Function of UN and Their Organs
Function of UN and Their Organs
Function of UN and Their Organs
The main organ of UN play their distinctive role in maintaining international peace
and security. Actually, the United Nations has four purposes which is to maintain
international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate in
solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights, and to be a centre
for harmonizing the actions of nations. The name of UN was suggested by United States
president, Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was first officially used in 1942, when representatives of
26 countries signed the Declaration by UN. As a tribute to President Roosevelt, who died a
few weeks before the signing of the Charter, all those present at the San Francisco
Conference agreed to adopt the name UN. The membership in the Organization, in
accordance with the Charter of the UN is open to all peace loving States that accept the
obligations contained in the UN Charter and in the judgment of the Organization, are able to
carry out these obligations. States are admitted to membership in the UN by decision of the
General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
international agreements like treaties, conventions, protocols and ultimately have a positive
influence in the world. The General Assembly membership will have their meeting in each
year on September, at the General Assembly Hall in New York for the annual General
Assembly session, and general debate, which many heads of state attend for it.
The Assemblys session lasts a year, starting in September the busy season, during
which time most resolutions are adopted, is from September to December. Special sessions
may be requested by the Assembly, at the request of the Security Council, or at the request of
a majority of UN Members. At the beginning of each regular session in September, the
Assembly holds a two week general debate at which time heads of State present their views
on a wide range of issues of concern to the international community, from war and terrorism
to disease and poverty. Each year, the General Assembly elects a president who presides over
these meetings as a neutral party that represents the United Nations. The work of the
Assembly is also carried out by six main committees that is the Human Rights Council, other
subsidiary bodies and the UN Secretariat. The six main committees of the General Assembly
are the first is Committee Disarmament and International Security, second is Economic and
Financial, third is Social, Humanitarian and Cultural, fourth is Special Political and
Decolonization, fifth is Administrative and Budgetary, and Sixth is Legal (United Nation).
The General Assembly play their role to maintaining peace and security. As above
discuss, they carry heavy work and will lead the countries to join the international agreements
which is treaties and conventions where both of it is a major sources in international law. It is
can be prove that the establishment of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(LOSC) 1982, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
(MARPOL), UN Convention on Fish Stocks Agreement 1995, International Convention for
the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 and Treaty of Tordesilas 1494. All that agreements
is to maintaining peace and security in maritime border to avoid disputation among countries
with multilateral diplomatic efforts (Churchill, R.R &Lowe, A.V, 1999).
new members to the UN. Many countries want to expand the membership of the Council to
include new permanent and non-permanent members. These proposals are currently being
discussed by the Member States of the United Nations.
The Security Council has the functions and power under UN Charter. Their function
to maintaining peace and security which are to maintain international peace and security
accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations, to investigate any dispute
or situation which might lead to international friction, to recommend methods of adjusting
such disputes or the terms of settlement, to formulate plans for the establishment of a system
to regulate armaments, to determine the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression
and to recommend what action should be taken, to call on Members to apply economic
sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression, to
take military action against an aggressor, to recommend the admission of new Members, to
exercise the trusteeship functions of the United Nations in "strategic areas", to recommend to
the General Assembly the appointment of the Secretary-General and, together with the
Assembly, to elect the Judges of the International Court of Justice (United Nation).
For example is in the cases of MH17 that was shot down in Ukraine several months
ago. Malaysia presented draft UN Security Council resolution on International Tribunal in
MH17 Case. To maintaining peace and security the embroiled country, there have conducting
investigation in MH17 case requested the UN Security Council to establish international
tribunal for punishment those responsible for the disaster. The idea of creating this tribunal
belongs to the Netherlands. Ukraine supported this initiative. Representatives of Russia
repeatedly expressed against this idea (Ukraine under attack, 2015).
fundamental freedoms in article 62.2, prepare drafts of conventions for submission to the
General Assembly regarding the matters of the competence in article 62.3, to hold Annual
Ministerial Review (AMR) and Development Cooperation Forum (DCF).
The ICJ is a final decision for any dispute and it is fair without grumbling. That is
because all the decision that making by ICJ is to maintaining peace and security the region of
the countries. For example is in the cases of Pedra Branca disputes among Malaysia and
Singapore. Both of them are claim that Pedra Branca is under their sovereignty and they bring
out this cases to ICJ. As a peaceful way and maintaining peace security, the decision that
making by ICJ stipulated that the Singapore has sovereignty over the Pedra Branca based on
the research. Even though it is near the Malaysia and originally within the territory of the
Johor Sultanate which was founded in 1528, but based on history Malaysian are never
manage that island and the Singapore is the only one who do that. So as a result, ICJ decide
that Pedra Branca is under Singapore (Chung, E, 2013). When the ICJ decide that, they
should obey to it.
The Secretariat
The secretariat are composed of staff sick International Working at UN Headquarters
in New York, as well as UN offices in Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi and other locations. It
consists of departments and offices with a total staff of 16,000 drawn from most Member
States. They carry out the day to day work of the Organization. The secretariat duties are as
varied as the problems dealt with by the United Nations. These range from administering
peacekeeping operations, mediating international disputes, surveying social and economic
trends, laying the ground work for international agreements to organizing international
The Secretariat is responsible for providing services to the organs of the United
Nations and administers the programs and policies laid down by them. The Secretariat headed
by the Secretary General, who is appointed by the General Assembly upon the
recommendation of the Security Council for a period of 5 years and are responsible for
implementing decisions taken by the various organs of the UN five organization. As the chief
administrative officer of the Organization, the Secretary General directs the work of staff
known as international civil servants. Unlike diplomats, they represent a particular country
and the interests, international civil servants work for all 193 Member States and take their
orders not from governments, but from the Secretary General. They are independent from
political and other forms of interference and place the interests of the Organization above
their own. The Secretary General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any
matter which, in his opinion, may threaten international peace and security. They can use
their good offices to prevent conflicts or promote peaceful settlements of disputes between
countries. The Secretary General may also act on his own initiative to deal with humanitarian
or other problems of special importance (United Nation).
In a nutshells, the UN organ play the important role to maintaining peace and security.
Since today their role never change and they resolve many cases to build the peace and
maintain the security in the world. The six main organ of the UN has their distinctive role but
to the same goal. To strengthen the role of the United Nations, it is essential to ensure that all
member states of the UN the right to equal participation in international affairs and the rights
and interests of the developing countries should be safeguarded.
Chung, E. (2013, December 17). Did Malaysia lose Pulau Batu Puteh to Singapore because of
a bribe?. Retrieved on 13, November, 2015, from
Churchill, R. R & Lowe A. V. (1999). The law of the sea (3rd edition). Manchester:
Manchester University Press.
Ukraine Under Attack. (2015, July). Malaysia presented draft UN Security Council resolution
on international tribunal in MH17 case. Retrieved on 13, November, 2015, from
United Nations. (2015). Peace and security. Retrieved on 13, November, 2015 from
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United Nations. (n.d). International peace and security. Retrieved on 13, November, 2015
United Nations. (n.d). Main organs. Retrieved on 13, November, 2015 from
United Nations. (n.d). The economic and social council. Retrieved on 13, November, 2015
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