CIT 6261: Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Course Overview
CIT 6261: Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Course Overview
CIT 6261: Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Course Overview
Course Overview
What is AI?
• [The automation of] activities • The study of mental faculties
that we associate with human through the use of
thinking, activities such as computational models
decision-making, problem -- Charniak + McDermott, 1985
solving, learning …
-- Bellman, 1978
• The branch of computer
• The study of how to make science that is concerned with
computers do things at which, the automation of intelligent
at the moment, people are behavior
better -- Luger + Stubblefield, 1993
-- Rich + Knight, 1991
What is AI? .. continued
Rational agents
Review of AI
• Intelligent Agents: Goal-based agent, utility-based agent, learning
agent, mobile agent, ...
• Machine Learning
– Inductive learning, Decision-Tree induction, The Nearest neighbor
algorithm, Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning,
Reinforcement learning
– Statistical learning
– Neural network