Chapter-1: Objective
Chapter-1: Objective
Chapter-1: Objective
A water tank is used to store water to tide over the daily requirement. In the construction of
concrete structure for the storage of water and other liquids the imperviousness of concrete is
most essential .The permeability of any uniform and thoroughly compacted concrete of given
mix proportions is mainly dependent on water cement ratio .The increase in water cement
ratio results in increase in the permeability .The decrease in water cement ratio will therefore
be desirable to decrease the permeability, but very much reduced water cement ratio may
cause compaction difficulties and prove to be harmful also. Design of liquid retaining
structure has to be based on the avoidance of cracking in the concrete having regard to its
tensile strength. Cracks can be prevented by avoiding the use of thick timber shuttering which
prevent the easy escape of heat of hydration from the concrete mass the risk of cracking can
also be minimized by reducing the restraints on free expansion or contraction of the structure.
To develop programs for the design of water tank of flexible base and rigid base and
the underground tank to avoid the tedious calculations.
Infiltration wells ; and
Wells and Tube-wells.
Water consumption rate (Per Capita Demand in litres per day per head)
Population to be served.
Quantity= Per capita demand x Population
a fire breaks out, a huge quantity of water is required to be supplied during short duration,
necessitating the need for a maximum rate of hourly supply.
So, an adequate quantity of water must be available to meet the peak demand. To meet all the
fluctuations, the supply pipes, service reservoirs and distribution pipes must be properly
proportioned. The water is supplied by pumping directly and the pumps and distribution
system must be designed to meet the peak demand. The effect of monthly variation influences
the design of storage reservoirs and the hourly variations influences the design of pumps and
service reservoirs. As the population decreases, the fluctuation rate increases.
Maximum daily demand = 1.8 x average daily demand
Maximum hourly demand of maximum day i.e. Peak demand
= 1.5 x average hourly demand
= 1.5 x Maximum daily demand/24
= 1.5 x (1.8 x average daily demand)/24
= 2.7 x average daily demand/24
= 2.7 x annual average hourly demand
Classification based on under three heads:
1. Tanks resting on ground
2. Elevated tanks supported on stagging
3. Underground tanks.
Classification based on shapes
1. Circular tanks
2. Rectangular tanks
3. Spherical tanks
4. Intze tanks
5. Circular tanks with conical bottom
(iii) The differential conditions prevailing through the large thickness of massive concrete
Use of small size bars placed properly, leads to closer cracks but of smaller width. The risk of
cracking due to temperature and shrinkage effects may be minimized by limiting the changes
in moisture content and temperature to which the structure as a whole is subjected. The risk
of cracking can also be minimized by reducing the restraint on the free expansion of the
structure with long walls or slab founded at or below ground level, restraint can be minimized
by the provision of a sliding layer. This can be provided by founding the structure on a flat
layer of concrete with interposition of some material to break the bond and facilitate
movement. In case length of structure is large it should be subdivided into suitable lengths
separated by movement joints, especially where sections are changed the movement joints
should be provided. Where structures have to store hot liquids, stresses caused by difference
in temperature between inside and outside of the reservoir should be taken into account.
The coefficient of expansion due to temperature change is taken as 11 x 10 -6/ C and
coefficient of shrinkage may be taken as 450 x 10 -6 for initial shrinkage and 200 x 10 -6 for
drying shrinkage.
A contraction joint may be either complete contraction joint or partial contraction joint. A
complete contraction joint is one in which both steel and concrete are interrupted and a partial
contraction joint is one in which only the concrete is interrupted, the reinforcing steel running
through as shown in Fig.(b).
(ii) Expansion Joint. It is a joint with complete discontinuity in both reinforcing steel and
concrete and it is to accommodate either expansion or contraction of the structure. A typical
expansion joint is shown in Fig.(c)
This type of joint is provided between wall and floor in some cylindrical tank designs.
This type of joint is provided for convenience in construction. This type of joint requires the
provision of an initial gap between the adjoining parts of a structure which by closing or
opening accommodates the expansion or contraction of the structure.
(iii) Sliding Joint. It is a joint with complete discontinuity in both reinforcement and concrete
and with special provision to facilitate movement in plane of the joint. A typical joint is
shown in Fig. This type of joint is provided between wall and floor in some cylindrical tank
This type of joint is provided for convenience in construction. Arrangement is made to
achieve subsequent continuity without relative movement. One application of these joints is
between successive lifts in a reservoir wall. A typical joint is shown in Fig(f)
A gap is sometimes left temporarily between the concrete of adjoining parts of a structure
which after a suitable interval and before the structure is put to use, is filled with mortar or
concrete completely. In the first case width of the gap should be sufficient to allow the sides
to be prepared before filling. Figure (g)
so the tensile stress in steel shall be equal to the product of modular ratio of steel and
concrete, and the corresponding allowable tensile stress in concrete.
For strength calculations
In strength calculations the permissible stress shall be as follows:
(i) Tensile stress in member in direct tension 1000 kg/cm2
(ii) Tensile stress in member in bending on liquid retaining face of members or face
away from liquid for members less than 225mm thick 1000 kg/ cm2
(iii)On face away from liquid for members 225mm or more in thickness 1250 kg/ cm2
(iv )Tensile stress in shear reinforcement,
For members less than 225mm thickness 1000 kg/ cm2
For members 225mm or more in thickness 1250 kg/ cm2
(v)Compressive stress in columns subjected to direct load 1250 kg/ cm2
Stresses due to drying Shrinkage or Temperature Change.
(i) Stresses due to drying shrinkage or temperature change may be ignored provided that .
(a) The permissible stresses specified above in (ii) and (iii) are not otherwise exceeded.
(b) Adequate precautions are taken to avoid cracking of concrete during the construction
period and until the reservoir is put into use.
(c) Recommendation regarding joints given in article 8.3 and for suitable sliding layer
beneath the reservoir are complied with, or the reservoir is to be used only for the storage of
water or aqueous liquids at or near ambient temperature and the circumstances are such that
the concrete will never dry out.
(ii)Shrinkage stresses may however be required to be calculated in special cases, when a
shrinkage co-efficient of 300 x 10-6 may be assumed.
(iii) When the shrinkage stresses are allowed, the permissible stresses, tensile stresses to
concrete (direct and bending) may be increased by 33.33 per cent.
(i)Provision of movement joints.
Movement joints should be provided as discussed in article 3.
(ii) Floors of tanks resting on ground.
If the tank is resting directly over ground, floor may be constructed of concrete with nominal
percentage of reinforcement provided that it is certain that the ground will carry the load
without appreciable subsidence in any part and that the concrete floor is cast in panels with
sides not more than 4.5m. with contraction or expansion joints between. In such cases a
screed or concrete layer less than 75mm thick shall first be placed on the ground and covered
with a sliding layer of bitumen paper or other suitable material to destroy the bond between
the screed and floor concrete. In normal circumstances the screed layer shall be of grade not
weaker than M 10,where injurious soils or aggressive water are expected, the screed layer
shall be of grade not weaker than M 15 and if necessary a sulphate resisting or other special
cement should be used.
(i) Provision of joints
1. Where it is desired to allow the walls to expand or contract separately from the floor,
or to prevent moments at the base of the wall owing to fixity to the floor, sliding joints
may be employed.
2. The spacing of vertical movement joints should be as discussed while the majority of
these joints may be of the partial or complete contraction type, sufficient joints of the
expansion type should be provided to satisfy the requirements given in article
(ii) Pressure on Walls.
(a) In liquid retaining structures with fixed or floating covers the gas pressure developed
above liquid surface shall be added to the liquid pressure.
(b)When the wall of liquid retaining structure is built in ground, or has earth embanked
against it, the effect of earth pressure shall be taken into account.
(iii) Walls or Tanks Rectangular or Polygonal in Plan.
While designing the walls of rectangular or polygonal concrete tanks, the following points
should be borne in mind.
(a) In plane walls, the liquid pressure is resisted by both vertical and horizontal bending
moments. An estimate should be made of the proportion of the pressure resisted by bending
moments in the vertical and horizontal planes. The direct horizontal tension caused by the
direct pull due to water pressure on the end walls, should be added to that resulting from
horizontal bending moments. On liquid retaining faces, the tensile stresses due to the
combination of direct horizontal tension and bending action shall satisfy the following
(d)At the vertical edges where the walls of a reservoir are rigidly joined, horizontal
reinforcement and haunch bars should be provided to resist the horizontal bending moments
even if the walls are designed to withstand the whole load as vertical beams or cantilever
without lateral supports.
(c) In the case of rectangular or polygonal tanks, the side walls act as twoway slabs, whereby
the wall is continued or restrained in the horizontal direction, fixed or hinged at the bottom
and hinged or free at the top. The walls thus act as thin plates subjected triangular loading and
with boundary conditions varying between full restraint and free edge. The analysis of
moment and forces may be made on the basis of any recognized method.
Walls of Cylindrical Tanks
While designing walls of cylindrical tanks the following points should be borne in mind:
(a)Walls of cylindrical tanks are either cast monolithically with the base or are set in grooves
and key ways (movement joints). In either case deformation of wall under influence of liquid
pressure is restricted at and above the base. Consequently, only part of the triangular
hydrostatic load will be carried by ring tension and part of the load at bottom will be
supported by cantilever action.
(b)It is difficult to restrict rotation or settlement of the base slab and it is advisable to provide
vertical reinforcement as if the walls were fully fixed at the base, in addition to the
reinforcement required to resist horizontal ring tension for hinged at base, conditions of
walls, unless the appropriate amount of fixity at the base is established by analysis with due
consideration to the dimensions of the base slab the type of joint between the wall and slab,
and , where applicable, the type of soil supporting the base slab.
Minimum Reinforcement
(a)The minimum reinforcement in walls, floors and roofs in each of two directions at right
angles shall have an area of 0.3 per cent of the concrete section in that direction for sections
up to 100mm, thickness. For sections of thickness greater than 100mm, and less than 450mm
the minimum reinforcement in each of the two directions shall be linearly reduced from 0.3
percent for 100mm thick section to 0.2 percent for 450mm, thick sections. For sections of
thickness greater than 450mm, minimum reinforcement in each of the two directions shall be
kept at 0.2 per cent. In concrete sections of thickness 225mm or greater, two layers of
reinforcement steel shall be placed one near each face of the section to make up the minimum
(b)In special circumstances floor slabs may be constructed with percentage of reinforcement
less than specified above. In no case the percentage of reinforcement in any member be less
than 0.15% of gross sectional area of the member.
Minimum Cover to Reinforcement
(a)For liquid faces of parts of members either in contact with the liquid (such as inner faces
or roof slab) the minimum cover to all reinforcement should be 25mm or the diameter of the
main bar whichever is grater. In the presence of the sea water and soils and water of corrosive
characters the cover should be increased by 12mm but this additional cover shall not be taken
into account for design calculations.
(b)For faces away from liquid and for parts of the structure neither in contact with the liquid
on any face, nor enclosing the space above the liquid, the cover shall be as for ordinary
concrete member.
A dome may be defined as a thin shell generated by the revolution of a regular curve about
one of its axes. The shape of the dome depends on the type of the curve and the direction of
the axis of revolution. In spherical and conoidal domes, surface is described by revolving an
arc of a circle. The centre of the circle may be on the axis of rotation (spherical dome) or
outside the axis (conoidal dome). Both types may or may not have a symmetrical lantern
opening through the top. The edge of the shell around its base is usually provided with edge
member cast integrally with the shell. Domes are used in variety of structures, as in the roof
of circular areas, in circular tanks, in hangers, exhibition halls, auditoriums, planetarium and
bottom of tanks, bins and bunkers. Domes may be constructed of masonry, steel, timber and
reinforced concrete. However, reinforced domes are more common nowadays since they can
be constructed over large spans Membrane theory for analysis of shells of revolution can be
developed neglecting effect of bending moment, twisting moment and shear and assuming
that the loads are carried wholly by axial stresses. This however applies at points of shell
which are removed some distance away from the discontinuous edge. At the edges, the results
thus obtained may be indicated but are not accurate.
Design of Reinforced Concrete Domes:
The requirements of thickness of dome and reinforcement from the point of view of induced
stresses are usually very small. However, a minimum of 80 mm is provided so as to
accommodate two layers of steel with adequate cover. Similarly a minimum of steel provided
is 0.15% of the sectional area in each direction along the meridians as well as along the
latitudes. This reinforcement will be in addition to the requirements for hoop tensile stresses.
The reinforcement is provided in the middle of the thickness of the dome shell Near the edges
usually some ring beam is provided for taking the horizontal component of the meridian
stress. Some bending moment develops in the shell near the edges. It is normal to thicken the
shell near the edges and provide increased curvature. Reinforcements near the top as well as
near the bottom face of the shell are also provided. The size of the ring beam is obtained on
basis of the hoop tension developed in the ring due to the horizontal component of the
meridian stress. The concrete area is obtained so that the resulting tensile stress when
concrete alone is considered does not exceed.
N/mm2 to 1.70 N/mm2 for direct tension and 1.5 N/mm2 to 2.40 N/mm 2 for tension due to
bending in liquid resisting structure depending on the grade of concrete. Reinforcement for
the hoop stress is also provided with the allowable stress in steel as 115 N/mm 2 (or 150
N/mm2) in case of liquid retaining structures and 140 N/mm 2 (or 190 N/ mm2) in other cases.
The ring should be provided so that the central line of the shell passes through the centroid of
the ring beam. Renforcement has to be provided in both the directions. If the reinforcement
along the meridians is continued upto the crown, there will be congestion of steel there.
Hence, from practical considerations, the reinforcement along the meridian is stopped below
the crown and a separate mesh is provided. Alternatively, the arrangement of the bars may be
made as shown in plan.
In case of domes with lantern opening with concentrated load acting there, ring beam has to
be provided at the periphery of the opening. The edge beam there will, however, be subjected
to hoop compression in place of hoop tension. Openings may be provided in the dome as
required from other functional or architectural requirements. However, reinforcement has to
be provided all around the opening. The meridian and hoop reinforcement reaching the
opening should be well anchored to such reinforcement.
When shrinkage stresses are considered it is necessary to check the thickness for no crack.
Minimum reinforcement of each of two directions at right angles shall have an area of 0.3%
for 100 mm thick concrete to 0.2% for 450 mm thick concrete wall. In floor slabs, minimum
reinforcement to be provided is 0.15%. The minimum reinforcement as specified above may
be decreased by 20%), if high strength deformed bars are used. Minimum cover to
reinforcement on the liquid face is 25 mm or diameter of the bar, whichever is larger and
should be increased by 12 mm for tanks for sea water or liquid of corrosive character.
Overhead Water Tanks And Towers
Overhead water tanks of various shapes can be used as service reservoirs, as a balancing tank
in water supply schemes and for replenishing the tanks for various purposes. Reinforced
concrete water towers have distinct advantages as they are not affected by climatic changes,
are leak proof, provide greater rigidity and are adoptable for all shapes.
Components of a water tower consists of(a) Tank portion with (1) Roof and roof beams (if any)
(2) sidewalls
(3) Floor or bottom slab
(4) floor beams,includingcircular girder
(b) Staging portion, consisting of(5) Columns
(6)Bracings and
Types of water Tanks may be
(a) Square-open or with cover at top
(b)Rectangular-open or with cover at top
(c) Circular-open or with cover at which may be flat or domed.
Among these the circular types are proposed for large capacities. Such circular tanks may
have flat floors or domical floors and these are supported on circular girder. The most
common type of circular tank is the one which is called an Intze Tank. In such cases, a domed
cover is provided at top with a cylindrical and conical wall at bottom. A ring beam will be
required to support the domed roof. A ring beam is also provided at the junction of the
cylindrical and conical walls. The conical wall and the tank floor are supported on a ring
girder which is supported on a number of columns.
Usually a domed floor is shown in fig a result of which the ring girder supported on the
columns will be relieved from the horizontal thrusts as the horizonal thrusts of the conical
wall and the domed floor act in opposite direction. Sometimes, a vertical hollow shaft may be
provided which may be supported on the domed floor.
The design of the tank will involve the following
(1) The dome at top usually 100 mm to 150 mm thick with reinforcement along the meridians
and latitudes. The rise is usually l/5th of the span.
(2) Ring beam supporting the dome.
The ring beam is necessary to resist the horizontal component of the thrust of the dome. The
ring beam will be designed for the hoop tension induced.
(3) Cylindrical walls :
This has to be designed for hoop tension caused due to horizontal water pressure.
(4) Ring beam at the junction of the cylindrical walls and the conical wall.
This ring beam is provided to resist the horizontal component of the reaction of the conical
wall on the cylindrical wall. The ring beam will be designed for the induced hoop tension.
(5) Conical slab,
This will be designed for hoop tension due to water pressure. The slab will also be designed
as a slab spanning between the ring beam at top and the ring girder at bottom.
Total population of MIT =3251
Per capita demand for institute=3251*45=146295
No. of student in hostel (boys + girls)=316
Per capita demand for hostel=316*160=50560
Total capacity=146295+50560=196855
Breakdown storage=25% of total capacity
Fire demand;
=3251 litre per day
Total capacity =248610.039 250000
Design of tank:
Design of an intez tank for a capacity of 250,000lts
Assuming height of tank floor above G.L 12m
Safe bearing capacity of soil 100kn/m^2
Wind pressure as per IS875 1200N/m^2
Assuming M20 concrete
For which cbc = 7N/mm^2 , cc = 5N/mm^2
Direct tension t = 5N/mm^2
Tension in bending = 1.70 N/mm2
Modular ratio m = 13
Tensile stress in bending on liquid face =115 N/mm2 for t < 225 mm
and 125 N/mm2 for / > 225 mm.
Solution : Taking the volume as 0.585 D3
D = 7.50 m. The dimension of the Tank is shown in fig.
Design of Roof Dome:
Considering a rise of 1.50 m, radius of the roof dome is given from
1.50(2R-1.50) = (3.75)
R = 5.4375m.
Cos = (5.4375 1.50)/5.4375
= 0.7241
and = 43.602 < 51.8
Hence no tension
Assuming t = 100mm.
Self wt.=2400N/m^2
=39749.24 Nm
Using Limit state Method
Pu = 1.20 (1116310.26 + 81530) = 1437408.33 N
Pu/fckD2 = 0.200
Mu= 1.20 (41610.74) = 49932.89
Refer to fig. A.9
d/D =0.08~0.10
with minimum steel 0.08%, p/fck =0.04
Mu = 0.056 (20) (600)3 = 241920Nm.
Hence adequate
Use bracing
Empty condition
Ah taken 0.08 the maximum value
V = 0.08 (1505305.56) =120424.45 N< 232157.52 N
Hence empty condition does not control.
The column size can be reduced to 450 mm
Design of the ring beam at top will practically remain the same as before except that the
Maximum BM and
Torsion at the face of the column (eq square = 400 mm) to be calculated and checked.
For the case =25.50
Negative BM on face of column = -85507.61 Nm
T there = 9002.70 Nm
Me = 85007.61+9002.70(1+600/400) =98746.88Nm
Ast= 98746.88(1000)/115(0.853)(560)
= 1797.58mm
Use 6 Nos. 20 mm at top
Other details will be the same as before
Check for Seismic effect
for empty Tank = 1505305.56 N
for Tank full=4043667.60 N
for the column I = /64(450)4 =2.012889590(10)9mm4
L= 4000 mm
kc = 8439.30 N/m
As before K=6(8439.30)/3 = 16878.60 N/m
T = 24043667.62/9810(16878.60) =0.982sec
Considering for safety soft soil (in place of hard soil considered earlier)
Sa/g = 1.67/0.982 =1.70
Ah = 0.16/2(250) =(1.70) = 0.0544
V= 0.0544 (4043667.62) = 219975.52 N
acting at 14.10 m. above 3-3
M =219975.52(14.10) Nm
Maxm. vertical force on column = 219975(14.10)(6.10)/(6.10)2(2)
Maxm. Thrust on column = 739567 50 + (338978.67/0.999)
= 1078885.42 N
Horizontal force on column = 219975.52/6 = 36662.59 N
As before
BM on column = 36662.59 (2) - 338978.6 (0.10) = 39427.32 Nm
Using Limit State Method
b1 =450-2(40+20+8) = 330 mm
d1 =700-2(40+12+8) =580 mm
and Asv=1.0153 Sv this gives smaller spacing
Use 12 mm @ 150 c/c.
For side face reinforcement use 0.10% of web area
= 0.10/100(500) (450) = 225 mm2
Half on each face i.e. Use 12 mm 0 bar longitudinally.
Design of bottom slab Use 400 mm thick slab
Projection =1.60(0.450/2)= 1.375 m
Designed for variation of bearing pressure considering effect of Moment Downward load
from top due to
slab and soil = 40 kN/m2 Referring to Fig.
Maximum BM=[ (104.81-40)(1.375)2/2]+13.297[(1.375)2 /3] =69.4556kNm
Maxm. SF at distance d = 3 50 from face of beam
=[( 108.20 +118.107) -40] (1.375 -0.350)
= 74.982 KN
v = 1.5(74.962)(10)3/1000(350) = 0.321 N/mm2
100Ast/be required = 0.202%
For BM. Mu=1.50(69.4556) = 104.1834kNm
J = 0.948 and Ast =869.67mm2
Use 12mm @125 c/c
100(Ast/bd) = 0.258% hence it is adequate
Check for stability:
Sliding - Due to seismic loading
V= 244237.52 N
W=4193494.15 + Wt. of base + Circular Bear
Storage of water in the form of tanks for drinking and washing purposes, swimming pools for
exercise and enjoyment, and sewage sedimentation tanks are gaining increasing importance
in the present day life. For small capacities we go for rectangular water tanks while for bigger
capacities we provide circular water tanks. Design of water tank is a very tedious method.
Without power also we can consume water by gravitational force.