Types of Unions
Types of Unions
Types of Unions
3. Check off Union – Under the check-off system the management collects an
employee’s union dues, as wage deduction and pays the said amount in lump
sum to the union. The employees who are members of the union cannot desist
from paying the said amount out of their salary.
4. Blue-Collar and White Collar Workers – The unions have been classified on
the basis of level and status of the employee. The workers who operate
machines and related system are termed as blue-collar employee and all
clerical or office staff is termed as white-collar employee.
Some of the trade unions of white-collar unions are the All India Bank
Employees Union, the All India Defence Employees Federation, the National
Federation of P&T Workers, and The Confederation of Central Government
Employees etc. These unions are independent and are not affiliated to any
central union.
With the help of the following chart we can understand the categories of
agricultural labour : -
It has been observed that agricultural labour is deprived and underprivileged segment
of Indian society. Some of the features of such labour are:
Faced with these problems they need improvement in two directions. One hand,
wages and working conditions need to be improved and on the other , there is
necessity of finding job opportunities and obtaining benefits which they are entitled.
To better their conditions of employment, there is a strong case of unionization of
agricultural labour but progress in this direction is not satisfying. The main problem
is agricultural labour is scattered and often dependant on their landlords. It is also felt
that formation of trade unions of agricultural labour may lead to class conflict. It is,
therefore, suggested that local leaders can help them for better terms of employment.