Adapting The Slot Offense To Your Personnel
Adapting The Slot Offense To Your Personnel
Adapting The Slot Offense To Your Personnel
In our (30) thirty formation we have This is our sixty (60) formation.
all the backs to the left side. This is an overload to the right
side. The fullback lines up behind
the guard to the right side. It is
like having a guard at fullback.
This is a good running formation if
you have two big backs and they are
pretty good blockers. We can put
them both in the slot. We have a se-
ries of plays that we run from this
behind the guard. We will take a
tailback and put him in the fullback
position as well. Sometimes we will
put the fullback in the slot and
sometimes we line up the tailback in
the offset position.
For the quarterback it is just a two Here is the good part on the play.
step drop and he is going to throw We have the slot man who is reading
it up and over the head of the de- what the defense is doing. If they
fender coming on the rush. He wants are in 2 or 3 deep, he is either go-
to get the ball to the hot receiver. ing to run a crossing route or he is
If you can connect on a couple of going to go straight down to the
those routes, the defense is not go- goal post. This is the one receiver
ing to be so quick to rush all the that can run the route slow. I hate
time. On the backside we run a slant to tell a kid to loaf but you tell
and a flood route. him to run the route slow. He goes 5
or 6 yards on a jog and then he puts
This is our base play. This is the it in another gear and turns on the
one play that I want to cover. I speed. The route should be 20-25
think anybody can run this play. I yards deep. Since the quarterback is
will show you the drill we use in coming out 1-2-3, he does not throw
practice that makes this play effec- the ball to the slot man early. He
tive. The play is our 19 Rip Sting. must read the defender on the back-
This is a 3 step drop to the left side first.
We actually have six options on the
play. Here is the other option. We Diagram #24
send a guy in motion on the play. He
blocks for three counts and then he We run this thing about 10 minutes a
goes out 4 to 6 yards on the curl as day in practice. When we rotate the
a safety valve. So we actually have quarterbacks will take two turns
six different options on this one calling cadence. They rotate after
play. You can run the play to the two plays. It is a real quick drill
right side with the motion coming and you can get it done real fast.
back to the left. This gives you 12 We go to both sides of the forma-
possibilities on one play. We like tion. It takes us about 10 minutes
the play a lot. If you can run it 6 to run the drill. This is one of our
to 8 times a game it is great. I do best plays.
not think we run the play enough.
If you do not have this play in your
This is how we practice the Sting repertoire I think you need to take
play. We get four quarterbacks, and a look at it. It is a great play,
you do not have to have a center, and it is a very simple play to run.
but you can have a center. We send a We call it 10 Roar Drive Right. A
man in motion and he stays at the Roar Motion is a deep belly action
blocking position after he goes in by the motion man. We are in a 10
motion. Everybody runs around him. formation. We have the fullback run-
The left end will run his Sting pat- ning as if he were on an option
tern. Everyone runs their pattern. play.
The quarterbacks take their drops
and look for the open receivers. The quarterback takes two steps back
to show pass. He really wants to
The quarterbacks take their drop, show pass so he can get the line-
and they look and then they throw backers to drop back. Then he runs
the ball. The first quarterback at the inside shoulder of the defen-
throws the ball to the left side. sive end. Here is what happens. The
The second quarterback throws the slot back is going to make a little
ball to the receiver in the middle “J” move. He comes up the gap be-
on the crossing pattern. The third tween the center and guard on his
quarterback throws to the seam post side of the line.
route. The fourth quarterback throws
the little safety valve to the mo-
tion back.
fool with the line that much, I just The motion man should be a good run-
tell them what the play is and I ning back. The right slot man should
tell them to work out the blocking. be a good blocker. We are going to
They do a great job. If we face a 5 pitch it to the tailback.
man front they block it a certain
way. If it is a 4 man front they We don’t want to give away any se-
block it another way. But the back crets but the tailback should be a
has to square his shoulders and go fast scat back type runner. These
up in the hole. He is not running a two plays are two great combination
scissors play. He is not coming plays that we really like. We run
across on a scissors action. He has them every game and we run them 5 or
to come across in a little “J” move. 6 times each game.
If he runs the “J” move and comes
into the line with his shoulders Here is another play off the same
straight he can go straight ahead. action. This play keeps them honest.
This is a reverse play that we run
We do not even fake to him when we with the same action. My step-son
are going to run the option. If we came up with the idea to run the re-
are going to give it to him, we hand verse. His name is Barney. He said,
it to him behind the guard. The rest “Let’s run the reverse play off that
of the backs run their option fakes. same action.” I said, “Let’s try
We are running Roar Motion. You may it”. It worked so we called it
think this play is too simple. You Barney Left and Barney Right. Now we
may think it will not work. I am call it 10 Drive Right Reverse Left.
telling you that we won two state This is a good 2 point play also.
championships running this play. We
ran the play to both sides.