Electricity For Health PDF
Electricity For Health PDF
Electricity For Health PDF
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Published by:
Natural Health Productions
Punt, Carole, 1938 Electricity for Health in the 21st Century
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 0-9687103-0-1
1. Electromagnetism in medicine.
2. Electromagnetism - Physiological effect.
3. Electrophysiology. I. Title
QP82.2.E43P85 2000
Statement of Liability
The information provided is for educational purposes
only. It is not intended as medical advice. Readers must use their own
discretion in determining what is
right and true for themselves.
Electricity for Health in the 21st Century.................................1
The Electrical and Electromagnetic Nature of the Body...........2
The Body Uses Light and Sound ............................................... 7
Energy Medicine.......................................................................12
History of Electro-Medicine..................................................... 16
Electromagnetic Health of Our Environment and Food..........20
Electricity for Health................................................................23
How the Beck Protocol Helps.................................................. 28
The Electrical Nature of the Earth........................................... 33
Electricity for Health in the 21st Century...............................35
Sources for Quotes..................................................................... V
Units of Measurement..............................................................VI
(Hertz = Hz)
Wavelength (nm)
Red to Violet
Visible light.
Red has the longest
wavelength in the visible
light range with violet
having the shortest
wavelengths. The
shortest wavelengths
vibrate more frequently
so have a higher
4.00 x 1014 to
7.12 x 1014 Hz.
Hertz measures the cycles
or frequency per second.
Light has such high
frequencies that it is easier
to express the difference
in light or color in terms
of wavelength.
Lower than
4.00 x 1014 Hz.
Higher than
7.12 x 1014 Hz.
Near Infrared
Beyond red where light
is invisible. Longer
wavelengths than red.
Beyond violet where
light is invisible. Shorter
wavelengths than violet.
Sound Range
Audible Sound
20 - 40 Hz.
Middle C
256 Hz.
Mouse Squeak
3,000 Hz.
Above 20,000 Hz.
Energy Medicine
Many scientists, who are on the frontier,
theorize and have demonstrated that we are an information system
and its not entirely localized
in our body, that we are accessing information
from the field all the time.
Lynne McTaggart
Fields of information are control systems over
and above the molecular level or biochemical level. They are
systems that organize the body.
Rupert Sheldrake
ur bodies, I discovered,
have an early-warning
system for disease.
Energy medicine recognizes
that information is constantly
exchanged between our physical
bodies and a field of energy
that surrounds us. This field of
varying vibrations, structures
and organizes the physical body.
I now understand that chemical
deficiencies, be they vitamins, minerals or hormones, show up at a
later stage. The bodys first signal that all is not well is vibrational or
electromagnetic. This seemingly invisible vibrational field can, however,
be detected and seen.
Energy fields of colored light emanating from the physical body were first
made visible by a Russian couple, Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, in 1939.
While repairing hospital equipment Semyon noticed electromagnetic
History of Electro-Medicine
By 1884 it was estimated that 10 000 physicians
in the USA were using electricity every day
for therapeutic purposes
James L. Oschman
istory came alive for me when I read that electric fish were
the earliest recorded form of electro-medicine. I wondered
how many
people over the ages had
rejuvenated themselves
accidentally and then
deliberately by a run in
with an electric eel. Im
sure such encounters
could have been fatal as
well. The ancient Roman
physician, Scribonius
Largus, in 46 AD, cured
headache and gout by
having patients stand
on a wet electric torpedo fish.26 Dr. Norman Shealy, the developer
of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) explains,
Intermittently the electric fish was used for a variety of illnesses
until about 1745 when artificial electricity began to replace the less
controlled natural source.27 By the 19th century electricity was used
extensively in health spas and as part of medical treatments.
The use of electricity for health continued to thrive into the 20th
century. I enjoy a dose of electricity as a result of this era every time
but it is the term modern pioneers are using to describe this medical
field. An article in Alternative Medicine reports: Its safer than drugs and
more cost-effective for osteoarthritis It eases symptoms of macular
degeneration, cancer, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, and Parkinsons
diseaseconditions for which sufferers would welcome any new
While research using electromagnetic,
frequency, and microcurrent therapies is still
limited because of the high cost of research
as well as limited acceptance by the medical
community, it has gained ground compared
to the fate of at least two earlier researchers.
I talked with Dr. Benjamin Lau in 1999, a
medical researcher at Loma Linde University.
He said that his research on sports injuries
in the 1980s using a Pulsed Magnetic Field
device was getting promising results. He could not, however, get funding
to continue the research.44 That was the fate of Dr. Robert O. Beckers
research as well. He reported in The Body Electric, The lab ceased to exist
on New Years Day 1981.2
An independent researcher, Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.D.,
N.D., operated a clinic in Mexico before her passing
in 2009. She wrote several books to make her
clinical findings known directly to the public. Clark
identified chemicals as hidden pollutants in processed
foods, personal care and household products. These
chemicals encourage the growth of intestinal parasites
that lead to disease. Clark offered an herbal protocol
and cleansing programs that included an electrical
unit, the Zapper, to help eliminate parasites and disease. Dr. Clark said,
Zapping does not kill shielded organisms such as those that may be
in the middle of your stomach or intestines. So zapping is still not
50 - 100 A in blood.
Patent #5,188,738:
up to 100 A.
100 A.
200 - 1000 A.
10 A DC.
CES Devices:
10 to 500 A.
TENS Devices:
Beck was respected by many of his peers. One colleague was reported
to have said he should have been on the cover of Time magazine as the
Peoples Scientist. Bob was known to champion the public cause. He felt
tissue. The level of microcurrents as stated in the Kaali, et. al. patent is 50
to 100 microamperes of current. Beck stated: There are no known side
effects since milliampere currents applied to skin are much lower than
those in FDA approved TENS, CES and muscle stimulators which have
been in safe daily use for many years.50
He brought the benefits of what came to be known as the Beck Protocol,
directly to public attention by speaking at Natural Health Shows in the
U.S. Beck, however, did not sell his units. Instead, for a small fee to cover
printing costs, he provided a handout describing how to build the units.
For those who are not technically proficient, he recommended purchasing
units from SOTA Instruments Inc.51
In addition to the application of microcurrents and pulsed magnetic
fields, Beck advocated the benefits of ionic colloidal silver and drinking
freshly ozonated water for health. With the help of SOTA, his four-steps
for health became known as The Beck Protocol. Preliminary research
and a wealth of testimonials provide evidence for the effectiveness of the
Beck Protocol.52
During an interview in 1998 about his life and work, Beck summed up
by saying, Well, God has left a back door that cures and that back door
seems to be electricity.53
While I love Bobs comment, I dont want to mislead anyone with the
word cure. This word, used within the Medical Model for health, gives
credit to something outside the body that is perceived to end the disease
process. Within the Natural Health Model it is understood that the
bodys natural ability to heal itself can be stimulatedsuch as with bioelectric therapies. Whether our bodies are working to heal us or not,
however, depends on how we treat them over time.
health as these cells are our friend and clean up the very cause of most
Speaking of white blood cells, two medical researchers in Switzerland,
Jacques Schrenzel and Karl Heinz Krause, added to the evidence that our
bodies hum to the tune of an electrical beat. They discovered that white
blood cells actually zap pathogensthey use electricity. White cells
(leukocytes) kill bacteria and pathogenic fungi by electrocuting them.55
Using microcurrents, as applied by the Beck Protocol, can help support
the bodys natural electrical system.
Bob Beck was excited by the discovery made by the Swiss researchers as
white blood cells are a crucial part of our immune systems. Looking at
this totally as a physics or engineering problem, he concluded, a few
structured electrons can act as the equivalent of trillions of white cells
and restore function to ones immune system.53 Supporting the immune
systemthe system of defense that our bodies rely on for healthis one
more way the Beck Protocol helps.
Lets pause here to review what weve discovered so far, about the ways
microcurrents can help. Microcurrents can: 1) balance the nervous
system, 2) activate white blood cells to better scavenge pathogens, 3)
support the bodys natural electrical system, 4) support the immune
Voltage is a measurement that has long been recognized as a way to
describe the electrical potential of cells within our bodies. Back in
the 1950s, Dr. Harold Saxon Burr discovered that healthy cells had a
different voltage than diseased cellsmore specifically than cancer cells.56
A healthy cell works to maintain a negative (-) voltage within the cell.
Cell voltages move considerably into the positive (+) voltage range as a
cell weakens and becomes diseased.
Dr. Jerry Tennant researched cell voltages in order to restore his own
health. For a cell to replace itself with a new healthy cell, the cell must
have a high enough voltage. Dr. Tennant recognized that: The human
unseen level, to help us heal from the stresses that bombard us.
Our planet appears to be working to rejuvenate itself. The dramatic
increase in lightning strikes, earthquakes and changing weather patterns
are considered part of the process of a planet working to rebalance itself.
Given the right electrical nourishment, our body has the ability to restore
itself without cataclysmic reactions. Despite the stresses and pollutants
man must deal with today to maintain health, if we so choose, medicine
for the 21st century can be gentler. It will work to stimulate the bodys
own electromagnetic healing forces.
1. From Water Memory to Digital Biology, Dr. Jacques Benveniste, Nexus Magazine, August/
September 1999.
2. The Body Electric, Robert O. Becker, M.D., 1985. ISBN #0688069711
3. Cross Currents, Robert O. Becker, M.D., 1990. ISBN #0874775361
4. The Mora Concept, Franz Morell, M.D., translated by Marion Guest, 1990. ISBN #37760
5. Bactries lectrocutes, Science & Vie, No. 972, September 1998.
6. Electron currents generated by the human phagocyte NADPH oxidase, J. Schrenzel, L.
Serrander, B. Bnfi, O. Nbe, R. Fouyouzi, D. Lew, N. Demaurex & K. Krause. Letters to
Nature, Nature, Vol. 392, April, 1998.
7. Biological Transmutation, L. Kervran & G. Ohsawa, 1971, 1975, 1976. ISBN #0918860075
8. Electrically Induced Nuclear Fusion a speech given by Panos T. Pappas, Ph.D. at the Seventh
International Conference on Cold Fusion, Vancouver, BC, April 1924.1998. (Published on pages
460465 of the proceedings and on the Internet at http://www.papimi.gr/eqoflif.htm.
9. Innovations in Pain Management: A Practical Guide for Clinicians, Chapter 23, Electromedicine:
The Other Side of Physiology Daniel L. Kirsch, Ph.D., and Fred N. Lerner, Ph.D., 1995.
10. The Spiritual Exercises of ECK, Harold Klemp, 1993, 1997. ISBN #1570430012
11. New Developments in Color Therapy: Acupuncture Meridians Facilitate the Bodys Absorption
of Light Anna Cocilova, Dipl.Ac, & Ron Rosen, O.M.D., Explore Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 2,
12. The Ring of Fire and DHEA: A Theory for Energetic Restoration of Adrenal Reserves, C.
Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. & Caroline M. Myss, M.A., Ph.D. Subtle Energies, Vol.6 No. 2
13. A New Approach to the Driving Force of Life: Biophoton Research, Audiotape of a lecture by
Fritz A. Popp, Ph.D. at Temple University, May 6, 1998.
14. Vibrational Medicine, Richard Gerber, M.D., 1988. ISBN #0939680467
15. Macroscopic Manifestations of Quantum Oscillations: Source of Vibrational Healing, audio
tape of lecture by Glen Rein, a biophysicist, and Healing with Voice Sounds, lecture by Stephen
Angel, D.C., US Psychotronics Association, 1998.
16. Listen to your DNA, David Whitehouse, November 26, 1998, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/
17. Alternative Medicine The Definitive Guide, compiled by The Burton Goldberg Group, 199397.
ISBN #0963633430
18. The Book of Sound Therapy, Olivea Dewhurst-Maddock, 1993. ISBN #0671786393
19. Psychic Discoveries, Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, 1970, 1997
20. Videotaped interview with Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in New York, USA, October 2003
21. Videotaped interview with Wolfgang Ludwig in Baden Baden, Germany, November 2003
22. Videotaped interview with Jimmy Scott, Ph.D. in Ontario, Canada, October 2003
23. Energy Medicine, Donna Eden with David Feinstein, 1998. ISBN #1585420212
24. Micro-Magnetic Medicine, W. Langreder, M.D., English editor, J. Elizabeth Brewer, 1992. ISBN
25. GDV (Gas Discharge with Visualization): This computer system, developed by Dr. Konstantin
Korotkov of Russia, brings physical and emotional body or biological discharges clearly into
colorful view on a computer screen and a print-out of the electromagnetic emanations. www.
PIP (Polycontrast Interference Photography) and Electro Crystal Therapy: Harry Oldfield in the
UK has developed a photo-imaging system that reveals the human energy field (aura) and a system
that provides therapy to help correct imbalances. www.electrocrystal.com
QXCI (Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface) and SCIO: Bill Nelson, an American living in
Hungary developed this computerized system that reads the bodys subtle energy messages and can
also apply therapies at a subtle energy level. www.qxsubspace.com
LED light and frequency units also work to help create balance at the subtle energy level.
26. Return With Us Now To Those Shocking Days of Yesteryear Ellen R. Kuhfeld, Ph.D.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Biologically Closed Electric Circuits,
Minnesota, October 1997.
27. Electrical Control of the Nervous System, C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., Medical Progress
Technology, 2:7180, 1974.
28. The Secret of Life, Georges Lakhovsky, translated by Mark Clement, 1935, 1951. Reprinted by
Borderland Sciences.
29. The Russian Lakhovsky Rejuvenation Machine, Bob Beck, D.Sc., Journal of Borderland
Research, November 1963.
30. The Healing of Cancer, Barry Lynes, 1989. ISBN #0919951449
31. Journal of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute, edited by John T. Zimmerman, Ph.D., April 1992
& March 1993.
32. Medical Education in the United States and Canada, Abraham Flexner, Carnegie Foundation
Bulletin #4, 1910.
33. World Without Cancer, G. Edward Griffin,1997. ISBN #091298619
34. Magnetic Therapy in Eastern Europe, Jiri Jerabek, M.D., Ph.D. & William Pawluk, M.D., M.Sc.,
1998. ISBN #0966422708
56. Blueprint for Immortality, the Electrical Patterns of Life, Harold Saxton Burr, PhD, 1972.
57. Healing is Voltage, The Handbook, Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), ND(M), 2010.
58. Videotaped interview with Thomas Valone, Washington DC, October 2003.
59. Videotaped interview with Rick Sante, Los Angeles, CA, December 2003.
60. Videotaped interview with Bea Langhammer and Thomas Blasig, Berlin Germany, November
61. US patent #5,133,352 filed by Dr. Peter H. Lathrop, A Case for Electro-Therapy, Selected U.S.
Patents, compiled by Peter A. Lindemann, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1988.
62. Physiological Basis of Microcurrent Therapy, Peter H. Lathrop, Ph.D., Bioelectric Medical
Solutions, May 2004.
63. Rife Technology, A video taped lecture by Dr. Gary Wade, Granada 58. Forum, June 1996.
64. Exciting Possibilities in Pulsed Intense Magnetic Field TherapyA Physicists View, Gary Wade,
Health Freedom News, August/September 1998.
65. Mega Brain Power, Michael Hutchison, 1994. ISBN #1562827707
66. Lightning the Pulse of Life, Eldon Byrd, Audiotape of a lecture at US Psychotronics Association
Conference, 1998.
67. The Phenomena of Life, George Crile, M.D., 1936. Reprinted by Borderland Sciences.
68. October 1909, Electroculture, Scientific American, September 25, 2009. http://www.
69. Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome and Magnetic Treatment, Kyoichi Nakagawa, M.D., Japan
Medical Journal, No. 2745 December 4, 1976. Translation posted at http://www.4data.ca/ottawa/
Units of Measurement
km = kilometre (one thousand metres or 1 x 103 metres)
nm = nanometre (one billionth of a metre or 1 x 10-9 metres)
= metre
Hz = Hertz (a measure of frequency in cycles per second)
kHz = KiloHertz (one thousand Hertz or 1 x 103 Hertz)
GHz = GigaHertz (one billion Hertz or 1 x 109 Hertz)
A = Ampere or Amp (the rate of electrical current)
A = microAmpere (one millionth of an Amp or 1 x 10-6 Amps)
V = Volt (a unit of electromotive force)
mV = milliVolt (one thousandth of a Volt or 1 x 10-3 Volts)
This book reveals what conventional science does not explain ...
in simple, easy-to understand language. Appreciate the pioneers
who unraveled the secrets of our electrical nature and the modern
day researchers who are forging paradigm shifts in how cells
communicate. Explore how light and sound trigger the bodys
electrical system to stimulate energy and improve health.
Walk with the author as she discovers how products and foods
either enhance or inhibit our electrical systems and our health.