Perioperative Management
Perioperative Management
Perioperative Management
Perioperative Management of
Oral Anticoagulation
Martin ODonnell, MB, Clive Kearon, MB, PhDT
McMaster University and Henderson Research Centre, 711 Concession Street,
Hamilton, ON L8V 1C3, Canada
Chronic anticoagulant therapy with vitamin K antagonists (eg, warfarin) requires temporary interruption before surgery because anticoagulation is associated with excessive operative bleeding [14]. Warfarins antithrombotic effect
takes days to recede after it is stopped and a similar length of time to re-establish
after it is restarted [5]. During the period of anticoagulation cessation, patients are
at increased risk of thromboembolism [14]. Elderly patients constitute a large
proportion of patients who are treated with oral anticoagulants and present a
greater than average risk of both thromboembolism and bleeding during this
period [6]. Consequently, there is considerable uncertainty about the optimal
approach to perioperative management of anticoagulation that maximizes patient
safety with efficient health care delivery. Developing a rational approach requires
the clinician to estimate the risks of thrombosis and bleeding that are associated
with different approaches to management (Box 1) [1]. The risk of venous and
arterial thromboembolism associated with different conditions, and the relative risk reduction for thromboembolism achieved by anticoagulation, are summarized in Table 1 [1]. In general, arterial thromboembolism is associated with
far greater mortality (about 40% of events) and major disability (about 20% of
events) [1] than recurrent venous thromboembolism, which has an estimated
mortality of approximately 6% [7] and major disability of approximately 5% or
less in treated patients. In addition, because the risk of thromboembolism and
bleeding are often influenced by the surgical procedure, it is helpful to consider anticoagulant management separately for the preoperative and postoperative periods.
T Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Kearon).
0749-0690/06/$ see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Rates of thromboembolism associated with different indications for oral anticoagulation and risk
reduction with anticoagulation
Control rate
% Risk reduction
Venous thromboembolism
Acute venous thromboembolism
01 month
13 month
Recurrent venous thromboembolismb
10%/2 montha
Arterial thromboembolism
NVAF and previous embolism
Mechanical heart valve
Acute arterial embolism
01 month
IVC Filter
No IVC filter
Minor Surgery
when INR <2
No Bridging
Immobilized preop
Stop warfarin
4 days preop
>3 months
Last event
Major Surgery
Stop warfarin
5 days pre-op
No bridging
Stop warfarin
4 days pre-op
Consider bridging
1-3 months
Embolic Risk
Embolic Risk
<1 month
200 U/kg once-daily on the third and second days before surgery and 100 U/kg
on the morning before surgery); was not given on the day of surgery; and was
restarted the day after surgery (dalteparin, 200 U/kg daily or fixed low-dose
5000 U daily if patient were judged to be at high-risk of postoperative bleeding)
and was given for at least 4 days postoperatively and until the INR N1.9. During
the 5-day preoperative and 90-day postoperative periods, there were eight episodes of thromboembolism, of which two were considered cardioembolic and
occurred on postoperative days 14 (transient ischemic attack) and 42 (ischemic
stroke). Importantly, six of the eight episodes occurred in patients who had postoperative warfarin therapy withheld or deferred because of bleeding. Fifteen
episodes of major bleeding were reported, of which eight occurred during or
within 6 hours after surgery. There were no episodes of thromboembolism or
major bleeding preoperatively [11].
Douketis and colleagues [12] reported the frequency of thromboembolism
and major bleeding in a registry of 650 consecutive patients at risk of arterial
embolism (215 with mechanical valves, 346 with atrial fibrillation, 89 with other
indication; mean age 68 years) who required temporary interruption of warfarin.
Warfarin was discontinued 5 days (INR target 23) or 6 days (INR target 2.53.5)
before surgery. The INR was measured on the third or fourth day before
the procedure and preoperative LMWH (dalteparin, 100 U/kg twice-daily) was
started if the INR was less than 2.5, with last dose given 12 hours before surgery.
LMWH was restarted the day after surgery (dalteparin, 100 U/kg twice-daily) in
those considered not to be at high-risk of postoperative bleeding (surgical procedure considered to be associated with a low risk of bleeding and primary hemostasis established postoperatively). During the study period (5 days preoperatively
and approximately 2 weeks after surgery) there were four episodes of thromboembolism, of which two were cardiac arrests, one was a systemic embolism, and
one was a transient ischemic attack; all occurred in the postoperative period.
Six episodes of major bleeding occurred, all in the postoperative period [12].
Although these studies [11,12] support the feasibility of bridging therapy
with LMWH, clinical trials are required to determine whether the benefit of
bridging therapy outweighs the associated risks of bleeding. Currently, it is
generally recommended that patients with the highest risk of arterial or venous
thromboembolism, who require interruption of oral anticoagulant therapy for
surgery, should receive therapeutic-dose heparin therapy (UFH or LMWH) during much of the interval when the INR is subtherapeutic [25].
invasive procedures. For example, it does not seem to be necessary for dental
extractions [5,19] (a local hemostatic agent may be used with more extensive
dental surgery [20]) or for extracapsular cataract removal under local anaesthetic
[21]. Similarly, the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy recommends that, because of a low associated risk of bleeding, diagnostic endoscopy
(upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, and flexible sigmoidoscopy) with or without
biopsy (but not polypectomy), diagnostic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, and biliary stent implantation (without sphincterotomy) can be
performed with an INR of up to 2.5 [22]. In general, it is more acceptable to
perform surgical procedures while on anticoagulant therapy if the site of potential
bleeding is accessible (eg, mouth or skin) rather than remote (eg, percutaneous
biopsy of internal organs).
For surgery and invasive procedures associated with a moderate or high risk of
bleeding, vitamin K antagonists are stopped 4 to 5 days before surgery, depending on the targeted anticoagulant intensity (see Fig. 1). In patients whose INR is
2 to 3 (ie, target INR of 2.5), it takes about 4 days for the INR spontaneously to
fall to 1.5 or less in most (approximately 95%) patients [9], an intensity of anticoagulation that is not expected to be associated with an increase in intraoperative
bleeding [9,2327]. If the INR is 2.5 to 3.5 (ie, target INR of 3), this is expected
to take 5 days. There is evidence that the rate of decline in INR is slower in
elderly patients [28]. Although the authors usually recommend that the INR be
measured on the day before surgery, they take particular care to ensure it is
measured in elderly patients (75 years) to determine if it has decreased
adequately. If on the morning before surgery the INR is 1.6 or 1.7, they generally
give 1 mg, and if the INR is 1.8 or higher, they generally give 2 mg of vitamin K
orally to accelerate reversal of anticoagulation and then repeat the INR the day
of surgery [29]. In general, fresh frozen plasma should be avoided for elective surgery.
Another approach to management in this setting is to shorten the interval when
the INR is subtherapeutic by withholding fewer dose of warfarin preoperatively
while giving a small dose of oral vitamin K (eg, 1 mg) to accelerate reversal of
anticoagulation. The safety of this approach is not known, and although it seems
reasonable for most patients if surgery needs to be performed before the INR can
spontaneously decrease to an acceptable level, unless accompanied by bridging
therapy, this practice is discouraged for patients with mechanical heart valves
Arterial thromboembolism
Prevention of systemic embolism with oral anticoagulation (vitamin K antagonists) is most commonly used in patients with atrial fibrillation or another cardiac source of arterial thromboembolism (eg, valvular heart disease [native or
prosthetic]) [5]. Patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation have an average risk
of systemic embolism of about 4.5% per year in the absence of antithrombotic
therapy [32]. In individual patients, this risk varies from about 1% to 20%,
depending on the prevalence of risk factors (ie, previous embolism, hypertension,
age 75 years, left ventricular dysfunction, diabetes, mitral stenosis) [3235].
The average rate of major thromboembolism in nonanticoagulated patients
with mechanical heart valves is estimated to be 8%, with the risk in individuals
also varying widely according to the prevalence of risk factors (ie, caged ball or
disk valves, mitral position, atrial fibrillation, previous embolism, age 70 years)
[3639]. Previous thromboembolism is the single most important risk factor for
ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation [32,34,35,40] and it is also an
important risk factor in patients with prosthetic heart valves [38,39]. Consequently, the period of subtherapeutic oral anticoagulation should be kept to a
minimum in patients with previous embolism, and in others who are at highest
risk for embolism (see Fig. 1).
bleeding can be managed with bridging therapy. Patients who have major surgery within 2 weeks of an acute episode of proximal deep vein thrombosis or
pulmonary embolism, however, should have a vena caval filter inserted preoperatively or intraoperatively [1]. Currently available temporary filters allow
removal of the filter in the postoperative period, when it becomes safe to reestablish oral anticoagulation.
If the most recent episode of venous thromboembolism occurred within
1 and 3 months previously, warfarin should only be withheld for four doses to
minimize the period of thrombotic risk; however, unless patients are immobilized (ie, already hospitalized) neither bridging therapy nor prophylactic doses
of UFH or LMWH are necessary preoperatively. If patients are immobilized
in hospital before surgery, they should receive prophylactic doses of UFH or
LMWH when the INR decreases to less than 1.6. The INR of outpatients can be
checked the day before surgery and, depending on its value, a single dose of
oral vitamin K or subcutaneous LMWH can be considered at that time. Three
months or greater of anticoagulation is usually reserved for patients with multiple episodes of venous thromboembolism; a single episode of unprovoked
thrombosis; or thrombosis in association with a persistent risk factor, such as
active malignancy. Interruption of warfarin therapy during this phase of treatment is estimated to be associated with a much lower risk of thromboembolism
than if it is stopped during the first 3 months of therapy (eg, 10%15% per year).
Consequently, it is reasonable to withhold five doses of warfarin before surgery in
patients who have already been treated with 3 or more months of anticoagulation and not use bridging therapy.
Previous thromboembolism
within 3 months
Has IVC filter
Fig. 2. Algorithm outlining an approach to the management of anticoagulation after elective surgery.
INR, international normalized ratio; IVC, inferior vena cava; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin;
UFH, unfractionated heparin.
the INR begins to increase, warfarin should be restarted as soon as possible after
surgery unless patients have additional invasive procedures planned or are actively bleeding (Fig. 2).
Arterial thromboembolism
In patients with the highest risk of arterial embolism, it is reasonable to
use bridging therapy after surgery provided the risk of bleeding is minimal
(eg, minor surgical or diagnostic procedures) (see Fig. 2).
If intravenous UFH is being used for postoperative bridging therapy, it
should be started without a loading bolus-dose, no sooner than 12 hours after
surgery, at a rate of no more than 18 U/kg/h [62]. In the absence of a loading
dose, the first activated partial thromboplastin time measurement should be
deferred for 12 hours for a stable anticoagulant response to have been attained.
Compared with therapeutic-dose subcutaneous LMWH, intravenous UFH has
the advantage that it is rapidly eliminated when stopped, and can be effectively
reversed by protamine sulfate if bleeding occurs [63]. If therapeutic-dose subcutaneous LMWH is being used, it should probably not be started until approximately 24 hours after surgery. With hospitalized patients, the LMWH dose
can be increased in a stepwise fashion over 36 hours, starting with a prophylactic dose within 12 hours of surgery. Twice-daily dosing may be preferable to once-daily dosing in the early postoperative period because lower
peaks of anticoagulant effect are induced, and the smaller twice-daily dose is
expected to be eliminated sooner if bleeding occurs close to the time of injection; however, once-daily [10,11] and twice-daily [12,13] regimens have been
used postoperatively.
Bridging therapy is not recommended after surgery that is associated with a
moderate or higher risk for bleeding, even if patients are considered to have
a high risk of arterial embolism [1]. Instead, subcutaneous UFH or LMWH, in
doses recommended for thromboembolism prophylaxis of high-risk patients,
should be given to hospitalized patients until the INR reaches 1.8 [8].
Venous thromboembolism
Because surgery is a major risk factor for venous thromboembolism, the
need for antithrombotic prophylaxis is much greater postoperatively than it is
preoperatively. Patients who have had an episode of venous thromboembolism
within 3 months of surgery are expected to have a very high risk of recurrence postoperatively. Consequently, bridging therapy is recommended in this
setting until the INR is 2 or greater, provided the surgeon does not believe that
the patient is at high risk for bleeding [1]. Although patients who have a vena
caval filter remain at high risk of recurrent venous thrombosis, they are at least
partially protected from pulmonary embolism [64] and, consequently, bridging
therapy can be avoided in these patients in the early postoperative period.
Provided there have been no previous episodes of thromboembolism within
3 months before surgery, postoperative bridging therapy is not indicated. Subcutaneous UFH or LMWH is recommended in doses used for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis of high-risk patients while the INR is less than 1.8 and
patients are hospitalized. Because there is a concern that restarting warfarin may
induce a transient hypercoagulable state in patients with protein C or protein S
deficiency [65], patients with these conditions should restart warfarin slowly,
at no more than the expected maintenance dose, and should receive at least
prophylactic doses of UFH or LMWH until the INR is 2 for 2 days.
Qualifying remarks
The recommendations outlined previously are strongly influenced by a number of assumptions, some of which are considered in greater detail. It is proposed
that, for most patients, warfarin is withheld preoperatively long enough for the
INR spontaneously to fall to a value of 1.5 or lower before surgery without
the need for bridging therapy. Because the INR is prolonged to some extent for
much of this time, it is estimated that this interruption of warfarin exposes
patients to a small risk of thromboembolism preoperatively (ie, equivalent to the
thromboembolic risk associated with 1 day of no anticoagulation) [6668]. For
the same reason, provided warfarin is restarted the day of surgery, it is estimated
that patients are exposed to a similar small risk of thromboembolism postoperatively while oral anticoagulant therapy is being re-established. It has also
been assumed that the risk of thromboembolism associated with a day without
anticoagulation is one 365th part of the risk associated with a year without
therapy. Hence, a 10% per year risk of thromboembolism translates to a daily risk
of approximately 0.03%, or a 1 in 3650 probability of an event. If stopping oral
anticoagulation induces a transient rebound hypercoagulable state [1,4,69], or
starting anticoagulation induces a transient paradoxical hypercoagulable state
[65], the daily risk of thromboembolism may be underestimated. There is no
convincing clinical evidence, however, to support either of these phenomena
in unselected patients [69].
It is concluded that warfarin should be interrupted for as short a time as
possible (usually 4 or 5 days) when it is necessary to reverse oral anticoagulant
therapy. Most patients can then have invasive procedures performed without
the need for bridging therapy and, because of the associated risk of bleeding,
bridging therapy should generally be avoided within 2 days of major surgery.
Because this assessment is based on an interpretation of mostly indirect data, and
these data are open to different interpretations, however, uncertainty as to the
optimal management of such patients is acknowledged.
Finally, perioperative management of anticoagulation can cause anxiety for
patients, surgeons, anesthetists, and those that manage long-term anticoagulant
therapy. Good communication between all of these parties is essential to ensure
that an optimal management strategy is identified, that this strategy is then
successfully executed, and that the potential for recrimination is minimized in
the unlikely event of a serious thrombotic or hemorrhagic complication.
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