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of Ethics

IEEE Board of Governors established steering
committee (May, 1993).

ACM Council endorsed Commission on

Software Engineering (Late 1993).

Joint steering committee established by both

societies (January, 1994).

Joint Commission Steering

4 goals:
Adopt standard definitions.
Define required body of knowledge and
recommended practices.

Define ethical standards.

Define educational curricula for undergraduate,

graduate (Masters), and continuing education (for

retraining and migration).

Joint Commission Steering

3 initial task forces:
Software engineering body of knowledge and
recommended practices.

Software engineering ethics and professional


Software engineering curriculum.

Review of available computing and engineering

The American Association of Engineering Societies

Accreditation Board for Engineering Technology
ACMs Code of Ethics for Professional Conduct
The British Computer Society Code of Practice
Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals
Engineers Council for Professional Development
The IEEE Code of Ethics
National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics
Project Management Institute Code of Ethics

8 Key Principles:
Client and Employer

Numerous commentaries
Consensus discussions
ACM and IEEE surveys
Further review and modification

Code of Ethics Feedback

Sent to all software engineers with -

concentrated on ACM or IEEE members.

All 8 principle areas surveyed.

Response options range:

Strongly Favor Favor Uncertain Oppose Strongly Oppose

Principle 1: Products
1.01 Ensure adequate software

1.09 Ensure adequate

1.02 Understand specifications

1.10 Promote privacy of

1.03 Ensure you are suitably

1.11 Use data

1.04 Ensure all goals are

1.12 Delete outdated

1.05 Ensure proper methodology

1.13 Identify and




1.06 Ensure good project


1.07 Ensure all estimates are


1.08 Ensure adequate


testing and debugging



and flawed data

address contentious

1.14 Promote maximum

quality and minimum cost

1.15 Follow appropriate

industry standards

Principle 2: Public
2.01 Disclose any software-related dangers
2.02 Approve only safe, well tested software
2.03 Only sign documents in area of competence
2.04 Cooperate on matters of public concern
2.05 Produce software that respects diversity
2.06 Be fair and truthful in all matters
2.07 Always put the publics interests first
2.08 Donate professional skills to good causes
2.10 Accept responsibility for your own work

Principle 3: Judgement
3.01 Maintain professional objectivity
3.02 Only sign documents within your responsibility
3.03 Reject bribery
3.04 Do not accept secret payments from the client
3.05 Accept payment from only one source for a job
3.06 Disclose conflicts of interest
3.07 Avoid conflicting financial interests
3.08 Temper technology judgments with ethics

Principle 4: Client and

4.01 Provide services only where competent
4.02 Ensure resources are authentically approved
4.03 Only use property as authorized by the owner
4.04 Do not use illegally obtained software
4.05 Honor confidentiality of information
4.06 Raise matters of social concern
4.07 Inform when a project becomes problematic
4.08 Accept no detrimental outside work
4.09 Represent no interests adverse to your employer

Principle 5: Management
5.01 Assure standards are known by employees
5.02 Assure knowledge of confidentiality protocols
5.03 Assign work according to competence
5.04 Provide due process for code violations
5.05 Develop fair ownership agreements
5.06 Accurately describe conditions of employment
5.07 Offer only fair and just remuneration
5.08 Do not prevent a subordinates promotion
5.09 Do not ask a person to breach this code

Principle 6: Profession

6.01 Associate with reputable people

6.02 Promote commitment of this code

6.03 Support followers of this code

6.04 Help develop an ethical environment

6.05 Report suspected violations of this code

6.06 Take responsibility for errors

6.07 Only accept appropriate remuneration

6.08 Be accurate and honest regarding software

6.09 Place professional interests before personal

6.10 Obey all laws governing your work

6.11 Exercise professional responsibility

6.12 Promote public knowledge of the subject

6.13 Share software knowledge with the profession

Principle 7: Colleagues
7.01 Assist colleagues in professional development
7.02 Review others work only with their consent
7.03 Credit fully the work of others
7.04 Review others work candidly
7.05 Give fair hearing to colleagues
7.06 Assist colleagues awareness of work practices
7.08 Do not hinder a colleagues career
7.09 Do not pursue a job offered to a colleague
7.10 Seek help with work outside your competence

Principle 8: Self
8.01 Further your own professional knowledge
8.02 Improve your ability to produce quality work
8.03 Improve your ability to document work
8.04 Improve your understanding of work details
8.05 Improve your knowledge of relevant legislation
8.06 Improve your knowledge of this code
8.07 Do not force anyone to violate this code
8.08 Consider code violations inconsistent with
software engineering

The Code Adoption

Software Engineering Code of Ethics is Approved
by Gotterbarn, Miller, and Rogerson
(October 1999/Vol. 42, No. 10,
Communication of the ACM)

Major changes between v3

and v5.2
The 8 principles reordered to show precedence
Short version added
Preamble significantly altered
Defines software engineers
Removed reference to 3 levels of obligation
Stronger focus on standards to help the professional
make ethical decisions

Software engineers are those who contribute
by direct participation or by teaching, to the
analysis, specification, design, development,
certification, maintenance, and testing of
software systems.

Prevalence of software in society provide

significant opportunities to do good or cause


Ensure that efforts are used to do good.

Not intended to be applied piecemeal.

Preamble - continued
Not to be used to justify errors of omission or

Not a simple algorithm to produce ethical


Software engineer must use judgment after

thoughtful consideration of the 8 fundamental


Always use the public interest as the highest and

governing principle.

Short version, 1 of 2

1. PUBLIC - Software engineers shall act

consistently with the public interest.


engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best

interests of their client and employer, consistent
with the public interest.

3. PRODUCT - Software engineers shall ensure

that their products and related modifications meet

the highest professional standards possible.

4 . JUDGMENT - Software engineers shall

maintain integrity and independence in their

professional judgment.

Short version, 2 of 2

5. MANAGEMENT - Software engineering

managers and leaders shall subscribe to and

promote an ethical approach to the management of
software development and maintenance.

6. PROFESSION - Software engineers shall

advance the integrity and reputation of the

profession consistent with the public interest.

7. COLLEAGUES - Software engineers shall be

fair to and supportive of their colleagues.

8. SELF - Software engineers shall participate in

lifelong learning regarding the practice of their

profession and shall promote an ethical approach
to the practice of the profession.

More on Management
Software engineers need to know the standards
which they are held to

Know policy for protecting confidential


Assign work after considering each individuals


Principle of team balance*

Provide realistic quantitative estimates

Function points & SLOC*
Well defined cost models such as COCOMO*

Missing from the Code

Where to get help in a dilemma?
Who to report violations to?
Where to get advise and support in a confrontation
with employer?

Consequences of violating the code?

Client and Employer what do you do if their
interests conflict?

Provisions for updating the Code

Helpful sites:
ACM Professional Code of Conduct

ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics


ACM Public Policy Statements

Gotterbarn, D., Miller, K., Rogerson, S., Software Engineering
Code of Ethics, Communications of the ACM 40, 11 (Nov. 1997),
pp. 110-118.
Gotterbarn, D., Miller, K., Rogerson, S., Software Engineering
Code of Ethics is Approved, Communications of the ACM 42, 11
(Oct. 1999), pp. 102-107.
Gottenbar, D. A Positive Step Toward a Profession: The Software
Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice, AMC
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 24, 1 (Jan. 1999), pp. 9-14

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