Acute and Late Complications of Organophosphate Poisoning: Original Article

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Acute and Late Complications of Organophosphate Poisoning

Muhammad Saleem Faiz1, Shaheen Mughal2 and Abdul Qayoom Memon3

Objective: To describe the acute and late complications of organophosphate (OP) poisoning.
Study Design: Case series.
Place and Duration of Study: Medicine Department at Peoples Medical College Hospital, Nawabshah, from June 2008
to December 2009.
Methodology: A total of 300 patients with organophosphate poisoning admitted to the Medical ICU were included.
Baseline investigations included blood complete picture, urea, creatinine, arterial blood gas values, and serum
cholinesterase levels. Data was retrieved from the files on a structured proforma. Studied variables included gender, mode
of exposure, acute (occuring within 4 weeks) and delayed (occuring after 4 weeks onwards) complications
Results: There were 50 (16.66%) males and 250 (83.33%) females with ratio of 1:5. Two hundred and forty eight (82.6%)
had ingested while 18 (6%) had inhaled the poison. Acute complications included fits in 50 (16.66) bradycardia in 30 (10%)
and hyperglycemia in 15 (5%) patients. Delayed complications (after 4 weeks and later) included monoplegia and mild
sensory loss of lower limbs in 4 (2.66) and paraplegia and weakness of upper limbs in 2 (0.66%) patients each. A total of
50 patients died due to different complications in acute period making a mortality rate of 16.66%.
Conclusion: Frequency of acute organophosphate (OP) poisoning complications is much higher and related with high
mortality and morbidity and where as late complications are less frequent and less life threatening.
Key words:

Organophosphate (OP) poisoning. Acute complications. Late complications. Seizures. Bradycardia. Monoplegia.

Organophosphate (OP) is the general term for esters of
phosphoric acid.1,2 In 1932, German chemist Willy Lange
and his graduate student, Gerde von Krueger, first
described the cholinergic nervous system effects of
organophosphates, noting a choking sensation and a
diminution of vision after exposure.3 This discovery later
inspired the German chemist Gerhard Schrader in 1930s
to experiment with these compounds as insecticides.4
OP is the commonest suicidal agent in Pakistan. The
American Association of Poison Control Centre reported
102,705 cases of the incidence of organophosphate
annually;6 the highest incidence is seen in India.5,6 The
incidence in Sri Lanka is 10,000 20,000 hospital
admissions annually.7 According to WHO estimation
around 10,000 hospital deaths annually occur from OP
poisoning world-wide.8 Signs and symptoms are divided
into muscarinic effects, nicotinic effects and central
nervous system effects.9 Morbidity and mortality are due
to insufficient respiratory management, delayed
intubation, cardiac complications, aspiration pneumonia,
weakness and neuropathy.10
Department of Medicine, Medical Unit I1, Department of
Neurology2, Department of Medicine, Medical Unit II3,
Peoples Medical College, Nawabshah.
Correspondence: Dr. Muhammad Saleem Faiz, Associate
Professor, Department of Medicine, Medical Unit-I, Peoples
Medical College, Nawabshah.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received April 12, 2010; accepted March 29, 2011.


Despite its common occurrence, there is not much

awareness. The current study was aimed to determine
acute and late complications of organophosphate

This case series was conducted at the ICU of Medicine
Department at Peoples Medical College Hospital,
Nawabshah, from June 2008 to December 2009. All
patients of OP poisoning were included in this study.
Detailed history was taken from all the patients relatives
about the circumstances of poisoning. Detailed clinical
examination of the patients was done. Diagnosis of OP
poisoning was based on clinical features that included
bronchorrhoea, bronchospasm, miosis, salivation,
defecation, urination and hypotension, history of
exposure to a known OP compound and low serum
pseudocholiesterase activity (level < 4500 IU). Patients
were treated according to the standard protocol of
organophosphates poisoning with respiratory support,
atropine and prollidoxime. All patients were dealt upto
recovery or death from poisoning and follow-up of all
recovered patients was done to assess any delayed
complication. The acute complications were defined as
those which occur after 4 weeks of onset of poisoning
and late complications were those which occur after
4 weeks and later.
Studied variables included gender, mode of exposure,
acute (occurring within 4 weeks) and delayed (occurring
after 4 weeks onwards) complications.

Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2011, Vol. 21 (5): 288-290

Complications of organophosphate poisoning

Results were compiled for descriptive statistics through

SPSS software version 16.


were received unconscious. Four (1.33%) patients

developed monoplegia with mild sensory loss of lower
limb and 2 (0.66%) patients each developed paraplegia
and weakness of both upper limbs (Table I).

Three hundred cases of OP poisoning were admitted

during the study period. Two hundred and forty eight
(82.66%) patients ingested the compound, 23 (7.6%)
patients had dermal exposure, 18 (6%) patients had
inhaled while 11 (3.6%) patients had other types of
exposure. Fifty (16.66%) were male and 250 (83.33%)
female with ratio of 1:5. There was wide variation of age
ranging from a minimum of 14-50 years with mean age
of 32 + 5.2 years.

Organophosphate (OP) compounds are widely used as

pesticides in agricultural parts of the world. Insufficient
control on the importation, production, storage and
unsafe use of OP pesticides are the common reasons of

The most common complications were respiratory

distress and mental confusion in almost all cases. One
hundred and fifty patients out of 300 were stable after
gastric lavage. They were kept under observation for
the next 3 days and finally discharged. The remaining
150 patients were in coma and developed acute
complications. Fifty (16.66%) patients developed episodic
convulsions. Twenty (6.66%) patients developed
profuse diarrhea. Severe bradycardia was seen in 30
(10%) patients. Hypotension was seen in 30 (10%)
patients, 15 (5%) patients developed hyperglycemia
and 5 (1.66%) patients developed acute renal failure
with anuria. Fifty (16.66%) patients died in different
complications of organophosphate poisoning (Table I).

The male to female ratio in this study was 1:5. However,

the male to female ratio given by Ather,12 is 1:1 and Tall
et al.,10 is 1:1.8 which is quite different from present
study. The age ranged from 14 to 50 years with mean
age was 32 + 5.2 years. The prime age for presentation
in this study was between 25-40 years which is
comparable to other study where age ranged between
14-60 years.11 However, Hayden et al. showed age
range from 13 to 47 years with a mean age of 23

Delayed complications i.e. those which occured after

4 weeks and later were seen in 8 (2.66%) patients who
Table I: A summary of gender, mode of exposure, complications
and mortality in organ.

Number of







Mode of exposure



Dermal exposure























Acute complications (within 4 weeks)

Renal failure



Monoplegia with mild sensory loss of lower limb




Weakness limbs




Delayed complications (after 4 weeks and later)



Deep coma



Renal failure



Suicidal and non-suicidal organophosphate poisoning is

a major problem in rural areas of Pakistan and the
incidence are increasing rapidly due to increasing
sentimental situations.5

In this study, majority of complications were found to be

more frequent in acute stage i.e. within 4 weeks of
poisoning as compared to late complications i.e. after
4 weeks and onwards. In this study, respiratory distress
and mental confusion were observed in almost all cases
and similar reported by Tall et al.10
In the present study there were 16.66% cases of deep
coma which developed 4-7 days after hospital
admission with pulmonary complication. A study
conducted by Sequeira showed the frequency of deep
coma to be 21%.14
Acute complications seen in this study were episodic
convulsions developed in 50 (16.66%) patients, 20
(6.66%) patients developed profuse diarrhea, severe
bradycardia was seen in 30 (10%) patients, hypotension
was seen in 30 (10%) patients, 15 (5%) patients
developed hyperglycemia and 5 (1.66%) patients
developed acute renal failure. Acute complications as
given by Malik were bradycardia in 29 (93.5%), change
in mental status in 10 (32.2%), low oxygen saturations
(less than 90%) in 21 (67.8%) and subsequent
convulsions in 3 (9.6%).17
Delayed complications were seen in those patients
who were received late and unconscious. All were
neurological and predominantly motor deficits. Jamal
et al. found neuropathy and sensory motor distal axonopathy especially distal paresis in lower limb in 1.5%
patients ingesting large doses of organophosphates.15
In the present study, it was observed that the 16.66%

Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2011, Vol. 21 (5): 288-290


Muhammad Saleem Faiz, Shaheen Mughal and Abdul Qayoom Memon

mortality, in different acute complications of organophosphate poisoning was due to central respiratory
depression, bronchospasm, excessive bronchosecretion,
severe bradycardia, and hypotension. Later it was a
result of acute renal failure and complications of
aspiration and long-term ventilation. However,
frequency of mortality due to OP given by Yamashita
varied between 4% and 30%,16 5.5% in a study by
Malik17 and 8% in the study by Aziza et al.18




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Frequency of acute organophosphate (OP) poisoning

complications is much greater and related with high
mortality and morbidity and where as late complications
are rare and less life threating. These patients are to be
shifted to a well-equipped ICU as soon as possible.
Good supportive care and observation can help reduce
the acute complications like episodic convulsions,
severe bradycardia and renal failure and also the
delayed complications like monoplegia and paraplegia.


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Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2011, Vol. 21 (5): 288-290

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