MG Tuning and Maintenance
MG Tuning and Maintenance
MG Tuning and Maintenance
of M.G.s
The Sports Car Engine Speed from the Sports Car
Design and Tuning of Competition Engines
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Correct position of eccentric rocker-shaft bushes
on the cover, bolting up temporarily with suitably sized nuts and bolts.
If it is found that, having done this, the gears are just trapped between
the body and the cover, it follows that by using a packing washer
CHAPTER 5 The of .001 in. thickness, the requisite clearance will be obtained. If too
much clearance is evident even without any washer in at all, the
Lubrication System height of the joint face on the body can be reduced the required
amount by rubbing down on the above-mentioned plate. If a lot of
CHECKING OIL-PUMP COMPONENTS. SIDE CLEARANCE OP GEARS. metal has to be removed, a sheet of emery cloth on the plate will get
THE RELIEF VALVE. FILTERING ARRANGEMENTS. the " rough " off quickly, using grinding paste for the final fit.
251SC —
make an absolutely tight job. Use a box spanner to put them in, and
make a good strong-arm effort when tightening, so that there will be
no tendency towards unscrewing when the pipes are removed at
any time.
The external oil-pump driving gear should be examined in the
same manner as other engine gears. It meshes with a worm gear on
the crankshaft, and this latter can with advantage be examined at
the same time, so that any faults can be checked on both wheels.
There should be nothing wrong that a carborundum sh'p cannot rectify,
as the gears are of adequate size and lubrication is ample. The oil-
pump spindle is splined to engage with the driving gear sleeve (which
also drives the distributor) and both the shaft splines and the internal
splines in the gear should be examined for wear, which usually results
in sharpish edges on the splines and sometimes makes them difficult
to withdraw. The splines can be dressed if thought advisable.
The remaining items of the lubrication system to be considered,
comprise the gauze filter on the suction side, which is housed in the
sump, the Tecalemit pressure filter between the pump delivery and
the oil distribution circuit, and finally the various pipes. The suction
filter comprises a gauze cylinder built up on a tube which locates in
suitable registers in the sump casting, being screwed in from the front
end. This filter is very robust, and can only be damaged through
carelessness. Apart from thorough cleaning in petrol, it should not
require any other attention, but if the gauze is in any way damaged,
this is, buckled or holed, it must be renewed. Anyone possessing
reasonable dexterity with a soldering iron will have no difficulty in
fitting a new gauze. The Tecalemit pressure filter comprises an alloy
housing with a top cover secured by four studs and nuts. The housing
has an inlet union to take the pump delivery pipe, and also two outlet
unions. One of these—the small one—connects to the oil gauge, whilst
the other leads to the front main bearing and overhead valve gear via
external pipes. A hole in the housing flange which bolts to the crank-
case, leads the oil supply to the centre and rear main bearings. The
big-ends are, of course, fed by drillings in the crankshaft in the
usual way.
The Tecalemit filter element is renewable, the " throwaway"
mileage being 10,000. A new element will, of course, be fitted as a
The TA crankshaft and hearings. matter of course during an overhaul of the kind under discussion.
Before doing this the whole of the filter housing must be cleaned
The TA cork-insert clutch dismantled. meticulously. The element seats on a spun metal cap at the bottom,
whilst at the top, under the alloy cover, is a relief valve which comes
into action in the unlikely event of the filter being so neglected that
it chokes with debris. The bottom cap-and the relief valve are both
designed to fit properly on to the element, providing an oil-tight joint,
and care must therefore be taken, when renewing the element, to see
that these components are positioned properly. As far as the bottom
cap is concerned, its rim fits round the outside of the element, and its
centre protrusion registers in a recess in the bottom of the filter housing.
As for the relief valve, the valve body must point downwards into the
centre of the element, so that the metal disc fits snugly over the top
of the element with the light coil spring above this and under the cover.
Although to those in the know, the manner of assembly of these bits
and pieces may seem obvious, some people seem to find unusual ways
of getting them back; hence the reason for this full explanation. It is
vital for the well-being of the engine that oil fitration is above reproach,
and wrong assembly will allow serious leakage past the filtering
Before refitting the filter housing to the crankcase, make sure that
all the pipe unions are really tight, using similar methods to those
employed on the oil-pump unions; do not overdo the tightening, of
course, as you are working on alloy threads in this instance. A thin
paper washer is required between the fixing flange of the filter body
and the crankcase, and this can be treated with jointing compound to
ensure an oil-tight joint; every care must be taken, as the pressure is
considerable especially when the oil is cold.
The top cover of the filter requires a packing washer of thin Hallite Ignition System
or similar material. Before fitting, make sure that the joint faces on
both body and cover are registering correctly. Uneven tightening- DISTRIBUTOR DETAILS. CONTACT-BREAKER ACCURACY.
down can result in distortion of the alloy cover, making it impossible LUBRICATION OF THE PARTS. HIGH-TENSION WIRING.
to get an oil-tight joint. Slight distortion can be corrected by grinding
the faces with valve paste, but any serious errors must be corrected by
use of a scraper. Having got the faces to the required degree of The next assembly to receive attention is the ignition distributor
accuracy, see that the four studs are undamaged, and that their nuts of the standard coil system. The main requirements when dealing
run freely thereon. This will ensure that when tightening-down the with this component are use of the correct tools and cleanliness. Many
cover, the correct degree of tension on the nuts can be gauged without of the parts are easily damaged, particularly screw-threads. It is not
errors caused by binding threads. A trace of jointing compound on proposed to describe normal maintenance procedure, which will be
the washer, and spring washers under the four nuts, will complete the familiar to readers, but rather to give emphasis to the " little extras."
job, and ensure a leak-proof filter that really does its stuff. Having dismantled the unit, cleaning must be done with a dry cloth,
no liquid aids being allowed. Examine the moulded distributor cover
THE OIL-PIPING for cracks which, while unlikely, can be caused by careless removal
Although the pipes will not be fitted until a late stage in the final and refitting. If any such are found, the cover must be scrapped, as
assembly, it will be as well to deal with the salient points while we are makeshift repairs are not good enough. The electrodes in the interior
on the particular subject. The suction pipe from sump filter to pump of the cover should be trimmed with a fine file to remove pitting, and
is of very large diameter on P-type engines (on some earlier o.h.c. types the central carbon brush must be quite free in its holder, with the
it was not so large), and in consequence does not take too kindly to spring making good contact and gripping it firmly.
forcible fitting. In other words, bend it to line up with the unions The rotor of the distributor is arranged to clear the electrodes by
before fitting, and do not attempt to pull it into position with the union a few thousandths of an inch, the actual degree of clearance not being
nuts. Bending will be assisted by heating the pipe to nearly red heat critical. Some P-type engines (or maybe some rotors of the period)
and quenching in water. This also anneals the pipe, which is all to seemed to suffer from burning of the rotor to a remarkable degree,
the good. Get it lined up absolutely true with the two unions, and then demanding frequent renewals, but rotors are not expensive, and if
pull up the nuts firmly. This will ensure freedom from suction leaks, trimming with a file does not produce a serviceable rotor, a new one
a point which is all-important because of the high level of the oil-pump must be fitted. If too much metal has to be removed from the rotor
compared with the oil in the sump. edge, excessive electrode clearance will result, and a decision should
The same care must be taken with the delivery pipes. The pipe be made on this basis. Just to finish off, polish the rotor contact arm
leading to the front main bearing includes a T-piece brazed in, which with metal polish all over.
feeds the valve gear. See that the brazing is sound at this point; and The contact-breaker unit complete with its base will have been
also at the top fitting which connects with the cylinder head feed hole. removed, and after completely dismantling the components, and
cleaning the points in the usual way, finishing off with superfine emery
cloth on the points, the items can be reassembled. The older type of
blued contact-breaker spring was apt to break after a moderate
mileage, but the modern type, of bright steel, which will doubtless be
fitted, has a very long life. The fit of the rocker-arm should be
checked on the pivot. This should be quite free, but without side
rock. A trace of engine oil on the pivot assists in free movement.
As regards the fixed contact, there are no particular snags here,
except to ensure that the tongue carrying the contact is at right angles
to the base when the fixture is clamped down. Judicious bending will
get this right, and obviously any error will give faulty lining-up of
the two contacts and prevent them meeting squarely. With the unit
on the bench it is an easy matter to get everything " just so " as far as adequate for the purpose, though the makers probably consider that
the make-and-break is concerned. too little oil is better than too much. With the mechanism exposed
Before re-making electrical connections, such as, for example, those fully by removal of the contact-breaker baseplate, however, it is easy
to the condenser and L.T. terminal, polish the metal to afford the to give every pivot the right amount of oil, and, by oscillating the cam
minimum electrical resistance. with the driving shaft held firmly, to see that everything is working as
it should.
The opening of the contact points on all four lobes of the cam LUBRICATION OF THE PARTS
should be checked, as equality of opening is important, because any The main driving shaft wears very slowly, and a little extra
variation means that the spark timing will vary as between individual clearance in the bearings is not critical, providing it does not amount
to real sloppiness. There is an oiler on the side of the housing, which
is all too frequently neglected, and even allowed to get full of dirt.
If this appears to have happened, the spindle should be examined very
4-0 carefully for scoring, and rectified with fine emery cloth if necessary.
When reassembling the unit, make sure that the screws securing the
contact-breaker baseplate to the main body are correctly fitted with
spring washers, as they form an earth connection to the body, and must
go home adequately tight. When tightening up the adjustable contact
SO after finally setting the gap, do not overdo things; the point will not
E slacken off if normal effort with the small spanner or screwdriver
is used.
X20 B.H.P./R.P.M. STD.
ed If the high-tension wiring is of the original type, it will repay
SPECIFICATION renewal with one of the modern classes of cable, which embody many
10 improvements in insulation and are impervious to oil and heat. The
fitting of the H.T. cables into the distributor demands some care to
ensure that full contact is made with the metal electrode, and that the
1,060 2,000 3,000 (,,000
cable is absolutely secure so that it will withstand unintentional pulls
R.P.M. during a hectic plug change! It is frequently found that moisture
B.h.p. curves, PA and PB engines lodges in these terminals, creeping down between the bakelite union
nut and the cable, and causing corrosion. To combat this, it is a good
idea to run some jointing compound or shellac varnish between the
cable and the union nut after tightening the latter.
These are usually specified for insertion in the cooling water when the
engine is running, but equally good results can invariably be obtained
4--OSXI9 by plugging the radiator inlet and outlet pipes, filling it with a stiff dose
REAR. AXLE 5-373- of the mixture in boiling water, and leaving it to do its stuff. A good
hosing with clean water will then complete the process.
ENGWETYPEPA Radiator hoses should be replaced if at all doubtful. The top hose
in particular has a hard life, due to the right-angle bend therein. It will
be found that the rubber eventually starts to peel off at this bend, on
the inside. The correct type of bent hose is now obtainable, but in the
past, cases of scarcity were overcome by making up a metal right-angle
adaptor piece for use with two short straight pieces of hose of appro-
priate diameter. The tip is mentioned in case for some reason a bent
hose cannot be obtained. If such an adaptor is used, have a good one
made with a proper radiused bend. "Stovepipe" plumbing and right-
angles without curves are unsightly.
Use new hard rubber washers for seating the radiator on its bottom
platform, and tighten up the nuts moderately so as to leave a little
resilience in the rubber. If properly wired or lock-nutted, the fixing
will stay put. The attachment of the radiator top plate to cylinder
head needs no comment.
2,ocs s.eso
Fitting of the hose connections will be facilitated if a light smear of
R.P.M. vaseline is put on the inside of the hose before it is slid on to the pipe
R.p.m. jm.p.h. curve, PA type stubs, and this will do no harm. The pipe stubs should be clean and
free from adhering shreds of old hose. When the clips are fitted, do
>..rft z VUsSlSSil
this neatly. Fit the clip at the end of the hose, and do not over-tighten difficult to retrieve such objects from the depths of the clutch housing!
the clips in such a way that the hose is strangled. Remember that if The gauge required can easily be made from a strip of mild steel filed
the hose is fitted correctly and is the right size, it should form a to the required thickness. Incidentally, the clutch lubrication is by
leak-proof joint even without a clip. grease gun to the nipple provided, using Duckham's Hardy-Spicer
grease, or similar. Do not overdo this; every 2,000 miles is ample and
IGNITION TIMING only a little at that.
With work on the carburetters completed, as detailed in Part III, Whilst on the subject of clutches, a few notes for owners of older
and their correct fitting to the induction manifold carried out as models may be helpful, as these differ from P/PB cars in many
respects. Types M, D, J, and F require the clearance measuring at two
previously described, we are now just about ready for a preliminary places; that is, between the extremities of the fingers and the ball-race
start-up. Before taking this action, there are a few final checks to (3/32 in.), and between the adjusting screws and the thrust pins
be made. (.010 in.). Some of these clutches also have oilers for the thrust race,
Firstly, the ignition timing. Examination of the flywheel through and need attention—a few drops of engine oil—every 500 miles.
the clutch inspection aperture will show that, approximately 1^ in. in So much for the clutch. The rocker-box can next be replaced but
advance of the TDC marking for cylinders 1 and 4, there is an " Ign " need only be lightly tightened down as it will have to come off again
marking. If this mark is located centrally in the aperture by movement after warming-up. Before fitting it, just have a final look around the
of the crankshaft, the contact-breaker points should be just about to head to see that all is correct. Then couple up the tachometer drive,
break on the appropriate cylinder, and if necessary the distributor and the other miscellaneous items such as dynamo and starter wiring'
body must be rotated to arrange this. The final setting will, of course, controls and so forth.
have to be determined on the road, but this rough timing will be
sufficient for the preliminaries.
The contact-breaker gap was originally specified as between .015 in.
and .018 in., but it will in all probability be found that a smaller gap,
of say .012 in., will give better results. This again can be settled under
service conditions.
The owner may have his own pet make of sparking plug, and so
long as he uses the correct type for the engine, all will be well. The
makers of the car favour Champion L10 for fast work, and a gap of
.018 in. to .020 in. gives the best results.
As regards the valve-rocker clearance, this is finally set when the
engine has attained its normal running temperature. All we want just
now is plenty of running clearance, and if all rockers are set at about
.010 in., this will be safe.
It will be as well to adjust the clutch-withdrawal mechanism at this
stage, as the setting will have been disturbed during the overhaul.
The disengagement is effected by means of four spring-loaded fingers,
or levers, actuated by a fabric-faced disc adjacent to the thrust race.
Each of the four levers has its own adjusting screw, and it is essential
that all four are equally adjusted. With everything correct, it should
be possible to insert a gauge having a thickness of %; in. between the
fabric-faced disc and the thrust race. It is also easy to check that the
four fingers have been dealt with equally by noting whether the disc
wobbles axially when the crankshaft is turned. It should, of course,
rotate perfectly true, so that when the pedal is depressed, the thrust
race meets it squarely. There is no difficulty in arriving at correct
adjustment with a bit of patience, but a worth-while tip when carrying
out the setting, is to anchor the spanner, gauge, and any other tools
used, with a length of string to some external object. It is extremely
restrictor passes too much oil, it is liable to drop the pressure through-
out the system, as well as passing far too much to the camshaft and
valve-gear, with the likelihood of oiled plugs as a result of valve-
stem leakage. Too low a pressure in the head is again undesirable,
CHAPTER 9 Starting Up but so long as there is visual evidence of plenty of oil on the bevels and
cam gear, there is no need to worry.
the Engine This point regarding oil pressure in the head is emphasized in case
the restrictor pin hole has been brutally drilled out oversize, so that a
UPPER-CYLINDER LUBRICATION. standard pin, or one made to standard dimensions, will not do. In
HEAD OIL PRESSURE. BEARING CLEARANCES AND OIL FLOW. such cases, it is possible to bush the hole to allow of a standard pin
RUNNING-IN TECHNIQUE. ADJUSTING THE CARBURETTERS. IGNITION being fitted. A simpler plan is to make an enlarged pin, and grade
TIMING " SPOT-ON." LIFTING THE HEAD. the " flat" thereon by trial and error, until a pressure of approximately
5 Ib. is obtained in the head oilways. This pressure can readily be
A spot of engine oil, or of your favourite upper-cylinder lubricant, measured by connecting a gauge to the oil hole which will be found on
in the fuel, is a good thing. With regard to the latter, it is as well to the right-hand side of the head near the front. This hole, normally
obtain the M.G. factory's advice, particularly where graphited brands blanked by a hexagon plug, is screwed | in. B.S.P. thread, and fitting
are concerned. It is essential that the battery is in first-class condition a suitable union will enable an ordinary oil gauge to be piped thereto.
for the preliminary start, as the engine may have to be buzzed round To continue with our preliminary " light run " ; when everything is
for quite a time before anything happens; on the other hand, it may warm, remove the rocker-box again, and adjust the cam-follower
fire immediately. After checking all oil levels and radiator water, a clearances. The method of adjustment has already been detailed;
start can be essayed. If nothing happens after a reasonable interval, very little movement is necessary on the spanner applied to the
have a look round, and verify that fuel supply and " sparks " are O.K. eccentric rocker-bushes, and the clearance is measured with a feeler
Faulty timing is invariably accompanied by easily recognizable gauge between the cam and the follower. Allow .006 in. on inlet cams
" noises off " ; so we will assume that a start is in fact accomplished, and .008 in. on exhaust cams. Don't forget the spanner is moved down
and that all four cylinders go into action. Note the oil pressure to take up clearance, and with careful movement the exact setting can
immediately; this should be about 60 Ib. when hot, but with a be gauged to a nicety. Finally, tighten up the clamp screws with a
reconditioned engine will be considerably higher for the first few miles. small spanner; being lock-washered, they do not need undue force.
In any case, do not worry about the reading so long as it is well up;
with the oil cold it may go over the 100 mark, but should fall as the As already mentioned, with the oil at normal running temperature,
engine warms. If it does not, attention to the relief valve spring may the pressure should be 50/60 Ib. per sq. in.; if a higher pressure
be advisable, but that can wait for the moment. persists, it is advisable to remove the pressure relief valve spring and
After a few minutes' running, the rocker-box should be whipped grind off, say, half a coil to reduce pressure. If this does not bring it
off, and the engine restarted with it removed tr "-heck mat oil is down sufficiently, grind off a little more. Theoretically, the relief
reaching all the cam-follower ends; it is undesirable to run the engine valve should by-pass at 80 to 90 Ib., so that at any oil temperature
too long, or too fast, with the cover removed, as oil is apt to spray all (except under extremely cold conditions) the pressure should not
over the place, and makes the discovery of genuine oil leaks, if any, exceed this. In practice the ideal is rarely attained, and it is sufficient
more difficult. If any of the cam-follower oilways are not passing to see that the pressure at normal running temperature is adequate.
lubricant, which is most unlikely at this stage, recourse must be made With new bearings, naturally, the " cold " pressure will be higher than
to the squirt and special pointed nipple mentioned earlier. This usual, but this does not matter so long as it does not persist. Too high
should do the trick, but if the worst happens and the hole will not a pump pressure for extended periods may cause undue wear of the
clear, there is nothing for it but to dismantle the component. Do not pump drive gears, and puts an excessive strain on pipe unions. The
leave it in the hope that the pressure will clear the obstruction in due writer must ask to be excused if he seems to be labouring the point, but
course. It won't. there is a lot of misapprehension regarding oil pressures, and it is
HEAD OIL PRESSURE sometimes a signal for alarm and despondency when two otherwise
identical cars show pressure readings differing by, perhaps, 20 Ib. under
However, assuming all is well, replace the rocker-box and run up identical conditions. The point is that there is no particular virtue in
the engine at 1,000 to 1,200 r.p.m. until the oil is nicely warm. running a pressure greatly in excess of the normal figure, and that the
Incidentally, the oil pressure in the cylinder head system, i.e., on the latter can vary within surprisingly wide limits without the slightest
" head " side of the restrictor pin, is about 5 Ib. per sq. in. Obviously, harm.
this pressure is not unduly critical, the only thing being that if the
BEARING CLEARANCES AND OIL FLOW technique for carburetter synchronism will be found therein, this being
Very slight variations in bearing clearances can affect the resistance applicable to all twin-carburetter M.G. engines.
to flow, and hence the pressure, to a surprising degree, but if circulation During the first 2,000 or so miles running of the overhauled engine,
is maintained to ensure that the oil film remains intact (which means while things are getting bedded-in, the rocker-box should be removed
sufficiently to dissipate the heat) all is well. On the other hand, an once or twice to ensure that the lubrication is satisfactory, and that all
abnormally low .pressure such as one gets on worn engines, is of no the cam-followers are receiving their quota. The valve clearances
use, since the oil supply escapes through the excess clearance on the should also be checked once during the period. When it is found
non-loaded side of the bearing, whilst the film on the loaded side possible to hold high r.p.m. for extended periods without distress, it is
becomes overheated, and breaks down. time to get the ignition timing spot-on. It is impossible to lay down
It should be mentioned that pressure gauges are easily damaged, a hard-and-fast timing; many words have been written showing how
and if there is any doubt about the accuracy of the one fitted, it is to arrive at the theoretical ideal, including the use of flashlight bulbs
essential to check it against an accurate one. Finally, the sump holds and batteries to indicate the precise moment at which the breaker
one gallon of lubricant, and racing oil (e.g., Castrol R) is not recom- points open. Such experiments, while interesting, are valueless for
mended for anything but racing (and this means " real" racing!). our purpose. The best road performance can only be arrived at by
Stick to the recommended mineral brands. varying the setting under power. The normal timing as indicated by
the timing marks already mentioned, serves as a perfectly good starting
RUNNING-IN TECHNIQUE point, and in fact gives generally good results. Individual engines are,
however, sensitive to a particular setting, and this is best arrived at by
It can now be assumed that the car is on the road, and that gradually advancing the firing point, by moving the distributor head
running-in is about to commence in earnest. Most enthusiasts are a little at a time, between test runs. In this connection, a manual
familiar with the technique of running-in, but a few notes may be of control is a great help, and can readily be arranged by Bowden cable
value. The time-honoured notion of 500 miles at 30 m.p.h. and then and lever. Alternatively, a vernier type of adjustment can be fitted to
full-bore ad infinitum is still adhered to in some regrettable cases. The the distributor head; this fitting is standardized on later types of M.G.
correct technique is, of course, to combine a rigid r.p.m. " ceiling " and many other cars.
with common sense in the use of the throttle. Do not attempt to
accelerate fiercely, and do not hang on to a high gear; just let the engine
spin freely at all times, using a small throttle opening for the most part. IGNITION TIMING " SPOT-ON "
Occasionally, let it have a good dollop of gas for a few hundred yards,
then snap back the throttle so as to get the oil up the bores. It is not too easy to describe in words the " feel" of the correct
For the first 500 miles, restrict r.p.m. to 2,000; from 500 onwards ignition point. Excessive advance produces roughness which may give
to 1,000 miles, progressively increase the permitted r.p.m,, using a a false impression of pep. One should not be misled by this, as it is
general maximum of 3,500 to 4,000 towards the end of the period; harmful. Under conditions of excessive advance, it will be found that
after this, so long as everything feels perfectly happy the car can be the engine revs freely on the lower ratios but will not " bite " on the
cruised at 3,000 to 3,500, and occasionally run up to maximum on the next higher ratio as it should. It will be realized that the engine is
gears for short periods. From then onwards, it is just a question of not designed to pull at very low speeds, and performance should
being sensible until at 2,500 miles the motor should be ready for always be assessed on the top half of the r.p.m. scale, that is, above
anything. It is as well to keep the mixture somewhat on the rich side about 2,700 r.p.m. If more than very slight pinking is evident when
for the first few hundred miles, even if the engine idles somewhat pulling away from this engine speed, using moderate throttle, a
irregularly in consequence. The idling speed should be kept in the slightly retarded setting is advisable Heavy-footedness will always
region of 1,000 to 1,200 at all times. produce pinking on these engines at moderate revs.
ADJUSTING THE CARBURETTERS Having arrived at the stage where we have a run-in engine with
carburetter and ignition in 100 per cent, adjustment, it is advisable, at
After about 500 miles, it is time to adjust the carburetters and to say 4,000 miles, to remove the head and see that all is well. The
correct them for synchronism. Once set, they should remain O.K. removal is mainly for examination of the cylinder bores, but the
indefinitely, as even if minor adjustment to the mixture strength is opportunity should be taken to remove the carbon from piston and
dictated later by outside conditions, this will not affect the synchronism, cylinder heads. There is no need to remove the valves, as the faces
as the degree of adjustment will substantially be the same for both and seats can be examined by rotating the camshaft, using a suitable
instruments. tool (such as a large adjustable spanner) on the vertical shaft coupling
Reference has already been made to the special chapter dealing fork, to do this. Unless something is amiss, the valves should not
with the S.U. carburetter, and information regarding the correct need grinding, under normal usage of the engine, more often than
about 8,000 to 10,000 miles. The type of fuel used has, of course,
some bearing on the distance.
Readers who may wonder what we expect to find on removing the CHAPTER 10 The P-
head, are answered by one word, " Nothing." It will in all probability
be either that, or something rather serious such as a tight piston, but Type Chassis
the latter is unlikely unless obvious symptoms have shown up when
running. A look-see showing that all is well has a powerful moral THE GEARBOX. ROAD SPRINGS AND SHOCK-ABSORBERS. THE
effect though, and for this alone is well worth while. BRAKES AND OPERATING GEAR. THE CONTROLS AND STEERING.
Refitting of the head proceeds on the same lines as already CONCLUSION.
described, and valve clearances should be carefully checked and
adjusted if necessary at this stage, after which the engine is ready for As far as keeping the engine in a state of satisfactory maintenance
anything. is concerned, the requirements do not differ from those demanded by
The b.h.p. output of the 850-c.c. P-type engine is about 35 at any other good engine. This point is mentioned because there is a wide
5,500 r.p.m. with standard compression ratio. The figure will, of impression amongst the uninitiated that M.G. engines have to be
course, bear comparison with most other sports engines, but is worth continually " fiddled with " to keep them in tune. Nothing could be
quoting if only for the reason that the earlier o.h.c. engines were given further from the truth, and if M.G. owners do seem at times to spend
type-numbers, in line with most cars of the period, which were tacitly quite a lot of hours on maintenance, it is simply because they are giving
assumed to represent the taxation rating and the actual b.h.p. For a decent motor-car its due.
example, the original M type was known as the "8/33" while a Plug- and contact-breaker gaps should be looked at and adjusted
1,271-c.c. six-cylinder of similar vintage was called the " 12/70." If if necessary at reasonable intervals, say every 3,000 miles. Fuel filters
one investigates the make-up of these examples, it will be apparent may need cleaning at much longer intervals, depending on the state of
that there could not possibly be any grounds for thinking that the the tank's interior, and the quality of the fuel. Carburetter pistons
higher figures were the actual engine output, but lots of folk did. Of must be kept free, which implies frequent and moderate oiling with
course, the robust construction of the P-type engine lends itself to light cycle oil. And that just about covers ordinary maintenance,
considerable increase in output. apart, of course, from the regular changing of engine oil, and cleaning
The standard gear ratios are as follows:— or renewal of the oil-filter element as already indicated.
With regard to the remainder of the chassis, whilst this embodies
850-c.c. P-type 939-c c. PB-type features peculiar to the car, it is generally of normal construction, and
Gear RatioM.p.h./1,000 r.p.m. Ratio M.p.h /1,000 there is no need to go into details in connection with such standard
Top 5.375 14.73 5.375 items as, for example, the rear axle and differential. There are,
3rd 7.31 10.83 7.31 however, a few rather special features which may be worth mentioning,
2nd 12.46 6.35 11.5 6.89 and a few random tips given will be of service.
1st 22.48 3.53 19.24 4.12 The propeller-shaft universal joints are of the usual Hardy-Spicer
R. 22.48 3.53 19.24 4.12 type; earlier cars have a plain bush pattern requiring lubrication at
the nipples provided, while later cars have the current needle-roller
type which do not require any attention. The former are inclined to
develop a " clonk " after a fair mileage, even with adequate lubrication,
but no other adverse effects seem to appear, while the noise is only
obvious with the hood up. Renovation is easily carried out, and, of
course, the needle type can be fitted if the owner desires and funds
The gearbox is an extremely reliable piece of mechanism, with
constant-mesh third gear of double-helical type. The sliding-pinion
first and second ratios seem impervious to brute force, and it is far
easier to break oil the gear lever at the roots than to damage the gear
teeth. Hence, apart from draining and refilling as specified by the
lubrication chart, there should be no need to delve into the internal
economy of the box, but if it is desired to investigate, dismantling is
a perfectly straightforward operation. This latter remark also applies in case of defective brake cables it is preferable to renew the
to the rear axle. complete unit—cable and casing. If for any reason this is impractic-
able, and a new inner cable only is fitted to an existing casing, the
ROAD SPRINGS AND SHOCK-ABSORBERS nipples must be brazed in position, not soldered. Adjustable screwed
stops are provided at both ends of each casing, but those at the chassis
The road springs are unusual in that instead of being shackled at end must always be screwed right home, and all adjustment of
one end, they use a sliding trunnion. This is a valuable feature as it individual cables made at the brake end. The reason for this recom-
makes for great lateral rigidity. Dismantling of the trunnion is an easy mendation is that it is possible very largely to gauge, by the position of
operation, and the construction will be self-evident. Side play is, of the stops, how each brake is sharing the load, but to do this it is
course, taken up by removing metal from the face of the bronze block necessary for all the stops at the chassis end of the cables to be in the
in which the spring-leaf slides. Blocks which are badly worn all round same relative position.
can be readily renewed, new blocks being made up of phosphor-bronze
round bar suitably slotted, and not forgetting the oil hole in the block Normally, brake adjustment is done on the single master adjuster
adjacent to the oil pipe. on the pedal shaft; the hand brake is similarly adjusted by its appro-
It is essential for the welfare of these trunnion mountings that they priate wing-nut. To obtain perfect balance it will in all probability
are properly protected from the weather. As fitted originally, each be necessary to make use of the individual cable adjusters, but there
one has a neat rubber gaiter, but these inevitably perish in time. New should not be very much difference in their positions. A pretty accurate
ones have been obtainable, and although their fitting entails removal approximation of balance can be obtained with the wheels on jacks in
of the spring, this must be done. Any short-cuts such as splitting the the garage, but for the final touch there is nothing to beat taking the
gaiter with a knife and then taping it into position (frequently done) is car to a cinder-surfaced space and practising a few crash stops, noting
an insult to the car, as well as being unsatisfactory, as the result is not which wheels lock, and the ensuing changes of direction. Careful
waterproof. In case of a dry-up in the supply of rubber gaiters, an attention to the individual adjusters will enable a dead-square pull-up
extremely satisfactory substitute can be made in the form of lace-up to be obtained. In this connection, make sure that the rear brakes do
leather covers. The design of these may be left to the ingenuity of the their fair share, and don't be tempted to have the fronts overdoing it.
owner, but they are most efficient so long as plenty of overlap is Remember that the front suspension is very stiff, and therefore if the
allowed at the lace-up joints, and no attempt is made to produce a " nodding " effect beloved of modern tinware is remotely present under
neat job at the expense of weatherproofness. heavy braking, it is very likely that the front brakes are coming on
The Hartford shock-absorbers fitted to the front axle are well up too soon in advance of the rear. This causes excessive stresses in axle
to the job, and only need keeping clean and the pivot pins tight. The and springs, and must be attended to. It is not in the least difficult to
Luvax rear shockers are not too clever, probably because they are obtain a nicety of balance between front and rear, and once arrived at,
hardly adequate for the short, high-frequency movement. (This refers the setting need never be lost; all adjustment for wear can be made on
to those fitted as standard.) Hartfords at the back make a big differ- the master adjuster.
ence to the car, and are well worth fitting, as, alternatively, are one or If rubber gaiters are fitted between the casing ends and the brake
other of the latest types of damper now available. cam-levers, these should be kept packed with grease, otherwise they
The grouped-nipple lubricating system is grand while it works. are liable to hold water, to the ultimate confusion of the cable end.
Failure, which seems to occur with age, can be traced to bulged pipes, There is really no need for such gaiters, so long as the exposed cables
congealed lubricant and faulty nipples. If all these are present, no are kept liberally greased, and one advantage of having the cables
great hardship is entailed if the pipes are scrapped and nipples exposed is, of course, that they can be readily examined for fraying or
screwed direct into the various lubrication points. Restoration of the
system to its original efficiency simply involves a lot of patience and other ills. The hand-brake lever is rather far forwards, and it is
work, and the acquisition of the necessary components. possible to make up an extension to clip round the tubular lever,
carrying an auxiliary lever back nearer the driver's hand. A much
neater method, which is admirable if the driver favours a fairly
THE BRAKES AND OPERATING GEAR forward seating position, is to slack back the hand-brake adjuster so
The cable-operated brakes, working in 12-in. drums, are extremely that the lever operates only on the last few notches of the ratchet in
effective if properly adjusted. Due to their size, the shoes are easily the " on " position, and to modify the " off " stop at the forward end
handled for re-lining, and the correct die-pressed linings are readily of the ratchet so that the lever does not go so far forward in the
available. The shoe anchor pins are nutted at the back of the brake " full-off " position. With this modification, it is necessary to watch
plate, and removal of the nuts allows the shoes to be withdrawn the hand-brake adjustment rather more carefully, as the permissible
without any hub dismantling. lever movement has been considerably reduced, but this is no particular
hardship, and the lever will be found to come to hand much more sufficient information has been given to enable work to be undertaken
readily. on the right lines. To anticipate possible disappointment in regard to
the omission of " secrets of tune," it should be mentioned that it has
THE CONTROLS AND STEERING always seemed to the writer that this magic word " tuning " is much
As regards the cockpit controls, the remote control gear lever may abused. Literally, it is suggested that it implies only that all the engine
require attention; a mysterious rattle emanating therefrom on very components are working in tune to the maximum advantage. It
second-hand vehicles may often be caused by the omission of the long should not be used to describe drastic modifications or departures from
coil compression spring which goes between the underside of the lever the standard specification such as fitting a blower or mechanical altera-
ball-joint and the toggle fitted to the horizontal actuating shaft. The tions to valve gear. It might be asked, quite naturally, just what there
lever will actually work without this spring in place, but rather is to do to tune an engine, if such modifications are ruled out.
indecisively. The spring required is about 3 in. long when not The answer is that, providing all the components have been dealt
compressed, and should be quite flexible, and not too strong. Fitting with as already described, there will not be much amiss with anything.
such will cure all rattles from this part. Careful matching-up of manifolds and ports, and polishing of induction
The slow-running control comprises a horizontal rod along the passages and valve ports (without alteration to their shape) will show
remote control trunnion, screwed at the bulkhead end and engaging to good advantage. Suggestions have already been made in regard
in a tapped hole in the bulkhead bracket. The threads being of small to compression ratio. Anything beyond this should come under the
diameter, and rather too fine, are likely to strip after some considerable heading of a "modification," and how far one should go depends
use. A vast improvement and permanent cure can be effected by re- entirely upon the use to which the car is to be put.
tapping the hole in the bracket J-in. Whit., cutting off a few inches of Such departures from standard are always somewhat experimental,
the rod at its screwed end, and brazing thereto the appropriate and in any case do not differ in essentials as between one type of engine
length of steel rod threaded £-in. Whit., to engage in the bracket hole. and another, although naturally, some engines will stand more than
With this modification, it will be found that far less twiddling is others! The P and PB engines lend themselves admirably to the
necessary to obtain the right slow-running setting. fitting of triple valve springs, blower installations, and so on.
Steering gearboxes fitted to the P types are of Maries-Weller or
Bishop make, the latter being generally most satisfactory. Trouble
is mainly caused by using grease instead of gear oil for lubrication, this
causing rapid wear of the drop-arm shaft and bearing. Replacing
parts, or suitably bushing, will remedy this. Correct adjustment inside
the box is obtained by the use of shims under the cover, in the case
of the Bishop box, and very fine adjustment can be obtained with the
unit on the bench and empty of oil. The aim is to obtain the merest
trace of free movement between the conical connection which engages
the cam, and the cam itself, with the gear in the position corresponding
to straight ahead. If this is achieved it will be found that the degree
of free movement increases slightly towards the full-lock positions, due
to the shape of the cam which is designed with this in view.
The Maries gear, which was fitted to very early cars of this range,
does not lend itself to " orthodox " adjustment for taking up wear,
replacement or renovation of parts being the only cure for
excessive play.
In Part I of this book, we have covered just about the major
items concerned with the renovation of a typical small M.G. of the
o.h.c. type. Many readers engaged in work on examples of these cars
will no doubt come across their own particular snags, and it is
obviously not possible to cater for every contingency nor to suggest
remedies for all the ills that befall motor-cars which may have been
through the hands of several owners. It is considered, however, that
Year Maker's Mark Cyb. Bore Stroke Capty. B.h.p. /r.p.m.
PART II model mm. mm. c.c. (Peak)
4 10
TYRES 4--50X19
a thin Hallite joint washer, and the same material should be used on
the water elbow at the rear of the head. The inlet and exhaust /m.p.h. curve, later TA type
manifold washer is of one-piece form, and must be of heat-resisting
material. Thin Hallite or paper washers are used between the and the manifold. If any of the joint studs are broken or otherwise
carburetters and the inlet manifold. Special care must be taken at this damaged, it is a good plan to replace them with nuts and bolts, the
point, and also on the main manifold joint with the induction pipe, to former of brass for preference.
avoid air leaks, and a little jointing compound should be used. There
is no need, however, to smear this all over the washer adjacent to the STARTING UP THE ENGINE
exhaust ports. As regards attention to the carburetters, a special
section is devoted to this important part of the work. Assuming that the carburetters have been attended to as detailed
When refitting radiator connections it is advisable to use new in Part III, and other minor items completed, such as coupling up
hoses, A little vaseline will help in getting them over the pipes. As controls, wiring, fitting the dynamo belt, and tachometer drive, we are
just about ready to try a preliminary start-up. First of ah", however,
it is essential that a few checks are made. First, the ignition. See
that with No. 1 cylinder at firing t.d.c. the distributor arm is pointing to
the correct electrode, and the points are just breaking. As regards r.p.m. For the first 500 miles, restrict this to 2,000, and do not let
spark plugs, the owner may have his own pet make, and so long as the engine slog in a high gear or accelerate fiercely. From then
this is one specified by M.G.s, there is no objection. Champion L10 onwards to 1,000 miles, increase the permitted revs progressively, as
give good results, with a gap of .018 in. the engine feels to be loosening up. Occasionally, give it the gun for
The rocker clearance can be set to .015 in. for both inlet and a few hundred yards, then snap back the throttle to get the oil up
exhaust, for a start: accuracy in this direction can wait till things have the cylinders. Use a maximum of 3,500 towards the end of the first
bedded down. The clutch-withdrawal fork should be clear of its 1,000 miles for short periods only, and, for the second 1,000, hold
bearing when the pedal is right back. Adjustment which gives about
1 in. free movement at the pedal pad will achieve this. Fill up the
sump, using S.A.E. 40 winter and 50 summer grade. A spot of engine
oil in the fuel is a very good thing, but if you fancy any particular make
of upper-cylinder lubricant as an alternative to plain engine oil, get
the M.G. factory's advice before using it.
The battery must be in first-class condition, particularly if the 40
engine bearings and bores have received attention, as it is desirable
to buzz the engine round with the plugs out for a few minutes before
trying a start. While doing this, inject a squirt of engine oil through
each plug hole to ensure that there is plenty of lubricant on the bores.
As the plugs may become fouled, it is as well to use an old set for the 50
first attempt at a start. Having fitted these, and checked oil and water O_
levels and fuel supply, but without the air manifold and cleaner in ±
position, start up. If this is easier written than done, verify ignition B.H.P./R.P-M. STD.SPECIFICATION
and fuel supply. Faulty timing is usually accompanied by peculiar 20
noises. Assuming that a start is accomplished, and that all four
cylinders go into action in due course check the oil-pressure
immediately. Do not worry about the reading so long as it is well
up, say 60 Ib. or above. Then check the overhead rockers, to see
that oil is flowing from each one. If all is well, fit the rocker cover, 10
using a cork washer. Don't employ any jointing compound, as other-
wise difficulty will be experienced in removing the cover, and it will
have to come off quite soon. Restart the engine, and let it run at
about 1,000 r.p.m. until the oil is nicely warm. Then note the pressure
again. This should be about 60 Ib., and if a higher pressure persists,
the pump relief-valve spring should have half a coil ground off to 5
4,000 ,
shorten it. If this does not reduce the pressure sufficiently, grind off
a little at a time until the desired result is obtained. It is advisable, 000
however, to wait until the car has been run on the road before getting 1,000 2,000 3,000
really critical in this matter of exact oil-pressure, as all engines vary
in this respect. The oil sump capacity is 1| gallons. The use of R.P.M.
racing oil of the Castrol R variety should be confined to " real" racing, B.h.p. curve, TA engine.
the recommended mineral brands being absolutely suitable for all
normal (and most abnormal) uses to which the car may be put. *5J££33K~-"S2^
___ ____ _ _ _ _______
these revs for progressively longer periods of time. Increase the ceil-
ing thereafter until the unit feels perfectly happy at maximum, but
With the car on the road, and running-in under load about to if long-bearing life is desired, peak revs should be kept sternly at 4,800,
commence, a few notes regarding procedure at this important stage will even when the engine is fully run-in. This long-stroke engine is not
be useful. The time-honoured notion of so many miles at 30 m.p.h. happy at " screaming " point, and has no reason to be, for there is
and then go-as-you-piease is, of course, dead, but it is necessary to plenty of power low down.
maintain a rigid standard of discipline in the matter of maximum During the running-in period, the mixture should be kept rather
on the rich side, and the minimum idling speed held to 1,000 r.p.m.
Towards the end of running-in, the carburetters should be synchronized
as detailed in Part III. Minor adjustments to mixture strength will not,
of course, affect the synchronism.
Also during the period, the rocker cover should be removed to
check lubrication, and the valve clearances can be adjusted if found
necessary. After runnmg-in, the ignition timing should be experi-
mented with, the vernier adjustment making this a simple operation.
Do not be tempted to over-advance: this produces a rough feel
which may well be mistaken for power, but which is likely to cause
harm to bearings. A point should be aimed at which gives good pulling
from about 30 m.p.h. in top gear, whilst at the same time allowing the
engine to rev up quickly when opened up on the lower ratios. Very
slight pinking is permissible when pulling away from about
2,500 r.p.m., but it must only be slight. It is worth while lifting the
cylinder head at about 6,000 miles, even if all appears well. It has a
good moral effect, and allows the welfare of the bores to be checked.
There is no need to remove any valves, of course, but the opportunity
can be taken to clean the carbon from the piston and cylinder heads.
Normal decarbonizing periods are at about every 16,000 miles, this
being dependent to some extent on the use to which the car is put,
and the fuel used. Fast road work produces less carbon than traffic
motoring. The oil-pressure should remain steady at from 40 to 60 Ib.
hot. Variation of rocker clearances from a standard of .015 in. is
alleged in some quarters to improve the performance, .019 in. being
the figure mentioned for speedy going. It is doubtful if any per-
ceptible advantage is gained, while the noise is considerable. It will
be found that an inlet setting of .010 in. and exhaust setting of .015 m.
will result in a quiet valve operating gear with no detriment to
The maximum b.h.p. output with standard compression ratio of
6.5 to 1 is 45 at 4.800 r.p.m. A large variety of gear ratios have been *J~*sHft*fe,Hj
used at various times, and it may be of assistance to detail these.
The TC crankcase, with oil-pump, distributor, camshaft and tappets lemoved.
ALTERNATIVE GEAR RATIOS TC camshaft, showing " timmg " links in correct position
The standard axle ratio of 4.875 was perpetuated throughout the
tenure of the TA, an alternative " tnals " ratio of 5.375 being avail-
able. The earliest cars, with non-synchromesh boxes, and based on the
standard axle ratio, showed overall ratios of 4.875, 6.92, 10.73, and
18.11. A little later, boxes with synchromesh engagement for top
and third gears were introduced, the ratios being 4.875, 6.459, 9.847,
and 16.477. Early in 1937, these synchromesh boxes had their ratios
altered to 4.875, 6.44, 9.95, and 16.84, these ratios remaining
unchanged subsequently. The non-synchiomesh boxes ceased at
engine No. MPJG 683.
A set of wide competition ratios was also available, these being
4.875, 7.46, 11.56, and 19.5.
The gearbox is not likely to need much attention, and in any case
follows the usual design of synchromesh boxes m regard to the part
of the mechanism which presents a puzzle in dismantling—the
synchromesh unit. This has six balls and springs which retain the top
and third-gear dog on the sliding hub. The sliding hub can be
pushed out from the dog if sufficient pressure is used to overcome the
K, springs. When reassembling, there is no need for a special tool to
persuade the balls and springs to re-enter. The sliding hub should
be just engaged in the dog, one spring fitted into place, and the
corresponding ball retained in the hub by means of a piece of steel
about Xe in- wide by .015 in. thick. Push the steel down between the
hub and the dog. Repeat the operation for the remaining springs and
balls, using a separate piece of similar steel for each one. A hearty
shove will push the sliding hub home, and the balls will register in the
ground indentation in the centre of the teeth.
If the propeller-shaft flange is removed from the gearbox main-
shaft, it is essential that it is replaced in the same position, and the
parts should therefore be marked with paint before removal.
-£Viyt-/vc/ -
8 DC Valve timing diagram, TC
course of events, and chains are not expensive. The wheels and chain
must be fitted as a unit; before this is done, it is necessary to assemble
the chain on the wheels to give the correct tuning. The standard
chain incorporates two " bright" links, i.e., with side-plates finished
metallic instead of the usual blue colour. Each wheel also has one bright timing links, it is
tooth stamped with a T. The chain must be fitted on the wheels so quite a simple matter to
that the two T-marked teeth engage the two bright links with the mark two of the hnks with
paint. Calling the first outer link to be marked No. 1, count 29 from 1,250-c c. TD-type engine, offside
there, and mark another one, which will again be an outer link. The 1,250-c.c. TD-type engine, nearside.
marked links are then engaged with the T-marks on the wheels in
the normal manner. Before finally
me flywneeL 113
assembling the chain and wheels, fit the camshaft wheel
temporarily, and check for end-play. This is controlled by the thrust
plate located between the camshaft shoulder and the chainwheel. The
float limits have already been detailed, and as these are very
generous, there should be no trouble. The float can, of course, be
corrected to a nicety by attention to the thrust plate.
Having ensured that the shaft-ends and wheel bores are spotless, and
keys firmly in position, the chain and wheels can be slid on to the
shafts as a unit assembly. The camshaft wheel can then be secured by
its set-screw, a new lock-washer being fitted if the old one is at all
damaged. Hammer one side of the washer up against a flat of the
screwhead, and engage the tongue in the hole in the chainwheel. The
chain tensioner can then be fitted, after checking that its oil-holes are
clear. It is emphasized that the chain must be riveted endless, and
no type of fastener (such as a spring connecting link) can be allowed.
It is not possible to fit the fan pulley, which secures the crankshaft
chain pinion, until the timing cover has been assembled, and before
this is done the timing should be checked. Replace the tappets, so as
to have an indication of the cam movement. Any error will be readily
apparent, as one tooth makes a lot of difference. A circular protractor
or timing disc attached to the crankshaft will provide a ready
indication of the crank angle, the timing being as follows: — Inlet
opens 11 deg. before t.d.c. Inlet closes 57 deg. after b.d.c. Exhaust
opens 52 deg. before b.d.c. Exhaust closes 24 deg. after t.d.c. Overlap
35 deg.
Assuming that the timing is found in order, the chain cover can be
fitted. There is an oil-seal made of composition, located in a groove
in the cover where it embraces the top half of the crankshaft diameter.
If a new seal is fitted, take care that the ends protrude slightly beyond
the groove. A thin cork packing washer, with jointing compound, is
used for the timing cover joint to the engine. Having fitted this, the
crankshaft oil-thrower and fan pulley can be pushed on to the shaft,
keyed, and secured by the starting handle dog. The peripheral
position of the latter can be varied if necessary, to bring the handle
into the most advantageous position for swinging over compression.
This is done by fitting a shim or shims on the shaft between the dog
and the pulley boss. Shims having a thickness of .005 in., .010 in.,
and .020 in. are available for the purpose.
Valve timing diagram, TD engines with modified camshaft, and
TF engines
The TD/TF clutch is of similar construction to that of the TC,
being of the normal Borg and Beck pattern. Fitted originally with
a 7.25-in. plate, as on the TC, the diameter was increased to 8 in. at
TD engine number 9408. This alteration was responsible for the
change in engine nomenclature from XPAG/TD to XPAG/TD2, and
it is necessary to emphasize that engines and gearboxes cannot be
interchanged (one item with the other), as between the two nomencla-
tures. The reason for this is that the fitting of the 8-m. plate
necessitated a change both in the engine flywheel housing and the
gearbox housing, in order correctly to position the thrust race. The
type of gearbox can be identified by the diameter of the clutch with-
drawal fork shaft, which is .625 m. on XPAG/TD boxes, and .75 in.
on XPAG/TD2 ditto.
[Reproduced by courtesy of the Nuffield Organization
The rear end of a TD engine unit prior to removal.
The clutch operation on TD up to chassis number TD22251 is
by a flexible cable from the pedal to a link, mounted on the side of
the sump on a bracket bolted thereto. A push-rod transmits the
motion from the link to the clutch-shaft lever, and adjustment is made
at the point where the cable is anchored to the end of the link. The
free movement at the pedal pad (before the thrust block contacts the
thrust pad on the internal withdrawal levers) must be not less than
.75 in. This corresponds to about re in. at the carbon thrust
block face.
It is advisable always to keep the cable end heavily covered in
graphite grease to prevent rust. Even with this precaution, fraying
of the cable is by no means unknown, and it should receive regular
inspection, as breakage can be a real nuisance.
Commencing at the chassis number quoted above, a rod replaced
the cable, providing a more reliable connection. This has no effect
on the amount of clearance necessary, which is unaltered from that
The gearbox is similar in construction to that of the TC. The
ratios, however, are somewhat wider, being as follows: —TD type
[Reproduced by courtesy of the Nuffield Organization
A TD engine ready for removal.
Chassis and Suspension L2V
(axle ratio 5.125:1), 5.125, 7.098, 10.609, 17.938; TF type (axle ratio
4.875:1), 4.875, 6.752, 10.09, 17.06.
For specially tuned cars, an alternative crown wheel and pinion
is available giving the following:—Axle ratio 4.55:1, 4.55, 6.309,
9.429, 15.942.
It should be emphasized that very high ratios are quite un-
suitable for normal use, and it is difficult to beat the standard ratios
for the two types of car with engines in standard trim. With progres-
sive tuning as detailed in chapter 30, it is feasible to use the TF ratios
on the TD, but anything higher calls for a much lighter body and a
lot of extra urge in the power unit.
The crown-wheel/pinion teeth combinations corresponding to the
above are respectively 8/41, 8/39, and 9/41.
If it is desired for any reason to dismantle the gearbox, the job
should start from the rear end, a drawer being used to remove the
driving flange from the output shaft, after which removal of the rear
cover can be tackled. When removing the selector shafts, be careful
not to lose the locking balls. The layshaft spindle can be taken out
by using a copper drift on its forward end. Likewise, the drive
gear complete with its bearing is removed by tapping the mamshaft
towards the front of the box, again using a copper drift. After extract-
ing the journal bearing from its housing, the whole mamshaft
[Reproduced by courtesy of the NuffieU Organization assembly can be withdrawn through the top of the box. Further
(Left) A ngfor holding the gearbox when dismantling, threaded into the dram plug hole. dismantling follows the normal procedure with synchromesh boxes.
(Right) Withdrawing the TD matnshaft assembly through the top of the box. However, it is recommended that any serious gearbox trouble be
dealt with by an M G. specialist, particularly if this occurs in the
synchromesh mechanism.
The chassis of TD and TF models differs considerably from pre-
ceding T types. It is of very rigid construction, and has the rear
semi-elliptic springs mounted so that the axle passes under the side-
members, which are arched to give considerable axle movement.
Independent front suspension by coil springs is also a feature.
The rear springs have flexible rubber bushes all round, so that no
lubrication is necessary. Further, the leaves of the springs are
separated by rubber interleaving. Lubrication of the spring leaves
is " officially " discouraged, but the writer has found no ill-effect, and
in fact a definite improvement, as a result of wrapping the springs
with " Drevo " wrapping tape (obtainable at accessory shops), just as
he has done on all his previous T types.
Apart from checking periodically to make sure that all bolts are
tight, little maintenance is called for. The rubber shackle bushes are
readily renewed when worn, as they are a push fit, and only compress
when tightened. It is essential, however, before tightening up, that
the normal load is applied to the springs, i.e, the car is not jacked
under the chassis. This precaution ensures that the rubber is in its
" neutral " position, and flexes equally under working conditions,
instead of being overstressed one way. Care should also be taken to
Improved appearance of the engine and a decided reduction in valve gear noise- An
alloy rocker-box design by the author Note quick filler and H.T. cable conduit'.
ensure that the two bushes are inserted for an equal distance from arm being worked through its stroke while fluid is added, so as to
either side so that everything is central. expel the air which is causing the trouble. (Regular fluid check will,
of course, prevent this happening.)
THE FRONT SPRINGING If no improvement is effected, it will be necessary to replace the
damper by a service fitting. No attempt must be made to dismantle
If it is desired to carry out a measurement check of the front the internal mechanism. The rear dampers can, of course, be checked
suspension, the following particulars will be useful: — in the same manner. The rubber bushes fitted to the rear damper
links are, however, only replaceable by the use of special tools com-
Camber (static position) : ^F—l^deg. positive } Tolerance ± J de g- prising a punch, guide pin, and guide funnel, and although these are
Castor angle 2 deg. ± 0.5 deg. with side-members parallel to road. easily made up, it is probably best in the long run to change the
Toe-in. Nil. dampers complete when an excessive amount of wear has taken place
King-pin inclination 9 to 10.5 deg. full bump. in the bushes. All dampers have a movement of 35 deg. either side
Track 47.5 in. front. 50 in. rear.
of the centre line. If by any chance a damper arm has been removed
The wishbone bearings are of the rubber-bushed from its spindle splines, it is essential that it is replaced to give this
type, similar to those used for the rear springs. When clamping up, movement, as if the relative position of the lever is wrong, the
the bottom wishbones should be parallel to the ground, to ensure internal mechanism of the damper will be damaged.
equal stressing of the rubber.
Hydraulic dampers form an integral part of the i.f.s. system, and
are of the double-acting type of Armstrong or Girling manufacture.
No adjustment is provided or required, periodical checking of the
fluid level, and the attachments to the chassis and suspension, being
all that is required in the way of maintenance routine. Replenish-
ment should not be necessary at intervals of less than 12,000 miles,
the fluid being topped up to the bottom of the filler plug hole; it is, of
course, essential that only the right kind of fluid be used, and that no
dirt is allowed to enter.
If it is suspected that the dampers are not functioning properly,
a simple test can be carried out, after removing the damper. The car
should be jacked up under the lower wishbone pan until the tyre is
clear of the ground. The road wheel is next removed, also the top
pivot bolt for the swivel pin. This will enable the hub assembly to
be swung clear of the damper-arm-cum-top wishbone; the hub should
be supported, to prevent the brake hose from getting damaged by
stretching. The damper can now be slipped clear after taking out the
four setscrews securing its housing to the chassis.
miles, and although the fault only shows up when idling (enriching of
the mixture due to flooding being apparent) it should not be tolerated,
Screw up the jet adjusting hexagons to their topmost position, but
not tight, as we want them easily movable. Start the engine; it will be
necessary to pull down the jets by the mixture control to do this, and
a degree of throttle opening will also be necessary. With the engine
started, set the throttles by the slow-running screws to a steady
1,000 r.p.m. Gradually move the jet control to the topmost position
of the jets as the engine warms up. Next, with the cycle spoke afore-
mentioned, very carefully lift the air-piston on the first carburetter
about Y\f> in., taking care not to obstruct the air intake while doing
so. It will be found by this action that the two cylinders served by the
alloy, and easily distorted, and that threads can be stripped by too carburetter will misfire, and the engine will tend to stall. Do likewise
hearty tightening. In particular, watch these points when refitting the with the other carburetter, and the same result will be noted.
two dashpot screws; see that the dashpot is seating properly on its Now go back to the first carburetter again, and screw the hexagon
register, and tighten the screws equally and moderately. After refitting down, that is, clockwise, half a turn. Try the action with the spoke
the carburetters on the induction pipe, examine the action of the two again. This time it may be found that the engine does not misfire,
throttles and their interconnecting spring coupling. See that there is a which is what we are aiming at. Apply the same treatment to the
throttle-stop screw on each instrument, and that both are operating with second carburetter, moving the jet hexagon the same amount on each
their respective throttles in the same position. Then adjust the coupling instrument. Test between each movement, until a position is arrived
accordingly. at where no effect is shown in the running of the engine when the air-
piston is lifted (taking care not to lift it more than the fraction
It will probably be found that the engine speed is tending to drop,
and so the idling screws should be reset to give 1,000 r.p.m. as before.
Next, move each hexagon one " flat," or 1 / 6 of a turn clockwise.
We should now find that lifting the air slide causes the engine
speed to increase slightly, showing that the mixture is very slightly on CHAPTER 29
the rich side when idling; this is the object, and it may be found that
a very slight difference in the positions of the two hexagons may be Supercharger Installations
needed to obtain the same speed increase on each carburetter. The
difference, however, should not amount to more than one " flat." " BLOWING " THE STANDARD ENGINE . THE SHORROCK
As a final check, listen to the hiss from each intake, which should SUPERCHARGER. INSTALLATION OF THE WADE BLOWER.
be equal in intensity. Also listen to the exhaust note. A splashy beat MAINTENANCE OF THE WADE BLOWER .
indicates weak mixture, and a heavy thumpy note shows over-richness,
this latter being accompanied by black smoke. However, if the tuning
sequence has been properly carried out, all should be well, and at 900 The makers of M.G. cars were right in the forefront in the
to 1,000 r.p.m. the engine should idle perfectly regularly. As the application of forced induction to racing cars. It was natural therefore
engine loosens up, and especially in very hot weather, it may be that they should be one of the first (if not the first) manufacturers to
possible to weaken the mixture to the extent of one " flat" or so on offer a car (the P-type Midget) for sale to the ordinary motoring
each jet. Always be careful to move both jets in turn, and never enthusiast, which was designed for use, if desired, with an " added "
have more than one " flat" difference; if one jet is moved drastically supercharger exactly as standard, with the proviso that a certain
without the other, the original settings will be hopelessly lost. maximum blower pressure should not be exceeded.
In the hey-day of the P types, there were several proprietary makes
of blower available, and names like Zoller, Marshall, and Centric,
come readily to mind. These blowers were used with outstanding
success by M.G. trials drivers of the 1934-1939 era, and there must be
very many of them still in use.
With the post-war advent of the TC engine, the M.G. people have
again given their " O.K." as regards supercharging, and details con-
cerning the extra performance obtainable by this means will be found
in a later chapter dealing with special tuning. In the case of such
engines as the TA and pre-P types, supercharging is, of course, feasible,
but because of the different construction of essential parts of these
engines compared with P- and TC-types blower pressure must be kept
on the low side, and some restraint has to be used in driving, there
being a greater element of risk than in the case of the other types
mentioned. In this connection it will be appreciated that reference
to the TC will automatically include also the TD and TF engines.
These notes regarding the installation and operation of two typical
makes of proprietary blower will indicate what is involved in super-
charging die standard TC engine. Readers concerned with other
models are advised to seek the advice of both the M.G. works and
the supercharger makers before taking any action.
The first point to be noted is that the blower pressure is in the
region of 6 Ib. sq. hi. With this as maximum, the engine below the
head remains as standard, i.e., no special parts such as pistons or
crankshaft are required, and the lubrication and cooling system can
readily cope with the extra loading. As it is possible to obtain over
95 b.h.p. with 6 Ib. pressure, it can be considered that anything higher
is really getting to the racing-car stage, demanding somewhat special
treatment of the whole car, and is thus outside the scope of this book.
The makers of the Shorrock blower have had a great many years
of experience in the design of high-efficiency compressors. Their
latest machine, which is supplied complete for fitting by the average
competent M.G. owner, absorbs relatively little power, and is quiet in
operation, and very reliable.
The Shorrock compressor is of the positive displacement eccentric-
drum type. The vanes are mounted radially to the compressor casing,
each being carried by two ball-bearings on a shaft concentric with the
outer casing. The vanes are carried round by their contact with the
eccentric rotor drum, which is driven from the engine. Specially
designed trunnions are fitted where the vanes pass through the drum,
these allowing for the angular movement of the vanes relative to the
periphery of the rotor. It will be appreciated that this feature allows
the vanes to maintain a very close clearance from the casing, as they
always remain at the same radial distance from it. This is one of the
features making for high volumetric efficiency. Exploded view of a Wade blower.
The rotor itself is carried on ball and roller bearings, the latter The Wade supercharger installation fitted to a type TC engine.
being fitted at the driving end. The lubricating oil supply is obtained
from the engine pressure system, and is fed by special metering
arrangements to ensure that an excess of oil does not enter the blower
casing. This is, of course, an essential feature, as all oil fed to the
blower is passed into the engine cylinders.
As supplied for TC and similar M.G. engines, the Shorrock blower
specified is size S 75, having a swept volume of 0.72 litre per revolution
of the blower shaft. Driven at the specified step-up ratio of 1.16 to 1
on the engine speed, this gives the following pressures above
atmospheric: —
r.p.m. Boost Ib. per sq. in.
1,000 1.5
2,000 2.5 3.8 5.5 6.0
The Shorrock 5,000 blower is arranged for mounting en the
inlet manifold side of the engine, and for driving from the
nose of the crankshaft by means of a double vee-rope drive. The
supercharger casing has its own inlet manifold, which is clamped to
the engine by the standard manifold clamps. A further support takes
the form of a plate which is bolted to two of the bolts holding the
water elbow to the front of the head, the plate being attached to a lug
on the blower dnve housing. Another point of attachment is to a
special cyhnder-
View shovi-mg internal arrangement of Shorrock supercharger.
>•"-. • - 'r
is an extremely important part of the oiling system; if it becomes
head nut which is fitted to the stud just behind clogged, serious damage will be caused. It must therefore be
the rearmost inlet port, and holds a stay-plate removed every 1,000 miles and cleaned with a soft cloth.
projecting from the back of the blower casing. (Abrasives must not be used.) The pin is quite easy to remove, as it
The existing belt pulley is removed from the has a backing-spring which pushes it out of its housing when the
crankshaft, and the 3-groove pulley fitted in its union or plug is unscrewed. Apart from cleaning this item, the oil
place. Two of the grooves look after the level in the drive housing should also be checked at the same time,
supercharger drive, the third one taking the and the oil changed every 5,000 miles.
existing dynamo and fan belt. The blower shaft
pulley comes rather close to the radiator header THE WADE SUPERCHARGER
tank web, and it may be necessary to cut away a
small portion of the web to allow the belts to be The makers of the Wade blower have adopted the Roots (geared-
passed over the pulley. rotor) type of construction which is, of course, in common
A suitable horizontal carburetter is use
supplied for use with the blower, and this is
complete with all accessories to enable it to be
connected to the existing controls and fuel
pipe. The oil supply to the blower casing is
obtained by replacing the cylinder-head oil-pipe
union with the special tee-piece, which enables
the oil supply to the head to be tapped. A
flexible line connected to the tee-piece delivers
oil under pressure to the blower oil inlet. As
regards the blower drive housing, this is
independently lubricated, and has a plug at the
top through which it is filled with engine oil of
S.A.E. 30 viscosity. The correct oil level is
governed by the plug on the underside of the
Ignition and carburetter settings have to be
obtained by road test. It is, however, essential to
bear in mind that the blower needs running-in
and should be driven gently for at least 200
miles. It should be unnecessary to mention that
absolute cleanliness of the engine oil is
necessary, but it is worthy of note that
graphited oil is not recommended as it is
liable to clog the lubricating passages of the
This stage involves another increase in compression ratio, plus the
fitting of larger valves and stronger valve springs, with ports modified
to take the valves. The replacement springs allow of 6,000 r.p.m.
without valve-crash. 70
The compression ratio is raised to 9.3:1 by machining ^ in. from
the head face, the depth from top to bottom faces after machining
then being 73.575 mm. This is the absolute maximum that may be
removed, any further comp. r. increase being obtained by the use of 6O
special pistons.
The effect (of machining the head) on the spark plug recess will
be even more marked than in the case of Stage 1, and this must be
watched. To fit the larger inlet valves, which have 36-mm. heads, SO
part of the combustion chamber wall must be cut away to clear the
head. This can be done with a 38-mm. diameter side-and-face cutter,
using the valve guide as a pilot. The cutter comer should have a 1-
mm, radius. Alternatively to the use of a cutter, the combustion 40
chamber can be ground carefully, until the valve head has 1 mm.
working clearance. The valve port below the valve is similarly IOO
increased to 33-mm. diameter, and the seat recut to 34.9-mm. top
diameter, with an angle of 30 deg. Any ridges left by these operations 3O 90"
should be smoothed off.
The exhaust valve ports require similar treatment to allow the 803i
34-mm. headed valves to be installed. In this case, the cutter is IO 70 ^
36-mm. diameter, the valve port below valve 29-mm. diameter, and 20 O
the valve seat 32.8 mm. with 30-deg. angle. 60 g
The stronger valve springs are interchangeable with the standard
springs, but have staggered pitch, the closed coils going next to the
cylinder head. The loading is 150 Ib. open, and valve-crash occurs at
about 6,500 r.p.m. The rocker-shaft standards require packing up
as for Stage 1. |-in. thick washers are necessary on the head studs. POWER CURVES AT
Using plugs, carburetter, rocker and ignition settings as for Stage 1, I.OOO 2,OOO 3,OOO 4.OOO S.OOO 6.OOO
with fuel 75 per cent, benzol and 25 per cent, petrol, the following R.P.M.
output should be available: —
Power curves of Type TB, TC, and TD engines, with various
61 b.h.p. at 5,000 r.p.m. 65 stages of tuning
„ 5,500 „ 63 „
6,000 „
With carburetter needles RO in jets .090 in., and using fuel of increased fuel flow. Champion plugs LA 14 or Lodge R 49 will be
50 per cent, methanol, 20 per cent, petrol and 30 per cent, benzol, suitable, and the ignition setting should be altered to 4 deg. after
power should be as follows: — t.d.c., for initial try-out. Duplicate fuel pumps will be necessary,
62.5 b.h.p. at 5,000 r.p.m. arranged as detailed for Stage 2.
66.5 „ 5,500 „ The rockers should be set at .022 in. clearance.
64 „ 6,000 „ With the above alterations, the output available should be: 69
Where a methanol fuel is used, 1 per cent, (approximately) castor b.h.p. at 5,000 r.p.m.
oil should be added. Carburetter needles alternative to those specified 73 „ 5,500 „
are—richer, RLS, or weaker, No. 5. Quite a lot of fuel is required 74 „ 5,800 „
to flow at times, and twin S.U. pumps are desirable, using a fuel line 73 „ 6,000 „
from each of the pumps to a carburetter, with an interconnecting pipe If larger valves and stronger springs are fitted, as for Stage 2, the
between the two carburetters. This will need a double-feed banjo maximum power will be increased to 76 b.h.p. at 5,800 r.p.m.
union to be fitted on each float-chamber. A further increase is obtainable by fitting the 1^-in. carburetters,
In place of the standard carburetters, 1^-in. instruments can be to which reference was made in dealing with Stage 2. When mount-
fitted, with needles EL in jets .090 in. Using fuel comprising 75 per ing these, the manifold entrance ports should be enlarged to 1^ in. to
cent, benzol and 25 per cent, petrol, the following output should be match the carburetter outlets. The increased diameter of 1| in.
obtained: — cannot be taken right through, but must be tapered off to If in. in a
63 b.h.p. at 5,000 r.p.m. length of about f in. of pipe. This minimum of If in., representing an
68 „ 5,500 „ area of 1.5 sq. in., should be maintained right through.
66 „ 6,000 „ The carburetters should have .125-in. jets with VE needles. Richer
Alternative carburetter needles are—richer, AA, or weaker, EO. needle is VG, weaker, VA. The return springs above the light
With carburetter needles RLS in jets .090 in., and with fuel of 50 per aluminium carburetter pistons can be removed if maximum power is
cent, methanol, 20 per cent, petrol and 30 per cent, benzol, the required, but for acceleration and general efficient running, they are
following should be the output:— better left in position.
Assuming the use of the large valves, fuel, etc., as already detailed
66 b.h.p. at 5,000 r.p.m. 70 for Stage 2, the maximum power will be 80 b.h.p. at 6,000 r.p.m.
„ 5,500 „ 68 „ If a fuel mixture of 100 per cent, methanol is used, with VJ needles in
6,000 „ the .125-in. jets (richer VL, weaker VI) 83 b.h.p. will be developed at
Alternative carburetter needles for the above fuel are—richer, the same revolutions.
CS2, or weaker, RO. If richer needles are fitted, change to the .100 in. STAGE 4 TUNING
jet range. This stage covers the use of a supercharger of the type described
in Chapter 24, fitted to the standard engine. Taking the Shorrock
STAGE 3 TUNING equipment as typical, with a maximum boost of 6 Ib. per sq. in. at
This stage of super-tuning provides the highest output obtainable 5,000 r.p.m., this is fitted with If-in. carburetter with jet .090 in. and
with atmospheric induction. A compression ratio of 12 to 1 is used, needle RLS. Fuel is petrol of 70 octane rating. Spark plugs should
this involving the fitting of special pistons. The cylinder head remains be Champion L IIS or Lodge HNP, and the rocker clearance is set
unaltered from standard, with a depth of 76.75 mm., and the standard at .022 in. The following output should be obtained: —
gasket is used. No packing pieces are therefore required on the 45 b.h.p. at 3,000 r.p.m.
rocker-shaft standards. 58 „ 4,000 „
The pistons have flame grooves therein, and must be fitted so that 69 „ 5,000 „
these are on the spark plug side. For this high compression ratio, 69 „ 5,500 „
very particular attention has to be given to the fuel, which is as If 90 octane fuel can be obtained another 1 b.h.p. will be added to
follows: 80 per cent, dry blending methanol, with specific gravity the above figures at the upper end of the r.p.m. scale.
of .796 at 60 deg. F.; 10 per cent, benzol (90), specific gravity .8758 at With a fuel mixture comprising 50 per cent, methanol, 20 per cent,
60 deg. F.; 10 per cent, petrol, 70 or 80 octane; 1 per cent, castor oil. petrol, and 30 per cent, benzol, the carburetter will need modifications
The standard carburetters can be used, with jets .100 in. and comprising .125-in. jet and VE needle (richer, VG, weaker, VA), T3
needles GK. Richer needles are RC, and weaker, RV. The float- float needle and seating in the float chamber, and twin pumps. Plugs
chamber needles and seatings must be S.U. type T.3, to suit the should be Champion L 1 IS or Lodge HNP. If harder plugs are found
necessary, try Champion LA 11 or Lodge R 49. With these A further increase can be obtained by fitting a carburetter of 1 J-in.
modifications, the following power should be developed: — diameter, this being S.U. type H 6, Spec. No. 538. This must be
52 b.h.p. at 3,000 r.p.m. fitted to a special elbow to match up with the blower inlet, the inside
68.5„ 4,000 „ diameter of the pipe being 1| in. The jet diameter is .1875 in., with
75„ 5,000 „ needle RM 7 (richer RM 8, weaker RM 6).
75.5„ 5,500 „ With a fuel of 80 per cent, methanol, 10 per cent, petrol, and
75„ 6,000 „ 10 per cent, benzol, the following figures should be available: —
74.5 b.h.p. at 4,000 r.p.m.
STAGE 5 TUNING 82 „ 4,500 „
This, the' final stage, incorporates many of the Stage 2 alterations, 89 „ 5,000 „
plus the use of a blower as Stage 4. The compression ratio is raised 94.25 „ 5,500 „
to 9.3 to 1, and large inlet and exhaust valves are installed, plus 97.5 „ 6,000 „
stronger springs, all as detailed for Stage 2. The carburetter is fitted GENERAL OBSERVATIONS
with VG needle in the .125-in. jet, the richer needle being VI, and
weaker VE. All these needles have £-in. shanks. It is a good idea to add a small percentage of castor oil whenever
Twin fuel pumps will, of course, be required, and suitable plugs methanol is used in the fuel. An additional 1 b.h.p. is also available
are Champion LA 11 or LA 14, or Lodge R 49 or R 51. Using a fuel at maximum revs if the fan blades are removed, this representing the
mixture comprising 50 per cent, methanol, 20 per cent, petrol, and power absorbed by this component. Cooling without the fan is
30 per cent, benzol, plus 1 per cent, castor oil, the following adequate providing the speed can be kept above about 40 m.p.h.
performance should be obtained: — The increase in rocker clearance to .022 in. will lead to quite a
lot of extra noise from the valve gear. If this is objected to, the
55.5 b.h.p. at 3,000 r.p.m. standard clearance of .019 in. can be retained, but a loss of about
73.5„ 4,000 „ 1 b.h.p. must be accepted.
85.5„ 5,000 „ A considerable reduction in valve-gear noise, even with the larger
88„ 5,500 „ clearance, can be effected by fitting an aluminium alloy rocker-cover,
88„ 6,000 „ a type designed by the author being illustrated facing page 129. Such a
7,000 fitting also enables an absolutely oil-tight joint to be obtained, a
matter of some difficulty on the standard fitting.
If carburetter vibration is experienced with the carburetter fitted
6poo to the blower, this may affect the mixture strength. It can be cured
by using a Neoprene washer, about £-in. thick, between the carburetter
5,000 flange and the blower intake. The nuts should then be tightened only
sufficiently to make an air-tight joint, after which they will require
lock-nutting or wiring to prevent them from slackening off. Longer
studs will, of course, be required.
The following schedule of material is given for easy reference, the
parts being obtainable from the M.G. Car
Company Ltd., or as Part No.
STANDARD detailed. item_ MG 862/459
STAGE 1,2,4 Rocker shaft packing pieces, 1/16-in. thick ... MG 862/460
36-mm. inlet valve ................................... MG 862/461
STAGE 3 MG 862/458
34-mm. exhaust valve.......................................
STAGE 5 Piston, 12:1 comp. r. with rings and pin MG 862/462
Valve spring, outer, '150 Ib ............................... MG 862/463
I Valve spring, inner, 150 Ib ...............................
S.U. carburetter, two off, 1.5-in. dia., Spec.
ROAD SPEED FOR VARIOUS OVERALL GEAR RATIOS 532 ........................................................... Refer to makers
1O ZO 3O 4O SO 6O 7O SO 9O IOO HO .100 jets, S.U., No. 1394-112/L .............
CAR SPEED- M P H .125 jets, S.U., No. 4185 .......................
.1875 jets, fixed type .................................. „ „
Road speeds at various stages of tuning the TD-type M.G., with gear Jet needles, as S.U. list, obtainable from makers.
ratios as follows-.Standard 5.125:1, 14.42 m.p.h. per 1,000 r.p.m.; Float chamber seat and needle assemblies, S.U., No. T 3 (these
Stages I, 2 and 4, 4.875:1, 15.195 m.p.h. per 1,000 r.p.m.; Stage 3, are identifiable by three grooves machined around body).
4.55:1, 16.25 m.p.h. per 1,000 r.p.m.; Stage 5, 4.55:1, 17 m.p.h. per 1.75-in. carburetter for use with blower, S.U., Spec. 538.
1,000 r.p.m. (6-in. tyres)
L US Super sports.
LA 11 Racing 1st step.
LA 14 Racing 2nd step. PART W
LA 15 Racing 3rd step.
HNP Super sports. R
49 Racing 1st step. R
51 Racing 2nd step. R
53 Racing 3rd step. WIRING DIAGRAMS
Lucas high-performance coil, type BR 12, for r.p.m. up to 8,000.
Standard coil is satisfactory up to 6,000 r.p.m. LUBRICATION CHARTS
Lucas 4 VRA vertical magneto. Lucas Part No. ENM 2002.
This has a suitable advance curve for the M.G. engine. To
fit, it is necessary to indent push-rod cover plate and move AND
breather pipe elbow.
Reference should also be made to the Laystall alloy cylinder head
(illustrated facing page 113). This is normally made to Stage 2 tuning
requirements, complete with large valves, etc., and is suitable for all
models from TB to TF inclusive, and for Wolseley 4/44 engines.
11 White with Yellow STOP TA.L 12 VOLT BATTERY
t Green
27 Yellow with Blue 40 Purple
49 Brown wi^i Black t i KEY
KEY 23 Yellow with Wnite 41 Purple
led with Red t
I Blu M White with Purple 29 Yellow with Green 50 e with Purple
42 Purpfe
51 Red with Yellow
with Yellow 14
23 White
Green with Brown
S Blu w,tf! Red IS White with Brown 30 Yellow with Purp'e 43 Red with Blue w 1
10 Blue
White 15 White with Black
3 Blu with Yellow 16 White with Black 31 Yellow with Brown 52 Purple with Blue 2 Blue wi 24 Green
44 Red with White i 11 White 16
25 White
4 Blu with White 17 Green 32 Yellow with Bkck 45 Red with Green t 3
12 Blue
Whitew 17 Green with Red
5 Blu with Green IS Green with Red 33 Brown 4 Blue 26 Yellow
46 Red with Purple h 13 Whitew 18 Green with Yellow
6 Blu with Purple 19 Green with Yellow 34 Brown with Red 47 Red with Brown 5 Blue wi 19 Green with Blue
7 Blue with Brown 20 Green with B>ue 35 Brown with Yellow 4B Red with Black B 6 Blue 20 Greei with White
• -- • 21 Green with White 36 Brown with 6lue l 7 Blue
22 Green with Purple 37 Brown with White 21 Greei with Purple
u 8 Blue wi 11 Green with Brown
23 Grien with Brown 38 Brown w/th Green e 9 White
E Blue with Black 39 Brown with Purpfe with Black
9 Wh,te *
3 with Red
24 Green with Black
25 Yellow W
26 Yellow with Red h
i h
10 White with Red
53 Purple with White
54 Purple with Green W.T108I
55 Purple with Brows
56 ?urp!e with Buck TO CABLE
57 Black
53 Black with Red COLOURS
59 Black with Yellow ith Red 27 Yellow with Blue 40 Brown with Black 41 53 Purple with White
60 Black with Blue ith Yellow 28 Yellow with White Red 42 Red with Yellow 54 Purple with Green
61 Black, with White 'th White 29 Yellow with Green 43 Red with Blue 44 55 Purple with Brown
62 Black with Green ith Green 30 Yellow with Purple Red with White 45 Red 56 Purple with Black
63 Black witfc Purple -ith Purple 31 Yellow with Brawn with Green 46 Red with 57 Black 58 Black with
« Black witfi Brown 'th Brown 31 Yellow with Black Purple 47 Red with Red 59 Black with
th Black 33 Brown 34 Brown Brown 48 Red with Yellow 60 Black with
with Red 35 Brown Black 49 Purple 50 Blue 61 Black with
with Red with Yellow 36 Brown Purple with Red SI White 62 Black with
with Yellow with Blue 37 Brown Purple wit* Yellow 52 Green 63 Hack with
with Bfue with White 38 Brown Purple with Blue Purple 64 Slick with
with Green with Green 39 Brown Brewn
with Purple
1 Blu 14 White with Purple 27 Yellow with Blue 40 Brow n with Black 53 Purple with White
2 Blu with Red IS White wuh Brown 28 Yellow wirh W hite 41 Red 54 Purple with Green
3 Blu with Yellow 16 White will Black 29 Yellow with Green 42 Red ith Yellow 55 Purpfe with Brown
4 Blu with White 17 Green 30 Yellow with Purple 43 Red ith Blue 56 Purple with Black
5 Blu wtth Green IS Green with Red 31 Yellow with Erown 44 Red ith White 57 Black
6 Blu with Purple 19 Green with Yellow 32 Yellow with Slack 45 Red ith Green 58 Black with Red
7 Blue with Brown 20 Green with Blue 33 Brown 46 Red ith Purple 59 Black with Yellow
8 Blue with Black 21 Green with White 34 Brown with Red 47 Red jth Brown 60 Black wiUi Blue
9 W hite 10 White 22 Green with Purple 35 Brown with Yelloc/ 48 Red ith Black 61 Black with White
with Red 23 Green with Brown 36 Brown with Blue 49 Purp 62 Black with Green
II White w,th Yellow 24 Green with Black 37 Brown with W h^te 50 Purp with Red 63 Blade with Purple
12 WhiB with Blue 2S Yellow 38 Brown with Green 31 Purp with Yellow 64 Black with Brown
13 White with Green 26 Yellow wth Red 65
39 Brown with Purple 52 Purp with Blue
I Blue 2 Blue with 27 Yellow with Blue 28 53 Purple wiLh White
Red 3 Blue wit* 14 White with Purple Yellow with White 29 40 Brown with Black 41 54 Purple with Green
Yellow 4 Blue with IS White with Brown Yellow with Creen 30 Red 42 Red with 55 Purple with Brown
White 5 Blue with 16 White with Black 17 Yellow with Purple 31 Yellow 43 Red with 56 Purple with Black
Green 6 Blue with Green IB Green with Yellow with Brown 32 Blue 44 Red with 57 Black 58 Black with
Purple 7 Blue with Red 19 Gree with Yellow with Black 33 White 45 Red with Red. 59 Black with
Brown 8 Blue with Yellow-20 Gree with Brown 34 Brown with Green 46 Red with Yellow 60 Black with
Black 9 White !0 Blue 21 Gree with Red 35 Brown with Purple 47 Red with Blue 61 Black with
White wit/i Red 1 1 White 22 Gree with Yellow 36 Brown with Brown 48 Red with White 62 Black with
White with Yellow 12 Purple 23 Gree with Blue 37 Brown with Black 49 Purple 50 Green 63 Black with
White mth Blue 13 Brown 24 Green with White 38 Brown with Purple with Red 51 Purple 64 Black with
White with Green Black 25 Yellow 26 Green 39 grown with Purple with Yellow 52 Brown
Yellow with Red Purple Purple with Blue
27 Yellow with Blue
28 Yellow wild White
29 Yellow with Green
30 Yellow with Purple
31 Yellow with Brown
32 Yellow with Black
33 Brown
34 Brown with Red
35 Brown with Yellow
36 Brown with Blue
37 Brown with White
38 Brown with Green
39 tVown with Purple
PtLAMK I I I 111 — — 1 ------ ' tnslut IHBLC 1 l\ f \ \ _„ .
1 V V
1 ________________________________ 1 SNAP CONNECTORS | J
1 Blue 14 White with Purple 27 Yellow with B'ue 40 Brown with Black S3 Purple with White
2 Blue with Red 13 White with Brown 28 Yellow with White 4' Red 54 Purple with Green KEY
3 Blue with Yellow 16 White wth Black 29 Yellow with Green 41 Red with Yellow 55 Purple with Brown t Blue 14 White with Purple 40 Brown with Black S3 Purple with White
4 Blue with White 17 Green 30 Yellow with Purple 43 Red with Blue 56 Purple with Black 41 Red 41 Red with 54 Purple with Green
5 Blue with Green 18 Gree witft Red 31 Yellow with Brown 44 Red with White 57 Black 2 Blue with Red 15 White with Brown Yellow 43 Red with SS Purple with Browtt
6 Blue with Purple 19 Gree with Yellow 32 Yellow with Black 4S Red with Green 58 Black with Red 3 Blue with Yellow 16 White with Black Blue 44 Red with 56 Purple «nh Blade
7 Blue with Brown 20 Gree with Blue 33 Brown 46 Red with Purple 59 Black with Yellow 4 Blue with White 17 Green White 4S Red with 57 Bluk 58 Black with
8 Blue with Black 21 Gree wjth White 34 Brown with Red 47 Red with Brown 60 Black with Blue 5 Blue with Green 18 Green with Red Green 46 Red with Red 59 Black with
9 Whitt 21 Cree with Purple 35 Brown with Yellow 49 Red with Black 61 Black with White 6 Blue with Purple 19 Green with Yellow Purple 47 Red with Yellow 60 Elack with
10 White with Red 23 Gree with Brown 36 Brown with Blue 49 Purple 61 Black with Green 7 Blue wrth Brown 20 Green with Blue Brown 48 Red with Blue SI Black with
1 1 White with Yellow 24 Green with Black 37 Brown with White 50 Purple witft Red 63 Black with Purple 8 Blue wild Black 21 Green with White Black 49 Purple 50 Whin 62 Blzck with
12 White with Blue 25 Yellow 38 Brown with Green 51 Purple with Yellow 64 Black with Brown 9 White 22 Green with Purple Purple with Red SI Green 63 Black with
13 White mtft Green J6 Yellow with Red 39 Brown with Purple 52 Purple with Blue 10 White with Red 23 Green witn Brown Purple with Yellow S2 Purpfe «4 Black with
11 White with Yellow 24 Green with Black Purple with Blue Brown
12 White with Blue 15 Yellow
13 Whin with Green 26 Yellow with Red
fe a-o S JD uW «
1 1
N.O.L "
RK STOP TAIL I IS Yellow mt!> White
•a 0 «- S» o - *
Control joints
H •s §!-§ )i«l rl° So
" Belmoline
Brake Cab
ine A.F.
No. 2 or 4
Cables an
3f !3°J
- <i
r j „
oSal 9 K
Q |f
Chassis Ore
ne MM.
ing Nipple
No. 2 or 4
Retmax C
0 a* o P
D 1° w'lpj
- ft
s« | 3 |
PP ks --o^i
iPi ?l
Transmission Transmission 80
1-1 f
Duckham's N O Duckham's N O
ering Gearbox
G.X." 80
ar Axle
a| o>
Gearbox, Ste
— 0>0 O
£ fll
L. " E.P.'
EP. 140
and R£
.^'2 "ij'n "o S o o"c3 «° :
'"'J5? Sq^ U 12 £o§
fi 4s f
1 S
w o H Q,
!2' S- "* ; 09
U o V
§1 fc
S.A.E. 20
Twenty "
"Arctic "
N.OL. "
" 20
.9 "
a v^
IH &
temperate down
Mobiloil "A"
Tropical and
Medium "
Filtrate "
to 32° F.
(0° C.)
•6 •6
30 Yellow wrth Purple
31 Yellow with Brown S a . 6 3 ? t3 3
32 Yellow with Slack
15 White with Brown
x's Lubricants I
Wakefield & C
35 Brown with Yellow 43 Red with Blue
2 Blue with Red
' -Amencan
18 Green wft/i Red 44 Red with White 55 Purple with Brown
3 Blue with Yellow 36 Brown with Blue 56 Purple with Black
19 Green w;th Yellow 37 Brown with White 45 Red with Green
4 Blue wah White 20 Green with Blue 57 Black
5 Blue with Green 38 Brown with Green 46 Red with Purple
21 Green with White 58 Black with Red
Oil C
47 Red with Brown
6 Blue with Purple 39 Brown wrth Purple
22 Green with Purpla 40 Brown with Black 48 Red with Black 59 Black with Yello"
7 Blue with Brown 23 Green w/th Brown 60 Black with Blue
49 Purple
8 Blue with Black 24 Green tvjt/i Black 61 Black with WhKe
9 White
10 White with Red
Yellow with Red
Purple with Red
Purple with Yellow
Purple with Blue
62 Black with Green
63 Black wftft Purple
11 White with Yellow 27 Yellow Witt Blue 53 Purple with WhlM 64 Black wltft Brown
12 White wit* Blue
!3 White with Green 65 Dark Green
14 White with Purple 66 Light Gresir
6,000 MILES or 10,000 KM 6,000 MILES or 10,000 KM 500 MILES or 800 KM 6 000 MILES or 10 000 KM 500 MILtS or 800 KM
6,000 MILES or 10.000 KM 2.000 MILES or 3.200 KM 3,000 MILES or S.DOO KM
CHANGING OIL : Drain Engine and refill with New Oil every 3,000 miles or 5,000 KM
NOTE :—FOR KEY To LETTER REFERENCES SEE LIST Drain Gearbox and refill with New Oil every 6,000 miles or 10,000 KM
ON PAGE 165 Drain^Rear Axle and refill with New Oil every 6,000 miles_or 10,000 KM
(400 Km) (1600 Km) (1600 Km )
(800 Km.) (20000 Km)
Appvr GREASE GUN TO NIPPLE ON STEERING EVERY 3,000 MILES (5000 Km.) EVERY 6,000 MILES (10000 Km.) EVERY 6,000 MILES (10000 Km.)
(5000 Km.)
EVERY 1,000 MILES (1,600 KM.). Use Oilcan on all Contro Joints, three strokes.
Door Locks, Hinges to Ref. F. EVERY 6,000 MILES (10,000
KM.). Remove Front Wheel Hub Disc
from Hub. Apply Grease Gun filled with Grease to Ref. C. and
give one stroke. EVERY 1,000 MILES (1,600 KM.). Apply Grease
Gun filled with Grease
to Ref. D to Propeller Shaft Sliding Joint Greaser and give two or
EVERY 3,000 MILES (5,000 KM.). Clean and Re-Oil Air Intake Cleaner.
EVERY 1,000 MILES (1,600 KM.). Apply Grease Gun filled with Grease
to Ref. C. to Fan Bearing Lubricator and give two strokes.
EVERY 12,000 MILES (20,000 KM.). Apply Grease Gun filled with Grease
to Ref. D to Revolution Indicator Gearbox and give two strokes.
SPECIAL NOTE. Only Hypoid Oils must be used in the rear axle.
Steering Utility L
Connections, cant, S
Gearbox, Steering Gearbox Wheel Hubs King-Pins, Cables and Carbure
Component Engine and Air Cleaner and Rear Axle ( Hypoid and Fan Propeller Vital Control Dashpi
Gears) Bearings Shaft, Clevis Joints Oilcan Pi
Pins and Lever etc.
Climatic Conditions Tropical and Cold and Arctic below Tropical and Extreme cold AH All All AH
temperate extreme cold 0° F. (—18° temperate below 10° F, conditions conditions conditi'
down to 52° F. down to C.) down to 10° F. (—12° C ) conditions
(0° C.) 0° F. (—18° (—12° C.)
" DUCKHAM'S " Duckham's Duckham's Duckham's Duckham's Duckham's Duckham's Duckham's Duckham's " Duckha
(Alexander Duckham & NO L. " N.OL " N O L " Ten Hypoid 90 Hypoid 80 H.BB. H.P.G. Keenol " K.G. N.O.I "
Co. Ltd ) Thirty" Twenty " " Grease Grease 16 Grease Twem
" CASTROL " " Castrol " " Castrolite " " Castrol " " Castrol " " Castrol "
" Castroiease " "Castrolease " "Castrolease " " Castrol
XL Hypoy Hypoy 80 Heavy Medium Brake Cable
(C C. Wakeficld & Co. Ltd ) z Grease
" ESSOLUBE " (Anglo- " Essolube " " Essolube " " Essolube " 10 " Esso " Expee " Esso " Expee Esso- " Esso " " Esso " *' Essolu
American Oil Co Ltd.) 30 20 Compound 90 Compound 80 grease Pressure Gun Pressure Gun 20
Grease Grease
" MOBILOIL " Mobiloil Mobuoil Mobiloil Mobilube " Mobilube " Mobil Hub Mobilgrease Mobilgrease Mobil.
"A" "Arctic " "Arctic " G X " 90 G X." 80 Grease No 2 or 4 No 2 or 4 "ArctK
(Vacuum Oil Co. Ltd ) Special
" ENERGOL " " Encrgol " " Energol " " Energol " S " Energol " " " Energol " " " Belmolme " " Belmolme " " Belrooline " " Energr
SA.E. 30 SA.E 20 A E. 10 E.P." S AE E.P." S.AE C D D S.A.E.
(Price's Lubricants Ltd ) 90 80
" SHELL " (Shell Mcx & Double " Single " Silver " " Shell " " Shell " " Shell " " Shell " " Shell " Single "
B.P. Ltd ) Shell " Shell " Shell " Spirax 90 E P. Spirax 80 E.P Retmax R B, Retmax C Retmax C Shell
" FILTKATE " Medium " Zero " Sub-Zero " Hypojd " Hypoid " " Filtrate " HP Solidified " Filtrate " Zero "
Filtiate " Filtrate " Filtrate " Filtrate " 90 Filtrate " 80 R.B. Grease " Filtrate " A.F Grease Filtrai
(Edward Joy & Sons I td )
" STERNOL " " Sternol " " Sternol " " Sternol " " Sternol " " Sternol " "Arobrolme " "Ambrohne " "Ambroline " " Sterne
W W. 30 W W. 20 WW. 10 Liquid Liquid R.B. Grease M.M. Grease A.F. Grease WW 20
(Sternol Ltd ) Ambroleum Ambroleum
Hypoid 90 Hypoid 80
en 8
Transverse sectional drawing of the TD engine
Transverse sectional drawing of the TD engine Series No. 14224 onwards
Prior to engine No. 14224
Sectional drawing of the Front Suspension TD/TF
TO/TF front engine mounting and control link.
Advance mechanism, 36, 81, 109 Dog, starting handle, positioning, 113
Aerolite pistons, 135 Air intake, Dynamo coupling, correct lie (illus.), 28
141, 142 Angularity of rockers, 23,
75,106 Armature, dynamo, 28, 82 Eccentric bushes, rocker shaft, 24, 25
Armature, starter, 82, 109 Eccentric-drum supercharger, 144
Endplates, crankcase, TA, 68 Endplay,
Bearing, clutch-shaft spigot, 15, 16, 64, camshaft, 26, 76, 77, 107 Endplay,
68,91, 116 crankshaft, 19, 84, 101 Excessive ignition
Bearing, clutch withdrawal, 48, 49, 91, advance, symptoms, 53, 96, 118
Bearings, big-end, 15,18, 67, 71,98,101, Filter, oil, correct assembly (illus.), 32
Bearings, camshaft, 26, 76, 107 [128 Floating oil intake, TA, 67, 79 Flywheel
Bearings, distributor, 37, 81 Bearings, flange, taper fitting, 16, 39 Fuel, Ethyl and
dynamo, 28 Bearings, main, 15, 18, 67, Discol, 22 Fuel, methanol-benzol, 152-155
TD/TF rear engine mounting. 71, 99, 101, Bearings, water pump, 82, Fuming, excessive, from breather, 19
109 [123 B.h.p. curve, PA/PB type
SUPPORT RUBBERS (illus.), 36 B.h.p. curve, TA type Gasket replacement, 43, 44, 89, 114
(illus.), 95 B.h.p. curve, TC type (illus.), Gearbox dismantling, 55, 56, 96,97, 129
120 B.h.p. curve, TF type, 125 B.h.p. Gear lever rattle, 58 Gear ratios, alternative,
curves, tuned engines, 151 B.h.p. of 96, 119, 129 Grinding flywheel taper, 39
supertuned engines, 149-154 Blower Grinding-in tool for valves, 105
installation, 143/6, 154/5 Boost Hartford shock absorbers, 56 High-
pressure, Shorrock blower, 144 Brakes, compression pistons, 152, 156 High-tension
56, 57, 121 wiring, 37, 81, 82 Hydraulic dampers, 121,
Cable, clutch operating, 128 Cam, 131-132
contact-breaker, accuracy, 36, 81 Cam Ignition control, characteristics, 109 Ignition
follower adjustment (illus.), 23 control, hand-operated, 53, 119 Ignition
Camshaft end-float, 26, 76, 77, 107 timing, 48, 93, 116 Impeller, water, 14, 82,
Carburetters, assembly (illus.), 138, 140 109 Induction pipe, modifying, 142 Inlet
Carburetters, specially large, 152, 153, ports, modifying, 21, 73, 103, 149, Inlet
154, 156 valves, oversize, 150, 156 [150
Carburetters, synchronizing, 141 Inspection of cylinder bores, 132
Carburetters twin layout (2lus.), 140
Centric supercharger, 143 Chain, clutch Lapping cylinder bores, 134
actuating, 116 Chain, timing, wear Large carburetters, 152, 153, 155
measurement, 107 Chassis, general, 55, Large valves, 150, 156
120, 121, 129 Clutch adjustment, 48, Lining, clutch-plate, 88,114
49, 94, 117,128 Clutch housing joint, Lining-up the clutch, 43, 91, 114
TA, 91 Clutch plate dimensions, 114, Link-chain, clutch, TC, 116
128 Combustion chamber, Link, engine control, 122
modifications to, Links, timing-chain, bright, 87,112
150 Lockheed brakes, 121
Compression ratio modifications, 21,22, Lubricant, upper cylinder, 50, 94, 117
73, 149, 150, 152 Lubrication, carburetter piston, 137
FRONT MOUNTING RUBBER- Contact-breaker adjustment, 36, 81
Crankshaft end-float, 19, 84, 101, 123 Machining cylinder head, 21,22,73,139,
Cylinder head nuts, order of attack, 149, 150
PA/PB type (illus.), 12 Manifold alignment, 21, 73, 103, 104
Cylinder head nuts, order of attack, Marshall supercharger, 143 Meshing of oil-
TA type (illus.), 66, 89 pump gears, 30, 31, 78,
Cylinder head nuts, order of attack, 108
TC type (illus.), 98,115 Meshing of o.h.c. gears, 26, 27, 28, 29
Cylinder head nuts, tightening down, Methanol fuel, 152/155 Misfiring, test for
44, 89,115 mixture strength, 131 Mixture correction, 141
Dampers, hydraulic, 121, 130, 131
A. Slotted nut. B. Washer. C. Cup. D. Rubber. Dimensional data, bearings, 101, 107,
E. Rubber. F. Cup. G. Link rod.' H. Locknuts Distributor drive, meshing, 41, 90 [123
J. Adjuster. K. Link rod. L. Cup. M. Rubber.
N Rubber. O. Cup. P. Washer. Q. Slotted nut.
Mixture distribution, 103 Morris basis Sealing washers on valve stems, 74, 75,
of engines, 9, 60 M.p.h./r.p.m. curve, PA 105
type (illus.), 46 M.p.h./r.p.m. curve, PB Self-oiling bushes on clutch-operating
type (illus.), 47 M.p.h./r.p.m. curve, shaft, TC, 119
early TA type Shake in rocker bushes, 25, 75, 106
(illus.), 92 Shock absorbers, 56, 121, 130, 131
M.p.h./r.p.m. curve, later TA type Shorrock supercharger, 144/5 Silencing
(illus.), 93 springs, rocker-shaft, 75, 106 Small-end
M.p.h./r.p.m. curve, TC type (illus.), 118 bushes, removing, 18,19 Smoke from
Oil feed to o.h.c. gear, 45 Oil feed to exhaust, 135 Spring link, timing chain,
supercharger, 146/7 Oil filter, correct 77, 113 Springs, road, special wrapping
assembly (ilJus.), 32 Oil intake strainer, tape, 121,
14, 33, 79, 108, 125 Oil pressures, 50, 129
51, 52, 94, 117, 124 Oil pump gears, Springs, valve, special, 23, 74, 150, 152,
clearance of, 30, 31, 78, 156
108 Starting-up after overhaul, 50, 94, 117
Oil restrictor pin, dimensions (illus.), 45 Steering gearbox, taking up play, 58,121
Order of attack, cylinder head nuts, Strainer, oil intake, 14, 33, 79, 108, 125
PA/PB type (illus.), 12 Sump flange joint, 42, 87, 114 Super-
Order of attack, cylinder head nuts, tuning, parts for, 156 Suspension and
TA type (illus.), 66, 89 springs, 56, 120, 121, 129, 130
Order of attack, cylinder head nuts,
TC type (illus.), 98,115 Table of o.h.c. types, 10 Table of push-
Packings for rocker-standards, 76, 106, rod-engined types, 61 Tensioner, timing
149, 150 chain, TC, 107 Timing chain, testing for
Petrol level in jets, 141 Petrol pumps, wear, 107 Timing diagram, P/PB type
duplicated, 152 Pinking, excessive (illus.), 31 Timing diagram, TA type
advance, 53, 96, 118 Piston rings, fitting, (illus.), 86 Timing diagram, TC type
133 Pistons, oversize data, 102, 123/4 (illus.), 112 Trials gear ratios, TA type,
Pressure plate, clutch, 16,43,68,89,114, 96 Triple valve springs, TA type, 74
128 Trunnion spring mountings, 56, 120
Quantity of oil in sump, 52, 94,117, 125 Uncoupling the o.h.c. drive, 13
Racing, tuning for, 149/156 Raising Universal joints, propeller shaft, 55
compression ratio, 21, 22, 73, 149, 151,
152 Valve clearances, P type, 51
Rear axle, alternative ratios, 96,119,129 TA, 96 TC,
Restrictor pin, o.h.c. oil supply (illus.), 117, 118
45 TD/TF, 126
Road speed for gear ratios (illus.), 154 Valve ports, enlarging, 150 Valve
Rod, clutch operating, 128 springs, special strong, 150, 152,
R.p.m./m.p.h. curve, PA type (illus.), 46 156
R.p.m./m.p.h. curve, PB type (illus.), 47 Valve timing diagram, PA/PB type
R.p.m./m.p.h. curve, early TA type (illus.), 31
(illus.), 92 Valve timing diagram, TA type (illus.),
R.p.m./m.p.h. curve, later TA type 86
(illus.), 93 Valve timing diagram, TC type (illus.),
R.p.m./m.p.h. curve, TC type (illus.), 112
118 Valve timing diagram, TD/TF (illus.),
Rocker ends, renovation of, 75,105,106 126
Rocker-shaft bushes, positioning (illus), Vane-type supercharger, 144/145
23 Variation in contact-breaker gap, 36, 81
Roller chain for clutch operation, TC, Vernier ignition setting, 53, 96, 119
116 Vertical drive on o.h.c., correct lie
Rolling test for rocker-shaft, 75, 105 (illus.), 28
Roots-type supercharger, 144/5 Wade supercharger, 135, 136 Water
Roughness, excessive advance symptoms,
53,96 pump, 14, 82, 109 Withdrawing
Running-iti, r.pjn. limits, 52, 94, 95, crankshaft, 15, 16, 69, 99
117,118 Zoller supercharger, 143