315 Text
315 Text
315 Text
Catalog Description
Course Outcomes
Gibbs-Duhem Equation
5.1 Degrees of Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Phase Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Classifying Phase Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 Atomistics of Diffusion
11.1 Interstitial Diffusion . . . . . . . . .
11.2 Vacancy Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . .
11.3 Interstitialcy Diffusion . . . . . . . .
11.4 The Arrhenius Behavior of Diffusion
. 96
. 97
. 103
. 106
14 Electrical Conductivity
14.1 Electronic Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
14.2 Ionic Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
15 315 Problems
15.1 301 Computational Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
16 315 Laboratories
16.1 Laboratory 1: Phase diagram generation from free energy curves in Thermocalc . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
16.2 Laboratory 2: Metallographic preparation and microstructural examination of Bi-Sn Alloys . . . . . 135
16.3 Laboratory 3: Diffusion of Carbon in to 1018 Steel Using Pack-Carburization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Catalog Description
Application of thermodynamics to ternary phase equilibria. Defects and diffusion in solids. Interdiffusion. Short
circuit diffusion. Defects and transport in ionic solids. Lectures, problem solving. Prerequisite: 314 or equivalent.
Course Outcomes
1. Relate free energy vs. temperature and composition relationships to binary phase diagrams.
2. Solve basic electrochemistry problems.
3. Interpret ternary phase diagrams.
4. Use modern software programs to predict free energy functions and the related phase diagrams.
5. Describe the relationship between point defects and the role of diffusion in solids.
6. Describe the equilibrium thermodynamics of point defects in crystalline ionic and non-ionic solids.
7. Use thermodynamics and modern software packages to predict and interpret phase equilibria in simple
unary and binary systems.
8. Prepare and characterize specimens for microstructual observation and measurement of hardness profiles.
Relate experimental measurements to phase diagrams and diffusion.
Thermodynamics and kinetics are fundamental skill sets/tool boxes required of all materials scientists/engineers. Thermodynamics tells us which phase or assemblage of phases has the absolute lowest free energy, and
therefore represents the equilibrium state. (Note: there may be other metastable states at higher energies.) Kinetics tells us much more: how fast those phases will form, and the paths they will take along the way. Together,
thermodynamics and kinetics determine the phase assemblages/microstructures that can be obtained, and how to
obtain them. In the materials science & engineering paradigm of Figure 4.1, thermodynamics and kinetics come
primarily into play in the first chain link between Processing and Structure.
The interplay between thermodynamics and kinetics can be illustrated with two case studies. The first involves
the Fe-C phase diagram, which is introduced in virtually all introductory Materials Science & Engineering courses.
A schematic of the Fe-rich end of this diagram is given in Figure 4.2.
If we solutionize the eutectoid composition austenite (-phase) at the point indicated in Figure 4.2, and then
cool it (follow the arrow) below the eutectoid temperature (thermodynamics), various microstructures can result
depending upon the rate of cooling (kinetics). Very slow cooling can result in discrete coarse-grained phases (phase austenite and cementite, or Fe3 C). This assemblage of phases is not very strong or hard. On the other hand,
by cooling more rapidly, we can produce a layered structure of austenite and cementite, referred to as pearlite
for its mother of pearl appearance under the microscope. This microstructure is found to be quite strong and
hard. This is a prime example of how the processing-structure chain link in Figure 1 can influence the resulting
structure properties chain-link in the materials science & engineering paradigm of Figure 4.1.
The second example involves the oxidation of silicon to silicon dioxide through the reaction of equation 4.1.
Si(s) + O2 (g)
SiO2 (s)
Later in this course we will learn about Richardson-Ellingham diagrams (for simplicity, these will be referred to
as Ellingham diagrams). An Ellingham diagram is just a superposition of lines representing the free energy of
Figure 4.2: Schematic of the Fe-rich end of the Fe-C phase diagram
oxidation for a large number of metals. A schematic of the Ellingham diagram for just silicon is given in Figure
The top left of the diagram is at zero degrees Centigrade and at zero of G o . (Note that the letter M and M
inside a box refer to the melting points of the metal (Si) and oxide (SiO2 ), respectively.) As we will see, the free
energies of formation of all oxides, including silica, are strongly negative. This means that reactions like that
in Equation 4.1 have a strong tendency to go to the right, namely, to produce their oxide at the expense of the
corresponding metal. If we throw an iron bar out in the elements, we know that it rusts (forms the oxide) quite
readily. However, an aluminum object, in spite of having an even larger negative free energy of oxidation than
either iron or silicon, will hardly corrode under the same conditions. That is owing to the formation of a coherent
passive oxide film on the surface, through which diffusion is extremely slow. The same thing takes place on
silicon, as illustrated in Figure 4.4.
Figure 4.4: Passive oxide film formation on silicon, which can be removed in certain areas for dopant incorporation.
The passive SiO2 film that forms is extremely important to the microelectronics at work in many computers. (Note:
at present, silica is being replaced by oxides with larger dielectric constants, to ensure that the miniaturization
necessary to keep extending Moores Law, i.e., the number of transistors on a processor chip doubling every 18
months, can continue.) On the right side of Figure 4.4 part of the film has been intentionally removed (in a process
known as photolithography) so that dopants can be introduced to change its electronic properties locally. This
may take place by ion-implantation (using an ion beam) or it may take place by diffusion from a gaseous source.
Again, this is a good illustration of the interplay of thermodynamics and kinetics in both processing structure
and structure properties links in Figure 4.1.
In the first half of this text, we concentrate on the thermodynamics side of things, namely, the application of
thermodynamics to the prediction and interpretation of phase diagrams. The level of presentation assumes two
things: 1) You have had an introductory course in materials science and engineering, one that introduced simple
phase diagrams, the phase rule, and the lever rule. 2) You have a background in the laws of thermodynamics, and
especially in the area of solution thermodynamics. If you know the difference between Raoultian and Henrian
solution behavior and have been introduced to the Regular solution model, you will be in a good position to
follow along. If not, it is suggested that you spend some time reading about basic solution thermodynamics.
From our knowledge of thermodynamics, most of us are familiar with the standard form of the Gibbs-Duhem
equation 5.1.
0 = X A d A + XB d B
which is used extensively to describe the behavior of solutions, namely, it plays a big role in solution thermodynamics. This equation only holds true for binary systems at fixed temperature and pressure, the X terms represent
mole fractions, and the terms represent chemical potentials. A more general form of the Gibbs-Duhem equation
can be derived as follows. Lets start with a binary system. The total internal energy (U) is given by equation 5.2.
U = TS PV + n1 1 + n2 2
where T is absolute temperature, P is pressure, the n terms represent the number of moles of each component, and
the terms are chemical potentials, as in equation 5.1. However, from the First law of thermodynamics (equation
5.3) we know that the change of internal energy is a balance between heat in (q) and work done by (or out of) our
system (w). For now and for the sake of simplicity, w will be limited to PV-work only (at constant pressure w
becomes PdV).
dU = q w = q PdV
The second law of thermodynamics (equation 5.4) tells us that the change of the entropy (S) of the system is always
greater than the actual heat in (q) divided by absolute temperature.
dS q/T
In fact, the entropy change is equal to the reversible heat in (qrev ) divided by absolute temperature, as expressed
in equation 5.5.
dS = qrev /T
If we now combine the first law (equation 5.3) and the second law (equation 5.4) for a closed system (no matter in
or out, i.e., no nd terms), we obtain equation 5.6.
dU TdS PdV
or at equilibrium, using qrev , and equation 5.5 instead of equation 5.4, we get equation 5.7.
dU = TdS PdV
Degrees of Freedom
Now lets consider an open system that can exchange matter with the environment. We will keep it a binary system
for now (and for the sake of simplicity). With the dn terms added, the combined first and second law equation
5.7 becomes equation 5.8.
dU = TdS PdV + 1 dn1 + 2 dn2
On the other hand, the total differential of total internal energy, equation 5.2, gives us equation 5.9.
dU = TdS + SdT PdV VdP + n1 d1 + 1 dn1 + n2 d2 + 2 dn2
If we now subtract equation 5.8 from equation 5.9, we obtain a more complete form of the Gibbs-Duhem equation,
at least for binary systems, given in equation 5.10.
0 = SdT VdP + n1 d1 + n2 d2
Although we will generalize this equation still further, this equation is powerful! The author refers to this equation as the Swiss army knife for understanding degrees of freedom and the phase rule, and also for classifying
and interpreting phase diagrams of all kinds.
For example, as we look at equation 5.10, how many total variables do we have? The answer is four, including T
(temperature), P (pressure), and two chemical potentials (1 , 2 ). But if we ask (for the case of a single phase) how
many variables we need to control to establish thermodynamic equilibrium, the answer is three. For example,
if we fix temperature (dT = 0), pressure (dP = 0), and the chemical potential of component 1 (d1 = 0), then
according to equation 5.10 the other chemical potential must also be fixed (d2 = 0). In other words, there are
three degrees of freedom, which we refer to by the variable F. Later we will understand degrees of freedom to be
the number of thermodynamic variables that need to be fixed to establish equilibrium, or alternatively, the number
of thermodynamic variables that can be independently varied without a change in the number of phases present
in our system. We should also note in passing that we get a hint of the (C + 2) term in the familiar Gibbs phase
rule, equation 5.11.
F = ( C + 2) P
In the (C + 2) term, C stands for the number of components (d1 , d2 ) and the 2 stands for temperature (dT) and
pressure (dP), or in other words, (C + 2) is the total number of thermodynamic variables. Note that we have
employed a different symbol to represent the number of phases (P) to differentiate this from pressure (P). If we
add another component (component 3), then we would have to add a n3 3 term to equation 5.10. Now lets see
what happens when we have more than one phase, which means adding a second Gibbs-Duhem equation.
Let keep it simple by limiting ourselves to a single-component system (C=1). The relevant version of the GibbsDuhem equation in equation 5.10 would become equation 5.12,
0 = SdT VdP + nd
where we have dropped the subscripts for component 1, i.e., n1 d1 = nd. But now lets imagine that we have
two phases, and , in equilibrium along the phase boundary in Figure 5.1.
Since the moles are distributed between the two phases, it is not necessarily true that n = n , where the superscripts refer to the two phases. The same can be said of entropy or volume. Imagine ice floating in water. The
two phases (solid, liquid) are in equilibrium, which we know by the fact that the temperature remains constant as
Phase Rule
long as there is any significant amount (moles, volume) of ice. But once all the ice melts, the water is free to rise
in temperature. So what we need to do is to write two Gibbs-Duhem equations, one for the alpha phase (equation
5.13) and one for the beta phase (equation 5.14).
0 = S dT V dP + n d
0 = S dT V dP + n d
Now lets combine these two equations to eliminate one thermodynamic variable, e.g., the chemical potential (d),
to arrive at equation 5.15:
dP = d =
dP =
Think for a minute about what equation 5.16 means. For a single-phase in a single-component system, equation
5.12 tells us that two thermodynamic potentials must be fixed in order to establish the equilibrium state. As
pointed out above, in order to fix the chemical potential (d = 0), we have to fix both temperature (dT = 0) and
pressure (dP = 0). But now that we have two phases in equilibrium ( = ), we only need fix one variable. In
equation 5.16 if pressure is fixed (dP = 0), then temperature must also be fixed (dT = 0), or vice versa; so we have
decreased the degrees of freedom by one by adding the second Gibbs-Duhem equation (the second phase in
equilibrium with the first). (Note: It is assumed that the molar volumes and molar entropies of the two phases are
constant.) In other words, the coexistence of two phases in thermodynamic equilibrium requires the writing of two
Gibbs-Duhem equationsone for each phase (equations 5.13 and 5.14). This clearly demonstrates that degrees of
freedom (F) equals the total number of thermodynamic variables, which equals the number of components plus
2 (for temperature and pressure) or (C + 2) minus the number of Gibbs-Duhem equations, which is equal to the
number of phases in equilibrium (P). We have thereby derived the Gibbs Phase Rule in equation 5.11. Note that
if we have three phases in thermodynamic equilibrium in a single-component system ( = = ), we would
have to add an additional Gibbs-Duhem equation 5.17:
0 = S dT V dp + n d
From this equation and equations 5.13 and 5.14 we could write equations like equation 5.16 for each of the three
phase boundaries meeting at what is known as a triple point, as in the P-T diagram for water in Fig. 5.2. We
could then eliminate one of the two remaining thermodynamic variables, e.g., temperature (dT), giving us equation
dP = dT = h S
i dP
Assuming that all molar volumes and molar entropies are constants and non-zero, there is only one possible
solution to equation 5.18, namely that dP must be zero. By adding the third Gibbs-Duhem equation for the third
phase (), we end up with zero degrees of freedom. In fact, the triple point of water is something you can
look up in a handbook, 273.16K (0.01o C) and 0.00604 atm, and can only be changed by increasing the number of
components (for example, by doping water with salt, as is done to lower its freezing point at constant pressure,
which we describe later).
You probably saw equation 5.16 in prior courses (e.g., chemical or materials thermodynamics), but in a slightly
different form, as in equation 5.19:
If we let S stand for molar entropy and V stand for molar volume, this equation becomes the well-known ClausiusClaypeyron equation 5.20:
Teq V
since in equilibrium the free energy difference is zero, G = 0, which means that H = Teq S . As you
already know, this is a powerful equation for P-T diagrams. Given the molar volume difference between alpha and
beta phases, from the slope of their P-T equilibrium phase boundary at a chosen Teq we can calculate the enthalpy
(and entropy) of the phase transformation, or vice versa.
Before moving on, we must make one clarification regarding the number of components. It would seem that the
number of components should be 2 for the H2 O system, one each for hydrogen and oxygen. However, if the
ratio of hydrogen-to-oxygen remains constant for all phases in the system, namely H:O remains 2:1, then we can
consider this as a one-component system.
In section 2.1 we spoke of the Gibbs-Duhem equation as the Swiss army knife of phase equilibrium thermodynamics. We have used it thus far to determine the degrees of freedom in a single-phase, one-component system.
We have added second and then third phases in equilibrium (and therefore second and third Gibbs-Duhem equations) to derive Gibbs Phase Rule. And we have used it to derive the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Now we will
use it to derive an overarching classification scheme for all phase diagrams. We acknowledge Professor Arthur
Pelton of cole Polytechnique Montreal as the originator of this powerful classification scheme [1].
First of all, lets generalize the Gibbs-Duhem equation to equation 5.21:
0 = SdT VdP + ni di = Qi di
in which i stands for the various thermodynamic potentials and Qi stands for the corresponding conjugate
extensive variables. In Table 5.1 the thermodynamic potentials, whether thermal (T), mechanical (P) or chemical
(i ), are intensive, meaning that they do not depend upon the size of the system under consideration. For
example, take copper at standard temperature and pressure (STP). A cube of copper 1 cm on a side has the same
temperature, pressure and chemical potential as a cube of copper 1 m on a side. On the other hand, the conjugate
variables are definitely extensive, meaning that they clearly depend upon the size of the system. On going from
the 1 cm cube of copper to the 1 m cube of copper all of these variables increase: volume, number of moles, and
entropy (although the last is not as obvious).
i (intensive thermodynamic potential)
T (thermal)
P (mechanical)
We are now in a position to understand Peltons classification scheme for all phase diagrams. Schematic representations of the three types are given in Fig. 5.3. Type I diagrams are plots of one thermodynamic potential vs.
another, in other words i vs. j . Type II diagrams are plots of a thermodynamic potential (i ) vs. a ratio of
conjugate extensive variables (Q j /Qk ). (Later we will prove that fixing a ratio of conjugate extensive variables is
tantamount to fixing their thermodynamic potentials.) Type III diagrams are plots of one ratio of thermodynamic
potentials vs. another, in other words Qi /Qk . vs Q j /Qk .
Type I
Type II
Type III
Schematic representations of real phase diagrams for each case are given in the second row of diagrams. For
example, a conventional P-T diagram like that of water is a good example of a Type I diagram. However, you may
have noticed a couple of anomalies in the other representative diagrams. For example, the schematic (and easy
to recognize) Type II binary eutectic diagram does not have n B /n A as its x-axis. There is a good reason for this.
Think of what happens if we let n A go to zero. This would result in an infinite value of n B /n A . Instead, we use
mole fraction (XB = n B /(n A + n B )), which is zero for n B = 0 and unity for n A = 0. Note in Fig. 5.3 that mole
fraction can be easily related to the ratio of n A /n B , which is just the inverse of n B /n A . The other anomaly is that we
seldom, if ever, see Type III ternary diagrams in rectilinear form, namely nC /n A vs. n B /n A . The reason is pretty
obvious. Pure end-member A, using phase diagram parlance to be discussed later (n B = nC = 0), is at the origin
of this plot, but pure end-members B and C are at infinity on the x- and y-axes, respectively. We can thank J. Willard
Gibbs for introducing the now universally employed Gibbs phase triangle diagram, where the mole fraction of
each component goes to unity in its respective corner. The Gibbs triangle diagram at the bottom right of Fig. 5.3
is a representative isothermal section of a real ternary phase diagram in the subsolidus, meaning well below
temperatures that would result in the formation of any liquid. Furthermore, this system exhibits negligible solid
solubility, so the end-member and intermediate compounds (AC and C2 B) are the vertices of tie-triangles.
Such triangles are the hallmark of ternary phase diagrams, which we discuss in detail later.
Given the well-known phase diagram of water (see Fig. 5.2), Type I phase diagrams are mistakenly thought of as
unary or single-component phase diagrams, but this is incorrect. Type I diagrams can be unary, binary or even
higher. But they all have in common the plotting of one thermodynamic potential vs. another. They also share in
common that the interpretation is the same for all Type I diagrams, as we will show. In fact, this is true for each
category of diagrams; the rules of interpretation are identical within each type.
Figure 6.1 shows schematics of four different Type I diagrams. The first (a) is a repeat of the single-component
H2 O P T phase diagram. The second (b) is a T O2 diagram of the two-component Ni-O system. The third
diagram (c) is a slighty different version of the Ni O binary system. This is actually a O2 T diagram in
disguise, as we later show. The top lines on this diagram are actually taken from a very special Type I diagram,
known as the Richardson-Ellingham diagram (shown later). We will refer to this as the Ellingham diagram, and
will spend quite a bit of time with it shortly. The final Type I phase diagram (d) is a S2 O2 diagram for the CuS-O ternary system. Such diagrams are referred to as stability area diagrams or predominance area diagrams.
The descriptor, stability area, is quite informative. It speaks to the fact that interpretation is identical for all Type
I phase diagrams: areas represent single-phase regimes (or the area/range of thermodynamic potentials over
which a given phase is solely stable); lines represent the combination of the thermodynamic potentials required
for co-equilibrium of two phases; triple points (where three lines meet) indicate the thermodynamic conditions
(potentials) where co-equilibrium of three phases occurs. Note that in going from a one-component system (H2 O)
to a two component system (Ni O), one of the thermodynamic potentials, in this case pressure (P =1 atm),
must be held constant to arrive at a Type I diagram (equilibrium being determined by the two potentials on the
axes). And in going further to a three-component system (Cu S O) two thermodynamic potentials, in this case
pressure (P =1 atm) and temperature (T =1000K), must be held constant to arrive at a Type I diagram (equilibrium
being determined by the two potentials on the axes.
In 1944, it was observed (by Ellingham) that plots of standard free energy of oxidation of metals to oxides had
essentially the same slope (G o A + BT; B const) as long as the reaction was written per mole of oxygen gas
O2 ( g) as in equation 6.1:
2 M(s) + O2 ( g)
Mx Oy
where M in this equations represents a metal. For example, if we are dealing with the oxide MO (x = y = 1),
equation 6.1 simplifies to equation 6.2:
2M(s) + O2 ( g)
But we might be dealing with a different metal, N, which forms the N2 O3 (x = 2, y = 3), for which equation 6.1
becomes equation 6.3:
Ni( )
Ni( )
T=1000 K
Figure 6.1: Schematic Type I Phase Diagrams for C=1, 2 and 3.
N (s) + O2 ( g)
N2 O3
Note that if we subtract equation 6.3 from equation 6.2, the oxygen term cancels out and we obtain equation 6.4:
2M (s) + N2 O3
2MO (s) + N (s)
This is a powerful capability to determine whether, thermodynamically speaking, a given metal will reduce anothers oxide or vice versa, as we show later. There is a simple rationale for all oxidation reactions having nearly
the same slope on an Ellingham diagram. Lets consider the reaction of calcium to calcium oxide as in equation
2Ca(s) + O2 ( g)
The overall standard free energy of reaction can be determined by equation 6.6:
G o = H o TSo A + BT
What we are interested in is the Ellingham slope (B) in equation 6.6, which amounts to the change in standard
entropy as given by equation 6.7:
So = 2SCaO
(s) 2SCa(s) SO2 (g)
If we consult thermodynamic data for the three terms on the right side of equation, we obtain equation 6.8:
So = 2 (38.1 41.6) 205.1 = 212.1
mole K
It can be seen that the first two terms, the standard entropy terms of the two solids (calcium oxide, calcium),
roughly cancel and that the overall value is dominated by the standard entropy of the oxygen gas (the third term).
Hence, the slopes of all oxidation reactions on Ellingham diagrams involving solid metals and oxides will be very
similar, owing to the fact that B = So SO
in equation 6.6. An actual Ellingham diagram is shown in Figure
2 ( g)
Melting Point
Boiling Point
At first, this may seem like a complicated diagram. However, the following discussion and case studies should
help to simplify it and demonstrate its usefulness. As can be seen there are three different nomographic scales on
the sides of the diagram. These were added by Richardson; hence, the diagram is often referred to the RichardsonEllingham diagram. We will highlight each of these scales as we come to them. First lets consider three ways to
arrive at a specific x, y or G o , T coordinate on the diagram. Consider the reaction of Ti with O2 (g) to yield TiO2
at 1000o C. From the line and the diagram legend we know that both the metal and the oxide are solids at this
temperature, because we do not encounter an M symbol (where the metal melts) until much higher temperature
(T 1650o C), and there is no boxed M symbol, which stands for the melting point of the oxide. This means
that the oxide melts at a temperature above the melting point of the metal, however no thermodynamic data are
provided for higher temperatures. Note: a B symbol is fairly rare and corresponds to the boiling point of the
metal, as in the case of Mg and Ca, the bottommost lines on the diagram. The large increase in slope at such a
B point is due to the fact that both reactants on the left side of the Ellingham equation 6.1 are in gaseous form
(oxygen gas plus metal vapor) and therefore contribute to the entropy or slope of the line.
The three ways to reach a specific coordinate are illustrated in Figure 6.3. The first way or path (1) to reach
the coordinates in question is by what I call direct read. The topmost horizontal line of the Ellingham diagram,
directly below the p H2 /p H2 O or pCO /pCO2 nomographic scales, is the line of zero G o . At 1000o C we draw an arrow
down from this line until we hit the line representing the Ti/TiO2 equilibrium at a value of G o 690kJ/mole.
This is illustrated in Figure 6.3. The second path (2) to reach the same coordinates is to use the Ellingham relation
in equation 6.6. This is also illustrated in Figure 6.3. It is important to realize where the coordinates (0,0) occur
on the diagram. On the very left of the Ellingham diagram in Figure 6.2 is a vertical line with 0 K indicated.
Since the x-axis is in degrees C, the absolute zero in degrees Kelvin is to the left another 273.15o C. So the actual
(0,0) point of the Ellingham diagram is at the top left corner where the line which passes through the C and
H points makes an angle with the horizontal line of zero G o . This is a very important point on the Ellingham
diagram, which I tend to call the O point (O for oxygen) and later the O-fulcrum. Starting at the O-point, we can
draw the A + BT line from the origin as shown in Figure 6.3. One can crudely think of this in terms of H o TSo
for the Ti/TiO2 equilibrium.
By the way, there is perfectly good thermodynamic reason why Ellingham did not extend the lines on the diagram
below 0o C. You may recall from your basic thermodynamics background that the heat capacity of a solid begins
to vary dramatically below its Debye temperature approaching absolute zero. This would make for large deviations from linearity of the lines on the Ellingham diagram below 0o C approaching 0K; hence, the lines terminate
at 0o C.
The third way or path to reach the same coordinates of G o 690kJ/mole at 1000o C requires some explanation.
As found in basic chemistry textbooks we know from equation 6.9:
G = G o + RT ln Q
that the G of a reaction is related to the standard free energy of that reaction plus a second term that depends
upon the so-called activity quotient or Q. In the case of Ti/TiO2 this becomes equation 6.10:
G = G o + RT ln
a TiO2
a Ti pO2
where the activities of the solid phases can be assumed to be unity (assuming pure metal and oxide) and the
activity of oxygen is given by its partial pressure. However, if the metal and oxide are in equilibrium we know
that G = 0, yielding the following equation 6.11:
G o = RT ln Keq = RT ln
eq = RT ln pO2
where pO2 is the oxygen partial pressure where Ti (s) and TiO2 (s) are in equilibrium. In effect, path (3) is a line
with zero intercept and a slope of R ln pO2 vs. temperature, as shown in Figure 6.3. We can solve mathematically
for pO2 by plugging 690kJ/mole for G o and 1000o C or rather 1273K into equation 6.11 to arrive at a value of
4.9 1029 atm, for which the log pO2 (base 10) is -28.3. This is where the nomographic scale comes in handy. If
we draw a line from the origin or O-point through the coordinates in question (the Ti/TiO2 line at 1000o C) to
the pO2 nomographic scale, we get approximately the same value. Keep in mind that this is really a log scale, so
we must interpolate the logs, for example one quarter of the way from 1028 to 1030 is 1028.5 and definitely
not 5 1029 or 5 1028 . So we have a short cut or easy button for finding the log pO2 value for any set of
coordinates on the Ellingham diagram. Simply take a ruler and connect it from the O-point through the coordinates
in question and read the log pO2 value off the nomographic scale. Since all lines radiate from the O-point, I tend
to refer to this point as the O-fulcrum. You will note on the Ellingham diagram that all the tick marks on the
O-nomographic scale point back to the O-fulcrum.
Of course, achieving such a low oxygen partial pressure is impossible with even the best available vacuum systems. That is where the outer two nomographic scales come in. These involve so-called buffer gas systems.
Consider the reaction of equation 6.12:
2CO(g) + O2 (g)
2CO2 (g)
Lets flow an arbitrary mixture of CO(g) and CO2 (g) through a furnace at 1 atm total pressure. The equilibrium
constant would be given by equation 6.13:
Keq = exp
G o
p2CO pO2
2 P2
2 P2 X P
where partial pressures are now expressed in terms of mole fractions and total pressure. If we let the total pressure
be 1 atm and assume that the amount of oxygen produced is negligible compared to the moles of CO and CO2 and
let rc = XCO /XCO2 we arrive at a simplified equation 6.14:
Keq =
rc2 pO2
Lets go back to the situation we considered above, namely the Ti/TiO2 equilibrium at 1000o C with an equilibrium
pO2 of 4.9 1029 . Given the G o for reaction 6.12 is 564, 800 + 173.62T J/mole and plugging this into equations
6.13 and 6.14, we can solve for an R value of 1.26 107 . On a base 10 log scale this corresponds to 7.1. Now lets use
the second nomographic scale and its corresponding C-fulcrum (this is the letter C on the line to the left side of
the Ellingham diagram 6.2) to solve the same problem. Note that all the tick marks on the pCO /pCO2 radiate from
the C-fulcrum. As illustrated in Figure 6.4, using a ruler to draw a line from the C-fulcrum through the Ti/TiO2 line
where it crosses 1000o C all the way to the second nomographic scale and we obtain 107.1 , in excellent agreement
with the calculations. Even though the pCO2 would be quite small (on the order of 107 atm) this is still way larger
than the value of pO2 , so our assumption that the amount of oxygen can be neglected is mathematically justified.
In reality, however, just as with aqueous buffers, there are limits to buffer reliability. For example, buffer gases
become unreliable if the R value is too large or too small, owing to the potential for oxygen leaks in the lines
feeding gases into a commercial furnace. Therefore, buffer gases are usually limited to values of 105 rc 105 .
Nevertheless, we have a valuable short cut to obtain the rc value for any coordinates on the Ellingham diagram.
You will notice that there is still another nomographic scale on the Ellingham diagram of Figure 6.2. This nomographic scale involves a different buffer gas system of reaction 6.15:
2H2 (g) + O2 (g)
2H2 O( g)
Here we are mixing hydrogen gas and water vapor, whose ratios are given along the outermost nomographic
scale. Again, note that all tick marks radiate to the H-point or H-fulcrum on the line to the very left of the diagram.
If we want to know a mixture of hydrogen gas and water vapor that would correspond to a set of coordinates on
the Ellingham diagram, we would use a ruler to draw a line between the H-fulcrum through those coordinates to
the nomographic scale, once again being careful to interpolate the log values.
Another use of the Ellingham diagram is to find a driving force for a given reaction. Consider the reaction of Mn
metal with oxygen to form MnO by the reaction 6.16:
2Mn(s) + O2 (g)
Figure 6.4: Illustrating the CO/CO2 nomographic scale on the Ellingham diagram.
If we subject a mixture of Mn/MnO to an applied oxygen pressure of pO2 = 1020 atm (for example, by using
a buffer gas mixture) at 1000o C, what is the driving force for the reaction to take place? There are several ways
to solve for this. They each derive from equation 6.9. In this case, assuming Mn and MnO to be pure solids
(activity=1) we would obtain equation 6.17:
G = G o + RT ln
From the Ellingham diagram of Figure 6.2 we can find that the G o of the reaction is approximately -580 kJ/mole
at 1000o C. Plugging 1273K and pO2 = 1020 into equation 6.17, we obtain G = 92.6 kJ/mole. But we also
know from equation 6.11 that G o = RT ln pO2 . Plugging this into equation 6.17 we obtain equation 6.18:
G = RT ln
+ RT ln
= RT ln
Using the O-nomographic scale on the Ellingham diagram of Figure 6.2 we can find the pO2 to be very close to
1024 atm at 1000o C. Plugging this into equation 6.18 we obtain G = 97.5kJ/mole. The third method is what I
refer to as direct read. This is illustrated on Figure 6.5. We always draw the arrow at constant temperature from
the applied condition to the equilibrium condition, which falls on the G o line for the reaction in question. What we
obtain is approximately -90 kJ/mole. All three values are in agreement with one another, with a relatively small
error determined by our ability to accurately extract values from the Ellingham diagram.
To summarize, Ellingham diagrams are characterized by the following features:
1. Curves in Ellingham diagrams for the formation of metallic oxides are basically straight lines with a positive
slope. The slope is proportional to S, which is fairly constant with temperature.
2. The lower position of a metals line in the Ellingham diagram, the greater is the stability of its oxide. For
example, the line for Al (oxidation of aluminum) is found to be below that for Fe (formation of Fe2 O3 ).
3. Stability of metallic oxides decreases with increasing temperature. Highly unstable oxides like Ag2 O and
HgO easily undergo thermal decomposition.
4. A reduced substance (such as a metal), whose Gibbs free energy of formation is lower on the diagram at
a given temperature, will reduce an oxide whose free energy of formation is higher on the diagram. For
example, metallic aluminum can reduce iron oxide to metallic iron, with the aluminum itself being oxidized
to aluminum oxide.
5. The greater the gap between any two lines, the greater the effectiveness of the reducing agent corresponding
to the lower line.
So regardless of the method used to obtain the driving force, it is obvious that that driving force is negative;
reaction 6.16 will proceed to the right and Mn metal will be oxidized to its oxide. This also allows us to see that
we can make a Type I phase diagram out of each "line" (or metal/oxide pair) on the Ellingham diagram. If we
consider the Mn/MnO "line" in Figure 6.6, it follows that a direct read arrow from any set of coordinates above
the line (corresponding oxygen pressures larger than pO2 ) to the equilibrium Mn/MnO line will be negative, i.e.,
the G will be negative so the oxide will be favored. On the other hand, a direct read arrow from any set of
coordinates below the line (corresponding to oxygen pressures smaller than pO2 ) to the equilibrium Mn/MnO line
will be positive, i.e., G will be positive so the reaction of does not proceed; the metal will be stable. Therefore
manganese oxide exists everywhere above the "line" and manganese metal exists everywhere below the "line." But
there are two different forms of manganese metal and therefore two Type I phase boundaries: one between the
solid oxide and the solid metal, below Tm ( Mn), and another between the solid oxide and the liquid metal, above
Tm ( Mn). So at Tm ( Mn) we get a Type I triple point. The vertical phase boundary at Tm ( Mn) corresponds to the
melting of Mn; solid Mn is stable to the left and liquid Mn is stable to the right. This vertical line intersects the
other two at the triple point, where both solid and liquid Mn exist in equilibrium with solid MnO.
Figure 6.6: An Ellingham line turned into a phase diagram. (Note: P=1 atm.)
A more useful Type I phase diagram for the laboratory, however, is a plot of T vs. log pO2 . For example, we can
convert the Ellingham-type phase diagram of Figure 6.6 into such a diagram for the Mn-MnO system by either
1) using the O-nomographic scale over and over to estimate the values of log pO2 for Mn/MnO equilibrium each
temperature, or 2) solving G o = RT ln pO2 for each temperature, given the thermodynamic data for reaction 6.16.
A schematic of this diagram is shown in Figure 6.7. There are many applications of such diagrams. For example,
in Mn metal heat treating, we want to keep the pO2 below the pressure of the phase boundary with MnO. For
ceramists dealing the MnO the opposite would hold true: we would want to maintain the pO2 above that of the
oxygen partial pressure of the phase boundary with either solid or liquid Mn.
Figure 6.7: Schematic T vs. log pO2 Type I phase diagram for the Mn-O system. (Note: P=1 atm.)
We can apply Gibbs phase rule to both kinds of phase diagrams. We know that F=C+2-P, however, the overall
pressure is understood to be 1 atm for both diagrams, so the phase rule reduces to F=C+1-P. As opposed to the
water P-T phase diagram where the H:O ratio was everywhere 2 on the diagram, here the O:Mn ratio differs
from phase field to phase field (e.g., it is 1:1 for MnO but 0:1 for Mn); hence, C=2 (for Mn and O). This yields
a phase rule of F=3-P, which means that in both the Ellingham-like Type I phase diagram of Figure 6.6 and in
the T vs. log pO2 phase diagram of Figure 6.7, we have the same features as we had for the H2 O P-T diagram:
single-phase areas have 2 degrees of freedom, i.e., both T and log pO2 must be specified, two-phase situations are
phase boundaries/lines of F=1, i.e., if we fix one variable (say T), we immediately know the other (log pO2 ) or vice
versa, and three-phase situations have zero degrees of freedom at three-line junctions or triple points. As with
the triple point of water, we have no control over the Mn(s)/Mn(l)/MnO(s) triple point (unless we increase or
decrease the total pressure from 1 atm).
As illustrated in Figure 5.3 Type II phase diagrams are really quite different from Type I phase diagrams. Instead of
two thermodynamic potential axes, one of the axes is a ratio of conjugate extensive variables. Later, when dealing
with free energy vs. composition diagrams, we will return to answering the question of how a potential axis can
be replaced by a ratio axis to establish thermodynamic equilibrium. For now, suffice it to say that if we eliminate
the -VdP term in the Gibbs-Duhem equation (by holding pressure fixed) we obtain for a two-component system:
0 = SdT + n A d A + n B d B
One can chose to fix T and one of the chemical potentials ( A or B ), which is relatively difficult to do, or one can
chose to fix T and the ratio of the moles of B to the moles of A. Fixing n B /n A is inconvenient, however, since at one
extreme (n A 0) the ratio goes to infinity. Instead, as you well know, we fix the mole fraction of B, as seen in the
x-axis of the common binary eutectic phase diagram sketched schematically in Figure 7.1. The following sections
deal with how we can estimate each type of phase boundary (liquidus, solidus, solvus) in Type II phase diagrams
from the simple solution thermodynamic models you already know (Raoultian, Henrian, Regular), as long as we
make some simplifying assumptions. More complicated situations are better handled by software dedicated to
predicting phase diagrams, taking into account more sophisticated models and behavior of individual solutions.
Such software programs are discussed briefly at the end of this text. But for now, the following sections will build
confidence in linking phase diagrams with their underlying solution thermodynamic origins, and will hopefully
cause you to think about and question the specific models that lie behind the "black boxes" of modern phase
diagram algorithms.
= liquid
To simplify our prediction of liquidus behavior, lets assume there to be negligible solid solubility and that the liquid is ideal or Raoultian. The former assumption is reflected in Figure 7.2 by the notations, A and B, denoting
nearly pure solid A and B, and `s denoting a liquid solution. Of course, we know from solution thermodynamics
that there is no such thing as a perfectly pure solid. The assumption of liquid ideality just means that the activity
of each component in the liquid is approximately equal to its mole fraction (ai = Xi ). Given these two assumptions, it is fairly straightforward to estimate the liquidus line for a "negligible solid solubility" system. Consider
the situation in Figure 7.2:
"A" +
"A" + "B"
Thermodynamically, the equilibrium of essentially pure solid A and the ideal liquid solution at the temperature
shown in Figure 7.2 can be expressed by the equality of their chemical potentials, as shown in equation 7.2:
oA (s) = A (`)
where oA (s) is the standard state chemical potential of pure solid A. From solution thermodynamics we know
that the chemical potential in a solution (in this case, the liquid solution) is related to the chemical potential in the
pure state by equation 7.3:
i = io + RT ln ai
We also know that the activity of the liquid can be replaced by its mole fraction (ideal solution). This leads to
equation 7.4:
oA (s) ' oA (`) + RT ln X A (`)
Rearranging, we obtain equation :
But the right side of equation 7.5 is simply the Gm of melting of component A per mole, which we know to be
Hm TSm . At the melting point (Tm ) we know that Gm = 0, such that Hm = Tm Sm or Sm = Hm /Tm .
However, the temperature of equilibrium in Figure 7.2 is not the melting temperature. Modern software packages
can account for changes in enthalpy and entropy for pure liquid and solid A at different temperatures. But we
can at least make an estimate of what might happen by employing a further simplification, and assume that the
enthalpy of melting is approximately constant and does not change significantly with temperature. This is often
referred to as the c p 0 approximation, namely that the difference in heat capacities between pure solid A
and pure liquid A is negligible such that the enthalpy of melting is approximately temperature-independent. This
gives the following equation 7.6:
Gm = Hm TSm ' Hm T
' Hm 1
RT ln X A (`) ' Hm ( A) 1
Tm ( A)
which is a rough estimate of the point on the liquidus curve in Figure 7.2. In fact, we can solve the same equation
for any temperature, starting with the melting temperature Tm ( A), for which the right side of equation 7.7 is zero.
This requires that the mole fraction of A in the liquid be unity, i.e., X A (`) = 1 or pure A, corresponding to the
top of the liquidus in diagram 7.2. As we decrease the input temperature, the right side of the equation becomes
increasingly positive, corresponding to smaller and smaller fractional values of X (`) decreasing from unity to go
along with the steady reduction in the liquidus temperature, as shown schematically in Fig. 7.2. By writing the
corresponding equation for the B-liquidus at the other side of the phase diagram, again assuming negligible solid
solution and ideal liquid behavior, we obtain equation 7.8:
RT ln XB (`) ' Hm ( B) 1
Tm ( B)
Both liquidus lines (actually curves) are captured schematically in Figure 7.3. They fall away from the pure endmembers, A and B, and can be extended far beyond the horizontal line shown on the figure. The horizontal line is
where the two liquidus curves intersect. At this point, the same liquid solution is in equilibrium with both solids A
and B, and equations 7.7 and 7.8 are simultaneously satisfied. According to the phase rule, there are three phases
in equilibrium and there are no degrees of freedom. We have arrived at an invariant point, which you know
well as a binary eutectic.
"A" +
+ "B"
"A" + "B"
Lets pause for a moment to consider a couple of things about the behavior we have just described. First of
all, the falling liquidus lines are examples of freezing point lowering. This important phenomenon is used to
advantage on icy streets by applying salt, which lowers the freezing point of ice. Of course, this requires that the
ice melt and the liquid dissolve some salt as component B in Figure 7.2. Upon refreezing, however, the liquidus
(first occurrence of solid water) is not reached until a significantly lower temperature. Furthermore, when we
drop the temperature still lower, we enter a two-phase region where ice is in equilibrium with liquid salt solution,
a mixture we commonly refer to as slush.
Another good example of freezing point lowering is in the manufacture of Portland cement by the process of
klinkering. There are two compounds produced by this process, (CaO)2 SiO2 or C2 S in cement speak and
(CaO)3 SiO2 or C3 S. These compounds, when pulverized to powders and mixed with water, react to form the
so-called C-S-H gel (H for H2 O or OH), the glue that upon hardening holds everything together in mortar
(Portland cement plus sand) and concrete (Portland cement plus sand plus aggregate/crushed rock).
What does this have to do with freezing point lowering? Well, with a rare exception in the dessicated regions
of Israel, C2 S and C3 S do not occur in nature. If they did, they would spontaneously react with any water to
form C-S-H gel. By the way, if you ever have a concrete sidewalk or driveway poured, dont let it dry, which
is a common (and disastrous!) misconception. Cement hydration/hardening actually consumes water, so once
initial set has taken place, gently hose is down (or cover it with plastic) to keep it from drying out, which can
lead to ruinous surface cracking.
The point here is that C2 S and C3 S are man-made compounds, and their manufacture depends upon freezing
point lowering. Both compounds have melting points in excess of 2000o C, higher than just about any low-cost
refractories (the high-melting ceramics used to line furnaces and kilns). But with certain fluxing agents, for
example, Fe2 O3 and Al2 O3 , the liquidus drops dramatically to the 1350o C to 1450o C range. Since this is now at least
a ternary system (CaO, SiO2 , Al2 O3 ), we will come back to the phase diagram when considering Type III phase
diagrams. For now it is enough to know that in enormous, gradually-sloped rotary kilns (pronounced kills) the
length of football fields, C2 S and C3 S balls (referred to by the German word, klinker) tumble in their quasiequilibrium liquid. Imagine an overall composition midway between A (C2 S/C3 S) and the eutectic composition
in Fig. 7.2, but at the temperature indicated by the horizontal dashed line (a roughly 50:50 combination of solid
and liquid would result). The klinker balls that emerge from the lower end of a cement kiln (both in terms
of height and temperature), when cooled, pulverized, and ground to the consistency of fine flour become what
we refer to as Portland cement. This process is only possible owing to freezing point lowering. By the way,
Portland cement is a very important man-made material. Every year, approximately one ton of concrete is poured
per capita in the developed and developing countries of the world!
One last point can be made regarding the the origin of the name eutectic, whose Greek origins refer to easy
melting. In the binary eutectic diagram of Fig. 7.3, the liquidus lines fall away from the A and B end-members
to the eutectic point, which is therefore the lowest-melting composition in the entire A-B system. We refer to the
composition as the eutectic or easy-melting composition.
In the previous example we were dealing with a continuous liquid solution, but negligible solid solution. But what
happens if both liquid and solid solutions are continuous across the A-B phase diagram? An example of such a
phase diagram is shown schematically in Figure 7.4, where the upper line is the liquidus and the lower line is the
solidus. This is a very unique situation that only happens if the end-member solids obey certain requirements,
as put forth in the well-known Hume-Rothery rules: 1) the two solids must have the same crystal structure, 2)
the two species should have similar electronegativities, and 3) their atomic radii must not differ by more than 15
percent. Thermodynamically speaking, the enthalpies of mixing should be nearly the same for the liquid solution
M . For our estimation of liquidus and solidus lines we will assume both
as for the solid solution, or HlsM ' Hss
enthalpies of solution to be zero, or that both solutions are ideal or Raoultian.
Lets start with the two-phase equilibrium between liquid solution and solid solution as shown in Figure 7.4 and
as expressed by equation 7.9:
A (`) = A (s)
However, as per equation 7.3 we can replace each side of equation 7.9 with the appropriate oA + RT ln a A term,
giving us equation :
oA (`) + RT ln a A (`) = oA (s) + RT ln a A (s)
Rearranging this equation and substituting mole fractions in place of activities (we are assuming both solutions to
be ideal), we obtain equation 7.11:
RT ln
X A (s)
= oA (`) oA (s)
X A (`)
The right side of this equation is the free energy of melting per mole of pure A, which we previously approximated
by equation 7.6. Making the same simplifying approximation and rearranging, we obtain equation 7.12:
X A (s)
RT ln
' Hm ( A) 1
X A (`)
Tm ( A)
This equation only gives us the ratio of mole fractions of component A at a given equilibrium temperature. Fortunately, an analogous equation can be derived for component B:
RT ln
XB (s)
' Hm ( B) 1
XB (`)
Tm ( B)
For each given temperature, we can solve for each ratio in equations 7.12 and 7.13. If we let the two ratios be
= X A (s)/X A (`) and = XB (s)/XB (`), and remind ourselves of the fact that the mole fractions must sum to
unity for each solution (X A (s) + XB (s) = 1; X A (`) + XB (`) = 1), we can show that:
XB (s)
1 X A (s)
1 X A (`)
XB (`)
1 X A (`)
1 X A (`)
from which the mole fraction of A on the liquidus can be obtained, namely X A (`) = (1 ) / ( ). The mole
fraction of A on the solidus can then be obtained from the ratio . Of course, to plot rather in terms of the mole
fraction of B, one need only employ the X A + XB = 1 relations for each solution.
This example shows how the binary isomorphous diagram can be estimated for an A-B system, given only the two
melting points and the enthalpies of melting. The process above need only be repeated systematically between the
melting points of the two end-members to arrive at a diagram like the schematic in Figure 7.4.
Before the development of chemical vapor deposition, currently employed to purify silicon to transistor-grade
levels (impurities at parts per billion!), a method called "zone-refining" was used to clean up crystalline ingots of
silicon. The idea can be understood from the binary isomorphous diagram of Figure 7.4. Let component "B" be
silicon. If we melt silicon with an impurity content at the left end of the equilibrium line in the figure, it can be
seen that the solid crystallizing from the melt is significantly cleaner. Suppose we could isolate this cleaner solid.
If we could repeat the process with this solid, melting it and crystallizing it, the composition of the solid would
move progressively to the right, toward higher purity silicon. In fact, this was accomplished by repeated passes
of a localized heater along the length of a cylindrical silicon crystal held at nearly its melting point. The "molten
zone" was held in place by surface tension and it concentrated impurities and took them along for the ride. This
happened to impurities with a positive "distribution coefficient," or k = X (s)/X (`) > 1 as in Figure 7.4. Impurities
with a negative distribution coefficient went the opposite direction and were left behind. Either way, with each
pass of the "molten zone" the central portion of the crystalline ingot became more and more pure, as the impurities
were dragged/left behind at the ends, which were cut off and discarded.
It is rare when a system satisfies the conditions for a continuous solid solution. Instead, we see phase separation
into two solids at low temperatures as on the schematic binary eutectic diagram of Figure 7.1. These can be
entirely different crystal structures as in Figure 7.1, described as phase and phase . Or they can be the same
crystal structure, but phase-separation into phases 1 and 2 occurs at low temperature. The latter behavior can
be described by the regular solution model you learned about in solution thermodynamics. In the following
development, lets assume that the entropy of mixing is solely configurational, namely that it consists of only
the ideal entropy of mixing in equation 7.15:
S M = S M,id = R [ X A ln X A + XB ln XB ]
Now, for the excess free energy of mixing, lets assume the symmetrical enthalpy of mixing for a Regular solution
as in equation 7.16:
G xs = H M = X A XB
where is known as the interaction parameter. It describes how A and B interact upon dissolving in one
another. For example, the type of phase separation we will describe requires significantly large positive values of
, which raises the free energy of mixing, especially in the middle of the solution (X A XB ). The overall free
energy of mixing is the sum of equation 7.15 and 7.16:
G M = H M TS M,id = X A XB + RT [ X A ln X A + XB ln XB ]
= ( X A XB ) + RT (ln XB ln X A )
Remember that dX A = dXB when differentiating. It turns out that this is the equation describing the phase
boundaries of the dome-shaped solvus at any temperature in Figure 7.5. We can additional useful information by
taking the second and third derivatives of equation 7.17. The second derivative is:
2 G M
= 2 + RT
This equation also has special significance, namely the second derivative marks the inflection points in the G M vs
composition curve of Figure 7.5. Outside of each inflection point, marked with a square, the second derivative is
positive (the curve is concave up) whereas in the middle the the second derivative is negative (the curve is concave
down). You will discuss in later materials science and engineering coursework the importance of these "spinodes,"
especially with respect to a process known as spinodal decomposition.
To arrive at useful forms of both derivative functions, we need to take yet another derivative. It turns out that at
the very top of the solvus in Figure 7.5 all three derivatives are zero. The third derivative of equation 7.17 is:
3 G M
= RT
X 2A
Figure 7.5: Simple solvus and free energy of mixing curve for the Regular solution model.
Now we can begin to put all the derivatives to good use. For the third derivative to be zero requires that X A =
XB = 0.5. This tells us that the top of the solvus is at the equimolar composition as shown in Figure 7.5. But
the second derivative is also zero at the top of the solvus. For equation 7.19 to be zero requires that 2/RT =
1/X A + 1/XB = 1/0.5 + 1/0.5 = 4 or = 2RT. We refer to this as the "critical" temperature, Tcr , such that
Tcr = /2R. This is an important relationship. Given the critical temperature or top of the solvus in Figure 7.5, we
can estimate the interaction parameter. Or given the interaction parameter, we can estimate the top of the solvus.
Now lets plug these results into the first derivative equation 7.18, also setting it equal to zero:
ln X A + ln XB = ln
( XB X A ) =
( XB X A )
( XB X A )
or more simply:
There are two solutions (phase boundaries) to this equation. For example, if we chose a temperature 80% of the
critical temperature or T/Tcr = 0.8 the two solutions are at XB = 0.145 and XB = 0.855, the latter being the
symmetrical solution (X A = 0.145). In the lower diagram of Figure 7.5 the lowest free energy situation between
the two phase boundaries is to strike out along the dashed line, meaning an assemblage of two separate phases
rather than a continuous solid solution, which is at higher free energies. It is actually easier to isolate T in equation
7.22 and solve for it by plugging in a composition. To obtain the following equation, remember that X A = 1 XB
such that XB X A = XB (1 XB ) = 2XB 1.
2Tcr (2XB 1)
ln 1XXB B
Again, dont forget the two solutions at each temperature; the second XB solution is the value of X A for the first
solution. To find the "spinodes," we need to set the second derivative equal to zero. The quantity (1/X A + 1/XB )
on the right side of equation 7.19 can be replaced by ( XB + X A ) /X A XB , which is simply (1/X A XB ). For the
second derivative to be zero requires that 2/RT = (1/X A + 1/XB ) or:
This turns out to be a simple quadratic function, which can be readily solved for composition:
XB =
1 4( 4TTcr )
Again, there are two solutions at every temperature. For example, at 0.8Tcr the two solutions are XB =0.276 and
XB =0.724. There is much more to spinodes and spinodal decomposition than these very simplified equations, as
you will discover in higher level materials coursework.
Although computer programs are able to do a far better job predicting the liquidus, solidus and solvus lines on
Type II or binary phase diagrams, the previous three sections illustrate how far we can get with some very
simple models and assumptions. In that same vein, we now turn to how thermodynamic activity varies with
composition in the very phase diagrams considered thus far.
Consider the binary isomorphous phase diagram in Figure 7.6. As above, we will consider both liquid and solid
solutions to behave ideally, meaning that they each follow Raoults Law (ai = Xi ). At the melting point of B,
Tm ( B), the activity vs. composition plot is very simple, as shown to the right. The line follows Raoults Law,
hence the RL label. Since pure liquid B and pure solid B are in equilibrium at Tm ( B), the plot will be the same
regardless of which we chose to be the standard state at that temperature.
However, consider a temperature midway between the two melting temperatures (T*), as depicted in Figure 7.6.
It makes sense to chose pure solid B as the standard state, since we are well below the melting point of B. The plot
immediately below the phase diagram shows how the activity changes with composition. We always start with
the phase that is in the same state as the standard state. In this case we begin at the aoB (s) = 1 point (top right) and
begin working backwards down the dashed Raoults Law line until we reach the two-phase equilibrium between
liquid solution and solid solution. In a two-component system at fixed temperature and pressure the degrees of
freedom are 2- P, or zero in the two-phase region. This requires that both chemical potential and thermodynamic
activity be constant in this region, marked EQ for equilibrium. The leftmost regime is seemingly straightforward,
since we know that thermodynamic activity must go to zero at zero composition. But this region is also labeled
RL, yet the line drawn is far from the dashed line for Raoults Law. The reason is that we are now dealing with a
liquid solution on a plot for which the standard state is pure B solid. In fact, if we extrapolate Raoults Law in the
liquid solution all the way to the right side of the activity plot, we obtain the activity of pure liquid B (if it could
be obtained at this temperature) with respect to (WRT) pure solid B being the standard state and having unit
In the bottommost activity plot, we have chosen pure liquid B to be the standard state, having unit activity. But here
we must start our activity plot in the regime where liquid exists, which is on the left side of the phase diagram in
Figure 7.6. We know that the activity must be zero at XB = 0, so (0,0) is our starting point. Since we have assumed
a Raoultian liquid, the activity follows Raoults Law (RL) until the two-phase equilibrium (EQ) between liquid
and solid solutions, where the activity is constant. The rightmost region is also labeled RL for Raoults Law, but
is again far from the dashed Raoults Law line. Again, the reason is that we are now dealing with a solid solution
on a plot for which the standard state is pure B liquid (if it could be obtained at this temperature). By fitting a
line from the (0,0) point through the rightmost circled point of the two-phase equilibrium and continuing it to the
right side of the diagram, we obtain the activity of pure solid B with respect to (WRT) pure liquid B being the
standard state at T*. It can be shown that the ratio of aoB (`)/aoB (s) is the same for the two diagrams. Furthermore,
it is determined by the free energy of melting or fusion of component B, as we will now show.
At the two-phase equilibrium between liquid solution and solid solution, we can write the following relationships
between chemical potential and activity. For the solid we get equation 7.27:
B (s) = oB (s) + RT ln
a B (s)
aoB (s)
solid B as
standard state
liquid B as
standard state
Figure 7.6: Activity vs. composition plots for an ideal binary isomorphous system.
a B (`)
aoB (`)
Until now, we have always assumed the standard state activity to be unity, namely aio = 1 such that ai /aio = ai .
However, now we can make a choice as to which standard state we set equal to unity. If we consider the two-phase
equilibrium in Figure 7.6, where B (s) = B (`) and a B (s) = a B (`), we can subtract equation 7.28 from equation
7.27 to obtain equation 7.29:
0 = oB (s) oB (`) + RT ln
aoB (`)
aoB (s)
Recognizing that oB (`) oB (s) is the free energy of melting per mole of pure B or Gm ( B), we can use the same
approximation as in Equation 7.6, namely that c p 0 or Hm ( B) is not a function of temperature to obtain
equation 7.30:
RT ln
aoB (`)
aoB (s)
Tm ( B)
This provides the explanation for how the activity vs. composition plots behave in Figure 7.6. At T = Tm ( B) the
right side of equation 7.30 is zero; the two standard state activities are the same (aoB (s) = aoB (`) = 1). However,
at other temperatures, we have the choice of which standard state activity we set equal to unity, hence the two
diagrams for the temperature T*. If we divide both sides of equation 7.30 by RT and exponentiate, we find that
at a fixed temperature less than Tm ( B) (e.g., T*) the activity ratio aoB (`)/aoB (s) is a constant and is greater than
unity, given that the right side of equation 7.30 is now positive. If we set aoB (s) = 1, it follows that the projected
activity of pure liquid B (if it could exist at T*) would have an activity greater than unity. On the other hand, if
we set aoB (`) = 1 it follows that the projected activity of pure solid B will have a value less than unity, as on the
lower diagram of Figure 7.6. It should be stressed, however, that Raoults Law is really a B = XB aoB . When dealing
with the same phase (liquid or solid solution) as the standard state, it is understood that aoB = 1 and the RL
line will fall on the dashed line in Figure 7.6. However, when dealing with the opposite phase (liquid or solid
solution) from the standard state, Raoults Law will still be a line, but its slope will be governed by the activity
ratio aoB (`)/aoB (s). In the lower two activity plots of Figure 7.6, we draw a line from the origin to or through the
point at which we know the activity relative to the opposing standard state scale. In the bottom diagram, this
linear projection ends at the activity of pure B solid with respect to pure B liquid having unit activity.
We can also draw schematic activity vs. composition diagrams for many binary eutectic systems by making the
simplifying assumption that the solid solutions are "dilute" solutions. A dilute solution is one for which the solute
(the minor component) behaves in a Henrys Law fashion and the solvent (the majority or "host" component)
behaves in a Raoults Law fashion. In fact, it can be proven that if the solute is Henrian, the solvent must be
Raoultian. In a dilute solution, the solute (B) atoms are only surrounded by A atoms. It makes sense that the
activity coefficient (B ) in the general equation 7.31:
a B = B XB
will not vary with composition over the "dilute" regime until it begins to encounter other B atoms in its surroundings, giving us Henrys Law (equation 7.32):
a B = B XB ; B 6= f ( XB )
Lets find out what this requires of the solvent, component A. Since B is a constant, it follows that d ln a B = d ln XB .
But consider a version of the Gibbs-Duhem equation 7.33:
X A d A + XB d B = X A RTd ln a A + XB RTd ln a B = 0
Dividing out the "RT" term and rearranging gives us equation 7.34, where we employ our knowledge of the solute
behavior (d ln a B = d ln XB ) to replace d ln a B on the right by d ln XB :
d ln a A =
d ln a B = B d ln XB
But, of course, d ln XB = dXB /XB , dXB = dX A and dX A /X A = d ln X A such that equation 7.34 becomes equation
d ln a A = d ln X A
However, by definition, the activity of A must be unity when X A = 1, requiring that the integration constant be
unity, or a A = X A , which is Raoults Law. This means that over the composition range that the solute behaves
in a Henrian fashion, the solvent behaves in a Raoultian fashion. This will greatly aid us in sketching activity vs.
composition plots. For the sake of simplicity, we will also make the simplifying assumption that the liquid is an
ideal solution.
Figure 7.7 is a binary eutectic system with limited solid solubility; we will assume "dilute" behavior. As with
the binary isomorphous phase diagram, at the melting point of B it follows that both standard state activities are
unity so the activity-composition plot on the right is quite straightforward. The activity of B follows Raoults Law
across the diagram. Similarly, at the temperature T1 the behavior is quite similar to what we saw with the binary
isomorphous phase diagram. We have the choice of B two standard states: solid and liquid. In each diagram
we have a two-phase equilibrium ("EQ") separating two Raoults Law lines (one for the liquid and one for the
solvent of the "dilute" solution on the right) and the ratio of aoB (`)/aoB (s) is a constant. If we assume further that
the enthalpy of melting of pure B is roughly temperature-independent, we can invoke equation 7.30 to estimate
the ratio, given the melting temperature and melting enthalpy of B.
Figure 7.7: Binary eutectic with limited solid solution. Activity vs. composition plots.
At temperature T2 the situation is a bit more complicated, as depicted in Figure 7.8. If we chose solid B as the
standard state, we would begin on the right of the diagram and follow the dashed line for Raoults Law (B being
the ideal solvent) down to the phase boundary of the two-phase regime, where the activity would be constant
owing to equilibrium "EQ" between liquid solution and the solid solution. The third line is marked "RL" for
Raoults Law, since we have assumed that the liquid solution behaves this way. The reason that this "RL" line lies
above the dashed line is that this is Raoults Law in the liquid solution with respect to pure solid B having unit
activity. To obtain this line, simply draw a line from the origin through the leftmost point of the previous "EQ"
situation. The extrapolation of this line to the right side of the diagram would give the activity of pure liquid B
(if it could be obtained at this temperature) with respect to pure solid B. Continuing to the left on the plot, we
have yet another two-phase equilibrium (between liquid solution and the solid solution) and a horizontal "EQ"
situation. The final regime is strictly in the phase, for which the B-component is the dilute solute, hence Henrys
Law ("HL") is obeyed.
Figure 7.8: Binary eutectic with limited solid solution. More activity vs. composition plots.
But we have another choice of standard state that can be made, namely pure B liquid, shown in the bottom diagram
of Figure 7.8. As before, we must begin where the phase in question is in the same state as the standard state
(liquid). So we start in the very middle of the diagram where liquid solution exists by itself. The activity of B
must fall on the standard Raoults law a B = XB dashed line as shown. At each end of this RL line segment
we encounter two-phase equilibria between liquid solution and solid solution on the left, and between liquid
solution and solid solution on the right. These are the two horizontal segments marked EQ on the plot. The
final segment on the left brings the activity to zero at the origin of the plot. This segment is marked HL for
Henrys Law, since B is the dilute solute in the solid solution. For the final segment on the right, we know that
B is the solvent in the solid solution, and should behave according to Raoults Law as marked on the diagram.
However, this is Raoults law in the solid solution with respect to pure liquid B being the standard state. Therefore
the segment falls on a lower line extrapolated from the origin through the activity at the rightmost point of the twophase liquid solution- equilibrium (EQ). Where it strikes the right axis of the plot corresponds to the activity
of pure solid B with respect to pure liquid B having unit activity. As with the binary isomorphous example, the
ratio of aoB (`)/aoB (s) in the two lower plots must be the same. Again, if we assume that the enthalpy of melting of
pure B is roughly temperature-independent, we can invoke equation 7.30 to estimate the ratio, given the melting
temperature and melting enthalpy of component B.
Below the eutectic temperature we are only dealing with solid solutions, so the situation is quite straightforward.
The a B XB plot to the right of the phase diagram in Figure 7.8 shows how the activity of B varies with composition. We start by defining pure solid B as the standard state. Since B is the solvent in the solid solution, the plot
follows Raoults Law until the two-phase equilibrium between the and solutions, the long horizontal segment
marked EQ in the diagram. The third and final segment takes the activity of B to zero at the origin. Since B is
the dilute solute in the phase, this segment is marked HL for Henrys Law.
In order to compare the free energies of two or more phases in Type II phase diagrams, we need to plot absolute
free energies rather than the free energy change upon mixing (G M ) as in Figure 7.5. Before working with such
diagrams, however, we need to have two more thermodynamic tools in our toolbox. The first deals with determining the chemical potentials at a given composition from free energy vs. composition curves, and the second
has to do with how free energy curves approach the y-axes (G-axes) at either end of such diagrams.
Figure 7.9: Schematic diagram of free energy vs. composition of a continuous solution.
In Figure 7.9 is a schematic diagram of absolute free energy vs. composition of a continuous solution in the A-B
system. This could be a liquid solution or a solid solution. The total free energy is given by equation 7.37:
G0 = n A A + nB B
If we divide both sides by (n A + n B ) we arrive at the free energy per mole of solution or equation 7.38:
G = X A A + XB B
However, from the Gibbs-Duhem equation (per mole of solution) at constant temperature and pressure in equation
7.33 we have equation 7.40:
0 = X A d A + XB d B
Now lets subtract equation 7.40 from equation 7.39 to obtain equation 7.41:
dG = A dX A + B dXB = ( A B )dX A
since dXB = dX A . If we multiply both sides of equation 7.41 by XB /dX A we obtain equation 7.42:
dX A
Now lets add equations 7.38 and 7.42 to obtain equation 7.43:
G + XB
= A ( X A + XB ) = A
dX A
By analogy, we can derive a similar equation for the chemical potential of B as equation 7.44:
G + XA
= B ( X A + XB ) = B
These are very important equations. For example, equation 7.44 tells us that if we take the slope of the G vs. XB
curve at any point (e.g., X A in Figure 7.9) and place the corresponding line on the diagram, the right intercept
will be the chemical potential of B at that particular composition ( B at X A ). This follows from the left side of
equation 7.44. The sum of the absolute value of G at that composition plus the product of the mole fraction of
A (marked as "run" on the diagram) and the slope dG/dXB (marked "rise/run" on the diagram) yields B at that
composition. Similarly, at the left end of this tangent line will be the chemical potential of component A at that
same composition.
This procedure is often referred to as the method of tangential intercepts. It is important for several reasons: 1) It
conclusively proves that we can fix two chemical potentials by fixing the ratio of two conjugate extensive variables,
in this case the ratio of n B /n A or rather the mole fraction, n B /(n A + n B ). 2) Given a specific G vs. XB curve, we
can determine the chemical potentials at any composition. 3) Since we know the chemical potential of the pure
end-members A (oA ) and B (oB ), namely the extreme ends of each G vs. XB curve, we can also know the activity
at any composition using the i = io + RT ln ai relationship. 4) Finally, if we have two phases in equilibrium, they
must share the same common tangent and intercepts so that the chemical potentials and activities are the same in
both phases. We will illustrate this when we draw schematic free energy vs. composition curves for actual phase
diagrams (below).
It can be shown that the terminal slopes on a free energy vs. composition plot should be infinitely negative as
XB 0 and infinitely positive as XB 1. Lets begin with the regular solution model of equation 7.17:
G M = H M TS M,id = X A XB + RT [ X A ln X A + XB ln XB ]
The first derivative of this equation with respect to XB gives us equation 7.46:
= ( X A XB ) + RT [ ln X A + ln XB ]
In the limit that XB 0 (X A 1 ) the derivative becomes negative infinity and in the opposite limit where
XB 1 (X A 0 ) the derivative becomes positive infinity. These hold true regardless of the size of the interaction
parameter . What this means is that in any free energy vs. composition plots we sketch, the terminal slopes must
be at the left and + at the right.
Schematic Free Energy vs. Composition Curves for a Binary Isomorphous System
Given these tools, we can sketch schematic free energy vs. composition curves for specific phase diagrams. In Figure 7.10 are three such plots for three different temperatures in the A-B binary isomorphous system. Temperature
T1 is above the melting point of component B and the liquid solution has the lowest free energy at all compositions
compared to the solid solution. The situation at the melting point of B would be essentially the same, with the
curve for the liquid solution being everywhere below that of the solid solution with the exception of the composition, XB = 1, where the two curves would meet. The situation is reversed at temperature T3 . This temperature
is below the melting point of component A and the solid solution now has the lowest free energy at all compositions compared to the liquid solution. The situation at the melting point of A would be essentially the same,
with the curve for the solid solution being everywhere below that of the liquid solution with the exception of the
composition, XB = 0, where the two curves would meet.
Figure 7.10: Schematic free energy vs. composition curves for a binary isomorphous system.
At temperature T2 , however, the two curves overlap in such a way that the liquid solution has the lowest free
energy on the left side of the phase diagram and the solid solution has the lowest free energy on the right side of
the phase diagram. Between the two phase boundaries, however, the lowest free energy situation can be found
on the common tangent or dashed line between the two curves. In other words, the equilibrium situation is
an assemblage of the two solutions, liquid and solid. In fact, any combination of composition and temperature
inside the lens of the phase diagram will have a microstructure consisting of a combination of liquid solution
and solid solution, whose compositions are determined by the ends of the horizontal tie line for the temperature
in question, as shown for T2 in the phase diagram.
Schematic Free Energy vs. Composition Plots for Binary Eutectic Diagrams
When dealing with a binary eutectic phase diagram, we have to consider the thermodynamic interaction of three
phases: the liquid solution (ls) and two solid solutions. When the solid solution on the A side of the diagram
and the solid solution on the B side of the diagram have different crystal structures, as in Figure 7.11, there will
be three distinct free energy vs. composition curves at each temperature.
Figure 7.11: Schematic free energy vs. composition curves for a binary eutectic system with distinct phases and .
The temperature T1 is above the eutectic temperature. In the middle of the phase diagram the liquid solution (ls)
has the lowest free energy. But beyond the liquidus curves to left and right we have two-phase equilibria between
liquid solution and one of the solid solutions: solid solution on the left and solid solution on the right. The
lowest free energy situation in each case is along the respective line of common tangency, as shown. In these
two-phase regions, the chemical potentials can be found at the extremes of the associated common tangent line.
Beyond the solidus lines to the left and right, we have either solid solution by itself (X A 1) or solid solution
by itself (XB 1). In each case, the lowest free energy situation is the curve for that phase by itself ( or ).
On the other hand, the temperature T2 is below the eutectic temperature. The free energy vs. compostion curve for
the liquid solution lies everywhere above those of the two solid solutions. The lowest free energy situation is either
a single solid solution by itself, namely solid solution or solid solution on the left and right ends of the phase
diagram, respectively, or a microstructure incorporating both and solid solutions in the middle of the phase
diagram. Their equilibrium is reflected in the common tangent line between their free energy vs. composition
curves in the diagram to the right of the phase diagram.
At the eutectic temperature all three phases (ls, , ) are in equilibrium. This is reflected in the free energy vs. composition curves for all three phases sharing the same common tangent line at Teut , hence the chemical potentials
and thermodynamic activities are the same in all three phases. Only at the left and right extremes of the phase
diagram do we have solid solution by itself (X A 1) or solid solution by itself (XB 1). The solidus and
solvus lines intersect the horizontal eutectic line at the maximum solubilities (of B in and of A in ), at least for
this phase diagram. Any composition between these points will exhibit a three-phase microstructure involving
differing amounts of solid solution, liquid solution, and solid solution, depending upon overall composition.
There is another way, however, to realize a binary eutectic phase diagram similar to that in Figure 7.11. Such a
diagram and its associated free energy vs. composition curves are shown in Figure 7.12.
Figure 7.12: Schematic free energy vs. compostion curves for a binary eutectic system with two solid solutions of the same
crystal structure.
In this case, the solid solution on either side of the phase diagram is essentially the same solid solution with the
same crystal structure. However, owing to interaction between the A and B atoms, the solid solution is prone
to phase-separation. We described this previously, making use of the Regular solution model with a positive
interaction parameter . Temperature T2 is below the eutectic temperature. As shown in the diagram to the right,
the free energy vs. composition curve for the liquid solution lies everywhere above that of the solid solution.
However, the free energy vs. composition curve for the solid solution is consistent with phase separation into
two solid solutions, ss1 and ss2 . At the eutectic temperature, all three "phases" share the same common tangent
line. The solidus and solvus lines intersect the horizontal eutectic line at the maximum solubilities (of B in ss1 and
of A in ss2 ). Any composition between these points will exhibit a three-phase microstructure involving differing
amounts of ss1 solid soution, liquid solution, and ss2 solid solution, depending upon overall composition. The
temperature T1 lies above the eutectic temperature. In the middle of the phase diagram the liquid solution (ls)
has the lowest free energy. But beyond the liquidus curves to left and right we have two-phase equilibria between
liquid solution and either ss1 or ss2 . The lowest free energy situation in each case is along the respective line of
common tangency, as shown. In these two-phase regions, the chemical potentials can be found at the extremes of
the associated common tangent line. Beyond the solidus lines to the left and right, the lowest energy situation is
the curve for solid solution by itself, either ss1 on the left or ss2 on the right.
Pelton and Thompson showed what could be done by just employing the Regular solution model for both liquid
and solid solutions [1]. The resulting set of diagrams is given in Figure 7.13.
Figure 7.13: Predicted phase diagrams vs. regular solution interaction parameters (after Pelton and Thompson).
The phase diagram toward the middle of Figure 7.13 (row 3, column 3) can be easily recognized as corresponding to a binary isomorphous system, for which the interaction parameters for both solutions (liquid, solid) are
equal. In this case, it is assumed that the interaction parameters are both zero, ls = ss = 0. In other words,
both solutions are taken to be ideal or Raoultian. Note what happens as we stay in the same column (ls = 0)
but moving upward, the value of the interaction parameter for the solid solution is made progressively more
and more positive. We obtain the conventional binary eutectic phase diagram, first with limited solid solubility
(ss = 15 kJ/mole) and then with negligible solid solubility (ss = 30 kJ/mole). The behavior at the top-right
of Fig. 7.13 is particularly distinctive. This is referred to as monotectic behavior. If we dramatically increase
the interaction parameter of the liquid solution (to +20 or +30 kJ/mole), we can produce phase-separation in the
liquid, i.e., the coexistence of two liquid solutions. Such behavior is employed in the manufacture of a low-cost,
high-silica glass called Vycor (by the Corning Company). Glass bodies are made out of borosilicate glass, which
then phase-separates into two interconnected phases. The one with lower silica content is leached out by acid at
room temperature, leaving the silica-rich phase, which is then densified at elevated temperature into an essentially
dense silica body.
Another Category of Type II Phase Diagrams: Oxygen Partial Pressure vs. Composition
Just as we saw with Type I phase diagrams, there is more than one kind of phase diagram within the Type II
category. In the case of Type I diagrams we became aware of several kinds, namely P vs. T, chemical potential vs.
T (both Ellingham-type and log pO2 vs. T), and chemical potential vs. chemical potential (stability or predominance
area diagrams). For Type II diagrams we have thus far only treated T vs. mole fraction diagrams, but there are
definitely other kinds. Figure 7.14 shows a schematic log pO2 vs. mole fraction diagram. Note that both the total
pressure (1 atm) and temperature (1000K) had to be fixed (C+2 becomes C+0 in the phase rule) in order to result
in a 2-dimensional phase diagram for this three-component A-B-O system, namely, F=C+0-P or F=3-P.
P = 1atm
T = 1000K
Figure 7.14: Schematic log pO2 vs. mole fraction Type II phase diagram for the A-B-O system at fixed temperature and
At first glance, this would seem to be a T vs. mole fraction phase diagram for a binary isomorphous system as in
Fig. 7.4, which it closely resembles. However, this is not the case. In a T-X binary isomorphous phase diagram
the two phases in equilibrium at the lens are liquid solution (prevails at higher temperature) and solid solution
(prevails at lower temperature). In Fig. 7.14 the two phases in equilibrium are an oxide AO-BO solid solution
(prevails at higher pO2 ) and an alloy A-B solid solution (prevails at lower pO2 ). The x-axis is the mole fraction of B
in either phase, namely XB /( X A + XB ), which translates into XBO /( X AO + XBO ) in the oxide solid solution (see
the dual x-axis in Fig. 7.14). Both solutions are 1) solid and 2) continuous. So this is an oxidation phase diagram.
The pO2 values at either end of the lens correspond the point of oxidation of pure metal to pure oxide, either A
to AO (on the left) or B to BO (on the right). Since the interpretation of all phase diagrams within a given Type is
the same, the lens corresponds to two-phase equilibrium between an oxide solid solution (ceramists never refer
to solid solutions as alloys!) and an alloy solid solution, as at the ends of the tie-line at the selected pO2 in the
phase diagram.
In fact, we can actually simulate the phase diagram in Fig. 7.14. Of course, this is an extremely unique situation,
involving continuous solid solutions of both phases. This would mean that Hume-Rothery rules would need to
be satisfied for both solid solutions. For our simulation, we will assume that both solid solutions behave ideally,
i.e., they behave according to Raoults law such that a A = X A and a B = XB in the alloy and a AO = X AO and
a BO = XBO in the oxide solid solution. We begin by writing the oxidation reaction for component A as equation
2A(s) + O2 (g)
We can write the equilibrium relationship for this reaction as follows in equation 7.48:
K1 = exp(G1o /RT ) =
a2A pO2
We can evaluate the equilibrium constant K1 in one of two ways. First, we can find the value of G1o at 1000K from
the Ellingham diagram in Fig. 6.2. Second, we can use the pO2 nomographic scale on the Ellingham diagram to
solve the following equilibrium equation :
K1 =
eq( A/AO)
a2A pO2
12 pO2
We are dealing here exclusively with the point at the leftmost end of the lens in Fig. 7.14, where essentially pure
eq( A/AO)
eq( B/BO)
a2B pO2
12 pO2
As for the A/AO equilibrium, we can establish the value of K2 from either the G2o value at 1000K from the
eq( B/BO)
eq( B/BO)
and pO2
). Furthermore, the situation is simplified by our assumption of Raoultian behavior for
each solid solution. We can therefore write two equilibrium expressions 7.52 and 7.53:
K1 =
a A pO2
X 2A pO2
K2 =
a2B pO2
XB2 pO2
Taking into account that X A + XB = 1 and X AO + XBO = 1,we can divide equation 7.53 by equation 7.52 to
eliminate the unknown pO2 to arrive at equation 7.54:
X 2 X 2A
(1 X AO )2 X 2A
= BO
(1 X A )2 X 2AO
Taking the square root of both sides and rearranging, we obtain equation 7.55:
(1 X AO )
(1 X A )
Since at each temperature, including 1000K, the ratio K2 /K1 is a constant, we can solve equation 7.55 for a unique
value of X AO for each inputted value of X A . We can then plug the values of X A and X AO into equation 7.52
to solve for the corresponding value of pO2 . By varying the value of X A , we can solve for individual tie-lines
(log pO2 , X A , X AO ). Once again, XB = 1 X A and XBO = 1 X AO . Intrepreting the phase diagram in Fig. 7.14 is
straightforward. In each of the single-phase regions there are two degrees of freedom, i.e., to establish thermodynamic equilibrium (in addition to fixing overall pressure (1 atm) and temperature (1000K), one would have to fix
the overall composition (B/A ratio) and the oxygen partial pressure. Inside the "lens" however, there is a single
degree of freedom. If we fix the oxygen partial pressure, both phases compositions are fixed. Alternatively, we
need only fix one composition of the two phases in equilibrium, say XB , and the composition of the other phase,
XBO , plus the oxygen partial pressure are thereby also fixed.
As we begin to introduce Type III phase diagrams, it is useful to compare and contrast their appearance with that
of Type I and Type II phase diagrams as schematically represented in Fig. 8.1.
Figure 8.1: Schematic comparison of Type I, Type II and Type III phase diagrams.
Type I diagrams are distinctive in their absence of tie-lines. Areas are always single-phase regions, and lines are
always phase boundaries between two adjacent phases. Type II diagrams are distinctive because of their having
tie-lines perpendicular to the thermodynamic potential (i ) axis. The dashed lines are usually not drawn as
in the Type II diagram of Fig. 8.1; but they are understood. In fact, since we can always draw another tie-line
between any adjacent pair of tie-lines, there is an infinite array of tie-lines within the three two-phase regions
on the diagram. However, when these tie-lines converge to unique three-phase (F=O) invariancies, these are
represented as solid lines perpendicular to the i -axis. For example, we are quite familiar with the horizontal
invariant lines in T vs. mole fraction eutectic (as in Fig. 7.1) or eutectoid diagrams (see Fig. 4.2). So there are
two different areas in Type II diagrams: single-phase regions (, , ) and two-phase regions consisting of an
infinite array of parallel tie-lines perpendicular to the -axis ( + , + , + ). Type III diagrams are distinctive
owing to the presence of tie-triangles involving three phases in equilibrium (, , and in Fig. 8.1). They are also
distinctive in that tie-lines need neither be parallel nor perpendicular to any axis, as shown in Fig. 8.1. In contrast
with Type II diagrams, tie-lines for two-phase equilibria are typically drawn. However, once again since we can
always find another tie-line between any adjacent pair of tie-lines, so there is an infinite array of tie-lines within the
two-phase regions on the diagram. Furthermore, as these converge to the sides of unique three-phase equilibrium
triangles, these solid lines become very important, representing the terminal compositions of the two phases in
equilibrium with that of the third. So lines are either phase boundaries of single-phase regions (can be curved)
or the straight line sides of tie-triangles. As can be seen, open areas can either be single-phase regions (, , )
or tie-triangles. These tie-triangles are usually referred to as compatibility triangles, meaning that the terminal
compositions of the three phases are compatible and do not react with one another.
Various axis schemes have been employed for Type III phase diagrams, as illustrated in Fig. 8.2.
The strictly Qi /Qk vs. Q j /Qk scheme at the top-left finds limited use in the literature, but can be useful for
representing phase equilibria in dilute solutions. The reason that this representation is not practicable for fullscale diagrams has to do with the loci of the end-members B and C on the diagram. Component A lies at the
C @
B @
origin, however pure B and pure C exist at n B /n A and nC /n A values of inifinity on their respective axes. The
mole fraction C vs. mole fraction B diagram at the top-right corrects this problem. Solutions to the overall mole
fraction equation, X A + XB + XC = 1, exist only within the dashed region. Again, this axis scheme has found
limited use in the literature. The near-universal axis scheme used by materials scientists and engineers involves
collapsing the diagram at the upper right of Fig. 8.2 into an equilateral triangle as shown in the bottom diagram
of the Figure. Since this axis scheme was developed by J. Willard Gibbs of Gibbs free energy fame, it is usually
referred to as a Gibbs phase triangle. The mole fraction of a given component is read from equally-spaced lines
drawn parallel to the opposing side of the diagram, as shown for component C in Fig. 8.2. Comparable lines can
be drawn parallel to the other two sides of the diagram, to establish the mole fractions of components A and B for
a specific composition.
The Gibbs phase triangle axis scheme actually is a specific case of the ternary lever rule. This is represented for a
more general three-phase (, , ) equilibrium in Fig. 8.3.
The ternary lever rule is applicable to all tie-triangles, and not just equilateral ones. The best approach is to employ
a ruler to measure the length of line segments in the specific triangle. For example, take the composition marked
by the X in Fig. 8.3. The fraction of the phase, f is the length of the line segment marked AX divided by the
entire length of the line drawn from the side of the tie triangle through the overall composition X to the
vertex. Similarly, the fractions of the and phases can be determined from their relative line lengths, so we
f =
f =
f =
The three fractions sum to unity. It can be readily seen that when this scheme is applied to an equilateral triangle,
we obtain the axis scheme associated with Gibbs phase triangle. We will employ the ternary lever rule quite
frequently when dealing with so-called horizontal sections and crystallization sequences in so-called liquidus
projection diagrams.
It can be easily demonstrated that we need 3-dimensions to do justice to Type III or ternary phase diagrams.
Figure 8.4 shows such a schematic three-dimensional phase diagram for the system A-B-C with negligible solid
Figure 8.4: Schematic 3-D phase diagram for the A-B-C system with negligible solid solution.
Since there are three components (C=3), even if pressure is fixed at 1 atm such that (C+2) becomes (C+1), the phase
rule will be F=4-P. This means that we need three axes to fully represent the phase equilibria: temperature (T),
and two of the three mole fractions in the equation, X A + XB + XC = 1, e.g., the mole fraction of component A
(X A ) plus the mole fraction of B (XB ), hence the 3-D diagram in Fig. 8.4 with temperature (T) as the vertical axis.
The major features of this diagram are the three mountain peaks known as primary phase fields in phase
diagram parlance, which meet at three valleys or liquidus phase boundaries that descend from the passes
(think of Donner Pass) at the binary eutectics on the bounding binary eutectic phase diagrams into the interior
of the ternary diagram until all three valleys converge at the ternary eutectic (think of Jackson Hole).
This is all very visual, but we tend to be flat-landers, preferring 2-dimensional representations. One way to
achieve 3-D perspective on a 2-D diagram is by projection, as in the bottom of Fig. 8.4. This is referred to as a
"liquidus projection diagram." To capture all the 3-D information, however, the projection needs to include liquidus
"isotherms" or lines of constant liquidus temperature, as shown in Fig. 8.5 for the NaCl-NaF-NaI system. One can
think of such diagrams as being like topographic maps, which contain "contour lines" of constant altitude. We
will return to the mountain/valley/hole analogy and and use these isotherms to advantage when we discuss
"isothermal sections" (below). Note that C=3 (NaCl, NaF, NaI) rather than C=4, owing to the fact that, as with the
H2 O Type I phase diagram (C=1), the ratios of Na:Cl, NaF, and Na:I remain fixed.
Figure 8.5: Liquidus projection diagram for the NaCl-NaF-NaI system (diagram 5908 from Phase Diagrams for Ceramists).
We can actually produce a schematic liquidus projection diagram based upon some thermodynamic data (melting
points and enthalpies of melting for the end members) and some simple assumptions, namely that there is negligible solid solubility and that the liquid solution behaves in a Raoultian fashion. These assumptions are not far
from reality for many ceramic systems, for which fulfillment of the Hume Rothery rules (same crystal structure,
same cation valence, similar electronegativities, similar cation radii) is fairly rare. We previously found an equation for the liquidus line in a binary system with negligible solid solubility and an ideal liquid (equation 7.7). We
employed two such equations to establish the two liquidus curves and their intersection (the binary eutectic) in
Fig. 7.3. By combining each of the three possible pairs of equations, we can produce the bounding binary eutectic
phase diagrams in Fig. 8.4. However, if we assume the ternary liquid solution to be Raoultian, namely ai = Xi for
each component, there is no reason that the same procedure cannot be extended into the ternary diagram. First,
we write the three equations for each of the three components:
RT ln X A (`) ' Hm ( A) 1
Tm ( A)
RT ln XB (`) ' Hm ( B) 1
Tm ( B)
RT ln XC (`) ' Hm (C ) 1
Tm (C )
The procedure for predicting the liquidus projection diagram using these three equations is outlined in Fig. 8.6.
Solutions for each equation are lines parallel to the opposite boundary of the phase diagram, i.e., at constant mole
fraction of that particular component. For example, at 900K the solution to equation 8.4 is a constant mole fraction
of C as shown (XC = const). Similarly, at 800K the solution to equation 8.2 is a constant mole fraction of A as shown
(X A = const). Note that if we keep ramping down the temperature the two solutions meet at the temperature of
700K, the binary eutectic temperature for the A-C system. But the solutions can extend to smaller mole fractions as
well. This is the genesis of the solid line extending into the interior of the phase diagram from the binary eutectic
(see solutions for 650K and 600K). This would require smaller value of X A and XC than at the binary eutectic,
where X A + XC = 1. However, this is not a problem since we are now dealing with ternary compositions, such
that X A + XB + XC = 1. We are now following the A plus C plus liquid phase boundary (valley) descending
from the pass of the A-C binary eutectic into the interior of the phase diagram as in Fig. 8.6. If we do the same
procedure for the A plus B plus liquid phase boundary and the B plus C plus liquid phase boundary, the three
valleys will meet at the ternary eutectic point (E in Fig. 8.4).
The resulting liquidus projection diagram should look something like the bottom diagram in Fig. 8.6. There are
obvious differences between our predicted phase diagram (Fig. 8.6) and an actual liquidus projection diagram (see
Hummels Rules
Figure 8.6: Procedure for calculating a liquidus projection diagram for a negligible solid solution ternary.
Fig. 8.5). The main difference is that predicted isotherms are straight and parallel to one another and parallel to
the opposing side of the triangle. This is an automatic result of the ideal liquid solution assumption underlyling
equations 8.2 through 8.4. In the real phase diagram, although the isotherms are approximately parallel, they are
curved and deviate substatially from being parallel to the opposing side of the triangle. This simply makes us
challenge our assumptions underlying our predictions. First, the liquid solution may be far from Raoultian and
second, there may actually be appreciable solid solubility.
We can relax the Raoultian liquid specification in our considerations, but if a given ternary phase diagram involves
negligible solid solubility it can be shown that very specific rules hold for the interpretation of liquidus projection
diagrams. Once we have laid the foundation for interpretation of such Type III phase diagrams, we can turn to
more sophisticated simulation engines/algorithms to help us interpret ternary diagrams with appreciable solid
solubility. For examples, many metal alloy ternaries fall into the latter category.
In order to introduce Hummels Rules (adapted from F. A. Hummels class notes and his textbook, Phase Equilibria in Ceramic Systems, Marcel Dekker, 1984), we need to develop a binary analogy. We need to think carefully
about how to generate both eutectic and peritectic behavior in the absence of solid solubility. Conventional binary
eutectic and peritectic phase diagrams are displayed in Fig. 8.7. We have already described the easy melting
character of eutectic systems, but the melting/heating reactions are quite different between eutectic and peritectic
diagrams. We can describe them as follows in equations 8.5 and 8.6:
liquid solution
+ liquid solution
In these reactions, the forward arrow stands for heating and the reverse arrow stands for cooling. From the Greek,
peritectic means covered melting. This can be seen in that the primary phase field of (the two-phase area
where only is in equilibrium with liquid) overhangs or covers the phase. Another way to describe peritectic
melting is that the phase melts to a liquid of a different composition and another solid (). This is referred to as
incongruent melting, as described below.
But now lets imagine what happens on both diagrams as the solid solubilities, namely the solubility of B in
and the solubility of A in , go to zero. This works for the eutectic system (as in Fig. 7.3), where the quotation
marks around A and B remind us that thermodynamically speaking, there is no such thing as an absolutely
pure solid. In contrast, note that it is impossible to preserve peritectic behavior when solid solubilities go to zero
Hummels Rules
"A" + "B"
Figure 8.7: Schematic binary eutectic and peritectic phase diagrams, and what happens as solid solubility goes to zero.
in a simple binary peritectic diagram of Fig. 8.7. However, we can introduce peritectic behavior in a negligible
solid solubility system by introducing an intermediate compound (AB), as shown in Fig. 8.8. The diagram on
the left has an intermediate compound (AB), which melts congruently, namely it melts to a liquid of identical
composition, AB. In fact, we can recognize that this diagram can be thought of as consisting of two side-by-side
eutectic diagrams: A-AB and AB-B. However, this cannot be said of the diagram on the right. It similarly has an
intermediate compound (AB), however in this case the compound (AB) melts incongruently to a liquid of a quite
different composition (the peritectic composition at p1 ) and a different solid (B). It obeys the peritectic melting
behavior described by equation 8.6. The apparatus beneath the two phase diagrams will be discussed shortly.
A + AB
AB + B
A + AB
AB + B
Figure 8.8: Binary analogues for eutectic and peritectic melting involving a congruetly-melting (left) and incongruentlymelting (right) intermediate compound AB.
As we introduce each of Hummels Rules we will, 1) make reference to the binary analogues in Fig. 8.8, and 2) try
to place each rule on a firm solution thermodynamic footing. Before we proceed, however, we need to introduce
and define common phase diagram terminology. The first term is primary phase, referring to the first phase to
crystallize from the melt on cooling, thus the major or primary solid phase in the developing microstructure.
For example, in the dual-eutectic diagram on the left side of Fig. 8.8 between the pure A end-member and the
binary eutectic, e1 , A is the primary phase. The second term is closely related. A primary phase field is the
area in a liquidus projection diagram where a single (primary) phase is in equilibrium with liquid. For example, in
the dual-eutectic diagram on the left side of Fig. 8.8 between the two eutectic points, e1 and e2 , exists a quite large
primary phase field for compound AB. In contrast, the primary phase field of AB is significantly compressed in
the eutectic-peritectic diagram on the right side of Fig. 8.8, existing only between the eutectic (e1 ) and peritectic
(p1 ) points. The third term, subsolidus compatibility, requires additional explanation. First of all, we need to
understand what subsolidus means. On the left side of Fig. 8.9 we see a conventional binary eutectic phase
diagram with limited solid solubility. The solidus lines are circled on the left and right and correspond to the
first appearance of liquid upon heating, or the last occurrence of liquid upon cooling; hence subsolidus, meaning
Hummels Rules
below the solidus. However, you will see that the horizontal eutectic line is also circled. For all compositions
between the ends of this line (the extrema of solid solubility) the first liquid appears on heating upon crossing this
line. Conversely, upon cooling the last liquid disappears upon cooling through this line. Therefore, the horizontal
eutectic line can be thought of as part of the solidus. If we shrink the solid solubilities to essentially zero, we
obtain the phase diagram on the right side of Fig. 8.9. Here, subsolidus applies to all compositions when below
the eutectic temperature. We can now introduce two additional terms that are valid for negligible solid solubility
systems: subsolidus compatibility join and subsolidus compatibility triangle. A subsolidus compatibility
join is any line connecting two phases that are compatible, meaning that they do not react to form other phases in
the subsolidus. In Type III ternary phase diagrams we have both subsolidus compatibility joins and subsolidus
compatibility triangles, the latter referring to composition triangles connecting three compatible solid phases in
equilibrium in the subsolidus. As mentioned previously with regard to the distinctive characteristics of the various
phase diagram Types in Fig. 8.1, compatibility triangles are the hallmark of Type III diagrams.
"A" + "B"
Figure 8.9: Identifying subsolidus regimes in binary eutectics with and without appreciable solid solubility.
We can now put the analogues and the apparatus at the bottom of Fig. 8.8 to good use. Hummels first rule states
that liquidus surfaces always fall away (in temperature) from the corresponding primary phase. Thermodynamically, we can understand this from the familiar equation 8.7, developed for situations where the primary
phase exhibits negligible solid solubility and the liquid solution behaves in a Raoultian fashion.
RT ln Xi (`) ' Hm (i ) 1
Tm (i )
where i stands for the Raoultian liquid host (A, B, AB). Starting with the melting temperature (Tm (i )), for which
the right side of equation 8.7 is zero, requiring the mole fraction of component i in the liquid to be 100%, we
can see that as the temperature decreases the right side of this equation becomes increasingly positive, requiring
increasingly fractional mole fractions of i. In other words, the liquidus falls away (in temperature and in composition) from the corresponding primary phase. This can be readily seen in Fig. 8.8; in both diagrams the liquidus in
a given primary phase field always falls away from the corresponding primary phase. This holds true even for the
incongruently melting intermediate compound, AB, in the eutectic-peritectic diagram of Fig. 8.8. Even though the
primary phase field is at some distance from the AB composition, it can be seen that the liquidus still falls away
from the primary phase (AB).
Hummels second rule state that there are as many primary phase fields as there are primary phases that melt.
To understand this rule, lets take an imaginary helicopter trip up above mount A, mount B and mount AB
in each of the diagrams in Fig. 8.8. Looking down on each diagram, it is easy to identify three mountains or
primary phase fields, one for A, one for B, and one for AB. It is true that we only see a shoulder of mount AB in
the eutectic-peritectic diagram on the right of Fig. 8.8. Nevertheless, the primary phase field is visible for the AB
primary phase. In each diagram, there are three primary phase fields (PPFs) and three primary phases (A, AB, B).
This may seem overly obvious on these binary diagrams, but this rule will be a big help when dealing with ternary
liquidus projection diagrams, where primary phase fields are areas rather than lines. The rule refers to primary
phases that melt for good reason. Figure 8.10 shows an intermediate compound with an upper temperature
limit of stability, namely the compound AB decomposes into solid A and solid B well before it has the chance to
melt. Above the decomposition temperature, it is as if the system is a straightforward A-B eutectic system. Believe
it or not, it is possible for the compound AB to have a primary phase field in a ternary A-B-C system, but this
complication is beyond the scope of the present treatment; hence the disclaimer referring to primary phases that
Hummels Rules
A + B
A + AB
AB + B
Figure 8.10: Binary system with an intermediate compound having an upper temperature limit of stability.
Hummels third rule states that there is a one-to-one correspondence between liquidus invariant points and the
corresponding subsolidus compatibilities. If we go down in temperature into the subsolidus, there are two subsolidus compatibilities in each diagram of Fig. 8.8, namely A-AB and AB-B. In other words, for any composition
between A and the intermediate compound, AB, in the subsolidus there will be two phases in equilibrium: A and
AB. Similarly, for any composition between AB and B in the subsolidus, there will be two solid phases in equilibrium: AB and B. Since there are precisely two subsolidus compatibilities in each diagram, from Hummels third
rule we can anticipate two invariant points. On the dual-eutectic diagram on the left side of Fig. 8.8, there is an
invariant point where the primary phase fields of A and AB meet (e1 ) and one where the primary phase fields of
AB and B meet (e2 ). On the eutectic-peritectic diagram to the right side of Fig. 8.8, there is an invariant point where
the primary phase fields of A and AB meet (e1 ) and one where the primary phase fields of AB and B meet (p1 ).
This rule may seem simplistic when dealing with the uncomplicated binary diagrams in Fig. 8.8, but will be quite
powerful when dealing with a complicated ternary liquidus projection diagram. If there are 10 subsolidus compatibility triangles, there will be precisely 10 ternary invariant points, with a one-to-one correspondence between
Hummels fourth rule states that invariant points inside their respective subsolidus compatibilities are eutectics,
whereas those outside their respective subsolidus compatibilities are peritectics. Looking in 2-D at the two phase
diagrams in Fig. 8.8, it is quite obvious which points are eutectics and which are peritectics. But now imagine
that we are back in the helicopter hovering above the 1-D phase diagrams (see the lines labeled 1-D view in the
apparatus beneath each diagram). It is clear on the left diagram that the point where the primary phase fields of A
and AB (PPFs) come together lies within the corresponding A-AB subsolidus compatibility (see compats in the
apparatus). This is therefore a eutectic. The same is true for the eutectic-peritectic diagram on the right side of Fig.
8.8. In the case of the invariant point involving AB and B, the situation is different between the two phase diagrams.
From the helicopter, we can see in the apparatus for the diagram on the left side of Fig. 8.8 that the point where
the primary phase fields of AB and B come together lies within the corresponding AB-B subsolidus compatibility;
hence, this is a eutectic. In contrast, the point where the primary phase fields of AB and B come together in the
diagram on the right side of Fig. 8.8 lies outside the corresponding AB-B subsolidus compatibility; hence, this
is a peritectic. Again, these relationships may seem quite simplistic when dealing with binary phase diagrams,
but rule no. 4 will be quite powerful when dealing with complex liquidus projection diagrams. Ternary invariant
points inside their corresponding subsolidus compatibility triangles will be eutectics; those falling outside their
subsolidus compatibility triangles with be peritectics.
Lets begin to illustrate the first four Hummels rules with regard to the liquidus projection diagram in Fig. 8.11.
It may seem that this diagram is useless in the absence of primary phase field labels and liquidus projection
isotherms, but application of Hummels rules will show this not to be the case. First, lets apply rules no. 2 and
3: there are as many primary phase fields as there are primary phases that melt and there is a one-to-one
correspondence between liquidus invariant points and the corresponding subsolidus compatibilities. If we go
around the diagram we can count four primary phases that melt, namely the end-members A, B, C, and the
binary compound AB. In ternary phase space, primary phase fields are areas. We can identify four primary phase
fields in ternary space. We can make assignments beginning from the vertices (end-members) and then dealing
with any binary and ternary compounds. This is done in Fig. 8.12.
Using the third rule (there is a one-to-one correspondence between liquidus invariant points and the corresponding subsolidus compatibilities) we can now sketch in the subsolidus compatibilities. There are two ternary invariant points (intersections of three phase boundaries or valleys as well as intersections of three primary phase
fields or mountains, namely where the primary phase fields of A, C, and AB come together and where the pri44
Hummels Rules
Figure 8.11: Liquidus projection diagram for the A-B-C system with negligible solid solubility and an intermediate compound AB.
Figure 8.12: A-B-C liquidus projection diagram with primary phase fields labeled.
mary phase fields of AB, C, and B come together). The one-to-one correspondence of Hummels third rule requires
that there be two subsolidus compatibility triangles: A-C-AB and AB-C-B, as shown in Fig. 8.13.
Furthermore, Hummels rule no. 4 allows us to identify the nature of the ternary invariant points: invariant points
inside their respective subsolidus compatibilities are eutectics, whereas those outside their respective subsolidus
compatibilities are peritectics. In this case, both invariant points are inside their respective subsolidus compatibility triangles; hence, they are both ternary eutectics, as labeled in Fig. 8.13. In other words, the point where
the primary phase fields of A, C, and AB converge is inside the corresponding A-C-AB compatibility triangle, and
similarly for the PPFs of AB, C, and B.
However, there is much more that can be done with a schematic liquidus projection diagram, as captured in Hummels fifth and sixth rules. The fifth rule, in combination with rule no. 1, allows us to draw in directions of falling
temperature on all the liquidus phase boundaries or valleys. It states, the direction of falling temperature
on a liquid-solid(1)-solid(2) phase boundary is always away from the corresponding solid(1)-solid(2) join. This
follows from what we did in predicting liquidus phase boundaries (valleys) in the simple ternary eutectic phase
diagram of Fig. 8.6 (assuming ideal liquid solution and negligible solid solubility). By the governing equations for
two of the components, e.g., A and C:
RT ln X A (`) ' Hm ( A) 1
Tm ( A)
RT ln XC (`) ' Hm (C ) 1
Tm (C )
Hummels Rules
Figure 8.13: A-B-C liquidus projection diagram with subsolidus compatibility triangles.
we found the phase boundary or valley descending from the pass or binary eutectic on the A-C binary into
the interior of the ternary diagram and headed for the ternary eutectic. Figure 8.14 shows most of the directions
of falling temperature (DFTs) for the current ternary phase diagram. For example, beginning at the A-C binary
eutectic (e1 ) the liquid-solid(A)-solid(C) phase boundary falls away from the A-C join, which happens to be the
bounding binary. The same argument goes for all the valleys descending into the interior of the phase diagram
from the bounding binaries. In the middle of the diagram we find a special case, but rule 5 still holds: the liquidsolid(C)-solid(AB) phase boundary falls to the left of the AB-C join toward one ternary eutectic (E1 ), just as the
liquid-solid(C)-solid(AB) phase boundary falls to the right of the AB-C join toward the other ternary eutectic (E2 ).
Figure 8.14: A-B-C liquidus projection diagram with most of the directions of falling temperature.
We are nearly finished with the phase diagram but we need to introduce the final Hummels rule: No. 6. This
may seem complicated at first, but it is nicely illustrated in Fig. 8.15. Rule no. 6, also referred to as the Alkemade
Theorem (pronounced awl-keh-mah-deh) states that a compatibility join solid(1)-solid(2) intersected solely by
its own liquid-solid(1)-solid(2) boundary is a true binary eutectic in its own right; temperature falls to this point (a
true binary eutectic) along this join, but falls away to either side in the ternary diagram. Hence, the crossing point
labeled as e5 in the diagram is a saddle point, with DFTs descending to it from the end points (pure A, pure AB)
but descending into the ternary on either side (also fulfilling rule no. 5).
You will note that directions of falling temperature on all the bounding binaries have also been drawn in. This is in
accordance with Hummel rule no. 1, liquidus surfaces always fall away (in temperature) from the corresponding
primary phase. This completes the ternary liquidus projection diagram, but we can also sketch all the binary
phase diagrams, at least schematically. As long as we are provided no isotherms or melting temperatures of
the end members (A,B,C) or the intermediate compound (AB), only schematic diagrams can be sketched. So if
you sketch a diagram with the melting point of C lower that that of AB, I cannot argue with you. The resulting
schematics are shown in Fig. 8.16. Note that the AB-C eutectic diagram, determined by the Alkemade Theorem, is
also represented in schematic fashion.
Hummels Rules
Figure 8.15: Completed A-B-C liquidus projection diagram and demonstration of the Alkemade Theorem.
AB + C
A + AB
AB + B
Figure 8.16: Completed A-B-C liquidus projection diagram with schematic bounding binaries and Alkemade eutectic
Since we are dealing with schematic phase diagrams, just as with the choice of relative melting temperatures for
the end-members (and compounds) the choice of relative eutectic temperatures is also arbitrary. For example, in
Fig. 8.16 the A-AB eutectic temperature is shown as being higher than for the AB-B eutectic. Were you to sketch it
in the reverse fashion I could not argue with you, given the absence of more precise input information. However,
there is one situation that is forbidden. This is shown in Fig. 8.17, where both A-AB and AB-B eutectics seem
to have the same temperature. This is a violation of Gibbs phase rule. For any 2-D phase diagram, Gibbs phase
rule is F=3-P. In Fig. 8.17 there are actually five phases in equilibrium: three solid phases (A,AB,B) and two liquid
solutions (the A-AB eutectic liquid and the AB-B eutectic liquid). Therefore, such a representation is to be avoided.
A slightly more complicated liquidus projection diagram is given in Fig. 8.18, which involves an incongruently
melting binary compound, C2 B. You are more than welcome to take a crack at the diagram, using Hummels rules
to 1) label all primary phase fields, 2) determine the four subsolidus compatibility triangles (there are four ternary
invariant points), 3) label all invariant points, both ternary and binary, 4) label directions of falling temperature
on all ternary liquid-solid(1)-solid(2) boundaries and on the bounding binaries, and 5) sketch schematics of the
bounding binary phase diagrams and any other true binary diagrams (satisfying the Alkemade Theorem) within
the ternary. There are some quirks to this phase diagram, whose solution is given in Fig. 8.19.
Hummels Rules
A + AB
AB + B
Figure 8.17: Dual-eutectic A-B system with a violation of Gibbs phase rule.
Figure 8.18: Raw A-B-C liquidus projection diagram involving incongruently melting C2 B compound.
The AC-AB binary is a clear solution to Hummels rule no. 6 (the Alkemade Theorem). Only the liquid-solid(AC)solid(AB) liquidus boundary crosses the AC-AB join. Hence, the intersection point is a true binary eutectic (e6 ),
which is a saddle-point in the liquidus; temperature falls to this point along the AC-AB binary (see the figure
in the upper right), but falls to either side toward the ternary eutectics (E1 , E2 ). But what about the seemingly
corresponding point on the AB C2 B join? According to Hummels rule no. 1, temperature falls away from the
end members on this join, as shown. Furthermore, according to Hummels rule no. 5, temperature on the liquidsolid(AB)-solid(C2 B) phase phase boundary falls away from the AB-C2 B join, as shown. However, the AB-C2 B
join is NOT a true binary eutectic, owing to the fact that the primary phase field of C overlaps the AB-C2 B join at
the upper right. There is no way on an AB-C2 B binary eutectic to combine AB and C2 B and arrive at pure C. So
the AB-C2 B join is NOT a true binary eutectic phase diagram.
All this results from the peritectic behavior in the C-B binary. As shown in the C-B phase diagram, the primary
phase field of solid C overhangs the C2 B composition, requiring that C2 B melt incongruently to a different solid
(C) and a liquid of a different composition (p1 ). This behavior persists into the ternary, with the primary phase
field of C overhanging the liquid-solid(C)-solid(C2 B) phase boundary. The two circled arrows in Fig. 8.20 showing
temperature descending from the C-B binary peritectic (p1 ) to the ternary peritectic (P1 ) follow from Hummels
rule no. 5: the direction of falling temperature on a liquid-solid(1)-solid(2) phase boundary is always away from
the corresponding solid(1)-solid(2) join. In this case we have to extend the C-C2 B subsolidus compatibility join,
as shown by the dotted line in Fig. 8.20, away from which the liquid-solid(C)-solid(C2 B) boundary descends from
the binary peritectic to the ternary peritectic. A final clarification has to do with the single arrow along the liquidsolid(AC)-solid(C2 B) liquidus phase boundary, between the ternary peritectic (P1 ) and the ternary eutectic (E3 ).
This satisfies Hummels fifth rule, with the direction of falling temperature being away from the corresponding
AC-C2 B join, which is well above it on the diagram.
Hummels Rules
A + AB
AB + B
A + AB
AB + B
Isothermal Sections
Isothermal Sections
Believe it or not, the ternary phase diagrams considered thus far are actually NOT valid Type III phase diagrams.
This is owing to their 3-D character, or at least the projection of 3-D character onto liquidus projection diagrams.
We now turn to so-called isothermal sections, which are true Type III phase diagrams. In Fig. 8.21 we have
reproduced the limited solid solubility liquidus projection diagram for the NaCl-NaF-NaI system.
Figure 8.21: The liquidus projection diagram for the NaCl-NaF-NaI system showing isotherms (diagram 5908 from Phase
Diagrams for Ceramists).
We will now derive a series of isothermal sections from this phase diagram. It should be emphasized that 1)
these are NOT schematic, but rather real phase diagrams which, 2) are true Type III phase diagrams. The first
diagram at 991o C is particularly straightforward in Fig. 8.22, being one degree C above the melting point of the
most refractory end-member (refractory is from the French, meaning high-melting; NaF melts at 990 C). The
entire isothermal section consists of a continuous liquid solution. We can return to the mountain/valley/hole
analogies and the great Noahic flood; water is above the tops of all the mountains.
But now lets begin to drain the water from Jackson Hole, bringing its level down to 850 meters, or rather the
temperature to 850o C as in Fig. 8.23. In doing such isothermal sections, it is helpful to overlay tracing or other seethrough paper to trace the boundaries of the ternary and the specific contours (isotherms). At 850 meters the
water is still above the tops of mount NaCl and mount NaI. But the top of mount NaF is exposed. Actually,
for the diagram in Fig. 8.23 a strip mining analogy is probably more appropriate. Imagine removing the top
of the mountain down to the 850 meter (or 850o C) level (plus one centimeter as a levee to keep the water out).
Water would be everywhere to the south on the diagram; to the north would be the flattened top of mount NaF.
Isothermal Sections
In the diagram you see dashed tie lines connecting various liquidus compositions around the perimeter back to
the NaF vertex. This is a result of negligible solid solubility, namely that little NaCl or NaI tends to dissolve in
solid NaF. All tie-lines radiate from the vertex. Imagine a friend standing and holding a rope at the composition
of pure NaF, with you holding the opposite end and walking the perimeter or the shoreline of the water (the
850o C isotherm) all the while keeping the rope taut. I refer to these constructions as waffle cone features. But we
still dont see the tie-triangles characteristic of Type III diagrams. This happens at lower temperatures, however.
For example, at 650o C in Fig. 8.24 we are well below the melting points of NaF and NaCl, and even the very
top of mount NaI (melts at 659.3o C) is exposed. More importantly, the dropping water has exposed the NaClNaF-liquid valley descending from the NaCl-NaF eutectic at 680.4o C. The remaining liquid solution portion
is significantly smaller. There are now three waffle cone features, involving each of the primary phases in
equilibrium with a range of liquid solutions. Again, tie-lines radiate from the pure end-members. Remember,
we can always draw an intermediate tie-line between any two adjacent tie-lines; the waffle cone regions consist
of an infinite array of tie-lines connecting primary phases and liquidus. More significantly, we see our first tietriangle involving solid NaCl, solid NaF, and liquid solution. As pointed out previously, such tie-triangles are the
hallmark of Type III phase diagrams.
Lets go further down in altitude (or rather temperature). There are no contour lines at 550 meters (550o C), but
we can certainly envision/approximate them as being roughly midway between 575 meters and the 529.4 meter
altitude of Jackson Hole (529.4o C). The resulting phase diagram in Fig. 8.25 has a greatly shrunken liquid solution region. There are now three waffle cone, or rather ice cream cone, constructions involving each of the
primary phases and different small ranges of liquid solution. Dominating the diagram, around the perimeter are
three tie-triangles involving two solid phases and three unique compositions of liquid solution. Clockwise, these
are solid NaCl plus solid NaF plus liquid solution(1), solid NaF plus solid NaI plus liquid solution(2), and finally
solid NaCl plus solid NaI plus liquid solution(3).
Isothermal Sections
Lets pause and consider the nature of these isothermal sections. Later we return to the question of microstructure,
however these series of diagrams give a good representation of isothermal sections which, once again, are true
Type III phase diagrams. The phase rule for a C=3 system at fixed overall pressure and temperature, where C+2
becomes C+0, is given as F=3-P. Applying this to Fig. 8.25, we would find that F=2 in the small liquid solution
region (P=1); we would have to specify two of the three mole fractions to establish equilibrium. In the ice cream
cone features P=2, so we would have one degree of freedom. Specifying overall composition determines which
tie line we are on, and the particular liquid solution in equilibrium with the associated solid phase. Or given the
liquid solution composition, we would know on which tie-line the overall composition falls. Finally, in each of the
tie-triangles P=3 making F=0; all of the compositions are fixed, including that of the associated liquid solution.
The situation is a bit different at the ternary eutectic temperature. As we continue to go down in temperature it
is apparent that the liquid solution region in Fig. 8.25 is shrinking and approaching the drain (Jackson Hole
in our mountain/valley/hole analogy). What happens at precisely the point where the altitude of the hole is
reached is displayed in Fig. 8.26. At first, this would seem to be a violation of the phase rule (F=3-P), with four
phases in equilibrium: solid(NaCl), solid(NaF), solid(NaI), and ternary eutectic liquid. However, we do not have
the luxury of selecting the temperature, in the same way that we have no control over the altitude of Jackson Hole.
The eutectic temperature is fixed for us, meaning that we can only look it up in a handbook (or on the published
phase diagram of Fig. 8.21). We have no ability to change it. So (C+2) does not reduce to (C+0) as for the other
isothermal sections, for which both temperature and pressure is fixed. Instead, temperature remains a free variable
such that (C+2) becomes (C+1), the 1 standing for temperature, and the phase rule becomes F=4-P. So under the
unique conditions of a ternary invariant point, we can have four phases in equilibrium.
Figure 8.26: Isothermal section of the NaCl-NaF-NaI system at the ternary eutectic temperature of 529.4o C.
Lets complete our isothermal section journey by reducing the temperature to below the hole or the ternary
invariant point. We are now in the subsolidus, and the entire phase triangle becomes one big tie-triangle involving
the three pure end-members in equilibrium. The temperature of 529o C is 4/10ths of a degree below the ternary
eutectic temperature. There is no remaining liquid solution; everything has solidified. So the resulting isothermal
section in Fig. 8.27 is nearly as straightforward as the one with which we started.
NaCl + NaI
Just as with binary phase diagrams, crystallization sequences/paths that take place during cooling in Type III
(ternary) liquidus-projection diagrams play a major role in establishing the the ultimate microstructures obtained.
This is a prime example of the processing microstructure chain link in the materials science and engineering
paradigm in Fig 4.1. It must be stressed that we will be considering so-called equilibrium cooling sequences/liquidus paths. In reality, microstructural evolution also depends upon cooling rates, for example, the occurrence of
dendrites (dendritic growth) treated in later materials science and engineering coursework. Lets begin by considering some crystallization sequences in the simple binary eutectic of Fig. 8.28. This will be a quick review of what
you should have already learned in your Intro to Materials Science and Engineering coursework.
The sequence is particularly simple for the eutectic composition (Xeut ). Above the liquidus/eutectic we have 100%
liquid solution of eutectic composition which, by binary lever rule is 46% B and 54% A. Upon cooling through the
eutectic reaction, all the eutectic liquid is converted to the lamellar eutectic microstructural constituent indicated
by the banded regions in the bottom diagram on the left of Fig. 8.28. This layered microstructural constituent
results from the growth of layers being the most efficient way to separate A and B (by diffusion at the growth
front) from a solution into separate phases, as shown schematically in Fig. 8.29.
In contrast, the crystallization sequence and liquidus path for the composition X 0 is quite different. Above the
liquidus, we have 100% liquid of the composition X 0 . As we cool below the liquidus the primary phase to crystallize from solution is B. As B is removed from the liquid solution, the liquid becomes progressively richer in A,
following the liquidus line as shown, until it reaches the eutectic point. Since the composition (X 0 ) is approximately
half way between the end-member B and the eutectic composition, at just above the eutectic temperature we would
have a microstructure with 50% primary B grains and 50% liquid of eutectic composition. Now, if we somehow
sieved out the primary crystals, what would remain would be a liquid of eutectic composition, which would go
through the same crystallization to lamellar eutectic microstructural constituent as happened for Xeut . The ultimate microstructure would consist of 50% primary B grains suspended in 50% lamellar eutectic microstructural
constituent, as shown on the bottom-right of Fig. 8.28.
Before considering crystallization sequences/liquidus paths in ternary liquidus-projection diagrams, we need to
learn a framework for their interpretation. I refer to these as the Crystallization Path Dicta or CPD, as spelled
out in Figure 8.31. Note the reversal of CPD to DPC in the diagram. The C stands for compatibility and gives
us the D or destination, namely the ending point of the liquidus path: the ternary invariant point where the
final liquid disappears in the crystallization sequence. Since there is a one-to-one correspondence of subsolidus
compatibilities and ternary invariant points, the destination will always be the ternary eutectic or peritectic
corresponding to the subsolidus compatibility in which the overall composition lies. In the simple ternary eutectic
A + B
46% B
54% A
50% primary B
50% eutectic
100% Lamellar
50% primary B
50% Lamellar
phase diagram of Fig. 8.30, there is only one subsolidus compatibility and therefore only one invariant point. All
paths lead to Rome, they say. In this system, for all compositions within the A-B-C compatibility triangle, all
paths end up the the ternary eutectic. The path taken to get there will differ according to the overall composition.
The second letter in CPD, P stands for primary phase field and tells us the initial P for path. If we
return to the mountain/valley/hole analogy, our helicopter has just dropped a skier or snowboarder on the
liquidus surface at the point marked X. Since essentially pure C is crystallizing from the liquid solution, our
skiers/snowboarders path (or rather the path of the liquid) is directly down the mountainside away from
the peak, namely directly away from mount C. The composition X was chosen so that its crystallization path
would intersect the ternary eutectic. If we pause just at/above the ternary eutectic, what would be the microstructure? We would employ the binary lever rule, since there are only two phases. On the line from C through the
original composition X to the eutectic point, the length marked f PriC divided by the entire length of the line
would give us the fraction of primary C grains in the microstructure (~50%), with the remainder being eutectic
liquid. Once again, if we somehow sieved out the primary crystals, what would remain would be a liquid of eutectic composition, which would go through crystallization to ~50% lamellar eutectic microstructural constituent,
this time consisting of three layers: A plus B plus C. If we wanted to know the fractions of phases in the lamellar
eutectic, we could do the triangular lever rule at the eutectic composition, using the entire Gibbs triangle for the
Now lets consider the composition marked X on the ternary liquidus-projection diagram of Figure 8.30. Again,
C for compatibility tells us that we have to end up somehow at the ternary eutectic (D=destination). P
for primary phase field gives us the initial P or path, namely directly away from mount C as shown in
the diagram. Again, our skier/snowboarder is headed full-tilt down the mountain directly away from its peak.
This time, however, his/her path intersects the solid(C)-solid(A)-liquid phase boundary or valley. Just at this
point, labeled T TACliqboundary in the second microstructure on the right side of Figure 8.30, we can use
the binary lever rule to establish the microstructure. The point X is roughly half way between end-member C
and the solid(C)-solid(A)-liquid boundary. This means we have ~50% primary C grains and ~50% liquid of the
composition at the boundary. Here we employ the final dictum of our CPD dicta. The letter D stands for
directions of falling temperature and informs us of changes in path or the C in DPC. Quite naturally, the
skier/snowboarder carves to the left to follow the valley down to the hole. What this actually means is that both C
and A are crystallizing simultaneously from the liquid, the latter as a secondary crystallization product; its grains
will end up smaller in size than primary phase C grains, owing to the fact that they have had less time to nucleate
and grow. Now lets analyze the situation at a temperature just above the ternary eutectic. Since we now have
three phases in equilibrium, we need to employ the ternary lever rule of Fig. 8.3. The analysis is shown in Fig.
8.32. A dashed triangle is drawn from end-member C to end-member A and to the eutectic composition, on which
we carry out the ternary lever rule to establish phase fractions. Lines from each vertex of this triangle are drawn
through the overall composition X. The relative line lengths (divided by the total line lengths) give us the fractions
of primary C (~65%), secondary A(~16.5%), and eutectic liquid (~18.5%). As before, if we somehow sieved out
both primary and secondary crystals, what would remain would be a liquid of eutectic composition, which would
go through crystallization to lamellar eutectic microstructural constituent. The resulting microstructure (~65%
primary C, ~16.5% secondary A, ~18.5% lamellar eutectic) is shown at the bottom right of Fig. 8.30.
Of course, very few actual Type III/ternary systems satisfy the assumptions we have made thus far (for simplification), namely that the liquid solution is everywhere ideal and that there are essentially no solid solutions. It should
be strongly emphasized that Hummels rules strictly apply only to such narrowly-constrained systems. All bets
are off! when dealing with real ternary systems, in which non-ideality of the liquid solution and significant,
even substantial, solid solutions can be present. However, as we will see, all of the same characteristic features
of Type III diagrams will be present, namely 1) the presence of tie-triangles, 2) the occurrence of tie-lines that are
neither parallel nor perpendicular to any axis, and 3) open areas that can either be tie-triangles or single-phase
solutions. There are, however, important differences. In real Type III isothermal sections, open areas that are
not tie-triangles can also be solid solution regions in addition to liquid solution regions, as we will show. More
importantly, waffle cone and ice cream cone regions, in which solid-liquid tie-lines radiate from a point (pure
solid), will morph into quite a variety of quadrilateral constructions, with tie-lines connecting compositions on
one side (solid solution) to compatible compositions on the other side (liquid solutions).
As you can imagine, experimental determination of even one isothermal section can be highly time-consuming.
This has led to the development of and usage of powerful phase diagram calculation programs. Two of these
are FactSage (C.R.C.T., Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal) and Thermo-Calc (Thermo-Calc Software, McMurray,
PA; Thermo-Calc Software AB, Stockholm, Sweden), but there are many more. We will employ Thermo-Calc
to calculate both the liquidus and one isotherm for the Sn-Pb-Bi phase diagram. But the user should be aware
that there is a lot that does not meet the eye when using such high-powered black box programs. Behind
the scenes, each such program employs a massive database of thermodynamic parameters, including solution
thermodynamic parameters which, in certain cases (not all!) can be far more sophisticated than the dilute solution
and regular solution models employed in this text. Truly inquisitive scientists and engineers are encouraged to
check what is under the hood rather than just kick the tires.
The liquidus-projection phase diagram calculated by Thermo-Calc for the Sn-Pb-Bi system is shown in Fig. 8.33.
On the surface (no pun intended!) this would look like just any other liquidus-projection diagram for an A-B-C
Type III system involving ideal liquid solution and negligible solid solution. But there are big problems, which
may have already occurred to you. First of all, there are four primary phase fields, but only three end-members.
50% primary C
50% eutectic
50% primary C
50% Liq. sol.
50% primary C
50% Lamellar
65% primary C
16.5 secondary A
18.5% eutectic liquid
65% primary C
16.5% secondary A
18.5% Lamellar eutectic
microstructural consituent
Figure 8.30: Crystallization sequences/liquidus paths in the A-B-C simple ternary eutectic diagram.
Crystallization Path Dicta (CPD)
C ompatibility
D estination
P rimary phase
D irections of
falling temperature
P ath(initial)
C hanges in path
Figure 8.31: Crystallization Path Dicta (CPD) for ternary liquidus projection diagrams with negligible solid solubility.
Second, there are two ternary invariant points, but seemingly only one compatibility triangle (involving the three
end-members) in the subsolidus!
Things get even more interesting if we do an isothermal section. In Fig. 8.34 we see the isothermal section predicted
by Thermo-Calc at 423.15K (150o C). Note that the low temperature has to do with the relatively low melting points
(for metals) of Sn (231.9o C), Pb (327.5o C), and Bi (271.4o C). Again, at first glance, things seem to be familiar. There
is a waffle cone structure at the Bi-vertex, where liquid solutions of a wide range of compositions are compatible
with/have tie-lines connecting with essentially pure Bi. (But the ice cream seems to have melted, i.e., the
liquidus boundary is convex.) Also, there is one tie-triangle involving Sn-solid solution, Pb-solid solution, and
liquid solution (ls). But elsewhere this isothermal section is quite different from what we have seen thus far. There
are significant solubilities in both solid Sn (Bi is much more soluble than Pb) and in solid Pb (both Sn and Bi are
quite soluble, with Bi being roughly twice as soluble as Sn). We also see a small solid solubility range for an
intermediate compound in the Pb-Bi system. If we look at the Pb-Bi phase diagram (not shown) we find out that
the intermediate compound is called e-Pb. It is apparent in the isothermal section of Fig. 8.34 that e-Pb dissolves
a considerable amount of Sn, but to determine the amount of excess Bi or Pb it dissolves, we would have to consult
the binary diagram to ascertain the 150o C values in comparison with its nominal Bi/Pb stoichiometry. Anyway,
this explains the four primary phase fields and the two ternary invariant points in the liquidus diagram of Fig. 8.33.
Figure 8.32: Application of the ternary phase rule to a point in the crystallization sequence/liquidus path of composition
X 0 in Fig. 8.30.
However, the biggest differences in the isothermal section of Fig. 8.34 are the regions of tie-lines connecting various
phases in equilibrium. These turn out to be strangely-shaped quadrilateral constructions bearing no resemblance
to the waffle cone and ice cream cone constructions with which we are familiar.
The most important distinction between real Type III systems (non-ideal liquid solution, non-negligible solid
solutions) and the constrained Type III systems (ideal liquid solution, negligible solid solutions) we have studied
thus far has to do with crystallization sequences/liquidus paths and microstructure evolution. For example, in
a two-phase equilibrium region, the compositions of the solutions at the end of tie-lines through a fixed overall
composition change with temperature. Think of the overall composition as anchoring all the tie-lines, but the
end-points (solution compositions) change progressively and in opposite directions as temperature is lowered. A
schematic representation of this phenomenon is given in Fig. 8.35. From above, the resulting two paths, e.g., of
liquid solution and of solid solution, would trace out a butterfly-shaped or hour glass-shaped construction,
as in the diagram on the right. The important take away point is that crystallization becomes much more complicated. For example, liquidus paths are seldom straight lines in real Type III/ternary systems, but are rather
curved trajectories.
Micro structurally speaking, since the solid solution ranges change with temperature, the likelihood of a process
called coring increases. A very simplified perspective on coring can be taken from the simple binary eutectic in
Fig. 8.36. This A-B-system shows significant solid solution at both ends of the diagram. The diagram on the right
shows a blow-up of the liquidus and -solidus. When a liquid of composition X is cooled to the liquidus, the first
solid to precipitate from solution has a fairly high A-content, as shown. However, at a much lower temperature,
the equilibrium solid phase will have a significantly smaller A-content, if equilibrium were maintained. The
problem is that alloys are seldom cooled at rates slow enough to maintain equilibrium. That is because, once
precipitated out, a solid phase locks up its constituents, since diffusion in solids is so much slower than in
liquids. So what happens is that the new 0 precipitating out will do so at a more B-rich composition. In the
schematic microstructure beneath the two phase diagrams this is represented as a distinct layer of 0 around a
core of . In reality, there will be a gradual shift in composition from the center outward and, in fact, this will
occur by dendritic growth. You will learn about dendrites and dendritic growth in later materials science and
engineering coursework. For now, we need only point out that the average solid composition (averaging the
composition of , 0 , 00 , etc.) deviates from the solidus line. Since less A is being removed from the liquid, the
liquidus trajectory must also therefore deviate from the equilibrium liquidus, as shown. All this is beyond the
scope of the present text, but gives you a good idea of what you can look forward to in upcoming microstructureevolution coursework. The conclusion of this discussion is that crystallization sequences/liquidus paths in real
Type III/ternary systems can be quite complicated, along with microstructure evolution, which will also be cooling
rate-dependent. This is a good place to close the present text, by pointing out once again the synergistic influences
of both thermodynamics and kinetics in the processing microstructure chain link of the materials science
and engineering processing microstructure properties performance paradigm. Students interested in
pursuing further the topic of the interpretation of real Type III/ternary diagrams are directed to old treatises
Figure 8.33: Calculated liquidus projection diagram for the Sn-Pb-Bi Type III phase diagram (by Thermo-Calc).
like Georg Masings Ternary Systems: Introduction to the Theory of Three Component Systems [3].
We mentioned freezing point lowering when discussing binary (Type II) phase diagrams. There we mentioned
the klinkering of cement as one example of major technological importance. A portion of the CaO SiO2
Al2 O3 liquidus projection diagram is reproduced in Fig. 8.37. On the CaO SiO2 binary diagram to the left,
the incongruent melting point of C3 S is given as 2050o C and the congruent melting point of C2 S is given as
2130o C, which are way too high for economical manufacturing. The dashed circle shows the composition
ranges over which so-called Portland cement is made by klinkering. I will leave it to you to apply your ternary
phase diagram prowess and decipher the lower lying ternary invariant points involving the C3 S and C2 S phases.
Another technologically important application is that of solders. A solder is a fusible alloy of two or more metals
used to join metal parts together and having a melting point lower than those of the constituents or of the parts
being joined. Solders are commonly used in plumbing, sheet metal joining, and electronics. The application in
electronics is of particular importance, since solder is employed for making permanent mechanical and electrical
connection of parts to the printed circuit boards on which they are mounted. Eutectic compositions are of special
interest owing to the low melting points and absence of any primary phase that could disrupt electrical contact,
for example if the joint solidifies in the so-called pasty (eutectic liquid plus primary phase) state. For decades,
the alloy of choice for electrical soldering was 60/40 Sn/Pb. This is because the eutectic composition in the Sn-Pb
system is 63% Sn and 37% Pb, which melts at the lowest possible (eutectic) temperature of 188o C. On the other
hand, the Sn/Pb ratio is closer to 50/50 in plumbing solder, so chosen because this alloy solidifies more slowly
and manageably.
In recent years, however, environmental safety concerns have motivated a steady move away from Pb-based solders owing to the recognized toxicity of Pb in both manufacturing and recycling. In the European Union, directives
issued in 2006 prohibited the inclusion of significant Pb contents in consumer electronics. In the U.S., there are also
tax incentives for the reduction of Pb content in consumer electronics. There are many binary and ternary (largely
eutectic) systems that have been investigated and employed as Pb-free solders. One of the most commercially
successful solders to date comes from the Sn-Ag-Cu ternary system shown in Fig. 8.38. Unfortunately, the eutectic in question is where the primary phase fields of Sn, Ag3 Sn and Cu3 Sn come together, which is very near
the Sn-vertex and therefore extremely difficult to see on the full ternary. Figure 8.39 is a blow-up of the Sn-corner
showing the low-melting eutectic composition of approximately 4 mass% silver and 1 mass% copper (~95 mass%
Sn) at 218o C. It seems appropriate to conclude our discussion of ternary phase diagrams with a true Type III or
solid solution
Figure 8.34: Calculated 150o C isothermal section for the Sn-Pb-Bi Type III system (by Thermo-Calc.
Qi /Qk vs. Q j /Qk phase diagram, in this case the mass fraction of Ag/Sn plotted vs. the mass fraction of Cu/Sn
plotted in proper Type III rectilinear fashion.
Figure 8.35: Schematic representations of crystallization paths in a two-phase region of a real Type III ternary with
solid and liquid solubilities that change with temperature.
Figure 8.36: Schematic representation of the phenomenon of coring in a binary eutectic system.
Figure 8.37: Lower portion of the CaO SiO2 Al2 O3 liquidus projection phase diagram (from Phase Diagrams for
Ceramists, The American Ceramic Society).
Figure 8.38: The calculated Sn-Ag-Cu liquidus projection phase diagram (from the NIST database).
Figure 8.39: The Sn corner of the calculated Sn-Ag-Cu liquidus projection diagram plotted in rectilinear fashion (from the
NIST database).
Just as there are fundamental laws governing the thermodynamics of materials, so there are basic laws governing
diffusion or how atoms/ions move around in materials. Consider the two adjacent planes in an isotropic solid as
shown in Figure 9.1a:
By isotropic, we mean that the diffusion rate of an impurity atom is independent of direction. The planes are
separated by the distance, , which we will refer to as the jump distance. Each plane has a different areal density
of impurity atoms (# per cm2 ), n1 on plane 1 and n2 on plane 2. Things are simplified by assuming an isotropic
solid, since we can consider jumps from plane 1 to plane 2 (along the +x axis) to be only one of six possible jump
directions ( x, y, z). Therefore, the number of atoms jumping from plane 1 to plane 2 during a time period t
will be equation 9.1:
#12 =
n t
6 1
where is the jump frequency of an atom (#/s). Similarly, the counter jumps from plane 2 to plane 1 during the
same time period is equation 9.2:
#21 =
n2 t
The net flow to the right through an imaginary plane midway between the two planes, as in Figure 9.1b, is given
by subtracting equation 9.2 from equation 9.1 or equation 9.3:
net#12 =
(n1 n2 )t
If we define the net flux J as the number of atoms passing through a unit cm2 area per unit time (s), we arrive at
equation 9.4:
net#12 =
(n1 n2 )t = Jt
such that (see Figure 9.1b) the flux can be written as equation 9.5:
( n1 n2 )
Two immediate observations can be made from Eq. 9.5. The units of flux are (#/cm2 )/s. Furthermore, if the area
concentration of the impurity is the same on the two planes, the net flux will be zero. However, this does not
indicate a static situation; it only means that the flux to the right (J1 = 16 n1 ) is the same as the flux to the left
(J2 = 16 n2 ). In fact, each of these fluxes can be enormous. Net zero flux only requires that their magnitudes be
the same, namely J = J1 J2 = 0.
Until now we have only considered area concentrations of impurities (#/cm2 ), however Ficks Laws are given in
terms of volume concentrations (#/cm3 ). We can convert to volume concentrations in Figure 9.1 by shifting the
frame of reference by one-half a jump distance to the right, as shown in Figure 9.6:
If we consider the jump distance in centimeters, it follows that the area inside the dashed box will be cm2 cm =
cm3 . The volume concentration in this block (c2 ) is the area concentration of impurities, (n2 = #/cm2 ), divided by
the jump distance, = cm , or #/cm3 . The net flux from plane 1 to plane 2 can therefore be written as equation 9.6:
(n1 n2 ) = (c1 c2 )
Of course, concentration is seldom treated at a perfectly atomistic, plane-by-plane level. Rather it is treated as
continuous, as displayed schematically by the dashed line in Figure 9.3.
If we do a Taylor series expansion about c1 and ignore higher order terms, we obtain equation 9.7:
c2 = c1 +
However, since the gradient between planes 1 and 2 is given by equation 9.8:
c2 c1
c1 c2
the concentration difference between the two planes can be expressed as equation 9.9:
( c1 c2 ) =
Substituting for (c1 c2 ) in equation 9.6, we find that equation 9.10 holds:
(c1 c2 ) = 2
This important equation tells us that the flux is proportional to the negative of the concentration gradient at time
t, or c = (c/x )t , and the proportionality coefficient is given by equation 9.11:
1 2
where D is the isotropic diffusion coefficient. Since the jump frequency () has units of #/s and the jump distance
() has units of cm, it follows that the diffusion coefficient will have units of cm2 /s. Many times we will see
diffusion coefficients in other units, such as m2 /s. Regardless, we can rewrite equation 9.10 as equation 9.12,
which is the most common form of Ficks First Law of diffusion:
J = D
It should be stressed that the diffusion coefficient of equation 9.11 holds strictly true only for isotropic solids. These
include amorphous solids (glasses) and cubic crystal structures, such as face-centered cubic (fcc), body-centered
cubic (bcc), sodium chloride (NaCl), fluorite (CaF2 ), etc. More complex equations describe diffusion in non-cubic
systems, e.g., hexagonal close-packed (hcp), which are beyond the scope of the present treatment.
Above we mentioned that lots of jumps are taking place in both directions between planes 1 and 2 in Figure 9.1,
even under a condition of zero net-flux. Consider the diffusion coefficient of interstitial carbon in fcc Fe,
which has been found experimentally to be 2.5x1011 m2 /s at 1000o C. Figure 9.4 shows the nearest-neighbor jump
distance of an interstitial on a (100) plane in the fcc structure.
6(2.5x1011 m2 )
= 2.2x109 /s
(0.26x109 m)2
Figure 9.4: Schematic showing one interstitial jump distance in the (100) plane of fcc Fe.
Wow! An average interstitial carbon atom makes approximately 2.2 billion jumps in just one second at this temperature! Yet the lattice vibrational frequency (recall the Debye frequency from your thermodynamics background,
D ) is on the order of 1013 /s. We can look at this frequency as the attempt frequency, or how many times per
second the interstitial is attempting to jump from the original position to the new one. So only approximately 2
out of 10,000 attempts is successful at this temperature.
It is also of interest to compare how far an average interstitial atom moves from its initial position in one second
vs. the total distance of back-and-forth motions it makes in that same second. Consider the sketch in Figure 9.5,
where the sphere represents the initial carbon atom position, and arrows represent individual jumps in each of the
x, y, and z directions.
Figure 9.5: Schematic of random walk distance after a series of individual jumps in an isotropic solid.
The circle with the dot represents a jump out of the plane of the diagram and then back. It can be seen that many
of the jumps are ineffective for long-range diffusion, since they are simply reversed. Nevertheless, the interstitial
atom makes steady progress away from its initial position, and the dashed line connects the initial position with the
final position after all the jumps are considered. This is referred to as the random walk distance (r). Computer
simulations can keep track of both the random walk distance and the total distance traveled by the impurity,
taking into account the sum of all back-and-forth motions. The total distance traveled is given by equation 9.14:
xtot = t = (0.26x109 m)(2.2x109 /s)(1s) = 0.57m
On the other hand, the random walk distance is given by equation 9.15:
This reinforces the facts 1) that lots of jumps are taking place each second, and 2) that lots of the jumps are ineffective insofar as long-distance diffusion is concerned. An average interstitial finds itself 12 micrometers away from
its starting point, but having traveled a staggering half a meter plus to get there!
You may see another form of the random walk equation 9.15. Plugging 6D/ for (from equation 9.11) into
equation 9.15, we obtain equation 9.16:
A steady state situation is one in which the local concentration of impurities does not change with time, such
that (c/t) x = 0 at each value of x. A good example involves the gradual diffusion of hydrogen through the steel
wall of a pressurized gas tank, as represented schematically in Figure 9.6.
~ 0
Steel Tank
Wall Thickness
Figure 9.6: Steady state diffusion of hydrogen through a steel tank wall.
It has been found that hydrogen dissolves to some extent in steel, maintaining a constant surface composition on
the inner surface of the tank that depends upon the tank pressure. Since air surrounds the tank and the hydrogen
content in air at ground level is less than 1 part per million, we can assume the hydrogen content on the outside
of the tank to be zero. Let the equilibrium hydrogen content on the inner surface be c H and the wall thickness be
. A steady state situation means that the hydrogen content decreases linearly with distance from c H at the inner
wall to zero at the outer wall (x = ). This can be expressed mathematically as equation 9.17:
c ( x = ) c ( x = 0)
0 cH
Plugging this into Ficks First Law of equation 9.12, we obtain equation 9.18:
Dc H
The product D c H is often called the gas permeability, since to be permeable through the solid wall the gas has
to be both soluble (c H ) and mobile (D). Gas permeability is given in units of g/cm s or kg/m s, which reflects
the product of the diffusion coefficient (cm2 /s or m2 /s) and the appropriate mass concentration (g/cm3 or kg/m3 ).
Fortunately, the gas permeability of hydrogen through steel is relatively small at room temperature. Nevertheless,
given sufficient time and sufficient diffusion the internal gas pressure (and c H ) will gradually decline to yet another
steady state situation. A compelling demonstration of this effect is the loss of helium from mylar balloons. Helium
rapidly diffuses through typical rubber balloons. However, mylar balloons have a thin aluminum metal coating
that helps to slow down helium diffusion. Nevertheless, helium eventually escapes causing the balloon to slowly
lose buoyancy. The situation at any point can be well described by equation 9.18.
The steady state example just described is an exception rather than the rule. In virtually all other instances of
diffusion, the impurity concentration at a given point is changing with time. For such situations we will need
another diffusion law, referred to as Ficks Second Law of diffusion. Consider the two concentration profiles in
Figure 9.7 and what is happening at imaginary planes 1 and 2, in each case separated by the distance, x.
Figure 9.7: Two contrasting concentration profiles and the relative fluxes at two planes separated by a distance, x.
Ficks First Law in equation 9.12 tells us that the flux is proportional to the negative of the concentration gradient at
each point. Based upon the gradient (slope) at each plane, it can be seen that the flux across plane 1 is greater than
the flux across plane 2 in the concave-up c vs. x profile on the left, and the opposite is true in the concave-down
c vs. x profile on the right. We might therefore expect the local concentration between the planes to increase with
time in the first situation, but decrease with time in the second. To simplify our discussion, lets assume that the
flux is a linear function of distance, as shown in Figure 9.8.
Figure 9.8: Hypothetical linear flux vs. distance relationship that might correspond to the concave-up concentration
profile in Figure 9.7.
This might correspond to the first situation in Figure 9.7. As can be seen, the flux into the volume between the
planes is greater than the flux out, so we would expect the impurity concentration in that volume to increase with
time. If we specify an identical area, A, on each plane, we can calculate the number of impurity atoms that are
added to the volume between the two planes during an increment of time, t, with the following equation 9.19:
( J1 J2 ) At = Axc
Since the units of flux are (#/cm2 )/s, when we multiply ( J1 J2 ) by the product of area (A in cm2 ) and time increment (t in s), we arrive at the number of impurity atoms that are added to the volume between the planes. Since
the volume in question is just the product of A and x, this amounts to an increment in the impurity concentration
(c in #/cm3 ). We can use equation 9.19 to help us derive Ficks Second Law. Lets begin by doing a Taylor series
expansion of flux around J1 in equation 9.20:
J2 = J1 +
again ignoring higher order terms. Rearranging equation 9.20 we obtain equation 9.21:
J1 J2 =
Inserting the right side of this equation in place of ( J1 J2 ) in equation 9.19 and canceling the A and x terms on
both sides of the resulting equation yields equation :
t = c
In the limit that the increments (t, c) go to zero, it follows that equation 9.22 can be expressed as equation 9.23:
However, we know from Ficks First Law that J = D (c/x ). Substituting D (c/x ) for J in equation 9.23, we
obtain equation 9.24:
This is the most general form of Ficks Second Law, which holds for all situations, including those in which the
diffusion coefficient is a function of composition (and therefore position). Fortunately, in many situations the
diffusion coefficient does not vary significantly over the concentration range involved and therefore does not
change significantly with position. This simplifies things considerably. Ficks Second Law of diffusion becomes
equation 9.25:
2 c
This equation tells us that the rate of change of concentration at a given point is proportional (by the diffusion
coefficient) to the second derivative of concentration with respect to distance at that point. We can use this equation
to 1) ascertain whether the concentration of an impurity is increasing or decreasing with time at a chosen point,
given a specific concentration profile, and 2) to test whether specific diffusion equations are valid, namely that
all such equations must obey Ficks Second Law as expressed in equation 9.25 (see the following section). As an
illustration of the first application, consider the three concentration profiles in Figure 9.9:
The concave-up concentration profile on the left has a second derivative of concentration with respect to distance
that is everywhere positive. This means that (c/t) must be positive; concentration is increasing with time as
shown by the vertical double-arrow. The linear concentration profile in the middle plot has a second derivative
with respect to distance that is zero. This means that (c/t) is zero; local concentration is not changing with time.
This is the steady-state situation discussed in the previous section. The concave-down concentration profile on
the right has a second derivative of concentration with respect to distance that is everywhere negative. This means
the (c/t) is everywhere negative; concentration is decreasing with time as shown by the vertical double-arrow.
Imagine a sinusoidal concentration profile as shown in Figure 10.1. Using Ficks Second Law, it follows that in the
concave-down portions of the profile where the local concentration is greater than the average composition, c,
concentration will be decreasing with time. At the same time, in the concave-up portions of the profile where the
local concentration is less than the average composition, the concentration will be increasing with time.
where (0) is the amplitude of the sine wave at time zero. If we allow diffusion to proceed, the concentration
profile will relax as shown in Figure 10.1. It turns out that the solution to Ficks Second Law for these boundary
conditions is given by equation :
c( x, t) = c + (0)sin
Dt 2
exp 2
You can prove to yourself that this equation is a solution to Ficks Second Law by taking the first derivative with
respect to time (t) and comparing the result with the second derivative with respect to distance ( x ). The two
derivatives should be identical. Lets test this equation by setting t = 0. This simply reverts to the time zero
function in equation 10.1. Now lets consider the variation of composition at the point, x = l/2. Since the sine of
( (l/2)/l ) or /2 is unity, equation 10.2 becomes equation 10.3:
Dt 2
c( , t) c = (0) exp 2
= (0) exp
2 D
When time is equal to the relaxation time (t = ) the amplitude above the average composition at the point,
x = l/2, according to equation 10.3 will be (0)/e or 0.368(0). This will, in fact, be true of every point along the
profile; each composition will be 36.8% of its value at time equal to zero, as shown in Figure 10.2.
Figure 10.2: Initial profile and concentration profile at one relaxation time.
One very important application of the sine function concentration profile of equation 10.2 has to do with point
defect relaxation. In metals and in some oxides, we can quench in a high vacancy population by quenching
from high temperature. If we then take the specimen to an intermediate temperature, excess vacancies can be
annihilated, but only by migrating to a surface. In polycrystalline materials, grain boundaries can act as internal
surfaces. In either single crystal or polycrystalline materials, dislocation cores can also act as internal surfaces.
Figure 10.3 shows schematic diagrams of how grain boundaries and dislocations can act as sinks for excess
= grain
= dislocation
Figure 10.3: Schematics of grain boundaries and/or dislocation cores acting as sinks for vacancies, indicates by the
In the case of grain boundaries we can equate the grain size to the value of l in the relaxation time equation 10.4.
If instead dislocations dominate, we can equate the average dislocation spacing to the value of l in equation 10.4.
In both cases, the diffusivity of interest will be the vacancy diffusion coefficient at the temperature of interest.
Polishing and etching can be employed to determine the dislocation density (etch pits) or #/cm2 . Inverting the
value obtained gives an area per dislocation or cm2 per dislocation, as shown in Figure 10.4. If we take the square
root of this value, we obtain the average separation distance of dislocations to use as l in the relaxation time
equation 10.4.
density =
Figure 10.4: Acquiring the average dislocation spacing from a measured dislocation density.
Non-Infinite Systems
Non-Infinite Systems
Non-infinite systems are those where concentration profiles span the entire specimen, from one end to the other.
Or if diffusion is taking place from both sides of a plate or slab, the two concentration profiles overlap in the middle
of the specimen. A classic example is diffusion out of a slab. For example, in Figure 10.5 a slab of thickness, h, with
initial impurity concentration, co , is held in an environment that takes the surface concentration, cs , to zero.
+ Areas
At short times the diffusion profiles do not overlap. They are described by semi-infinite solutions to Ficks
Second Law, as will be described in the following section. At longer times, however, the diffusion profiles do
overlap. The solution to Ficks Second Law for this situation is complicated, as shown in equation 10.5.
c( x, t) =
j =0
2j + 1
(2j + 1)x
(2j + 1) 2
Dt 2
) exp 2
This equation would be used if one wanted to estimate a composition at a specific point and time. More often,
however, we are interested in the average composition in the overall slab, as shown in the diagram on the right
side of Figure 10.5. This is found by integrating equation 10.5 to obtain equation 10.7:
c(t) =
c( x, t)dx = 2
(2j + 1) 2
(2j + 1)2 exp
j =0
Again, fortunately, the first term dominates, and for average compositions less than 80% of the initial composition
(c 0.8co ) the first term is an excellent approximation to the solution. The results in equation 10.8:
= 2 exp( )
Semi-Infinite Systems
or grain boundaries, relaxation will occur. The situation involving dislocation cores is represented schematically
in Figure 10.6, where the concentration of vacancies is shown during relaxation from the initial, quenched-in
In this case, h would be the average
concentration, co , to a point where the average vacancy concentration is c.
dislocation spacing and the diffusion coefficient would be that of vacancies in the metal of interest.
Figure 10.6: Relaxation of vacancies to dislocation cores in a metal.
Semi-Infinite Systems
By semi-infinite systems we are referring to situations where the specimen can be treated as essentially infinite
in size compared to the extent of the impurity concentration profile at the surface. Another way of describing this is
that the concentration profile resulting from diffusion never reaches the other end of the specimen. The specimen,
although not infinite in extent, is effectively infinite insofar as diffusion is concerned. In terms of diffusion it is
Thin film tracer diffusion is of special importance to materials science and engineering. It is how diffusion
coefficients are often measured. Imagine a thin film containing an area concentration (#/cm2 ) of a tracer that
is deposited on a highly polished, flat surface of a single crystal (crystal #1 in Figure 10.7). To prevent any loss
of tracer (for example by evaporation) and also to provide a second crystal in which to study diffusion, the
highly polished, flat surface of crystal #2 in Figure 10.7 is butted up against crystal #1, sandwiching the tracer
thin film between them. For self-diffusion studies, the tracer is the same chemical species as constitutes both
crystals, however with a different atomic mass (namely, another isotope than that of the host atoms making up
the two crystals). In many instances, a radioactive tracer is employed at low concentrations (and low radioactive
emission levels to protect lab workers). In this case, the relative concentration of tracer at a specific diffusion depth
is determined by the number of radioactive counts registered at that depth, usually by serial sectioning (see
below). In other cases, the amount of a non-radioactive tracer diffused to a given depth can be established by the
use of a mass spectrometer that can differentiate and quantify the relative amounts of tracer species vs. naturally
occurring (host crystal) species.
For impurity diffusion studies, the tracer is a different chemical species from the host. Again, either radioactive or
non-radioactive tracers can be employed, with mass spectrometry being used to in the latter case to quantify the
amount of a diffused species found at a given depth from the surface by serial sectioning, as described below.
The unique aspect of thin film tracer diffusion is that the overall amount of tracer remains constant, once applied
to the surface and sandwiched between the two crystals. On the right side of Figure 10.7 are the concentration
profiles at early, intermediate, and long times of diffusion at a specified temperature. Assuming no loss of tracer,
the area under each curve (the total amount of tracer) must remain the same at all times.
The actual diffusion process is carried out by heating the pair of crystals to a predetermined temperature as rapidly
as possible, holding for a set time, and quenching to room temperature as quickly as possible. For ceramic
samples, heating and cooling rates are limited by what the crystals can sustain without fracture caused by thermal
shock. Once a diffusion heat treatment is completed, the two crystals are cleaved at the thin film interface and each
crystal is subjected to the process called serial sectioning, as represented in Figure 10.8. Roughly equivalent
Semi-Infinite Systems
M = area concentration
of tracer
Figure 10.7: Schematic of thin film tracer diffusion.
sections are carefully removed, beginning with the surface to which tracer was applied, and being careful to
maintain a flat/planar surface throughout the process.
Figure 10.8: Schematic of the serial sectioning process, and how the tracer diffusion coefficient is determined.
Sectioning is typically accomplished using the same grinding media (abrasive cloths, powders) used for metallographic sample preparation. It is very important, however, to quantify both the depth removed (each x in
Figure 10.8) and the tracer concentration (C in Figure 10.8) for each section. Alternatively, the count rate (counts/time) can be measured by a radiation detector. The count rate will be directly proportional to the concentration
in each section. The increment of depth can be measured directly by a high precision micro-caliper. Alternatively,
it can be indirectly calculated from the mass removed, which can be measured quite accurately. In the case of
non-radioactive tracers, mass spectrometry is employed to calculate the tracer content in a given section. With a
radioactive tracer, the abrasive cloth holding the powder of the section removed can be placed in a radiation detector and counted for a predetermined time period. The solution to Ficks Second Law that reflects the boundary
conditions for thin film tracer diffusion is given in equation 10.9:
2 Dt
where C is either the tracer concentration or the tracers radioactive count rate, and M is the area concentration of
tracer deposited on the surface of crystal #1 in Figure 10.7. Taking the natural logarithm of both sides of equation
10.9 gives equation 10.10:
ln C = ln
2 Dt
Semi-Infinite Systems
The slope of a plot of the natural logarithm of C vs. x2 yields 1/4D t, as depicted on the right side of Figure
10.8. Since the diffusion time is known, the diffusion coefficient can be calculated. This process is repeated at other
temperatures in order to establish the pre-exponential factor (Do ) and activation energy (Q) of the tracer diffusion
coefficient (D ) as in equation 10.11:
D = Do exp
where Do is called the pre-exponential factor and Q is the activation energy of diffusion. We discuss the origin(s)
of this characteristic of diffusion vs. temperature behavior (so-called Arrhenius behavior) in a later section.
As opposed to thin film tracer diffusion, where the surface composition diminishes with time, there are a number
of situations in materials science and engineering where the surface composition is maintained constant with
time. These include doping situations, where a solid is held in an atmosphere that keeps the composition of an
impurity at a constant level on the exposed surface. Similarly, the carburization of iron or steel can be controlled
by holding the surface in an atmosphere with a fixed ratio of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The amount
of carbon in solution at the surface is thereby fixed according to equation 10.12:
2CO( gas) CO2 ( gas) + C (insolution)
As carbon diffuses into the interior of the solid, the above reaction guarantees that additional carbon is added to
the surface to maintain the surface carbon composition. The overall impurity (or carbon) content of the solid is
given by equation 10.13:
ctot = A
c( x )dx
where A is the area of the surface into which solute is diffusing. This means, of course, that as opposed to thin
film tracer diffusion, the overall solute content steadily increases with time. This is shown schematically on the
left side of Figure 10.9, where co is the initial carbon content and cs is the surface composition. The concentration
profile moves progressively to the right with time, as the interior of the solid is progressively enriched with solute.
We later consider how thick the sample must be to be semi-infinite compared to the diffusion profile, but from
Figure 10.9 it follows that the sample dimension should be large relative to the diffusion profile at the longest time
1-erf(z) = erfc(z)
Figure 10.9: Schematic of impurity diffusion from a fixed surface concentration into a solid with a background concentration and, on the right the situation cast in terms of the error function and the complementary error function.
Before we introduce the solution to Ficks Second Law that meets the boundary conditions of Figure 10.9, we will
make the simplifying assumption that the diffusion coefficient does not vary with impurity content, and therefore
distance from the surface (x). This is valid for the doping of semiconductors from gas phase precursors, where
Semi-Infinite Systems
relatively small dopant levels are involved. However, in the case of carburization, relatively large changes in solute
(carbon) content occur and the diffusion coefficient is known to vary somewhat with carbon composition (and
therefore position) along the diffusion profile. Fortunately, relatively good predictions of carbon diffusion profiles
can be obtained by employing an average carbon diffusion coefficient (discussed later) that can be assumed
invariant with carbon content (and position).
The solution to Ficks Second Law corresponding to the boundary conditions in Figure 10.9 is given by equation
c( x, t) = cs (cs co )erf
2 Dt
2 Dt
where x is the distance from the surface, D is the diffusion coefficient (a constant diffusion temperature is assumed), and t is the time period over which diffusion takes place. You should have encountered the error function (erf) in prior math courses. It is an indefinite integral of the form in equation 10.16:
er f (z) =
e d
where is known as a dummy variable. In our case, z = x/(2 Dt). In days past, with no closed-form solution
to equation 10.16, one resorted to tables of the error function. Fortunately, many modern calculators now include
the error function. Alternatively, there have been many mathematical approximations. The most straightforward
amongst the collection in the Handbook of Mathematical Functions [4], having a reported accuracy of 5x104 , is
equation 10.17:
1 er f (z) = erfc(z) (1 + a1 z + a2 z2 + a3 z3 + a4 z4 )4
where a1 = 0.278393, a2 = 0.230389, a3 = 0.000972, and a4 = 0.078108. This approximation can be used in a
either a computer program or in a mathematical spreadsheet to estimate erf(z). In equation 10.17 we have also
introduced the complementary error function, denoted as erfc(z). The simple relationship between the two
functions in equation 10.18:
erfc(z) = 1 erf(z)
is illustrated in Figure 10.10. On the right side of Figure 10.9 we see these two functions as applied to the above
mentioned instance of doping/carburization of a sample with an initial dopant concentration. An abbreviated
table of error function values is given in Table 1.
Table 10.1: Examples of Error Function Values
We can generate a useful metric to describe diffusion in cases of constant surface composition (error function
solutions to Ficks Second Law). In the case just described, consider the diffusion profile in Figure 10.11.
Semi-Infinite Systems
~ 0.48
Figure 10.11: Schematic representation of the diffusion depth for the diffusion process in Figure 10.9.
You will see one special composition highlighted, labeled c0.5 . This corresponds to the point where the composition
is half way between the surface composition (cs ) and the original sample composition (co ), which modifies equation
10.15 to equation 10.19:
cs c0.5
= 0.5 = erf
cs co
2 Dt
t0 t0
; =4
t t
or four times the length of time. We can also establish the thickness of sample required to be semi-infinite
with respect to a given combination ofdiffusion coefficient and time. From the previous Table of error function
values, we can observe that at z = x/2 Dt = 2 the diffusion profile has diminished by 99.5% toward the original
composition. In other words, very little (0.5%) impurity has been delivered
at this point in the diffusion profile.
For diffusion from one side, a specimen must therefore be greater than 2 Dt, or twice
the diffusion depth. For
diffusion from both sides of a plate we might define semi-infinite as being > 4 Dt or roughly four times the
diffusion depth. Of course, this is arbitrary and more stringent definitions of semi-infinite can be made (e.g.,
z = 2.5, for which erf(z) = 0.9996). For diffusion from both sides of a plate, this would amount to 0.08% added
impurity at the middle of the specimen.
Of course, we should not forget our non-infinite solutions to Ficks Second Law, which are required in place of
error function (semi-infinite) solutions when there is significant overlap of diffusion profiles from the two sides
Semi-Infinite Systems
of a plate. Equations 10.5 and 10.6 would be used to determine the concentration at a given position, whereas
equations 10.7 and 10.8 would be employed to determine the average composition (above the initial composition)
for the plate. We revisit such overlap when we consider decarburization (below).
All the solutions that follow are simply permutations of equation 10.15. For instance, lets consider carburization
or doping of an initially pure host. Of course, from thermodynamics we know that there is no such thing as
complete purity. Impurities, including the one we are interested in, are always present to some degree. However,
their level can be considered so inconsequential as to be effectively zero, namely co can be taken to be zero in
equation 10.15. By making this assumption and rearranging, we obtain equation 10.21:
c( x, t)
= 1 erf
2 Dt
= erfc
2 Dt
A representative diffusion profile is displayed in Figure 10.12, showing how the complementary error function
comes into the picture.
1-erf(z) = erfc(z)
Figure 10.12: Carburization or doping of a solid with an essentially zero initial impurity content.
Now lets consider decarburizing, which is the opposite of carburizing (adding carbon to iron or steel). On the
left side of Figure C, we are holding the surface carbon content at a lower value than the initial carbon content of
the specimen. This can be accomplished by employing appropriate carbon monoxide/carbon dioxide gas ratios,
as per equation 10.12. As time proceeds, carbon is removed by diffusion from progressively larger depths. Keep
in mind, however, that the specimen is semi-infinite, namely that its width is at least 2 diffusion depths (or
4 diffusion depths if decarburized from both sides). The solution to Ficks Second Law satisfying the boundary
conditions in Figure C is given in equation 10.22:
c( x, t) cs
= erf
co cs
2 Dt
In the event that complete decarburization is desired, the surface carbon content is taken to zero, simplifying
equation 10.22 to equation 10.23:
c( x, t)
= erf
2 Dt
A schematic illustrating this situation is given on the right side of Figure 10.13, where it can be seen that the
straightforward error function is the simple solution for the boundary conditions applied. It should once again
be stressed that the sample must be semi-infinite, namely if being decarburized from both sides it should be
several (>4) diffusion lengths in width, such that there is no overlap of error function solutions at the middle
of the sample. If there is considerable overlap, we once again turn to our non-infinite solutions. These take into
account both the carbon contents vs. position (equation 10.6) and the average carbon content of the slab (for values
below 80% of the original, equation 10.8). It might be a good time to refer back to Figure 10.5 for a schematic of
decarburization in the non-infinite case.
Semi-Infinite Systems
Figure 10.13: Decarburization of a sample with an initial carbon content with the surface content taken to a finite, but
lower value (left) or to effectively zero (on the right).
Before considering the special case of interdiffusion, lets introduce some practical uses for all the error function
solutions considered thus far. For many years, the n-type and p-type regions of microelectronic circuits were made
by exposing semiconductor-grade (ultra-high purity) silicon wafers to gases containing n-type dopants or p-type
dopants through removable masks in a process called photolithography. Although diffusion is sometimes still
used, for instance to set the background impurity level of a silicon layer, nowadays doping is usually accomplished
by ion-implantation of dopants owing to improved controllability and speed.
Carburization and decarburization are fundamental to the processing of steels and for the preparation of their
surfaces. For example, carburization is well known to increase the hardness of steels. In the case of a machine
gear, for instance, the materials engineer may be interested in maintaining different properties of the gear core
(high strength with toughness) and the gear surface (high strength with hardness). This calls for a different carbon
content in the core vs. on its surface. In particular, carburization is employed to boost the carbon content at the
surface, making it hard and wear-resistant. This can be done by a process of pack carburization, namely packing
the gear in a high temperature bed of charcoal, often referred to as case hardening. However, carburization is
more often accomplished by exposing steel surfaces to carbon-containing gases (see equation 10.12) or to carboncontaining plasmas.
The final instance of constant surface composition that we consider involves the interdiffusion of solute across an
interface, as depicted in Figure 10.14.
Figure 10.14: An interdiffusion couple assuming a constant value of diffusion coefficient.
Here a solid with impurity concentration, c1 , is butted up against a solid having a lower impurity concentration,
c2 . It should be stressed that for the error function solution to be employed, the differences in solute content should
be small and/or the diffusion coefficient must not vary much with solute content (and therefore distance in the
diffusion couple). With these qualifications, the mid-point of the diffusion profile, both in terms of composition
and in terms of distance, remains stationary with time as shown in Figure 10.14. It can be seen that the composition
at this point remains the average of the two initial solute contents, or (c1 + c2 )/2. Looking to the right from the
interface (x = 0), the situation looks identical to the carburization situation in Figure 10.9, and we can insert
(c1 + c2 )/2 in place of cs in equation 10.15 as is done in equation 10.24:
( c1 +2 c2 ) c( x, t)
( c1 +2 c2 ) c2
2 Dt
The denominator of the left side of equation can be simplified to (c1 c2 )/2, and the resulting solution to Ficks
Second Law for interdiffusion with a constant diffusion coefficient is equation 10.25:
c( x, t) =
c1 + c2
c1 c2
2 Dt
This equation also holds for the left side of the interdiffusion couple in Figure , since erf(z) = erf(z) as shown
in Figure 10.15.
Figure 10.15: The error function for both positive and negative values of z.
c1 + c2
c1 c2
2 Dt
This arises from reversing the sense of x (and therefore z), namely that the solid with the higher solute concentration is now on the right, so be careful to use the solution that matches your boundary conditions. Note how
the overall error function in Figure 10.15 actually looks like an interdiffusion profile with the more highly doped
specimen on the right.
Before moving on, it should be stressed that interdiffusion with an essentially composition-independent and therefore position-independent diffusion coefficient is rather the exception than the rule. Most interdiffusion problems
involve interdiffusion coefficients that are clearly functions of concentration and therefore of position. In an A:B
couple, where A and B are different metals, the usual case is for A to diffuse faster into B or vice versa. In fact,
the point of average composition, (c1 + c2 )/2, moves with diffusion time. Fortunately, procedures exist to solve
interdiffusion profiles for composition-dependent diffusion coefficients at each point. You will learn about these
methods in lab projects and in upper level materials science and engineering coursework.
Atomistics of Diffusion
We now turn to the basics of diffusion, namely the nuts and bolts of how diffusion takes place in solids. We
want to unpack all the contributions, the so-called atomistics that contribute to the pre-exponential factor (Do )
and the activation energy (Q) of the general equation for diffusion in solids, as per equation 11.1:
D = Do exp
It turns out that we can do a pretty good job estimating ranges of values for the pre-exponential factor for each
of the primary diffusion mechanisms. In what follows, we take a modular plug-in approach to the problem, as
outlined in Figure 11.1:
We begin with our basic diffusion equation 9.11 repeated and reorganized here as equation 11.2:
1 2
Interstitial Diffusion
Box A
Box B
Box D
Box C
Box E
Box F
Box G
Figure 11.1: A modular plug-in approach for understanding the atomistics of diffusion in cubic crystals.
To review, is the atomic jump distance (determined by the crystal structure) and is the atomic jump frequency.
This equation (11.2) is found in Box A of Figure 11.1 and will be the jumping off point for each of the diffusion
mechanisms we consider. The first plug-in is equation 11.3:
= de f Xde f
Here the atomistic jump frequency is related to the product of a defect jump frequency (de f ) and a defect
availability factor (Xde f ). The availability factor will be further described as we consider each of the individual
diffusion mechanisms. The rest of Figure 11.1 may seem quite daunting, however not every diffusion mechanism
involves all of the plug-ins or boxes in the figure. We will proceed from simplest (interstitial diffusion) to most
complex (vacancy and interstitialcy diffusion). Along the way, the plug-ins/boxes should come into focus, so
be patient. The object is to develop for each mechanism an atomistic-based description of the diffusion coefficient.
Right now Box E in Figure 11.1 seems quite complicated, however this massive equation can be reduced to the
standard equation 11.1 in Box F or to the even simpler equation 11.4:
D = SEact
in Box G, which tells us that three groupings of factors govern each individual diffusion mechanism: a geometric
factor (), and entropic factor (S), and a thermally-activated term (Eact ). Lets get started by considering the most
straightforward of diffusion mechanisms, interstitial diffusion.
Interstitial Diffusion
Although self-diffusion by interstitials is possible in certain ceramic materials, we will restrict our consideration to
impurity diffusion where the impurity spends all of its time in the interstices of the crystal lattice. A good example
is carbon diffusion in iron. This type of impurity diffusion has special requirements, namely that 1) the atomic
radius of the impurity is significantly less than that of the host (e.g., rC < r Fe ), and 2) the atomic radius of the
impurity is comparable to that of the interstices. It should be stressed that self-diffusion in close-packed metals
never takes place by interstitial diffusion. The radius of a host atom is far too great for it to squeeze into the much
smaller interstices in between host atoms. To place a host atom into such an interstice would be highly unfavorable
energetically; self-interstitials are therefore highly unlikely.
Lets begin to analyze interstitial diffusion using the modular plug-in chart in Figure 11.1. Since the interstitial is
always an interstitial, there is no thermal activation process associated with its formation as in Box D. Furthermore,
the availability factor for interstitial jumps can be assumed to be essentially unity (Xint 1), namely adjacent
interstitial sites into which the interstitial can jump can be assumed to be empty. Of course, at the highest carbon
contents there is a finite possibility that an adjacent interstitial is occupied. We could express the availability factor
Interstitial Diffusion
as (1 Xi ), where Xi is the site fraction of carbon interstitials. But for simplicity we will assume that Xi 1 and
assume an availability factor (Xint ) of unity.
It is time to add important functions to our diffusion toolkit. These have to do with the defect jump frequency
in Box C of Figure 11.1. In moving from one interstitial site to another, a certain amount of lattice dilation must
occur, as illustrated in Figure 11.2.
Saddle Point
Figure 11.2: Schematic showing interstitial motion, local lattice dilation and the resulting energy barrier/saddle point.
In other words, adjacent atoms must move apart to enable the interstitial to pass. Energetically, this amounts to
surpassing an energy barrier that separates the two sites. Figure 11.2 illustrates the special configuration with the
interstitial at the so-called saddle-point. The energy landscape is shaped like a saddle. Alternately, you can think
about a mountain pass. You go up and over the pass, but when you are at the top of the pass you find the land
rising to either side. From statistical mechanics, the probability that an interstitial has sufficient energy to reach
the saddle point is small. It is governed by the height of the pass (Gm ) and the temperature. Higher temperature
means more energy being available to the interstitials, and an increasing fraction of them having the probability
to make it to/past the saddle point. The relationship is given by equation 11.5:
probability exp
We refer to Gm as the free energy of motion which, in turn, can be separated into enthalpy of motion (Hm ) and
entropy of motion (Sm ) components as in equation 11.6:
Gm = Hm TSm
It should be apparent that an interstitial at the saddle point has a different entropy. Certainly, its vibrational
frequency, and thus its vibrational entropy, should be different at the dilated/congested saddle than in either
interstice, i.e., the energy wells on either side of the energy barrier in Figure 11.2. We can use the information in
equation 11.6 to arrive at the equation in Box C of Figure 11.1, or equation 11.7:
i = z exp
Here we have replaced de f with i (i for interstitial), and Smi and Hmi for Sde f and Hde f , respectively. The
other constants are , the attempt frequency, and z, the coordination number of how many empty interstitial sites
surround an occupied interstitial site. The attempt frequency can be assumed to be the lattice vibrational frequency, on the order of 1013 per second. You probably encountered the Debye frequency in your prior materials
thermodynamics work.
Plugging i from equation for de f in Boxes C and B and Xi = 1 for Xde f in Boxes D and B of Figure 11.1, we obtain
the following equation :
1 2
z exp
Interstitial Diffusion
If we consider A to be the host lattice and B to be the species moving via interstices, we can simplify equation 11.8
to equation 11.9:
DB = DBo exp
where DBo is the pre-exponential factor for impurity diffusion of species B by interstitial mechanism, which includes all the entities within the brackets of equation 11.8, and Q I is the activation energy for interstitial motion.
Since there is no defect formation energy, Q I is the same as the enthalpy of motion or Hmi . Before we take a try at
predicting pre-exponential factors for interstitial diffusion, lets rearrange equation 11.9 to separate out geometric
() and entropic (S) factors, as in equation 11.10:
D = SEact =
2 z
Lets first unpack the underlying parameters in the geometric factor (). We already know that the attempt frequency () is on the order of 1013 /s. But the jump distance () and coordination number (z) depend upon not only
the crystal structure, but upon the actual element/metal under consideration. Lets focus our concentration on
iron in both fcc (austenite) and bcc (ferrite) forms, and consider the case of the interstitial diffusion of carbon. The
two crystal structures are displayed in Figure 11.3. More importantly, the interstitial positions are marked with
Xs. In addition, a typical jump distance is shown by an arrow for each structure.
Figure 11.3: Interstitial positions in fcc (austenite) on left and in bcc (ferrite) on right.
Lets first consider carbon diffusion in fcc-Fe (austenite), whose structure is shown on the left side of Figure 11.3.
It is obvious that the two sets of lattice positions (host atoms, interstices) form interpenetrating fcc lattices. In fact,
we will encounter interpenetrating lattices when we consider the rocksalt structure of sodium chloride or table
salt (NaCl), where the electropositive Na+ cations sit on one set of sites and the electronegative Cl anions sit
on the other. In austenite, most of the second interpenetrating (interstitial) lattice is empty. However, the fact that
it (the interstitial lattice) is also fcc is quite important. It means that the coordination number of empty interstitials
sites around any given occupied interstitial site will be the same as the coordination number of neighboring iron
atoms around any given iron host atom. This gives us the value we need for the coordination number in of
equation 11.10, namely 12.
On the other hand, the jump distance (or the arrow length in Figure 11.3) is the same as the
2ao /2 . Since the
close-packed atoms (see the lower diagram in Figure 11.3), or one-half of the face-diagonal
lattice parameter (ao ) of fcc iron is 0.37 nm. the jump distance would be 8 0.26 nm. Diffusion coefficients are
rarely given in terms of nm2 /s, however. So lets convert 0.26 nm to centimeters, or 2.6x108 cm. This yields the
following for the geometric factor for diffusion:
= z ff2 /6 = 12 1013 s1 2.6x108 cm /6 = 0.014 cm2 /s
Vacancy Diffusion
There have been several estimates of the entropic term (S) in equation 11.10. One of the most straightforward calculations took into account the elastic strain associated with the saddle point (C. Zener in Imperfections in Nearly Perfect Crystals, 1952, p.289) and also the change in vibrational entropy associated with the saddle point [5], arriving
at the result that the entropy of interstitial motion was Smi R, such that the entropic term (S = exp (Smi /RT ))
was approximately 2.7. The product of the geometric factor () and the entropic factor (S) in equation 11.10 is
the pre-exponential coefficient of equation 11.9. Based upon our back of the envelope calculations, we predict a
value for DBo of 0.38 cm2 /s.
Before we make a comparison with experimental values, it must be stressed that owing to the larger interstice size
in fcc iron vs. bcc iron, the former (austenite) can incorporate a much larger carbon content than the latter (ferrite).
We mentioned previously that the diffusion of carbon in fcc iron was not a constant, but rather varied measurably with carbon content. Fortunately, the variation is not extreme and a practicable composition-independent
approximation appears in most diffusion textbooks. This approximation is given by the following equation 11.12:
Given our rather simplistic assumptions and the fact that the experimental equation is itself an approximation, the
agreement of pre-exponential values (estimated: 0.38 cm2 /s vs. experimental: 0.2 cm2 /s) is remarkable.
Lets see how we do estimating the geometric factor and pre-exponent for carbon diffusion in the bcc (ferrite) form
of iron. Interestingly, the interstices in bcc iron exist only on the faces of the unit cell as shown on the right side
of Figure 11.3. These interstices are found along the edges and at the face centers of the unit cell. As a result,
the jump distance is half of the cube edge or lattice parameter, such that = ao /2 = 0.29nm/2 = 0.14nm. Since
there are no bcc interstices within the unit cell, the coordination number can be determined by looking at the facecentered interstice on any face in Figure 11.3. If occupied, it is surrounded by 4 empty interstices at the 4 cube
edge positions, so z = 4. Assuming once again an attempt frequency of 1013 /s, we arrive at a geometric factor
of 0.0013cm2 /s.
Once again, there have been several estimates of the entropic term (S) in equation 11.10. If we assume, as with the
fcc structure, that the entropy of interstitial motion is Smi R such that the entropic term of S = exp (Smi /RT )
is approximately 2.7, we arrive at a back of the envelope estimate for DBo of 3.5x103 cm2 /s. The experimental
equation for carbon diffusion in bcc iron is [6]:
DC (ferrite) = 2.0x10
cm /s exp
This time there is only agreement of pre-exponent within an order of magnitude, however this can be considered
quite good considering all the approximations we have made. As additional support for our atomistic approach,
the corresponding DBo values are 3.0x103 cm2 /s for nitrogen [7] and 1.0x103 cm2 /s for hydrogen [8], in quite
satisfactory agreement with our prediction. The corresponding enthalpies of motion (Q I ) are 76.1 kJ/mole and
13.4 kJ/mole for N [7] and H [8], respectively.
Vacancy Diffusion
Self-diffusion or impurity-diffusion by vacancy mechanism can be likened to the tile puzzles we have handled
physically or solved as a computer game. Consider the tile puzzle in Figure 11.4. The configuration on the top left
is insoluble owing to the absence of a vacancy, whereas the configuration on the top right is soluble by virtue of
the vacancys presence. The analogy to solids is that without such defects, there can be no diffusion and thus no
reactivity. This is further illustrated in the bottom diagrams of Figure 11.4, each illustrating a close-packed plane
in either hcp or fcc solids. With the addition of the vacancy in the bottom-right configuration, it is obvious that self
diffusion of the atom to the left of the vacancy takes place by exchange with the vacancy. By moving the vacancy
all around the lattice, each atom will eventually have its turn to exchange with the vacancy. From the outset, we
might guess that the vacancy diffusivity will be much larger than that of the host or self atoms; the self-diffusion
coefficient will be much smaller than the vacancy diffusion coefficient.
Vacancy Diffusion
Figure 11.4: Tile puzzle analogy for both self-diffusion and substitutional impurity diffusion.
Substitutional impurities, namely those that sit on host atom sites rather than in its interstices, also depend upon
vacancy motion for diffusion to take place. The shaded atom in the bottom-right configuration in Figure Z represents such a substitutional impurity. It is obvious that for this to take place, the atomic radius of the impurity must
be comparable to that of the host. Impurity atoms will similarly bide their time waiting to exchange with a host
vacancy that comes their way. They may exchange more readily or less so than the host atoms, but both diffuse by
so-called vacancy mechanism.
Lets consider vacancy diffusion within the rubric of the modular plug-in diagram of Figure 11.1. Box B of Figure
11.1 will become equation 11.14:
= v Xv
where v is the vacancy jump frequency and Xv is the availability factor or site fraction of vacancies. The latter
amounts to the probability that each adjacent site is unoccupied. The first of these two terms can be derived by
analogy to equation 11.7 for interstitial motion, or equation 11.15:
v = z exp
where z is the coordination number, is the attempt frequency, and Smv and Hmv are the entropy and enthalpy
of vacancy motion, respectively.
We will address each of these parameters later, but for now lets concentrate on the site fraction of vacancies or
Xv . If temperature is sufficiently high, the vacancy concentration will be in thermodynamic equilibrium. We can
approach this problem as was done for the regular solution model in your prior thermodynamics coursework.
Expressions were written for both the enthalpy of mixing in equation 11.16:
H M = X A XB
TS M = T [ R( X A ln X A + XB ln XB )]
where is the interaction parameter and X A and XB represent the mole fractions of the two components. The
phase boundaries of the regular solution solvus were found by plugging these two equations into the overall
expression for the free energy of mixing, equation 11.18:
G M = H M TS M
taking the derivative with respect to composition (XB ), and setting the result equal to zero.
In the case of the formation of vacancies in a solid metal, the corresponding enthalpy term is given by equation
Vacancy Diffusion
H ' Xv Hv
where Hv represents the enthalpy increase per mole of vacancies. Similarly, the entropy of forming a mole of
vacancies is given by equation 11.20:
S = Snoncon f ig + Scon f ig
where the non-configurational entropy, incorporating the thermal/vibrational entropy per mole of vacancies (Sv ),
is given by equation 11.21:
Snoncon f ig ' Xv Sv
and the configurational entropy looks a lot like the entropy of mixing (in equation 11.17) or equation 11.22:
Scon f ig = R[ X ln Xv + (1 Xv ) ln(1 Xv )]
If we begin with the standard free energy of the perfect crystal (G oA ), and insert all the enthalpic and entropic
terms for vacancy formation, the Gibbs free energy of the defective crystal compared to that of the perfect crystal
is given by equation 11.23:
G A G oA = Gv = Xv Hv TXv Sv + RT [ Xv ln Xv + (1 Xv ) ln(1 Xv )]
Figure 11.5 shows how the enthalpic and entropic factors contribute to the overall free energy of vacancy formation.
Figure 11.5: Competition of the enthalpic and entropic terms in vacancy formation, resulting in an equilibrium concentration at Xve .
At first, Gv decreases with increasing vacancy concentration, being dominated by the entropy terms. Eventually,
however, the enthalpy term turns things around, dominating at higher vacancy concentrations. A minimum in
the free energy of vacancy formation occurs at the so-called equilibrium value (Xve ). This value can be derived by
taking the first derivative of equation 11.23 and setting it equation to zero as in equation 11.24:
Xv = Xve
= 0 = Hv TSv + RT ln
1 Xve
Rearranging equation 11.24, exponentiating, and making the assumption that Xve 1, we obtain equation 11.25,
which relates the equilibrium vacancy concentration (site fraction of vacancies) to temperature:
= exp
Vacancy Diffusion
For now, lets leave the testing of our assumption (Xve 1) for later, and plug this equation (11.25) into Box D
of Figure 11.1. We previously derived equation 11.15, which is Box C of Figure 11.1. Plugging these equations
into the jump frequency expression of Box B, we obtain an overall equation for self-diffusion (Box A) by vacancy
mechanism, or equation 11.26:
DA =
1 2
z exp
Sv + Smv
(Hv + Hmv )
where QSD , the activation energy of self-diffusion, is the sum of formation (Hv ) and motion (Hmv ) enthalpies,
and D Ao is the pre-exponential factor that incorporates all the factors within the first bracket of equation 11.26. As
with interstitial diffusion, we can reorganize equation 11.26 into geometric (), entropic (S), and activation energy
(Eact ) factors, as in equation 11.28:
D A = SEact =
2 z
Sv + Smv
(Hv + Hmv )
Before we examine the factors in the pre-exponent and estimate its value, it is useful to calculate the diffusion
coefficient of the vacancies themselves. Plugging equation 11.15 into Box C of Figure 11.1 and inserting this for the
term in Box A, we obtain equation 11.29:
1 2
z exp
Dv = v =
Comparing equations 11.26 and 11.29, two important relationships result, equations 11.30 and 11.31:
A = v Xv
D A = Dv X v
As we said above, the vacancies are moving around much more frequently than individual host atoms. In the
following section, we mention that the vacancy concentration in fcc metals can be as high as Xv 0.001 at just
below their melting points. Simple math shows us that the ratio of jump frequencies (v /A ) or diffusivities
(Dv /D A ), that is of vacancies vs. host atoms, will therefore be 1000x! Actually, you can prove this to yourself by
solving a tile puzzle and counting the number of jumps made by each numbered tile compared to the number
of jumps the vacancy makes to solve the puzzle.
Now lets estimate a range of pre-exponential factors for self-diffusion in fcc metals based upon our best guess of
atomistic factors. We will assume a representative value for the jump distance in equation 11.26 of approximately
0.3nm or 0.3x107 cm. For example, recall that we obtained = 0.26nm for fcc iron. We also established that the
coordination number (z) of adjacent sites around any given host atom, on which a vacancy might sit, is 12. Again,
we will assume the familiar value for the attempt frequency () of 1013 /s. Theorists find values for both the
entropy of formation and motion to be on the order of R, or exp(S/R) 2.7, however a range of values is found
in the literature. We will employ a range of values of 1 . exp(Sv ) . 10 and 1 . exp(Smv ) . 10 . Plugging all
these values into equation 11.26, we obtain a range of pre-exponent values of 0.018cm2 /s . D Ao . 1.8cm2 /s.
So how did we do? The pre-exponential factors for self diffusion are 1.7cm2 /s, 1.9cm2 /s, and 0.30cm2 /s for fcc
aluminum, nickel, and copper, respectively [9]. Given all the assumptions we made, the agreement is quite good.
What about self-diffusion in bcc metals? Again, lets assume a representative value for the jump distance in
equation of approximately 0.3nm or 0.3x107 cm. As opposed to fcc metals, the jump distance is different for siteto-site jumps vs. interstitial-to-interstitial jumps. This is demonstrated in the bcc structure of Figure 11.6, where
Interstitialcy Diffusion
the near-neighbor jump is one-half the body diagonal, or ( 3ao )/2. In bcc iron, this jump distance would be
0.25nm or .25x107 cm. From the same Figure 11.6, the coordination number is obviously 8 as opposed to 12 for
fcc metals. Again, assuming a typical attempt frequency () of 1013 /s and a range of entropic factors, such that
1 . exp(Sv ) . 10 and 1 . exp(Smv ) . 10, and inserting these values into the first bracket of equation 11.26, we
obtain as an estimate, 0.012cm2 /s . D Ao . 1.2cm2 /s.
Again, how did we do? The pre-exponential factors for self-diffusion are 2.0cm2 /s, 1.8cm2 /s, and 0.2cm2 /s for bcc
iron, molybdenum, and chromium, respectively [9]. Again, the experimental values are in good agreement with
our simple-minded predictions.
Interstitialcy Diffusion
Of the three diffusion mechanisms we have thus far considered, interstitialcy diffusion is certainly the most unusual. The German word for this mechanism is zwischengitterstossmechanismus, which does a far better job
conveying the concept. The words that make up this moniker will help us understand its meaning. The word
gitter refers to the normal lattice sites. The word zwischen means between. And the word stoss means
shove. This mechanism is exclusive to compounds with more than one sublattice. This is because the interstice
size in metals is never big enough to accommodate a self-interstitial. However, in certain ceramic materials one
species, for example the electropositive cations, can be much smaller than the electronegative anions. And in this
case the cation interstices can be large enough to accommodate cation self-interstitials. The classic example is AgBr,
which readily forms Ag self-interstitials. But rather than moving around by interstitial mechanism, as carbon does
in iron, a coordinated two-cation motion mechanism takes place, in which an interstitial cation bumps another
cation off its normal site and takes its place. Thats where the shove part of zwischengitterstossmechanismus
comes in. The normal cation now becomes an interstitial cation, and the process continues. A schematic the first
step of such a process in AgBr is shown in Figure 11.7 in terms of before and after positions of ions. Only the
Ag+ species are shown, since all the action involves silver cations.
Figure 11.7: Schematic of the before and after positions of cations undergoing interstitialcy diffusion.
I like to think of one of two analogies for interstitialcy mechanism. The first involves sending an opponents ball
in croquet. Once I touch your ball with mine, I have the option of positioning my ball under my foot right next to
yours and then clobbering my ball, the transferred momentum sending your ball way off course. The other analogy
involves shuffleboard (or curling, if you have ever seen it), where the momentum of my puck/stone is transferred
to your puck, which (hopefully) is removed from the scoring area while mine takes its place. Two points need
to be made about the interstitialcy event. As shown in Figure 11.7, the process is collinear, meaning that the
pushed atom moves along the same line as the pushing atom. This need not be the case, as we well know from
the shuffleboard/curling analogy. Non-collinear interstitialcy mechanisms are definitely known to occur. Second,
note that the interstitial has moved twice as far as the host atom that got pushed. This may not seem significant, but
it is actually one way to confirm that the collinear interstitialcy mechanism is occurring. Later we will find out how
to use electrical conductivity to establish the diffusivity by charged ions, so-called ionic diffusivity/conductivity.
It turns out that when we measure the diffusivity of silver ions by tracer methods in AgBr, we get an answer that
is approximately half the diffusivity of silver ions measured by electrical conductivity. Why is this? Look again at
Figure 11.7. The charge (the interstitial) is moving twice as far as the shaded host ion (which could be a tracer ion).
Given the complexity of the interstitialcy mechanism and the relative dearth of representative pre-exponential
factors, we will not subject this mechanism to the intense atomistic scrutiny as we did for interstitial and vacancy
mechanisms. However, we can make some remarks about jump frequency and defect availability in Box B of
Figure 11.1. It makes sense that the interstitialcy defects are jumping with a frequency, iy (iy for interstitialcy).
But if I am a silver cation on a host site, instead of waiting for pullers to come along (vacancies), I am now
biding my time awaiting the arrival of a pusher to come along (interstitialcy defects) and knock me on my way.
Hence the defect availability factor will be the fraction of occupied interstices, or Xiy . By analogy with the vacancy
mechanism, the corresponding Box E interstitialcy diffusion coefficient (with direct analogy to equation 11.26) is
equation 11.32:
DA =
1 2
z exp
Siy + Smiy
(Hiy + Hmiy )
As with the vacancy mechanism, this equation has geometric (), entropic (S), and thermally-activated components (Eact ), as in equation 11.33:
D A = SEact =
2 z
Siy + Smiy
(Hiy + Hmiyv )
The motion-related components are relatively straightforward to understand, however the formation components
(Siy ) and (Hiy ) will have to wait until we have considered point defects in ionic solids, including the introduction
of a special shorthand representation for ionic defects called Krger-Vink notation.
We have shown that for all diffusion mechanisms considered thus far, Arrhenius behavior results, namely that
the diffusion coefficient is thermally activated as per the equation in Box F of Figure 11.1. We already saw this
behavior for tracer diffusion in equation 10.7 and for general diffusion in equation 11.1, which is repeated here:
D = Do exp
As materials scientists and engineers, we need to be confident in using and manipulating diffusion data that
behave in this Arrhenius, thermally-activated fashion. Here are some things we need to be able to do: 1) plot
experimental data for diffusion on a ln D vs inverse temperature (T1 ) plot to extract pre-exponent and activation energy, 2) given the pre-exponent and activation energy for diffusion, calculate the diffusion coefficient for a
specified temperature, or make the corresponding Arrhenius plot of ln D vs. T 1 , 3) given the diffusion coefficient
at one temperature and the activation energy, predict the diffusion coefficient at another temperature, or 4) given
diffusion coefficients at two temperatures, be able to extract pre-exponential factor and activation energy, plus predict the diffusion coefficient at an intermediate temperature. All of these tasks are quite straightforward once we
recognize that taking the logarithm of both sides of equation 11.34 results in the formula of a line, as in equation
ln D = ln Do + (
Q 1
) T = b + mx
where the axes are y = ln D and x = T 1 , the slope is m = Q/R and the intercept is b = ln Do . Alternatively, the
slope is given by equation 11.36:
ln D ( T2 ) ln D ( T1 )
y2 y1
x2 x1
T21 T11
These relationships are represented schematically in Figure A. It should be noted that diffusion data are more
commonly plotted on base-10 log D vs. T 1 plots, but it is easy enough to modify equation 11.35 to equation 11.37:
log D = log Do + (
) T 1 = b + mx
Be certain not to make the mistake of plotting temperature in o C! All diffusion plots employ temperature in degrees
How We Know That Point Defects Exist and Move, Plus Some Useful
We are going to turn back the hands of time to answer these questions. Of course, we can now image individual
atoms on very sharp tips in machines called (what else?) atom probes. But long before the existence of such atom
probes or high resolution electron microscopes, we knew about atoms and their absence (vacancies) and that such
defects moved around. At the times in question (the 1950s and 1960s) the following methods were de rigueur.
Along the way we have learned quite a bit about diffusion in crystalline solids (metals, ceramics) and distilled
some important relationships concerning their transport behavior.
You can read about the original experiment for yourself in the reference [10], but this classic experiment employed
simultaneous measurement of macroscopic expansion (using a high-accuracy dilatometer) and sub-microscopic/lattice
spacing changes (using in situ X-ray diffraction) on a single crystal specimen of an fcc metal during controlled heating. This may seem like a circular argument, but we already anticipate that the vacancy concentration will increase
with temperature (see equation 11.25) and should be highest near the melting point. So the procedure involved intrepid experimenters willing to go to high temperatures, even approaching the melting temperature. The general
concept is given schematically in Figure 12.1.
First we see a vacancy added to one of the close-packed planes in the fcc structure. We anticipate that the average
lattice spacing would change (possibly decreasing), but in the end this influence ends up being factored out. The
second effect has to do with the fact that vacancies can only be added at surfaces, as shown. Given enough
vacancies, however, this will amount to extra planes being added to the crystal. This should be reflected in the
Figure 12.1: Basic concepts of the Simmons-Balluffi method to determine the vacancy concentrations in an fcc metal vs.
dilatometer measurements, if we are able to measure very small strains. So whereas the change in lattice parameter,
a/a, will be reflected in both X-ray diffraction or XRD (see the schematic of X-rays diffracting from the planes in
Figure 12.1) and in dilatometry, the increase in the number of planes owing to vacancy formation ((L/L) planes )
will only be reflected in dilatometry. What we need to do is relate a uniaxial (1D) length change to the overall
volume change (3D). Turning to Figure 12.2, if the volume of a cube of material at room temperature is given by
V = L3 , its volume once expanded (and at temperature) will be given by V 0 = ( L + L)3 .
Doing the math for V/V = {[( L + L)3 L3 ]/L3 } and dropping all terms involving (L)2 or (L)3 , since L
itself is quite small, we find equation 12.1:
' Xv + Xv
where the first term on the right reflects the addition of planes owing to vacancy formation, and the second term
takes into account the lattice contraction and/or expansion in proportion to the site fraction of vacancies being
formed. But we can also argue equation 12.2:
= Xv
that the contraction and/or expansion of lattice planes by X-ray diffraction is in proportion to the site fraction of
vacancies. Subtracting equation 12.2 from equation 12.1 eliminates the Xv term (so we neednt concern ourselves
with the value of ) and yields the desired equation 12.3:
Xv = 3
L a
This equation may seem simple enough, but careful examination reveals just how difficult (how de rigueur) this
experiment was at the time. Simmons and Balluffi had to measure extremely small differences between two very
small quantities as they changed with temperature. You can pull up the original references to examine the original
data and plots, but a schematic representation is given in Figure 12.3.
A first observation is that both quantities (L/L) and (a/a) increase significantly with temperature, much more
than can be explained by the addition of vacancies, and that both are concave upward with temperature. In fact,
both quantities are reflecting the fact that thermal expansion is occurring with increasing temperature. This might
seem to be a deal-breaker at first, until you realize that thermal expansion should be reflected identically in both
quantities (dilatometry, XRD). Therefore, as per equation 12.3, any thermal expansion-induced changes will cancel
out. A second observation is that up to an onset temperature (Tonset ) there is no apparent difference in the two
quantities. Actually there should be a difference at every temperature (as long as the vacancy concentration is in
thermal equilibrium) however, below Tonset the vacancy concentration is simply too small to be registered, meaning
that any difference will be undetectable within the experimental limits of the two measurement methods. Above
Tonset , however, there is a noticeable difference between (L/L) and (a/a), whose value is precisely one-third the
vacancy concentration. It is obvious that the vacancy concentration increase monotonically with temperature up
to the melting point.
Taking the natural logarithm of both sides of equation 11.25 we obtain equation 12.4:
ln Xv =
Hv 1
) T = b + mx
This tells us that by plotting the Simmons-Balluffi-derived Xv vs. temperature data on an Arrhenius plot of ln Xv
vs. inverse temperature, as shown schematically in Figure 12.4, we can extract both the entropy of vacancy formation (from the y-axis intercept) and the enthalpy of formation (from the slope).
In the original work on aluminum, the values obtained for Sv and Hv were 2.2R and 72.4kJ/mole (or 0.75 eV),
Now that we have the ability to establish equilibrium vacancy concentrations in metals, we can derive useful
relationships, for example between the enthalpies of vacancy formation and the melting points of fcc metals. It
turns out experimentally that the equilibrium vacancy concentrations at the melting points of fcc metals are almost
always in the range, 104 > XV ( Tm ) . 103 . Lets plug this range of values into equation 11.25 and assume that
Sv 2.3R or exp(2.3R/R) 10. This yields equation 12.5:
Figure 12.4: Schematic Arrhenius plot of Simmons-Balluffi data for an fcc metal.
10 exp
This rough estimate can come in quite handy, for example when you know the melting point of an fcc metal, but
lack a readily available measured value for the enthalpy of vacancy formation. In addition, knowing that vacancy
concentrations of fcc metals are on the order of 104 to 103 at their melting points is also good to put to memory.
So far we have good evidence for the existence of point defects like vacancies, but is there evidence for their
motion? We can certainly argue yes on the basis of tracer diffusion experiments. However, this question was
answered in another way by Bauerle and Kohler [11]. This experiment is a bit more difficult to describe, but
following the development will pay dividends. Since the experiment involved the use of electrical resistivity
measurements, we need to introduce what is referred to as Matthiessens rule, given by equation 12.7:
= t + v + d
where the total resistivity of a metal is shown to be governed by several electron-scattering mechanisms, including
thermal vibrations (t ), scattering by vacancies (v ), and scattering by other defects like dislocations (d ). Since
the resistivity of metals tends to be quite low, Bauerle and Kohler employed wires (to enhance the measurable
resistance, given by l/A, where l is wire length and A is cross-sectional area). The experimental campaign is
represented schematically in Figure 12.5.
t (time)
A wire of fcc metal was heated to what we will refer to as a quench temperature (Tq ) in order to set the equilibrium vacancy concentration for that temperature. In two separate experiments, the wire was heated and held
at Tq and then quenched to room temperature, freezing in the equilibrium vacancy concentration of the quench
temperature, or Xv ( Tq ). After electrical measurement at room temperature, the same wire was heated and held at
Tq and then slow-cooled to room temperature. This second process allows for vacancy annihilation to take place,
such that the resulting vacancy concentration is negligibly small. By subtracting the wires resistivity slow-cooled
(sc ) from that quenched (q ), we find equation :
= q sc = (t + v + d ) (t + d ) = v = Xv ( Tq )
We are assuming that there are no changes in the other defects (including dislocations) during quenching vs. slow
cooling, and that the thermal contribution to resistivity will be the same, since both measurements are made at
room temperature. The thermal and other defect contributions therefore cancel, leaving only the vacancy scattering contribution, which we can set equal to a constant () times the vacancy concentration frozen-in from the
quench temperature [Xv ( Tq )], as in equation 12.8. This gives us something proportional to the equilibrium vacancy
concentration at only one quench temperature, so Bauerle and Kohler repeated the procedure in Figure at several
other quench temperatures. They then plotted the natural logarithm of ( Tq ) vs. the inverse of quench temperature in Arrhenius fashion, as shown schematically in Figure 12.6. Since is a constant that does not change with
quench temperature, the slope of the plot should reflect only the activation energy for vacancy formation, Hv , as
shown in the Figure.
Figure 12.6: Schematic Arrhenius plot of quench-resistivity data from Bauerle and Kohler.
The result obtained for fcc gold by Bauerle and Kohler was 94.6kJ/mole or 0.98 eV, in excellent agreement with
later work of Simmons and Balluffi by dilatometry/XRD (90.7kJ/mole or 0.94 eV). We should stress that since the
quench-resistivity method only yields a quantity that is proportional to the vacancy concentration as opposed to
the vacancy concentration itself (as in the dilatometry/XRD work), it is impossible to extract information regarding
the pre-exponential factor and underlying entropic term by quench-resistivity method.
The real advantage of the Bauerle-Kohler method, however, is that in addition to the enthalpy of vacancy formation, the enthalpy of vacancy motion can also be determined. To appreciate how this is done, we have to resurrect
an old equation for the relaxation of vacancies, namely equation 10.8 repeated here:
= 2 exp( )
You will recall this as the diffusion out of a slab equation that we also employed to describe vacancy relaxation
to sinks such as dislocations or grain boundaries. It is valid when the average composition relaxes to below 80%
of the initial composition. In the present situation (quench-resistivity measurements) we can modify this equation
to equation 12.10:
Xv = Xvo 2 exp( )
where Xv is the average vacancy concentration and Xvo is the quenched-in starting vacancy concentration. This, in
turn, can be related to the quench-resistivity measurements by equation 12.11:
= Xvo
exp( )
t (relaxation time)
t (relaxation time)
Figure 12.7: Schematic of the Bauerle-Kohler process for obtaining the enthalpy of vacancy motion.
Bauerle and Kohler began by setting a high initial concentration of quenched-in vacancies, by quenching from Tq
to room temperature, where the initial value of o was measured. Remember that is always the as-quenched
resistivity minus the slow-cooled resistivity. They then proceeded to take the wire to a relatively low intermediate
temperature, Trelax1 , high enough to facilitate vacancy relaxation to sinks, but not so high that a significant fraction
of the residual vacancies are lost. This involved a series of sub-experiments: 1) heat at Trelax1 for a set time, 2)
quench to room temperature, and 3) measure (t1 ), and then repeat. As shown in Figure 12.7, the measured t
is for the cumulative time, e.g., t = t1 + t2 + t3 + etc., at the relaxation temperature. They then went to a higher
relaxation temperature, Trelax2 , and repeated the same series of heat-quench-measure procedures. By taking the
natural logarithm of both sides of equation 12.11, noting that , Xvo , and 8/ 2 are all constants, we obtain equation
ln = ln(const)
We can normalize each by the initial o , and plot the natural logarithm of /o vs. cumulative relaxation
time, as shown schematically in Figure 12.8.
The plot starts at time zero, where = o and ln(/o ) vs. time follows a straight line of slope, 1/ ( T1 ), up
to the point where the change was made to relax at the higher temperature,Trelax2 , after which the slope increases,
t (relaxation time)
becoming 1/ ( T2 ). You might be asking, Are we there yet? And the answer is, Almost! Remember the
definition of the relaxation time in equation 10.4, repeated here in terms of vacancies:
2 Dv
where l is the spacing between sinks, which we assume is not changing throughout thermal history, and Dv is the
vacancy diffusivity. Using our knowledge of vacancy diffusivity, we can write the following equation 12.14:
Dv = Dvo exp
Since l and 2 are constants, we can relate the relaxation times at the two temperatures in Figure 12.8 to the corresponding vacancy diffusivities, and the enthalpy of motion in equation 12.15:
( Trelax1 )
Dv ( Trelax2 )
= exp
( Trelax2 )
Dv ( Trelax1 )
Using this procedure Bauerle and Kohler found the enthalpy of vacancy motion in solid gold to be 79.1 kJ/mole
or 0.82 eV. Adding this to their enthalpy of vacancy formation (94.6 kJ/mole or 0.98 eV), we obtain a value of 173.7
kJ/mole or 1.80 eV. This happens to be virtually identical to the activation energy for gold self-diffusion (by tracer
method), which is a nice double-check.
Some Useful Relationships Regarding Self-Diffusion and Vacancy Motion in fcc Metals
Another highly useful relationship has been found for fcc metals, as expressed in equation 12.16:
QSD ( f cc) 18RTm
where the activation energy for self-diffusion (typically measured by tracer diffusion) is approximately 18 times
the product of R and the melting point (in degrees Kelvin). Since QSD = Hv + Hmv , subtracting equation 12.6
from equation 12.16 gives the approximation of equation 12.17:
Hmv ( f cc) 8RTm
For example, the melting point of gold is 961.8o C or 1234.8K, for which we would predict a vacancy motion
enthalpy of 82.1 kJ/mole or 0.85 eV, in good agreement with the Bauerle and Kohler value (79.1 kJ/mole or 0.82
It turns out that the normalized self-diffusion activation energy, QSD /RTm , is roughly constant for each type of
crystal structure (including ceramics in addition to metals), however there is a different normalization factor for
each structure type. It would pay to do a literature search for the appropriate relationship when exploring a solid
with a crystal structure new to you.
This is also a good chance to introduce the concept of homologous temperature, which is defined as the fraction
of an elements melting temperature on an absolute temperature scale. You will encounter this a lot when dealing
with kinetic phenomena in materials. For example, the two intermediate temperatures employed for vacancy
relaxation in quenched gold, represented schematically as T1 and T2 in Figures 12.7 and 12.8 were 40o C and 60o C,
or 313K and 333K on the absolute temperature scale. These temperatures are 25.4% and 27.0% of the melting
temperature of gold. Were we to make similar measurements on a different fcc metal, a good guess for relaxation
temperatures would be to start with the same homologous temperatures of 0.254 . ( T/Tm ) . 0.270.
One last useful number to keep in mind is the melting point diffusivity of solid fcc metals. From the fact we were
just given, namely that QSD /RTm 18, we can exponentiate as in equation 12.18:
exp(18) = 1.8x108
You may recall that we employed a range of pre-exponential values for fcc metals, namely 0.018cm2 /s . D Ao .
1.8 cm2 /s. If we arbitrarily choose a value of 1.0 cm2 /s, this means that the melting point diffusivity of fcc metals
should be on the order of 108 cm2 /s, which is in fact quite common experimentally. This number, D A ( Tm , f cc)
108 cm2 /s, is therefore a good one to put to memory.
Many properties/functions of ionic solids/ceramics are governed by their point defect structures, including ionic
diffusivity and ionic charge transport/conductivity. However, in order to understand defect-related structureproperty relationships we need first to master the notation now near universally employed to describe point defects, their formation reactions, and their point defect equilibriaotherwise known as point defect chemistry.
The particular notation employed is referred to as Krger-Vink notation, which we introduce in the following
Krger-Vink Notation
A helpful shorthand scheme for Krger-Vink (K-V) notation is given in Figure 13.1. An easy way to recall this
shorthand scheme is by remembering it as the M, S and C in Materials SCience. The M stands for matter, or
the lack thereof (for example a vacancy). The S stands for the site on which the defect sits. And the C stands for
charge. However, in K-V notation the C is not real charge (as on the individual ions), but rather effective charge,
namely the charge of a defect species relative to the perfect crystal. How these all work can best be illustrated by
considering a number of examples.
charge (effective)
(or lack thereof)
Lets begin by considering host species and fully-charged point defects in zirconia, ZrO2 . Before we start, it is
useful to consider the real charges on the ions with which we are dealing. We can write the formula unit of
ZrO2 as Zr4+ O22 . Hence, we can write the host cation species as ( Zr4Zr+4+ ) x , where the superscript x represents
a neutral species insofar as effective charge is concerned. That is, the perfect (non-defective) crystal is chargeneutral. What we have written is that a Zr4+ cation on a host Zr4+ site has an effective charge of zero (represented
2 x
by the superscript x in K-V notation. Similarly, we can write the host anion species as (OO
2 ) , representing
an O host anion on an O site, with neutral effective charge. For a while we will continue to write host and
defect species with real charge inside the parentheses, however this practice not part of the K-V system, but only
a temporary crutch to help get us comfortable with the notation scheme. In K-V notation, the host species we
x and O x .
have thus far considered would be, Zr Zr
But what about point defects? Lets first consider oxygen defects, both vacancies and interstitials. Oxygen vacan , representing a vacancy with zero real charge on an oxygen 2- site. The effective
cies could be written as, (VO0
2 )
charge is thus +2, represented by the double-dots. Another way to think about this is to begin with a chargeneutral occupied oxygen site and remove from it (and the perfect crystal) an O2 species. Since the crystal began
electrically neutral, what remains must be doubly-charged positive. How about oxygen interstitials? Remember
that, as opposed to close-packed metals where self-interstitials are energetically unfavorable, self-interstitials of
cations or anions in ionic crystals are quite possible so long as the ionic radius of the interstitial species is close to
that of the interstice on which it resides. We can write an oxygen anion interstitial as, (Oi20 )00 , which represents
a doubly-charged oxygen anion on an originally uncharged interstice. The effective charge is doubly-negative, as
represented by the double-strike marks. Another way to think about this is to insert a doubly-charged negative
ion in an empty interstice in an otherwise neutral crystal. The effective charge should be doubly-negative. In K-V
notation, these two species would be represented as VO and Oi for vacancy and interstitial, respectively. Are you
beginning to get the overall idea?
Lets test out our understanding by considering cation defects. A cation vacancy would be (V 0Zr+4+ )0000 or VZr in
K-V notation. Again, you can think of this as removing a a Zr4+ cation from an otherwise neutral crystal. What
is left behind must have a quadruply-charged positive effective charge. Note that instead of a superscript of (4),
K-V writes the effective charge in terms of quadruple-strike marks. Similarly, a cation interstitial would be ( Zri40++ )
or Zri in K-V-notation. Again, you can think of this as inserting a Zr4+ cation in an empty interstice in an
otherwise neutral crystal.
Now lets consider donor and acceptor doping. For example, lets put a 5-valent tungsten cation on a Zr4+ site. We
The Krger-Vink rules for writing balanced point defect reactions can also be made to play off the M, S and C in
Materials SCience, as shown in Figure KV2. Here M refers to mass-balance, namely that the mass on the left
of a reaction must equal the mass on the right. The C stands for charge-balance, meaning that the charge on the
left side of a reaction must equal the charge on the right. It should be stressed that the charge need not be zero
for this to hold; both sides may have net effective charge, as long as that charge is the same both before and after
the reaction proceeds. Finally, the S stands for site ratio and not site-balance. What this means is that sites need
not be balanced. In fact, we can create sites with our reaction, as long as we preserve the site ratio of the host. For
example, if we create two cation sites in a reaction involving Al2 O3 as the host, as long as we simultaneously create
three oxygen sites, preserving the 2:3 ratio of cation:anion sites, we will satisfy this rule. It is best to learn and apply
these rules by writing some actual balanced point defect reactions, which we do in the following sections.
site ratio
sites can be created or destroyed,
but must be done in the stoichiometric
ratio of the host
Figure 13.2: Schematic representation of the MSC rules for writing balanced Krger-Vink reactions.
In what follows three important distinctions must be made: 1) between intrinsic and extrinsic defects, 2)
between stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric point defect reactions, and 3) between homogeneous and inhomogeneous point defect reactions. By intrinsic we mean that the reactions involve only species that are part of the
undoped host crystal. You can think of the defects as being generated from within. On the other hand, extrinsic defects come from without, for example dopant species. The following two sections on stoichiometric
and non-stoichiometric point defect reactions involve intrinsic point defects exclusively. In the third section,
we consider doping and are therefore dealing with extrinsic point defects. Stoichiometric point defect reactions
preserve the stoichiometry of the host, namely the O:M ratio in an oxide, Mx Oy , will be preserved at fixed y/x
throughout the reaction. In non-stoichiometric point defect reactions (dealt with in the following section), the O:M
ratio will be shifted from y/x(stoichiometric). The third distinction involves homogeneous vs. inhomogeneous
point defect reactions. Homogeneous point defect reactions can take place anywhere throughout the crystal, and
do not require surfaces to act as a source/sink for defects. No point defect gradients are generated between surface and bulk. On the other hand, inhomogeneous point defect reactions require a surface to act as a source/sink.
Furthermore, as they occur a gradient of point defects is generated between the surface and the bulk. They also
tend to be relatively slow vis-a-vis homogeneous reactions, which can take place at any point in the crystal, and
no migration to/from a surface source/sink is required. This may seem confusing right now, but the distinction
will be made clear as we consider specific cases.
The first stoichiometric reaction involves the formation of vacancy/interstitial pairs in what are known as Frenkel
point defect reactions. These can be either cation Frenkel or anion Frenkel pairs. For sake of simplicity, we will consider all the point defect reactions of the present section as taking place in the M-monoxide host, MO or M2+ O2 .
I strongly suggest putting the host above the double arrows representing the reaction equilibrium in every case to
remind yourself of the host you are dealing with. The first reaction involves cation Frenkel pair formation, as per
equation 13.1:
Vix + M xM Mi + VM
The species within the parenthesis stands for an unoccupied interstitial site. Since the interstitial population is
usually quite small in ionic solids, the site fraction of unoccupied interstices is usually considered to be unity, and
this part of the equation is usually not written, since it is understood to exist as in the revised equation 13.2:
M xM Mi + VM
This is the form of the reaction that you will see in textbooks. Lets do two things with this reaction:
1. Confirm that it satisfies all the requirements for a balanced K-V reaction as per the MSC rules in Figure 13.2:
(a) Mass Balance: As we consider reaction 13.2, we can see one M species on each side of the equation; this
makes it mass-balanced.
(b) Charge Balance: The left side of the reaction has zero effective charge and the right side has two positive effective charges and two negative effective charges, which sum to zero; the equation is therefore
(c) Site Ratio: Since there is one cation site on the left and one cation site on the right, there is no change
in site ratio; the reaction satisfies the site-ratio rule. You might question the appearance of the interstice
on the right, whereas there is no interstice on the left. However, site ratio pertains strictly to the normal
host sites, and the availability of unoccupied interstices (as expressed in the equation ) is understood.
So this is a balanced K-V point defect reaction.
2. Consider whether it is homogeneous or non-homogeneous.
As shown in Figure 13.3, the reaction simply involves a metal cation jumping from a normal host site into an
ever-present empty interstice. This can occur everywhere homogeneously throughout the crystal, as shown,
and does not require the presence of a surface to serve as source/sink. As a result, there will be no gradient
of defect population between the surface and bulk of the crystal.
The corresponding oxygen interstitial reaction can be written as equation 13.3:
Oi00 + VO
Once again, we can test this equation against the MSC rules. There is one oxygen species on either side, so massbalance is obeyed. There is zero effective charge on either side, so charge-balance in achieved. Finally, there
is one anion site on either side, so site-balance is maintained. This is once again a balanced K-V point defect
reaction. Of course, the empty interstitial on the left side of the reaction is understood. As with the cation Frenkel
reaction, the anion Frenkel reaction can occur homogeneously throughout the crystal, as represented schematically
in Figure 13.3. So oxygen Frenkel pair formation is a homogeneous point defect reaction. One final very important
point should be made. Whereas the cation Frenkel reaction will vary with host crystal stoichiometry, namely the
aluminum interstitial in Al2 O3 will be trivalent (Ali ) as will the vacancy left behind (VAl ), the anion Frenkel
reaction is universal to all oxides. In other words, the identical reaction as in equation 13.3 can be written for any
oxide, including Al2 O3 .
Figure 13.3: Schematic of the homogeneous nature of Frenkel reactions, whether cationic (left) or anionic (right).
The second stoichiometric point defect reaction is the formation of Schottky defects. This will provide an important
example of an inhomogeneous point defect reaction. The balanced point defect reaction is given by equation 13.4:
null VM
+ VO
At first glance this seems like an incomplete reaction. There is no mass present, and what the heck is null? Well,
believe it or not this is, in fact, a balanced K-V point defect reaction. There is no mass on either side, so mass
balance is maintained. Both sides are charge-neutral (the 2+ and 2- on the right side cancel), so charge balance is
preserved. But what about the fact that there are no sites on the left, whereas there are two on the right? The siteratio rule does not prohibit the formation or annihilation of sites, but rather specifies that if formed or annihilated,
this must be done in the stoichiometric ratio of the host. In this case we create anion and cation sites in the requisite
1:1 ratio of the host MO crystal (O:M=1). The null simply represents the perfect, non-defective crystal prior to
the formation of the Schottky pair.
But now lets consider what makes this an inhomogeneous point defect reaction. Consider the schematic of a
surface of MO crystal in Figure 13.4, where the subscript S represents a surface species.
Figure 13.4: Schematic of Schottky pair formation at the surface of the oxide MO.
Lets move a bulk oxygen species to the surface, as shown, making it a surface anion and turning the underlying
M surface species into a bulk cation. Next move a bulk metal species to the surface, as shown, making it a surface
cation and turning the underlying O surface species into a bulk O species. By these two sub-steps, two vacancies
are formed, one cationic and one anionic. The net point defect reaction can be written as equation :
MSx + OSx + M xM + OO
MSx + OSx + M xM + OO
+ VM
+ VO
It can be seen that all species involving mass (an M cation or an O anion) cancel, leaving the much simpler equation
13.4. However, the exercise has been an important one, since pairs of vacancies cannot arbitrarily form in the bulk
of a crystal. Instead, Schottky pairs must be formed at surfaces and then migrate into the interior of the crystal, as
shown in Figure 13.5, thereby creating a point defect concentration gradient, hence the inhomogeneous nature of
Schottky defect formation.
Figure 13.5: Schematic showing the inhomogeneous nature of Schottky defect formation.
Two additional caveats must be made, however. Grain boundaries and dislocation cores can also serve as internal
surfaces in ionic solids, where Schottky reactions can take place in either forward direction (they act as sources)
or reverse direction (they act as sinks). The second caveat is to be careful to refer to Schottky pairs only when
the O:M ratio is 1:1, as in MO. In Al2 O3 , for example, the Schottky formation reaction would produce five point
defects, as in equation 13.6:
Al2 O3
+ 3VO
null 2VM
I will leave it to you to check and see whether or not this equation satisfies the MSC rules.
In addition to Frenkel and Schottky defect reactions, there are two additional stoichiometric point defect reactions. The first involves site-exchange. For example, in the spinel MgAl2 O4 there are two different coordination
environments for cations. The Mg cations reside on tetrahedral sites, meaning that they are bonded to four oxygen
anions. The Al cations reside on octahedral sites, meaning that they are bonded to six oxygen anions. However, at
elevated temperature the two cations can switch sites, as represented by the following equation 13.7:
MgxMg + AlxAl
MgAl2 O4
MgAl + AlMg
As with Frenkel reactions, this exchange need not take place only at surfaces, since the two cations are only changing places. Hence, such cation exchange reactions are homogeneous in nature. Once again, we can test whether or
not this equation is balanced in terms of the MSC rules. There is one Mg species and one Al species on each side, so
the equation is mass-balanced. There is one tetrahedral site and one octahedral site on each side, so the equation
preserves site balance. In this case, the site ratio is O:Al:Mg equal to 4:2:1. Finally, both sides are charge-neutral.
This is a balanced K-V reaction.
The final homogeneous point defect reaction involves electrons and electron holes. Figure 13.6 shows a schematic
representation of the top of the filled valence band (CBM or conduction band maximum) and bottom of the unfilled
conduction band (CBM or conduction band minimum) of a semiconducting ceramic, and the thermal promotion
of an electron from the top of the VBM to the bottom of the CBM.
Figure 13.6: Schematic of the valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM) and electron promotion across the band gap of a semiconducting oxide.
This process in Krger-Vink notation is given in the intrinsic electronic reaction of equation 13.8:
MO 0
null e + h
So we have considered four different cases of stoichiometric point defect reactions, namely those that result in no
change of the overall stoichiometry of the host. The ratio of O:M is maintained by each such reaction.
We can divide non-stoichiometric point defect reactions into two categories, namely 1) those that decrease the
O:M ratio, otherwise known as reduction reactions, and 2) those that increase the O:M ratio, otherwise known as
oxidation reactions. As we will show, the former always produce electrons for charge-compensation and are n-type
in nature, whereas the latter always produce electron hole for charge-compensation and are p-type in nature. Lets
first consider reduction/n-type point defect reactions. Since oxygen gas either is produced (reduction reactions)
or consumed (oxidation reactions) and this can only take place at surfaces, all non-stoichiometric point defect
reactions are inhomogeneous.
We can decrease the O:M ratio by either decreasing the oxygen content or by increasing the cation content. Both are
accomplished by the removal of oxygen, resulting in oxygen gas being released, plus the simultaneous production
of electrons. The oxygen-decreasing reaction, otherwise referred to as an oxygen deficit reaction, results in the
formation of oxygen vacancies, as per equation 13.9:
O2 (g) + VO + 2e
This is probably unnecessary at this point, but to keep you in the practice of checking off the MSC rules, it can be
seen that 1) there is one oxygen species on each side of the equation, 2) both sides are charge-neutral, and 3) we
started with one anion site and end up with one anion site such that site-ratio is preserved. This is a balanced K-V
We can also decrease the O:M ratio by increasing the cation content. The cation-increasing reaction, otherwise
referred to as a metal-excess reaction results in the formation of metal interstitials, as per equation 13.10:
M xM + OO
O2 (g) + Mi + 2e
I will leave it to you to check and see whether or not this equation satisfies the MSC rules.
We can increase the O:M ratio by either increasing the oxygen content or by decreasing the cation content. Both are
accomplished by the addition of oxygen and the simultaneous production of electron holes. The oxygen-increasing
reaction, otherwise referred to as an oxygen excess reaction, results in the formation of oxygen interstitials, as
per equation 13.11:
MO 00
O2 (g) Oi + 2h
It should be stressed that this equation is universal in oxides, meaning that the O:M ratio of the host (above
the arrow in the equation) does not matter; the same reaction is as true in Li2 O as it is in V2 O5 . The cationdecreasing reaction, known otherwise as a cation deficit reaction, results in the formation of cation vacancies, as
per equation 13.12:
O2 (g) OO
+ VM + 2h
We must be careful, however, since this reaction is not universal but rather depends upon the O:M ratio of the
host. For example, the corresponding cation deficit reaction for Al2 O3 would be given by equation 13.13:
Al2 O3
O2 (g) 3OO
+ 2VAl + 6h
Note that we are producing both anion sites and cation sites, but in the requisite 3:2 ratio for Al2 O3 .
We now consider how the oxide, MO, might be aliovalently-doped. Isovalent doping would be doping MO with
oxide NO, where the valence state of the species N is 2+, as it is in the MO host. Aliovalent doping means doping
with oxides having cations of different prevailing valence states than the host. We can write reactions for donordoping, where the doping cation has a higher valence state than M2+ , and for acceptor-doping, where the doping
cation has a lower valence state than M2+ . In each case we can charge-compensate with ionic point defects or with
electronic defects. For example, lets consider donor-doping of MO with the trivalent cation N, or N2 O3 . The ionic
compensation reaction involves the formation of cation vacancies, as per equation 13.14:
N2 O3 3OO
+ 2NM
+ VM
This is a good reaction on which to test your K-V balancing skills. The reaction is obviously mass-balanced and
charge-balanced, but what about site-ratio? Well, the reaction yields 3 anion sites and 3 cation sites, which are
created in precisely the O:M ratio of the host (3:3 equals 1:1).
The alternative to ionic compensation is electronic compensation. Note that in so doing, we need to release some
of the oxygen as gas to maintain the M:O ratio of the host. The resulting reaction is given by equation 13.15:
N2 O3 2OO
+ 2NM
+ 2e + O2 (g)
Now lets consider acceptor-doping of MO with the monovalent cation N, or N2 O for which the valence states are
N2+ O2 . The ionic compensation reaction involves the formation of oxygen vacancies, as per equation 13.16:
+ 2NM
+ Vo
The electronic compensation reaction requires the addition of some oxygen on the left side of the equation 13.17:
N2 O + O2 (g) 2OO
+ 2NM
+ 2h
An obvious question to ask is which compensation mechanism (ionic, electronic) will take place in a certain dopant
oxide/host oxide combination? The answer is that it depends upon the defect formation energetics, which we
consider in the following section. You may also have missed a critical changeover from the previous two sections
on stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric reactions to the present one on aliovalent doping reactions. You will
notice forward and reverse arrows in the reactions of the prior two sections, but only a forward arrow in the
reactions of the present section. This is owing to the fact that the first two sections dealt with equilibrium point
defect reactions, meaning that the forward and reverse arrows were balanced. With aliovalent doping of ceramics,
this is not the case, unless one has excess dopant oxide present at high temperature, namely a two-phase mixture.
Instead, ceramics are donor-doped and acceptor-doped by incorporating a fixed amount of aliovalent dopant in
the initial processing of the doped host ceramic. It is expected that the forward reaction goes to completion during
processing at elevated temperature. Therefore, there is only a forward arrow. In other words, in equation 13.14
for example, we can set the vacancy concentration equal to one-half the trivalent donor concentration, or [VM ] =
2 [ NM ]. It should be quite clear that all doping reactions, whether isovalent or aliovalent are extrinsic reactions,
since the dopant species comes from outside the host crystal. It should also be clear that all doping reactions
are inhomogeneous, reflecting the fact that dopants react with the surfaces of host oxide crystals/particles and
undergo what is referred to as solid state reaction (and long range diffusion) to achieve doping uniformity
throughout the doped ceramic.
We can approach the thermodynamics of point defect reactions in ionic solids/ceramics in the same way we dealt
with vacancy formation in metals. For example, for the formation of Schottky pairs in the oxide MO the reaction
is repeated in equation 13.18:
null VM
+ VO
The only difference is that we cannot consider the formation of individual cation vacancies or oxygen vacancies.
Given their charge, their formation would be highly unfavorable energetically. Instead, we form pairs consisting
of a cation vacancy and an anion vacancy to maintain electroneutrality of the crystal, as per equation 13.18. The
enthalpy of this reaction can be written as equation 13.19:
where XS is the site fraction of Schottky pairs, namely the site fraction of each kind of vacancy on its sublattice,
and HS is the enthalpy per mole of Schottky pairs. The entropy of Schottky pair formation can be written as in
equation 13.20:
S = XS SS R[( X M ln X M + (1 X M ) ln(1 X M )) + ( XO ln XO + (1 XO ) ln(1 XO ))]
where SS represents the non-configurational entropy of Schottky pair formation (per mole of Schottky pairs) and
the term inside the brackets represents the configurational entropy. If we plot the two functions in equations 13.19
and 13.20 vs. the site fraction of Schottky pairs, XS , and recall that G = H TS, we obtain the curves in Figure
Figure 13.7: The enthalpic and entropic contributions to the free energy of Schottky pair formation.
The behavior closely resembles the same plot for vacancies in metals seen in Figure 11.5. Initially, the entropy
term dominates, but with increasing Schottky pair production the enthalpy term begins to dominate. The result
is a minimum in the free energy vs. XS curve corresponding to the equilibrium Schottky pair concentration (XSe ).
We can write a mass-action expression (an equilibrium constant expression) for the Schottky pair formation, as in
equation 13.21:
KS = aV 00 aV = [VM ][VO ]
where aV 00 and aV represent the individual defect activities. We have assumed dilute solution behavior so the
two factors are Henrys Law constants. These have to be the same for both cation and anion vacancies, such that
they are formed in equal populations. By dividing both sides of equation by 2 we arrive at equation 13.22:
KS = 2S = [VM ][VO ] = exp
Similarly, we can write an equilibrium expression for oxygen Frenkel formation, repeated as equation 13.23:
Oi + VO
KF =
= [Oi ][VO ] = exp
In this expression, the site fraction of oxygen on oxygen sites is assumed to be unity, since the site fraction of oxygen
vacancies is negligibly small. Hence, their activity can be assumed to be unity. We will employ these reactions and
equilibrium expressions when generating and interpreting so-called Brouwer diagrams in the following sections.
Similarly, we can write point defect equilibrium expressions for each of the reduction and oxidation reactions
introduced previously. For the oxygen-deficit reaction, repeated in equation 13.25:
O2 (g) + VO + 2e
M xM + OO
O2 (g) + Mi + 2e
It should be pointed out that both the oxygen-deficit reaction (equation 13.25) and the metal-excess reaction (equation 13.27) have point defect concentrations decreasing as the oxygen partial pressure increases (at constant temperature). This can be seen by applying Le Chateliers principle, namely increasing oxygen partial pressure causes
a response in the direction (arrow) opposite to the side on which the pO2 term occurs. It also follows from the point
defect equilibrium expressions of equations 13.26 and 13.28, namely that to maintain the equilibrium constant, increasing PO2 must be accompanied by a decrease in point defect concentration.
Similarly, we can now consider oxidation reactions. For the oxygen-excess reaction, repeated in equation 13.29:
MO 00
O2 (g) Oi + 2h
Kox =
[Oi ] p2
Kox =
[VM ] p2
It should be pointed out that both the oxygen-excess reaction (equation 13.29) and the metal-excess reaction (equation 13.31) have point defect concentrations increasing as the oxygen partial pressure increases (at constant temperature). Again, this can be seen by applying Le Chateliers principle, namely increasing oxygen partial pressure
causes a response in the direction (arrow) opposite to the side on which the pO2 term occurs. It also follows from
the point defect equilibrium expressions of equations 13.30 and 13.32, namely that to maintain the equilibrium
constant, increasing PO2 must be accompanied by an increase in point defect concentration. The reactions and
equilibria of the present section will form the foundation upon which schematic Brouwer diagrams can be constructed and interpreted.
We must consider one last equilibrium expression, namely that between electrons and electron holes as described
by equation 13.8. The equilibrium expression for this reaction is :
Brouwer Diagrams
Ki = np = const exp
where Eg is the band gap, corresponding to the difference in energy between the conduction band minimum
and the valence band minimum as shown in Figure 13.6.
Brouwer Diagrams
In 1954, G. Brouwer introduced what are now referred to as Brouwer diagrams (Phillips Res. Rep., 9, 366).
Brouwer diagrams are logarithmic plots of defect populations 1) vs. temperature (or rather inverse temperature),
2) vs. oxygen partial pressure, or 3) vs. dopant concentration, again on a logarithmic scale. We consider schematic
versions for each of these in the following sections.
This type of diagram is useful for determining the energetics of point defect formation and motion in ionic solids/ceramics. For example, consider the extrinsic doping of NaCl by CaCl2 , where Ca is divalent (Ca2+ Cl2 ), as
given by equation 13.34:
CaCl2 CaNa + 2ClCl
+ VNa
Note the use of the forward arrow only, connoting that this reaction goes to completion during the initial processing of the Ca-doped NaCl ceramic. Now consider the Schottky pair formation in NaCl, according to equation
null VNa
+ VCl
[VNa ][VCl
= exp
The next step is to write what is commonly called the electroneutrality condition, which we will henceforth refer
to as the ENC. This condition is required to maintain the overall electroneutrality of the host crystal. The ENC
is a straightforward expression setting the sum of all the negatively-charged point defects equal to the sum of all
the positively-charged point defects, as per equation 13.37:
The next step is to make so-called Brouwer approximations. These are regimes in which two speciesone positively charged and one negatively chargedpredominate. As we consider equation 13.37, it is clear that there
should be two such regimes: 1) one where the Na-vacancy concentration is set by the Ca-donor doping, or
[VNa ] = [CaNa ], and 2) one where the Na-vacancy concentration is determined by the Schottky equilibrium with
]. But which regime will be on the left and which will be on the right on a log [defect]
Cl-vacancies, or [VNa ] = [VCl
vs. inverse temperature plot? Since temperature increases from right to left on plot with an inverse temperature
(1/T) x-axis, it makes sense that the extrinsic, donor-doped regime would dominate at low temperatures, or to the
right, whereas intrinsic, Schottky pair defects would dominate at high temperatures, or to the left. The resulting
schematic Brouwer diagram is given in Figure T, with the two Brouwer approximations/regimes clearly marked.
The slope of the Na-vacancy concentration (important for later) is marked as HS /2R. This follows from insert0
], into the equilibrium expression of equation 13.36 such that
ing the ENC for that regime, namely [VNa ] = [VCl
Brouwer Diagrams
Figure 13.8: Brouwer diagram vs. inverse temperature for CaCl2 -doped NaCl.
KS = [VNa ]2 . This means that [VNa ] = KS1/2 and that the activation energy for this regime will be HS /2R. However, the diagram isnt complete until we show a line for each species in both regimes. The donor-dopant, , is easy.
It is just a horizontal line extending from the extrinsic regime into the intrinsic regime as shown. The Ca-dopant
is a minority species in this regime. So we have lines for each of the three species in the ENC of equation 13.37 in
] in the extrinsic regime? Well, we know its concentration
the intrinsic regime. But what about the behavior of [VCl
at the dashed line demarking the transition between electroneutrality regimes. In the extrinsic regime, the concen0
tration of Na-vacancies is fixed by the aliovalent dopant concentration, namely [VNa ] = [CaNa ] =constant (not a
function of temperature). This means from the equilibrium expression of equation that Cl-vacancy concentration
] = K / [V 0 ] = K / [Ca ] = K /constant.
will be directly proportional to the Schottky formation constant, or [VCl
Therefore, the slope on the Cl-vacancy concentration in the extrinsic regime will be HS /R, as shown.
This Brouwer diagram is especially helpful in determining the formation and motion enthalpies of Na-vacancies
in NaCl. A schematic representation of the tracer-diffusion data for Na in NaCl is shown in Figure 13.9.
Figure 13.9: Na tracer diffusion in CaCl2 -doped NaCl.
Based upon the Brouwer diagram of Figure 13.8, we know that there is no energy of formation of Na-vacancies
in the extrinsic regime; the slope is attributable solely to the enthalpy of motion, or Hmv /R. However, in the
extrinsic regime there are contributions from both the enthalpy of motion and the enthalpy of formation. From
the Brouwer diagram of Figure 13.8, we know that the contribution from formation is HS /2R, so the combined
slope is (Hmv + HS /2)/R. Since we know the enthalpy of motion from the slope of the diffusion plot in the
extrinsic regime, this means that we can now calculate the enthalpy of Schottky pair formation from the slope of
the diffusion plot in the intrinsic regime. This demonstrates the power of Brouwer diagrams for the study of point
defect formation and motion in ionic solids/ceramics.
Brouwer Diagrams
The second type of Brouwer diagram plots the defect concentrations vs. the oxygen partial pressure on a log-log
plot made at constant temperature. The most commonly portrayed diagrams of this type are often referred to as
butterfly diagrams, owing to their appearance. Although we will not construct such diagrams, we will display
a couple of examples and discuss their construction and interpretation. For example, lets consider an oxide MO
that has prevailing Schottky disorder. We have already written the stoichiometric point defect reactions that can
occur in such a material, repeated here in equations 13.38 and 13.39:
null VM
+ VO
MO 0
null e + h
for which the equilibrium expressions are equations 13.40 and 13.41:
KS =
[VM ][VO ]
= exp
Ki = np = const exp
respectively. In addition, we write the appropriate reduction and oxidation reactions, repeated here in equations
13.42 and 13.43:
O2 (g) + VO + 2e
O2 (g) OO
+ VM + 2h
respectively. The equilibrium expressions for these reactions are repeated here as equations 13.44 and 13.45:
Kred = pO
[VO ]n2
Kox =
[VM ] p2
respectively. Now lets write the ENC for this system, as in equation :
n + 2[VM ] = p + 2[VO ]
At first glance it would seem like the factors of 2 are in front of the wrong species, until we consider that
according to the reduction reaction of equation 13.42, two electrons are formed for each oxygen vacancy formed.
Hence, the electron population should be twice the concentration of oxygen vacancies. Were these the prevailing
species, the Brouwer approximation would be n = 2[VO ].
Based upon the overall ENC, it would seem that there should be four Brouwer approximations, namely n = p,
n = 2[VO ], 2[VM ] = p, and 2[VM ] = 2[VO ], however this is not the case. Instead, the oxide in question will either
have ionic species dominating at stoichiometry, such that the electrons and electron holes are minority species,
or electronic species dominating at stoichiometry, such that cation vacancies and anion vacancies are minority
species. This makes for two slightly different butterfly diagrams, as shown in Figure 13.10. We can understand
and interpret such diagrams by considering their point defect equilibria.
Brouwer Diagrams
1/4 -1/4
n = p
Figure 13.10: Butterfly log[defect] vs. log pO2 Brouwer diagrams for prevailing ionic disorder (top) and for prevailing
electronic disorder (bottom.).
The diagram on the top is for ionic species dominating at stoichiometry, such that [VM ] = [VO ] = KS1/2 . With
increasing oxygen partial pressure, the oxidation reaction takes over, such that the electroneutrality condition
transitions to p = 2[VM ]. Inserting this Brouwer approximation into the equilibrium expression of equation 13.43,
we obtain equation 13.47:
Kox =
[VM ] p2
4[VM ]3
Taking the logarithm of this expression and rearranging a bit, we obtain equation 13.48:
3 log[VM ] = log
+ log pO2
Dividing both sides by 3, it follows that log[VM ]/ log pO2 will be +1/6 in this regime, which appears on the right
side of the upper diagram in Figure 13.10. Note that the electron hole line lies above the cation vacancy line, owing
to the factor of 2 in the Brouwer approximation, p = 2[VM ]. The shift upwards of the electron hole line vs. the
cation vacancy line will be precisely the logarithm of 2, as shown.
Now lets consider what happens under reduction, when the reduction reaction takes over, such that the electroneutrality condition transitions to n = 2[VO ]. Inserting this Brouwer approximation into the equilibrium
expression of equation 13.42, we obtain equation 13.49:
Kred = pO
[VO ]n2 = pO
4[VO ]3
Again, taking the logarithm of this expression and rearranging a bit, we obtain equation 13.50:
Brouwer Diagrams
3 log[VO ] = log
log pO2
Dividing both sides by 3, it follows that log[VO ]/ log pO2 will be -1/6 in this regime, which appears on the
left side of upper diagram in Figure 13.10. The slopes of the electrons and electron holes in the central regime
follows from consideration of oxidation and reduction reactions. For example, reorganizing the reduction reaction
of equation 13.49 we obtain equation 13.51:
1/2 2
Kred /[VO ] = pO
Taking the logarithm of this expression and rearranging a bit, we obtain equation :
2 log n = log
log pO2
[VO ] 2
from which it follows that, since [VO ] is constant in the middle regime, log n/ log pO2 will be -1/4. Hence
the -1/4 slope in the middle regime. For all other species, one can play off the corresponding majority defect
to establish individual slopes. For example, from the intrinsic electronic disorder reaction of equation 13.39, for
Ki = np to remain constant in a regime where the electron population is found to vary with pO2 to the -1/6 power,
the electron hole population must vary with pO2 to the +1/6 power. Similarly, from the Schottky pair formation
reaction of 13.38, for KS = [VM ][VO ] to remain constant in a regime where the metal vacancy population is found
to vary with pO2 to the +1/6 power, the oxygen vacancy population must vary with pO2 to the -1/6 power.
The second diagram in Figure 13.10 is for the situation where electronic disorder predominates in the stoichiometric (middle) regime, such that Ki = np. It can be seen that in this regime the ionic defects (cation vacancies
and anion vacancies) are minority species. Note, however, that the Brouwer approximations for the oxidation and
reduction regimes are the same as for the upper diagram in Figure 13.10.
There are six such Brouwer diagrams like the two represented in Figure 13.10. This is communicated by Figure
13.11, where the six situations are delineated. There are two each for the three main types of stoichiometric disorder: Schottky, Cation Frenkel, and Anion Frenkel. In each case there will be a diagram where ionic disorder
predominates (Kion >> Ki , where Kion stands for either the Schottky or Frenkel equilibrium constant and Ki stands
for the intrinsic electronic disorder equilibrium constant) and a diagram where electronic disorder predominates
(Ki >> Kion ).
Butterfly Diagrams
(by stoichiometric disorder type)
Schottky Disorder
Frenkel Disorder
Figure 13.11: Six possible butterfly diagrams for Schottky, Cation Frenkel, and Anion Frenkel disorder.
The power of Brouwer diagrams like those in Figure 13.10 can be demonstrated by their predictive capability. For
example, if the MO oxide were a Schottky pair-former, with KS >> Ki as in the top diagram of Figure 13.10, with
cation motion governed by vacancy mechanism, this could be confirmed by tracer diffusion studies of M-cations
vs. oxygen partial pressure. According to the top diagram of Figure 13.10, we would predict +1/6 slopes vs.
oxygen partial pressure at extreme reducing and extreme oxidizing conditions, with a plateau where the diffusion
coefficient should not vary with pO2 in the middle regime. Similar predictions could be made concerning the
O-anion diffusivity.
Brouwer Diagrams
One must be careful in drawing butterfly diagrams in oxides for which the O:M stoichiometry is other than
1:1. For example, the oxidation reaction for the oxide M2 O (assumed to be a Schottky former) would be given by
equation 13.53:
M2 O
O2 (g) OO
+ 2VM + 2h
O2 (g) + VO + 2e0
Ill give you a moment to establish the slopes of the majority species on either side of this butterfly plot. They will
prove NOT to be the same, which tells us that asymmetrical butterfly Brouwer diagrams (warped butterflies)
can be anticipated for oxides with stoichiometries other than O:M of 1:1. (Spoiler alert! I am about to tell you the
slopes in the wings of the M2 O butterfly diagram. If you want to test your Krger-Vink/Brouwer prowess, look
away and see if you can solve for the slopes.)
The slopes on the M2 O butterfly would be -1/6 on the left (this is essentially unchanged from the MO butterfly
situation), and +1/8 on the right. This latter slope can be obtained if we write the equilibrium reaction for equation
13.53 as equation 13.55:
Kox =
[VM ]2 p2
Reminding ourselves that the Brouwer approximation for the ENC in the right wing will be p = [Vm ], and taking
the logarithm of equation 13.55 and rearranging, we obtain equation 13.56:
4 log p = log Kox +
log pO2
A very useful type of Brouwer diagram involves plots of defect populations vs. dopant concentration (at fixed T
and pO2 ) on a log-log plot. As with the log[defect] vs. inverse temperature plots already discussed, these have two
Brouwer approximations, namely two ENC regimes: one intrinsic and one extrinsic. The procedures for creating
such Brouwer diagrams are as follows:
1. Write the appropriate intrinsic point defect reaction and the corresponding mass-action (equilibrium constant) equation.
2. Write the extrinsic doping reaction.
3. Write the overall electroneutrality condition, from which the two Brouwer approximations will be made
4. Decide which regime goes where, for example on which side the extrinsic regime should fall.
5. Solve the mass-action (equilibrium constant) equation for all point defect species in each Brouwer regime.
Brouwer Diagrams
Lets start by considering cation-deficit oxide MO, which is known to be a p-type semiconductor under oxidizing
conditions. It is known that it can be acceptor-doped by the oxide, N2 O, where the dopant is monovalent, namely
N2+ O2 , resulting in electronic compensation by electron holes. The intrinsic point defect reaction is the oxidation
reaction to form cation vacancies, as in equation 13.57:
O2 (g) OO
+ VM + 2h
for which the mass-action (or equilibrium constant) equation is equation 13.58:
[VM ] p2
Kox =
N2 O + O2 (g) 2OO
+ 2NM
+ 2h
As we discussed previously, the forward arrow (with no reverse arrow) indicates that the reaction goes to completion during the processing of N-doped MO. The overall electroneutrality condition will be equation 13.60:
p = 2[VM ] + [ NM ]
The next task is to decide on which side of the Brouwer diagram to place the extrinsic regime. This is pretty
straightforward in the present case, owing to the fact that with increasing donor-doping, extrinsic behavior should
win out over intrinsic behavior. We can begin by drawing a dashed line of slope +1 on the Brouwer plot,
representing the concentration of acceptor species, or [ NM ], as shown in Figure 13.12.
= const
= const
Figure 13.12: Schematic Brouwer diagram of defect population in oxide MO vs. N2 O level.
The vertical dashed line represents the transition between intrinsic behavior (at low doping levels, p = 2[VM ]) and
extrinsic behavior (at high doping levels, p = [ NM ]). In the intrinsic regime, the Brouwer approximation is given
by p = 2[VM ]. Rearranging equation 13.58 we obtain equation 13.61:
[VM ] p2 = 4[VM ]3 = Kox pO
However, since temperature (and therefore Kox ) and pO2 are both constants, the metal vacancy concentration and
hole content will also be fixed (p = 2[VM ]) and independent of doping level. It can be seen that all three defect
species (p, [VM ], [ NM ]) are represented in the intrinsic regime, but it remains to be established how the metal vacancy concentration varies with doping level in the extrinsic regime. Rearranging equation 13.61 and substituting
[ NM ] for p we obtain equation :
Brouwer Diagrams
/ [ NM ] 2
/p2 = Kox pO
[VM ] = Kox pO
Since temperature (and Kox ) and pO2 are constants, it follows that [VM ] will be proportional to the dopant concentration to the -2 power, as shown in Figure 13.12.
We can also create a log[defect] vs. logpO2 diagram (at fixed temperature and fixed acceptor dopant level) for
this system. Again, we need to decide where the extrinsic regime belongs, on the left or on the right. This is not
as straightforward as with the log[defect] vs. log[dopant] diagram. However, examination of the intrinsic defect
reaction of equation 13.57 indicates that as the oxygen partial pressure increases, the metal vacancy concentration
will increase. This suggests that the intrinsic regime should be on the right with the extrinsic regime on the left.
(Hint: if you try doing it the other way around, the resulting diagram will not make sense.) We begin by drawing
a horizontal dashed line in Figure 13.13 indicating the fixed acceptor dopant level.
T = const
= const
Figure 13.13: Schematic Brouwer diagram of dopant concentration vs. oxygen partial pressure for oxide MO at fixed
temperature and N2 O doping level.
Again, the vertical dashed line indicates the transition between the two Brouwer approximations or ENC regimes.
The intrinsic regime is solved the same way as for the butterfly diagrams of the previous section. Inserting the
ENC, namely that p = 2[VM ], and rearranging equation 13.58 we obtain equation 13.63:
[VM ] p2 = 4[VM ]3 = Kox pO
3 log[VM ] = log
+ log pO2
from which it follows that log[VM ]/ log pO2 will be +1/6, as shown in Figure 13.13. All three species (p, [VM ], [ NM ])
are represented in the intrinsic regime, but we need to decide how the metal vacancy concentration behaves in the
extrinsic regime. Once again we can employ equation 13.58, which rearranged gives us equation 13.65:
[VM ] = (Kox pO
)/p2 = (Kox pO
) / [ NM ] 2
Since both Kox (fixed by temperature) and [ NM ] are constants, it follows that the metal vacancy concentration will
vary with pO2 to the +1/2 power, as shown in Figure 13.13.
Now lets consider a cation-excess oxide MO that becomes an n-type semiconductor under reducing conditions. It
can also be donor-doped with N2 O3 additions during initial processing, again with electronic compensation. As
with the prior example, we will generate dual-regime isothermal Brouwer diagrams vs. log pO2 and also vs. dopant
concentration. We begin by writing the metal-excess (metal interstitial) equilibrium, reproduced in equation 13.66:
M xM + OO
O2 (g) + Mi + 2e
Brouwer Diagrams
[ Mi ]n2
Kred = pO
N2 O3 2OO
+ 2NM
+ 2e + O2 (g)
Note that the one-way arrow indicates that this reaction goes to completion during the firing of N2 O3 -doped MO.
The overall ENC can be written as equation 13.69:
n = 2[ Mi ] + [ NM
This time, lets begin with the log[defect] vs. log pO2 Brouwer diagram (at fixed dopant level). But will the intrinsic
regime be on the left or on the right? One way of resolving this issue is to examine the intrinsic defect reaction
of equation 13.66 and the corresponding mass-action/equilibrium relationship of equation 13.67. It can be seen
that the metal interstitial population will increase (and overwhelm the extrinsic dopant level) as the oxygen partial
pressure is reduced. This tells us to expect the intrinsic regime on the left (low pO2 ). In Figure 13.14 we begin by
] level.
drawing a horizontal dashed line to represent the constant N2 O3 or [ NM
= const
= const
Figure 13.14: Schematic Brouwer diagram vs. log pO2 of N2 O3 -doped MO at fixed temperature and doping level.
The vertical dashed line represents that transition from intrinsic behavior on the left to extrinsic behavior on the
right. Assuming the Brouwer approximation in the intrinsic regime to be n = 2[ Mi ] and rearranging equation
13.67, we obtain equation 13.70:
[ Mi ]n2 = 4[ Mi ]3 = Kred pO
Rearranging once again and taking the logarithm of both sides, we obtain equation 13.71:
3 log[ Mi ] = log
log pO2
from which it follows that log[ Mi ]/ log pO2 will be -1/6, as shown in Figure 13.14. We have lines for each of
the three species in the ENC for the intrinsic regime, but how does the metal interstitial concentration behave in
] = const, we obtain equation 13.72:
the extrinsic regime? Rearranging equation 13.67 and substituting n = [ NM
2 1/2
[ Mi ] = (Kred /n2 ) pO
= (Kred /[ NM
] ) pO2
from which it follows that log[ Mi ]/ log pO2 will be -1/2, as shown in Figure 13.14.
Now lets consider the corresponding log[defect] vs. log[dopant] Brouwer diagram (at constant pO2 ). The increasing donor-dopant level is represented by the dashed line of slope +1 in Figure 13.15.
The vertical dashed line represents the transition from intrinsic behavior to extrinsic behavior, the latter of which
must fall on the right side of the diagram (high dopant level). In the intrinsic regime, since temperature (and
Brouwer Diagrams
= const
= const
Figure 13.15: Schematic Brouwer diagram vs. doping level in N2 O3 -doped oxide MO at constant temperature and constant
pO2 .
therefore Kred ) and pO2 are both constant, if we rearrange equation 13.67 and insert the ENC (n = 2[ Mi ]), we
obtain equation 13.73:
[ Mi ]n2 = 4[ Mi ]3 = Kred pO
= const
from which it follows that n = 2[ Mi ] = const, as shown in Figure 13.15. We have lines for all three species in the
overall ENC in the intrinsic regime, but how does the metal interstitial population behave in the extrinsic regime?
]) we obtain equation :
Again, rearranging equation and inserting the ENC (n = [ NM
[ Mi ] = (Kred pO
)/n2 = (Kred pO
) / [ NM
Again, since Kred is a constant (because T is constant) and pO2 is also constant, the metal interstitial population will
vary with the dopant concentration to the -2 power, as shown in Figure 13.15. We will revisit this diagram when
we consider electrical conductivity in the following section.
As a transition to our consideration of ionic conductivity, we will construct one last log[defect] vs. log pO2 Brouwer
diagram. Calcia-doped zirconia is an oxygen vacancy ionic conductor except at very reducing oxygen partial pressures, where electrons can begin to contribute electronic conductivity. The intrinsic equilibrium between oxygen
vacancies and electrons is given by equation 13.75:
O2 (g) + VO + 2e
CaO Ca Zr + OO
+ VO
Note here that the dopant cations are divalent (Ca2+ O2 ) whereas the host cations are tetravalent (Zr4+ O22 ). Note
also the forward arrow, which indicates that this reaction goes to completion during the processing of CaO-doped
ZrO2 . The overall electroneutrality condition is given by equation 13.78:
n + 2[Ca Zr ] = 2[VO ]
This time we will focus exclusively on the log[defect] vs. log pO2 Brouwer diagram, which is presented in Figure
T = const
Figure 13.16: Schematic Brouwer diagram vs. pO2 for CaO-doped ZrO2 at constant temperature and constant doping
You should be able to rationalize: 1) that the intrinsic regime belongs on the left, and 2) that the slope in the
intrinsic regime should be -1/6. It may not be obvious why the electrons have a -1/4 slope in the extrinsic regime.
Isolating the electron population in equation 13.76, we obtain equation 13.79:
)/[Ca Zr ]
)/[VO ] = (Kred pO
n2 = (Kred pO
Taking the logarithm of both sides, and remembering that Kred is constant (because temperature is constant) and
[Ca Zr ] is also constant, it follows from equation 13.80:
2 log n = log
log pO2
[Ca Zr ] 2
that log n/ log pO2 will be -1/4. We will return to this Brouwer diagram (Figure ) in the following section.
Electrical Conductivity
The usefulness and predictive power of schematic Brouwer diagrams can best be illustrated by considering electrical conductivity, which is controlled by the point defect species with the highest product of concentration and
mobility. It turns out that there can be contributions from first, electronic species (electrons and electron holes),
and from second, mobile ionic species. The former determines the electronic conductivity of a solid and the second
determines the ionic conductivity of that solid. Together, these two contributions determine the overall electrical
Electronic Conductivity
From introductory materials science and engineering courses, you should be familiar with the following equation
for the electronic conductivity:
= nee + peh
where e is the unit of electron charge, e and h are the mobilities of electrons and holes, respectively, and n
and p are their concentrations, as previously defined. Usually, however, one species will dominate (as a majority
species) whereas the other will have negligible concentration (a minority species). For example, electrons are
majority species in the n-type semiconducting oxide MO, as reflected in the Brouwer diagram of Figure 13.14. In
this case, the electronic conductivity reduces to equation :
= nee
It is useful to do a unit analysis on the parameters in this equation to understand common usage in the materials
community. The basic unit of conductivity is a Sieman per centimeter, or S/cm. The Sieman is the same as a
Ionic Conductivity
reciprocal ohm (1/), and according to Ohms law an ohm is voltage/current (V/I) or a Joule per coulomb (J/C)
divided by a coulomb per second (C/s), such that an ohm is given by (Js)/C2 . Placing these values into equation
14.2, we obtain equation 14.3:
It follows that the basic units for mobility are cm2 per Vs (cm2 /Vs). This may make more sense written as a
centimeter per second (carrier velocity) per volt per centimeter (driving force), or (cm/s)/(V/cm).
Here is where the predictive power of schematic Brouwer diagrams comes in handy. If the electronic mobility is
independent of carrier concentration, then the conductivity in equation 14.2 will depend solely upon the carrier
concentration, n. Lets consider the case of M-excess semiconductor MO, whose Brouwer diagram is represented
in Figure 13.14. The corresponding predicted behavior of conductivity vs. oxygen partial pressure is given in
Figure 14.1. Note that if the donor-dopant level is reduced to a minimum, the intrinsic regime (n = 2[ Mi ]) can
be preserved to high pO2 values, as reflected by the undoped behavior in the Figure.
Oxide MO
Figure 14.1: Predicted conductivity vs. oxygen partial pressure behavior of n-type cation-excess MO based upon the
Brouwer diagram in Figure 13.14.
In the 1970s, the Ford Motor company developed a resistance-based oxygen sensor based upon such a log vs.
log pO2 behavior as shown in Figure 14.1. Employing a highly pure titanium metal filament, which was subsequently oxidized to TiO2 , they achieved a reproducible conductance (the inverse of resistance, or G=1/R) vs.
pO2 behavior that could be employed to monitor the oxygen content in the exhaust gases of the internal combustion engine. This enabled engineers to control the air-to-fuel ratio, otherwise known at the lambda-ratio. Hence,
automotive oxygen sensors are typically referred to as lambda-sensors. It should be noted that given the different
cation valence (4+ in TiO2 vs. 2+ for MO), and therefore the different charge on an interstitial cation, the slope on a
log-log plot of G vs. pO2 was not the -1/6 for titania. Nevertheless, the invention of a resistance-based oxygen sensor was an important development. However, resistance-based oxygen sensors lost out to electrochemical sensors
as described in the following section.
Ionic Conductivity
It makes sense that Ionic conductivity will likewise be determined by the product of ion concentration, ion charge,
and ion mobility. A development of the so-called Nernst-Einstein relationship is beyond the scope of the present
text, but one form of it describes the ionic mobility of a charged species, as given in equation 14.4:
i =
Di q i
where Di is the diffusivity of an ionic species of charge qi , T is absolute temperature and k is Boltzmanns constant.
Since the product kT is in units of Joules, the product of cm2 /s and C divided by Joules yields the appropriate
units for mobility of cm2 per V s. The carrier concentration will be the concentration of mobile ions or ci in units
of #/cm3 . The charge of the mobile species is given by qi , which in turn is equal to the product of zi (the number
Ionic Conductivity
of charges on a mobile ion, e.g., -2 in the case of oxygen ions) and e, the unit of electron charge, or qi = zi e. Putting
all this together, the product of carrier content, carrier charge, and carrier mobility is given by equation 14.5:
i = ci qi
Di q i
ci q2i
which is yet another version of the Nernst-Einstein relationship. Lets apply this equation to the situation of calciadoped zirconia, whose doping reaction is repeated here as equation 14.6:
CaO Ca Zr + OO
+ VO
As always, the forward arrow indicates a reaction that goes to completion during the firing of calcia-doped zirco00
nia. The resulting electroneutrality condition is [VO ] = [Ca Zr ], as shown on the right side of Figure 13.16. The
formula unit for CaO-doped ZrO2 can be written as in equation 14.7:
where the box represents oxygen vacancies. In fact, we can write the ionic conductivity in terms of either oxygen
diffusivity or oxygen vacancy diffusivity, as in equation 14.8:
i =
cO 2 qO
DO =
cV q2V
where the VO subscript refers to oxygen vacancies. Since qO
2 = (2e ) = qV = (+2e ) , we can cancel these
terms and also the kT product from both sides to obtain equation 14.9:
cO2 DO = cV DV
If we divide both sides by the concentration of overall oxygen sites (cOS ), and replace cO2 /cOS and cV /cOS by
the respective site fractions, XO and XV , respectively, we obtain equation 14.10:
This may not look familiar, but we have previously dealt with a version of this equation when dealing with self
diffusion by vacancy mechanism in metals. You can find it back in equation 11.31, which can be rewritten as
D A = Xv Dv . In reality, this expression should be X A D A = (1 Xv ) D A = Xv Dv . In the case of metals, however,
the site fraction of vacancies is negligibly small such that X A = (1 Xv ) 1. However, in the case of CaO-doped
ZrO2 the sizable vacancy content cannot be ignored.
Lets consider zirconia doped by 15 mole percent of calcia. The formula unit can be written as in equation 14.11:
such that the site fractions will be XO = 1.85/2 = 0.925 and XV = 0.15/2 = 0.075. Note that the ratio of site
fractions (XO /XV ) is 12.33. From equation 14.10 it follows that the vacancy diffusivity at every temperature will
be 12.33 times the oxygen ion diffusivity.
What we need to be able to do is to go back and forth between ionic conductivity and either of the diffusivities
(oxygen, vacancy). If we know the concentration of overall oxygen sites, we can calculate the concentration of
either occupied oxygen sites (XO cOS ) or of oxygen vacancies (XV cOS ). The concentration of overall oxygen sites
can be calculated in a couple of ways. The cubic fluorite structure of ZrO2 is given in Figure 14.2.
Ionic Conductivity
= Zr
= O
Figure 14.2: Schematic representation of the cubic fluorite structure of calcia-doped zirconia.
There are 4 formula units or 8 oxygen sites per unit cell. If given the lattice parameter (ao ), the concentration of
oxygen sites will be cOS = 8/a3o . Alternatively, we might be given the density of the the 15 mole percent-doped
zirconia in g/cm3 . The mass per formula unit (FU) in equation 14.11 can be calculated as in equation 14.12:
= [0.85AWZr + 0.15AWCa ] + 1.85AWO
Where AW stands for atomic weight. The density (g/cm3 ) divided by the mass per FU (g/FU) gives the number
of formula units per cm3 . The number of oxygen sites per cm3 (cOS ) is just twice this value, since there are 2
oxygen sites per formula unit. Either way, we can now go back and forth between diffusivity (oxygen ion or
oxygen vacancy) and ionic conductivity using the Nernst-Einstein relationship of equation 14.8 as illustrated in
Figure 14.3.
Figure 14.3: Using the Nernst-Einstein equation to go back and forth between ionic conductivity and diffusivity (ion or
Given that the oxygen vacancy concentration is fixed by the CaO doping, it follows that the oxygen diffusivity will
be given by equation 14.13:
DO = ( DO )o exp
i =
2 (D )
cO qO
O o
Except for temperature, all the other parameters within the brackets are constant or nearly so. This allows us to
rearrange equation 14.14 into equation 14.15:
i =
By plotting the natural logarithm of the product of ionic conductivity and temperature (i T) vs. inverse temperature, we can determine the enthalpy of oxygen/vacancy motion, as shown in Figure 14.3. This figure shows how to
calculate individual diffusivities from the ionic conductivity, and vice versa. It should be pointed out that once one
diffusivity is determined, the other diffusivity can be readily calculated from the XO DO = XV DV relationship.
The oxygen sensors in the internal combustion engines of gas-powered automobiles are zirconia-based. However,
instead of registering conductance (resistance) vs. oxygen partial pressure, the zirconia sensor serves as a solid
electrolyte membrane between two environments. One side is exposed to air (pO2 = 0.21) as a reference, while
the other is exposed to the hot combustion gases coming from the engine. High temperature is required to keep
the ionic conductivity high enough for the zirconia sensor to function. An electrochemical voltage is produced
between the two sides of the zirconia electrolyte that is proportional to the difference in pO2 between the two
sides. When the air-to-fuel ratio is high, excess oxygen decreases the difference (and the voltage). But when the
air-to-fuel ratio is low, the reducing products of combustion increase the difference (and the voltage). A microprocessor uses the output of the oxygen sensor to adjust the air-to-fuel ratio by controlling the fuel injectors in
the engine. You might suppose that the purpose of the oxygen sensor would be to keep the engine operating at
optimal efficiency, but this is not the case. The purpose of the oxygen sensor is to maintain the air-to-fuel ratio in
a narrow range where all three catalysts in the catalytic converter function optimally to react unwanted pollutants
(reduction of NOx , oxidation of CO, and oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbons).
315 Problems
1. Use the Ellingham Diagram (reproduced here as Figure 15.1) to answer the following.
(a) Find the temperature and partial pressure of O2 where Ni(s), Ni(l), and NiO(s) are in equilibrium.
(b) Can the same equilibrium be achieved with H2 and H2 O instead of oxygen? If so, what is the ratio of
H2 /H2 O?
2. Use the Ellingham Diagram to answer the following question.
partial pressures of 10:1 is flowed through a tube furnace containing a crucible filled with MnO powder.
Determine the driving force for the reaction
3. Using the Ellingham diagram, can you safely melt aluminum in a magnesia (MgO) container? Why or why
not? What is the resulting reaction and its driving force?
4. Establish the T-log PO2 phase diagram between 1000o C and 1500o C fort he Mn-O system at 1 atm total pressure.
5. In the days before the industrial revolution the PCO2 in the earths atmosphere was 275 ppm. Use the data
in Figure 15.2 to calculate how high one would need to heat CaCO3 to decompose it at a PCO2 for the preindustrial concentration of 275 ppm and for present day PCO2 (You will have to look this up, please give your
source). Also calculate how high one would need to heat CaCO3 to decompose it if the CO2 level in the
atmosphere reaches 500 ppm.
6. Based on Raoultian liquid solution behavior, calculate the Sn-Bi eutectic phase diagram (using Excel, Mathematica, MATLAB, etc). Assume that there is negligible solid solubility of both Sn and Bi in the other component, and that Cp 0 for both end members. Use the following melting points and enthalpies of fusion:
Melting Point
Boiling Point
H(s l)(J/mol)
7. Use MATLAB or a spreadsheet to calculate liquidus and solidus lines for a lens-type T-X diagram for the
A-B system, using the data below. You may assume both the liquid and solid solutions behave ideally.
Tm(o C)
(a) Plot the T vs. X phase diagram. Label each region on the diagram with the phases present and the
degrees of freedom.
(b) For the temperatures 800o C, 1100o C, and 1500o C, draw plots of the activity of component A vs. composition. Include two plots for each: One with respect to liquid as the reference state and one with respect
to solid as the reference state.
8. Based upon the temperature at the top of the miscibility gap in the Cr-W system (see Figure 15.3), do the
(a) Predict the miscibility gap (solvus) and spinodals based upon the regular solution model. Use the
spreadsheet and plot the results.
(b) Compare your miscibility gap with the experimental one in the attached figure. Speculate about why
there might be differences.
9. Consider the Pb-Sn phase diagram (see Figure 15.4).
(a) Label each region on the diagram with the degrees of freedom.
(b) Sketch free energy vs. composition curves for all phases at 150o C, 200o C, 250o C, and the eutectic temperature.
(c) For each temperature from part (b), draw plots of the activity of Sn vs. composition. Include two
plots for each: One with respect to liquid as the reference state and one with respect to solid as the
reference state. You may assume the liquid solution to be Raoultia. At 150o C, only plot activity of Sn vs.
composition with respect to the solid reference state. At 250o C, only plot activity of Sn vs. composition
with respect to the liquid reference state.
10. Calculate and plot the liquidus projection of the ternary phase diagram for the NaF-NaCl-NaI system. The
melting temperatures and heats of fusion are as follows: NaF (990o C, 29,300 J/mol), NaCl (801o C, 30,200
J/mol) and NaI (659.3o C, 22,300 J/mol). Assume and ideal liquid solution and negligible solid solubility.
Compare your result with the experimental diagram shown in Figure 15.5. Why might they be different?
11. On the liquidus projection diagram for the hypothetical system A-B-C shown in Figure 15.6), complete the
(a) Label primary phase fields
(b) Draw the subsolidus compatibility joins.
(c) Label all the binary and ternary invariant points.
(d) Indicate the directions of falling temperature (binaries and ternary).
(e) Sketch all the binary phase diagrams (including those formed by subsolidus compatibility joins).
12. Using the attached liquidus projection diagram for the hypothetical system A-B-C shown in Figure 15.7,
complete the following:
(a) Determine the equilibrium crystallization path for the composition marked with the star.
(b) Determine the microstructural constituents:
i. Just prior tot he liquid striking the phase boundary (liquid + solid 1 + solid 2).
ii. At the eutectic but just prior to eutectic crystallization.
iii. After crystallization is complete.
13. On the (LiCl)2 CaCl2 (KCl)2 phase diagram shown in Figure 15.8, draw isothermal sections at the following temperatures: (note- Ternary eutectic E1 is at 332o C and ternary eutectic E2 is at 412o C)
(a) 600o C
(b) 450o C
(c) 400o C
(d) 300o C
(e) Also determine the precise (not schematic!) (LiCl)2 KCaCl3 phase diagram.
14. (Bonus question - 10% of problem set value) Starting with the regular solution model, prove that regardless
of how positive the interaction parameter (or heat of mixing) might be, the inital slope on any free energy vs.
composition curve must be infinitely negative on the left side (XB 0) and infinitely positive on the right
side (XB 1).
15. A steel tank contains hydrogen at 15 atm pressure. If the solubility of hydrogen in steel is 1x102 g/cm3
under 15 atm pressure, the diffusion coefficient is 8x105 cm2 /s at room temperature and the tank is placed
in a vacuum, calculate the flux of hydrogen through a 3.5 mm thick wall.
16. Austenite (Fe) with .85 wt% carbon has a diffusion coefficient of 1.9x1011 m2 /s at 900o C.
(a) Determine the jump distance in terms of the lattice parameter ao and the coordination number for carbon diffusion in this structure.
(b) How many jumps does a carbon interstitial make each second? Assuming a lattice vibration frequency
of 1013 s1 , what fraction of jumps is successful?
(c) Calculate and compare the random walk distance with the total distance (back and forth) traveled by
an interstitial carbon atom in one second.
17. Ferrite (Fe) (BCC structure) dissolves carbon to a lesser extent than austenite (FCC structure).
(a) Determine the jump distance in terms of the lattice parameter ao and the coordination number for carbon diffusion in this structure.
(b) Given the data in Table 2.1 of Porter, Easterling & Sherif, make an Arrhenius plot of diffusion coefficients
of carbon and nitrogen from room temperature to 800o C.
(c) A different interstitial solute diffuses at a rate of 4.1x102 mm2 /s at 300o C and 7.3x102 mm2 /s at 600o C.
Determine its activation energy and pre-exponential factor.
18. Write a MATLAB code to evaluate the composition as a function of distance for the draining plate problem.
(a) For t/ = 0.05 how many terms in the series is necessary to obtain a composition that is converged to
within 1% of the exact answer. The percent error is the maximum value of |c( x ) cexact ( x )|/cexact (c)x100.
To determine the exact answer evaluate the summation to j = 200. L=100um, Co = 0.1at. %
(b) Plot the converged solution as a function of x for t/ = 0.05, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0.
(c) For what approximate value of t/ does a single term in the summation with j = 0 provide an approximation to the exact solution within 10%?
19. (After Shewmon 2-13) We wish to consider the rate at which the vacancy concentration increases in a specimen after an increase in temperature. We assume that the vacancy concentration in the lattice near the free
surface, grain boundaries and edge dislocations will rise to the new equilibrium value of the new temperature as soon as the temperature is raised. The vacancy concentration far from these vacancy sources rises
only as fast as vacancies can diffuse to the region from the source.
(a) Assume that vacancies come only from grain boundaries, and the grain diameter is approximately 1
mm. Calculate the relaxation time in two regimes, at high temperatures where the diffusion coefficient
Dv is 105 cm2 /s.
(b) Calculate the relaxation time () given a dislocation line length (dislocation density) of 107 cm/cm3 .
(Hint: First, calculate the distance between dislocations, i.e, the vacancy sources.)
20. The diffusion coefficient of carbon in austenite can be approximated as:
Dc = 0.2 exp
cm2 /s
(a) How long does it take for the composition c0.5 during carburization to penetrate .45 mm at 900o C? How
long for 5 mm?
(b) What annealing temperature is required to double the penetration in a given time?
21. Consider two blocks initially one pure A and the other pure B that are welded together and annealed at
1100o C. Plot the diffusion profile as a function of distance after half an hour. Assume that the diffusion
coefficient of both specie is D = 4.5x1011 m2 /s and that D is not a function of concentration.
22. Calculate the enthalpy and entropy of vacancy formation (Hv , Sv ) for a system given the equilibrium
315 Laboratories
Laboratory Notebook
You should purchase a lab notebook, which can be used for 315, 316-1, 316-2 and 351-2 labs. A spiral notebook
will do; it does not need to be the type containing carbon pages, or graph paper. I also recommend a notebook
(three-ring or a folder) in which you can keep lab handouts. You will need to refer to these notes when writing
your lab reports.
Thermocalc (TCW2) is found on the computers in Bodeen (Tech C115). To generate free energy plots to obtain the
Bi-Sn phase diagram, follow these procedures:
Open Thermo-Calc for Windows (TCW5)
Click on the icon for a binary phase diagram (center of the top tab) this opens the TCW Binary Phase
Diagram window.
Within the new window, select Bi and Sn
Choose Phase Diagram. This will display the binary phase diagram note that you may redefine the axes.
Choose weight percent Bi to be consistent with the experimental plot you will generate.
NOW the question is how was was this phase diagram generated, and how does it relate to the free energy
curves? To understand this, follow the following steps:
Click on G-curves
Enter a temperature (in Kelvin); begin at a temperature above 573K
Click on Apply. This will generate a series of free energy curves at that temperature. Note: you can normalize
to 1 mole or 1 gram; to find wt% choose the latter.
Generate enough free energy curves to map out the BiSn phase diagram on the blank sheet. You are also provided
with some hardcopies. Show your work on these - draw in how your determined compositions corresponding to
transitions at any given temperature.
Write-up: Include in your report the phase diagram generated from Thermocalc and free energy curves, marked
and labeled appropriately to show how you used the free energy curves to determine the phase diagram.
Calibration: We will be using type K thermocouples and data-logging devices to measure temperature as a
function of time for Bi, Sn and a series of binary alloys of BiSn. The change in the rate of change in temperature
as a function of time indicates changes in phases, as described by the Gibbs Phase Rule (also see http://www.
doitpoms.ac.uk/tlplib/phase-diagrams/cooling.php) How accurate and precise is your measurement device?
Think about how you might check this and anticipate that you will discuss this in your report.
Pure Components:
Start by measuring a cooling curve of either Bi or Sn. Plan to pool group data.
Heat the crucible on a hotplate until the endpoint metal has melted. (This might not be obvious if there is an
oxide on the surface. You can remove surface oxides by skimming the melt with a stirring rod.)
Insert a (calibrated, but dry) thermocouple into the melt. Make sure the thermocouple is not shorted anywhere along its length.
Turn off the power to the hotplate, and record temperature every 15 seconds as the melt cools and solidifies, down to 100C or lower. Re-heat your sample, again measuring temperature vs. time to remove your
Plot your data using Excel.
Determine the solidification temperature and record this on the pooled data sheet.
Save your Excel files with a logically formatted name as follows: metal_daytime_initials, i.e. Sn_Mon9_KS
or 40Bi_Tues10_KS
Alloys: Repeat the procedure, above, for an alloy. These are designated by wt% Bi. Determine the inflection
points or changes in slope that correspond to phase transitions. Record these on the pooled data sheets.
Write-up: 1) Write a short paragraph describing the theory behind cooling curve measurements.
2) Write a second short paragraph describing what was measured and how and include some mention of measurement uncertainty.
3) Using a plotting program (Excel or Matlab. . . or other) plot your endpoint (Bi or Sn) and alloy cooling curves. Indicate what phases are present in what temperature ranges by labeling the two curves with phase and temperature
4) Use the tabulated data, as well as the posted raw data, to determine all phase transition temperatures that can
be determined for alloys in the Bi-Sn system. Again, using a plotting program, plot these transition temperatures
as a function of wt% Bismuth, to determine the phase diagram. You will need to decide which points form a set
corresponding to the same phase transition, i.e. a given liquidus line, for instance. Add appropriate fit(s), label
phases, label axes, etc.....in order to generate a neat, complete, self-explanatory phase diagram.
5) Write a paragraph discussing the results. Also discuss what assumptions were made and how your plot does/doesnt agree with theory and other experimentally-determined Bi-Sn phase diagrams. (Be especially aware of
what assumptions you make in compositional ranges where no measurements were made.) You will find a calculated Bi-Sn plot at http://www.metallurgy.nist.gov/phase/solder/bisn.html. Note that the temperature and
composition that correspond to the invariant reaction (that is the eutectic temperature and composition) are listed
in a table below this figure.
Notes on graphing: Please keep the following points in mind as you prepare your report:
1. You are gathering discrete data points, hence plot the data as such. (In Excel, choose a scatter-plot, without
additional lines.) When you fit the data (i.e. by adding a trendline) use a line. Always consider your options:
which points should you include or not include when fitting a given line? Should you let the program find
the best regressive fit? Or should you fix the slope? Is the fit linear? Non-linear? Can you use data to
determine all the liquidus, solidus and solvus lines in the system? Are there any you cannot determine?
(You could indicate an approximation as dashed lines.) The details should be discussed in paragraph II of
your text.
2. Represent data with the appropriate number of significant figures. If you are averaging 321 C, 323 C, 324
C the average value is 323 C. (Do not add false significance when computing an average value.) If there
is uncertainty in determination of a transition temperature, it is OK to indicate this as a range. Likewise,
if you have several data points for a single value, i.e. the melting temperatures of the endpoints, then you
could plot all the points, or plot the average but indicate the range which was measured. Assuming a normal
(Gaussian) distribution of these values, you can find the uncertainty of the mean to within a 95% confidence
level by determining 2X the standard error of the mean: 2x the standard deviation (STDEV in Exel) divided
by the square root of the number of points measured. Indicate these values on your plots by adding error
bars: left click the data set and choose Format data series > Y error bars.
3. Label axes appropriately AND label all phases present in different regimes.
Metlab particulars
Consult MSDS sheets, available on the reference table in 2008.
DO NOT bring chemicals into the lab without discussing particulars with lab manager. You must provide
an MSDS sheet with your proposed use.
Nitric acid. Strong oxidizer. Do NOT mix with organics or solvents. The only exception to this is nital: 2%
nitric acid in methanol. Do not exceed this concentration. Do not use another solvent. Dispose of separately
from acid or solvent waste.
HF consult lab manager prior to use. Latex gloves are not sufficient. Do not store in glass. Make sure calcium
gluconate is available before use.
Please notify the lab manager of any accidents, spills, equipment malfunctions.
Be aware of the following hazards, and use appropriate equipment and steps to avoid problems:
Heat treatment
Gas Cylinders
(with furnaces)
Safety issues
Burns (carelessness). Dust from
refractory materials. Proper use of
gas tanks on tube furnaces (see
High pressure venting.
Disposal of residual scarf and cutting
fluids/ coolants.
Noxious smell, acrylic irritant.
Spinning wheels. Clogged drains
and overflow sometimes leads to wet
floor. Concern about materials in
drain. Eye protection for samples
and debris off wheels.
Same as grinding
Improper mixing of chemicals and
Transport of chemicals outside of
hood. (Remove gloves before using
other equipment (microscopes, etc.)
and before exiting lab.
Recall that we determined the phase diagram of Bi-Sn using cooling curves. In this lab we will examine microstructures of the alloys. Part of the learning objective is to become familiar with metallographic preparation procedures
and use of the optical microscope, as well as correlating microstructure to the phase diagram. Read through all
steps before starting.
Laboratory Procedure
Write-up: This (short memo-style) report will be a truncated version of a formal lab report. The intent is to
document your sample preparation and relate the final microstructures to the phase diagram. Your report should
include the following elements.
1. Title, author
2. Methods and Materials: Describe your samples and how you prepared them. Include images that show
the progression of grinding, polishing, etching steps. Include details about grit size, diamond suspension
size, loads, etchant and etching times. Label images as figure 1, etc. and include captions. Note that figure
captions are placed below a figure. (The convention for tables is that the title is above the table.)
3. Results & Discussion: (Begin this section with text.) Discuss the alloys that were prepared by your group. Show
corresponding images. Include figure numbers and captions and label the phases present. Include a discussion of the volume fraction analysis and conversion to weight percent and how it agrees (or doesnt) with
the known composition of your alloy.
Often, when viewing cross-section of metallography (or ceramic, etc) samples under a microscope, it is desirable
to make quantitative measurements of such values as the grain size and volume fractions, , of particular phases.
Volume fractions are easily obtained using point-counting techniques. In this case, a test grid is superimposed
upon the image of the sample and the number of points, P, falling within the microstructural constituent of interest
is counted. This, divided by the total number of points in the grid, Pt , provide an estimate of the volume fraction
of the constituent of interest. The volume fraction of phase alpha is given by:
Size of grid/ Number of Measurements: The size of the test grid is typically 4x4 or 5x5 points. In order to lower
the uncertainty in the measurements, one should count approximately 100 points on the constituent of interest. In
other words, we want P to be at least 100. This is achieved by overlaying the grid many times, on different areas
of the sample. Often, an eyepiece reticle is used to facilitate this counting.
Magnification: The magnification should be high enough to avoid adjacent grid points falling on the same microconstituent feature. Choose a magnification giving an average constituent size of half the grid spacing.
Counting: Count and record the number of points on the microconstituent in each application of the grid. Count
points falling on a boundary between constituents as .
Measurement Uncertainty: You can easily determine the standard deviation, standard error of the mean and
confidence levels by tabulating all the values measured. In theory, the value of the coefficient of variation (the
standard deviation / mean) is:
( )
Comparison to mass fraction: Note that the volume fraction and mass fraction are not equivalent, but one may
convert from one to the other using the densities of the respective phases (see Callister, chapter 9). For a two phase
system consisting of and phases, the weight fraction of alpha (W ) is given related to the volume fractions (
and ) and densities ( and ) by the following expression:
W =
Samples of 1018 steel were packed in a mixture of 85wt% activated charcoal and 15wt% calcium carbonate in steel
bags. Samples were subsequently pack-carburized for three times at three temperatures (915C, 940C and 960C).
Each lab group will examine three samples from a single carburization temperature.
Laboratory Procedure
Part I: Mount the samples in thermo-setting resin and label. Grind (320, 400, 600, 800 girt SiC) then polish with 3
and 1 diamond suspension on a microcloth pad. Briefly (1-3 seconds) etch with nital (2% nitric acid in methanol).
You might swab the etchant on the surface with a cotton-tipped swab. Rinse with water, then with solvent; dry.
Examine the microstructure across the sample. Gather images that you can relate to the change in composition
from center-to-edge of the samples.
Part II: Measure a hardness profile from edge toward the center of the sample. (Note that this might work best
on an unetched sample. If you have already etched, return to the 1 micron diamond wheel to remove the etched
layer from the surface.) Use the Struers semi-automated microhardness tester to measure Vickers hardness from
the carburized surface toward the center of the specimen in increments of ~50-100 microns for the first ~2 mm,
then ~200 microns until the values clearly plateau. Use the 10X objective to focus; use the 40X objective to measure
the indent. Rotating between objectives and indenter is best done using the automated program (Duramin5). To
avoid interference between indentations, spacing should be about 3x the indent size but zig-zagging is allowed.
You want to obtain 10-20 points to define your hardness profile. In addition, you should measure ~ 10 points near
the center (undiffused region of the sample) to determine what uncertainty is associated with the measurement on
these samples, independent of the change in hardness.
Your results will include micrographs with appropriate captions that describe the effect of carburization on the
steel microstructure. You will need images from both the center and the edge of your sample(s). Label phases/
microconstituents, add micron bars, etc. on these. Estimate the carbon content at the surface, and explain your
Your results will also include experimental hardness profiles along with a fit from which you estimate the diffusivity of carbon in steel. The experimental data should be represented as points; the fit should be represented as a
smooth curve. (Note that this curve will NOT be a polynomial; you know the functionality based on the solutions
to planar diffusion -see in-lab handout from week 1 of this lab. USE THESE, NOT a polynomial, which will give a
very poor fit. ERF and ERFC functions are available in Excel and Matlab.
Use the DICTRA solutions (in-lab handout week 2 of this lab) as a starting point to determine D and also for
comparison. Also include values of D based on other sources (Porter & Easterling, Callister, etc.). Show the
comparison graphically.
Include answers to these questions:
1. What equations (solutions to the diffusion equations) describe diffusion from a plane source, i.e. carburization?
2. Re-write these equations to describe the change in hardness. What assumptions are made in our experiment?
3. Briefly describe the following hardness measurements:
(a) Rockwell
(b) Vickers
(c) Knoop
4. What are the units for Vickers and Knoop testing? Assuming a ductile material, hardness 3 x yield strength.
What units will you use for the comparison between hardness and yield strength? Explain the conversion.
5. In the lab write-up you will compare your experimental results (data POINTS) to the Dictra prediction (FIT;
represented by a line but based on your answers above, not a linear fit). You should also compare to other
sources from the literature e.g. see Porter and Easterling Chapter 2. Here, write down comparisons.
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99 (4) (1955) 10851091. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.99.1085.
[6] C. A. Wert, Diffusion Coefficient of C in -Iron, Physical Review 79 (4) (1950) 601.
[7] C. A. Wert, Measurements on the Diffusion of Interstitial Atoms in B.C.C. Lattices, Journal of Applied Physics
21 (11) (1950) 1196. doi:10.1063/1.1699572.
[8] E. Johnson, M. Hill, The Diffusivity of Hydrogen in Alpha Iron, Trans. AIME 218 (6) 11041112.
[9] A. M. Brown, M. F. Ashby, Correlations for diffusion constants, Acta Metallurgica 28 (8) (1980) 10851101.
[10] R. O. Simmons, R. W. Balluffi, Measurements of Equilibrium Vacancy Concentrations in Aluminum, Physical
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[11] J. E. Bauerle, J. S. Koehler, Quenched-in lattice defects in Gold, Physical Review 107 (6) (1957) 1493.
[12] C. E. Johnson, E. J. Hathaway, Solid-Liquid Phase Equilibria for the Ternary Systems Li(F,Cl,I) and Na(F,Cl,I),
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`s Liquid solution
` Liquid
A , B chemical potentials of A and B
F Degrees of freedom
g Gas
s Solid
X A , XB Mole fractions of A and B
Activity coefficient, 26
Alkemade Theorem, 46
degrees of freedom, 6, 7
Ellingham diagram, 11
First law of thermodynamics, 5
Gibbs phase rule, 6
Gibbs-Duhem equation, 5
Henrys Law, 26
ionic conductivity, 117
regular solution model, 22
Saddle-point, 81
Steady state diffusion, 66
Ternary Lever Rule, 38
Ternary Phase Diagrams
Isothermal Sections, 50
tie line
binary system, 32