Chapter 4

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Planescape campaign setting


Chapter 4: Skills & Feats

Project Managers
Ken Marable
Gabriel Sorrel

Gabriel Sorrel
Sarah Wallen
Sarah Hood

Gabriel Sorrel
Christopher Smith Adair
Christopher Campbell
Sarah Hood
Julian Kuleck
David Spencer
Rob Scott

Sarah Hood

A brief blast of sound and rushing wind greeted Volund as he stepped into the room. The tiefling
girl turned towards him for a moment, her eyes wide with fear beneath the blazing Harmonium
sigil upon her forehead, before throwing herself through the open portal. Volund watched it close
impassively and then turned sharply back from where he came. In the main room heads turned
away, whether to some distant corner or down at what slop passed for food here, but everyone
watched him from the corners of their eyes. The fear was palpable, for the zenythri needed no
badge to be recognized. He was Harmonium, and though surrounded by at least a dozen men that
would eagerly sell his corpse to the Dustmen, his air of authority was uncontested. His comrades
might be waiting outside, and even if they werent, word would get back to his faction, and then
thered be real trouble. No, despite any advantages in numbers they might have, they were the
ones afraid.


Volund took in the establishment with disdain. So accustomed to the perfection of Arcadia, the
Smoldering Corpse Bar was an ugly mesh of sharp angles, flickering shadows, and grayish-brown wood.
Fortunately he wouldnt have to remain long, and he made his way confidently towards the impish
barkeep currently doing his best to look busy as he wiped a mug with a soiled rag. Now everyone
stared in earnest, waiting to see if hed be hauling someone else in the tieflings place. Volund paid
them no mind and simply levied a stern gaze on the pathetic figure, who finally muttered, barely
above a whisper I did as ya said, gave de one with de Hardhead mark the key. Sent er where ya
asked, I did.
The zenythri leaned over the bar, subtly sliding a couple coins to the man while replying in a clear
voice so all could hear Dont let me catch you helping anymore runaways, Krish, or youll be taking
her place in the camps. The barkeep nodded several times, but Volund was already moving to exit
the bar content that another criminal had wound up on the prison plane of Carceri, just where her
kind belonged. Order was served, and next time the little thief would take a minute to verify where a
portal actually lead before making her getaway.

New Skills
Planars are a canny bunch, and most of them eventually train in the nature of the planes to improve
their chances of survival while traveling. The skills below represent common abilities planewalkers
develop as well as new uses for old skills on the planes. Anyone can pick up these techniques, so primes
can also use these skills without penalty.
Control (plane)
(factions and
Planar Expertise














Key Ability




























Control (plane) (Wis)

Most planars agree that the forces that comprise the multiverse are mutable. Though altering the
landscape of the planes is a task best left to the powers, some planes are more morphic than others
are, while a few individuals have discovered specific techniques to modify reality to conform to their
beliefs. This skill allows you to force changes in the planes with your will.

Check: As a standard action you roll a Control check against the appropriate DC for the effect you are
attempting to produce. Subsequent checks to maintain the effect may be repeated once per round as a
free action. Only one effect may be maintained by any one creature. Different planes have varying
ways in which they may be affected and suggestions for the most morphic planes are listed below.
Other effects than those listed below can be produced with permission from the DM, though unless
manipulating a highly morphic plane a great deal of research and ranks in the appropriate Knowledge
skills are likely necessary.


Special: Spell-like effects created by Control checks are manifested instantly and have a duration of
one round unless the creature continues to maintain the effect. For every round the effect is
maintained the DC increases by +1. If the creature fails the Control check or ceases to maintain the
effect it fades in one round.
Control (Limbo)
The chaos matter that Limbo is composed of is easily manipulated by mental control. Most
planewalkers are capable of just enough control to make the place hospitable, but trained individuals
known as anarchs can build objects of extreme complexity, including entire cities.

Stabilize a portion of chaos matter. For every two point above the DC the area of control
increases 5 ft. from the initial radius denoted by the creatures Wisdom score.
Wisdom Score: If the Control check is successful, reference the controlling creatures Wisdom score to
determine the size of the area of control.
Area of Control: None indicates that the creature cant gain control of its environment. The
increasing radii denote an area of control surrounding the controlling creature, so a creature with a 1foot radius area of control can create only a 1-foot buffer between itself and the environment.

Area of Controlled Limbo

Wisdom Score
Area of Control
Stabilized Area
1-ft. radius
5-ft. radius
10-ft. radius
15-ft. radius
20-ft. radius
5-ft. radius
+5 ft. per 4 Wis points
+5 ft. per 4 Wis points
Stabilized Area: Stabilized areas form at the center of, and overlap, an area of control. When an area
of control lapses, stabilized areas remain.

Control (Ethereal)
The ethereal plane is composed of protomatter, a watery mixture of the elemental material that
eventually forms into demiplanes or becomes the Prime Material Plane. Protomatter can also be
controlled and altered to some degree by mental focus. An appropriate craft check is required to
determine the quality of any objects produced in this manner. Objects created in this fashion may only
sustain themselves on the Ethereal and vanish if taken off the plane.
Gather a clump of ethereal protomatter together in a radius of 1 ft. For every three points the
check exceeds the DC the amount of protomatter increases 1 ft.
Produce the effects of the spell prestidigitation.
Produce the effects of the spell silent image.



Much as you convert the ether mists into breathable air, you can also draw nourishment from
the mists in place of real food. A successful Control check allows you to create one meals worth
of food. This does not create physical food; rather it absorbs essential nutrients from the ether
mists, so it cannot be used to feed someone else. Though it provides everything needed for
survival, the meals are tasteless and unsatisfying. Over time a persons body becomes tired of
these meals, and for every 3 meals substituted, you suffer a -2 to Control checks to create more
Produce the effects of the spell minor creation on appropriate size clump of protomatter.
Produce the effects of the spell minor image.
Produce the effects of the spell major image.
Produce the effects of the spell major creation on appropriate size clump of protomatter.


Control (Astral)
The astral plane is made up of ectoplasm, mental energy in physical form, which is often used by
psionic creatures for various effects but can also be manipulated by cruder methods. An appropriate
craft check is required to determine the quality of any objects produced in this manner. Objects
created in this fashion may only sustain themselves on the Astral and vanish if taken off the plane.
Gather a clump of astral ectoplasm together in a radius of 1-ft. For every five points the check
exceeds the DC the amount of ectoplasm increases 1 ft.
Produce the effects of the power trinket with a clump of ectoplasm 1-ft in radius.
Produce the effects of the power minor creation with appropriate size clump of ectoplasm.
Produce the effects of the power major creation with appropriate size clump of ectoplasm.

Knowledge (The Planes) (Int)

The multiverse is vast, far larger than most primes can fathom. Studying every corner of the multiverse
is impossible, and proper study in this field requires choosing a few planes to focus on at a time. For
every four ranks in Knowledge (the planes) you must select a plane as a specialty, such as Baator or the
Plane of Fire. This represents special attention paid to that plane's traits, layers, and inhabitants.
Check: Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15
(for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). The DCs listed below are reduced by 10
for any plane with which you have a specialty.
You know the cosmology of the planes and the basic theories
behind them.
15You can name the major exemplar races.
You are familiar with the known effects of a plane (e.g. the
maddening winds of Pandemonium) and common forms of
20You are able to identify the most common inhabitants of a plane.
You are familiar with the basic abilities of the common inhabitants
of a plane.
You know which major organizations are known to have influence
on a plane
You are familiar with the habits and weaknesses of the common
inhabitants of a plane.
26You know the elemental and energy traits of a plane or layer.

28You know the water of a plane or layer is drinkable.

You know whether some of the material (such as plants or animals)
from a plane or layer is edible.
30You know which deities are believed to inhabit the plane.
30+You know the histories of a planes major societies and cities.
30+You are familiar with any known risks from a planar feature
35+You know the legends and lore of a planes hidden realms.


Action: Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesnt take an action---you simply
know the answer or you dont.
Try Again: No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesnt
let you know something you never learned in the first place.
Special: An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, a
character only knows common knowledge.

Knowledge (Factions and Guilds) (Int)

This represents your knowledge of the most influential factions, sects, and guilds scattered throughout
the planes. This skill determines what you know about an organization including its philosophy, agenda,
leaders, and history.
Check: Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15
(for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions).
10You know the beliefs and known agendas of the organization, as well as its symbol
15You know the organizations primary location and area of influence
17You know of the most recent leaders of the faction or guild
20You know who is known to sponsor or oppose the organization
20You know the basic history of the organization
20+You know the influence of the organization (economical, political, military, etc.)
Action: Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesnt take an action---you simply
know the answer or you dont.
Try Again: No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesnt
let you know something you never learned in the first place.
Special: An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, a
character only knows common knowledge.

Planar Expertise (Wis; Trained Only)

This skill represents your familiarity with the nature of the planes. You can use this skill to determine
basic information about the plane you are on (such as its alignment and elemental traits) or predict
when and how the conditions on a plane are going to change (such as gravity, ground stability, etc.) up
to an hour ahead of time. This skill is most useful on chaotic planes such as Limbo, where the
conditions are constantly changing.
This skill also allows you to sense what plane a portal leads to, and gain an idea of whether the
conditions of the other side are inherently dangerous to you. This can only be done within 5 feet of a

portal, and can only determine whether there is a danger from natural conditions of the connecting
plane, not whether a creature or trap is waiting on the other side. It does not reveal what the danger
is, only that there is one.


Check: You can determine various conditions of a plane or portal.

15Predict the conditions of a plane for the next minute.
15Determine the elemental and energy traits of a plane, layer, or realm.
17You know what plane a portal leads to.
18Determine the alignment traits of a plane, layer, or realm.
20Predict the conditions of a plane for the next 10 minutes.
20You know whether the other side of a portal leads to an environment dangerous to you.
22You know what layer of a plane a portal leads to.
25Predict the conditions of a plane for the next 30 minutes.
25You know whether a portal is permanent, temporary, or shifting.
Determine basic magic alterations to a specific school of magic or psionic disciplines. This
only applies to universal conditions and not modifications to specific spells.
28You know whether a portal is one-way or two-way.
30Predict the conditions of a plane for the next hour.
30You know the current portal key necessary to open the portal from the side you are on.
Action: Using Planar Expertise is a full-round action. Examining a portal requires you to be within 5
feet of a portal.
Try Again: You may make continuous checks to determine whether the conditions of a plane are going
to change. Checks to determine where a portal leads can only be made every hour.

Survival (Wis)
Though there are no cardinal directions on most planes, planewalkers make use of landmarks and other
planar features to find their way. You can use Survival to determine the general direction to a city or
other obvious landmark you are familiar with on the same layer of the plane you are on. This skill can
only be used to locate places you have already been to. If youre on a plane where positions of
landmarks are subjective, this skill can be used to reduce the amount of traveling time to a
Check: The DM makes a Survival check against base DC 20 for you to determine the direction to your
destination. If the check fails, you cannot determine the direction. When youre on a plane where
positions of landmarks are subjective, such as Limbo, every point by which the check exceeds 15
reduces the traveling time to your destination by ten minutes. On a natural roll of 1, you err and
mistakenly take a random direction.
Action: It takes one minute of surveying an area and attuning oneself to a plane to determine how to
reach a destination.
Try Again: You can attempt to find a location with Survival more than once per day. You may retry once
every hour to determine the direction to the same destination if previous checks failed. You may not
retry a check to decrease the amount of traveling time on a plane with subjective landmarks.
Special: Untrained characters cant intuitively determine the direction to a location or decrease
traveling time. This skill is used normally on the Prime Material Plane as described in the Players

New Feats


The feats below supplement those in the Players Handbook and follow all rules in that book for how
feats may be chosen and how often a character may do so. In addition, some of these new feats
possess an additional prerequisite: a character region or a faction. Character regions are discussed in
the Chapter 2. You only need be a member of one faction to qualify for a faction feat (in fact, you can
only be a member of one faction at a time). If a feat has both a region and faction requirement you
need only qualify for one; some planar residents can gain the benefits of faction ideals through the
conditions of their upbringing.

General Feats

Cha 13, base Will save +2 bonus Gain undetectable alignment

at will

Arcane Dabbler

Int 13, Knowledge (arcana) 5


Gain detect magic and

prestidigitation at will, Use
Magic Item becomes a class

Censure Outsider Wis 17, Cha 17, Extra Turning,

Stun one subtype of
Outsider Turning, ability to turn or outsiders instead of turning
rebuke undead
Improved Energy Naturally resistant to a form of
One of your natural
energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, resistances increases
Wis 19, Cha 19, Extra Turning,
Banish or rebuke one
Outsider Turning Outsider Turning, ability to turn or subtype of outsiders
rebuke undead
Improved Turn

Gain +4 Turn Resistance

Lawful alignment

Gain a bonus to lawful spells

Outsider Turning Wis 15, Cha 15, Extra Turning,

ability to turn or rebuke undead

Gain ability to turn/rebuke

one subtype of outsiders

Parting the Veil

Knowledge (religion) 12 ranks,

access to a domain

Cast domain spells


Planar Knack

Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks

Gain a bonus to control,

planar expertise, and survival
skills on a chosen plane.

Portal Sense

Wis 13, Planar Expertise 9 ranks, Gain ability to determine

ability to see inactive portals


what type of danger a portal

leads to


Control 3 ranks, Ethereal Plane as Psionic powers can

a specialty for Knowledge (the
manipulate protomatter
planes), ability to manifest powers instead of ectoplasm


Gain one extra skill point

each level

Static Spell

Any lawful alignment

Remove random variables

from spells

True Name Lore

Int 15, Knowledge (arcana) 10

ranks, base Will save bonus +4

Use the basics of a creatures

True Name against them

Turn Immunity

Cha 25, Improved Turn Resistance,Immune to any type of

natural Spell Resistance 20
turning/rebuking attempts

Wild Magic

Int 15, Spellcraft 9 ranks, base

Will save bonus +4

Randomly modify a spells

caster level, with the chance
of causing a wild surge

Amoral [General]
You are careful to keep your moral and ethical beliefs hidden from spells.
Prerequisite: Cha 13, base Will save +2 bonus.
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability undetectable alignment usable on yourself at will as a cleric of
your character level.

Arcane Dabbler [General]

Though not a dedicated spellcaster, you have studied arcane principles enough to pick up a few useful
cantrips and to understand the concepts behind magical devices.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks.
Benefit: You gain detect magic and prestidigitation at will as a wizard of your character level. In
addition, Use Magic Device is now a class skill for you.

Censure Outsider [Divine]

Choose an alignment subtype with which you have Outsider Turning. You now censure Outsiders of that
alignment subtype instead of turning them.
Prerequisite: Extra Turning, Outsider Turning, ability to turn or rebuke undead, Wis 17, Cha 17.
Benefit: Instead of turning Outsiders of that alignment subtype, you stun them for 10 rounds. Stunned
creatures lose their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) and can take no actions. Foes gain a +2 circumstance

bonus to hit stunned creatures. If the censuring character attacks the censured Outsider, the outsider
can act normally on its next turn.


Special: You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a new alignment subtype with which you have
Outsider Turning each time.

Improved Energy Resistance [General]

Choose one form of energy to which you have a natural (not spell- or item-granted) resistance. Your
inherent resistance to this kind of energy is more effective than normal.
Prerequisite: Naturally resistant to a form of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic).
Benefit: Your resistance to that type of energy increases by 5. For example, if you are an aasimar, you
normally have acid, cold, electricity resistance 5. You could use this feat to increase one of those
resistances to 10; the other two are unaffected.

Improved Outsider Turning [Divine]

Choose an alignment subtype with which you have Outsider Turning. You are now able to banish or
command Outsiders of that alignment subtype.
Prerequisite: Wis 19, Cha 19, Extra Turning, Outsider Turning, ability to turn or rebuke undead.
Benefit: If you have at least twice as many levels as an outsider you have turned has Hit Dice, the
Outsider is banished back to its home plane. Outsiders so banished cannot return to that plane for at
least one day. If you would rebuke Outsiders of that alignment subtype, you command them instead.
Controlling Outsiders is very dangerous; almost all are free-willed and have some measure of power,
and very few would forget the arrogant fool who forced them to act against their will. Perhaps even
worse, more powerful Outsiders may wonder what has happened to their subordinates or witness the
commanding itself, and decide to step in.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a new alignment subtype with which you have
Outsider Turning each time.
Outsiders that have changed alignments face the extra risk of being turned by multiple sources, and
return to their home plane when banished. Thus, a fallen archon would be banished back to Mount
Celestia, and could be commanded by a lawful good or lawful evil caster.

Improved Turn Resistance [General]

You have a better than normal chance to resist turning.
Bonus: You are less easily affected by turning attempts than you normally would be. When resolving
any type of turn/rebuke attempt, add 4 to your character level to determine your effective Hit Dice.

Lawful Spellcasting [General, Wizard]

Orderly mages have learned a thing or two about lawful and chaotic spells.
Prerequisite: Lawful alignment.

Benefit: Spells with the "Lawful" designator cast by you have their saving throw DC increased by 2. You
gain a +2 to saves vs spells with the "Chaotic" designator.


Special: Wizards my purchase this feat with one of their bonus feats.

Outsider Turning [Divine]

You can channel moral or ethical energies to turn or rebuke a particular type of outsider.
Prerequisite: Wis 15, Cha 15, Extra Turning, ability to turn or rebuke undead.
Benefit: Choose one alignment subtype. You may spend one of your turning attempts to turn outsiders
of that subtype. Turning outsiders does not require the channeling of positive or negative energy as
turning undead does. Instead, the character draws on divine energy and their own faith to ward against
the outsider. An outsider has effective turn resistance equal to its Charisma modifier (if positive). It is
impossible to turn or rebuke outsiders on their home plane.
If you share the outsiders alignment, you rebuke outsiders of that subtype instead of turning them. For
example, a chaotic evil cleric who took Outsider Turning [Good] could turn any good outsider. If that
cleric also took Outsider Turning [Chaotic] he could rebuke chaotic evil outsiders, and turn chaotic
neutral outsiders.
Special: Any feat that applies to turning undead can be used in conjunction with this feat to turn
outsiders. You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a new alignment subtype each time.
Outsiders that have changed alignments face the extra risk of being turned by multiple sources. For
instance, a risen tanarri can be turned as a good creature, and can be turned as a chaotic or evil
creature because of its inner nature.

Parting the Veil [General]

Your devotion to the greater forces in the multiverse has brought new revelations on the mysteries of
the planes, allowing you to manipulate divine energy more fluidly.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (religion) 12 ranks, access to a domain.
Benefit: You no longer need to prepare domain spells, you may spontaneously choose any of your
domain spells of the appropriate level to fill your domain spell slot.

Planar Knack [General]

You are able to grasp fundamental aspects of particular planes, so survival in those environments poses
little trouble for you.
Prerequisite: Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Control, Planar Expertise, and Survival checks on any planes with which
you have a specialty in Knowledge (the planes). In addition, Planar Expertise is now a class skill for

Portal Sense [General]

You are able to anticipate the dangers that lie before you through a portal.


Prerequisite: Wis 13, Planar Expertise 9 ranks, ability to see inactive portals.
Benefit: When you determine whether the destination of a portal is dangerous you also become aware
of the nature of the threat. You know what type of terrain the portal leads to and whether there is a
danger from natural hazards such as fire, extreme cold, poisons, magical effects, dangerous plant life,
and so on.


Protomatter Substitution [Metapsionic]

You are able to use your psionic powers to manipulate ethereal protomatter in the same manner as you
manipulate ectoplasm.
Prerequisite: Control 3 ranks, Ethereal Plane as a specialty for Knowledge (the planes), ability to
manifest powers.
Benefit: When on the Ethereal Plane or any plane that borders it you can manifest powers that use
ectoplasm normally, replacing the astral ectoplasm with ethereal protomatter, allowing powers such as
astral construct to function on the Ethereal or Inner Planes.
Using this feat does not add to the power point cost of a power.
Normal: Powers that draw ectoplasm from the Astral Plane do not function on planes that are not
adjacent to it.

Self-Reliance [General]
Face it, the only way to survive in the multiverse is by being able to take care of yourself. Youve
realized that you can never truly depend on anyone else, so youve learned to be much more selfsufficient.
Benefit: You receive one extra skill point every level, starting with the level at which you take this
feat. You spend extra skill points in the same way as those received each level for your class, and may
not purchase more ranks in a skill than your normal maximum rank in that skill. You do not
retroactively gain skill points for previous levels.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time it is taken, you gain an extra skill point per

Static Spell [Metamagic]

Your devotion to the principles of order allows you to lace your spells with the structure of law and
remove any variables from the equation.
Prerequisite: Any lawful alignment.
Benefit: This feat adds the lawful descriptor to a spell. Furthermore, all die rolls are determined by
their average value rather than being rolled for random effect. To determine the results for damage,
duration, etc., multiply the values provided by the chart below by the number of dice normally rolled
and round down. Thus a fireball that deals 8d6 fire damage would cause 28 points of fire damage.






Special: This feat cannot be applied to spells with the chaotic descriptor.

True Name Lore [General]

You can understand the rudiments of True Names, allowing you to research and use the True Names of
creatures against them.
Prerequisite: Int 15, Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks, base Will save bonus +4.
Benefit: You can use the True Name of a creature to bypass its magical obfuscations, cast teleportation
spells on it without being included in the effect, to gain bonuses to attack rolls, spell penetration
checks, and certain skill checks against it, and can target it in a true name ritual (see True Names in
Chapter 5).
Note: Players should find out from the DM whether True Names will be incorporated into the campaign
before taking this feat. This is only a basic approach to True Names; DMs and players are encouraged to
expand upon this system, or look to the Tome of Magic for detailed rules.

Turn Immunity [General, Epic]

Your stature within the planes grants you immunity to the turning attempts of lesser beings.
Prerequisite: Cha 25, Improved Turn Resistance, natural Spell Resistance 20.
Benefit: You are immune to any type of turning/rebuking attempt, though you can still be banished by
spells of sufficiently high-level casters.

Wild Magic [Metamagic]

Channel wild energy into a spell, giving it potential to be weaker or stronger than normal.
Prerequisite: Int 15, Spellcraft 9 ranks, base Will save bonus +4.
Benefit: A wild spell has a randomly modified caster level and has a chance of triggering a wild surge
(see Wild Magic in Chapter 5). Unlike other metamagic feats, Wild Spell does not need to be applied to
a spell when its being memorized and does not increase the casting time or level of the spell.

Faction Feats
Some faction feats represent the training that comes from being in that faction, while others represent
the belief manifested by that factions principles. While most feats remain operational if a character
changes factions, those with the descriptor Faction-Dependent (representing powers granted by the
factions collective beliefs) cease to function if the character loses faith in the ideals of their faction or
chooses to leave the faction.




Impose a -4 penalty to some

skill checks of a divine agent


Cha 15, Condemnation

Heretics Strike

Condemnation, base attackAttacks

bonus +6

Heretic's Fury

Condemnation, base attackAttacks gain +1d6

bonus +6
divine casters.


Make distracting sermons to

divine spellcasters


Counter-Indoctrinate Diplomacy
ranks,Gradually convince someone
Knowledge (factions andthat theyre better off without
guilds) or (religion) 9 ranks their faction/religion

Deny Edict

Gain a +1 bonus against mindinfluencing effects, +2 bonus

on Escape Artist checks
Iron Will, Slippery

compulsion effects


Divine Resistance

Gain +2 on saves vs. divine


Faithless Blessing

Gain a +2 bonus against divine


Faithless Miracle

Blessing,Gain spell resistance against
character level 6th
divine magic

Priest of the Great


Access to a domain

Retain clerical casting abilities

while rejecting your deity

Renewed Faith

Access to a domain

Retain clerical casting abilities

while rejecting your deity

Harness Divinity

Wis 11

Gain cure or
wounds 1/day

Cleanse Impurity

Wis 15, Harness Divinity

Gain restoration
yourself 1/day



The Cycle of Testing

Harness Divinity










Influence New Form

The Cycle of Testing

Sacred Form

Wis 17, Cleanse Impurity,Become immune

Harness Divinity

Descend the Chain

Wis 19, Cleanse Impurity,Gain

Harness Divinity, Sacred1/day
Form, Control 15 ranks

Complete the Cycle

Control 6 ranks, KnowledgeBe reincarnated into a planar

(the planes) 6 ranks
creature after dying




LifeWis 13, Cumulative




Affect your reincarnation.





Add a +2 bonus to your skill

checks .


LifeAttempt any skill untrained

Gain +2 on all craft checks

Good with People

Gain a +3 bonus to diplomacy


Imbue Equipment

Skill Focus (Craft)

Gain ability to create some

magical equipment without
being a spellcaster

Priest of the Great


Access to a domain

Retain clerical casting abilities

while rejecting your deity

Renewed Faith

Access to a domain

Retain clerical casting abilities

while rejecting your deity

Talents of the Past

Gain two cross-class skills as

class skills

What Kills You MakesDied at least once

You Stronger

Gain save bonuses determined

by the circumstances of your
last death.

Addled Mind
Already Mad

Insanity 1

Add your Insanity score to your

Will saves.
You are immune to spells and
effects that cause madness.




Gain DR


Wis 15

Gain Wis modifier bonus to

saves when taking only a
standard action

Helping Hand

Heal 6 ranks, base Will save+1 on Heal checks, +1 to

bonus +3
caster level for healing spells
and class abilities

Incorporate Madness Iron Will, Touched in theAbsorb

effects that are afflicting others
Insight of the Barmy

Insanity 1, any chaoticReceive intuitive clues from

alignment, permission fromseemingly unrelated facts
the DM






Reflex save +4

Touched in the Head

Iron Will, character level 9thImmune to madness effects

Unhealthy Fixation

Insanity 1


baseWhile in a manic state you are

hasted for a brief period

Add your Insanity score to your

Wisdom-based skills.

Annihilation Spell

Any two other metamagicAdd a Con penalty

damaging spells effect


Breath of Dust

Gain the ability to breath

normally in Ash, Dust, Salt or

Destruction Embraced

Gain luck bonus to AC and

saves by refusing magical

Steady Decay

Embraced,Become immune to death and
character level 6th
negative energy effects

Entropic Blow

Str 13, Power Attack, base Make an attack once a day that
attack bonus +3
deals 1d3 Con damage


Attack,Your entropic blow deals 2d3 of
Entropic Blow, base attackCon damage



bonus +8

Int 13, Power Attack, baseScore critical hits against type

attack bonus +5
of creature that is without a
discernable anatomy


Determine what destroyed an


Improved Sift


View an objects destruction


Proficiency with simple andGain the benefits of a weaponmartial weapons, Weaponbased fighter feat for all
Focus, base attack bonusswords with which you meet
the prerequisites

Sword Training

Gain proficiency with all simple

and martial weapons, and one
exotic sword

Breath of Dust

Gain the ability to breath

normally in Ash, Dust, Salt or

Dead Inside

Gain a +4 to saves vs. fear and

emotion affecting spells.

Dead Truce

Mindless undead will not harm


Expanded Dead Truce Dead Truce

Extend the Dead Truce to your


Greater Dead Truce

levels 6th

harm you




Lord of the Dead

Dead Truce, Greater DeadEnlist

anyintelligent undead into your
nongood alignment

Death Focus

Spell Focus (Necromancy)

+2 bonus on spell DCs for

death spells

Death Wish

Death Focus

suicidal acts with compulsion




Undead, petioner

Gain deathwatch 3/day.


Deathsense or undead orGain speak with dead 3/day


Final Blow

Prevent an opponent
being raised after death.


Heal the Dead

Gain inflict light wounds 1/day


Iron Will

Become immune to spells that

affect emotions

Vision of Death

Wis 11, Spot 6 ranks


Oblivion Awaits

Wis 13, Iron Will, Numb,Gain a gaze attack that inflicts

Vision of Death, Intimidateeither a scare or fear effect
9 ranks, Spot 9 ranks

Undead Visage




Appear undead and

bonuses to intimidate



Borrow Style

Int 15, Alertness,

attack bonus +9

baseGain a virtual version of a

fighter feat you observe

Deal Maker

Get a discount

Extra Skills

Gain more skill points

Multiversal Socialite

Sticky Fingers



Knowledge (the planes) 4Gain +2 bonus to Charismaranks

based skill checks with some
Gain +2 bonus to checks when
stealing; gain Sleight of Hand
as a class skill

Grab Magic

Sticky Fingers, KnowledgeMake touch attacks to steal a

(arcane) 6 ranks, Spellcraftmagical effect from someone
6 ranks

Siphon Spell Slot

Grab Magic, Sticky Fingers,Regain spell slots or spells per

12day by stealing them from
ranks, Spellcraft 12 ranks another spellcaster


Taker's Skills

Gain a +1 bonus to
pockets, bluff, diplomacy

Unwritten Destiny



Iron Will, character level 9thGain immunity from magical

contracts, attempts to divine
your future

Intuit Pattern

Int 11

Assemble Pattern

Pattern,Gain minor creation or major
Knowledge (arcana) 6 ranks creation as a spell-like ability

Minor Loophole

Int 15, base Will save +3 Temporarily gain a spell of up

to 4th level


Int 15, Minor Loophole,Reduce the time to develop

base Will save +3 bonus
loopholes and spells by 75%

Pocket of Order

Any lawful alignment

Lawful spells remove

chaos from a small area


Int 15

Able to add
anyones roll


Gain comprehend languages at






WillIntelligence modifier from an
save +5 bonus
action to change the result

Research Loophole

Base will save +3

Research spells as if a wizard

Structured Mind

Base Will save +2 bonus

Gain +2 bonus against probes

or attacks on your mind; gain
ability to resist possession

Tinker with Magic

Gain minor spells as a noncaster.

Contacts in the Grand
Counter-Indoctrinate Diplomacy

Gain a discount on purchases

made at the Bazaar
ranks,Gradually convince someone
(factions andthat theyre better off without



guilds) or (religion) 9 ranks their faction/religion

Deal Maker

Get a discount


Gain +2 bonus against factiondependent abilities

Free Willed

Gain a +4 to saves vs. mind

affecting spells and effects.


Gain a +1 bonus against mindinfluencing effects, +2 bonus

on Escape Artist checks

Deny Edict

Iron Will, Slippery


compulsion effects



Surprise Factioneers Wis 13, Cha 13, KnowledgeAble to shock faction members
(factions and guilds) 6with your statements
Insult Factioneers

Wis 15, Cha 15, Surprise Able to make faction members

Knowledgefocus on you with your slurs
(factions and guilds) 9


Wis 17, Cha 17, InsultAble

Surprisedependent abilities with your
Knowledgecounter-faction points
(factions and guilds) 12

The Chant

Gather Information 6 ranks,Gain

character level 6th
specialized field per three
character levels




Cha 11, Authority, Control 6Channel the power of justice to

ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks,brand criminals with magical
any lawful alignment



inGain command or greater

command as a spell-like ability

Gain command as a spell-like

ability 1/day




Command, base will +5,Gain Dictate 1/day

base attack bonus +5


Spell Focus (Enchantment) +2 bonus on save DCs against

compulsion spells


Iron Will, character level 6thGain a +4 to saves vs. mind

affecting spells and effects.

Joint Operation

Combat Expertise,
attack bonus +6


Quick Draw, base attackAttach restraining devices on

bonus +4
opponents as a free action

Seasoned Officer

Cha 13, Leadership


Leadership,Suffer fewer penalties when
Seasoned Officer

baseBypass abilities that prevent

flanking and retain Dexterity
bonuses to AC

members more effectively

Subdue Criminal

Gain a +2 in grapple checks

Team Player

When flanking with a partner

gain additional bonuses

Unit Tactics

Base attack bonus +3

Gain combat bonuses when

threatening an opponent with
allies that have this feat

Justice Blow

Deal extra

Know Lies

Gain discern lies 1/day, and

sense motive as a class skill

Lightning Justice




Empower Spell, Spellcraft+1 bonus on spell DCs for

10 ranks
electricity spells, empower an
electricity spell once a day
without preparation



Complete the Cycle

Control 6 ranks, KnowledgeBe reincarnated into a planar

(the planes) 6 ranks
creature after dying

Harness Divinity

Wis 11

Gain cure or
wounds 1/day

Cleanse Impurity

Wis 15, Harness Divinity

Gain restoration
yourself 1/day

Sacred Form

Wis 17, Cleanse Impurity,Become immune

Harness Divinity

Descend the Chain

Wis 19, Cleanse Impurity,Gain

Harness Divinity, Sacred1/day
Form, Control 15 ranks

Illusion Perception


against illusions






Power of Denial

Illusion Perception, ControlBecome incorporeal

6 ranks
an object

Renewed Faith

Access to a domain

Talents of the Past





Retain clerical casting abilities

while rejecting your deity
Gain two cross-class skills as
class skills

Anarchist Craftsmen

Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks, Pay 1/6 base price for making

Craft (trapmaking) 5 ranks acids, poisons, or traps

Counter-Indoctrinate Diplomacy
ranks,Gradually convince someone
Knowledge (factions andthat theyre better off without
guilds) or (religion) 9 ranks their faction/religion
Mental Conditioning

Embed secret commands in
ranks,the subconscious of someone
Knowledge (factions andyouve
anyIndoctrinate on
nongood alignment


Gain a +1 bonus to bluff,

disguise, forgery, innuendo.

Expert Infiltration

Fgain a +4 bonus to bluff,

disguise, forgery, innuendo.



Bluff 5 ranks, Disguise 5Disguise yourself convincingly

ranks, Knowledge (factionsas a member of another
and guilds) 5 ranks
faction or guild


Infiltrator, Bluff 18 ranks,Gain ability to appear as a

ranks,trusted friend or advisor to a
Knowledge (factions andtarget who will then view you
guilds) 12 ranks, instruction in a very favorably light
by someone possessing this

Point Finger

Bluff 4 ranks

Riot Leader

Leadership, Bluff 7 ranks,You can stir up a riot for a short

ranks,period of time
nonlawful alignment


Bluff 6 ranks


Deny Edict


Subtract from Bluff checks to

make target appear guilty

Receive a bonus to bluff when

attempting to blame others
Gain a +1 bonus against mindinfluencing effects, +2 bonus
on Escape Artist checks

Iron Will, Slippery

compulsion effects



Equipment value restriction Gain bonuses for discarding

valuable items


Wis 11

Gain sanctuary 3/day

Punish the Oppressor Wis 11, Harmless, characterReflect damage back on your
level 9th
Helping Hand

Heal 6 ranks, base Will save+1 on Heal checks, +1 to

bonus +3
caster level for healing spells
and class abilities

Bear the Burden

Helping Hand, ImprovedGain ability to take damage in

Initiative, Heal 6 ranks, allplace of another person
base saves +4 bonus

Intrinsic Value

Wis 13, Eschew Materials




Return of Favors

People must honor their debts


Cha 15, Return of Favors,Ability to cast lesser geas on

Control 3 ranks, characterthose who make a promise
level 6th


Cha 17, Oathbinder, ReturnAbility to cast geas on those

of Favors, Control 6 ranks,who willingly make a promise
character level 9th



Gain dreams of divination

Illusion Perception

against illusions

Power of Denial
Greater Power of


Illusion Perception, ControlBecome incorporeal

6 ranks
an object


Imagine things into being

Base Will save +8 bonus,Things imagines
The Power of Imagination powerful.




ExtraordinaryGain the Scent extraordinary
Sense (Olfactory)

Broad Experiences

Gain bardic knowledge.

Extraordinary Sense

Pick a sense. One of your

supernatural level

Empathic Awareness Alertness,

ExtraordinaryGain ability to read auras
Sense for two senses
Empathic Insight

EmpathicGain modified vision as a spellAwareness,
Extraordinarylike ability
Sense for two senses

Exceptional Immunity Con

Alertness,Ability damage from diseases
Extraordinary Sense (Taste),and poisons is reduced by 3
Craft (Alchemy) 6 ranks



ExtraordinaryGain a minor form of x-ray
Sense (Ocular), Spot 15vision

Sensorium Scholar

Must have gone throughMake untrained Knowledge

every sensation available atchecks, gain a +1 bonus to
a sensorium
Knowledge checks


Communal Experience Sensorium

Scholar,Gain insight bonus from the
character level 9th
memories of other people
Sensory Touch

Gain ability to transfer some of

your own wellbeing to another

Eye for Injustice

Can tell if someone has

committed a crime recently

Killing Blow

Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack

Kill Count

Str 13, Cleave, Killing Blow, Gain combat bonuses by killing

Power Attack

Love Thy Weapon

Str 13, Cha 13, PowerGain greater magic weapon

Attack, Weapon Focus, base3/day
attack bonus +8

Natural Alpha

Str 13, Cha 13

Brawn over Brains

Str 13, Cha 13, GreatUse base Fortitude in place of

Fortitude, Natural Alpha,base Will for mind-influencing
base Fortitude save +4
effects of certain level

For Justice

Str 13, Cha 13, Eye for Make attack that deals double
Injustice, Natural Alpha,damage against a criminal;
base attack bonus +6
you take half damage


Spell Focus (Transmutation) +2



Use your extra cleave attack

on your existing target.

Add Str modifier to Intimidate

checks and some Diplomacy


MartialInt 15, Weapon Focus, baseLeave wounds that continue to

attack bonus +6




Spell Focus (Enchantment) +2 bonus on save DCs against

compulsion spells

Helping Hand

Heal 6 ranks, base Will save+1 on Heal checks, +1 to

bonus +3
caster level for healing spells
and class abilities

Joint Operation

Combat Expertise,
attack bonus +6

Know the Guilty Heart Sense Motive 12 ranks

baseBypass abilities that prevent

flanking and retain Dexterity
bonuses to AC
Gain ability




Merciful Strike

baseunconscious instantly with a
attack bonus +8, smitesmite attack

Purity of Form

Great Fortitude, any good+2 bonus against the special

abilities of undead; cannot be
made undead

Purity of Spirit


Unit Tactics

Base attack bonus +3


good+2 bonus against the special

abilities of evil outsiders and
evil spells
Gain combat bonuses when
threatening an opponent with
allies that have this feat

Cadence Whispers

Receive insightful instructions

Walk the PredefinedCadence

Whispers,Gain find the path once a week
character level 9th
Cipher Trance

Concentration 2 ranks

Gain one trance use a day;

trance gives you +4 Dexterity

Trance,Gain a +10 bonus to initiative
Concentration 2 ranks
roll by using one trance use

Cadence Strike

CombatOne attack becomes a critical
Reflexes, Concentration 5threat by using one trance use



ranks, base attack bonus


Trance,Trances last an additional 5
Concentration 2 ranks

Extra Cipher Trance


Concentration 2 ranks




CipherWis 13, Cipher Trance,Gain additional trance use;

Reflexes,trance also gives you +4 Wis
Concentration 7 ranks
and Cha

Greater Cipher Trance Wis 17, Cipher Trance,Gain additional trance use;
Combat Reflexes, Improvedtrance bonuses increase to +6
Concentration 10 ranks,Charisma
permission from the DM
Master of the Heart

Base attack bonus of +2

Gain initiative,



Master of the Mind

Master of the Heart, BaseGain initiative, and permanent

attack bonus of +6
action trace.

Master of the Spirit

Master of the Mind, must beGain initiative, +2 to Will saves and

Factol of the Transcendent Order. permanent action trace

Renewed Faith

Access to a domain

Retain clerical casting abilities

while rejecting your deity

Chaos Infused

Any chaotic alignment

Make it more difficult to

identify and counterspell your

Instant Chaos

CombatQuicken a chaotic spell without
Casting, Quicken Spell, anypreparation once a day
chaotic alignment

Divert Pattern

Cha 13

Disruptive Aura

Cha 15, Divert Pattern,Disrupt the actions of those

character level 9th
around you with your presence

Divert Attack

Dex 13, Cha 13, DivertRedirect the attack of an

Pattern, Dodge, characteropponent you are dodging to


Gain random action 3/day


level 6th
Great Finder
Induce Chaos
Riot Leader

hit someone else

increased search area



Able to find valuable objects in

the most unlikely of areas
Gain random action 1/day

Leadership, Bluff 7 ranks,You can stir up a riot for a short

ranks,period of time
nonlawful alignment


Scramblespeak gives a bonus

to innuendo

Unlikely Event

19-20 are treated as automatic

success, 1-2 are treated as
automatic failure

Action without Thought [General, Faction-Dependent]

Youve learned to react instantly, moving thought into action almost immediately.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order. Cipher Trance, Concentration 2 ranks.
Benefit: You may expend one of your trance uses for the day to gain a +10 bonus on a single roll for
initiative. This stacks with other initiative bonus such as from Improved Initiative.

Addled Mind [General, Regional, Faction-Dependent]

Your natural insanity inhibits additional clouding of your mind, as your madness provides a more
compelling distraction.
Region: Pandemonium.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal. Insanity 1.
Benefit: You may always use your Insanity score as a bonus to your Wisdom rather than a penalty for
the purposes of making Will saves.
Normal: Your Insanity score is normally subtracted from your Wisdom for purposes of Will saving

Already Mad [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Bleak Cabal are all somewhat insane themselves, and so are immune to madness effects.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal.


Benefit: You are immune to all spells or effects that cause madness or confusion, such as Confusion,
Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Otto's Irresistible Dance, and Feeblemind.


Anarchist Craftsman [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are adept at creating nasty surprises, and know how to get the most for your money.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League. Craft (Alchemy) 5 ranks, Craft (trapmaking) 5
Benefit: When creating acids, poisons, or traps, you pay one-sixth the items price in raw materials,
rather than the usual one-third.

Annihilation Spell [Metamagic, Faction-Dependent]

Your magic uses Sinker knowledge of pure annihilation to enhance its destructive power, causing fault
lines of disintegration to accompany the normal devastation of a given spell.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard. Any two other metamagic feats.
Benefit: This may only be used with a spell that targets a single creature and deals damage. If that
spell successfully deals damage the target also suffers a penalty to Constitution equal to the level of
the spell. A successful Fortitude save (DC equal to the original spells DC) halves the Constitution
damage (minimum 1). If the targets Constitution is reduced to 0, the target is reduced to dust as the
disintegration spell. Against inanimate objects or objects with no Constitution score the Constitution
damage is simply added as additional damage. An annihilation spell uses up a spell slot three levels
higher than the spells actual level.

Apathy [General, Faction-Dependent]

Bleakers don't believe that anything really matters, and because of that believe things do matter less
to them.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal
Benefit: You gain damage reduction of X/-, where X is one plus their character level divided by five.
This does not stack with any other form of damage reduction, though the Bleaker may use the better

Ascetic [General, Faction-Dependent]

By forsaking dependence on material possessions you have found a freedom few could understand. By
putting faith in one of the main tenets of the Ring-Givers you are able to rely on fate to carry you
Prerequisite: Membership in the Ring givers. Equipment value restriction (see below).
Benefit: As long as no one item in your possession is worth more one-tenth the starting equipment
value for your ECL (as described in Table 5-1 in the Dungeon Masters Guide pg. 135), you have a pool
of luck points equal to twice your ECL to spend as you wish each day. Each luck point equals a +1 luck
bonus that can be spent on any roll. You must declare your luck point use before you roll, and you can
only spend as many points as half your ECL (rounded up) on one roll at a time. If you ever have an item
in your possession exceeding your allowed limit, you lose your luck points until you discard the item. If


you make use of such an item, such as wearing expensive armor or attacking with an expensive
weapon, you lose use of your luck points for 24 hours after discarding the item.


Assemble Pattern [General, Faction-Dependent]

Everything has a system - a pattern - of Orders it abides by. By understanding groups of small Orders
youve managed to combine bits of arcane and mundane training to create an object out of thin air.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order. Int 15, Intuit Pattern, Knowledge (arcana) 6
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability minor creation 3/day as a wizard of your character level.
Special: If you have Int 17 and Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, you gain the spell-like ability major
creation instead of minor creation.

Authority [General, Faction-Dependent]

The authority put forth by your faction has become an almost supernatural ability to bellow a
command and see it immediately obeyed.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium. Cha 11, Intimidate 3 ranks.
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability command once a day as a cleric of your character level. The
spell DC is Charisma-based.
Special: If you have Cha 15 and Intimidate 6 ranks, you gain the spell-like ability greater command
instead of command.

Bear the Burden [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are a truly rare breed, one willing to take the burdens of others onto yourself, believing that doing
so is in the best interests of everyone in the end.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Ring Givers. Helping Hand, Improved Initiative, Heal 6 ranks, base
Fort save +4 bonus, base Reflex save +4 bonus, base Will save +4 bonus.
Benefit: You can take a standard action before or after your normal initiative (losing your next action)
to take the damage that another is about to receive and have the effects applied to yourself instead.
This includes ability drain damage and negative level damage. You must be within 10 ft. of the targeted
creature, and you must choose to use this ability before any dice are rolled to determine its success.
You are automatically hit by the attack and cannot resist the effect by any means. You must be aware
of the attack or spell to intercept it.
Blasphemous Presence [General,


By taking a stand and voicing your disdain for the powers you are capable of undermining the devotion
of divine servants.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar. Cha 15, Condemnation.
Benefit: By making a successful Intimidate check as a full round action you force any characters within
30 feet that receive power from a deity to focus on you instead of their spells. Targets that fail a Sense
Motive check against the DC of your Intimidate check must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell


level + your Charisma modifier) to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability. You may continue this
distraction for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier, during which you can attack
and move normally but may not cast spells or activate magical items. This is a supernatural ability
usable once per day.


Bloodhound [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your sense of smell is far more potent than is normal for your race, and is on par with the best of
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation. Alertness, Extraordinary Sense (Olfactory).
Benefit: You gain the Scent ability, as described in the Dungeon Masters Guide.

Bookworm [General, Faction-Dependent]

Through extended training, practice, and many nights poring over books and scrolls by candlelight,
youve developed quite a skill for speed reading and putting principles together.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order. Int 15, Minor Loophole, base Will save +3 bonus.
Benefit: The research time required to discover new loopholes or to develop new spells is reduced to
the normal time.

Borrow Style [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

Youve been able to take care of yourself by adapting various techniques quickly. You may imitate the
combat styles of others for a short time.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated. Int 15, Alertness, base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: By studying a target in combat, once a day you may make use of one feat that the target uses.
You may take other actions while studying your target, so long as your attention remains on the target
as the feat is used. The duplicated feat must be one that fighters may choose as a bonus feat, and you
must choose to adapt the technique as it is performed. You need not meet the Prerequisite of the feat
and may use it until the end of combat. This ability cannot mimic epic feats.
Note: You can only borrow styles that involve distinct and visible combat techniques. For example,
while you could borrow the Expertise, Dodge, and Improved Trip feats, you could not borrow the
Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, or Weapon Focus feats.

Branding [General, Faction-Dependent]

Unfortunately it is often not possible to make others see the wisdom of the Harmonium way, and it is
not always appropriate or possible to kill someone outright. The Hardheads are persistent, however,
and you are trained in alternative means to punish criminals.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium. Cha 11, Authority, Control 6 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks,
any lawful alignment.
Benefit: Upon taking this feat select one of the brands listed below. Placing a brand on a target
requires a touch attack as a standard action and may require an extended amount of concentration, as
noted below. The target may resist the branding with a Will save (DC 10 + character level + Charisma
modifier). Once placed, the symbol crackles with energy for a moment and then settles to a steady


glow that can be seen through most clothing. It is about the size of a palm and is not written in any
known language. Read magic reveals the crime committed to earn the mark and in some cases how the
target can make amends in order to remove the brand. The brand is otherwise permanent and can only
be removed by the one who placed it or through powerful magic such as limited wish, miracle, or wish.
Spells such as disguise self and shapechange cannot hide the brand, but invisibility will. This is a
supernatural ability usable once per day. You may have a number of runes active equal to your
Charisma modifier.


Brand of Remorse: This brand can only be placed on evil creatures. Once a brand of remorse is placed,
the DM secretly rolls a d6. That many rounds later the brand appears wherever the target was touched
and the target is overcome with intense and painful visions, experiencing everything that their victims
have. Though not helpless, the target has a 50% chance each round to not perform any intended actions
aside from moving as the pain blots out anything else. Even if able to act, the target must make a
Concentration check against DC 20 (plus spell level, if applicable) to perform anything that requires
focus. The effect lasts for one minute per four character levels. Afterwards, the target is permanently
shaken until the brand is removed. Should the target ever commit a blatantly evil act the visions return
as before.
Brand of Tracking: By placing this mark on a target, you gain the ability to find them wherever they are
with a standard action as the spell locate person except there is no range limit so long as the target is
on the same plane of existence. Even should they escape to a different plane the branding will lead
you to the last area they were in.
Brand of Warning: By focusing for ten minutes you can imprint a symbol of warning on the forehead of
a target that you believe has committed an unethical deed. Though the brand does not cause any
direct harm, it tends to make the targets life miserable. Lawful creatures instinctively realize the
target is untrustworthy, and their attitudes move one step closer to
Hostile. Nonlawful creatures feel uneasy around the target, as if they will be punished for mere
association. The target suffers a -10 penalty to Charisma-based skill checks targetting lawful creatures
and -5 penalty towards nonlawful creatures. The symbol must be seen to have any effect, but the
difficulty to hide it ensues that it serves its function.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each additional time you take this feat, you learn a
different brand symbol.

Brawn over Brains [General, Faction-Dependent]

Strength and power are the true measurements of ones position in the multiverse, and you dont
believe some bookworm mage can ever pose a threat to your superiority.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers. Str 13, Cha 13, Great Fortitude, Natural Alpha, base
Fortitude save +4.
Benefit: Whenever a mind-influencing spell or spell-like effect targets you and your Strength modifier
is equal to or greater than the level of the spell, you may use your base Fortitude save bonus in place
of your base Will save bonus. You still apply Will save modifiers normally

Breath of Dust [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Dustmen and Doomguard have learned to survive on the planes so close to death and entropy
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard or Dustmen, or is native to an Inner Plane


Benefit: The character can breathe normally on any Negative Quasi-Elemental Plane, or in ash, dust,
salt (not including salt water) or vacuum found elsewhere. This does not confer the ability to move,
resist damage, find sustenance, etc.


Broad Experiences [General, Faction-Dependent]

In their quest to experience everything, Sensates often learn at least a little bit on a broad range of
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation
Benefit: You may use the Bardic Knowledge ability as if you were a bard of half your level. If you
already have the bardic knowledge ability, you gain a +4 bonus to it.

Cadence Strike [General, Faction-Dependent, Fighter]

Knowing the perfect action for a given moment can give terrific clarity in life-and-death situations,
allowing one to strike in the precise location necessary to inflict grievous harm.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order. Cipher Trance, Combat Reflexes, Concentration 5
ranks, base attack bonus +5.
Benefit: You may expend one of your trance uses for the day to make a cadence strike as part of a
single attack before the attack is rolled. If the attack hits, it is automatically considered a critical

Cadence Whispers [General, Faction-Dependent]

To be a member of the Transcendent Order is to open oneself up to the grand design of the multiverse.
While the method and extent to which Ciphers do so varies, those that surrender themselves to the
Cadence of the Planes are rarely without knowledge of the best course of action to pursue.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order.
Benefit: Upon taking this feat choose a number between 1 and 20 to represent the difficulty check of
this ability. A number of times a day equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) you may attempt to
gain some insight into the course of action the Cadence of the Planes requires you to take. As a free
action roll a d20 against the chosen DC; if the roll succeeds you gain a one sentence hint indicating
what you should do next. While a success does not reveal secret information, it should be enough to
provide a push in the right direction. Shemeska the Marauder may have relevant information and
You should make sure theres nothing hidden behind that dresser are both viable instructions.
This insight comes at a price, however. If your roll succeeded, the DM secretly rolls a d20 against the
same DC, with each success adding one point to your debt to the multiverse. Every time you
accumulate five points the DM may at any time place a geas upon you requiring that you perform some
minor task which you recognize to be required by the Cadence of the Planes. Such tasks should be
compensatory to the hints you receive from this ability, and will rarely require much in the way of
travel or danger. This geas cannot be removed by any means, but any true Cipher would willingly
accept their place in the Cadence anyway.

Chaos Infused [General, Wizard, Faction-Dependent]

Chaos touches every aspect of your work, changing the way you think and practice magic, and straining
the ability of other spellcasters to identify and counter your spells.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects. Any chaotic alignment.

Benefit: The DC to identify or counter any of your spells with dispel magic increases by +4. Even
normal attempts at counterspelling you now require a caster level check (DC 11 + your caster level).
Your spells tend to become wilder and more extravagant in their manifestation.


Cipher Trance [General, Faction-Dependent]

Able to enter into trance states, a Cipher can abandon thought in favor of action, gaining improved
coordination and reaction time. A Cipher that has reached this level is known as a Master of the Heart.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order. Concentration 2 ranks.
Benefit: You gain the ability to enter a trance once a day as a free action. You gain +4 to Dexterity for
the duration of the trance. The trance lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier
(minimum 1). While in a trance, you may not use the delay or ready actions. You may not activate a
trance state while in a rage, ki frenzy, or similar state, and vice versa. When a trance ends, you are
dazed for a round.

Cleanse Impurity [General, Faction-Dependent]

All Seekers must be at their best if they are to face every challenge before them, and thus it is a
necessity to wipe away any damage done to body or soul that could hamper your quest. You have
learned to use some of your inner divinity to do just that.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Minds Eye or Believers of the Source. Wis 15, Harness Divinity.
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability restoration usable on yourself once a day as a cleric of your
character level.

Command [General, Faction-Dependent]

Hardheads are trained to magically enhance their voices so that others obey.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium
Benefit: You may use command as a Cleric of the same level once per day for every four levels you
possess plus one.

Commanding Spellcasting [General, Wizard, Faction-Dependent]

You enhance your compulsion spells with the strength of true authority.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium or Sons of Mercy. Spell Focus (Enchantment).
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against spells with the compulsion type. This bonus
stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.

Communal Experience [General, Faction-Dependent]

Sensates who have made frequent use of the sensoriums often feel as if theyre undergoing the same
experience again. In reality, theyre channeling remnants of other lives that may not have been
specifically recorded yet were left within the sensoriums an unusual source of insight into the
multiverse to be sure.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation. Sensorium Scholar, character level 9 th.
Benefit: Once per day you may make an appropriate Knowledge check against DC 25 to gain some
hidden insight on a particular subject. If successful, you gain an insight bonus to ability and skill checks
when interacting with the subject of the check for the remainder of the day. The bonus gained depends
on how general the subject is; if the check was for a race or plane the bonus is +1, if the check was for
a subrace, a layer of a plane, or an organization, the bonus is +2, and if the check was for a realm or
specific person of status, the bonus is +3.


Complete the Cycle [General, Faction-Dependent]

Many Seekers are loath to allow their quest to be ended prematurely, particularly if they believe they
still have lessons to learn from this life. Through their understanding of the cycle of the planes many
find ways to manipulate the natural order so they will have a chance to finish their task. Arguments
still rage over the ethics of this procedure and whether the reincarnated individual is really not just a
new life robbed of its own fate.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Minds Eye or Believers of the Source. Control 6 ranks, Knowledge (the
planes) 6 ranks.
Benefit: Upon death, you may choose to be reincarnated, as per the 4th level druid spell. One hour
after your death, you are reborn at a random location on a plane of your choice where your new race is
considered native. This plane becomes your new home plane. When rolling to determine your new form
you may raise or lower the result by up to 10%, though you may only return as a humanoid or monstrous
humanoid. Any feats or other abilities dependent on your home plane or race may cease to function as
a result of your change in race and home plane. You must choose whether to use this power
immediately after dying, though if a raise dead or similar effect is used on you before the hour has
expired you are raised normally.
Special: This feat will only work once, but may be taken multiple times, providing one extra
reincarnation for every time it is taken. The DM has the final say on what races are acceptable for this

Condemnation [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your defiance of the gods themselves invokes anger and fear in others.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar.
Benefit: By shouting taunts and derisive comments at someone who receives power from a deity you
distract them from their duties. If you succeed with an Intimidate check with a +4 bonus opposed by
the targets Sense Motive check, you impose a -4 penalty to the Concentration, Control, Listen, Sense
Motive, Spot, and Planar Expertise checks of the target while the ranting continues. You may take other
actions while speaking, though you may not cast spells with verbal components or use any other
abilities that require speech.

Confidant [General, Faction-Dependent]

Though the Revolutionary League has gained a reputation for impressive acts of espionage, none of the
other factions, or even the majority of Anarchists, have the faintest idea how far the elite infiltrators
have evolved their skills. Through secret training and bizarre initiation ceremonies, a select few are
taught how to deceive the minds of others into trusting them without need of tools or spell. This is
commonly used to prompt targets into revealing their most intimate secrets while leaving the
Confidant free of blame.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League. Infiltrator, Bluff 18 ranks, Disguise 12 ranks,
Knowledge (factions and guilds) 12 ranks, instruction by someone with this feat.


Benefit: As a full-round action choose a creature within line of sight who has not noticed you and make
a Disguise check (DC 20 + targets base Will save). Within seconds and without supplies you become
convincingly disguised in the mind of the target as someone they know and trust, either a good friend
or a respected authority figure. So long as you maintain the faade the creature will react to you as if
affected by charm monster (creatures that would not be affected by charm monster do not see through
your deception and still treat you favorably, if not as much). Everyone else in the area continues to
perceive you as normal unless you use some other means to alter your appearance. The target
unconsciously overlooks anything within reason that you say or do out of character, though use of spells
or abilities that bypass illusions require a new Disguise check for the effect to be maintained. This is a
supernatural ability that can only be used on one person at a time.

Contacts in the Grand Bazaar [General, Faction-Dependent]

You have friends in the Grand Bazaar, and can find most anything you need at a reduced price
Prerequisite: Membership in the Free League
Benefit: When buying items in the Grand Bazaar, you get a 10% discount.

Counter-Indoctrinate [General, Faction-Dependent]

Sometimes the best way to get your creed out on the planes is to convince someone else theyre
wrong. Easier said than done, of course, yet some individuals choose to make an art of such
persuading. Whether through daily debates of philosophy, propaganda, or plain old brainwashing, you
know how to get your point through the thickest head.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar or Free League or Revolutionary League. Diplomacy 9 ranks,
Knowledge (factions and guilds) or Knowledge (religion) 9 ranks.
Benefit: This feat can be used to convince someone to leave their faction or guild, or to abandon their
current religion, depending on which prerequisites you meet. Each day, after spending at least an hour
speaking with the target creature about philosophy (and how their organization is flawed), make a
Diplomacy check. The target opposes this roll with the appropriate Knowledge check, adding their
character level as a bonus. Each consecutive day the creature fails the check they become less
convinced of the truth as proclaimed by their faction or religion, until after failing five checks in a row
they reach the point where they will abandon their current affiliation without some significant event to
change their mind. If the creature succeeds five consecutive times, they become immune to the
effects of this feat for at least a year.
Special: Players should probably role-play some of these discussions during out of game time, and the
DM may give up to a +4 bonus to the players Diplomacy check based on the merits of their arguments.
Naturally, characters are not required to have this feat to discuss faction politics or even to dissuade
faction members from their current beliefs. Rather, this feat illustrates special training and
consideration for effective arguments that make it much more likely for these arguments to succeed. If
the DM wants to use this system without requiring a feat be taken, provide a large penalty to anyone
who does not possess this feat or make it impossible to convince certain individuals.

Cumulative Life Experience [General, Faction-Dependent]

Many Godsmen believe that your intuition is the sum of the lessons you have learned in previous lives.


Prerequisite: Membership in Believers of the Source

Benefits: Membership in the Believers of the Source. A number of times per day equal to your wisdom
modifier, you may add a +2 bonus to any one skill check. This bonus represents the intuition you ve
gained from past lives. You must choose to use this feat before the roll is made.


Dead Inside [General, Faction-Dependent]

By letting go of emotions, the Dead believe that they can achieve True Death
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to saves vs. fear and emotion affecting effects.

Dead Truce [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Dustmen have a pact with the undead that prevents unprovoked hostility by either side. When
individual Dustmen learn to take advantage of that pact, they can pass among the undead unmolested.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen.
Benefit: Mindless undead, those without an Intelligence ability score, will not attack you. They
recognize you as one of their own and ignore you. If you attack them, however, they will react
appropriately. This protection only applies to you, not to any companions that are with you. This pact
ends if the Dustman ever willfully attacks an undead creature or aids those the undead are attacking.
Free-willed undead, such as vampires, have their reactions shifted one step towards friendly. The Dead
Truce also allows a Dustman to, once per day, rebuke undead as an evil cleric of the same level.

Deal Maker [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are well accomplished in getting what you want for a reasonable price through the art of haggling.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated or Free League.
Benefit: With a successful Diplomacy check opposed by a target merchants Sense Motive check, you
can convince the merchant to give you a discount on the purchase of a single item. The base discount is
5% plus an additional 5% per 4 points your check exceeds the targets check to a maximum of 25%.
Retries are not allowed for the same purchase. You may only use this ability for one item per merchant
per day.

Death Focus [General, Faction-Dependent]

Not always willing to let the living remain so, many Dustmen spellcasters concentrate on spells of
death, which greatly furthers the fear and disdain outsiders hold for them.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen. Spell Focus (Necromancy).
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against spells with the death descriptor. This bonus
stacks with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.

Deathsense [General, Faction-Dependent]

Dustmen, so close to death themselves, know how to recognize it in others.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen, or is undead or a petitioner

Benefit: The character can use Deathwatch (as the spell, cast as a sorcerer of thecaster's character
level) three times per day.


Deathspeak [General, Faction-Dependent]

Through their devotion to Death as a force, the Dustmen can speak with a body even after his soul is
Prerequisite: Deathsense feat, or is undead or a petitioner
Benefit: The character can Speak With Dead (as the spell, cast as a sorcerer of the caster's character
level) three times per day.

Death Touch [General, Faction-Dependent]

Dustmen endeavor to learn the secrets of Death... and to pass them on to others.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen, Spell Focus (necromancy)
Benefit: You may use Death Touch once per day as a Cleric of the same level. This effect is identical to
the Death domain ability in every way. If a Dustman has access to the Death domain, then he gains it
twice (essentially, he may use it twice per day).

Death Wish [General, Faction-Dependent]

Truly exemplifying a disdain for life, a few Dustmen seem to appreciate (as much as they appreciate
anything) making victims bring about their own death prematurely.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen. Death Focus, Spell Focus (Necromancy).
Benefit: You may command an individual you have placed under a compulsion effect to perform a selfdestructive action. The subject gets another Will save to resist the command at the same DC as the
effect. If the target fails the second save, the action is carried out, regardless of its self-destructive
nature. Each time the target fails to kill them self somehow, such as surviving an incredibly high fall,
they gain an additional save if the duration of the effect has not expired.
Normal: A creature under most compulsion effects will not carry out an obviously self-destructive

Deception [General, Faction-Dependent]

Anarchists are skilled with those abilities that allow them to infiltrate other factions.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Bluff, Disguise, Forgery, and Innuendo. In addition, you may choose one
to always be a class skill for you.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time you do, choose another skill to become a
class skill for you.


Deny Edict [General, Faction-Dependent]


You refuse to bow to the will of others.

Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar, Free League, or Revolutionary League. Iron Will, Slippery.
Benefit: You are immune to compulsion effects unless the caster level is four levels higher than your
character level.

Descend the Chain [General, Faction-Dependent]

With enough understanding of their own position on the road to divinity, some Seekers develop the
ability to temporarily shift to another state of being. The faction is currently divided on the use of this
power; those who practice it argue that by becoming a lower life form they can appreciate aspects of
this stage of existence they otherwise would not, while its opponents argue that by embracing descent
they distract themselves from the lessons of this life.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Minds Eye or Believers of the Source. Wis 19, Cleanse Impurity,
Harness Divinity, Sacred Form, Control 15 ranks.
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability shapechange once a day as a sorcerer of half your character
level. Unlike the spell there is no duration; instead, changing form requires a Control check (DC 15 +
HD of the creature) and upon changing form you suffer 1d6 points of temporary Wisdom damage. Every
two rounds afterwards you take an additional 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom damage until you
resume your normal form or drop to 0 Wisdom, at which point the effect ends. Creatures typically
immune to ability damage still suffer the damage when using this ability. For creatures such as undead
that don't heal damage naturally, magical restoration may be necessary to remove the ability damage.

Destruction Embraced [General, Faction-Dependent]

Many members of the Doomguard opt to deny magical healing, choosing not to stave off their own
internal entropy. Some even believe that they gain some sort of karma by doing so, and manage to
avoid additional entropy. Those who heal themselves on a regular basis only invite entropy to grind
harder against them, much like building a sandcastle against the waves.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard.
Benefit: You gain a luck bonus equal to 1 + 1 per four character levels to add to saving throws and
Armor Class, but you must resist any healing spell or effect cast upon you, attempting a saving throw
and using spell resistance if possible. In addition, you may not cast spells with the healing descriptor or
use magic items for healing or you lose this feat for a week afterwards.

Detached [General, Faction-Dependent]

Some Bleakers seem to think if they don't care as much, the universe won't hit them as hard.
Surprisingly enough, they're often right.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal. Wis 15.
Benefit: On any round you have chosen to perform no more than a single standard action (or have been
forced to due to a manic-state), you may add your Wisdom modifier as a luck bonus to all saving
throws for that round.


Dictate [General, Faction-Dependent]


Hardheads are trained to magically enhance their voices so that others obey.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium. Command, base will save of 5+, base attack bonus of 5+
Benefit: You may use Dictate as a Cleric of the same level once per day for every five levels you
possess plus one.

Disciple of the Foundry [General, Faction-Dependent]

At the Great Foundry, Godsmen spend countless hours working the forges.
Prerequisite: Membership in Believers of the Source
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all craft checks

Disenchant Factioneers [General, Faction-Dependent]

You know enough about the factions that you can find logical holes in their beliefs that will shake the
faith of all but the wisest members.
Faction: Free League.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Free League. Wis 17, Cha 17, Insult Factioneers, Surprise Factioneers,
Knowledge (factions and guilds) 12 ranks.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a Knowledge (factions and guilds) check (DC 30) to come
up with an apparent flaw in the philosophy behind one faction. Shouting the remark allows you to
disenchant any member of that faction within 60 feet that can hear you from their beliefs for a short
period. The targets may make a Will save (DC 10 + character level + Wisdom modifier) to resist the
effect. The effect lasts for 1d6 + Charisma modifier rounds, during which time they cannot use any
faction-dependent feats or class abilities. You may use this ability once an hour and the same target
can only be affected by it once a day.

Disruptive Aura [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are a conduit for chaos itself, and those around you who do not welcome randomness find it
difficult to utilize their memories and training. This phenomenon manifests as an overall sense of
uneasiness and an inability to keep ones mind from wandering. While those affected may not initially
recognize the source of the disturbance, or even that theyre being interfered with, they eventually
come to instinctively feel repulsed by the Xaositect responsible.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects. Cha 15, Divert Pattern, character level 9 th.
Benefit: Once a day as a standard action, you are able to emit an aura capable of disrupting the
thoughts and actions of those near you. Anyone within 10 feet of you suffers a -1 competence penalty
to skill checks for every two points of your Charisma modifier and must make a Concentration check to
cast a spell (DC 10 + spell level). This ability lasts one minute, though it may be extended indefinitely
if you choose to maintain the effect through concentration (which requires a standard action each
round). Other Xaositects and chaotic outsiders are immune to this effect.


Divert Attack [General, Faction-Dependent]


Some wily Chaosmen learn to disrupt the patterns of combat training, fooling somebody into making a
major mistake or into accidentally striking a friend.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects. Dex 13, Cha 13, Divert Pattern, Dodge, character level 6 th.
Benefit: Once per round if an attacker you have applied the Dodge feat to misses you with an attack,
you may redirect that attack to a target within 5 feet of you and within the attacker's reach. The
attacker must then reroll the attack against the new target, retaining the effects of any feats or
abilities applied to the initial attack. This is a supernatural ability.

Divert Pattern [General, Faction-Dependent]

You know how to sow chaos in others, briefly infecting them with raw randomness.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects. Cha 13.
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability random action 3/day as a cleric of your character level. Unlike
the spell, however, this is not a mind-affecting effect, and thus can affect undead, constructs, and
other creatures typically immune to the effect. This ability does not function against a target under
the effect of protection from chaos. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Divine Resistance [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Athar are resistant to most divine spells.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saves vs divine spells.

Dreamer [General, Faction-Dependent]

Many signers put much stock in dreams, which they believe portend the future, often because the mind
is unfettered by doubt, and can imagine whatever they wish into existence during dreams.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sign of One
Benefit: Your dreams are particularly portentous. Once per night, while you sleep you have a dream
that predicts the future, giving you the equivalent of a Divination spell. Alternately, if you are a
spellcaster, you may substitute any other Divination spell that you know, and gain the benefits of it
instead of the Divination spell. Additionally, the DM may choose to bestow upon you portentous dreams
whenever he sees fit.

Empathic Awareness [General, Faction-Dependent]

With experience many Sensates begin to perceive more than just their own feelings. Through an
extension of their natural senses, the most sensitive and empathetic are able to key in on the
impressions subconsciously expressed by others.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation. Alertness, Extraordinary Sense for two senses.
Benefit: By concentrating upon one creature you can begin to discern their aura. The manner that you
read the subjects aura depends on what extraordinary sense you possess; someone with an improved


tactile ability may need to touch the subject, while someone with an improved ocular ability could
gradually perceive the color of the subjects aura visually. Make a Wisdom check against DC 13 to
perceive the aura. The DC increases by 1 for every 5 ranks of Bluff the target possesses. If you fail the
roll at any time you cannot use this ability on the same target for the rest of the day. The amount of
information you glean depends on how long you focus on the subject.
1st Round:
2nd Round:
3rd Round:
4th Round:
5th Round:


The mental state of the subject; whether they are angry, sad, excited, joyous,
distracted, and so on. This cannot be used to reveal if someone is lying.
The cause of the subjects primary emotion; if its in the area, you know the
exact source though not the reason, otherwise you know something elsewhere
has the targets attention.
Whether the subject is good or evil.
Whether the subject is lawful or chaotic.
Whether the subject is suffering from some form of insanity or under the
effects of an enchantment or illusion spell or effect.

You cannot do anything else while concentrating, and if your contact with the subject is broken, the
effect ends. This is a supernatural ability.
Special: Sensates do not have absolute control over this ability, and it has been known to flare up on
its own at times, especially around creatures with intense emotions. For instance, a Sensate might
suddenly get a glimpse of a murderers aura after bumping into them, perhaps even learning of the
killers target! The DM determines if and when it activates on its own.

Empathic Insight [General, Faction-Dependent]

Ask any real Sensate and theyll tell you that to feel something is to truly know it. Those who have fully
extended their senses out to the multiverse find that the greatest of secrets are often waiting to be
told to those willing to experience them.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation. Alertness, Empathic Awareness, Extraordinary
Sense for two senses.
Benefit: You gain vision as a spell-like ability once a day as a sorcerer of your character level. Unlike
the normal spell, you may only use this ability on things that you have experienced with one of your
extraordinary senses, and the results often come as intense sensations and experiences rather cryptic
legends. There is no experience cost for this ability.

Entropic Blow [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

Most Sinkers learn sooner or later how to bring entropy to their enemies with a single blow, making
Doomguard members some of the most feared warriors in the multiverse.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard. Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: Once per day you can declare a single melee attack to be an entropic blow. If the attack hits
it inflicts 1d3 of temporary Constitution damage in addition to the normal damage. If the attack
misses, the ability is wasted. Against inanimate objects or creatures with no Constitution score the
blow simply inflicts additional damage. This is a supernatural ability.

Entropic Understanding [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

Everything has a weak point not that most bashers outside of the Doomguard have figured that out
yet. Many Sinkers realize this, though, and figure out how to hit even amorphous creatures effectively.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard. Int 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +5.
Benefit: Choose one creature type that is normally not subject to critical hits (such as constructs,
oozes, plants, or undead). You may now inflict critical hits on these types of creatures with your
attacks normally. This does not enable sneak attacks, favored enemy bonuses, or other abilities that
do not affect creatures not subject to critical hits.


Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, it applies to another type
of creature.

Evaluating the Outcome [General, Faction-Dependent]

While all Guvners agree there is a rule to determine every outcome, no one goes their life without
encountering a situation where something just didnt go as it should have. By recognizing these
anomalies, however, some Guvners are actually able to correct the results.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order. Int 15, Probability Manipulation, base Will save +5
Benefit: Upon observing the outcome of a single action, you can determine whether it should or should
not have succeeded based on the evidence at hand. Upon observing the act performed you must
immediately explain as a free action why it should or shouldnt have worked with some possible, if
improbable, explanation. You may then may add or subtract your Intelligence modifier from the check
after you know whether it was successful, thus possibly changing the result. You may only use this
ability once per minute. This is a supernatural ability usable three times per day.

Exceptional Immunity [General, Faction-Dependent]

During your ongoing quest for experiences, you have exposed yourself to several different harmful
substances, helping you build up a strong and robust immunity.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation. Con 13, Alertness, Extraordinary Sense (Taste),
Craft (Alchemy) 6 ranks.
Benefit: All ability damage caused by disease and poison that your character suffers is reduced by 3

Expanded Dead Truce [General, Faction-Dependent]

A few Dustmen have enough loyalty that they choose to take on additional responsibility by expanding
the terms of the Dead Truce to protect not just themselves, but their companions as well.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen. Dead Truce.
Benefit: You may expand the Dead Truce to a number of targets touched equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum 1) so long as they stay within 60 feet of you. You may withdraw the Dead Truce
from any of the targets as a free action on your turn. If you or any other characters under the
expanded truce initiate a hostile action against an undead creature, the truce is broken for all of you.

Expert Infiltration [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are an expert at infiltrating other factions
Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League


Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Bluff, Disguise, Forgery and Innuendo checks when trying to convince
someone you belong to a particular faction.


Extended Cipher Trance [General, Faction-Dependent]

Youve learned how to prolong your trances.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order. Cipher Trance, Concentration 2 ranks.
Benefit: Your trances last an additional 5 rounds.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each additional time you take this feat, your trances
last an additional 5 rounds.

Extra Cipher Trance [General, Faction-Dependent]

Youve learned how to draw upon the power of the Cadence several times a day.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order. Cipher Trance, Concentration 2 ranks.
Benefit: You gain two additional trance uses a day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each additional time you take this feat, you gain two
additional trance uses per day.

Extra Skills [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Fated believe in relying on their own skills, not others'.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated.
Benefit: You gain eight skill points that may be used to purchase any non-exclusive skill as a class skill.

Extraordinary Sense [General, Faction-Dependent]

For most Sensates, the normal range of sensory feelings just doesnt suffice. Through time, training,
and experience the Sensate learns to hone some of their senses into fine instruments that they can use
to better know the multiverse.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation. Alertness.
Benefit: Choose one of the following senses to be permanently enhanced: auditory, tactile, taste,
ocular, olfactory. Selecting auditory, ocular, or olfactory doubles the range and clarity with which you
can use that sense, while improving your tactile or gustatory ability refines those senses to an
unnatural degree. No matter what sense is chosen, you have unnatural precision when using it and you
are able to perform feats such as focus in on a conversation across a crowded bar room, recognize
someone by their unique smell, distinguish the individual components of a liquid, or read a parchment
by feeling the ink marks.
Though the complete capabilities of extraordinary senses are left up to the DM, the following benefits
are innate in addition to those listed above.




The miss chance granted to targets by concealment decreases by 20%.

You automatically detect traces of poison in anything you taste, though this
may be enough to suffer its effects and you do not necessarily know what type
of poison is present. In addition, you are able to identify a potion or other
substance with a Craft (Alchemy) roll without the use of alchemical equipment.
You gain a +2 to Search checks to find secret doors or nonmagical traps when
feeling around an area.
You can see four times farther than normal in shadowy illumination and twice
as well in normal light. If you did not already possess it, you also gain low-light
You gain a weaker version of the Scent ability. The ability is identical in all
respects except that the detection range is reduced to one-third its normal
range. Though you can track by smell, all attempts at tracking with this ability
suffer a 5 penalty. If you possess the Scent ability your detection range is
doubled and you gain a +5 bonus to tracking.


Special: You may take this feat multiple times, choosing an additional extraordinary sense each time.

Eye for Injustice [General, Faction-Dependent]

You have an uncanny ability to realize when someone has committed a crime.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers.
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) you may make a Sense
Motive check to determine if an individual has knowingly committed any crimes in the past 24 hours
(DC 10 + number of hours since the crime was committed). If the criminal is actively trying to hide
their crime from you, add their Wisdom modifier (if positive) to the DC. This check does not reveal the
exact crime, but it does reveal its magnitude, allowing you to differentiate between a petty thief and
a murder with some accuracy.

Faction-Free [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your sense of independence fuels your ability to resist bullying by faction members.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Free League.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against faction-dependent abilities.

Faithless Blessing [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your lack of belief in the position of deities makes it more difficult for divine magic to affect you.
Faction: Athar.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws vs. divine spells.

Faithless Miracle [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your denial of the powers is such that you can completely disregard divine magic.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar. Faithless Blessing, character level 6 th.


Benefit: You gain Spell Resistance 5 + your character level against divine magic. You cannot voluntarily
lower this spell resistance; even beneficial spells must overcome it.


Final Blow [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Dustmen believe that a body who dies should stay dead, and have developed techniques to that
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen.
Benefit: Once per week, a you may attempt a Final Blow as part of an attack. If the attack kills the
person you are attacking, that person may not be resurrected except through casting a Wish or Miracle
followed by a True Resurrection. You must state your intention to use a Final Blow before any dice are
rolled. Failure to kill the target still uses your Final Blow for the week. Regardless of whether the
attack is with spells, weapons, ect, a Final Blow is at least a full round action.

Finder [General, Regional, Faction-Dependent]

You have a talent for finding lost things, and picking the useful and notable out of a seeming mess.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects or Nathri.
Benefit: You gain a +2 luck bonus to Search checks and can search a 10'x10' area in one round.
Normal: It takes one round to search a 5'x'5' area.

For Justice [General, Faction-Dependent]

Calling upon the greatest principle in the multiverse, many Sodkillers are capable of making telling
blows against those who stand in the way of justice. Though they must endure great pain to achieve
this end, the satisfaction of destroying criminals is justification enough.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers. Str 13, Cha 13, Eye for Injustice, Natural Alpha, base
attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Once per day you may declare your next attack to be in the name of justice. If you know the
target is a criminal then by making yourself a conduit for the law's wrath you double the damage dealt
by your attack, including all bonuses, whether youre attacking with a weapon, casting a damaging
spell, or causing a house to fall on top of someone. This only applies to one target, even when used in
conjunction with an area effect. If the attack dealt damage to the intended criminal, you take damage
equal to the amount inflicted before being doubled. This damage cannot be resisted by any means.

Free Willed [General, Faction-Dependent]

Indeps value their freedom, and resent others telling them how to think.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Free League
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to saves vs. mind affecting spells and effects. Where a mind effecting
spell or effect normally does not allow a save, an Indep may attempt a save.


Grab Magic [General, Faction-Dependent]


The fact that most people are unable to steal magical effects from others only means that whoever
gains such an ability has every right to use it. Fortunately, your acceptance of this basic axiom has
given you a head start in developing this supernatural ability.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated. Sticky Fingers, Knowledge (arcana) 6 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks.
Benefit: By making a touch attack against a target creature, you may attempt to steal a spell effect
that is currently affecting the target, such as bulls strength or blur, so long as you have a Charisma
score high enough to cast a spell of that level. The target may resist with a Will save (DC 10 +
character level + Charisma modifier). If the save fails, the spell is transferred to you and the target is
no longer affected. If the target has several magical effects operating at once you may choose any one
of the spells that you are aware of. You can even take harmful effects if it suits you to do so, though
you may not make a saving throw to resist the spell and spell resistance does not apply. Instantaneous
and permanent effects, or those from geas/quest-like spells, cannot be stolen by this feat. This is a
supernatural ability.

Great Finder [General, Faction-Dependent]

You possess an intuitive knack that borders on the supernatural, finding potentially valuable lost
possessions when it may ordinarily seem impossible.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects or Nathri. Finder.
Benefit: Once a week you may spend an hour searching a public locale or wilderness region and happen
upon random treasure. The DM rolls on the table below to determine what type of treasure is found
and then rolls again on table 3-5 of the Dungeon Masters' Guide to see what you find (reroll any results
of nothing). The level of treasure found is considered equal to half your character level (rounded up)
and the exact item is determined by the DM. This may not be used in desolate areas, at the DM's
Roll (%)

Type of Treasure
Find Items
Find Goods
Find Coins

Greater Cipher Trance [General, Faction-Dependent]

While its not the final step of the Cipher path, few reach this exalted state, much less ascend beyond
it. Typically, the factol of the Ciphers is often the only member that has come this far, but occasionally
a few members have reached this point simultaneously. Those that attain this level are known as
Masters of the Spirit.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order. Wis 17, Cipher Trance, Combat Reflexes,
Improved Cipher Trance, Concentration 10 ranks, permission from the DM.
Benefit: As Improved Cipher Trance, except you gain a +6 to Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma as well
while in a trance state and you gain an additional trance use a day.

Greater Dead Truce [General, Faction-Dependent]

You have cultivated your relations with the dead and can enforce the terms of the Dead Truce not only
upon mindless undead, but upon intelligent undead as well. While not physically restrained from


harming you, intelligent undead feel a subconscious affinity for you because of your belief and respect
for death itself, and choose not to hurt you.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen. Dead Truce, character levels 6th.

Benefit: Intelligent undead will not take hostile actions or impede you in any way unless you make
some form of hostile action against the creatures interests, at the DMs discretion. Looting a mummy's
crypt, for example, would almost assuredly qualify as a hostile action even if you don't attack the
mummy itself. At the DM's option some particularly powerful intelligent undead may resist the Dead
Truce by making a Will save (DC 10 + character level + Charisma modifier).
Special: Greater Dead Truce can only be used with Expanded Dead Truce if the shared targets possess
the Dead Truce feat.

Greater Power of Imagination [General, Faction-Dependent]

Some signer's imaginations have become even more powerful.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sign of One. Base Will save of 8+, The Power of Imagination
Benefit: You may imagine spell of up to 9th level, though they still cannot be of a higher level than a
wizard, druid, or cleric of the same level could cast. However, when attempting to mimic spells higher
than 5th level, if you roll a natural 1, you have imagined yourself out of existence too well, and you
are instantly slain with no body remaining (therefore requiring a True Resurrection to be brought back).

Good With People [General, Faction-Dependent]

Godsmen see the divinity inherent in others, and interact with others well.
Prerequisite: Membership in Believers of the Source
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.

Hardheaded [General, Faction-Dependent]

For you, "hardhead" isn't just a nickname you dedication to order is such that even magical forces
cannot impair your judgment.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium. Iron Will, character level 6 th.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to saves vs. mind affecting spells and effects.

Harmless [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your meager demeanor makes others view you as inconsequential and unwilling to harm you.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Ring Givers. Wis 11.
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability sanctuary 3/day as a cleric of your character level. The save DC
is Wisdom-based.


Harness Divinity [General, Faction-Dependent]


In studying the doctrine of the Believers of Source you have come to recognize divine potential within
yourself, and have even begun to access your latent power. How you perceive it is up to you; many
view it as a spark of divine flame that can be channeled while others simply manifest their desires on
the multiverse through force of will.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Minds Eye or Believers of the Source. Wis 11.
Benefit: Choose either Cure Light Wounds or Inflict Light Wounds. You may cast the chosen spell once
per day for every four character levels you possess as a cleric of your character level. The save DC is

Heal the Dead [General, Faction-Dependent]

Dustmen learn to take care of their undead breathen.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen
Benefit: The character may heal an undead creature on touch three times per day, as though he had
cast inflict light wounds (only functions on undead creatures; as the spell, cast as a sorcerer of the
caster's character level).

Helping Hand [General, Faction-Dependent]

For whatever reasons, you have devoted your life to helping others in need. Your dedication and the
quality of your cause can be felt by all those you help.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal or Ring Givers or Sons of Mercy. Heal 6 ranks, base Will
save bonus +3.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Heal checks and cast spells of the healing subschool at +1 caster level.
In addition, your class level is considered to be one level higher for class abilities such as lay on hands
and wholeness of body.

Heretics Strike [General, Faction-Dependent, Fighter]

Your confidence in the flaws of the powers enables you to bypass whatever protections they use to
shelter their followers.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar. Condemnation, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Your attacks ignore deflection and enhancement bonuses to AC granted by divine spells such as
shield of faith, magic vestment, and holy aura.

Heretics Fury [General, Faction-Dependent, Fighter]

Your confidence in the flaws of the powers enables you to bypass whatever protections they use to
shelter their followers.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar. Condemnation, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Your attacks gain +1d6 against divine casters.


Hyperactive [General, Faction-Dependent]


Those that achieve the proper level of mania may be far from sane, but they can react with frightening
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal. Manic-Depressive, base Reflex save +4.
Benefit: Any day you are in a "manic state", you gain the benefits of haste for 10 rounds. These rounds
do not have to be consecutive. This is a supernatural ability that you may activate as a free action on
your turn.

Illusion Perception [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your belief that reality is merely a backdrop for lifes tests allows you to easily look beyond what your
senses perceive.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Minds Eye.
Benefit: You automatically get a Will save against illusions, whether you interact with them or not,
even if there is not normally a save granted. Also receive a +4 bonus against illusions.
Normal: Many illusionary effects require you to interact with the illusion or purposely attempt to
disbelieve the effect before receiving a save.

Imbue Equipment [General, Faction-Dependent]

You can imbue an item with a spark of your divinity, making it an extension of yourself and granting it
magical properties. Such weapons have strong mystical ties to their creators, and can be a bane or
blessing depending on who wields them.
Prerequisite: Believers of the Source. Skill Focus (Craft).
Benefit: You may create magical equipment that corresponds to your Skill Focus (Craft), such as Craft
(Armorsmithing) or Craft (Weaponsmithing), as if you had the appropriate item creation feat so long as
your character level equals the prerequisite spell caster level. You may use spell-like abilities or scrolls
(which are consumed in the process) to create specific enchantments. You do not need to be able to
activate the scrolls but must be able to read the magical script. This feat may only be used on items
that you yourself craft.

Improved Cipher Trance [General, Faction-Dependent]

Ciphers that advance farther along their path eventually gain guidance from their trance states,
hearing the pulse of the multiverse surrounding them. Those that attain this level are known as Masters
of the Mind.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order. Wis 13, Cipher Trance, Combat Reflexes,
Concentration 7 ranks.
Benefit: As Cipher Trance, except you also gain a +4 to Wisdom and +4 Charisma while in a trance state
and you gain an additional trance use per day.


Improved Entropic Blow [Fighter, General, Faction-Dependent]


The entropic blow, even with its devastating quality, can be refined further. Some have gone beyond
the simplest version of the technique, applying their own experience and knowledge to the strike.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard. Str 13, Power Attack, Entropic Blow, base attack bonus
Benefit: As per Entropic Blow, but you inflict 2d3 points of temporary Constitution damage in addition
to the normal damage. This ability supersedes the Entropic Blow feat.

Improved Sift [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your connection to the forces of entropy is so strong you can witness the events leading to a targets
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard. Sift.
Benefit: When using the Sift ability, you perceive the object's destruction as if you were there by
making a successful Wisdom check (DC 12 + one per month that has passed). If you succeed, you can
witness the events prior to the destruction of the object for one minute plus an additional minute for
every two points by which your check result exceeds the DC. If you wish to witness the destruction of
an object that occurred years or centuries ago, you must spend ten minutes concentrating on the
object and make a Wisdom check as before, except the DC increases by one per century that has
passed since the objects destruction. This is a supernatural ability.

Incorporate Madness [General, Faction-Dependent]

Some Bleakers learn special techniques to relieve others mentally, but at the cost of their own psyche.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal. Iron Will, Touched in the Head.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you may attempt to absorb a mind-influencing effect affecting
someone. You must touch the target and make a Will save against the effects original DC. If you make
the save you gain the effect as if it had targeted you originally with the remaining duration. The
original target is no longer affected by that mind-influencing effect. If the target is under multiple
effects, you absorb the most recent effect placed on the target. The benefits of Touched in the Head
do not apply to effects absorbed through this feat. At the DMs discretion, some effects may simply be
beyond your ability to absorb. This is a supernatural ability.

Induce Chaos [General, Faction-Dependent]

Xaositects are skilled at creating chaos in others.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects
Benefit: You may cast Random Action once per day as a sorcerer of the same level. You may do this an
additional time for each four levels you possess.

Infiltrator [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are able to flawlessly disguise yourself as a member of another faction or guild.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League. Bluff 5 ranks, Disguise 5 ranks, Knowledge
(factions and guilds) 5 ranks.


Benefit: You may convincingly pose as a member of another faction or guild. While so disguised, you
receive a +5 bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks to convince others you are a member. In addition, you
receive a Will save against any spell that would expose you, even if that spell does not normally allow a
save. Apply your Charisma modifier to this save, in addition to your Wisdom modifier like a typical Will

Influence New Form [General, Faction-Dependent]

Some Godsmen learn to control their new forms as they learn the secrets of the multiverse.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Believers of the Source. The Cycle of Testing
Benefit: When you roll for your new form during reincarnation, you may add or subtract five to the
result of the roll.

Insight of the Barmy [General, Faction-Dependent]

Every so often, while simply reflecting on the nature of something, you are led by your madness to
make astoundingly accurate conclusions.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal or regional Limbo, Pandemonium. Insanity 1, any chaotic
alignment, permission from the DM.
Benefit: Once per day you may focus your thoughts on one particular person, object, or event and gain
some hidden insight into its significance or purpose. Studying an individual might reveal that they are
not as they seem, perhaps under the effect of a spell to hide or alter their nature, or that they have a
hidden agenda in relation to recent events. Examining an object may reveal its significance to its
owner or how it can be activated. Considering a recent event could reveal any number of factors that
led up to event. You must make a Wisdom check (modified by your Insanity score) against DC 18. Each
additional point by which your check result exceeds the DC.

Instant Chaos [General, Faction-Dependent]

Throwing careful formula and long procedures to the wind, youve learned how to manifest chaos in
the blink of an eye.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects. Chaos Infused, Combat Casting, Quicken Spell, any chaotic
Benefit: You may use the Quicken Spell metamagic feat on one chaotic spell once a day without
preparing it ahead of time, using a higher level spell slot, or increasing the casting time.

Insult Factioneers [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your knowledge of the factions provides you with a brilliant repertoire of witty and insulting comments
that will get the attention of the most hardheaded faction member.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Free League. Wis 15, Cha 15, Surprise Factioneers, Knowledge
(factions and guilds) 9 ranks.


Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a Knowledge (factions and guilds) check (DC 25) to come
up with a very insulting comment to one faction. Shouting the insult allows you to enrage any member
of that faction within 60 feet that can hear you into attacking you on their initiative. The targets may
make a Will saves (DC 10 + 1/3 character level + Wisdom modifier) to resist the effect. Targets who fail
their save go into a frenzy and go out of their way to attack you to the best of their ability until you
have fled or are unconscious or dead. Spellcasters may still use spells to attack you, and this ability
will not prevent someone from running for their life or defending themselves. You may use this ability
once a minute, and the same target can only be affected by it once a day, though a target that makes
their save may still be affected by another use of the ability..


Intrinsic Value [General, Faction-Dependent]

You realize that the cost of a material does not determine its worth, and you can find value from even
the least expensive objects.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Ring Givers. Wis 13, Eschew Materials.
Benefit: You may replace costly spell components (those costing more than 1 gp) with similar objects
worth the price for your spells.

Intuit Pattern [General, Faction-Dependent]

Everything has a system - a pattern - of Orders it abides by. By understanding groups of small Orders,
youve learned how to decipher even the most esoteric languages.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order. Int 11.
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability comprehend languages at will as a sorcerer of your character

Joint Operation [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

Though on your own you may have difficulty with adversaries that are fleet of foot, your training with
fellow faction members makes it difficult to evade you when you are working as a team.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium or Sons of Mercy. Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you and another character threaten the same opponent from opposite borders or
corners, you are both considered to be flanking that opponent and the target loses any Dexterity bonus
to AC even if it has an ability that would typically deny prevent this, such as Uncanny Dodge or Hive

Justice Blow [General, Faction-Dependent]

Mercykillers can strike deadly blows in the name of justice
Prerequisite: Membership in the Mercykillers
Benefit: Once per day you may deliver a Justice Blow to an enemy. This attack must be announced
before any roll is made and is at least a full-round action. If the attack succeeds, damage is doubled as
if it were a critical hit with a weapon that dealt x2 damage. However, half the damage caused is also
dealt to the Mercykiller. Justice Blows deal no damage to those of Lawful alignment unless the
Mercykiller believes beyond a doubt that the person has broken a law or is convicted of such.


Kill Count [General, Faction-Dependent]


Most Sodkillers measure their own worth by their prowess in combat, finding inner power when they
defeat a worthy opponent.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers. Str 13, Cleave, Killing Blow, Power Attack.
Benefit: For every opponent on which you land a killing blow in combat with equal or higher Hit Dice
than you, you gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum
+1) for 24 hours or until you rest, whichever comes first.

Killing Blow [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

Unlike many misguided champions of order, you know that death is the only true arbitrator, and you
make sure your opponents are dead before they hit the ground.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers. Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack.
Benefit: When you gain an extra attack due to the Cleave or Great Cleave feats, you may apply it to
the same target you caused to drop with your last attack (typically by reducing it to 0 hit points),
striking it while its truly vulnerable rather than applying it to a different creature. The target is
considered prone, and if you kill it you gain an additional cleave attack if you have Great Cleave.
Normal: When using the Cleave or Great Cleave feat, you must target a different creature rather than
the one you just caused to drop.

Know Lies [General, Faction-Dependent]

To better determine how justice should be served, the Red Death has learned to know when someone is
Prerequisite: Membership in the Mercykillers
Benefit: Sense Motive is always a class skill for you, and you may cast Discern Lies against any question
once per day.

Know the Guilty Heart [General, Faction-Dependent]

Many Martyrs have kept the Mercykiller talent for discerning between truth and deception, and some
can literally hear the guilt buried in even the darkest of hearts.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sons of Mercy. Sense Motive 12 ranks.
Benefit: You gain the ability to hear guilty consciences in the words of others. If you succeed at a Sense
Motive check with a -5 penalty against a targets Bluff check you can hear whispers of the dark deeds
that weigh on their mind. The target doesnt actually say anything different; you merely hear the
underlying guilt as a soft voice while they speak. This ability only reveals the crimes that the subject
believes to be wrong; an extreme Anarchist would not necessarily reveal horrible acts committed as
part of the revolution because they believe them to be just acts, but most evil individuals would reveal
their crimes because they know them to be wrong and for whatever reason simply dont care.


Lightning Justice [General, Faction-Dependent]


The Mercykillers were fond of spells like shocking grasp and lightning bolt for dealing with criminals,
and the Sons of Mercy maintain the innovations the Mercykillers made with this type of magic.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sons of Mercy. Empower Spell, Spellcraft 10 ranks.
Benefit: Add +1 to the DC for all saving throws against spells that deal electricity damage. In addition,
you may use the Empower Spell metamagic feat on one spell with the electricity descriptor once a day
without preparing it ahead of time, using a higher level spell slot, or increasing the casting time.

Lockdown [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

Through your experience in capturing offenders against order, youve learned how to restrain
opponents in the blink of an eye.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium. Quick Draw, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: When you have an opponent grappled, you may attach a restraining device (such as manacles
or collar) when succeeding at an opposed grapple check instead of pinning or damaging your opponent.
You do not need to have the device ready - you merely need to have it within reach after beginning the

Lord of the Dead [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are one of the rare Dustmen so in tune with the undead that you can command their legions to do
your bidding.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen. Dead Truce, Greater Dead Truce, Leadership, any nongood
Benefit: When calculating the level of undead cohorts or followers you use the creatures Challenge
Rating instead of their ECL, allowing you a much larger following of undead than normal. You must be
at least four levels higher than your undead cohorts Challenge Rating, however, no matter how high
your Leadership rating. In addition, most Leadership modifiers do not apply when calculating the level
of undead cohorts and followers. The leaders reputation is still taken into account; however, a
reputation for cruelty provides a +1 modifier while a reputation for fairness and generosity gives a -2
modifier. The other modifiers listed in the DMG do not apply.
You may enlist unintelligent undead you create or encounter with a command, provided they are not
under the control of another power. Intelligent undead must be convinced to join your cause, but most
are unusually complacent and you gain a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to persuade them to aid you.
Undead commanded in this manner do not count against any limits on the number of undead you can
control at any one time with the command undead ability, spells, or similar powers.
Special: If you wish to have living creatures in your army as well as undead, you must have the
Expanded Dead Truce feat or they must have the Dead Truce feat, and the living creatures must be
members of the Dustmen or similar organizations.

Love Thy Weapon [General, Faction-Dependent]

The majority of Sodkillers see their weapons not only as an extension of themselves, but as their most
valuable feature. Your belief in your weapons worth and knowledge of its capabilities has made it an
exceptional weapon for its kind.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers. Str 13, Cha 13, Power Attack, Weapon Focus, base attack
bonus +8.


Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability greater magic weapon 3/day as a sorcerer of your character
level and usable only on weapons with which you have Weapon Focus.

Master of the Heart [General, Faction-Dependent]

You have learned to act without thought.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order, Base Attack Bonus of 2+
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Initiative rolls, and may enter an "action trance." Whenever you are in
combat, you gain a +1 to all Will saves. This benefit begins when you take your first action during
combat, and ends at the end of combat. However, since you act without thought, you may not "take
back" any actions you choose to make. For instance, if you say "I'm casting a Fireball," you may not
change your mind and cast a Lightening Bolt instead. Additionally, if you ready an action, you must take
that action when the ready action's conditions are met.
Special: The initiative bonus granted by Master of the Heart does not stack with those of Improved
Initiative. However, at the DM's discretion, a character that already has Improved Initiative when they
join the Transcendent Order may swap it for Master of the Heart.

Master of the Mind [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are a Master of the Mind, a Cipher who has furthered his ability to act without thought.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order, Master of the Heart, base attack bonus of 6+
Benefit: You may choose a number of skills equal to one plus your wisdom modifier. You may take ten
on these skills any time.

Master of the Spirit [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are a Master of the Spirit, a Cipher who has furthered his ability to act without thought.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order, Master of the Mind, must be Factol of the
Transcendent Order.
Benefit: You gain an additional +4 to Initiative checks, +2 to Will saves while in an Action Trance, and
are considered to be in an Action Trance at all times.
Special: You must take this as your next feat in the unlikely event that you become Factol of the
Transcendent Order.

Manic-Depressive [General, Faction-Dependent]

You suffer from a mild manic-depressive condition, where the oppressive meaninglessness of the
universe often either brings you low or drives you to bursts of desperate energy.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal.
Benefit: At the beginning of every day when you awaken, roll 1d20. On a result of 1 or 2 you are
depressed and can only perform a single standard action per round for the day, but you gain a +4


circumstance bonus on Will saving throws. On a roll of 19 or 20 you are manic, gaining a +2 morale
bonus to any attack rolls, a +2 bonus to caster level, and a -1 circumstance penalty on saving throws.


At the end of any day you are depressed or manic, you may attempt a Will save against DC 20 to return
to normal. If you fail, the state continues, but if you succeed, you need not roll for the next day. You
may choose to forgo this save and continue on with the state. If you ever suffer through three
consecutive days of madness (either a manic state or depression), you must make a Will save (DC 15) or
progress further into insanity. Every consecutive day of madness past the first three requires another
Will save with a cumulative +5 to the DC. A failed save means you gain an Insanity score (see below).
Special: Upon failing the Will save you gain an Insanity score equal to your character level. For
spellcasting purposes (determining bonus spells and DCs), you use your Wisdom score plus your Insanity
score in place of Wisdom alone. For all other purposes, such as skill checks and Will saves, use Wisdom
minus Insanity in place of Wisdom.
In addition, once per day you can see and act with the clarity of true madness. Use your Insanity score
as a positive rather than a negative modifier on a single roll involving Wisdom, such as Listen check or a
Will saving throw. You must choose to use this power before the roll is made.
Players are encouraged to work with the DM to develop an appropriate manner to role-play an Insanity
score. The type of mental derangements that characters develop differ widely, and only characters
with very high Insanity ratings should resemble the stereotypical frothing at the mouth madman.
Insanity is detrimental when interacting with other people, however, and the mechanical effects should
not be the only consequence.
Being treated for insanity requires a Bleaker with at least 8 ranks of Heal to treat the character,
making a Heal check at the end of each week of treatment (DC 15 + the patient's Will save bonus
without Insanity modifiers). Each consecutive successful weeks of treatment allows the patient to lose
one from their Insanity rating. A failed week of treatment results in temporary Wisdom damage equal
to the patient's Insanity rating. Treatment cannot be performed while the patient has Wisdom damage
of any sort.
Note: This feat continues to affect you after you gain an Insanity score. Each time you fail the Will
save, your Insanity score increases by your character level.

Mental Conditioning [General, Faction-Dependent]

Instead of simply deconstructing a targets beliefs, the skilled Anarchist leaves their captive with just
enough faith to pass within their faction while implanting commands deep in the targets subconscious
to be enacted at the Anarchists choosing.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League. Counter-Indoctrinate, Diplomacy 15 ranks,
Knowledge (factions and guilds) 15 ranks, any nongood alignment.
Benefit: To use this ability you must successfully use Counter-Indoctrinate to remove a subjects loyalty
to their faction. Afterwards you must spend at least eight hours a day attempting to indoctrinate the
target through various methods of brainwashing, after which you make another Diplomacy check
opposed by their Knowledge (factions and guilds) check as described for Counter-Indoctrinate. Each day
your check succeeds you may instill one command in the targets subconscious, to a maximum number
of commands equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). While the target can be programmed to do
anything, even suicidal actions, each command must be relatively simple, no more than a sentence or
two. The command can be activated by anything ranging from a certain amount of elapsed time to
hearing a particular tune. The commands may remain dormant for years and each can have its own


Special: The target does not remember much of their imprisonment and nothing of the conditioning
itself, and may truly wish to return to his faction or begin a new life elsewhere, at the Anarchist's
choosing. Regardless, a sharp mind can detect the subconscious impulses embedded if they are looking
for mental influences and make a successful Sense Motive check against DC 30. Being treated for
conditioning requires someone with at least 8 ranks of Heal who makes a Heal check at the end of each
week of treatment (DC 15 + the patient's Will save). Each successful week of treatment removes one
imbedded command from the target. A failed week of treatment results in either 1d4 temporary
Wisdom damage or premature activation of the commands, at the DMs option. Treatment cannot be
performed while the patient has Wisdom damage of any sort. If the individual treating the subject also
has Mental Conditioning they automatically succeed at removing one command per week of treatment.


Merciful Strike [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

You are capable of putting your very soul into a single strike in order to subdue your opponent.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sons of Mercy. Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus
+8, smite ability.
Benefit: You may use one of your smite attacks to make a blow capable of incapacitating a target
immediately. You do not gain the normal benefits of a smite attack. If the attack hits, the target must
make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or be knocked unconscious for 1d6 minutes. This effect
does not work on creatures immune to nonlethal damage, such as constructs and undead. If the attack
misses, the ability is wasted. If you or your companions then kill the incapacitated character, you lose
this ability for a week.

Minor Loophole [General, Faction-Dependent]

In understanding the multiverse, the Guvners learn the laws of reality, and how to get around them.
One of the most important steps in a Guvners rise through the Fraternity is learning how to exploit the
lessons learned and create their own loophole in the laws of the multiverse.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order. Int 15, base Will save +3 bonus.
Benefit: You may research loopholes in the laws of the multiverse, allowing you to duplicate an arcane
spell of a level equal to half your character level (maximum of a 4th level spell) as a spell-like ability
cast by a wizard equal to your character level at the time you gain this feat. You may use this ability a
number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier + 1d4. The DM should roll and keep track of this
number secretly. After you use it that number of times, the multiverse seals that loophole off and the
ability may no longer be used.
Special: Upon taking this feat, you automatically learn one minor loophole. To learn a new loophole,
you must research it for a number of weeks equal to the level of the spell, expend 1,000 gold per week
of research, and make a successful Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 10 + spell level). You may never learn
a loophole duplicating the same spell twice.

Multiversal Socialite [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are intimately familiar with the inhabitants and cultures of the planes.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated. Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma-based skill checks with the natural residents of any planes
with which you have a specialty in Knowledge (the planes).


Natural Alpha [General, Faction-Dependent]


Your physical strength combined with your self-confidence lends weight to your words, and it is clear to
all Sellswords that you were born to lead.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers. Str 13, Cha 13.
Benefit: You add your Strength modifier to Intimidate checks along with your Charisma modifier. In
addition, you may add your Strength modifier to Diplomacy checks targeting other members of the
Sodkillers, along with your Charisma modifier as usual.

Numb [General, Faction-Dependent]

Like most of your brethren, you see emotions as a sad remnant of your previous life and have striven to
give them up so that you may move closer to True Death.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen. Iron Will.
Benefit: You become immune to spells and effects that alter your emotional state including antipathy,
calm emotions, fear, symbol (hopelessness), Tashas hideous laughter, and any spell that grants a
morale modifier. This does not apply to effects that alter your outlook or inflict madness, such as
charm person or confusion.

Oathbinder [General, Faction-Dependent]

You recognize the value of someones word, even if they do not, and ensure the multiverse itself
recognizes the promise so that it is not broken.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Ring Givers. Cha 15, Return of Favors, Control 3 ranks, character level
Benefit: Whenever someone makes an oath in your presence, you can make a touch attack on your
next action to enforce that oath. You must declare the use of this feat before making the touch attack,
and you suffer 2 points of temporary Constitution damage (or Charisma, if you do not have a
Constitution score) when doing so, as you are using your life force to enforce the oath. Unlike normal
ability damage, this can only be healed through rest, not by magic. If the target fails a Will save (DC 14
+ your Charisma modifier), they are bound by their own words as if affected by a lesser geas spell cast
by a sorcerer of your character level. You can only attempt to enforce the same oath once; if the
target makes the save to avoid performing some action you cannot try again, even if the oath is worded
differently. You may only have a number of oaths enacted equal to twice your Charisma modifier; if you
go over this limit you choose which oath to release. This is a supernatural ability.
Note: An oath can be as simple as, I promise not to hurt you, or as elaborate as, By the blood of my
forefathers, I swear to track down your brothers killer and bring him to justice before the rising of the
next full moon.

Oathmaster [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your ability to ensure that someones word is upheld is such that none would give their word lightly
around you.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Ring Givers. Cha 17, Oathbinder, Return of Favors, Control 6 ranks,
character level 9th.


Benefit: As Oathbinder, except you suffer 4 points of temporary Constitution damage and the target is
affected by qeas/quest unless they succeed on a Will save (DC 16 + your Charisma modifier). The target
cannot be made to make the oath under duress; otherwise the feat functions as Oathbinder.


Oblivion Awaits [General, Faction-Dependent]

Some Dustmen have spent so much time considering Final Death that it is reflected in their eyes. Those
meeting the gaze of such Dustmen are unnerved and frightened, and later say the Dustmens eyes
imparted a great desire for death, while others whisper they saw their own fate in the next life
reflected, and it was terrifying.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen. Wis 13, Iron Will, Numb, Vision of Death, Intimidate 9 ranks,
Spot 9 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a gaze attack that inflicts the effects of a scare spell on non-Dustmen within 30 feet
(DC 13 + Charisma modifier) so long as you are only making a single move-equivalent action per round.
This is a continuous effect that does not require a standard action and cannot be turned off. As a
standard action you may focus your gaze into a fear spell directed at one target (DC 15 + Charisma
modifier). If the target succeeds at the save against the fear effect, they become immune to it for the
rest of the day. If they fail, they become panicked and flee for three rounds. This is a supernatural
ability that does not work on unintelligent or undead creatures.

Pocket of Order [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your spells temporarily nullify chaos in a small pocket of space, removing any chance.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order. Any lawful alignment.
Benefit: This feat is applied to spells with the lawful descriptor. For one round per level of the spell an
area centered around the destination of the spell in a 30 ft. radius has all random chance removed. All
die rolls are determined by their average value, using the table for the feat Static Spell. The effect
does not take place until the next round, so any initial saving throws to resist the spell are rolled as
normal, and does not move afterwards, even if the spell was centered on an individual. For the
duration of the effect events are predictable, even average. Individuals operate according to skill
alone, leaving no room for flair or inspiration.

Point Finger [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are a master of verbal deception, and can make others seem dishonest or inept with your quick
Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League. Bluff 4 ranks.
Benefit: When making a Bluff check to lie, you may subtract a number from your Bluff check up to the
number of ranks you possess in the Bluff skill and target somebody within 60 ft. That person receives a
circumstance penalty equal to the number subtracted from your check to their next Bluff or Diplomacy
check in that encounter.

Power of Denial [General, Faction-Dependent]

Some Visionaries regard the multiverse as merely an extension of their will; it exists because they
believe it so. While this theory is incredibly egocentric, its proponents have provided proof in the past
by ignoring whole objects out of existence. Though such power is held only by the most experienced


Visionaries and former Signers, you have begun to master the basic principles, and with concentration
can disbelieve an object long enough to pass through it.


Prerequisite: Membership in the Minds Eye or Sign of One. Illusion Perception, Control 6 ranks.
Benefit: By meditating for at least one minute and making a successful Control check (DC 10 + the
objects hardness) as a standard action you may ignore the existence of one object and be considered
insubstantial with regards to it. A check must be made for every 2 inches of thickness, or every 5 feet
for anything nonsolid; every successive roll increasing the DC by 1. If you have touched or otherwise
interacted with the object, you have greater difficulty disbelieving it, and the DC increases by 4. While
concentrating, you can only move at half speed, and anything that disrupts your concentration, such as
a loud noise or being hit by something else, ends the effect unless you make a successful Concentration
and Control checks against the same DC. You cannot use this ability to evade attacks of any sort, and
lead or magical wards (even those that prevent interplanar access) are impenetrable.

Powers of Imagination [General, Faction-Dependent]

Signers can imagine things into existence.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sign of One
Benefit: You may imagine things into existence. By doing this you may mimic any spell of up to 4th
level, though you cannot duplicate a spell of higher level than a cleric, druid, or wizard of the same
level could cast. To do this you must pass an imagination check. An imagination check is determined by
rolling a d20 and adding your wisdom bonus and half your level to the result. The DC of the imagination
check is 20 plus 5 for every imagination check attempted within the last 24 hours. If you fail the check,
you may not try again for 24 hours. If you ever roll a natural 1 on the d20 check you have imagined
yourself out of existence and become a Shadow Conjuration version of yourself. This reduces them to
one fifth on everything as a Shadow Conjuration spell states in its description. Only another
Imagination Check or a Remove Curse or similar spell can restore you to normal.

Previous Life Experience [General, Faction-Dependent]

Godsmen with enough past lives often discover that their intuition is strong enough to grant them a
small amount of proficiency in skills that they have never trained in.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Believers of the Source. Wisdom 13+, Cumulative Life Experience
Benefit: You may attempt to use all skills untrained, even if they can normally only be used with

Priest of the Great Unknown [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Athar venerate the Great Unknown, which they believe is the only true divinity.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar or Godsmen, access to a domain.
Benefit: You are now a priest of the Great Unknown, and you must renounce your former deity as a
fraud. However, you retain all your spellcasting abilities and may replace your spell domains with any
other spell domains of your choice (you may only do this when you first take the feat, and you may not
choose an alignment domain unless you are of that alignment, i.e. you cannot choose the Law domain
unless you are lawful).


Normal: Priests may forsake their deity and worship the Great Unknown without taking this feat.
However, they may not choose new domains when they do this. Clerics that worship the Great Unknown
without ever having worshiped any previous powers gain access to the Knowledge domain as well as
those domains that match their alignment.


Probability Manipulation [General, Faction-Dependent]

In your quest to understand the intrinsic laws of the multiverse, you have learned how to bend the
laws affecting an outcome.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order. Int 15.
Benefit: You may choose to add a +2 or -2 to any attack roll, damage roll, caster level check, or skill
check made by a character within 60 ft. of you as a free action at any time during the round. To use
this ability, you simply must observe the action about to be performed and comment on the statistical
probability of it succeeding. This ability must be used before the die is rolled and may be used a
number of times per day equal to half your Intelligence modifier. It can only be used once per round.

Punish the Oppressor [General, Faction-Dependent]

Often the only way to convince others not to take advantage of you is to illustrate the inevitable
consequences of their actions. Calling on the multiverse to make sure what goes around comes around,
you can answer force with force alike without lifting a finger.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Ring Givers. Wis 11, Harmless, character level 9 th.
Benefit: If someone attacks and deals damage to you and you have not participated in the combat until
that point you may choose to deal the same amount of damage to them. The damage is inflicted in a
backlash of energy that leaves the attacker with strong reservations about harming you further. They
must make a Will save (DC 15 + Wisdom modifier) or treat you as if you were protected by a sanctuary
spell for the next hour. This is a supernatural ability usable once a day.

Purity of Form [General, Faction-Dependent]

Most Martyrs share a common animosity toward all forms of undead and strive to protect themselves
from falling to such unnatural and vile creatures.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sons of Mercy. Great Fortitude, any good alignment.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against the special abilities of undead creatures and
against spells that use negative energy. These bonuses overlap (do not stack); for instance, you only
gain a +2 bonus from this feat against the energy draining ability of undead. In addition, you cannot be
made undead by any means short of divine intervention; you are immune to the create spawn special
ability possessed by some undead creatures, cannot be turned into a vampire, and cannot have your
body transformed into an undead abomination.

Purity of Spirit [General, Faction-Dependent]

Martyrs with true hearts have less to fear from the powers of vile fiends, as their very spirits can shrug
them off as the abhorrent sorcery they are.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sons of Mercy. Iron Will, any good alignment.


Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against the special abilities of evil outsiders and any evil
spells. These bonuses overlap (do not stack); for instance, you only gain a +2 bonus from this feat
against an unholy blight spell cast by a fiend.


Research Loophole [General, Faction-Dependent]

In understanding the multiverse, the Guvners learn the laws of reality, and how to get around them.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Guvners, base will save of 3+
Benefit: You may research loopholes in the laws of the multiverse. This works exactly like a wizard
researching a spell and may not grant abilities greater than a wizard of the same level may cast. If the
you succeed, you can use the loophole as a standard action. However, each time you use it, there is a
cumulative 10% chance the loophole will close and the ability will never work again. Each loophole is
unique to it's discoverer and you may not know more loopholes than one quarter your character level.

Renewed Faith [General, Faction-Dependent]

Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar, Minds Eye or Transcendent Order.
Benefit: Due to your belief in a power beyond deities (such as the Great Unknown, or the Self, or the
Multiverse), your spellcasting powers remain intact regardless of what sins or grievances you
committed against a deity that caused you to loose your powers in the first place. Full functionality of
any cleric levels you have is restored to you. Thus, if you were (for instance) a cleric of Kord, but
ceased to have faith in Kord as a deity (and became an ex-cleric), by taking this feat, all the powers
that Kord granted you are restored. The difference is that now, they are awarded by a higher power
than Kord that you believe in: the Great Unknown for the Athar, the Self for the Minds Eye, and the
Multiversal Harmony for the Transcendent Order.
All divine magic this feat grants access to, and all divine magic gained after its acquisition, ceases to
be called divine magic, and abilities that affect divine magic have no affect on these powers. In
name, they are considered Belief Magic, though this abides by the same restrictions and benefits of
divine magic (e.g.: can be used in armor). However, things that affect divine magic (such as the Athar
feat of Faithless Blessing) does not affect belief magic.
Each faction has their own term for belief magic. The Athar call it The Unknown Power, the Minds
Eye call it Self-Empowerment, and the Transcendent Order call it Harmony Magic.

Renowned Commander [General, Faction-Dependent]

Tales of your deeds have spread your name far and wide through the ranks of the Harmonium, giving
you the respect and privilege reserved for the factions true heroes.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium. Cha 13, Leadership, Seasoned Officer.
Benefit: You no longer suffer a penalty to your Leadership score for purposes of attracting a cohort
because you have a familiar, special mount, or animal companion, and the death of a cohort or
follower does not give you a penalty so long as they died fighting for the ideals of the Harmonium.
Finally, you gain the privilege of being able to call on the Harmonium for aid in some suitably heroic
endeavor. This aid comes in the form of four to five experienced Hardheads no more than 2/3 your
character level, who will serve under you for the duration of a single mission. You may only call upon
such assistance once a year and with sufficient cause provided to the Harmonium leadership. During
such a period you are charged to ensure their safety and wellbeing, to say nothing of your duty to
educate and inspire them to rise higher in the service of justice.


Return of Favors [General, Faction-Dependent]


The Ring-Givers dont make it through the multiverse merely on the good will of others, they have the
Unity of Rings on their side to ensure that even the most selfish individuals tend to feel that they owe
the Beggars for any favors given. Thus, whenever you give a gift or do a favor for someone else, they
have a chance of becoming bound to owe you a debt.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Ring Givers.
Benefit: You must make the recipient aware that you would appreciate or expect some sort of return
at the time the gift is given and the recipient cannot be forced to accept it. If the recipient accepts
the gift they make a Wisdom check (DC 10 + your Charisma modifier), whether they intended to make
it up to you or not. The recipient must make this check once a day for a number of days equal to your
character level. Should they fail the check at any point they are bound to owing you a favor in return.
The favor owed you is relative to the value of your gift or favor. For instance, giving a magical item
worth $20,000 gold to someone would cause them to owe you an item of similar value or obligate them
to perform some sort of service of equal value to you. Likewise, if you saved someones life they would
owe you a life debt of sorts, and would be required to save your life in order to settle their debt. You
may refuse to take the payment, in which case the debt is not absolved, though the DM may rule in
certain situations that the individual has made up for their debt.
Under some circumstances you may force someone who owes you a favor to pay up in some desired
fashion. You may only do so once per debt. Upon making the request make an opposed Charisma check.
If you succeed, the individual must do as you ask. If the request goes against the subjects nature or
requires them to give up something of large personal value they gain a +4 bonus to their check. If your
request is likely suicidal, directly or indirectly, they simply do not need to listen to you.

Riot Leader [General, Faction-Dependent]

You are exceptionally good at riling up a crowd in order to disrupt the social order.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League or Xaositects. Leadership, Bluff 7 ranks,
Diplomacy 7 ranks, any nonlawful alignment.
Benefit: Given at least an hour of public speaking you can make a Diplomacy check (DC 25 + modifiers
listed below). If you succeed, you attract a number of additional temporary followers determined by
your Leadership score. These followers must hear your speech and must be of chaotic alignment. After
attracting them to your cause, you may then direct them to instigate a riot or otherwise cause chaos
for at least an hour and possibly longer at the DMs discretion. After the first hour, the additional
followers are no longer under your command and will act on their own.
Use of this feat will likely attract the attention of local authorities, and repeated use may draw the
wrath of organizations such as the Harmonium. In a worst-case scenario, you may even warrant the
attention of inevitables or celestials.

Example Circumstance
If current plane is strongly good-aligned
If current plane is mildly law-aligned
If current plane is strongly law-aligned
If current plane is strongly evil-aligned
If current plane is mildly chaos-aligned
If current plane is strongly chaos-aligned


Sacred Form [General, Faction-Dependent]


Your body is a temple, a vessel of divine potential. Though the purpose of each life is to learn and
change through experience, there are certain aspects that must remain pure and unmolested if you are
to continue your ascension. Therefore, you have chosen to manifest your divine power to shelter
yourself from unwelcome alterations to your body.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Minds Eye or Believers of the Source. Wis 17, Cleanse Impurity,
Harness Divinity.
Benefit: You become immune to petrifaction and polymorph spells and effects that change your form
such as baleful polymorph, flesh to stone, and reduce person. This does not apply to transmutation
effects that do not cause a physical chance in form, such as slow, or to transmutation effects that
would destroy your form completely, such as disintegrate. Any abilities you possess to change form are

Scapegoat [General, Faction-Dependent]

You know how to blame others for your deeds.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Revolutionary League. Bluff 6 ranks.
Benefit: You receive a +5 bonus to Bluff checks when implicating someone for something they didnt
do, and spells cannot determine whether you are lying about who is responsible.

Scramblespeak [General, Faction-Dependent]

Xaositects speak to each other using Scramblespeak, a special application of the Innuendo Skill.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Innuendo skill checks, and it is always a class skill for you. Typically,
Xaositects employ a form of Innuendo called Scramblespeak, where words are hopelessly transposed so
as to confuse the listner. When speaking in Scramblespeak, you may choose to lower the DC to
understand you. For instance, if you try to speak in Scrambespeak, and your Innuendo check sets a DC
of 23, you may choose to speak in less complicated scramblespeak and set the DC lower so that another
lower ranking Xaositect can better understand you.

Seasoned Officer [General, Faction-Dependent]

Those that dedicate their lives to the Harmonium cause establish a level of respect with their faction
that many would envy, and serve as a shining example to those who follow.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium. Cha 13, Leadership.
Benefit: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Charisma-based skill checks with Harmonium members
and receive a +2 bonus to your Leadership score if all your followers and your cohort are members of
the Harmonium. In addition, when you lead a cohort or followers into battle they gain a +2 competence
bonus to attack rolls and Will saving throws if they are members of the Harmonium.


Sensorium Scholar [General, Faction-Dependent]


You have spent much of your life in the Society experiencing every sensorium made available. This
supplies you with a wealth of knowledge not your own, even things unknowingly recorded from the
original donors psyche.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation. Must have gone through every sensation
available at a sensorium.
Benefit: You are able to make all Knowledge checks as if you have ranks in them, enabling you to recall
more than common knowledge without training. You may still only roll a Knowledge check for a given
subject once, though if you spend a sufficient amount of time in a sensorium you may be able to try
again, at the DMs discretion. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to all Knowledge checks.
Special: In order to maintain use of this feat you must experience every sensation available at a
different sensorium at least once a year. Failing to do so results in losing the benefits of this feat until
you fulfill this requirement.

Sensory Touch [General, Faction-Dependent]

Experience is not a one-way path; we all open ourselves to new states of being through interaction
with one another. Thus, most Sensates are taught how to feel the pain of others in exchange for their
own wellbeing.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation.
Benefit: Once per day you may transfer a number of hit points of nonlethal damage equal to your
character level from yourself to another living creature at the rate of two points healed per point
taken. You may also reduce a creatures level of fear or fatigue by bearing the increase yourself. For
instance, you can reduce a panicked individual to frightened by becoming shaken, or someone who is
exhausted can be reinvigorated if you choose to become exhausted instead. You can use this ability to
bring yourself past the normal limits of hit points, fear, and fatigue, but taking such an extreme burden
knocks you unconscious for at least one hour. Either use of this ability requires a touch attack as a
standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Sift [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your affinity for entropy gives you insight into its manifestations, allowing you to divine information on
what destroyed a given object or killed a creature.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard.
Benefit: By taking a full-round action and making physical contact with a destroyed object or dead
body, you can automatically tell what caused the object to break apart, down to the type of damage
and what sort of implement or spell was used to inflict it, though not what specific object or person
inflicted the damage. For example, you may be able to identify that a greatsword or necromancy spell
killed the target, but not the specific greatsword or the casters identity. If the destruction was magical
in nature, a Spellcraft check is required to identify the spell as if the Sinker were witnessing the spell
being cast.


Sinker Swordsmanship [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]


Members of the Doomguard are well known for their love of swords, and every citadel trains in the
usage of myriad types of swords. Some of the best swordsmen in the multiverse hail from this faction,
and many learn how to use their techniques for a wide variety of blades.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard. Proficiency with simple and martial weapons, Weapon
Focus, base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: Choose one weapon-based fighter feat that you possess such as Improved Critical, Weapon
Focus, or Weapon Specialization. This feat now applies to all swords with which you meet the
prerequisites of the feat. Swords include bastard swords, falchions, fullblades, greatswords,
longswords, short swords, rapiers, scimitars, and any other weapons at the DMs discretion. For
instance, if you took this feat with Improved Critical then you would gain the benefits of that feat for
all swords, whereas if you took this feat with Weapon Specialization it would only apply to swords with
which you also had Weapon Focus. You are considered to actually have the feat for purposes of

Siphon Spell Slot [General, Faction-Dependent, Wizard]

If another spellcaster hasnt used their spells already, the energy might as well go to someone who will
put it to use. Furthering your skills of magical theft, you can slightly replenish your magical abilities by
draining anothers.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated. Grab Magic, Sticky Fingers, Knowledge (arcana) 12 ranks,
Spellcraft 12 ranks.
Benefit: By making a touch attack, you may restore a previously cast spell (or gain the ability to cast
an additional spell that day, if you cast spells spontaneously) by absorbing the magical energy from
your target. The target may make a Will save (DC 10 + your character level + Charisma modifier) to
resist the effect. Otherwise, you may take a spell slot from your target up to two levels lower than the
maximum spell level you can cast. If the target prepares their spells, they choose which spell is lost.
You may use this ability once a day. This is a supernatural ability.

Slippery [General, Faction-Dependent]

You live for freedom, and avoid capture at all costs.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Athar, Free League, or Revolutionary League.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting spells and effects, and a +2
bonus to Escape Artist checks.

Spectrum Enhancement [General, Faction-Dependent]

Few creatures in the multiverse can match the capabilities of the Sensate who develops their vision to
this extreme. Though it stretches the physical capabilities of any form, the unique experience is
normally enough to attract any true Sensate.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Society of Sensation. Alertness, Extraordinary Sense (Ocular), Spot 15
Benefit: You gain a minor form of x-ray vision, giving you the ability to see into and through solid
matter. The vision range is 5 feet, allowing you to view everything within that range as it were in


normal light even if there is no illumination. X-ray vision can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker substances or a thin sheet of lead blocks the
vision. You may activate this ability as a standard action. For every round that this ability is active you
suffer 10 points of nonlethal damage as the strain on your eyes and mind takes its toll.


Steady Decay [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your refusal to tamper with the natural progression of decay likewise ensures that your fate is not
ended prematurely by less enlightened individuals.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard. Destruction Embraced, character level 6 th.
Benefit: You become immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and negative
energy effects. However, you also gain a bonus to saving throws to resist spells of the healing or cure
category equal to half your character level and are always considered unwilling for those spells.

Sticky Fingers [General, Faction-Dependent]

You understand that everyone is entitled to whatever they can seize; thus stealing from others is a
natural way of life for you no matter what your profession is.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand when using it to steal from others, and Sleight of Hand
becomes a class skill for you.

Strengthened Transmutation [General, Faction-Dependent]

Recognizing the benefits magic provides in improving your combat abilities, youve focused on ways to
use transmutation more effectively on yourself.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers. Spell Focus (Transmutation).
Benefit: You cast transmutation spells on yourself at +2 caster level.

Structured Mind [General, Faction-Dependent]

Some Guvners restructure their memories as a memory castle of sorts, rendering their thoughts
relatively resistant to magical attacks or intrusions.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order. Base Will save +2 bonus.
Benefit: You gain +2 bonus against spells or effects that read, damage, or otherwise remove your mind
such as confusion, detect thoughts, feeblemind, insanity, or the psionic powers mind seed or mind
switch, but not spells that influence or control it such as charm person, suggestion, or dominate
person. Furthermore, you are adept at resisting possession, either from a special ability or a dominate
spell, and may make a Will save once an hour at a -2 penalty to free your mind.

Subdue Criminal [General, Faction-Dependent]

Harmonium officers are trained to bring in criminals, alive if possible.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium


Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to grapple checks and receive only a -2 penalty when attempting to deal
subdual damage with normal weapons.


Surprise Factioneers [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your knowledge of the factions allows you to catch them off guard with unexpected comments about
their philosophy or faction.
Faction: Free League.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Cha 13, Knowledge (factions and guilds) 6 ranks.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can make a Knowledge (factions and guilds) check (DC 20) to come
up with a particularly shocking comment against one faction. Shouting the comment allows you to
shock any member of that faction within 60 feet that can hear you as the spell daze. The targets
may make a Will save (DC 10 + character level + Wisdom modifier) to resist the effect. You may use
this ability once a minute, and the same target can only be affected by it once a day, though a target
that makes their save may still be affected by another use of the ability.

Sword Training [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Sword, a tool made only for destruction and with no other purpose - is a favorite weapon among
the Doomguard
Prerequisite: Membership in the Doomguard
Benefit: You are proficient with all simple and martial swords, plus one exotic sword of your choice.

Taker's Skills [General, Faction-Dependent]

The Takers believe in getting what's theirs - and what's not theirs - by hook or by crook.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Pick Pockets, Bluff, and Diplomacy. You may select one of these skills to
always be a class skill for you.
Special: You may take this feat three times. Each time choose a different skill to become a class skill.
The bonus to these skills stack.

Talents of the Past [General, Faction-Dependent]

You have awakened vague memories of a past life, allowing you to learn some skills with inexplicable
Prerequisite: Membership in the Minds Eye or Believers of the Source.
Benefit: Choose two cross-class skills. These skills become class skills for you.

Team Player [General, Faction-Dependent]

Hardhead units are train rigorously so that they may work well together.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium


Benefit: Whenever you flank a creature, other characters that are also flanking the same creature gain
a +2 to their attack roll in addition to normal flanking modifiers.


Tinker With Magic [General, Faction-Dependent]

Even non-wizard Guvners may try to learn a bit of magic.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fraternity of Order.
Benefit: You may choose three cantrips and you may cast any combination of them a number of times
per day equal to 1+ your intelligence modifier. You cast these spells as a wizard and your caster level is
considered one third your total character level. In addition, Use Magic Device is always a class skill for

The Cycle of Testing [General, Faction-Dependent]

Godsmen believe that your outward form in this life reflects your choices in previous lives.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Believers of the Source. Harness Divinity
Benefit: Whenever you die, you may choose to be reincarnated as per the spell. This reincarnation
takes effect ten minutes after you die.

The Chant [General, Faction-Dependent]

While the Free League offers little in terms of material aid, the prevalence of Indeps throughout the
planes makes it much easier for you to find helpful friends pretty much anywhere.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Free League. Gather Information 6 ranks, character level 6 th.
Benefit: Upon taking this feat you gain a gain a reliable contact in a specialized field (baatezu
sociology, black market portal routes, etc.) or position of knowledge (such as within another faction or
religion) for every three character levels. This individual may or may not be a member of the Free
League, but will help provide you with information related to their area of expertise. Contacts are
normally of lower level than you and tend to stay in one region, though the DM may allow you to earn
more prominent contacts through role-playing. Contacts will not likely help you beyond providing some
bit of information and particularly powerful or fiendish contacts may require some help in return.
Maintaining the contact is your responsibility, and the DM is free to role-play the character as they see
fit. If you lose a contact, you do not automatically gain a new one.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Each time it is taken, you gain an additional contact
for every three character levels. If you leave the Free League you may or may not maintain your
contacts, depending your relationship with them, at the DMs discretion.

Touched in the Head [General, Faction-Dependent]

Theres no more room for additional madness in your head you already have your share.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal. Iron Will, character level 9th.
Benefit: You are immune to confusion or madness effects (including spells from the Madness domain)
such as confusion, feeblemind, insanity, Ottos irresistible dance, Tashas hideous laughter, and other
spells and effects at the DMs discretion.


Undead Visage [General, Faction-Dependent]


The Dustmen see the emotionless undead as something to emulate.

Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen, not undead
Benefit: The character can cause the skin and flesh of his body to tighten and appear desiccated; this
ability takes one round of concentration to activate. So long as the character's modified state is visible,
he gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks and a -2 circumstance penalty to Diplomacy
checks; these modifiers only apply to social intercourse with living non-Dustmen who are not used to
speaking with the dead/undead.
Special: The character possessing this feat may choose to have it be permanently active when
purchasing the feat.

Unhealthy Fixation [General, Faction-Dependent]

Your insanity gives you a strange insight into the conditions around you.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Bleak Cabal or regional Pandemonium. Insanity 1.
Benefit: You may add your Insanity score to your Wisdom for purposes of Wisdom-based skill checks
all the time, rather than only once a day.
Normal: Your Insanity score is subtracted from your Wisdom for purposes of skill checks.

Unit Tactics [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

Your faction has heavily emphasized safety and teamwork in the heat of battle and you know how to
take advantage of the shared training you have with your comrades.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Harmonium or the Sons of Mercy. Base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: You gain a cumulative +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and AC against a target for every
character with this feat (including yourself) threatening it. Thus, if three individuals with this feat
were threatening the same target all three characters would gain a +3 to attack and AC against that
opponent. You do not gain any bonuses or count towards granting other characters bonuses if you are

Unlikely Event [General, Faction-Dependent]

Randomness is the natural state of the multiverse, and you welcome the unusual occurrences that
come with it.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Xaositects.
Benefit: On any d20 roll with the potential for an automatic success or failure, a natural 19 or a
natural 20 is considered an automatic success, and a natural 1 or a natural 2 is considered an automatic
failure. This does not increase the threat range of weapons.
Normal: On a d20 roll that has the potential for an automatic success or failure, a natural 20 is
considered an automatic success, and a natural 1 is considered an automatic failure.


Unwritten Destiny [General, Faction-Dependent]


Your belief that you are not bound by the chains of fate ensures that you are not bound by magical
contracts and that none can divine your future.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Fated. Iron Will, character level 9th.
Benefit: You are immune to geas/quest and lesser geas, as well as other spells and effects that would
force you into a magical contract, including the Ring-giver feat Return of Favors. Furthermore,
attempts to divine your future, such as through commune or contact other plane, always return
inconclusive answers.

Vision of Death [General, Faction-Dependent]

Some Dustmen become so attuned to death that when they look at other creatures all they can see is
the creature slowing decaying and dying, as if Death itself has given them an idea of its schedule.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Dustmen. Wis 11, Spot 6 ranks.
Benefit: As a move-equivalent action you can look at creatures within 30 feet and determine how close
to death they are as the deathwatch spell, or you may focus on a single living target and determine its
hit points.

Walk the Predefined Path [General, Faction-Dependent]

Many Ciphers develop an uncanny knack to reach their destinations despite all obstacles, relying on the
Cadence to guide their every step rather than concerning themselves with the details of the trip. While
members of other factions may think theyre missing the most important part, the multiverse always
requires they make up for this shortcut at some point.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Transcendent Order. Cadence Whispers, character level 9 th.
Benefit: Once a week you may roll a d20 against the difficulty chosen for Cadence Whispers. If you
succeed, you gain one use of find the path as an extraordinary ability that must be used immediately.
However, upon activating this ability you automatically incur a geas debt as described in Cadence
Whispers. Such quests may be more or less difficult than the original journey would have been without
the use of find the path.

What Kills You Makes You Stronger [General, Faction-Dependent]

Godsmen believe that their soul becomes stronger through learning from past mistakes, even the
deadly ones.
Prerequisite: Membership in Believers of the Source; You must have died at least once.
Benefit: If your last death was caused by something that allowed a save, you gain a +2 bonus to that
saving throw. If your last death was due to damage, you gain a +2 bonus to your fortitude save.

Wounding Martial Strike [General, Fighter, Faction-Dependent]

You know how to hit your opponents where it hurts and how to leave your mark with each blow.
Prerequisite: Membership in the Sodkillers. Int 15, Weapon Focus with specified weapon, base attack
bonus +6.


Benefit: Each time you deal damage with the specified type of weapon, the wound it inflicts deals 1
point of damage per round thereafter in addition to the normal damage the weapon deals. Multiple
wounds from the weapon result in cumulative bleeding (two wounds for 2 points of damage per round
and so on). The bleeding can only be stopped by a successful Heal check (DC 15) or the application of
any cure or other healing spells.


Regional Feats
Lessons of Acheron

Gain additional bonuses when

using 'aid other' in combat.

Mind of


Gain immunity to
affecting emotions.






Human, elf, half-elf,Gain a +2 bonus to all charismabased skills when interacting with
Cha 13
good-aligned fey.

The Stuff of Bariaur,


Gain a +4 bonus to will saves

when grabbing an astral
Chaond,Str 13, Con

13,Str and Con based checks are

influenced by both abilities



WeaponYour bodys metallic blades
charactersuccessful grapple
level 3rd



Character level 3rd

Deal additional 2d6 damage

with razor storm ability; DC
increases by 1

Servant of Bladeling

Permission from theYou are watched carefully by

the unnamed ones that
oversee bladeling society


Wis 13, any



goodWeapons you create are

automatically of masterwork
quality and blessed







Eye for


Wis 17, any nongoodRealize

planning to harm you





Khaasta,Dex 15,

ImprovedReact normally
surprise round


Windswept Elemental Plane of


Gain a +4 bonus on fortitude

saves to resist high winds.

Mountain's Elemental Plane ofEndurance


Add consititution modifier to

AC when fighting defensively.

of Flames

Gain a moral


Accomplish Elemental Plane ofSkill Focus (Swim)




Patience ofElemental Plane of

the Waves Water

Observation for
benefits attack.


Travel on the ethereal occurs

in less time.

Elemental Plane of






Refusing to accept aid gives

you bonuses.

the Lines


Gehenna, the GrayInt 17, Cha 17


Calculating Mechanus

Iron Will

ofMechanus, ModronInt 15, any
the Modron Outcast, Zenythri alignment

Functional Modron Outcast


Modron Outcast



Use int bonus to determine

bonus damage.
lawfulIncrease the probability of
completing some task by
around you

Character level 6th

Gain a fly speed



Preconditio Modron Outcast


Always respond the same to

certain situations


Your poison






r Secretion

You can create protomatter

out of your barbs

Negativity Quasielemental

Affects of negative and

positive energy are halved.

Crossroads Outlands


withThe Beastlands
the Wild



nuetral,Alignment does not affect

Affects of negative


Wis 15, Cha 15, anyAnimals and plants recognize

nonevilyou as a friend

The Beastlands

You are not disabled at 0 hit


Accomplished Swimmer [General]

Almost all natives to the Plane of Water are exceptional swimmers, and even inhabitants of races not
initially from the plane show remarkable aptitude.
Region: Elemental Plane of Water
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Swim)
Benefit: A successful Swim check allows you to swim at half your full speed as a move-equivalent
action, or at your full speed as a full-round action.
Normal: You may only swim at a quarter of your full speed as a move-equivalent action, and half your
speed as a full-round action.

Aversion Barb [Psionic, Regional]

You have evolved your poison with psionic augmentation to cause those you infect to recoil away from
Region: Bladeling.
Benefit: Whenever you strike someone with your barb, they must make a Will save (DC 11 + your
Constitution modifier) in addition to resisting the poison or act as if affected by the power aversion
towards you for one hour.


Special: If you are not using the Expanded Psionic Handbook, treat infected creatures as if affected by
the spell sanctuary.


Between the Lines [General, Regional]

You are capable of guiding casual conversations to trick others into revealing hidden information
without them really being aware of it.
Regions: Gehenna, the Gray Waste, the Outlands, Tiefling, Tuladhara.
Prerequisite: Int 17, Cha 17.
Benefit: Simply by talking to an individual for a few minutes you can pick up information without them
being aware of it. Make an Intelligence check versus a base DC set by the DM based on the importance
of the information to the character (DC 10 for personal information such as name, home, and hobbies;
DC 15 for the location of where they keep valuables; DC 20 for passwords and other sensitive
information; DC 25 for closely held secrets) plus the targets Wisdom modifier. Use of this ability can
only be used to learn one thing from a person per day, and continuous use of this ability on the same
target may result in higher DCs or hostility from the target, at the DMs discretion.

Blessed Smith of Bytopia [General, Regional]

Having learned from the master smiths of Bytopia, you excel at making quality weapons.
Region: Bytopia.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, any good alignment.
Benefit: All weapons you forge with a Craft check are automatically masterwork weapons and are
blessed, which means they have special effects on certain creatures. The raw materials cost remains
the same as for an ordinary (non-masterwork) weapon.

Calculating Vigilance [General]

You analyse combat on an intellectual level, watching for the correct time and place to strike.
Region: Mechanus
Prerequisite: Iron Will
Benefit: When in combat, use your intelligence modifier to determine bonus damage rather than your
strength modifier.

Conduit Rider [General]

You are experienced in using astral conduits to travel between planes.
Region: Astral Plane
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all will saves when attempting to grab an astral conduit.

Crossroads of the Planes [General]

As an inhabitant of the Outlands, you are used to dealing with creatures of differing alignments.


Region: Outlands
Prerequisite: Any neutral alignment, Leadership


Benefit: When recruiting cohorts of a different alignment, your Leadership Score does not suffer any
Normal: When recruiting cohorts of a different alignment, you suffer a 1 penalty to your Leadership

Deep Ethereal Traveler [General]

Those who frequent the Deep Ethereal learn how to negotiate it more easily, despite its lack of
Region: Ethereal Plane
Benefit: When calculating the time taken to travel to a location in the deep ethereal, roll a d4 rather
than a d10.

Devoted Worker [General]

The craftsmen of Bytopia are renown for devotion to their work, finding tiredness only a minor
Region: Bytopia
Prerequisite: Endurance
Benefit: When under the effects of fatigue, the Strength and Dexterity penalties are reduced to 1.
Exhausted characters only suffer Strength and Dexterity penalties of 3.
Normal: Fatigue causes a 2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, while exhaustion causes a 6 penalty to
Strength and Dexterity.

Eye for Treachery [General, Regional]

Your sharp mind and innate distrust of others gives you the uncanny ability to discern when an
individual has hostile intentions.
Region: Carceri.
Prerequisite: Wis 17, any nongood alignment.
Benefit: By being constantly suspicious of those around you and reading the subtle body language of an
individual within 30 feet you can determine whether they have plans to harm you or your companions
in the near future. Any character in your presence attempting to hide their hostile intentions makes an
automatic Bluff check against a DC equal to 11 + your ranks in Sense Motive once per encounter, giving
you a chance of recognizing a betrayer even among trusted friends. You do not gain any hints as to the
nature of the plot.

Faerie Friend [General]

You are favored by the good fey of Arborea, who react more agreeably towards you.


Region: Arborea
Prerequisite: Human, Elf or Half-elf heritage, Cha 13+


Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all charisma-based skills when interacting with good-aligned fey.

Focus of the Modron [General, Regional]

You are able to block out all nonessential data and focus on a single task.
Region: Mechanus, Modron Outcast, Zenythri.
Prerequisite: Int 15, any lawful alignment.
Benefit: Once per day by stating your actions for a single round you enter a trance and increase the
likelihood of performing the actions successfully. One round is needed to enter and leave the trance;
during the trance you are unable to react to your surroundings (giving you a -5 penalty to AC) or change
your specified action. On the second round you perform the stated action and are able to make a
number of rerolls on checks equal to your Intelligence modifier. These rerolls may be used for any roll
related to the specified action including overcoming spell resistance, damage rolls, or checks to avoid
being distracted.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, gaining an additional usage of the ability each time.

Functional Wings [General, Regional]

You have modified your wings to successfully carry you with some adequacy.
Region: Modron Outcast.
Prerequisite: Character level 6th.
Benefit: You gain a fly speed of 30 ft. with poor maneuverability.

Honed Spikes [General, Regional, Fighter]

Through age and practice, you have learned to use the blades which line your body as a weapon in
their own right.
Region: Bladeling.
Prerequisite: Martial Weapon Proficiency (armor spikes), character level 3 rd.
Benefit: Your metallic spines have sharpened to the extent that they are considered armor spikes for
the purposes of grappling. These spikes can be enchanted through use of magic fang and similar spells.

Improved Razor Storm [General, Regional, Fighter]

The accuracy and intensity with which you expel your metallic spines makes them exceptionally deadly.
Region: Bladeling.
Prerequisite: Character level 3rd.


Benefit: The damage dealt by your razor storm ability increases by 2d6 and the DC to avoid it increases
by 1.


Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the character gains this feat, their
razor storm ability deals an additional 2d6 piercing damage and the DC increases by +1.

Lessons of War [General]

In the eternal wars of Acheron you have learned how to defend yourself effectively in mass combat.
Region: Acheron
Benefit: When using the Aid Another combat action to aid a friends defense, you also gain the +2
competence bonus to AC if you are attacked during that round.

Manipulate Element [General]

Your deep connection to the Elemental Planes allows you limited skill in controlling the elements.
Region: Elemental Planes (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)
Prerequisite: Planar Familiarity
Benefit: You gain the use of either burning hands, feather fall, magic stone or obscuring mist as a spelllike ability, depending on your plane of origin. The spell-like ability gained is burning hands if your
region is the Elemental Plane of Fire, feather fall if your region is the Elemental Plane of Air, magic
stone if your region is the Elemental Plane of Earth, or obscuring mist if your region is the Elemental
Plane of Water. This spell-like ability is usable once per day, cast as a cleric or sorcerer of your
character level.

Mind of Conflict [General]

Having come from a world locked in vicious conflict, your soul is devoid of emotion.
Region: Acheron
Benefit: You are immune to all spells and spell-like abilities that effect emotions, such as the spell
emotion, but as a side effect all charisma-based skill checks you make suffer a 4 penalty.

Minor Negativity [General]

Coming from one of the Quasielemental Planes bordering the Negative Energy Plane, your body
possesses a slight negative charge.
Region: Quasielemental Planes (Ash, Dust, Salt, Vacuum)
Benefit: All damage caused by negative energy, such as that from an inflict wounds spell, inflicts only
half damage upon you, while healing caused by positive energy, such as that from a cure wounds spell
only heals half its usual damage.

Minor Positivity [General]

Coming from one of the Quasielemental Planes bordering the Positive Energy Plane, your body
possesses a slight positive charge.


Region: Quasielemental Planes (Lighting, Mineral, Radiance, Steam)

Benefit: All healing caused by positive energy, such as that from a cure wounds spell, cast upon you are
empowered (as if the Empower Spell feat had been used upon them, but the spells dont require higher
level slots). All damage caused by negative energy, such as that from an inflict wounds spell, is also


Memory Log [General, Regional]

You maintain a complete record of all your experiences since venturing out onto the planes.
Region: Modron Outcast.
Benefit: You remember everything that your senses detect with perfect accuracy, allowing you to
review every step of your life in detail. As a full-round action you may recall a previous event and make
a new Appraise, Listen, Spellcraft, or Spot check to notice or identify something you may have missed
before. You may only remake a check once per hour for each scene in memory. You also remember
exactly anything youve heard, and it is also nearly impossible for you to become lost as you can simply
recall how you reached your current position.

Mountains Stoicism [General, Fighter]

Your respect for the endurance of the mountain has taught you resilience in combat.
Region: Elemental Plane of Earth
Prerequisite: Endurance
Benefit: When fighting defensively, add your constitution modifier to your AC during that round.

Natural Protomatter Secretion [General, Regional]

Rare nathri possess the unusual ability to actually create protomatter from their own bodies, perhaps
one of the oddest adaptations to be seen among residents of the Misty Shore. Planewalking nathri use
this to craft anything ranging from food to minor adventuring gear.
Region: Nathri.
Benefit: After spending about a minute concentrating and making a successful Constitution check (DC
20), you can create about a cubic foot of protomatter that oozes out of the barb on your hand. The
protomatter will only last a few minutes before dissolving unless a Control check is made as normal to
craft it into something.
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character.

One with the Wild [General, Regional]

You are recognized as a distinguished part of the natural order.
Regions: The Beastlands.
Prerequisite: Wis 15, Cha 15, any nonlawful, nonevil alignment.


Benefit: Animals and plants recognize and trust you as a creature of the land, and will not attack you
unless you threaten them first. Even creatures summoned or dominated must make a Will save (DC 10 +
your character level + Charisma modifier) in order to harm you. You may grant this protection to a
number of people traveling with you equal to your Charisma modifier for 24 hours. If anyone violates
the truce it is broken for all members and cannot be reinitiated for another 24 hours.


Paragon of Virtue [General]

Your very essence seems to radiate a moral and caring quality, telling those who follow you that they
fight for a just cause.
Region: Elysium, Mount Celestia
Prerequisite: Any good alignment
Benefit: All allies with half hit points or less gain a +2 moral bonus to all attack rolls as long as they are
within 15 of your character.

Patience of the Waves [General, Fighter]

You have learned from the patient yet relentless nature of the ocean, applying it to your fighting style.
Region: Elemental Plane of Water
Benefit: You may spend a full round focusing of your intended target. During your next round you gain a
+4 competence to your next attack roll against that creature.

Precondition [General, Regional]

Due to some anomaly encountered upon leaving Mechanus your reflex protocols have made some
unusual adaptations to respond to specific situations in a quick and efficient manner.
Prerequisite: Modron Outcast.
Benefit: Choose an action that your character will perform in response to some external stimulus.
Neither stimulus nor reaction is interpreted by your character, meaning you cannot make
differentiations such as friend or foe, or what specific reaction would be best. For example, a modron
outcast that witnesses someone drawing a weapon may immediately cast its highest-level spell or may
attack the speaker upon hearing a word or expression. The stimulus and the reaction should be loosely
based on some past experience of the character. For example, perhaps the last individual to use a
particular phrase turned out to be leading the party into an ambush. The modron outcasts reaction can
be anything that can be performed as a standard action, and is always the same reaction for the same
event, even if it may not be appropriate at the time. The modron outcast acts immediately, even if it
has already made an action in the round; the character's initiative order doesn't change.
At 4th level, and every three levels afterwards, the DM chooses an additional stimulus and reaction for
your character. These preconditions should not be used as a punishment, however, and the player and
DM are encouraged to work together to invent reactions that are both logical (in your characters mind,
anyway) and not abusive.
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character.


Primal Energy [General]


You can unlock the primal urges that lurk in the depths of your mind, allowing you to keep standing in
Region: the Beastlands
Benefit: You are no longer considered disabled when your health is reduced to 0 hit points, although
when you possess 1 or less hit points you still count as dying.

Self-Sufficiency [General]
You have learned to support yourself, rarely needing to rely upon others.
Region: Gehenna
Benefit: When a character chooses to assist you in a skill check you may opt to decline their help. By
doing so you gain an automatic +1 circumstance bonus to the skill check in question. You may decline
help from multiple helpers during the same round, each providing a +1 circumstance bonus in the

Servant of the Unnamed [General, Regional]

Through secret means, you have become initiated in the unnamed pantheon that watches over
bladeling society and are now a vessel of their will. You are haunted by vivid dreams, whispers in the
wind, and other omens sent by that of which you do not speak. You hear their commands, the tasks
they require you to perform. You can only begin to understand the purpose of your orders, which range
from mundane to suicidal, but you know that there is a grand scheme according to which you move,
and to refuse them is a fate far worse than death. But you gladly fulfill your duty, knowing that you are
being watched, guided, and protected.
Region: Bladeling.
Prerequisite: Permission of the DM.
Benefit: Once a day, should you undertake an action that will surely lead you to certain danger, the
voices strongly warn you of the threat. Once a week, should you fall between -1 and -9 hit points, you
will immediately stop bleeding and regain consciousness. Finally, once in your lifetime, should you be
slain in the service of those left unnamed, you will reawaken alive and safe in a haven of the DMs
choosing. In exchange for this protection, you will occasionally be called upon to perform strange tasks
as described above. Disobedience results in loss of this feat at a minimum, though in all likelihood that
will be the least of your troubles once the powers that be decide to punish you for your disloyalty.
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st level character.

Scavenger [General]
You have spent a lot of your time on Thuldanin, second layer of Acheron, scavenging among the
wreckage and debris, making use of what you find.
Region: Acheron
Benefit: When using the craft skill to create a mundane item, you may choose to scavenge, lowering
the cost required to create the item, but increasing the time taken, to account for the time required


to find the correct parts. Each week you may opt not to not make a craft check, and instead scavenge
for parts, allowing you to reduce the cost to craft the item to 75% of its previous cost.


Swiftness of Flames [General, Fighter]

The speed and destructive potential of fire inspires you in combat.
Region: Elemental Plane of Fire
Benefit: Every time you inflict a critical hit during combat, you gain a moral bonus to your initiative
during the next round equal to your charisma modifier.

The Stuff of Legends [General, Regional]

You possess a physical prowess typical of the Asgardian warriors on the plane of eternal battle.
Region: Bariaur, Chaond, Ysgard.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Con 13, Endurance.
Benefit: Add your Strength modifier in addition to any other bonuses to the checks and saves listed
under the Endurance feat. In addition, add your Constitution modifier to your effective Strength score
for purposes of lifting/dragging, carrying capacity, and Strength checks.

Twitch [General, Regional]

You have an innate sense of danger and can quickly respond to hidden threats.
Region: Carceri, Khaasta, Tiefling.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Improved Initiative.
Bonus: You are able to make a partial action as normal during a surprise round in which you normally
could not act, even if you are unaware of the attackers beforehand. You may act immediately after the
first attackers actions, provided you recognize the threat.

Windswept [General]
You have grown up on the Plane of Air, where a gentle breeze can become a roaring hurricane at a
moments notice.
Region: Elemental Plane of Air
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all fortitude saves to resist the effects of high wind speed. See page 87
of the DMG for more details on wind hazards.

New Prestige Classes



Abyssal Warrior


One of the few relatively reliable ways to actually survive in the Abyss is to become useful to the
tanar'ri. And to the tanar'ri, "useful" typically goes right along with "deadly". Though it may be
surprising to clueless, even fiends recruit mortals all the time, making use of their skills to try and gain
an edge in the Blood War. Even most mercenaries rarely participate in the conflict, only engaging in a
few skirmishes to help their reputation. After all, the survival rate for even powerful tanar'ri is low what chance does a mortal have?
Those rare few that survive for any length of time are survivors in the deepest sense, developing a
touch of the invulnerability normally only found in fiends. Wile and will are required as well, both in
dealing with one's baatezu foes and one's tanar'ri superiors. A warrior of the Abyss walks the razor's
edge, trying to demonstrate his usefulness while not risking too much in the endless battles. In
addition, he is forced to perform reprehensible acts for his superiors, murdering innocents caught in
the swath of the war without hesitation or regret. Most are so focused on the continuation of their
existence that all else - including morals, honor, and law - is lost in the endless wash of blood that drips
from their hands.
Most often, these warriors are humans or tieflings, but occasionally those of more cutthroat and evil
races will be recruited - khaasta, half-orcs, drow, etc. The tanar'ri will accept anyone they think might
be good with a blade. While they tend to distrust spellcasters because of their mysterious power,
mastery of direct violence is something they understand very well.
Hit Die: d10
To qualify to become an abyssal warrior, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Alignment: Chaotic evil or chaotic neutral
Region: Abyss
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Base Fortitude Bonus: +5
Skills: Speak Language (abyssal)
Feats: Blind-Fight, Power Attack, Cleave, Toughness
Special: If the character has Darkvision, he may forgo the Blind-Fight feat requirement. To qualify for
this class, the character must be employed by the tanar'ri as a mercenary for at least a year.
Class Skills
The abyssal warriors class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Hide (Dex), Intimidation (Cha),
Knowledge (local: abyss) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier





Demonfriend, Survivor of the Infinite +1
Favored Enemy (Devils)
Damage Reduction 1/Darkfighting







Survivor of the Infinite +2, Painful Blow

Damage Reduction 2/Favored Enemy
Legion of the Damned
Damage Reduction 3/Survivor of the Infinite +3, Tough As Nails


Class Features
The following are features of the abyssal warrior prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Abyssal warriors gain proficiency in all simple and martial weapons,
all armor, and all shields (except tower shields).
Demonfriend (Ex): An abyssal warrior gains a +2 circumstance bonus to any Charisma-based check when
interacting with demons, but a -2 circumstance penalty to any Charisma-based check when dealing
with devils.
Survivor of the Infinite (Ex): The abyssal warrior continues to develop his survival skills even away from
the plane, having been honed in one of the most hostile places in the multiverse. He gains a +1 bonus
on any saving throw where failure would result in damage of any type (normal, nonletheal, energy,
ability score, etc.). This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and +3 at 10th level.
Favored Enemy: Devil (Ex): At 2nd level, an abyssal warrior learns to battle the never-ending hordes of
devils that assault the Abyss. The abyssal warrior gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot,
and Survival checks when using these skills against devils. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon
damage rolls against devils.
Damage Reduction (Ex): At 3rd level, the abyssal warrior becomes toughened and hardened, and gains
damage reduction of 1. This feature increases to damage reduction 2 at 6th level, and 3 at 9th level.
Reduce any damage taken by the abyssal warrior by his damage resistance. This can reduce damage to
0 but not below 0.
Darkfighting (Su): At 4th level, an abyssal warrior learns to turn the often lightless terrain of the abyss
to his advantage, drawing power from it. When in total darkness, he gains a +1 circumstance bonus to
hit and damage with a melee attack.
Painful Blow (Ex): Abyssal Warriors of 5th level learn to strike where it hurts, distracting their foes.
Whenever they inflict damage that causes a distraction for purposes of the Concentration skill, their
damage is considered doubled for the purpose of obtaining the DC of a Concentration check.
Favored Enemy (Ex): At 7th level, the abyssal warrior's favored enemy bonus for devils increases by 2
(to a total of +4), and he chooses a new favored enemy that he gains a +2 bonus against, just like
devils. This enemy must be chosen from the following choices: demodands, hordlings, or yugoloths.
Legion of the Damned (Ex): At 8th level, the abyssal warrior gains Leadership as a bonus feat. He may
attract a demon of the appropriate level as a special cohort, though it will have its own goals to fulfill,
just like that of any evil special cohort. His Leadership score is considered to be at +2 for the purpose
of attracting a demon as a special cohort.
Tough As Nails (Su): At 10th level, the warrior has been hardened to the point where he becomes
extremely hard to kill. Once per day when damage is inflicted upon him, he may make a Fortitude
saving throw against a DC equal to the amount of damage inflicted. Success means he takes no damage
whatsoever from the blow.


Acheronian Warmaster


The plane of Acheron is a world constantly locked in vicious conflict, where the cries of war never die
and everywhere is a battlefield. Yet rising above the endless bloodshed, leading the warriors of the
plane, are the Acheronian Warmasters, the generals of the infinite war. These mighty leaders carve a
bloody path of destruction wherever they go, mercilessly cutting down their foes as they devote their
entire existence to their bloodlust. The inhabitants of Acheron flock to these generals, following them
in their cause of battle, giving direction and focus to their lives. The greatest warmasters are a force
to be reckoned with, mighty warriors followed by retinues of their supporters.
Fighters undoubtedly make the best warmasters, as they are already devoted to the art of warfare,
though many barbarians also count themselves among their ranks, called by their bloodthirsty lifestyle.
Though few other classes regularly become warmasters, it is not unknown for clerics or even arcane
spellcasters to take a few levels in the class from time to time, finding its defensive and leadership
abilities useful for their own personal protection.
Hit Die: d10
To qualify to become an acheronian warmaster (Acw), a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Alignment: Any non-good
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Knowledge (Acheron) 4 ranks.
Feats: Endurance, Leadership, Lessons of War
Special: You must prove that you have embraced the eternal conflict of Acheron unflinchingly. For
example: Command an army for a year in the Acheron conflicts.
Class Skills
The acheronian warmasters class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Intimidate
(Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local, Acheron) (Int), Ride (Dex) and Swim (Str).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.





Eternal Warrior, Wartime Fighter
Commanding Authority, Bonus Feat
Tireless General
Fused Armor, Bonus Feat

Class Features
The following are features of the acheronian warmaster prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Acheronian warmasters gain proficiency in all simple and martial
weapons, all types of armor, and all shields.
Eternal Warrior (Ex): An acheronian warmaster learns to live in her armor, rarely ever taking it off.
Sleeping in heavy armor no longer results in fatigue.


Wartime Fighter (Ex): The warmasters skill at large-scale combat becomes highly advanced. When
using the aid another action in combat, the warmaster uses her class level as the bonus when using the
aid another action, rather than the normal +2 bonus.


Hearten (Su): Just like the petitioner commanders of Acheron, the warmaster gains the ability to
inspire her followers. All allies and followers within a 100 ft. radius of her gain a +2 morale bonus on
saving throws against charm and fear, and a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Bonus Feat: Gain a bonus feat. This is chosen from either the fighter bonus feat list, or from the
Acheron regional feat list. The feats gained are in addition to those gained by a character every 3rd
level, and a character must still fulfill the prerequisites of the feat chosen.
Commanding Authority (Sp): An acheronian warmaster gains the ability to enforce their authority upon
others, causing them to follow commands. She gains command as a spell-like ability, usable a number
of times per day equal to her class levels in the acheronian warmaster prestige class. This spell-like
ability is cast as though she were a cleric of her character level, but requires eye contact with the
target to use.
Tireless General (Ex): The warmasters sheer devotion to war allows her to continue fighting without
tiring almost indefinitely. She can no longer be fatigued or exhausted as long as she is in a combat
situation. A combat situation is defined as either a situation in which the warmaster can see, or at least
knows that enemies are present, or one in which combat is occurring around the warmaster. The
warmaster can still be affected by fatigue or exhaustion out of a combat situation, in which the ability
and movement penalties apply as normal, though if combat arises during such a state, the effects are
negated for the duration of the combat.
Fused Armor: The warmasters armor permanently fuses with her body, sealing her within. This armor
can never be removed without killing the wearer, and so wearing another suit of armor becomes
possible, but as a result of this binding she gains a number of benefits. First of all, the armor check
penalty of her armor decreases by 4, though it may be reduced to no more than 0. Any movement
penalties that the armor causes are now negated permanently, and its Arcane Spell Failure falls by 10%.
Healing spells also now affect her armor, as it has become a part of her, though attacks directed
specifically at her armor now apply the same amount of damage to her. Her armor can still be
enchanted or psionically enhanced, though she must remain present throughout the imbuing process.

Astral Slider
Those with psionic talent are often closely tied to the Astral Plane, otherwise known as the Silvery
Void. A realm of mental energies, the Astral servers as a conduit for spiritual and psionic forces,
connecting the Outer Planes to one another and to the Prime Material. Few planewalkers learn
anymore than that, but a few gifted minds see the Astral for what it really is, and slowly begin to
unravel its secrets.
Astral sliders, as they are known, are rare psionic individuals that learn to become one with the void,
seamlessly moving in and out of the Astral Plane. Often loners, they spend much of their lives searching
for knowledge and methods to increase their power before eventually retiring to some pocket of the
Astral Plane. Existing in a realm beyond time, some are believed to possess knowledge of the past and
future, and may reemerge when they feel their presence is needed.
Hit Die: d4.
To become an astral slider, the character must fulfill the following criteria:
Manifesting: Able to manifest a 4th level power or higher.


Skills: Control 12 ranks, Knowledge (Astral Plane) 6 ranks, Knowledge (psionics) 12 ranks, Psicraft 12
Feats: Combat Manifestation,









Special: Has spent at least one week on the Astral Plane. Cannot have the feat Conjunctive Mind.
Class Skills
The astral sliders class skills are Autohypnosis, Concentration, Control, Diplomacy, Intuit Direction,
Listen, Knowledge (Astral Plane), Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft, Remote View, Sense Motive, Spot, and
Stabilize Self.
Skill Points At Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.





Astral step 30 ft. 1/day
Silver sight
Astral Step 40 ft. 2/day, Astral conduit
Beyond time
Astral Step 50 ft. 3/day, Astral stride
Silver pathway
Astral Step 70 ft. 4/day, Astral void
Demiplane seed
Astral Step 90 ft. 5/day, Beyond space
Astral projection

+1 psion level
+1 psion level
+1 psion level
+1 psion level
+1 psion level

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the astral slider.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Astral sliders gain no proficiency in any weapon or armor.
Powers Discovered: At 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th levels, the astral slider discovers powers, gains
power points, and learns combat modes as though she gained a level of psion. Powers are chosen from
the psion power list, and her effective manifester level goes up by one.
Astral-Dependent Abilities: Some astral slider powers are qualified as astral-dependent abilities. These
do not function if the astral slider loses access to the astral plane, for whatever reason.
Astral Step (Sp): The astral slider is so familiar with astral barriers that she can step into the Astral
Plane for a brief moment and teleport a few feet away. This counts as a move-equivalent action that
does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and the range and uses per day are determined by level, as
listed on the table above. This ability is otherwise as the power dimensional slide. This is an astraldependent ability.
Silver Sight (Su): At 2nd level, the astral sliders senses have extended to perceive movement through
the Astral Plane. She immediately notices any teleportation effect used within 50 feet per astral slider
class level, even if she cannot see the effect directly. When the astral slider detects the teleportation,
she knows where the creature is using the power and the method used for the teleportation. This
ability may be suppressed and resumed at will.


Astral Conduit (Su): At 3rd level, the astral slider is considered to have access to the astral plane at all
times as if the plane he was on bordered it, though this does not apply to any plane that blocks
conventional planar travel in general (such as Sigil).


Beyond Time (Ex): At 4th level, the astral sliders mind and body has adapted such that she no longer
needs to fear time catching up with her after spending extensive time on the silvery void. When she
leaves the Astral Plane, her body is the same age as when she first entered.
Astral Stride (Sp): At 5th level, the astral slider has learned to bypass the concepts of conventional
space and time. Any use of astral step now functions like dimension door instead of dimension slide.
Silver Pathway (Su): At 6th level, the astral slider is capable of forming a bridge between two different
planes bordered by the Astral. Once per day she may open a portal to the Astral Plane or any plane the
Astral normally touches. The portal is a silvery hole up to 12 feet tall adjacent to the astral slider and
lasts 1d6+1 rounds before closing. This ability is otherwise as the plane shift spell. This is an astraldependent ability.
Astral Void (Su): At 7th level, the astral slider has gained mastery over astral connections that she can
completely suppress any access to or from the Astral Plane in a 300 ft. radius once per day as a full
round action. All teleportation and summoning effects, as well as any spells or power that rely on a
connection to the Astral Plane, are nullified as if in an anti-magic/psionic field. Color pools cease to
function, and anyone using astral projection or a similar effect is shunted onto the Astral Plane. Gates
and portals, such as those formed by the Silver Pathway ability, continue to function, though the astral
sliders other abilities are affected. This effect lasts 10 rounds.
Demiplane Seed (Sp): At 8th level, the astral slider is able to create a demiplane of her own on the
Astral Plane. She can use this ability only when on the Astral Plane, and only once a month. Use of this
power requires a week of manifestation time. This ability is otherwise as the power genesis.
Beyond Space (Ex): At 9th level, the astral sliders body is no longer completely physical, and has
merged with the Astral so that her body is now partially formed of the mental energies there. At any
one time she may exist as part of the Astral Plane, and thus physical attacks and targeted spells have a
20% miss chance that cannot be circumvented by the Blind-Fight feat. In addition, the astral slider has
the evasion ability for purposes of area effect spells. This is an astral-dependent ability.
Astral Projection (Sp): At 10th level, the astral slider is able to extend her mind and those of her
companions onto the Astral Plane once per day. This ability is as the power astral projection.

The Guild of Reason in Automata is a secretive yet powerful organization. By some accounts they are
one of the pre-faction Guilds of Sigil, though many, including the members of the Guild of Reason
themselves, dismiss this as historical confusion. Regardless of their origins the members of the Guild
are a potent force throughout the modern Outlands, and are frequently found as behind-the-scenes
players on various Outer Planes.
The philosophy of the Guild of Reason is Order. Not universal lawfulness like the inevitables, nor the
forced regime of the Harmonium. The Guild preaches internal Order, a structuring of the mind that
empties it of careless thoughts and allows the brain to reach its full potential. Cogminds, as the Guilds
students are called by those outside of the Guild, seem cold and removed to others, though this is far
from the truth. A cogmind is a buzzing hive of activity, thinking and observing far more than a normal
person. The order of the Guilds teachings is the focus of all these buzzing thoughts. Not a single notion
in the cogminds head is without purpose, his entire mind is processing one topic or another.
Hit dice: d6


To become a cogmind, the character must fulfill the following criteria:

Alignment: Must be lawful


Skills: Listen 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks.

Feats: Alertness, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Sense Motive).
Special: Must enlist in the Guild of Reason.
Class Skills
The cogminds class skills (and the key ability for each) are: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable
Device (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowlege (Mathematics) (Int), Listen
(Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis).
Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier





Minutiae Cognizance +2, Mind of Metal
Fortress of Reason
Labyrinthine Logic
Mnemonic Insight, Instant Assessment
Minutiae Cognizance +5
Conceal Thoughts
Collective Consciousness
Minutiae Cognizance +10
Linked Mind
Reasoned Metasense

Class Features
Weapons and Armor Proficiency Cogminds gain no additional proficiency in any weapons or armors.
Minutiae Cognizance (Ex) Cogminds are first trained to notice the little things about people. The
way they carry themselves, the brief pauses in their speech, the rhythm of their breathing. All of these
details add up to a complete caricature of the subject, allowing the cogmind to accurately interpret
their thoughts and emotions. Cogminds gain a +2 to Spot, Listen and Sense Motive. At 5th level this
increases to +5, and at 8th level to +10.
Mind of Metal (Ex) - People and animals no longer empathize with a cogminds alien intellect, nor can
he fully understand their motives. As cogminds progress in their studies they forget more and more of
their emotions before the Guild. A cogmind recieves a penalty equal to half his level in cogmind to
Animal Empathy, Innuendo, and Charisma checks to affect people.
Additionally, cogminds find these emotions extremely hard to cope with when they are forced to
experience them. When influenced by emotion-affecting spells and powers like confusion, emotion,
bane, attraction, demoralize, and fear they are affected for one round longer than normal when they
fail these saves. Many mind-affecting spells and powers, though, have no bearing on emotion
specifically, like charm person: a cogmind can logically conclude that a stranger is trustworthy enough
to confide in without getting sappy. In the case of emotion, this means one round after the caster stops
concentrating. In the case of beneficial emotion-affecting spells (such as bless or a bards songs), the
cogmind must make a saving throw against DC 15 to successfully integrate the surge of emotion into his
mind. Failure means the spell fails to affect the cogmind. In all other respects, though, cogminds react


normally to these spells and powers: they gain their normal bonuses, and are afforded saving throws
whenever a non-cogmind would.


Fortress of Reason (Ex) Once the cogmind has reached 2nd level he has mastered the first lesson of
the Guild of Reason: an ordered mind offers no entry. The cogmind recieves a +2 to all mind-affecting
spells and powers. This bonus stacks with all others.
Labyrinthine Logic (Ex) Upon reaching 3rd level a cogmind becomes adept at always knowing where
he is. His never-resting mind is always absorbing the surroundings and creating a mental map of the
area. He recieves a +10 to Intuit Direction, and is immune to maze spells.
Mnemonic Insight (Ex) A cogminds mind is never at rest; it constantly interprets and reinterprets data
to reach the most accurate conclusion possible. Often, a cogmind will have an epiphany from clues he
didnt even realize he had absorbed. Upon reaching 4th level a cogmind may once a week realize a
clue that he missed before. The player can ask the DM to hint at any one thing thats important, or
even if theres any hint that could help at the moment. The player cannot request specific information
about a certain topic, such an action is more appropriate to an Intelligence check, rather the DM will
let the player know if theres something he should follow up. This clue does not need to be concerning
the main focus of the current adventure, the DM might, for instance, reveal to you that a ornamented
sword that you picked up has magic runes on it that you recognize as ancient and powerful characters
from a lost empire on Mithardir.
If the DM does not want to reveal anything in particular (and he is purely within his rights to) the use
for that week is not used up and the cogmind may try again later.
Instant Assessment (Ex) Cogminds at 4th level are able to instantaneously interpret small clues in an
opponents stance and expression to allow them a seconds warning before the individual acts. This
gives them a +1 to AC and a +2 to attack against the individual the cogmind chooses, though only one
individual a round may be chosen. Concentrating this much in combat takes much concentration,
however, and a cogmind can only maintain it for a number of rounds equal to his level of cogmind every
day, though these rounds need not be consecutive.
Conceal Thoughts (Ex) Upon reaching 6th level the cogmind gains the ability to structure his thoughts
into a bewildering maze, providing bonus against spells and powers which read thoughts. He
permanently gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks and also gains a +4 bonus on your saving
throw against any spell or power used to read your mind (such as detect thoughts or mind probe).
Collective Consciousness (Su) Cogminds who reach 7th level have tapped into an ancient mental root
that connects their minds with those of all other conscious minds in the multiverse. This collective
conscious gives cogminds a store of knowledge, allowing them to know things that theyve never even
heard of. Once they receive this power they are considered Trained with any Knowledge skill and with
Decipher Script. These all are considered cross-class skills for the cogmind unless he would receive
them as a class skill from something else.
Linked Minds (Su) When a cogmind reaches 9th level he unlocks previously unknown potential in his
own mind, allowing his regimented consciousness to extend beyond his own head. The cogmind gains
an empathetic link with all other lawfully structured minds (including those of cogminds, inevitables,
modrons and creatures with the axiomatic template) within 300 feet affording him a prescient
awareness of his situation. The cogmind is aware of any dangers that the minds he is connected to are
aware of. As long as any one creature in the group is not flat-footed, the cogmind is not as well.
Likewise, the cogmind is not flanked unless all friendly creatures to which he is linked are flanked.
Minds who are resisting the cogminds link are afforded a Willpower save against the cogminds level
plus 10. A failed check cannot be tried again for 5d4 rounds.


Reasoned Metasense (Su) The most powerful of cogminds, those who reach 10th level, develop an
ability known by the Guild as metasense. At this level the cogminds prescience has advanced to such a
level that his mind is no longer bounded by his physical brain. He gains blindsight in a 30 foot radius,
and is able to communicate telepathically with any creature able to speak a language in the same


Ethereal Raider
The ethereal plane is know for its traveling nomadic tribes, beings usually regarded as barbaric and
feral by those outside their society. Primarily Xill or Nathri, these wandering nomads pillage and raid
the demiplanes that fill the ethereal plane, using the resources found within to eek out an existence.
Although many would shun such beings, they have actually developed a number of impressive abilities
to aid them in their struggle for survival, such as surviving without physical food or an uncanny knack
of tracking through the ethereal mists.
Most ethereal raiders are barbarians, as few who have grown up in a civilized environment would
actively choose to turn to such a difficult, nomadic lifestyle. Those who are not barbarians are
occasionally rogues, though almost no other classes ever become ethereal raiders. The one main
exception to this rule are the nathri, whose natural psionic abilities occasionally lead them down the
path of the psion or psychic warrior. Although, due to the background of most ethereal raiders, the
selection of classes which regularly become one is very limited, there have been cases of other classes
taking on the lifestyle of the ethereal raider from time to time.
Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become an ethereal raider (Etr), a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills: Control 6 ranks, Intuit Direction 6 ranks, Knowledge (Ethereal) 4 ranks.
Feats: Alertness, Deep Ethereal Traveler, Track
Class Skills
The ethereal raiders class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Control (Wis), Escape
Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (Ethereal) (Int), Planar Expertise (Wis),
Search (Int), Spot (Wis) and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.





Ethereal Nomad
Constant Vigilance
Ethereal Tracking
Open Demiplane

Class Features
The following are features of the ethereal raider prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ethereal Raiders gain proficiency in all simple weapons.


Ethereal Nomad (Ex): The raider learns the basic skills of ethereal survival. When using the control skill
to manipulate protomater to nourish himself, he gains a competence bonus equal to his total levels in
the ethereal raider prestige class.


Ethervision (Su): A raider can see more easily through the ethereal mists, a skill which is greatly valued
by lookouts in raiding parties. His visual range is doubled while traversing the deep ethereal.
Constant Vigilance (Ex): Time spent raiding demiplanes has made the raider exceptionally wary, helping
him tell when danger is near. When an enemy surprises him in combat, he is not considered flat-footed,
even though he does not gain a partial action during the surprise round.
Ethereal Tracking (Ex): A raiders talent as an ethereal guide is incredible, as he can track targets by
the disturbances their passage leaves in the ethereal protomater of the plane. It is now possible for
him to use the Track feat while in the ethereal plane. His surroundings are treated as a soft surface in
regards to determining the DC of the check, but the fog conditional modifier always applies. This
ability has no affect on tracking when not on the ethereal plane.
Open Demiplane (Su): A raider learns the trick of opening self-contained demiplanes for a short time,
allowing him and his companions to enter as needed. This ability takes a full round action, and opens a
portal large enough for himself and any companions to enter. The portal only lasts for 1d6 rounds, after
which it collapses in on itself. The portal created needs no key to be opened. This ability is usable
twice per day, once to get in, and once to get out.
Note: Under no conditions does Open Demiplane work on a Maze of the Lady of Pain, as they are
sealed shut by the powers far beyond that of the Ethereal Raider.

Etherfarer Scout
Based out of Freehold City in the Ethereal Plane, the Etherfarer society works to explore the Ethereal,
as well as maintain communication and supply between its various outposts. The Etherfarers are full of
curiosity regarding the endless mists, and are always happy to gain another body willing to help them
out. Most new members are sent to deliver a package or message to one of their outposts in the Deep
Ethereal. Needless to say, these trips are rarely without incident. Some say the Etherfarers deliberately
choose troublesome routes in order to test their would-be members, while others believe that such
problems are simply inevitable in the Deep Ethereal. Rarely is a failure permitted to undertake the
test, but especially promising candidates are allowed to try again after six months. Etherfarers obtain,
upon joining, a special tattoo that marks them as a member. This tattoo is invisible normally, but on
the Ethereal it appears as a bright splash of color.
Some who pass the test, however, go on the make exploration and deliveries the whole of their
existence. The scouts of the Etherfarer society eventually develop a powerful attunement for the
plane, able to travel through even the Deep Ethereal with surprising haste and stealth. They often
serve as guides to those new to the plane as well, using their skills to keep an eye out for the plane's
more subtle and potent dangers. Though typically not warriors, they can be devastating foes in their
home environment despite the "scout" appellation, able to use the mists for ambushes and quick raids.
Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become a etherfarer scout, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills: Knowledge (ethereal plane) 8 ranks, Spot 3 ranks, Survival 3 ranks
Special: To become an etherfarer requires membership in the Etherfarer society. To become a member
requires a test wherein the potential member must deliver a message or package into an outpost of the
Etherfarers in the Deep Ethereal.


Class Skills
The etherfarers class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex),
Knowledge (local, ethereal plane) (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).


Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier






Ethersight, Expert of the Ethereal
Hide in Mists
Uncanny Dodge
Ethereal Jaunt 1/day
Cyclone Slingshot
Ethereal Jaunt 3/day
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Ethereal Jaunt (at will)

Class Features
The following are features of the etherfarer scout prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Etherfarer scouts gain no proficiency in weapons or armor.
Ethersight (Su): An etherfarer scout can peer into the ethereal plane from any plane that borders it.
She may view up to 60 feet into the ethereal at will, viewing creatures present and nearby as ghostly
images of their actual selves.
Expert of the Ethereal (Ex): The etherfarer scout gains a +5 competence bonus on any Survival check
performed while on the Ethereal Plane.
Ethersprint (Ex): When traveling on the ethereal plane at 2nd level, the etherfarer scout adds 10 feet
to her movement rate. In addition, she rolls 1d6 rather than 1d10 when determining the time needed
to travel to a specific point in the Deep Ethereal.
Hide in Mists (Sp): The etherfarer scout, at 3rd level, gains the ability to use the spell-like ability
invisibility three times per day as a sorcerer of her character level. However, this ability only functions
on the ethereal plane.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a etherfarer scout can react to danger before her senses
would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught
flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if
immobilized. If an etherfarer scout already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically
gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.
Ethereal Jaunt (Sp): At 5th level, the etherfarer scout gains the ability to use ethereal jaunt once a day
as a sorcerer of her character level. At 7th level, you can use this three times a day, and a 9th level, it
becomes usable at will.
Cyclone Slingshot (Ex): An etherfarer scout, at 6th level, learns how to use the cyclones upon the
ethereal plane to "slingshot" herself where she wants to go. When caught in a ether cyclone, she may
make a Reflex save against a DC of the effect she desires from the list below. If she succeeds, the
normal effect of the cyclone is negated and she can use the effect listed below. If she fails, the normal
effect of the Cyclone takes place.



esired Effect
ove 1d10 miles in a chosen direction
alve the time required to travel to a point in the 25
eep Ethereal
aunch oneself into a random ethereal curtain
aunch oneself into a specific ethereal curtain
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An etherfarer scout of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This
defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker
has at least four more rogue levels than the target does. If a character already has improved uncanny
dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the
levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required
to flank the character.
Etherealness (Sp): At 10th level, the etherfarer scout may use etherealness once a day as a sorcerer of
her character level.

Hinterlands Bandit
The bandits of the Hinterlands (the edge of the Outlands) are not so much roving gangs but a nomadic
people, relying on their raids and thefts for survival more often than riches. They're well-known for
their skill with mounts, riding in with shocking speed and striking merchants before their guards can
even react. Typically, their mounts are horses or ponies, though some khassta bandits have been known
to use dinosaurs and giant lizards of various sorts. Some of the more fearsome gangs even have a truly
monstrous mount or two, such as a wyvern or bulette.
Most such bandits maintain small communities deep in the Hinterlands, traveling out long distances to
strike at the caravans that travel from gate-burg to gate-burg. Those that travel on the Great Ring
dread them, though not all such bandits are sinister sorts. While some seek to rob every berk blind in
the hope of retiring with their riches early in some gate-burg, some have been known to ride up, take
only what they need, and then offer their protection as compensation! While the tradition varies from
race to race, the tradition and culture of the bandits is one that has lasted largely unchanged for
centuries - perhaps even millennia.
Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become a hinterlands bandit (hba), a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Alignment: Any nonlawful
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Base Fortitude Save: +2
Base Reflex Save: +2
Skills: Handle Animal 4 ranks, Ride 8 ranks
Feats: Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery
Class Skills


The hinterland bandits class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Handle Animal (Cha),
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nature, Int), Knowledge (local, outlands) (Int), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis),
and Survival (Wis).


Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier






Expert Trainer, Saddlehome
Outdoors Combat
Improved Mounted Combat
Improved Mounted Archery

Class Features
The following are features of the hinterlands bandit prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Hinterlands bandits gain no proficiency in all simple and martial
weapons, and light and medium armor.
Saddlehome (Ex): The hinterlands bandit adds his class level as a competence bonus to all Ride checks.
Expert Trainer (Ex): When using the Handle Animal skill to train a creature, the hinterlands bandit may
teach it a trick in only two days rather than one week. Furthermore, he may teach it two more tricks
than it normally would be able to learn.
Outdoors Combat (Ex): The hinterlands bandit, at 2nd level, gains a bonus when in the open terrain
advantageous to his fighting style. He gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage when in desert, hills, plains,
sky, or comparably open terrain.
Improved Mounted Combat (Ex): At 3rd level, a hinterlands bandit can use his Mounted Combat feat
twice per round rather than only once.
Improved Mounted Archery (Ex): At 4th level, a hinterlands bandit may fire ranged weapon from the
back of a mount with no penalities unless the mount is moving at a sprint. If the creature is moving at
a sprint, he suffers a -2 penalty to hit with a ranged weapon.
Encircle (Ex): The greatest hinterlands bandits use their startling speed to take their opponents by
surprise. If a hinterlands bandit of 5th level moves at least ninety degrees around his opponent in a
single round, he is considered to be flanking his target for that round. He must at least move around
his opponent so he is at the opposite side of the opponent from where he started the round at some
point during his movement. This does not allow any other attacker to flank your opponent, and is
otherwise subject to all the normal rules of flanking (for example, it only grants a bonus with a melee

The tunnels and caverns of Pandemonium contain enough evils to drive even the strongest mind insane,
given enough time. Winds race along the rock walls creating moaning cacophonies that seep into the
bones of travelers and dissolve their sanity. The inhabitants of this plane are among the most
precarious of creatures in the multiverse, constantly teetering on the border of madness, and fighting
off the shadowy denizens of the plane. Many, like the Banished, have no choice but to live in the dark
caverns of Pandemonium, but they struggle to survive regardless. A body learns soon that any who


resist the winds are quickly broken, one needs to bend to them and live with the madness. Resistance
only leads to failure, but slow acceptance can keep you alive, if a bit altered.


At the pinnacle of this belief are those called the Howlers. Dangerous and unpredictable, the howlers
open themselves to the encroaching darkness and use it to make themselves unstoppable weapons.
Members of this caste put one in the mind of feral predators, and starved ones at that. They move with
dangerous grace, flowing across the ground and unconsciously staying to the shadows. There is a
dangerous glint in the eye of a howler, and usually a chilling smile on his face. They as hazardous and
uncontrollable as the winds they try to emulate.
Most howlers were fighters, barbarians or rouges before sinking into madness. Rangers, paladins, and
druids usually resist the winds to the bitter end, a tactic which any Pandemonium native can tell you
leads to the hardest fall when it does come. Despite both classes' reliance on unarmed fighting, monks
almost never become howlers. The lawful monks resist Pandemonium's madness and instinctively resist
the level of perversion one's mind must attain before becoming a howler. Howlers are self-taught
martial artists, acting on instinct rather than training. Clerics serving gods of madness are sometimes
drawn to the wild abandon with which howlers live, as are the most wild of bards. Wizards and
sorcerers are the rarest to follow this path since it means a severe handicap on their spellcasting
Hit Die: d8
To become a howler, the character must fulfill the following criteria:
Alignment: non-lawful, non-good
Skills: Tumble 4 ranks, Climb 3 ranks, Hide 3 ranks, Balance 3 ranks.
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dodge.
Special: Must have spent at least a year living in Pandemonium.
Class Skills
The monks class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Hide (Dex),
Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis) and Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points Each Level: 2 + Int.


































Darkness of Mind, Deafening Howl,
Unarmed Strike
Speed of a Gale 30 ft.
Whispers from the Depths 1/day,
Riotous Thoughts
Piercing Shriek 1d8
Speed of a Gale 40 ft., Anathema
Path of Shadows
Whispers from the Depths 2/day,
Devastating Howl
Speed of a Gale 50 ft., Piercing
Shriek 2d8
Creature of the Deep
Speed of a Gale 60 ft.


Class Features
Weapons and Armor Howlers gain no proficiencies for weapons all armor, in fact they find such items
constrictive and dislike using them. A howler looses all his bonus abilities (but not Darkness of Mind,
Anathema, or Creature of the Deep) when wearing armor. Instead of armor, howlers rely on the
palpable force of their madness to deflect incoming blows. They may add their Charisma modifier to
their AC, as well as a third of their howler levels rounded up. Howlers may carry weapons freely, but
lose there Unarmed Strike ability when doing so.


Darkness of Mind (Su) Howlers are inexorably twisted by the horrors of Pandemonium. Their minds are
constantly filled with the shrieking winds and scuttling shadows of those terrible burrows. Despite their
actual alignment, they are affected by the Alignment of planes as if they were Chaotic Evil. If they are
either of chaotic or evil already they receive an extra -1 from planes of different alignments for each.
Deafening Howl (Su) Once per day per level, a howler may release an anguished howl, which affects
those in the immediate area. A number of individuals up to the howler's Charisma modifier are affected
by the howl and must make a Willpower save (10 + one-half howler levels + Cha modifier) or are
deafened for 3 rounds. All targets must be within 20 feet. A deafened character cannot hear, suffers a
-4 penalty to initiative checks, and has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal
components, and cannot make Listen skill checks. Deaf creatures, constructs, oozes, plants, undead,
incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits are not affected by a Deafening Howl.
Unarmed Strike Howlers dislike the weight and formality of weapons and armor, preferring to use
their own body to fight. All howlers are considered to have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, so that
they do not incur an attack of opportunity for making an unarmed attack against an armed opponent. If
they are medium sized, they use the increased unarmed damage listed on the chart. Small howlers use
one dice lower, while Large howlers use the die above. When attacking unarmed, a howler does not
have an off-hand with regards to two-weapon fighting. Like a monk, howlers can choose to deal normal
or subdual damage with their unarmed attack without penalty.
Speed of a Gale (Ex) Once a howler reaches 2nd level he can channel the manic strength of the winds
into his muscles, increasing his base speed by 10 ft. This bonus increases to 20 ft. at 5th level, 30 ft. at
8th level, and 40 ft. at 10th level. The chart above lists speeds for a standard medium-sized howler.
This is the howlers new base speed, not a bonus, so that it stacks with other modifiers.
Riotous Thoughts (Su) A howlers mind is such a seething cauldron of lunacy that spellcasters and
psionicists often have trouble holding on to them. Starting at 3rd level, howlers receive a +2 save vs.
mind-affecting spells and powers.
Whispers from the Depths (Su) Upon reaching 3rd level, howlers are able to maintain a litany of inane
babbling once per day that festers in the mind of all who hear it. This distracts spellcasters, requiring
them to make a Concentration check at a DC of 5 plus the spell level to continue casting. The howler
can maintain the Whispers for a number of rounds equal to his howler levels, and may take actions
normally, although he suffers -2 to attack. Once the Whispers are done the howler is dazed for one
round. A dazed character takes no actions but defends himself normally. At 7th level the howler is able
to use the Whispers twice per day.
Piercing Shriek (Su) At 4th level, a howler is able to achieve a more concentrated yell, directing
intense sonic waves at any opponent within 10 feet. Usable once per day, this Piercing Shriek physically
rips through the targets body dealing 1d8 damage plus the howlers Charisma modifier. At 8th level the
damage increases to 2d8, though the modifier addition is added the same way. Targets of Piercing
Shriek can make a Fortitude save (DC 15) for half damage.
Anathema (Ex) At 5th level, the howler has slipped far enough into madness that he is very unsettling
to those he meets. Unable to make himself appear sincere, howler suffers a -2 penalty to Charisma


checks to influence NPCs, and Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Animal Empathy checks. This
penalty does not apply to Pandemonium natives, whose sympathy balances suspicion.


Path of Shadows (Sp) With an intimate knowledge of shadows, a howler is unhindered by temporary
barriers like walls after reaching 6th level. Once per day he may travel between two shadows as the
spell dimension door cast by a sorcerer of one-half the howlers character levels.
Devastating Howl (Sp) Once a howler reaches 7th level he is able to channel more of the power of
Pandemonium into his body. This moaning wail is filled with such tragic cries that it can warp the
thoughts of all in the area. All those within 20 feet who can hear the howler must succeed in a
Willpower save (DC 15) or be confused as per the spell for 1d4 rounds plus the howlers Charisma score.
For all purposes (besides the DC and range) this ability is treated as if cast by a sorcerer of the same
level as the howler. The characteristic Deafening Howl power is used interchangeably with the new
Devastating Howl ability. Each of these is combined for the total once per day per level that the howler
may use them. Thus a 7th level howler may not exceed 7 uses of Deafening Howl and Devastating Howl
Creature of the Deep (Ex) At 9th level, howlers have grown more accustomed to darkness than light.
He gains darkvision up to 60 ft (if the howler already has darkvision it is increased by 20 ft.), but in
conditions of bright light he suffers a -2 to all attacks.

Planar Detective
Normal investigations are often rendered pointless by the abilities of planar creatures - tracking a
being that can teleport, turn invisible, or change shape can quickly becomes an exercise in futility.
Therefore, many trackers and investigators have developed special skills that can be used against
exemplars, elementals, and other planar creatures.
Often, these detectives were part of Sigil's establishment working with the Mercykillers and the
Harmonium to bring escaped criminals to justice, but that time has since passed. Nowadays, they often
work for hire, serving private interests or the government of a gate-burg. More rarely, they seek out
cases and perform their own investigations, trying to bring justice and truth to the planes. In the
Harmonium, they're often used to discover wrongdoing in Arcadia or to find those that have harmed the
Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become a planar detective, a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Skills: Gather Information 8 ranks, Search 4 ranks
Feats: Improved Subdual, Track
Class Skills
The planar detectives class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha),
Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information
(Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all types, taken separately), Listen (Wis),
Perform (Cha) Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Cha), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and
Survival (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier







Sense Invisibility
Bonus Feat
Track Teleport
Bonus Feat
Follow Teleport

1 2 3
1 - 1 - 2 1 2 1 3 2 1



Class Features
The following are features of the planar detective prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Planar detectives gain no proficiency with any type of armor or
Spells: Beginning at 1st level, the planar detective gains the ability to cast a small number of arcane
spells. To cast a spell, the planar detective must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the spell's
level, so a planar detective with a Intelligence of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells. Planar detective
bonus spells are based on Intelligence, and saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10 + spell
level + the detective's Intelligence modifier. When the planar detective gets 0 spells of a given level,
such as 0 1st-level spells at 1st level, he gets only bonus spells. A planar detective without a bonus
spell of that level cannot yet cast a spell of that level. The planar detectiv's spell list appears below.
The planar detective must prepare his spells like a wizard, but he needs no spellbook and
automatically knows all of the spells listed below. Furthermore, the planar detective does not suffer
from arcane spell failure for the purposes of these arcane spells (and these arcane spells only).
Sense Invisibility: Whenever an invisible creature is within 30 feet, she automatically gains a Listen
check to notice the invisible creature. This ability is opposed by the Move Silently check of the invisible
creature. This does not pinpoint the exact location of the creature, but it alerts the planar detective
that such a being is nearby.
Bonus Feats: At 2nd and 4th level, the planar detective gains a bonus feat. This may be any of the
following feats: Greater Spell Penetration, Skill Focus (for any Charisma-based, Intelligence-based, or
Wisdom-based skill only), or Spell Penetration. The champion must still meet all prerequisites of a feat
to take it.
Track Teleport (su): A planar detective, at 3rd level, may sense the location another creature
teleported to within the last 24 hours. To do so, the Planar Detective must spend a full round
concentrating within 10 feet of where the creature teleported from, and make a Spellcraft check. The
DC of this check is 10 + the level of the spell used. If successful, he immediately becomes aware of the
destination, including plane, though finding it may require a Intuit Direction check if the planar
detective is not familiar with the destination point. This power works with all forms of instantaneous
travel across space or planes, including Dimension Door, Plane Shift, Refuge, Teleport, Teleport Without
Error, Teleportation Circle, etc.
Follow Teleport (su): At 5th level, the planar detective gains the ability to follow a suspect that has
teleported away. Whenever a creature teleports, the planar detective may choose to be automatically
teleport along with the caster so long as the planar detective is within 10' of the teleporter. This power
works with all forms of instantaneous travel as detailed under Track Teleport, above. He arrives with
the same orientation to the creature that he had before the effect. If this would place him inside an
object, he is stunted to the nearest free space.
Planar Detective Spell List:
Planar Detective Spell List


1st - detect thoughts, locate object, see invisibility, comprehend languages, command, detect magic,
read magic.


2nd - speak with dead, locate creature, hold person, find traps, tongues.
3rd - hold monster, dimensional anchor, invisibility purge, dispel magic, dictate.

Plane Runner
The plane runner is a specialist in traversing the planes. They are consummate guides, explorers and
survivalists. Some plane runners learn the back roads of the planes for their own benefit, while others
share their expertise with others. Some hire themselves out as guides or bodyguards, while others take
up the adventuring path.
Rangers make excellent plane runners, taking their skills and extending them to the planes at large.
Barbarians make credible editions to the class, and some enjoy pitting their wills against the harshness
of the planes. Bards who enjoy traveling throughout the vistas of the planes are attracted to the class,
and less sedentary rogues can be well served by the plane hoppers skills. Wizards and sorcerers who
study planar secrets or spend time on the transitive or Inner Planes sometimes join the ranks, although
they find it difficult. Some fighters become plane runners in order to serve as skilled caravan guards,
while wandering monks occasionally learn these skills in their quest for enlightenment. Clerics and
druids rarely take this class, usually only doing so if their religions stress travel or the nature of the
Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become a plane runner, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Knowledge (the planes, any two) 5 ranks, Survival 8 ranks.
Feats: Endurance, Planar Knack, Track.
Class Skills
The plane runners class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Control
(Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move
Silently (Dex), Planar Expertise (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Wilderness Lore (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.





Planar expert
Bonus Feat
Planar survival
Planar companion
Planar expert
Bonus Feat
Grant planar survival, plane shift 1/day
Planar expert
Plane shift 2/day, bonus feat
Planar guide

Class Features


All the following are class features of the plane runner prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A plane runner is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor.


Planar Expert: At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 10th level, a plane runner can select a specific plane and gain
a competence bonus equal to his class level to all Intuit Direction, Listen, Search, Spot, and Wilderness
Lore (and Survival) checks on that plane.
Bonus Feat: At 2nd, 6th level, and 9th level, the plane runner may take a bonus feat. These feats must
be region-based feats for the planes the plane runner has selected under Planar Expert. The plane
runner must still fulfill the basic requirements of any feat taken in this fashion.
Planar Survival (Ex): When on a plane selected with the Planar Experience class ability (see above), the
plane runner functions as if under the permanent effects of an avoid planar effects or attunement
Planar Companion: Beginning at 4th level, a plane runner becomes so attuned to the planes that she
attracts a native of the multiverse. This works just as the druid animal companion class feature, except
as follows: the planar companion can be an animal that has the anarchic, axiomatic, celestial,
element, fiendish, or shadow template. The plane runner counts his class level 3 for purposes of this
ability. Therefore, it would take a 10th level plane runner to have a fiendish giant alligator as a
companion, for example.
Grant Planar Survival (Su): A plane runner of 7th level or higher can extend the planar survival ability
by touch to a number of others equal to his plane runner level. Once granted, the survival ability lasts
for 24 hours. Should the plane runners companions wind up on a different plane than the plane runner,
their protection fades immediately.
Plane Shift (Sp): At 7th level, a plane runner may move from plane to plane once per day as a spell-like
ability. This functions as the plane shift spell cast by a sorcerer of a level equal to the plane runners
character level. At 9th level, this ability is usable twice a day.

Planar Stalker
Few creatures possess as much innate power as the exemplars found on the Outer Planes. Often far
older than any mortal can comprehend, these magical creatures are accustomed to being either feared
or revered by lesser beings. Despite this, there are some cutters skilled enough, or just plain barmy
enough, to make a profession of killing exemplars. Some are praised as heroes, while others are hated
as monsters, often depending on their choice of prey. Whether for wealth or fame, vengeance or duty,
planar stalkers represent the elite hunters of the Outer Planes.
While many call Sigil home, most are accustomed to hunting alone for days or weeks on the infinite
planes, returning to civilized land every so often to rest or sell the spoils of the kill. A few well-known
planar stalkers may be hired as guards through contested land or hired killers for particularly powerful
exemplar. They serve equally well as guides, and many specialize in the features of one or two planes,
but their prices are typically much higher than the average tout.
Hit Die: d10.
To become a planar stalker, the character must fulfill the following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Favored Enemy: At least one exemplar as a favored enemy.



Skills: Knowledge (The planes) 4 ranks, Wilderness Lore (or Survival) 8 ranks.
Feats: Skill Focus (Planar Expertise), Track
Class Skills
The planar stalkers class skills are Climb, Concentration, Control, Craft, Hide, Intuit Direction, Jump,
Knowledge (The planes), Listen, Move Silently, Planar Expertise, Profession, Search, Spot, Swim, Use
Rope, and Wilderness Lore.
Skill Points At Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.






Portal Sense
Resist exemplar
Planar survival
Ward circumvention
Favored enemy
Strike exemplar
Banishment immunity
Planar Sense
Enchant exemplar
Favored enemy

1 2
0 1 1 0
1 1
1 1
1 1
2 1
2 1
2 2
2 2



Class Features
All of the following are class features of the planar stalker.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Planar stalkers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light
armor, medium armor, and shields.
Spells per Day: A planar stalker has the ability to cast a small number of divine spells. To cast a spell,
the planar stalker must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the spell's level. Planar stalker bonus
spells are based on Wisdom, and saving throws against these spells have a Difficulty Class of 10 + spell
level + Wisdom modifier. When the planar stalker gets 0 spells of a given level, such as 0 1st-level
spells at 1st level, the planar stalker gets only bonus spells. (A planar stalker without a bonus spell for
that level cannot yet cast a spell of that level.) The planar stalkers spell list appears below. A planar
stalker prepares and casts spells just as a cleric does (though the planar stalker cannot use spontaneous
casting to lose a spell and cast a cure or inflict spell in its place).
Portal Sense: At 1st level, the planar stalker gains Portal Sense as a bonus feat.
Resist Exemplar (Ex): At 2nd level, the planar stalker gains a bonus to saves versus the spell-like
abilities of any exemplars he has as a favored enemy equal to his planar stalker class level.
Planar Survival (Ex): At 3rd level, a planar stalker becomes attuned to the planes he visits and
personally immune to natural planar effects. Any effect that would be negated by the avoid planar
effects spell is negated by the planar survival ability as well.
Ward Circumvention (Ex): At 4th level, a planar stalker is able to move through areas warded against
his alignment-type or race by spells or effects such as magic circle against evil or forbiddance. The
planar stalker is still subject to any other effects of the spell while in the area.


Favored Enemy: At 5th and 10th level, the planestalker chooses another favored enemy and may
increase the bonuses for any one of his favored enemies by 2, just as a Ranger does.


Strike Exemplar (Ex): At 6th level, the planar stalker has trained himself in striking his chosen
exemplars with deadly accuracy. Use the characters bonus against his favored enemy for bypassing the
damage reduction of that type of exemplar. For instance, a planar stalker with favored enemy
(baatezu) at +3 would successfully damage any baatezu with damage reduction lower than +4 whether
the planar stalkers weapon was sufficiently magical or not. If the same planar stalker also had favored
enemy (modron) at +2 his weapons would only be affective against modron with damage reduction
lower than +3. This ability overlaps (does not stack) with the enhancements of the weapon, but can be
improved by other modifiers such as the planar feat Pierce Damage Reduction.
3.5 Version
At 6th level, the planestalker has trained himself in striking his chosen outsiders with deadly accuracy.
When attacking an outsider he has a favored enemy, his weapon can simulate properties for purposes of
bypassing damage reduction, as listed below.

Weapon Type
s Simulated
Chaos, Evil,
Good, Law
Banishment Immunity (Ex): At 7th level, a planar stalker cannot be banished from a plane against his
will by spells such as banishment, plane shift, and teleport unless by a caster four levels higher than
the planar stalkers class level.
Planar Sense (Sp): At 8th level, a planar stalkers senses extend to coexistant planes and he gains the
ability to use extradimensional awareness as a spell-like ability. He may use this ability 3 times per day.
This ability otherwise functions as the spell cast by a sorcerer of the planar stalkers character level.
Enchant Exemplar (Su): At 9th level, a planar stalker is so experienced in overcoming the spell
resistance of exemplars he has as favored enemies he uses his character level for caster level when
penetrating the spell resistance of those types of exemplars.
Planar Stalker Spell List
1st alarm, comprehend, languages, cure light wounds, delay poison, detect secret doors, expeditious
retreat, message, read magic, resist elements, portal beacon, protection from, chaos/evil/good/law
2nd cure moderate wounds, detect chaos/evil/good/law, detect thoughts, interplanar message, portal
alarm*, protection from elements, snare, tongues, undetectable alignment
3rd avoid planar effects, cure serious wounds, foe sight, hold person, improved alarm, neutralize
poison, phantom steed, remove disease
4th attune form, cure critical wounds, dimension door, dimensional anchor, improved portal alarm,
inverted magic, locate creature, foebane, hold m onster, nondetection
Spell List


Planestalkers choose their spells from the following list:

1st alarm, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, delay poison, expeditious retreat, resist
elements, portal beacon, protection from chaos, protection from evil, protection from good,
protection from law


2nd detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, interplanar message, portal alarm, protection
from elements, snare, tongues
3rd avoid planar effects, cure serious wounds, hold person, improved alarm, neutralize poison,
phantom steed, remove disease
4th attune form, cure critical wounds, dimension door, dimensional anchor, improved portal alarm,
locate creature, hold monster, nondetection

Sky Mage
Also known as floating sorcerers or wind wizards, sky mages make up a tradition of arcane spellcasters
that have adapted their skills to the unique environment of the Elemental Plane of Air. It's said that the
group originates from a Prime wizard that was obsessed with trying to develop a non-magical flying
device, and that eventually found his inspiration on the elemental planes. If so, that was millennia ago.
Now, it seems that gliders and balloons are mandatory for spellcasters of the Elemental Plane of Air,
and one is respected as much for one's skill with a glider as for one's spell-slinging capability.
A fair number of air genasi become sky mages, though the tradition is largely human. Very recently, a
group of gnomes have also come to join the tradition, with dreams of building large "air ships" in order
to facilitate travel across the planes. While the idea seems barmy, the gnomes seem perfectly serious
about the endeavor. But then, it could be said that a touch of enthusiastic madness can be found in all
sky mages.
Hit Die: d4
To qualify to become a sky mage (skm), a character must fulfill the following criteria:
Skills: Craft (any two) 2 ranks, Knowledge (elemental plane of air) 3 ranks, Ride 5 ranks
Feats: Craft Wondrous Item
Spells: Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells, including feather fall, levitate, and fly.
Special: If your region is Elemental Plane of Air, you may bypass the Knowledge requirement.
Class Skills
The sky mages class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft
(alchemy) Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local, Elemental Plane of Air) (Int), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int),
and Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier





Glider Pilot, Expert Flier
Flying Master

Spells per Day

+1spellcasting level







+1spellcasting level
Wondrous Flying Device


Class Features
The following are features of the sky mage prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Sky mages gain no proficiency in weapons or armor.
Spells per Day: At 2nd and 4th level of the air mage class, the character gains new spells per day as if
she had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the
prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have
gained. This essentially means that she adds the level of air mage to the level of whatever other
arcane spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level
accordingly. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before she became an air mage,
she must decide to which class she adds each applicable level of air mage for the purpose of
determining spells per day.
Glider Pilot: When using a sky glider or balloon sling (see new equipment), the sky mage may use her
Ride skill and treat the device as if it were a mount for purposes of feats. She gains a +2 bonus to Ride
checks when doing so.
Expert Flyer: When using magic to fly, a sky mage's maneuverability class (see the Dungeon Masters'
Guide, page 69) is considered to be one higher for every level of Expert Flyer than it would normally
be, so a sky mage using fly has perfect maneuverability rather than good maneuverability. In addition,
the sky mage gains her expert flyer bonus as a dodge bonus to AC and a circumstance bonus to any
Dexterity-based skill check while flying under her own power. These bonuses do not imply if the sky
mage is riding a vehicle (such as the sky glider) or a creature - she must fly under her own power rather
than that of another. The sky mage's expert flyer bonus is equal to her class level.
Flying Magic Mastery: At 3rd level, when using a metamagic feat to modify feather fall, levitate, or fly,
the sky mage may reduce the level of the spell slot by one (not to be lower than the base level of the
spell slot). Only a single usage of a single metamagic feat per spell can be modified in such a fashion.
Wondrous Flying Device: At 5th level, when creating a magic item, the sky mage may install feather
fall, levitate, or fly for 50% less GP than the normal cost to do so (reducing the base GP and XP base
creation costs accordingly). This only applies to the additional cost of the three spells mentioned; the
rest of the item is created normally.

Whirling Dervish
Some rogues and monks, especially those that belong to the Ciphers, choose to concentrate on their
movement, and speed, rather than on raw damage. For those interested in following this school of
thought, the Whirling Dervishes are an excellent choice. Though the Dervishs' ranks are composed
mainly of Ciphers, they do not bar other factions from joining, with these non-Ciphers making up about
one fifth of the order's numbers.
Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become a whirling dervish, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Skills: Tumble 10, Move Silently 8, Hide 8
Feats: Dodge, Mobility



Other: Base Attack Bonus of 5+

Class Skills
The whirling dervishs class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (int), Balance (dex),
Climb (str), Disable Devise (int), Escape Artist (dex), Hide (dex), Jump (str), Move Silently (dex), Open
locks (dex), Perform (cha), Search (int), Sense Motive (wis), Spot (wis), Tumble (dex), Use Magical
Device (cha), and Use Rope (dex).
Skill Points at Each Level 6 + Int modifier.





Increased Movement
Improved Evasion, Minor Skill Mastery
Cartwheel Charge, Sneak Attack +1d6
Critical Sense, Up the Walls
Distance Tumbling
Whirl of Blades, Sneak Attack +2d6
Minor Skill Mastery
Defensive Roll
Excellent Balance, Sneak Attack +3d6
Minor Teleportation

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Whirling Dervish
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Whirling Dervishes gain no new weapon or armor proficiencies.
Increased Movement: At first level the Whirling Dervish gains the ability to move farther than normal,
gaining an additional ten feet to their base movement distance rate.
Minor Skill Mastery: As Skill Mastery except the character may choose a number of skills equal to 3+Int
Modifier divided by 2 (rounded down) at 2nd level. At 7th level this ability is gained again.
Improved Evasion: The Whirling Dervish gains Improved Evasion at 2nd level
Sneak Attack: The Whirling Dervish gains the ability to sneak attack at 3rd level if they do not already
have it. She gains +1d6 damage with this attack initially, but this rises to +2d6 at 6th level and 3d6 at
9th level. If she already has the sneak attack ability from a previous class, the damage bonuses stack.
Cartwheel Charge: At 3rd level the Whirling Dervish gains the Cartwheel Charge ability. (See Cartwheel
Charge in the Song and Silence)
Critical Sense: At 4th level the Whirling Dervish gains the ability to know how best to attack. By
sacrificing one sneak attack bonus dice, if the attack succeeds it is considered an automatic critical
threat. The sneak attack die must be sacrificed before the attack is made. The character can do this
once every three levels of Whirling Dervish. This is an extraordinary ability.
Up the Walls (Ex): Upon gaining 4th level, the Whirling Dervish is able to use their Tumble skill to climb
walls as long as she has two walls to use. If the walls are parallel they must be within 10 feet of each
other. If not then the walls must be touching (for instance, at a corner in a room) and at least at a 135
degree angle of each other. The Climb DC does not change, but the Whirling Dervish may use their
Tumble skill instead of their Climb skill.


Distance Tumbling: At 5th level the Whirling Dervish gains the ability to move farther than normal while
tumbling, gaining an additional five feet to their tumbling distance.


Whirl of Blades: At 6th level, the Whirling Dervish may attack as if she had the Whirlwind Attack feat a
number of times per day equal to the Whirling Dervishs Constitution modifier. She may only do this if
she is wearing light armor or no armor.
Superior Skill Focus: The Whirling Dervish is able to choose focused skill and an additional bonus again.(
i.e. character gains +2 with Skill focus and an additional +2 to a skill focused skill making the focused
skill have a total of +4)
Defensive Roll: At 8th level, the Whirling Dervish gains the special ability of Defensive Roll. (see the
rogue section of the PHB) if she doesnt already have it.
Excellent Balance (Ex): At ninth level the whirling Dervish can fight normally even while climbing or
balancing on something. This means, for example, a Whirling Dervish could climb a few steps up a
nearby wall to earn the attack bonus for higher ground while engaged in melee. She may also move at
her normal movement rate when climbing or balancing, and may even run (as long as she does so in a
straight line). She must, however, keep at lest one hand free to climb.
Minor Teleportation (Su): At tenth level, the Whirling Dervish gains the supernatural ability to disappear
from sight and travel a distance of their base movement rate in any direction as long as she could have
moved there by means of climbing or running. The Whirling Dervish may do this a number of times per
day equal to two plus their charisma bonus.

Those who say that githzerai culture has no structure know about as much as a lemures. Not only is the
society of Zerthimons gith very well organized, it has distinct rules of conduct to follow. However,
there is no denying that githzerai are very independent, and the structure of their culture is unlike that
of any other.
Githzerai tradition is centered upon one tenet: the People come above all. The preservation of the
githzerai is just as important today as in Zerthimons time, and the responsibility for this preservation
falls to a special caste of society known as the zerth. Almost a priesthood, the zerth see themselves as
the heirs of Zerthimon and thus the chosen few who strive to carry on his role as the Savior of the
Zerth philosophy is as curious as the rest of githzerai culture. They strive to achieve mental
enlightenment to aid their physical prowess. They utilize intimate understanding of arcane forces to
guide their trusted karach blades in deadly combat. They think of themselves as a close-knit
brotherhood yet most often work alone, even when pursuing the same end as others in the order.
Perhaps most curious of all is the swordplay philosophy which underlies all the orders teachings. Zerth
warriors strive to be the Eye of the Storm, a tightly focused funnel of chaos. This puts them apart
from monastic orders which try to order their minds to focus their bodies; zerth embrace the chaos
that surrounds them and channel it toward their goal, as aqueduct walls channel bubbling water. In this
manner they are always ready to act, yet they remain unpredictable to their calculating enemies. Also,
zerth have an easy time identifying with foes such as slaadi, who frequently threaten githzerai cities,
allowing the protectors to anticipate and counter these creatures.
To qualify to become a zerth, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Race: Githzerai
Alignment: any non-lawful


Base Attack: +5
Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Craft (Weaponsmith) 3 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Knowledge
(githzerai history) 3 ranks


Feats: Combat Casting, Expertise, Weapon Focus (any sword), Dodge, Power Attack
Spells: Ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells.
Special: Must be proficient in at least one type of sword.
Class Skills
The following are the class skills of the Zerth prestige class (and the key attribute for each): Balance
(Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Weaponsmithing) (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex)
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.






Forge karach, Eye of the Storm
Zerth blade
Channel the Maelstrom I
The Karach Sings True
Channel the Maelstrom II
Chain blade
Channel the Maelstrom III
The Karach Sings True
Channel the Maelstrom IV
Singing blade

1 2
1 1 1 1
2 1
2 1
2 2
3 2
3 2
3 3
4 3



Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Zerth do not gain proficiency in any new weapons, but they do gain
proficiency in light armor.
Forge karach (Su): The symbol of the zerth order is the distinctive karach blade, which initiates must
forge as their first test. When a githzerai first becomes a zerth he learns how to siphon away a tiny
part of the Chaos Soup from the githzerai home plane to forge into a deadly, flexible weapon. Forging a
karach blade takes the same amount of time as a greatsword, although you do not need to pay material
costs. A karach blade never takes a definite form, it always seems to shimmer as if behind a heat haze.
The blade can superficially look like many weapons, however, although with concerted effort by the
zerth. In order to form the karach blade into a coherent weapon, the zerth must make a Concentration
check at a DC equal to the weapons max damage plus 10. Forming a shortsword, for instance, would
require a DC of 16 while a longsword requires an 18. The blade, being made of chaostuff, is extremely
temporal and rapidly melts if the zerth is not focused on it (i.e. not in battle) for more than 5 rounds
or is unconscious.
Zerth blades are extensions of the zerths mind, and the blades easily reflect the zerths mind. The
blade will turn cruel and black with anger, shining and cold with righteousness, and calm blue for
smugness. A zerth with his karach blade formed is at a disadvantage, though, when trying to conceal
his emotions. Bluff checks and Innuendos made while the blade is out receive a -2 penalty.


Eye of the Storm (Su): The focus exercises of the zerth order allow exceptional concentration in hectic
situations. A zerth envisions himself as the focused eye of a raging tempest, a seemingly benign center
that could turn violent at any moment. A zerth receives his Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed, and also
a bonus to reflex saves against traps or other surprises equal to his zerth level.


Zerth Blade (Su): Upon reaching 2nd level, the zerth has begun to exude the force of his will into his
karach blade. Regardless of the shape that the blade currently has, it is considered a +2 weapon, but
only with regard to meeting a creatures damage reduction. When used against lawful planeborne this
bonus increases to +3.
Channel the Maelstrom (Sp): At 3rd level the zerth has achieved a special harmony with his karach
blade that allows him to store arcane energy in it. The zerth may store a magic spell or psionic power
within the chaostuff which makes up the blade freeing up a slot. The spell or power stored must have
as its target a specific creature or object, not an area or individuals within an area, and they may not
affect the zerth. For example, shocking grasp would be acceptable since its target reads creature or
object touched, but shout is not acceptable since it affects a cone. The spell or power, once
activated, originates from the karach blade not the character, so that any cones are fixed upon it, and
any touch spells require that the subject is touched by the blade. At 5th level the zerth may store 2
spells at a time, and at 7th and 9th the maximum changes to three and four respectively. Each of the
spell slots within the blade may only be used once every 24 hours. Should the blade leave the zerths
possession for more than 1 minute, it immediately melts, releasing all stored spells and powers
directed at random targets.
For example, a zerth could memorize hold person and then store it in his blade. For all intents and
purposes he has cast the spell and may memorize new spells, or even hold person again, normally.
However, the spells effects do not manifest until the zerth desires, when they are channeled through
the blade itself.
The Karach Sings True (Ex): When the zerth reaches 4th level, his blade becomes more deadly,
extending its critical range downward by one. At 8th level the critical range is extended downwards by
another one, increasing the total adjustment to two.
Chained Blade (Su): At 6th level the zerth has extremely fine control over his karach blade, allowing
him to loosen his command over the chaostuff without losing complete control. The blade now seems
to bend and whirl in combat, though it remains as tangible as before when parrying or pinning.
However, when the zerth makes an attack, the karach tries to whip back at the opponent, slashing
independently of its masters movements. As long as the zerth hits by more than three, the karach
blade will whip like a chain, dealing another dice of damage. This happens every attack so that a zerth
attacking someone twice in a round with karach resembling a longsword could conceivably deal 2d8 per
attack for a total of 4d8.
Singing blade (Su): At 10th level the zerth has achieved such harmony with his blade, that his willpower
fills the air with a haunting cacophony of ghostly tones. Witnesses have described the noise as
reminiscent of a high wind through the eaves of a house, though the accounts vary widely. When the
zerth wields his weapon in combat, all enemies within 20 feet of the blade must make a Willpower
check (DC equal to the zerths total levels) or suffer a -2 to both attack and armor class. Allies of the
zerth are heartened by the tones and feel themselves goaded into fighting with wild abandon,
receiving a +2 to their attacks. The zerth himself flows along with the swirling chaostuff in his weapon,
a spinning dance which makes him hard to strike and increases his armor class by 2. He is not inspired
by the blades song ... any more than a torch illuminates itself, and thus does not receive the attack
Zerth Spell List


1st expeditious retreat, color spray, mage armor, magic weapon, protection from law, shield, true


2nd alter self, blur, bulls strength, cats grace, detect law, detect, chaos, mirror image, protection
from arrows, shatter, shield other
3rd displacement, greater magic weapon, haste, keen edge, magic circle against law, magic vestment
4th chaos hammer, dimension door, fire shield, improved invisibility, stoneskin


Chapter Release Information

Please direct any questions, comments, complements or complaints to the Planewalker Forums
Please direct any errata to report to [email protected]


Release Version: v 2.0 6/3/2006

Updated background image
Reviewed table layout for chapter
Converted PW_Font to Exodus font
Reviewed spacing, paragraph formats, grammar
Release Version: v 3.0 10/5/2007
Updated chapter style, added contact info, minor text modifications
Added general prestige classes: Abysssal Warrior, Acheron Warmaster, Astral Slider, Cogmind,
Ethereal Raider, Etherfarer Scout, Hinterlands Bandit, Howler, Planar Detective, Plane Runner,
Planar Stalker, Sky Mage, Whirling Dervish, Zerth
Release Version: v 4.0 2/13/2008
Reviewed feats and bookmarking.
Reviewed feat and prestige class dependencies.
Minor formatting updates.


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