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British Journal of Medical Practitioners, Sept.

2008, Volume 1, Number 1


BJMP 2008:1(1) 6-9


Nasseer A. Masoodi

Optimizing drug therapy for elderly is often challenging. Sometimes treatment causes more harm than the disease. The aim of this article
is to review the body of literature addressing polypharmacy to determine its definition, explore how polypharmacy was assessed in primary
care, and seek evidence based interventions that address polypharmacy.
Data Sources
An electronic search of the PUBMED database utilizing the search terms polypharmacy, polypharmacy and elderly, adverse drug
reactions, multiple medications, inappropriate prescribing, and Beers criteria was performed and the search was supplemented with
online site searches of relevant journals and review of reference lists of each article.
Results and discussion
Prescription of potentially inappropriate medications to older people is highly prevalent in the United States and Europe. Polypharmacy
continues to be a significant issue. There is a gap in the literature regarding the interventions implemented by physicians to address
polypharmacy. There are no robust prospective studies that test the clinical benefit to patients of using drug utilization review tools.
There is no specific definition for polypharmacy. It has been defined in many different ways depending upon patient population and
study settings. Prospective randomized controlled trials are needed to identify useful interventions. Drug utilization review tools should be
designed on the basis of a countrys national drug formulary and should be evidence based as most existing drug utilization review tools
have been designed on the basis of North American system.

Population demographics are changing worldwide, with life
expectancy and the proportions of older persons increasing.
Older people are the greatest consumers of medications and
healthcare resources in developed countries. It is assumed that
as more drugs become available and life expectancy continues to
increase, the consumption of prescription drugs by older people
will increase further and the incidence of potentially
inappropriate prescribing will grow. A survey of noninstitutionalized older adults in the United States showed an
increased usage of all medications with advancing age, the
highest prevalence of drug use being in women 65 years of age
and older with 12% taking 10 or more medications and 23%
taking at least five prescribed drug therapies 1. In most
industrialized nations older people consume three times as
many prescription medications as younger people and purchase
70% of non-prescription medications 2. In the United States,
125% of the population is over 65 years of age but consume
32% of all prescription medications and account for 25% of
drug expenditure and 30% of total national healthcare
expenditure 3-5. In Ireland, 1113% of population is over the
age of 65 years but consume 47% of all prescription
medications 6. In Europe, people over 65 years of age consume

on average 23 times the amount of health care than do those

<65 years of age 7.
Polypharmacy has been defined in many different ways and the
appropriate definition may differ according to patient
population and study setting 9. Fulton and Allen 10 define
polypharmacy as: 'the use of medications that are not clinically
indicated'. In practice, polypharmacy is defined as using more
than a certain number of drugs, irrespective of the
appropriateness of drug use 8, 11, 12. Inappropriate prescribing
includes the use of medicines that introduce a significant risk of
an adverse drug-related event where there is evidence for an
equally or more effective but lower-risk alternative therapy
available for treating the same condition. Inappropriate
prescribing also includes the use of medicines at a higher
frequency and for longer than clinically indicated, use of
multiple medicines that have recognized drugdrug interactions
and drugdisease interactions, and importantly, the under-use
of beneficial medicines that are clinically indicated but not
prescribed for some reasons. As older patients seek treatment for
various ailments from a variety of physicians, they are at
increasing risk of accumulating layers of drug therapy.
Individuals aged 65 and older use a disproportionate number of

British Journal of Medical Practitioners, Sept. 2008, Volume 1, Number 1

prescriptions and over-the-counter medications; 31% use more

than one pharmacy and 50% receive prescriptions from more
than one prescriber 13. A higher number of primary care
physicians and multiple dispensing pharmacies increase the risk
of drugdrug interactions 14. The number of medications
prescribed to elderly patients, and the complexity of their drug
regimens increase over time 15.
The potential for an increased risk of drugdrug interactions
and adverse drug reactions, and factors such as age-related
changes in pharmacodynamics (PD) and pharmacokinetics
(PK) must be considered. Diabetes and chronic lung disease
predict a greater complexity and cost of drugs regimen in
elderly patients with heart failure 16. Besides the increase in
diseases and worsening of diseases, the literature also mentions
other factors as being responsible for the increase in
polypharmacy, i.e. ageing, moving to a residential or nursing
home and hospitalization 17, 18. The patient's expectations, the
General Practitioner's attitude and consultations with several
doctors have been associated with an increase in multiple drug
use 19, 20.


Drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination
change as a natural consequence of the ageing process. Changes
in drug absorption in older patients may result from decreases
in splanchnic blood flow and gastric motility, and increases in
gastric pH, and other physiological changes that are associated
with ageing. Blood flow and gastric motility may be further
diminished by cardiovascular and gastrointestinal drugs used to
treat co-morbid conditions. Ageing influences drug excretion.
Age-related decreases in glomerular filtration rate are well
known. These physiological declines coupled with co-morbid
conditions and the use of multiple drugs means that
medications eliminated by the renal route requires dose
adjustment. Drugs that influence renal function and thus
elimination/excretion have the potential to pose serious clinical
problems if used concomitantly. With ageing, there is a
decrease in lean body mass and total body water with a relative
increase in total body fat 21. These changes lead to a decreased
volume of distribution for hydrophilic drugs such as lithium,
and digoxin where unadjusted dosing can result in higher
plasma concentrations, thus increasing the potential for adverse
effects. Conversely, lipid soluble drugs such as long-acting
benzodiazepines have an increased volume of distribution,
thereby delaying their maximal effects and resulting in
accumulation with continued use. There is a reduction in
hepatic mass and blood flow with ageing 22.
Drugs such as beta-blockers, nitrates and tricyclic antidepressants that have a first pass effect in the liver may have a
higher bioavailability in older people and thus be effective at
lower doses. Cytochrome P450 oxidation declines with ageing
and drugdrug interactions involving these enzymes are
important to recognize. Larger drug storage reservoirs and
decreased clearance prolong drug half-lives and lead to increased
plasma drug concentrations in older people. If serum albumin is
decreased there will be an increase in the active unbound drug
concentration for highly protein-bound drugs such as
phenytoin, theophylline, warfarin and digoxin. Ageing is also

associated with changes in the end-organ responsiveness to

drugs at receptor or post-receptor level 25. There is decreased
sensitivity to beta-receptors along with a possible decreased
clinical response to beta-blockers and beta-agonists 26. Increased
sensitivity to drugs such as opiates and warfarin is common 27,
The number of elderly is increasing dramatically. In United
States, in the next 25 years, as the baby boomer generation
begins to turn 65 years old, the number of elderly is expected to
double to approximately 70 million. Those older than 85, is
now the fastest growing segment of our population. Thus, we
can expect the number of adverse drug reactions to increase
proportionately. Polypathology, the age-related increase of
concurrent diseases, is likely to be the main determinant of drug
consumption. However, both over-prescribing and improper
prescribing has been reported and seems to contribute to the
age-related increase in the prevalence of adverse drug reactions
(ADRs) 29, 30. A hospital-based study from Norway showed that
the risk of experiencing a drug-related problem increased
linearly with the number of drugs on admission 31. A study
carried out in the USA found that nursing home patients
receiving nine or more drugs were more than twice as likely as
patients receiving a lower number of drugs, of experiencing an
adverse effect 32. On average, ADRs account for 3%13% of all
the admissions 33-35 and complicate 5%20% of the stays of
patients over 65 years 36-38. More than 40% of persons aged 65
and older use five or more different medications per week, and
12% use 10 or more different medications 39. If an elderly
patient takes five or more drugs, he or she has a 35% chance of
experiencing an adverse drug event 40.
Drug interactions are significant contributors to morbidity 35.
Office visits for an adverse drug event increase from 9% of the
population per year at age 2544 years to as high as 568%
between age 65 and 74 years 41. Inappropriate drug use is one of
the risk factors for adverse drug reactions in the elderly. The
risk for an adverse drug event is 13% with the use of two
medications, but the risk increases to 58% for five medications
. If seven or more medications are used, the incidence of
adverse drug events increases to 82% 42.
Older people are a heterogenous group, often with multiple
concomitant illnesses and multiple prescriptions. There is a thin
line between a healthy old person and an ill old person.
Prescribing for older people is challenging as any new
medication must be considered in the context of altered
pharmacokinetics, altered pharmacodynamics and age-related
changes in body composition and physiology. Both over
prescription and undue prescription seem to characterize the
overall pharmacological therapy of the elderly.
Polypharmacy is the main risk factors for ADRs 43. Thus,
attempts should be made to curtail inappropriate drug
prescription by utilizing different available tools 44. An
interdisciplinary medication review of older individuals in the
community helps to reduce the cost and number of
medications. Polypathology seems the most obvious

British Journal of Medical Practitioners, Sept. 2008, Volume 1, Number 1

explanation of the high number of drugs taken by older people,

but additional factors deserve consideration. Changes in
patients medical status over time can cause medications that
have been used chronically to become unsafe or ineffective.
Particular care must be taken in determining drug dosages and
treatment options when prescribing for older adults. Pill for an
ill approach should be discouraged as many a time
pharmacological treatment may carry more adverse effects then
the illness itself. Use of electronic medical records and other
hand held devices to prescribe appropriate medication doses
and check drug to drug interactions has been found useful in
reducing the medication related errors and hence adopted by
various medical groups and hospital practices.






Reviewing medications at every visit is a simple and very

helpful tool too especially if patients are encouraged to bring
with them a printed list of their current medications (including
over the counter drugs). Printing an updated list of the
medication changes in bold and large font after a visit with their
physician helps patients to follow the recommendations
especially in case of geriatric patients who may not remember
all the new changes made at an office visit.
Polypharmacy is an important issue in the elderly. The problem
involves many issues, a number of which have been explored in
this article. One of the most important issues involves adverse
drug reactions. All pharmaceutical agents have the potential for
side effects; therefore, it is obvious that the more drugs one
takes the more side effects one will experience. The aging
process results in altered metabolism and excretion of
medications, and deficits in cognition and senses. Incidence of
adverse drug reaction and interactions is increased with
polypharmacy. Since adverse drug reactions are a significant
cause of morbidity and mortality, as well as an important cause
for hospital admissions, minimizing polypharmacy is an
important consideration. The general principle of Start Low
and Go Slow holds true in most scenarios but should be
modified to Start Low, Go Slow but Use Enough to achieve
desired therapeutic effect.











Serves as a speaker for Eisai Inc. and Pfizer Inc. for the 2008 ARICEPT
LTC DELTA 2 (Dementia Education Leadership Training in
Alzheimer's) Promotional Education Program
NASSEER A. MASOODI, MD, FACP, CMD. Assistant Professor
Clinical Sciences, Florida State University College of Medicine,
Tallahassee, FL-USA; Courtesy Assistant Professor Geriatrics,
University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL-USA;
Medical Director Health Services, ACV Inc, Dowling Park, FL-USA





CORRESSPONDENCE: PO BOX: 4346, Dowling Park, FL-32064,

Email: [email protected]




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