Precious Metals Analysis
Precious Metals Analysis
Precious Metals Analysis
A diverse range of precious metals techniques are available for applications ranging from
grassroots exploration, where sub ppb sensitivities are required, to accurate resource
estimation and grade control. For gold determination lead collection fire assay remains
the classic method, however, aqua regia digestion, accelerated cyanide leach and BLEG
are other options that are available for specific purposes. Platinum and palladium can
also be detected using some of these methods. The full suite of platinum group elements
can only be determined by nickel sulphide collection fire assay.
Cyanide Leaches
Cyanide solutions are used to leach gold from large samples providing a useful method
for both grassroots exploration and resource work. BLEG (Bulk Leach Extractable Gold)
is usually performed on screened stream sediment samples, providing detection of low
level anomalies for regional exploration. High grade leaches utilise the LeachWELLTM
accelerant to extract the cyanide extractable gold. This is an indication of what would be
recovered in routine metallurgical processes.
Contact Details
John Flynn
Director, Business Development