Now We're Cookin': See Pa Ge 2 For Details

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Now Were Cookin

Homefields and Millersville University are collaborating on a series of videotapes that address challenges
specific to people in residential settings, including lack
of exercise, poor diet, and increased weight. Steps to a
Healthy Lifestyle will be made available to all pro
viders in Lancaster County, libraries, and Blockbuster
Video. Topics include Exercise (with emphasis on low impact and sitting exercises) Grocery Shopping (what wholesome foods to buy on a limited budget) Gardening (master
gardeners will explore vegetable and container gardens)
Food Preparation (a professional chef and resident will demonstrate recipes to staff), and Cooking (emphasizing microwave, oven, stovetop and grilling).
Approved by Millersville Universitys Cooperative
Education Program and headed by Dr. Gerard Igyr,
Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle will be videotaped and edited
by students earning credits. Other participants and

supporters include St.

Joseph Hospital (dietitian) The Lancaster
County Office of Mental
Health/Mental Retardation Penn State Cooperative
Extension The PAI Corporation Community Services
Group Keystone Residence Leslie Randall/Workout
With Leslie Millers Smorgasbord Homefields Incorporated. An ideal training tool for group environments, video is easy to view and review at any time and
is more easily comprehended by people with varied literacy.
Individual tapes are sponsored by companiesat
$200 eachwhose logo will appear on the packaging
and video. Sauders Eggs, The Intercourse News, and
John Herrs Village Market are current sponsors. An
accompanying cookbook and calendar are long-range
projects, and will be sponsored in a similar fashion.
Seated l to r: Jason R. Wicht, Junior Broadcasting Major,
Millersville University; Associate Producer, M.U. Cable; President, local National Broadcasting Society Chapter. Stacie

M. Ziegenfuss, Junior Communications major at M.U.; Associate Producer, M.U. Cable; member, National Broadcasting Society and International Television Association. Shannyn Aurand, M.U. student with dual major in Broadcasting
and Philosophy. Interested in video production and film.
Bev Firestone, upcoming supervisor of Homefields with
seven years experience at CSG where she is presently Assistant Program Director. Linda Strauss, Co-founder and
Board member, Homefields, Inc.; Host Site Coordinator,
Millersville Chapter of Best Buddies; Artist and Proprietor,
Great Panes. Julie A. Engdahl, Program Coordinator, The
PAI Corporation, where she is Program Specialist for a community home, Family Living Specialist for Family Living
homes, Coordinator for Community Support Services, and
Coordinator for staff training and development. Shirley
Wagner, Penn State Master Gardener, Coordinator of Lancaster County Master Gardener Program; member, Master
Gardener State Steering Committee; Long Range Planning
Committee; Educational Resource Committee; Chair, State
Conference Committee, and coordinator of volunteers, Conestoga House. Leslie Randall, Chair, Lancaster Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports; Professional Exercise/Aerobic
Instructor; Personal Trainer; Corporate and Federal Fitness
Instruction and feature, Workout with Leslie video.

Meet a Board Member Walk Softly and Carry

a McGregor Putter
Christian R. Herr, Jr. Co-founder and
Board Member, Homefields, Inc.; Chair,
Homefields Fund-Raising Committee and
Nominating Committee. Publisher, The Intercourse News; Member, The College of William and Mary Swimming Hall of Fame;
Lieutenant, The United States Army, 1962.
B.A., Business Administration, The College
of William and Mary
Married to Beth Clayton Herr. Children include David, living in Lancaster, PA; Amy in
Bethlehem, PA and; Chris in Fairfax, VA.
They have a grandson, Andrew, in Lancaster.
Chris Herr is a gentleman
who dearly loves his
family, values his
community and
friends, and respects his heritage. Chris heritage and values
can be traced to
Hans Herr, a settler who traveled
to America with
his family in
1710 to begin

new life on land granted to the Mennonites by the Penn family. Hans son,
Christian, built a farm and when the
farm had proven itself, a substantial
house was built in 1719 providing shelter for his family, his father Hans, and
future generations. Chris is a direct descendant of this family man with deeply held convictions. Although not a
farmer, Chris has always embraced the
spirit of farming. Today Chris and Beth
live just 5 miles away from the original
Herr settlement in a house built in
In college, Chris discovered a love of
writing and William and Mary discovered a great freestyle swimmer. Of the many races in
which Chris competed,
only one was a loss. Heritage was threatened in
1989 when the college decided to dissolve the
swim club. More than
rising to the occasion,
Chris became Chairman of Save The William and Mary
Swim Team
which raised
nearly 1 million dollars. In
1994, Chris
was named to
the Swimming Hall of

(cont, p. 2 col.1)

As mentioned in the last newsletter, the Homefields First Annual Fall Classic Golf Tournament is
slated to kick off October 1 at
Overlook Golf Course in Lancaster. Chipping and putting
contestswith cash prizeswill
begin at 11 a.m., and a shotgun
start at noon will commence a
team scramble competition
with Caloway scoring. If you
dont know what that means, its just as
well because everyone from first-timers
to seasoned pros will be on the golf
course for this worthy cause.
Contests include the golfer who most
looks like a duffer, the oldest (or funniest) golf bag, mens and womens longest
drive, the foursome with the least lost
balls, and the most hits out of the sand.
Prizes include a McGregor Balata Insert
Putter, hot air balloon rides, a cigar
night at Strawberry Hill, a Longaberger
basket filled with goodies, passes to Gast
Classic Motorcars, and more on up to
the grand prize for a hole-inone...$5,000 cash.
The $50 registration fee includes a
tournament gift pack, cart, green fee,
entry into some contests, and 19th hole
dinner (spectators and other non-golfers
can sign up for dinner for just $15). Registration deadline is September 1, and
can be accomplished by calling Homefields office at 717/872-2012, or Over-

look Golf Course at

Best Buddies will act as
bag caddies, and many local
businesses have already leant
their support, including
Community Services Group,
Millers Smorgasbord, Fulton Bank, Modern Classics,
and Intercourse News.
Corporate and hole sponsorships are still available. Businesses
can select from three corporate sponsorship categories, two hole sponsorship
categories and patron alternative by contacting Allison Hawthorne at 717/5605671 or the Homefields office.
Funds raised by this tournament will
go directly into barn renovation and the
construction of greenhouses and a
community building on Homefields

Stefan Latshaw, President

Thomas Strauss, Vice President
Dennis Steiner, Treasurer
Martha Bixler, Secretary
Leon Bixler
Allison G. Hawthorne
Christian R. Herr, Jr.
Dorothy Lyet
Linda Strauss
Dottie Walton
Brian D. Wassell

Homefields is a non-profit organization, 501(c)(3). Donations are tax-deductible. Letters to the Editor can be sent to:
Homeelds, 150 Letort Road, Millersville, PA 17551, (717) 872-2012

Meet a Board Member

Four of a Kind
The Harley-Davidson raffle that Homefields has every year is quite successful,
but success doesnt come without hard
work. Wed like to shine the spotlight
on some of the behind-the-scenes
people who make it happen. The four
women shown hereKay Nuss, Lorena
Herman, Kathleen Murray, and Louise
Rutledgework at Millers Smorgas-

bord gift shop, and as you can surmise

by the smiling faces, they must be good
at what they do. Out of the number of
venues where tickets are sold, Millers
consistently comes out on top by an
order of magnitude, and wed like to
thank these four for making it happen.

Fame. Chris was a R.O.T.C. cadet while

attending college and, after graduation,
Lt. Herr entered the U.S. Army. He
served two years active duty, Medical
Service Corps on the beaches of Monterey, CA, and additional years on reserve duty.
After the army, Chris worked at the
family business, Herr & Co., Inc., selling
hardware wholesale. His expertise polished, Chris began a personnel consulting business, sold wholesale flooring
for Landis & Co., and directed the Personnel and Production Control Department of Posey Ironworks. In 1980,
Chris heard the siren call of his love for
writing and bought the Intercourse
News, founded by John Forrey.
What started out as a hobby became
a full-time passion. Chris tripled the
circulation of the Intercourse News to
thirty-thousand, 25% of the readership
coming from NY, 25% from NJ, 25%
from PA, and 10-15% from VA, DE, and
MD. The Intercourse News encapsulates Chris love of family, community,
heritage and writing. It speaks of the
Amish way of lifea Plain way of living,
faith, family ties, and people helping
people. These are values the Amish
show their English neighbors; values
Chris enjoys writing about.
It was through Tom Strauss that
Chris learned of and embraced a concept now known as Homefields. Chris
and Tom, a co-founding parent of
Homefields, share a history of working
together, both serving on the Marketing Committee of the PA Dutch Visitors Bureau and both board members
of the Private Industry Council. While
with PIC, Chris and Tom launched a
program that brought the tourist industry together with inner city youths.
Tenth-grade students were enrolled in a

three-year program of summer employment in the tourist industry. After

graduating from college, these students
were guaranteed employment at R.R.
Donnelly & Sons Co., Armstrong World
Industries, or New Holland Machine
Tom told Chris about a concept of
offering a farm property to adults with
mental retardation where agricultural
and horticultural skills could be
learned. It would be home to a few and
an opportunity for many; community
helping community similar to the PIC
program. There was no such existing
opportunity, and Chris wanted to help
make it happen.
Homefields has been an established
residence for nearly 2 years. Chris envisions 4'x 6' garden plots where families
can nourish their child through the
therapeutic aspects of an agricultural
life. In keeping with the Homefields
founders, possibility is intertwined with
family responsibility.
To serve all well, it is Homefields
goal to one day offer three campuses to
the community of people who would
best be served through an agrarian environment, from people with mental retardation to retirees. For this to happen, Homefields requires facilities and,
like his swim team, Chris is taking a
lead by chairing the Fund-Raising
Committee. To support Homefields
and Chris
efforts, you can pick up a candy bar at
the McGovern Ave. branch of the Fulton Bank; sign up for Homefields First
Annual Fall Classic Golf Tournament
at Overlook; participate in the Inline
Skating event in cooperation with the
Lancaster Rotary Club, or nab a HarleyDavidson raffle ticket at one of the
businesses listed below.

Zoom Into 98

We told you about it in the last newsletter, but now weve got a date for our third
Harley-Davidson raffle. The drawing will be on December 13far enough before
Christmas for you to find a bow large enough for the handlebars. The Harleys
black, tickets are $5.00, and if you dont see it before October, look for it at the
First Annual Homefields Fall
Classic Golf Tournament. Tickets are available through Homefields, Gast Classic
Motorcar Exhibit &Cycle Sales (Route 896), Your Place Restaurant (Route 340),
Millers Smorgasbord (Route 30), Plain &Fancy Farm Restaurant (Route 340),
Wavelengths (downtown Lancaster), and D&L Beauty Shop, Neffsville.

Back On-line
After a brief hiatus (as Reed Strauss, our webmaster, moved from Boston to Alexandria, VA), our web site is up and running again. The site includes everything you
might want to know about Homefields from our original mission statement to an
electronic version of this newsletter. Theres a form you can fill out for the Harley
raffle and hotlinks to Best Buddies, Goodwill Industries, and other organizations
that work with us. The address is

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