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MP 277


HMI device
MP 277
Operating Instructions

Safety instructions and


Planning application
Installing and connecting the
Operator controls and

Configuring the device
Commissioning a project
Operating a project
Maintenance and care
Technical specifications



Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.

Qualified Personnel

The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.

Proper use of Siemens products

Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.


All names identified by are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.

Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Postfach 48 48

09/2014 Subject to change

Copyright Siemens AG 2014.

All rights reserved

Purpose of the operating instructions
These operating instructions provide information for manuals derived from the requirements
for mechanical engineering documentation according to DIN EN 62079. This information
relates to the place of use, transport, storage, mounting, use and maintenance.
These operating instructions are intended for:
Commissioning engineers
Maintenance personnel
Pay particular attention to the section "Safety Instructions (Page 25)".
You can find more information such as operating instructions, examples and reference
information in the online help of the configuration software.

Required knowledge
General knowledge of automation technology and process communication is needed to
understand the operating instructions.
It is also assumed that those using the manual have experience in using personal computers
and an understanding of Microsoft operating systems.

Scope of the operating instructions

The operating instructions apply to the HMI device MP 277 in conjunction with the following
configuration software:
WinCC (TIA Portal)
WinCC flexible

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


The following text notation will facilitate reading this manual:


"Add screen"

Terminology that appears in the user interface, for example

dialog names, tabs, buttons, menu commands

Required input, for example, limits, tag values.

Path information

"File > Edit"

Operating sequences, for example, menu commands, shortcut

menu commands

<F1>, <Alt+P>

Keyboard operation

Please observe notes labeled as follows:

Notes contain important information concerning the product, its use or a specific section of
the documentation to which you should pay particular attention.

Illustrations in this manual

This documentation includes illustrations associated with the product. These illustrations
may differ from the factory state of the product.

MP 277

Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Table of contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Overview................................................................................................................................................. 9

Product overview ...................................................................................................................... 9


Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Touch ..........................................................................10


Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Key ..............................................................................11


Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Touch ........................................................................13


Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Key ............................................................................14


Accessory kit ...........................................................................................................................16


Accessories .............................................................................................................................16


The HMI device in the operating process ...............................................................................18


Functional scope with WinCC and WinCC flexible .................................................................19


Software options .....................................................................................................................21


Communications .....................................................................................................................22

Safety instructions and approvals .......................................................................................................... 25


Safety Instructions ..................................................................................................................25


Standards, certificates and approvals.....................................................................................27


Notes about usage ..................................................................................................................30


Electromagnetic compatibility .................................................................................................31


Transport and storage conditions ...........................................................................................33

Planning application .............................................................................................................................. 35


Notes about usage ..................................................................................................................35


Mounting positions ..................................................................................................................37


Preparing for Mounting ...........................................................................................................38


Specifications for Insulation Tests, Protection Class and Degree of Protection ....................40


Rated voltages ........................................................................................................................40

Installing and connecting the device ...................................................................................................... 41


Checking the package contents ..............................................................................................41


Mounting the HMI Device .......................................................................................................41


Connecting the HMI device .....................................................................................................44

Overview .................................................................................................................................44
Ports ........................................................................................................................................45
Connecting the equipotential bonding circuit ..........................................................................46
Connecting the Power Supply ................................................................................................48
Connecting the PLC ................................................................................................................50
Connecting a Configuring PC .................................................................................................53
Connecting a USB device .......................................................................................................55
Connecting a Printer. ..............................................................................................................57

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Table of contents


Switching on and Testing the HMI device .............................................................................. 58


Securing the cables ............................................................................................................... 59

Operator controls and displays .............................................................................................................. 61


Front operator controls ........................................................................................................... 61


Using Memory Cards with the HMI Device ............................................................................ 63


Labeling the Function Keys at the MP 277 Key ..................................................................... 65

Configuring the device .......................................................................................................................... 69


Loader .................................................................................................................................... 69


Enabling and disabling SecureMode ..................................................................................... 74


Control Panel ......................................................................................................................... 74

Overview ................................................................................................................................ 74
Reference for functions .......................................................................................................... 76
Operating the Control Panel .................................................................................................. 77
Overview ................................................................................................................................ 77
Entries using the touch screen............................................................................................... 78
Input with the Keyboard ......................................................................................................... 80


Changing settings for operation ............................................................................................. 84

Setting up the screen keyboard ............................................................................................. 84
Setting the Character Repetition of the Keyboard ................................................................. 85
Setting the Double-click ......................................................................................................... 86
Calibrate touch screen ........................................................................................................... 87


Changing Password Protection.............................................................................................. 89


Changing HMI device settings ............................................................................................... 90

Setting the Date and Time ..................................................................................................... 90
Changing Regional Settings .................................................................................................. 92
Backing up Registry Information ............................................................................................ 92
Changing monitor settings ..................................................................................................... 94
Setting the screen saver ........................................................................................................ 94
Changing the Printer Properties............................................................................................. 96
Set the volume ....................................................................................................................... 97
Restarting the HMI Device ..................................................................................................... 99
Displaying Information about the HMI Device ...................................................................... 100
Displaying System Properties .............................................................................................. 101


Setting the Delay Time ......................................................................................................... 102


Setting the uninterruptible power supply .............................................................................. 104


State of uninterruptible power supply .................................................................................. 105


Change the communication settings .................................................................................... 106

Changing S7 transfer settings.............................................................................................. 106
Configuring the data channel ............................................................................................... 109
Enabling PROFINET IO ....................................................................................................... 111


Configuring network operation ............................................................................................. 113

Overview of network operation ............................................................................................ 113
Setting the device name of the HMI device ......................................................................... 115
Changing the Network Configuration ................................................................................... 116
Changing the Logon Data .................................................................................................... 118
Changing E-Mail Settings .................................................................................................... 119
MP 277

Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Table of contents


Changing internet settings ....................................................................................................121

Changing General Internet Settings .....................................................................................121
Setting the Proxy Server .......................................................................................................122
Changing Privacy Settings ....................................................................................................123
Importing and Deleting Certificates .......................................................................................125


Backing up data to external storage device ..........................................................................126


Restoring data from external storage device ........................................................................128


Activate Memory Management .............................................................................................131

Commissioning a project ..................................................................................................................... 133


Overview ...............................................................................................................................133


Operating modes ..................................................................................................................134


Using existing projects ..........................................................................................................135

WinCC flexible projects .........................................................................................................135
WinCC projects .....................................................................................................................135


Data Transmission Options ..................................................................................................136


Transfer project to the HMI device ........................................................................................137

Transfer project with WinCC .................................................................................................137
Setting the transfer mode .....................................................................................................137
Starting the transfer ..............................................................................................................139
Testing a project ...................................................................................................................140
Transfer project with WinCC flexible.....................................................................................141
Overview ...............................................................................................................................141
Starting manual transfer........................................................................................................142
Starting automatic transfer ....................................................................................................143
Starting backtransfer .............................................................................................................144
Testing a project ...................................................................................................................145


Backup and restore ...............................................................................................................147

Overview ...............................................................................................................................147
Backup and restore using ProSave ......................................................................................148


Updating the operating system .............................................................................................149

Overview ...............................................................................................................................149
Updating the Operating System using ProSave ...................................................................151


Installing and removing options ............................................................................................152

Overview ...............................................................................................................................152
Installing and removing options using ProSave ....................................................................152


Transferring and transferring back license keys ...................................................................154

Overview ...............................................................................................................................154
Transfer of license keys with the Automation License Manager ..........................................154

Operating a project ............................................................................................................................. 157


Overview ...............................................................................................................................157


Direct keys ............................................................................................................................160


Setting the project language .................................................................................................161


Entering values using the touch screen ................................................................................162

Overview ...............................................................................................................................162
Entering and Editing Numerical Values ................................................................................163
Entering and editing alphanumerical values .........................................................................166

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Table of contents



Entering the date and time ................................................................................................... 168

Entering Symbolic Values .................................................................................................... 168
Displaying Infotext ................................................................................................................ 169


Entering values using the keys ............................................................................................ 170

Control keys ......................................................................................................................... 170
Example: Enter characters using the alphanumeric keyboard ............................................ 173
Function keys ....................................................................................................................... 173
General procedures ............................................................................................................. 174
Entering and editing numerical values ................................................................................. 174
Entering and editing alphanumerical values ........................................................................ 176
Entering the date and time ................................................................................................... 177
Entering Symbolic Values .................................................................................................... 177
Displaying Infotext ................................................................................................................ 178


Closing the project ............................................................................................................... 179

Maintenance and care..........................................................................................................................181


Maintenance and care ......................................................................................................... 181


Clean screen on MP 277 Touch .......................................................................................... 182


Spare Parts and Repairs ...................................................................................................... 182


Recycling and disposal ........................................................................................................ 182

Technical specifications .......................................................................................................................183


Dimension drawings ............................................................................................................. 183

Dimension drawing of the MP 277 8" Touch........................................................................ 183
Dimension drawing of the MP 277 8" Key ........................................................................... 184
Dimension drawing of the MP 277 10" Touch...................................................................... 185
Dimension drawing of the MP 277 10" Key ......................................................................... 186


Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 186

Specifications of the MP 277 Touch .................................................................................... 186
Specifications of the MP 277 Key ........................................................................................ 188


Bit assignment of the direct keys ......................................................................................... 189


Description of the ports ........................................................................................................ 191

Power supply........................................................................................................................ 191
X10/IF 1B (RS 422/RS 485)................................................................................................. 191
X20, X21 (USB).................................................................................................................... 192
X1 (Ethernet/LAN) ................................................................................................................ 192

Appendix .............................................................................................................................................193

Service and support ............................................................................................................. 193


System events...................................................................................................................... 193


ESD guideline ...................................................................................................................... 194

Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................197
Glossary ..............................................................................................................................................199
Index ...................................................................................................................................................205

MP 277

Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Product overview

Possible applications of the MP 277

The Multi Panel MP 277 units are an extension of the 270 series.
The HMI devices are based on the innovative standard operating system, Microsoft Windows
CE 5.0. The Multi Panel MP 277 units belong to the "Multifunctional Platform" product
category. The HMI devices offer enhanced communication options to the office world. The
Pocket Internet Explorer is already installed on the HMI devices.
The MP 277 offers a variety of application uses, high performance and a favorable
cost/performance ratio.
The devices are equipped with:
Ethernet port for connection to PROFINET
2 USB ports
TFT screen with up to 64k color
Thanks to the wide range of devices, you get to use the device that is suited to you.
The HMI devices support the following software options:
OPC server

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

1.2 Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Touch


Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Touch

Front view and side view

Recesses for mounting clips

Slot for a memory card
Display/touch screen
Mounting seal

Bottom view

Recesses for mounting clips


MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

1.3 Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Key

Rear view


Rating plate
Slot for a memory card
DIP switch
Interface name
Fixing elements for strain relief

Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Key

Front view and side view

Slot for a memory card

Recesses for mounting clips
Mounting seal

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


1.3 Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Key

Bottom view

Recesses for a mounting clip


Rear view

Rating plate
Slot for a memory card
DIP switch
Interface name
Fixing elements for strain relief

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

1.4 Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Touch


Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Touch

Front view and side view

Slot for a memory card

Display/touch screen
Recesses for mounting clips
Mounting seal

Bottom view

Recesses for mounting clips

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


1.5 Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Key

Rear view


Rating plate
Slot for a memory card
DIP switch
Interface name
Fixing elements for strain relief

Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Key

Front view and side view

Slot for a memory card

Recesses for a mounting clip
Mounting seal

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

1.5 Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Key

Bottom view

Recesses for a mounting clip

Rear view

Rating plate
Slot for a memory card
DIP switch
Interface name
Fixing elements for strain relief

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1.6 Accessory kit


Accessory kit
The accessory kit contains the following:
Mains terminal for the power supply
Mounting clips for mounting the HMI device
Additional documents may be enclosed with the accessory kit.

Mounting clips
Spring mounting clips or aluminum mounting clips are provided for mounting the device. The
mounting clips hook into oblong holes on the HMI device. The main dimensions of the HMI
device are not exceeded by this.
Spring mounting clip

Aluminum mounting clip


Threaded pin

A product information with notes on mounting of the HMI device with mounting clips is
supplied with the HMI device.
The product information is available in the Internet at the following links:
Product Information "Spring clamp"
Product Information "Metal mounting clamps"


Accessories are not included in the product package of the HMI device, but can ordered on
the Internet at Industry Mall (

Converter RS 422-RS 232

The converter is required for the connection of controllers of other manufacturers. Connect
the RS 422 to RS 232 converter to the RS 422 / RS 485 interface. The converter converts
the input signals to RS-232 signals.
Order number: 6AV6 671-8XE00-0AX0

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

1.8 The HMI device in the operating process

PC/PPI cable
You need the cable to update the operating system with reset to factory settings. You can
also use the cable for data transfer. Connect the PC/PPI cable to the RS 422/RS 485 port.
The cable converts the input signals to RS-232 signals.
Order number: 6ES7 901-3CB30-0XA0
Set a lower bit rate if the connection is lost during the operating system update. If you use a
high bit rates, you need to use PC/PPI cable version 3 or higher. The version code is printed
on the cable ("E stand 3," for example, corresponds to version 3).

90 elbow adapter
If space is limited, you can use an elbow adapter at the RS 422/RS 485 interface.
Order number: 6AV6 671-8XD00-0AX0

Clamping frame
IP65 degree of protection or enclosure type 4X/type 12 can be achieved with a clamping
frame even with little material thickness at the mounting cut-out. For additional information,
see Section Preparing for Mounting (Page 38).
Clamping frames are available with the following order numbers:
Clamping frame for HMI device

Order number

MP 277 8" Touch


MP 277 8" Key


MP 277 10" Touch


Service pack
Content of the service package for all HMI devices:
Mounting seals
Mounting clips
Power supply terminal, 2-pin
Order number: 6AV6671-3XA01-0AX1

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


1.8 The HMI device in the operating process


The HMI device in the operating process

The HMI device is part of the operating process. The following two phases are key to the
way the HMI device is integrated in the operating process:
Project design
Process management

Project design
Visualization of the operating process is known as project design. Project design comprises:
writing project data
saving project data
testing project data
simulating project data
Project design is undertaken independently of the HMI device and results in a project. Once
this has been generated, the project can be transferred to the HMI device to control the
operating process.

Process management
Process management is marked by two-way communication between HMI device and
controller. This lays the foundations for operator control and monitoring.

The operator can intervene in the operating process on the HMI device for control purposes.
The controller in turn supplies the results of the operating process which are displayed on
the HMI device.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

1.9 Functional scope with WinCC and WinCC flexible


Functional scope with WinCC and WinCC flexible

The following tables show the objects that can be integrated in a project for an MP 277.




Number of discrete alarms


Number of analog alarms


Length of the alarm text

80 characters

Number of tags in an alarm


Max. 8
Alarm line, Alarm window, Alarm view

Acknowledge error alarm individually

Acknowledge multiple error alarms
simultaneously (group acknowledgement)


WinCC flexible

16 alarm groups

Edit alarm


Alarm indicator


Display S7 alarms


Alarm buffer, retentive Alarm buffer capacity

512 alarms

Simultaneously queued alarm events

Max. 250

View alarm


Delete alarm buffer


Print alarm by line


Tags, values and lists






Limit monitoring



Linear scaling


Text lists


500 1

Graphics lists


400 1


WinCC flexible


The maximum total of text and graphics lists is 500.






Fields per screen

Tags per screen
Complex objects per screen (for
example, bars)

WinCC flexible



MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


1.9 Functional scope with WinCC and WinCC flexible






Data records per recipe


Entries per recipe


Recipe memory

64 KB

Storage location

WinCC flexible

Memory card 1

USB memory stick 1

Network drive

The number of recipe data records may be restricted by the capacity of the storage medium.

The HMI devices are suitable for the logging of relatively small volumes of data.
Manage the data in several adjacent archives in a segmented circular log. The use of a large
circular log has a negative effect on performance.





Number of logs


Number of partial logs in a segmented circular log


Entries per log


Filing format
Storage location

WinCC flexible

CSV with ANSI character set

Memory card 1

USB memory stick 1

Network drive

The number of entries in the log may be restricted by the capacity of the storage medium.




WinCC flexible


Number of user groups


Number of users


Number of authorizations


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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

1.10 Software options

Info texts


Info texts

Length (no. of characters)


WinCC flexible

320 (depending on font)

For alarms


For screens


For screen objects (for example, for

I/O field, switch, button, invisible


Additional functions


Screen settings

Touch screen calibration


Brightness setting
Language switching

Number of languages


User-specific extension of the

Number of scripts


WinCC flexible

Graphic objects

Vector and pixel graphics






Number of tasks


Text objects


Direct keys

PROFIBUS DP direct keys


PROFINET IO direct keys



MP 277 Touch only

Software options
The following software options are available for the MP 277:
The Sm@rtService option enables you to access a remote HMI device from the HMI
device or PC via Ethernet.
The Sm@rtAccess option enables you to set up communication between different HMI
The /Audit option extends the HMI device to include functions for recording operations in
an audit trail and electronic signature.
OPC server (OPC XML)
The OPC-Server option enables you to create communications to OPC-capable
applications from an HMI device or PC via Ethernet.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


1.11 Communications



Number of connections

MP 277

Number using a bus connection

Number of connections based on "SIMATIC HMI HTTP Protocol"

In the following cases, you may not enable PROFINET IO in the Control Panel of the HMI
Use of PLCs from other manufacturers
Use of SIMATIC 500/505 via NITP

The following table shows the PLCs which can be used with the HMI devices and the
protocols or profiles which can be used.






TCP/IP (Ethernet)




SIMATIC 500/505





HTTP/HTTPS (Ethernet)


PLC series SLC500, SLC501, SLC502, SLC503,

SLC504, SLC505, MicroLogix and PLC5/11,
PLC5/20, PLC5/30, PLC5/40, PLC5/60, PLC5/80

GE Fanuc Automation


DF1 2, 5

DH+ via KF2 module 3

DH485 via KF3 module 4

DH485 4

PLC series 9030, 9070, VersaMax Micro

LG Industrial Systems (Lucky

Goldstar) / IMO

MP 277




PLC series GLOFA GM (GM4, GM6 and GM7) /

Series G4, G6 and G7



Dedicated communication

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

1.11 Communications



Mitsubishi Electric


Mitsubishi Electric


(Schneider Automation)


Protocol 4


CS1, SYSMAC alpha and CP



PLC series MELSEC FX0, FX1n, FX2n, AnA,

AnN, AnS, AnU, QnA and QnAS

MP 277


Hostlink/Multilink (SYSMAC Way)

PLC series Modicon 984, TSX Quantum and

TSX Compact


Modbus RTU 5
PLC series Quantum, Momentum, Premium and
PLC series Compact and 984 via Ethernet bridge


Modbus TCP/IP (Ethernet)

Not possible when connected to S7-212.

Applies to controllers SLC503, SLC504, SLC505, PLC5, MicroLogix
Applies to controllers SLC504, PLC5 over DF1
Applies to controllers SLC500 to SLC 505 and MicroLogix
Only with converter RS 422-RS 232 6AV6 671-8XE00-0AX0 (option)

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1.11 Communications

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Safety instructions and approvals


Safety Instructions

Working on the control cabinet

Open equipment
The HMI device is open equipment. This means that the HMI device may only be mounted
in housings or cabinets, whereby the device can be operated from the front panel.
The cubicle or cabinet in which the HMI device is installed may only be accessed with a key
or tool and only by trained, authorized personnel.
Dangerous voltage
Opening the cabinet will expose high voltage parts. Contact with these parts could be fatal.
Disconnect the cabinet from the mains before opening it.

Potentially explosive atmospheres

When operating the HMI device in hazardous areas the following warning applies.
Explosion Hazard
Do not disconnect while circuit is live unless area is known to be non-hazardous.
Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2 or Zone 2.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Safety instructions and approvals

2.1 Safety Instructions


High frequency radiation

Unintentional operating situations
High frequency radiation, for example, from cellular phones, can trigger unwanted operating

Installation as intended
Installation only in machinery that conforms to the machinery directive
It is not allowed to commission the HMI device unless it has been verified that the machine
in which the HMI device is to be installed complies with Directive 2006/42/EC.

Industrial Security
Siemens offers products and solutions with Industrial Security functions that support the safe
operation of equipment, solutions, machines, devices and/or networks. They are important
components in a comprehensive Industrial Security concept. As a result the products and
solutions from Siemens are constantly evolving. Siemens recommends obtaining regular
information regarding product updates.
For safe operation of Siemens products and solutions appropriate protective measures (e.g.,
cell protection concept) must be taken and each component must be integrated in a
comprehensive Industrial Security concept, which corresponds with the current state of
technology. The products of other manufacturers need to be taken into consideration if they
are also used. You can find addition information on Industrial Security under
Sign up for our product-specific newsletter to receive the latest information on product
updates. For more information, see under (

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Safety instructions and approvals

2.2 Standards, certificates and approvals

Disclaimer for third-party software updates

This product includes third-party software. Siemens AG only provides a warranty for
updates/patches of the third-party software, if these have been distributed as part of a
Siemens software update service contract or officially released by Siemens AG. Otherwise,
updates/patches are undertaken at your own risk. You can find more information about our
Software Update Service offer on the Internet at Software Update Service

Notes on protecting administrator accounts

A user with administrator privileges has extensive access and manipulation options in the
Therefore, ensure there are adequate safeguards for protecting the administrator accounts
to prevent unauthorized changes. To do this, use secure passwords and a standard user
account for normal operation. Other measures, such as the use of security policies, should
be applied as needed.


Standards, certificates and approvals

The following overview shows possible approvals. The HMI device itself is certified as shown
on the label on its rear panel.

CE approval
The HMI device meets the general and safety-related requirements of the EMC Directive
(2004/108/EC "Electromagnetic Compatibility") and conforms to the harmonized European
standards (EN) for programmable logic controllers published in the official gazettes of the
European Union:
94/9/EU "Devices and protection systems for use as prescribed in potentially explosive
areas" (Guidelines for Explosion Protection)
EC Declaration of Conformity
The EC Declarations of Conformity are available to the relevant authorities at the following
Siemens AG
Industry Sector
P.O. Box 1963
92209 Amberg
MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Safety instructions and approvals

2.2 Standards, certificates and approvals

Ex approval
The following standards and approvals are in effect for the HMI devices:
EN 61241-0:2006
EN 61241-1:2004
II 3 D

Ex tD A22 lP6x T 52 C or T 70 C
x Temperature value, see EC design examination certificate

The KEMA 06ATEX0266 X test number applies to the following HMI devices:
6AV6643-0CB01-1AX2 (8" Touch V2)
6AV6643-0CB01-1AX2 (10" Touch V2)
6AV6643-0DD01-1AX2 (10" Key V2)
6AV6643-0CB01-1AX1 (8" Touch)
6AV6643-0CD01-1AX1 (10" Touch)
6AV6643-0DD01-1AX1 (10" Key)
6AV6643-0CB01-1AX5 (8" Touch, small frame)
6AV6643-0CD01-1AX5 (10" Touch, small frame)
The following standards and approvals are in effect for the 10" INOX HMI device:
EN 60079-0:2006
EN 60079-15:2005
EN 61241-0:2006
EN 61241-1:2004
II 3 G

Ex nA II T4

II 3 D

Ex tD A22 lP65 T 70 C

The KEMA 08ATEX0063 X test number applies to the following HMI device:
6AV6643-0ED01-2AX0 (10" INOX)
The HMI devices meet the requirements of the European Directive 94/9/EG of the European
Parliament and the Council on the approximation of the laws of the member states
concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive
The table below includes the associated test numbers.
Manufacturer site

HMI device class

Test number

Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Werner-von-Siemens-Strae 50
D-92209 Amberg

Multi Panel


MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Safety instructions and approvals

2.2 Standards, certificates and approvals

UL approval
Underwriters Laboratories Inc., conforming to
UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment)
CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment)
Underwriters Laboratories Inc., conforming to
UL 508 (Industrial Control Equipment)
CSA C22.2 No. 142 (Process Control Equipment)
ANSI/ISA 12.12.01 (Hazardous Location)
CSA-213 (Hazardous Location)
Approved for use in
Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D or
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC or
non-hazardous locations

FM approval
Factory Mutual Research (FM) conforming to
Approval Standard Class Number 3611, 3600, 3810
Approved for use in
Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D T4
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC T4

Marking for Australia

The HMI device fulfills the requirements of standard AS/NZS CISPR 16 (Class A).

IEC 61131
The HMI device satisfies the requirements and criteria conforming to IEC 61131-2,
Programmable Logic Controllers, Part 2: Operating resource requirements and tests.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Safety instructions and approvals

2.3 Notes about usage

Shipbuilding approvals
The following shipbuilding approvals are in effect for the HMI device:


Notes about usage

Industrial applications
The HMI device is designed for industrial applications. It conforms to the following standards:
Requirements of the emission standard for industrial environments, EN 61000-6-4: 2007
+ A1:2011
Requirements for interference immunity EN 61000-6-2:2005
Use in residential areas
The HMI device is not intended for use in residential areas. Operation of an HMI device in
residential areas can have a negative influence on radio/TV reception.
If the HMI device is used in a residential area, you must take measures to achieve Limit
Class B conforming to EN 55016 for RF interference.
Suitable measures for achieving the degree of noise suppression for Limit Class B include,
for example:
Installation of the HMI device in grounded control cabinets
Use of filters in electrical supply lines
Individual acceptance is required.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Safety instructions and approvals

2.4 Electromagnetic compatibility


Electromagnetic compatibility

The HMI device fulfills, among other things, the requirements of the EMC law pertaining to
the domestic European market.

EMC-compatible installation of the HMI device

The EMC-compliant installation of the HMI device and the application of interference-proof
cable is the basis for interference-free operation. The "Directives for interference-free
installation of PLCs" and the "PROFIBUS Networks" manual also apply for the installation of
the HMI device.

Pulse-shaped disturbance
The following table shows the electromagnetic compatibility of modules with regard to pulseshaped interference. The precondition for electromagnetic compatibility is that the HMI
device meets the specifications and guidelines for electrical installation.
Pulse-shaped disturbance

Tested with

Degree of severity

Electrostatic discharge
in accordance with
IEC 61000-4-2

Air discharge: 8 kV
Contact discharge: 6 kV

Burst pulses
(high-speed transient
in accordance with
IEC 61000-4-4

2 kV power supply cable

2 kV signal cable, > 30 m
1 kV signal cable, < 30 m

High-power surge pulses in accordance with IEC 61000-4-5, external protective circuit required (refer
to the manual Automation System S7-300, Installation, "Lightning and overvoltage protection"
Asymmetrical coupling

2 kV power cable
DC voltage with protective elements

2 kV signal/data cable, > 30 m,

with protective elements as required
Symmetrical coupling

1 kV power cable
DC voltage with protective elements

1 KV signal cable, > 30 m,

with protective elements as required
Pulse-shaped disturbance

Magnetic field strength 50/60 Hz, 100 A/m

Magnetic fields with power

frequencies according to
IEC 61000-4-8

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Safety instructions and approvals

2.4 Electromagnetic compatibility

Sinusoidal interference
The following table shows the EMC behavior of the modules with respect to sinusoidal
interference. This requires the HMI device to meet the specifications and directives for
electrical installation.
Sinusoidal interference

Test values

HF radiation (in
electromagnetic fields) in
accordance with
IEC 61000-4-3

80% amplitude modulation at 1 kHz

RF interference current on
cables and cable shielding
conforming to IEC 61000-4-6

Degree of severity

Up to 10 V/m in the 1 to 2 GHz range

Up to 3 V/m in the 1.4 to 2 GHz range

Up to 3 V/m in the 2 to 2.7 GHz range

Test voltage 10 V, with 80% amplitude modulation

of 1 kHz in the 10 kHz to 80 MHz range

Emission of radio interference

The following table shows the unwanted emissions from electromagnetic fields in
accordance with EN 55011, Limit Value Class A, Group 1, measured at a distance of 10 m.

Interference emission

30 to 230 MHz

< 40 dB (V/m) quasi-peak

230 to 1 000 MHz

< 47 dB (V/m) quasi-peak

1 to 3 GHz

66 dB (mV/m) peak

46 dB (mV/m) average value

70 dB (mV/m) peak

50 dB (mV/m) average value

3 to 6 GHz

Additional measures
If you want to connect an HMI device to the public power supply system, you must ensure
Limit Value Class B in accordance with EN 55022.

Interference emission for mains AC power supply

The following table below shows the interference emission for mains AC power supply.

Interference emission

0.15 to 0.5 MHz

< 79 dB (V) quasi-peak

< 66 dB (V) average value

< 73 dB (V) quasi-peak

< 60 dB (V) average value

0.5 to 30 MHz

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Safety instructions and approvals

2.5 Transport and storage conditions


Transport and storage conditions

Mechanical and climatic conditions for transportation and storage

This HMI device meets the requirements for IEC 61131-2 relating to transportation and
storage conditions. The following specifications apply to the transportation and storage of an
HMI device in its original packaging.
The climatic conditions conform to the following standards:
IEC 60721-3-3, Class 3K7 for storage
IEC 60721-3-2, Class 2K4 for transport
The mechanical conditions correspond to IEC 60721-3-2, Class 2M2.
Type of condition

Permitted range

Drop test (in transport package)



From 20 to +60 C

Atmospheric pressure

From 1 140 hPa to 660 hPa,

corresponds to an elevation of 1 000 to 3 500 m

Relative humidity

From 10 to 90%, without condensation

Sinusoidal vibration in accordance with

IEC 60068-2-6

5 to 9 Hz: 3.5 mm
9 Hz to 500 Hz: 9.8 m/s2

Shock in accordance with IEC 60068-2-29

250 m/s2, 6 ms, 1 000 shocks

Avoid condensation
If the HMI device is subjected to low temperatures or extreme fluctuations in temperature
during transportation, moisture could occur on or inside the HMI device. Condensation can
occur. This can cause malfunctions.
The HMI device must have acquired room temperature before it is put into operation. Do not
expose the HMI device to direct radiation from a heater in order to warm it up. If there is
condensation, wait approximately 4 hours until the HMI device has dried completely before
switching it on.
Proper transport and storage, installation and assembly as well as careful operation and
maintenance are required to ensure trouble-free and safe operation of the HMI device.
The warranty for the HMI device will be deemed void if these stipulations are not heeded.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Safety instructions and approvals

2.5 Transport and storage conditions

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Planning application

Notes about usage

Mechanical and climatic conditions of use

The HMI device is designed for use in a location protected from the effects of the weather.
The conditions of use meet the requirements for DIN IEC 60721-3-3:
Class 3M3 (mechanical requirements)
Class 3K3 (climatic requirements)

Use with additional measures

The HMI device should not be used at the following locations unless additional measures are
In locations with a high degree of ionizing radiation
In locations with severe operating conditions, for example, due to:
Corrosive vapors, gases, oils or chemicals
Electrical or magnetic fields of high intensity
In plants that require special monitoring, for example:
Systems in especially hazardous rooms

Mechanical environmental conditions

The mechanical environmental conditions for the HMI device are specified in the following
table in terms of sinusoidal vibration.
Frequency range



10 Hz f 58 Hz

Amplitude 0.0375 mm

Amplitude 0.075 mm

58 Hz f 150 Hz

Constant acceleration 0.5 g

Constant acceleration 1 g

Reducing vibrations
If the HMI device is subjected to greater shocks or vibrations, you must take appropriate
measures to reduce acceleration or amplitudes.
We recommend mounting the HMI device on damping materials (on rubber-metal vibration
dampers, for example).

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Planning application
3.1 Notes about usage

Testing mechanical environmental conditions

The following table provides information on the type and scope of tests for mechanical
environmental conditions.
Test for

Test standard



Vibration test in accordance

with IEC 60068, part 26

Type of vibration:
Transitional rate of the frequency:
1 octave/minute.
10 Hz f 58 Hz,
constant amplitude of 0.075 mm
58 Hz f 150 Hz,
constant acceleration 1 g
Vibration duration:
10 frequency cycles per axis at each of the three
associated vertical axes


Shock test in accordance

with IEC 60068, Part 2 29

Type of shock: Half-sine

Shock intensity:
Peak value 15 g, duration 11 ms
Direction of impact:
3 shocks in direction at each one of the three
associated vertical axes

Climatic environmental conditions

The following table shows the climatic conditions for operation of the HMI device.
Environmental conditions Permitted range



See the "Mounting positions and

type of fixation" section

Vertical mounting

From 0 to 50 C

Mounting at an angle

From 0 to 40 C

Relative humidity

10 to 90%, without condensation

Atmospheric pressure

1 140 to 795 hPa

Corresponds to an elevation of
1 000 to 2 000 m

Pollutant concentration

SO2: < 0.5 ppm;

Relative humidity < 60%,
no condensation

Test: 10 cm3/m3; 10 days

H2S: < 0.1 ppm;

Relative humidity < 60%,
no condensation

Test: 1 cm3/m3; 10 days

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Planning application
3.2 Mounting positions


Mounting positions

Mounting position
The HMI device is suitable for installation in:
Mounting cabinets
Control cabinets
In the following, all of these mounting options are referred to by the general term "cabinet".
The HMI device is self-ventilated and approved for vertical and inclined mounting in
stationary cabinets.

Mounting position

Deviation from the vertical




Damage due to overheating
Convection through the HMI device is reduced with installation at an angle.This fact also
reduces the maximum permitted operating temperature for operation.
With sufficient forced ventilation, you can operate the HMI device at an inclined mounting
position up to the permitted ambient temperature for vertical installation.
Otherwise the HMI device may be damaged and the approvals and warranty may become

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Planning application
3.3 Preparing for Mounting


Preparing for Mounting

Select the mounting location of the HMI device

Points to observe when selecting the mounting location:
Position the HMI device so that it is not subjected to direct sunlight.
Position the HMI device such that it is ergonomically accessible for the user. Choose a
suitable mounting height.
Ensure that the air vents of the HMI device are not covered as a result of the mounting.
Observe the permissible mounting positions for the HMI device.
Stability of the mounting cut-out
The material in the area of the mounting cut-out must provide sufficient strength to
guarantee enduring and safe mounting of the HMI device.
The force of the mounting clips or operation of the device may not lead to deformation of
the material in order to achieve the degrees of protection described below.
The material thickness at the mounting cut-out must be at least 1.0 mm.

Degrees of protection
The protection ratings are only ensured if the mounting cutout conforms to the following:
Permitted deviation from plane at the mounting cutout: 0.5 mm
This condition must be fulfilled for the mounted HMI device.
Permissible surface roughness in the area of the seal: 120 m (Rz 120)
With IP65 degree of protection or for enclosure type 4X/type 12 (indoor use only), the
material thickness at the mounting cut-out can be a maximum of 6 mm.
Spring mounting clips or aluminum mounting clips, each with or without clamping frames,
are used depending on the material thickness at the mounting cut-out.
The relationships are shown in the table below:
Material thickness

Spring mounting clips

Aluminum mounting

Clamping frame required

1.0 mm to 1.5 mm


1.5 to 2 mm



2 to 4 mm


4 to 6 mm


The clamping frame is available as an accessory, see section Accessories (Page 16).

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Planning application
3.3 Preparing for Mounting

Dimensions of the mounting cut-out

The following table shows the dimensions of the required mounting cut-out:
Mounting cut-out

MP 277 8" Touch

MP 277 8" Key

MP 277 10" Touch

MP 277 10" Key






434 +1 mm


166+1 mm

206 +1 mm

248+1 mm

291+1 mm


61 mm

61 mm

61 mm

60 mm



Mounting compatibility
The mounting cut-outs of the Multi Panels are compatible with the mounting cut-outs of the
following SIMATIC HMI devices:
Multi Panel mounting cut-out

Compatible to the mounting cut-outs of the HMI device

MP 277 10" Touch

Thin Client 10" Touch

MP 270B 10" Touch

MP 277 10" Key

KTP1000 Basic

MP 277 INOX 10" Touch

TP 270 10"

MP 377 12" Touch

MP 270B 10" Key

OP 270 10"

Maintaining clearances
The HMI device must be installed with the following clearances:
Always allow 50 mm above and below the mounting cutout respectively for ventilation
Right and left of the mounting cutout respectively for attaching the mounting clips:
When using a clamping frame: 25 mm each
Without clamping frame, with spring mounting clips: 25 mm each
Without clamping frame, with aluminum mounting clips: 15 mm each
At least 10 mm behind the rear panel of the HMI device
Ensure that the maximum ambient temperature is not exceeded when mounting the
device in a cabinet and especially in a closed enclosure.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Planning application
3.4 Specifications for Insulation Tests, Protection Class and Degree of Protection


Specifications for Insulation Tests, Protection Class and Degree of


Test voltages
Insulation stability is demonstrated in the type test with the following test voltages in
accordance with IEC 61131-2:
Circuits with a nominal voltage of Ue to other
circuits or ground

Test voltage

< 50 V

500 V DC

Protection class
Protection Class I in accordance with IEC 60536, i.e. protective conductor connection to
profile rail required.

Protection against foreign objects and water

Degree of protection in accordance with
IEC 60529



When mounted:

Rear panel


Enclosure Type 4X/Type 12 (indoor use only)

Touch protection test with standard test probes. There
is no protection against ingress by water.

The degree of protection provided by the front side can only be guaranteed when the
mounting seal lies completely against the mounting cut-out.


Rated voltages
The following table shows the rated voltage and the corresponding tolerance range.
Nominal voltage

Tolerance range

+24 VDC

20.4 V to 28.8 V (15 %, +20 %)

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device


Checking the package contents

Check the package contents for visible signs of transport damage and for completeness.
Damaged parts
A damaged part will cause the HMI device to malfunction.
Do not install parts damaged during shipment. In the case of damaged parts, contact your
Siemens representative.
The following is supplied along with the HMI device:
HMI device
Accessory kit with mounting clips and mains terminal
Additional documents may be included in the product package of all HMI devices.
The documentation belongs to the HMI device and is required for subsequent
commissioning. Retain all enclosed documentation for the entire service life of the HMI
device. You must pass on the enclosed documentation to any subsequent owner or user of
the HMI device. Make sure that every supplement to the documentation that you receive is
stored together with the operating instructions.


Mounting the HMI Device

All packaging components and protective foils should be removed from the HMI device.
To install the HMI device, you need the mounting clips from the accessories. The mounting
seal must be fitted on the HMI device. If the mounting seal is damaged, order a replacement
seal. The mounting seal is part of the associated service pack.

Always mount the HMI device according to the instructions in this manual.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Installing and connecting the device

4.2 Mounting the HMI Device
Proceed as follows:
1. Check that the mounting seal is fitted on the HMI device.
Do not install the mounting seal turned inside out. This may cause leaks in the mounting
2. Insert the HMI device into the mounting cutout from the front.
3. Insert a mounting clip into a recess on the HMI device.
4. Fasten the mounting clip as described in the enclosed product information. The product
information on spring mounting clips or aluminum mounting clips is available on the
Internet at the following link:
Product Information "Spring clamp"
Product Information "Metal mounting clamps"
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all mounting clips that are required for the installation of the HMI
Check the fit of the mounting seal on the front. The mounting seal must not protrude from
the HMI device.
Otherwise, repeat steps 1 to 5.

Positions of mounting clips on the MP 277 8" Touch

You will need 10 mounting clips in total. The following figure shows the positions of the
mounting clips.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device

4.2 Mounting the HMI Device

Positions of mounting clips on the MP 277 10" Touch

You will need 12 mounting clips in total. The following figure shows the positions of the
mounting clips.

Positions of the mounting clips on the MP 277 8" Key

You will need 14 mounting clips in total. The following figure shows the positions of the
mounting clips.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device

Positions of the mounting clips on the MP 277 10" Key

You will need 10 mounting clips in total. The following figure shows the positions of the
mounting clips.


Connecting the HMI device



The HMI device must be mounted according to the specifications of these operating
Always use shielded standard cables.
Additional information is available in the catalog and online order system at Industry Mall

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device

Connection sequence
Damage to the HMI device
If you do not keep to the connection sequence you could damage the HMI device.
Ensure you connect the HMI device in the sequence described above.
1. Equipotential bonding
2. Power supply
Perform a power-up test to ensure the power supply is connected with the correct
3. Controller
4. Configuration PC as necessary
5. I/Os as necessary
Disconnect the HMI device by completing the above steps in reverse order.

Connecting the cables

When connecting the cables, ensure that the contact pins are not bent. Secure the cable
connectors by screwing the connector onto the socket.

See also
Safety Instructions (Page 25)


The following figure shows the interfaces of the MP 277 HMI device.

Power supply connector

RS 422/RS 485 interface X10 / IF1b
Ethernet interface
USB ports X20 and X21

See also
Power supply (Page 191)
X10/IF 1B (RS 422/RS 485) (Page 191)
X20, X21 (USB) (Page 192)
X1 (Ethernet/LAN) (Page 192)
MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device


Connecting the equipotential bonding circuit

Differences in electrical potential

Differences in potential may occur between spatially separated system parts. Such
differences in electrical potential can lead to high equalizing currents over the data cables
and therefore to the destruction of their interfaces. Equalizing currents can develop if the
cable shielding is terminated at both ends and grounded to different parts of the system.
Differences in potential can develop when a system is connected to different mains.

General requirements of equipotential bonding

Differences in electrical potential must be reduced using equipotential bonding to ensure
trouble-free operation of the relevant components of the electronic system. The following
must therefore be observed when installing the equipotential bonding circuit:
The effectiveness of equipotential bonding increases as the impedance of the
equipotential bonding conductor decreases or as its cross-section increases.
If two plant parts are interconnected by means of shielded data cables and their shielding
is bonded at both ends to the grounding/protective conductor, the impedance of the
additionally installed equipotential bonding cable must not exceed 10% of the shielding
The cross-section of a selected equipotential bonding conductor must be capable of
handling the maximum equalizing current. Experience has shown that equipotential
bonding conductors with a minimum cross-section of 16 mm should be fitted between
the control cabinets or the ground point of the supporting arm or the stand for PRO HMI
Use equipotential bonding conductors made of copper or galvanized steel. Establish a
large surface contact between the equipotential bonding conductors and the
grounding/protective conductor and protect them from corrosion.
Use a suitable cable clip to clamp the shield of the data cable flush to the equipotential
bonding rail. Keep the length of cable between the HMI device and the equipotential
bonding rail as short as possible.
Route the equipotential bonding conductor and data cables in parallel and with minimum
clearance between them.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device

Configuration graphic

Chassis terminal on the HMI device, example

Equipotential bonding conductor cross-section: 4 mm2
Control cabinet
Equipotential bonding conductor cross-section: min. 16 mm2
Ground connection
Cable clip
Equipotential bonding rail
Parallel routing of the equipotential bonding conductor and data cable

Damage to the interface modules possible
Cable shielding is not suitable for equipotential bonding.
Use only the prescribed equipotential bonding conductors. The equipotential bonding
conductor must have a minimum cross-section of 16 mm. The interface modules may
otherwise be damaged or destroyed.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device


Connecting the Power Supply

Configuration graphic
The following figure shows the connection of the HMI device and the power supply.

Note when connecting

The mains terminal for connecting the power supply is contained in the accessory kit. The
mains terminal is designed for cables with a maximum cross-section of 1.5 mm.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device

Connecting the mains terminal

Do not tighten the screws of the power supply terminal if it is plugged into the HMI device.
The pressure from the screwdriver may otherwise damage the HMI device socket.
Only connect the wires when the mains terminal is withdrawn.

Connect the power supply terminal to the cables of the power supply as shown in the figure
above. Ensure that the lines are connected properly to the correct terminals. Refer to the
label for the contact pins on the rear of the HMI device.

Reverse polarity protection

The HMI device is equipped with reverse polarity protection.

Connecting the power supply

Safe electrical isolation
Use only 24 VDC power supply units with safe electrical isolation in accordance with
IEC 60364-4-41 or HD 384.04.41 (VDE 0100, Part 410), for example, in accordance with
the PELV standard.
The supply voltage must be within the specified voltage range. Malfunctions in the HMI
device may otherwise result.
Applies to non-isolated system design:
Connect the connection for GND 24 V from the 24 V power supply output to equipotential
bonding for uniform reference potential. You should always select a central point of

See also
Ports (Page 45)

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device


Connecting the PLC

Configuration graphic
The following figure shows the connection of the HMI device and the controller.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device

Use only the approved cables to connect a SIMATIC S7 controller.
Standard cables are available for the connection. You can find additional information on this
on the Internet at Industry Mall (

Connecting PROFINET
Use a cross-cable for the PROFINET connection when using a point-to-point connection.
If you use PROFINET IO direct keys, the HMI device must be connected with a switch. For
detailed instructions regarding the installation of PROFINET networks, please refer to the
PROFINET system description manual.
Only connect the HMI device to public Ethernet networks using a switch or comparable

Configuring an RS 422/RS 485 interface

A DIP switch for the configuration of the RS 422/RS 485 interface is located on the back of
the HMI device.
In the factory state, the DIP switch is set for communication with the SIMATIC S7 PLC via
RS 485.
Note the diagrams of DIP switch settings on the rear panel of the HMI device.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device
The following table shows the DIP switch settings. The send and receive direction is toggled
internally by the RTS signal.

Switch setting


No RTS on plug, for data transfer between PLC and HMI
(factory state)
RTS on pin 4, same as PLC,
for example for commissioning

RTS on pin 9, same as programming device,

for commissioning, for example

RS 422/RS 485

RS 422 interface is active.

See also
Ports (Page 45)
Accessories (Page 16)

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device


Connecting a Configuring PC

Configuration graphic
The following figure shows the connection of the HMI device and the configuration PC.

Use a cross-cable for the PROFINET connection when using a point-to-point connection.
The interfaces are described in the specifications.
For RS 485-RS 232 conversion, you can order the PC/PPI cable from Siemens AG.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device

Configuring the PC/PPI cable

Use the DIP switches to configure the transfer rate of the PC/PPI cable.
Set a lower bit rate if the connection is lost during the operating system update. If you use a
high bit rates, you need to use PC/PPI cable version 3 or higher. The version code is printed
on the cable ("E stand 3," for example, corresponds to version 3).

DIP switch

Set the value of the transfer rate with DIP switches 1 to 3 to the same value that is specified
in the configuration software. DIP switches 4 to 8 must be set to "0".

The following bit rates can be set:

Bit rate in kbps

DIP switch 1

DIP switch 2

DIP switch 3









In the figure, the bit rate is set to 115.2 kbps.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device

Note when connecting

USB connection sequence
Observe the following sequence when connecting by USB:
1. HMI device
2. PC
USB host-to-host cable
Use only the driver for the USB host-to-host cable that is supplied with the configuration
software. Never use the driver supplied with the USB host-to-host cable.
Update operating system
If there is no serviceable HMI device image on the HMI device, you can only update the
operating system by restoring the factory settings. Use the RS 422/RS 485 interface with the
PC/PPI cable on the HMI device.
Replacing the HMI device
If you connect more than one HMI device with the same IP address in succession to a single
configuration PC, you need to ping the configuration PC once from the HMI device on each
changeover of the HMI device.

See also
Ports (Page 45)
Accessories (Page 16)


Connecting a USB device

Use only devices approved for connection to the HMI device.
Lists of devices approved for connection to HMI devices via the USB port are available on
the Internet at the following addresses:

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device
Below are examples of devices you can connect to the USB port of the HMI device:
Industrial USB Hub 4
USB memory devices
Barcode reader
USB mouse and USB keyboard for commissioning only
Connect a USB mouse or USB keyboard only for commissioning and servicing purposes to
the USB port.
Functional problem with USB port
If you connect an external device with a 230 V power supply to the USB port without using
an non-insulated installation, you may experience functional problems.
Use a non-insulated system design.
Rated load of the interface
Malfunctions may occur on a USB device that presents an electrical overload on the port.
Adhere to the values for the maximum load on the USB port.

See also
Connecting the Power Supply (Page 48)
X20, X21 (USB) (Page 192)

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Installing and connecting the device

4.3 Connecting the HMI device


Connecting a Printer.

Configuration graphic

The following figure shows the connection of the HMI device and the printer.

Note when connecting

Use only cables with metal-braided shielding grounded at both ends to connect the HMI
device and printer.
Use a cross-cable for the Ethernet connection when using a point-to-point connection.
Some printers may require the ASCII character set used in the project to also be defined on
the printer.
You can find the list of current printers and required settings for HMI devices on the Internet
Read the documentation supplied with the printer when connecting it.

See also
Ports (Page 45)
Connecting a USB device (Page 55)
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Installing and connecting the device

4.4 Switching on and Testing the HMI device


Switching on and Testing the HMI device

Proceed as follows:
1. Switching on the power supply.
The screen lights up after power is switched on. A progress bar is displayed during
If the HMI device fails to start, you have probably crossed the wires on the mains
terminal. Check the connected wires and change their connection. The Loader opens
once the operating system has started.

The HMI device automatically switches to "transfer" mode during initial startup under the
following conditions:
No project is loaded on the HMI device.
At least one data channel has been configured.
During this process the following dialog appears:

2. Press "Cancel" to stop the transfer.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Installing and connecting the device

4.5 Securing the cables

The Loader appears again.
When restarting the system, a project may already be loaded on the HMI device. The system
then skips "Transfer" mode and starts the project.
Use the relevant operating element to close the project.
Refer to your plant documentation to find any available additional information on this topic.

Function test
Perform a function test following commissioning. The HMI device is fully functional when one
of the following states is indicated:
The "Transfer" dialog is displayed.
The loader is displayed.
A project is started.

Shutting down the HMI device

Terminate the project at the HMI device before switching it off.
You have the following options for switching off the HMI device:
Switch off the power supply.
Remove the mains terminal from the HMI device.


Securing the cables

After the power-on test, to ensure strain relief, use cable ties to secure the connected cables
to the marked fixing elements.

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Installing and connecting the device

4.5 Securing the cables

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Operator controls and displays


Front operator controls

MP 277 Touch

Display with touch screen

The assignment of the operator controls for the MP 277 8" Touch and the MP 277 10" Touch
is basically the same.
You can operate the MP 277 Touch using the touch screen. All operating elements required
for operation are displayed on the display once the HMI device has been started.

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Operator controls and displays

5.1 Front operator controls

MP 277 Key

Function keys with LED

Function keys without LED
System keys - alphanumeric keys
System keys - control keys
System keys - cursor keys

The assignment of the operator controls for the MP 277 8" Key and the MP 277 10" Key is
basically the same.
The MP 277 Key is operated using the system keys and the function keys.
The function assigned to a specific function key is defined during configuration. The function
keys have no function prior to the project being opened.
Unintentional action possible
Do not carry out several operations simultaneously. You may otherwise trigger unintentional
With touch control: Always touch only one operating element on the screen.
With key control: Do not press more than two keys simultaneously.
Risk of damage to the touch screen
Do not touch the touch screen with pointed or hard objects. Avoid applying excessive
pressure to the touch screen with hard objects. Both will substantially reduce the service life
of the touch screen and can even lead to total failure.
Always operate the touch screen of the HMI device with your fingers or with a touch pen.
Damage to the keyboard
Use only your fingers to operate the keys of your HMI device.
Using hard instruments to press the keys considerably reduces the service life of the key

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Operator controls and displays

5.2 Using Memory Cards with the HMI Device

See also
Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Touch (Page 10)
Design of the HMI Device MP 277 8" Key (Page 11)
Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Touch (Page 13)
Design of the HMI Device MP 277 10" Key (Page 14)


Using Memory Cards with the HMI Device

The following can be saved to the memory card of the HMI device:
HMI device image (backup)
Operating system
Additional specifications
The memory card can be inserted and removed during operation. Do not remove the
memory card while data is being accessed by an application, for example during backup or
recipe transfer.
Multimedia card
The multimedia card of the SIMATIC S7 controller is not compatible with the HMI device.

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Operator controls and displays

5.2 Using Memory Cards with the HMI Device

Procedure inserting a memory card

Proceed as follows:
Insert the memory card into the memory card slot.

Memory card
Memory card slot

When inserting the memory card, please note that it can only be inserted as shown in the
diagram. When the memory card is correctly inserted into the slot, it stands approx. 3 mm
proud of the slot.

Using a memory card for the first time

Data loss
The first time you use a memory card the HMI device will request that you format the card.
Save a backup copy of memory card data to a PC beforehand.
Proceed as follows in order to prevent data loss:
1. Cancel the formatting procedure by pressing "ESC".
2. Save a backup copy of vital data to a PC.
3. Format the memory card on the HMI device.
4. Transfer the backup data from the PC to the memory card.
You can now transfer the backup data from the memory card to the HMI device.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Operator controls and displays

5.3 Labeling the Function Keys at the MP 277 Key

Procedure removing a memory card

Data loss
The data on the memory card may be lost if you attempt to remove it while the HMI device is
accessing its data.
Do not remove the memory card while data is being accessed. Observe the corresponding
alarms on the screen.
Proceed as follows:
1. Unplug the memory card from the memory card slot.
2. Store the memory card in a safe place.


Labeling the Function Keys at the MP 277 Key

You can label the function keys as required for your project. Use the labeling strips for this
Labeling strip templates are available in a Word document on the Internet at the following
Labeling strips for SIMATIC HMI devices
Do not write on the keyboard to label the function keys.
Any printable and writable foil can be used as labeling strip. The permitted thickness of the
labeling strip is 0.13 mm. Paper labeling strips are inappropriate.
You can use transparent foil, the keyboard membrane of the HMI device is printed on the
reverse side. Use transparent foil so that the LEDs of the function keys can be seen.

MP 277
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Operator controls and displays

5.3 Labeling the Function Keys at the MP 277 Key

Dimensions of the labeling strip for the MP 277 8" Key

Dimensions of the labeling strip for the MP 277 10" Key

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Operator controls and displays

5.3 Labeling the Function Keys at the MP 277 Key

Proceed as follows:
1. Edit the template and then it on the foil.
Another option is to print blank templates and later label them manually.
2. Apply a fixing spray to the labeling strips.
The fixing spray ensures that the text is water resistant and does not smear, and that the
printer ink on the keyboard membrane does not run.
3. Cut out the labeling strip.
Ensure that the corners are cut according to the diagram shown above as this makes it
easier to slide them into the slot.
4. Remove any existing labeling strips.
Wait for the printed labeling strips to dry before you insert them.
5. Slide the labeling strips into the slot .

6. Slide the labeling strips into the slot up to the stop.

The labeling strip will protrude approximately 3 cm out of the slot. The template
dimensions for the labeling strips are designed so that the labeling is correctly placed for
the function keys. It is not necessary to secure the labeling strip.
When mounting the HMI device, ensure that the labeling strips do not become jammed
between the mounting cut-out and the HMI device.

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Operator controls and displays

5.3 Labeling the Function Keys at the MP 277 Key

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Configuring the device


The following figure shows the loader.

The loader buttons have the following functions:

Press the "Transfer" button to set the HMI device to "Transfer" mode.
The transfer mode can only be activated when at least one data channel has been
enabled for the transfer.
Press the "Start" button to start the project on the HMI device.
If you do not perform an operation, the project on the HMI device will automatically start
after a delay.

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Configuring the device

6.1 Loader
Press the "Control Panel" button to open the Control Panel of the HMI device.
You can change various settings in the Control Panel, for example, the transfer settings.
Press the "Taskbar" button to activate the taskbar with opened Windows CE Start menu:

"Taskbar" button in the loader

Windows CE Start menu

Open loader
The following options are available to open the loader:
The loader appears briefly after starting the HMI device.
The loader appears when the project is closed.
If configured, use the relevant operating element to close the project.
Refer to your plant documentation to find any available additional information on this

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Configuring the device

6.1 Loader

Key operation in the loader

The following table shows the key combinations for navigating in the loader.
Key combination

The next or previous entry is selected.

The selected button is operated.

Protection against unauthorized use

You can protect the control panel against unauthorized access by using a password.
You can also protect the taskbar and the Desktop with the help of SecureMode. If the HMI
device is protected, "secure mode" is displayed on the Windows CE desktop. You can find
additional information on this in the section "Enabling and disabling SecureMode (Page 74)".
The "Transfer" and "Start" buttons can always be used without having to enter a password.
Password protection prevents maloperation. This increases the security of the system or
equipment because settings for the current project can only be changed after entering the
Loss of data possible
If the password is no longer available, you can only cancel password protection by updating
the operating system. All data on the HMI device will be deleted when you update the
operating system.
Back up the HMI device's data.

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Configuring the device

6.1 Loader

Pocket Internet Explorer

The Pocket Internet Explorer is installed on the HMI device.

The Pocket Internet Explorer and the PC version of the Internet Explorer differ in terms of
functional range. Internet Explorer for Windows CE has separate proxy settings that are
independent of the settings in the control panel of the HMI device.
You can find additional information on the Microsoft's website.

Key operation in the user interface

The following table shows the key combinations for navigating in the user interface.
Key combination

The task bar is activated with the open Windows CE start menu.
The next active program is displayed.
The Task Manager is opened.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.1 Loader

Key operation in the Explorer

The following table shows the key combinations for navigating in the Explorer.
Key combination


Toggles the active window.

Toggles between the Windows CE Desktop and the window.

Selects the first entry.

Selects the last entry.

Selects everything, if the left LED of the key

Activates the menu bar.

Changes to the higher level.

lights up.

Opens the shortcut menu.

Displays the properties.

See also
Switching on and Testing the HMI device (Page 58)
Configuring the data channel (Page 109)
Changing Password Protection (Page 89)

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Configuring the device

6.2 Enabling and disabling SecureMode


Enabling and disabling SecureMode

SecureMode prevents unauthorized access to the desktop and the taskbar of the HMI
device. In SecureMode, all functions on the desktop and the taskbar of the HMI device are


Enabling SecureMode
1. Assign a password in the Control Panel for the HMI device.
2. If no password has been assigned for the HMI device, double-click the following icon on
the desktop.

SecureMode is enabled. The text "secure mode" appears on the desktop.

Disabling SecureMode
1. If a password is assigned for the HMI device, then delete it.
2. If no password has been assigned for the HMI device, operate the "Taskbar" button once
in the Loader.


Control Panel



Control Panel of the HMI device

You can configure the following settings in the Control Panel of the HMI device:
Screen saver
Regional settings
Transfer settings
Network settings
Delay time
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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel

Opening the Control Panel

The Control Panel can be opened as follows:
In the startup phase
Press "Control Panel" to open the HMI device Control Panel in the Loader.
In a running project
Operate the operating element provided for the respective task, if configured.
Alternatively you can open the Control Panel from the Windows CE start menu as follows.
For an HMI device with key operation use the following key combination:

For an HMI device with touch operation, press the key on the alphanumeric screen
keyboard twice:

Select "Settings > Control Panel".

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Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel


Reference for functions

The following table shows the settings in the Control Panel.

Backing up data to external storage device (Page 126)
Restoring data from external storage device (Page 128)
Importing and Deleting Certificates (Page 125)
Setting the Date and Time (Page 90)
Setting up the screen keyboard (Page 84)
Changing General Internet Settings (Page 121)
Setting the Proxy Server (Page 122)
Changing Privacy Settings (Page 123)
Setting the Character Repetition of the Keyboard (Page 85)
Setting the Double-click (Page 86)
Changing the Network Configuration (Page 116)

IP address

Name server

Changing the Logon Data (Page 118)

Backing up Registry Information (Page 92)
Changing monitor settings (Page 94)
Displaying Information about the HMI Device (Page 100)
Restarting the HMI Device (Page 99)
Calibrate touch screen (Page 87) 1
Activate Memory Management (Page 131)
Changing Password Protection (Page 89)
Changing the Printer Properties (Page 96)
Enabling PROFINET IO (Page 111)

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Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel


Changing Regional Settings (Page 92)

Number format


Time format

Date format

Changing S7 transfer settings (Page 106)

Setting the screen saver (Page 94)

Screen saver

Reducing screen backlighting

Displaying System Properties (Page 101)

Setting the device name of the HMI device (Page 115)
Configuring the data channel (Page 109)
Setting the Delay Time (Page 102)
Setting the uninterruptible power supply (Page 104)
State of uninterruptible power supply (Page 105)
Set the volume (Page 97)
Changing E-Mail Settings (Page 119) 2


For MP 277 Touch only

Additional tabs may appear in the "WinCC Internet Settings" dialog. This depends on the options
that have been enabled for network operation in the project.


Operating the Control Panel

The hardware of the HMI device determines which of the following devices are available:
Touch screen
The operating elements shown in the dialogs are touch-sensitive. Touch objects are
basically operated in the same way as mechanical keys. You activate operating elements
by touching them with your finger. To double-click them, touch an operating element
twice in succession.
HMI device keyboard
The operating elements shown in the dialogs are selected and operated using the keys of
the HMI device.

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Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel
External USB keyboard
An external keyboard can be used to operate the Control Panel in exactly the same way
as the HMI device keyboard. Use the keys of the external keyboard which correspond to
the HMI device keys in the description.
External USB mouse
The Control Panel can be operated with an external mouse in exactly the same way as
with the HMI touch screen. Click the described operating elements with the mouse.

Entries using the touch screen

The Control Panel is operated with the touch screen of the HMI device.

1. Close the project.
Use the provided operating element. The loader is displayed.
2. Open the Control Panel by pressing the "Control Panel" button.
3. To open the required dialog, double-click its symbol.
4. Change as required by touching the tab.
5. Now make the necessary changes.
Touch the respective input object to make entries.
Use the screen keyboard of the HMI device to enter the new values in the text boxes.
Touch a button to operate it.
Touch the selection box to open a drop down list box. Touch the required entry from
the drop down list box.
Touch the check box to activate or deactivate a check box.
Touch a radio button to select it.
6. Confirm the selection with the

button or abort the entries with the


The dialog box closes.

7. Close the Control Panel with the


8. Start the project by pressing the "Start" button in the Loader.

Input with the screen keyboard

A screen keyboard is available for data input. The screen keyboard is displayed as soon as
you touch a text box. You can also call up the screen keyboard directly from the Control

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel

Display methods for the screen keyboard

You can change the display method for the screen keyboard and fix the position on the
screen. Confirm the entry with the

button or abort the entry with the

key. Either

action closes the screen keyboard.

Numerical screen keyboard

Alphanumerical screen keyboard

The alphanumerical screen keyboard has various levels.

Normal level
Shift level
Reduced screen keyboard

Changing the display of the screen keyboard


Switching between the numerical and alphanumerical keyboard
Switching between the normal level and Shift level of the alphanumerical screen
Activation and deactivation of the numerical and alphanumerical keys of the
alphanumerical screen keyboard
Switching from full display to reduced display
Switching from reduced display to full display
Closing of reduced display of the screen keyboard

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Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel

Moving the screen keyboard

1. Touch the following icon:

2. Without lifting your finger, move the screen keyboard on the touch screen.
3. Release the icon when the required position is reached.

See also
Setting up the screen keyboard (Page 84)
Entering and Editing Numerical Values (Page 163)
Entering and editing alphanumerical values (Page 166)
Front operator controls (Page 61)

Input with the Keyboard

The Control Panel is operated with the system keys of the HMI device.

1. Close the project.
Use the provided operating element.
2. Open the Control Panel.
The loader is displayed.
Select the "Control Panel" button in the loader using the cursor keys.

The Control Panel is opened.

3. Select the symbol of the required dialog with the cursor keys.
4. Press

to open the dialog.

5. Change the tab as required.


until the name of the tab is selected. Now switch to the other tabs using the

cursor keys.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel

6. Press

to return to the input area and make the necessary changes.

Select the respective input object by pressing the

key to make entries.

Use the system keys of the HMI device to enter the new values in the text boxes.
To operate a button, select the button with the cursor keys and then press
Open the selection lists with the key combination

Select the required entry from the selection list using the cursor keys.
Confirm the selected entry by pressing

to activate or deactivate a check box.

Select a option button of a group using the cursor keys.

7. Confirm your entries with

or discard your entries with

If you have selected an input object, you first have to complete entry.
The dialog box closes.
8. Close the Control Panel.

. This opens the Control Panel menu.

Select the "Close" entry using the cursor keys.


The loader is displayed.

9. Start the project.
Select the "Start" button in the loader using the cursor keys.

The project is started.

Control keys
The tables below show the control keys used to operate the Control Panel.

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Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel
Select operating elements




Selects the next/previous operating element in the

tab sequence.

Cursor keys

Selects the next operating element to the left, right,

above or below the current screen object.
Navigates in the operating element.

Using operating elements




Scroll back

Scrolls back a page in a list.

Scroll to the beginning

Scrolls to the beginning of a list.

Scroll forward

Scrolls one page forward in a list.

Scroll to the end

Scrolls to the end of a list.

Enter key

Operates a button.

Accepts and ends an entry.

Deletes the characters of a value entry and

restores the original value.

Closes the active dialog.


Delete characters

Deletes the character to the right of the current

cursor position.

Delete characters

Deletes the character to the left of the current

cursor position.

Open selection list

Opens a selection list.

Accept value

Accepts the selected value in the selection list

without closing the list.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.3 Control Panel
Enter key combinations



Toggle key assignment

Toggles the assignment for a key with multiple


No LED is lit:
The number assignment is enabled. Pressing
the button once toggles to letter assignment.

An LED is lit:

The left or right letter assignment is enabled.

Each time the key is pressed, the system toggles
between the left letter assignment, the right letter
assignment and the number assignment.
Toggle between upper-case
and lower-case

Used in key combinations, for example for entering

upper-case letters.

Switch to additional key assignment

Some of the keys contain a key assignment imprinted blue, for example the "%" character.
Used in key combinations for the blue key assignment.

General control function

Used in key combinations

General control function

Used in key combinations

See also
Entering and editing numerical values (Page 174)
Entering and editing alphanumerical values (Page 176)
Front operator controls (Page 61)

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Configuring the device

6.4 Changing settings for operation


Changing settings for operation


Setting up the screen keyboard

You set up the layout and the position of the screen keyboard.

You have opened the "Siemens HMI InputPanel - Options" with the "InputPanel" icon.

Button for displaying the screen keyboard

Button for saving the screen keyboard settings
Button for closing the screen keyboard

1. Display the screen keyboard by pressing the "Open Input Panel" button.
2. By pressing the

button, you can switch between the numerical and alphanumerical

screen keyboard.
3. Set the position of the screen keyboard by moving the screen keyboard on the screen.
4. Save your settings by pressing the "Save" button.
5. Close the screen keyboard by pressing the "Close Input Panel" button.
6. Close the dialog.
The screen keyboard settings have been modified.

See also
Entries using the touch screen (Page 78)

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.4 Changing settings for operation


Setting the Character Repetition of the Keyboard

You can set the character repeat for the keyboard or screen keyboard in the Control Panel.

You have opened the "Keyboard Properties" dialog box with the "Keyboard" icon.

Check box for activating the character repeat

Slider control and buttons for the delay time before character repeat
Slider control and buttons for the rate of the character repeat
Test field

1. Select the "Enable character repeat" check box to enable the character repeat.
2. Use the buttons to set the delay and rate of the character repeat. You can also use the
slider control for this.
3. Verify your settings.
For HMI devices with touch operation.
Touch the test field. The screen keyboard opens.
Move the screen keyboard as needed.
Touch any character and keep it pressed.
Check the implementation of the character repetition and the rate of the character
repetition in the test field.
Correct your setting if necessary.
For HMI devices with key operation.
Select the test field.
Press an alphanumeric key and keep the key pressed down.
Check the implementation of the character repetition and the rate of the character
repetition in the test field.
Correct your setting if necessary.
4. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The character repeat for the keyboard is now set.
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Configuring the device

6.4 Changing settings for operation


Setting the Double-click

You can start applications in the Control Panel and in Windows CE with a double-click. A
double-click corresponds to two brief touches in sequence.
In the "Mouse Properties" dialog, make the following adjustments for touch screen operation
and operation with external mouse:
Interval between two touch contacts on the touch screen
Interval between mouse clicks
If you make this setting with an external mouse on a device with touch screen, you may
encounter problems with the touch recognition.

You have opened the "Mouse Properties" dialog using the "Mouse" icon.


1. Double-click on the grid.
After one double-click, the pattern is shown in inverse colors.

2. Double-click on the icon.

If the double-click is valid, the symbol is displayed as follows:

3. If the symbol remains unchanged, double-click on the pattern again.

4. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The double-click adjustment is completed.
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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.4 Changing settings for operation


Calibrate touch screen

Depending on the mounting position and viewing angle, parallax may occur on the touch
screen. To prevent any operating errors caused by parallax, calibrate the touch screen again
in the startup phase or during runtime.

You have opened the "Touch" tab in the "OP Properties" dialog box with the "OP" icon.

Button for calibrating the touch screen

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Configuring the device

6.4 Changing settings for operation

1. Touch the "Recalibrate" button to open the following dialog:

2. Briefly touch the middle of the calibration crosshairs .

The calibration crosshairs is then displayed at four more positions. Touch the middle of
the calibration crosshairs for each position. If you do not touch the middle of the
calibration crosshairs, the procedure is repeated.
Once you have touched the calibration crosshairs for all positions, the following dialog

3. Touch the touch screen within 30 seconds.

The new calibration is saved. If you wait longer than 30 seconds, the new calibration is
discarded and the original calibration remains in effect.
The "OP Properties" dialog , "Touch" tab is displayed again.
4. Close the dialog.
The touch screen of the HMI device is recalibrated.

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Configuring the device

6.5 Changing Password Protection


Changing Password Protection

You can protect the Control Panel and Windows CE taskbar with a password. Pay particular
attention to the section "Enabling and disabling SecureMode (Page 74)".

You have opened the "Password Properties" dialog box with the "Password" icon.

Password text box

Text box for entering the password a second time

If the password is no longer available, you cannot do the following until you have updated the
operating system.
Making changes to the Control Panel
Operating the Windows CE task bar
All data on the HMI device will be overwritten when you update the operating system!

Activating password protection
1. Enter a password in the "Password" text box.
The following characters cannot be used in passwords:
Special characters * ? . % / \ ' "
2. Repeat the password entry in the "Confirm Password" text box.
3. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
You cannot open the Control Panel or Windows CE taskbar without entering a password.

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Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings
Deactivating password protection
1. Delete the entries in the "Password" and "Confirm password" text boxes.
2. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
Password protection for the Control Panel and Windows CE taskbar is disabled.


Changing HMI device settings


Setting the Date and Time

You can set the date and time on the HMI device. The HMI must be restarted in the following
You have changed the time zone setting.
You have changed the setting of the "Daylight savings time currently in effect" check box .

You have opened the "Date/Time Properties" dialog using the "Date/Time Properties" icon.

Time zone
"Daylight savings" check box
Button for applying changes

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings

1. Select the appropriate time zone for the HMI device in the "Time Zone" selection box.
2. Touch the "Apply" button to confirm your entry.
The time of day shown in the "Current Time" field is adjusted correspondingly to the
selected time zone.
3. Set the date in the selection box.
4. Set the current time of day in the "Current Time" text box.
The system does not automatically switch between standard time and daylight saving
5. If you want to switch from standard time to daylight saving time, select the
"Daylight saving time currently in effect" check box.
When you press the "Apply" button, the time is brought forward by one hour.
6. If you want to switch from daylight saving time to standard time, deactivate the
"Daylight saving time currently in effect" check box.
When you press the "Apply" button, the time is brought back by one hour.
7. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The settings for the date and time of day have now been changed.

Synchronizing the date and time with the PLC

The date and time of the HMI device can be synchronized with the PLC if this has been
configured in the project and the PLC program. You can find more information on this topic in
the online help of the configuration software.
You have to synchronize the date and time when time-controlled responses are triggered in
the PLC by the HMI device.

See also
Restarting the HMI Device (Page 99)

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Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings


Changing Regional Settings

In different countries, for example, the date, time and decimal points are displayed
differently. You can adjust the display format to meet the requirements of different regions.
The country-specific settings apply to the current project. If the project language is changed,
the country-specific settings are also changed.

You have opened the "Regional and Language Settings" dialog box with the
"Regional Settings" icon.

Region selection box

1. Select the region from the selection box.
2. Change to the "Number", "Currency", "Time" and "Date" tabs and set the selection boxes
to the desired settings.
3. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The HMI device's regional settings have been changed.


Backing up Registry Information

Backing up registry information and temporary data

You can install and uninstall your own programs on the HMI devices under Windows CE.
You must save the registry settings after installation or uninstallation.
You can save the following data to the flash memory:
Registry information
Temporary files

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings

Restoring file system from a memory card

If memory cards are used, the file system on the memory card may become damaged,
perhaps due to a power failure. The HMI device detects the defective file system on start-up
or when the memory card is inserted. The HMI device can restore the file system
automatically or on request.

You have opened the "Persistent Storage" tab in the "OP Properties" dialog box with the
"OP" icon.

Button for saving registry information

Meaning of the text in the dialog:
Saves the current registry information to the flash memory. The HMI device loads the saved
registry information the next time it boots.
Button for saving temporary files
Meaning of the text in the dialog:
Saves all the files in temporary storage to the flash memory (for example, from the "Program
Files" directory). These files are written back when the HMI device is started. The "\Temp"
directory is not saved.
Check box for automatically restoring the file system on the memory card when the HMI device
starts up and when a memory card is inserted.

1. Select the "Save Registry" button to save the current registry settings.
2. Select the "Save Files" button to save temporary files.
3. Specify how the file system on the memory card should be restored.
Activate the check box "Automatically Repair ..." to activate automatic restore.
Deactivate the check box "Automatically Repair ..." if you wish to have the files system
restored only upon prompting.
4. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The HMI device uses the saved registry information the next time it starts. The temporary
files are copied back.
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Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings


Changing monitor settings

You have opened the "Display" tab in the "OP Properties" dialog using the "OP" icon.

1. If you want to increase the brightness, press the "UP" button.
2. If you want to decrease the brightness, press the "DOWN" button.
3. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The screen settings have been changed.


Setting the screen saver

You can set the following time intervals on the HMI device:
For the automatic activation of the screen saver
For the automatic reduction in the screen's backlighting
When you do not undertake an operation within the configured interval, the configured
function will be activated automatically.
The screen saver and the reduced screen backlighting functions are switched back off by
means of the following actions:
By pressing any key
By touching the touch screen

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings
The function associated to the key or button will not be executed by this.
Deterioration of the backlight brightness
The brightness of the backlighting decreases incrementally during its operational life. In
order to increase the operational lifetime of the backlighting, activate the backlighting
Burn-in effects
The prolonged display of screen contents can occasionally lead to a burn-in effect in the
This burn-in effect automatically disappears after a certain amount of time, for example, after
the screensaver was activated. The longer the same content is displayed on the screen, the
longer it will take for the burn-in effect to disappear.
Generally, you should always activate the screen saver.
When the screen saver is active, the backlighting is reduced at the same time.

You have opened the "ScreenSaver" dialog box with the "ScreenSaver" icon.

Time interval in minutes until backlighting is reduced

Period of time in minutes before the screen saver is activated
Screen saver setting

1. Enter the interval in minutes after which the backlighting is to be reduced.
Entering "0" will deactivate the backlighting reduction.
2. Enter the number of minutes before the screen saver is to be activated.
The minimum time is 5 minutes and the maximum time is 71582 minutes.
Entering "0" disables the screen saver.

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Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings
3. Select either the standard screen saver or an empty screen.
In order to select the standard screen saver, activate the "Standard" option.
In order to select an empty screen as screen saver, activate the "Blank Screen"
4. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The screen saver and the reduced backlighting for the HMI device is set.


Changing the Printer Properties

HMI devices can print on local printers or network printers. You can print hardcopy and logs
on network printers. Line printing of alarms is not possible on a network printer.
You can find the list of current printers and required settings for HMI devices on the Internet
at Printers approved for SIMATIC Panels and Multi Panels

You have opened the "Printer Properties" dialog box with the "Printer" icon.

Printer selection box

Network address of the printer
Paper size selection box
Orientation setting
Print quality setting

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings

1. Select the printer in the "Printer Language" selection box.
2. Select the port for the printer in the "Port" selection box.
3. If you wish to print via the network, enter "Network:" in the text box the network address
of the printer.
4. Select the paper format in the "Paper Size" selection box.
5. Select the required option button in the "Orientation" group:
"Portrait" for vertical format
"Landscape" for horizontal format
6. Select the print quality.
Select the "Draft Mode" check box if you want to print a draft.
Clear the "Draft Mode" check box if you want to print with higher quality.
7. Set the color mode.
Select the check box "Color" if you wish to print in color.
8. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The settings for the printer have now been changed.


Set the volume

You can activate an acoustic feedback for keyboard and touch screen operations. With each
touch or activation of a key, an acoustic signal is emitted.

You have opened the "Volume & Sounds Properties" dialog box with the
"Volume & Sounds" icon.

Check boxes and radio buttons for acoustic feedback when using the keyboard
Check boxes and radio buttons for acoustic feedback when using the touch screen
Buttons for adjusting the volume

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Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings

If you deactivate the settings under "Enable sounds for:" no more acoustic signals will be
emitted during inadvertent operations.

1. For HMI devices with keys:
Click the check box "Hardware buttons" to activate the acoustic signal.
Choose between a loud and soft acoustic signal using the "Loud" and "Soft" radio
2. For HMI devices with touch screen:
Activate the "Screen Taps" check box to activate the acoustic signal.
Choose between a loud and soft acoustic signal using the "Loud" and "Soft" radio
3. Choose the required volume using the "Loud" and "Soft" radio buttons.
4. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The entries in the "Sounds" tab are of no relevance for the HMI device.
The properties of the acoustic operation feedback are now set up.

See also
Overview (Page 157)

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings


Restarting the HMI Device

You need to start the HMI device again in the following situations:
You have activated or deactivated the PROFINET IO direct keys.
You have changed the time zone setting.
You have changed the automatic daylight savings and standard setting.
Data loss when the HMI device is restarted
All volatile data is lost when the HMI device is rebooted.
Check the following:
The project on the HMI device is not open.
No data is being written to the flash memory.

You have opened the "OP Properties" dialog box by pressing the "OP" icon.


Button for rebooting the HMI device

1. Change to the "Device" tab in the "OP Properties" dialog.

2. Click "Reboot".
The following warning is displayed:
"If you run this function, all data which has not been backed up will be lost. Close all
applications before you restart the device.
The HMI device reboots immediately if you confirm this warning.
The HMI device reboots.

See also
Enabling PROFINET IO (Page 111)
Setting the Date and Time (Page 90)

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Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings


Displaying Information about the HMI Device

You will need the device-specific information when you contact Technical Support.

You have opened the "Device" tab in the "OP Properties" dialog box with the "OP" icon.
The figure below shows the dialog using MP 277 8" Touch as an example.

HMI device name

Version of the HMI device image
Version of the boot loader
Boot loader release date
Size of the internal flash memory in which the HMI device image and project are stored
MAC address of the HMI device
Button for restarting the HMI device

1. The device-specific information is displayed in the "Device" tab.
2. Close the dialog when the information is no longer required.
The size of the internal flash memory does not correspond to the available working
memory for a project.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.6 Changing HMI device settings


Displaying System Properties

The system-specific information provides you with information about the processor,
operating system and memory of the HMI device.

You have opened the "System Properties" dialog box, "General" tab with the "System" icon.

Copyright to Microsoft Windows CE

Processor information
Size of internal flash memory

Do not change the memory distribution in the "Memory" tab.
Only applies for the usage of ProSave options according to section "Installing and removing
options using ProSave (Page 152)":
An alteration to the memory distribution may be necessary. Please refer to the
accompanying documentation for further information.

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Configuring the device

6.7 Setting the Delay Time
1. Change to the "Memory" tab.
The memory information is displayed.

Size of data storage space

Size of program storage space
The blue area shows the size of the available memory.

2. If you want to change the size of the assigned storage space, mode the slider.
The change is displayed under "Allocated". The slider sets the ratio between data and
program storage space.
3. Close the dialog.


Setting the Delay Time

The project is opened following a delay time when the HMI device is switched on. The
Loader is displayed during the delay time. Read the description of the "Start" button in the
section "Loader (Page 69)" when doing this.
Do not use the delay time to implement a temporary access protection.

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Configuring the device

6.7 Setting the Delay Time

You have opened the "Directories" tab in the "Transfer Settings" dialog box with the
"Transfer" icon.

Directory where the project file is saved

Directory where the compressed source file of your project is saved
The external memory card or the network connection can be defined as the storage location.
During the next backup process, the project's source file is stored in the specified location.
Storage location and initialization file of the HMI device for process operation
Region selection box

Settings in "Project File" and "Path"
The project may not open at the next start of the HMI device if changes are made here.
Do not change the setting in the "Project File" and "Path" fields.

1. Select the desired delay time in seconds in the "Wait [sec]" selection box.
With the value "0", the project starts immediately. It is then no longer possible to call the
Loader after switching on the HMI device. If you still wish to access the Loader, an
operating element must be configured to close the project.
2. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The delay time for the HMI device is now set.

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Configuring the device

6.8 Setting the uninterruptible power supply


Setting the uninterruptible power supply

UPS monitoring is an option you load as an add-on with ProSave.
A UPS ensures that the HMI device is shut down in a controlled manner after a buffer time in
the event of a power failure. This avoids the loss of data. The following uninterruptible power
supplies are supported:
SITOP DC UPS modules as of a rated power value of 6 A, e.g. 6EP1931-2DC42
Configure the USB port for UPS monitoring.

The UPS is connected to the 24 V input and a USB port.
You have opened the "Configuration" tab in the "UPS Properties" dialog box with the
"UPS" icon.

Text box for the time after which the "Battery mode activated" message is displayed
Check box for enabling battery mode
Text box for the time after which the "Faulty port" message is displayed
Check box for the "Faulty port" message

1. If you want to enable battery mode, activate the "Battery mode" check box.
2. Enter the time for terminating applications in the "min" and "s" text boxes.
You will receive a message when UPS takes effect. Applications such as HMI Runtime
and WinAC MP are then terminated depending on the time entered.
3. If the port to which the UPS is connected is faulty and you therefore want to receive a
message, activate the "Port disturbed" check box.
4. Select the message you want from the list box.
5. Enter the time after which the "Faulty port" message is displayed in the "min" and "s" text
Port monitoring for the UPS is set.

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Configuring the device

6.9 State of uninterruptible power supply


State of uninterruptible power supply

If you have connected a UPS to a USB port, you can display the monitoring state of this port.

You have opened the "Current status" tab in the "UPS Properties" dialog using the
"UPS" icon.

The "UPS program is not running. No current status available." message appears when the
UPS is not connected.

1. Installing the UPS monitoring software.
2. Connect the UPS.
3. If you want to update the monitoring state, press the "Update" button.
The message is changed according to the current setting. The message will remain
unchanged if no check boxes in the "Configuration" tab have been activated.
The current monitoring state for the UPS is displayed.

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Configuring the device

6.10 Change the communication settings


Change the communication settings


Changing S7 transfer settings

The communication settings between the HMI device and PLC are defined in the HMI device
project. In the following cases, the communication settings might have to be changed:
The first time the project is transferred
If changes are made to the project but are only applied later
Transfer mode using MPI/PROFIBUS DP
The changed MP/PROFIBUS DP settings are overwritten in the following cases:
The project is started.
A project is transferred
The bus parameters are read from the project currently loaded on the HMI device. You
can change the settings for MPI / PROFIBUS DP transfer. The following steps are
Close the project.
Change the settings on the HMI device.
Then return to "Transfer" mode.
A project can only be transferred from the configuration PC to the HMI device when at
least one data channel is activated on the HMI device.
If no DP connection is configured in the project, the data channel is deactivated when
the project is started.
If the HMI device is in "Transfer" mode while changes are made to the transfer
settings, the settings only go into effect after the transfer function is restarted.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.10 Change the communication settings

You have opened the "S7-Transfer Settings" dialog box with the "S7-Transfer Settings" icon.

Network selection
Button for opening the properties dialog

1. Select a network.
If you have selected "S7 Ethernet", click the "Properties" button to open the
"SMC LAN91C111 Ethernet Settings" dialog and proceed as described in the
Changing the Network Configuration (Page 116) section to edit the Ethernet settings.
If you have selected "MPI" or "PROFIBUS", proceed as described in the steps below.
2. Open the "MPI" or "PROFIBUS" dialog with the "Properties" button:

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Configuring the device

6.10 Change the communication settings
3. If more masters are connected to the bus, deactivate the check box "Panel is the only
master on the bus".
4. Enter the bus address for the HMI device in the "Address" text box.
The bus address in the "Address" text box must be unique throughout the
5. Select the transmission rate in the "Transmission Rate" text box.
6. Select the highest station address on the bus in the "Highest Station Address" or "Highest
Station" text box.
7. Select the desired profile from the "Profile" selection box.
8. The profile information is displayed when you select "Bus Parameters" button in the
PROFIBUS dialog. The "Profile" dialog is read-only.
The bus parameters must be the same for all stations in the MPI/PROFIBUS DP network.

9. Close the "Profile" dialog.

10. Confirm your entries in the "MPI" or "PROFIBUS" dialog.
The dialog box closes.
The MPI/PROFIBUS DP settings of the HMI device have been changed.

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Configuring the device

6.10 Change the communication settings


Configuring the data channel

If you block all data channels, the HMI device is protected against unintentional overwriting
of the project data and HMI device image.
A project can only be transferred from the configuration PC to the HMI device when at least
one of the data channels is enabled on the HMI device.

You have opened the "Transfer Settings" dialog box with the "Transfer Settings" icon.

Group for data channel 1 (Channel 1)

Group for data channel 2 (Channel 2)
Button for the dialog "S7 Transfer Settings" or "Network and Dial-Up Connections."

The "Directories" tab is described in the section "Setting the Delay Time (Page 102)".
Changes during "Transfer" mode
If the change transfer settings during "Transfer" mode, the changed transfer settings will not
into effect until the next time you start the transfer.
This may occur if the Control Panel is opened to change the transfer properties in an active

MP 277
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Configuring the device

6.10 Change the communication settings

1. You can clear the required data channel by activating the associated "Enable Channel"
check box in the "Channel 1" or "Channel 2" group.
In the "Channel 1" group, the RS-422/RS-485 port is configured for the serial data
Select the "Enable Channel" check box to enable the data channel.
Clear the "Enable Channel" check box to lock the data channel.
Only select the "Remote Control" check box in the "Channel 1" group, if serial transfer is
in progress. Clear the check box before changing to "Online" mode.
2. Enable automatic transfer by activating the respective "Remote Control" check box in the
"Channel 1" or "Channel 2" group.
Unintentional transfer mode
If the HMI is accidentally switched to Transfer mode, unintentional actions can be
triggered in the plant.
Ensure that the configuration PC does not inadvertently switch the HMI device to
transfer mode while the project is in runtime.
3. Select the required protocol for "Channel 2" in the selection box.
Serial transfer mode via channel 2
The bus parameters, for example address of the HMI device, are read out of the project
that is currently running on the HMI device.
You can change the settings for the transfer via channel 2.
The following steps are required:
Close the project.
Change the settings on the HMI device.
Then return to "Transfer" mode.
The next time the project is started on the HMI device, the settings will be overwritten by
the values from the project.

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Configuring the device

6.10 Change the communication settings
4. Enter further parameters if required.
Applies to "MPI/Profibus/S7-Ethernet:"
Press the "Advanced" button to change to the "S7-Transfer Settings" dialog. There
you can change the settings for MPI/PROFIBUS or S7 Ethernet.
Confirm your entries.
The "S7-Transfer Settings" dialog box closes.
Applies to "ETHERNET":
Press the "Advanced" button to change to the "Network&Dial-Up Connections."
Open the "LAN9001" entry. You can change the TCP/IP settings there.
Confirm your entries.
Close "Network&Dial-Up Connections".
Applies to "USB:"
No further settings are required for "USB".
5. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The data channel is configured.

See also
Changing S7 transfer settings (Page 106)
Changing the Network Configuration (Page 116)
Operating modes (Page 134)


If the HMI device is connected to the PLC via PROFINET, function keys or buttons, for
example, can be configured as PROFINET IO direct keys. If PROFINET IO direct keys are
used in the project, they must be enabled.
If you enable PROFINET IO direct keys, you cannot use the RS 422/RS 485 port for serial
communication. PROFINET IO direct keys and PROFIBUS DP direct keys are mutually

MP 277
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Configuring the device

6.10 Change the communication settings

You have opened the "PROFINET" dialog box with the "PROFINET" icon.

Enabling or disabling the PROFINET IO direct keys

Text box for the device name
MAC address of the HMI device

If the device name does not match the device name entered in the HW Config of STEP 7, the
direct keys do not work. Use the device name from the HW Config of STEP 7. This device
name does not correspond to the device name used under Windows CE.
Within the ETHERNET data network, the device name must be unique and satisfy the DNS
conventions. These include:
Restriction to 127 characters in total (letters, digits, hyphen or point).
A name component within the device name, e.g. a string between two points, may not
exceed 63 characters.
Special characters such as umlauts, brackets, underscores, slashes, spaces etc. are not
permitted. The hyphen is the one exception.
The device name must not start or end with a the "-" character.
The device name must not take the form n.n.n.n (n = 0 to 999).
The device name must not start with the character sequence "port-xyz-" (x, y, z = 0 to 9).

1. If you want to enable the PROFINET IO direct keys, select the "PROFINET IO enabled"
check box.
2. Enter the device name of the HMI device.
3. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
4. Reboot the HMI device after saving the settings.
The PROFINET IO direct keys are enabled.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation

See also
Restarting the HMI Device (Page 99)
Overview (Page 157)


Configuring network operation


Overview of network operation

You can connect the HMI device to a PROFINET network via the Ethernet port.
The connection to a network offers, for example, the following options:
Printing via a network printer
The HMI device's operating system does not support line by line alarm logging via a
network printer. All other printing functions, for example hardcopy or logs are available
without restriction via the network.
Saving, exporting and importing of recipe data records on or from a server
Setting up of message and data archives
Transferring a project
Backing up data
The HMI device can only be used in PROFINET networks.
The HMI device only has client functionality in the PC network. This means that users can
access files of a node with TCP/IP server functionality from the HMI device via the
network. However, you cannot, for example, access data on the HMI device from a PC
via the network.
Information on communication using SIMATIC S7 over PROFINET is provided in the
online help of the configuration software.

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Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation

Addressing the computer

Within a PROFINET network, computers are usually addressed using computer names.
These computer names are translated from a DNS or WINS server to TCP/IP addresses.
This is why a DNS or WINS server is needed for addressing via computer names when the
HMI device is in a PROFINET network. Such servers are usually present in PROFINET
The use of TCP/IP addresses to address PCs is not supported by the operating system.
For additional questions on addressing in your network, contact your network administrator.

Before beginning the configuration, request the following network parameters from your
network administrator.
Does the network use DHCP for dynamic assignment of network addresses?
If not, get a new TCP/IP network address for the HMI device.
Which TCP/IP address does the default gateway have?
If a DNS network is used, what are the addresses of the name server?
If a WINS network is used, what are the addresses of the name server?

General procedure for configuring the network

The HMI device must be configured prior to network operation. The configuration is basically
divided into the following steps:
1. Enter the computer name of the HMI device.
2. Configure the network address.
3. Set the logon information.
4. Back up the settings.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation


Setting the device name of the HMI device

The HMI device uses the device name to identify itself in the network.

You have opened the "System Properties" dialog box with the "System" icon.

Device name of the HMI device

Description for the HMI device (optional)

Change the device name for the HMI device in the "Device name" text box to activate the
network functions.

1. Enter the device name for the HMI device in the "Device name" text box.
2. Enter a description for the HMI device in the "Device description" text box.
3. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box and the screen keyboard are closed.
The device name for the HMI device is now set.

See also
Overview of network operation (Page 113)

MP 277
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Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation


Changing the Network Configuration

You can change the network settings for the LAN connection under "Network & Dial-Up

You have opened the following display using the "Network&Dial-Up Connections" icon.

1. Open the "LAN90001" entry.
The following dialog is displayed.

IP address over DHCP

Manual IP address

2. Select either automatic address assignment over DHCP or manual address input.
3. If you assign the address manually, enter the required address in the text boxes for "IP
Address", "Subnet Mask" and, if used, "Default Gateway".
4. If a name server is used in the network, change to the "Name Servers" tab.

Note the FAQ during setting "Integrating an HMI device into a local network
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Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation
5. Enter the respective addresses in the text boxes.
6. Change to the "Ethernet Parameters" tab.

Selection list with entries for transfer type and transfer speed
Refers to network topology
You can find information on the MP 277 in the online help of the TIA Portal.

7. In the "Mode and Speed" selection list, select the transfer type and the transfer speed.
Take the transfer type and transfer speed of the connected devices in the network into
consideration when you make your selection.
8. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
9. Close the "Network&Dial-Up Connections" view.
The Control Panel is displayed again.
The LAN connection parameters for the HMI device have been changed.

See also
Overview of network operation (Page 113)

MP 277
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Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation


Changing the Logon Data

Windows CE uses this information to gain access to the network resources. Enter the user
name, password and domain you have received from your administrator.

You have opened the "Network ID" dialog box with the "Network ID" icon.

1. Enter the user name in the "User name" text box.
2. Enter your password in the "Password" text box.
3. Enter the domain name in the "Domain" text box.
4. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The logon information has now been set.

See also
Overview of network operation (Page 113)

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation


Changing E-Mail Settings

You have opened the "WinCC Internet Settings" dialog box with the
"WinCC Internet Settings" icon.

Setting the SMTP server

Name for the sender
E-mail account
Button for the "Advanced" dialog

Additional tabs may appear in the "WinCC Internet Settings" tab. This depends on the options
that have been enabled for network operation in the project.

1. Specify the SMTP server.
Select the "Use the default of the project file" option button if you want to use the
SMTP server configured in the project.
Deactivate the "Use the default of the project file" option button if you do not want to
use the SMTP server configured in the project.
Specify the required SMTP server.
2. Enter the name for the sender in the "Name of sender" text box.
3. Enter the e-mail account for your e-mail in the "E-mail address of sender" text box.
Some e-mail providers only allow you to send mail if you specify the e-mail account. The
"E-mail address of sender" text box can remain empty if your e-mail provider allows you
to send mail without checking the account.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation
4. If you want to save the e-mail settings, press the "Advanced" button.
The following dialog appears:

Default values of the project file

Disable authentication
Use panel settings for authentication
Enter secure connection

The following message is displayed when you make changes:

Restart the SIMATIC HMI Runtime for the settings to become effective.
5. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The e-mail settings have been changed.

See also
Overview of network operation (Page 113)

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation


Changing internet settings

Changing General Internet Settings

You have opened the "General" tab in the "Internet Options" dialog box with the
"Internet Options" icon. The dialog is an example.

Do not change the settings in the "User Agent" field.

1. Enter the required start page for the browser in the "Start Page" text box.
2. Enter the address of the standard search engine in the "Search Page" text box.
3. Enter the required cache memory size in the "Cache" text box.
4. The cache can be deleted by means of the "Clear Cache" button.
5. The history can be deleted by means of the "Clear History" button.
6. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The general parameters for the Internet browser have been set.

See also
Overview of network operation (Page 113)

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation

Setting the Proxy Server

You have opened the "Connection" tab in the "Internet Options" dialog box with the
"Internet Options" icon.

Settings for the LAN connection

Settings for the Internet connection
Button to open the "Advanced Proxy Settings" dialog box

1. Activate the "Use LAN (no autodial)" check box.
2. If you use a proxy server, activate the "Access the Internet using a proxy server" check
box in the network group.
Specify the address of the proxy server and the port.
The proxy settings in the Control Panel apply to all applications that are running on the
HMI device. The Pocket Internet Explorer requires independent proxy settings that you
must specify in the properties of the Pocket Internet Explorer.
You can find additional information on the Microsoft website.
3. If you want to bypass the proxy server for local addresses, activate the
"Bypass proxy server for local addresses" check box.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation
4. If you do not want to use specific proxy servers, press the "Advanced" button.
The following dialog appears:

Proxy server addresses that are to be excluded from the Internet connection

5. Specify the address components of the proxy server you want to exclude.
Separate multiple entries with a semicolon.
6. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.

See also
Overview of network operation (Page 113)

Changing Privacy Settings

Cookies and encryption

Cookies are pieces of information sent by a web server to a browser. In the event of
subsequent access to the web server, the cookies are sent back. This enables information to
be stored between the accesses.
In order to ensure a high level of privacy, data are sent via the Internet in encrypted form.
Common encryption protocols include SSL and TLS. You can activate or deactivate the
usage of encryption protocols.
The required settings can be obtained from your network administrator.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation

You have opened the "Privacy" tab in the "Internet Options" dialog box with the
"Internet Options" icon.


1. Select the required cookie behavior by means of the option buttons.

Cookies are stored without request.
Cookies will not be stored.
Cookies will be stored on request.
2. If you want allow cookies which are restricted to a single session, activate the "Always
allow session cookies" checkbox.
3. Change to the "Advanced" tab.

Double-click the displayed folder structure to close and open it.

4. Select the required encryption protocols and if a warning is to be displayed when you
change from secure to insecure mode.
5. Confirm your entries.
The dialog box closes.
The logon information has now been set.

See also
Overview of network operation (Page 113)
MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.11 Configuring network operation

Importing and Deleting Certificates

You can import, view and delete certificates that have been imported for the HMI device. The
certificates differ in the following ways:
Certificates that you trust
Own certificates
Other certificates
You can import additional certificates and delete certificates that are not required.
The required settings can be obtained from your network administrator.

You have opened the "Certificates" dialog box with the "Certificates" icon.

Selection box of the certificate types

Assigned certificates

1. Select the type of certificate from the selection box:
"Trusted Authorities"
"My Certificates"
"Other Certificates"
2. If you want to import a certificate, press the "Import" button.
The "Import Certificate or Key" dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the storage location.
4. Confirm your entries.
The certificate is added.
5. If you want to remove a certificate, select the specific certificate.
6. Click "Remove".
The certificate is removed.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Configuring the device

6.12 Backing up data to external storage device
7. Press the "View" button to list the properties of the selected certificate.
8. Close the dialog.
The changes to the certificates have been undertaken.

See also
Overview of network operation (Page 113)


Backing up data to external storage device

A backup involves copying the operating system, applications and data from the internal in
flash memory of the HMI device to an external storage device.
The following external storage devices are possible:
External memory
USB memory stick

The HMI device features an external storage device with sufficient free space.
You have opened the "Backup/Restore" dialog box with the "Backup/Restore" icon.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.12 Backing up data to external storage device

First time use of the memory card

The first time you use a memory card the HMI device will request that you format the card.
Save a backup copy of memory card data to a PC before formatting.
1. Cancel the formatting procedure by pressing "ESC".
2. Remove the memory card from the HMI device.
3. Save a backup copy of vital data to a PC.
4. Insert the memory card into the HMI device.
5. Format the memory card on the HMI device.

1. Press the "BACKUP" button to open the "Select Storage Card" dialog.
The "--- no storage card available ---" message appears if there is no external memory in
the HMI device or if this memory is defective. Insert an external memory or a different
2. Select the external memory for backup from the "Please select a Storage Card" list box.
3. Click on the "Start Backup" button.
The HMI device checks the external memory.
If the "This storage card..." message appears, an external memory with a greater memory
capacity is needed. Acknowledge this message. Backup is aborted. Insert an external
memory with a greater memory capacity and restart the backup process.
If the "You may have an old backup on the storage card. Do you want to delete it?"
message appears, there is already a backup on the external memory. If you do not want
to overwrite the backup, press the "No" button. Otherwise click on the "Yes" button.
Several messages are displayed in sequence in the "Backup" dialog box:
Saving registry data
Copy files
Saving CE-Image
A progress bar shows the status of the backup process. When the backup process is
completed, the following message is displayed:
"The operation completed successfully."
4. Acknowledge this message.
The dialog box closes.
The HMI device data is now saved on the external memory.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Configuring the device

6.13 Restoring data from external storage device


Restoring data from external storage device

A restore operation deletes the old data from flash memory of the HMI device on
confirmation. The data stored on the external memory is then copied to the internal flash
Flash memory.

The external storage device with data backup is inserted in the HMI device.
You have opened the "Backup/Restore" dialog with the "Backup/Restore" icon.

Loss of data possible
All data on the HMI device will be deleted during a restore operation. License keys are
deleted after a security prompt.
Back up existing data before you restore them, if required.
This applies to the first time use of a storage device read the section "Using Memory
Cards with the HMI Device (Page 63)".

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.13 Restoring data from external storage device

1. Press the "RESTORE" button to open the "Storage Card" dialog.

List of detected storage devices

Button to refresh the list of detected storage devices
Button to start the Restore process

2. Select the external storage device with the backup in the "Storage Card with Backup
detected" selection box.
If several external storage devices with data backups are plugged in, the data cannot be
restored. Remove the external storage device with the data backups not needed.
The "--- no storage card available ---" message appears if there is no storage device in
the HMI device or if it is defective.
3. If the "--- no storage card available ---" message appears, press the "Cancel" button.
Restoring is then aborted.
Insert the storage device or another one.
Click "Refresh".
The content of the selection box will be changed.
Select the external storage device with the backup in the "Storage Card with Backup
detected" selection box.
4. Click on the "Start Restore" button.
Restoring is started.

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Configuring the device

6.13 Restoring data from external storage device
5. The data to be restored is checked.
The following messages are displayed in sequence in the "Restore" dialog:
Starting Restore
Checking data
When the data has been checked, the following message is displayed:
"You are starting RESTORE now. All files (except files on storage cards) and the registry
will be erased. Are you sure?"
The message means that the restore process can be started. All files files except those
located on the external memory will be deleted. Tab entries are also deleted. Are you
6. If you do not want to allow the data to be deleted from the HMI device, abort the restore
process by pressing the "No" button.
7. Start to restore the data by selecting "Yes".
The following messages are displayed in sequence during the restore:
Deleting files on flash
Restore CE-Image
A progress bar shows the status of the restore process.
When restore is completed, the following message is displayed:
"Restore of CE Image finished. The device will be rebooted now. Don't remove the
storage card."
8. Acknowledge this message.
The HMI device reboots.
The "Restore" dialog box is displayed after booting. Finally, the following message is
"Restore successfully finished. Press ok, remove your storage card and reboot your
9. Remove the storage device with the data backup.
10. Restart the HMI device.
The data from the external storage device is now on the HMI device.
You may have to recalibrate the touch screen after the restore operation.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Configuring the device

6.14 Activate Memory Management


Activate Memory Management

If reorganization of the memory is required during the runtime of project, the HMI device can
shut down the project autonomously. The project is shut down and the HMI device will
display a message. You have to start the project again.
If you do not activate memory management, undefined states can occur during the runtime
of the project.

You have opened the "Memory Monitoring" tab in the "OP Properties" dialog box with the
"OP" icon.

Maximum memory used since the HMI device was last switched on
Currently used memory
Check box for selecting memory management

1. In order to start memory management, activate the control box.
2. Confirm your entries.
A message is displayed briefly. The dialog box closes.
Memory management is activated.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Configuring the device

6.14 Activate Memory Management

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Commissioning a project


Configuration phase
A project the process image of the working process is produced during configuration to
visualize automated working processes. The process displays for the project contain
displays for values and messages which provide information about process statuses. The
process control phase follows the configuration phase.

Process control phase

The project must be transferred to the HMI device if it is to be used in process control.
Another precondition for process control is that the HMI device is connected online to a
controller. Current working processes - operating and observing - can then be subject to
process control.

Transferring the project to the HMI device

You can transfer a project to an HMI device as follows:
Transfer from the configuring PC
Restore from a PC using ProSave
In this case, an archived project is transferred from a PC to the HMI device. The
configuration software need not be installed on this PC.

Commissioning and recommissioning

Initial and re-start-ups differ in the following respects:
When the HMI device is commissioned there is no project at first.
The HMI device is also in this state after the operating system has been updated.
When recommissioning, any project already on the HMI device is replaced.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Commissioning a project
7.2 Operating modes


Operating modes

Operating modes
The HMI device may be in the following operating modes:
"Offline mode" and "Online mode" can be set on both the configuring PC and the HMI
device. To set these modes on the HMI device, use a corresponding operating element of
the project.

Changing the operating mode

The configuration engineer must have configured an appropriate operating element to allow
a change of the operating mode on the HMI device during ongoing operation.
Further information on this may be available in your plant documentation

"Offline" operating mode

In this mode, there is no communication between the HMI device and PLC. Although the
HMI device can be operated, it cannot exchange data with the PLC.

"Online" operating mode

In this mode, the HMI device and PLC communicate. You can operate the plant on the HMI
device according to your system configuration.

"Transfer" mode
In this mode, you can transfer a project from the configuring PC to the HMI device or backup
and restore HMI device data, for example.
The following options are available for setting "Transfer" mode on the HMI device:
When the HMI device starts up
Start "Transfer" mode manually in the HMI device Loader.
During ongoing operation
Start the "Transfer" mode manually within the project using an operating element. The
HMI device toggles to "Transfer" mode when automatic mode is set and a transfer is
initiated on the configuring PC.

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Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Commissioning a project
7.3 Using existing projects


Using existing projects


WinCC flexible projects

The following table shows how you can reuse existing projects, while observing the screen

HMI device in the existing project

New HMI device

TP 270 10"

MP 277 10" Touch or MP 277 8" Touch

OP 270 10"

MP 277 10" Key

MP 270 6" Touch

TP 277 6" 1)

MP 270 10" Touch

MP 277 10" Touch or MP 277 8" Touch

MP 270 10" Key

MP 277 10" Key

If you have set options on the MP 270 6" Touch, you must use the MP 277 8" Touch as the successor.

The following cases are possible:

1. Project exists in ProTool:
Migrate the project to WinCC flexible and subsequently carry out an HMI device switch.
2. Project in WinCC flexible exists:
Carry out an HMI device switch in WinCC flexible.
Further information on the subject can be found in the WinCC flexible Online Help or in the
"WinCC flexible Migration" manual.


WinCC projects
To use an existing WinCC flexible project in WinCC, migrate the project to WinCC.
You can find more information on this topic in the WinCC online help.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Commissioning a project
7.4 Data Transmission Options


Data Transmission Options

The following table shows the options for data transfer between the MP 277 and the
configuration PC.

Data channel

Backing up

Serial 1

MP 277






Update operating system

Transferring a project

Installing or removing an option

License key transferring or

transferring back









Serial, with reset to factory

settings 1


Serial 1
































Applies when PC/PPI cable is used

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device


Transfer project to the HMI device


Transfer project with WinCC

Setting the transfer mode

You can start the "Transfer" mode manually or automatically on the HMI device.
If the automatic transfer is enabled, the HMI device automatically switches to "Transfer"
mode when the following event occurs during runtime: You start project transfer on the
connected configuration PC.
With automatic transfer, the HMI device only switches to "Transfer" mode when the project is
running on the HMI device.
Automatic transfer is particularly suited for the test phase of a new project because the
transfer is completed without interfering with the HMI device.
If automatic transfer is activated on the HMI device and a transfer is initiated on the
configuration PC, the project currently running is automatically stopped. The HMI device then
automatically switches to "Transfer" mode.
After the commissioning phase, deactivate the automatic transfer so that the HMI device
cannot be inadvertently switched to transfer mode. The transfer mode can trigger
unintentional reactions in the system.
You can issue a password in the Control Panel to restrict access to the transfer settings and
thus avoid unauthorized modifications.

The Control Panel is open.
The Runtime software is terminated.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device

Proceed as follows:
1. Open the "Transfer Settings" dialog with the Transfer Settings icon.
2. Open the "Channel" tab.

3. Select "Enable Transfer".

4. Select the data channel and set its parameters using "Properties...".
Exception: The "USB device" data channel has no parameters.
5. To start "Transfer" mode automatically:
Select "Remote Control".
Close the dialog with "OK".
6. To start "Transfer" mode manually:
Disable "Remote Control".
Close the dialog with "OK".
Close the Control Panel.
Enable transfer mode in the loader with "Transfer".

"Transfer" mode is set. The project is transferred from the configuration PC via the data
channel selected on the HMI device. If required, configure the corresponding data channel
on the configuration PC.
Transferred data is written directly to the internal memory of the HMI device.

Alternative procedure
You can also set "Transfer" mode on the HMI device using an operating element in the
project. To do this, configure the "SetDeviceMode" system function on an operating element
event, for example, on a button.
You can find more information on this topic in the WinCC online help.

See also
Configuring the data channel (Page 109)
MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device

Starting the transfer

To make a project executable on an HMI device, transfer the project from the configuration
PC to the HMI device. With a transfer, you particularly specify whether to overwrite existing
data on the HMI device such as "User management" or "Recipe data".

The project is opened in WinCC on the configuration PC.
Project tree is displayed.
configuration PC is connected to the HMI device.
Transfer mode is set on the HMI device.

Proceed as follows:
1. Select the "Download to device > Software" command in the shortcut menu of the HMI
2. When the "Extended download to device" dialog opens, configure the "Transfer settings".
Make sure that the "Transfer settings" match the "Transfer settings on the HMI device":
Select the protocol used, for example, Ethernet or USB.
If you are using Ethernet or PROFINET, you can also configure the network address
in the "Devices & Networks" editor in WinCC. You can find more information on this
topic in the WinCC online help.
Configure the corresponding interface parameters on the configuration PC.
Make the specific interface or protocol settings on the HMI device as required.
Click "Download".
You can open the "Extended download to device" dialog at any time using the menu
command "Online > Extended download to device".
The "Load preview" dialog opens. The project is compiled at the same time. The result
appears in the "Load preview" dialog.
3. Check the displayed default settings and change them, if necessary.
4. Click "Download".

The project is transferred to the selected HMI device. If errors or warnings occur during the
transfer, alarms are displayed in the Inspector window under "Info> Download".
When the transfer is completed successfully, the project is executable on the HMI device.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device

Testing a project

There are two options to test a project:
Test the project on the configuration PC
You can test a project on a configuration PC, using a simulator. You can find more
detailed information on this in the WinCC online help.
Offline testing of the project on the HMI device
Offline testing means that communication between the HMI device and the controller is
down while the test is being carried out.
Online testing of the project on the HMI device
Online testing means that the HMI device and the controller communicate with each other
during testing.
Perform the tests, starting with the "Offline test", followed by the "Online test".
You should always test the project on the HMI device on which the project will be used.
Check the following:
1. Check the correct layout of the screens
2. Check the screen navigation
3. Check the input objects
4. Enter the tag values
The test increases the certainty that the project will run error-free on the HMI device.

Requirement for offline testing

The project has been transferred to the HMI device.
The HMI device is in "Offline" mode.

In "Offline" mode, you can test individual project functions on the HMI device without them
being affected by the controller. Controller tags, therefore, are not updated.
Test the operating elements and visualization of the project as far as possible without
connection to the controller.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device

Requirement for online testing

The project has been transferred to the HMI device.
The HMI device is in "Online" mode.

In "Online" mode, you can test individual project functions on the HMI device without them
being affected by the controller. Controller tags are updated in this case.
You have the option to test all communication-related functions, such as alarms, etc.
Test the operating elements and views of the project.


Transfer project with WinCC flexible


Transfer the executable project from the configuring PC to the HMI device.
You can start the "Transfer" mode manually or automatically on the HMI device.
Transferred data is written directly to the internal flash memory on the HMI device. For the
transfer, you use a data channel which you have to configure before starting a transfer.

You have the option to transfer the compressed project file together with the runtime project
to the HMI device. If necessary, the compressed project file can be transferred back to the
configuring PC and edited.
The HMI device must be equipped with an external memory card to which the compressed
project file can be saved.
Compressed project file
WinCC flexible does not check whether the compressed project file stored on the HMI device
corresponds to the existing runtime project.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device

Starting manual transfer

You can manually switch the HMI device to "Transfer" mode as follows:
With a configured operating element during ongoing operation.
In the Loader of the HMI device.

The project "*.hmi" is opened in WinCC flexible.
The HMI device is connected to a configuring PC
The data channel is configured on the HMI device
The HMI device is in "Transfer" mode


Proceed as follows:
1. On the configuring PC, select the "Transfer settings" command in the menu "Project >
Transfer" in WinCC flexible.
The "Select devices for transfer" dialog opens.
2. Select the HMI device in the left area of the dialog.
3. Select the type of connection between the HMI device and the configuring PC.
Set the connection parameters.
4. Set the transfer parameters in the right area of the dialog.
5. If you wish to transfer the compressed project file together with the runtime project to the
HMI device:
Select the "Enable backtransfer" check box.
6. Start transfer in WinCC flexible with "Transfer".
The configuring PC checks the connection to the HMI device. The project is transferred to
the HMI device. If the connection is not available or is defective, an error message is
displayed on the configuring PC.

When the transfer is completed successfully, the project can be found on the HMI device.
The transferred project is then started automatically.

See also
Operating modes (Page 134)
Configuring the data channel (Page 109)
Data Transmission Options (Page 136)
MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device

Starting automatic transfer

The HMI device can be automatically switched to "Transfer" mode during runtime as soon as
transfer is started on the configuring PC connected.
Automatic transfer is particularly suited for the test phase of a new project since transfer is
completed without interfering with the HMI device.
Automatic transfer is available for the following data channels:
If the automatic transfer has been activated on the HMI device and a transfer is initiated
on the configuring PC, the project currently running is automatically stopped. The HMI
device then automatically switches to "Transfer" mode.
After the commissioning phase, deactivate the automatic transfer so that the HMI device
cannot be inadvertently switched to transfer mode. The transfer mode can trigger
unintentional actions in the device.
You can set a password for the Loader of the HMI device to restrict access to the transfer
settings and thus avoid unauthorized modifications.

The project *.hmi is opened in WinCC flexible.
The HMI device is connected to a configuring PC
The data channel is configured on the HMI device
The automatic transfer is activated in the data channel for the transfer.
The project is started on the HMI device.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device

Proceed as follows:
1. On the configuring PC, select the "Transfer settings" command in the menu "Project >
Transfer" in WinCC flexible.
The "Select devices for transfer" dialog opens.
2. Select the HMI device in the left area of the dialog.
3. Select the type of connection between the HMI device and the configuring PC.
Set the connection parameters.
4. Set the transfer parameters in the right area of the dialog.
5. If you wish to transfer the compressed project file together with the runtime project to the
HMI device:
Select the "Enable backtransfer" check box.
6. Start transfer in WinCC flexible with "Transfer".
The configuring PC checks the connection to the HMI device. The HMI device shuts
down the current project and automatically switches to "Transfer" mode The project is
transferred to the HMI device. If the connection is not available or is defective, an error
message is displayed on the configuring PC.

When the transfer is completed successfully, the project can be found on the HMI device.
The transferred project is then started automatically.

See also
Operating modes (Page 134)
Configuring the data channel (Page 109)
Data Transmission Options (Page 136)

Starting backtransfer

No project is open on the configuring PC in WinCC flexible
The HMI device is connected to this configuring PC
The data channel is configured on the HMI device
The HMI device is in "Transfer" mode
The memory card containing the compressed project file is inserted into the HMI device

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device

Proceed as follows:
1. On the configuring PC, select the "Communication settings" command in the menu
"Project > Transfer" in WinCC flexible.
The "Communication Settings" dialog opens.
2. Select the type of HMI device.
3. Select the type of connection between the HMI device and the configuring PC.
Set the connection parameters.
4. Close the dialog with "OK".
5. Select the "Transfer" > "Backtransfer" command in the "Project" menu.
The "Backtransfer" dialog opens.
6. Click "OK" to start the backtransfer process.
The configuring PC checks the connection to the HMI device. The compressed project file
is transferred back from the HMI device to the configuring PC. If the connection is not
available or is defective, an error message is displayed on the configuring PC.

After successful backtransfer, the project is opened on the configuring PC in WinCC flexible.

Testing a project

There are two options to test a project:
Test the project on the configuring PC
You can test a project at a configuring PC, using a simulator. For detailed information,
refer to the "WinCC flexible" user manual and to the WinCC flexible Online Help.
Offline testing of the project on the HMI device
Offline testing means that communication between the HMI device and PLC is down
while the test is being carried out.
Online testing of the project on the HMI device
Online testing means that the HMI device and PLC communicate with each other during
Perform the tests, starting with the "Offline test", followed by the "Online test".
You should always test the project on the HMI device on which the project will be used.

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Commissioning a project
7.5 Transfer project to the HMI device
Check the following:
1. Check the correct layout of the screens
2. Check the screen navigation
3. Check the input objects
4. Enter the tag values
The test increases the certainty that the project will run error-free on the HMI device.

Requirements for offline testing

The project has been transferred to the HMI device
The HMI device is in "Offline" mode

In "Offline" mode, you can test individual project functions on the HMI device without them
being affected by the PLC. PLC tags, therefore, are not updated.
Test the operating elements and visualization of the project as far as possible without
connecting to the PLC.

Requirements for online testing

The project has been transferred to the HMI device
The HMI device is in "Online" mode

In "Online" mode, you can test individual project functions on the HMI device without them
being affected by the PLC. PLC tags are updated in this case.
You have the option to test all communication-dependent functions, for example alarms, etc.
Test the operating elements and views of the project.

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Commissioning a project
7.6 Backup and restore


Backup and restore


Power failure
If a complete restore operation is interrupted due to power failure on the HMI device, the
operating system of the HMI device may be deleted. The operating system then has to be
Compatibility conflict
If a message is output on the HMI device warning of a compatibility conflict during the
restore operation, the operating system must be updated.

Backing up and restoring by means of external storage device

The "Backup / Restore" function is approved for MMC and SD memory cards as well as USB
mass storage devices.

Backing up and restoring by means of PC

License keys
License keys are not taken into account for backups and restores. License keys are saved in
the working memory of the HMI device and cannot be deleted.
You can back up and restore the following data found in the internal flash memory of the HMI
device with a PC:
Project and HMI device image
Password list
Recipe data
Use one of the following tools for backup and restore:
WinCC flexible
The backup and restore with ProSave is described below. Information on backup and restore
with WinCC or WinCC flexible is described in the associated online help.

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Commissioning a project
7.6 Backup and restore


Backup and restore using ProSave

The HMI device is connected to a PC on which ProSave is installed
The data channel is configured on the HMI device

Procedure for backup

Proceed as follows:
1. From the Windows Start menu, start ProSave on the PC.
2. Select the HMI device type in the "General" tab.
3. Select the type of connection between the HMI device and the PC.
Set the connection parameters.
4. Select the data to be backed up in the "Backup" tab.
5. Select a destination folder and a file name for the "*.psb" backup file.
6. Set "Transfer" mode on the HMI device.
If automatic transfer mode is enabled on the HMI device, the HMI device automatically
sets "Transfer" mode when a backup is initiated.
7. Start the backup operation in ProSave with "Start Backup".
Follow the instructions in ProSave.
A status view opens to indicate the progress of the operation.

The system outputs a message when the backup is completed.
The relevant data is now backed up on the PC.

Procedure for restore

Proceed as follows:
1. From the Windows Start menu, start ProSave on the PC.
2. Select the HMI device type in the "General" tab.
3. Select the type of connection between the HMI device and the PC.
Set the connection parameters.
4. Select the "*.psb" backup file to be restored from the "Restore" tab.
You can see the HMI device for which the backup file was created and the type of backup
data the file contains.

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Commissioning a project
7.7 Updating the operating system
5. Set "Transfer" mode on the HMI device.
If automatic transfer mode is enabled on the HMI device, the device automatically sets
"Transfer" mode when a restore operation is initiated.
6. Start the restore operation in ProSave on the PC with "Start Restore".
Follow the instructions in ProSave.
A status view opens to indicate the progress of the operation.

When the restore is successfully completed, the data backed up on the PC is now on the
HMI device.

See also
Overview (Page 147)
Data Transmission Options (Page 136)
Operating modes (Page 134)
Configuring the data channel (Page 109)


Updating the operating system


A compatibility conflict may occur when transferring a project to the HMI device. This is
caused by different versions of the configuration software used and the HMI device image
available on the HMI device. If there are different versions, the transfer is aborted. A
message indicating a compatibility conflict is displayed on the configuration PC.
There are two ways to match the versions:
Update the HMI device image if the project was created with a more recent version of the
configuration software.
Transfer a matching version of the HMI device image if you do not want to adapt the
project for the HMI device to the current version of the configuration software for the

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Commissioning a project
7.7 Updating the operating system
Two versions are available for each device type recognizable by their article number.
The images of the device versions are not compatible.
All data on the HMI device, such as the project and licenses, will be deleted when you
update the operating system.
When WinAC MP is used, all data channel parameters are reset.
After the update, you may have to recalibrate the touch screen.
Resetting to factory settings
In ProSave, WinCC or WinCC flexible, you can update the operating system with or without
resetting to factory settings.
Updating the operating system without reset to factory settings
First, switch into "Transfer" mode on the HMI device or use the automatic transfer
function if the project is active. Then start the operating system update in ProSave,
WinCC or WinCC flexible.
Updating the operating system with reset to factory setting
Loss of license keys
The license keys on the HMI device is deleted when resetting to factory settings. The
license keys on the HMI device are retained when updating the operating system without
resetting to factory settings.
Data channels
When resetting to factory settings, all data channel parameters are reset. The transfer
can only be started following reconfiguration of the data channels.
You have to perform an operating system update with reset to factory setting if the HMI
device does not yet have an operating system or if the HMI device's operating system is
First, start the operating system update in ProSave, WinCC or WinCC flexible, and switch
the power on the HMI device off and on again when prompted.
The update of the operating system with ProSave is described below. Information on update
of the operating system with WinCC or WinCC flexible is described in the associated online

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Commissioning a project
7.7 Updating the operating system


Updating the Operating System using ProSave

The HMI device is connected to a PC on which ProSave is installed.
When updating the operating system without reset to factory settings only:
The data channel is configured on the HMI device.

Proceed as follows:
1. When updating the operating system with reset to factory settings only:
Switch off power to the HMI device.
2. Go to the Windows Start menu and start ProSave on the PC.
3. Select the HMI device type in the "General" tab.
4. Select the type of connection between the HMI device and the PC, then set the
connection parameters.
5. Select the "OS Update" tab.
6. Select whether to update the operating system with or without restoring the factory
settings by setting the "Reset to factory settings" check box accordingly.
7. Select the HMI device image file "*.img" under "Image path".
The HMI device image files are available under "WinCC flexible Images" in the
WinCC flexible installation folder or on the WinCC flexible installation CD.
The output area provides information on the version of the successfully opened HMI
device image file.
8. When updating without reset to the factory settings only:
Set "Transfer" mode on the HMI device.
If automatic transfer mode is enabled on the HMI device, the device automatically sets
"Transfer" mode when an update is initiated.
9. Select "Update OS" on the PC to run the operating system update.
10. When updating with reset to the factory settings only:
Switch on the power supply to the HMI device.
11. Follow the instructions in ProSave.


A progress bar indicates the progress of the operating system update.

A message is displayed when the operating system update is successfully completed.
The HMI device no longer contains any project data.

See also
Overview (Page 152)
Configuring the data channel (Page 109)
Operating modes (Page 134)
Data Transmission Options (Page 136)

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Commissioning a project
7.8 Installing and removing options


Installing and removing options


You can install options on the HMI device, for example, additional programs developed
especially for the HMI device.
You can also remove the option from the HMI device again.
License key
A license key may be needed to run an option. The license key unlocks the option for use.
The installation of options with ProSave is described below. Information on installation of
options with WinCC or WinCC flexible is described in the associated online help.


Installing and removing options using ProSave

The HMI device is connected to a PC on which ProSave is installed.
The data channel is configured on the HMI device.

Procedure for installing an option

Proceed as follows:
1. Go to the Windows Start menu and start ProSave on the PC.
2. Select the HMI device type in the "General" tab.
3. Select the type of connection between the HMI device and the PC.
4. Set the connection parameters.
5. Select the "Options" tab.
6. Select the desired option under "Available options".
7. Set "Transfer" mode on the HMI device.
If automatic transfer mode is enabled on the HMI device, the device automatically sets
"Transfer" mode when the installation of an option is initiated.
8. Start the installation of the option in ProSave with the ">>" button.
9. Follow the instructions in ProSave.
A status display appears indicating the progress of the installation.

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Commissioning a project
7.8 Installing and removing options

The option has now been installed on the HMI device.

Procedure for removing an option

Proceed as follows:
1. Go to the Windows Start menu and start ProSave on the PC.
2. Select the HMI device type in the "General" tab.
3. Select the type of connection between the HMI device and the PC.
4. Set the connection parameters.
5. Select the "Options" tab.
6. Press the "Device status" button to update the display.
7. Select the desired option under "Installed options".
8. Set "Transfer" mode on the HMI device.
If automatic transfer mode is enabled on the HMI device, the device automatically sets
"Transfer" mode when the removal of an option is initiated.
9. Start the removal of the option in ProSave with the "<<" button.
Follow the instructions in ProSave.
A status display appears indicating the progress of the removal.

The option has now been removed on the HMI device.

See also
Overview (Page 152)
Configuring the data channel (Page 109)
Operating modes (Page 134)
Data Transmission Options (Page 136)

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Commissioning a project
7.9 Transferring and transferring back license keys


Transferring and transferring back license keys


With the purchase of an add-on package, you obtain a specific user license with an
associated license key. Once you have installed an add-on, transfer a license key to the HMI
device. The license key unlocks an add-on for use.
You can also transfer back the license key from the HMI device to a license diskette.
License keys can only be transferred and transferred back with the Automation License
Manager or the configuration software.
The transfer and back transfer of license keys with the "Automation License Manager" is
described below. Information on transfer and back transfer of license keys with WinCC or
WinCC flexible is described in the associated online help.


Transfer of license keys with the Automation License Manager

The HMI device is connected to the configuration PC or to the PC with the "Automation
License Manager".
If you use the configuration PC: The HMI device is selected in the project tree.

To transfer the license keys, follow these steps:
1. Open the "Automation License Manager". On a PC without a WinCC installation, open the
"Automation License Manager" from the Windows Start menu.
The "Automation License Manager" starts.
2. Select the "Connect HMI device" command in the "Edit > Connect Target System" menu.
The "Connect target system" dialog opens.
3. Select the "device type" of your HMI device.
4. Select the "connection".

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Commissioning a project
7.9 Transferring and transferring back license keys
5. Configure the corresponding "connection parameters", depending on the selected

6. Click "OK".
The connection to the HMI device is established. The connected HMI device is displayed
in the left area of the "Automation License Manager".
7. Transfer the license keys to the HMI device:
In the left area, select the drive on which the license keys are located.
The license keys are shown in the right area.
Select the license keys.
Drag-and-drop the license keys to the HMI device.
You can also remove license keys from the HMI device by means of drag-and-drop.

Alternative procedure
On a PC with a WinCC installation, you can also launch the "Automation License Manager"
from WinCC: Select the "Authorize/License" command in the "Online > HMI device
maintenance" menu.

The license keys are transferred to the HMI device.
To back up the license keys on the HMI device, drag them from the HMI device to an
available drive.

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Commissioning a project
7.9 Transferring and transferring back license keys

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Operating a project


Configuration and process control phase

HMI devices can be used to operate and monitor tasks in process and production
automation. The plant screens on the HMI devices are used to provide a clear overview of
the active processes.
The HMI device project, which includes the plant screens, is created during the configuration
phase. The configuration engineer defines which tasks the HMI device has in the process
and defines the following in detail:
Which process data is displayed on the individual HMI device
Which plant components are controlled by this HMI device
The configuration engineer stores this information in the project's screens. The project is
transferred to the HMI device during commissioning.
After transfer to the HMI device, current processes can be operated and monitored in the
project's screens. The screens enable you to observe, for example, operational states,
current process data and faults in a plant. Operating elements which are used to operate the
process, for example buttons, I/O fields and alarm windows, are displayed in the screens.

Operator control options

The hardware of the HMI device determines which of the following operator control options
are available:
Touch screen
The operating elements shown in the dialogs are touch-sensitive. Touch objects are
basically operated in the same way as mechanical keys. You activate operating elements
by touching them with your finger. To double-click them, touch an operating element
twice in succession.
HMI device keyboard
The operating elements shown in the screens are selected and operated using the keys
of the HMI device.
External keyboard, connected via USB
External mouse, connected via USB

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Operating a project
8.1 Overview

Risk of damage to the touch screen
Do not use pointed or sharp objects to operate the touch screen. Otherwise, you can
damage the plastic membrane of the touch screen.
The following paragraphs provide instructions for operating a project with the touch screen
and the keyboard.

Operating a project with an external keyboard

An external keyboard can be used to operate a project in exactly the same way as with the
HMI keyboard or screen keyboard.
The function keys of the external keyboard are disabled.
Use the other keys of the external keyboard, which correspond to the HMI device keys in the

Operating a project with an external mouse

The project can be operated with an external mouse in exactly the same way as with the
HMI touch screen. Click the described operating elements with the mouse.

Unintentional actions
Unintentional actions possible
Do not carry out several operations simultaneously. You may otherwise trigger
unintentional actions.
With touch control:
Always touch only one operating element on the screen.
With key control:
Do not press more than two keys simultaneously.

Observing the plant documentation

Some operations with the project may require in-depth knowledge about the specific plant on
the part of the operator. Proceed with caution, for example, when you use jog mode. Refer to
your plant documentation to find any available additional information on this topic.

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Operating a project
8.1 Overview

Operation feedback from operating elements

The HMI device provides operation feedback as soon as it detects that an operating element
has been selected. This operation feedback is independent of any communication with the
PLC. Therefore, this operation feedback does not indicate whether the relevant action is
actually executed or not.
Optical feedback from operating elements
The operating element receives the focus and is selected. The configuration engineer can
also configure the selection of an operating element so that it deviates from the standard.
Refer to your plant documentation to find any available additional information on this topic.
The type of optical feedback depends on the operating element:
The HMI device outputs different views of the "Pressed" and "Unpressed" states,
provided the configuration engineer has configured a 3D effect:
"Pressed" state:

"Unpressed" state:

The configuration engineer determines the appearance of a selected field, for example,
line width and color for the focus.
Invisible buttons
By default, invisible buttons are not displayed as pressed when they are touched. No
optical feedback is provided in this case.
The configuration engineer may, however, configure invisible buttons so that their outline
appears as lines when touched. This outline remains visible until you select another
operating element.
I/O fields
When you select an I/O field, the content of the I/O field is displayed against a colored
background. With touch operation, a screen keyboard is displayed for the entering of

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Operating a project
8.2 Direct keys
Acoustic feedback from operating elements
An acoustic signal is generated as soon as the HMI device detects that the touch screen has
been touched or a key has been pressed. You can activate or deactivate this acoustic
operation feedback.
The acoustic feedback is only possible if you interact with the project directly on the touch
screen or press one of the keys of the HMI device. If you use an external mouse or keyboard
for interaction, no acoustic signal is issued.
Acoustic signal for inadvertent operations
If you try to enter an invalid character, the HMI device issues an acoustic signal in
accordance with the setting.

See also
Set the volume (Page 97)


Direct keys

Direct keys on the HMI device are used to set bits in the I/O area of a SIMATIC S7.
Direct keys enable operations with short reaction times that are, for example, a jog mode
Direct keys are still active when the HMI device is in "offline" mode.
If you operate a function key with direct key functionality in a running project, the direct key
function is always executed, independent of the current screen contents.
You can only use direct keys when there is a connection via PROFIBUS DP or
Direct keys result in additional basic load on the HMI device.

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Operating a project
8.3 Setting the project language

Direct keys
The following objects can be configured as a direct key:
Function keys
You can also define image numbers in the case of HMI devices with touch operation. In this
way, the project engineer can configure the direct keys on an image-specific basis.
Further information on configuring direct keys can be found in the
"WinCC flexible Communication" system manual.

See also
Bit assignment of the direct keys (Page 189)
Enabling PROFINET IO (Page 111)


Setting the project language

The HMI device supports multilingual projects. You must have configured a corresponding
operating element which lets you change the language setting on the HMI device during
The project always starts with the language set in the previous session.

The required language for the project must be available on the HMI device
The language switching function must be logically linked to a configured operating
element such as a button

Selecting a language
You can change project languages at any time. Language-specific objects are immediately
output to the screen in the new language when you switch languages.
The following options are available for switching the language:
A configured operating element switches from one language to the next in a list
A configured operating element directly sets the desired language
Please refer to your system documentation to check whether additional information on this
subject is available there.

See also
Changing Regional Settings (Page 92)

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Operating a project
8.4 Entering values using the touch screen


Entering values using the touch screen



Screen keyboard
A screen keyboard appears on the HMI device touch screen when you touch an operating
element that requires input. The screen keyboard is displayed in the following cases:
An I/O field is selected for input
A password must be entered for accessing a password-protected function
The screen keyboard is automatically hidden again when input is complete.
Based on the configuration of the operating element, the system displays different screen
keyboards for entering numerical or alphanumerical values.
The screen keyboard display is independent of the configured project language.

General procedure
The operating elements of a screen are operated by touching the touch screen.
Proceed as follows:
1. Touch the desired operating element within the screen.
2. Depending on the operating element, perform further actions. Detailed descriptions can
be found under the respective operating element.
I/O field: Enter numerical, alphanumerical or symbolic values in the I/O field
Symbolic I/O field: Select an entry from the drop down list box
Slider control: Move the slider control

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Operating a project
8.4 Entering values using the touch screen

Procedure for text boxes

Values are entered in the project text boxes. Based on your configuration, the values are
saved to tags and transferred, for example, to the PLC.
Proceed as follows:
1. Touch the desired text box within the screen.
The screen keyboard opens.
Depending on your configuration, you can enter values in the text box in the following
Numerical values, for example decimal numbers, hexadecimal numbers, binary values
Alphanumerical values, for example digits and letters
2. Enter the value.
3. Confirm your entry with


or discard your entry with

Entering and Editing Numerical Values

Numerical screen keyboard

When you touch an operating element for numerical input on the HMI device touch screen,
the numerical screen keyboard appears. This is the case, for example, for a text box. The
screen keyboard is automatically hidden again when input is complete.

Opened screen keyboard
When the screen keyboard is open, PLC job 51, "Select screen" has no function.

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Operating a project
8.4 Entering values using the touch screen

Formats for numerical values

You can enter values in numerical text boxes based on the following formats:
Entry of hexadecimal values
When you enter values in hexadecimal format, the alphanumerical screen keyboard

Limit test of numerical values

Tags can be assigned limits. If you enter a value that lies outside of this limit, it will not be
accepted, for example, 80 with a limit of 78. In this case the HMI device will deliver a system
alarm, if an alarm window is configured. The original value is displayed again.

Decimal places for numerical values

The configuration engineer can define the number of decimal places for a numerical text box.
The number of decimal places is checked when you enter a value in this type of I/O field.
Decimal places in excess of the limit are ignored.
Empty decimal places are filled with "0".

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Operating a project
8.4 Entering values using the touch screen

Numerical values can be entered character-by-character via the buttons on the numerical
screen keyboard.
Proceed as follows:
1. Touch the desired operating element within the screen.
The numerical screen keyboard opens. The existing value is displayed in the screen
keyboard and is selected.
2. Enter the value.
The keys with for example the letters G to Z are available to enter a hexadecimal value;
however, the characters are not entered. Depending on the settings, the HMI device
outputs an audible signal.
You have the following options to enter a value:
The selected value is deleted when you enter the first character. Completely reenter
the value.
Use the


keys to move the cursor within the current value. You can

now edit the characters of the current value or add characters.

Use the

key to delete the character to the left of the cursor. If the value is

selected, use this key to delete the selected part of the value.
key deletes the character positioned to the right of the cursor. If the value is
selected, use this key to delete the selected part of the value.
Use the

key to display the info text of the I/O field.

This key is only enabled if info text has been configured for the input object or the
current screen.
3. Use the
key to confirm your entry or cancel it with
screen keyboard.

. Either action closes the

You have changed the numerical value or entered a new one.

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Operating a project
8.4 Entering values using the touch screen


Entering and editing alphanumerical values

Alphanumerical screen keyboard

When you touch an operating element for alphanumerical input on the HMI device touch
screen, the alphanumerical screen keyboard appears. This is the case, for example, for a
text box. The screen keyboard is automatically hidden again when input is complete.

Opened screen keyboard
When the screen keyboard is open, PLC job 51, "Select screen" has no function.
Language switching
Language switching in the project has no influence on the alphanumerical screen keyboard.
The entry of Cyrillic or Asian characters is therefore not possible.

Keyboard levels
The alphanumerical screen keyboard has various levels:
Normal level
Shift level
If you change the levels with key

, the key assignments change.

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Operating a project
8.4 Entering values using the touch screen

Alphanumerical values can be entered character-by-character via the buttons on the
alphanumerical screen keyboard.
Proceed as follows:
1. Touch the desired operating element within the screen.
The alphanumerical screen keyboard opens. The existing value is displayed in the screen
keyboard and is selected.
2. Enter the value.
You have the following options to enter a value:
The selected value is deleted when you enter the first character. Completely reenter
the value.
Use the


keys to move the cursor within the current value. You can

now edit the characters of the current value or add characters.

Use the

key to delete the character to the left of the cursor. If the value is

selected, use this key to delete the selected part of the value.
key deletes the character positioned to the right of the cursor. If the value is
selected, use this key to delete the selected part of the value.
Using key
it is possible to switch between the keyboard levels of the screen
keyboard. On switchover, the key assignments of the screen keyboard change.
Use the

key to display the info text of the I/O field.

This key is only enabled if info text has been configured for the input object or the
current screen.
3. Use the
key to confirm your entry or cancel it with
screen keyboard.

. Either action closes the

You have changed the alphanumeric value or entered a new one.

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Operating a project
8.4 Entering values using the touch screen


Entering the date and time

Entering the date and time

Enter the date and time in the same way you enter alphanumerical values.
When entering the date and time, please note that the format is determined by the
configured project language.

See also
Entering and Editing Numerical Values (Page 163)
Entering and editing alphanumerical values (Page 166)


Entering Symbolic Values

Selection list
Operating element for entering symbolic values offer you a list from which you can select the
input values. When you touch a symbolic I/O field on the HMI device touch screen, the
following selection list opens.

Proceed as follows:
1. Touch the required operating element.
The selection list of the operating element opens. Select
selection list.


to scroll in the

2. Touch the required entry in the selection list.

The selected entry is accepted as an entry.

You have changed the symbolic value or entered a new one.

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Operating a project
8.4 Entering values using the touch screen


Displaying Infotext

The configuration engineer uses info text to provide additional information and operating
instructions. The configuration engineer can configure info text on screens and operator
The infotext of an I/O field can contain, for example, information on the value to be entered.

Opening info text for operator controls

1. Touch the required operator control.
The screen keyboard opens. You can see from the appearance of the


whether info text has been configured for the operator control or the current screen.
2. Touch the

key on the screen keyboard.

The info text for the operator control is displayed. If there is no info text for the selected
screen object, the info text for the current screen is displayed, if it has been configured.
You can scroll through the contents of long info text with


Switching between displayed info text
The configuration engineer can configure infotext for an I/O field and the associated
screen. You can switch between two info texts by touching the info text window.
3. Close the displayed info text by pressing

Alternative procedure
Depending on your configuration, info text can also be called via a configured operator
Refer to your plant documentation to find any available additional information on this topic.

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Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys


Entering values using the keys


Control keys

The following tables show the control keys with which you operate the project.

Multi-key operation
Unwanted actions may be triggered, if the operator unintentionally actuates a key
Unintentional actions
In "Online" mode, simultaneous operation of more than two keys may cause unintentional
actions in the plant.
Never press more than two keys simultaneously.

Select operating elements





Selects the next/previous operating element in the tab


Cursor keys

Navigates in the operating element.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys

Using operating elements




Position the cursor

Positions the cursor within an operating element,

e.g. in the I/O field.

Scroll back

Scrolls back a page in a list.

Scroll to the beginning

Scrolls to the beginning of a list.

Scroll forward

Scrolls one page forward in a list.

Scroll to the end

Scrolls to the end of a list.

Enter key

Operates buttons.

Accepts and ends an entry.

Opens a selection list.

Toggles within a text box between character

mode and normal mode.
In character mode, a single
character is selected. In this mode, you can
advance in the character set using the cursor


Deletes the characters of a value entry and

restores the original value.

Closes the active dialog.

Delete characters

Deletes the character to the right of the current

cursor position.

Delete characters

Deletes the character to the left of the current

cursor position.

Open selection list

Opens a selection list.

Accept value

Accepts the selected value in the

selection list without closing the list.

MP 277
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Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys
Enter key combinations



Toggle key assignment

Switches over key assignment of keys with multiple


No LED is lit:
The number assignment is enabled. Pressing
the button once toggles to letter assignment.

An LED is lit:
The left or right letter assignment is enabled.
Each time the key is pressed, the system
toggles between the left letter assignment, the
right letter assignment and the number

Toggle between
upper-case and

Used in key combinations, for example for entering

upper-case letters.

Switch to additional key


Some of the keys contain a key assignment

imprinted blue, for example the "%" character.
Used in key combinations for the blue key

General control function

Used in key combinations

General control function

Used in key combinations




Acknowledges the currently displayed fault alarm

or all the alarms of an alarm group as group

Acknowledge alarms

The LED lights up as long as unacknowledged fault

alarms are active.

Displaying info text




Displaying info text

Opens a window with the configured info text at the

selected object, e.g. alarm or I/O field. If an info
text exists for the selected object, the LED lights

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys


Example: Enter characters using the alphanumeric keyboard

Using the same keys of the alphanumeric keyboard you can enter up to six different
characters. The entry result depends on the combination of the keys pressed.
The values "5", "M", "m", "N", "n" and "%" are entered using the same key
keyboard. You can use the keys


of the

to switch between the different

The following table shows the entry options using the key






No LED is lit

Not relevant

Not pressed

Left LED is illuminated.

Not pressed

Not pressed

Left LED is illuminated.


Not pressed

Right LED is illuminated.

Not pressed

Not pressed

Right LED is illuminated.


Not pressed

Not relevant

Not relevant


Function keys

Function keys
Function key assignment is defined during configuration. The configuration engineer can
assign function keys globally and locally.

Function keys with global function assignment

A globally assigned function key always triggers the same action on the HMI device or in the
PLC irrespective of the screen displayed. Such an action could be, for example, the
activation of a screen or the closure of an alarm window.

Function keys with local function assignment

A function key with local function assignment is screen-specific and is therefore only
effective within the active screen.
The function assigned locally to a function key can vary from screen to screen.
The function key of a screen can be assigned one function only, either a global or local one.
The local assignment function takes priority over the global setting.
The configuration engineer can assign function keys in such a way that you can manipulate
operating elements with function keys, for example, the alarm view, trend view, recipe view
or status/force.

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Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys


General procedures

The control keys and function keys of the HMI device are available for key control

General procedure
The operating elements of a screen are operated using the control keys of the HMI device.
Proceed as follows:
1. Continue to press the key
selected on the screen.

or the cursor keys until the required operating element is

2. Depending on the operating element, perform further actions. Detailed descriptions can
be found under the respective operating element.
I/O field: Enter numerical, alphanumeric or symbolic values in the I/O field
Slider control: Move the slider control
3. Confirm the operation with the key


or abort the operation with the key

Entering and editing numerical values

Formats for numerical values

You can enter values in numerical text boxes based on the following formats:

Limit value test of numerical values

Tags can be assigned limit values. If you enter a value that lies outside of this limit, it will not
be accepted, for example, 80 with a limit value of 78. In this case the HMI device will deliver
a system alarm, if an alarm window is configured. The original value is displayed again.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys

Numerical and alphanumerical values can be entered in character mode using the system
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the desired text box within the screen with

The existing value is selected in the text box.

2. Enter the value using the numerical keypad.
You have the following options to enter a value:
The existing value is deleted when you enter the first character. Completely reenter
the value.

and a cursor key simultaneously. The selection of the field content is

canceled. Move the cursor in the existing value. You can now edit the characters of
the current value or add characters.

key deletes the character positioned to the right of the cursor. Use the

key to delete the character to the left of the cursor.

To enter the hexadecimal characters "A" to "F", switch the numerical keypad to letter
assignment using the key

If the LED of the

current screen.

key is lit, infotext is available for the selected object or the

Use the key

to display the infotext for the operating element or current screen.

3. Select

to confirm your entry.

You have changed the numerical value or entered a new one.

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Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys


Entering and editing alphanumerical values

Alphanumerical values can be entered in character mode using the system keys.
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the desired text box within the screen with

The existing value is selected in the text box.

2. Enter the value using the system keys.
You have the following options to enter a value:
The existing value is deleted when you enter the first character. Completely reenter
the value.

and a cursor key simultaneously. The selection of the field content is

canceled. Move the cursor in the existing value. You can now edit the characters of
the current value or add characters.

key deletes the character positioned to the right of the cursor. Use the

key to delete the character to the left of the cursor.

To enter letters, switch the numerical keypad to letter assignment using the key

If the LED of the

current screen.

key is lit, infotext is available for the selected object or the

Use the key

to display the infotext for the operating element or current screen.

3. Select

to confirm your entry.

You have changed the alphanumeric value or entered a new one.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys


Entering the date and time

Entering the date and time

Enter the date and time in the same way you enter alphanumerical values.
When entering the date and time, please note that the format is determined by the
configured project language.

See also
Entering and editing numerical values (Page 174)
Entering and editing alphanumerical values (Page 176)


Entering Symbolic Values

Selection list
When you select a symbolic IO field, a selection list opens.

Symbolic values are selected from the entries of a selection list.
Proceed as follows:
1. Select the desired symbolic text box within the screen with
2. Open the selection list using the

key. The selection list opens.

3. Select the required entry using the cursor keys

4. Confirm your entry with the



You have changed the symbolic value or entered a new one.

MP 277
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Operating a project
8.5 Entering values using the keys


Displaying Infotext

The configuration engineer uses info text to provide additional information and operating
instructions. The configuration engineer can configure info text on screens and operator
The infotext of an I/O field can contain, for example, information on the value to be entered.

If the LED of the

key lights up, an infotext has been configured for the selected display

object or for the current screen.

1. Press

The info text for the selected screen object is displayed. If there is no info text for the
selected screen object, the info text for the current screen is displayed, if it has been
You can scroll through the contents of long info texts using the cursor keys


Switching between displayed info text
The configuration engineer can configure infotext for an I/O field and the associated
screen. You can switch between two infotexts by pressing the
2. Close the infotext by pressing the



Alternative procedure
Depending on your configuration, info text can also be called via a function key or via an
existing operator control.
Refer to your plant documentation to find any available additional information on this topic.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Operating a project
8.6 Closing the project


Closing the project

Proceed as follows:
1. Use the corresponding operating element object to close the project.
Wait for the Loader to open after you closed the project.
2. Switch off power to the HMI device.

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Operating a project
8.6 Closing the project

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Maintenance and care


Maintenance and care

Scope of maintenance
The HMI device is designed for maintenance-free operation. The touch screen and keyboard
cover should still be cleaned regularly.
Inadvertent operation
Always switch off the HMI device before cleaning it. This will ensure that you do not trigger
functions unintentionally when you touch the keys.
Use a cleaning cloth dampened with a cleaning agent to clean the equipment. Only use
water with a little liquid soap or a screen cleaning foam.
Damage caused by unauthorized cleaning products
Do not clean the HMI device with compressed air or steam jet blowers. Never use
aggressive solvents or scouring powder.
Proceed as follows:
1. Switch off the HMI device.
2. Spray the cleaning solution onto a cleaning cloth.
Do not spray directly onto the HMI device.
3. Clean the HMI device.
When cleaning the display wipe from the screen edge inwards.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Maintenance and care

9.2 Clean screen on MP 277 Touch


Clean screen on MP 277 Touch

Clean screen
The touch screen of the HMI device can be cleaned when it is switched on and a project is
running. An operating element must be available in the project with which the clean screen
can be called. Once the clean screen is activated, touch screen operation is locked for a
configured period of time. The time the touch screen is locked can be set between 5 and 30
seconds. The time remaining for the lockout is indicated by a progress bar.
Locking operating elements
Always open the clean screen or switch off the HMI device before you clean the touch
screen while the system is running.
It is important to note when the clean screen function is unlocked. Ignoring this instruction
may lead to inadvertent operation of a function.


Spare Parts and Repairs

In case of repair, the HMI device must be shipped to the Return Center in Frth. Repairs
may only be carried out at the Return Center in Frth.
Depending on the work necessary to repair the device, the Center may decide to give you a
credit note. In this case, it is your responsibility to order a new device.
The address is:
Returns Center
Siemensstr. 2
90766 Frth

Spare parts
You can find spare parts and accessories for the HMI devices in the section Accessories
(Page 16).


Recycling and disposal

The HMI devices described in these operating instructions can be recycled due to their low
levels of pollutants. Contact a certified disposal service company for environmentally sound
recycling and disposal of your old devices.
MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Technical specifications

Dimension drawings


Dimension drawing of the MP 277 8" Touch

The HMI device MP 277 8" Touch is available in two enclosure models. The enclosure
models have different article numbers. The article number is on the back of the HMI device.

Article number


250 mm

190 mm


250 mm

190 mm


240 mm

180 mm

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Technical specifications
10.1 Dimension drawings


Dimension drawing of the MP 277 8" Key

The HMI device MP 277 8" Key is available in two enclosure models. The enclosure models
have different article numbers. The article number is on the back of the HMI device.

Article number


362 mm

231 mm


362 mm

231 mm


352 mm

221 mm

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Technical specifications
10.1 Dimension drawings


Dimension drawing of the MP 277 10" Touch

The HMI device MP 277 10" Touch is available in two enclosure models. The enclosure
models have different article numbers. The article number is on the back of the HMI device.

Article number


335 mm

275 mm


335 mm

275 mm


325 mm

263 mm

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Technical specifications
10.2 Specifications


Dimension drawing of the MP 277 10" Key




Specifications of the MP 277 Touch

HMI device

Weight without packaging

MP 277 8" Touch

MP 277 10" Touch

Approx. 1610 g

Approx. 2650 g

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Technical specifications
10.2 Specifications


Display area, active

MP 277 8" Touch

MP 277 10" Touch

153.7 mm x 115.8 mm (7.5")

211.2 mm x 158.4 mm (10.4")




640 x 480 pixels

Colors, displayable


Brightness control


Input device
MP 277 8" Touch

MP 277 10" Touch

Resistive analog touch screen

MP 277 8" Touch
Application memory

MP 277 10" Touch

6 MB

MP 277 8" Touch
1 x RS 422/RS 485
2 x USB

MP 277 10" Touch

Max. 12 Mbps

USB host; conforms to USB standard 1.1 (supporting low-speed and

full-speed USB devices)
Maximum load 500 mA

1 x Ethernet

RJ45 10/100 Mbps

Supply voltage
MP 277 8" Touch
Rated voltage
Range, permissible
Transients, maximum permissible
Time between two transients,

MP 277 10" Touch

+24 V DC
20.4 V to 28.8 V (-15%, +20%)
35 V (500 ms)
50 s

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Technical specifications
10.2 Specifications

MP 277 8" Touch

MP 277 10" Touch

Current consumption


Approx. 600 mA

Approx. 700 mA

Constant current,

Approx. 1000 mA

Approx. 1100 mA

Power on current surge I2t

Approx. 1 A2s

Approx. 1 A2s

Fuse, internal


MP 277 8" Touch
Realtime clock,


Magnetic field intensity



MP 277 10" Touch

buffered 1)

50/60 Hz;100 A/m RMS

Bridging time of the buffering, approx. 6 weeks.

Specifications of the MP 277 Key

HMI device

Weight without packaging

MP 277 8" Key

MP 277 10" Key

Approx. 2250 g

Approx. 4950 g


Display area, active

MP 277 8" Key

MP 277 10" Key

153.7 mm x 115.8 mm (7.5")

211.2 mm x 158.4 mm (10.4")




640 x 480 pixels

Colors, displayable


Brightness control


Input device
MP 277 8" Key
Function keys

MP 277 10" Key

Membrane keyboard

26 function keys,

34 function keys,

of which 18 with LED

of which 26 with LED

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Technical specifications
10.3 Bit assignment of the direct keys

MP 277 8" Key
Application memory

MP 277 10" Key

6 MB

MP 277 8" Key
1 x RS 422/RS 485
2 x USB

MP 277 10" Key

Max. 12 Mbps

USB host; conforms to USB standard 1.1 (supporting low-speed and

full-speed USB devices)
Maximum load 500 mA

1 x Ethernet

RJ45 10/100 Mbps

Supply voltage
MP 277 8" Key
Rated voltage

MP 277 10" Key

+24 V DC

Range, permissible

20.4 V to 28.8 V (15 %, +20%)

Transients, maximum permissible

35 V (500 ms)

Time between two transients,


50 s

Current consumption


Approx. 700 mA

Approx. 800 mA

Constant current,

Approx. 1100 mA

Approx. 1200 mA

Power on
current surge I2t

Approx. 1 A2s

Approx. 1 A2s

Fuse, internal



Bit assignment of the direct keys

The following figures show the assignment of the keys and LEDs to the bytes in the PLC
process image.
Further information may be available in your plant documentation.
Do not use the LED bits "ACK", "A-Z l", "A-Z r" and "HELP" when a project is running on the
HMI device.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Technical specifications
10.3 Bit assignment of the direct keys

Bit assignment of the direct keys for the MP 277 8" Key

Bit assignment of the direct keys for the MP 277 10" Key

Bit assignment of the direct keys for the MP 277 8" Touch

Bit assignment of the direct keys for the MP 277 10" Touch

See also
Direct keys (Page 160)

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

Technical specifications
10.4 Description of the ports


Description of the ports


Power supply
Plug connector, 2-pin




+24 VDC (L+)

GND 24 V (M)

X10/IF 1B (RS 422/RS 485)

Sub-D socket, 9-pin, with screw lock


Assignment for the RS 422

Assignment for the RS 485

n. c.

n. c.

GND 24 V

GND 24 V


Data channel B (+)


RTS 1)

GND 5 V, floating

GND 5 V, floating

+5 VDC, floating

+5 VDC, floating

+24 VDC, out (max. 100 mA)

+24 VDC, out (max. 100 mA)


Data channel A ()


RTS 1)

On pin 4 or pin 9, can be set with DIP switch on the rear of the device

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Technical specifications
10.4 Description of the ports


X20, X21 (USB)

USB socket




+5 VDC, out (max. 500 mA)




X1 (Ethernet/LAN)
RJ45 plug connector






n. c.

n. c.


n. c.

n. c.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Service and support

You can find additional information and support for the products described on the Internet at
the following addresses:
Technical support (
Support request form (
After Sales Information System SIMATIC IPC/PG (
SIMATIC Documentation Collection (
Your local representative
Training center (
Industry Mall (
When contacting your local representative or Technical Support, please have the following
information at hand:
MLFB of the device
BIOS version for industrial PC or image version for HMI device
Other installed hardware
Other installed software

Tools & downloads

Please check regularly if updates and hotfixes are available for download to your device. The
download area is available on the Internet at the following link:
After Sales Information System SIMATIC IPC/PG (


System events
System events on the HMI device provide information about internal states of the HMI device
and the controller.
System events are only indicated if an alarm window was configured. System events are
output in the language currently set on your HMI device.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


A.3 ESD guideline
System event parameters
System events may contain encrypted parameters which are relevant to troubleshooting
because they provide a reference to the source code of the runtime software. These
parameters are output after the text "Error code:".

Description of the system events

A listing of all system alarms for your HMI device is provided in the online help of your
configuration software.


ESD guideline

An electronic module is equipped with highly integrated electronic components. Due to their
design, electronic components are highly sensitive to overvoltage and thus to the discharge
of static electricity. Such electronic components are labeled as electrostatic sensitive devices
The following abbreviations are commonly used for electrostatic sensitive devices:

Electrostatic charge
The damage to an ESD caused by overvoltage is usually not recognized immediately. The
damage only becomes apparent after a long period of operation.
Electrostatic charge
ESDs may be destroyed by voltages far below the level perceived by human beings. If you
are not discharged electrostatically, the voltage that you transfer when touching a
component or the contact points of a module can already cause damage.
Discharge any electrostatic charge of your body before you touch the ESD.
Anyone who is not connected conductively to their surroundings is subject to electrostatic

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

A.3 ESD guideline
The following diagram shows the maximum voltage values to which a person can be
charged electrostatically. The values depend on the material and humidity. The shown
values are in conformity with the specifications of EN 61000-4-2.

Synthetic materials
Antistatic materials such as wood or concrete

Protective measures against discharge of static electricity

Grounding measures
There is no equipotential bonding without grounding. An electrostatic charge is not
discharged and may damage the ESD.
When working with electrostatic sensitive devices, make sure that the person and the
workplace are properly grounded.
Note the following:
Only touch the ESD if it is absolutely necessary.
When you touch ESD modules, avoid touching the pins or the PCB tracks.
This precaution reduces the risk of damaging an ESD.
Discharge electrostatic electricity from your body if you are performing measurements on
an ESD.
To do so, touch a grounded metal object before you carry out the measurement.
Always use grounded measuring instruments.

MP 277
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A.3 ESD guideline

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



American National Standards Institution


Comma Separated Values


Direct Current


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol


Dual-in-Line (electronic chip housing design)


Domain Name System


Distributed I/O


Input and Output


Components and modules endangered by electrostatic discharge


Electromagnetic Compatibility


European standard


Components and modules endangered by electrostatic discharge




High Frequency


Human Machine Interface


International Electronic Commission




Internet Protocol


Light Emitting Diode


Media Access Control


Multipoint Interface (SIMATIC S7)

n. c.

Not connected


Operator Panel


Personal Computer


Programming device


Point-to-Point Interface (SIMATIC S7)


Protective Extra Low Voltage


Registered Jack Type 45


Request to send


Receive Data


Programmable Logic Controller


Subminiature D (plug)




Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol


Thin Film Transistor


Transmit Data

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02




Underwriters Laboratory


Universal Serial Bus


Windows Internet Naming Service

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

"Transfer" mode
The "Transfer" operating mode is an operating mode of the HMI device in which an
executable project is transferred from the configuration PC to an HMI device.

Acknowledgment of an alarm confirms that it has been noted.

Alarm logging
Output of user-specific alarms to a printer, in parallel to their output to the HMI device

Alarm, acknowledgment
Acknowledgment of an alarm confirms that it has been noted.

Automation system
An automation system is a PLC of the SIMATIC S7 series, for example SIMATIC S7-300

Boot loader
The boot loader is used to start the operating system and is started automatically after power
on of the HMI device. The loader is displayed after the operating system has loaded.

Configuration PC
A configuration PC is a programming device or PC on which plant projects are created using
an engineering software.

Configuration software
Configuration software is used to create projects used for the purpose of process
visualization. WinCC flexible is such a configuration software, for example.

PLC is a general term for devices and systems with which the HMI device communicates,
e.g. SIMATIC S7.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



Degree of protection
The degree of protection specifies a standard of electronic equipment for a variety of
environmental conditions and the protection of humans against potential danger when
using this equipment.
The degree of protection classified by IP differs from the protection class. But both involve
protection against touching dangerous electric voltage. The degree of protection also
classifies the protection of equipment against dirt and moisture.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) refers to a usually desirable state, in which technical
equipment does not disturb one another with unwanted electrical or electromagnetic effects.
Electromagnetic compatibility deals with technical and regulatory questions of undesired,
mutual influence in electrical engineering.

Functions are triggered by defined incoming events. Events can be configured. Events which
can be assigned to a button include "Press" and "Release", for example.

Area reserved in configured screens for the input and output of values.

Flash memory
Flash memory is a non-volatile memory with EEPROM chips that is implemented either as
mobile storage medium, or as permanently installed memory module on the motherboard.

Function keys
Function keys on the HMI device can be assigned user-specific functions. The functions
assigned to these keys are defined during configuration. The assignment of the function keys
may be specific to an active screen or independent of it.

Half Brightness Life Time

Time period after which brightness is reduced to 50% of the original value. The specified
value depends on the operating temperature.

Output of the screen content to a printer.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


HMI device
An HMI device is a device used for the operation and monitoring of machines and plants.
The machine or plant states are visualized on the HMI device by means of graphic objects or
signal lamps. The operator controls of the HMI device allow the operator to interact with the
processes of the machine or plant.

HMI device image

The HMI device image is a file that can be transferred from the configuration PC to the HMI
device. The HMI device image contains the operating system for the HMI device and the
elements of the runtime software required to run a project.

I/O field
An I/O field enables the input or output of values on the HMI device which are transferred to
the PLC.

Info text
An info text is a configured information on objects within a project. Info text for an alarm, for
example, may contain information on the cause of the fault and troubleshooting routines.

An object is a project element such as a screen or an alarm. Objects are used to view or
enter texts and values on the HMI device.

Operating element
An operating element is a component of a project used to enter values and trigger functions.
A button, for example, is an operating element.

General term referring to machines, processing centers, systems, plants and processes
which are operated and monitored on an HMI device.

PLC job
A PLC job triggers a function for the PLC on the HMI device.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



A project is the result of a configuration using a configuration software. The project normally
contains several screens with embedded system-specific objects, basic settings and alarms.
A project configured in WinCC flexible is saved to a project file with the extension *.hmi.
You need to distinguish between a project on the configuration PC and an executable project
on an HMI device. A project on the configuration PC can be available in more languages
than can be managed on the HMI device. The project on the configuration PC can also be
set up for different HMI devices. You can only transfer an executable project to an HMI
device if it has been especially compiled for it.

Project file
A project file is a file from which the executable project file for use on the HMI device is
generated. The project file is usually not transferred and is retained on the configuration PC.
The file name extension of a project file is *.hmi.

Project file, compressed

Compressed format of the project file. The compressed project file can be transferred in
addition to the executable project file to the corresponding HMI device. For this purpose,
backtransfer must be enabled in the project on the configuration PC. The compressed
project file is usually saved to an external memory card.
A compressed project file has the extension *.pdz.

Project file, executable

An executable project file is the file generated from the project file for a specific HMI device.
The executable project file is transferred to the associated HMI device where it is used to
operate and monitor plants.
An executable project file has the extension "*.fwx".

Protection class
The protection class is used in electrical engineering to classify and identify electrical
equipment in relation to existing safety measures designed to prevent electric shock.
There are four protection classes for electrical equipment.

A recipe is a combination of tags that form a fixed data structure. The configured data
structure can be assigned data in the configuration software or on the HMI device and is
then referred to as a record. The use of recipes ensures that all data assigned to a data
record is transferred synchronously to the PLC.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Runtime software
The runtime software is a process visualization software used to test a project on a
configuration PC.

A screen is a form of visualization for all logically related process data in a plant. The
representation of the process data can be visually supported by graphic objects.

Screen object
A screen object refers to objects such as rectangles, I/O fields, or alarm views which are
configured for visualization or operation of the plant.

STEP 7 is the programming software for SIMATIC S7, SIMATIC C7 and SIMATIC WinAC

Symbolic I/O field

A symbolic I/O field is a field for the input and output of a value. Contains a list of default
entries from which one can be selected.

System alarm
A system alarm is assigned to the "System" alarm class. A system alarm refers to internal
states on the HMI device and the PLC.

Tab order
The tab order defined in the course of project engineering determines the sequence for
activating objects by pressing the <TAB> key.

A tag is a defined memory location to which values can be written and from which values can
be read. This can be done from the PLC or the HMI device. We distinguish between external
tags (process tags) and internal tags, depending on whether or not the tag is interconnected
with the PLC.

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



Transfer of a runtime project from the configuration PC to the HMI device.

WinAC is a software PLC for multifunctional platforms.

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

/Audit, 21

ACK key, 172
Alarm, 172
Acknowledge key, 172
Acoustic feedback, 160
Acoustic signal, 165
Inadvertent operation, 160
Feedback, 97
Password protection, 89
Address assignment
TCP/IP network, 116
Addressing, 114
Acknowledge, 172
Functional scope, 19
Alarm buffer
Functional scope, 19
Key assignment, 83, 172
Screen keyboard, 166
Alphanumerical value
Changing, 167, 176
Entering, 167, 176
ALT key, 83, 172
MP 277, 9
Approval for Australia, 29
Approvals, 27
Transfer, 143
A-Z key, 83, 172

Backing up, 136, 147, 148
Registry information, 76, 92
Temporary files, 92

to external storage device, 126

To memory card, 76
With ProSave, 148
Reducing, 95
Setting, 77
Backspace key, 82, 171
Backtransfer, 141, 145
Backup, 76, 128
Booting, 99
Bottom view, 10, 12, 13, 15
Changing, 94
Home page, 76
Setting, 76
Bus connection, 22
Bus parameters
Profile, 108

Connecting, 45
Touch screen, 87
Cancel key, 82, 171
Care, 181
CE approval, 27
Delete, 125
Deleting, 76
Displaying, 76
Importing, 76, 125
Certificates, 76
Brightness, 94
Character repeat, 76
Screen keyboard, 85
Electrostatic, 194
Clamping frame, 17
Clean screen, 182
MP 277, 39
Shipping conditions, 33
Storage conditions, 33

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



Project, 179
Compatibility conflict, 147
Computer name
Setting, 77
Condensation, 33
Conductor cross-section, 48
Equipotential bonding, 46
Configuration graphic
Configuration PC, 53
Controller, 50
Equipotential bonding, 47
Power supply, 48
Printer, 57
Configuration PC
Configuration graphic, 53
Connecting, 53
Configuration phase, 133
Network, 114
Data channel, 77, 109
Operating system, 70
PC/PPI cable, 54
RS 422/RS 485 interface, 51
Screen keyboard, 76, 84
Configuring PC, 133
Configuration PC, 53
Controller, 50
Equipotential bonding, 46
Mains terminal, 49
Power supply, 48, 49
Printer, 57
PROFINET, 51, 53
USB device, 56
Connection, 22
Connection sequence, 45
Connections to PLCs
Number, 22
Control cabinet
Working on, 25
Control keys
Keyboard unit, 81
Control Panel
MPI, 107
Open, 75
Operating, 78, 80
Password protection, 71
Screen keyboard, 78
Control Panel:Operate, 77

Configuration graphic, 50
Configuring the interface, 51
Connecting, 50
Conventions, 4
Converter RS 422-RS 232, 16
Cookies, 123
CTRL key, 83, 172
Currency, 77
Cursor key, 82, 170

Data channel
Configuring, 77, 109
Enabling, 109
Locking, 109
Data transfer, 136
Date, 76
Entering, 168, 177
Setting, 90
Synchronizing, 91
Date format, 77, 92
Date/time properties, 76, 90
Password protection, 90
Decimal, 164
Default gateway, 116
Degree of protection, 38
Protection against ingress of solid foreign
bodies, 40
Protection against water, 40
Delay time
Setting, 77, 103
Certificate, 125
Delete key, 82, 82, 171, 171
Device name
For network operation, 115
DHCP, 116
DIP switch
Setting, 51
Direct key, 161
Functional scope, 21
Direct keys
Assignment, 189
SecureMode, 74
MP 277 Key, 188
MP 277 Touch, 187
Display format, 174
MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Certificate, 76
HMI device information, 76
Info text, 169, 178
Information on the MP 277, 100
Memory information, 101
System information, 101
UPS status, 77
Disposal, 182
Pulse-shaped, 31
Sinusoidal, 32
DNS, 116
Server, 114
Enclosed, 41
Double-click, 76
Setting, 86

EC Declaration of Conformity, 27
Elbow adapter, 17
Safe separation, 49
Electrical potential difference, 46
Electrostatic charge, 194
Set, function overview, 77
Setting, 119
EMC directive, 27
Emission, 30, 32
SecureMode, 74
Encryption, 123
END key, 82, 171
Enter key, 82, 171
ENTER key, 82, 171
Alphanumerical value, 167, 176
Date, 168, 177
Key combination, 83, 172
Numerical value, 165, 175
Symbolic value, 168
Text box, 163
Time, 168, 177
Entry on the HMI device
By means of function key, 173
Using operating elements, 157
Environmental conditions
Climatic, 36

Mechanical, 35
Test, 36
Equipotential bonding
Cable, 47
Configuration graphic, 47
Connecting, 46
Requirements, 46
Equipotential bonding rail, 47
ESC key, 82, 171
Ethernet settings
IP address, 116

Acoustic, 97, 160
Optical, 159
Fixation, 16
FM approval, 29
Fn key, 83, 172
Front view, 10, 11, 13, 14
Additional, 21
Function key
Labeling, 65
Function keys
Global assignment, 173
Local assignment, 173
Function test, 59
Functional scope
Alarm buffer, 19
Graphics list, 19
Info text, 21
Limit monitoring, 19
Log, 20
Recipe, 20
Safety, 20
Scaling, 19
Screen, 19
Tag, 19
Text list, 19

Graphics list
Functional scope, 19
Group acknowledgement, 172
Guidelines for Explosion Protection, 28

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



High frequency radiation, 26
HMI device
Cold restart, 99
EMC-compatible installation, 31
Information, 76
Interfaces, 45
Restarting, 76
Shutting down, 59
Specifications, 186, 188
Switching on, 58
Testing, 58
Transfer license key, 154
HMI Input Panel
Options, 84
HOME key, 82, 171
Home page
Internet, 121
Host cable
Safety instruction, 55

Identification, 118
Certificate, 76, 125
Inadvertent operation
Acoustic signal, 160
Info text
Displaying, 169, 178
Functional scope, 21
Key, 172
LED, 172
For the HMI device, 100
Initial startup, 133
Input device
MP 277 Key, 188
MP 277 Touch, 187
Input Panel, 76
Installation as intended, 26
Option, 136, 152, 152
General, 30
Insulation test
Test voltage, 40
MP 277, 45
Rated load, 56

Home page, 121
Options, 76
Search engine, 121
Security settings, 76
Settings, 119
Settings, overview of functions, 77
Internet options
Privacy, 124
IP address
Ethernet, 116

ACK, 172
ALT, 83, 172
A-Z, 83, 172
Backspace, 171
Cancel, 82
CTRL, 83, 172
Cursor, 82, 170
Delete, 82, 82, 171
END, 82, 171
ENTER, 82, 171
ESC, 82, 171
Fn, 83, 172
HOME, 82, 171
Info text, 172
Scroll back, 82, 171
Scroll forward, 82, 171
SHIFT, 83, 172
TAB, 82, 170
Tabulator, 82
Key combination
Entering, 83, 172
Key control, 170, 174
Safety instruction, 62
Keyboard properties, 76

Approvals, 29
EC Declaration of Conformity, 27
Function key, 65
Guidelines for Explosion Protection, 28
Labeling strips
Attaching, 67
Dimensions, 66

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


LAN connection, 76
Language switching
Functional scope, 21
Info text, 172
Managing, 154
License key
Transfer to an HMI device, 154
Transferring, 136
Transferring back, 136
Limit monitoring
Functional scope, 19
Limit test, 164
Limit value test, 174
Loader, 70
Operating, 71
Operating element, 182
Functional scope, 20
Logon data, 118

Main dimensions
MP 277 10" Touch, 185
MP 277 8" Key, 184
MP 277 8" Touch, 183
Mains terminal
Connecting, 49
Maintenance, 181
License, 154
Transfer, 142
Shipping conditions, 33
Storage conditions, 33
MP 277 Key, 189
MP 277 Touch, 187
Memory card
First time use, 127
Inserting, 64
Restoring file system, 93
Unplug, 65
Memory information
Displaying, 101
Memory management, 76, 131

EMC-compatible, 31
Mounting clip, 42, 43, 44
Mounting clip, 16
Mounting, 42, 43, 44
Mounting cut-out
Dimensions, 39
Preparing, 39
Mounting location, 38
Mounting position, 37
Mouse properties, 76
MP 277
Applications, 9
Clearance, 39
Displaying information, 100
Interfaces, 45
Mounting, 41
Operator control, 61
Switching on, 58
Testing, 58
MP 277 10" Key
Bottom view, 15
Front view, 14
Overall dimensions, 186
Rear view, 15
Side view, 14
MP 277 10" Touch
Bottom view, 13
Front view, 13
Main dimensions, 185
Rear view, 14
Side view, 13
MP 277 8" Key
Bottom view, 12
Front view, 11
Main dimensions, 184
Rear view, 12
Side view, 11
MP 277 8" Touch
Bottom view, 10
Front view, 10
Main dimensions, 183
Rear view, 11
Side view, 10
MP 277 Key
Specifications, 188
Setting, 77, 107
Multi-key operation, 158, 170
Multimedia card, 63

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



Name server, 116
Configure, 114
Logon data, 76
Set up, 114
Setting, 116
Network & dial-up connections, 76
Network ID, 76
Network operation
Device name, 115
Options, 77, 119
Nominal voltage, 40
Non-isolated plant configuration, 49
License key, 152
Number format, 77, 92
Key assignment, 83, 172
Screen keyboard, 163
Numerical value
Changing, 165, 175
Decimal places, 164, 164
Display format, 174
Entering, 165, 175
Limit test, 164
Limit value test, 174

Operating mode, 134
Test, 140, 146
Operating mode, 134
Test, 141, 146
OP properties, 76
Device, 100
Memory monitoring, 131
Persistent storage, 93
Touch, 87
OPC server, 21
Control Panel, 75
Selection list, 82, 171
Operate:Control Panel, 77
Control Panel, 78
Feedback, 159
Key, 170, 174
Loader, 71

Operating element, 82, 171

Project, 157
With external keyboard, 158
With external mouse, 158
Operating element
Locking, 182
Operating, 82, 171
Selecting, 82
Operating instructions
Scope, 3
Operating mode, 134
Changing, 134
Offline, 134
Online, 134
Transfer, 58, 134
Operating system
Configuring, 70
Safety instruction, 55
Update using ProSave, 151
Updating, 149
Operation feedback, 159
Operator control
Memory card slot, 64
MP 277, 61
Optical feedback, 159
Installing, 136, 152
Installing with ProSave, 152
Removing, 136, 152
Removing with ProSave, 153
Options, 21
Network operation, 77, 119
Overall dimensions
MP 277 10" Key, 186

Specifying, 89
Password properties, 76, 89, 89
Password protection, 71, 76
Activate, 89
Deactivating, 90
Windows CE taskbar, 71
Cable, 17
Configuring the cable, 54
Setting the adapter, 54
PELV, 49
Rated load, 56

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Plant configuration
Non-insolated, 49
Number of connectable, 22
Protocol, 22
MP 277 Key, 189
MP 277 Touch, 187
Power failure, 147
Power supply
Configuration graphic, 48
Connecting, 48, 49
Configuration graphic, 57
Connecting, 57
Setting properties, 76
Printer connection
Setting, 96
Printer properties, 76, 96
Via network printer, 113
Process control phase, 133
Setting, 77
Setting, 107
Addressing, 114
Connecting, 51, 53
Disabling direct keys, 112
Enabling direct keys, 112
Releasing, 76
Closing, 179
in ProTool, 135
In WinCC flexible, 135
Offline testing, 140, 146
Operating, 157
Reuse, 135, 135, 135
Testing online, 141, 146
Transferring, 133, 136
Protection class, 40
Protective measure
Static electricity, 195
PLC, 22
Server, 76, 119, 122
Setting, 76

High frequency, 26
Radio interference, 30
Emission, 32
Rated load
Interface, 56
Rear view, 11, 12, 14, 15
Functional scope, 20
Recommissioning, 133
Recycling, 182
Regional and language settings, 77, 92
Regional settings, 92
Registry information
Backing up, 76, 92
Regulations for the prevention of accidents, 25
Option, 136, 152, 153
Repairs, 182
Reset to factory setting, 136
Resetting to factory settings, 151
Restore, 76, 126
Restoring, 136, 147, 148
from external storage device, 128
From memory card, 76, 93
With ProSave, 148
Returns Center, 182
Reverse polarity protection, 49
RS 422/RS 485 interface
Configuring, 51

S7 transfer settings, 77
Safe electrical isolation, 49
Functional scope, 20
Standards, 27
Safety instruction
Backlighting, 95
Compatibility conflict, 147
Compressed project file, 141
Damage to the HMI device, 45
Data channel, 150
Direct key, 160
Equipotential bonding cable, 47
Functional problem, 56
High frequency radiation, 26
Interface, 56
Keyboard, 62

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



License key, 147, 150

Memory card, first use, 64
Memory distribution, 101
Multi-key operation, 158
Power failure, 147
Preventing inadvertent operation, 181
Replacing the HMI device, 55
Storage, 33
Switching info text, 169, 178
Touch screen, 62
Transfer mode, 106, 109
Transfer mode channel 2, 110
Transport, 33
Unintentional action, 62, 170
Unintentional transfer mode, 110
Update operating system, 55
USB host-to-host cable, 55
Working on the control cabinet, 25
Safety regulations, 25
Functional scope, 19
Functional scope, 21
Functional scope, 19
Screen keyboard, 76, 162
Alphanumerical, 166
Change layout, 79
Character repeat, 85
Configuring, 84
For Control Panel, 78
Keyboard level, 166
Language switching, 166
Numeric, 163
Representation types, 79
Screen saver, 95
Overview of functions, 77, 77
Setting, 95
Screen settings
Changing, 76
Scroll back key, 82, 171
Scroll forward key, 82, 171
Search engine
Internet, 121
Disabling, 74
Enabling, 74
Security settings, 76
Operating element, 82
Selection list, 168, 177
Open, 82, 171

Service pack, 17
Set up
Network, 114
Backlighting, 77
Browser, 76
Computer name, 77
Date, 90
Date format, 92
Date/Time, 76
Delay time, 77, 103
DIP switch, 51
Double-click, 86
E-mail, 77
E-mail connection, 119
Language, 161
MPI, 77, 107
Network, 116
Number format, 92
PC/PPI adapter, 54
Printer connection, 96
Printer properties, 76
PROFIBUS, 77, 107
Proxy, 76
Regional data, 92
Screen saver, 95
Time, 90
Time format, 92
Transfer mode, 138
UPS, 77, 104, 104
Volume, 77
Setting language, 161
Setting the time zone, 90
Internet, 77
Language, 77
Regional, 77
S7-Transfer, 77
Shift key, 83
SHIFT key, 83, 172
Shipping conditions, 33
Shutting down
HMI device, 59
Side view, 10, 11, 13, 14
Siemens HMI input panel options, 76
Sm@rtAccess, 21
Sm@rtService, 21
SMTP server, 119
Software options, 21
Display, 187, 188

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02


Input device, 187, 188

Memory, 187, 189
MP 277 Key, 188
MP 277 Touch, 186, 188
Ports, 187, 189
Supply voltage, 187, 189
Standard operating system, 9
HMI device, 99
Transfer, 139
Static electricity
Protective measures, 195
Storage conditions, 33
Storage device
Backing up to external, 126
Restoring from external, 128
Strain relief, 59
Subnet mask, 116
Supply voltage
MP 277 Key, 189
MP 277 Touch, 187
Switching on
MP 277, 58
Symbolic value
Changing, 168
Entering, 168
Date and time, 91
System, 101
System event
in the online help, 194
Parameters, 194
System information, 77
Displaying, 101
System properties, 77
Device name, 115
General, 101
Memory, 101

Text box, 163

Character mode, 171
Normal mode, 171
Text list
Functional scope, 19
Time, 76
Entering, 168, 177
Setting, 90
Synchronizing, 91
Time format, 77, 92
Touch screen
Calibrating, 76, 87
Safety instruction, 62
Transfer, 133, 134, 137, 141
Automatic, 143
Cancel, 58
Manual, 142
Start, 139
Starting automatically, 137
Starting manually, 137
Transfer mode
Setting, 138
Unintentional, 110
Via MPI, 106
Transfer settings, 109
Channel, 109
Directories, 103
Overview of functions, 77
License key, 136
License key on HMI device, 154
Project, 133, 136
Transferring back
License key, 136
Transport damage, 41
Functional scope, 21

TAB key, 82, 170

Tabulator key, 82, 170
Functional scope, 19
TCP/IP address, 116
Temporary files
Backing up, 92
For environmental conditions, 36
MP 277, 58

UL approval, 29
Unintentional action, 62, 158
Unintentional transfer mode, 110
Update operating system, 136
Operating system, 149
Using ProSave, 151
Displaying status, 77
Setting, 77, 104, 104

MP 277
Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02



UPS properties
Configuration, 104, 104
Current status, 105, 105, 105, 105
USB device
Connecting, 56
Conditions, 35
In residential areas, 30
Industrial, 30
With additional measures, 35
User name, 118, 118

Functional scope, 21
Volume, 97, 97
Setting, 77
Volume & Sounds Properties, 77

MP 277 Key, 188
Weight of the MP 277 Touch, 186
WinCC flexible
Internet Settings, 77
WinCC flexible internet settings
E-mail, 119
Windows CE taskbar, 70
Password protection, 71
WINS, 116
Server, 114
Working on the control cabinet, 25

MP 277


Operating Instructions, 07/2014, A5E02479740-02

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