Binder (1998) - RQFA - 11 111-137

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Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 11 (1998): 111137

1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

The Event Study Methodology Since 1969

Department of Finance (MC 168), College of Business, University of Illinois-Chicago, 601 S. Morgan St.,
Chicago, IL 60607-7124

Abstract. This paper discusses the event study methodology, beginning with FFJR (1969), including hypothesis testing, the use of different benchmarks for the normal rate of return, the power of the methodology in
different applications and the modeling of abnormal returns as coefficients in a (multivariate) regression framework. It also focuses on frequently encountered statistical problems in event studies and their solutions.
Key words: Event study, finance methodology

1. Introduction
An often heard statement in economics and finance is that any article which is cited ten
or more times a year for ten years is a classic. Even by this standard, the paper by Fama,
Fisher, Jensen and Roll (FFJR) (1969), which introduced the event study methodology,
stands out in the academic profession. For example, from its publication through 1994 this
article was, according to the Social Sciences Citation Index, cited a total of 516 times.
This works out to an average of about 21 times a year over a 25 year period. It is,
therefore, surprising when Fama (1991, p. 1599) notes in retrospect that the impetus
behind the FFJR paper, which was suggested by James Lorie, was simply to develop an
application of the new Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) monthly return data
for New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) stocks.
FFJR started a methodological revolution in accounting and economics as well as
finance, since the event study methodology has also been widely used in those disciplines
to examine security price behavior around events such as accounting rule changes, earnings announcements, changes in the severity of regulation and money supply announcements.1 The event study methodology has, in fact, become the standard method of measuring security price reaction to some announcement or event. In practice, event studies
have been used for two major reasons: 1) to test the null hypothesis that the market
efficiently incorporates information (see Fama (1991) for a summary of this evidence) and
2) under the maintained hypothesis of market efficiency, at least with respect to publicly
available information, to examine the impact of some event on the wealth of the firms
security holders.
This paper reviews developments in the event study methodology beginning with FFJR.
My intention is to highlight the various extensions of the original FFJR technique and
related contributions that have appeared since 1969. Of course, this survey is selective in
that it partly reflects the interests and tastes of the author.2

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The paper is organized around two broad topics. The first part of the paper discusses the
case where abnormal returns are measured as residuals (actually as prediction errors in
most cases) from some benchmark model of normal returns, such as the market model.
The FFJR methodology is reviewed, as well as topics such as hypothesis testing under
various statistical assumptions, beta estimation, alternative benchmarks of the normal rate
of return and the statistical power of the event study methodology when the event date is
certain and uncertain.
The second part of the paper discusses the use of dummy variables, corresponding to
the event period(s), in a regression framework to parameterize the effects of the event.
That is, it covers the case where the abnormal returns are modeled as coefficients in a
regression model and the sample includes the event period and data before (or after) it.
Two specific cases are discussed. In the first, a portfolio return is the dependent variable
and a single equation is estimated, while in the second a system of equations is specified
where each firm is represented by a single equation. The advantages and disadvantages of
this approach, compared to correctly specified variants of the standard FFJR methodology,
are discussed, along with the choice of test statistic and the power of the tests.

2. Measurement and statistical analysis of abnormal returns

2.1. Fama, Fisher, Jensen and Roll (1969)
To showcase the CRSP monthly database, FFJR examine the effect of the announcement
of a stock split on stock prices. To capture the effect of the event on stock i, they control
for the normal relation between the return on i during month t, Rit, and the return on a
broad stock market index, in their case the CRSP NYSE Market Portfolio, during month
t, Rmt.3 That is, using a sample of monthly return data from 1926 to 1960 including the
period containing the event, they estimate the parameters of the following market model
for each stock i in the sample:4
Rit 5 ai 1 biRmt 1 uit


In the FFJR study, the event period is from 29 months before the split is announced to 30
months after. The month of the split is defined as s 5 0 in event time and the event period
then runs from s 5 229 to s 5 30. Redefining time relative to the event month is useful
since they examine the average stock price movement for the sample stocks during
specific months around the event month.
FFJR use the residual is from the market model for the calendar month corresponding
to month s as an estimator of the abnormal return for stock i during event month s.5 For
instance, if stock i announced a split during June 1952 this is the event month (s 5 0) and
the estimated abnormal return during s 5 26 (six months preceding the split) is the
residual for the calendar month December 1951. This method removes the effects of

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economy wide factors from the return on is stock, leaving the portion of the return
attributable to firm specific information, i. e., the error term in equation (1), which
contains the effect of the split announcement.6
The estimator of the average abnormal return during month s, AARs, is defined as
AARs 5





where ARis is the estimator of the abnormal return for stock i and Ns is the number of
firms in the sample during month s. The estimates of the average abnormal returns are
summed across months to measure the average cumulative effect on the sample securities
of company specific information reaching the market from month S1 to month S2. That is,
CAARS1,S2, the estimator of the cumulative average abnormal return, is given by





Two modifications to the FFJR methodology have become standard. First, given concerns about the stationarity of the market model parameters (see Blume (1971) and
Gonedes (1973)), it has become commonplace for studies with monthly observations to
use five to seven years of data.7 Second, as FFJR (pp. 45) and Ball and Brown (1968, pp.
163164) point out, if the event period is included in the period used to estimate the
market model parameters, the coefficient estimates are biased because the disturbances
(which contain the effects of the event and related occurrences) are not mean zero. While
this bias is small when the data period is as long as in FFJR, with five to seven years of
data it is a much greater problem. Subsequent studies, e. g., Scholes (1972), estimate the
market model with data prior to the event period and measure (estimate) the abnormal
return during period s as the prediction error is, based on the returns Ris and Rms and the
parameter estimates. It is assumed that the coefficients are constant during the estimation
and event periods.8

2.2. Hypothesis testing

2.2.1 Introduction. In most cases the researcher is interested in testing hypotheses about
the average or cumulative average abnormal returns as well as estimating their magnitude.
One method to test the statistical significance of the estimated average abnormal return for
month s is to assume that the individual ARiss are independent and identically distributed.
A cross-sectional estimate of the true standard deviation, s(ARis), is then calculated in the
usual fashion (see Scholes (1972, ftnt. 25)). The estimator of the standard deviation of
AARs is s (ARis) divided by the square root of Ns and, under the assumption that the ARiss
are normally distributed, this ratio is t distributed.9 Based on the preceding assumptions

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and assuming further that the AARss are independent over time, the standard deviation of
the CAARS1,S2 can be estimated based on the cross-sectional standard deviation estimators
for each period s.10 That is, if the AARss are cumulated from S1 to S2,

s ~CAARS1,S2! 5 @ ( s 2~AARs!#1/2



2.2.2 Problems with heteroskedasticity and dependence. The purpose of the preceding
discussion, which is based on fairly unrealistic statistical assumptions, is not to suggest
that significance tests be done as described. Rather, it is meant to be a starting point for
analysis of this issue. There are several potential problems in hypothesis testing, due to the
fact that frequently the abnormal return estimators are not independent or they do not have
identical variance. For instance, often the abnormal return estimators 1) are crosssectionally (in event time) correlated, 2) have different variances across firms, 3) are not
independent across time for a given firm or 4) have greater variance during the event
period than in the surrounding periods.
The first two problems, i. e., that the market model prediction errors for different firms
do not have identical variance and that they may not be independent across firms, are
noted by Jaffe (1974) and Mandelker (1974). Fama (1976, pp. 129131) provides evidence that market model residual variances differ across firms.11 King (1966) shows that
market model residuals are contemporaneously correlated for firms in related industries.
Collins and Dent (1984) and Bernard (1987) examine the effects of cross-correlation and
unequal variance across firms on hypothesis tests in the event study context and find that,
in some instances, considerable bias is introduced when these problems are not corrected.
Jaffe (1974) and Mandelker (1974, Appendix) introduce the portfolio method to combat
these two problems. First, the AARt is calculated for all firms with an event during
calendar month t. Based on the average abnormal return estimates for the portfolio during
the preceding k months, a time series estimate of s(AARt) is calculated for this portfolio,
assuming that the AARts are independent over time. Then the AARt estimate is standardized by dividing by the estimated standard deviation. This procedure is repeated for every
sample calendar month which contains at least one event, producing a series of standardized average abnormal return SAARt estimates. The SAARts are independent, if the AARts
are independent across time, and identically t distributed. The statistical significance of the
average (in event time) SAARt estimate is assessed using a standard t test. Brown and
Warner (1980, p. 251) use a test similar in spirit, except a time series (in event time) of
AARss is used to generate a standard deviation for AARs, which they call the Crude
Dependence Adjustment.
Once average standardized average abnormal returns ASAARs are calculated, it is
straightforward to test the significance of the cumulative ASAARs, i. e., CASAARS1,S2,
estimate. If the ASAARss are independent over time, the standard deviation of the
CASAARS1,S2 is the square root of the length of the cumulation period, S2 2 S1 1 1. This

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result is noted, for example, by Patell (1976) and Dodd and Warner (1983), who standardize each abnormal return estimate, cumulate the standardized values and then calculate the average of the cumulative values.12
Frequently, the residual variance estimate from the market model during the estimation
period is used to estimate the variance of the abnormal return estimator, i. e., the prediction error, for each firm (e. g., see Brown and Warner (1980, p. 253)). As Patell (1976, p.
256) and Dodd and Warner (1983, p. 436) point out, it is well known in the econometrics
literature (see Theil (1971, pp. 122123)) that prediction errors have greater variance than
the regression disturbances, since prediction errors are a function of estimation error in
the parameters as well as disturbance variance. There are two simple solutions to this
problem. The first is to use the correct equation, based on the residual variance and the
matrix of independent variables, to calculate the precision of the prediction errors. Or, a
sample of data before (after) the event period can be used to generate a separate series of
prediction errors used solely to calculate the variance of the event period prediction error.
Beaver (1968) points out that event-induced heteroskedasticity is likely. That is, since
the event day security return is a function of the random shock in the announcement as
well as the other firm specific shocks affecting the security, the abnormal return estimator
will likely have a greater variance during the event period than in the surrounding periods.
Collins and Dent (1984) propose a generalized least squares technique when the variance
of each firms abnormal return estimator increases proportionally during the event period.
Froot (1987) suggests a method of moments estimator that allows for event-induced
Perhaps the simplest solution to the problem of event-induced heteroskedasticity is the
one discussed by Boehmer, Musumeci and Poulsen (1991).13 The abnormal return estimates are first standardized by their estimated standard deviation (assuming no eventinduced heteroskedasticity), based on the residual variance from the estimation period and
the fact that they are prediction errors, as pointed out by Patell (1976). Then the standard
deviation of these standardized variates SARs is calculated cross-sectionally in the event
period and the significance of the estimate of the average standardized abnormal return
ASARs is tested using the cross-sectionally estimated standard deviation. In effect, this
method assumes that the event-induced increase in variance is proportional for each firm.
Boehmer, Musumeci and Poulsen find in simulations that with this method the frequency
of rejection of the null is essentially equal to the nominal size of the test when the null
hypothesis of no abnormal performance is true. When the null is false, their method
rejects the null more often than the other methods for which the true size of the test is
equal to the nominal size. That is, their test is unbiased and more powerful than other well
specified alternatives.
There is also a problem with time series dependence. Under the joint hypothesis that
returns are given by the market model with stationary parameters and that the market is
informationally efficient (see Fama (1976, ch. 5)), the disturbances in the market model,
uit, are independent across time. Neither the residuals nor the prediction errors from the
market model are, however, independent across time as assumed in many event studies.14
As Mikkleson and Partch (1988) and Mais, Moore and Rogers (1989) discuss, it is a
standard result in the econometrics literature (see Theil (1971, pp. 195196)) that regres-

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sion residuals (and similarly prediction errors) are correlated since they are based on the
same parameter estimates.15 Both papers use a test statistic which incorporates this dependence.16
Cowan (1991), Karafiath and Spencer (1991), Sweeney (1991) and Salinger (1992)
analyze the bias in hypothesis tests about cumulative average abnormal returns when
average abnormal estimators are correlated. The degree of bias depends on the number of
observations in both the estimation period T and the event period S. When S is small
relative to T, the uncorrected (biased) test statistic will be very close to the corrected
(unbiased) one. But, when S is relatively large, the bias is substantial. For example, Cowan
(1991, Table I.1) shows that when S 5 5 and T 5 100 the uncorrected test statistic is
expected to exceed the corrected one by 1.6 per cent. When S 5 60 and T 5 100, the
figure is 25.2 percent. Event windows of this relative magnitude or longer are not uncommon in studies with daily or monthly data.17,18
2.2.3 Summary. Although a reader unfamiliar with the event study methodology might
feel overwhelmed by the potential statistical problems just discussed, it should be stressed
that they are all solvable in one way or another. Often many of the problems can simply
be ignored, because, in practice, they are quite minor. For instance, cross-sectional dependence is not a problem when the event periods are randomly dispersed through calendar time, i. e., the event dates are not, in the terminology of Brown and Warner (1980),
clustered. Cross-sectional dependence will be a minor problem (see Chandra, Moriarty
and Willinger (1990, Table 3, Panels A and B) when event time is the same as calendar
time but securities are randomly chosen (from different industries) and market model
abnormal return estimates are used (as opposed to the mean- or market-adjusted abnormal
returns discussed below). Similarly, when the event period is short, relative to the estimation period, time series dependence in the AARss will be unimportant.

2.3. Cross-sectional regression analysis

Frequently the estimated abnormal returns for the sample firms are used as the dependent
variable in a regression with firm specific variables on the right hand side. As Gonedes
and Dopuch (1974) point out, the disturbances in this regression may be heteroskedastic
and correlated if the abnormal return estimators have these properties. One solution to this
problem (when event time does not equal calendar time for each firm) is to use the
estimated standardized average abnormal return for each calendar month t from the Jaffe
(1974)Mandelker (1974) portfolio method as the dependent variable in a weighted least
squares regression (see Theil (1971, p. 244)). Similarly, the average value, for the firms
included in that calendar months portfolio, of each explanatory variable (including the
vector of ones representing the intercept) is weighted by dividing the observations by the
estimated standard deviation of the AARt. Cross-sectional dependence in the dependent
variable is eliminated by combining securities experiencing the event in the same calendar
month into a portfolio and estimating the regression with data for the portfolios. Heteroskedasticity is eliminated by weighting the portfolio abnormal return estimates and the

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portfolio average values of the independent variables. Weighting all the observations in
this fashion produces minimum variance coefficient estimates.
A more general version of this technique is examined by Collins and Dent (1984).
Sefcik and Thompson (1986) and Froot (1989) suggest other solutions to this problem.
The former approach is applicable only when event time is the same as calendar time
while the latter approach uses a method of moments estimator of the variance-covariance
matrix. Bernard (1987) analyzes the bias in test statistics when these problems are ignored
and Chandra and Balachandran (1990) and Karafiath (1994) provide simulation evidence
on statistical tests in cross-sectional regressions when the abnormal return estimators are
not independent and identically distributed.19 Chandra and Balachandran (1990) find that
when there is no event-induced increase in the variance-covariance matrix of the abnormal
return estimators, hypothesis tests using ordinary least squares are not as powerful as
alternatives that exploit the contemporaneous correlation and/or heteroskedasticity. Karafiath (1994) finds that under certain conditions (see Greenwald (1983)) tests using ordinary least squares are unbiased and, when the sample size exceeds fifty, as powerful as the
alternatives discussed in the literature.

3. Benchmark models of the normal return

3.1. Introduction
A variety of models have been proposed, analyzed and/or used in practice to measure the
normal rate of return, conditional on certain variables, and then to generate abnormal
return estimates. Abnormal returns have been measured as 1) mean-adjusted returns, 2)
market-adjusted returns, 3) deviations (prediction errors) from the market model, 4) deviations from the one factor Sharpe (1964)Lintner (1965) Capital Asset Pricing Model
(CAPM) or the Black (1972) CAPM or 5) deviations from a multifactor model, such as
the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) (see Ross (1976)). This section analyzes and appraises the various alternatives and compares them to the familiar market model prediction errors.

3.2. Analysis
Mean-adjusted returns (see Brown and Warner (1980, p. 250)) are calculated by subtracting the average return for stock i during the estimation period from the stocks return
during the event period s. This method does not explicitly control for the risk of the stock
or the return on the market portfolio during period s.
Compared to using the market model, this approach is at best only slightly simpler,
because one rather than two parameters are estimated and no market returns are required.
If the market model is the true return generating process, it is straightforward to show (see
Chandra, Moriarty and Willinger (1990)) that the mean-adjusted return equals the market
model disturbance plus the product of the stocks beta and the difference between the

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actual and expected market return during period s.20 When the event period market return
is greater (less) than its expectation, the market-adjusted return is, if beta is positive,
positively (negatively) biased. Of course, if the events are not clustered in calendar time,
this bias should average out to zero in a large sample. What does not disappear even in
large samples is the additional noise in the abnormal return estimator because the event
period market return is not controlled for. Therefore, these abnormal return estimators
have considerably greater variance than the market model disturbances.21
The market-adjusted return subtracts Rms from Ris. This method is simpler than estimating market model abnormal returns because it is done in one step, rather than two.
That is, when the market model is used, parameters are estimated in the first step and
abnormal returns are estimated during the event period in the second step. When the
market-adjusted return is used, no statistical parameters are estimated. If the market model
is correct, the market-adjusted return equals the market model disturbance plus the market
model intercept plus the product of Rms and (bi 2 1). The bias in the abnormal return
estimate for stock i depends on both these terms. In a large sample, this bias will usually
average to zero if 1) the average ai is zero and 2) Rms is on average zero or the average
beta of the sample firms is one. Noise is again added to the market model disturbance, but
it will generally be much smaller than that added by using the mean-adjusted return.22
As already discussed, the market model approach is straight-forward and relatively easy
to use. Parameters are estimated using a pre-event period sample with ordinary least
squares regression. The parameter estimates and the event period stock and market index
returns are then used to estimate the abnormal returns. This method controls for the risk
(market factor beta) of the stock and the movement of the market during the event
period.23 Of course, in some instances there are problems with parameter estimation. For
example, beta may change because of the event (see the models of beta derived by
Subrahmanyam and Thomadakis (1980), Binder (1992), Lee, Chen and Liaw (1994) and
Binder and Norton (1996), and the empirical results in Blume (1971), Lee and Wu (1985)
and Lee et al. (1986) on beta stationarity). If there is a step change in beta due to the event,
abnormal returns can be calculated with a beta estimated from data following the event
period, as, for example, in Mandelker (1974). When nonsynchronous trading problems are
important, e. g., with daily return data, market model parameters can be calculated using
the estimators derived by Scholes and Williams (1977).24
When an equilibrium model such as the Sharpe-Lintner or Black (1972) CAPM is the
true process determining expected returns, the intercept in the market model return generating process becomes
ait 5 ~1 2 bi!R0t,


where R0t is the riskless interest rate (in the Sharpe-Lintner version) or the expected return
on the zero beta portfolio (in the Black model). When R0t varies over time, abnormal
returns measured as CAPM prediction errors control for these changes since only beta is
estimated during the estimation period.25
However, when the market model is used as the benchmark, the abnormal return
estimator is biased. For example, Brenner (1977, equation (11a)) shows that when the

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Sharpe-Lintner model is correct and the market model parameter estimators are unbiased,
the market model prediction error equals the disturbance from the CAPM return generating process plus (1 2 bi) (R0s 2R0), where R0 is the average value of the riskless rate
during the estimation period. These deviations should average to zero in a large sample
when the events are not clustered during a specific time period or the average beta equals
one. The market model abnormal return estimator is, however, noisier than the CAPM
Multifactor models, i. e., those where realized returns are a function of two or more
variables (excluding the zero beta return), can be divided into two types: those where the
risks associated with the factors beyond the market return are presumed to be priced
(rewarded) by the market and those where they are not priced. For example, in the latter
category a two factor market model could be specified for bank returns (see Flannery and
James (1984)) where the second factor is the percentage change in interest rates on long
term U. S. government bonds.26 This relation recognizes that all standard market model
disturbances for banks are affected by a common variable, whose influence is removed
from the two factor abnormal return estimator. There is no presumption, however, that
expected returns are a function of this second beta. In the other category is the APT which
shows that if all securities returns are affected by k common factors, expected returns are
a function of the risk (betas) in this k factor model.27
It is straightforward to measure prediction errors with an equation such as that of
Flannery and James (1984) in a manner analogous to that used with the market model.
The APT, which does not theoretically identify the common factors, can be operationalized in either of two ways. One method is to use factor analysis, as per Roll and Ross
(1980), to estimate the k factor loadings (betas) during one time period with some universe of securities. The realizations of the risk premiums and the zero beta return can then
be estimated for each observation during a second time period using a cross-sectional
regression, as per Fama and MacBeth (1973). Given the beta estimates for the securities
experiencing the event, abnormal returns can be estimated during this second period. A
second method, following Chen, Roll and Ross (1986), would use observable macroeconomic variables, e. g., the percentage change in industrial production, as the factors to
estimate the betas. Then prediction errors can be calculated either as in 1) Flannery and
James (1984) or 2) as in the case where the factors are not directly specified.28
As with the CAPM, market model prediction errors are biased estimates of the true
abnormal returns when security returns are generated by a multifactor model.29 They may
also be noisier than multifactor model prediction errors. The bias will, however, generally
average to zero in a large sample.30
The preceding discussion indicates that model misspecification, as pointed out in the
econometrics literature (e. g., Kmenta (1971, pp. 391399), is always a problem. Misspecification can occur either because relevant variables have been omitted or irrelevant
variables have been included. However, when a large sample of unrelated securities is
used or the event dates are not clustered in calendar time, the market model estimator of
the average abnormal return is generally unbiased. As discussed in the next section, under
these conditions the market model estimator also appears to be efficient.

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4. The statistical power of event studies
4.1. Introduction

Several studies have examined the performance of the event study methodology under
various conditions using what might be termed pseudo-simulations. That is, instead of
using computer generated data with known properties, e. g., values for Rmt and uit in the
market model that are random drawings from a normal distribution, these investigations
use actual stock returns. These studies address two major questions: 1) how frequently do
the various tests, which differ in terms of the benchmark model used and the statistical test
employed, reject the null hypothesis of zero abnormal return when it is true and 2) how
frequently is the null rejected when it is false, i. e., what is the power of the test under
various alternative hypotheses? The results for the case where the event date is known are
discussed first, followed by the case where the date the information reaches the market is

4.2. Known event dates

Brown and Warner (1980) conduct an extensive examination of event study techniques
with monthly return data from CRSP. They randomly sample securities from the data set.
To assess the power of event study methods, a constant is added to each securitys return
during a month designated as the event month. Brown and Warner use three general
methods to estimate abnormal returns: 1) mean-adjusted returns, 2) market-adjusted returns and 3) market- and risk-adjusted returns, including market model prediction errors,
prediction errors from the Black CAPM and excess returns based on the return on a
control portfolio.31
When a randomly selected month for each security is designated as the event month and
parametric statistical tests are used, Brown and Warner find similar results for the various
abnormal return measures. That is, when no abnormal performance is present each
method rejects the null about as often as is expected owing to chance and the statistical
power of the various methods is fairly similar. For example, Brown and Warner report that
when one (five) percent abnormal performance is added to the months return, the market
model methodology rejects the null hypothesis 22.8 (100) per cent of the time and the
mean-adjusted returns benchmark rejects the null 26 (100) per cent of the time in onetailed tests at the five per cent level with a sample of 50 securities.32 When the same
calendar month is designated as the event month for each security, i. e., the event months
are clustered in calendar time, and cross-sectional dependence in the abnormal return
estimators is controlled for in statistical tests, Brown and Warner find results similar to
those obtained when there is no clustering.33
Dyckman, Philbrick and Stephan (1984) and Brown and Warner (1985) similarly examine the usefulness of the event study methodology when daily stock returns are used.
They point out several problems that are more acute with daily returns than monthly
returns: 1) nonnormality of returns, 2) the effects of nonsynchronous trading on the

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estimation of parameters and abnormal returns and 3) biased estimation of s(AARs).34

Both studies examine mean-adjusted returns, market-adjusted returns and market model
prediction errors (market- and risk-adjusted returns).
These studies find that the different abnormal return measures perform similarly with
daily return data. That is, they find that when the null hypothesis is correct, the actual size
of the tests equals the nominal size, i. e., nonnormality of the individual abnormal return
estimators does not cause the average abnormal return estimator to be nonnormally distributed. The results also indicate that the different methods are equally powerful when the
null hypothesis of zero abnormal returns is false.35 For example, Brown and Warner
(1985, Table 3) find that when half of one per cent (one per cent) abnormal performance
is added to the event day return, the null hypothesis is rejected 27.2 (80.4) per cent of the
time using the market model methodology and 25.2 (75.6) per cent of the time using the
mean-adjusted return benchmark in one-tailed tests at the five per cent level with a sample
of 50 securities. Furthermore, nonsynchronous trading is generally not a problem in event
studies.36 Finally, Brown and Warner (1985, pp. 2022) find, somewhat surprisingly, that
in several cases tests that ignore cross-sectional dependence in the abnormal return estimators are more powerful than those that adjust for it (a result which is discussed in
greater detail below).
Overall, these results indicate that event studies with daily returns perform at least as
well in practice as those with monthly returns. That is, the potential problems with daily
returns are unimportant or easily corrected in the standard event study and, when the event
date is known, tests with daily data have a greater signal to noise ratio than those with
monthly data.37
Chandra, Moriarty and Willinger (1990) express surprise at the finding by Brown and
Warner, with daily and monthly returns, that the mean- and market-adjusted return methodologies are as powerful as the market- and risk-adjusted return techniques, since the
latter abnormal return estimators are likely to be less noisy. They show analytically that
the relatively strong performance of the mean-adjusted return is a statistical artifact, i. e.,
it is due to the fact that the more powerful Patell test (which first standardizes the
individual abnormal return estimates) is used by Brown and Warner with the meanadjusted return but not with the other two methods. Chandra, Moriarty and Willinger
re-examine the Brown and Warner results and find that tests with the mean-adjusted return
are less powerful than tests with market-adjusted and market model abnormal return
estimates when the same statistical test is used in each case. The similar performance of
the market- and market- and risk-adjusted return methods seems to derive from the
estimation error in the market model parameters, which offsets the greater precision in the
latter method due to adjusting for risk.
Similarly, Chandra, Moriarty and Willinger show that the seemingly greater power of
tests that do not control for cross-sectional dependence is due to Brown and Warners use
of different test statistics for the methods being compared. When the same statistical test
is used in pseudo-simulations of each method, they find no evidence of an increase in
power from ignoring cross-sectional dependence.
Brown and Weinstein (1985) examine the power of multifactor models such as the APT
in the event study context. As discussed above, ignoring estimation problems, tests with

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multifactor models will be more powerful than those with market model abnormal return
estimates, when the multifactor model is correct. However, if factors beyond the market
return have little explanatory power and/or their betas are imprecisely estimated, the
market model may perform better in practice. Brown and Weinstein find, given their
estimation procedure, that event studies with a multifactor model are no more powerful
than those using the market model.
Overall, the results of these various studies indicate that the event study methodology
is, with some corrections for statistical problems that arise in certain cases, a powerful tool
to detect the impact of specific events on security prices. Of the various methods to
measure abnormal returns, which is the best in practice? When the sample firms are from
unrelated industries, it appears that the simple, one factor market model, with adjustments
for nonsynchronous trading problems when using daily returns on thinly traded securities,
works at least as well as the alternatives.

4.3. Unknown event dates

4.3.1 Simulated events. In many instances the date when the new information reaches the
market, i. e., the event date, is well known and therefore the (pseudo) simulation results
discussed in the previous section are an accurate measure of the power of the event study
methodology. For example, corporate announcements are fairly well guarded and, even
though there is some leakage of information, event studies that examine the date of the
formal announcement (or a period up to and including that date) will capture the majority
of the effect on stock prices.
At the other extreme, certain announcements may contain little or no new information
because they are not surprises. For example, a regulation in the United States which
requires congressional approval involves 535 legislators and possibly hundreds of others,
e. g., lobbyists, in its passage. As opposed to a corporate earnings announcement (where
the information is known by only a handful of individuals), it is difficult for this many
people to keep a secret. Therefore, studies of regulatory events requiring legislative approval which examine the formal announcement dates may have little power to reject the
null hypothesis of no effect of the event on shareholder wealth.
Several studies have simulated the case where the event date is not known, e. g., a
merger may be announced during period zero but the information reached the market
during some earlier time period. Brown and Warner (1980) randomly designate one month
during an eleven month period as the event month for the security and add a constant to
that months return. They then test the hypothesis that the cumulative average abnormal
return during the eleven month period equals zero. Brown and Warner (1980, Tables 1 and
4) reject the null hypothesis of no effect in a one tailed test two to three times less often
when the event causes a five per cent abnormal return and the event month is not precisely
known as opposed to the case where the event month is known.38,39 Ball and Torous
(1988) and Berry, Gallinger and Henderson (1991) suggest using a maximum likelihood
procedure and state space regression, respectively, to identify the event period when an
event occurs at some unknown time during a certain interval.

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4.3.2 Actual events. With regulatory events the date that the new information reaches the
securities market is not known by the researcher. Several papers analyze multiple regulations and, therefore, provide broad evidence on the ability of the event study methodology to measure the effects of the event under these conditions. These studies yield a
pessimistic verdict on the usefulness of the regulatory event study.
For example, Binder (1983, 1985b) examines 20 major regulatory changes which took
place from 1887 to 1978, most of which required legislative approval. The average time
between the first and last formal announcement (e. g., unexpected committee passage or
unexpected presidential approval) for these regulations is 18.5 months. Using monthly, as
well as daily, returns and examining individual announcement periods, as well as the
entire event period (from the first to the last formal announcement), he finds that the
rejection rate of the null hypothesis that the event had no effect on equity holder wealth
is essentially equal to the size of the test. That is, when a 5 .05 the null hypothesis is
rejected about five per cent of the time. Similar results are reported by Glazer, McMillan
and Robbins (1987), McCubbins et al. (1987) and Schipper and Thompson (1985) with
other regulatory changes.
Doyle (1985) examines the effects of agency rulings on stock prices using daily returns.
Given that fewer regulators are involved in these cases, it is possible that these decisions
are unanticipated by the securities market. In tests at the five per cent level, Doyle rejects
the null hypothesis of zero abnormal returns in six of twenty-five cases, or about one
quarter of the time.40 While the event study methodology has some statistical power in
these cases, the results are still fairly weak. For example, Doyles rejection rate is between
those reported by Brown and Warner (1985, Table 4) in simulations where one and two per
cent abnormal performance is randomly introduced (during an eleven day window and the
significance of the eleven day cumulative average return is tested), which is consistent
with the tests being much less powerful than when the event date is accurately known.41
In sum, for regulatory events where the event date is not known, the event study
methodology appears to have little statistical power to detect the abnormal returns because
the formal announcements in the process are generally anticipated by the market. It seems,
therefore, that further work in this area would benefit from 1) more careful choice of the
event date(s) to exclude regulatory actions that were expected and 2) linking the abnormal
returns to firm characteristics using cross-sectional regression based on a microeconomic
analysis of the regulation.42

5. Measurement and statistical analysis of abnormal returns modeled as regression

5.1. Modeling abnormal returns
Rather than modeling abnormal returns as prediction errors from the market model equation, the sample period can be extended to contain the event period and (when there is
only one event) a zero-one variable Dt can be included in the return equation:

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Rit 5 ai 1 biRmt 1 giDt 1 uit.


The coefficient gi is the abnormal return for security i during period t and is directly
estimated in the regression. That is, this approach parameterizes the abnormal return in
the market model regression equation. This method was apparently first used by Izan
(1978). She examines a portfolio of firms, all of which experienced the events, i. e.,
regulatory announcements, during the same calendar periods, by using the equally
weighted portfolio return as the dependent variable in the equation:
Rpt 5 ap 1 bpRmt 1

( gpaDat 1 upt.


Equation (7) contains one dummy variable Dat for each announcement period a.43,44 When
an equally weighted portfolio return is used as the dependent variable, g pa is the estimator
of the average abnormal return across the stocks in the portfolio. Hypotheses about gpa are
tested using the standard t-test.45
Alternatively, one dummy variable that equals one during each event period could be
used when there are multiple events. In this case the coefficient on the dummy variable
measures the average abnormal return for firm i across all the event periods. Also, the
model of the normal return in equations (6) and (7) could be extended in several ways. For
example, the CAPM (or another asset pricing model) could be used as the benchmark
rather than the market model (see Schipper and Thompson (1983)) or the market model
could be extended to control for the January Effect in security returns (documented by
Keim (1983)) and to allow the beta (and alpha) to change because of the event (see Binder
(1983, 1985b)).46,47
Tests of the hypothesis that the event affected security prices which examine the average abnormal return, based on estimates of the prediction errors or the estimated gammas
in equation (7), will not be very powerful when abnormal returns differ in sign across the
sample firms. This asymmetry can be modeled by disaggregating equation (7) into a
multivariate regression model (MVRM) system of return equations with one equation for
each of the N firms (securities) experiencing the A events:

R1t 5 a1 1 b1Rmt 1

( g1aDat 1 u1t

R2t 5 a2 1 b2Rmt 1

( g2aDat 1 u2t

RNt 5 aN 1 bNRmt 1


( gNaDat 1 uNt.


This methodology, which allows the coefficients to differ across firms, appears to have
been first suggested by Gibbons (1980, Appendix H) and first implemented by Binder
(1983, 1985a, 1985b) and Schipper and Thompson (1983).48,49

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5.2. Statistical issues and hypothesis testing

A standard assumption in the system of equations (8) is that the disturbances are independent and identically distributed within each equation, but that their variances differ
across equations. It is also assumed that across equations the contemporaneous covariances of the disturbances are nonzero, but that the noncontemporaneous covariances all
equal zero. These assumptions, which evidence indicates fit stock return data fairly well,
place a particular structure on the variance-covariance matrix S of the disturbances in the
stacked generalized least squares regression used to estimate the parameters of the system
(see Theil (1971, p. 306)).50
The MVRM coefficient estimates and their standard errors are the same as those
obtained using ordinary least squares to estimate each individual equation, since the same
independent variables are used for each security (i. e., in each equation). Therefore, there
is no efficiency gain from using the MVRM.51 However, tests of hypotheses in this
framework (which are discussed further below) about the abnormal returns employ an
estimate of S and, therefore, they explicitly control for the contemporaneous correlation
and heteroskedasticity problems discussed in Section 2.2.2 above. Also, the fact that the
abnormal return estimators are not independent (as noted by Mikkleson and Partch
(1988)) is controlled for in statistical tests in a regression framework, since the tests
incorporate the covariances among the estimators when more than one abnormal return is
involved. Similarly, the fact that the abnormal return estimators are more like prediction
errors than residuals is explicitly recognized in the calculation of their standard errors.
That is, the standard error of the abnormal return estimator in simple or multivariate
regression is more than just the residual standard deviation because it also depends on the
estimation error in the other parameters.52
Thus, a number of the statistical problems that are of concern in the standard event
study methodology are solved directly in the regression framework as long as the disturbances in each equation have the properties assumed in ordinary least squares or multivariate regression. However, as noted above, these problems can also be solved fairly
easily when abnormal returns are measured as predictions errors in the usual fashion.
Therefore, the real advantage of the MVRM framework over the standard methodology
lies in its ability to allow the abnormal returns to differ across firms, including in sign, and
to easily test joint hypotheses about the abnormal returns.53,54
For example, the usual hypotheses about average and cumulative average abnormal
returns can be tested in the MVRM framework. Perhaps more interesting in the case of
regulatory events, it is simple to test the joint hypothesis that all the gammas (i. e., the
abnormal returns for all firms and all events) equal zero.55 When the abnormal returns
differ in sign across firms this will frequently be a more powerful test of the hypothesis
that the event affected security holder wealth than the test that the average abnormal return
equals zero. Since the usual assumptions about the variance-covariance matrix of the
disturbances dictate (given the properties of stock return data) that the stock returns are
from the same calendar time period for each firm and the major advantage of this methodology is that it allows abnormal returns to differ across firms (most importantly in sign),
the MVRM framework has primarily been used to examine regulatory changes.56,57

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The choice of test statistic in the MVRM framework is, however, problematic. For a
number of the more well-known test statistics, e. g., the Likelihood Ratio test, the
Lagrange Multiplier test, the Wald test and Theils F test, the distribution is generally only
asymptotically known.58 That is, the distribution is exactly known, barring certain exceptions, only as T approaches infinity, in which case the estimate of S (and its inverse)
converges to the true value.59 In small samples the test statistics with an asymptotic
justification generally behave fairly poorly, rejecting the null hypothesis too often (see
Binder (1983, 1985a)).60
This poor performance by asymptotic test statistics is due to bias in the estimation of
the inverse of S, which increases as the number of equations in the system relative to the
degrees of freedom per equation increases.61 Rao (1951, 1973) derives an F statistic
whose small sample distribution is known to an accurate approximation and which is
exactly F distributed when the number of equations in the system or the number of
restrictions tested per equation is less than or equal to two.62,63 This test statistic provides
a simple solution to the problems in hypothesis testing in the MVRM framework in cases
where statistics with exact finite sample distributions are not available.

6. Summary
Beginning with FFJR in the late 1960s, the event study methodology, as it has become to
be known, was first used almost exclusively in the areas of investments and accounting to
examine security price performance and the dissemination of new information. Since then
it has been widely used in corporate finance and the various subfields of economics as
well, especially regulatory economics. The methodology has also been carefully examined
in a number of articles. One conclusion of these studies is that the market model works
well as a measure of the benchmark rate of return. While a variety of important statistical
issues concerning the variability and covariability of the abnormal return estimators have
been pointed out over time, researchers in this area have developed a number of simple
solutions to these problems, leading ultimately to unbiased and powerful tests of hypotheses about the average effect of the event on the sample firms.
Recently there has been considerable work on modeling the abnormal returns as coefficients directly in a regression framework. This method simplifies the estimation somewhat, since the benchmark parameters and the abnormal returns are estimated in one step,
and, when a multivariate regression model is used, allows the testing of several hypotheses
which are of great interest in certain applications. Regardless of which variant of the
methodology is employed, it is expected that the event study, given its demonstrated
statistical power and broad applicability, will continue in the future to be widely used in
business and economics research while also being applied in other areas in the social

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I am grateful to Mike Gibbons, Jack Gould, Imre Karafiath, Bob Korajczyk, Merton
Miller and Rex Thompson for helpful discussions about the event study methodology at
various points in time and to two anonymous referees for their extremely careful reading
of the paper. The papers shortcomings are, however, my own.

1. See the selective list of references in Ball (1990) for the accounting literature, in Schwert (1981), Binder
(1985b) and Section 5 below covering regulatory economics and in Santomero (1991) for macroeconomics.
2. I apologize in advance if this survey misses or fails to adequately acknowledge the methodological contributions of any of the researchers in this area. While this does not excuse any oversights on my part,
hopefully the reader recognizes that the sheer volume of published papers in the event study literature makes
it difficult to summarize this material. Also, the specific articles referenced here are chosen because they are
among the most well known in the literature dealing with the topics under discussion. When methodological
problems are pointed out, the intention is not to criticize individuals or their work but instead to show how
the event study technique has evolved over time. The reader may also find the survey articles by Peterson
(1989), Henderson (1990), Thompson (1995) and MacKinlay (1997) of interest.
3. Returns include price changes and cash dividends and are adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends.
FFJR actually use continuously compounded returns, while subsequent researchers generally use simple
4. This is the single index model suggested by Sharpe (1963).
5. Early event studies, e. g., FFJR (1969), Ball and Brown (1968) and Scholes (1972), discuss the market
model residuals or prediction errors but do not use the term abnormal return. Throughout this article I refer
to the true (but unknown) effect of the event on the security price as the abnormal return. The market model
prediction error (or in Section 5 the estimator of the regression coefficient on a dummy variable denoting
the event period) is the estimator of the abnormal return and is a random variable. The statistical properties
of these estimators are important in hypothesis tests about the abnormal returns and are discussed in greater
detail below.
6. Ball and Brown (1968) also use this methodology, but due to the vagaries of the journal process their paper
appeared in print before FFJR (1969). As discussed by Michael Jensen at a conference held in honor of
Lawrence Fisher in April 1996, the FFJR paper was rejected three times before it was accepted by the
International Economic Review.
7. Studies with daily data tend to use about one year of observations, essentially 250 trading days.
8. Malatesta and Thompson (1985) and Acharya (1986) show that for partially anticipated events the market
model disturbances are not mean zero during periods the event might have occurred but did not. This causes
the abnormal return estimates to be biased when the standard event study methodology is used.
9. Brown and Warner (1980, equation (A. 11)) estimate the variance of each ARis from the time series of
market model residuals during the estimation period. Assuming that the ARiss are independent over time,
are cross-sectionally independent and have the same variance as the residuals from the estimation period, the
standard error of AARs is calculated. This method does not assume that the variance of ARis is identical
across firms, a restriction which is not empirically supported.
10. Following Brown and Warner (1980, equation (A. 11)), if the AARss are independent and identically
distributed over time and have the same variance as the average residual during a given month (in event
time) of the estimation period, the variance of each AARs, s2(AARs), can be estimated from the time series
of the cross-sectional (in event time) average residuals. Based on time series independence, the variance of
CAARS1,S2 is (S2 2 S1 1 1) times s2(AARs).
11. The difference between residuals and prediction errors is discussed in further detail below.

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12. Their test statistic is, however, based on cross-sectional independence of the cumulative standardized
abnormal returns.
13. See also Sanders and Robins (1990) and Brockett, Chen and Garven (1995). The latter paper suggests using
a Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model for the variance of the error
term in the return equation, which allows it to change every period, as opposed to just during the event
period. Bollerslev, Chou and Kroner (1992) survey ARCH and GARCH modeling in finance.
14. See Brown and Warner (1980, p. 253) and footnote 9 for further details.
15. This correlation occurs (see Sweeney (1991)) when the abnormal returns are based on any common
parameter estimates. That is, the problem is present when abnormal returns are measured as the deviation
from the historical average return or when the CAPM or the Black (1972) model is used, as opposed to the
market model, as the benchmark for the normal return.
16. Both sets of authors credit Craig Ansley for this derivation.
17. These statistical problems can also be addressed with resampling techniques, e. g., bootstrapping, as in
Marais (1984), possibly after using the portfolio method to insure that the observations are independent and
identically distributed.
18. See Brown and Warner (1980) and Corrado (1989), Chandra and Rorhbach (1990) and Cowan (1992) for
evidence on nonparametric tests with monthly and daily returns, respectively.
19. When the independent variable matrix in a cross-sectional regression study of abnormal returns is a vector
of ones, the Collins and Dent and Froot methods estimate the average abnormal return and test its statistical
20. In reality, Chandra, Moriarty and Willinger (1990) analyze the stocks return minus its expected return
during the event period. If the return generating process is stationary, as T approaches infinity the bias and
variance of Brown and Warners mean-adjusted (actually sample average-adjusted) return converges to the
expressions derived by Chandra, Moriarty and Willinger.
21. Assuming that Rms and the market model disturbance uis are independent, the variance of the mean-adjusted
return is b2i s2~Rms! 1 s2~uis! (see Chandra, Moriarty and Willinger (1990, p. 400)). If for the average (beta
equals one) stock the R2 equals .50, the mean-adjusted returns variance is twice as large as the variance of
the market model disturbance.
22. The market-adjusted returns variance is (bi 2 1)2s2(Rms) 1 s2(uis). When the beta is greater than .5, the
market-adjusted return will be less noisy than the mean-adjusted return.
23. When the market model prediction errors are not independent, Larcker, Gordon and Pinches (1980) suggest
pooling the estimation and prediction periods and using intervention analysis (see Box and Tiao (1975)) to
estimate the prediction errors. That is, the time series properties of the market model error term are
24. Dimson (1979) derives a simpler estimator for beta, but Fowler and Rorke (1983) show that it is biased.
25. See the papers by Jensen (1969), Jaffe (1974) and Mandelker (1974). The two latter articles use the Fama
and Macbeth (1973) estimates of the parameters of the Black model while Jensen measures the riskless
interest rate as the return on U. S. Treasury bills.
26. If the second variable is highly correlated with the market return, it can be orthogonalized before including
it in the model.
27. Connor and Korajczyk (1995) provide an excellent survey of the APT, its estimation and its applications.
28. See also Barber and Lyon (1996), who use the three factor model of Fama and French (1993) to calculate
prediction errors as per Flannery and James (1984).
29. See Brenner (1977, pp. 5861) in the case of the two factor model where one factor is Rm.
30. When one factor is Rm, Brenner (1977, pp. 5861) shows that the bias on average equals zero if the betas
with respect to the remaining factors on average all equal zero and/or the average values of the remaining
factors during the event period equal their estimation period means. When the return on the market is used
as one of the factors, the average of the betas on non-market factor k across all the securities in the market
portfolio, weighted as in Rm, must equal zero (see Sweeney and Warga (1986a, 1986b)). Therefore, in many
event study samples the first condition essentially holds.
31. The Black model prediction errors are based on the Fama-MacBeth (1973) parameter estimates. In the
control portfolio approach, the abnormal return for each security is measured as its actual return minus the

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return that period on a portfolio with the same beta, i. e., the control portfolio. Similarly, Brown and Warner
(1980, pp. 254255) control for risk by forming the securities experiencing the event into a portfolio and
weighting them so that the portfolios estimated beta equals one. The weighted average of Rm during the
event periods is then subtracted from the event period portfolio return. Both these approaches assume that
a one factor model (with the market portfolio return as the factor) determines expected returns.
See Brown and Warner (1980, Tables 1 and 3).
See their Table 6. When the dependence is not controlled for in the calculation of the test statistic, the
mean-adjusted return method rejects the null too often when it is true. This is not surprising. Since the
estimates across securities share a common market return, they are not independent and the estimated
standard deviation is downward biased. Brown and Warner also find that for other methods the results are
not affected by controlling for dependence in the abnormal return estimators. This seems surprising, until
it is recalled that the securities are randomly chosen, i. e., they are not from the same industry, and are,
therefore, likely to have uncorrelated abnormal return estimators if the market return captures all the
economy wide influences on security returns.
With respect to variance estimation, daily abnormal return estimators suffer from serial dependence (due to
nonsynchronous trading), from cross-sectional dependence when there is clustering and from event-induced
heteroskedasticity. The two latter problems are also important when monthly returns are used, although the
third is more pronounced with daily returns.
The results of the two studies are not strictly comparable since Dyckman et al. summarize the results for five
types of event date uncertainty, five levels of abnormal performance and seven different portfolio sizes.
Brown and Warner (1985, pp. 1820) point out two instances where nonsynchronous trading is a problem:
1) when the event dates are clustered and mean-adjusted returns are used and 2) when thinly traded
securities are examined.
See also the further results with daily returns in Thompson (1988).
The tests are even less powerful when the event occurs somewhere during a twenty-one month window.
Brown and Warner (1985) and Dyckman, Philbrick and Stephan (1984) report a comparable decrease in
power when the event date is not precisely known in tests with daily return data.
In the related case of a partially anticipated event, i. e., rather than coming out completely in one time
period, the information becomes known to the market during several periods up to and including the one
containing the public announcement, Acharya (1986, 1993) suggests using a two-step procedure to determine whether the event affected security prices. First, a probit regression model is used to obtain the
markets estimate for each firm (based on publicly available information) of the probability that the event
will occur during the announcement period and the information revealed by the announcement. Then the
abnormal return estimate (obtained in the usual way) for a sample including firms which did not experience
the event as well as firms that did is regressed against the estimate of the information revealed in the
announcement. If the null hypothesis that the slope coefficient equals zero is rejected (not rejected) in the
latter regression, it is concluded that the events abnormal return is nonzero (zero). For this method to be
useful, the event must be predictable based on publicly available information, the researcher must be able
to statistically explain the markets probability estimate for each firm with observable variables and these
probabilities must differ noticeably across firms (i. e., the second regression must have explanatory power).
When a sample of firms that did not experience the event can be obtained, Acharyas method performs
better than the truncated regression procedure of Eckbo, Maksimovic and Williams (1990). Prabhala
(1993) compares the traditional methodology to these conditional methods. He finds that the FFJR
procedure is well specified and at least as powerful as the conditional methods in detecting the effects of
new information. When non-event period abnormal return estimates are not available, the FFJR method is
more powerful.
This summary is based on Doyles several tests in the multivariate regression framework (which is discussed
in the next section), since they are easier to interpret than the standard average and cumulative average
returns he analyzes during a five day event period. Doyles tests appear, however, to be biased in favor of
rejecting the null hypothesis due to the non-normality of daily returns (see footnote 62 below for further
As an extension of Doyles results, it would be interesting to examine Supreme Court decisions. While this

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limits the sample to a particular type of regulatory event, these may be even greater surprises to the market
than agency rulings, given the secrecy with which the Court operates.
It is not clear, however, that researchers detached from the regulatory process will be able to identify
announcements that were unanticipated by the market. For example, Binder (1985b) finds that the event
study methodology has essentially the same power when he focuses solely on the formal announcement that
seems to be the greatest surprise as when he examines all the formal announcements (which are already
screened to exclude occurrences that seemed to have been anticipated).
See also Maloney and McCormick (1982).
Karafiath (1988) demonstrates that the estimate of gamma in equation (6) for security i is identical to the
market model prediction error for period s when the dummy variable turns on only during period s. By
extension, the same result holds for the various gammas in equation (7).
Hypotheses about cumulative average abnormal returns are tested using an F-statistic based on the sum of
the estimated gammas.
In the latter case a sufficient span of the post-event period must be included in the sample to accurately
estimate the coefficient changes.
This framework can also be used to examine the effect during a longer window, e. g., to see if there is
post-event abnormal return drift in security prices, pre-event run-up or abnormal performance over some
longer period (such as from the first to the last regulatory announcement), by including a separate dummy
variable for every period during the window or using only one dummy variable that equals one for every
period during the window. The former method is inefficient because it requires the estimation of many
coefficients (decreasing the degrees of freedom) while the latter is more parsimonious but forces the
abnormal returns to be the same during each period in the event window (which increases the noise in the
disturbance term).
For a discussion of this model in the more convenient matrix notation, see Binder (1985b, pp. 171173). See
Zellner (1962) and Theil (1971, ch. 7) on the more general Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model
(SURM). The SURM was first used in finance by Chang and Lee (1977).
Other applications of this methodology include Hughes and Ricks (1984a), Doyle (1985), Madeo and
Pincus (1985), Pownall (1985), Ricks and Hughes (1985), Rose (1985), Schipper and Thompson (1985),
Smith, Bradley and Jarrell (1986), McCubbins et al. (1987), Saunders and Smirlock (1987), Allen and
Wilhelm (1988), Binder (1988), Karafiath and Glascock (1989), Nelson and Wasley (1989), Prager (1989),
Eyssell and Arshadi (1990), Cornett and Tehranian (1990), Karafiath (1990), Carroll and Lambdin (1991),
Karafiath, Mynatt and Smith (1991) and Alexander and Spivey (1994). For an excellent survey of the
methodology, see Thompson (1985). Burgstahler and Noreen (1984) suggest a similar method which
estimates the normal return equations jointly with generalized least squares and then tests hypotheses about
the event period prediction errors based on the variance-covariance matrix of the estimation period residuals.
The coefficient estimators are a function of the inverse of the estimated S, which is singular unless N is less
than or equal to the number of time series observations per equation T. This restricts the number of
equations (securities) that can be used in this framework.
The regression based procedures, such as equation (7) or the MVRM system in (8), are computationally
simpler than the standard methodology, since they estimate the parameters of the benchmark model and the
abnormal returns in one-step and the appropriate statistical tests can be done directly in the standard
regression software packages.
Event-induced heteroskedasticity can be allowed for by using the standard errors derived by White (1980)
and Chamberlain (1982) which model the disturbance variance in an equation as a function of the independent variables. See Smith, Bradley and Jarrell (1986).
Malatesta (1986), using methods similar to Brown and Warner (1980), finds that tests in the multivariate
regression framework perform no better than standard tests based on the prediction errors which do not take
into account the contemporaneous correlation of the disturbances across securities. McDonald (1987)
reports similar results. However, both studies use samples of securities from different industries and/or
securities which experienced the event (real or simulated) during different calendar periods. Therefore, in
these samples contemporaneous correlation during the event period will be minimal, if not zero. Ingram and

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Ingram (1993) re-examine this issue when contemporaneous correlation is non-trivial, as is the case in most
applications of the MVRM methodology since regulatory events involve firms from the same industry
experiencing events during the same calendar periods. Not surprisingly, they find that tests which do not
control for contemporaneous correlation reject the null hypothesis too often when it is true, but that tests in
the MVRM framework are unbiased.
Schipper and Thompson (1983) suggest constraining the abnormal returns for a given event to be equal
across equations (securities). Since there is a presumption in regulatory event studies, where this methodology is generally used, that the effect will differ across firms, this places an unrealistic constraint on the
parameters. Therefore, the restriction increases the amount of noise in each equation and in some cases will
obscure the effects of the event. The same general result could be achieved more easily by examining a
portfolio of firms and estimating the average abnormal return(s) as in equation (7). The portfolio equation
captures the effects of heteroskedasticity across firms and contemporaneous covariance since the variancecovariance matrix of the individual security returns determines (is captured in) the variance of the disturbance term in equation (7). Furthermore, Marais (1986) shows that the estimated standard errors (tstatistics) on the constrained parameters are downward (upward) biased.
Binder (1983, 1985a, 1985b) and Schipper and Thompson (1983) discuss the various interesting hypotheses
about the abnormal returns that can be tested as a linear constraint on the coefficient vector.
A few studies, e. g., McDonald (1988) and Simon (1989), use different segments of calendar time for each
security. In these cases the S matrix does not have the usual structure. See also Malatesta (1986), who uses
the same segment of calendar time for each security, but allows the event to occur during different calendar
periods, causing the independent variables to differ across equations.
Smith, Bradley and Jarrell (1986) demonstrate how the usual cross-sectional regression relating the abnormal return estimates to firm specific variables can be done directly within a Seemingly Unrelated Regression by including interactive variables equal to the product of the event dummy variable(s) and the firm
specific variables.
See Theil (1971, pp. 313314), Berndt and Savin (1977) and Buse (1982).
Several authors, including Hughes and Ricks (1984b), Schipper and Thompson (1985) and de Jong and
Thompson (1990), demonstrate that in certain cases some of these statistics have an exact finite sample
Laitinen (1978) and Meisner (n. d.) show that the Wald and Theils F statistics are biased in their applications with 31 time series observations. Binder (1983, 1985a) examines the behavior of all four statistics
in actual event studies when 60 (with monthly returns) or 250 (with daily returns) observations are used.
See Press (1972, p. 107).
Binder (1985a) finds that Raos F rejects the null hypothesis less frequently than the statistics discussed
above. Butler and Frost (1992) derive more general conditions under which Raos F is exactly F distributed.
They also simulate the use of both exact distribution and asymptotically distributed test statistics with daily
stock returns. The results are fairly consistent with those reported in Binder (1985a), except that the
statistics with known finite sample distributions reject the null too often when it is true, presumably due to
nonnormality of the daily returns. This result may account for some of the seeming power of the regulatory
event studies conducted by Doyle (1985) with daily stock return data.
Other multivariate test statistics with known small sample distributions, such as Hotellings t2, have been
derived or used elsewhere in finance. See, for example, MacBeth (1975), MacKinlay (1984), Shanken
(1985) and Gibbons, Ross and Shanken (1986).

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