Eeiol 2011mar15 Eda Ta 01
Eeiol 2011mar15 Eda Ta 01
Eeiol 2011mar15 Eda Ta 01 | EE Times-India | EE Times-India
the modules, toggle coverage ensures that each bit of the pin/port
has individually toggled from 1 to
0 and 0 to 1. Besides this, defining
functional coverage and assertions at chip level is advisable.
For analogue components, one
can define functional coverage
and assertions for the behavioural
models to ensure that the regular
operating modes are verified. For
low power simulations the power
format files can be easily transformed into functional coverage
parameters and power controller
FSMs can be covered using FSM
coverage again at SOC level to
exhaustively verify the SOC power
Regular collection of coverage
numbers through regressions
gives a strong indication of the
progress. Other indicators include
diminishing bug rate and clean
regressions. A well defined check
list which includes reviews of the
verification environments, test
vectors, any force statements applied from test bench and ignore
conditions is a must to sign off
SOC verification.
SOC verification brings forth
multi dimensional challenges to
the verification teams. These challenges continue to increase as the
semiconductor industry keeps on
adding more features with small
form factors, high performance
and low energy attributes to the
designs. The key to first silicon
success for such complex designs
is defining a comprehensive verification strategy with emphasis on
all fronts i.e. feature verification,
verification infra structure, reusability, test bench definition and
progress measurement.