F: P: E:
Sam Kelley
Coordinator Disaster Relief
2932 Lake Park Drive
Columbus, OH 43232 County: Franklin
H: 614.235.2765 O: 614.827.1752 C: 614.309.9751 F: 614.491.8231 P: E: [email protected]
Dale Patterson
SCBO Chain Saw Volunteer Coordinator
655 East College Ave.
Westerville, OH 43081
H: 614-882-1375, C: 614-352-0884 E: [email protected]
Will Pollard
Southern Baptist PIO
5897 Northcliff Blvd.
Dublin, OH 43016
H 614-718-0921 O: C 614-309-9750 P: E: [email protected]
Betty Sampley
Child Care Coordinator
240 Wren Wood Ct.
Englewood, Ohio 45322 County: Montgomery
H: 937.836.0792 O: C: 937.239.0777 F: 937.237.0161 P: E: [email protected]
Sam Sampley
Chaplain Coordinator
240 Wren Wood Ct.
Englewood, Ohio 45322 County: Montgomery
H: 937.836.0792 C: 937.212.4668 F:937.237.0161 E: [email protected]
Bruce Schultz
Communications (Amatuer Radio)
3820 Three Rivers Drive
Groveport, OH 43125 County: Franklin
H: 614-836-1826 C: 614.440.2007 E: [email protected]
Richland Coda
Ohio VOAD Membership Directory (Rev. 2010.01.20) Page 21 of 26
Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Bob Sterken
Board Member
64 Randall Rd.
Mansfield, OH 44907
H: 419.756.8891 O C: 491.571.6881 E: [email protected]
Rotary International
Morris Briggs
1120 S. Sunbury Rd.
Westerville, OH 43081 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.891.7768 C: F: P: E:
Salvation Army
Beth Fetzer-Rice
Columbus Area Services
340 E. Fulton St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.437.2148 E: [email protected]
David A. Hersh
Southern Ohio - Greater Cincinnati Disaster Services
4220 Dane Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45233 County: Hamilton
H: 859.442.0640 O: 513.648.1525 C: 859.250.2201 F: 513.681.0464 P: 513.691.2335 Emergency 24 Contact: 513.648.1525
Nextel D/C # 136*139302*12 E: [email protected] www.saeds.com
Erica Shemberg
Salvation Army in Columbus Community Relations
340 E. Fulton
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.444.7922 O: 614.221.6561 x204 C: F: 614. 221.1896 P: E: [email protected]
Terry Hoppe
Disaster Response
Columbus Service Center
2200 Henderson Rd.
Columbus, Ohio 43220
H:614.775.1388 C:614.893.0484 E: [email protected]
George Siddall
r403 Green Gate Dr.
Lebanon, OH 45036 County: Warren
H: 513.228.0515 O: C: 513.850.1525 F: P: E: [email protected]
Scott Wilson
P.O. Box 586
Thornville, Ohio 43076
E: [email protected]
West Ohio Disaster Response Team Of The West Ohio United Methodist Church (WODRT)
Evelyn Cooperider
Ohio VOAD Membership Directory (Rev. 2010.01.20) Page 23 of 26
Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Columbus North District United Methodist Church
360 Potawotomi Dr.
Westerville, Ohio 43081
614.899.0991 F 614-882-3055 E: [email protected]
Robert Davis
204 Oak Ridge Addition
Wellston, OH 45692 County: Jackson
H: 740.384.3703 O: 740.286.1320, 888.237.3141 F: 740.288.4308 P: E: [email protected]; [email protected]
Douglas Dowson
275 Market St.
Richmond Dale, OH 45673 County: Ross
H: 740.884-4845 O C: F: 740.884-4845 P: E: [email protected]
James Baker E: [email protected]
Duane Beamer E: [email protected]
Wray Bryant E: [email protected]
Deborah De Weese
88 E. Broad Street Suite 620
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Franklin
H: 614.261.9261 O: 614.224.8146 C: F: 614-224-6597 P: E:
[email protected] [email protected]
Harold Green
17981 Brown School Rd.
Marysville, Ohio 43040
H: 937.644.9090
Ross Kelsey
One Townsend Place, Athens, Ohio 45710
H: 740-797-3404 O: 740-593-7082 F: 740-592-5259 E: [email protected]
Suzy Davidson
American Red Cross Readiness Associate-Ohio
804 E. Gambier St.
Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 County: Knox
H: 740.392.2727 O: 614.251.1443 800.338.8086 X2407 C: 614.679.0185 F: 614.253.6566 P: 614.660.7923 E:
[email protected] [email protected]
Linda J. Bauer
Family & Children First, Clermont County Community Resource Coordinator
517B Market Street, PO Box 616
Ohio VOAD Membership Directory (Rev. 2010.01.20) Page 24 of 26
Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Felicity, OH 45120 County: Clermont
H: 513.734.4731 O: 513.876.4264 C: (W)513.673.1940 513.256.4633(P) F: 513.876.4371 P: E: [email protected]
J. Timothy Heile
Society of St. Vincent DePaul District Council of Cincinnati
1225 Bank Street
Cincinnati, OH 45214 County: Hamilton
H: O: 513.562.8841 or 8842 C: F: P: E:
Karen Hovey
Messiah United Methodist Church
995 Egret Ct.
Westerville, Ohio 43082
H: 614-882-9955 E: [email protected]
Richard D. Brownlee
Synod Executive, rSynod of the Covenant Presbyterian Church
1911 Indian Wood Circle, Suite B,
Maumee, Ohio 43537-4002;
O: 419-754-4050 or 1-800-848-1030 E: [email protected]
Virginia Spencer
The Salvation Army
2507 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44115
E: [email protected]
Arthur Jackson
CRWRC Regional/Project Manager
16 Henry St.
Whitinsville, MA 01588
H: 508.234.2981 O: 508.234.4241 F: 508.234.4241 C: 508.813.6812 E: [email protected]
Art Storey
Voluntary Agency Liaison FEMA Region VIII
Denver, Colorado
O: 303.941.4322 C: 202.431.7757
Barb Lyon
Assistant Director, Emergency Services, Ohio DSHR Administrator
American Red Cross of Greater Columbus
995 E. Broad St.
Columbus, Ohio 43205
O: 614.253.2740 x2402 C: 614.402.9380 F: 614.253.6566
Aino Lutterus
68174 Lemon Hill Rd.
Cambridge, OH 43725-9561 County: Guernsey
H: 740.439.2815 O: C: F: P: E:
Raymond W. Collier
Greater Columbus Red Cross Emergency Services Director
995 E. Broad St.
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Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Columbus, Ohio 43205
O: 614-253-2740 ext 2546 C: 614-402-9435 P: 614-660-7105 F: 614-253-6566 E: [email protected]
Brent Peters
Ohio Funeral Directors Disaster Response Team
123 E. Mount St.
Circleville, Ohio 43113
H & O: 474-5616 E: [email protected]
Matt Gneuhs
American Red Cross - Great Lakes District
8600 Governors Hill Dr. Suite 130
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
O: 513.677.6887 F: 513.683.8046 C: 513.417.3356 E: [email protected]
John Apodaca
American Red Cross Ohio Liaison Response, Sr. Associate
American Red Cross Great Lakes Service Area
8600 Governors Hill - Suite 130
Cincinnati, OH 45249 County: Warren
O 513.677.6980 F 513.683.8046
E: [email protected]
Eve Nordyke
American Red Cross of Greater Columbus - Assistant Director
995 E Broad St. Columbus OH 43205
O: 614.253.2740, ext. 2402 C: 614.402.9380 E: [email protected] Web: http://columbus.redcross.org
Sandy Shirey
American Red Cross Chapter Manager and Disaster Director, Athens County
100 S. May Ave
Athens, OH 45701 County: Athens
H: 740.592.1344 O: 740.593.5273 C: F: 740.594.2220 P: E: [email protected]
Loren Cope
United Church of Christ, Ohio Conference
700 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115 County: Columbia
H: 330.332.1143 O: 216.736.2190 C: 330.903.7711 F: 216.736.2103 P: E: [email protected] & [email protected]
Jeffrey Price
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio E: [email protected]
Tammy Ramage
Disaster Coordinator
Lutheran Social Services
15910 S.R. 821, Macksburg Ohio 45746 County: Washington
O: 740.732.6700 H:: 740.783.1050 F::740.732.6710 C: 740.509.2037 E: [email protected]
Kitty Burcsu
Ohio VOAD Membership Directory (Rev. 2010.01.20) Page 26 of 26
Abbreviation Key: H = Home Phone, O = Office Phone, C = Cell Phone, F = Fax Phone, P = Pager Phone, E = Email Address(es)
Ohio Community Service Council Executive Director
51 North High Street #800
Columbus, OH 43215 County: Licking
H: 740.967.1588 O: 614.728.2916 C: F: 614.728.2921 P: E: [email protected] (O) [email protected] (H)
Kay Phillips
OHEMA Disaster Recovery Branch
2855 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235-2206 County: Franklin
H: O: 614.889.7176 C: 203.5975 F: 614.791.0018 P: E: [email protected]
James E. Blake
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Regional Welfare Specialist
8480 Ohio Wesleyan Court NW
Lancaster, OH 43130 County: Fairfield
H: 614.920.2266 O: F: P: E: [email protected]
Evelyn Cooperider
Columbus North District United Methodist Church
360 Potawotomi Dr.
Westerville, Ohio 43081
614.899.0991 F 614-882-3055 E: [email protected]
Bobby Olashuk
The Volunteer Connection Of Northwest Ohio
Executive Director
613 W. Third Street
Defiance, Ohio 43512
O: 419.782.3212 E: [email protected]
Bobby Olashuk
Executive Director
613 W. Third Street
Defiance, Ohio 43512
O: 419.782.3212 E: [email protected]
Lynn Gaylord
The Volunteer Connection Of Northwest Ohio
Volunteer Coordinator
613 W. Third Street
Defiance, Ohio 43512
O: 419.782.3212 E:CitizenCorps@Defnetcom