Japji Sahib A Way of Life
Japji Sahib A Way of Life
Japji Sahib A Way of Life
ordain. Under ordain every one, free (of) ordain no one. If a person
follows the path described by Guru Sahib, he comes to understand that
nothing happens because of his own doing and that he himself is not
the doer. When this fact dawns on the person, his Iness ( Iness is the
concept of duality which a person harbours considering his own existence as distinct
from that of Almighty) gets automatically lost. Nanak (says) if (His) decree
This Earth along with all its fauna and flora, Moon, Sun, stars
rather the whole universe is held in place by or is moving with which
power? Answering this question at the time when nobody had any
plausible explanation and it was believed that Earth is stationed on the
horns of a bull, Guru Sahib declared that it is the power of the Divine
laws framed by The Almighty that holds them in place. These very
divine laws, according to which the whole creation moves on, form the
path of spirituality.
For a human being, under all circumstances, retaining
remembrance of The Almighty in all his thoughts, developing an
irresistible urge to come face to face with Almighty and praising His
every action is the true path of spirituality.
It is not possible for the man to fully understand or have
perception of complete creation of The Almighty.
It is endless,
unexplainable and unfathomable.
The empowerment to ruminate the Divine Name of the Creator of
this universe and to narrate His praises comes from the Divine writs of
Almighty Himself as per His Own pleasure. Such empowering Divine
writs allow a person to describe many things. Amongst them are the
Divine Name, His praises, knowledge, hymns, virtues etc. However
one can not totally describe the Creator Himself. Almighty is allpowerful and is not answerable to anyone else. Guru Sahib explains
that creation of this world has been undertaken by Almighty by
manifesting His Own Self. Thus The Almighty Himself is pervading in it.
Every creation (is) Thy Name. Without Name, there (is) no place.
Instead of getting attracted towards creations of the supreme
Creator, developing attraction towards the Divine Name of the Creator
Himself brings clarity of mind. If ignoring this path, one acts as per
directions of his own mind, he walks away from spiritual path, on the
path of sin. To get rid of the load of sins, one must base the support
for his life on the Divine Name of The Almighty:
(If) mind (gets) polluted, (by) company of sins.
It (can be) cleansed (by getting oneself),
Coloured with (Divine) Name.
Guru Sahib mentions that pious deeds and sins are not empty
words but reality of life. Pious, sinners (are) not (mere) sayings. One
must, therefore, seriously attempt to refrain from wrong doings and
live a righteous life. All the actions shall be recorded and one will have
to account for them. Do your actions, carry them along. (As) you sow,
(so you) yourself reap. Pointing towards freedom from this circle of
doing actions and reaping the results, Guru Sahib directs everyone to
listen to the Divine Name and accept His ordains with feelings of love,
respect, regard and affection filling our mind:
His Name a hundred thousand times from each tongue would be the
technique of proceeding on the path of spirituality with head held high:
If one tongue becomes hundred-thousand,
Hundred-thousand become twenty hundred-thousand.
Utter hundred-thousand times (from) each,
One Name (of the) Lord (of Universe).
This way ascend stairs (of this path,
With) reputation (and) be graced.
Guru Sahib again reminds that howsoever hard one may try, but
the rumination of the Divine Name can be undertaken by him only on
Almightys grace being showered on him and all other talks are mere
great lies. Nanak (says, by) grace (we) get (this and all else is) liars
big lie.
On spiritual path, by Gurus grace, in the first stage man
understands that he has taken birth in this world for a specific purpose
and it is only through performance of that purpose that he will be
honoured before Almighty. In the second stage, through knowledge
and application of analysis, he is freed from false notions and gets an
insight that the creation of Almighty is endless. The joy that he derives
from the enhancement of his understanding is much greater than the
enjoyments one gets out of possession and consumption of worldly
matter. In the third stage of the spiritual path man through hard
labour, living as per Gurus directions, gets superior consciousness and
knowledge and is mentally awakened. The penultimate stage is that of
freedom from vices, seeing Almighty everywhere, continuously
remembering Him, always being in His presence and being ever
joyous. The fifth or the last stage on the path of spirituality is, by the
grace of Almighty, losing ones individual identity by being one with
Him or merging with the light-form Almighty. Guru Sahib explains that
full appreciation of these stages can be had only on attaining them,
their details can not be fully explained and to describe them is an
extremely difficult task.
Finally before concluding, talking about the path of the high
stage in which the Gurbani has been rendered, Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives
guidance by summarizing the prescribed way of life. Making allegory
to the melting of gold by a goldsmith, for jewellery making, Guru Sahib
propels everyone to inculcate the qualities of good character, patience,
reasoning, knowledge, fear of Almighty, hard labour and love. These
characteristics are pre-requisite for passing the test of spiritual way of
life which is the ultimate objective of human life:
(Let impeccable) character (be the) furnace,
Patience (the) goldsmith.
Reason (be the) anvil,
Knowledge (be the) tools.