Kotlin Docs
Kotlin Docs
Kotlin Docs
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Basic Syntax
Coding Conventions
Basic Types
Control Flow
Visibility Modifiers
Data Classes
Generic functions
Generic constraints
Nested Classes
Enum Classes
Delegated Properties
Inline Functions
Destructuring Declarations
This Expression
Operator overloading
Null Safety
Type-Safe Builders
Dynamic Type
Documenting Kotlin Code
Using Maven
Using Ant
Using Gradle
Comparison to Java
Comparison to Scala
Getting Started
Basic Syntax
Defining packages
Package specification should be at the top of the source file:
package my.demo
import java.util.*
// ...
It is not required to match directories and packages: source files can be placed arbitrarily in the file system.
See Packages.
Defining functions
Function having two Int parameters with Int return type:
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b
Function with an expression body and inferred return type:
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
Function returning no meaningful value:
fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int): Unit {
print(a + b)
Unit return type can be omitted:
fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int) {
print(a + b)
See Functions.
a: Int = 1
b = 1
// `Int` type is inferred
c: Int // Type required when no initializer is provided
// definite assignment
Mutable variable:
var x = 5 // `Int` type is inferred
x += 1
See also Properties And Fields.
Just like Java and JavaScript, Kotlin supports end-of-line and block comments.
// This is an end-of-line comment
/* This is a block comment
on multiple lines. */
Unlike Java, block comments in Kotlin can be nested.
See Documenting Kotlin Code for information on the documentation comment syntax.
See if-expressions.
number format in '${args[0]}'")
number format in '${args[1]}'")
Any) {
print("Not a string")
Using ranges
Check if a number is within a range using in operator:
if (x in 1..y-1)
Check if a number is out of range:
if (x !in 0..array.lastIndex)
Iterating over a range:
for (x in 1..5)
See Ranges.
Using collections
Iterating over a collection:
for (name in names)
Checking if a collection contains an object using in operator:
A collection of random and frequently used idioms in Kotlin. If you have a favorite idiom, contribute it. Do a pull request.
Creating DTOs (POJOs/POCOs)
data class Customer(val name: String, val email: String)
provides a Customer class with the following functionality:
getters (and setters in case of vars) for all properties
component1() , component2() , , for all properties (see Data classes)
Default values for function parameters
fun foo(a: Int = 0, b: String = "") { ... }
Filtering a list
val positives = list.filter { x -> x > 0 }
Or alternatively, even shorter:
val positives = list.filter { it > 0 }
String Interpolation
println("Name $name")
Instance Checks
when (x) {
is Foo -> ...
is Bar -> ...
-> ...
Read-only list
val list = listOf("a", "b", "c")
Read-only map
val map = mapOf("a" to 1, "b" to 2, "c" to 3)
Accessing a map
map["key"] = value
Lazy property
val p: String by lazy {
// compute the string
Extension Functions
fun String.spaceToCamelCase() { ... }
"Convert this to camelcase".spaceToCamelCase()
Creating a singleton
object Resource {
val name = "Name"
try/catch expression
fun test() {
val result = try {
} catch (e: ArithmeticException) {
throw IllegalStateException(e)
// Working with result
if expression
Single-expression functions
fun theAnswer() = 42
This is equivalent to
fun theAnswer(): Int {
return 42
This can be effectively combined with other idioms, leading to shorter code. E.g. with the when-expression:
fun transform(color: String): Int = when (color) {
"Red" -> 0
"Green" -> 1
"Blue" -> 2
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid color param value")
class Turtle {
fun penDown()
fun penUp()
fun turn(degrees: Double)
fun forward(pixels: Double)
val myTurtle = Turtle()
with(myTurtle) { //draw a 100 pix square
for(i in 1..4) {
Convenient form for a generic function that requires the generic type information
// public final class Gson {
public <T> T fromJson(JsonElement json, Class<T> classOfT) throws
JsonSyntaxException {
inline fun <reified T: Any> Gson.fromJson(json): T = this.fromJson(json, T::class.java)
Coding Conventions
This page contains the current coding style for the Kotlin language.
Naming Style
If in doubt default to the Java Coding Conventions such as:
use of camelCase for names (and avoid underscore in names)
types start with upper case
methods and properties start with lower case
use 4 space indentation
public functions should have documentation such that it appears in Kotlin Doc
There is a space before colon where colon separates type and supertype and theres no space where colon separates
instance and type:
interface Foo<out T : Any> : Bar {
fun foo(a: Int): T
In lambda expressions, spaces should be used around the curly braces, as well as around the arrow which separates the
parameters from the body. Whenever possible, a lambda should be passed outside of parentheses.
list.filter { it > 10 }.map { element -> element * 2 }
In lambdas which are short and not nested, its recommended to use the it convention instead of declaring the parameter
explicitly. In nested lambdas with parameters, parameters should be always declared explicitly.
If a function returns Unit, the return type should be omitted:
fun foo() { // ": Unit" is omitted here
Functions vs Properties
In some cases functions with no arguments might be interchangeable with read-only properties. Although the semantics are
similar, there are some stylistic conventions on when to prefer one to another.
Prefer a property over a function when the underlying algorithm:
does not throw
has a O(1) complexity
Basic Types
In Kotlin, everything is an object in the sense that we can call member functions and properties on any variable. Some types
are built-in, because their implementation is optimized, but to the user they look like ordinary classes. In this section we
describe most of these types: numbers, characters, booleans and arrays.
Kotlin handles numbers in a way close to Java, but not exactly the same. For example, there are no implicit widening
conversions for numbers, and literals are slightly different in some cases.
Kotlin provides the following built-in types representing numbers (this is close to Java):
Bit width
On the Java platform, numbers are physically stored as JVM primitive types, unless we need a nullable number reference
(e.g. Int? ) or generics are involved. In the latter cases numbers are boxed.
Note that boxing of numbers does not preserve identity:
val a: Int = 10000
print(a === a) // Prints 'true'
val boxedA: Int? = a
val anotherBoxedA: Int? = a
print(boxedA === anotherBoxedA) // !!!Prints 'false'!!!
On the other hand, it preserves equality:
val a: Int = 10000
print(a == a) // Prints 'true'
val boxedA: Int? = a
val anotherBoxedA: Int? = a
print(boxedA == anotherBoxedA) // Prints 'true'
Explicit Conversions
Due to different representations, smaller types are not subtypes of bigger ones. If they were, we would have troubles of the
following sort:
// Hypothetical code, does not actually compile:
val a: Int? = 1 // A boxed Int (java.lang.Integer)
val b: Long? = a // implicit conversion yields a boxed Long (java.lang.Long)
print(a == b) // Surprise! This prints "false" as Long's equals() check for other part
to be Long as well
So not only identity, but even equality would have been lost silently all over the place.
As a consequence, smaller types are NOT implicitly converted to bigger types. This means that we cannot assign a value of
type Byte to an Int variable without an explicit conversion
val b: Byte = 1 // OK, literals are checked statically
val i: Int = b // ERROR
We can use explicit conversions to widen numbers
val i: Int = b.toInt() // OK: explicitly widened
Every number type supports the following conversions:
toByte(): Byte
toShort(): Short
toInt(): Int
toLong(): Long
toFloat(): Float
toDouble(): Double
toChar(): Char
Absence of implicit conversions is rarely noticeable because the type is inferred from the context, and arithmetical operations
are overloaded for appropriate conversions, for example
val l = 1L + 3 // Long + Int => Long
Kotlin supports the standard set of arithmetical operations over numbers, which are declared as members of appropriate
classes (but the compiler optimizes the calls down to the corresponding instructions). See Operator overloading.
As of bitwise operations, therere no special characters for them, but just named functions that can be called in infix form, for
val x = (1 shl 2) and 0x000FF000
Here is the complete list of bitwise operations (available for Int and Long only):
shl(bits) signed shift left (Javas << )
shr(bits) signed shift right (Javas >> )
ushr(bits) unsigned shift right (Javas >>> )
and(bits) bitwise and
or(bits) bitwise or
xor(bits) bitwise xor
inv() bitwise inversion
Characters are represented by the type Char . They can not be treated directly as numbers
fun check(c: Char) {
if (c == 1) { // ERROR: incompatible types
// ...
Character literals go in single quotes: '1' . Special characters can be escaped using a backslash. The following escape
sequences are supported: \t , \b , \n , \r , \' , \" , \\ and \$ . To encode any other character, use the Unicode
escape sequence syntax: '\uFF00' .
We can explicitly convert a character to an Int number:
fun decimalDigitValue(c: Char): Int {
if (c !in '0'..'9')
throw IllegalArgumentException("Out of range")
return c.toInt() - '0'.toInt() // Explicit conversions to numbers
Like numbers, characters are boxed when a nullable reference is needed. Identity is not preserved by the boxing operation.
The type Boolean represents booleans, and has two values: true and false.
Booleans are boxed if a nullable reference is needed.
Built-in operations on booleans include
|| lazy disjunction
&& lazy conjunction
! - negation
Arrays in Kotlin are represented by the Array class, that has get and set functions (that turn into [] by operator
overloading conventions), and size property, along with a few other useful member functions:
Strings are represented by the type String . Strings are immutable. Elements of a string are characters that can be
accessed by the indexing operation: s[i] . A string can be iterated over with a for-loop:
for (c in str) {
String Literals
Kotlin has two types of string literals: escaped strings that may have escaped characters in them and raw strings that can
contain newlines and arbitrary text. An escaped string is very much like a Java string:
val s = "Hello, world!\n"
Escaping is done in the conventional way, with a backslash. See Characters above for the list of supported escape
A raw string is delimited by a triple quote ( """ ), contains no escaping and can contain newlines and any other characters:
val text = """
for (c in "foo")
You can remove leading whitespace with trimMargin() function:
val text = """
|Tell me and I forget.
|Teach me and I remember.
|Involve me and I learn.
|(Benjamin Franklin)
By default | is used as margin prefix, but you can choose another character and pass it as a parameter, like
trimMargin(">") .
String Templates
Strings may contain template expressions, i.e. pieces of code that are evaluated and whose results are concatenated into the
string. A template expression starts with a dollar sign ($) and consists of either a simple name:
val i = 10
val s = "i = $i" // evaluates to "i = 10"
or an arbitrary expression in curly braces:
val s = "abc"
val str = "$s.length is ${s.length}" // evaluates to "abc.length is 3"
Templates are supported both inside raw strings and inside escaped strings. If you need to represent a literal $ character in
a raw string (which doesnt support backslash escaping), you can use the following syntax:
A source file may start with a package declaration:
package foo.bar
fun baz() {}
class Goo {}
// ...
All the contents (such as classes and functions) of the source file are contained by the package declared. So, in the example
above, the full name of baz() is foo.bar.baz , and the full name of Goo is foo.bar.Goo .
If the package is not specified, the contents of such a file belong to default package that has no name.
Apart from the default imports, each file may contain its own import directives. Syntax for imports is described in the
We can import either a single name, e.g.
import foo.Bar // Bar is now accessible without qualification
or all the accessible contents of a scope (package, class, object etc):
import foo.* // everything in 'foo' becomes accessible
If there is a name clash, we can disambiguate by using as keyword to locally rename the clashing entity:
import foo.Bar // Bar is accessible
import bar.Bar as bBar // bBar stands for 'bar.Bar'
The import keyword is not restricted to importing classes; you can also use it to import other declarations:
top-level functions and properties;
functions and properties declared in object declarations;
enum constants
Unlike Java, Kotlin does not have a separate import static syntax; all of these declarations are imported using the regular
import keyword.
Control Flow
If Expression
In Kotlin, if is an expression, i.e. it returns a value. Therefore there is no ternary operator (condition ? then : else), because
ordinary if works fine in this role.
// Traditional usage
var max = a
if (a < b)
max = b
// With else
var max: Int
if (a > b)
max = a
max = b
// As expression
val max = if (a > b) a else b
if branches can be blocks, and the last expression is the value of a block:
val max = if (a > b) {
print("Choose a")
else {
print("Choose b")
If youre using if as an expression rather than a statement (for example, returning its value or assigning it to a variable), the
expression is required to have an else branch.
See the grammar for if.
When Expression
when replaces the switch operator of C-like languages. In the simplest form it looks like this
when (x) {
1 -> print("x == 1")
2 -> print("x == 2")
else -> { // Note the block
print("x is neither 1 nor 2")
when matches its argument against all branches sequentially until some branch condition is satisfied. when can be used
either as an expression or as a statement. If it is used as an expression, the value of the satisfied branch becomes the value
of the overall expression. If it is used as a statement, the values of individual branches are ignored. (Just like with if, each
branch can be a block, and its value is the value of the last expression in the block.)
The else branch is evaluated if none of the other branch conditions are satisfied. If when is used as an expression, the
else branch is mandatory, unless the compiler can prove that all possible cases are covered with branch conditions.
If many cases should be handled in the same way, the branch conditions may be combined with a comma:
when (x) {
0, 1 -> print("x == 0 or x == 1")
else -> print("otherwise")
We can use arbitrary expressions (not only constants) as branch conditions
when (x) {
parseInt(s) -> print("s encodes x")
else -> print("s does not encode x")
We can also check a value for being in or !in a range or a collection:
when (x) {
in 1..10 -> print("x is in the range")
in validNumbers -> print("x is valid")
!in 10..20 -> print("x is outside the range")
else -> print("none of the above")
Another possibility is to check that a value is or !is of a particular type. Note that, due to smart casts, you can access the
methods and properties of the type without any extra checks.
val hasPrefix = when(x) {
is String -> x.startsWith("prefix")
else -> false
when can also be used as a replacement for an if-else if chain. If no argument is supplied, the branch conditions are
simply boolean expressions, and a branch is executed when its condition is true:
when {
x.isOdd() -> print("x is odd")
x.isEven() -> print("x is even")
else -> print("x is funny")
See the grammar for when.
For Loops
for loop iterates through anything that provides an iterator. The syntax is as follows:
for (item in collection)
While Loops
while and do..while work as usual
while (x > 0) {
do {
val y = retrieveData()
} while (y != null) // y is visible here!
See the grammar for while.
Return at Labels
With function literals, local functions and object expression, functions can be nested in Kotlin. Qualified returns allow us to
return from an outer function. The most important use case is returning from a lambda expression. Recall that when we write
fun foo() {
ints.forEach {
if (it == 0) return
The return-expression returns from the nearest enclosing function, i.e. foo . (Note that such non-local returns are
supported only for lambda expressions passed to inline functions.) If we need to return from a lambda expression, we have
to label it and qualify the return:
fun foo() {
ints.forEach lit@ {
if (it == 0) return@lit
Now, it returns only from the lambda expression. Oftentimes it is more convenient to use implicits labels: such a label has the
same name as the function to which the lambda is passed.
fun foo() {
ints.forEach {
if (it == 0) return@forEach
Alternatively, we can replace the lambda expression with an anonymous function. A return statement in an anomymous
function will return from the anonymous function itself.
fun foo() {
ints.forEach(fun(value: Int) {
if (value == 0) return
When returning a value, the parser gives preference to the qualified return, i.e.
return@a 1
means return 1 at label @a and not return a labeled expression (@a 1) .
A class in Kotlin can have a primary constructor and one or more secondary constructors. The primary constructor is
part of the class header: it goes after the class name (and optional type parameters).
class Person constructor(firstName: String) {
If the primary constructor does not have any annotations or visibility modifiers, the constructor keyword can be omitted:
class Person(firstName: String) {
The primary constructor cannot contain any code. Initialization code can be placed in initializer blocks, which are prefixed
with the init keyword:
class Customer(name: String) {
init {
logger.info("Customer initialized with value ${name}")
Note that parameters of the primary constructor can be used in the initializer blocks. They can also be used in property
initializers declared in the class body:
NOTE: On the JVM, if all of the parameters of the primary constructor have default values, the compiler will generate
an additional parameterless constructor which will use the default values. This makes it easier to use Kotlin with
libraries such as Jackson or JPA that create class instances through parameterless constructors.
class Customer(val customerName: String = "")
All classes in Kotlin have a common superclass Any , that is a default super for a class with no supertypes declared:
class Example // Implicitly inherits from Any
Any is not java.lang.Object ; in particular, it does not have any members other than equals() , hashCode() and
toString() . Please consult the Java interoperability section for more details.
To declare an explicit supertype, we place the type after a colon in the class header:
open class Base(p: Int)
class Derived(p: Int) : Base(p)
If the class has a primary constructor, the base type can (and must) be initialized right there, using the parameters of the
primary constructor.
If the class has no primary constructor, then each secondary constructor has to initialize the base type using the super
keyword, or to delegate to another constructor which does that. Note that in this case different secondary constructors can
call different constructors of the base type:
In Kotlin, implementation inheritance is regulated by the following rule: if a class inherits many implementations of the same
member from its immediate superclasses, it must override this member and provide its own implementation (perhaps, using
one of the inherited ones). To denote the supertype from which the inherited implementation is taken, we use super qualified
by the supertype name in angle brackets, e.g. super<Base> :
open class A {
open fun f() { print("A") }
fun a() { print("a") }
interface B {
fun f() { print("B") } // interface members are 'open' by default
fun b() { print("b") }
class C() : A(), B {
// The compiler requires f() to be overridden:
override fun f() {
super<A>.f() // call to A.f()
super<B>.f() // call to B.f()
Its fine to inherit from both A and B , and we have no problems with a() and b() since C inherits only one
implementation of each of these functions. But for f() we have two implementations inherited by C , and thus we have to
override f() in C and provide our own implementation that eliminates the ambiguity.
Abstract Classes
A class and some of its members may be declared abstract. An abstract member does not have an implementation in its
class. Note that we do not need to annotate an abstract class or function with open it goes without saying.
We can override a non-abstract open member with an abstract one
open class Base {
open fun f() {}
abstract class Derived : Base() {
override abstract fun f()
Companion Objects
In Kotlin, unlike Java or C#, classes do not have static methods. In most cases, its recommended to simply use packagelevel functions instead.
If you need to write a function that can be called without having a class instance but needs access to the internals of a class
(for example, a factory method), you can write it as a member of an object declaration inside that class.
Even more specifically, if you declare a companion object inside your class, youll be able to call its members with the same
syntax as calling static methods in Java/C#, using only the class name as a qualifier.
Sealed Classes
Sealed classes are used for representing restricted class hierarchies, when a value can have one of the types from a limited
set, but cannot have any other type. They are, in a sense, an extension of enum classes: the set of values for an enum type
is also restricted, but each enum constant exists only as a single instance, whereas a subclass of a sealed class can have
multiple instances which can contain state.
To declare a sealed class, you put the sealed modifier before the name of the class. A sealed class can have subclasses,
but all of them must be nested inside the declaration of the sealed class itself.
sealed class Expr {
class Const(val number: Double) : Expr()
class Sum(val e1: Expr, val e2: Expr) : Expr()
object NotANumber : Expr()
Note that classes which extend subclasses of a sealed class (indirect inheritors) can be placed anywhere, not necessarily
inside the declaration of the sealed class.
The key benefit of using sealed classes comes into play when you use them in a when expression. If its possible to verify
that the statement covers all cases, you dont need to add an else clause to the statement.
fun eval(expr: Expr): Double = when(expr) {
is Expr.Const -> expr.number
is Expr.Sum -> eval(expr.e1) + eval(expr.e2)
Expr.NotANumber -> Double.NaN
// the `else` clause is not required because we've covered all the cases
Address {
name: String = ...
street: String = ...
city: String = ...
state: String? = ...
zip: String = ...
Backing Fields
Classes in Kotlin cannot have fields. However, sometimes it is necessary to have a backing field when using custom
accessors. For these purposes, Kotlin provides an automatic backing field which can be accessed using the field
var counter = 0 // the initializer value is written directly to the backing field
set(value) {
if (value >= 0)
field = value
The field identifier can only be used in the accessors of the property.
The compiler looks at the accessors bodies, and if they use the backing field (or the accessor implementation is left by
default), a backing field is generated, otherwise it is not.
For example, in the following case there will be no backing field:
val isEmpty: Boolean
get() = this.size == 0
Backing Properties
If you want to do something that does not fit into this implicit backing field scheme, you can always fall back to having a
backing property:
Compile-Time Constants
Properties the value of which is known at compile time can be marked as compile time constants using the const modifier.
Such properties need to fulfil the following requirements:
Top-level or member of an object
Initialized with a value of type String or a primitive type
No custom getter
Such properties can be used in annotations:
const val SUBSYSTEM_DEPRECATED: String = "This subsystem is deprecated"
@Deprecated(SUBSYSTEM_DEPRECATED) fun foo() { ... }
Late-Initialized Properties
Normally, properties declared as having a non-null type must be initialized in the constructor. However, fairly often this is not
convenient. For example, properties can be initialized through dependency injection, or in the setup method of a unit test. In
this case, you cannot supply a non-null initializer in the constructor, but you still want to avoid null checks when referencing
the property inside the body of a class.
To handle this case, you can mark the property with the lateinit modifier:
public class MyTest {
lateinit var subject: TestSubject
@SetUp fun setup() {
subject = TestSubject()
@Test fun test() {
// dereference directly
The modifier can only be used on var properties declared inside the body of a class (not in the primary constructor), and
only when the property does not have a custom getter or setter. The type of the property must be non-null, and it must not be
a primitive type.
Accessing a lateinit property before it has been initialized throws a special exception that clearly identifies the property
being accessed and the fact that it hasnt been initialized.
Overriding Properties
See Overriding Members
Delegated Properties
The most common kind of properties simply reads from (and maybe writes to) a backing field. On the other hand, with
custom getters and setters one can implement any behaviour of a property. Somewhere in between, there are certain
common patterns of how a property may work. A few examples: lazy values, reading from a map by a given key, accessing a
database, notifying listener on access, etc.
Such common behaviours can be implemented as libraries using delegated properties.
Interfaces in Kotlin are very similar to Java 8. They can contain declarations of abstract methods, as well as method
implementations. What makes them different from abstract classes is that interfaces cannot store state. They can have
properties but these need to be abstract or to provide accessor implementations.
An interface is defined using the keyword interface
interface MyInterface {
fun bar()
fun foo() {
// optional body
Implementing Interfaces
A class or object can implement one or more interfaces
class Child : MyInterface {
override fun bar() {
// body
Properties in Interfaces
You can declare properties in interfaces. A property declared in an interface can either be abstract, or it can provide
implementations for accessors. Properties declared in interfaces cant have backing fields, and therefore accessors declared
in interfaces cant reference them.
interface MyInterface {
val property: Int // abstract
val propertyWithImplementation: String
get() = "foo"
fun foo() {
class Child : MyInterface {
override val property: Int = 29
interface A {
fun foo() { print("A") }
fun bar()
interface B {
fun foo() { print("B") }
fun bar() { print("bar") }
class C : A {
override fun bar() { print("bar") }
class D : A, B {
override fun foo() {
Interfaces A and B both declare functions foo() and bar(). Both of them implement foo(), but only B implements bar() (bar() is
not marked abstract in A, because this is the default for interfaces, if the function has no body). Now, if we derive a concrete
class C from A, we, obviously, have to override bar() and provide an implementation. And if we derive D from A and B, we
dont have to override bar(), because we have inherited only one implementation of it. But we have inherited two
implementations of foo(), so the compiler does not know which one to choose, and forces us to override foo() and say what
we want explicitly.
Visibility Modifiers
Classes, objects, interfaces, constructors, functions, properties and their setters can have visibility modifiers. (Getters always
have the same visibility as the property.) There are four visibility modifiers in Kotlin: private , protected , internal
and public . The default visibility, used if there is no explicit modifier, is public .
Below please find explanations of these for different type of declaring scopes.
Functions, properties and classes, objects and interfaces can be declared on the top-level, i.e. directly inside a package:
// file name: example.kt
package foo
fun baz() {}
class Bar {}
If you do not specify any visibility modifier, public is used by default, which means that your declarations will be visible
If you mark a declaration private , it will only be visible inside the file containing the declaration;
If you mark it internal , it is visible everywhere in the same module;
protected is not available for top-level declarations.
// file name: example.kt
package foo
private fun foo() {} // visible inside example.kt
public var bar: Int = 5 // property is visible everywhere
private set
// setter is visible only in example.kt
internal val baz = 6
To specify a visibility of the primary constructor of a class, use the following syntax (note that you need to add an explicit
constructor keyword):
class C private constructor(a: Int) { ... }
Here the constructor is private. By default, all constructors are public , which effectively amounts to them being visible
everywhere where the class is visible (i.e. a constructor of an internal class is only visible within the same module).
Local declarations
Local variables, functions and classes can not have visibility modifiers.
The internal visibility modifier means that the member is visible with the same module. More specifically, a module is a
set of Kotlin files compiled together:
an IntelliJ IDEA module;
a Maven or Gradle project;
a set of files compiled with one invocation of the Ant task.
Kotlin, similar to C# and Gosu, provides the ability to extend a class with new functionality without having to inherit from the
class or use any type of design pattern such as Decorator. This is done via special declarations called extensions. Kotlin
supports extension functions and extension properties.
Extension Functions
To declare an extension function, we need to prefix its name with a receiver type, i.e. the type being extended. The following
adds a swap function to MutableList<Int> :
fun MutableList<Int>.swap(index1: Int, index2: Int) {
val tmp = this[index1] // 'this' corresponds to the list
this[index1] = this[index2]
this[index2] = tmp
The this keyword inside an extension function corresponds to the receiver object (the one that is passed before the dot).
Now, we can call such a function on any MutableList<Int> :
val l = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
l.swap(0, 2) // 'this' inside 'swap()' will hold the value of 'l'
Of course, this function makes sense for any MutableList<T> , and we can make it generic:
fun <T> MutableList<T>.swap(index1: Int, index2: Int) {
val tmp = this[index1] // 'this' corresponds to the list
this[index1] = this[index2]
this[index2] = tmp
We declare the generic type parameter before the function name for it to be available in the receiver type expression. See
Generic functions.
open class C
class D: C()
fun C.foo() = "c"
fun D.foo() = "d"
fun printFoo(c: C) {
This example will print c, because the extension function being called depends only on the declared type of the parameter
c , which is the C class.
If a class has a member function, and an extension function is defined which has the same receiver type, the same name
and is applicable to given arguments, the member always wins. For example:
class C {
fun foo() { println("member") }
fun C.foo() { println("extension") }
If we call c.foo() of any c of type C , it will print member, not extension.
Nullable Receiver
Note that extensions can be defined with a nullable receiver type. Such extensions can be called on an object variable even
if its value is null, and can check for this == null inside the body. This is what allows you to call toString() in Kotlin
without checking for null: the check happens inside the extension function.
fun Any?.toString(): String {
if (this == null) return "null"
// after the null check, 'this' is autocast to a non-null type, so the toString()
// resolves to the member function of the Any class
return toString()
Extension Properties
Similarly to functions, Kotlin supports extension properties:
val <T> List<T>.lastIndex: Int
get() = size - 1
Note that, since extensions do not actually insert members into classes, theres no efficient way for an extension property to
have a backing field. This is why initializers are not allowed for extension properties. Their behavior can only be defined
by explicitly providing getters/setters.
val Foo.bar = 1 // error: initializers are not allowed for extension properties
fun MyClass.Companion.foo() {
// ...
Just like regular members of the companion object, they can be called using only the class name as the qualifier:
Scope of Extensions
Most of the time we define extensions on the top level, i.e. directly under packages:
package foo.bar
fun Baz.goo() { ... }
To use such an extension outside its declaring package, we need to import it at the call site:
package com.example.usage
import foo.bar.goo // importing all extensions by name "goo"
// or
import foo.bar.*
// importing everything from "foo.bar"
fun usage(baz: Baz) {
See Imports for more information.
class D {
fun bar() { ... }
class C {
fun baz() { ... }
fun D.foo() {
// calls D.bar
// calls C.baz
fun caller(d: D) {
// call the extension function
In case of a name conflict between the members of the dispatch receiver and the extension receiver, the extension receiver
takes precedence. To refer to the member of the dispatch receiver you can use the qualified this syntax.
class C {
fun D.foo() {
[email protected]()
// calls D.toString()
// calls C.toString()
Extensions declared as members can be declared as open and overridden in subclasses. This means that the dispatch of
such functions is virtual with regard to the dispatch receiver type, but static with regard to the extension receiver type.
open class D {
class D1 : D() {
open class C {
open fun D.foo() {
println("D.foo in C")
open fun D1.foo() {
println("D1.foo in C")
fun caller(d: D) {
// call the extension function
class C1 : C() {
override fun D.foo() {
println("D.foo in C1")
override fun D1.foo() {
println("D1.foo in C1")
In Java, we are used to classes named *Utils: FileUtils , StringUtils and so on. The famous
java.util.Collections belongs to the same breed. And the unpleasant part about these Utils-classes is that the code
that uses them looks like this:
// Java
Collections.swap(list, Collections.binarySearch(list, Collections.max(otherList)),
Those class names are always getting in the way. We can use static imports and get this:
// Java
swap(list, binarySearch(list, max(otherList)), max(list))
This is a little better, but we have no or little help from the powerful code completion of the IDE. It would be so much better if
we could say
// Java
list.swap(list.binarySearch(otherList.max()), list.max())
But we dont want to implement all the possible methods inside the class List , right? This is where extensions help us.
Data Classes
We frequently create a class to do nothing but hold data. In such a class some standard functionality is often mechanically
derivable from the data. In Kotlin, this is called a data class and is marked as data :
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
The compiler automatically derives the following members from all properties declared in the primary constructor:
equals() / hashCode() pair,
toString() of the form "User(name=John, age=42)" ,
componentN() functions corresponding to the properties in their order of declaration,
copy() function (see below).
If any of these functions is explicitly defined in the class body or inherited from the base types, it will not be generated.
To ensure consistency and meaningful behavior of the generated code, data classes have to fulfil the following requirements:
The primary constructor needs to have at least one parameter;
All primary constructor parameters need to be marked as val or var ;
Data classes cannot be abstract, open, sealed or inner;
Data classes may not extend other classes (but may implement interfaces).
On the JVM, if the generated class needs to have a parameterless constructor, default values for all properties have to
be specified (see Constructors).
data class User(val name: String = "", val age: Int = 0)
Its often the case that we need to copy an object altering some of its properties, but keeping the rest unchanged. This is
what copy() function is generated for. For the User class above, its implementation would be as follows:
fun copy(name: String = this.name, age: Int = this.age) = User(name, age)
This allows us to write
val jack = User(name = "Jack", age = 1)
val olderJack = jack.copy(age = 2)
The standard library provides Pair and Triple . In most cases, though, named data classes are a better design choice,
because they make the code more readable by providing meaningful names for properties.
As in Java, classes in Kotlin may have type parameters:
class Box<T>(t: T) {
var value = t
In general, to create an instance of such a class, we need to provide the type arguments:
val box: Box<Int> = Box<Int>(1)
But if the parameters may be inferred, e.g. from the constructor arguments or by some other means, one is allowed to omit
the type arguments:
val box = Box(1) // 1 has type Int, so the compiler figures out that we are talking
about Box<Int>
One of the most tricky parts of Javas type system is wildcard types (see Java Generics FAQ). And Kotlin doesnt have any.
Instead, it has two other things: declaration-site variance and type projections.
First, lets think about why Java needs those mysterious wildcards. The problem is explained in Effective Java, Item 28: Use
bounded wildcards to increase API flexibility. First, generic types in Java are invariant, meaning that List<String> is not
a subtype of List<Object> . Why so? If List was not invariant, it would have been no better than Javas arrays, since the
following code would have compiled and caused an exception at runtime:
// Java
List<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Object> objs = strs; // !!! The cause of the upcoming problem sits here. Java
prohibits this!
objs.add(1); // Here we put an Integer into a list of Strings
String s = strs.get(0); // !!! ClassCastException: Cannot cast Integer to String
So, Java prohibits such things in order to guarantee run-time safety. But this has some implications. For example, consider
the addAll() method from Collection interface. Whats the signature of this method? Intuitively, wed put it this way:
// Java
interface Collection<E> ... {
void addAll(Collection<E> items);
But then, we would not be able to do the following simple thing (which is perfectly safe):
// Java
void copyAll(Collection<Object> to, Collection<String> from) {
to.addAll(from); // !!! Would not compile with the naive declaration of addAll:
Collection<String> is not a subtype of Collection<Object>
(In Java, we learned this lesson the hard way, see Effective Java, Item 25: Prefer lists to arrays)
To fix this, we have to declare objects of type Source<? extends Object> , which is sort of meaningless, because we
can call all the same methods on such a variable as before, so theres no value added by the more complex type. But the
compiler does not know that.
In Kotlin, there is a way to explain this sort of thing to the compiler. This is called declaration-site variance: we can annotate
the type parameter T of Source to make sure that it is only returned (produced) from members of Source<T> , and never
consumed. To do this we provide the out modifier:
abstract class Source<out T> {
abstract fun nextT(): T
fun demo(strs: Source<String>) {
val objects: Source<Any> = strs // This is OK, since T is an out-parameter
// ...
The general rule is: when a type parameter T of a class C is declared out, it may occur only in out-position in the
members of C , but in return C<Base> can safely be a supertype of C<Derived> .
In clever words they say that the class C is covariant in the parameter T , or that T is a covariant type parameter. You
can think of C as being a producer of T s, and NOT a consumer of T s.
The out modifier is called a variance annotation, and since it is provided at the type parameter declaration site, we talk
about declaration-site variance. This is in contrast with Javas use-site variance where wildcards in the type usages make
the types covariant.
In addition to out, Kotlin provides a complementary variance annotation: in. It makes a type parameter contravariant: it can
only be consumed and never produced. A good example of a contravariant class is Comparable :
abstract class Comparable<in T> {
abstract fun compareTo(other: T): Int
fun demo(x: Comparable<Number>) {
x.compareTo(1.0) // 1.0 has type Double, which is a subtype of Number
// Thus, we can assign x to a variable of type Comparable<Double>
val y: Comparable<Double> = x // OK!
We believe that the words in and out are self-explaining (as they were successfully used in C# for quite some time already),
thus the mnemonic mentioned above is not really needed, and one can rephrase it for a higher purpose:
The Existential Transformation: Consumer in, Producer out! :-)
Type projections
Use-site variance: Type projections
It is very convenient to declare a type parameter T as out and have no trouble with subtyping on the use site. Yes, it is, when
the class in question can actually be restricted to only return T s, but what if it cant? A good example of this is Array:
For Foo<out T> , where T is a covariant type parameter with the upper bound TUpper , Foo<*> is equivalent to
Foo<out TUpper> . It means that when the T is unknown you can safely read values of TUpper from Foo<*> .
For Foo<in T> , where T is a contravariant type parameter, Foo<*> is equivalent to Foo<in Nothing> . It
means there is nothing you can write to Foo<*> in a safe way when T is unknown.
For Foo<T> , where T is an invariant type parameter with the upper bound TUpper , Foo<*> is equivalent to
Foo<out TUpper> for reading values and to Foo<in Nothing> for writing values.
If a generic type has several type parameters each of them can be projected independently. For example, if the type is
declared as interface Function<in T, out U> we can imagine the following star-projections:
Function<*, String> means Function<in Nothing, String> ;
Function<Int, *> means Function<Int, out Any?> ;
Function<*, *> means Function<in Nothing, out Any?> .
Note: star-projections are very much like Javas raw types, but safe.
Generic functions
Not only classes can have type parameters. Functions can, too. Type parameters are placed before the name of the function:
fun <T> singletonList(item: T): List<T> {
// ...
fun <T> T.basicToString() : String {
// ...
// extension function
If type parameters are passed explicitly at the call site, they are specified after the name of the function:
val l = singletonList<Int>(1)
Generic constraints
The set of all possible types that can be substituted for a given type parameter may be restricted by generic constraints.
Upper bounds
The most common type of constraint is an upper bound that corresponds to Javas extends keyword:
fun <T : Comparable<T>> sort(list: List<T>) {
// ...
The type specified after a colon is the upper bound: only a subtype of Comparable<T> may be substituted for T . For
sort(listOf(1, 2, 3)) // OK. Int is a subtype of Comparable<Int>
sort(listOf(HashMap<Int, String>())) // Error: HashMap<Int, String> is not a subtype of
Comparable<HashMap<Int, String>>
The default upper bound (if none specified) is Any? . Only one upper bound can be specified inside the angle brackets. If
the same type parameter needs more than one upper bound, we need a separate where-clause:
fun <T> cloneWhenGreater(list: List<T>, threshold: T): List<T>
where T : Comparable,
T : Cloneable {
return list.filter { it > threshold }.map { it.clone() }
Nested Classes
Classes can be nested in other classes
class Outer {
private val bar: Int = 1
class Nested {
fun foo() = 2
val demo = Outer.Nested().foo() // == 2
Inner classes
A class may be marked as inner to be able to access members of outer class. Inner classes carry a reference to an object
of an outer class:
class Outer {
private val bar: Int = 1
inner class Inner {
fun foo() = bar
val demo = Outer().Inner().foo() // == 1
See Qualified this expressions to learn about disambiguation of this in inner classes.
Enum Classes
The most basic usage of enum classes is implementing type-safe enums
enum class Direction {
Each enum constant is an object. Enum constants are separated with commas.
Since each enum is an instance of the enum class, they can be initialized
enum class Color(val rgb: Int) {
Anonymous Classes
Enum constants can also declare their own anonymous classes
enum class ProtocolState {
override fun signal() = TALKING
override fun signal() = WAITING
abstract fun signal(): ProtocolState
with their corresponding methods, as well as overriding base methods. Note that if the enum class defines any members, you
need to separate the enum constant definitions from the member definitions with a semicolon, just like in Java.
Object expressions
To create an object of an anonymous class that inherits from some type (or types), we write:
window.addMouseListener(object : MouseAdapter() {
override fun mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent) {
// ...
override fun mouseEntered(e: MouseEvent) {
// ...
If a supertype has a constructor, appropriate constructor parameters must be passed to it. Many supertypes may be
specified as a comma-separated list after the colon:
open class A(x: Int) {
public open val y: Int = x
interface B {...}
val ab = object : A(1), B {
override val y = 15
If, by any chance, we need just an object, with no nontrivial supertypes, we can simply say:
val adHoc = object {
var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
print(adHoc.x + adHoc.y)
Just like Javas anonymous inner classes, code in object expressions can access variables from the enclosing scope. (Unlike
Java, this is not restricted to final variables.)
Object declarations
Singleton is a very useful pattern, and Kotlin (after Scala) makes it easy to declare singletons:
object DataProviderManager {
fun registerDataProvider(provider: DataProvider) {
// ...
val allDataProviders: Collection<DataProvider>
get() = // ...
This is called an object declaration. If theres a name following the object keyword, we are not talking about an expression
anymore. We cannot assign such a thing to a variable, but we can refer to it by its name. Such objects can have supertypes:
object DefaultListener : MouseAdapter() {
override fun mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent) {
// ...
override fun mouseEntered(e: MouseEvent) {
// ...
NOTE: object declarations cant be local (i.e. be nested directly inside a function), but they can be nested into other object
declarations or non-inner classes.
Companion Objects
An object declaration inside a class can be marked with the companion keyword:
class MyClass {
companion object Factory {
fun create(): MyClass = MyClass()
Members of the companion object can be called by using simply the class name as the qualifier:
val instance = MyClass.create()
The name of the companion object can be omitted, in which case the name Companion will be used:
class MyClass {
companion object {
val x = MyClass.Companion
Note that, even though the members of companion objects look like static members in other languages, at runtime those are
still instance members of real objects, and can, for example, implement interfaces:
interface Factory<T> {
fun create(): T
class MyClass {
companion object : Factory<MyClass> {
override fun create(): MyClass = MyClass()
However, on the JVM you can have members of companion objects generated as real static methods and fields, if you use
the @JvmStatic annotation. See the Java interoperability section for more details.
Semantic difference between object expressions and declarations
There is one important semantic difference between object expressions and object declarations:
object declarations are initialized lazily, when accessed for the first time
object expressions are executed (and initialized) immediately, where they are used
Class Delegation
The Delegation pattern has proven to be a good alternative to implementation inheritance, and Kotlin supports it natively
requiring zero boilerplate code. A class Derived can inherit from an interface Base and delegate all of its public methods
to a specified object:
interface Base {
fun print()
class BaseImpl(val x: Int) : Base {
override fun print() { print(x) }
class Derived(b: Base) : Base by b
fun main() {
val b = BaseImpl(10)
Derived(b).print() // prints 10
The by-clause in the supertype list for Derived indicates that b will be stored internally in objects of Derived and the
compiler will generate all the methods of Base that forward to b .
Delegated Properties
There are certain common kinds of properties, that, though we can implement them manually every time we need them,
would be very nice to implement once and for all, and put into a library. Examples include
lazy properties: the value gets computed only upon first access,
observable properties: listeners get notified about changes to this property,
storing properties in a map, not in separate field each.
To cover these (and other) cases, Kotlin supports delegated properties:
class Example {
var p: String by Delegate()
The syntax is: val/var <property name>: <Type> by <expression> . The expression after by is the delegate,
because get() (and set() ) corresponding to the property will be delegated to its getValue() and setValue()
methods. Property delegates dont have to implement any interface, but they have to provide a getValue() function (and
setValue() for vars). For example:
class Delegate {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
return "$thisRef, thank you for delegating '${property.name}' to me!"
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {
println("$value has been assigned to '${property.name} in $thisRef.'")
When we read from p that delegates to an instance of Delegate , the getValue() function from Delegate is called,
so that its first parameter is the object we read p from and the second parameter holds a description of p itself (e.g. you
can take its name). For example:
val e = Example()
This prints
Example@33a17727, thank you for delegating p to me!
Similarly, when we assign to p , the setValue() function is called. The first two parameters are the same, and the third
holds the value being assigned:
e.p = "NEW"
This prints
NEW has been assigned to p in Example@33a17727.
For a read-only property (i.e. a val), a delegate has to provide a function named getValue that takes the following
receiver must be the same or a supertype of the property owner (for extension properties the type being extended),
metadata must be of type KProperty<*> or its supertype,
this function must return the same type as property (or its subtype).
For a mutable property (a var), a delegate has to additionally provide a function named setValue that takes the following
receiver same as for getValue() ,
metadata same as for getValue() ,
new value must be of the same type as a property or its supertype.
getValue() and/or setValue() functions may be provided either as member functions of the delegate class or
extension functions. The latter is handy when you need to delegate property to an object which doesnt originally provide
these functions. Both of the functions need to be marked with the operator keyword.
Standard Delegates
The Kotlin standard library provides factory methods for several useful kinds of delegates.
lazy() is a function that takes a lambda and returns an instance of Lazy<T> which can serve as a delegate for
implementing a lazy property: the first call to get() executes the lambda passed to lazy() and remembers the result,
subsequent calls to get() simply return the remembered result.
val lazyValue: String by lazy {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
By default, the evaluation of lazy properties is synchronized: the value is computed only in one thread, and all threads will
see the same value. If the synchronization of initialization delegate is not required, so that multiple threads can execute it
simultaneously, pass LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION as a parameter to the lazy() function. And if youre
sure that the initialization will always happen on a single thread, you can use LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE mode,
which doesnt incur any thread-safety guarantees and the related overhead.
Delegates.observable() takes two arguments: the initial value and a handler for modifications. The handler gets
called every time we assign to the property (after the assignment has been performed). It has three parameters: a property
being assigned to, the old value and the new one:
import kotlin.properties.Delegates
class User {
var name: String by Delegates.observable("<no name>") {
prop, old, new ->
println("$old -> $new")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val user = User()
user.name = "first"
user.name = "second"
This example prints
<no name> -> first
first -> second
If you want to be able to intercept an assignment and veto it, use vetoable() instead of observable() . The handler
passed to the vetoable is called before the assignment of a new property value has been performed.
Function Usage
Calling functions uses the traditional approach
val result = double(2)
Calling member functions uses the dot notation
Sample().foo() // create instance of class Sample and calls foo
Infix notation
Functions can also be called using infix notations when
They are member functions or extension functions
They have a single parameter
They are marked with the infix keyword
// Define extension to Int
infix fun Int.shl(x: Int): Int {
// call extension function using infix notation
1 shl 2
// is the same as
Function parameters are defined using Pascal notation, i.e. name: type. Parameters are separated using commas. Each
parameter must be explicitly typed.
fun powerOf(number: Int, exponent: Int) {
Default Arguments
Function parameters can have default values, which are used when a corresponding argument is omitted. This allows for a
reduced number of overloads compared to other languages.
fun read(b: Array<Byte>, off: Int = 0, len: Int = b.size()) {
Default values are defined using the = after type along with the value.
Named Arguments
Function parameters can be named when calling functions. This is very convenient when a function has a high number of
parameters or default ones.
Given the following function
fun reformat(str: String,
normalizeCase: Boolean = true,
upperCaseFirstLetter: Boolean = true,
divideByCamelHumps: Boolean = false,
wordSeparator: Char = ' ') {
we could call this using default arguments
However, when calling it with non-default, the call would look something like
reformat(str, true, true, false, '_')
With named arguments we can make the code much more readable
normalizeCase = true,
upperCaseFirstLetter = true,
divideByCamelHumps = false,
wordSeparator = '_'
and if we do not need all arguments
Single-Expression functions
When a function returns a single expression, the curly braces can be omitted and the body is specified after a = symbol
fun double(x: Int): Int = x * 2
Explicitly declaring the return type is optional when this can be inferred by the compiler
fun double(x: Int) = x * 2
Function Scope
In Kotlin functions can be declared at top level in a file, meaning you do not need to create a class to hold a function, like
languages such as Java, C# or Scala. In addition to top level functions, Kotlin functions can also be declared local, as
member functions and extension functions.
Local Functions
Kotlin supports local functions, i.e. a function inside another function
fun dfs(graph: Graph) {
fun dfs(current: Vertex, visited: Set<Vertex>) {
if (!visited.add(current)) return
for (v in current.neighbors)
dfs(v, visited)
dfs(graph.vertices[0], HashSet())
Local function can access local variables of outer functions (i.e. the closure), so in the case above, the visited can be a local
fun dfs(graph: Graph) {
val visited = HashSet<Vertex>()
fun dfs(current: Vertex) {
if (!visited.add(current)) return
for (v in current.neighbors)
Member Functions
Generic Functions
Functions can have generic parameters which are specified using angle brackets before the function name
fun <T> singletonList(item: T): List<T> {
// ...
For more information on generic functions see Generics
Inline Functions
Inline functions are explained here
Extension Functions
Extension functions are explained in their own section
Inline Functions
Sometimes it is beneficial to enhance performance of higher-order functions using inline functions.
Function Types
For a function to accept another function as a parameter, we have to specify a function type for that parameter. For example
the abovementioned function max is defined as follows:
fun <T> max(collection: Collection<T>, less: (T, T) -> Boolean): T? {
var max: T? = null
for (it in collection)
if (max == null || less(max, it))
max = it
return max
The parameter less is of type (T, T) -> Boolean , i.e. a function that takes two parameters of type T and returns a
Boolean : true if the first one is smaller than the second one.
In the body, line 4, less is used as a function: it is called by passing two arguments of type T .
A function type is written as above, or may have named parameters, if you want to document the meaning of each parameter.
val compare: (x: T, y: T) -> Int = ...
The return type inference for anonymous functions works just like for normal functions: the return type is inferred
automatically for anonymous functions with an expression body and has to be specified explicitly (or is assumed to be
Unit ) for anonymous functions with a block body.
Note that anonymous function parameters are always passed inside the parentheses. The shorthand syntax allowing to
leave the function outside the parentheses works only for lambda expressions.
One other difference between lambda expressions and anonymous functions is the behavior of non-local returns. A return
statement without a label always returns from the function declared with the fun keyword. This means that a return inside
a lambda expression will return from the enclosing function, whereas a return inside an anonymous function will return
from the anonymous function itself.
A lambda expression or anonymous function (as well as a local function and an object expression) can access its closure,
i.e. the variables declared in the outer scope. Unlike Java, the variables captured in the closure can be modified:
var sum = 0
ints.filter { it > 0 }.forEach {
sum += it
class HTML {
fun body() { ... }
fun html(init: HTML.() -> Unit): HTML {
val html = HTML() // create the receiver object
// pass the receiver object to the lambda
return html
html {
Inline Functions
Using higher-order functions imposes certain runtime penalties: each function is an object, and it captures a closure, i.e.
those variables that are accessed in the body of the function. Memory allocations (both for function objects and classes) and
virtual calls introduce runtime overhead.
But it appears that in many cases this kind of overhead can be eliminated by inlining the lambda expressions. The functions
shown above are good examples of this situation. I.e., the lock() function could be easily inlined at call-sites. Consider
the following case:
lock(l) { foo() }
Instead of creating a function object for the parameter and generating a call, the compiler could emit the following code
try {
finally {
Isnt it what we wanted from the very beginning?
To make the compiler do this, we need to mark the lock() function with the inline modifier:
inline fun lock<T>(lock: Lock, body: () -> T): T {
// ...
The inline modifier affects both the function itself and the lambdas passed to it: all of those will be inlined into the call
Inlining may cause the generated code to grow, but if we do it in a reasonable way (do not inline big functions) it will pay off in
performance, especially at megamorphic call-sites inside loops.
In case you want only some of the lambdas passed to an inline function to be inlined, you can mark some of your function
parameters with the noinline modifier:
inline fun foo(inlined: () -> Unit, noinline notInlined: () -> Unit) {
// ...
Inlinable lambdas can only be called inside the inline functions or passed as inlinable arguments, but noinline ones can
be manipulated in any way we like: stored in fields, passed around etc.
Note that if an inline function has no inlinable function parameters and no reified type parameters, the compiler will issue a
warning, since inlining such functions is very unlikely to be beneficial (you can suppress the warning if you are sure the
inlining is needed).
Non-local returns
In Kotlin, we can only use a normal, unqualified return to exit a named function or an anonymous function. This means
that to exit a lambda, we have to use a label, and a bare return is forbidden inside a lambda, because a lambda can not
make the enclosing function return:
fun foo() {
ordinaryFunction {
return // ERROR: can not make `foo` return here
But if the function the lambda is passed to is inlined, the return can be inlined as well, so it is allowed:
fun foo() {
inlineFunction {
return // OK: the lambda is inlined
Such returns (located in a lambda, but exiting the enclosing function) are called non-local returns. We are used to this sort of
constructs in loops, which inline functions often enclose:
fun hasZeros(ints: List<Int>): Boolean {
ints.forEach {
if (it == 0) return true // returns from hasZeros
return false
Note that some inline functions may call the lambdas passed to them as parameters not directly from the function body, but
from another execution context, such as a local object or a nested function. In such cases, non-local control flow is also not
allowed in the lambdas. To indicate that, the lambda parameter needs to be marked with the crossinline modifier:
inline fun f(crossinline body: () -> Unit) {
val f = object: Runnable {
override fun run() = body()
// ...
break and continue are not yet available in inlined lambdas, but we are planning to support them too
Destructuring Declarations
Sometimes it is convenient to destructure an object into a number of variables, for example:
val (name, age) = person
This syntax is called a destructuring declaration. A destructuring declaration creates multiple variables at once. We have
declared two new variables: name and age , and can use them independently:
A destructuring declaration is compiled down to the following code:
val name = person.component1()
val age = person.component2()
The component1() and component2() functions are another example of the principle of conventions widely used in
Kotlin (see operators like + and * , for-loops etc.). Anything can be on the right-hand side of a destructuring declaration,
as long as the required number of component functions can be called on it. And, of course, there can be component3()
and component4() and so on.
Note that the componentN() functions need to be marked with the operator keyword to allow using them in a
destructuring declaration.
Destructuring declarations also work in for-loops: when you say
for ((a, b) in collection) { ... }
Variables a and b get the values returned by component1() and component2() called on elements of the collection.
Unlike many languages, Kotlin distinguishes between mutable and immutable collections (lists, sets, maps, etc). Precise
control over exactly when collections can be edited is useful for eliminating bugs, and for designing good APIs.
It is important to understand up front the difference between a read only view of a mutable collection, and an actually
immutable collection. Both are easy to create, but the type system doesnt express the difference, so keeping track of that (if
its relevant) is up to you.
The Kotlin List<out T> type is an interface that provides read only operations like size , get and so on. Like in Java,
it inherits from Collection<T> and that in turn inherits from Iterable<T> . Methods that change the list are added by
the MutableList<T> interface. This pattern holds also for Set<out T>/MutableSet<T> and Map<K, out
V>/MutableMap<K, V> .
We can see basic usage of the list and set types below:
val numbers: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
val readOnlyView: List<Int> = numbers
// prints "[1, 2, 3]"
// prints "[1, 2, 3, 4]"
// -> does not compile
val strings = hashSetOf("a", "b", "c", "c")
assert(strings.size == 3)
Kotlin does not have dedicated syntax constructs for creating lists or sets. Use methods from the standard library, such as
listOf() , mutableListOf() , setOf() , mutableSetOf() . For creating maps in a not performance-critical code a
simple idiom may be used: mapOf(a to b, c to d)
Note that the readOnlyView variable points to the same list and changes as the underlying list changes. If the only
references that exist to a list are of the read only variety, we can consider the collection fully immutable. A simple way to
create such a collection is like this:
val items = listOf(1, 2, 3)
Currently, the listOf method is implemented using an array list, but in future more memory-efficient fully immutable
collection types could be returned that exploit the fact that they know they cant change.
Note that the read only types are covariant. That means, you can take a List<Rectangle> and assign it to
List<Shape> assuming Rectangle inherits from Shape. This wouldnt be allowed with the mutable collection types
because it would allow for failures at runtime.
Sometimes you want to return to the caller a snapshot of a collection at a particular point in time, one thats guaranteed to not
class Controller {
private val _items = mutableListOf<String>()
val items: List<String> get() = _items.toList()
The toList extension method just duplicates the lists items, thus, the returned list is guaranteed to never change.
There are various useful extension methods on lists and sets that are worth being familiar with:
Range expressions are formed with rangeTo functions that have the operator form .. which is complemented by in and
!in. Range is defined for any comparable type, but for integral primitive types it has an optimized implementation. Here are
some examples of using ranges
if (i in 1..10) { // equivalent of 1 <= i && i <= 10
Integral type ranges ( IntRange , LongRange , CharRange ) have an extra feature: they can be iterated over. The
compiler takes care of converting this analogously to Javas indexed for-loop, without extra overhead.
for (i in 1..4) print(i) // prints "1234"
for (i in 4..1) print(i) // prints nothing
What if you want to iterate over numbers in reverse order? Its simple. You can use the downTo() function defined in the
standard library
for (i in 4 downTo 1) print(i) // prints "4321"
Is it possible to iterate over numbers with arbitrary step, not equal to 1? Sure, the step() function will help you
for (i in 1..4 step 2) print(i) // prints "13"
for (i in 4 downTo 1 step 2) print(i) // prints "42"
How it works
Ranges implement a common interface in the library: ClosedRange<T> .
ClosedRange<T> denotes a closed interval in the mathematical sense, defined for comparable types. It has two
endpoints: start and endInclusive , which are included in the range. The main operation is contains , usually used
in the form of in/!in operators.
Integral type progressions ( IntProgression , LongProgression , CharProgression ) denote an arithmetic
progression. Progressions are defined by the first element, the last element and a non-zero increment . The first
element is first , subsequent elements are the previous element plus increment . The last element is always hit by
iteration unless the progression is empty.
A progression is a subtype of Iterable<N> , where N is Int , Long or Char respectively, so it can be used in forloops and functions like map , filter , etc. Iteration over Progression is equivalent to an indexed for-loop in
for (int i = first; i != last; i += increment) {
// ...
For integral types, the .. operator creates an object which implements both ClosedRange<T> and *Progression .
For example, IntRange implements ClosedRange<Int> and extends IntProgression , thus all operations defined
for IntProgression are available for IntRange as well. The result of the downTo() and step() functions is always
a *Progression .
Progressions are constructed with the fromClosedRange function defined in their companion objects:
IntProgression.fromClosedRange(start, end, increment)
The last element of the progression is calculated to find maximum value not greater than the end value for positive
increment or minimum value not less than the end value for negative increment such that (last - first) %
increment == 0 .
Utility functions
The rangeTo() operators on integral types simply call the constructors of *Range classes, e.g.:
class Int {
operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange = LongRange(this, other)
operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange = IntRange(this, other)
Floating point numbers ( Double , Float ) do not define their rangeTo operator, and the one provided by the standard
library for generic Comparable types is used instead:
public operator fun <T: Comparable<T>> T.rangeTo(that: T): ClosedRange<T>
The range returned by this function cannot be used for iteration.
The downTo() extension function is defined for any pair of integral types, here are two examples:
fun Long.downTo(other: Int): LongProgression {
return LongProgression.fromClosedRange(this, other, -1.0)
fun Byte.downTo(other: Int): IntProgression {
return IntProgression.fromClosedRange(this, other, -1)
The reversed() extension functions are defined for each *Progression classes, and all of them return reversed
step() extension functions are defined for *Progression classes, all of them return progressions with modified step
values (function parameter). The step value is required to be always positive, therefore this function never changes the
direction of iteration.
fun IntProgression.step(step: Int): IntProgression {
if (step <= 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Step must be positive, was: $step")
return IntProgression.fromClosedRange(first, last, if (increment > 0) step else -step)
fun CharProgression.step(step: Int): CharProgression {
if (step <= 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Step must be positive, was: $step")
return CharProgression.fromClosedRange(first, last, step)
Note that the last value of the returned progression may become different from the last value of the original
progression in order to preserve the invariant (last - first) % increment == 0. Here is an example:
(1..12 step 2).last == 11
(1..12 step 3).last == 10
(1..12 step 4).last == 9
Smart Casts
In many cases, one does not need to use explicit cast operators in Kotlin, because the compiler tracks the is -checks for
immutable values and inserts (safe) casts automatically when needed:
fun demo(x: Any) {
if (x is String) {
print(x.length) // x is automatically cast to String
The compiler is smart enough to know a cast to be safe if a negative check leads to a return:
if (x !is String) return
print(x.length) // x is automatically cast to String
or in the right-hand side of && and || :
// x is automatically cast to string on the right-hand side of `||`
if (x !is String || x.length == 0) return
// x is automatically cast to string on the right-hand side of `&&`
if (x is String && x.length > 0)
print(x.length) // x is automatically cast to String
Such smart casts work for when-expressions and while-loops as well:
(x) {
Int -> print(x + 1)
String -> print(x.length + 1)
IntArray -> print(x.sum())
Note that smart casts do not work when the compiler cannot guarantee that the variable cannot change between the check
and the usage. More specifically, smart casts are applicable according to the following rules:
This Expression
To denote the current receiver, we use this expressions:
In a member of a class, this refers to the current object of that class
In an extension function or a function literal with receiver, this denotes the receiver parameter that is passed on the
left-hand side of a dot.
If this has no qualifiers, it refers to the innermost enclosing scope. To refer to this in other scopes, label qualifiers are
Qualified this
To access this from an outer scope (a class, or extension function, or labeled function literal with receiver) we write
this@label where @label is a label on the scope this is meant to be from:
class A { // implicit label @A
inner class B { // implicit label @B
fun Int.foo() { // implicit label @foo
val a = this@A // A's this
val b = this@B // B's this
val c = this // foo()'s receiver, an Int
val c1 = this@foo // foo()'s receiver, an Int
val funLit = lambda@ fun String.() {
val d = this // funLit's receiver
In Kotlin there are two types of equality:
Referential equality (two references point to the same object)
Structural equality (a check for equals() )
Referential equality
Referential equality is checked by the === operation (and its negated counterpart !== ). a === b evaluates to true if
and only if a and b point to the same object.
Structural equality
Structural equality is checked by the == operation (and its negated counterpart != ). By convention, an expression like a
== b is translated to
a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null)
I.e. if a is not null , it calls the equals(Any?) function, otherwise (i.e. a is null ) it checks that b is referentially
equal to null .
Note that theres no point in optimizing your code when comparing to null explicitly: a == null will be automatically
translated to a === null .
Operator overloading
Kotlin allows us to provide implementations for a predefined set of operators on our types. These operators have fixed
symbolic representation (like + or * ) and fixed precedence. To implement an operator, we provide a member function or an
extension function with a fixed name, for the corresponding type, i.e. left-hand side type for binary operations and argument
type for unary ones. Functions that overload operators need to be marked with the operator modifier.
Here we describe the conventions that regulate operator overloading for different operators.
Unary operations
Translated to
This table says that when the compiler processes, for example, an expression +a , it performs the following steps:
Determines the type of a , let it be T .
Looks up a function unaryPlus() with the operator modifier and no parameters for the receiver T , i.e. a member
function or an extension function.
If the function is absent or ambiguous, it is a compilation error.
If the function is present and its return type is R , the expression +a has type R .
Note that these operations, as well as all the others, are optimized for Basic types and do not introduce overhead of function
calls for them.
Translated to
These operations are supposed to change their receiver and (optionally) return a value.
The compiler performs the following steps for resolution of an operator in the postfix form, e.g. a++ :
Determines the type of a , let it be T .
Looks up a function inc() with the operator modifier and no parameters, applicable to the receiver of type T .
If the function returns a type R , then it must be a subtype of T .
The effect of computing the expression is:
Store the initial value of a to a temporary storage a0 ,
Assign the result of a.inc() to a ,
Translated to
a + b
a - b
a * b
a / b
a % b
For the operations in this table, the compiler just resolves the expression in the Translated to column.
Translated to
a in b
a !in b
For in and !in the procedure is the same, but the order of arguments is reversed.
Translated to
a[i, j]
a.get(i, j)
a[i] = b
a.set(i, b)
a[i, j] = b
a.set(i, j, b)
Square brackets are translated to calls to get and set with appropriate numbers of arguments.
Translated to
a(i, j)
a.invoke(i, j)
a(i_1, ...,
a.invoke(i_1, ...,
Translated to
a += b
a -= b
a *= b
a /= b
a %= b
For the assignment operations, e.g. a += b , the compiler performs the following steps:
If the function from the right column is available
If the corresponding binary function (i.e. plus() for plusAssign() ) is available too, report error (ambiguity).
Make sure its return type is Unit , and report an error otherwise.
Generate code for a.plusAssign(b)
Otherwise, try to generate code for a = a + b (this includes a type check: the type of a + b must be a subtype of
a ).
Note: assignments are NOT expressions in Kotlin.
Translated to
a == b
a != b
!(a?.equals(b) ?: b ===
Note: === and !== (identity checks) are not overloadable, so no conventions exist for them
The == operation is special: it is translated to a complex expression that screens for null s, and null == null is
true .
Translated to
a > b
a.compareTo(b) > 0
a < b
a.compareTo(b) < 0
a >=
a.compareTo(b) >=
a <=
a.compareTo(b) <=
All comparisons are translated into calls to compareTo , that is required to return Int .
Null Safety
Nullable types and Non-Null Types
Kotlins type system is aimed at eliminating the danger of null references from code, also known as the The Billion Dollar
One of the most common pitfalls in many programming languages, including Java is that of accessing a member of a null
references, resulting in null reference exceptions. In Java this would be the equivalent of a NullPointerException or
NPE for short.
Kotlins type system is aimed to eliminate NullPointerException s from our code. The only possible causes of NPEs
may be
An explicit call to throw NullPointerException()
Usage of the !! operator that is described below
External Java code has caused it
Theres some data inconsistency with regard to initialization (an uninitialized this available in a constructor is used
In Kotlin, the type system distinguishes between references that can hold null (nullable references) and those that can not
(non-null references). For example, a regular variable of type String can not hold null:
var a: String = "abc"
a = null // compilation error
To allow nulls, we can declare a variable as nullable string, written String? :
var b: String? = "abc"
b = null // ok
Now, if you call a method or access a property on a , its guaranteed not to cause an NPE, so you can safely say
val l = a.length
But if you want to access the same property on b , that would not be safe, and the compiler reports an error:
val l = b.length // error: variable 'b' can be null
But we still need to access that property, right? There are a few ways of doing that.
Safe Calls
Your second option is the safe call operator, written ?. :
This returns b.length if b is not null, and null otherwise. The type of this expression is Int? .
Safe calls are useful in chains. For example, if Bob, an Employee, may be assigned to a Department (or not), that in turn
may have another Employee as a department head, then to obtain the name of Bobs department head, if any), we write the
Such a chain returns null if any of the properties in it is null.
Elvis Operator
When we have a nullable reference r , we can say if r is not null, use it, otherwise use some non-null value x :
val l: Int = if (b != null) b.length else -1
Along with the complete if-expression, this can be expressed with the Elvis operator, written ?: :
val l = b?.length ?: -1
If the expression to the left of ?: is not null, the elvis operator returns it, otherwise it returns the expression to the right. Note
that the right-hand side expression is evaluated only if the left-hand side is null.
Note that, since throw and return are expressions in Kotlin, they can also be used on the right hand side of the elvis
operator. This can be very handy, for example, for checking function arguments:
fun foo(node: Node): String? {
val parent = node.getParent() ?: return null
val name = node.getName() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("name expected")
// ...
The !! Operator
The third option is for NPE-lovers. We can write b!! , and this will return a non-null value of b (e.g., a String in our
example) or throw an NPE if b is null:
val l = b!!.length()
Thus, if you want an NPE, you can have it, but you have to ask for it explicitly, and it does not appear out of the blue.
Safe Casts
Regular casts may result into a ClassCastException if the object is not of the target type. Another option is to use safe
casts that return null if the attempt was not successful:
val aInt: Int? = a as? Int
Exception Classes
All exception classes in Kotlin are descendants of the class Throwable . Every exception has a message, stack trace and
an optional cause.
To throw an exception object, use the throw-expression
throw MyException("Hi There!")
To catch an exception, use the try-expression
try {
// some code
catch (e: SomeException) {
// handler
finally {
// optional finally block
There may be zero or more catch blocks. finally blocks may be omitted. However at least one catch or finally block
should be present.
Try is an expression
try is an expression, i.e. it may have a return value.
val a: Int? = try { parseInt(input) } catch (e: NumberFormatException) { null }
The returned value of a try-expression is either the last expression in the try block or the last expression in the catch
block (or blocks). Contents of the finally block do not affect the result of the expression.
Checked Exceptions
Kotlin does not have checked exceptions. There are many reasons for this, but we will provide a simple example.
The following is an example interface of the JDK implemented by StringBuilder class
Appendable append(CharSequence csq) throws IOException;
What does this signature say? It says that every time I append a string to something (a StringBuilder , some kind of a
log, a console, etc.) I have to catch those IOExceptions . Why? Because it might be performing IO ( Writer also
implements Appendable ) So it results into this kind of code all over the place:
try {
catch (IOException e) {
// Must be safe
And this is no good, see Effective Java, Item 65: Dont ignore exceptions.
Bruce Eckel says in Does Java need Checked Exceptions?:
Examination of small programs leads to the conclusion that requiring exception specifications could both enhance
developer productivity and enhance code quality, but experience with large software projects suggests a different result
decreased productivity and little or no increase in code quality.
Other citations of this sort:
Javas checked exceptions were a mistake (Rod Waldhoff)
The Trouble with Checked Exceptions (Anders Hejlsberg)
Java Interoperability
Please see the section on exceptions in the Java Interoperability section for information about Java interoperability.
Annotation Declaration
Annotations are means of attaching metadata to code. To declare an annotation, put the annotation modifier in front of a
annotation class Fancy
Additional attributes of the annotation can be specified by annotating the annotation class with meta-annotations:
@Target specifies the possible kinds of elements which can be annotated with the annotation (classes, functions,
properties, expressions etc.);
@Retention specifies whether the annotation is stored in the compiled class files and whether its visible through
reflection at runtime (by default, both are true);
@Repeatable allows using the same annotation on a single element multiple times;
@MustBeDocumented specifies that the annotation is part of the public API and should be included in the class or
method signature shown in the generated API documentation.
@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION,
AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER, AnnotationTarget.EXPRESSION)
public annotation class Fancy
@Fancy class Foo {
@Fancy fun baz(@Fancy foo: Int): Int {
return (@Fancy 1)
If you need to annotate the primary constructor of a class, you need to add the constructor keyword to the constructor
declaration, and add the annotations before it:
class Foo @Inject constructor(dependency: MyDependency) {
// ...
You can also annotate property accessors:
class Foo {
var x: MyDependency? = null
@Inject set
Annotations may have constructors that take parameters.
Annotations can also be used on lambdas. They will be applied to the invoke() method into which the body of the lambda
is generated. This is useful for frameworks like Quasar, which uses annotations for concurrency control.
annotation class Suspendable
val f = @Suspendable { Fiber.sleep(10) }
The same syntax can be used to annotate the entire file. To do this, put an annotation with the target file at the top level of
a file, before the package directive or before all imports if the file is in the default package:
package org.jetbrains.demo
If you have multiple annotations with the same target, you can avoid repeating the target by adding brackets after the target
and putting all the annotations inside the brackets:
class Example {
@set:[Inject VisibleForTesting]
public var collaborator: Collaborator
The full list of supported use-site targets is:
property (annotations with this target are not visible to Java)
get (property getter)
set (property setter)
receiver (receiver parameter of an extension function or property)
param (constructor parameter)
setparam (property setter parameter)
delegate (the field storing the delegate instance for a delegated property)
To annotate the receiver parameter of an extension function, use the following syntax:
fun @receiver:Fancy String.myExtension() { }
If you dont specify a use-site target, the target is chosen according to the @Target annotation of the annotation being
used. If there are multiple applicable targets, the first applicable target from the following list is used:
Java Annotations
Java annotations are 100% compatible with Kotlin:
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert.*
class Tests {
@Test fun simple() {
assertEquals(42, getTheAnswer())
Since the order of parameters for an annotation written in Java is not defined, you cant use a regular function call syntax for
passing the arguments. Instead, you need to use the named argument syntax.
// Java
public @interface Ann {
int intValue();
String stringValue();
// Kotlin
@Ann(intValue = 1, stringValue = "abc") class C
Just like in Java, a special case is the value parameter; its value can be specified without an explicit name.
// Java
public @interface AnnWithValue {
String value();
// Kotlin
@AnnWithValue("abc") class C
If the value argument in Java has an array type, it becomes a vararg parameter in Kotlin:
// Java
public @interface AnnWithArrayValue {
String[] value();
// Kotlin
@AnnWithArrayValue("abc", "foo", "bar") class C
If you need to specify a class as an argument of an annotation, use a Kotlin class ( KClass). The Kotlin compiler will
automatically convert it to a Java class, so that the Java code will be able to see the annotations and arguments normally.
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
annotation class Ann(val arg1: KClass<*>, val arg2: KClass<out Any?>)
@Ann(String::class, Int::class) class MyClass
Values of an annotation instance are exposed as properties to Kotlin code.
// Java
public @interface Ann {
int value();
// Kotlin
fun foo(ann: Ann) {
val i = ann.value
Reflection is a set of language and library features that allows for introspecting the structure of your own program at runtime.
Kotlin makes functions and properties first-class citizens in the language, and introspecting them (i.e. learning a name or a
type of a property or function at runtime) is closely intertwined with simply using a functional or reactive style.
On the Java platform, the runtime component required for using the reflection features is distributed as a
separate JAR file (kotlin-reflect.jar). This is done to reduce the required size of the runtime library for
applications that do not use reflection features. If you do use reflection, please make sure that the .jar file is
added to the classpath of your project.
Class References
The most basic reflection feature is getting the runtime reference to a Kotlin class. To obtain the reference to a statically
known Kotlin class, you can use the class literal syntax:
val c = MyClass::class
The reference is a value of type KClass.
Note that a Kotlin class reference is not the same as a Java class reference. To obtain a Java class reference, use the
.java property on a KClass instance.
Function References
When we have a named function declared like this:
fun isOdd(x: Int) = x % 2 != 0
We can easily call it directly ( isOdd(5) ), but we can also pass it as a value, e.g. to another function. To do this, we use the
:: operator:
val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3)
println(numbers.filter(::isOdd)) // prints [1, 3]
Here ::isOdd is a value of function type (Int) -> Boolean .
Note that right now the :: operator cannot be used for overloaded functions. In the future, we plan to provide a syntax for
specifying parameter types so that a specific overload of a function could be selected.
If we need to use a member of a class, or an extension function, it needs to be qualified. e.g. String::toCharArray
gives us an extension function for type String : String.() -> CharArray .
Example: Function Composition
Consider the following function:
fun <A, B, C> compose(f: (B) -> C, g: (A) -> B): (A) -> C {
return { x -> f(g(x)) }
It returns a composition of two functions passed to it: compose(f, g) = f(g(*)) . Now, you can apply it to callable
fun length(s: String) = s.size
val oddLength = compose(::isOdd, ::length)
val strings = listOf("a", "ab", "abc")
println(strings.filter(oddLength)) // Prints "[a, abc]"
Property References
To access properties as first-class objects in Kotlin, we can also use the :: operator:
var x = 1
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(::x.get()) // prints "1"
// prints "2"
The expression ::x evaluates to a property object of type KProperty<Int> , which allows us to read its value using
get() or retrieve the property name using the name property. For more information, please refer to the docs on the
KProperty class.
For a mutable property, e.g. var y = 1 , ::y returns a value of type KMutableProperty<Int>, which has a set()
A property reference can be used where a function with no parameters is expected:
val strs = listOf("a", "bc", "def")
println(strs.map(String::length)) // prints [1, 2, 3]
To access a property that is a member of a class, we qualify it:
class A(val p: Int)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val prop = A::p
println(prop.get(A(1))) // prints "1"
For an extension property:
val String.lastChar: Char
get() = this[size - 1]
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(String::lastChar.get("abc")) // prints "c"
On the Java platform, standard library contains extensions for reflection classes that provide a mapping to and from Java
reflection objects (see package kotlin.reflect.jvm ). For example, to find a backing field or a Java method that serves
as a getter for a Kotlin property, you can say something like this:
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.*
class A(val p: Int)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(A::p.javaGetter) // prints "public final int A.getP()"
println(A::p.javaField) // prints "private final int A.p"
To get the Kotlin class corresponding to a Java class, use the .kotlin extension property:
fun getKClass(o: Any): KClass<Any> = o.javaClass.kotlin
Constructor References
Constructors can be referenced just like methods and properties. They can be used wherever an object of function type is
expected that takes the same parameters as the constructor and returns an object of the appropriate type. Constructors are
referenced by using the :: operator and adding the class name. Consider the following function that expects a function
parameter with no parameters and return type Foo :
class Foo
fun function(factory : () -> Foo) {
val x : Foo = factory()
Using ::Foo , the zero-argument constructor of the class Foo, we can simply call it like this:
Type-Safe Builders
The concept of builders is rather popular in the Groovy community. Builders allow for defining data in a semi-declarative way.
Builders are good for generating XML, laying out UI components, describing 3D scenes and more
For many use cases, Kotlin allows to type-check builders, which makes them even more attractive than the dynamicallytyped implementation made in Groovy itself.
For the rest of the cases, Kotlin supports Dynamic types builders.
How it works
Lets walk through the mechanisms of implementing type-safe builders in Kotlin. First of all we need to define the model we
want to build, in this case we need to model HTML tags. It is easily done with a bunch of classes. For example, HTML is a
class that describes the <html> tag, i.e. it defines children like <head> and <body> . (See its declaration below.)
Now, lets recall why we can say something like this in the code:
html {
// ...
html is actually a function call that takes a lambda expression as an argument This function is defined as follows:
fun html(init: HTML.() -> Unit): HTML {
val html = HTML()
return html
This function takes one parameter named init , which is itself a function. The type of the function is HTML.() -> Unit ,
which is a function type with receiver. This means that we need to pass an instance of type HTML (a receiver) to the
function, and we can call members of that instance inside the function. The receiver can be accessed through the this
html {
this.head { /* ... */ }
this.body { /* ... */ }
( head and body are member functions of html .)
Now, this can be omitted, as usual, and we get something that looks very much like a builder already:
html {
head { /* ... */ }
body { /* ... */ }
So, what does this call do? Lets look at the body of html function as defined above. It creates a new instance of HTML ,
then it initializes it by calling the function that is passed as an argument (in our example this boils down to calling head and
body on the HTML instance), and then it returns this instance. This is exactly what a builder should do.
The head and body functions in the HTML class are defined similarly to html . The only difference is that they add the
built instances to the children collection of the enclosing HTML instance:
fun head(init: Head.() -> Unit) : Head {
val head = Head()
return head
fun body(init: Body.() -> Unit) : Body {
val body = Body()
return body
Actually these two functions do just the same thing, so we can have a generic version, initTag :
Body() : BodyTag("body")
B() : BodyTag("b")
P() : BodyTag("p")
H1() : BodyTag("h1")
Dynamic Type
The dynamic type is not supported in code targeting the JVM
Being a statically typed language, Kotlin still has to interoperate with untyped or loosely typed environments, such as the
JavaScript ecosystem. To facilitate these use cases, the dynamic type is available in the language:
val dyn: dynamic = ...
The dynamic type basically turns off Kotlins type checker:
a value of this type can be assigned to any variable or passed anywhere as a parameter,
any value can be assigned to a variable of type dynamic or passed to a function that takes dynamic as a parameter,
null -checks are disabled for such values.
The most peculiar feature of dynamic is that we are allowed to call any property or function with any parameters on a
dynamic variable:
dyn.whatever(1, "foo", dyn) // 'whatever' is not defined anywhere
dyn.whatever(*arrayOf(1, 2, 3))
On the JavaScript platform this code will be compiled as is: dyn.whatever(1) in Kotlin becomes dyn.whatever(1)
in the generated JavaScript code.
A dynamic call always returns dynamic as a result, so we can chain such calls freely:
When we pass a lambda to a dynamic call, all of its parameters by default have the type dynamic :
dyn.foo {
x -> x.bar() // x is dynamic
For a more technical description, see the spec document.
We are working on revamping the Grammar definitions and give it some style! Until then, please check the Grammar from
the old site
Calling Java code from Kotlin
Kotlin is designed with Java Interoperability in mind. Existing Java code can be called from Kotlin in a natural way, and Kotlin
code can be used from Java rather smoothly as well. In this section we describe some details about calling Java code from
Pretty much all Java code can be used without any issues
import java.util.*
fun demo(source: List<Int>) {
val list = ArrayList<Int>()
// 'for'-loops work for Java
for (item in source)
// Operator conventions work
for (i in 0..source.size() list[i] = source[i] // get
as well:
and set are called
// call getFirstDayOfWeek()
// call setFirstDayOfWeek()
Note that, if the Java class only has a setter, it will not be visible as a property in Kotlin, because Kotlin does not support setonly properties at this time.
Some of the Kotlin keywords are valid identifiers in Java: in, object, is, etc. If a Java library uses a Kotlin keyword for a
method, you can still call the method escaping it with the backtick (`) character
Mapped types
Kotlin treats some Java types specially. Such types are not loaded from Java as is, but are mapped to corresponding Kotlin
types. The mapping only matters at compile time, the runtime representation remains unchanged. Javas primitive types are
mapped to corresponding Kotlin types (keeping platform types in mind):
Java type
Kotlin type
Kotlin type
Collection types may be read-only or mutable in Kotlin, so Javas collections are mapped as follows (all Kotlin types in this
table reside in the package kotlin ):
Java type
Kotlin read-only
Map<K, V>
Map<K, V>
MutableMap<K, V>
(Mutable)Map<K, V>!
Map.Entry<K, V>
Map.Entry<K, V>
(Mutable)Entry<K, V>!
Java type
Kotlin type
Java Arrays
Arrays in Kotlin are invariant, unlike Java. This means that Kotlin does not let us assign an Array<String> to an
Array<Any> , which prevents a possible runtime failure. Passing an array of a subclass as an array of superclass to a
Kotlin method is also prohibited, but for Java methods this is allowed (through platform types of the form Array<(out)
String>! ).
Arrays are used with primitive datatypes on the Java platform to avoid the cost of boxing/unboxing operations. As Kotlin hides
those implementation details, a workaround is required to interface with Java code. There are specialized classes for every
type of primitive array ( IntArray , DoubleArray , CharArray , and so on) to handle this case. They are not related to
the Array class and are compiled down to Javas primitive arrays for maximum performance.
Suppose there is a Java method that accepts an int array of indices:
public class JavaArrayExample {
public void removeIndices(int[] indices) {
// code here...
To pass an array of primitive values you can do the following in Kotlin:
val javaObj = JavaArrayExample()
val array = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3)
javaObj.removeIndices(array) // passes int[] to method
When compiling to JVM byte codes, the compiler optimizes access to arrays so that theres no overhead introduced:
val array = arrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4)
array[x] = array[x] * 2 // no actual calls to get() and set() generated
for (x in array) // no iterator created
Even when we navigate with an index, it does not introduce any overhead
for (i in array.indices) // no iterator created
array[i] += 2
Finally, in-checks have no overhead either
if (i in array.indices) { // same as (i >= 0 && i < array.size)
Java Varargs
Java classes sometimes use a method declaration for the indices with a variable number of arguments (varargs).
public class JavaArrayExample {
public void removeIndices(int... indices) {
// code here...
In that case you need to use the spread operator * to pass the IntArray :
val javaObj = JavaArray()
val array = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3)
Its currently not possible to pass null to a method that is declared as varargs.
Since Java has no way of marking methods for which it makes sense to use the operator syntax, Kotlin allows using any Java
methods with the right name and signature as operator overloads and other conventions ( invoke() etc.) Calling Java
methods using the infix call syntax is not allowed.
Checked Exceptions
In Kotlin, all exceptions are unchecked, meaning that the compiler does not force you to catch any of them. So, when you call
a Java method that declares a checked exception, Kotlin does not force you to do anything:
Object Methods
When Java types are imported into Kotlin, all the references of the type java.lang.Object are turned into Any . Since
Any is not platform-specific, it only declares toString() , hashCode() and equals() as its members, so to make
other members of java.lang.Object available, Kotlin uses extension functions.
Effective Java Item 69 kindly suggests to prefer concurrency utilities to wait() and notify() . Thus, these methods are
not available on references of type Any . If you really need to call them, you can cast to java.lang.Object :
(foo as java.lang.Object).wait()
To retrieve the type information from an object, we use the javaClass extension property.
val fooClass = foo.javaClass
Instead of Javas Foo.class use Foo::class.java.
val fooClass = Foo::class.java
To override clone() , your class needs to extend kotlin.Cloneable :
class Example : Cloneable {
override fun clone(): Any { ... }
Do not forget about Effective Java, Item 11: Override clone judiciously.
To override finalize() , all you need to do is simply declare it, without using the override keyword:
class C {
protected fun finalize() {
// finalization logic
According to Javas rules, finalize() must not be private.
Java Reflection
Java reflection works on Kotlin classes and vice versa. As mentioned above, you can use instance.javaClass or
ClassName::class.java to enter Java reflection through java.lang.Class .
Other supported cases include acquiring a Java getter/setter method or a backing field for a Kotlin property, a KProperty
for a Java field, a Java method or constructor for a KFunction and vice versa.
SAM Conversions
Just like Java 8, Kotlin supports SAM conversions. This means that Kotlin function literals can be automatically converted into
implementations of Java interfaces with a single non-default method, as long as the parameter types of the interface method
match the parameter types of the Kotlin function.
You can use this for creating instances of SAM interfaces:
val runnable = Runnable { println("This runs in a runnable") }
and in method calls:
val executor = ThreadPoolExecutor()
// Java signature: void execute(Runnable command)
executor.execute { println("This runs in a thread pool") }
If the Java class has multiple methods taking functional interfaces, you can choose the one you need to call by using an
adapter function that converts a lambda to a specific SAM type. Those adapter functions are also generated by the compiler
when needed.
executor.execute(Runnable { println("This runs in a thread pool") })
Note that SAM conversions only work for interfaces, not for abstract classes, even if those also have just a single abstract
Also note that this feature works only for Java interop; since Kotlin has proper function types, automatic conversion of
functions into implementations of Kotlin interfaces is unnecessary and therefore unsupported.
Property getters are turned into get-methods, and setters into set-methods.
Package-Level Functions
All the functions and properties declared in a file example.kt inside a package org.foo.bar are put into a Java class
named org.foo.bar.ExampleKt .
// example.kt
package demo
class Foo
fun bar() {
// Java
new demo.Foo();
The name of the generated Java class can be changed using the @JvmName annotation:
package demo
class Foo
fun bar() {
// Java
new demo.Foo();
Having multiple files which have the same generated Java class name (the same package and the same name or the same
@JvmName annotation) is normally an error. However, the compiler has the ability to generate a single Java facade class
which has the specified name and contains all the declarations from all the files which have that name. To enable the
generation of such a facade, use the @JvmMultifileClass annotation in all of the files.
// oldutils.kt
package demo
fun foo() {
// newutils.kt
package demo
fun bar() {
// Java
Instance Fields
If you need to expose a Kotlin property as a field in Java, you need to annotate it with the @JvmField annotation. The field
will have the same visibility as the underlying property. You can annotate a property with @JvmField if it has a backing
field, is not private, does not have open , override or const modifiers, and is not a delegated property.
class C(id: String) {
@JvmField val ID = id
// Java
class JavaClient {
public String getID(C c) {
return c.ID;
Late-Initialized properties are also exposed as fields. The visibility of the field will be the same as the visibility of lateinit
property setter.
Static Fields
Kotlin properties declared in a named object or a companion object will have static backing fields either in that named object
or in the class containing the companion object.
Usually these fields are private but they can be exposed in one of the following ways:
@JvmField annotation;
lateinit modifier;
const modifier.
Annotating such a property with @JvmField makes it a static field with the same visibility as the property itself.
class Key(val value: Int) {
companion object {
val COMPARATOR: Comparator<Key> = compareBy<Key> { it.value }
// Java
Key.COMPARATOR.compare(key1, key2);
// public static final field in Key class
A late-initialized property in an object or a companion object has a static backing field with the same visibility as the property
object Singleton {
lateinit var provider: Provider
// Java
Singleton.provider = new Provider();
// public static non-final field in Singleton class
Properties annotated with const (in classes as well as at the top level) are turned into static fields in Java:
// file example.kt
object Obj {
const val CONST = 1
class C {
companion object {
const val VERSION = 9
const val MAX = 239
In Java:
int c = Obj.CONST;
int d = ExampleKt.MAX;
int v = C.VERSION;
Static Methods
As mentioned above, Kotlin generates static methods for package-level functions. Kotlin can also generate static methods for
functions defined in named objects or companion objects if you annotate those functions as @JvmStatic . For example:
class C {
companion object {
@JvmStatic fun foo() {}
fun bar() {}
Now, foo() is static in Java, while bar() is not:
C.foo(); // works fine
C.bar(); // error: not a static method
Same for named objects:
object Obj {
@JvmStatic fun foo() {}
fun bar() {}
In Java:
Obj.foo(); // works fine
Obj.bar(); // error
Obj.INSTANCE.bar(); // works, a call through the singleton instance
Obj.INSTANCE.foo(); // works too
@JvmStatic annotation can also be applied on a property of an object or a companion object making its getter and setter
methods be static members in that object or the class containing the companion object.
val x: Int
get() = 15
fun getX() = 10
Overloads Generation
Normally, if you write a Kotlin method with default parameter values, it will be visible in Java only as a full signature, with all
parameters present. If you wish to expose multiple overloads to Java callers, you can use the @JvmOverloads annotation.
@JvmOverloads fun f(a: String, b: Int = 0, c: String = "abc") {
For every parameter with a default value, this will generate one additional overload, which has this parameter and all
parameters to the right of it in the parameter list removed. In this example, the following methods will be generated:
// Java
void f(String a, int b, String c) { }
void f(String a, int b) { }
void f(String a) { }
The annotation also works for constructors, static methods etc. It cant be used on abstract methods, including methods
defined in interfaces.
Note that, as described in Secondary Constructors, if a class has default values for all constructor parameters, a public noargument constructor will be generated for it. This works even if the @JvmOverloads annotation is not specified.
Checked Exceptions
As we mentioned above, Kotlin does not have checked exceptions. So, normally, the Java signatures of Kotlin functions do
not declare exceptions thrown. Thus if we have a function in Kotlin like this:
// example.kt
package demo
fun foo() {
throw IOException()
And we want to call it from Java and catch the exception:
// Java
try {
catch (IOException e) { // error: foo() does not declare IOException in the throws list
// ...
we get an error message from the Java compiler, because foo() does not declare IOException . To work around this
problem, use the @Throws annotation in Kotlin:
fun foo() {
throw IOException()
When calling Kotlin functions from Java, nobody prevents us from passing null as a non-null parameter. Thats why Kotlin
generates runtime checks for all public functions that expect non-nulls. This way we get a NullPointerException in the
Java code immediately.
Variant generics
When Kotlin classes make use of declaration-site variance, there are two options of how their usages are seen from the Java
code. Lets say we have the following class and two functions that use it:
class Box<out T>(val value: T)
interface Base
class Derived : Base
fun boxDerived(value: Derived): Box<Derived> = Box(value)
fun unboxBase(box: Box<Base>): Base = box.value
A naive way of translating these functions into Java would be this:
Box<Derived> boxDerived(Derived value) { ... }
Base unboxBase(Box<Base> box) { ... }
The problem is that in Kotlin we can say unboxBase(boxDerived("s")) , but in Java that would be impossible, because
in Java the class Box is invariant in its parameter T , and thus Box<Derived> is not a subtype of Box<Base> . To make
it work in Java wed have to define unboxBase as follows:
Base unboxBase(Box<? extends Base> box) { ... }
Here we make use of Javas wildcards types ( ? extends Base ) to emulate declaration-site variance through use-site
variance, because it is all Java has.
To make Kotlin APIs work in Java we generate Box<Super> as Box<? extends Super> for covariantly defined Box
(or Foo<? super Bar> for contravariantly defined Foo ) when it appears as a parameter. When its a return value, we
dont generate wildcards, because otherwise Java clients will have to deal with them (and its against the common Java
coding style). Therefore, the functions from our example are actually translated as follows:
// return type - no wildcards
Box<Derived> boxDerived(Derived value) { ... }
// parameter - wildcards
Base unboxBase(Box<? extends Base> box) { ... }
NOTE: when the argument type is final, theres usually no point in generating the wildcard, so Box<String> is always
Box<String> , no matter what position it takes.
If we need wildcards where they are not generated by default, we can use the @JvmWildcard annotation:
fun boxDerived(value: Derived): Box<@JvmWildcard Derived> = Box(value)
// is translated to
// Box<? extends Derived> boxDerived(Derived value) { ... }
On the other hand, if we dont need wildcards where they are generated, we can use @JvmSuppressWildcards :
fun unboxBase(box: Box<@JvmSuppressWildcards Base>): Base = box.value
// is translated to
// Base unboxBase(Box<Base> box) { ... }
NOTE: @JvmSuppressWildcards can be used not only on individual type arguments, but on entire declarations, such as
functions or classes, causing all wildcards inside them to be suppressed.
Translation of type Nothing
The type Nothing is special, because it has no natural counterpart in Java. Indeed, every Java reference type, including
java.lang.Void , accepts null as a value, and Nothing doesnt accept even that. So, this type cannot be accurately
represented in the Java world. This is why Kotlin generates a raw type where an argument of type Nothing is used:
fun emptyList(): List<Nothing> = listOf()
// is translated to
// List emptyList() { ... }
Documenting Kotlin Code
The language used to document Kotlin code (the equivalent of Javas JavaDoc) is called KDoc. In its essence, KDoc
combines JavaDocs syntax for block tags (extended to support Kotlins specific constructs) and Markdown for inline markup.
KDoc Syntax
Just like with JavaDoc, KDoc comments start with /** and end with */ . Every line of the comment may begin with an
asterisk, which is not considered part of the contents of the comment.
By convention, the first paragraph of the documentation text (the block of text until the first blank line) is the summary
description of the element, and the following text is the detailed description.
Every block tag begins on a new line and starts with the @ character.
Heres an example of a class documented using KDoc:
* A group of *members*.
* This class has no useful logic; it's just a documentation example.
* @param T the type of a member in this group.
* @property name the name of this group.
* @constructor Creates an empty group.
class Group<T>(val name: String) {
* Adds a [member] to this group.
* @return the new size of the group.
fun add(member: T): Int { ... }
Block Tags
KDoc currently supports the following block tags:
@param <name>
Documents a value parameter of a function or a type parameter of a class, property or function. To better separate the
parameter name from the description, if you prefer, you can enclose the name of the parameter in brackets. The following
two syntaxes are therefore equivalent:
@param name description.
@param[name] description.
Documents the return value of a function.
Documents the primary constructor of a class.
@property <name>
Documents the property of a class which has the specified name. This tag can be used for documenting properties declared
in the primary constructor, where putting a doc comment directly before the property definition would be awkward.
@throws <class>, @exception <class>
Documents an exception which can be thrown by a method. Since Kotlin does not have checked exceptions, there is also no
expectation that all possible exceptions are documented, but you can still use this tag when it provides useful information for
users of the class.
@sample <identifier>
Embeds the body of the function with the specified qualified name into the documentation for the current element, in order to
show an example of how the element could be used.
@see <identifier>
Adds a link to the specified class or method to the See Also block of the documentation.
Specifies the author of the element being documented.
Specifies the version of the software in which the element being documented was introduced.
Excludes the element from the generated documentation. Can be used for elements which are not part of the official API of a
module but still have to be visible externally.
KDoc does not support the @deprecated tag. Instead, please use the @Deprecated annotation.
Inline Markup
For inline markup, KDoc uses the regular Markdown syntax, extended to support a shorthand syntax for linking to other
elements in the code.
Linking to Elements
To link to another element (class, method, property or parameter), simply put its name in square brackets:
Use the method [foo] for this purpose.
If you want to specify a custom label for the link, use the Markdown reference-style syntax:
Use [this method][foo] for this purpose.
You can also use qualified names in the links. Note that, unlike JavaDoc, qualified names always use the dot character to
separate the components, even before a method name:
Use [kotlin.reflect.KClass.properties] to enumerate the properties of the class.
Names in links are resolved using the same rules as if the name was used inside the element being documented. In
particular, this means that if you have imported a name into the current file, you dont need to fully qualify it when you use it in
a KDoc comment.
Note that KDoc does not have any syntax for resolving overloaded members in links. Since the Kotlin documentation
generation tool puts the documentation for all overloads of a function on the same page, identifying a specific overloaded
function is not required for the link to work.
Using Maven
Plugin and Versions
The kotlin-maven-plugin compiles Kotlin sources and modules. Currently only Maven v3 is supported.
Define the version of Kotlin you want to use via kotlin.version. The correspondence between Kotlin releases and versions is
displayed below:
1.0 GA
Release Candidate
Beta 4
Beta 3
Beta 2
Beta Candidate
Kotlin has an extensive standard library that can be used in your applications. Configure the following dependency in the pom
For OSGi support see the Kotlin OSGi page.
An example Maven project can be downloaded directly from the GitHub repository
Using Ant
Getting the Ant Tasks
Kotlin provides three tasks for Ant:
kotlinc: Kotlin compiler targeting the JVM
kotlin2js: Kotlin compiler targeting JavaScript
withKotlin: Task to compile Kotlin files when using the standard javac Ant task
These tasks are defined in the kotlin-ant.jar library which is located in the lib folder for the Kotlin Compiler
Complete list of elements and attributes are listed below
Attributes common for kotlinc and kotlin2js
Default Value
Does not include the Kotlin standard library into the classpath
kotlinc Attributes
Default Value
kotlin2js Attributes
Destination file
Using Gradle
In order to build Kotlin with Gradle you should set up the kotlin-gradle plugin, apply it to your project
and add kotlin-stdlib dependencies. Those actions may also be performed automatically in IntelliJ
IDEA by invoking the Tools
1.0 GA
Release Candidate
Beta 4
Beta 3
Beta 2
Beta Candidate
Kotlin in
Targeting JavaScript
When targeting JavaScript, a different plugin should be applied:
apply plugin: "kotlin2js"
This plugin only works for Kotlin files so it is recommended to keep Kotlin and Java files separate (if its the case that the
same project contains Java files). As with targeting the JVM, if not using the default convention, we need to specify the
source folder using sourceSets
sourceSets {
main.kotlin.srcDirs += 'src/main/myKotlin'
If you want to create a re-usable library, use kotlinOptions.metaInfo to generate additional JS file with binary
descriptors. This file should be distributed together with the result of translation.
compileKotlin2Js {
kotlinOptions.metaInfo = true
Targeting Android
Androids Gradle model is a little different from ordinary Gradle, so if we want to build an Android project written in Kotlin, we
need kotlin-android plugin instead of kotlin:
buildscript {
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
Android Studio
If using Android Studio, the following needs to be added under android:
android {
sourceSets {
main.java.srcDirs += 'src/main/kotlin'
This lets Android Studio know that the kotlin directory is a source root, so when the project model is loaded into the IDE it will
be properly recognized.
Configuring Dependencies
In addition to the kotlin-gradle-plugin dependency shown above, you need to add a dependency on the Kotlin standard
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '<version to use>'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
apply plugin: "kotlin" // or apply plugin: "kotlin2js" if targeting JavaScript
repositories {
dependencies {
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version"
If your project uses Kotlin reflection or testing facilities, you need to add the corresponding dependencies as well:
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version"
testCompile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test:$kotlin_version"
The Kotlin Repository contains examples:
Mixed Java and Kotlin
To include the Kotlin OSGi bundle to a Maven project:
To exclude the standard library from external libraries (notice that star exclusion works in Maven 3 only)
To include kotlin-osgi-bundle to a gradle project:
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-osgi-bundle:$kotlinVersion"
To exclude default Kotlin libraries that comes as transitive dependencies you can use the following approach
dependencies {
compile (
[group: 'some.group.id', name: 'some.library', version: 'someversion'],
.....) {
exclude group: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin'
Why not just add required manifest options to all Kotlin libraries
Even though it is the most preferred way to provide OSGi support, unfortunately it couldnt be done for now due to so called
package split issue that couldt be easily eliminated and such a big change is not planned for now. There is RequireBundle feature but it is not the best option too and not recommended to use. So it was decided to make a separate artifact
for OSGi.
Common Questions
What is Kotlin?
Kotlin is a statically typed language that targets the JVM and JavaScript. It is a general-purpose language intended for
industry use.
It is developed by a team at JetBrains although it is an OSS language and has external contributors.
Why a new language?
At JetBrains, weve been developing for the Java platform for a long time, and we know how good it is. On the other hand, we
know that the Java programming language has certain limitations and problems that are either impossible or very hard to fix
due to backward-compatibility issues. We know that Java is going to stand long, but we believe that the community can
benefit from a new statically typed JVM-targeted language free of the legacy trouble and having the features so desperately
wanted by the developers.
The main design goals behind this project are
To create a Java-compatible language,
That compiles at least as fast as Java,
Make it safer than Java, i.e. statically check for common pitfalls such as null pointer dereference,
Make it more concise than Java by supporting variable type inference, higher-order functions (closures), extension
functions, mixins and first-class delegation, etc;
And, keeping the useful level of expressiveness (see above), make it way simpler than the most mature competitor
How is it licensed?
Kotlin is an OSS language and is licensed under the Apache 2 OSS License. The IntelliJ Plug-in is also OSS.
It is hosted on GitHub and we happily accept contributors
Is it Java Compatible?
Yes. The compiler emits Java byte-code. Kotlin can call Java, and Java can call Kotlin. See Java interoperability.
Which minimum Java version is required for running Kotlin code?
Kotlin generates bytecode which is compatible with Java 6 or newer. This ensures that Kotlin can be used in environments
such as Android, where Java 6 is the latest supported version.
Comparison to Java
Some Java issues addressed in Kotlin
Kotlin fixes a series of issues that Java suffers from
Null references are controlled by the type system.
No raw types
Arrays in Kotlin are invariant
Kotlin has proper function types, as opposed to Javas SAM-conversions
Use-site variance without wildcards
Kotlin does not have checked exceptions
Comparison to Scala
The main goal of the Kotlin team is to create a pragmatic and productive programming language, rather than to advance the
state of the art in programming language research. Taking this into account, if you are happy with Scala, you most likely do
not need Kotlin.