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Present simple. (verb)

Time expressions: always, frequently, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, hardly ever, never, once a week/month/year,
every day, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night
- Para hablar de hbitos y rutinas. I have a shower every day.
- Para hablar de hechos y verdades generales. It is very cold in the Antartic.
- Para describir situaciones permanentes. She lives in Valencia.
Present continuous. (is/are + verb-ing)
Time expressions: at the moment, now, this weekend, this month, tonight, tomorrow
- Para acciones que estn sucediendo en el momento de hablar. The train is entering the station.
- Para acciones que empezaron en el pasado y siguen sucediendo todava. Hes taking driving lessons this year.
- Para planes concretos para el futuro. We are going on holiday to Argentina.
- Para quejarnos de acciones que se repiten. You are always talking in class!
Past simple. (verb-ed or irregular verb past form)
Time expressions: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/night/month/year
- Para expresar una accin determinada en el pasado. I had an important meeting.
- Para describir acciones que sucedieron en un momento concreto del pasado. He started university in 1996
- Para expresar acciones consecutivas del pasado. she closed the door and switched on the TV.
- Para expresar lo que ocurri mientras haba otra accin en proceso. Her mobile rang while she was doing an
() USED TO (verb) - > sola I used to have short hair. / She didnt use to play tennis.
Past continuous. (was/were + verb-ing)
Time expressions: at 10am yesterday, at 7pm last night, as, while, when
- Para decir lo que estaba ocurriendo en un momento concreto del pasado. They were studying at 4am.
- Para expresar una accin que estaba ocurriendo cuando tena lugar otra accin. He was driving home when he
saw the accident.
- Para hacer descripciones en el pasado. It was snowing heavily in the mountains.
Future simple. (will + verb)
Time expressions: this evening, later, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, tonight, next week, son, in a
moment/hour, in the future
- Para hacer predicciones sobre el futuro. Climate change will be an issue in ten years time.
- Para hablar de hechos futuros. In the meeting they will discuss the companys objectives for the future.
- Para expresar decisiones espontneas tomadas en el momento que se habla. Ill take the seven oclock train
- Para hacer promesas y ofrecimientos. Well come to your house when we finish work.
- Para hacer predicciones basadas en una opinin personal, generalmente con verbos como think, hope,
suppose, expect. I expect hell be a lawyer like his father when hes older.
Going to. (verb)
Time expressions: this evening, later, tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, tonight, next week, son, in a
moment/hour, in the future
- Para hacer predicciones basadas en una evidencia. Watch out! Your chair is going to break.
- Para hablar de planes o intenciones para el futuro. Shes going to start a hairdessing business next year.
Future continuous. (will + be + verb-ing)
Time expressions: at this time on Tuesday/next week, tomorrow afternoon, at seven oclock tomorrow, in an hours
- Para hablar de acciones que estarn ocurriendo en un momento concreto del futuro. Hell be flying to
Heatheow at this time tomorrow.
- Para hacer predicciones sobre un momento especifico del futuro. In ten years time Ill be living in London and
working as a journalist.
Future perfect. (will + have/has + verb-ed or irregular verb past participle)
Time expressions: by seven oclock tonight/tomorrow, by then, by next week/month/year
- Para hablar de acciones que habrn terminado antes de un momento especfico en el futuro. By tomorrow, all
the governments will have signed the climate change agreement.

Present perfect simple. (have/has + verb-ed or irregular verb past participle)

Time expressions: How long?, ever (interrogativas), never (nunca, entre auxiliar y verbo), for (desde hace), since
(desde), already and just ( accin reciente, entre el auxiliar y el verbo) , yet (aun, frases negativas, al final)
- Para expresar acciones estado que comenzaron en el pasado y continan en el presente. Ive known him since
last summer.
- Para describir acciones pasadas que afectan al presente. Ive lost my keys so I cant ge into my house.
- Para hablar de experiencias pasadas. Have you ever been to Thailand?
() Been significa haberse ido y haber vuelto; gone significa haberse ido.
Present perfect continuous. (have/has + been + verb-ing)
Time expressions: How long?, for, since
- Para resaltar la duracin de una accin hasta el momento presente. Por eso tiene el mismo sentido que la
expresin llevar + gerundio. Hes been training for the maratn for months.
- Para expresar acciones prolongadas que empezaron en el pasado y continan en este momento. Robbie has
been living in Scotland since he was a child.
- Para hablar de acciones prolongadas muy recientes que tienen efectos visibles en el momento actual. Im tired
because ive been studying all day.
Past perfect simple. (had + verb-ed or irregular verb past participle)
Time expressions: already, after, before, by the time
- Para referirnos a acciones que sucedieron antes que otras en el pasado. By the time the police arrived, the
people had already caught the thief.
- Para expresar una accin que ocurri antes de un momento especfico del pasado. By the age of ten, Jamie had
learned to speak French fluently.
Past perfect continuous. (had + been + verb-ing)
Time expressions: when, for, since, by the time, all day long
- Para describir acciones prolongadas que estaban sucediendo en el pasado antes de que tuviese lugar otra
accin corta. He had been travelling in India for seven months when he fell ill.
- Para resaltar la duracin de una accin pasada. They had been teaching in private schools for years.
The to infinitive is used:
- To express purpose (finalidad)
- After certains verbs: want, offer, plan, learn, seem, advise, agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, promise,
- After certain adjectives: angry, happy, glad
- After question words: where, hoy, ehat, who, which. NOT AFTER WHY.
- After nouns (nombres, sustantivos)
- After too and enough.
- With it + be + adjective (+ of + object)
- With only to express unsatisfactory result.
The infinitive without to is used:
- After modal verbs.
- After had bertter or would rather.
- After make, let, see, hear, feel + object (me, him, her, them)
The ing form is used:
- As a noun (como sustantivo)
- After certain verbs: admit, avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive,
imagine, involve, keep, look forward to, mention, mind, miss, object to, postpone, practise, prevent, report,
resist, risk, sabe, stand, suggest, understand
- After love, like, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer
- After go for physical activities.
- After spent or waste time.
- After prepositions.
- After see, hear, listen, watch to express an incomplete action, an action in progress or a long action.
Remember and Forget. ING. Pasado; INFINITIVO. Futuro.
Stop. ING. Estas haciendo y paras; INFINITIVO. Parar para hacer otra cosa.

Go on. ING. Estas haciendo y continuas; INFINITIVO. Estas haciendo algo y haces otra cosa.
Try ING. Probar algo nuevo; INFINITIVO. Esforzarse.
Regret ING arrepentirse de algo del pasado; INFINITIVO. Sentir en el presente o futuro.
Mean ING significar; INFINITIVO. Tener la intencin de.

alrededor de, sobre


por encima de


detrs de, despus de


entre (tres o ms)


en, junto a


antes de, delante de


detrs de


debajo de


debajo de


junto a


entre (dos o ms)


excepto, pero


por, junto a


hacia abajo




para, por, durante, desde



de, desde


en, dentro de


en, adentro


como, igual a


cerca de




de (alejndose), fuera


en, sobre


por encima de, al otro





a travs de

throughout por todo

till = until hasta


a, hasta, hacia


por debajo de


hacia arriba


(poniendo) sobre,





Ability (capacidad, habilidad)
Can (present)
Be able to (future)
Coult/was able to (past, negations and questions)
Permission (permiso)
Can/ could/ may/ might (preguntar permiso)
Can/ may/ (dar permiso)
Mustnt/ cant/ may not (negar permiso)
Can/ be allowed to (hablar sobre el futuro o el presente del permiso)
Could (hablar sobre el pasado del permiso de varias acciones)
Was/ were allowed to (hablar sobre el pasado del permiso de una o varias acciones)
Couldnt/ wasnt allowed to (negaciones o preguntas de permiso para una o varias acciones)
May/ might/ could + present infinitive
May/ might/ could + perfect infinitive
Could + perfect infinitive
Ought to/ should + present infinitive
Ought to/ should + perfect infinitive
Logical assumptions. (suposiciones)
cant/ couldnt + present infinitive (improbable)
Must + present infinitive (probable)
cant/ couldnt + perfect infinitive (imposible en el pasado)
Must + perfect infinitive (posible en el pasado)
Requests (preguntar a alguien si ha hecho algo)
Can you?
will you?
Could you?
May I?
Would you/ would you mind?

Offers (ofrecerse a hacer algo)

I will
Shall I/ we; can I/we
Would you/ would you like me to?
Suggestions (hacer sugerencias)
Shall I/ we?
I/ we can or could
Lets / How about/ Why dont we ?
What about?
Must / have to (presente y futuro)
Have got to (obligacin en una ocasin)
need (es necesario)
Absence or necessity (ausencia o necesidad)
neednt + present infinitive/ dont have to/ dont need to
Didnt need to/ didnt have to
Neednt + perfect infinitive
Mustnt (its forbidden - esta prohibido)
cant ( you arent allowed to no tienes permitido)
Advice (consejo)
should/ought to + present infinitive
Shall I?
had better
Criticism (critica)
should / ought to + perfect infinitive (decir que es lo mejor que se pudo hacer en el pasado como se deca)
1. I went to Italy five years ago. it is five years since I went to Italy.
They hat their first child three years ago.- It is three years sice the had their first child.
2. How long is it since they won the lottery? when did the win the lottery?
how long is it since you broke your leg? when did you break your leg?
3. The film started before we arrived to the cinema. by the time we arrived to the cinema, the film had started.
4. Hes never behaved like that before. its the first time that he has behaved like that.
George has never been to a circus before. its the first time that George has been to a circus.
5. I havent been to England for four and a half years. I last went to England was four and a half years ago.
Mastin hasnt seen his cousin since Easter. The last time Martin saw his cousin was Easter ago.
6. They started to sing together six months ago. they have been singing together for six months.
Its ten minutes now since his nose started bleeding. his nouse has been bleeding for ten minutes.
7. I had never seen a more beautiful girl. She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.
I have never tasted a better roast. its the best roast y ever tasted.

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