Topic Wise DNB Papers Ortho
Topic Wise DNB Papers Ortho
Topic Wise DNB Papers Ortho
11. Define MDR Tuberculosis. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of a case
of MDR tuberculosis of spine (1+2+3+4) June 2012
Discuss the indications of surgery in TB spine with or without neurological compfications.D
10 P3.
What are the various causes of late onset paraplegia in tuberculosis of spine? Describe the
investigative modalities and outline the principles of management. Dec 09,
Enumerate the radiological types of Tuberculosis Hip. How does this classification help us in
prognostication?J8 P1.
Rationale for using metallic implants in osteoarticular tuberculosis.J 8 P4.
tuberculosis of hip joint Dec 07.
Neurological deficit in caries spine; types, pathogenesis and prognostic factors?J7 P2.
33. Discuss treatment options of the focal cartilage defect over the medial femoral condyle in
a 40 yr old man (10)
44. Discuss the management of deep vein thrombosis in orthopaedic patients.June 2012
Discuss the etiopathology, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of D.V.T. D 11 P1.
Discuss various methods of preventing deep vein thrombosis following total knee
replacement. Discuss their merits & demerits. Dec 08
DVT prophylaxis June 10.
Discuss the diagnosis and clinical features of DVT in orthopedic surgery. Outline the
management. What special precautions are required if post-operative epidural analgesia is
used for 4 5 days. June 08
Post operative DVT Prevention, clinical features and treatment. June 05.
DVT Dec 03.
55. Describe the illustrative diagrams of the surgical exposure of radius at various levels (10)
66. Describe the surgical reconstruction in a case of one and a half yr old common peroneal
nerve palsy (10)
77. Describe the principles of stabilization of foot
88. write in brief (5+5) a.Ceramic bearing surfaces in arthroplasty
Discuss ceramics as bearing surface in Total Hip Arthroplasty..D 11 P4.
i. Ceramics In Orthopaedics. J2 P4.
ii. 4. Recent advances in bearing surfaces of total hip arthroplasty J 10 p3.
iv. What is highly cross linked polyethylene? How is it manufactured? How has it affected modern
total hip arthroplasty? D 9 P4.
vi. Discuss causes of loosening after a total hip replacement. Discuss its clinical features, diagnosis
and management.D 8 P1.
vii. Bearing surface of hip arthroplasty.D7 P4.
role of labeled WBC and multiphasic bone scan in bone Pathology Dec 07.
99. Enumerate causes of claw hand deformity. Discuss its management in short (3+7)
Define ulnar claw hand. Discuss the tendon transfer for ulnar claw hand following ulnar
nerve injury. Dec 11.
Define ulnar claw hand. Enumerate the causes of ulnar claw hand. Discuss its management.D
10 P2.
7. Claw hand J 10 P2.
Enumerate various causes of claw hand. What is the pathogenesis of clawing? Discuss the
principles of surgical correction. J 9 P2.
Pathophysiology of claw hand and its treatment. June 08.
Claw Hand Etiology, patho-mechanics,principles of various corrective procedures.Dec 05.
8. Ulnar claw hand .D 3 P2.
Describe the management of claw hand. J 2 P2.
110. Write brief notes on 4+(3+3)
* Describe the pathology and radiological signs in rickets and scurvy. D 10 p2.
tumour induced osteomalacia J 07 p4.
4.Osteomalacia J 02 p3.
1.Describe the treatment of acute flexor tendon injuries in various zones of hand (10)
5. Classify flexor tendon injuries of the hand. Describe the treatment of neglected ruptures of
flexor tendons in Zone II. J 09 p3.
8. Describe the flexor zones of hand. Discuss the principles of acute tendon repair (zonewise). D 11 p2.
2.Describe the Aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Madelung deformity(3+3+4)
Describe Madelung deformity D 09 p2.
9. madelung deformity D 07 p2.
b.IT(interferential therapy)
b. lnterferential Therapy (lFT) D 11 p2.
9.WRite brief notes on (5+5)
J 07 p2.
2. Dwyers osteotomy for CTEV Indications, steps and complications J 06 p2.
8. Describe pathological Anatomy and radiology in CTEV. J 06 p4.
4. What are parts of a shoe? Describe the modifications of a CTEV shoe.
J 05 p2.
i. CTEV J 02 p2.
b.patellar tendon bearing prosthesis
3. PTB prosthesis Indications and principles. J 05 p2.
b.Adolescnt coxa vara J 12
6. Write short note on Coxa Vara. D 10 p4.
2. What is congenital coxa vara? Describe its pathophysiology and outline principles of
management. J 09 p2.
. Classify Coxa Vara. Describe the management of adolescent coax vara J 07 p2.
4.describe the classification of thoracolumbar injuries and discuss the treatment of burst
fracture L1(5+5)
6.Describe the Sander's classification of calcaneal fractures and discuss the treatment of each
type (4+6)
b. Classification of Calcaneal fracture. D 11 P3.
3. Classify calcaneal fractures. Discuss the management based on classification system.
Enumerate the complications. D 06 p3.
Classify fracture calcaneum and describe their management.J 10 P3.
Classify fractures of calcaneum. Outline the principles of management.J 9 P3.
Calcaneum fracture.D 3 P3.
Describe muscular dynamics in calcaneovalgus deformity. Describe management in patients
before and after attaining skeletal maturity.D9 P2
Calcaneovalgus deformity. Disscuss the treatment issues in mature and immature foot.D 7
Calcaneovalgus Deformity.D 4 P3.
Calcaneovalgus foot.J 2 P2.
7.Describe the classification of the distal humeral fractures in adults. Describe the surgical
approaches used for internal fixation of these fractures (4+6)
Classify proximal humerus fracture. Discuss the management options
for various types. Outline the management for type IV fracture in elderly females. D 10 P3.
Management of Brachial artery injury in association with supracondylar fracture of humerus.
J 08 P1.
5. Classify fractures of the proximal humerus. What is the relevance of blood supply of
humerus in planning management? How will you treat four part fractures? J 08 P3.
discuss the management of closed fracture shaft of humerus with radial nerve palsy. J 07 P3.
8. Classify fractures of the proximal humerus in elderly. What is the relevance of blood
supply of the humeral head in planning management? How will you treat four part
fracture? D 06 P3.
8. Lateral Condyle fracture of Humerus J 06.
2.Treatment of intercondylar fracture of humerus. J 02.
8.Describe the blood supply of scaphoid. Discuss the treatment of nonunion of scaphoid
Describe the blood supply of scaphoid. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and
management of nonunion of scaphoid. D 10 .
9.Describe the mechanism of injury of Radial head fracture. Discuss its classification and
management (3+3+4)
1. Classify distal radius fractures. Describe radiological indices of wrist. Discuss the
treatment principles of extra-articular distal radius fractures. D 11.P 3
Describe various methods of treatment of distal radius fracture with their principles. D 10 P3.
Classify distal radius fractures. What are the recent trends in their management? J 10 P3.
Classification, management and complication of fractures of the radial head and neck in
children D9 P3.
Current concepts in the management of fracture neck & head of radius in children and adults.
J 09 P3.
Describe instability patterns after wrist trauma. Discuss the management of VISI (Volar
Intercalated Segment Instability) J 9 P3.
Describe the anatomy of Distal Radio Ulnar Joint. Describe indications & technique of
performing Kapandjis procedure.J 9 P4.
Describe the causes of ulnar wrist pain after healing of a distal radial fracture and discuss the
management.J 8 P3.
Mid carpal instability D7
Describe the causes of ulnar wrist pain after healing of distal radius fractures. Discuss the
management of DRUJ disorders. D 06.
Treatment of fractures of distal end of radius. D 05.
Thompsons approach of radius with applied Anatomy J 05.
Classification of Distal Radius fracture J 04.
10.write SN on (5+5) a.External fixator in musculoskeletal injuries
Define external fixation. Classify the external fixators. Describe the advantages and
disadvantages of external fixation. D 10.
b.Antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent surgical site infection.
Enumerate various diagnostic tests with their relative merit for post-operative infection.
Outline the treatment of post-operative infection after internal fixation.J 10 P4.
Nosocomial infection on orthopaedics common organism and preventive measures.J 5 P1.
1.Describe the structure of bone with illustrative diagram(s)
3.write SN on nuclear medicine and its applications in orthopaedics (5+5)
Write short note on Nuclear medicine and its applications in Orthopedics. D 10 P4.
Descibe the clinical features, investigations & treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome. J 11 P 1.
What is thoracic outlet syndrome? Discuss its Anatomy . How will you diagnose it in OPD?
D 08 P2.
Causes and treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome .D 07 P2.
Describe etiopathogenesis of thoracic outlet syndrome and its management. D04 P 1.
Define gout. Describe in brief its clinical features, diagnosis and treatment. D 10 P4.
8.Describe the gait cycle .List various types of gait with diagnostic features (4+6) J 12 P4.
b.Intoeing gait J 12 P1
Give an example of concentric and eccentric muscle contraction in gait cycle. J 11 P1.
Explain in brief about crutch walking patterns of gait in crutch walking and their
importance.J 11 P 1.
Describe the phases of norma! gait and the types of muscle contractions in gait cycle. D 10
Enumerate the causes of intoeing gait. How will you treat intoeing gait because of hip
disorders. J 09 P 2.
Give one example each of concentric and eccentric contraction during gait cycle. How will
paralysis of tibialis anterior affect normal gait. D 08 P2.
9.Describe the methods used for augmentation of fracture healing (10) J 12 P4.
Describe fractures healing. Enumerate the factors affecting fracture healing. J 11 P4.
Biological enhancement of fracture healing.J 10 P4.
Enumerate modalities leading to biological enhancement of fracture healing. J 10 P4.
Role of ultrasound in fracture healing. D 09 P3.
Briefly describe the stages of fracture healing. Discuss physical or chemical modalities to
enhance fracture healing. J 09 P1.
Biological enhancement of fracture healing. D 07 P3.
What are the stages of fracture healing? Discuss the factors regulating fracture healing. D 06
Describe the biology of fracture healing and the influence of intra medullary rods and plates
in healing. Discuss the role of various modalities in stimulation of osteogenesis (25 marks) J
05 P4.
10. Describe the role of Ultrasonography in musculoskeletal disorders (10)
DNB December 2011
DNB Final 2011 December Orthopedic Question papers
1.Describe the pathology, clinical features and principles of treatment of a neuropathic joint.
D 11 P1
Define neuropathic joint. List the causes of neuropathic joint. Mention in brief the clinical
features, diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic joint D 10 P1.
2.Describe the pathophysiology of Polytrauma patient and discuss the principles of Damage
Control Orthopedics. D 11 P1.
Damage control orthopaedics. J 10 P3.
Damage control orthopaedics .J 8 P 3.
Discuss the Pathology of osteoarthritis of knee with special reference to the role of ACL
rupture in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis knee. J 06 P1.
Pathology of osteoarthritis D4 P4.
9. a. Pigmented villonodular synovitis D 11 P1.
Define pigmented villonodular synovitis. Describe pathology, clinical features, diagnosis &
its treatment. D09 P1.
iv. Pigmented villonodular synovitis J02 P2.
1. Define osteomyelitis. Discuss the pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of
acute osteomyelitis in a child.
Describe anatomical classification of chronic osteomyelitis. Discuss the principles of
management based on this classification. How will you fill the dead space after excision of
infected tissue? J 09 P4.
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis. Diagnosis and management. J 08 P4.
Discuss the pathogenesis of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis. How does it differ in different
age groups. J 07 P4.
2. What is Kienbock's disease? Write briefly its etiology, diagnosis, clinical staging and
10.Kienbocks disease. D 06 P1.
4. Describe "JAIPUR FOOT". Discuss the difference with 'SACH FOOT'& -MADRAS
5. a. SOMI brace
7. a. Radial Club Hand
Classify radial club hand. Describe the pathological Anatomy & management of a 1 yr old
child? J 07 P2.
3. Radial club hand. J 05 P2.
. Describe various clinical methods to diagnose anterior cruciate ligament injury. Describe
post operative management of ACL reconstruction by a bone patellar tendon bone graft. D 8
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury.J 6 P3.
Describe the mechanis, of injury of unhappy tirad of ODonoghue. Briefly describe the
current management of chronic ACL insufficiency in young athletic adult. J 11 P3.
What are closed chain and open chain exercises and discuss ACL rehabilitation protocol. D 9
P 2.
Enumerate various methods of ACL Reconstruction. Discuss the pros & cons of each method.
J8 P1.
4. Discuss the differences between :a. Machine screw and ASIF screw. D 11 P3.
b. DCP, LCDCP, Locking plate. D 11 P3.
Describe pitfalls in using the Locking Compression Plate. D 10 P3.
5. Classify proximal tibial fractures. Outline the management of type lV, V, and Vl fractures.
6. a. Fracture head of femur
Classify posterior fracture dislocation of with femoral head fracture and describe the
management. J 11 P3.
. Blood supply of head of femur and its clinical significance. J 5 P4.
Blood supply of head of femur in diff age groups?Management of Idiopathic AVN of Femur?
D 2 P4.
8. Describe the blood supply of talus. classify "Talar neck fractures". Discuss treatment and
list complications.
Discuss indications, merits and demerits of talectomy. D 8
Fracture Talus.J 6 P3.
Peritalar dislocation.J7 P3.
Fracture Talus. D 4 P3.
9. Describe the structure of physis. Classify physeal injury. Outline the treatment of physeal
injury and enumerate the compiications.
Classify physeal injuries. Describe the management and complications of various types of
physeal injuries.D 10 P2.
Salter Harris classification of epiphyseal injuries and its relevance to skeletal growth.J 10
Classify epiphyseal injuries. Describe the complications. What is Langenskiolds procedure?J
9 P3.
. Epiphyseal injuries. J2 P2.
10. Define and classify Montegia fracture dislocation. Discuss the treatment principles of
neglected Montegia fracture dislocation in a 10 years old child.
Describe classification of Montegia fracture dislocation and its management. D 10 P3.
What are Monteggia equivalents, discuss the principles of management of Monteggia fracture
dislocation in children. D 9 P3.
1. Describe the extensor mechanism of knee and the factors that predispose to recurrent
dislocation of patella.
What do you understand by patellar instability, describe the principles of management, before
and after skeletal maturity? D 9 P4.
Habitual Dislocation of Patella .D 4 P3.
Surgery for habitual dislocation of patella. J4 P1.
2. Draw a cross section of peripheral nerve and label the structures. Describe Sunderland's
classification of nerve injury.
Describe nerve injuries, Sunderland Classification, outcome expected and basis of repair.D10
Classify nerve injuries. What is the role of electrodiagnosis in differentiating various nerve
lesions? J9 P2.
. Transcutaneous nerve stimulation.J 8 P4.
What are the various methods of closing gaps between nerve ends during nerve repair?D6 P1.
a. Plaster Cast Syndrome
b. Bone morphogenic protein
i. BMP . D 3 P4.
5. Describe 'free vascularized bone transplant. Discuss the principles of technique and
applications in Orthopaedic practice.
6. 7. Discuss the principles of application of Functional Cast Bracing in ' the management of
diaphyseal fractures of long bones.
8. 9. a. Biodegradable lmplants
b) Biodegradable implants. J 11 P4.
What are biodegradable implants, what is their chemical composition? Mention the
indications of their use, advantage and disadvantage of their use . D 9 P3.
10.Biodegradable orthopedic implants. J 8 P4.
4. Enumerate Biodegradable implants. What are the advantages and disadvantages of their
use? D 6 P3.
b. Principles and applications of lnterlocking Nailing
Discuss the principles and the biomechanics of intra-medullary nailing. .D 8 P3.
discuss the indications pros and cons of reamed Vs undreamed intramedullary nailing. J 7 P3.
10. a. Unicameral Bone Cyst
b. Parosteal Osteosarcoma
Indications of Limb salvage surgery in malignant bone tumors. Describe the techniques of
limb salvage in osteosarcoma. D 9 p1.
Chemotherapy for osteosarcoma. J 5 P1.
What is central cord syndrome, describe its clinical presentation. How will you manage such
a case? D 9 P3.
Describe the mechanism of injury & clinical presentation of various incomplete spinal cord
syndromes. J 8 P3.
Describe the mechanism of injury and clinical presentation of various incomplete spinal cord
syndromes. D6 P3.
Write short notes on:
4. 5. a) Prognostic factors in Legg Calve Perthes disease.
Define Legg Calves Perthes disease. Describe its clinical features, diagnosis and
management. D 10 P2.
Prognostic factors and outcome in the treatment of Perthes disease.D9 P2.
classification, clinical features and management of Perthes disease D9 P2.
Discuss etiology, pathogenesis and management of Perthes disease. D4 P2.
b) Pavlik Harness
6. a) What is an isotonic contraction?
What are the various types of exercises? Discuss the benefits and indications of isometric
exercises.J 8.
b) Classify isotonic muscle contraction
c) 7. a) what is short wave diathermy?
b) How is it different from Microwave Diathermy?
c) Indications and contraindications of short wave & microwave diathermy.
Microwave Diathermy its physiogical effects, clinical applications & contraindications. D5
What is paraffin wax? How is it useful in treatment of orthopedic conditions? What are the
indications and contraindications of wax bath therapy? J 8.
How will you transport an organ after amputation to a sterilized centre for re-implantation?
What is the order of implantation in a below elbow amputation? D8 P3.
indications of amputation. Describe surgical principles of amputation in children and adults.D
7 P8.
what is symes amputation? Desribe the indications and complications. What is the prosthesis
suitable for symes amputation?J 7 P2.
How do principles of amputation differ in children as compared to adults? What is pylon
prosthesis? What are advantages and disadvantages? D 6 P2.
Enumerate various classical levels of lower limb amputations. Discuss AK amputation in
detail. What is the difference in energy consumption by the patient in AK amputation as
compared to a BK amputation?D 5 P1.
1. Describe mechanism of injuries and classify Pilon fractures outline management options.
Classify Pilon fractures and discuss their management. D 8 P3.
Pilon fracture. J 2 P3.
classify Periprosthetic fractures around the knee. Outline the treatment strategy. D7 P3.
Classify periprosthetic fractures around the knee and discuss their management. D 6 P3.
4. Classify fractures of distal end femur discuss the principles of their management.
7. Describe the mechanism of injury. Classify and treatment of Hangmans fracture.
3. Hangmans Fracture. J 6 P3.
ii. Hangmans fracture. D 3 P3.
8. Classify acromic-clavicular joint injuries and describe their management
9. Discuss advanced trauma life support.(ATLS)
1. Describe Briefly the approach to the hip. Mention the advantages & disadvantages of each
2. Describe the principles of MRI scan. Enumerate the applications of MRI in Orthopedics.
3. Describe various types of cartilage. Discuss their physiology & ultrastructural
5. 6. Describe various clinical teats for evaluation of ligamentous injuries of knee.
7. Describe bone graft substitutes, their incorporation & possible side effects.
Describe different types of bone grafts along with their properties. D 10 P4.
What are bone graft substitutes? How do they work? D 6 P4.
Mention the methods of preservation of allogenic bone grafts. Comment on mode of action,
advantages and disadvantages. D 9 P4.
Incoporation of Bone Grafts. How does it differ for cancellous and cortical grafts? J 5 P1.
iii. Bone graft substitutes . D4 P4.
ii. Bone grafts. J 2 P4.
8. Describe in brief about HIV infection, its diagnosis. Orthopedic implications & guidelines
to prevent its spread during surgery.
Describe musculoskeletal manifestations of HIV infected patients. J 9 P1.
what are the musculo skeletal manifestations of retroviral infection 7 P4.
Preparation and precautions required to operate HIV positive patients. J 5 P1.
Draw a labeled diagram of brachial plexus. Classify brachial plexus injury. Describe the
clinical features and management of lower brachial plexus injury.
Clinical differentiation between pre-ganglionic and postganglionic lesions of brachial plexus
& its effect on the management. J 8 P4.
Describe various types of lumbar root anomalies. List the complications of lumbar disc
Define "Fat Embolism Syndrome". Describe in brief the clinical features, diagnosis and
management of "Fat Embolism Syndrome".
Differentiating features of head injury from cerebral symptoms of fat embolism syndrome. J
10 P1.
How will you differentiate between the cerebral sign as a result of head injury vs fat
embolism syndrome? Describe in brief management of fat embolism syndrome.J 9 P3.
Describe clinical features, diagnostic criteria and treatment of fat embolism syndrome.D 8
. management of fat embolism.D 7 P1.
Features which differentiate head injury from the cerebral symptoms of Fat Embolism
syndrome. D 6 P1.
Define Giant Cell Tumor (GCT) of bone. Describe in brief clinical features, diagnosis and
management principles for GCT of upper end of tibia.
Discuss various methods available for treatment of Giant cell tumor of proximal tibia in a 30
yr. old man. D8 P1.
Define ochronotic arthropathy. Describe its clinical features, diagnosis and management.
Time : 3 hours
Describe Dupuytren disease and its characteristic features. Describe in brief its pathogenesis,
prognosis and management.
Describe the hand deformities in rheumatoid arthritis. Describe in brief the patho-anatomy
and treatment of "Boutonneire deformity".
Advances in medical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. J 10 P1.
discuss the pharmacological treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. D 7 P4.
What are the hand deformities in rheumatoid arthritis? Describe the pathological Anatomy
and treatment of Boutannaires deformity. D 6 P2.
Classify open fractures of tibia. Describe the management of type 3 b open fracture of tibia.
Decribe the various myocutaneous flaps used to cover tibia in different levels. J7 P1.
Outline the principles of management in a case of infected non union of a long bone. How
will you treat infected non union of tibia?J 9 P3.
Describe briefly the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, investigations and treatment of
painful elbow following injury around elbow.
What are the types of epiphysis? Describe the types, various methods and indications
of epiphysiodesis.
Describe pathogenesis of acute compartment syndrome and its diagnosis.
Acute compartment syndrome.J 10 P1.
exertional compartment syndrome D 9
Chronic compartment syndrome J7
Compartment syndrome D4
Name biomaterials used in orthopedics. Describe in brief their features
Describe the various foot and ankle deformities in cerebral palsy and their management.
Define and classify cerebral palsy. Describe crouched gait and its management in a 10 yr. old
child. D 08 P2.
Discuss the types of equines contracture in cerebral palsy and its management. J8 P2.
Equinus Deformity in cerebral palsy Etiopathogenesis, evaluation and treatment.J6 P2.
. Botulin in cerebral palsy patients.J 5 P2.
June 2010
Paper I
7. Haemophilic arthropathy
8. PET scan in orthopaedics practice
. Describe the basic principle of PET scan and discuss its role in orthopedics.J9 P4.
9. Automatic bladder.
Classification of neurogenic bladder and management. D 9 P2.
Discuss sexual and bladder rehabilitation of a 30 yr. old male following a complete spinal
injury at D12 vertebral level.D 8 P2.
Describe the Physiology of micturition. Briefly discuss the management of automatic bladder
in spinal injuries. D6 P4.
Paralytic Bladder. J 5 P4.
Neurogenic Bladder. D 2 P4.
Paper II
Paper III
Describe the pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment of acute spinal cord injury.
9. Distraction histiogenesis
Paper IV
7. Describe blood supply of long bones and effects of various modalities of fixation on this
8. Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome
What is multi system organ failure? What are indicators of mortality? Write briefly about
diagnosis and management. D8 P4
9. Management of congenital scoliosis
how will u differentiate structural scoliosis from nonstructural scoliosis?describe infantile
idiopathic scoliosis. What is the importance of rib vertebral angle? J 7 P1.
Dec 2009
Paper I
1. Post-operative pain management. Describe patient control analgesia.
7. Describe pathophysiology of nerve compression (entrapment) syndromes. Enumerate
various syndromes of nerve entrapment. Give an outline of the management of Tarsal Tunnel
Define entrapment syndrome. Enumerate various entrapment syndromes. Discuss the
entrapment syndrome in relation to the ulnar nerve in detail. D 5 P1.
8. What is traumatic arthrotomy of the knee joint? What is fluid challenge test to confirm the
diagnosis in doubtful cases? Outline the principles of management.
Paper II
2. Pathophysiology, types and clinical features of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Classify congenital dislocation of knee. Comment on differential diagnosis and management
7. Orthopaedic manifestation of neurofibromatosis
Paper III
1. Principles of management of a pulseless hand after supracondylar fractures in children
2. Subacromial impingement syndrome
Classify ankle fractures, which pattern has syndesmotic instability, what is their
Classify ankle injuries. Which fracture patterns have syndesmotic instability & how do you
manage it? J8 P3.
Classify ankle injuries. Which fracture patterns have syndesmotic instability and how do you
manage that? D6 P3.
Stewart and Harnaley ankle arthrodesis.J 6 P4.
Discuss mechanism & classification of injury around ankle joint. Discuss diagnosis and
treatment. J4 P3.
9. What is malalignment test? Discuss principles of focal dome osteotomy.
Paper II
3. Obers test.
6. How will you evaluate a child with genu valgum deformity? Outline the principles of
management. What is timed epiphysiodesis?
6. Thermoplastic splints
Paper III
8. How will you manage a case of knee dislocation with absent distal pulsations?
Paper IV
3. Sexual Dimorphism in orthopedic practice.
4. Brown Tumor.
5. Surgical Dislocation of Hip.
7. Describe the presentation of tourniquet palsy and its causes. What precautions are taken to
prevent it?
910. What is pelvic support osteotomy? Outline its principles and operative technique.
Dec 2008
Paper I
1. Discuss Anatomy of. What is rotator cuff disease? Discuss its pathogenesis and
management. rotator cuff
Describe the Anatomy of Subacromial space. What is the morphology of acromion process in
the pathogenesis of rotator cuff tears? How will you manage full thickness tear?J 7 P3.
Rotator cuff injury in sportsmen.J 5 P3
6. What is claudication? Classify it and discuss its cause specific management.
pathogenesis of lumbar canal stenosis? What is the differentiating feature between vascular &
neurogenic claudication J7 P1.
Pathophysiology of lumbar canal stenosis.J8 P4
Aetiology, Pathology & Mx of Spinal canal stenosis D2P1.
Discuss the pathogenesis of neurospinal claudication.J 6 P1.
How does a neurological claudication differ from vascular claudication? Enumerate the
etiology of the two.J 5 P1.
7. Discuss the etiology, Pathology , diagnosis, and management of Gas Gangrene of the
Lower Extremity.
What is Gas Gangrene? Discuss the clinical features, bacteriology and principles of
management.D 6 P3.
10. What is Marfans syndrome? What is its orthopaedic management?
Paper II
1. Classify elbow dislocation. How will you manage an unreduced posterior dislocation
elbow in 10 yr. old child?
3. Describe various systems, implants available for limb length equalization. Discuss their
underlying principle.
10. Discuss various functions of hand. How will you attain key pinch in a quadriplegic with
no useful power?
Paper III
June 2008
Paper I
8. Discuss the approach to a patient of pelvic fracture with a suspected abdominal injury.
. Classify pelvic fractures and discuss the management.D4 P3.
Management of Pelvic fractures. J4 P2.
Paper II
2. Describe the Anatomy of iliotibial band and the effect of its contracture on the lower limb.
How do you clinically detect the contracture?
3. Renal Osteodystrophy
3. Scheurmans disease.
7. Describe the orthotic management of an asensate foot particularly in reference to leprosy.
10.Define ankle foot orthosis. What are the plastic materials used in fabrication. Describe
indications and care during daily use.
Paper III
6. Define femoral anteversion. How do you detect it clinically? Discuss the role of
anteversion in orthopaedics diagnosis & management
7. 9. Describe the blood supply of a long bone. Discuss the effects of various modalities of
internal fixation on the blood supply.
DEC 2007
Paper I
12. filum terminale syndrome
Paper II
1. etiology and pathological Anatomy of DDH
2. 3. 4. klippel feil syndrome
5. 6. pes planus
7. role and mode of action of pharmacological treatment in CP
10. Paper III
2. guiding principles of removal of orthopaedic implants after fracture union. What are the
current recommendations for removal of implant in commonly encountered fractures
34. Classify fractures of the Capitullumn and discuss the management of each type
5. Surgical Anatomy of AC joint along with classification of AC joint injuries. Briefly discuss
the management.
7. classify fractures of pelvis briefly discuss the management of rotationally unstable and
vertically stable injuries
8. Various methods of fixing severely osteoporotic fractures.
9. what is LISS. Discuss its role in stabilizing fractures of distal femur.
10. what is ballistics. Briefly describe the current management of ballistic injuries of the
Paper IV
3. 4.
6. 7. Structure and function of articular cartilage
9. Classify Spondylolisthesis. Describe the management
June 2007
Paper I
1. DIC
2. Enumerate bleeding disorders . How will you manage a grossly arthritic Knee in
3. Tension Pneumothorax
5. primitive neuroectodermal tumours
7. 8. loose bodies in knee etiology? How will u manage a case of 30 year old sportsmanwho
presents with locked knee due to loose body
10. how will u manage a case of recalcitrant tennis elbow?
Paper II
23. describe the DD of cystic lesion in upper end of humerus in a 10 year old child. Describe
the management of SBC in same child
8. 10. Describe the pathological Anatomy of the bursae of the hand. Discuss the etiology,
clinical feature and management of acute infection in those bursae?
Paper III
1. 2. 3. Hanging cast 4. what is unstable trochanteric fracture? Briefly describe the various
methods of managing unstable trochanteric fracture
5. 7. Carpal instability types, clinical features and radiological assessment
8. 9.
10. how will you manage a case of acute Hemarthrosis Knee?
Paper IV
1. Describe Bone remodeling unit. Briefly describe the drugs which influence remodeling
2. PET Scan
3. Wallerian degeneration
5. gate control theory of pain
6. what is neuropraxia? How will you differentiate it from axonometsis during first few days
of injury
7. tribology
DEC 2006
Paper I
1. 2.
3. Synovioma
4. Otto Pelvis
5. Principles of surface replacement arthroplasty of hip. What do you think are the reasons of
failure of previous historical designs compared to the modern successful design?
8. Pathophysiology of septic shock.
9. Management of a patient having fracture pelvis with urinary retention. Restrict yourself to
the management of his urinary problem.
Paper II
1. 2. 3.
5. 6.
8. What is crutch palsy? Describe the orthotic management of wrist drop.
9. Describe the pathological Anatomy , clinical features and management of post polio
calcaneus deformity in a 12 yr. Old patient.
Paper III
1. 5. 6.
9. 10.
Paper IV
2. Describe the arches of foot. Discuss the clinical features and management of
Paper III
1. 2. Bennets Fracture dislocation
4. Motor March
5. 6. 7. Acromio clavicular Disruption
9. Perilunar Dislocation.
10.Fracture Disease.
Paper IV
1. Etiopathogenesis, Pathology and management of DIC.
2. Congenital postural deformities associated with in-utero position.
3. Raloxifene.
5. Structure and Biochemistry of articular cartilage.
6. Bryants Traction.
7. Biochemical markers of Bone formation and resorption.
10.Enumerate various deformities of foot and ankle seen in Post Polio Residual Paralysis
(PPRP). Describe in detail the management of Talipes Calcaneus
Dec 2005
Paper I
2. Bony changes in hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism along with relevant
3. Sports related injuries to soft tissues.
4. Suture Materials.
5. Finger Injuries.
6. 7. Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
8.Cool Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia in orthopedic practice.
9. Day Care Surgery.
10.Surgical audit.
Paper II
1. 2. Chiari Osteotomy indications, advantages, steps of surgery.
4. Bowing of Tibia in children Causes, types, clinical features & management of congenital
bowing of tibia.
5. Klippel-Fiel syndrome Etiology, Pathology , clinical & radiological features, differential
diagnosis & management.
6. 7. 8.
9. Post polio equinus deformity of foot etiopathology, evaluation & management.
Paper III
1. Enumerate the types of spinal cord lesions following fracture dislocation of C5-6 vertebrae
and discuss clinical features, treatment and prognosis of each type of lesion in adult. 25
2. Describe the following in brief (15 marks) each
i. ii. Management of fracture of fracture shaft of femur that
has become infected after intramedullary fixation
iii. Treatment of radial head and neck fractures in children
iv. Management of Trochnanteric fractures in elderly.
Paper IV
2. Harmons approach of Tibia with applied Anatomy .
3. 4. Biomechanics of hip joint and its clinical applications.
5. Radionuclide bone scanning
6. Allopurinol
Cool Pathology of tuberculous arthritis and correlation with clinical staging.
9. Growth plate Anatomy and pathological states affecting it.
10. Radiological and biochemical features of renal osteodystrophy and their interpretation.
June 2005
Paper I
Part A
1. Draw a flow chart of disaster planning at state level. What is the concept of triage?
2. 3.
5. Part B
1. Crystal Synovitis.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Paper II
Part A
2. Ewings Sarcoma
3. Pollicisation Indications and prerequisites
Part B
1. Pylon prosthesis Indications, prerequisites and advantages.
Paper III
2. Describe in brief on the following (15 marks) each
i.Treatment of odontoid fracture in adults.
ii.Enumerate the complications of femoral neck fractures in children and discuss the
management in any one of the complications.
iii.Classification and treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation.
Paper IV
Part A
1. Trendelenberg test with its anatomical basis and clinical applications
2. Madura foot.
3. 45.
Part B
1. .
2. 3. Methotrexae as a DMARD.
4. Therapeutic ultrasound.
5. Prophylaxis in thrombo-embolic disease.
DEC 2004
Paper I
1. 2. Short notes on
i. Shock
iii. iv. Ehler-Danlos syndrome
vPaper II
1. 2. Write short notes on
i. ii. Dupuytrens contracture
v. Nuclear Imaging.
iv. F.R.O.
Paper III
2. Write short notes on
ii. iii. Myositis Ossificans
iv. Biomechanics of Hip
v. Paper IV
2. Write short notes on
i. Arches of foot
ii. Core decompression
iv. v. Sudecks osteodystrophy
June 2004
Paper I
2. Short notes on
i. ii. Triple arthrodesis for equinus
iii. Shoe modification for valgoid tilt
iv. Fascio-cutaneous skin graft
v. Ideal stump
Paper II
1. Discuss the merits & demerits of operative & non-operative treatment of simple diaphyseal
fracture of tibia.
2. Short notes on
i. Bristows procedure
ii. iii. Classification of Rotatory knee instability
iv. v. Old metacarpo phalangeal dislocation
Paper III
2. Short notes on
i. Discuss Pathology & management of infected non-union.
iii. iv. Role of Ligamentotaxis in fractures
Paper IV
2. Short notes on
i. Bone Cement
ii. Intrinsic Hand
iii. Shoulder Hand Syndrome
v. Osteoclast.
Dec 2003
Paper I
1. Define Gangrene. Describe the aetiological classification & Mx of gas gangerene?
2. Short Notes on
i. Skin grafting
Paper III
1. Recent advances in the management of intraarticular fractures of upper end of tibia
2. Short notes on
i. Rationale of surgical treatment of recurrent dislocation of shoulder
iv. Orthopaedic complications of high dose steroid
v. Sudeks Osteodystrophy
Paper IV
1. Describe the mechanism of calcium homeostasis by parathyroid hormone and the skeletal
changes that occur as a result of hyperparathyroidism. Discuss the uses and limitations of lab
investigations in the diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism
2. Short notes on
ii. 2nd line of ATT
iv. Growth plate & its functions
v. Stress, strain & modulus of elasticity in relationship to implants.
Dec 2002
Paper I
2. Short notes on
i. Tension pneumpthorax
ii. Non specific synovitis
iii. Painful arc syndrome
iv. metastatic lesion of bone & tis management
v. Crush Syndrome
Paper II
2. Short notes on
i. Intrinsic muscles hand
ii. iii. iv. LASER Therapy
Paper III
1. Management of fracture pelvis and their complications
2. Short notes on
i. Cerebral diplegia? Line of Management?
ii. Multiple myelpma Investigations & Management?
iii. Pes Planus etiology & Management?
iv. Investigations of Pain in Hand?
v. Rationale of surgical Rx for recurrent anterior dislocation shoulder?
Paper IV
2. Short notes on
i. Osteogenesis imperfecta
ii. Cubitus Varus
iv. Sudecks dystrophy
June 2002
Paper I
1. Describe the various approaches to the spine
2. Short notes on
iv. Volkmans ischaemic contracture
v. Ewings sarcoma
Paper II
1. 2. Short notes on
ii. iiiivv. Paper III
3.Investigation of collapse of a vertebra
5.Osteogenesis imperfecta
6.Post Polio Residual Paralysis
7.Diagnostic criteria of osteolytic lesion in upper end tibia
8. 9.Brodies abscess
10. Costo clavicular syndrome
Paper IV
1. Describe the Anatomy of recurrent dislocation shoulder? Discuss Management
2. Short notes on