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Basic Arabic Words

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Common Phrases

Hello - Ahlan wa sahlan

Good bye - Salam
Good Morning - Sahab el-kheir
Good Evening - Masaa el-kheir
Good Night - Tisbah ala kheir
Peace be with you - Salam alekum
(a frequently occurring greeting)
And upon you be peace - Wa alekum es salam
(the standard reply)
How are you? - Izayak(m) Izayek (f)
Fine - Kiwayess (m)/ Kiwayessa (f)/
Kiwayessin (g)
Ilhamdoulilah (The standard
My name is ..... - Ismi .....
What's your name? - Ismak (m)/Ismek (f) eih?

Welcome - Ahlan wa sahlan

Standard reply to a male - Ahlan bik
Standard reply to a female - Ahlan biki

Yes - Aiwa
No - La
Thankyou - Shukran
Thank you very much - Shukran Gidann
No Thankyou - La shukran
Pardon/Excuse me - Afwan or ahlan
Sorry - Assif
You are welcome - Al-affu / 'afuann
Please - Min fadlak (m)/ fadlek (f)/
fadlokoum (g)

I don't speak Arabic - Ma batkalemsh Arabi

Do you speak English? - Bititkalimy Englizee?
I don't understand - Mish fahiim (m)/ fahma (f)
I understand - Ana fahim/ fahma
I mean - Ana Assdi/ Yaani

Enough/stop - Bass
Don't Balashs
Thanks god - Il-hamdouLilah
God willing - Insha'allah
Ok/fine - Mashy
No problem - Mish Mushkilla
Again - Tany/ Kaman
Not bad - Mish batal
Impossible - Mish momken
Also - Bardo
Non sense - Kalam Fady
Exactly - Bilzabt
Bit by bit - Shiwaya shiwaya
Connection - Wasta

Go away - Imshi
(said to children who are
bothering you)

In the taxi or on the street/General Directions

I want to go to .. - Ayez (m) Ayza(f) arouh ..

..Right - ..Yemun
..Left - ..Shemal
..North - ..Shamal
..South - ..Gamoub
..East - ..Sharq
..West - ..Gharb
..Straight ahead - ..Doughri/alatoul
..Stop - ..Oaf
..Here - ..Hena
..There - ..Henak
Where? - Fein?
What? - Naam
Wait - Istana (m) Istani (f)
Next to - Gamb
Across, in front - Uddam
Facing - fil-wish
Behind - wara
Before - 'abl
After - ba'd
Near - 'urayyib min
Far from - ba'iid 'an
Corner - nasya
This corner - in-nasya di
Go slowly - bi-shweesh
Go quickly - bi-sur'a

In the Shop

Please - Min tadlak

Can I see this? - Momken ashout da?
How much is this/ that....? - Bikam da....?
I don't want this. - Mish avez (m) avza (f) da.
It costs too much. - Da ghali awi.
Cheap - Rekhis
Do you have...? - Fi andak .....?
Money - Felous
My last word - Aakhir Kalaam
Congratulations - Mabrouk

Name of Places

Hotel - Fondoq
Restaurant - Mataam
Airport - Matar
Café - Ahwa
Street - Ashret
Church - Kenisa
Mosque - Gamei
Bank - Bank
Down Town/ City Center - Wisst El Balad
Bridge - Kubri
City - El Medina
Village - Al Qarya
Monastery - der
Cathedral - ik-katidra'iyya
Synagogue - Maabad el yahudi
Embassy - Siffaara
Police Station - al-bolis
Home - Beet
Market - Suu'
Museum - Mathaf
Office - Maktab
Post office - busta
School - Madrassa
Square - Midaan
Train Station - Mahattit il'atr
Bus station - Mahattat al-otobis
Bus stop - Maw'af al-otobis
Ticket office - Maktab El Tazaker
University - Gamaa
Zoo - Hadiquat El Hayawan

Days of the Week

Week - 'Ossboo
Saturday - El-Sabt
Sunday - El-Had
Monday - El-Itnein
Tuesday - El-Talat
Wednesday - El-Arbaa
Thursday - El-Khamis
Friday - El-Gomaa


Numbers - 'Arqam
Number - Raqam
Zero - Sifr
One - Wahid
Two - Tnein
Three - Talata
Four - Arbaa
Five - Khamsa
Six - Sita
Seven - Sabaa
Eight - Tamania
Nine - Tesaa
Ten - Ashra
Twenty - Ishrin
Thirty - Talatin
Forty - Arbaeen
Fifty - Khamsin
Sixty - Sitin
Seventy - Sabin
Eighty - Tamanin
Ninety - Tisin
Hundred - Mia
Thousand - Alf
Million - Milyon

Half - Nos
Quarter - Robaa

First - Awel
Second - Tani
Third - Talet
Fourth - Rabe
Fifth - Khamis
Sixth - Sadis
Seventh - Sabe
Eighth - Tamin
Ninth - Tase
Tenth - Asher

Frequent questions

What ? - Naam?
When ? - imta?
How ? - izzay?
Why ? - leeh?
Which ? - anhi?
What's your name ? - Ismak (m) eih?/ Ismek (f) eih?
Where ? - feen?
Who is that ? - min dah (m)/ min dih (f)?
What is this ? - eeh da/ eeh di?
What are these/those ? - eeh dol?
How much? - bi kaam?
How many? - kaam?
Who knows? - miin aarif?
Where is the hotel? - Fein el Fondoq?
Can you show me the way? - Momkein tewarrini al tariq?
I would like to see the rooms? - Awiz ashuf al owad
May I see the other rooms? - Momkein ashuf owad tani?
How much is the room per - Bi kam el odda bil laila?
Do you have any cheaper room? - Fi owad arkhass?
Where is the Toilet? - Fein El Hamman

Money (fullus)

Pound - Gineeh
Half pound (50 pt) - Nuss gineeh
Quarter of pound (25 pt) - Rub' gineeh
Piaster (pt) - 'irsh
20 pt - riyal
10 pt - barisa
5 pt - shillin
Small change - Fakka
US $ - dollar amrikani
UK £ - guinay isterlini
A$ - dollar ustrali
DM - mark almani
Travellers' cheques - shikat siyahiyya
Change (the rest) - ba'ii
Do you have change? - Ma'ak fakka?
No change - Mafish fakka
I am broke - ana mifallis


Time - Wa't
Now - Dilwa'ti
Later - Ba'deen
Day - yom
Week - esbuwa
Month - shahr
Year - sana
Today - Innaharda
Tonight - Innaharda billil
Tomorrow - bukkra
Day after tomorrow - ba'd bukra
Yesterday - Imbaarih
Morning - Issubh
Afternoon/ Evening - Ba'd id-duhr
Evening/ night - Bil-leel
On time - Fi-l-ma'aad
(One) o'clock - Is-ssa'a (wahda)
Half past one - Wahda wi nuss
One fifteen - Wahda wi rub'
One forty five - Eitnein illa rub' (quarter to two)

Months of the year

Month - Shahr
Year - Sanna
January - Yanayir
February - Fibrayer
March - Maris
April - Abril
May - Mayu
June - Yunyu
July - Yulyu
August - Aghustus
September - Sibtimbir
October - Obtoobir
November - Nuvembir
December - Disimbir


I - ana
You (single) - inta (m)/ inti (f)
You (plural) - Intu/ Intum
He - Huwa
She - Heya
We - Ihna
They - Homa
This / That - Da (m)/ Dih (f)
Those - Dool
People - Nass
Mother/my mother - Om/ommi
Father/ my father - Ab/ abuya
Brother/ my brother - Akh/ akhuya
Sister/ my sister - Okht/ okhty
Son/ my son - Ibn/ Ibny
Daughter/ my daughter - Bint/ Binty
Children/ my children - Awlad/ Awlaadi
Husband/ my husband - Gooz/ goozi
Wife/ my wife - Merrat/ merrati
Man - Raggil
Woman - Sitt / Wahda Sitt (a woman)
Child - Tifl
Children/ kids - Atfaal/ 'iyaal
Baby - babi - Tifl
Boy - Walad
Girl - Bint
My friend - Sahbi (m)/ Sahbiti (f)
My sweetheart - Habiibi (m)/ Habibti (f)
My fiancé/ fiancée - Khatibi (m)/ Khatibti (f)


Emergencies - Tawari'
Police - Bulise/ Shorta
Fire - Hari'a
Fire Brigade - Matafi
Hospital - Mustashfa
Ambulance - Iss'af
Pharmacy - Saydalya/ Agzakhana
Doctor - Doctoor/ Tabib
Nurse - Momareda
Help me - Ilha'ouni/ Saadini
Thief - Harami


Home - Beit
Chair - korsiyy
Table - Tarabiza
Door - Bab
Key - Moftah
Bed - Sareer
Balcony - Balcona
Curtains - Sata'ir
Candle - Sham'a
Sofa - Kanaba
Broom - Miknasa
Window - Shobbak
Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables - Khodar
Fruits - Fakha
Apricots - romman
Onion - basal
Mint - na'na'
Bananas - mauz
Dates - balah
Tomato - tamatim/ 'outa
Cucumber - khiyar
Honey - asal
Rice - rozz
Pepper - bohar
Beans - loobya'
Potatoes - battattess
Bread - 'iish
Cacao - kakaw


Colors - 'Alwan
Color - Loon
Red - 'Ahmar
Black - 'Aswad
Gray - Ramady
White - 'Abyad
Blue - 'Azrak
Orange - Bortoklay
Pink - Bamby
Green - 'Akhdar
Yellow - 'Assfar
Brown - Bony

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