Arvis Et Al (2012) PDF
Arvis Et Al (2012) PDF
Arvis Et Al (2012) PDF
Network on Trade
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Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT) is an open regional
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ARTNeT 2012
Please cite this paper as: Arvis, J.F., Duval, Yann, Shepherd, Ben, and Chorthip Utoktham,
2012. Trade Costs in the Developing World: 1995 2010. ARTNeT Working Paper No. 121,
December, Bangkok, ESCAP. Available at
The paper is also available in the World Bank Working Paper Series.
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5
Data Treatment....................................................................................................................... 16
References ..................................................................................................................................... 43
The authors use newly collected data on trade and production in 178 countries to infer estimates
of trade costs in agriculture and manufactured goods for the 1995-2010 periods. The data show
that trade costs are strongly declining in per capita income. Moreover, the rate of change of trade
costs is largely unfavorable to the developing world: trade costs are falling noticeably faster in
developed countries than in developing ones, which serves to increase the relative isolation of the
latter. In particular, Sub-Saharan African countries and low income countries remain subject to
very high levels of trade costs. In terms of policy implications, we find that maritime transport
connectivity and logistics performance are very important determinants of bilateral trade costs: in
some specifications, their combined effect is comparable to that of geographical distance.
Traditional and non-traditional trade policies more generally, including market entry barriers and
regional integration agreements, play a significant role in shaping the trade costs landscape.
This paper is the outcome of a joint project between UN ESCAP and the World Bank. Arvis: Senior Economist, World Bank;
[email protected]. Duval: Acting Chief, Trade Facilitation Section, UN ESCAP; [email protected]. Shepherd: Principal,
Developing Trade Consultants Ltd.; [email protected]. Utoktham: Consultant, UN ESCAP; [email protected]. The
authors are grateful to Olivier Cadot, Ravi Ratnayake, Mona Haddad, and Markus Kitzmuller for helpful comments, and to the
data group of the World Bank and the ARTNeT team for making the ESCAP-World Bank trade cost dataset presented in this
paper available online.
1. Introduction
In an increasingly globalized and networked world, trade costs matter as a determinant of the
pattern of bilateral trade and investment, as well as of the geographical distribution of production.
Although tariffs in many countries are now at historical lows, the evidence suggests that trade
costs remain high. One well-known estimate based on an exhaustive review of research findings
suggests that representative rich country trade costs might be as high as 170% ad valoremfar in
excess of the 5% or so accounted for by tariffs (Anderson and Van Wincoop, 2004). Trade costs
in the developing world are likely to be even higher, as tariffs and non-tariff barriers remain
substantial, as do other sources of trade costs such as poor infrastructure and dysfunctional
transport and logistics services markets, both of which contribute to high transport costs facing
importers and exporters.
Most theories of international trade include trade costs as the set of factors driving a wedge
between export and import prices. Trade costs can be fixed in the sense that they are paid once in
order to access a market, or variable in the sense that they must be paid once for each unit
shipped. Our focus in this paper is on variable trade costs, but as we note below, the methodology
we apply can also be interpreted in terms of fixed costs with alternative theoretical
Anderson and Van Wincoop (2004) provide a comprehensive review of the literature on trade
costs. They find a headline number of 170% ad valorem for a typical developed country. This
number is based on the following breakdown: 21% transport costs, 44% border related trade
barriers, and 55% wholesale and retail distribution costs (2.70 = 1.21*1.44*1.55). Of the 44% ad
valorem equivalent of border related trade barriers, only 8% relates to traditional trade policies
such as tariffs. The remainder is composed of a 7% language barrier, a 14% currency barrier (due
to the use of different currencies), a 6% information cost barrier, and a 3% security barrier. All
numbers are based on representative evidence for developed countries. We expect the numbers in
developing countries to be much higher, but the same basic pattern is likely to be repeated:
traditional trade policies like tariffs are dwarfed by the other sources of trade costs, which still
represent a significant drag on the international integration of markets.
Trade costs are therefore of great importance from a policy perspective, all the more so since they
are an important determinant of a countrys ability to take part in regional and global production
networks. Many countries are eager to reap the benefits that such networks can bring, including
trade- and investment-linked technological spillovers and stronger employment demand in
manufacturing. Ma and Van Assche (2011), for example, find that upstream and downstream
trade costs are important determinants of Chinas export processing trade, which is a typical part
of a global or regional production network. Understanding the sources of trade costs, and in
particular the types of policies that can reduce them, is thus a key part of discussions over
production networks going forward.
Despite the importance of trade costs as drivers of the geographical pattern of economic activity
around the globe, most contributions to their understanding remain piecemeal. Typically, the
trade costs literature focuses on identifying one or more previously understudied elements and
demonstrating that they have a significant impact on bilateral trade flows as captured through the
standard gravity model of international trade. We refer to that approach as bottom up, in the
sense that it starts from the fundamental factors believed to influence trade costs and can
ultimately produce an estimate of the overall level of trade costs facing exporters and importers
by summing the parts together. To date, only Anderson and Van Wincoop (2004) have
undertaken such a summing exercise, and their total number cited above170% ad valoremis
of major economic significance.
More recently, another strand of the literature has turned the gravity model on its head in order to
obtain top down estimates of trade costs, by inferring them from the observed pattern of
production and trade across countries (Novy, 2012). This paper follows such an approach, and
extends existing work by focusing on trade costs in the developing world over the period 19952010. Existing top down measures of trade costs have been computed for major economies for
which data on production and trade are readily available, but ours, building on the ESCAP Trade
Cost Database developed by some of the authors in 2011, is the first contribution to include a
wide range of both developing and developed countries. Our database includes 178 countries,
compared with a maximum of 27 covered by Jacks et al. (2011). 2
Our paper also adds to the literature by disaggregating trade into two macro-sectors, agriculture
and manufacturing. Existing estimates largely use total trade only, without providing any sectoral
details (e.g., Jacks et al., 2011). An exception is Chen and Novy (2011), who use industry-level
data, but they only cover European countries and thus do not address the issue of trade costs in
the developing world. Although it would obviously be desirable to extend the sectoral
classification even further, we explain in Section 3 that data constraints for many developing
countries are formidable when it comes to obtaining the disaggregated production data that our
approach requires.
Following Chen and Novy (2011), we also provide a decomposition of our top down measure
of trade costs into a range of component parts. We extend their work by applying such a
decomposition of trade costs to data for developing countries, whereas they use data for the
European Union only. In addition, we also include a range of other possible sources of trade
costs, including air and maritime transport connectivity, logistics, trade facilitation, and behindthe-border regulatory barriers.
The proposed dataset scales up recent experiments to use trade costs data as a tool for policy
making at the World Bank (Arvis and Shepherd, Forthcoming) and UN ESCAP (Duval and De,
2011; Duval and Utoktham, 2011; and Duval and Utoktham, Forthcoming). For instance, two of
the authors have been involved in a project designing a program in trade facilitation and regional
infrastructure for the countries in the Maghreb in North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania,
Morocco, Tunisia). These countries trade very little between themselves (3-5 % of their trade).
Source: authors
The Maghreb countries have significantly higher costs among themselves than do those of the
northern shore of the Mediterranean (twice as high for manufactured goods, three times as high
for agricultural products). Furthermore, intra-Maghreb trade costs remain significantly higher
than for trade with the northern countries of the Mediterranean, even though the distances are
shorter. Within the framework of a liberal trade policy such as that of the Arab Maghreb Union
(AMU) or of the Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA), trade costs result primarily from logistical and
facilitation constraints (including some border closures), combined with the impact of non-tariff
restrictions. In fact the data show that most countries have (naturally) invested first in facilitating
North-South trade with EU countries. In the preparation of the program with the AMU and the
countries in 2011-12, the analysis did help highlight that the high costs over relatively small
distances (for the central countries Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) had to be addressed to boost
implementation of integration measures in the areas of border management, logistics services,
infrastructure, and reduction of NTMs.
Our paper provides at least three new pieces of evidence. First, we find that trade costs
including intra-regional trade costsare much higher in the developing world than they are for
developed countries. This finding is in line with, but much broader than, Kee et al. (2009), who
show that tariff rates as well as selected non-tariff barriers in developing countries generally
remain higher than in the developed world. Our analysis, however, takes in the full range of trade
costs, not just the selection of measures considered by Kee et al. (2009). For instance the
observation is also consistent with the now prevalent notion that there are huge differences in
how efficiently logistics of trade and facilitation are implemented (Arvis et al., 2012).
Second, we find some evidence of a trend towards lower trade costs in at least some parts of the
developing world, but the rate of change is slower than it has been among developed countries,
and it is starting from a much higher baseline. The net result is thus that although developing
countries are becoming more integrated into the world trading system in an absolute sense, their
relative position is nonetheless deteriorating because the rest of the world is moving more
quickly. The objective of preventing the marginalization of developing countries in world trade
therefore remains far from having been achieved, and attention will need to be redoubled in areas
such as aid for trade going forward. Given that traditional trade policies have not changed much
in the developed world over at least the last part of our sample period, the difference between the
results for developing and developed countries is perhaps due in large part to the technology of
trade: logistics and trade facilitation. Of course, experiences vary greatly from one developing
region to another, and we indeed find that East Asia and the Pacific is experiencing changes in
trade costs of a completely different nature from what is happening in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Third, the econometric decomposition of the trade costs generated by the model shows that in
addition to traditional sources of trade costs, such as tariffs and transportation charges, a range of
additional factors are now affecting the pattern of trade and production in the developing world.
Two sets of measures stand out. One is trade facilitation and logistics performance, in line with
the conjecture in the previous paragraph. Our results indicate that the combined effect of
maritime transport connectivity and logistics performance plays a role similar to, or even greater
than, geographical distance in determining trade costs. This is an important finding from a policy
perspective, since it suggests that a significant part of the trade isolation of some developing
countries may be due to policy factors within their governments control. The second group of
factors is the group of so-called behind-the-border measures, in the sense of deep regulatory
and institutional features of countries that affect all firms operating there and do not necessarily
discriminate in lawalthough they usually do in factagainst foreign firms. Issues such as
barriers to entry loom large as sources of trade costs for developing countries, and thus highlight
the need for the trade policy agenda to expand and deepen in the future.
Box 3: The Sources of Trade Costs
In what follows, we use econometric methods to decompose trade costs into their component parts,
covering as many observable factors as possible. We include geographical and historical factors, as
well as traditional trade policies such as tariffs and RTA membership, logistics and trade facilitation
performance, connectivity, and behind-the-border regulatory barriers. Our estimates can be used to
provide indications of the relative sensitivity of trade costs to changes in each factor. In line with
the gravity model literature, we find that distance remains an important determinant of trade costs
for all country groups. In addition, maritime transport and logistics performance have a strong
impact on trade costs.
Sensitivity of Trade Costs in Manufactured Goods to Listed Factors (2005)
Note: Figure presents standardized regression coefficients (betas) from the models described in Table 9.
Against this background, the paper proceeds as follows. The next section introduces our
methodology for measuring trade costs, and situates it within the broader gravity model literature.
Section 3 presents our dataset and discusses the main issues faced in compiling it. The first part
of section 4 provides some initial results on trade costs in the developing world, focusing on
differences across countries, sectors, and time periods. To better understand the determinants of
trade costs, the second part of Section 4 conducts an econometric decomposition based on
standard gravity data as well as relevant policy variables. Section 5 concludes with a discussion
of policy implications.
components of the total are. Their representative figure for a typical developed country is 170%,
which consists of 21% transportation costs, 44% border-related trade barriers, and 55% wholesale
and retail distribution costs (2.70 = 1.21 * 1.44 * 1.55). Given that the same authors report
average industrialized country tariffs of around 5%, we can see that the overall level of trade
costs is likely to be more than an order of magnitude different from the applied rates of protection
that trade economists are used to dealing with.
Novy (2012), following Head and Ries (2001), takes a different approach to trade costs, starting
from a top down perspective. 3 In other words, he derives an all-inclusive measure of trade costs
based on the observed pattern of trade and production, without the need to work up from
individual policy measures as in other work. His methodology is simple, and is based on the
standard gravity equation familiar from the applied international trade literature. Although a
similar measure can be derived from any gravity model that can be estimated consistently with
exporter and importer fixed effects, we focus on the special case of the Anderson and Van
Wincoop (2003) gravity with gravitas model, which is the benchmark in much applied
work.We do not derive the model in full, because its structure is well known and is set out in
detail in Anderson and Van Wincoop (2003). It is important to note, however, that this approach
to measuring trade costs reflects the deep geometry of the gravity model, and does not depend on
an assumption of CES preferences, which is the basis of the Anderson and Van Wincoop (2003)
model. It is possible to start from much more general assumptions, such as those used in the
regional science literature, and still arrive at the same result provided that the relationship
between trade costs and trade follows the same basic form.
Considering two countries, i and j, we can write down four gravity models for intra- and
international trade:
(1) =
(2) =
Anderson and Yotov (2010) also adopt what could be termed a top down approach to calculating internal relative to
multilateral trade costs for Canadian provinces. They focus, however, on a measure they call constructed home bias, which
represents the degree to which each province trades with itself relative to a frictionless benchmark. From an international policy
standpoint, it is bilateral trade costsrather than internal onesthat are more relevant, and so we focus on them rather than
constructed home bias here.
(3) =
(4) =
(6) j1 =
we can see that outward multilateral resistance captures the fact that trade flows between i and
j depend on trade costs across all potential markets for is exports, and that inward multilateral
resistance captures the fact that bilateral trade depends on trade costs across all potential import
markets too. The two indices thus summarize average trade resistance between a country and its
trading partners.
Novy (2012) shows that some simple algebra makes it possible to eliminate the multilateral
resistance terms from the gravity equations, and in so doing derive an expression for trade costs.
Multiplying equation (1) and equation (2), and then equation (3) and equation (4) gives:
(7) =
(8) =
Dividing equation (7) by equation (8) eliminates terms and allows us to derive an expression for
trade costs in terms of intra- and international trade flows:
Taking the geometric average of trade costs in both directions and converting to an ad valorem
equivalent by subtracting unity gives:
(10) = =
Our final measure of trade costs thus represents the geometric average of international trade
costs between countries i and j relative to domestic trade costs within each country. Intuitively,
trade costs are higher when countries tend to trade more with themselves than they do with each
other, i.e. as the ratio
than domestically, international trade costs must be falling relative to domestic trade costs. Because
trade costs are derived from a ratio with trade flows in the denominator, country pairs that do not
trade at all record infinite trade costs. Such observations are treated as missing in our dataset.
provides a useful summary indicator of the level of trade costs between countries i and j.
Importantly, it is a top down measure, in the sense that it uses theory to infer trade costs from
the observed pattern of trade and production across countries. Unlike the bottom up measures
referred to above, it includes all factors that contribute to the standard definition of iceberg trade
costs in trade models, namely anything that drives a wedge between the producer price in the
exporting country and the consumer price in the importing country. Trade costs as we have
defined them therefore include both observable and unobservable factors. Tariffs and traditional
non-tariff measures are only one component of the overall measure, which also includes transport
costs, behind-the-border barriers, and costs linked to the performance of trade logistics and
facilitation services. It is important to note that since our measure of trade costs is based on
mathematical operations and theoretical identities, it is not subject to the usual problems that
plague econometric estimates, such as omitted variable bias or endogeneity bias.
In light of its structure, a measure like needs to be interpreted cautiously for a number of
reasons. First, it is the geometric average of trade costs in both directions, i.e. those facing
exports from country i to j and those facing exports from country j to country i. From a policy
perspective, it is therefore impossible to say without further analysis whether a change in trade
costs between two countries is due to actions taken by one government or the other, or both
together. More broadly, further analysis is requiredsuch as the decomposition undertaken
belowbefore it is even possible to identify the sources of trade costs and their relative
contributions to the overall number. Trade costs measured in this way therefore need to be
interpreted as an all-inclusive estimate, while recognizing that only part of the total will be
amenable to direct policy action by governments.
A second limitation on the extent to which can be interpreted for policy purposes is that it
measures international relative to domestic trade costs. Strictly speaking, a change in might be
but the precise effects on international versus domestic trade costs can be difficult to identify.
Third, the interpretation of depends to some extent on the theoretical model from which it is
derived. In the Anderson and Van Wincoop (2003) model, trade costs are variable only, which
means that can be given a standard iceberg interpretation. In other models of trade with
fixed costs as well, such as Chaney (2008), a similar expression for trade costs can be derived,
but it represents a mixture of fixed and variable components.
Following on from this point is the fact that the numerical value of is sensitive to the choice of
parameter value for , the elasticity of substitution. A related point has been made in the recent
gravity literature (e.g., Anderson and Van Wincoop, 2004), but the choice of parameter value
largely remains an issue of assumption rather than measurement. Moreover, the possibility that
different countries and sectors might exhibit different elasticities gives some cause for concern at
the level of interpreting across countries and through time. Nonetheless, on the assumption
that the elasticity is indeed constant, the choice of parameter value only affects the level of ad
valorem trade costs, not their relative values across countries and through time. Indexing trade
costs on a base country-year combination reduces the problem of sensitivity to negligible
proportions, although it does not totally eliminate it as trade costs are a non-linear function of the
elasticity of substitution.
Fourth, a measure of trade costs like is not, in practice, immune from price (unit value)
effects. In this paper, as in previous published work, we stay as close as possible to the theory.
This approach means that price changes are already netted out by the procedure that removes the
two multilateral resistance terms from the model. Those terms are both price indices that
represent the appropriate deflators for GDP and trade values. In practice, of course, trade
values may change at a different rate from output values, particularly if only relatively high
quality goods are traded. In light of this concern, changes in need to again be interpreted
cautiously, due to their potential to conflate unit price and volume effects.
The Novy (2012) methodology has been applied in a number of published papers, though none
has the geographical, sectoral, or temporal scope of the present one. Jacks et al. (2008) use it to
track trade costs in the first wave of globalization (1870-1914) using data on GDP and total trade
flows for major economies. More recently, the same authors have applied the same technique to
examine the role of changes in trade costs as drivers of trade booms and busts in major
economies over the long term (Jacks et al., 2011). Similarly, Chen and Novy (2011) analyze trade
costs among European countries using detailed trade and production data that distinguish
between sectors, and in addition provide an econometric decomposition of trade costs that
highlights the role played by factors such as distance, non-tariff measures, and membership in
particular European initiatives, such as the Schengen Agreement. Although we deal only with
merchandise trade, Miroudot et al. (2012) apply the same methodology to services trade;
however, there sample is much more restricted than ours, due to the general lack of availability of
high quality data on services trade.
3. Data Treatment
This section describes the main sources used in construction of our trade costs dataset, covering
production and export data. We also outline the main treatments applied to the raw data in order
to construct the final dataset. After assembling all components, our dataset covers up to 178
countries for the period 1995-2010. In sectoral terms, we cover total trade, as well as
distinguishing between trade in agricultural products and trade in manufactured goods.
As noted above, trade costs in this paper are measured using the following formula (Novy, 2012):
(11) = =
To implement it in practice, we need data on the value of bilateral trade in each direction ( and
), and data on intra-national trade in each country ( and ). The former data are readily
available from standard sources, but the latter are more difficult to obtain. Importantly, since the
models behind the trade costs formula do not allow for input-output relationships among sectors,
intra-national trade needs to be measured as gross shipments, not value added (which subtracts
intermediate inputs). Our approach, discussed in more detail below, is to use national accounts
data and to proxy intra-national trade by total production less total exports. To deal with missing
observations, we use linear interpolation to calculate trade costs for country-sector-year
combinations where the dataset contains empty values.
3.1. International Trade Data
Our bilateral trade data are sourced from the Comtrade database, accessed via the World Banks
WITS server. We use reported export data rather than import (mirror) data because it is important
for the consistency of our trade costs measures that trade values be measured at FOB, not CIF,
prices. The original data are reported in the 1988/1992 Harmonized System classification
scheme, and we convert them to the ISIC Rev. 3 classification using a concordance built into
WITS. Total trade represents the total of agriculture and manufactured goods exports, whereas
agriculture represents the total of ISIC sectors A and B and manufactured products cover ISIC
sector D. These definitions correspond to the relevant sectoral definitions in the national
accounts. Activities such as mining are therefore excluded from our analysis. All trade data are
expressed in value terms in nominal US dollars, so no further conversions are necessary.
The main issue that arises in our trade data is in relation to re-exports. To apply the Novy (2012)
formula for trade costs, we need each countrys true (i.e., net) exports. Our dataset is therefore
based on Comtrades reported net exports for each country pair, but we are aware that not all
countries properly account for re-exports in the original data. In 2012, for example, only 15% of
country pairs reported bilateral re-exports for total trade. Many of these instances of missing
observations in fact represent zeros, but it is not always the case. For three countries where reexports are known to be large but unreported in ComtradeSingapore, Belgium, and
Luxembourgwe make a further adjustment using data from other sources. For Belgium and
Luxembourg, we adjust exports using the net to gross export ratio for the year 2000 reported by
the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. A similar adjustment is made for
Singapore using the CEIC database.
3.2. Gross Output and Value Added Data
The most challenging part of this exercise from a data point of view is obtaining information on
gross domestic shipments, i.e. production made and sold within each country. Our starting point
is the United Nations National Accounts Database. That source provides total output on a gross
shipments basis disaggregated by ISIC sector for up to 124 countries. We use these data
whenever available, converting them to US dollars using the nominal exchange rate applied by
the World Development Indicators to convert GDP from local currency into US dollars.
When gross output data are unavailable, we take an alternative approach. We obtain data on value
added by ISIC aggregateagriculture and manufacturesfrom the World Development
Indicators, in US dollars. Where value added data are missing from the World Development
Indicators, we fill them in using the UN National Accounts Database, converting from local
currency to US dollars in the same way as above. Value added data cannot be directly used in the
calculation of trade costs because they net out intermediate goods and therefore tend to understate
the level of production. We therefore apply a scaling up factor equal to the average sectoral ratio
between value added and gross output for those countries where both sets of data are available.
The average ratios we find in the data are 1.82 (agriculture) and 3.42 (manufacturing).
Multiplying these ratios by the value added data allows us to produce estimated gross output data
for the remaining countries in our dataset. In all cases, we compute total gross output as the sum
of manufactured goods and agriculture.
The final stage in the treatment of these data is to calculate the value of domestic shipments, i.e.
intra-national trade. To do this, we follow the existing literature in taking the gross output data
actual and estimatedand subtracting the total value of exports to the rest of the world from the
Comtrade data, to give the amount of total production that was both made and consumed
domestically. We therefore implicitly assume that all such production was shipped domestically.
(12) =
2( 1)
To present average trade costs, it is important to choose a reasonable partner region. A number of
choices are available. We have elected not to use the rest of the world as a comparator region
because the composition of the world in terms of country pairs with active trade flows varies
within the sample, and averages could therefore be subject to potentially misleading composition
effects. Instead, we calculate simple average trade costs vis--vis the ten largest importers in
2010 based on data in our sample. We exclude three countriesBelgium, the Netherlands, and
Hong Kong, Chinathat are known to have large proportions of re-exports in their total trade,
but which do not accurately net out those flows in the data they report to Comtrade, as discussed
above. Our partner region therefore consists of the following ten countries (in size order), which
represent a broad geographical and economic cross-section of the global trading economy: the
USA, China, Germany, France, Japan, the UK, Italy, Canada, Korea, and Mexico. It is important
to note that trade costs with respect to this group represent a useful indicator of a countrys
performance vis-a-vis the world as a whole, but the figures are indicative only, and detailed
analysis would need to be based on a consideration of data at the bilateral level in order to deal
with regional and geographical particularities.
Figure 1 presents results for manufactured goods disaggregated by World Bank income group.
The figure reported for each income group is the simple average of trade costs vis--vis the ten
largest importers. One important stylized fact is immediately apparent: trade costs are sharply
decreasing in per capita incomes, and this dynamic is quite consistent across all four income
groups defined by the World Bank. In 2009, trade costs for low income countries were on
average around 2.5 times higher than those in high income countries. Although the performance
of the upper and lower middle income groups is broadly comparable, the gaps between those two
groups and the high and low income groups is quite marked. Trade costs in the low income group
are particularly high, at around 275% ad valorem in 2009. This finding reflects previous work on
tariffs and non-tariff measures, which has consistently found that levels of policy protection are
similarly decreasing in per capita income (Kee et al., 2009). Our finding is broader, however,
because our measure of trade costs captures a much wider range of factors. It highlights the
ongoing relative isolation of low income countries from the world trading system, and we go on
to investigate below the potential causes of high trade costs including both policy and non-policy
(natural) factors. Clearly, these results suggest that further efforts are necessary to prevent the
marginalization of low income countries from the world trading system, for example through aid
for trade initiatives.
Upper middle
Lower middle
Low income
Note: Figure shows average trade costs for manufactured goods with respect to the 10 largest importing countries, by
World Bank income groups, 1996 and 2009, percent ad valorem equivalent.
Figure 1 shows that trade costs for manufactured goods are generally headed downwards in all
income groups over the sample period, although the rate of reduction differs. Since trade costs are
bounded below by unitywith domestic and international trade costs being equalthis finding
implies that there will eventually be convergence among income groups, but it may be achieved
very slowly due to the different rates of change we currently observe. This finding lines up well
with the general observation that trade to GDP ratios have been increasing around the world over
recent years. To investigate this issue more thoroughly, Figure 2 presents the same data with
trade costs for each group normalized to equal 100 in 1996. The lines thus represent proportional
changes in trade costs over the sample period. Although trade costs are indeed falling across the
board, they are doing so much faster in high income economies than in low income ones. In the
former group, trade costs in 2009 were nearly 15% lower than in 1996, but in the latter group
which started from a much higher baselinethey had fallen by less than five percent. Given the
relative divergence this finding suggests between high and low income countries, we conclude
that although low income countries are becoming more integrated into the world trading system
in an absolute sense, they are actually losing ground in relative terms because they are doing so
much more slowly than other countries. Again, the case for initiatives such as aid for trade
which seek to integrate low income countries more tightly into the global trading systemclearly
have much more work to do in the future to reverse this trend.
Figure 2: Trade costs are falling more slowly in low income countries than in other groups
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
High income
Low income
Note: Figure shows average trade costs for manufactured goods with respect to the 10 largest importing countries, by
World Bank income groups, 1996-2009, 1996=100.
The two previous figures have presented some clear stylized facts for trade in manufactured goods.
The situation for agriculture (Figures 3 and 4) is much murkier, however. First, trade costs are high
across the board in agriculture, but once again, they are much higher in low income countries than
elsewhere. Even in high income countries, the average ad valorem equivalent in 2009 was 246%,
which is more than twice as high as the comparable number for manufactured goods. In low
income countries, trade costs in agriculture were 336% ad valorem in 2009, or about 20% higher
than for manufactured goods. Since natural factors driving trade costs are broadly similar across the
two sectorsexcept, for example, for differences in the implications of geographical distance due
to perishabilityit is likely that the bulk of the explanation for the sharp differences between
agriculture and manufactured goods, particularly in high income countries, relates to policies.
Indeed, previous work has shown that rates of tariff and non-tariff protection are much higher in
agriculture than in manufactured goods (Kee et al., 2009). Although there have been some efforts to
integrate agricultural markets on a regional basis, those effortssuch as the EU common market
have often resulted in highly distortionary policies vis-a-vis the rest of the world, which would be
reflected in our data since we do not drill down further into income groups or regions than the
relevant World Bank classifications.
In terms of the rate of change of trade costs (Figure 4), the picture is very different from the one
in manufactured goods: trade costs are basically the same at the beginning and end of the sample
period, although there is evidence of some increase in the low income group in the middle of the
period. The largest percentage change in our data is for the upper middle income countries, where
trade costs were just over three percent lower in 2009 than in 1996a negligible reduction.
Integration of agricultural markets can therefore be seen to be lagging far behind that of
manufactured goods markets, despite the commodity market boom of recent years.
Figure 3: Trade costs in agriculture are high in all income groups
High income
Upper middle
Lower middle
Low income
Note: Figure shows average trade costs for agricultural products with respect to the 10 largest importing
countries, by World Bank income groups, 1996 and 2009, percent ad valorem equivalent.
Low income
Note: Figure shows average trade costs for agricultural products with respect to the 10 largest importing
countries, by World Bank income groups, 1996-2009, 1996=100.
The evolution of trade costs in low income countrieswith an increase early in the sample period
followed by a substantial decreaseis worthy of further analysis. In particular, it would be
interesting, but not currently feasible, to parse out the part of that change that comes from
changes in domestic trade costs versus that part that comes from changes in international trade
costs. It might be that distortionary domestic policies such as subsidies increase domestic
production to above-normal levels for some period before export incentives have an effect. Such
a pattern could conceivably explain the observed pattern on the basis of constant international
trade costs, because trade costs as we are reporting them are the ratio of international to domestic
trade costs. Such a possibility is intriguing, but cannot be further investigated within the limits of
currently available data and methods.
In addition to breaking the results out by income group, it is also useful to disaggregate them by
World Bank region. Following the World Bank classification scheme, we therefore exclude high
income countries from our regional groupings. Figure 5 shows results for manufactured goods,
and Figure 6 provides the same information for agricultural products. In both cases, crossregional differences are relatively stable over time, particularly at the extremes: trade costs in
both sectors are much lower in East Asia and the Pacific (105% for manufactures and 201% for
agriculture in 2009) than in Sub-Saharan Africa (235% and 305% respectively). In manufactured
goods, trade costs have fallen substantially over recent years in East Asia and the Pacific (by
11%), South Asia (by 11%, but from a high baseline), and the Middle East and North Africa (by
32%). In agriculture, by contrast, trade costs are basically static in all regions except South Asia,
where they have fallen dramatically (nearly 30%). The figures for the Middle East and North
Africa in manufactured goods and South Asia in agriculture are very large, and should therefore
be interpreted cautiously. Although they provide evidence of substantial changes underway in the
trading environments of those regions, more detailed work will be required to relate these
observations to changes in policy and non-policy factors that influence trade costs.
Figure 5: Trade costs for manufactured goods are much lower in East Asia than in other regions
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
East Asia & Pacific
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Note: Figure shows average trade costs for manufactured goods with respect to the 10 largest importing
countries, by World Bank regions, 1996-2009, percent ad valorem equivalent.
Figure 6: Trade costs in agriculture are also lower in East Asia, but performance is more
comparable across regional groups than in manufacturing
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
East Asia & Pacific
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Note: Figure shows average trade costs for agricultural products with respect to the 10 largest importing
countries, by World Bank regions, 1996-2009, percent ad valorem equivalent.
Thus far, we have focused on the trade costs of various groups of countries vis--vis a constant
comparator group, namely the top ten global importers. These results can therefore be considered
as relating to extra-regional trade costs. We can also use the dataset to obtain information on
intra-regional trade costs, i.e. the costs facing particular groups of countries as they trade among
each other as opposed to with the rest of the world. Intra-regional trade costs are important from a
development perspective, as they are linked to the idea of South-South trade, which has become a
more important force in the world economy in the wake of recovery from the global financial
crisis of 2008-2009 (Hanson, 2011).
Tables 1 and 2 present trade costs matrices summarizing both intra- and inter-regional performance
in manufacturing and agriculture respectively. Countries are divided up by World Bank income
group. As for the preceding analysis, we focus on stable groups over time so as to avoid
composition effects. We present data for 2009, which is the latest year for which we have broad
data availability. All results represent simple averages across countries within income groups.
Results for manufactured goods in Table 1 highlight two important stylized facts. First, trade
costs facing South-South trade are much higher than trade costs affecting North-North trade. (We
consider the South to include all middle- and low-income economies.) Trade within or between
Southern income groups is subject to substantially higher costs than trade among Northern
countries. This result reflects recent work on tariffs and non-tariff measures (Kowalski and
Shepherd, 2005; Kee et al., 2009), and shows that there is still much governments can do to
promote South-South trade in the future by lowering trade costs wherever feasible.
The second point to emerge from Table 1 is that for upper middle income countries, it is often
less costly to trade with high income countries than it is to trade among themselves. Since many
of the most important emerging markets are in this income group, our results reinforce the
importance of liberalizing tariff and non-tariff measures, and improving trade facilitation in those
markets. Interestingly, this dynamic is not true for lower-middle income and low-income
countries, where within-group trade costs are lower than between-group trade costs. One
explanation for this result could be that we observe relatively little trade among low-income
countries in the dataset, which means that the sample for calculating average costs is biased. In
particular, it is biased away from distant low-income country pairs, which tend not to trade at all.
Alternatively, it could be evidence that South-South preferential agreements are starting to bear
some fruit by reducing trade costs facing developing countries. The issue of regional integration
is one that we return to below in the context of our econometric model.
Table 1: South-South trade costs in manufacturing are much higher than North-North trade costs
High income
High income
Low income
Low income
Note: Table shows average trade costs for manufactured goods among World Bank income groups, 2009, percent ad
valorem equivalent.
Table 2 presents similar results for agricultural products. Again, we see that South-South trade is
generally subject to much higher costs than North-North trade, and that trade costs in agriculture
are generally much higher than those in manufacturing. The only exception is the figure for trade
among low-income countries, which is much lower than for other directions of trade. This result
is surprising, and is perhaps due to composition effects, in the sense that only a subset of lowincome countries report all the data we need to calculate trade costs measures. To the extent that
reporting bias favors inclusion in the sample of those countries most reliant on trade, it may be
that trade costs are somewhat understated for low income countries.
Table 2: South-South trade costs are also generally higher than North-North trade costs in
High income
High income
Low income
Low income
Note: Table shows average trade costs for agricultural products among World Bank income groups, 2009, percent ad
valorem equivalent.
As with the extra-regional trade costs results, we can also break out intra- and inter-regional trade
costs by World Bank region. This classification excludes high income countries from the
analysis. Table 3 shows results for manufactured goods, and Table 4 shows results for
agriculture. In both cases, we find that East Asia and the Pacific has the lowest intra-regional
trade costs of any developing region, although costs are much higheraround doublein
agriculture compared with manufacturing. There is a substantial gap between East Asia and the
Pacific and the next region (the Middle East and North Africa in the case of manufacturing),
which suggests that there is a substantial source of best practice in East Asia with regard to
reducing trade costs. This finding is in line with the generally greater reliance of East Asian
economies on international trade, a factor which has probably done much to enable their rapid
economic growth over recent decades. Interestingly, the neighboring region of South Asia has the
highest intra-regional trade costs in both sectors. Indeed, trade costs vis--vis East Asia is lower
than trade costs within South Asia itself. This result reflects the relative lack of regional
integration in South Asia, due to both political and economic factors. There is clearly much work
for policymakers in that region to do to reduce trade costs facing their exporters and importers.
Table 3: Trade costs for manufactured goods are lower between South Asia and East Asia than
within South Asia itself
East Asia &
East Asia & Pacific
Europe & Central
Latin America &
Middle East &
North Africa
Europe &
Central Asia
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Note: Table shows average trade costs for manufactured goods among World Bank regions, 2009, percent ad
valorem equivalent.
Table 4: Intra- and extra-regional trade costs are higher in agriculture than in manufacturing
East Asia &
East Asia & Pacific
Europe & Central
Latin America &
Middle East &
North Africa
Europe &
Central Asia
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Note: Table shows average trade costs for agricultural products among World Bank regions, 2009, percent ad
valorem equivalent.
of trade costs observed around the world. We follow Chen and Novy (2011) in using a regression
approach to analyze the determinants of bilateral trade costs. We include a wide range of
variables familiar from the gravity model literature, covering both policy and natural factors.
As in Chen and Novy (2011), we focus on factors that are primarily sources of international, as
opposed to domestic, trade costs. Since one of the variables of interestthe World Banks Air
Connectivity Index (Arvis and Shepherd, 2011)is only available for a single year, we perform a
pure cross-sectional regression. To maximize data availability, we take data on trade costs for
2005. Data for other time-varying variables are for 2005, or the closest available year. Full details
of data and sources are in Table 5. Since our trade costs data are a bilateral geometric average, we
transform independent variables that are uni-directional by taking the geometric average of the
two directions. For the same reason, we retain only one direction for each bilateral pair. In
other words, the unit of analysis is the country dyad, and we ensure that each dyad is represented
only once in the regression sample, not twice as would be expected in a model in which direction
matters, such as the standard gravity model. We estimate regressions using two samples: all
available countries (columns 3 and 4 in Tables 6 and 7, and columns 2 and 4 in Table 8), and all
non-landlocked countries (columns 1 and 2 in Tables 6 and 7, and columns 1 and 3 in Table 8).
The reason for splitting the sample in this way is that we are interested in identifying the effect of
maritime connectivity on trade costs, but it only makes sense to undertake such an exercise for
countries with direct maritime access. The split-sample approach makes it possible for us to
identify the effect of maritime connectivity as well as (separately) the effect of being landlocked.
Using the data set out in Table 5, our regression equation takes the following form (where e is a
standard error term) and is estimated by OLS:
(13) log
= 0 + 1 log + 2
+ 3 . + 4
+ 5 + 6 + 7 + 8
+ 9 log(1 + ) + 10 + 11 log
+ 12 log( ) + 13 log + 14 log( ) + 15 log
Geometric average of country i's and j's scores on the Air Connectivity
Dummy variable equal to unity if countries i and j were ever in a
colonial relationship.
Dummy variable equal to unity if countries i and j share a common land
Dummy variable equal to unity if countries i and j were colonized by the
same power.
Dummy variable equal to unity if countries i and j share a common
language (ethnographic basis).
Dummy variable equal to unity if countries i and j share a common
official language.
Great circle distance between the two principal cities of countries i and j.
Geometric average of the cost of starting a business in country i and
country j.
Geometric average of the average official USD exchange rate of country
i and country j (LCU per USD).
Dummy variable equal to unity if countries i and j are both landlocked.
Geometric average of country i's and j's scores on the Logistics
Performance Index.
Geometric average of country i's and j's scores on the Liner Shipping
Connectivity Index.
Dummy variable equal to unity if countries I and j are members of the
same RTA.
Dummy variable equal to unity if countries i and j were ever part of the
same country.
Geometric average of unity plus the trade-weighted average effectively
applied tariff applied to i to j's exports and by j to i's exports.
See main text.
World Bank
Doing Business
World Development
World Bank
De Sousa
Regression results are presented in Table 6 (manufactured goods) and Table 7 (agriculture).
Taking manufactured goods first, columns 1 and 3 show that all trade cost variables have the
expected signs and sensible magnitudes based on the gravity model literature: distance, tariffs,
and market entry costs all tend to increase trade costs in a statistically significant way, while
geographical contiguity, common language, a colonial relationship, a common colonizer,
belonging to the same country, being members of an RTA, a weaker exchange rate (more local
currency units per USD), better maritime and air connectivity, and stronger logistics performance
are all associated with lower trade costs. There are some differences in statistical significance
between the two columns, however: tariffs and a common ethnographic language only have
statistically significant coefficients in the full sample regression, whereas air connectivity only
has a statistically significant coefficient in the sample excluding landlocked countries.
Interestingly, after controlling for other factors, the dummy for landlocked countries is not
statistically significant in the full sample regression, which suggests that other factorsincluding
policymay be at the root of the high trade costs seen in landlocked countries (Arvis et al.,
2011; Borchert et al., 2012).
From a policy perspective, it is important to try and measure the relative contributions of
different factors to overall trade costs. We do this in two ways. The first, in Table 6 columns 2
and 4, is by presenting standardized regression coefficients (betas). These coefficients show the
change in standard deviations of the dependent variable brought about by a one standard
deviation increase in each of the independent variables. 4 It is therefore possible to compare betas
from one variable to another even though the units of measurement of each variable are different.
Comparing betas brings out a number of interesting points. The first is that geography remains an
extremely important determinant of overall trade costs. In line with the gravity model literature
which finds that the death of distance hypothesis has been greatly exaggerated (e.g., Disdier
and Head, 2008), we find that a one standard deviation increase in bilateral distance is associated
with about a 0.4 to 0.5 standard deviation increase in trade costs for manufactured goods. In
terms of beta coefficients, distance has the strongest impact on bilateral trade costs of any factor
considered in the model excluding landlocked countries, and it has the second strongest impact in
the full sample regression. The effects of other geographical variables are smaller, but still
significant. It should be also noted that the value we found for the elasticities of the log of
distance are in the low range (0.2-0.3) of the values estimated in the empirical trade literature
following traditional gravity modeling. One likely explanation is that the inverse gravity model is
by construction a fixed effects gravity model where the totals in lines and columns in the trade
matrix are the total output or demand by country. It has been suggested (Arvis and Shepherd,
2013) that consistent estimation implies the use of Poisson Pseudo-ML, which in turn is known to
generate lower elasticities than traditional OLS (Santos Silva and Tenreyro, 2006).
The second point to emerge from the beta coefficients in Table 2 is that two areas that are
amenable to policy interventionsmaritime connectivity and logistics performanceare also
highly significant determinants of trade costs. A one standard deviation improvement in liner
shipping connectivity is associated with a 0.4 standard deviation decrease in trade costs, which is
an effect only slightly weaker than that of geographical distance. For logistics performance, a one
standard deviation improvement in the World Banks Logistics Performance Index (LPI) is
These beta coefficients are thus simply the regression coefficients divided by the standard deviation of the
corresponding independent variable.
associated with a trade cost reduction of 0.2 standard deviations in the limited sample model and
0.5 standard deviations in the full sample model. Part of the reason for the difference between
these two figures is that the LPI is correlated with UNCTADs Liner Shipping Connectivity
Index, and so the full sample regression captures part of that effect in the stronger coefficient. In
any case, the important point to take away from these results from a policy perspective is that
reforms in areas such as infrastructure, the regulation of core services sectors such as maritime
transport and logistics, and private sector development can have significant benefits for countries
in terms of lowering trade costs. There is thus a strong role for the technology behind trade
transactions in driving trade costs around the world. Given that policy barriers have not fallen
much in recent years in the developed world; it is likely that these technological factors are
responsible for the majority of the observed faster fall in trade costs in the developed world
compared with the developing world.
Third, our results suggest that non-tariff measures and other non-traditional forms of trade policy
are particularly important determinants of trade costs, and they now play a stronger role than
tariffs in determining performance. The beta coefficient for tariffs is much smaller in absolute
value than for membership in an RTA, which suggests that new generation RTAs that go beyond
tariff cuts to deal with non-tariff measures and particularly behind-the-border barriers are
important ways of reducing trade costs. The importance of behind-the-border barriers is further
highlighted by the role played by market entry costs as measured by the World Banks Doing
Business project: again, a one standard deviation decrease in market entry costs has a much larger
impact on trade costs than a one standard deviation cut in tariffs. A final piece of evidence
highlighting the importance of non-tariff measures is that our observable trade cost proxies only
account for around 50% to 60% of the observed variation in trade costs. The rest is due to
unobservables, including non-tariff measures. Although it is impossible due to lack of data to
quantify the proportion of the unexplained variance that is due to non-tariff measures and the
proportion that is statistical noise, it is likely that non-tariff measures play a substantial role.
Table 7 presents results for agricultural products. Results are identical to those for manufactured
goods, except that some coefficients are statistically insignificant. This is the case for common
colonizer, tariffs, membership of an RTA, and the Air Connectivity Index. Otherwise, all
variables have coefficients with the expected signs and magnitudes. Comparing coefficients
suggests that trade costs in agriculture are less sensitive to geographical distance than those in
manufacturing, and the same is true for maritime transport connectivity and logistics
performance. This result sits well with the intuition that agricultural products are often traded in
bulk as commodities, which means that they are traded more slowly than manufactured goods
that are increasingly part of high-speed international production networks. This factor also
explains why air transport connectivity is an important factor in trade costs affecting
manufactured goods, but not agriculture: only a very small amount of total agricultural trade,
such as cut flowers and some fruits and vegetables, moves by air, and such trade is generally
limited to North-North and North-South trade.
The beta coefficients for agriculture show that trade costs are particularly sensitive in relative
terms to geographical distance, as well as maritime connectivity, logistics performancewhich
undoubtedly captures part of the maritime connectivity variableas well as, interestingly, entry
costs. It is likely that Doing Business entry costs are in this case proxying market entry barriers
that take the form of non-tariff measures for which specific data are not available. Non-tariff
measures are highly prevalent in agriculture, and this result reinforces their importance. An
additional indication of the importance of non-tariff measures is the noticeably lower R2 for
agricultural products as compared with manufactured goods, which indicates that a significant
part of the variation in trade costs is being driven by factors outside the model, surely including
various types of non-tariff measures.
Table 6: Regression results for manufacturing using log(trade costs) as the dependent variable
Regression Coefficients
Regression Coefficients
Common Border
Same Country
Common Colonizer
Common Language
Common Language
Log(Exchange Rate)
Log(Entry Costs)
Note: Estimation is by OLS. P-values based on robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. Statistical
significance is indicated by: * (10%), ** (5%), and *** (1%). See Table 5 for variable definitions and sources.
Table 7: Regression results for agricultural products using log(trade costs) as the dependent
Regression Coefficients
Regression Coefficients
Common Border
Same Country
Common Colonizer
Common Language (Official)
Common Language (Ethno.)
Log(Exchange Rate)
Log(Entry Costs)
Note: Estimation is by OLS. P-values based on robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. Statistical
significance is indicated by: * (10%), ** (5%), and *** (1%). See Table 5 for variable definitions and sources.
An alternative way of presenting the information in Tables 6 and 7 is by using semi-partial R2s.
A variables semi-partial R2 is the proportion of the observed variation in the dependent variable
that it accounts for, after controlling for the influence of the other variables in the model. For
example, the semi-partial R2 of log (distance) is equal to the difference between R2 for the
baseline model with all variables, and R2 for an alternative model with all variables except
log(distance). The difference between the model R2 and the sum of all the semi-partial R2s is the
proportion of the observed variance in the dependent variable that is attributable to common
variation among the independent variables. The idea of presenting semi-partial R2s is to give an
impression of the quantitative importance of different factors in accounting for the overall
variation we observe in trade costs around the world. We prefer this measure to the additive
decomposition of R2 proposed by Novy and Chen (2011) because it results in strictly positive
contributions that have a simple interpretation, whereas the latter method can result in some cases
in negative variance contributions that do not have any substantive interpretation.
Table 8 presents results. Qualitatively, they reinforce the impressions drawn from the analysis of
the beta coefficients. In manufacturing, we find that distance, maritime connectivity, and logistics
performance account for the greatest proportion of the observed variance in trade costs of any of
our independent variables. The same variables also play an important role in agriculture, as do
Doing Business market entry costs. In both cases, it is important to note that common variation
among the independent variables is a very important source of the observed variation in trade
costs. 5 In other words, when countries perform well on one observable trade cost factor, they also
tend to perform well in others. The policy implication that flows from this finding is that a broadbased approach to reform, which takes account of the strong interconnections among the various
sources of trade costs, is likely to be more effective than a piecemeal approach.
Table 8: Semi-partial R2s for bilateral trade costs (% of observed variation accounted for by each
variable independently of the others)
Common Border
Common Colonizer
This finding implies that some level of multicollinearity is present in our regressions. However, the consequences of
multicollinearityinflated standard errorsare preferable to those of omitted variable biasinconsistent and biased estimates
and so we prefer to keep all variables in the models.
Same Country
Log(Exchange Rate)
Log(Entry Costs)
To better understand the determinants of trade costs in the developing world, we re-run the
regressions from Tables 6 and 7 using split samples, and limiting the exercise for claritys sake to
the sample excluding landlocked countries, so that all policy variables are included. We separately
identify South-South, South-North, and North-North trade in Table 9. We define the North as being
all high income countries, and the South as being all other countries. A number of interesting
features emerge from the split sample results. First, we see that the coefficient on tariffs is only
positive and statistically significant in the case of South-South trade. This finding is consistent with
the continued existence of relatively high traditional trade policy barriers affecting South-South
trade, and is in line with previous work (e.g., Kowalski and Shepherd, 2005). Interestingly, the
coefficient on the RTA dummy is only negative and statistically significant for South-South trade
in manufactured goods and North-North trade in agricultural products. This finding suggests that
some efforts at promoting South-South trade by signing preferential agreements may be bearing
fruithowever, this effect is only true for manufactures, and does not extend to agriculture, where
liberalization is frequently limited under South-South RTAs.
Second, we find that transport and logistics performance are important for all types of trade, but that
the strength of the effects differs according to the direction. South-South trade in manufactures is
more sensitive than other directions of trade to liner shipping connectivity, while the same is true for
South-North trade in agricultural products in the case of air connectivity. This latter finding probably
reflects the rise of trade in non-traditional agriculture such as horticultural products and fruits and
vegetables, which are highly perishable and need to be transported quickly. In the case of logistics,
the coefficient is strongest in absolute value for North-North trade, which highlights the importance
of just-in-time management techniques and production networking in those countries.
Finally, entry costs appear to be a particularly important source of trade costs in South-South and
South-North trade relations. 6 To the extent that Doing Business data on the costs of starting a
business proxy for the fixed costs of market entry (as in Helpman et al., 2008), our result is
indicative of the importance of dealing with entry barriers as part of the trade policy reform
process in developing countries. Although tariffs and other variable cost barriers remain
significant in South-South and South-North trade relations, it will be necessary for policymakers
going forward to pay attention to a broader range of factors, including regulatory measures that
give rise to fixed cost barriers that keep foreign companies out of markets.
Table 10 presents semi-partial R2s for the split-sample regressions, which allow us to identify factors
that are particularly important drivers of trade costs in the three directions of trade under consideration.
First, it is striking that distance is a much more important determinant of trade costs in trading relations
involving the South than it is for North-North trade. In part, this might reflect the shorter distances on
average between many Northern countries, but it could also be a function of better transport
infrastructure and services that make distance less of a barrier to North-North trade. This hypothesis is
strengthened by the fact that maritime transport connectivity is also a more important determinant of
trade costs in South-South and South-North trade than it is for North-North trade. In part, this finding
might be due to differences in the mode of transport used for trade transactions, but it could also reflect
a relative lack of connectivity in the South that tends to inflate trade costs.
Table 9: Split sample regression results using log(trade costs) as the dependent variable
Common Border
Future work could expand our efforts on entry costs by including variables similar to the OECDs Indicators of
Product Market Regulation once they become available for a wide range of countries. Currently, however, their use
would severely restrict our estimation sample, and so we prefer the Doing Business data.
Common Colonizer
Same Country
Log(Exchange Rate)
Log(Entry Costs)
Note: Estimation is by OLS. P-values based on robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. Statistical
significance is indicated by: * (10%), ** (5%), and *** (1%). See Table 5 for variable definitions and sources.
The second key finding from Table 10 is that logistics performance is a significant source of
variation in overall trade costs. It is generally the second or third most important determinant of
trade costs, as measured by semi-partial R2s. With the exception of North-North trade, logistics
performance is more important as a determinant of trade costs in manufactured goods sectors
than in agriculture. It is a particularly significant source of variation in South-South trade costs.
The policy implication is that improving logistics performance could be a useful tool in lowering
South-South trade costs and boosting trade in that direction, particularly in manufactured goods.
Finally, common variation among the sources of trade costs plays an important role in
determining the overall pattern of variation, and the effect is particularly strong in North-North
trade. This observation suggests that successfully lowering trade costs tends to happen through
action on a number of fronts simultaneously. This finding sits well with that of Arvis et al.
(2012), who show that the top logistics performers around the globe tend to perform consistently
strongly in a range of areas, which differentiates them from the next group of partial performers.
Table 10: Semi-partial R2s for bilateral trade costs (% of observed variation accounted for by each
variable independently of the others)
Common Border
Common Colonizer
Same Country
Log(Exchange Rate)
Log(Entry Costs)
world in manufactured goods; by contrast, the situation remains static in agriculture. Similarly,
we find considerable disparity among developing countries with some regionsparticularly East
Asia and the Pacificexhibiting much lower levels of trade costs than others, such as SubSaharan Africa. A clear implication of our research is there is much for developing countries to
learn from each other in terms of the set of policies that work effectively to reduce trade costs.
In addition to mapping out the level and direction of change of trade costs in the developing world
over recent decades, we also use econometric methods to decompose trade costs into various policy
and geographical/historical components. A key finding is that transport, trade facilitation, and
logistics matter for trade costs: UNCTADs Liner Shipping Connectivity Index and the World
Banks Logistics Performance Index are together a more important source of variation in trade
costs than is geographical distance, and the effect is particularly strong for trade relations involving
the South. Along the same lines, we find that RTAs have a significant effect in reducing trade costs
even after controlling for tariffs, which indicates that new generation RTAs that include non-tariff
measures and behind the border regulatory measures may be bearing fruit.
Given the level and direction of change of trade costs, their reduction should remain a key policy
priority for developing countries, in particular low income countries and those in Sub-Saharan
Africa. Our findings suggest that special attention should be paid to transport, logistics
performance, and trade facilitation, which have the potential for highly significant impacts on
trade costs. Our work therefore reinforces recent policy research highlighting the role of logistics
as a driver of trade and competitiveness outcomes (Arvis et al., 2012). Most importantly, our
econometric work confirms that current policy settings in a variety of areas contribute to the
ongoing marginalization of some countries from the international trading system, and that it is
not just a matter of geographical isolation. Although geography clearly matters for trade costs and
trade performance more generally, it is by no means the only determinant of national success and
connectivity to regional and global markets. Our findings therefore strengthen recent work
showing that higher trade costs in landlocked countries, for example, are at least partly related to
policies at the national, corridor, or sub-regional level that could, in principle, be reformed by
governments and regional economic communities (Arvis et al., 2011; Borchert et al., 2012). We
expect that future research using more detailed policy data, for example covering restrictions on
the supply of trade-related services, could go further in identifying the types of reforms that
might be most productive going forward.
Finally, the dataset can be a powerful tool for practitioners and policymakers, in combination
with other methodologies, data sources, and expertise on the ground. As exemplified in Box 2,
the dataset makes it easy to compare trade costs across different pairs of countries and map the
constraints a country or a group of countries faces when integrating globally or among
themselves. The model provides quantitative benchmarks for the two sectors (agriculture and
manufacturing). The model cannot directly isolate the source of trade costs at a disaggregated
level (one country or one pair), but only for adequate samples of countries. However combining
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