Language and Culture As A Means of Communication

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IMPACT: International Journal of Research in

Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL)

ISSN(P): 2347-4564; ISSN(E): 2321-8878
Vol. 4, Issue 4, Apr 2016, 19-26
Impact Journals



Assistant Professor, Department of Professional Foreign Language

Communication and Translation, Abai KazNPU, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Lecturer, Department of Foreign Language and Translation, ZHSU, TALDYKORGAN, Kazakhstan

Lecturer, Department of General Linguistics and European Languages, Al-FARABI KAZNU, Almaty, Kazakhstan

The article describes the issue culture of speech in cross-cultural communication of EFL learners. It covers
approaches used for the study of language and intercultural communication, in particular, in the area of comparing English
and Kazakh discourse structures. The situation demonstrates that the issue of interpersonal communication should be
explored in terms of particular instances of human action and reaction. After reviewing the previous studies, the authors
summarize the differences of style, etiquette, behaviors and communication system in different culture context and find the
barriers of cross cultural communication. The findings of this study indicate that the barriers of communication come from
the national cultures influence on the behaviors of people with different identity. Moreover, culture also influences
peoples way of thinking and behaving and result in different understandings toward vision and purposes.

KEYWORDS: Language, Culture, Linguoculturology, Culture of Speech

The growing number of intercultural encounters that has followed globalization has led to rising interest in
intercultural studies. Language is a symbol of national culture. The national culture, social changes and personal behaviors
are reflected through language, as language is spiritual and social aspect of the people, and reflection of the ethnic origin.
The founder of the theory of cognitive linguistics V.von Humboldt stated "The nation is strong with its language, spiritual
values, for me its difficult to imagine something else to be compared with this phenomena." [1,23]. Every national identity,
way of life, stereotypes can be observed with the relation of culture, as culture is the way of national recognition.
Therefore, anthropological paradigm in modern study, which is based on the factors "humanlanguageculture" and
humanlanguageway of thinking" shows that linguistics goes alongside with human factors and human values.
The language is closely related to the culture of the ethnic group: it is absorbed, developed and find reflects in it ".
The emergence of new science on the basis of this idea - formed as a separate direction in the 90s of the XX century as
linguoculturology [2, 9]. And this is the result of research in the field of anthropological linguistics paradigm. It takes its
origin in the nineteenth century by V. von Humboldt, in his work "The structure of human languages and their influence on
the spiritual development of mankind" he for the first time established the nature of the connection between the nation's
character and nature of language. The term Linguo-Culturology came from Latin Lingua-language, Cultura - culture,
Logos science that studies culture through language. By giving priority to the importance role of the person, the human
thought (the way of thinking) which leads to the further development of the society, in his work was paid attention to the

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Seidikenova A, Togysbayeva B & Kamzina A

coexistence of language and values. The period of the Soviet linguistics there wasnt paid much attention to importance of
the world marking, it wasnt related with culture, values, the structure of the meaning of the name. It was far from focusing
to identify the language and cognitive skills and knowledge. For the Soviet linguistics it was important to determine the
nature of the formal grammatical construction. Linguoculturology studies not only relation of language and culture with
each other, but also determines the language in the form of national identity of the world, and focuses on the national
mental reveal; It pays great attention to priority of the language in the world marking picture to define the specificity of the
The development of linguistics should be noted by two stages: the first stage the development prerequisites of
science. To this stage the works of such scholars as V. von Humboldt, A.A.Potebnya, E.Sapir were devoted. The second
stage of research culture of linguistics would be a separately as profession in the tradition an official recognition of
linguoculturology as separate field of science. The important question is that linguoculturology can identify world
marking in national language
One can observe that, V. Vorobyovs, V. Maslovs, V.Telias scientific conclusions were close to American
scientists E.Sapirs and B.Whorfs view the ethnic specificy in the worldview of ethnicity is observed through language,
which was given in "The linguistic theory of the of probability.
As Kazakh linguistic A.Seilkhan: stated "Linguoculturology is a science which describes ethnic culture and
word stock of native speakers, national character, and which is very close to the ethnolinguistic science. It is a complex
discipline which has social, esthetic, philosophic nature. It helps to recognize the spirit of the country and national flag "
[6,34]. Agreeing with this statement Russian scholar V.A.Maslova who consider linguoculturology is a science which
describes the culture of the people gives the following definition: Linguoculturology it is science, emerged at the
intersection of linguistics and cultural studies and explores the expression of the culture of the people, which reflected and
fixed in language [7,8]. Linguoculturology is the part of ethnolinguistic which studies and describes synchronic process of
the relationship between culture and language stated Russian linguistic V.N.Telyia [9,3].
Main Part
The culture of speech deals with communication. Thus, first of all, we have to tell about a role of communication
in human life. L.A.Vvedenskayas definition states: "The communication is a the scope of human life [10,6], The author of
articles about genres of style and the general theory of linguistic problems M.Bakhtin says "to be is to communicate in
the form of dialogue ", that is, the individuals participate as a part of a chain in communication [10,23]. It does not matter
how important the Cultural derivative is, if there is no uses of this derivative for several reasons, it misses from the sphere.
The house will be empty if no one lives there, the railroad is simply a heap of wood and iron if the train does not move on
it, if the book is not read, and it remains as dusted paper. Thus the communication is the basis balk cultural relations" he
told. The person develops by group of people who live on environment and society, according to its requirements he
changes his thoughts and behavior. Human being interacts with other members of the group and recognizes world".
The communication is the part of the live of human being. According to the explanation of psychologists
communication is the form of public relations through which an exchange of ideas and interests are maintained. In order to
achieve the goal in active interaction the subject will relate with an object.

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Language and Culture as a Means of Communication


In the communication process two or more individuals are involved: speaker (A 1 addressee) and listener (A 2addresses). To establish communication and language act, the topic of the speech (D)should be set up. At the same time,
the communication goes with language (L). To engage with the topic (D), the participant (A1), expresses opinion to the
addressee (A2). And this process is carried by means of language (L). To this scheme can be included communication
style, as a key component of an effective communication. [11,5]
People communicates daily. To cooperate with representatives of other cultures there is not enough that know
only language. In the process of communication there can appear cultural misunderstanding on base of body language and
facial expression. This kind of misunderstanding between the communicators leads to culture shock. Therefore, the
communicator has to know the worldview, the values, and the correct etiquette. Communication culture should be known
by every communicator as it results with correct communication. Following the etiquette norms communicators shows
adequate attitude of speaker to the listener, also is one of the preconditions of successful communication. N. Valiyev in his
work "Culture of speech" states that "Culture of speech is not only correct etiquette norms, also adequate language
standard [8,5]. Scientist and journalist R.Syzdyk says that Language culture is the correct use of words (lexical), correct
structure (syntax), the correct fitting (morphology), right pronunciation (orthoepy), correct writing (spelling), vivid use of
language (linguasylistic) standards should be established and improved", [13,9]. Language is the most important tool
which covers every aspect of human life. Cultural values can be saved in word stock, grammar, phrases, proverbs, folklore,
art and scientific literature oral and written forms of the speech.
The culture of speech is set of requirements of the characteristics belonged to specific culture. Etiquette is a
historical phenomenon. Depending on the dynamic change, rules of peoples behavior will be varying in accordance with
the requirements of the time. Etiquette appeared at the same time with monarchy. The career and life of the person were
depended on how the person obeyed the rules. This kind of rules had a place in ancient Egypt, China, Rome and the
Golden Horde. The consequences of the breaches of etiquette were very dramatic, and led wars among tribes. The etiquette
is an important factor in society. In modern life, people are still obeying to the rules of etiquette strictly in Far East. The
word Etiquette has a French origin (Etiquette). The word etiquette associates with reign of Louis V (1638-1715). Before
it was a label (etiketka) hanged at the edge of languages and goods, then they called ceremonial. This word appeared in
German, Russian, Polish and other languages after having ceremonial at the Wien Palace. The famous researcher of the
speech of culture, N.I Formanovskaya says: Thats a collection of stereotyped system, rules of behavior which have
usages in daily communications. Etiquette is a code of rules, which have collection of saying good bye politely,
apologize with good manner and etc. The style of speech refers to successfully ended communication process. In order to
have a effective communication, applicants deal with language postulates.

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Seidikenova A, Togysbayeva B & Kamzina A

Figure 1
The replica of reaction is a unit of culture of speech, non responsible for returned remarkable replica .

Replica of the expression: Excuse me, do you speak English?

Mind the steps!

Replica of the reaction: Could you please speak a little more slowly?

Take it easy.
Depending on environment, applicants should consider right form of interaction (depends on age, gender, relation
to interlocutor). L.P Stupin and K.S Ignatyev define the goal and objectives of the culture and show them in the form of the
following scheme.

Figure 2
According to this scheme, during researches of the standard of speech, it is necessary to give attention to official
and neutral style of language packages. In addition, certain condition on the basis of the relationship is not only linguistic
behavior, also human behavior, the usage of body language, facial expressions and gestures. In society it defines as culture
of behavior. This aspect has a great influence on the national identity. Therefore it is important to consider the culture of
speech, features and distinctions of the Kazakh and English people.
Etiquette has a national exception. For many centuries, each nation created its own unique roles of behavior as
well as language. Every nation has its own customs, traditions, culture, political and state structure. All of this affected on
self-handling rules and culture of speech. Knowledge of the general etiquette including knowledge distinction of the
standard of speech always helps the people to go into relationship with people of other cultures.

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Language and Culture as a Means of Communication


The actual content of etiquette is closely related to the type of society, and plays main role in society. In the XX
century Kazakh people led to changes: nomads were forced to collectivization, and joining to settled way life destroyed
peoples custom and tradition. Industrialization and construction in Kazakhstan brought migrants from Russia and other
foreign culture which influenced the rapid modernization process. All of these changes made to alter the standards in the
relations and behaviors. The etiquette of English language is a collection of usage of polite of words and phrases in
English, these words and phrases are set of rules of practice that used in a variety of situations and relationship. Using of
the standard of speech in the daily relation- is appreciated in society as a sign of education. In England and other Englishspeaking countries there were lack historical crises, the English language has a long and prestigious tradition, therefore to
go beyond the limit of speech; etiquette in English society perceived as breeding or rudeness. English style of speech is
important not only for Englishmen but also who studies English as foreign language too. English etiquette has its own rules
and regulations apart from other style of speech. If a man of Kazakh culture did not use their manner while s/he is speaking
English among native speaker, it would show the persons ignorance.
Analyse of Style of Speech
In the reflection of narrow sense the style of speech can be described as operating system of communication. This
system can be found in different parts of the language levels:

At the level of vocabulary and phraseology: special words and phrases (Thank you! You are welcome! I am sorry.
Excuse me! etc.) also signal words (separate words: Sir, Madam, Professor, Sorry; phrasal words: Mr. Brown,
Look here; phraseology packaging: I like that, Go on with you)

On the base of Grammar: Using of interrogative sentence instead of orders. (Can you close the door?)

On the base of Stylistic: requires competent and cultural performances; using of euphemism instead of obscene
and embarrassing words.

The level of accents: to apply modest intonation.

The level of organization and communication: to forbid interfering to others conversation and etc.
Because of a microsystem of language units, on the base of the culture of communication are based fundamental

services of language: if the first is obvious in etiquette of communication, the second is closely connected with him.
Communication has special services of speech on the basis of language. They are: Function of communication.
Function of communication is a setup of the language in terms of social group and establishment of personal
contacts. As a connection a) Establishment of friendly relations; b) set up and save of formal and polite relation[15,34] The
concept "establishment connection" treats all thematic groups, including at the beginning of the relation, a greeting and in
farewell part of communication.

The following special culture speech is routing function. The implementation of speech etiquette depends of the
relations between people in the society. In comparison with Kazakh language, there is not degree of politeness in
the grammar of English language. In Kazakh the sign of politeness is shown by using the word you.

Regulatory function, show the relationship between the recipient and addressee during communication all
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Seidikenova A, Togysbayeva B & Kamzina A

dimension of culture speech.

Emotive function plays an important role to determine groups of communication in communication culture. For
example: I am glad to see you, Nice to meet you.
Etiquette of communication is carried out through the collection of these functions. Linguists and methodologists

define the components of verbal etiquette situations as following scheme:

whoto whomwhat aboutwherewhy
In the English-speaking environment relationship between educated people carried out at three levels. They are:
formal, neutral, familiar. Each level has their own speaking style, so polite words and phrases subdivided into stylistic
You you/ II -singular pronoun.
Excuse me, could you tell me the time please
In the English language the word you will not be allocated as in Kazakh. The plural and singular meaning of
this word gets into the pronoun you. In Kazakh language the word you used in the situation, for example, to the older,
to strangers, to official person. Using the word you to younger by the older, first of all, when speakers unfamiliar often
used in a formal setting. In the Kazakh traditions children speak to their parents by using this word.
To treat to the person by surname or position. Surname + position or status + surname.
Doctor Brown, Professor Bernstein
Professor Smith
Even if this form of attraction exist in Kazakh language, in the official case used name +last name , for example
Kairat Bekenovich.
At the same time Mr. + position, for example .Mr. Director!
Comrade policemen!
Treatment in the polite way to the unfamiliar in the English language Excuse me , Pardon me , I beg you
pardon. When you are unfamiliar with person first relationship begin from apologize for the uncomfortable situation then
makes a question or requests.
Excuse me, are you getting off at the next stop?
Pardon me, would you please help me cross the street?
In the Kazakh language: Sorry, Excuse me, Pardon me[18,13]

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Language and Culture as a Means of Communication


There are various cultures in the world with unique customs, values, and languages. Imposing ones own cultural
values on others while neglecting variety is not the best way to communicate or establish relationships. As English
teachers, we constantly deal with our students use of language and attempt to help them make it more appropriate to their
situation and goals. Just as they need to know how to moderate their opinions as they increase English language
proficiency, and how to be polite in various situations, students should also learn to appreciate the extent to which many
words and expressions are derived from cultural norms. As we have noted two languages has two different cultural root. It
is formed by the culture, language and concepts of two countries. If in the Kazakh language speech culture based on
linguistic norms, communication functions, in the English language mainly pay attention to the official relations. A learner
survey and analyse of cross-cultural topics chosen by students for presentation in class confirmed the need for a cognitive
approach. The findings might be of use for developing student-centred, cross-cultural approaches for university classes
where the focus is on meaningful independent student-research and presentation of it. It is essential for all EFL learners to
become more sensitive to the infinite variety of gestures and body language that surround us.


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