Intro To C
Intro To C
Intro To C
Every full C program begins inside a function called "main". A function is simply a
collection of commands that do "something". The main function is always called
when the program first executes. From main, we can call other functions, whether
they be written by us or by others or use built-in language features. To access the
standard functions that comes with your compiler, you need to include a header
with the #include directive. What this does is effectively take everything in the
header and paste it into your program. Let's look at a working program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf( "I am alive! Beware.\n" );
return 0;
Let's look at the elements of the program. The #include is a "preprocessor"
directive that tells the compiler to put code from the header called stdio.h into our
program before actually creating the executable. By including header files, you can
gain access to many different functions--both the printf and getchar functions are
included in stdio.h.
The next important line is int main(). This line tells the compiler that there is a
function named main, and that the function returns an integer, hence int. The "curly
braces" ({ and }) signal the beginning and end of functions and other code blocks.
If you have programmed in Pascal, you will know them as BEGIN and END. Even
if you haven't programmed in Pascal, this is a good way to think about their
The printf function is the standard C way of displaying output on the screen. The
quotes tell the compiler that you want to output the literal string as-is (almost). The
'\n' sequence is actually treated as a single character that stands for a newline (we'll
talk about this later in more detail); for the time being, just remember that there are
a few sequences that, when they appear in a string literal, are actually not displayed
literally by printf and that '\n' is one of them. The actual effect of '\n' is to move the
cursor on your screen to the next line. Notice the semicolon: it tells the compiler
that you're at the end of a command, such as a function call. You will see that the
Using Variables
So far you should be able to write a simple program to display information typed in
by you, the programmer and to describe your program with comments. That's
great, but what about interacting with your user? Fortunately, it is also possible for
your program to accept input.
But first, before you try to receive input, you must have a place to store that input.
In programming, input and data are stored in variables. There are several different
types of variables; when you tell the compiler you are declaring a variable, you
must include the data type along with the name of the variable. Several basic types
include char, int, and float. Each type can store different types of data.
A variable of type char stores a single character, variables of type int store integers
(numbers without decimal places), and variables of type float store numbers with
decimal places. Each of these variable types - char, int, and float - is each a
keyword that you use when you declare a variable. Some variables also use more
of the computer's memory to store their values.
It may seem strange to have multiple variable types when it seems like some
variable types are redundant. But using the right variable size can be important for
making your program efficient because some variables require more memory than
others. For now, suffice it to say that the different variable types will almost all be
Before you can use a variable, you must tell the compiler about it by declaring it
and telling the compiler about what its "type" is. To declare a variable you use the
syntax <variable type> <name of variable>;. (The brackets here indicate that your
replace the expression with text described within the brackets.) For instance, a
basic variable declaration might look like this:
int myVariable;
Note once again the use of a semicolon at the end of the line. Even though we're
not calling a function, a semicolon is still required at the end of the "expression".
This code would create a variable called myVariable; now we are free to use
myVariable later in the program.
It is permissible to declare multiple variables of the same type on the same line;
each one should be separated by a comma. If you attempt to use an undefined
variable, your program will not run, and you will receive an error message
informing you that you have made a mistake.
Reading input
Using variables in C for input or output can be a bit of a hassle at first, but bear
with it and it will make sense. We'll be using the scanf function to read in a value
and then printf to read it back out. Let's look at the program and then pick apart
exactly what's going on. You can even compile this and run it if it helps you follow
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int this_is_a_number;
printf( "Please enter a number: " );
scanf( "%d", &this_is_a_number );
printf( "You entered %d", this_is_a_number );
return 0;
So what does all of this mean? We've seen the #include and main function before;
main must appear in every program you intend to run, and the #include gives us
access to printf (as well as scanf). (As you might have guessed, the io in stdio.h
stands for "input/output"; std just stands for "standard.") The keyword int declares
this_is_a_number to be an integer.
This is where things start to get interesting: the scanf function works by taking a
string and some variables modified with &. The string tells scanf what variables to
look for: notice that we have a string containing only "%d" -- this tells the scanf
function to read in an integer. The second argument of scanf is the variable, sort of.
We'll learn more about what is going on later, but the gist of it is that scanf needs to
know where the variable is stored in order to change its value. Using & in front of
a variable allows you to get its location and give that to scanf instead of the value
of the variable. Think of it like giving someone directions to the soda aisle and
letting them go get a coca-cola instead of fetching the coke for that person. The &
gives the scanf function directions to the variable.
When the program runs, each call to scanf checks its own input string to see what
kinds of input to expect, and then stores the value input into the variable.
The second printf statement also contains the same '%d'--both scanf and printf use
the same format for indicating values embedded in strings. In this case, printf takes
the first argument after the string, the variable this_is_a_number, and treats it as
though it were of the type specified by the "format specifier". In this case, printf
treats this_is_a_number as an integer based on the format specifier.
So what does it mean to treat a number as an integer? If the user attempts to type in
a decimal number, it will be truncated (that is, the decimal component of the
number will be ignored) when stored in the variable. Try typing in a sequence of
characters or a decimal number when you run the example program; the response
will vary from input to input, but in no case is it particularly pretty.
Of course, no matter what type you use, variables are uninteresting without the
ability to modify them. Several operators used with variables include the
following: *, -, +, /, =, ==, >, <. The * multiplies, the / divides, the - subtracts, and
the + adds. It is of course important to realize that to modify the value of a variable
inside the program it is rather important to use the equal sign. In some languages,
the equal sign compares the value of the left and right values, but in C == is used
for that task. The equal sign is still extremely useful. It sets the value of the
variable on the left side of the equals sign equal to the value on the right side of the
equals sign. The operators that perform mathematical functions should be used on
the right side of an equal sign in order to assign the result to a variable on the left