Merritt Morning Market 2871 - June 6
Merritt Morning Market 2871 - June 6
Merritt Morning Market 2871 - June 6
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merritt morning
Blacks Pharmacy
(250) 378-2155
News, opinion, community events & classifieds since 1996! Box 2199 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
wh er e fr iend s m ee t to e at
Brand new,
2017 models!
Several to
choose from!
The BC Council for International Cooperation a BC-wide network of individuals & organisations committed to
working toward a better world through
intl cooperation & sustainable development is hosting a roundtable discussion
on the UN Sustainable Development Goals on
Fri, Jun 10, 3-6pm in the City Hall Community Room. It is part of a series of meetings (in Salmon Arm, Kamloops, Vernon
& Penticton) to share the local work
provincially & nationally. Attendance is
limited to 20 people, RSVP to [email protected] FMI contact Cherrie or Dan
(604)8994475 Mon., Wed., Fri., 9am-5pm.
First and Next A widow recently married a widower. Soon after the marriage she was approached
by a friend who laughingly remarked, "I suppose, like all men who have been married before,
your husband sometimes talks about his first wife?" "Oh, not any more, he doesn't," the widow
replied. "What stopped him?" "I started talking about my next husband."
March 21
- April 19
July 23 Aug 22
Don't be out-foxed at the outset. Keep up with your quarry
and you'll soon have a rich new
seam of emotional connection
to others!
Also check out the display window at
the corner of Garcia St.& Granite Ave.
Nov 22 Dec 21
April 20 May 20
Aug 23 Sept 22
May 21 June 20
Sept 23 Oct 22
June 21 July 22
Oct. 23 Nov 21
Dec 22 Jan 19
Jan 20 Feb 18
Feb 19 Mar 20
ICBC Claims
Commercial Residential
Automotive Industrial
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
Admission by donation
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 10am 3pm
Thurs: 10am 4pm
Phone 250-378-4145 for appt or tour
angies accurate tea leaf reading, present & future, anytime 378-8326
lost: couch cushion, Shulus area wht
w/ stripes/floral design Robert 280-1615
Found May 10: keys on a lanyard on
Coldwater Ave., near MSS. Sherry 3157534 to id.
Who can aFFord the high cost of
massage therapy? Why not try Merritts Get
a Massage, Give a Massage Club. its the
Uber of personal care.Call dr. d378-8865
lost: panel door off Airstream trvl trlr,
btwn LN-Merritt. 280-6916
going away & cat nds feeding, dog
nds walking, plants nd watering?, i can
help 378-2191, (604)626-6152 Roxanne,
trustworthy, duties/fees neg.
need someone to take care of your
home during summer vacation? Honest,
reliable Bill 378-4534
Wtd: female companion 378-9577
dog walking 6 days/week. housesitting. Mike 378-9577
Wtd: Someone to do body work & paint
on pick-up truck 378-4195
Follow us online!
15 lb. pail
is $45
Also check out the display window at
the corner of Garcia St.& Granite Ave.
see more
pictures online
And send us yours
if youd like us to
consider posting
[email protected]