The Confederate Note Case, 86 U.S. 548 (1874)
The Confederate Note Case, 86 U.S. 548 (1874)
The Confederate Note Case, 86 U.S. 548 (1874)
22 L.Ed. 196
19 Wall. 548
APPEAL from the Circuit Court for the District of North Carolina; and
case being thus:
In May, 1862, the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company, a
corporation chartered by the State of North Carolina, issued its coupon
bonds, in sums of $500, to the amount of $151,000, payable at different
periods from November, 1869, to November, 1875, with interest at the
rate of six per cent. a year, payable semi-annually. The bonds were
indorsed and their payment guaranteed by the Charlotte and South
Carolina Railroad Company, a corporation also chartered by the State of
North Carolina; and they stated on their face that they might be converted
into the stock of the company issuing them, at par, by the holder. The
bonds were payable to the company last abovementioned, or bearer, and
were secured by a deed of trust of the railroad, buildings, and franchise of
the company executed to Joseph Wilson and Anderson Mitchell. The deed
stipulated that, in case the company failed to pay the principal and interest
on the bonds as they became due, the trustees should, upon request of the
holders of the bonds, or of their guarantor, proceed to sell the property, or
so much thereof as might be necessary, and apply the proceeds of the sale
to the payment of the bonds.
The Carolina National Bank, L. D. Childs, and C. H. Manson, having
become the holders and owners of $25,000 of these bonds, and the
railroad company having failed to pay either principal or interest, they
requested the trustees to proceed and sell the property covered by the trust
deed, and to distribute the proceeds pursuant to its provisions. With this
request the trustees declined to comply, alleging as a reason that the
parties differed as to the amount to be paid. The above-named holders of
the bonds, accordingly filed a bill in the court below against the two
railroad companies, and the trustees, Wilson and Mitchell, to enforce the
execution of the trusts of the deed.
In their answer, the railroad companies averred that they had at all times
been and now were both able and ready to adjust their debt to the
complainants upon a just basis of the value of their bonds and of the
coupons due in lawful money of the United States, as soon as their value
could be ascertained; but that the complainants deemanded payment in full
of said bonds and all accrued interest in the said lawful money, with
which demand the defendants had refused to comply.
The trustees in their answer admitted that they had received notice from
the complainants of the default of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio
Railroad Company, in paying its alleged debt to the complainants, and that
for the payment thereof they, the trustees, had been requested to take steps
for the sale of the property conveyed to them by the deed of trust; but that
they had been prevented from so doing on account of the conflict between
the complainants and the officers of the said company as to the measure of
value of the bonds; the complainants claiming payment in full in lawful
money of the United States, and the former asserting that the bonds were
solvable in Confederate currency, and, as such, were legally liable to be
scaled to their true value in money of the United States.
By a convention assembled in North Carolina in October, 1865, an
ordinance was on the 18th of that month adopted, bearing the title of 'An
ordinance declaring what laws and ordinances are in force, and for other
purposes.' The third section was as follows:
'It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to provide a scale of
depreciation of the Confederate currency from the time of its first issue to
the end of the war; and all executory contracts, solvable in money,
whether under seal or not, made after the depreciation of said currency
before the 1st day of May, 1865, and yet unfulfilled (except official bonds
and penal bonds payable to the State) shall be deemed to have been made
with the understanding, that they were solvable in money of the value of
the said currency; it shall be competent for either of the parties to show by
value upon him; that they were so good that he would not let him have
them unless he would also take $5000 of the stock of the company. The
ward took the bonds and stock at their par value. This was less than one
year from their date.
The treasurer, who countersigned these bonds, seemed never to have
'understood' that they were to be charged as Confederate paper, and a
subsequent treasurer stated that this view of the subject was never taken
by the officers or board of directors until May, 1870, when the president
decided that the bonded debt was subject to the Confederate scale. Prior to
that time, under the supervision of the president, he had submitted his
printed exhibits of the condition of the company, stating their bonds as
liabilities at their 'face value.' These exhibits were approved by the
stockholders in convention assembled.
The Circuit Court, after declaring 'that the bonds and coupons issued by
the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad Company, in the pleadings
mentioned, were not issued as payable in the paper currency of the late
Confederate States, and are not subject to any deduction on that account,
but that the same are payable in good and lawful money of the United
States, and should have been discharged in such money when payment
was demanded of said railroad company,' decreed a reference to the clerk
to ascertain the amount due the complainants, and others holding similar
bonds of the company, and that upon default in payment of the amount
found due for thirty days after report made and notification thereof, the
property described in the trust-deed be sold by the trustees, and that the
proceeds upon confirmation of the sale be applied by them, after
discharging the expenses of executing their trust, to the payment of the
amount reported due. From this decree the defendants appealed to this
Mr. W. W. Boyce, for the appellants:
Obligations simply to pay 'dollars' during the war, made within the
Confederate States, should be taken to intend Confederate currency. That
currency was the only currency in general use. All taxes, all salaries, all
debts were paid in it. The army was paid in it; trust funds were invested in
it; the banks received and paid it out universally. Contracts during that
period were based on it.1 In the disordered condition of the currency, the
presumption of the common law as to promise to pay 'dollars' would have
been a presumption contrary to fact. The form of almost every contract to
pay Confederate money was to pay so many 'dollars' generally, but
certainly no one supposed that the dollars intended were dollars in Federal
Thorington v. Smith,2 in this court, seems to settle the question in issue.
This court, speaking by Chase, C. J., and referring to these Confederate
notes there says:
. . . 'They were the only measure of value which the people had, and their use
was a matter of almost absolute necessity. In the light of these facts, it seems
hardly less than absurd to say that these dollars must be regarded as identical
in kind and value with the dollars which constitute the money of the United
States. We cannot shut our eyes to the fact that they were essentially different in
both respects.'
The learned counsel then went into argument based on a special history, which
he gave of the bonds, to show that if payable in full, in lawful money of the
United States, they were void as usurious.
[In view of the decision hereinafter made, p. 560, on the point thus set up, the
Reporter has not in his statement given any special history of the bonds; and
now does not give any argument on the point as made.]
Mr. H. W. Guion, contra, who contended among other thingsif the facts of
the case did not repel all presumptions that the bonds were payable in
Confederate notes, and if these bonds were within the meaning of the statutes
of North Carolinathat those statutes impaired the obligation of contracts, and
so were unconstitutional; that the parties had made in 1862 a contract, using in
it the well-known word of 'dollars;' that it was for the courts to interpret the
meaning of the word in accordance with the settled rules of law and evidence;
that these acts passed in 1866 changed this state of things, and assumed that the
parties meant not what the words, judicially interpreted, declared, but what the
legislature determined to be the presumable and presumed meaning; that the
acts put the whole burden of proof upon him who previously was not called on
to make any proof; that they thus changed both the meaning which the law gave
to words, the tribunal which should settle that meaning and the rules of
evidence to ascertain it; that the acts were retrospective; operating on existing
contracts, and as a practical result converting valuable securities into worthless
Mr. Justice FIELD, after stating the case, delivered the opinion of the court, as
The question presented, and the sole question under the pleadings, is whether
the bonds issued in May, 1862, of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad
Company, a corporation created by the State of North Carolina, were solvable
in Confederate notes or in the legal currency of the United States. The
company, in its answer, expresses a readiness to pay in legal currency the
equivalent of the bonds, if their values be estimated upon the assumption that
the bonds were payable in Confederate notes.
In support of the position taken by the company, and the trustees representing
the company, reliance is placed upon the decision of this court in Thorington v.
Smith,3 and the ordinance of North Carolina of October, 1865, relating to
contracts made during the war, and the Scaling Act of the State passed in 1866.
The treasury notes of the Confederate government were issued early in the war,
and, though never made a legal tender, they soon, to a large extent, took the
place of coin in the insurgent States. Within a short period they became the
principal currency in which business in its multiplied forms was there
transacted. The simplest purchase of food in the market, as well as the largest
dealings of merchants, were generally made in this currency. Contracts thus
made, not designed to aid the insurrectionary government, could not, therefore,
without manifest injustice to the parties, be treated as invalid between them.
Hence, in Thorington v. Smith, this court enforced a contract payable in these
notes, treating them as a currency imposed upon the community by a
government of irresistible force. As said in a later case, referring to this
decision, 'It would have been a cruel and oppressive judgment, if all the
transactions of the many millions of people composing the inhabitants of the
insurrectionary States, for the several years of the war, had been held tainted
with illegality because of the use of this forced currency, when those
transactions were not made with reference to the insurrectionary government.'4
The Confederate notes, being greatly increased in volume from time to time as
the exigencies of the Confederate government required, and the probability of
their ultimate redemption growing constantly less, necessarily depreciated in
value as the war progressed, until, in some portions of the insurgent territory, at
the close of the year 1863, $20 in these notes, and at the close of the year 1864,
$40 possessed only the purchasing power of $1 in lawful money.5 The precious
metals, however, still constituted the legal money of the insurgent States, and
alone answered the statutory definition of dollars, but in fact had ceased in
nearly all, certainly in a large part of the dealings of parties, to be the measures
of value. When the war closed, these notes, of course, became at once valueless
and ceased to be current, but contracts made upon their purchasable quality, and
in which they were designated as dollars, existed in great numbers. It was at
once evident that great injustice would in many cases be done to parties if the
terms used were interpreted only by reference to the coinage of the United
States or their legal-tender notes, instead of the standard adopted by the parties.
The legal standard and the conventional standard differed, and justice to the
parties could only be done by allowing evidence of the sense in which they
used the terms, and enforcing the contracts thus interpreted. The anomalous
condition of things at the South had created in the meaning of the term 'dollars'
an ambiguity which only parol evidence could in many instances remove. It
was, therefore, held in Thorington v. Smith, where this condition of things, and
the general use of Confederate notes as currency in the insurgent States were
shown, that parol evidence was admissible to prove that a contract between
parties in those States during the war payable in 'dollars,' was in fact made for
the payment of Confederate dollars; the court observing, in the light of the facts
respecting the currency of the Confederate notes, which were detailed, that it
seemed 'hardly less than absurd to say that these dollars must be regarded as
identical in kind and value with the dollars which constitute the money of the
United States.'
The decision upon which reliance is placed, as thus seen, only holds that a
contract made during the war in the insurgent States, payable in Confederate
notes, is not for that reason invalid, and that parol evidence, under the peculiar
condition of things in those States, is admissible to prove the value of the notes,
at the time the contract was made, in the legal currency of the United States. In
the absence of such evidence the presumption of law would be that by the term
'dollars,' the lawful currency of the United States was intended. This case
affords, therefore, no support to the position of the appellants here, for no
evidence was produced by them that payment of the bonds in Confederate notes
was intended by the railroad company when they were issued, or by the parties
who purchased them.
a scale of depreciation of the Confederate currency from the time of its first
issue to the end of the war; and declared that all existing contracts solvable in
money, whether under seal or not, made after the depreciation of that currency,
before the 1st day of May, 1865, and then unfulfilled (except official bonds,
and penal bonds payable to the State), should 'be deemed to have been made
with the understanding that they were solvable in money of the value of the
said currency;' but at the same time provided that it should be 'competent for
either of the parties to show, by parol or other relevant testimony, what the
understanding was in regard to the kind of currency in which the same were
solvable,' and that in such case 'the true understanding' should regulate the
value of the contract. The act of the legislature of the State, passed in 1866,
adopted a scale of depreciation of Confederate currency as required by the
ordinance, designating the value in such currency of the gold dollar on the first
day of each month, from November, 1861, to April, 1865.
The ordinance and act require the courts, in the construction of contracts made
in the insurgent States between certain dates, to assume as a fact that the parties
intended by the term 'dollars' Confederate notes, and understood that the
contracts were solvable in that currency; and they thus throw upon the party
contesting the truth of the assumed fact the burden of establishing a different
understanding. It is contended by the complainants that the ordinance and
statute in thus giving a supposed conventional meaning to the terms used, in the
absence of any evidence on the subject, instead of the meaning which otherwise
would attach to the terms, impair the obligation of the contracts between them
and the railroad company, and are, therefore, void. Upon this question we
refrain from expressing any opinion. It is unnecessary that we should do so, for
there is sufficient in this case to rebut the presumption required by the
ordinance and statute.
The understanding of the parties may be shown from the nature of the
transaction, and the attendant circumstances, as satisfactorily as from the
language used. A contract, for example, to pay $50 for a night's lodging at a
house of public entertainment, where similar accommodation was usually
afforded for one-twentieth of that sum in coin, accompanied by proof of a
corresponding depreciation of Confederate notes, would leave little doubt that
the parties had Confederate money in contemplation when the contract was
made. In Thorington v. Smith the land was sold for the nominal sum of
$45,000, when its value in coin was only $3000, a most persuasive fact to the
conclusion that Confederate notes were alone intended in the original
transaction. So, on the other hand, contracts made payable out of the
Confederate States, or at distant periods, such as may be supposed to be desired
as investments of moneys, or given upon a consideration of gold, would, in the
In the present case the intention of the railroad company that the principal of its
bonds should be paid in lawful money instead of Confederate notes may justly
be inferred, we think, from the nature of the contracts, particularly the long
period before they were to mature. When they were issued, in May, 1862, it
could not have been in the contemplation of the parties that the war would
continue from seven to thirteen years. It is well known that at that time it was
the general expectation on all sides that the war would be one of short duration.
The Confederate notes were only payable by their terms after a ratification of
peace between the Confederate States and the United States. The bonds of the
railroad were intended for sale in the markets of the world generally, and not
merely in the Confederate States; they were payable to bearer, and, therefore,
transferable by delivery. They state on their face that they may be converted
into the stock of the company, at par, by the holder. The declarations of the
officers of the company up to July, 1863, show that the company treated the
bonds as having an exceptional value, and not subject to the fluctuation of
Confederate currency. Repeated declarations of the officers were made to that
The other questions presented by counsel are not raised on the pleadings.
Usury, as a defence, should have been specially pleaded or set up in the answer
to entitle it to consideration.
Pharis v. Dice, 21 Grattan, 309; Hilb v. Peyton, Ib. 395; Walker v. Pierce, Ib.
726; Hale v. Wilkinson, Ib. 88; Dearing's Admr. v. Rucker, 18 Id. 439; Neely v.
McFadden, 2 Richardson's Law (New Series), 174.
8 Wallace, 13.
8 Wallace, 1.
Hanauer v. Woodruff, 15 Wallace, 448.
According to the Scaling Act of North Carolina one dollar in gold in that State
was worth, at the close of 1863, twenty dollars, and at the close of 1864, forthnine dollars in Confederate notes. According to the Scaling Act of South
Carolina one dollar in gold in that State was worth at those periods respectively,
thirteen dollars and ninety cents and twenty-two dollars and twenty-two cents
in Confederate notes.