College Level

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Subject for preliminary Test:

(General Mathematics)
(General Knowledge)
Subject for written examination:
(Political Science)
(Islamic History & Culture)
(Social Welfare/Social Work)
(Geography & Environmental Science)
(Soil Science)
(Home Economics)
(Library and Information Science)
Islamic Studies)
(Computer Science)
Computer Operation-BM)
Accounting -BM)
Banking -BM)
(Entrepreneur Development-BM)

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Syllabus for Preliminary Test


Errors in composition, Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition, Uses of article,
verbs, Identify appropriate translation from Bengali to English, Identify appropriate
title from story, article, Transformation of sentences, synonyms and Antonyms,
completing sentences, Idioms and phrases.
(General Mathematics):

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Syllabus for Written Examination


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1. History of English Literature: Candidates are required to have a general knowledge

of English Literature from Elizabethan period to Modern period i.e. Christopher
Marlowe to T.S. Eliot with special reference to the major movements and genres
during different period.
2. Literary terms: Epic, drama, novel, tragedy, comedy, tragi-comedy, short story,
romance, allegory, ode, ballad, lyric, pastoral poetry, dramatic monologue, elegy,
sonnet, mock-epic, satire, three unities, miracle and morality plays, fable, interlude,
soliloquy, poetic justice, parable.
3. Figures of Speech: Simile, metaphor, image, irony, analogy, symbol, conceit, wit,
personification, hyperbol, paradox, epigram, climax, anti-climax.
4. Individual Authors: Candidates are expected to be familiar with the major works of
the following authors - i. William Shakespeare, ii. John Milton, iii. Jonathan Swift, iv.
Alexander Pope, v. Charles Dickens, vi. William Wordsworth, vii. S.T. Coleridge,
viii. John Keats, ix. P.B. Shelley, x. Byron, xi. E.M.Forster. xii. Bernard Shaw and
xiii. T.S. Eliot.
5. Formal letter, letter to editors, complaint, request, job application
6. Summary writing
7. Grammar
Any two from the following terms: i. Changing words from one parts of speech to
another and making sentence with them. ii. Synonyms and Antonyms and making
sentences with them. iii. Completing sentences.

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Micro Economics
1. Introduction: Definition, nature and scope of Economics, Micro Economics and
Macro Economics. Positive Vs. Normative Economics. The basic problems of
Economic organization. Production and exchange. Production possibility frontier. The
market mechanism.
2. Supply and Demand: Concept of supply and demand and their determinants. Market
equilibrium and shifts of market equilibrium. Consumer's and producer's surplus.
Concepts and measurements of various elasticity of demand and supply.
3. The Theory of Consumer Behavior: Utility-total and marginal utility, cardinal and
ordinal utility. Law of diminishing marginal utility. Equimarginal principle and
derivation of demand curves.
4. Theory of production: Production function. Fixed Vs. variable factors of production.
Short run and long run, total, average and marginal product. The law of diminishing
returns; Returns to scale, technological change.
5. Theory of Cost and Revenues: Short and long run cost functions. Implicit and
opportunity cost. Fixed and variable costs. Total, average and marginal cost. Envelope
curves. The link between production and economic profit. Profit maximizing
6. Market: Perfect competition and monopoly, short and long run equilibrium of firm
and industry, Profit maximization, Shut down condition, Resource allocation and
economic efficiency.
Macro Economics
1. Macro Economics Overview: Objective and instrument of macroeconomics.
Fundamental concepts of macroeconomics. Potential GNP. GNP gap, Okun's law,
natural rate of unemployment. Business cycles. Budget deficit and international
deficit, aggregate demand and aggregate supply.
2. National Income Accounting: Circular flow of income. Injections and leakages,
Different concepts of national income-GNP, GDP, NNP, NI at factor price, market
price and constant price, personal income, disposable income, real and national GDP.
Net Economic Welfare (NEW): The Consumer Price Index (CPI) & the GDP Deflator.
The methods and problems of computing national income.
3. Consumption and Saving Function: Concepts of MPC, APC. MPS, APS. Short run
and long run viewkuznet's Puzzle.
4. Inflation: Measures of inflation, causes of crutlation, source of inflationary pressure,
consequences of inflation, deflation.
5. Money and Monetary Policy: Meaning of money, different concepts of money (M1.
M2. M3), credit creation by banking system, function of money, demand and supply
of money, velocity of money, long run impact of money on prices, short run impact of
money on output, changes in income velocity, monetary policy.
6. Fiscal Policy: Theory of fiscal policy, relationship of fiscal policy to monetary policy.
problems in implementing fiscal policy

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(Political Science)

a. Political Science: Nature, Scope and Method and its relation to other Social Sciences.
b. Selected Thinkers: Plato, Aristotle, Machievelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, J.S.Mill
and Karl Marx. c. Comparative Political Systems: U.K, U.S.A. d. Constitution: Its
meaning and significance: Methods of establishing constitution. Requisites of a good
constitution. Comparative study of constitutional features of U.K., U.S.A; India and
Bangladesh. e. Forms of Government: Democracy and Dictatorship; Unitary and Federal:
Parliamentary and Presidential Governments. Organs of Government: Legislature:
Executive and Judiciary: Separation of Powers; Electorate: Political Parties and Public
Opinion. f. Emergence of Bangladesh: Language Movement of 1952: Elections of 1954;
Autonomy. Movement and the 6 - Point Programme: Mass upsurge of 1969; Election of
1970; War of Liberation and birth of the new nation. Bangladesh Constitution 1972;
Major features; Working and amendments. g. Major Political Trends: Awami League
Government; Military intervention and the Zia Regime; Ershad Rule and the struggle for
democracy: The role of political parties; Elections of 1991, 1996 and 2001 and the
formation of Parliamentary Government.

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Part-1: History of Bengal (Selected topics)

a. Pala rule in Bengal: Rise of the Palas; Dharmapala, Devapala and Mahipala l, b. The
Mauryan Empire: Sources of Mauryan History, Chandragupta Maurya: Origin life, extent
of his Empire, administrative system and achievements. c. The Gupta: Rise of the Guptas,
Chandragupta-l, Samudragupta. Chandragupta - 11 (Vikramaditya of the Legend), the
Account of Fa-hien, Gupta administration, Gupta Civilization. Golden Age of Ancient
India, Later Gupta Kings and the Downfall of the Guptas. d. Muslim Rule in Bengal:
Bakhtiyar Khalji, Iliyas Shah, Alauddin Hussain Shah; Mughal occupation of Bengal and
the Bara Bhuiyas, Shayesta Khan and Murshid Quli Khan. e. British rule in Bengal: Battle
of Palashi, Permanent Settlement. Reform movement in Bengal, Partition of Bengal, 1905.
Part-2: History of the Indian Sub-continent (Since 1526) (Selected topics): a. History
of civilization: Indias valley and Vedic civilization; b. Mughal rule: Babur, Humayun and
Sher Shah, Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan, Aurangzeb, fall of Mughal rule. c. British rule:
Battle of Buxer and the grant of Diwani: Consolidation of British rule: Waren Hastings and
Cornwallis, Expansion of British rule Wellesley and Dalhousi, Social and Administrative
reforms: Ripon and Bentinck, War of 1857. Growth of Nationalism: Indian National
Congress, the Muslim League, Swadeshi and Khilafat Movements. Acts of 1919 and 1935,
Lahore Resolution and the Partition of 1947.
Part-3: Emergence of Bangladesh: Language Movement of 1952. Election of 1954 and
the United Front Ministry. Six-point movement and the mass upsurage of 1969, in
Liberation war and the Emergence of Bangladesh 1971.

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(Islamic History & Culture)

a. Social, political and economic conditions of Arabia at the time of the advent of Islam.
b. Rise of Islam: Prophet Muhammad (Sm.), the pious Caliphate. c. The Ummayads:
Muabivah, Abdut Malek, Al-Walid, Umar bin Abdul Aziz, fall of the Ummyads. d. Rise of
the Abbasids: Al-Munsur, Harun-ur Rashid, Al Mamun fail of the Abbasids. e. Rise and Fall
of Muslim Rule in Spain. f. Arab conquest of Sind, Mahmud Ghaznavi, foundation of
Muslim rule in India: Muhammad Ghori. Qutubuddin Aibak, Iltutmish, Balban, Alauddin
Khalji, Muhammad bin Tughluq, fall of the Delhi Sultanate. g. Advent of the Mughals:
Babor, Humaun and Sher Shah, Akber, Jahangir. Shalijahan, Aurangeb, Advent of the
Europeans: Battles of Palashi and Buzar, War of Independence, 1857. h. Religion: Five
pillars of lslam The Quran, Hadith, Four Sunni Schools of law, Shifilcs, Kharijites.
Mutazilites, Ashantes, Kuslim Jurisprudence. i. Muslim art: Attitude of Islam Towards Art
and Painting - Early paintings in Islam: Sources & Subject-Niatter of Muslim painting,
Schools of painting and their Characteristics. j. Pattern of Muslim architecture: Prophet's
Mosque at Madinah. Great Mosque of Damascus- Place of Qusayr Amra. Cardova Mosque.
Abbasid Mosques at Samarra, Shahi Jam E Mosjid. Delhi-Taj Mahal of Agra, 60 Dorned
Mosque at Bagerhat, Panch Bibi's Tomb at Lalbagh (Dhaka).

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(i) Introduction: The nature and scope of philosophy, its relation to science, religion and
life. (ii) Epistemology Rationalism, Empiricism, Criticism (kant) and Intuitionism.
Idealism Vs. Realism. (iii) Theories of Evolution: Creation and Evolution, Mechanical
and Emergent Evolution. (iv) Theories of Reality: Spiritualism, Materialism and Idealism,
Monism and Pluralism. Philosophy of Mind: Mind as a substance, The Idealist and the
Materialist theories of the self. Theories of the mind body relation. (vi) God:
Pantheism and theism, Proofs for the Existence of God. (vii) Traditional Logics:
Definition; Deductive and inductive logic, sentence and proposition A.E.LO,
Propositions. Different aspects of syllogism. (viii) Symbolic Logic: What is symbolic
Logic, Truth and Validity, Different kinds of Arguments, Truth Table, Formal Proofs of
Validity. (ix) Some Theological Trends of Muslim philosophy: The Qadarites, The
Jabarites, The Mutazilas and The Asharites and their Philosophical views. (x) The
Muslim Thinkers: AI-Kindi, Al-Farubi, lbn-e-Sina and Al-Ghazali. (xi) Indian
Philosophy: The philosophy of Charaka, The Buddhism and the philosophy of Vedanta.
(xii)Moral Theories: Moral Judgement, Motive and Intension. Theories of Moral
Standard: Perfectionism, Kants theory of categorical Imperative, Hedonism and
Utilitarianism. (xiii) Some Contemporary Trends: Existentialism, Analytic Philosophy
and Pragmatism.

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(i) The Sociological Perspective: The origins and growth of sociology, nature and scope,
theoretical perspectives. Sociology and other social sciences. (ii) The Process of
Sociological Research: Sociology and scientific research, the research process, Sociology
as science, research method and techniques. Objectives and ethics in social research. (iii)
Culture: Definitions, components of culture, the diversity and unity of culture, cultural
integration and cultural change. (iv) Social Institutions: Family and marriage, definitions,
forms and functions of family, types of marriage, recent trends in family and marriage;
Economic Institutions: Contemporary economic systems capitalism, socialism, economic
system of developing countries property; Political Institutions: state, political systems,
power, authority, leadership, political parties, bureaucracy, nature of civil society and
democratization in developing countries; religion: definition, varieties theories, religion and
social change, mass media, growth of media press radio, television, internet, impact of mass
media and global culture. (v) Society and Social Structure: The Units of social structurestatus role groups, institutions; types of societies: hunting and gathering societies.
Horticultural societies, pastoral societies, agrarian societies, industrial societies, post
industrial/post-modern societies. (vi) Social Differences and Social Inequality: Principles of
stratification major forms: slavery, estate, caste, class and status group: theories of
stratifications: functionalist theories, conflict theories, Lens Ki's theory. Social structure
and differentiation; by age, gender, ethnicity, social class and social mobility: stratification
pattern in Bangladesh. (vii) Socialization: Definitions, formation of the self-James cooley
and the social self, mead and the self process, Goffman and the presentation of self;
Socialization process, agents of socialization. (viii) Deviance and Social Control: Nature of
deviance and crime. sociological theories of crime and deviance; Social control - agencies
of social control: Religion, art, public opinion, education, mass media custom and law, state
and government. Family, Agencies of social control with particular reference to
Bangladesh. (ix) Population, People and Their Environment: Basic demographic concepts,
the growth of populations, theories of populations, composition of the population.
Population patterns in modern and developing nations; population resources and the
environment; human impact on the natural world; environmental movements. (x) Urban
Development and Community: Urban versus rural life- the origin and growth of the cities,
urbanization after the industrial revolution, urban life and change, metropolitan problems
and the urban crisis. (xi) Social change: Definitions, sources of change, social change and
modernization. Types of change major theories of change: change, progress and
evolution. Social History of Bangal: Impact of Muslim rule, British rule and its impact,
developments of middle class, emergence of Bangladesh, tribes of Bangladesh. Racial
characteristics of the population of Bangladesh, rural development in Bangladesh, role of
BARD and other similar organizations in rural development including NGO's.

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(Social Welfare/Social Work)

a. Definition, objectives, history and scope of modern Social Welfare and Social work.
Religious teachings and Welfare-Islam, Hinduism. Buddhism- Christianity. b. Nature of
social work in pre and post industrial society with special reference to lndo-Pak-Bangladesh
sub-continent. c. Industrial Revolution and its impact on social life: the emergence of new
social problems and social services, d. Basic human needs: Food, clothing, shelter, health,
education and their bearing on human life and welfare, with special reference to Bangladesh.
e. Major social evils and social problems in Bangladesh: poverty, unemployment, ill health,
beggary, over-population, illiteracy, drug addiction, crime and delinquency, slum and urban
problems, family violence, child labour, gender discrimination, immoral trafficking, their
causes, effects and remedies. f. Constitutional guarantee of social welfare and social security
in Bangladesh, Social welfare in the national five year plans of Bangladesh g. Definition,
scope, principles and significance of Social Case work, Social Group Work- Community
Organization and Community Development. h. Social Case work as a problem-solving
process its elements, steps methods and significance of Rapport. i. Social Group Work.
Community Organization and Community Development as a problem solving process: its
elements, steps, methods and importance. Definition and role of Social Administration.
Social Research and Social Action in promoting Social Welfare in Bangladesh. k.
Significance of Social legislations to bring about Social reforms in Bangladesh. l. Some
national NGOs and international agencies working in Bangladesh: Their composition, role,
contribution and future prospects in national development: BRAC, Grameen Bank,
Proshika, ADAB, Bangladesh Diabetic Association. Bangladesh Probin Hitoishi Shangha,
CARE, World Vision, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.

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1. Introduction: Definition and nature of Psychology. Psychology as a Science. Fields

of Psychology: Experimental, Physiological, Clinical, Counseling, Industrial,
Educational, Social and Development Psychology. Methods of Psychology:
Experimental, observational, Clinical, Case histories, Survey Method.
2. Learning: Definition and nature of Learning. Factors of Learning. Classical
Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Cognitive Learning, Latent Learning, Insightful
Learning: Memory and forgetting, Ways of measuring memory. General causes of
3. Perception: The nature of Perception. Selectivity in Perception.
1. Form Perception: Figure and ground, contour, Perceptual organization. Depth
perception: Monocular and Binocular cues to depth perception. Perception of
movement, Illusion and Hallucination.
4. Motivation and Emotion: Defining Motivation, Motivation Cycle, and Classification
of motives, Biological motives, Social motives, and Motivation theories. Nature of
emotion, Theories of emotion, Physiological changes in emotion. Behavioral changes
in emotion, Dealing with emotional behaviour.
5. Personality and Intelligence: Nature of personality. Determinants and Measuring of
personality. Type of personality. Definition of Intelligence. Concept of I.Q.
Measurement of Intelligence.
6. Socialization: Nature of Socialization. Process and agents of socialization. Effect of
Socialization. Impact of Culture on Personality.
7. Attitude and Job satisfaction: Characteristics and components of attitude.
Formation and change in attitude. Measurement of attitude and Job satisfaction.
8. Measurement and Evaluation: Need for measurement. Goals of the student
evaluation system. Characteristics of objective and Essay type tests.
9. Group and intergroup behaviour: Group dynamics, crowds, Rumour. prejudices.
Group cohesiveness, Sociometry inter group behaviour Conflict commitment, power
and politics.
10. Leadership: Definition approaches to the study of leadership, functions and types of
leaders; Effective leadership and its determinants. Leadership theories.
11. Psychology of being a teacher: Characteristics and behaviours of effective teacher.
Teacher as a Learner, Teacher-Student interaction, Teacher Centered approach to

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Vectors: Scalar triple product: Vectors triple product, scalar and rector fields, gradient,
divergence & curl and their physical significance.
Mechanics: Newton's laws of motion: Force, definition and units: Frictional force:
Centripetal and centrifugal forces. Work, energy and power: Definitions, Work done by
constant force. Work done by variable force, kinetic energy; potential energy and
principle of conservation of energy, Mass-energy relation, Freely falling body
Collisions: Impulse and momentum. Conservation of liner momentum. Elastic and
inelastic collisions. Rotation: Angular velocity. Angular acceleration. Uniformly
accelerated angular motion, Torque, Kinetic energy of rotation, Moment of inertia.
Gravitation. Newton's law of gravitation, Cavendish's and Boys exnerimeoi for
determination of G, Variation in acceleration due to gravity, Gravitational field and
Gravitational potential, Simple and compound pendulum.
Properties of Matter: Elasticity: Stress and strain, Hock's Law, Determination of
Young's modulus and rigidity modulus, Torsion of a cylinder, Bending moment and
cantilever. Surface Tension: Molecular concept, Surface energy and surface tension,
Angle of contact, Determination of surface tension by capillary method. Viscosity:
Streamline and turbulent motion, Bernoulli's equation, Poiseull's equation,
Determination of co-efficient of viscosity using capillary flow method.
Wave and sound: Transverse and longitudinal wave, Traveling and stationary wave,
Resonance. Sources and propagation of sound - Velocity of sound, Beat, Doppler effect,
Transverse vibration of a string, sonometer, Kundt's tube, Resonance air column,
Heat, Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Eases Thermometer,
Thermodynamics Resistance thermometers, Thermocouple Thermalexpansion.
Mechanical equivalent of heat, Quantity of heat, Specific heat and heat capacity.
Transfer of heat: Condiction, Determination of conductivity by Sea method,
Convection, Radiation. Siefen-Boltzman law. Thermodynamics: First law of
thermodynamics. Difference between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas, Adiabatic process
for an ideal gap, Second law of Thermodynamics Reversible and irreversible
processes, Carnot cycle, Efficiency of I engine, Joule-Thompson effect. Kinetic theory
of gasses: Basic assumptions Equation of State of an ideal gas, Kenetic interpretation
of temperature and pressure, Mean free path, Vander Waal equation.
Electricity and Magnetism: Charge and Matter, Electric field, Point charge in an
electric field, Dipole in an electric field. Gauss's law and Coulomb's law: Application
to a spherically symmetric charge distribution and charge sheet; Electric potential:
Potential and field strength, Potential due to a point charge, Due to a dipole,
Calculation of E from V. Capacitance and dielectric: Calculation of capacitance,
Dielectric and Gauss's law, Energy storage in dielectric. Current and circuits: Ohm's
law, Receptivity and atomic view. Electrometric force, Kirchoffs law whetstone
bridge, Potentiometer. Magnetic field: definition of B, Ampere's law, Biot-Savart law-.
Magnetic force on a current, Torque on a current loop, Electric meters. Faraday's law:
Inductance, Energy density and the magnetic field Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and
Fero-magnetism. Electromagnetic Oscillation: LC oscillation, Maswell's field
equations. Alternating current: Alternating emf, LCR Circuit, Effective or RMS value
of alternating voltage and current.

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Optics: Nature and propagation of light: Light and the electromagnetic spectrum,
Velocity of light, Huygen's principle and the laws of reflection and refraction. Total
internal reflection. Interference and Diffraction: Young's experiment, Coherence.
Michelson's in- terferomater. Diffraction from single slit, double slit and grating, Xray diffraction and Bragg's law. Polarisation: Plane polarisation, Circular
Polarisation. Polarisation.
8. Modern Physics: Theory of relativity Postulates of special theory, Lorentz
transformation. Quantum Physics: Radiation. Planck's radiation formula,
Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Bohr's theory and hydrogen atom De Broglie
matter wave, Uncertainity principle.
9. Nuclear Physics: The atomic nucleus: Nuclear constituents. Force between nucleus
and nuclear radius, Binding energy and mass defect radioactivity. Fusion and
fission: Elementary idea, nucleus reactors. Elementary Particles: General idea,
Particle accelerators.
10. Solid State Physics: Crystalline nature of solids: Bind theory of solids. Semiconductors, Diode and transistor.
11. Quantum Mechanics: Physical Basis: Failures of classical mechanics and
emergence of quantum mechanics. Bohr atom model and Old quantum theory;
Unitization of the phase integral, The particle in a box, Shortcomings of the old
quantum theory, Wave particle duality, De Booglie wavelength. The Basic Concept
of Quantum Mechanics: The uncertainty principle. Postulates of quantum
mechanics: (a) Interpretive postulates and (b) Physical postulates (i) The
correspondence principle and (ii) The complementary principle; Operators and its
properties. Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues, Scalar product of two functions and
orthogonality relations of any function (x); The Heisenberg uncertainty relations for
arbitary observables, Momentum eigenfunctions, Completeness.
12. Electronics: History of electronics: Electronic vs. Electricity, Vacuum diode, triode- I
Semiconductor Diode Semiconductor diode, P-n junction forward /reverse bias. I.V
curve, Diode equation, Ge and Si diode, Breakdown: Avalanche and Zener
mechanism. PIV rating, DC and AC resistence. Load line ard Q-point, Diode
equivalent, Circuit. Maximum current and power dissipation rating, Reverse recovery
time, Ohmmeter, Testing of diode, Zenner diode, Compound semi-conductors, LED
(basic concepts), Photodiode & Solar Cell (basic characteristics).

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Gaseous State: The gas laws, Ideal gas equation, Kinetic theory and its application to
ideal gases, Deviation from ideal behaviour, Vender Waals equation, Dalton's law of
partial pressure; The critical state and critical constants, liquefaction of gases.
Solutions: Solubility, Henny's law, Raoult's law, Ideal and nonideals solutions,
Colligative properties of solutions, Effect of electrolytes on colligative properties,
Buffer solutions.
Thermochemistry and thermodynamics/Energetics in Chemistry: Work and heat,
Internal energy, Three laws of thermodynamics and their application, Enthalpy,
Enthalpy changes in various chemical and physical processes, Joule-Thomson effect,
Entropy, Spontaneity and reversibility of chemical reaction, Hess's law and its
application, Bond enthalpy.
Phase Equilibrium: Phase, Components and degrees of freedom. Phase rule,
Application in one component system like water and sulfur, Completely and
partially miscible liquid paris.
Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics: Equilibrium in chemical reactions
and the equilibrium law, Kp-Kc and Kx measurements and effect of temperature;
Pressure of Kx measurement, Degree of dissociation, Equilibrium constant. Ostwald
dilution law, Concentratyion change on dissociation of solids, Solubility product,
Common ion effect, pH and buffer solution. Rate equation, Order reaction,
Molecularity, Rate constant, Zero, first and second order reaction, Effect of
temperature on the rate of reaction.
Electrochemistry and its scope: Electrolytes and non electrolytes, Inonic mobility
and conductance, Electrochemical cells, pH, Electrode potentials-emf of cells,
Transport number and their determination, Electrolytic and galvanic cells, Hulf cells,
Different types of electrodes, Standard Hydrogen electrode, Measurements of
electrolytic conductance.
Atomic Structure: Nuclear model of the atom, Nuclear structure, Isotopes, Isobars,
Isotons, Quantum number and atomic orbital, Electronic structure of atoms, Electron
spin and the Pauli exclusion principle, Hund's rule; Aufbau principle, Electronic
Periodic Table and Classification of Elements: The modern periodic tables,
Usefulness and, limitations of the periodic tables, Periodic properties, Atomic
radius, Ionization energy, Electron affinity and electronegativity.
Modern Concepts of Chemical Bonds and Bonds Type: Ionic bonds-energy
involved in ionic bonding, ionic radii, Covalent bonds, Lewis formulas, Co-ordinate
covalent bonds, Octet rule, Multiple bonds, Polar covalent bonds-electronegativity,
Delocatized bonding resonance, Bond length, Bond order, Bond energy, Valance
bond theory, Molecular orbital theory, Metallic bond, Hydrogen bond, Vander Waals
Structure of molecules
Radioactivity, Nuclear reactions and Atomic energy
Acids and Bases: Arnhenius concept, Booronsted-Lowry concept, Lewis concept,
Acid-base strength, Molecular structure and acid strength, Self ionization of water
and pH.
Oxidation and Reduction

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14. Common elements and their important compounds and their uses: Hydrogen,
Group 1 or IA (The alkali metals). Group 2 or IIA (The alkaline earth metals),
Group IIA, Group IVA, Group VA, Group VIA. Group VIIA (Halogens), The noble
Gases, Transition Metals.
15. General Concepts on the Following: Aliphatic and aromatic compounds.
Heterocylic compounds, Bonding in organic compound, Covalent bonds, Atomic
orbitals, Hybridization of orbital, Functional group, Bond angles. Polar and nonpolar molecules, Shape of molecules. Carbanion, Carbocation, Free radicals and
their stability. Structure of organic molecules. General concepts of nucleophilic,
electrophilic and free radical mechanism of organic reactions.
16. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (Alkanes, Cycloalkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes):
Structure, Nomenclature, Preparation and Properties of Alkenes, Geometrical
isomerism of alkenes, Cis-Trans and E-Z systems, Mechanism of electrophilic
addition, Markownikov's rule, Polymer of alkenes, Physical and Chemical Properties
of alkanes and cyclo alkanes, Configuration and conformation, Optical isomerism of
alkanes, CisTrans isomerism on cycloalkanes. Wurtz reaction. Free radical
mechanism of halogenation, Electrophlic addition reaction of alkynes, Preparation
and reaction of Alkynes; Important organic synthesis starting from alkynes, acidity
of alkynes.
17. Aromatic hydrocarbons: Source, structure, bonding in benzene. Concept of
aromaticity. Hueckel rule, Mechanism of electrophlic Substitution in aromatic rings,
Halogenation, Nitration. Sulfonation, Friedel-crafts atkylation and acylation.
Benzene derivatives. nomenclature and their preparation, 'Resonance, Disubstitution
in benzene ring, Orientation in bewene ring and its derivatives, Activation and
deactivation in aromatic disubstitution.
18. Alkyl and Aryl Halides: Structure, Nomenclature, Preparation, Properties,
Mechanism of substitution and elimination reaction, Grignard reagent synthesis and
19. Alcohol, Phenols & Ether: Structure, Nomenclature, classification of mono hydric
alcohol and phenol and their reactions, Distinction between different types of
20. Adehydes, Ketones and Acids: Nomenclature, useual methods of preparation and
reactions of aldehydes and ketones, Nucleophlic addition to carbonyl compound,
Cannizzaro reaction, Aldo1 condensation reaction, Penkin, Knoevenagel and witting
reaction, Acidity, Resonance effect and inductive effect on acidity, Preparation and
reaction of carboxilic acid.
21. Amines: Aliphatic & Aromatic: Nomenclature, Preparation, reaction of amines;
Hoffman degradation; Nomenclature, Preparation and reaction of diazonium salts;
Coupling reaction; Chemistry of nitro compounds: Separations of amines.
22. Carbohydrates, Amino acids and proteins, Nucleic acid
23. Environmental Chemistry: Acid rain, Green house effect, Ozone-layer depletion,
Water pollution.
24. Chemical principles of the manufacture of common organic and inorganic
industrial products under local condition.

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Part-l. Algebra (including Trigonometry): a. Inequalities: Order properties of real

number, Inequalities involving different types of means, Inequalities of Cauchy,
C'hebyshev. Weierstrass. b. Complex numbers and Demoiver's theorem with applications.
c. Summation of algebraic and trigonometric series. d. Theory of equations: Relations
between roots and co-efficients, Symmetric functions of roots, Simple transformations. e.
Linear algebra with vector spaces, Eigenvalues and Eignevectors. f. Set theory: Set and
subsets, Set operations, Cartesion product of two sets, Operations on family of sets. g.
Functions, One-one function, Onto function, Inverse functions, Domain and Range.
Part-11. Geometry (Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions): a. Pair of
straight lines. b. General equation of the second degree: Reduction of standard forms,
Properties of parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola. c. Planes and straight lines in three
dimensions, Shortest distance between two straight lines. d. Vectors in three dimensional
space with applications to geometry.
Part-III Diferential Calculas: a. Limit & Continuity b. Differentiation (including
successive differentiation) c. Means Value theorem, Taylor's theorem. d. Maxima and
Minima. e. Tangents and Normals.
Part-IV. Intigral Calculas (Including differential equations): a. Techniques of
indefinite integration b. Definite integrals: c. Determination of areas d. Defferential
equation's: Equations of first order and first degree, Linear equations with constant co efficents. The paper will consist of four parts, having 3 questions of equal value in each
part. Candidates will be required to answer six questions in all, taking at least one
question from each part but not more than two questions from any one part.

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1. Non-chordates and chordates: a. Classification upto classes b. Life history and

pathogenesity of Entamoeba and Ascaris. c. Life history of a mosquito and the role of
mosquitoes in disease transmission. d. Migration of fish, flight adaptation in birds, life
history of Toad. e. Aquatic mammals.
2. Cytology, Genetics and Evolution: a. Ultrastructure of animal cells, Nucleic acids,
Replication of DNA, Protein synthesis. b. Mendelian rations and their modifications,
Multiple allele, Sexlinked inheritance. c. Recombinant DNA technology. Production
of insulin by genetic engineering, Creation of transgenic animals.
3. Ecology, Wildlife and Zoo-geography: a. Ecosystem of a typical pond. b. Major
biomes-physical characteristics and characteristic fauna, zonation of sea. c. Zoo geographical regions, Their characteristics, Birds and mammalian fauna, Continental
drift theory. d. Causal agents of environmental degradation, Air and water pollution.
Effects on human health, Global warming. e.Wild mammalian fauna of Bangladesh,
Importance and significance of wild life preservation, National parks, Game resenes,
Sanctuaries of Bangladesh, Ecotourism and St. Martins Island.
4. Physiology and Human Reproduction: a. Physiology of digestion. Muscle
contraction, Transmission of nerve impulse and excretion with reference to man,
Carbohydrate and hormone metabolism. b. Human reproductive system, Physiology of
reproduction, Principles of population control, History of population growth and the
impact of population growth rates of national economy.
5. Embryology, Ethology, Human ecology & Biostatistics: a. Gametogenesis, Extraembryonic membrane, Fate of germinal b layers. b. Instinct behavior, Human types
and their physical features. c. Distribution, Standard deviation.
6. Economic Zoology & Radiation Biology: a. Induced spawning of carps, Carp, Prawn
and Shrimp culture, Factors responsible for decline of fisheries resources. b.
Important insect pest of rice & their biology. c. Importance of animals in medicine,
Biological control. d. Sericulture in Bangladesh. e. Types of radiation and
measurement of radiation.

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1. a. Diversities in plant kingdom and causes of diversities.

b. Characteristics of different major plant groups.
2. a. Necessity and basis of classification. b. Kinds of classification, Study of natural
(Benthum and Hooker's classification) and phylogenetic (Engler and Prantl's
classification) system of classification. c. Modern system of classification
(classification of Margulis) d. Necessity of plantation and plant conservation.
3. Scientific names, parts of plants used and economic importance of important (a)
Cereals (b) Pulses (c) Medicinal (d) Timber (e) Oil (f) Fibre (g) Vegetables and (h)
Fruits yielding plants of Bangladesh.
4. a. Elementary knowledge of structure and function of an ecosystem, Ecosystem of a
typical pond. b. Different types of forest and forest areas of Bangladesh, Their ecology
and dominant plants present therein, Causes of depletion of forest in Bangladesh and their
remedies. c. Different kinds of pollution, their causes and effects on plants and animals
and their remedies with reference to Bangladesh. d. Green house effect and green house
gasses, Ozone depletion, Desertification, aridity and drought, Salinity, Flood and water
logging condition in the light of Bangladesh, Necessary step to control of green house
effect. e. Role of plants in maintaining ecological balance.
5. a. Ultra structure of a plant cell and function of cell organclles. b. Cell division and its
significance. c. Structure of DNA and RNA. d. Mendel's laws of inheritance.
6. a. Source of energy in earth, transformation of light energy into chemical energy
reduction of CO2 (Carbon-di-oxide).
b. Respiration and potosynthesis.
7. a. Principles and control measures against plant diseases.
b. Importance of plant introduction and plant quarantine.
8. a. Importance and achievement of Biotechnology in improvement of crop plants with
special reference to Bangladesh.
b. Hybridization technique for improvement of crop plants.

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(Geography & Environmental Science)

Part 1: Physical Geography

(a) Geography as a discipline: Definition, concept, sub fields, scope and methodology. (b)
The earth as a globe: form of the earth-oblate ellipsoid. Geoid, great and small circle;
Meridians and parallel-longitude, latitude; Location and direction on the map and the
globe, Longitude and time: local time, standard time, world time zones and International
Date Line. (c) Theories on the various tectonic aspects of earth's surface process - i) Plate
tectonic process ii) Wegner's Continental Drift Theory iii) Theories on Isostasy. (d)
Materials of the earth crust, rocks and minerals. Types of rocks and their characteristics.
Weathering and denudation. Types of major Landforms. Landforms produced by the works
of river, wind glacier, sea waves etc. Volcanism and Earthquakes. Ocean currents. World soil
and vegetation types. (e) Composition of atmosphere- Factors and elements of weather and
climate. Atmospheric pressure and wind system. Airmass and fronto genesis, major world
Part 11: Human Geography
a. Economic activities: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary characteristics, world
b. Agriculture: types and major food and industrial crops; livestock and livestock products.
Forestry: major products and distribution, Fishing: Fishing industries and fisheries.
c. Mining and manufacturing industries: petroleum and coal industries; other energy
sources. Iron and steel industry and Textile industry characteristics and global
d. Service Industries: commerce and finance, trade and transportation - regional and
international context.
e. Population and human settlement. Global distribution and density of population;
population and food supply: problems of over and under population and resources
constraints. Rural and urban settlements: forms and function.
Part III: Geography of Bangladesh
Physiography and climate: production and distribution of major agriculture, mining and
industrial products, population and settlements.

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Statistics: Definition of statistics. Scope, Nature of statistical data. Attributes and

Variables, Primary data and Secondary data, Construction of frequency distribution with
its use, Classification and Tabulation, Graphical representation of data.
Measures of central tendency: Various measures of central tendency with their
advantage and disadvantage, Criteria of a good measure, Properties of mean with proof,
related theorem on measures of central tendency, Various problems, Location of mode
and median graphically.
Measures of dispersion: Various measures of dispersion, Compression among the
various measures of dispersion, Important theorems and related problems on dispersion,
Advantage and disadvantage of various measures.Moments: Moments of a distribution,
Properties of moments, Use of moments, Relation between row moments and central
moments, Related problems on moments, Skewness and kurtosis with their types, Various
measures of skewness and kurtosis, Related theorem. Regression and correlation:
Simple correlation and simple regression, Use of correlation and , regression, Difference
between correlation and regression, Properties of correlation co-efficient, Properties of
regression co-efficient, Rank correlation, Partial correlation co-efficient and Multiple
correlation co-efficient. Probability and random variable: Meaning of probability,
Definition of various terms, Laws of probability, Bayes theorem, Random variable,
Probability distribution, Distribution function, Joint probability distribution, Marginal and
conditinal distribution, Independence of random variable. Mathematical expectation:
Meaning of expectation, Properties of expectation, Variance of random variable,
Properties of variance, Conditional expectation, Conditional variance, Relation between
moments and cumulants, Characteristic function, Related problem on expectation.
Probability distributions: Binomial distribution. Poisson distribution, Normal distribution,
Hypergeometric distribution, Negative binomial distribution Geometric distribution,
Uniform distribution, Exponential distribution, Beta distribution, Properties and importance
of these distributions. Sampling Theory: Concept of sample of population, Meaning and
objective of sampling, Defination of related terms, Problems in conducting sample survey,
Advantage and disadvantage of census and survey, Sampling error and non sampling error,
Types of sampling. Deference between different types of sampling, Simple random
sampling, stratified sampling, Systematic sampling, Cluster sampling, Method of drawing
random sample, Sampling distribution derivation, Properties and use of f-distribution, tdistribution chi-square distribution, Sample variance s 2. Design of experiments:
Definition, Important steps of design of experiment. Principles of design of experiment,
Analysis of variance, Completely Randomised Design (CRD), Randomised Block Design
(RBD), Latin Square Design (LSD), Factorial experiment. Index Number: Meaning and
use of index number, Problems in construction of index numbers, Methods of constructing
index numbers. Test of index numbers, Cost of living index number. Time Series: Meaning
and use of time series analysis, Different components of I time series, Different methods of
calculating trend and seasonal variation. Interpolation: Introduction, Derivation of
different interpolation formulas, Relation between divided difference and simple difference
interpolation with unequal intervals of the arguments. Test of Significance: Basic concepts
of test of significance, Definition of the related terms, Steps in a test of significance,
Confidence interval, Construction of confidence interval, The important test. Normal test, t test, chi-square test, F-test, Test for the significance of mean, variance. Correlation coefficient, Regression co-efficient, Propertions, Test of independence in a contingency table.
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(Soil Science)

1. Soil & soil forming process: (a) Soil and soil forming' factors, (b) Physical and
chemical weathering, (c) Genesis of podsol, laterite, chernozem, saline and alkali soils. 2.
Soil classification with special reference to soils of Bangladesh. 3. Soil erosion and
conservation. 4. Soil texture, structure, soil water, soil temperature, soil organic matter,
irrigation & drainage. S. (a) Iron exchange capacity of soil, (b) Causes of soil acidity and
alkalinity, (c) Soil reaction affecting nutrient availability in soil.6. Liming: Liming
material and effects of liming on soil properties. 7. Plant nutrition: (a) Essential plant
nutrients and their availability in soil, (b) Nutrient deficiency symptoms and their
functions in the plant. 8. (a) Different chemical fertilizers and organic manures, (b) Time
and methods of fertilizer application. 9. Biological nitrogen fixation and soil fertility. 10.
Methods of soil fertility evaluation: soil testing, critical limits and fertilizer
recommendation. 11. Soil fertility problems and possible means of improvement &
sustenance of soil fertility.

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(Home Economics)

(a) Aims and objectives of Home Economics

(b) Home Management: (i) Definiton and scope of management
(ii) Critical analysis of values, goals and use of resources as effecting management
practices in homes in Bangladesh.
(iii) Socio-Cultural and economic changes and the effect upon home management.
(c) Analysis of Housing: (i) Housing design (ii) Importance of light, colour and
furnishings in a home (iii) Interior decoration.
(d) Importance of Art and its Application in Home
(e) Clothing and Textiles: (i) Textiles fibres: their classification, sources and
characteristics. (ii)Simple methods of the identification of fibres. (iii) Tailoring
techniques: general technique of drafting garments. (iv) Fashion and Design.
(f) Child Development and Family Relation: (i) Development by stages. (ii) Juvenile
Delinquency: causes and remedies. (iii)Family disruption: Its effect on children and
suggestion for family solidarity and stability. (iv) Importance of family planning,
advantages of small family.
(g) Child Psychology
(h) Food and Nutrition: (i) Definition of food and nutrition (ii) Six nutries: their
sources, functions in the body, requirements and deficiencies.(iii) Classification of fats,
proteins and carbohydrates. (iv) Properties of vitamins; vitamins in food preparation.
(v) Energy: measuring energy, energy requirement, activity and calorie requirements,
energy expenditure vs. intake, calorie content in food. (vi) Basic groups of food. (vii)
Planning diets: at different ages, pregnant mother, lactating mother, diet in disease:
diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease and jaundice. (viii) Applied Nutrition: Nutrition
problems in Bangladesh, public health activities in nutrition.

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A. Organization: i. Basic Concepts: Meaning of business basic elements, featuresbranches and their place in economy of Bangladesh, business environment, business
size-location of business efficiency of business enterprises: social responsibility of
business and its implication to society, business and Government. ii. Different form of
Business Organization: Formation, characteristics, merits and demerits of sole
Proprietorship, Partnership, Company, Cooperative society and state enterprise. iii.
Institutions for furtherance of business: Chamber of Commerce and Industries EPZEPB-PORT Authority: BGMEA. iv. Globalization: Argument in favour and against
globalization: related agency WHO, IMF, SAPTA-NAPTA-ASEAN.
B. Management: i. Introduction: Meaning-scope- Importance-Principles-Functions,
Management a science or art Management as a Profession, Basic Managerial Roles
and skills managers at different levels of the - organization. Management as a career.
ii. Planning: Meaning. Importance. types-steps-Factors affecting Planning. Planning
techniques. Limits to Planning. Making , Planning effective. Decision making ProcessNature of Managerial decision making, factors in decision making, steps in decision
making. iii. Organizing: Meaning, Importance, types of organization structure, Line
Organization, Committee-span of management. Authority. Delegation of authority,
Centralization and decentralization of authority. Co-ordination: meaning, importance,
Principles and Procedure of Co-ordination. iv. Leading: Direction: Importance and
Principles of direction, advantages and disadvantages. Consultive direction:
Communication and its importance; main elements and process of communication,
Motivation: meaning, importance, theories of motiivation-financial and non-financial
incentives-Leadership and its importance-Leadership types. Qualities of a good leader.
v. Controlling: Meaning, nature, importance, control process, requirements of an
effective Control system. Control techniques, budgetary control: Meaning and process
of budgetary control. vi. Technology in Modern Communication: Electronic Media in
oral and written Communication, (Telephone - fax-ISD-Computer-Internet-EmailMultimedia and business related software).
c. Legal Environment of Business: Law of Contract-The contract act of 1872:
Definition of a Contract, essential elements, offer and acceptance, Consideration, void
and voidable contract, performance of Contract, breach of Contract and remedy for
breach, discharge of a Contract, quasi contract, indemnity and guarantee, bailment and

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A. Financial Accounting: i. Introduction: Need and importance of Accounting, Accounting

concepts and Conventions, Double entry system of Accounting, Accounting cycle up to
Preparation of work sheet, Recent trends in Accounting. ii.Preparation of Trading. Profit
and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of sole Proprietorship. Partnership and Companies.
iii. Depreciation: Methods of depreciation: Provisions and Reserves and their treatment in
Accounting. iv. Valuation Concept: Valuation of goodwill and shares. v. Accounting
Information system: Basic concepts. Principles of Accounting information systems,
developing an Accounting system Mcchairized Accounting system.
B. Auditing: Introduction: Objectives, advantages and techniques of Auditing-system of
Internal check. Internal Control and Internal Audit. Vouching Verification and valuation
of Assets and Liabilities, Auditor Duties and LiabilitiesC. Income Tax: Income-Classes of Income- Heads of Income, General Rules underlying
Assessment of Income Tax for Individual.
D. Cost and Management Accounting: i. Introduction: Meaning, Objectives and
Advantages of Cost and Management Accounting, Cost classification. ii. Methods of
Costing. iii. Accounting for Materials, Labour and Overheads. iv. Cost-volume-Profit
Analysis: Computation of break-even point, construction of break-even chart, break-even
analysis for decision making, Changes in fixed cost, Volume. Price, Sales Mix and
Margin of Safety. v. Budgetary Control and Elementary idea of standard costing.

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1. Understanding Marketing and the Marketing Process: Marketing in a changing

world, Creating Customer value and satisfaction, Strategic Planning and the
Marketing Process, the Marketing environment.
2. Developing Marketing opportunities and strategies: Marketing research and
information systems, consumer markets and consumer buyer behaviour, Market
segmentation, targeting and positioning for competitive advantage.
3. Developing the Marketing Mix: Product and services strategy, new product
development and product life cycle strategies - pricing products, Pricing
considerations and approaches, pricing strategies, distribution channels and logistics
management, retailing and wholesaling, integrated marketing, communications
strategy. Advertising, sales Promotion and public relations, personal selling and sales
management, Direct and online marketing, the new marketing model:
4. Managing Marketing: Competitive strategies - attracting, retaining and growing
customers, the global market place, Marketing and society.
5. Measuring and Forecasting Demand: Measuring current Market Demand,
Forecasting Future Demand.
6. Marketing and society: Social Responsibility and Marketing. Ethics. Social
criticisms of marketing, Citizen and Public Action to Regulate Marketing, Business
Actions Towards socially Responsible Marketing.
7. The Global Marketplace: Looking at the Global Marketing Environment, Deciding
whether to go International marketing, Deciding which Markets to Enter, Deciding
How to enter the market, Deciding on the Global Marketing program, Deciding on the
Global Marketing organization.
8. Designing and Managing value, Networks and Marketing Channels: The
Marketing channels, Network-What work is performed by marketing channels,
Channels design decisions-Channel dynamics, Channel management decisions,
Channel conflict, Cooperation and competition.
9. Dealing with Competition: The Process of analyzing Competitors Market leaders
strategies-Market nicher strategies.

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1. Introduction: Definition; Functions and Classifications of Finance, Scope and
Functions of business finance, Principles of Finance, Goal of a firm, Profit
maximization versus wealth maximization.
2. Source of Finance: Internal and external finance, Short term financing characteristics
and types, Calculation of effective interest rate of different sources of short -term
3. Intermediate term financing: Defirition, Characteristics, Types and sources,
Advantages and disadvantages; Cost of intermediate term financing, Methods of
repayment schedule.
4. Long term Financing: Definition, Characteristics, Importance. Sources of long term
finance and methods of raising long term fund, Instruments of long-term financingCommon stock, Preferred stock capital, Debt capital, Advantages and disadvantages
of long term financing.
5. Time value of money: Concept and importance, Time value of money.
Compounding, Discounting present value and terminal value, Use of present value
table, Value of an annuity, loan amortization schedule.
6. Capital Budgeting: Importance and application of the concept of capital budgeting,
Types of investment decisions, Steps in Capital Budgeting, Techniques of Capital
budgeting, Pay back period method. Average rate of return, NPV, IRR, Profitability
index method and capital rationing.
7. Cost of Capital: Significance of cost of capital, Meaning of opportunity cost,
Different sources of capital and its cost, Weighted average cost of capital and
Marginal cost of capital.
8. Risk Return Analysis: Capital budgeting under uncertainity, Portfolio management.
9. Financial statement analysis: Definition, Nature, uses and importance of ratio
analysis, Types of ratio analysis: liquidity ratio, leverage ratio, activity & Profitability
10. Lease financing: Definition, Contents, features, types, advantages and disadvantages,
leasing versus borrowing decision.
11. Capital Market: Definition, Constitutions - their role functions of stock exchange,
Procedures of trading in securities in stock exchange of Bangladesh, Security and
Exchange Commission (SEC).
12. Working Capital Management: The concept of working Capital, Relationship
between current assets and current liabilities, Components of working Capital,
determinants of working capital, Working capital cycles, Estimating working capital
13. Dividend Theories: Divident Payments Factors influencing dividend Policy, Theories
of dividend Policy, Types of dividend policy, cash dividend versus stock dividend,
stock split, relationship between dividend policy and method of financing, relationship
between dividend policy & value of a Campany, Walter Model, Gordon model. MM
Hypothesis, Relevance of dividend policy-market imperfections.

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(Library and Information Science)


Definition, Nature and scope of library and information science. Development of library and its rule
in the society with a special reference to Bangladesh.


History of Books and Libraries

Story of books and writing materials from earliest time to modern time.


Collection Development
Principles and policies of collection development, Evaluation & selection of library materials in
different types of libraries, National book policy of Bangladesh.


Library Management
Principles of library management, Elements of library management, Library cooperation and
resource sharing. Censorship, Copyright law & library legislation.


Organizations of Library Materials (Classification)

Purpose of classification; Knowledge & book classification. Criteria and principles of book
classification, Notation, Criteria of a good notation.


Organizations of Library Materials (Cataloguing)

Purpose and functions of library catalogue and indices. Criteria of a good catalogue, Catalogue aids,
Importance & types of indices. Rule Of indexing.


Importance of bibliographical control, Kinds of bibliography, Difference between bibliography &
catalogue, Methods of preparing bibliography.


Information Sources
Information sources & their services in modern library and information centres.


Documentation and Information Retrieval

Difference between librarianship and documentation, -Active documentation and passive
documentation, Documentation services and information retrieval in B.D. Library computerization.


Recent development in library science and information technology.

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Arabic (College)

















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(Islamic Studies)

















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)Arabic (Madrasa


( )


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1. Factors affecting growth, development, yield and desirable qualities of crops. 2.

Important morphological characters and production technology of some important (a)
cereals, (b) pulses, (c) vegetables, (d) fruits, (e) sugar, (f) oil, (g) fibre, (h) narcotic, (i)
beverage, (j) medicinal and (k) timber yielding plants of Bangladesh with their scientific
name. 3. Concept on cropping pattern, multiple cropping, crop rotation, crop
diversification, crop calendar, irrigation, drainage and other intercultural operations. 4. (a)
Methods of vegetative propagation of some important vegetable crops and fruit trees, (b)
Vegetable seed production techniques. 5. (a) Necessity and basis of classification of plant
kingdom, (b) Salient features of natural and phylogenetic classification of plant kingdom,
(c) Necessity of scientific naming of plants. 6. Cell & cell division: (a) Concept and
structure of a plant cell, (b) Functions of different important organelles of cell, (c) Types
and mechanism of different cell division and their importance. 7. Plant physiology: (a)
Photosynthesis, (b) Respiration, (c) Transpiration, (d) Photopetiodism. 8. Environmental
pollution: (a) Causes, harmful effects and remedies of different environmental pollution
(air, water and soil), (b) Causes of green house effect and its remedies, (c) Possible causes
of forest depletion in Bangladesh, its harmful effects and remedies. 9. (a) Concept of pest,
pesticide and pest management, (b) Methods of pest control, (c) Integrated pest
management system. 10. Scientific name with family, nature of damage and control
measures of major insect pests of important (a) cereals, (b) pulses, (c) vegetables, (d) fruits,
(e) sugar, (f) oil and (g) fibre yielding plants of Bangladesh. 11. Scientific name of the
pathogen, symptoms and control measures of major diseases of important (a) cereals, (b)
pulses, (c) vegetables, (d) fruits, (e) sugar, (f) oil and (g) fibre yielding plants of
Bangladesh.12. Plant nutrition: (a) Essential plant nutrients, their deficiency symptoms and
functions, (b) Different chemical fertilizers and organic manures, (c) Time and methods of
fertilizer application, (d) Biological nitrogen fixation. 13. Soil fertility management: Soil
fertility problems and possible means of improvement of soil fertility. 14. (a) Mendel's laws
of inheritance and their major modifications, (b) Methods of plant breeding: Introduction,
selection, hybridization, mutation, polyploidy, (c) Chemical composition of DNA & RNA,
(d) Concept on heritability, heterosis and hybrid. (e) Methods of conservation of plant
genetic resources, (f) Concept on a new variety release system. 15. Biotechnology and
tissue culture: Concept, scope, application and importance in plant improvement. 16. The
principles and practices of agricultural extension. 17. Agroforestry: Its concept, scope,
importance and classification.

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Computer Science)

Computer Science:
1. Introduction to Computer System: History, Basic organization of computer, Computer gen erations,
Types of computer.

Programming Language: Overview of C, C++ and JAVA; Constants, variables and data types;
Operator& Expression; Managing Input & Output Operators; Decision making and branching;
Decision making and looping. Arrays; Handling of character string; User-defined function; Structure
and union; Pointers; File management.


Data Structure: Array, Linked lists: Stacks, Queues, Recursion: Trees: Graphs:


Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory, Re lations, Functions, Graph Theory, Algebraic Systems, group
theory, homomorphism, Mathematical reasoning, Theories with induction. Recurrence functions.


Object Oriented Programming: Principles of Object-Oriented Programming; Tokens, Expressions and

Control Structure; Functions; Classes and objects; Constructors and Destructors; Operator
Overloading, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulation.


Operating System: Definition and types OS, OS Structures: Processes: CPU scheduling: Process
Synchronization: Deadlocks: Memory management: Virtual Memory: File Concept: File System


Digital Logic Design: Number systems and codes, Boolean algebra, De Morgan's theorems, logic gates
and their truth tables, combinational logic circuits, karnaugh map method, decoder, encoder,
multiplexed, and demultiplexer, Flip flop, Asynchronous and synchronous counters, D/A converter
circuitry, A/D converter circuitry.


Algorithm: Analysis of algorithm, design of algorithm, mathematical foundation of algorithm,

asymptotic notations, summations, recurrences, sets etc. Divide and Conquer Algorithms: The Greedy
method: Dynamic programming: Basic Traversal & Search technique: Backtracking: Branch and


Database Management System: Database system concept, Data abstraction; Database languages: Data
management; Database system structure. Database model, Relational algebra and SQL. Database design,
Indexing, Normalization.

10. Computer Organization and Architecture: Instruction sets, Addressing modes; Types of Instruction;
Computer System: Computer Arithmetic: Memory Organization, Caching, Input-Output Organization:
Central Processing Unit, Control Units, Fundamentals of parallel and distributed processing.
11. Software Engineering: Paradigms, Requirements Analysis Fundamentals, Software Design
Fundamentals, Software Testing Techniques and Strategies, Software Management and Maintenance
Technique, CASE.
12. Numerical Analysis: Numerical solution of polynomials, Numerical solution of simultaneous linear
equation: Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation, Direct methods for systems of l inear
equations, Iterative techniques for systems of linear equations.
13. Computer Graphics: Graphics Hardware, Scan Conversion, Geometric Transformations, Projection,
Visible Surface Determination, Illumination and Shading.
14. Computer Design: Introduction to compiler, A simple one pass compiler, Lexical analysis, Basic
parsing technique, Syntax Directed Translation, Runtime Environment, Intermediate code
generation, Code generation, Code optimization.
15. Computer Network: Basic computer network concept; Network s tructure; Network software;
Reference model; OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, X.25 Networks. Frame Relay, ATM Network,
Medium Access sub-layer, Network Layer, Optical Fiber Network, Application Layer. Cryptography
and cryptographic algorithms, Cryptography and network security.

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(Computer Operation-BM)



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(Entrepreneur Development-BM)

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