David Arter: The Breakthrough of Another West European Populist Radical Right Party? The Case of The True Finns

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Government and Opposition, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp.

484504, 2010

David Arter



The Breakthrough of Another West

European Populist Radical Right Party?
The Case of the True Finns

with neighbouring Sweden, is one of the countries where radical

right parties have been unable to make significant headway.1 Yet at
the European Parliament election in June 2009, the True Finn Party,
Perussuomalaisten puolue (PS), gained virtually 10 per cent of the
national vote, almost equalling the best result of its parent party, the
now defunct Finnish Rural Party, Suomen maaseudun puolue (SMP), at
the earthquake election of 1970. Following the PS significant
advances at the 2008 local elections, commentators made reference
to the breakthrough of right-wing populism in Finland, attributing
it above all to the immigration question and the problems associated
with immigration, such as personal safety on the streets, crime and
concern about jobs.2 Cochrane and Nevitte go further in viewing the
PS as a far-right anti-immigrant party.3 Significantly, the Minister for
Immigration and Europe, Astrid Thors (Swedish Peoples Party), has
expressed the fear that the PS is developing into a racist party,
displaying similar features to other Nordic radical right parties and
indeed is in contact with them.4 In light of these claims, this article
H. Kitschelt, Growth and Persistence of the Radical Right in Post-Industrial
Democracies: Advances and Challenges in Comparative Research, West European Politics, 30: 5 (2007), pp. 1176206.
Professori Martikainen: Oikeistopopulismi teki lpimurron Suomeen, Helsingin
Sanomat, 27 October 2008. Also, the television interview with Tuomo Martikainen,
Ylen, Ykksaamussa, 29 November 2008.
C. Cochrane and N. Nevitte, Support for Far-Right Anti-Immigration Political
Parties in Advanced Industrial States: 19802005, paper presented at the 4th General
Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Pisa, Italy, 68 September 2007.
Thors huolissaan perussuomalaisten ulkomaalaisvastaisuudesta, Helsingin
Sanomat, 19 October 2008.

The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main
Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.



seeks to characterize the PS on the basis of its core ideological features and asks: (1) Is it a populist party? (2) Is it a populist radical
right party? The aim is to locate the PS in multi-dimensional space
using a careful reading of the party literature as the primary data
source and to do so by reference to three fundamental isms attributed to populist radical right parties that is, populism, socio-cultural
authoritarianism and ethno-nationalism (nativism).5 It is argued that
the PS is indeed a populist radical right party with Finnishness
(suomalaisuus) as its pre-eminent concept albeit one (thus far)
lacking the xenophobic extremism of the likes of the Austrian
Freedom Party or the Danish Peoples Party.


Whilst Taggart included the SMP in the family of rightist New Populist Parties,6 neither the SMP nor the PS has an established place in
the comparative party literature. Founded in 1995 when the SMP
went bankrupt, the PS is best viewed as a successor party. True, it was
designed to be a new party and not simply an SMP mark 2,7 but there
was substantial core continuity and in many respects it was a new party
in name only. Timo Soini, the party chair since 1997, has noted that
almost all the PS founding members were former SMP members or
supporters and he has readily turned to former SMP parliamentarians to stand as candidates in general and local elections.8 Soini, a
former SMP party secretary, moreover, has recorded his admiration
for (and debt to) the SMPs founder Veikko Vennamo, who deployed
a distinctive, emotive and highly original rhetoric to attack three
C. Mudde, Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
P. Taggart, New Populist Parties in Western Europe, West European Politics, 18: 1
(1995), pp. 3451.
T. Soini, Maisterisjtk, Helsinki, Tammi, 2008, p. 84.
In 2007 for example, the former SMP MP Lea Mkips candidacy in the
Pirkanmaa constituency contributed substantially to the election of the musician and
celebrity Pertti Veltto Virtanen. At the 2008 local government election, the 66-yearold Pentti Kettunen was elected on a substantial vote in the Kainuu district, having
previously been an SMP MP, its long-serving organizational secretary for northern
Finland and for seven years Veikko Vennamos political secretary. Kainuun vaaliveturiksi Smp:n entinen kansanedustaja, Helsingin Sanomat, 28 October 2008.

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elements in the political establishment in particular. First, there was

the personal vendetta against the authoritarian management style of
the long-serving head of state Urho Kekkonen (195681);9 then there
was a summary dismissal of the ruling cartel of parties, particularly
Vennamos former party, the Agrarian-Centre, which was seen to be
in league with the president; and finally there was an absolute refusal
to conform to the self-censorship practised by a political class concerned not to fall foul of the president and Moscow.10
The SMP was a populist party which confronted the Cold War
Finnish establishment in the name of the forgotten people (unohdetun kansa) the small man in town and country. Socio-political
conditions, however, altered dramatically between the SMPs breakthrough in 1970 and the election of three PS MPs in 2003. Rapid
social structural change transformed Finland from a predominantly
agricultural into a Nokia-led, communications-based society and the
old class contours gave way to a lumpen tertiary-based salariat concentrated in the cities in the southern third of the country. Accelerated economic modernization was accompanied by equally
fundamental institutional and constitutional change. The Soviet
Unions collapse meant that office-seeking parties could no longer
be excluded from government for general reasons (yleiset syyt)
the code for unacceptable in Moscow and become pariah
parties in the manner of the Conservatives, SMP and Christian
League in the 1970s and early 1980s.11 EU membership, only four
years after the USSRs disintegration, revived the historic centre
periphery cleavage whilst also creating a multi-level system of
decision-making in which the protection of national interests (and
to EU critics the restoration of national sovereignty) became of
paramount importance. In addition, the adoption of a new constitution in 2000 largely undermined the presidents veto power,

Soini has written that he would not have felt the same urgency to join the SMP
if Vennamo had not laid the burden of the political malaise of the 1970s firmly at
Kekkonens door. I became a Vennamo supporter and an opponent of Kekkonen and
my instinct has not changed since. Soini, Maisterisjtk, p. 148.
For a discussion of the various types of self-censorship practised by the political
class during the period of Finlandized politics, see E. Salminen, Vaikeneva valtiomahti?, Helsinki, Edita, 1996.
D. Arter, From a Contingent Party System to Party System Convergence?
Mapping Party System Change in Post-War Finland, Scandinavian Political Studies, 32:
2 (2009), pp. 22139.
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Table 1
The True Finns Performance in Recent Elections

% Vote

Total Vote




general election
local government election
presidential election
general election
local government election
European Parliament election

particularly in respect of the appointment of governments and dissolution of parliament. Finally, the election of three PS MPs in 2003
should be set against the backdrop of a distinctive period of exceptionally broad surplus majority, five-party coalition government
and widespread reference to Finnish-style consensus politics. The
Social Democrat Paavo Lipponens so-called rainbow coalition,
formed in 1995, also comprised the post-communist Left Alliance,
Swedish Peoples Party, Greens (until 2002) and the Conservatives!
The PS emerged in no small to measure to challenge this consensus. As Soini, its leader, put it at the time: In Finland you can hold
any opinion you like, except a different one!
The PS national vote-share has grown steadily from 1.6 per cent at
the 2003 general election to 9.8 per cent at the 2009 European
Parliament election (see Table 1). In 2003 it was highly indebted to
(the late) Tony Viking Halme, a professional boxer, wrestler and
B-movie actor, who, standing as an Independent on the PS list in the
populous Helsinki constituency, gained nearly 38 per cent of the
partys total national vote. Finland has a strong preferential electoral
system in which voters are obliged to opt for a particular candidate
and not simply a party list and individual candidate vote totals then
determine the ordering of successful MPs. In other words, citizens
simultaneously cast a candidate vote and a party vote and,
although by no means a linear rise, it seems that increasing proportions of voters (a narrow majority in 2007) are placing the choice of
candidate before that of party in their decision on how to vote. This
has been notably the case in the PS and in 2003 no less than 90 per
cent of its voters easily the highest proportion in any of the parties12


The number of PS respondents, however, was very small.

The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



placed the choice of candidate before the choice of party.13 It is a

fair bet that a personal vote for Halme from those with only a weak
party identification accounted for much of this exceptionally high
figure.14 Halmes ideas, which included sending paedophiles, rapists
and drug-dealers to Russian prisons to serve their sentences, doubtless provided a protest channel for young persons who would not
otherwise have turned out to vote.
However, it was Soinis performance as his partys candidate at the
2006 presidential election when he gained 3.8 per cent at the first
round of voting that raised the PS profile, gave it electoral credibility and enabled it to recruit support away from the urban deep
south. (There is an interesting parallel here in that Vennamos
presidential candidacy in 1968 was decisive for the SMPs parliamentary breakthrough two years later.) Soini, who has attracted substantial media interest, has been the PS trump card ever since. In an
attempt to raise the PS profile, he has accused the three old cartel
parties of kidnapping publicity and by announcing that he was his
partys official prime minister candidate at the 2007 general election sought to highlight the television companies unfair concentration on the leaders of the three larger parties.15 Soini gained the third
highest poll of any candidate at the 2007 general election and the
highest individual tallies at both the 2008 local elections and the 2009
European Parliament election. Indeed, he has indicated that he will
serve only two years as an MEP before returning to lead the PS into
the 2011 general election. All in all, there has been substantial growth
in the PS support in recent elections, but does this denote the
breakthrough of a populist radical right party in Finland?


Schedler has noted that populism has been associated with a broad
array of anti-attitudes among them anti-elite, anti-establishment,
anti-modern, anti-urban, anti-industrial, anti-state, anti-foreign,

Finnish voters are obliged to vote for an individual candidate and cannot simply
vote for a party list.
. Bengtsson and K. Grnlund, Ehdokasvalinta, in H. Paloheimo (ed.), Vaalit
ja demokratia Suomessa, Porvoo, WSOY, 2005, p. 237.
T. Anttila, Veretn pministeritaisto, in V. Pernaa, M. K. Niemi, and V.
Pitknen (eds), Mielikuvavaalit, Keuruu, Otava, 2007, pp. 11819.
The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



anti-intellectual and anti-minority sentiments.16 Anti-politicalestablishment actors, he posits, declare war on the political class in
the pejorative sense of the stratum of professional politicians. When
viewed in this light, the PS is unequivocally an anti-establishment
party, asserting in line with Abedi the existence of a fundamental
divide between the political establishment and the people.17 The PS
leader Soini has displayed the classic range of anti-attitudes, particularly the anti-elitism and anti-intellectualism of his mentor Veikko
Vennamo. Typically, for example, he has asserted that book-learned
theoreticians, arrogant bureaucrats, cold-hearted technocrats,
uncomprehending centralizers, big-money worshippers and smooth
avant-garde thinkers do not trust the people. They do not value the
peoples views because they believe the people are stupid and indifferent and that all wisdom rests with the experts and an elite that is
divorced from everyday life.18
The 2003 election manifesto also well illustrates the anti-elite,
anti-consensus character of the party. It is couched in a strident and
colourful Veikko-Vennamo-style rhetoric and even revived some of
the vocabulary of the SMPs founder the dissociation with the
sleaze merchants (rtsherrat) in the old parties, for example. The
manifesto was unrestrained in its critique of the unnatural, unprincipled and overbearing manner of Lipponens rainbow coalition
(this was reminiscent of Haiders constant attacks on Grand Coalition
government in Austria between 1986 and 1999), insisting that the
lack of political alternatives constituted a direct threat to genuine
democracy in Finland. The old parties, it held, underestimate the
people and believe the nation is incapable of making independent
choices; Finland is managed by a consensus alliance of big unions
and big business and those holding divergent views are dismissed as
The PS also conforms to the conventional wisdom that populism is
a phenomenon embedded in democratic systems which is confrontational but not anti-democratic. It seeks to oppose the minority that is

A. Schedler, Anti-Political-Establishment Parties, Party Politics, 2: 3 (1996), pp.
A. Abedi, Anti-Political Establishment Parties: A Comparative Analysis, London, Routledge, 2009, p. 12.
Soini, Maisterisjtk, p. 162.

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preventing the demands of the people from being realized19 but,

whilst associated with a broad range of anti-attitudes, it is not antisystemic in the sense of rejecting participation in the institutions of
representative democracy. In Berghs terms,20 populism channels
elite protest rather than system protest. Populist movements and
parties may (or may not) be a by-product of the democratic malaise21
or a manifestation of what Canovan has referred to as the insoluble
paradox of democracy,22 but they are not generally anti-democratic in
the sense of seeking to dismantle the constitutional and institutional
structures of representative democracy.23 The PS has in fact canvassed
a model of populist democracy which places the emphasis on the by
and of elements in Lincolns classical formulation. The 2003 election
manifesto states that the PS trusts the people, their strength and
creativity and notes that a sustainable society is built from the bottom
up by listening to the people. Well-grounded criticism is dubbed
hindsight and populist but it is argued that it is futile to seek to
intimidate the nation with the spectre of populism. The PS will ensure
that so-called populist themes, which concern the nation, rise to the
fore in the coming election campaign. The 2003 manifesto concluded
that the PS will provide a channel for new ideas, bold initiatives and
sensible protest and serve as a counterpoise to the compulsory consensus demanded by the political establishment. In short, the PS has
eschewed the pejorative connotations of populism and sought
unashamedly to market what Soini calls responsible populism.
There is general agreement in the comparative literature that
populism is confrontational, chameleonic,24 culture-bound and
context-dependent, varying from polity to polity and taking on the

A. Ware, The United States: Populism as Political Strategy, in Y. Mny and Y.
Surel (eds), Democracies and the Populist Challenge, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan,
2002, pp. 10119.
J. Bergh, Protest Voting in Austria, Denmark and Norway, Scandinavian Political
Studies, 27: 4 (2004), pp. 36789.
Mny and Surel, Democracies and the Populist Challenge, p. 11.
M. Canovan, Taking Politics to the People: Populism as the Ideology of Democracy, in Mny and Surel, Democracies and the Populist Challenge, pp. 2544.
P. Ignazi, Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
2003, p. 30.
P. Taggart, Populism and the Pathology of Representative Politics, in Mny and
Surel, Democracies and the Populist Challenge, p. 70.

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hue of the environment in which it occurs.25 The context-dependency

of populism appears particularly important when considering the
phenomenon in post-communist Central Europe,26 where the party
systems are less stable, and institutionalized anti-party sentiment persists. On the basis of case studies of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and
Slovakia, Smilov and Krastev distinguish between soft populism, which is
the West European democratic variety, and hard populism, which if not
expressly anti-democratic nonetheless confronts the basic precepts of
liberal democracy. Hard populism threatens the constitutional framework by challenging fundamental liberal principles such as the protection of individual and minority rights. Whilst the debate about the
relationship between populism and democracy has spawned broad
agreement about many of its fundamental properties, there remains,
paradoxically, much less of a consensus about what precisely populism
is whether in West or post-communist Europe.
For many scholars populism is either a mass movement,27 specific
style of communication28 and/or a political mobilization strategy.
Eatwell, for example, argues that populism is best seen as a style
rather than a specific body of thought, adding that it has no clear
ideology and tends to be negative.29 In similar vein Luther has noted
how the populist vote maximization strategy of the Austrian Freedom
Party (FP) in the 1990s produced inconsistency in the partys policies a type of ideological promiscuity born of electoral opportunism.30 Equally, there are those writers, albeit scarcely a majority, who
have viewed populism as an ideology, although it is pointed out that
R. Heinisch, Success in Opposition Failure in Government: Explaining the
Performance of Right-Wing Populist Parties in Public Office, West European Politics, 26:
3 (2003), p. 93.
T. S. Di Tella, Populism into the Twenty-First Century, Government and Opposition, 32: 2 (1997), pp. 1913.
R. R. Barr, Populists, Outsiders and Anti-Establishment Politics, Party Politics,
15: 1 (2009), p. 44.
J. Jagers and S. Walgrave, Populism as Political Communication Style: An
Empirical Study of Political Parties Discourse in Belgium, European Journal of Political
Research, 46: 3 (2007), pp. 31945.
R. Eatwell, Introduction: The New Extreme Right Challenge, in R. Eatwell and
C. Mudde (eds), Western Democracies and the New Extreme Right Challenge, London and
New York, Routledge, 2009, p. 12.
K. A. Luther, Electoral Strategies and Performance of Austrian Right-Wing
Populism, 19862006, Keele European Parties Research Unit Working Paper 24, Keele
University, 2007, p. 7.

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the spatial location of populism will be determined by additives

from other ideologies. The ideological overlay will dictate the particular form of populism and, by extension, allow us to consider the
most appropriate characterization of the PS populism.
Mudde notes that social populism is left-wing populism, combining
socialism and populism, whereas neo-liberal populism is right-wing
populism, combining economic liberalism and populism.31 Abts and
Rummens hold that left-wing versions of populism will refer to socioeconomic relations and identify the people with the labourers and
farmers.32 There are two wider points here. The first is that populism
can occur at various points on the political spectrum and is not the
sole preserve of the political right. As Ignazi has observed, populism
needs to be disentangled from its right-wing location.33 Indeed,
focusing on post-unification Germany, Decker and Hartleb have
argued that the left-wing populism embodied in the PDS and new
Left Party shows remarkable similarities to its right-wing counterparts, not only in its agitation-based style and methods, but also in
programmatic and ideological terms (my italics).34 Second, whereas
left-wing and right-wing versions of populism have been defined
principally in socio-economic terms, extreme-right or radical-right
populism has been conceptualized in essentially socio-cultural terms
by reference to ethnic characterizations of the true people, for
example.35 Thus, Mudde identifies the core ideological features of
populist radical right parties as nativism, authoritarianism and populism and whilst it is clear that populism can be placed on a conventional leftright continuum, nativism is viewed as the ultimate
determinant of this party family. It is defined as an ideology that
holds that states should be inhabited exclusively by members of the
native group (the nation) and that non-native elements (persons
and ideas) are fundamentally threatening to the homogenous

Mudde, Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe, pp. 2930

K. Abts and S. Rummens, Populism Versus Democracy, Political Studies, 55: 2
(2007), pp. 40524.
Ignazi, Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe, p. 30.
F. Decker and F. Hartleb, Populism on Difficult Terrain: The Right- and LeftWing Challenger Parties in the Federal Republic of Germany, German Politics, 16: 4
(2007), pp. 43454.
Abts and Rummens, Populism versus Democracy, p. 418.
Mudde, Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe, p. 22.

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Rydgren also defines the new radical right in essentially sociocultural rather than socio-economic terms and like Mudde he, too,
identifies three core ideological features. First, there is ethnonationalism, which involves fortifying the nation by making it ethnically homogeneous and by returning to basic values. Then there is
populism, which has essentially involved accusing the political establishment of placing internationalism ahead of the nation and its own
narrow self-interest before the interests of the people. Rydgren
regards populism as a characteristic but not a distinctive feature of
the new radical right. Rather, it is the combination of ethnonationalist xenophobia and anti-establishment populism that forms
the quintessence of the radical right, which also embodies a general
socio-cultural authoritarianism emphasizing the importance of law and
order, family values, etc. He concludes that the new radical right is
right-wing primarily in the socio-cultural sense of the term.37 It prioritizes socio-cultural issues and in particular those related to
national identity.
The second part of this article follows a core ideological features
strategy in search of the PS basic driving force. The discussion is
predicated on a qualitative content analysis that is, a careful
reading and interpretation of all the PS programmatic output (the
General Programme, election manifestos, statements of short-term
policy goals, etc.) since 1995, including the manifesto for the European Parliament election in 2009.38 There are two obvious objections
to this approach. Whilst definitions of populist radical right parties,
such as those above, give precedence to socio-cultural over socioeconomic values, an examination of party literature does not permit
entirely safe conclusions about dimension salience that is, the relative
J. Rydgren, The Sociology of the Radical Right, Annual Review of Sociology, 33
(2007), pp. 12.112.22.
The party literature studied is as follows: Oikeutta kansalle. Perussuomalainen
Puolueen Yleisohjelma. Olen Perussuomalainen, Hyvksytty 1 puoluekokouksessa
26.11.1995 Kokkala; Perussuomalaisten eurovaaliohjelma 1999: Perussuomalainen
kriitisen Euroopassa; Perussuomalaisten lhiajan tavoiteohjelma Oulu 17.6.2001;
Perussuomalaisten eduskuntavaaliohjelma 2003. Uusi suunta suomelle korjauksia
epkohtiin; Perussuomalaisten lhiajan tavoiteohjelma Lappeenranta 2003;
Perussuomalaisten lhiajan tavoiteohjelma Kokkola 2005; Perussuomalaisten
eduskuntavaaliohjelma 2007. Oikeudenmukaisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja kansanvallan
puolesta! Ikaalainen 13.8.2006; Perussuomalaisten EU-vaaliohjelma 2009. Suomalaisena Euroopassa- kansanvallan puolesta.

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importance attached to particular policy content. There is always

likely to be an element of expert (subjective) judgement involved
and, in this respect, comparativists may well fall foul of the country
specialist. Highly questionably, for example, Mudde classifies the
Norwegian Progress Party as a neo-liberal populist party because he
claims nativism does not form part of its core ideology whereas the
Danish Peoples Party is (rightly) regarded as a clear-cut case of a
populist radical right party.39 Furthermore, characterizing the spatial
position of parties on the basis of programmatic themes inevitably
simplifies the reality of party behaviour. In practice, parties are rarely
unitary actors and internal factions and tendencies will differ in
emphasis from the programmatic standard.


Ultimately, of course, the spatial position of thought is bound to be

somewhat arbitrary, which is presumably why OMalley makes the
point that if it is not the economic right that is being referred to [in
relation to radical right parties] it is unclear why the term right is
employed.40 Indeed, whilst the primacy of socio-cultural values may
define radical right parties, we have already emphasized that populism is not the exclusive preserve of the political right and it may
enjoy coordinate or indeed greater importance in the ideological
fabric of a party than authoritarianism or ethno-nationalism. In relation to the socio-economic dimension of PS populism, three fundamental party objectives warrant emphasis. The first has been a
concern to integrate marginal groups into the mainstream of society
and decision-making that is, to ensure that the interests of the poor,
vulnerable and disadvantaged, along with small entrepreneurs, gain
the recognition they deserve, as well as providing them with a party
through which they can exercise real influence. The General Programme in 1995 identified the partys target constituency as youngparent families, senior citizens, the unemployed, small and familysized enterprises and those engaged in agriculture and forestry.


Mudde, Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe, pp. 438.

E. OMalley, Why is there no Radical Right Party in Ireland?, West European
Politics, 31: 5 (2008), pp. 96077.

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A second party goal has been to provide basic economic security

for citizens in all situations and, to achieve this, the PS advocates the
traditional Nordic welfare state model based on the principle of
universalism (extending services equally to all) and an active role for
the state (central and local) as a welfare provider. Approximately
one-third of the 2007 manifesto dealt with health and social care.
There has been opposition to the way it is claimed that the Finnish
welfare system has been scaled down as a result of the cynical implementation of EU strategies by a domestic political elite striving to
encourage private schemes. Public-sector health care should not be
directed primarily towards low-earners, senior citizens and the unemployed. Pointing to shortcomings in welfare provision for marginal
groups, including war veterans (all now octogenarians) the PS 2007
manifesto concluded that out of sight, out of mind is a monstrously
Darwinian and completely misguided approach to decision-making.
Finally, the PS has favoured a progressive system of taxation
based on the individuals capacity to pay. The 2003 manifesto in
particular demanded a drastic reduction in the tax on low-earners,
proposing among other things a lowering of the vehicle and fuel
tax and the VAT on basic foodstuffs and arguing that these measures would increase the purchasing power of poorer groups and
thus reduce their need for social support. The taxation system
should also create conducive conditions for small firms to hire
extra labour. The 2003 manifesto concluded that the left had
abandoned the poor and needy and that the traditional left of
tailor Halme and tenant farmer Koskela depicted by the writer
Vin Linna no longer existed. In its stead, there is a cold, alien,
Euro-socialist vanguard, which is viewed by traditional supporters as
wealthy, leftist nobility that, from its exalted pedestal, knows what is
best for the people. In short, when viewed in traditional socioeconomic terms, the PS populism has been left-leaning or at least
centre-left-inclined in its concern to tackle fundamental social
Interestingly, it has been noted that most populist radical rightist
parties have been centre-based or even leftist on the dominant state
market axis and relatively similar in that respect to the Christian
Democratic family. Indeed, adapting the late Jrg Haiders depiction
of the FPs socio-economic policy as social, not socialist,41 the PS

Mudde, Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe, p. 130.

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populism might be characterized as Christian social, not socialist

(Soini is a Catholic and there is extensive reference to Christian
values in the PS programmes).42 Incidentally, throughout its existence the PS has been seated in parliament to the left of the Centre
Shortly after the 2009 European Parliament election, Erkki
Havansi, one of the PS candidates, held that his party combined
traditional conservatism the type he insisted still had support
among a minority in the Centre and Conservative parties and social
radicalism, a view which prompted the response from a veteran Social
Democrat that the PS traditional conservatism could readily be
mistaken for social intolerance.43
The PS has unquestionably been traditionalist in its socio-cultural
attitudes defending fundamental values and standards against those
of the permissive society. It has propounded a neo-Jeffersonian
small-firm-small-farm model predicated on the belief that familysized enterprises generate the type of solid inter-personal relations
which, when coupled with fundamental Christian values, provide a
firm moral foundation for society. Correspondingly, the PS has taken
a hard line on those insidious forces eroding the secure moral base
of society and in particular those liberal attitudes perverting the
traditional family concept. The 2003 manifesto noted, for example,
that, over the course of the rainbow coalitions, the notion of the
family has been broadened in a most unnatural way (same-sex relationships could be registered in 2002) and the door accordingly
opened to an ever-deeper decay in the ethical base of society.
Indeed, in connection with a law (enacted in May 2009) enabling
one of the partners in a registered same-sex relationship legally to
adopt the child of the other partner, the PS MP, Pentti Oinonen,
expressed his dismay at the collapse of basic standards and stated
(controversially, to put it mildly) that people would be seeking permission to marry their dogs next!
The PS has also taken a tough zero tolerance line on drugs
and alcohol abuse and demanded suitably punitive and effective
There are only 8,000 Catholics in Finland. Unto Hmlinen, Henki voitti
materian, Helsingin Sanomat, 14 June 2009.
Erkki Havansi, Perussuomalaiset ovat arvokonservatiiveja, Helsingin Sanomat, 11
June 2009; Esko Helle, Arvokonservatiivit sulautunevat oikeistoon, Helsingin
Sanomat,16 June 2009.

The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



measures to deal with a deteriorating situation, including devoting

more resources to policing.44 The 2007 manifesto pointed up the
effect of drugs on crimes against the person and property, along with
the increase in drug-related traffic accidents. It concluded that the PS
is opposed to the liberal line on so-called soft drugs adopted in
some countries, not least because of the complex social problems
that are stored up for the future. In short, the PS has been authoritarian rather than libertarian, espousing the authority and legitimacy
of a Christian society grounded in traditional family values.
It will be recalled that ethno-nationalism or nativism that is,
strengthening the nation by making it ethnically homogeneous
has been viewed as the ultimate determinant of membership of the
populist radical right party family. In practice, in the globalized
world of the new millennium, the threat to the homogeneity of the
nation has come principally from the free movement of peoples
and, as Ivarsflaten has observed, the grievances uniting all successful
populist right parties have been those arising from Europes
ongoing immigration crisis.45 On the face of it, the partys stance on
the immigration question has been moderate, at least at the rhetorical level. Soini has not resorted to the xenophobic extremism of
the likes of the late Haider, insisting before the 2007 general election that demonizing other social groups and stirring racial hatred
involved kicking the weak and that he did not want a victory at any
price. The 2009 European Parliament election manifesto, moreover, held that whilst the old Finnish parties, plus the Greens,
support a significant increase in the number of immigrants to meet
the so-called labour shortage, the PS favours a responsible immigration
policy. Equally, the PS has undoubtedly attracted racist elements,
both candidates and voters. During the 2003 general election,
Halme used the kind of racist and homophobic language commonly associated with the radical right46 whilst at the 2008 local
election Jussi Halla-aho, standing as an Independent on the PS list
Plainly, Tony Halmes descent into drugs, depression, extended sick leave from
parliament and ultimate suicide early in 2010 was not the role model with which the PS
wanted to be associated!
E. Ivarflaten, What Unites Right-Wing Populists in Western Europe?:
Re-examining Grievance Mobilization Models in Seven Successful Cases, Comparative
Political Studies, 41: 3 (2008), p. 18.
E. Kestil, Is there Demand for Radical Right Populism in the Finnish Electorate?, Scandinavian Political Studies, 29: 3 (2006), p. 175.

The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



for Helsinki, attracted considerable notoriety as well as a sizeable

vote following his idiosyncratic characterization of Muslim attitudes. Moreover, despite his moderate leadership style, 40 per cent
of respondents in a Suomen Gallup poll before the 2008 local election viewed Soini as either openly racist (12 per cent) or a racist
who tries to hide it in public (28 per cent).
The PS literature indicates an apparent hardening of the party
line on foreigners and illustrates the way policy positions evolve and
change over time. In its inaugural 1995 General Programme, the
PS attitude to foreigners could perhaps best be described as one of
conditional tolerance. We accept foreigners living and working in
Finland, but will not allow any of them to come and damage our
peoples home (kansankoti). They must respect our society and
judicial procedures so that we in turn accept their cultures and
contrasting backgrounds and give them the right to live among us
on an equal footing. The 2003 manifesto insisted that Finland
should not develop a separate approach to immigrants and asylumseekers, but rather they should be dealt with as an integral part of
a wider population policy. Finlands peripheral location, it was
argued, had given it a big advantage in respect of demographic and
race-related problems. Finland did not need to keep foreigners out.
Yet by 2007 the PS general election manifesto for the first time
contained a separate section on asylum policy and immigration,
though it was the ninth section and accounted for under 4 per cent
of the overall text. On the basis of this manifesto, two intertwined
threads in the partys attitude towards immigrants are worth separating out.
First, the PS is mono-culturalist rather than multi-culturalist in
orientation, opposed to wholesale immigration whilst pursuing a
line of what might be termed comprehensive acculturation a basic
when in Rome, do as the Romans do approach. The 2007 manifesto asserts that it is not sensible to create a system where persons
come to Finland simply to spend time and find happiness whilst
officials seek artificially to preserve the immigrants own culture.
Preserving their culture is the immigrants own business and public
resources should not be expended on it, as it does not directly assist
in the integration of immigrants into Finnish society. We can never
accept those decisions which involve urging the native population
to sacrifice their own traditions to accommodate foreign cultures.
Multiculturalism should not be promoted at the expense of the
The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



Table 2
The Population of Foreign Citizens in West European States in 2008 (% of total

% foreign


% foreign





Source: Eurostat: Statistics in Focus 94/2009.47

native culture. The manifesto maintained that since the present

body of immigrants does not really try to integrate into society but
instead, as in Sweden, constitutes ethnic sub-cultures, large-scale
immigration will ultimately threaten the indigenous Finnish
culture. It might be noted here that in 2008 Finland had the lowest
proportion of foreign citizens as a percentage of the total population of any West European state and, whereas in Germany there
were 7.3 million foreign citizens, in Spain 5.3 million and the
United Kingdom 4 million, there were only 133,000 in Finland (see
Table 2).
Second, the PS is welfare chauvinist in the sense that the welfare of
the native population must come first and should not be deleteriously
affected by immigration. Of particular concern has been the position
of young persons and young-parent families. The PS manifesto
insisted that Finland did not need significant numbers of immigrants
to meet a possible labour and skills shortage but rather vocational
education should be increased and its quality improved. It held that
too many young persons were being channelled into an academic
route at the end of which there was no guarantee of a job. Many also
incurred levels of debt (in the form of student loans) that delayed the
start of a family because no child benefit was built into the student
support system. If nothing was done, Finland would witness the emergence of a white-collar proletariat whose work and family life would

For a good discussion of the facts and figures on immigration in Finland, see
Mervi Virtanen, Maahanmuuton faktat tiedettv, Helsingin Sanomat, 17 August 2009.
The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



rest on a shaky foundation. Finnish society, too, would rest on a

precarious base in so far as racism would breed in a situation in
which, short-sightedly, immigrants and foreign labour were available
whilst the native population was experiencing difficulties in obtaining
A case has been made for viewing the PS as a centre-left populist
party. Paloheimo and Raunio have claimed that in a wider European
perspective both the SMP and its successor the PS are centred-based
populist parties.48 Whilst they do not develop or elaborate on this
assertion, a prima facie defence of the proposition might involve the
following three points. First, as a successor party, the PS has inherited
many of the fundamental features of Vennamo-ism, and Vennamo-ism
was certainly not right-wing populism in the mould of the contemporary anti-tax, anti-bureaucracy Progress Party in Denmark or the
latters sister (Anders Lange) party in Norway. Rather, the SMP broke
through at a time of accelerated social structural change and embodied what in socio-economic terms was a left-leaning, anti-establishment
populism that championed the cause of the forgotten Finns.49
Helander and Toivonen portrayed the early SMP as a non-socialist left
party,50 although it needs emphasizing that Vennamo-ism also
embraced a strong, right-inclined socio-cultural authoritarianism. In
any event, the PS populism has never flirted with neo-liberalism and
has consistently advocated an active role for the state as a welfare
provider based on the principle of universalism.


H. Paloheimo and T. Raunio, Suomen puolueiden nykytila ja tulevaisuuden

haasteet, in H. Paloheimo and T. Raunio (eds), Suomen puolueet ja puoluejrjestelm,
Porvoo, WSOY, 2008, p. 213.
In his Kornhauser-inspired analysis of the SMPs breakthrough, written shortly
after the 1970 earthquake election, Snkiaho traced the sources of the alienation he
viewed as underpinning support for Vennamo-ism to the shift from a traditional to
mass society that is, the anomic impact of accelerated industrialization and urbanization. R. Snkiaho, A Model of the Rise of Populism and Support for the Finnish
Rural Party, Scandinavian Political Studies, 6 (1971), pp. 2747. For a rather polemical
analysis of the SMPs success in 1970, which emphasizes the way all the parties had
failed the smallholders, whose standard of living had fallen, see E. Poutiainen,
Melkoisen kovaa leikki, Helsinki, Tammi, 1972, pp. 1747.
V. Helander and T. Toivonen, Vennamolaisuus populismin ideoiden heijastana, in V. Helander (ed.), Vennamolaisuus populistisena joukkoliikkeen, Hmeenlinna,
Karisto, 1971, p. 65.
The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



Second, although the PS electorate conforms rather closely to

that of the archetypal radical rightist voter51 and its voters are the
most hostile of all the parties to increased immigration,52 the PS
supporters have not seen it as a right-wing party. They display relatively low levels of party identification53 and have substantially lower
than average levels of political trust in politicians.54 On the basis of
the 2007 general election survey, moreover (albeit with a low n =
44), the PS voters were preponderantly working class, male and
derived overwhelmingly from the age cohorts under 44 years. The
proportion of workers among PS supporters (53.5 per cent) was the
highest of any of the parliamentary parties.55 But in support of Paloheimo and Raunio, the 2007 election survey indicated that PS supporters were situated to the left of the Centre Party and perceived
themselves as the most left-wing of the non-socialist parties.56
Finally, and more tenuously, the PS emerged from a populist
movement and not from an extremist right-wing tradition as in the
case of the Front National 57 or Sweden Democrats,58 and its rhetoric
and leadership style have been moderate compared with the xenophobic extremism of the Danish Peoples Party, the FP or Geert
Wilders Party for Freedom (PVU) in Holland. There has been no
insistence on the threat posed by Islamization, proposals of the type
of Haiders sonderlager a special camp for the elderly, sick and
M. Lubbers, M. Gijssberts and P. Scheepers, Extreme Right-Wing Voting in
Western Europe, European Journal of Political Research, 41 (2002), pp. 34578. W. Brug,
M. van der Fennema and J. Tillie, Anti-Immigrant Parties in Europe: Ideological or
Protest Vote?, European Journal of Political Research, 37 (2000), pp. 77102.
Maaseudulla asuvat ja tyvest kielteisimpi maahanmuuttoa kohtaan, Helsingin Sanomat, 17 March 2009.
H. Paloheimo and J. Sundberg, Puoluevalinnan perusteet, in Paloheimo, Vaalit
ja demokratia Suomessa, p. 200.
H. Paloheimo, Ideologiat ja ristiriitaulottuvuudet, in Paloheimo and Raunio,
Suomen puolueet ja puoluejrjeastelm, p. 53.
I am indebted to Heikki Paloheimo for these data.
H. Paloheimo, Ideologiat ja ristiriitaulottavuudet, in Paloheimo and Raunio,
Suomen puolueet ja puoluejrjeastelm, p. 39.
J. Rydgren, Explaining the Emergence of Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties:
The Case of Denmark, West European Politics, 27: 3 (2004), p. 497.
A. Widfeldt, Party Change as a Necessity: The Case of the Sweden Democrats,
Representation, 44: 3 (2008), pp. 26576. J. Rydgren, From Tax Populism to Ethnic Nationalism: Radical Right-Wing Populism in Sweden, Oxford and New York, Berghahn Books,

The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



criminal asylum-seekers on an isolated 1,200-metre-high alpine pasture59 or wholesale repatriation.

Yet an analysis based on its core ideological features does not
support the PS characterization as a centre or centre-left populist
party. Rather, the mix of traditional conservatism (socio-cultural
authoritarianism) and ethno-nationalism (nativism) defines the PS as
a spin-off party60 a populist radical right party endorsing many of the
themes of its harsher continental counterparts. There was inter alia
rejection of the Lisbon Treaty that came into force in December
2009, continuing opposition to Turkish membership of the EU and
indeed any further renunciation of national sovereignty. This has
been coupled with support for the immediate deportation of criminal asylum-seekers, protection for domestic agriculture and industry
and tougher penalties for drug-abusers, etc. Crucially, the central
concept in the PS ideology and one that permeates the entire party
literature is the notion of (true) Finnishness. The term appears
widely in PS texts. The 2009 European Parliament manifesto, for
example, contains sections entitled Finnishness is strength and
Finnishness is a competitive advantage and it insists that Finnishness
is cultural capital which should be capitalized upon and not dissipated. It held somewhat obscurely that society and nation go hand in
hand towards the future and if we as a nation are not able to influence society and if society has no nation to influence we will lose our
competitive edge over less successful countries in which society and
nation are less well integrated than in Finland. Finnishness is the
pivotal, pre-eminent concept and the PS basic geist. It is that which
defines the PS as belonging to the family of radical right parties.61


Contrary to the conventional wisdom among Finnish political scientists who have viewed the PS as a centre-based populist party or the

Haider is our Lady Di, Guardian, 18 October 2008.

J. Rydgren, Is Extreme Right-Wing Populism Contagious? Explaining the Emergence of a New Party Family, European Journal of Political Research, 44: 3 (2005), pp.
Finnishness was also a core component in the SMPs 1992 Programme. See R.
Mickelsson, Suomen Puolueet, Historia, muutos ja nykypiv, Jyvaskyl, Gummerus,
2007, pp. 30910.

The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



most left-wing of the non-socialist parties, this article has argued

on the basis of the core nature of nativism or ethno-nationalism in
the partys ideological armoury that the True Finn Party is best
classified as a populist radical right party in the West European
tradition. The partys anti-immigrant rhetoric has undoubtedly been
less extreme than say the Danish Peoples Party but, not insignificantly, Soini, its leader, now rubs shoulders with two Danish Peoples
Party MEPs as part of the newly formed, 30-strong Europe of Freedom
and Democracy grouping in the European Parliament headed by the
United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage.
The article has also made the case for a hardening of the partys line
on foreigners for the first time in the 2007 election manifesto there
was a separate section on asylum policy and immigration although it
might reasonably be speculated that (thus far) the populist anticonsensus character of the PS has been more appealing to most of its
voters than its nativist credentials. Populist parties have generally been
leader-dependent, context-dependent and drawn on the most volatile
sections of the electorate. On the point of leadership dependency,
Soinis belated decision to run for the European Parliament was
largely designed to capitalize on his personal popularity, maintain the
partys media profile and above all prepare the way for a strong PS
performance at the April 2011 general election. However, populist
parties have been notoriously prone to factional strains the parent
SMP is a case in point and, with Soini spending significant amounts
of time in Brussels/Strasbourg, maintaining the unity, drive and
direction of the party as an extern chair will be highly challenging.
On the point of context dependency, the PS undoubtedly profited
in the local and European Parliament elections from a widespread
anti-establishment, anti-party mood spawned of revelations about
MPs election funding. Undeclared contributions from corporatesector sources created a strong sense of sleaze (much as in the UK
over MPs expense claims) and a widespread sentiment of a plague
on all your houses among the public at large. The PS could continue
to profit from this particularly during present economic hard times
not least as, almost daily, fresh murky revelations appear in the
press, although the ability of the PS leadership to continue to rein in
the racist elements attracted to the party will be crucial. The 2009
European Parliament election campaign triggered a debate about
immigration for really the first time in Finland, during which a
number of controversial views from high-profile politicians were
The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd



expressed62 and a concerted attempt made by the other parties to tar

the PS with the racist brush. It is highly doubtful if the PS could
continue to grow as a blatantly (Danish-style) racist party and the
recruitment of both sufficient, and as importantly suitable, candidates for the 2011 general election will be vital to its continuing
Finally, there is the highly volatile nature of the PS support base.
Indeed, it should be remembered that the PS 9.8 per cent in the
European Parliament poll was achieved in a second-order election
and would not necessarily be replicated in a general election, although
before midsummer 2010 PS registered 9.1 per cent in the opinion
polls. The wider point here though concerns the PS middle-term
strategic direction. On the one hand, as a populist party it must retain
its protest appeal to attract votes. On the other, Soini has indicated that
he has not ruled out participation in government if and when the PS
doubles its present contingent of five MPs. Mny and Surel have noted
that populist parties are by nature neither durable nor sustainable
parties of government. Their fate is to be integrated into the mainstream or to remain permanently in opposition.64 Under both Vennamos Veikko and particularly his son Pekka the SMP was an
office-seeking party and indeed formed part of the governing coalitions between 1983 and 1990. However, the loss of its antiestablishment credentials significantly undercut the SMPs vote and
radical image. The participation of the FP in the Austrian coalition
between 2000 and 2005 worked the same way. The rise of the PS has
witnessed the breakthrough of another West European populist
radical right party but the wider question will be whether, in Finland
and elsewhere, a populist radical right party can continue to appear
radical except as an anti-political-establishment party.

For example, the Helsinki City Council leader, Jussi Pajunen, claimed that
Helsinki was failing in its aim of converting the flow of immigrants into a source of
economic strength. Rather, he claimed that the reverse was the case and that action
was needed to restrict immigration. He noted that the proportion of capital city
inhabitants with an immigrant background had risen from 2 per cent in the early 1990s
to nearly 10 per cent and that at the present rate every fourth Helsinki dweller would
have an immigrant background by 2025. Jussi Pajunen jarruttaisi maahanmuuttoa,
Helsingin Sanomat, 1 December 2008.
Eniten luopujia on Sdp:n riveiss, Helsingin Sanomat, 9 February 2010.
Mny and Surel, The Constituent Ambiguity of Populism, in Democracies and the
Populist Challenge, p. 18.
The Author 2010. Government and Opposition 2010 Government and Opposition Ltd

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