Human Trafficking Essay

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What does the security issue look like when reflected through

that theory?

In order to present this issue, Human Security was applied as a framework

because it is the most appropriate theory to look at the multiples consequences
that human trafficking has on the society and on individuals. Human security
focuses not on the military part but on the societal and political factors that
reduce the security of a state Shelley (2009; p10). This shows exactly that
trafficking is an economic and human rights issue that calls for a regional
solution. This security issue reflected through Human Security theory illustrates
that human trafficking fulfils almost all the aspect considered as human security
issues. For example, the fact that individuals are seen as the main victims,
followed by the community. The victims are predisposed to hunger, affronts to
human dignity, disease, the threats to the livelihoods, in addition to other
According to the 1994 Report, Human Security is divided in includes seven
specific elements that comprise human security: economic security (e.g.,
freedom from poverty); food security (e.g., access to food); health security (e.g.,
access to health care and protection from disease); environmental security (e.g.
environmental pollution); personal security (e.g., physical safety from such
things as torture, war, criminal attacks, domestic violence, drug use, suicide, and
even traffic accidents); community security (e.g., survival of traditional cultures
and ethnic groups as well as the physical security of these groups); and political
security (e.g., enjoyment of civil and political rights, and freedom from political
Personal security is the most affected when comes to human trafficking because
the victims experience psychological and physical harm, including diseases, has
often permanent effects violating human values like the right to life, the right to
freedom and the right to security. Personal security can be defined as the lack of
physical safety from such things as torture, criminal attacks and domestic
violence. Exploitation of prostitution of others or other forms of sexual
exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery
Human security engaged the broad principles of freedom from want and freedom
from fear. The persons that are trafficked experience the Freedom from Fear,
because they are private from liberty; nowadays it is considered a modern form
of slavery and constitutes violation of the human rights. All trafficking victims
share one essential experience: the loss of freedom.
The European enlargement comes along with the Freedom of movement of
individuals is one of the main objectives stated in the Rome Treaty that must be
achieved in order to accomplish a common market.

According to the United Nations (UN), trafficking in persons "shall mean the
recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means
of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of
deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving
or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having
control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall
include, at a minimum, the exploitation of prostitution of others or other
forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or
practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.

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