International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
Mahmood Nakhaei*
M. sc. Student, Sciences & Researches
of Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran
Abstract Due to the rapid increase in global energy consumption and the diminishing of fossil fuels, the customer
demand for new generation capacities and efficient energy production, delivery and utilization keeps rising. The
micro grid concept has the potential to solve major problems arising from large penetration of distributed generation
in distribution systems. Increasing concerns regarding global warming caused by greenhouse gases, which are mainly
generated by conventional energy resources, e.g., fossil fuels, have created significant interest for the research and
development in the field of renewable energies. Such interests are also intensified by the finitude availability of
conventional energy resources. To take full benefit of renewable energy resources, e.g., wind and solar energy,
interfacing power electronics devices are essential, which together with the energy resources form Distributed
Generation (DG) units. If properly controlled and coordinated, the optimal and efficient operation of DG units, which
are the main building block of rapidly emerging microgrid technologies, can be ensured. In fact, the optimal and
efficient operation of any energy conversion systems, e.g., microgrids, traction networks, etc., necessitates some sorts
of control strategies.
Keywords microgrid, wind turbine, Photovoltaic,
Microgrid, which is formed by grouping a cluster of distributed energy resources, storage devices and controllable
loads in a common local area, has attracted widespread attentions [1]. The control strategy in both the grid connected and
islanding modes of a microgrid can be found in literature [2]. A microgrid is defined as a part of an electric power
distribution network that embeds an appreciable number of distributed generators and energy storage devices, in addition
to regional loads; it may be disconnected from the rest of the power system, under emergency conditions or as planned,
and operated as an island.
A small scale system and located near the consumer is called the Micro Grid system. The interconnection of small
generation to low voltage distribution systems can be termed as the Micro Grid. Micro Grids can be operated with and
without a connection to the main power network. Small Capacity Hydro Units, Ocean Energy and Biogas Plants ,wind,
diesel-generation, PV, energy storage etc are the various energy resources in MG for electrification of areas mainly rural
areas where there is no possible access to grid electricity due to poor access of remote areas to technical skills. The micro
grid has to be designed in such a manner so that there is ease in installation, commissioning, operation and maintenances.
The micro grid helps in reducing the Expenditure by reducing network congestion &line losses and line costs and there
by higher energy efficiency [1-3].
A microgrid can be a residential neighborhood, an industrial or commercial facility, a university campus, a hospital, an
off-grid remote community, etc. Microgrids should widely utilize renewable energy resources such as wind, sunlight, and
hydrogen1, to play a significant role in the electric power systems of the future, for cleaner air, reduced transmission and
distribution costs, and enablement of energy efficiency enhancement initiatives. The economical and environmental
benefits of microgrids have motivated extensive research and development efforts towards resolving the technical
challenges of this new and fast growing technology[3].
The microgrid concept assumes a cluster of loads and microsources operating as a single controllable system that
provides power to its local area [4, 5]. Microgrids offer solutions to implementing distributed energy resources such as
diesel generators, wind turbines, photovoltaic cells etc. at or near the point of load. This decreases the stress on the
electrical transmission system and offers a significant increase in power system reliability as power can be generated
locally. From a grid perspective, the microgrid concept is attractive because it recognizes the reality that the traditional
grid structure is old and has to change[4]. Microgrids may or may not be connected to the main distribution grid that is
maintained and operated by the distribution network operators. Microgrids can also provide premium power through the
ability to smoothly move from dispatched power mode while connected to the main utility grid to load tracking while in
island mode [5]. The microgrid concept is made possible by the recent advances in reliable small scale generators, power
electronics and digital controllers. The majority of the present day micro sources are power electronics based. As a result,
they can provide the required flexibility to ensure controlled operation as a single system.
A basic microgrid model is shown in Figure 1. This microgrid consist of different DGs and a collection of loads.
2015, IJARCSSE All Rights Reserved
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Naseh et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(5),
May- 2015, pp. 79-83
P 0.5AV 3
P power (W),
Cp power coefficient,
Vw Wind velocity (m/s),
A swept area of rotor disc(m2),
density of air (1.225 kg=m3).
The force extracted on the rotor is proportional to the square of the wind speed and so the wind turbine must be
designed to withstand large forces during storms. Most of the modern designs are three-bladed horizontal-axis rotors as
this gives a good value of peak Cp together with an aesthetically pleasing design [7].
The power coefficient Cp is a measure of how much of energy in the wind is extracted by the turbine. It varies with the
rotor design and the relative speed of the rotor and wind (known as the tip speed ratio) to give a maximum practical value
of approximately 0.4 [7]. The power coefficient Cp is a function of the tip speed ratio, and the pitch angle , whichwill be
investigated further. The calculation of the performance coefficient requires the use of blade element theory [8]. As this
needs knowledge of aerodynamics and the computations are rather complicated, numerical approximations have been
developed [8]. Here the following function will be used:
C P ( , ) c1 ( 2 c3 c 4 )e
) 2(
i 0.008 3 1
) 3(
Figure 2 shows Cp( , ) versus characteristics for various values of . Using the actual values of the wind and
rotor speed, which determine , and the pitch angle, the mechanical power extracted from the wind can be calculated
from equations (2)-(3). The maximum value of Cp (cpmax=0.48) is achieved for = 0 and for = 8.1. This particular
value of is defined as the nominal value ( nom).
Figure 2: Performance coefficient Cp as a function of the tip speed ratio with pitch angel as a parameter.
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Naseh et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(5),
May- 2015, pp. 79-83
The working principles of the wind turbine can be described in two processes, that are carried out by its main
components: the rotor which extracts kinetic energy from the wind passing it and converts it into mechanical torque and
the generating system, which converts this torque into electricity. Figure 2 illustrates the working principles of a wind
Basically, a wind turbine can be equipped with any type of a three phase generator. Several generator types may be
used in wind turbines, but here three types of wind turbine generators are discussed: Squirrel cage induction generators,
Doubly fed induction generators, Direct drive synchronous generators, that in this article Squirrel cage induction
generators is the base wind turbine for simulations.
B. Photovoltaic
The photovoltaics (PVs) are an attractive source of renewable energy for distributed urban power generation due to
their relatively small size and noiseless operation. Their applications are expected to significantly increase all over the
world. PV generating technologies have the advantage that more units can be added to meet the load increase demand [9].
Photovoltaic cells can be divided into four groups: crystalline cells, thin-film cells, dyesensitised solar cells and
multilayer cells. The latter can also be considered as several layers of thin-film PV cells. The different types are
described in [10]. An initial understanding of the performance of a solar cell may be obtained by considering it as a diode.
The light energy, which is in the form of photons with the appropriate energy level, falls on the cell and generates
electron-hole pairs. The electrons and holes are separated by the electric field established at the junction of the diode and
are then driven around an external circuit by this junction potential. There are losses associated with the series and shunt
resistance of the cell as well as leakage of some of the current back across the p-n junction[11]. This leads to the
equivalent circuit shown in Figure 3.
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May- 2015, pp. 79-83
The power system in a State of persistent work in balance between production and consumption to take over, and if the
balance of the event stir welding between the nominal value of the microgrid parameters go, will go away. This article is
for voltage control and other parameters of the microgrid is used. If not, the control system of the swing can be a lot of
damage, even to a production unit shutdown also happens. The output be and other parameters are also two modes of
presence and absence of DGs have been analyses.
The following changes to the overall voltage shows a microgrid. The first case related to the presence of the
Photovoltaic cell and second mode the presence of Wind turbine shown in Figure 5,6.
Figure 5: Microgrid effective voltage and current in the presence of Photovoltaic cell
Figure 6: Microgrid effective voltage and current in the presence of Wind turbine
Figure 7 the active and reactive power injection in the presence of Photovoltaic cell and Figure 8 active and reactive
power injection in the presence of a showing of Wind turbine. As mentioned in the previous section as well as in other
instruments of DGs can play an role in improving the quality of be have.
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May- 2015, pp. 79-83
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