Adapting The Slot Offense To Your Personnel

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The key takeaways are that the coach discusses the double slot offense he uses at Poca High School, how it is flexible and can be adapted based on personnel, and some of the plays and strategies they have used it to win championships.

The double slot offense uses a fullback three yards behind the quarterback and a slotback on each side. It allows the team to run or pass equally well and different players like the tailback, quarterback, or fullback can be featured based on their strengths. The basic look and some common plays like traps, screens, and options are explained.

The coach emphasizes adapting the offense to the personnel each year by featuring their best player, whether it's the tailback, quarterback, fullback, or slotback. The offense can be run or pass-focused depending on what fits their players best in a given year.




I appreciate the opportunity to games. So this offense has worked

visit with you. I am from Poca, West for us. I am not bragging but it’s
Virginia. I am not sure if many of worked for us. You can pass and run
you know where Poca is located. We equally well from this offense. It
are in the center of the state be- depends on your personnel.
tween Huntington and Charleston. Our
team logo is the Poca Dots. Our num- First of all we are an AA school.
ber one claim to fame is the fact Each year we want to feature our
that in the middle 90’s, ESPN voted best player in this offense. It
us the number one team nickname in could be the tailback, quarterback,
the country. We beat out the Argyle splint end, or fullback. You can
Sox’s. take this offense and adapt it to
your personnel. That is what I’m go-
You may have heard about another ing to try to get across to you to-
event that recently happened in West day. At the end of this presentation
Virginia. A gentleman by the name of Coach Reed has a video of our of-
Jack Whittaker lives about six or fense. He will go over some of the
seven miles from Poca High School. A plays we run. We have a couple of
few days ago he won 315 million dol- trick plays at the end of the tape
lars in the Powerball lottery. I if we have time.
have been trying to become his best
friend but I can’t find him. I don’t My philosophy is to have a lot of
know where he disappeared to, but I bullets in your gun. Some coaches
am still looking for him. have four or five plays they run,
and they run them exceptionally
What I wanted to do today is talk well. And that’s great, but when you
about our Double Slot Offense. Let’s come up against somebody that can
see a show of hands if you run the stop you, what are you going to do?
double slot? A few of you run the That’s happened to us a few times in
offense and that’s good. When I the playoff games. Two years ago in
first took over in the 1990-1991 the state finals we were playing a
season, we were 0-10 the first year much stronger team and they were fa-
and 2-8 the second year. So we won vored to win the game. We held on
two games in two years. I was look- the first half and were down 7-0. We
ing for an offense that was flexible came back the second half to beat
and something we could win with. I them 21-7. The reason we were able
got this offense from a book written to win the game was because we were
by a guy out on the west coast. It able to stop them with what they did
is not my offense, but we have used best, and that was running the foot-
it and it has worked very well for ball. They couldn’t throw the foot-
us the last ten years. We are 93 and ball on us. They were forced to
39 since we have been running this throw and we came up with the inter-
offense. We have won three State ceptions.
Championships, and we have been run-
ner-up once. We are 18-5 in playoff This past year in the state final,
the game was 7-7 going into the that.
fourth quarter. We stopped them run-
ning the ball and forced them to The quarterback is your most impor-
throw the ball. We picked off a cou- tant position. You must find a
ple of passes and ended up winning player that is a leader and a guy
by a score of 35-7. After we stopped who can get the job done. We have
them, our offense was good enough to been fortunate in that we have had a
get the ball into the end zone. good leader at quarterback for the
last two or three years. We worked
I feel this offense is very good for with him and he did a really good
high school. I am sold on it. We job for us. The quarterback must be
have experienced using this offense able throw the ball short with
and we have done very well using it. touch, and to throw the long ball.
So what I want to do is to show you He must be able to hand off, and he
our basic look. It is not that dif- must also be a good running back. If
ferent from a lot of the offenses you have a good option play this
that you might see today. player can be a good option type
quarterback and you can run him on
We line up our fullback at 3 yards the different options. We have sev-
from the quarterbacks heels. If he eral option plays that we run quite
is your best player you can run a bit. We also can run counters go-
traps, belly plays, and you can run ing in either direction. Also, we
fullback pitch out plays. Also, we run the scissors play going both
have our screen plays and we can ways and we run the trap plays both
throw to him in the flat. ways. We run reverses with our split
ends. If we have a player that is
fast we have plays to take advantage
of his speed.

Our basic formation is our 10 forma-

tion. “Ten” is our basic formation.
And if you notice, it’s a Zero-Ten
(0-10) formation, Zero means run. We
are going to run the ball. This is
our base set up. The slot back is
DOUBLE SLOT 10 FORMATION back one yard off the line and he
lines up two to three yards deep de-
We usually put our best running back pending on how fast he is. The slot
in the left slot. We put our best on the opposite side lines up in the
receiver on the right side split out same alignment. This is our base of-
wide. If the left slot man is left fensive formation when we call our
handed we will line him up on the “Ten” formation.
right side and have him run back to
his left side. We like to run a lot of different
formations. This is what I like to
We put the fastest player at the do because it is fun to coach. I
split end position. We take the like to cause the defense as many
fastest end and make him our split problems as possible. I want the
end and we put our big end on the team we are going to play to work
right side. Teams generally run to hard in preparing for us each week.
the right hand side and we do the Each week we show a lot of different
same. We run to the right most of formations. We show a lot of differ-
the time. But he may be your best ent formations because the next team
blocker and he may be your best re- will have to cover them in practice,
ceiver as well. You must think about even if we don’t run them in the

This is our (20) twenty formation.

We put the left halfback in the slot
on the left and we put the right
halfback in the right slot.


Another reason that I like this of-

fense is because you can overload
the offense and you don’t have to do
it with the linemen. You can over-
load the offensive set with your
20 FORMATION backs.

In our (30) thirty formation we have This is our sixty (60) formation.
all the backs to the left side. This is an overload to the right
side. The fullback lines up behind
the guard to the right side. It is
like having a guard at fullback.
This is a good running formation if
you have two big backs and they are
pretty good blockers. We can put
them both in the slot. We have a se-
ries of plays that we run from this


In the (40) forty formation we have

all the backs to the right side of
the formation.


If we go to our (70) seventy series

we overload it to the left side.


Our (50) fifty formation is just the

opposite of our twenty formation.
Our tailback is generally the man
that is in the backfield. We move
the slot back to one side or the
other. That determines the differ- 70 FORMATION
ence in the formation.
We put both slot men over to the
left side and off set the fullback

behind the guard. We will take a
tailback and put him in the fullback
position as well. Sometimes we will
put the fullback in the slot and
sometimes we line up the tailback in
the offset position.

If we want to go to a tight end set,

we call a 100 formation. In a 100
set we can line up a couple of ways.
We can take our slot back and move
him up to the end position. We can 900 FORMATION
bring the split end inside and put
him down. We generally move the This is what we look for in select-
split end down and move him into the ing a quarterback.
tight end position. We put the wing
back on the tight end side and the • He must have Good Character -
fullback and the slot on the other He must be a kid that you could
side. This is so we have a tight end take home with you. He must be
on one side. the type player that you could
take to dinner once in a while.

• He must be one of those players

with a good attitude, and a
good work ethic.

• He must be a player that wants

to become better.

100 FORMATION • He must have the respect of

other players.
We will run the 800 series. We run
the I-formation, and we’ll do that a • He must have the ability to
lot of the time down inside the 20 play on game day.
yard line. We can run it anywhere on
the field, but this is our 800 For- • He must be a good leader with
mation. the following traits: Leader-
ship Ability, Unselfishness,
Loyalty, Resiliency, Enthusi-
asm, Dependable, Courageous,
Knowledgeable, and Tactfulness.

• He must have the ability to get

the job done.

• He must be willing to work

harder than anyone on the team.
800 FORMATION I think it is really important for
the quarterback to be a leader. I
The 900 set is the tight end to the think the kids have to respect the
left side with the wingback on that quarterback. He must have a lot of
side. Those are our basic running ability. The quarterback in this of-
formations. fense should be a good player and a
good leader. He doesn’t have to be cult.
the best, but I think he has to have
a lot of things to work with. He Our cadence is “Set – Go - Ready –
doesn’t have to be the best player Hut.” And we’ll go in motion on GO.
on the team but he must be a player We go “Set-Go” and the man goes in
that will work hard. motion. If we are going to run the
play on Go we snap it then. But we
I have said this is both a running can say Go and send a man into mo-
offense and a passing offense. This tion. Once he gets by the quarter-
is the way we do our passes. It can back we call “Ready – Hut.” We can
be a little cumbersome sometimes, call “Ready - Hut-Hut.” The snap
with the terminology, but these are count doesn’t really matter. But we
the motion calls for the left slot do try to confuse the defense with
man. the cadence at times.

On pass plays we use the five step

drop game. If we call 18 it is a
five step drop to the right side. If
we call 19 it is a five step drop to
the left side. Our quarterback drops
back at a 45 degree angle. The quar-
terback comes back and steps to one
side or the other. He should be be-
hind the tackle and he should be
MOTION BY THE LEFT SLOT about 6-7 yards deep. On our 18 se-
ries he drops to the right side. On
If we call RIP the motion is to the the 19 he drops to the left side.
right. If we call LIZ the motion is
to the left. If we call a 16 play it is our play
action pass to the right side. The
17 is a play action to the left.

If we are in an 800 formation and we

call 818-819 or 816-817 it gives us
the formation and the play. It is
the same play but from the I forma-
These are our split end routes.
On Lucy the motion man runs a deep Lance Alworth developed this Sting
or arc motion. We have Roar over to route pattern. We should run more of
the right which is a deep belly to them than we do. The sting pattern
that side. The motion man runs his is a quick out with a split end.
pattern from those calls. Most of the teams we see line up
with the inside foot up. We do it
We have Rip-Away, Red-Away, and Red. the opposite way. We have the inside
We have Rip and we have Road. The foot back. He takes one step, two
other slot has the same basic calls. steps, and three steps. On the third
He runs White-Away, White, Rip-Away, step he is going to start outside on
and Lucy. Those are our basic forma- an arc. It is not a sharp cut but a
tions. The guys know from whatever curve on the route. As he is going
we call which one is going to be in out he is looking for the quick out
each position. With our fullback, we route. He goes four, five, six, and
just call half motion right or full as he hits step seven he cuts and
motion left. So it’s not too diffi- goes straight up the field. On that
seventh step he is going to sprint have a one-on-one situation on the
up the field. It is not just an out backside. We can run the sting pat-
route. It is more like a flood pat- tern if they don’t go with the mo-
tern. The left end is going 1-2-3-4, tion. We usually get an overload on
out, and then he’s going to go the right side so we can work with
straight up field. it. We can run a bubble pattern and
we can run a flood route. All of
these routes are motion routes we


The quarterback is going to come

down the line. It is 1-2-3 steps and
on the third step he is going to
throw to the open receiver. If a re-
ceiver is not open then he is going
to continue to drop back and he is
going to try to flip it over the
cornerbacks head.

The quarterback does not read spe-

cifically the defense. He looks for
the first open receiver. I will
cover how we do that later. But
these are the routes that the split

Here are our slot back motion

routes. We can run the same basic
routes, but now we run them from mo-


These are our motion routes from the

slot back position. We put the guy SLOT BACK MOTION ROUTES
in motion. Why do we do this? What
we are looking for is this. If we Now we go to our pass patterns. Our
see the safety going with him we patterns are generally combination
patterns. We may call a switch on The slot man knows he’s going to run
the routes. If we call a 19 switch a bingo pattern straight down the
route the left end is going to run a field. He just releases and goes
slant route at 5 to 6 yards, and straight down the field. The back
then he is going to run straight up side end runs 5 to 6 yards and then
the field at the hash mark. The slot he slants and comes across the
back is coming out right behind him. field. He comes behind the bingo man
He is going down the sideline. You and gets down the field. That is a
must get separation here. We do not combination pattern.
want the two receivers too close to-
gether. We want separation. That is If we call 19 Switch – Throwback
our switch patter on the left side. Touchdown the backside knows they
You can have a switch pattern on the are going to runt the Throwback
right side. That is our 18 Switch Touchdown pattern. They know that
Route. the backside is the Throwback Touch-
down route. The front side guys are
going to run a Switch pattern on the
left side.

We also run a corner route on the

other side. This has been a real
good pattern for us. If you need 5,
6, or 7 yards this is a good play to
run. The end has to run a route that
is deeper than what is needed to
pick up the first down. You want to
run the 5 to 6 yard route but you
want to run off about 2 more yards,
and then curl back, and face the


Our next play is called Throwback

Touchdown. It is a combination pat-


We have a sprint out play off this

play and a 5 step drop pass from
this action. Here is the situation
with the slot back. He is going to
run right beside the end and run
parallel with him. He is going to
18 THROWBACK TOUCHDOWN make a move to the corner. The de-
fensive backs have to make a deci-
sion. If the cornerback is off too
far the end is going to be wide open
most of the time. That is the man we
throw the ball to eight out of ten
times. But if the defender jumps the
end or if he doesn’t recognize the
play, the receiver is going to be
wide open back in the corner. It
puts a little pressure back there on
the defense. Normally, we are look-
ing for that first down throw when
we do run the play.

Here are a couple of more patterns

we run. First is what we call 18 18 BINGO
Fly. The Fly comes with a slot-back.
On the Fly pattern everybody is go- We can call 18 Switch – Bingo. We
ing to run five yards straight down run the Switch on the backside and
the field. This is the same for all the Bingo on the frontside. We can
receivers. They are going to make run a Switch pattern on the backside
their move five or six yards down and run a Bingo on the frontside.
the field.
We can run our Throwback Touchdown
on the left side, and on the front
side we are going to run a flood
route and a first down route. The
first down route is an inside curl
route for the split end on the right
side. We call 18 First Down – Flood,
Throwback Touchdown.


The next route is a straight bingo

route down the field. Here all re-
ceivers go straight down the field.
We try to spread the receivers out
equal distance apart.

Anytime we want to call maximum

blocking protection the quarterback
calls the left slot mans name or he
calls out 119. If he sees a blitz
coming he wants to keep the slot man
in to block. He calls out 119 or for the quarterback. The left end is
118. If he calls 118 his right slot going to run the Sting pattern. He
will stay in and block. That will runs 1-2-3-out, 4-5-6-7 and down the
give him a little more protection. field. This is the number one re-
ceiver the quarterback is looking
You have to work with the quarter- for.
backs to pick that stuff up. Also we
must be able to throw the hot
passes. This is a big part of the
passing offense. If they are bring-
ing guys you have to use the hot
pass. Our quarterback had a little
trouble with that this year. We fi-
nally were able to get him to do it
at times, but he had to recognize
the safety or corner is coming. He
has to be ready for that and he must
hit the hot route.


When the quarterback comes up to the

line he is looking for the split end
first. He is looking down the field
second. If he doesn’t come open on
the first look, he continues back
and looks for him on the second
move. Now if the end is not open the
HOT ROUTE quarterback continues back.

For the quarterback it is just a two Here is the good part on the play.
step drop and he is going to throw We have the slot man who is reading
it up and over the head of the de- what the defense is doing. If they
fender coming on the rush. He wants are in 2 or 3 deep, he is either go-
to get the ball to the hot receiver. ing to run a crossing route or he is
If you can connect on a couple of going to go straight down to the
those routes, the defense is not go- goal post. This is the one receiver
ing to be so quick to rush all the that can run the route slow. I hate
time. On the backside we run a slant to tell a kid to loaf but you tell
and a flood route. him to run the route slow. He goes 5
or 6 yards on a jog and then he puts
This is our base play. This is the it in another gear and turns on the
one play that I want to cover. I speed. The route should be 20-25
think anybody can run this play. I yards deep. Since the quarterback is
will show you the drill we use in coming out 1-2-3, he does not throw
practice that makes this play effec- the ball to the slot man early. He
tive. The play is our 19 Rip Sting. must read the defender on the back-
This is a 3 step drop to the left side first.

We actually have six options on the
play. Here is the other option. We Diagram #24
send a guy in motion on the play. He
blocks for three counts and then he We run this thing about 10 minutes a
goes out 4 to 6 yards on the curl as day in practice. When we rotate the
a safety valve. So we actually have quarterbacks will take two turns
six different options on this one calling cadence. They rotate after
play. You can run the play to the two plays. It is a real quick drill
right side with the motion coming and you can get it done real fast.
back to the left. This gives you 12 We go to both sides of the forma-
possibilities on one play. We like tion. It takes us about 10 minutes
the play a lot. If you can run it 6 to run the drill. This is one of our
to 8 times a game it is great. I do best plays.
not think we run the play enough.
If you do not have this play in your
This is how we practice the Sting repertoire I think you need to take
play. We get four quarterbacks, and a look at it. It is a great play,
you do not have to have a center, and it is a very simple play to run.
but you can have a center. We send a We call it 10 Roar Drive Right. A
man in motion and he stays at the Roar Motion is a deep belly action
blocking position after he goes in by the motion man. We are in a 10
motion. Everybody runs around him. formation. We have the fullback run-
The left end will run his Sting pat- ning as if he were on an option
tern. Everyone runs their pattern. play.
The quarterbacks take their drops
and look for the open receivers. The quarterback takes two steps back
to show pass. He really wants to
The quarterbacks take their drop, show pass so he can get the line-
and they look and then they throw backers to drop back. Then he runs
the ball. The first quarterback at the inside shoulder of the defen-
throws the ball to the left side. sive end. Here is what happens. The
The second quarterback throws the slot back is going to make a little
ball to the receiver in the middle “J” move. He comes up the gap be-
on the crossing pattern. The third tween the center and guard on his
quarterback throws to the seam post side of the line.
route. The fourth quarterback throws
the little safety valve to the mo-
tion back.


Let me mention this point. Our line

PRACTICE STING ROUTE coaches do a great job. I do not

fool with the line that much, I just The motion man should be a good run-
tell them what the play is and I ning back. The right slot man should
tell them to work out the blocking. be a good blocker. We are going to
They do a great job. If we face a 5 pitch it to the tailback.
man front they block it a certain
way. If it is a 4 man front they We don’t want to give away any se-
block it another way. But the back crets but the tailback should be a
has to square his shoulders and go fast scat back type runner. These
up in the hole. He is not running a two plays are two great combination
scissors play. He is not coming plays that we really like. We run
across on a scissors action. He has them every game and we run them 5 or
to come across in a little “J” move. 6 times each game.
If he runs the “J” move and comes
into the line with his shoulders Here is another play off the same
straight he can go straight ahead. action. This play keeps them honest.
This is a reverse play that we run
We do not even fake to him when we with the same action. My step-son
are going to run the option. If we came up with the idea to run the re-
are going to give it to him, we hand verse. His name is Barney. He said,
it to him behind the guard. The rest “Let’s run the reverse play off that
of the backs run their option fakes. same action.” I said, “Let’s try
We are running Roar Motion. You may it”. It worked so we called it
think this play is too simple. You Barney Left and Barney Right. Now we
may think it will not work. I am call it 10 Drive Right Reverse Left.
telling you that we won two state This is a good 2 point play also.
championships running this play. We
ran the play to both sides.

Here is the compliment to that play.

This is the option off of that play.
We call it 10 Roar Dive Option
Right. The reason I like this play
is because it is hard to defend. We
run the slot back on the same mo-
tion. He runs just like he is going
to get the ball on the Drive Motion.
The quarterback steps back, but he
does not fake it. The linebacker 10 DRIVE RIGHT REVERSE LEFT
should still honor that running back
coming back up inside. There are a couple of things you can
do with the fullback. He can go with
the play or he can run to the other
side so it looks like the option.


The quarterback steps back just like to the fullback in the 1 hole. We
he is going to run the Drive play. call Quick Pitch Right - Fullback at
He gives the ball to the end on the One. This keeps those linebackers
reverse back to the left side. honest. The fullback should stay set
for one count and let the quarter-
In this offense you can take the of- back make his fake. We have found
fence and fit it to your personnel. that teams will chase the pitch on
Whatever type players you have, you this play. Late in the game is the
can take some of these plays and best time to use this play after the
work special plays with them. defense has seen the quick pitch.

This is our pitch play. We call it

the Poca Pitch. It is actually a 40
Quick Pitch. Our slot back blocks
down on the play. We pull our tackle
to lead on the play. The split end
blocks down on the safety. The quar-
terback reverses out and pitches the
ball outside. The halfback takes the
pitch and gets outside.


We like to run the counter plays. We

call this our 10 Counter Left. We
have been fortunate to have some
good tailbacks. This is a great play
for the tailbacks. The key to this
play is this.


The thing that can hurt this play is

if the cornerback plays up. If that
happens the split end has to block
the corner. If he is within 3 yards
of the split end we tell him to
block him. Otherwise he comes down
inside. We tell the tackle to lead
on the play. The tailback just fol-
lows his blockers.
We have the guard kicking out on the
end. The tackle is pulling and going
When we get those linebackers flying
down to seal inside. Everyone else
outside to stop the play we run an-
is blocking down. The key is for the
other play. Teams are determined to
slot back not to come inside too
get outside to stop the play. Now,
shallow. If he does he is going to
we are going to fake the quick pitch
get caught up in the guard and tack-
and give it straight up the middle
les blocks. The fullback is going
to fill block on the tackle. We have good play at the beginning of the
a hard time getting the fullback to game.
block this guy. You really have to
work on the fullbacks block. They If you have a good running quarter-
get lazy and don’t want to block back, you can run the Counter Op-
that tackle. tion. The guard kicks out the end.
The quarterback rides the fullback
We do have a ride on the fullback. up in there and comes down the line.
The quarterback steps, rides the We have motion coming in the same
fullback, and hands the ball to the direction. I like this play versus a
slot back. The slot back has to read four man front. Normally we will not
the two blocks by the guard and get to pitch the ball to the slot
tackle. He may end up going outside. back. But we still run it in prac-
He has to get deep enough to read tice. If he does pitch the ball it
those blocks. It is a great play and will be off the safety down the
it has worked well for us. field.

Next is a play off the 10 Counter.

If you run one play a lot you have
to have a play to come back that
looks the same. This is the pass
play off of the 10 Counter. We call
it 16 Rip Counter Pass Left.


This is our 10 Fullback Option

Right. We don’t block the end. We
step back and run to the inside
shoulder of the end. This is a
straight option. We run this down
close on the goal line.


After we have run the Counter play

we run the Counter Pass. The linemen
know it is a pass play so they can’t
go downfield. They pass block on the
play. We ride the fullback and give
the ball to the slot back. You must
have someone who can throw the ball
from the slot back position. He must
stay in the pocket. The left end has
to be good actor. He has to fool the
cornerback. We want to make it look
like the run play. The backside slot
does a crossing pattern. This is a
We have a pass off this play as This is our Double Screen Right. The
well. It is a halfback pass. We give quarterback has the option of throw-
it to the back and let him throw it ing to the fullback or the motion
from the tailback position. man. The fullback comes over to the
left side and sets up for two
We copied this play from East Bank counts. Then he goes outside. The
High School after they beat us with motion man blocks four counts and
the play. They ran it against us in then he slips outside. The tackle
the championship game. They ran it and guard pull outside to the motion
awful. It was just an ugly play. The mans side. On the backside we have a
halfback threw a jump pass like a tackle pulling outside. The quarter-
basketball jump shot. They scored on back runs a 5 step drop to the left.
it twice against us. We knew it was Then he rolls to the right side to
coming and still we could not stop the slot back. If teams start to
it. chase on the play we can throw a
middle screen to keep them honest.
This is a play we ran in the champi-
onship game that really broke the
game wide open for us. We shifted
the split end in the backfield. Then
we ran him in motion. That slot back
has to move up on the line of scrim-
mage to give us seven men on the


Here is our Double Pass. You must

have a guy that can throw the ball.
The split end backs up 2 steps. The
quarterback throws it outside. The
fullback is to protect the split


We run a 5 step drop pass to the

right side. The slot that moved up
on the line is going to run the hot
route. The end runs to the post. We
ran the motion man outside into the
flat and he was wide open and we
scored a touchdown. The backside end
waits 3 counts before he runs the
hot route. If the play is not open
on the frontside the quarterback
looks to the backside end. A lot of
times the backside end is wide open.
This is a very good 2 point play. DOUBLE PASS
We can use motion to get him there
if we want to get him outside. The
left slot runs a post flag. The
right slot back runs a post. The
backside end runs a seam route. You
can have the quarterback go outside
on a pattern as well. We have com-
pleted this play to every one of
those receivers.

I want to show a video that we have

used for the last two years. Coach
Reed has worked very hard on this
tape and I appreciate him doing it.
I hope some of these plays will help
you in some way. I will be here for
the entire clinic if you have any
questions I will be glad to visit
with you. Thank you.


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