Biometric Assessment and Intraocular Lens Power Calculation in Adults
Biometric Assessment and Intraocular Lens Power Calculation in Adults
Biometric Assessment and Intraocular Lens Power Calculation in Adults
J. Med. Sci. (Peshawar, Print) July 2014, Vol. 22, No. 3: 126-128
Objectives: To determine the keratometric readings, axial length of the eyeball and intraocular lens (IOL) power for
adults and whether or not it is advisable to implant intraocular lenses without proper pre- operative assessment.
Material and Methods: It was aprospective Observational study conducted from March 2010 to January 2013. Setting;
Community based Trust eye hospital in Tarakai village of District Swabi. All adult patients, undergoing cataract surgery
with IOL implantation were included in the study after informed consent and fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Keratometric readings (K1 & K2), axial length and IOL power were calculated and data analyzed by using SPSS
software database.
Results: Out of 1100 patients with cataract 554 (50.4%) were males and 546(49.6%) were females. Right eye was
involved in 597(54.3%) patients whereas; left eye was involved in 503 (45.7%) patients. Mean K1 reading was 44.81
D with minimum reading of 39.50 D, maximum of 52 D and range was 12.50 D. Mean K2 reading was 44.92 D with
minimum reading of 37.50 D, maximum of 50.50 D and range was 13.00 D. 23.3% (n=257) patients had K1 reading
between 44- 44.99 D whereas, 20.9% (n=230) patients had K2 reading between 45- 45.99D. Mean axial length reading
was 23.11mm with minimum reading of 18.06mm, maximum of 31.81mm and range was 13.75mm. 36.6%(n=403)
patients had axial length between 23-23.99 mm. Mean IOL power in diopters was 20.11 D with minimum power of -2.00
D, maximum of 36.50 D and range was 38.50 D. 21%(n=230) patients had IOL power between 20- 20.50 D.
Conclusion: There is a wide range of keratometric readings, axial length and IOL power. Therefore, the biometric
readings vary greatly from patient to patient. Proper pre-operative biometric assessment is desirable for good post
operative vision.
Key Words: Biometry, Keratometric readings, Axial Length, Intraocular lens.
Cataract is the commonest age related disease in
most countries Worldwide and is the leading cause of
preventable blindness1. According to WHO estimates,
285 million people are visually impaired worldwide, of
these 39 million people are blind and 246 million people
have low vision2. Globally cataract is the leading cause
of blindness and about 90% of blind people live in low
income countries2. Pakistan is the sixth most populous
country in the world with total population of over 170
million3. The number of blind people is 2 million, of
these 1.3 million are estimated blind due to cataract4. It
is expected that by year 2020, the elderly population of
60 years and above is expected to double from todays
number thus increasing the number of blind people due
to cataract even more5. According to Pakistan National
blindness and visual impairment survey 2007, cataract
accounts for 51.5% blindness while previous survey in
1989- 90 reported 66.7% cataract related blindness in
Address for Correspondence:
Dr. Asif Iqbal
Department of Ophthalmolgy, Hayatabad Medical
Complex, Peshawar - Pakistan
Cell: 0333- 911- 6370.
Email: [email protected]
Cataract is the leading cause of avoidable
blindness and commonest age related diseas in most
countries worldwide. Approximately 45 million people
are blind globally; almost 80% of these live in developing
countries and more than half are blind as a result of
cataract. These areas are underpreviliged and eye care
facilities are even scarce in such areas of the world7. In
this study, males were 50.4% and females were 49.6%.
This was in agreement with Naz MA8 who reported
66.4% males and 43.6% females. Similar results were
also reported by Chanchlani M et al9. Studies of Rashid
H10 and Saleem M et al3 reported female predominance.
Most of the patients were from 61-70 years
(30.4%). This was in agreement with Rashid H10 and
It was a prospective, observational, cross sectional study conducted at community based trust eye
hospital in Tarakai village of district Swabi. Duration of
the study was three years from February 2010 to January 2013. All patients between 20-80 years, both male
and female. Co-operative patients having cataract were
included. Patients less than 20 years of age and very
old patients who cannot co-operate. Patients having
fixation problems like nystagmus, mentally unstable etc.
Patients having ocular surface irregularities like corneal
opacity, corneal dystrophy, corneal edema, keratitis,
advanced pterygium etc. Patients having anatomically
abnormal globe like pthysis, microphthalmia, buphthalmos. Patients having silicon oil in vitreous cavity were
excluded from the study.
Adult patients assessed properly and enrolled
for cataract extraction were assessed for inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Informed consent was taken from
every patient. K readings were measured with manual
keratometer using Schin Nippon keratometer (). The
axial length measured and IOL power calculated by
using A- scan (Quantel Medical). The IOL power calculated by SRKII formula using dense phakic mode built in
the A- scan software. Serial axial length measurements
were taken and average calculated by built-in software
to avoid error. A- constant of 118.3 was used for all
patients. Age, gender and laterality was also recorded
in the proforma. Data was entered into SPSS version
20, analyzed and presented as frequencies and percentages.
Total of 1100 patients were included in the study.
Males were 50.4% (n=554) and females were 49.6%
(n=546). 30.4% (n= 334) patients were in the age range
61-70 years and 26.9% (n=296) patients were between
51-60 years. Overall, right eye was involved in 54.3%
(n= 597) patients and left eye was involved in 45.7%
(n= 503). Vertical and horizental Keratometric readings
are shown in Table 1. Axial length (AL) measured in millimetres is shown Table 2. Intraocular lens (IOL) power
was calculated in diopters by using SRK-II formula and
is shown in Table 3.
Vertical Keratometry (K 1)
(K 2)
1 (0.1 %)
6 (0.5%)
40- 40.99
8 (0.8%)
8 (0.7%)
41- 41.99
28 (2.5%)
31 (2.8%)
42- 42.99
118 (10.7%)
93 (8.4%)
43- 43.99
171 (15.5%)
171 (15.5%)
44- 44.99
257 (23.3%)
228 (20.7%)
45- 45.99
211 (19.1%)
230 (20.9%)
46- 46.99
166 (15.1%)
175 (15.9%)
47- 47.99
88 (8%)
105 (9.5%)
48- 48.99
30 (2.8%)
34 (3.1%)
49- 49.99
15 (1.3%)
13 (1.2%)
50 & Above
7 (0.6%)
6 (0.5%)
1100 (100.0%)
1100 (100.0%)
19- 19.99
20- 20.99
21- 21.99
22- 22.99
23- 23.99
24- 24.99
25- 25.99
26- 26.99
27- 27.99
28- 28.99
29 & above
1100(100.0 %)
15- 17.50
88 (8%)
18- 18.50
113 (10.3%)
19- 19.50
179 (16.3%)
20- 20.50
230 (21%)
21- 21.50
184 (16.7%)
22- 22.50
125 (11.4%)
23- 23.50
67 (5.8%)
24- 24.50
43 (3.9%)
25- 25.50
16 (1.4%)
26- 27.0
13 (1.1%)
27.50- 29.50
01 (0.1%)
30 & Above
03 (0.2%)
1100 (100.0 %)
Biometric readings vary greatly from patient to
patient so proper pre-operative biometric assessment
is desirable for good post operative vision.
Fasih U, Ahmed I, Shaikh A, Fahmi MS. Comparison of complications after primary and secondary
anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. Pak
J Ophthalmol 2010; 26 (2): 57-64.