The Role of Youth in Sustainable Community Development
The Role of Youth in Sustainable Community Development
The Role of Youth in Sustainable Community Development
7. The right to live in a community and a society that can offer him an environment free
from pernicious influences and conducive to the promotion of his health and the
cultivation of his desirable traits and attributes.
8. The right to care and assistance, and protection of the State, particularly when his parents
or guardians fail or are unable to provide with his fundamental needs for growth,
development, and improvement.
9. The right to an honest and efficient government that will deepen his faith in democracy
and inspire him with the morality of the constituted authorities both in their public and
private lives.
10. The right to grow up as a free individual, in an atmosphere of peace, understanding,
tolerance, and universal brotherhood, and with the determination to contribute his share
in the building of a better world.
In protecting the rights of the youth, Congress enacted laws that are intended to promote, protect
and guarantee their rights. Worthy to mention is RA 7610, otherwise known as the Child Abuse
Law that imposes penal sanctions should the offender is found guilty. The Family Code, the
Child and Youth Welfare Code and several other laws that are designed to guard the youth from
unwarranted abuses perpetrated by scalawags of the society.
(Source: Ruel A. Lavapie et al. Civic Welfare Training Service. 2005)
The Youth for Sustainable Development
The kind of change required by sustainability implicates each community, each household, and
each individual. Successful solutions to problems at this level of society will need to be rooted in
the cultural specificity of the town or region if the people are to be supportive of an involved in
such change. UNESCO APD (1997) Educating for sustainable future
In the end, sustainable development will be made at the local community level. All the other
changes in favor of sustainability by business, by national governments and by international
agencies help create the conditions that facilitate action for sustainable development at the
local level by individuals, families, schools, hospitals, workplaces and neighborhoods.
As a result, all over the world people are working together to build a sustainable future at the
local level. The focus on the actions being taken by local governments and their citizens to make
their communities sustainable particularly that of educating and empowering the young as in the
countrys National Service Training Program.
This is so because the youth comprise nearly 30 percent of the worlds population. It is
imperative that youth shall proactively participate in all relevant levels of decision-making
processes because it affects their lives and has implications for their futures. In addition to their
intellectual contribution and their ability to mobilize support, they bring unique perspectives that
need to be taken into account.
In the Philippines, with the NSTP, the youth are trained to become civic conscious and defense
prepared individuals towards national development.
(Source: Florida c. Labuguen et al. Understanding the National Service Training Program. Mutya
Publishing House, Malabon City, Philippines. 2012)
disadvantaged areas to reach their full educational potential by acquiring good-quality skills in
literacy and numeracy.
Not only the youth should be the focus of our government, but also adult as well. They also need
to be literate and numerate for them to be able to function and progress at work and society. A
separate set of standards should be produced for each of the basic skills of literacy and numeracy
for youth and adults.
Literacy covers the ability to: speak, listen, and respond; respond and comprehend; and write to
communicate. According to Scottish Executive Report on Adult Literacy and Numeracy in
Scotland (2001): It is the ability to read, write and use numeracy to handle information, to
express ideas and to make decisions and solve problems as family members, workers, citizens,
and lifelong learners.
Numeracy can be described as the knowledge, skills, and appreciation needed for students to
understand and utilize mathematical ideas, techniques, and applications. Numeracy involves
students in integrating such skills as interpreting quantitative information, performing
straightforward calculations mentally, estimating values are known and unknown, and
developing intuitive knowledge measurement units.
Numeracy covers the ability to: understand and use mathematical information; calculate and
manipulate mathematical information; and interpret results and communicate mathematical
Benefits of literacy and numeracy
1. Improved levels of literacy and numeracy enhanced employment prospects for young
2. A move towards economic sustainability increased take-up of further and higher
3. Students better prepared to take up modern apprenticeships higher levels of
4. It is widely accepted that the greatest benefits accrue as a result of high quality training
and the opportunity to reflect upon and modify ones own practice. Employing literacy
and numeracy will give students the opportunity to improve.
Social Mobilization: An Approach in the Implementation of Civic Welfare and Training
Services(Excerpt from the paper presented by Dr. Florida C. Labuguen, President, Association
of Civic Welfare and Training Services Implementers of the Philippines during the Seminar
Workshop for Coordinators and Trainers on the Implementation of CWTS Program in the
National Region Civic Welfare Training Service Conducted at Conference Hall, IRTC
Building, TUP, Manila on March 18-19, 2003)