Hemodialysis PDF
Hemodialysis PDF
Hemodialysis PDF
FDA 86-4201
FDA 86-4202
FDA 86-4204
FDA 86-4205
FDA 86-4208
FDA 86-4209
FDA 86-4210
FDA 86-4211
FDA 86-4212
FDA 86-4213
FDA 87-4002
FDA 87-4179
FDA 87-4188
FDA 87-4199
FDA 87-4214
FDA 87-4215
This work was carried out under FDA contract number 223-89-6021
February 1991
In October 1982, the Food and Drug Administration established the Center for
Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) by merging the Bureau of Medical Devices and
the Bureau of Radiological Health.
The Center develops and implements national programs to protect the public health
in the fields of medical devices and radiological health. These programs are intended t o
assure the safety, effectiveness, and proper labeling of medical devices, t o control
unnecessary human exposure t o potentially hazardous ionizing and nonionizing radiation,
and t o ensure the safe, efficacious use of such radiation.
The Center publishes the results of i t s work in scientific journals and in its own
technical reports. These reports provide a mechanism for disseminating results of CDRH
and contractor projects. They are sold by the Government Printing Office and/or the
National Technical Information Service.
W e welcome your comments and requests for further information.
Acting Director
Center for Devices
and Radiological Health
The Center for Devices and Radiological Health's (CDRH) mission under the 1976
Medical Device Amendments and the 1990 Safe Medical Devices Act i s t o develop and
implement national programs t o protect the public from unsafe or ineffective medical
One important aspect of the Center's activities is the development o f
educational programs for health professionals and consumers in the proper use o f
medical devices.
Hemodialysis is a critical care medical technique which sustains the lives of
thousands of patients who suffer from acute o r chronic kidney failure. However, due t o
the inherent complexity and risk of thc technique, a few patients experience adverse
events which are avoidable. Most adverse events are caused b y u s e r . e r r o r o r a
combination of user error and medical device malfunction. A comprehensive device
quality assurance program would help avoid many of these adverse events.
This publication, "Quality Assurance Guidelines for Hemodialysis Devices," is an
integral part of the Center's educational program in hemodialysis. It discusses quality
assurance for water treatment equipment, equipment used t o evaluate the acceptability
of the dialysate concentrate, dialysate delivery equipment with its associated monitors and
alarms, extracorporeal blood components, dialyzers, dialyzer reprocessing and testing
equipment, and all other equipment associated with the dialysis procedure.
W e hope that this manual will help dialysis facility personnel become more familiar
with quality assurance procedures for dialysis equipment. The manual will assist the
facility i n developing and implementing a facility-specific quality assurance program o r in
refining an existing quality assurance program. Each chapter describes quality assurance
methods and also provides examples of forms which can be adapted for each facility's
specific needs.
In addition t o this manual, the Center has published another manual entitled "A
Manual o n Water Treatment for Hemodialysis" and has produced educational videotapes
o n various aspects of user safety in hemodialysis. The videotapes have been produced as
a cooperative effort among manufacturers, professional associations, and the Center and
were sent free of charge t o each dialysis facility in the United States.
For further information, please contact Ms. Nancy A. Pressly (HFZ-240), Center for
Devices and Radiological Health, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland
Joseph S. Arcarese
Office of Training and
Interim drafts of this manual were reviewed by the following individuals. The authors are indebted
to them for their careful and constructive reviews and many useful suggestions. The reviewers are:
Robert Fortner, MD
Bainbridge Island, WA
Frank A Gotch, MD
Ralph K.Davies Medical Center
San Francisco, CA
Consuelo F. Hill, BS, RN, CHN
ESRD Network of New England
New Haven, CT
Martin V. Hudson, CHT
V.A. Medical Center
Palo Alto, CA
Douglas Luehmann
Regional Kidney Disease Program
Minneapolis, MN
Donna Mapes, MSN, RN
Transpacific ESRD Network
Sausalito, CA
Mark Neumann
Nephrology News and Issues
King of Prussia, PA
Acknowledgements (Cont.)
During the initial research phase of this project a number of dialysis facilities, manufacturers, and
other organizations were contacted and contributed information used in this manual. The authors
are indebted to them for their willingness to assist in this project and share their information. These
contributors are:
Health Care Financing Administration
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations
Mayo Clinic
Medro Systems, Incorporated
Mesa Medical Inc.
Mistebar Computer Consultants
National Association of Nephrology
National Kidney Foundation
National Medical Care, Medical
Products Division
National Medical Care, Dialysis
Services Division
Northwest Kidney Center
Occupational Safety and Health
Organon Teknika Corporation
Oshner Clinic
Polymetrics, Incorporated
Porter Memorial Hospital
Quantitative Medical Systems
Quinton Instrument Company
Renal Physicians Association
Renal Systems, Division of
Minntech Corp.
Renal Treatment Centers
Separation Technology, Inc.
Seratronics, Inc.
Serim Research Corp.
Shiley, Incorporated
Sporicidin International
Surgikos, Incorporated
Terumo Corporation, USA
University of Pennsylvania
Outpatient Dialysis Unit
V.A Medical Center, Palo Alto
Vas-Cath Incorporated
Whittaker Bioproducts
Zyzatech Water Systems, Inc.
Abbott Laboratories
American Nephrology Nurses Association
Amgen, Inc.
Associates of Cape Cod
Association for the Advancement of
Medical Instrumentation
Automata, Inc.
B. Braun Medical Equipment, Inc.
Baxter Healthcare, Renal Division
Bicarbolyte Corporation
Board of Nephrology ExaminersNursing and Technology
CD Medical, Inc.
Church and Dwight Co.
Clarkson Kidney Center
Centers for Disease Control
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
CGH Medical, Inc
CompuMod Software
Continental Water Systems Corporation
Culligan International Co.
Dial Medical, Inc.
El Camino Hospital
Emergency Care Research Institute
Enka, AG
Environmental Water Technology
ESRD Networks (all 18)
Filmtec Corporation
Fresenius USA, Inc.
Fresno Community Hospital
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
HemoTec, Incorporated
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital
Impra, Incorporated
Individual State Departments of Health
(all 50 states)
Institute of Medicine
International Standards Organization
Finally, the authors wish to acknowledge the assistance in manuscript preparation by Pamela Jajko
(El Camino Hospital Library & Information Center), Peggy Layton (Dialysis Management Inc.), Joan
W ~(Dialysis
Management Inc.), Jason Vlchek (Douglas L. Vlchek & Associates), Patricia Vlchek
(Douglas L. Vlchek & Associates), Colin Beaty, and Darlene Lamun (Executive Secretarial Service).
Vlchek, D.L., S. Burrows-Hudson, and N.A. Pressly. Quality Assurance Guidelines for
Hemodialysis Devices. HHS Publication FDA 91-4161 (February 1991)(233 pp).
This manual is designed,to help dialysis facility personnel become more
aware o f quality assurance practices for hemodialysis devices. Device areas
covered include water treatment equipment, equipment used t o evaluate the
acceptability o f the dialysate concentrate, dialysate delivery equipment with its
associated monitors and alarms, extracorporeal blood components, dialyzers,
dialyzer reprocessing and testing equipment, and all other equipment
associated with the dialysis procedure.
This manual can also b e used as a basic guide for designing a new
quality assurance program. The manual includes examples of forms which can
be adapted for each facility's specific needs.
Introduction .................................................
The Basics of Quality Assurance ......................
Water Treatment ...................................
Dialysis Delivery System ............................
Chapter 1: Background
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 8: Anticoagulation ....................................
Chapter 9: Vascular Access Devices .............................
Chapter 10: Hemodialyzer Reuse ...............................
Chapter 11: Infection Control ..................................
Chapter 12: Handling of Toxic Chemicals ........................
Chapter 13: Medical Device Reporting ...........................
Appendix A: Summary of Incidents and Problems .................
Appendix B: Trend Analysis ...................................
Appendix C: Glossary of Terms .................................
Chapter 7: Ancillary Devices and Equipment
Quality Assurance in renal care covers a wide range
of areas and applications. Some of these include:
monitoring appropriateness of therapy; analysis
of resource utilization and pursuing resulting necessary adjustments; assessing patient satisfaction;
measuring morbidity and mortality with the subsequent implementation of attempted solutions; staff
credentialing, and monitoring of technical and clinical processes with suitable modifications when standards are not met.
Since the title of this manual is Quality Assurance Guidelines fir Hemadialysis Devices, the reader
must be aware that only the technical aspects
of hemodialysis are discussed herein. As authors,
we suggest two reasons for this focus.
First, promoting the safe and effective use of medical devices is a mission of the Center for Devices
and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration-the contracting agency for this manual.
Second--and probably more importantiassuring
the technical safety in hemodialysis continues to
be one of the most critical facets of renal care. A
number of incidents that result in patient injury
continue to occur every year-incidents that could
be prevented with proper user training, conscientious attention to the manufacturers' instructions
for use and common industry practice, and a wellplanned quality assurance program carried out at
the facility level.
A complete "cookbookn quality assurance program for the dialysis facility. It does contain
many components of the comprehensive, facility-based quality assurance program. A number of monitoring instruments, forms, and other
tools presented in this manual can immediately
be utilized. However, a truly meaninghl QA
prqgram for dialysis facilities must include areas
that are beyond the scope of this document, including patient care, medical, dietary, social services, patient satisfaction and others.
facility. The facility's own policies and procedures are the basic standards by which its QA
program should be built and functions judged
and monitored. In accordance with Quality Improvement principles, those &cility standards (Policies and Procedures) should continuously be scrutinized and improved upon.
The authors would like to express their gratitude
to all those who have assisted in the preparation
of this manual who are, literally, too numerous to
name individually: the manufacturers who s u p
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The ultimate purpose of this publication-Quality
Assurance Guidelines for H e d i a l y s i s Devices-is
to provide generic quality assurance and quality
control procedures for each type of equipment used
in an End Stage Renal Disease facility.
The US. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has
a history of encouraging the development of quality assurance (QA) programs in facilities that use
medical devices. Wherever medical devices are used,
QA profla& should be established to ensure that
the devices are properly used and maintained.
Incorporating effective QA programs into hemodialysis facilities helps assure safe and effective therapy.
Quality assurance may be defined as those actions that provide adequate confidence that a
facility will administer consistently high-quality
policies, procedures, and practices.
Quality control, as it relates to medical devices, comprises monitoring, testing, and maintenance.
other areas including patient care, patient education (including home dialysis patients), personnel training, and adequate record keeping.
Hemodialysis, a therapeutic process in which several medical devices are used, has been an area of
focus for the FDA for many years. In 1978, the
FDA began a study of the problems associated with
dialysis devices, resulting in a report that discussed
the problems associated with all aspects of the system. The FDA's interest continued with active participation in the Association for the Advancement
ofMedica1 Instrumentation (AAMI), Renal Disease
and Detoxification Committee, resulting in voluntary American National Standards for hemodialysis devices.
Assurance Guidelines
The CDRH contracted to have this publicationQuality Assurance Guidelinesfor Hernodialysis Devices-developed and written as guidelines for establishing quality assurance programs in hemodialysis facilities. These guidelines can be helpful in
optimizing patient care and controlling the spread
of infectious diseases in dialysis facilities. This
publication covers the information required to ensure that appropriate equipment is specified, pur-
Hernodialysis Devices
Over the years, there have been a number of Quality Assurance and Quality Control activities undertaken. Among the entities involved are: the
manufacturers, the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), the ESRD Networks, and
the facilities themselves. Briefly, the contribution
of each:
The manufacturers are responsible for complying
with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations enforced by the FDA These regulations include: written procedures, validation of procedures,
monitoring of performance, documentation of results, review of records, and action implementation. The GMP regulation is intended to assure
that the manufacturer produces devices that are
safe and effective and otherwise compliant with
the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The
GMP regulation is described in the Code of Federal
Regulations, Title 21, Part 820, Good Manufacturing Practice for Medical Devices. The GMP is intended to ensure that devices are fit for their intended use. The device GMP is primarily concerned
with the quality of conformance of a device; that is,
the extent to which a device conforms with its design specifications.
AAMI, a volunteer organization, also assisted significantly in improving the quality assurance and
quality control of dialysis facilities. Since 1980,
AAMI has introduced and published.
The FDA has also been extremely active in assisting, investigating, and ensuring the safety of medical devices through several programs.
The American National Standards for Hemodialysis Systems, which includes standards for concentrate for hemodialysis, hemodialysis systems
equipment, water treatment equipment, dialysate supply systems, and monitors of the blood
The AAMI Recommended Practice for Reuse of
Hemodialyzers (incorporated by reference into
the Code of Federal Regulations in 1987).
Standards for First Use Hemodialyzers.
Standards for Hemodialyzer Blood Tubing.
AAMI continues to update and r e h e these standards on an ongoing basis. AAMI also provides a
variety of educational resource materials, training
sessions, technology analysis and review sessions,
and workshops several times yearly. For the past
several years, AAMI has, a t least once per year,
provided courses on hemodialyzer reuse and on water
quality for hemodialysis.
The Investigation of Risks and Hazards Associated with Medical Devices. This report
is a result of a study performed under contract
by the Fkgional Kidney Disease Program in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Published in 1980, this
study reviewed water purification, concentrate
used for dialysate preparation, dialysate delivery systems, access to recirculation, blood tubing and accessories,blood pumps, infusion pumps
for anticoagulation, airifoam detectors, dialyze n , and the reuse of dialyzers.
Hemodialysis System Investigation Reports:.
As noted earlier, in late 1984, the FDA issued
contracts which resulted in Hemodialysis System Investigation Reports from California, the
District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Ohio.
These contractors reported that serious problems existed in various areas of current hemodialysis practice: water treatment systems; dialysate delivery systems and dialysate concentrate;
dialyzers; extracorporeal blood circuits; reuse of
disposables;orientation training programs of staff;
qualification and experience of patient care s W ,
manufacturers' literature; and home dialysis
patients. The recommendations were comprehensive for each area studied.
sure to HIV and HBV. The final rule is to be published in the very near future.
OSHA's Hazard CommunicationStandardalsorecphs
employers to provide information to their employees
about hazardous chemicals used in the work place.
Evaluate the procedures used by facilitiesin assessing patients for placement in appropriate treatment modalities;
Make recommendations to member facilities as
needed to achieve Network goals;
Conduct on-site reviews of facilities as necessary;
In late September 1987,44 patients in one facility were treated for hemolysis due to chloramine
contamination of dialysate. It was later found
that facility staff lacked adequate information
regarding water treatment and water treatment
system planning. Furthermore, inadequate staff
monitoring, and an overall lack of ongoing performance appraisal contributed to this incident.
Assurance Guidelines
Hernodialysis Devices
Chapter 2
.. . . .
. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .... . .
. . . . . ... . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .
Chapter 2
The Basics of
Quality Assurance
The plan also delineates the organization, responsibility and authority of the QA program:
who is to be involved in the QA program, committee membership, the reporting mechanism,
and the ultimate authority responsible for the
QA program for the facility (see Figure 2).
4. Organize and meet. The committee must or-
A Getting Started
1. Assign responsibility, The governing body of
the facility is the ultimate authority responsible
for the QA program. The governing body dele-
5. Minutes. Minutes of all QA committee meetings must be written and handled in a confiden-
3. Services provided. What treatments or activities are performed in the dialysis unit? All of
the activities that go into the hemodialysis p m ess should be listed: patient orientation, vascular access care, venipuncture, heparinization,
equipment maintenance, reuse, water treatment,
infection control, environmental control, environmental safety, et cetera.
4 The types of practitioners providing care.
Who are the people involved in the care of the
end stage renal disease patient in the dialysis
D. Identzfy Indicators
Indicators are chosen directly from those aspects of
care that have been identified as being most important. Using these indicators, important aspects can then be monitored and evaluated on an
ongoing basis.
Among the indicators that are finally chosen, the
most current standards and regulations, as outlined in Table 2, must be included. Rather than
monitoring each specific entity of a regulation or
standard, only those that are most important and
have direct impact upon a patient should be selected. The monitoring process should be both broad
and selective to provide an overview of the entire
scope of facility operations.
To be comprehensive in this process, the QA committee should monitor a mix of structure, process,
and outcome indicators.
staructure is that which holds the organization
I. Reassess
Reassessment and documentation of improvement
is required to "bring the QA loop to a closen (see
Figure 1). This occurs &r the solution has been
given enough time to make a change or to correct a
problem The reassessment monitoring instrument
should not be significantly different from the one
used to identi@ the original problem. Through follow-up monitoring activity, the QA committee will
be able to determine if the problem has been solved.
The monitoring process should be continued over a
period of time to assure sustained resolution.
J. Communicate
The results of all QA activities need to be communicated to all dialysis staff. It is not enough that
the head nurse, the medical director and the chief
technician and possibly the administrator decide
what to do about certain problems that they have
identified. Further, when problems are resolved
andlor improvement opportunities are acted upon
and resolved, the staff must be made aware of the
outcome and they must be congratulated on a job
well done.
The process described for monitoring and evaluation includes the assignment of responsibility, dehing
scope of care, identifying important aspects of care,
identifyng key indicators, establishing thresholds
for evaluation, collecting and organizing data, evaluating care, taking action, assessing and documenting improvement, and communicating relevant information.
A Development of Standards
This includes the use of the professional standards
of practice for medicine, nephrology nursing, social
workers, renal dietitians, and technicians. Federal
and state regulations also form the standards for
many of the technical activities and structural aspects in the dialysis unit.
B. Staff Credentialing
Staff credentialing, by either a professional license
or certification, is an important means of screening
personnel. It provides an assurance that the individual is capable of providing a recognized level of
skill and expertise. This means that for all staff,
where licensure or certification are appropriate, the
dialysis unit administration must assure that the
documentation is current and maintained according to state laws.
Other types of certification renewal or credentialling
are also important to validate and maintain on file.
For example, all direct patient care stafF should be
certified for cardiopulmonaryresuscitation, continu-
~ u a l i Assurance
Guidelines for Henodialysis Devices
G. Retrospective monitoring
Performance appraisal must flow from the role description and the QA program. Standards of practice, the role description and the performance appraisal process must tie together and create one
unified method of evaluating professional employee
D. Risk management
C. Performance appraisal
I. Continuing education
Continuing education should focus on the problems
that are identified. Continuing education should
come from and focus on those problems or opportunities for improvement that have been identified
through the ongoing monitoring and evaluation
E. Utilization review
Quality Control
F. Concurrent monitoring
C. Correcting Deviations
Each measurement taken must be evaluated against
an existing standard. These standards may be
found in the manufacturer's literaturdrecornmendations for use or other sources as described in
Table 2. When a deviation from the standard OCcurs,the problem must be analyzed and corrected.
Throughout this manual a number of quality control instruments, procedures and measures will be
described. It is important that quality control be
incorporated into the facility's quality assurance
A. Establishing Standards
Throughout this manual, standards that are pertinent to the components or devices discussed in each
chapter have been identified. In relatively few cases
do dialysis personnel need to develop new standards. The vast number and scope of standards
and regulations that already exist must be used
(See Table 2).
B. Measuring Performance
Recognize achievement.
The careful integration and implementation of various models and methods of quality assurance will
promote and enhance the high quality of care.
~ u a l iAssurance
Guihlines for Hernodialysis Devices
Pitman, NJ (1989).
3. WALTON, M., The Deming Management Method. Putnam Publishing, New York, NY (1986).
4. SMITH-MARKER, C. Monitoring Professional Nursing Practice. Aspen Publications, 1:3,
Rockville, MD (1987).
5. MICHNICH, M.E., HARRIS, L.J. WILLIS, R.A. and WILLIAMS, J.E. Ambulatory Care
Evaluation: A Primer for Quality Review. UCLA School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA
Note: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E a t the end of
this manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further investigation for the purpose of training or research on this topic .
C. Responsiblefor defining effectivemechanisms for reviewing and evaluating patient care, as well
as for an appropriate systemfor respondingto suchfindings that emphasizescorrectionof identified problems.
0.Designed and expected to demonstrate verifiable improvement in patient care and clinical performance.
E. Defined in a written plan that shall be re-evaluatedon an annual basis.
A. Data Gathering: the QA program shall facilitate the identification on a regular, ongoing basis of
known or suspected problems in patient care through the establishment of a comprehensive and
Coordinated system of information exchange and record maintenance regarding quality of care
issues. Sources of problem identificationcan be based on either continuous monitorsor on casespecific referrals.
6. Problem Analysis: the QA program shall facilitate the collection, analysis, and presentation of
appropriate data. Patient care issuesbroughtto the attention of the QA programshall be screened
and actedupon according to:
1. degree of adverse impact on patients;
2. feasibilty objective analysis; and
3. potential for riskhenefit
Director of
Reprinted with permission from ANNA'S Ouality Assurance for Nephrology Nursing, Copyright 1989. American Nephrology
Nurses' Association, Pitman. NJ.
Patients of Various Ages
Nursing Home Patients
Home Training
Family Support
IDPN Therapy
Laboratory Tests
Disaster Planning
Staff Support
Universal Precautions
Water Treatment
Entertainment and Socialization
Coordinate Care with Nursing
and Medicine
Kinetic Modeling
Equipment Maintenance
Nutritional Counseling
Patient Monitoring During Treatment
3. Providers
Social Workers
Laboratory Personnel
Business Personnel
Renal Nutritionists
Chief Executive Officers
Transport Personnel
House Keeping Personnel
Technicians (Reuse, Equipment,
Patient Care)
42 CFR Part 405, Subpart U (Conditions for Coverage of End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
HCFA Final Rule: Medicare Program: Protocol for the Reuse of Dialysis Bloodlines
(42 CFR Part 405, Federal Register May 2, 1990, Vol. 55, No. 85, p. 18331-18335)
Minimum Standards to Comply with Existing Federal and State of California Regu
tions ("Chloramines Removal from Renal Dialysis Water Supplies")
It is usually not necessary to create new data sources for quality assurance purposes. Existing
sources include:
Medical Record
Dialysis RecordILog Sheets
Patient Care Plans
Hospitalization Record
Laboratory and other Diagnostic Records
Incident Reports
Adverse Occurrence Reports
Equipment Maintenance Reports
Water Quality Monitoring Reports
Culture Reports: Water, Reused Dialyzers, Dialysate, Environmental
Hepatitis Surveillance Reports
Electrical Safety Testing Reports
Reuse Master File
Patient Satisfaction Surveys
State and Federal Survey Reports
Medical Device Alerts
Manufacturers' Recalls
Performance Appraisals
Utilization Review Reports
Chapter 3
Policies and Procedures ..................................
Staff Training and Education ............................
Monitoring and Evaluation ..............................
Daily Monitoring .................................
Monthly Monitoring ..............................
Patient Monitoring ................................
Home Dialysis Monitoring ..........................
Other Monitoring .................................
Prevention .......................................
Purchasing Guidelines .............................
Chapter 3
Water Treatment
3. The third standard, in the Code of Federal Regulations 42 CFR Part 405.2150, is related to reuse
of hemodialyzers and other dialysis supplies.
This section adopts, by reference, the AAMI
Recommended Practice for Reuse of Hemodialyzers. Table 6 summarizes this standard.
There are four standards/guidelines pertaining to
water for dialysis purposes:
1. The Code of Federal Regulations 42 CFR Subpart
U, Part 405.2140 (a) (5) states that Water used
for dialysis purposes is analyzed periodically and
Asswrance Guidelines
Hernodialysis Devices
A Daily Monitoring
To continually confirm that water produced by the
system is suitable for hemodialysis purposes as well
as to confirm the integrity and proper functioning
of all system components, an aggressive monitoring
process must be followed. Form 2, Water Treatment
System hg,"provides a useable format 61-the mrding
of these data:
B. Monthly monitoring
1. Conductivity meters require recalibration monthly,
following the manufacturers recommendations.
C. Patient Monitoring
The following monitoring activities relate to patient
response as it pertains to water treatment:
1. Routine blood chemistries may indicate improper
inorganic chemical concentrations or organic chemical contaminates.
E. Other Monitoring
' h e following water treatment system monitoring
should be performed on a t least a quarterly basis:
1. Safety supplies. All safety supplies related to
personnel handling of chemical toxins or biological
contaminants should be inspected.
F. Prevention
1. Audit recordkeeping procedures semiannually.
G. Purchasing Guidelines
1. Establish quality specifications for all equipment
2. Estimate quantity requirements; allow for future
growth and possible membrane degradation.
Hernodialysis Devices
1. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. American National Standard for
Hemodialysis Systems (AAMI: RD5-1981). Arlington, VA (1982).
2. KESHAVIAH, P., LUEHMANN, D., SHAPIRO, F. and COMTY, C. Investigation of Risks and
Hazards Associated with Hemodialysis Systems (Technical Report, Contract #223-78-5046).
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration/
Bureau of Medical Devices, Silver Spring, MD (1980).
3. EASTERLING, R. Mechanical Aspects of Dialysis Including Dialysate Delivery Systems and
WaterforDialysate. inclinical Dialysis. A.R. Nissenson, R.N. Fine and D.E. Gentile, eds. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Norwalk, CT (1984).
on Water Treatment for Hemodialysis (FDA Contract #223-87-6027). U.S. Dept. of Health and
Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug AdministratiodCenters for Devices and
Radiological Health, Rockville, MD (1989).
6. VASQUEZ, L. and McELROY, V.L. Validution Protocols for Hemodialysis Water Systems.
Continental Water System Corp., San Antonio, TX (1988).
Note: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E a t the end of this
manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further
investigationfor the purpose of training or research on this topic .
Lowest Concentration
Associated with Toxicity (mg/L)
21 (as N)
88 (Ca**)
Luehmn. et a1 (1989)
Sign or
Bone disease
Metabolic acidosis
Muscle weakness
Nausea and vomiting
Neurological deterioration
and encephalopathy
Aluminum, fluoride
Chloramines, copper, nitrates
Calcium, sodium
Bacteria, endotoxin, nitrates
Low pH, sulfates
Calcium, magnesium
Bacteria, calcium, copper, endotoxin, lov
magnesium, nitrates, sulphates, zinc
Blending Valve
Bed Filter
Carbon Absorption
Water Softener
Reverse Osmosis
Assurance Guidelines
Hernodialysis Devices
Dlstrlbutlon Loop
Device labeling
Product literature
Initial validation
Materials compatibility
Shall prevent excess levels of contaminants from entering downstream during
5p filter downstream
Discard and replace exhausted GAC
Continuous resistivity monitor (>l megohm/cm)
Temperature compensated monitor
Shall not contribute contaminants (i.e., copper, zinc, lead, bacterial, etc.)
Opaque housings
Should be performed at least monthly
Total viable microbial counts shall not exceed 200lml in water used to prepare
dialysate, or 2000lml in proportioned dialysate exiting the dialyzer.
Should be performed at least yearly if prepared by Dl or RO, more frequently if
preparedwith lesser level of treatment.
AAMl maximum levels of chemical contaminants*:
Nitrate (N)
Copper, Barium, Zinc
Arsenic, Lead, Silver
2 (0.1 mEq/L)
4 (0.3 mEq/L)
70 (3 mEq/L)
8 (0.2 mEq/L)
0.1 each
0.005 each
The physician has ultimate responsibility for determining the quality of water used for
230 mg/L (10 mEq/L) where sodium concentration of the concentrate has been
reduced to compensate for the excess sodium in the water, as long as conductivity
of water is being continuously monitored.
Disposable carton
Monitor for bacteria
Monitor for exhaustion
Monitor pretreatment
Monitor operation
Opaque filters
Monitor pressure drop (AP)
Change filters periodically and/or monitor for bacteria
The water should have a bacterial colony count of less than 200lml and/or bacterial
lipopolysaccharideconcentrationof less than 1nglml (5EUlml). as measured by the
Limulus amebocyte lysate assay.
The water should have a bacterial colony count of less than 2001ml and/or bacterial
lipopolysaccharideconcentration of less than 1 ng/ml(5EU/ml), as measured by the
Limulus amebocyte lystate assay.
The purpose of this audit is to monitor technical
staff compliance with standard practices and procedures related to the water treatment system.
When staff are aware of the importance of the
policies and well trained in the procedures,
compliance should be very high.
3. The QA committee specifies the standard (expected percentage compliance) desired for the
audit; begin not lower than 85%.
Employee A:
Glenn Close
Tom Hanks
William Hurt
recommended that the audit be conducted during peak activity times (daily start-up, shift
changeovers, etc.). The time frame should be
long enough to observe each staff member completely perform the listed activity.
9. Assign a staff member to perform the audit.
Hernodialysis Devices
Patient Shift
Staff Member (initials)
Staff Member
Svstem disinfection loaaed
Bacterial samples donelresults recorded: Site
% Compliant
Fr i
Pre-softener hardness
Post-softener hardness (p.m.)
TESTS ( ~ 0 . 1mgL)
( Jan
Station #I
Station #2
Station #3
Station #4
Station #5
Station #6
Station #7
Station #8
Station #9
Station #I
City Water
Post GAC 1st shift
Post GAC 2nd shift
Post GAC 3rd shift
Post GAC 4th shift
Feed flow rate
Product flow rate
Percent recover
Feed TDS
Product TDS
Percent rejection
Feed temperature
( Mar
( Oct
( Dec
Chapter 4
Dialysis Delivery
Single patient, single pass systems discharge dialysate to drain after one passage through the dialyzer and are used to deliver dialysate to one patient a t a time. Dialysate is produced from proportioning dialysate concentrate and water. Normally,
single patient systems, also called "negative pressure systems," maintain a subatmospheric ("negative") dialysate pressure in order to accomplish fluid
Blood Circuit
Blood line clamp not completely occluding blood
line; air introduction into blood circuit, resulting
in air embolism.
Todc Chemicals
Formaldehyde back-siphoned from one machine
to another (one machine set with high negative
pressure while the next machine, not in operation, yet in line on the water distribution system
still contained formaldehyde);resulted in patient
toxic chemical exposure.
Toxic reactions due to patient exposure to germicide used for disinfectant in delivery system.
Patient bleeding, caused by excess heparin administration due to lack of heparin pump preventative maintenance.
Dialysate Conductivity/Electrolytic
Bacterial Contamination
Pyrogen reaction due to contaminated delivery
Ultrafiltration Control
Dialysate Temperature
Flow through dialysate circuit despite temperature alarm or rinse setting resulting in hemolysis.
Dialysate a t 42OC instead of 37C with no alarm;
caused hemolysis.
of the delivery system, as well as the various related components, such as dialysate, the dialyzer,
blood lines, and transducer protectors. The risks
involved must be clearly identified, considered, and
appropriate safety measures and preventative systems developed.
Policies and procedures must also address safe and
effective operation of the delivery system:
basic technical
The American National Standards for Hemodialysis
Systems were developed by the Association for-the
Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI)
and approved by the American National Standards
Institute in May 1982 (see Table 2).
The most complete guideline for the operation of
dialysis delivery systems, however, comes from the
manufacturer's instructions for use. These instructions should be incorporated into the facility's policies and procedures.
patient monitoring.
operational procedures, parameters of safety, cleaning and disinfection, electrical safety, emergency
procedures, troubleshooting, and water treatment.
Need for further education, such as inservices or
intensive educational sessions, can be determined
from the ongoing quality monitoring process and
the continuous staff performance appraisal process. When problems are identified, staff should be
made aware of the problem and involved in its
resolution. This nearly always includes problem
specific continuing education.
The medical director of the dialysis facility must
ascertain that the individual has successfully completed the initial education and training program.
The medical diredor is also responsible for assuring that an annual performance appraisal has been
A. Daily Monitoring
1. Conductivity of the final dialysate being delivered to the dialyzer should be checked before
every treatment. When used, the pH of bicarbonate dialysate should also be confirmed before
each treatment. Conductivity must be within
the manufacturer's stated specifics. If the pH is
below 6.5 or above 7.5, dialysis should not be
started, even when conductivity is within acceptable limits.
3. Preventative Maintenance
Monitoring documentation of all PM should be performed
to assure that it is completed within the scheduled time frame and performed according to the
manufacturer's recommendations (see Form 3).
C. Patient Monitoring
1. Routine intradialytic monitoring of patient's
physiological parameters and symptoms during
the dialysis treatment can provide indications of
improper delivery system function. A few primary types of symptoms seen are:
B. Monthly Monitoring
1. Micmbiological testing: In accordance with
the AAMI American National Standard for Heme
dialysis Systems and in keeping with accepted
industry standards, water for production of dialysate and actual dialysate proportioned and
exiting the dialyzer should be monitored for bacterial levels on no less than a monthly basis.
Microbiological monitoring is performed to establish ongoing validation of proper disinfection
As indicated in the American National Standard for Hemodialysis Systems, the samphg should
be done "at the termination of dialysis a t the
point where dialysate exits the dialyze?. Results for total microbial counts shall not exceed
chest pain, dyspnea, coughing, cyanosis, visual problems, confusion, coma, etc.) may result from air entering the blood circuit due to
failure of the air detectiodine clamping system.
Altered mental status (confusion, convulsions, and coma) may occur due to improper
dialysate concentration.
E. Other Monitoring
L At the prescribed recommendations of the manufacturer, or at least quarterly, dialysate flow rate,
blood D
- U ~- Pflow rate. and Drooer calibration of
the heparin pump should be tested d i d Y . Actual
flow rate should be measured over a prescribed
time using precise volume measurements.
An annual review of all policies and procedures
related to dialysis delivery systems should be
All incidents or adverse occurrences related to
didysis delivery systems should be documented
and reported a t the monthly quality assurance
Quarterly monitoring of actual implementation
of dialysis delivery system procedures should be
performed (see Form 4 for sample Pre-dialysis
Checks Monitors and Form 5 for sample Technical Equipment Audit).
F. Prevention
1. Maintenance: Chapter 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, $405.2140(a)(2) requires that
"All electrical and other equipment used in the
facility is maintained free of defects that could
be a potential hazard to patients or personnel.
There is established a planned program of preventative maintenance of equipment used in dialysis
and related procedures in the facility."
G. Purchasing Guidelines
The following is a list of pertinent questions to ask
when purchasing a delivery system:
This process will enhance the likelihood of selecting a delivery system which suits the needs of the
medical, clinical, and technical staffs. It also helps
to assure a system that is safe and effective in the
facility's hands.
Q ~ l i tAssurance
Guidelines for Hernodialysis Devices
1. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. American National Standard for
Note: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E a t the end of this
manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further
investigation for the purpose of training or research on this topic .
Dlalysate Proportioner
Fixed Ratio
Dialysate Pump
- -- -
Devlce Markings
Trade name of device
Manufacturer name and address
Model Number; serial Number
Identification of
Product Ltterature
List of monitors and warnings regarding that they must be used.
Proceduresfor minimizing bacterial growth.
Warning to check dialysate concentration with independent method.
Accuracy and sensitivity of monitors.
Preset monitor limits.
Statement regarding microbiological isolation of blood circuit pressure monitors.
Time delay to initiationof blood leak alarm.
and test methods for deaerator.
Normal pressure drop specifications.
Method of TMP measurement.
Warning to check dialysate concentration (batch systems).
Identification of materials in contact with dialysate circuit.
Specifcations regarding airdoam detector.
Alarm adjustment procedures for maximimizing sensitivity of blood leak detector.
Warning regarding malfunctionsthat could lead to hemolysis and how to react.
Monitorsand Alarms
Safety Requirements
General: safe configuration; monitors minimize false alarms and inadvertent resetting; monitors cannot be
disabled when patient at risk; audible alarms at least 70 decibels and unable to mute for > 180 sec; design
facilitates cleaning.
Electrid Safety: meet "nonisolated" patient connection requirement of ANS, Safe Current Limits for Electromedical Appartatus; electrical ground provided; corrosion resistant metals; electrical circuits separate from
hydraulic circuits and isolated from fluid leaks; main eledrical failure indicated by audible alarm.
Patient Name
Time on
Dry weight
Rx time off
Rx dialysis length
Postdiisis weight
UF rate
Heparin Rx:
Time off
Dilysate Rx
Expected cbning time
Actual cbning time
B k a l leak alann
Patient ID
Use number
Dialyzer strudurelaesthetic
UF check
M e n press set
Germicide presence
Machine number
Germicide absence
m - r
- -- - --- \ - - . . - - r
Machine #I
Machine #5
lachine #6
, m ~ h : f47
111 ICI R I
- Machine #8
- Machine #9
Machine #10
Machine #I
Machine #2
Machine #3
- -
Machine #5
Machine #12
Machine #8
Machine #11
Machine #7
Machine #10
Machine #6
Machine #9
3. The QA committee specifies the standard (expected percentage compliance) desired for the
audit; begin not lower than 85%.
Glenn Close
Tom Hanks
William Hurt
Serial number
Meter reading
Last maintenance:
Are the following machine functions calibrated at least every three months?
Bbod pump
Heparin pump
Air bubble detectorlline clamp
Blood leak detector
Audiohisual alarms
Negative pressureluttrafiltrationpump
Arterial pressure monitor
Venous pressure monitor
Outside of machlne
Are all the switches, knobs, and the venous clamp functioning properly?
Do the drip chamber level adjust knobdever operate properly?
Is the blood pump roller assembly secured tightly to its shaft, and do
both rollers turn freely?
Is the mechanical zero of the drip chamber meters operating properly?
Are the Hansen connectors free of leaks?
Are the o-rings of the concentrate connectors free of cracks and leaks?
Inside of machine
Is measured dialysate flow (mllmin) at the drain within the following specifications:
Na = 1 and Bicarb = 30
Na = 1 and Bicarb = 35
Voltage at TP1
(1.25 V)
Na = 1 and Bicarb = 35 (12.50 f 0.1 mmholcm) (acid and bicarb)
Na = 3 and Bicarb = 35 (13.50 f 0.2 mmholcm)
Na = 5 and Bicarb = 35
Na = 3 and on acetate
Was acid rinse procedure performed within the last 1000 hrs of operation?
Has the effluent pump been oiled within the last 1000 hrs of operation?
Are the effluent pump stators serviceable (at least -525 mmHg)?
Does the four-way bypass valvelfluidic capacitor indicate that there is no leak?
Does the hydraulic leak test indicate that there are no leaks?
Used wirh permission by Artificial Kidney Center. Palo Alto VA Medical Center, PPab Alto, CA
A) High and low limits?
0) Can limits be easily tested?
C) How is temp adjusted?
D) What type readout? Scale?
E) What type of heating element is used?
F) Redundant monitoring?
G) Utilize bypass?
H) Will pump run in bypass mode?
A) Can it be altered?
0) Type readout?
C) Is there a (no water) alarm?
A) What type readout?
B) What measurements used? Scale?
C) Transducer inlet type?
D) Type of gauge?
E) Sequential alarms?
F) Can limits be moved? Preset?
G) Can limits be tested?
H) Does indicator float with movement?
I) How does the alarm system work?
A) Sensitivity
i. Adjustment?
ii. Testing
B) Will it accomadate drip chamber?
C) What type system?
D) How does alarm system work?
E) Line clamp incorporation?
A) Type roller head used? (self occlufing?)
B) How is occlusion set?
C) What type of readout?
D) What scale is used?
E) Cleaning?
F) Cover?
G) Maximum blood flow rate?
A) Syringe size used?
B) Delivery rate variationlscale?
C) What type pump used?
D) How does system work?
Electrical leakage?
A) How often what required for P.M.?
6) Special tools required?
C) Machine reliability
D) Training timeleasy for stafflhome patients?
E) Does company provide training? Cost?
Chapter 5
Monitoring and Evaluation ..............................
Daily Monitoring .................................
Monthly Monitoring ..............................
Patient Monitoring ................................
Home Dialysis Monitoring ..........................
Other Monitoring .................................
Prevention .......................................
StaffTraining and Education
Chapter 5
Dialysate and
Dialysate Concentrate
Guidelines currently available regarding dialysate,
or dialysate concentrate, are found in the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) document, the American National Standards for Hemodialysis Systems (RD5-1981). These
standards can be separated into two areas: (1)
those related primarily to manufacturers' labeling
and literature and manufacturers' specificationsfor
concentrate, and (2) those dealing with microbiological suitability of final, proportioned dialysate.
5- 1
A. Daily Monitoring
Role descriptions should include personnel responsibilities for handling and testing of concentrate,
ordering, confirmation of proper labeling, testing
and monitoring, and other similar responsibilities.
Each ~sponsibilityshould stem from a specific policy
or procedure.
Staff training should be a well-defined and organized process. Content should be clearly defined for
the learner and based on behavioral objectives. The
behavioral objectives can be used to accurately and
objectively measure learning. At the end of the
sessiods), the instructor should confirm by a written test andlor return demonstration that learning
has occurred and that the learner is able to perform the procedure(s) independently without error.
Test results should be documented and placed in
employee's personnel file.
Comprehension of the purpose and function of dialysate and dialysate concentrate requires a basic
understanding of normal physiological concepts, as
well as responses associated with uremia and the
hemodialysis therapy. Content should include dialysate fluid composition, h c t i o n , preparation,
conductivity and pH, and potential complications
with improper mixes of dialysate.
Need for further education, such as inservices or
intensive educational sessions, can be determined
from the routine quality assurance monitoring p m ess and the ongoing staff performance appraisal
process. When problems are identified, all staff
should be made aware of the problem and be involved in its solution. This nearly always includes
problem specific continuing education.
The medical diredor of the dialysis facility must
ascertain that the individual has successhlly completed the initial education and training program.
The medical director is also responsible for assuring that an annual review has been performed.
B. Monthly Monitoring
C. Patient Monitoring
The following patient monitoring aspects have relationships to dialysate and dialysate concentrate
1. Routineblood chemisbiesmay provide an indication
of improper use of concentrates. These are further
explained below.
2. Routine intradialytic monitoring and patient
symptoms during the dialysis treatment can also
provide indicationsfor improperly used concentrates
seen with incorrect use of concentrates are
summarized below:
dialysis proportioning system or too much
sodium in the dialysate; may result in nausea
and vomiting, seizures, and death.
Acidosis or allraZosisresultingh m improperk
used, or mix-ups in concentrates;will become
apparent by respiratory problems, nausea and
vomiting, headaches, seizures, and death.
~ u a l i tAssurance
Guidelines for Hernodialysis Devices
E. Other Monitoring
Other monitoring includes assuring proper use and
outcome related to dialysate and dialysate concentrate handling:
1. An incoming materials log should be maintained.
Included in this log should be the identification
of the product, delivery date, lot number, and
person receiving the products. Dialysate should
be received, inspected, and released for use only
by authorized personnel who are trained in the
use and expected specifications of the product.
Confirmation that the product is properly labeled
as ordered should be performed. Any product
with labelsthatare not intact or thatare incorrectly
labeled should not be accepted.
2. An annual review of all policies and procedures
related to dialysate and dialysate concentrate
handling should be performed.
F. Prevention
Follow exactly all of the manufacturer's instnrctions
for use.
Test conductivityand pH with a properly cabakd
independentrefmce meter before every treatment
If final proportioned dialysate is determined to
be not ofthe proper chemical concentration(im&
conductivity, incomct pH, particulate contamination, etc.), do not initiate dialysis.
If a determination is made that the chemical
c o n c e n m is improper after a patient is connected
to a machine, verify that the delivery system is
in bypass mode. Troubleshoot the problem with
the dialysate hoses disconneded from the dialyzer.
Confirm presence or absence of delivery system
malfunction. If the equipment malfunction is
confirmed, the patient should be immediately
1. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. American National Standard for
Hernodialysis Systems (AAMI RD51981). Arlington, VA (1982).
Note: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E at the end of this
manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue firther
investigation for the purpose of training or research on this topic.
Bicarbonate or Acetate
Glucose (mg%)
Manufacturer: Labeling and Documentation
Name and address of manufacturer
Date of manufacture
Lot number (capable of tracing manufactuing history)
Composition (including metric weight)
Ratio of water for mixing for proportioning systems; volume for batch systems
Composition of diluted solution (conductivity, concentration)
Fill volume of container
Trade name of product
For aqueous concentrates:
Storage temperature range
lnstructions for mixing
lnstructions regarding precipitates
- Warning regarding damaged containers
Warning regarding issues related to bacterial growth
- System for readily distinguishing between different solutions
For dry concentrates:
- Storage temperature range
- lnstructions to keep container tightly sealed until use
Patlent Name
Time on
Dry weight
Predialysis weight
Fk time off
Fk dialysis length
Postdialysis weight
UF rate
Time off
Heparin Rx:
Diaiysate Rx
Patient ID
Use number
Dialyzer structure/aesthetic
Special Rx
UF check
Germicide dwell
Mixed by
A W e n press set
Germicide presence
Dispensed by
Machine number
Germicide absence
Proportioning Ratio
Time Mixed
Proportioning Ratio
Time Mixed
Time Dispensed
Machine #1
Machine #2
Machine #3
Machine #4
Machine #5
Machine #6
Machine #7
Machine #8
Machine #9
Machine #10
Se p
3. The QA committee specifies the standard (expected percentage compliance) desired for the
audit; begin not lower than 85%.
4. Schedule the audit with appropriate personnel
(head nurse, charge nurse, chief technician).
Glenn Close
Tom Hanks
William Hurt
Patient Shift
Station Number
1 I
Staff Member
Chapter 6
...................... 6-2
Policies and Procedures .................................. 6-2
StaffTraining and Education ............................ 6-3
Monitoring and Evaluation .............................. 6-3
Daily Monitoring ................................. 6-3
Monthly Monitoring .............................. 6-4
Patient Monitoring ................................ 6-4
Home Dialysis Monitoring .......................... 6-4
Other Monitoring ................................. 6-5
Prevention ....................................... 6-5
Purchasing Guidelines ............................. 6-5
Chapter 6
Note: Information specific to reuse of hemodialyzers, as well as some other general discussion regarding dialyzers may also be found in Chapter 12,
Hemodialyzer Reuse.
The hemodiulyzer (dialyzer) is a device that permits electrolyte metabolic and fluid exchange between the blood and the dialysis fluid. A semi-permeable membrane separates two compartments;
the patient's blood flows through one and the dialysis fluid, or dialysate, flows through the other.
The solute and fluid removal capabilities of a dialyzer are referred to as performance characteristics.
Other characteristics such as materials of construction, priming volume and compliance, residual blood
volume, fluid dynamic parameters, etc. are referred
to as design characteristics.
Several of these basic characteristics of the dialyzer are described below:
Dialysance describes dialyzer efficiency when solute concentration in the dialysate is not zero, or
the volume of blood cleared of that solute per minute, if the dialysate concentration was zero (see
Table 3).
Dialyzer Membranes
There are three basic membrane types:
1. The conventional cellulosic membrane (Cuprophanq saponified cellulose ester, regenerated
cellulose, cuprammonium rayon, etc.)
late the amount of solute transfer across the semipermeable membrane. Mass solute transfer is the
quantity of a solute transferred from the blood into
the dialysis fluid (or vice-versa) per unit of time.
Design Characteristics
Dialyzer design characteristics may also influence
the facility's selection of a specific dialyzer for a
given patient. These characteristics include the
priming volume and the compliance of the blood
A total 342 incidents were reported; apparent dialyzer hypersensitivity reactions comprised 205 of
these. Of the remaining incidents, many included
some component malfunction of the device, due to
manufacturer quality control error.
Incidents related to user error or a combination of
user error and device malfunction included:
F'yrogen reaction and sepsis, indicating bacterial contamination of dialyzer due to poor setup technique.
Dialyzer hypersensitivityreaction when dialyzer
was not primed according to manufacturer's recommendations.
Extreme blood loss, due to broken blood port on
dialyzer, blood line separation, cracked dialyzer
header, or fiber rupture with no blood detector
Guidelines currently relavent to dialyzers are the
International organization for Standardization (IS01
Document 8637, International Standard for Hemodialyzers, Hemofilters, and Hemoconcentrators, and
the American National Standard for First Use
Hemodialyzers (ANSUMMI: RD16-1984) developed by the Association for the Advancement of
Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). Both of these
documents are, primarily voluntary standards for
manufacturers of hemodialyzers.
Table 2 summarizes AAMI's American National
Standards for First Use Hernodialyzers.
components, such as the dialysate, delivery system, blood lines and transducer protectors. The
risks involved must be clearly identified and considered, and appropriate safety measures and preventative systems developed.
Policies and procedures must also address the safe
and effectivehandling and use of the hemodialyzer:
1. Storage conditions
2. Inspection of dialyzer before use
8. Anticoagulation
9. Management and troubleshooting of complications
A. Daily Monitoring
1. Physical inspection of the dialyzer for appropri-
6. Blood flow through the dialyzer as well as dialysate distribution and flow through the dialyzer should be observed a t the beginning and
throughout the treatment.
8. Special events such as blood leaks, pyrogen reactions, cracked dialyzers or other complications
should be recorded on the patient's record.
The performance of the above tests and observations should be recorded on a daily patient dialysis
record. The initials of the person performing the
test and the specific machine number should a p
pear on that record (see Form 1).
B. Monthly Monitoring
3. Routine monitoring and evaluation of anticoagulation therapy needs to be conduded for both
patient and dialyzer clotting times. Real andlor
potential complications related to anticoagulation need to be addressed and documented in
the patient record.
4. When treatment delivery is not as prescribed, it
is recommended that the patient's vascular access be evaluated for recirculation.
5. First Use Syndrome signs and symptoms include chest pain, anxiety, shortness of breath,
and back pain.
Any case of First Use Syndrome (FUS),or Dialyzer Hypersensitivity Reaction, should be addressed immediately. Signs and symptoms of
these reactions include asthmatic reaction, respiratory arrest, pruritis, urticaria, erythema, peripheral and facial edema, hypertension, hypotension, and cardiac arrythmia. The reactions
range from very mild to very severe, including
death. The following should be done in the case
of a suspected FUS reaction:
Immediately discontinue dialysis on the patient without returning the contents of the
extracorporeal circuit. Provide medical treatment for any resulting symptoms.
Many experts recommend that the same dialyzer type not be used on the patient, if possible. If the same dialyzer must be used, be
sure to rinse diligently according to the manufacturer's recommendations prior to use.
C. Patient Monitoring
1. Routine monitoring of BUN as described above.
2. Routine intradialytic monitoring of the patient's
physiological parametersand symptomscan provide
indications of improper dialyzer function. A few
of the symptoms seen are:
Note: A positive history of hypersensitivity reaction is an indication for careful monitoring for
such signs and symptoms during dialysis.
E. Other Monitoring
2. Water and dialysate must be tested and evaluated to assure at least minimum compliance
with AAMI standards.
G. Purchasing Guidelines
Has the specific dialyzer been proven safe, reliable and effective in other facilities?
F. Prevention
1. Each manufacturer provides comprehensive directions for the preventative maintenance of the
These questions will enhance the likelihood of selecting a hemodialyzer that best suits the need of
the patient. It will also help to assure a treatment
that is safe and effective.
1. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. American National Standard,
First Use Hemodialyzers (AAMI: RD16-1984). Arlington, VA (1984).
2. KESHAVIAH, P., LUEHMANN, D., SHAPIRO, F. and COMTY, C. Investigation of Risks and
Hazards Associated with Hemodialysis Systems (Technical Report, Contract #223-78-5046).
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration/Bureau of Medical Devices, Silver Spring, MD (1980).
3. SARGENT, J.A. and GOTCH, F.A. Principles and Biophysics of Dialysis in Replacement of
Renal Function by Dialysis. William Drukker, Frank M. Parsons and John F. Maher, eds.
Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, The Netherlands (1988).
4. HOENICH, N.A., FROST, T.H. and KERR, D.N.S. Diulyzers inReplacement of Renal Function
by Dialysis. William Drukker, Frank M. Parsons and John F. Maher, eds. Martinus Nijhoff, The
Hague, The Netherlands (1988).
8. GOTCH, F. Kinetic Modeling in hemodialysis. Clinical Dialysis. AR. Nissenson, R.N. Fine
and D.E. Gentile, eds. Appleton and Lange, Norwalk, CT (1990).
9. KEEN, M., LANCASTER, C. and BINKLEY, L. Concept and Principles ofHemodialysis. incore
Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing. L.E. Lancaster, ed. American Nephrology Nurses'
Association, Pitman, N J (1990).
Note: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E a t the end of this
manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further investigation for the purpose of training or research on this topic.
Membrane Type
Conventional Membrane
(Cuprophan, Regenerated Cellulose, SCE,
Cellulose Acetate
Non-Cellulosic and
= Effective
= VeryEffective
= Extremely Effective
Unit Container
Sterilization Date
Statement regarding "sterile and nonpyrogenic"
Special conditions of storage and handling
Statement: "Caution: Federal law restricts device to
sale by or on order of a physician"
A warning that the device must be rinsed before use
Maximum TMP
Statement: " Caution: See Directions for Use before
using this device"
Other descriptive information, warnings, etc.
Warnings regarding flow maldistribution under
certain conditions
Warning ifultrafiltration rate is not linear with
relation to TMP
Package lnsert/lnstructions for Use
Instructions for priming, operating parameters,
monitoring, termination, etc.
Warranty for first use
Dialyzer description/specifications
Indications for use
Adverse Reactions
Recommendations regarding anticoagulation
Warning regarding conditions for backfiltration
Method of sterilization
Any particular features
Ranges for blood flow rate, dialysate flow rate,
TMP, temperature, etc.
Characteristics (UF coefficient, clearances, pressure drops, blood compartment volume, etc.
In practical terms, solute removal (incorporating both diffusion and ultrafiltration)
from the blood to the dialysate is most often defined as clearance (K).
K, (C,
- )C,
Q, C
And, similarly,
(for the dialysate side of the dialyzer)
Dialyzer efficiency when solute concentration in the dialysate is not zero (such as
recirculating dialysate systems). Dialyzer dialysance(Dd describesthe volume of blood
cleared of that solute per minute if the dialysate concentration is zero.
Patient Name
Time on
Dry weight
Predialysis weight
Rx time off
Rx dialysis length
Postdialysis weight
UF rate
Time off
Heparin Rx:
Dialysate Rx
Patient ID
Use number
Dialyzer structure/aesthetic
Special Rx
UF check
Germicide dwell
Germicide presence
Machine number
Germicide absence
Model #5
Model #6
Model #1
Model #2
Model #3
Model #4
Model #5
Model #6
Model #1
Model #2
Model #3
Model #4
Model #5
Model #6
Other DialyzerPnoblems:
(FORM 3)
The purpose of this audit is to monitor technical
staff compliance with standard practices and procedures related to the water treatment system.
When staff are aware of the importance of the
policies and well trained in the procedures, compliance should be very high.
3. The QA committee specifies the standard (expected percentage compliance) desired for the
audit; begin not lower than 85%.
4. Schedule the audit with appropriate personnel (head nurse, charge nurse, chief technician).
5. Make copies of the audit for each auditor1
Employee A:
Glenn Close
Tom Hanks
William Hurt
Chapter 7
Blood Tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Transducer Protectors .............................
Single Needle Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conductivity Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Home Dialysis ....................................
Chapter 7
Ancillary Devices
and Equipment
Blood Tubing'
Blood tubing is the conduit through which blood is
taken from the patient, delivered to the dialyzer,
and returned to the patient during dialysis therapy. Blood tubing sets include various combinations of special purpose components in addition to
the tubing itself Common components of a blood
tubing set may include:
Patient Connectors. Both arterial and venous
end pieces of the blood tubing are used to conned
the tubing to the fistula needle, catheter, etc. These
connectors include both simple h e r connectors as
well as h e r locking connectors.
Dialyzer C o ~ e c t o r s . The connection between
the arterial and venous blood lines and the dialyzer itself may be a "soR connector" made of pliable plastic or a "rigid h e r connector."
Other C o ~ e c t o r s .Various other connectors may
be attached to the blood tubing including: heparin
line, pressure monitoring lines, solution administration lines, and other ports. As with the dialyzer connectors and the patient connectors, these
"service line connectors" can either be straight h e r s
or "her lock connectors."
Injection Sites. Also called "access ports," these
are comprised of a "sleeve" around the tubing itself
(composed of latex or a similar material) or a small
similar port attached to another primary component of the blood tubing, such as a bubble trapldrip
chamber. A needle can be directly inserted for the
purpose of administering medications, fluids, obtaining a blood sample, or other purposes. Most
injection sites are (and should be) equipped with
Some sort of hard plastic protection device to guard
against accidental needle sticks to the patient care
staffwhen inserting needles through the injection
Drip Chambers o r Bubble Traps. These components are used primarily for removing any air
that may have inadvertently entered the extracorporeal circulation. Most dialysis delivery systems
also monitor for air andfor foam in the blood at the
'Genous bubble trap." This is accomplished by ultrasonic or optical sensors which are placed at or
near the bottom of the bubble trap to alert the user
if bubbles are present.
Bubble traps also serve the purpose of "pressure
buffers" in the extracorporeal blood circuit since
there always is some air near the top of these components. Wide pressure variations in the extracorporeal circuit due to variability in vascular access,
the blood pump, or single needle dialysis can be
minimized as compression and expansion of the air
at the tops of these bubble traps occurs.
Blood Pump Segment. The blood bump segment is a short piece of the arterial blood tubing
that is inserted into the roller section of the blood
pump. It is generally made of durable material
(most often polyvinyl chloride (WC) but in some
cases silicone) in order to withstand the constant
mechanical stress placed upon it.
Transducer Protectors
The purpose of these devices is to isolate the interior of the blood tubing and protect the pressure
sensor within the dialysis delivery system. Pressure monitoring creates a direct and open channel
between the sterile internal surfaces of the blood
tubing and the non-sterile components of the dialysis delivery system. An impermeable flexible diaphragm or a submicron filter must be placed at
this interface.
Blood lines. There are three guidelines that address blood lines.
The first two, the Association for the Advancement
of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) American National Standard for Hemodialyzer Blood Tubing
(RD17-1984) and the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) Standard for Blood Tub
ing and Dialyzer Connectors, both are directed to
the manufacturers of blood tubing.
A third standard is the HCFA Final Rule: Medicare Program: Protocol for the Reuse of Dialysis
Blood Lines (42 CFR Part 405, Federal Register,
May 2,1990, VoL 55, No. 85, p. 18331-18335). This
rule requires that if a facility reuses blood lines, it
must reuse only a blood line for which the FDA
storage and inventory control, usehandling, disposal, complication management, and repair.
Blood Tubing
A. Daily Monitoring
On a per-treatment basis, patient care staff should
confirm that the blood lines are compatible with
the delivery system and dialyzer, and that packaging and all caps on the blood tubing sets are intact,
ensuring that the manufacturer's intent for a sterile, non-pyrogenic extracorporeal circuit is maintained.
A physical check of all blood line connectors (dialyzer, accessory ports, heparin syringe, etc.) should
be confirmed before attachment to the patient and
starting the blood pump. Arterial and venous pressure alarms should be appropriately set to detect
excess pressures that could cause line separation.
C. Other Monitoring
An incoming materials log should be maintained.
Included in this log should be the identification of
the product, delivery date, lot number, and person
receiving the products. Confirmation that the product is labeled as ordered should be performed. Any
product with labels not intact or incorrectly labeled
should not be accepted.
D. Prevention
Follow exactly all of the manufacturer's instructions for use.
Transducer Protectors
A Daily Monitoring
B. Patient Monitoring
The following should be part of regular intradialytic monitoring and may be related to malfunction
or improper use of blood lines:
Assure that the transducer protectors are compatible with specific dialysis delivery systems.
B. Other Monitoring
An incorning materials log should be maintained.
This log should include the idenacation of the
delivery date, lot number, and person remiving the product, confirmation that the product
is labeled as ordered should be performed. Any
products with labels that are not intact or that are
incorrectly labeled should not be accepted.
An annual review of d l policies and procedures
related to transducer protectors should be performed.
All incidents or adverse occurrences related to transducer protectors should be documented and reported
at the monthly quality assurance meetings.
C. Prevention
Manufacturers of some conductivity meters recommend that proper calibration of the meter be confirmed with standard solution daily.
B. Monthly Monitoring
SingleNeedle Equipment
A Daily Monitoring
During setup, check that the blood clamp andlor
blood pump occludes tubing and interrupts flow.
Confirmation that pressure alarms are set according to manufacturer's specifications.
Calculate the stroke volume at the beginning of
treatment and confirm that the stroke volume fits
within the prescription and the manufacturer's recommendations.
On no less than a monthly basis, conductivity meter calibration should be confirmed using a Standard Conductivity Solution following manufacture&
instructions. That conductivity reading should be
entered onto a Conductivity Meter Log (Form 1).
To ensure that all monitoring described above is
performed, systems checks should be included on a
"Daily Patient Treatment Record" (see Form 2) or
a "Daily Dialysis System Checklist" (see Form 3)
which requires that the staff members setting up
the dialysis delivery system check off all vital functions of the procedure on a specific form before initiation of treatment.
Review all logs and monitoring instruments relating to these pieces of equipment a t the monthly
quality assurance meeting. Any data outside of acceptable limits must be addressed. Trend analysis
(see Form 4) of parameters related to the instruments' function should be a part of this review.
B. Monthly Monitoring
C. Prevention
All preventative maintenance required by the
manufacturer must be performed to assure ongo-
Last Checked
Serial Number
Standard Solution
Patient Name
Time on
Dly weight
Predialysis weight
Rx time off
Rx dialysis length
Postdialysis weight
UF rate
Time off
Heparin Rx:
Dialysate Rx
Patient ID
Use number
Dialyzer structurelaesthetic
Special Rx
UF check
Germicide dwell
Germicide presence
Machine number
Germicide absence
for ~ e r n a l i a l ~ s~ies v i c e s
I Dialysate temperature
Weight recorded
Machine No.
This checklist is meant as a reminder to the patient care giver to perform the
vital functions necessary for safe and effective hemodialysis. It does not
replace any ordinary records or charting which should be done (i.e., daily
dialysis reoords7Iow sheets, system logs, etc.).
I Feb I Mar I Apr I M a y 1 Jun I Jul 1 Aug 1
Meter #1
Standard solution conductivity
Meter conductivity
Standard solution pH
Meter pH
Actual temperature
Meter temperature
Recalibration required
Matar P2
Recalibration required
Meter #3
Standard solution conductivity
Meter conductivity
Standard solution pH
Meter pH
A d ~ ~tnmnwraturn
Meter temperature
Recalibration required
Chapter 8
Policies and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Staff Training and Education ............................
Monitoring and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Daily Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monthly Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patient Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Home Dialysis Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 8
Hemodialysistreatment is dependent upon the
free flowof blood over the dialysis membrane and
record keeping
patient education
A. Daily Monitoring
1. Confirm anticoagulation goals as prescribed.
2. Confirm vial contents and strength.
3. Confirm the use of aseptic technique in han-
6. Monitor the anticoagulation level until stabilized. After stabilization, monitor a s per physician directive or whenever problems are
B. Monthly Monitoring
1. Confirm proper calibration of the monitoring
device using standard provided by the manufacturer.
2. Confirm proper calibration of infusion pumps
following the manufacturer's recommendations.
C . Patient Monitoring
The anticoagulation regimen should be based on
the clotting time results, patient's condition, patency of the extracorporeal circuit, and response to
previous anticoagulation. The patient should be
assessed by reviewing hematocrit, clotting studies, and history of complications per facility policy. Anticoagulant administered and results of
monitoringshouldbe documented on the patient's
daily dialysis record (see Form 1).
E. Other Monitoring
1. Trend monitoring and analysis of various
complications, including incidents or adverse
occurrences related to anticoagulation should
be conducted.
leaks, and whole or partial occlusions. All connections should be double checked for secure
F. Prevention
ing after dialysis and after the patient has lea the
dialysis unit. The patient should be informed of
the rationale for anticoagulation therapy including its purpose, route, dosage, side effects, and
1. KESHAVIAH, P., LUEHMANN, D., SHAPIRO, F. and COMTY, C. Investigation ofRisks and
Hazards Associated with Hernodialysis Systems (Technical Report, Contract m23-78-5046).
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration/Bureau of Medical Devices, Silver Spring, MD (1980).
2. LINDSAY, RM. Practical Use ofAnticoagzthnts.inbplacernent of Renal Function of Dialysis.
William Drukker, FrankM. Parsons, and John F. Maher, ede. Martinus Hijhoff,The Hague, The
Netherlands (1988).
Note: Additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E at the end of this manual.
These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further investigation
for the purpose of training or research on this topic
Patlent Name
Time on
Dry weight
Predialysis weight
Rx time off
Rx dialysis length
Postdialysis weight
UF rate
Tlme off
~lcpecredclotting t h e
Heparin Rx:
Dialysate Rx
Patient ID
Use number
Dialyzer structurelaesthetic
Special Rx
UF check
Germicide dwell
Germicide presence
Machine number
Germicide absence
, - -
Serial No.
Standard ACT
Quality~ssuranceGuidelinesfor H e d i a l y s i s Devices
Standard ACT
Chapter 9
Policies and Procedures ..................................
Staff Training and Education ............................
Monitoring and Evaluation ..............................
Daily Monitoring .................................
Monthly Monitoring ...............................
Patient Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Home Dialysis Monitoring ...........................
Other Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 9
To perform long-term hemodialysis, reliable access to the blood circulation is required. A fully
functional and patent access is imperative.
Access can be achieved in a number of ways.
For each of the following accesses, there are various modifications, types and brands.
Vascular Access
Internal Arteriovenous Graft. This is the
surgical implant of a biologic or artificial graft.
The ends of the graft are surgically attached to
an artery and a vein. Large bore needles are inserted into the graft to provide blood access. The
graft can be used for long-term hemodialysis.
There are various configurations of the surgical
Temporary Access. A catheter can be used on
a short term or temporary basis for vascular access. It is frequently used while a more permanent access can be created or when the patient
may be waiting for a different type of renal replacement therapy such as transplantation.
Long-term use of the temporary access is not
uncommon today. The locations for placement
of these catheters are usually the subclavian
vein, the femoral vein, and occasionally the jugular vein.
In the manufacturer's literature and the medical device reporting system, the incidents related to vascular access devices can be divided
into three categories:
The best guidelines to follow are the manufacturer's instructions for use. Current research
related to each particular vascular access device
in use within the facility must be reviewed and
evaluated for use a s a new or modified facility
A. Daily Monitoring
'A 100
P- v
B. Monthly Monitoring
1. Complications associated with venipuncture.
C. Patient Monitoring
Continuous assessment for signs and symptoms
of vascular access complications:
1. Occlusion, mechanical failure
1. Inspect the device and connectors for damage, leaks, and whole or partial occlusions,
etc. All connections should be double checked
for secure fitting.
2. Thrombosis
4. Skin erosion
5. Dislodgement
7. Aneurysm; psuedoaneurysm
3. Infection
6. Hemorrhage
E. Other Monitoring
1. Trend monitoring and analysis of various
complications, including incidents or adverse
occurrences related to venipuncture.
2. Trend monitoring and analysis of hospitalizations due to vascular access devices.
I?. Prevention
1. Follow all of the manufacturer's instructions
3. Develop p m ~ l for
using vasucular access devices.
1. KESHAVIAH, P., LUEHMANN, D., SHAPIRO, F. and COMTY, C. Investigation of Risks and
Nissenson, RN. Fine and D.E. Gentile, eds. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Norwalk, CT (1990).
3. HARTIGAN, M . Circulatory Access for Hemodialysis in Core Curriculum for Nephrology
Nursing. L.E. Lamaster, ed. American Nephrology Nurses' Association, Pitman, NJ (1990).
4. LUNDIN, P. Personal Communication. 1980.
Note: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E a t the end of this
manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further
investigation for the purpose of training or research on this topic.
Assurance Guidelines
Hemodialysis Devices
Chapter 10
EXISTINGGUIDELINES .....................................
Daily Monitoring .................................
Monthly Monitoring ..............................
Patient Monitoring ................................
Home Dialysis Monitoring ..........................
Prevention .......................................
Purchasing Guidelines .............................
Other Monitoring
Hernodialysis Devices
Chapter 10
Hemodialyzer reuse is the practice of using the
same dialyzer for multiple dialyses without replacement of membranes or other surfaces in contact
with blood. This is accomplished utilizing restoration techniques including cleaning the blood surfaces, followed by disinfection or sterilization.
Dialyzer reprocessing can be performed manually
or through use of an automated, c o m m e d l y available "reprocessing system." Most automated reprocessing systems automatically rinse the dialyzer
of residual blood and blood products, perform some
manner of "cleaning" process, test the dialyzer for
leaks and performance parameters, and fill the dialyzer with an appropriate concentration of a germicide. Some automated systems also provide data
storage and labeling functions automatically.
A variety of materials are commonly used in dialyzer reprocessing including cleaning agents, germicidal agents, and purified water used to dilute
both of the above. Commonly used cleaning agents
include hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, reverse ultratiltration of water from the dialysate compartment into the blood compartment and out through
the blood ports, and pressurized water. Germicides used for the high level disinfection required
for dialyzer reuse include formaldehyde, peroxyacetic acid (trade name Renalinq, glutaraldehyde
(trade names Sporicidin@,Nephre*, Cide*) and
In 1990 the FDA produced and released a vide
otape entitled Reprocessing $HemOdialyzers which
has been distributed to all U.S. dialysis facilities.
an established procedure or the use of an inappropriate procedure. The literature describes patient
experiences with pyrogen reactions, boluses of toxic
chemicals, decreased adequacy of dialysis,blood loss,
and potential immunological problems.
The 20 incidents that have been reported since 1980
are summarized in Appendix A
Fifteen incidents were related to pyrogen reactions andlor bacteremia, due to inappropriate
water treatment. The causes included use of
endotoxin-contaminated water and too low a
concentration of germicide used to disinfect the
Four incidents involved patient reactions to residual germicide.
One case was related to excessive ultrdltration rate.
Many of the incidents could have been avoided through
simple tests, observations, and/or quality control
procedures implemented in the dialysis facilities.
Unlike many other technical areas of hemodialysis,
hemodialyzer reuse has comprehensive standards
of practice. The practice is regulated by HCFA according to 42 Part 405.2150. The regulation, incorporating the Association for the Advancement of
Medical Instnunentation(AAMI)Recommended Practice for Reuse of Hemodialyzers, contains standards
and conditions for safe and effective hemodialyzer
reuse and reprocessing, enforceable as conditions
of Medicare coverage.
Table 1reviews the AAMI Recommended Practice
for Reuse of Hemodialyzers. The Recommended
Practice addresses facility requirements, reuse equip
ment, cleaning and disinfection methods, labeling,
preparation for multiple use, controls, and patient
Several states, including California, Colorado, Georgia, and Washington DC,also have regulations pertinent to the reuse of hemodialyzers.
StafF should test that the level of residual germicide (absence of germicide) aRer "rinse out"
and before clinical use of the dialyzer is a t or
below acceptable levels (see Form 5).
k Daily Monitoring
Dialyzer performance must be validated during
the reprocessing procedure by total cell volume
andor membrane resistance as determined
by in vitro ultrafiltration rate. Alternatively, if
the facility performs urea kinetic modeling the
"actual dialyzer clearance" data from the kinetic modeling program may be correlated with
TCV. Documentation of the information/test
results is required (see Form 4).
B. Monthly Monitoring
1. Confirm that all water used in the reprocessing
program (dialyzer rinsing and cleaning, dilution of germicides and cleaning chemicals) meets
AAMI microbiological requirements. Not more
than 200 colony-forming units per ml of water
andlor not more than 1ndml bacterial lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin), as measured by Limulus amoebocyte lysate assay (LAL), should be
3. The person performing the dialyzer reprocessing, the staff member setting up a reprocessed
dialyzer and, when possible, the patient, should
verify that the dialyzer does not appear to be
physically damaged, the reuse label on the dialyzer is complete and legible, the headers ofthe
dialyzer do not contain any large quantities of
dotted blood or other materials, and that the
hollow fibers appear to be relatively free of any
blood product (see Forms 4 and 5).
4. A statistically significant number of dialyzers
should be checked for concentration of germicide adequate for effective high level disinfection before "rinse out" prior to clinical use (see
Form 5).
Trend analysis, performed by the quality assurance committee, should include patient adverse
reactions such as fever, chills, improper ultrafiltration, unexpected changesin BUN and matinine,
incident reports, small molecule clearances, levels of toxic chemicals, other dialyzer failures
(leaks, structural damage, etc.), equipment maintenance, and repair logs (see Form 6).
C. Patient Monitoring
1. Routine blood chemistries may provide an indi-
cation of the effectiveness of the reuse procedure and subsequent dialyzer performance.
2. Routine intradialytic monitoring of the patient's
physiological parameters and symptomotology
during the dialysis treatment can provide indications of adverse events related to reuse. A
few of the symptoms seen are:
a Hypotension or hypertension, related to improper ultrafiltration due to change in dialyzer performance characteristics.
b. Pymgen reaction (shaking chills, increase in
patient temperature of more than 1C during
treatment) or septicemia (identified through
blood cultures), from improper disinfection of
the dialyzer or endotoxin in the dialyzer.
F. Prevention
All equipment must be free of defects that may be
a potential hazard to patients or personnel. An established preventative maintenance program must
be implemented and evaluated.
Before equipment is placed back in use (following
maintenance or repair), confirmation must assure
that all aspects of the device are functioning according to manufacturers' specificationsand procedures.
Water quality for all aspects of the reuse process
must be tested and evaluated to assure compliance
with AAML standard and federal regulation.
All components of the reprocessing equipment must
be tested and safety parameters set prior to use.
G. Purchasing Guidelines
Any dialyzer reprocessing system being considered
for use should comply with the federal regulations.
which incorporate the AAMI Recommended Practice for Reuse of Hemodialyzers. Any state or local
regulations which apply for the specificfacility should
also be met.
1. Equipment
E. Other Monitoring
1. All safety equipment and supplies (protective
equipment and clothing, emergency equipment,
spill control supplies, etc.) should be inspected
to confirm usability and proper condition (see
Form 4).
~ u a l i tAssurance
Guidelines for Hernodialysis Devices
Hernodialysis Devices
2. KESHAVIAH, P., LUEHMANN, D., SHAPIRO, F. and COMTY, C. Investigation ofRisks and
H d s Associated with Hemodialysis Systems. (Technical Report, Contract t223-78-5046).
U.S.Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug AdministratiodBureau of Medical Devices, Silver Spring, MD (1980).
3. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Reuse of Consumables in Hemodialysis. J.H. Sadler,
ed. Kidney Disease Coalition, Washington, DC (1984).
4. Hemodialyzer R e w : Issues & Solutions (an AAMI Analysis and Review). Association for
No&: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E at the end of this
manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further
investigation for the purpose of training or research on this topic.
Master record
Reprocessing record
Equipment maintenance and material quality
Personnel health monitoring records
Complaint investigation records
Quality assurance and quality control records
Personnel Qualifications and Training
Qualifications (adequate education and background; repairs by qualified technicians)
Written curriculum
Documentation of successful completion of
training course
Patient Considerations
Medical issues: written policies and procedures
relative to special patient medical conditions
Legal review of any lnformed Consent; if used,
lnformed Consent belongs in medical record
Open physicianlpatient relationship
Appropriate design, construction, and validations
Water Systems
Meet specificationsof reuse equipment operating
at peak load
Proper disinfection
Water quality testing
Reprocessing Systems
Utility requirements specified and followed
Validation testing initially and periodically
Written preventative maintenance schedule and
Repairs by qualified personnel; test equipment
function before reinstituting use
Environmental Control and Safety Equipment
Validation of adequate function initially, periodically, and after any repair
Written preventative maintenance schedule and
Safety equipment inspected and maintained according to manufacturer recommendations
Physical Plant and Environmental Safety
Reprocessing area clean and sanitary; ventilatio
maintains acceptable level of toxicity
1 (cont.)
Capable of high-level disinfection when tested
against highly resistant water microorganisms
If formaldehyde is used: 4% for 24hrs at 20C or
demonstrated equivalent
Do not mix reactive materials
Minimum water quality (microbiological) requirements for dilutent
Dialyzer should be filled with disinfectant until
effluent is within 10% of original concentration
Use disinfected or new caps
Testing of concentration of germicide
Exterior of dialyzer: clean and use low-level
Dialyzer jacket free of visible blood or foreign
No leaks or cracks
No more than a few clotted fibers
Headers free of all but a few small peripheral clots
Blood and dialysate ports capped with no leakage
Label properly filled-out and legible
Disposition of Rejected Dialyzers
Proper contamination prevention (of blood-borne
pathogens) procedures
If greater than one month, validation of safety and
effectivess of dialyzer
Preparation for Dialysis and Testing for
Potentially Toxic Residues
Visual inspection of dialyzer and label for safety
and efficacy
Verification of patient identification (two people)
Testing for presence of germicide on at least
random sample
Validation of proper germicide concentration
(initially and periodically)
Priming procedure and elution of germicide (documented procedure)
Testing for residual germicide: written procedure;
assure level is below maximum recommended
Measure temperature before and after dialysis;
evaluate reprocessing if patient shows fever, chills
Evaluate reprocessing if other sypmtoms such as
pain in access arm or other unexplained symptoms
"Special Incident Report" if problems
Dialyzer failures (leaks, excessive deviations from
expected performance, etc.) should be documented, investigated, and placed in complaint file
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
QA personnel should:
Review and audit master record at least annually
Audit complaint invesitgation file and perform trend
analysis at least quarterly
Audit job descriptions, training materials, and
documentation of training at least annually
Audit compliance with informed consent policy at
least annually.
Be involved in equipment and supplies specifications and purchases
Audit written policies and procedures at least
annually, and whenever problems
Audit written maintenance and repair policies at
least annually
Audit physical plant and environmental safety
parameters at least quarterly
Audit parameters related to reprocessing supplies
at least semiannually
Audit parameters related to hemodialyzer labeling
at least quarterly
Audit compliance with actual reprocessing technique at least monthly initially, and at least semiannually later; trend analysis should be performed
at least quarterly.
Audit written procedures regarding QA and QC
and verify their implementation at least quarterly
Audit results of performance validation
The purpose of this audit is to monitor technical
staff compliance with standard practices and procedures related to the water treatment system.
When staff are aware of the importance of the
policies and well trained in the procedures, compliance should be very high.
3. The QA committee specifies the standard (expected percentage compliance) desired for the
audit; begin not lower than 85%.
4. Schedule the audit with appropriate personnel (head nurse, charge nurse, chief technician).
2. For each employee, calculate compliance percentage by dividing the total Ys by the total
observations; again, do not count NAs.
Employee A:
Glenn Close
Tom Hanks
William Hurt
% Compliant
Q. A. Cornittee RecommendedAction:
% Compliant
Patient Name
Time on
Dry weight
Predialysis weight
Rx time off
Rx dialysis length
Postdialysis weight
UF rate
Time off
Heparin Rx:
Dialysate Rx
Patient ID
Use number
Dialyzer structure/aesthetic
Special Rx
UF check
Germicide dwell
Germicide presence
Machine number
Germicide absence
Chapter 11
StaffTraining and Education ............................
Monitoring and Evaluation ..............................
Policies and Procedures
Guidelines for
Chapter 11
Infection Control
H e d i a l y s i s which has been distributed to all dialysis facilities in the United States.
In D ~ m b e of
r 1989 the FDA produced and re-
Throughout the years the CDC has issued and u p
dated blood-borne infection control strategies and
precautions (including universal precautions) for the
renal dialysis community as well as other health
care agencies. The dialysis community has complied with the CDC recommendations over the years
as a voluntary standard. Now the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)has regulations that would enforce the use of universal precautions as well as other infection control s t r a k
gies for all of health care.
Federal OSHA Regulation, Subpart Z of 29CFR
Part 1910.1030, addresses control of blood-borne
pathogens. The regulation specifies facility infection control strategies as follows.
1. Written Plan
It is expected that each employer having employees whose anticipated duties may result in occupational exposure to infectious agents shall establish
a written infection control plan designed to minimize or eliminate employee exposure. The plan
shall include a determination of that exposure, and
the schedule for and method of implementation for
each of the following requirements. The plan shall
be reviewed and updated as necessary to reflect
significant changes in tasks or procedures. The
plan shall be made available for inspection by federal and state surveyors.
a Universal precautions shall be followed
c. All personal protective equipment and clothing shall be removed immediately upon leaving the work area and shall be disposed in an
appropriately designated area or container for
storage, washing, decontamination or disposal.
3. Housekeeping
a. Employers shall ensure that the work site is
maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
There will be a written schedule for cleaning
and methods of disinfection based upon the location within the facility, type of surface to be
cleaned, type of soil present, and tasks and
procedures being performed.
b. All equipment and environmental and working surfaces shall be properly cleaned and disinfected after contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Work surfaces
shall be decontaminated with an appropriate
disinfectant when surfaces are overtly contaminated after completion of procedures or
immediately after any spill ofblood and a t the
end of the work shift. Equipment that may
become contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials shall be checked
routinely and prior to servicing or shipping
and shall be decontaminated as necessary. All
bins, pails, cans and similar receptacles intended for reuse that have a potential for becoming contaminated with blood shall be inspected, cleaned and disinfected on a regularly
scheduled basis. If the contamination is evident they should be cleaned and disinfected
immediately. Broken glassware shall not be
picked up by hands. It shall be cleaned up
using mechanical means. Specimens of blood
or other potentially infectious materials shall
be placed in a closable, leak-proof container,
labeled andlor color-coded accordingly.
All disposal of infectious waste shall be in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations. Immediately after use, sharps shall be
disposed of in closeable puncture-resistant disposable containers which are leak-proof on the sides
and bottom and are labeled or color-coded accordingly. These containers shall be easily accessible
to personnel and located in the immediate area of
use. They shall be replaced routinely, not allowed
to overfill, nor be reused.
5. Laundry
Laundry that is contaminated with blood shall
handled as little as possible with a minimum of
agitation. Contaminated laundry shall be bagged
at the location where it was used and shall not be
sorted or rinsed in patient care areas. Contaminated laundry shall be placed and transported in
bags that are labeled and color coded. The employer shall ensure that laundry workers wear protective gloves and other appropriate personal protective equipment to prevent occupational exposure.
6. Training Program
The training program of the employee shall be provided at the time of initial employment or within
ninety days &r being hired. At least annually
thereafter the employer shall ensure that all employees with occupational exposure participate in
the training program. The material should be a p
Propriate in content and vocabulary to the educational level, literacy and language background of
the employees The training program shall contain
the following elements:
Medical Records
The employer shall establish and maintain an accurate record for each employee. The record shall
include the name and social security number of the
employee, a copy of the employee's Hepatitis B vaccination records and medical records relative to the
employee's ability to receive vaccine or the circumstances of an exposure incident. A copy of all results of physical examinations, medical testing and
followup procedures as they relate to the employee's
ability to receive vaccination or to postexposure
evaluation following an exposure incident should
also be included in the medical record.
Hernodialysis Devices
The employer's copy of the physician's written opinion and a copy of the information provided to the
physician as required by the various standards in
this regulation are to be included in the medical
record. The employer shall assure that the employee medical records are kept confidential and
are not disclosed or reported to any person within
or outside the work place except as required by
law. The employer shall maintain this record for
at least the duration of the employment plus thirty
years in accordance with Federal Regulation 29CFR
8. Training records
Training records shall include the following information: the dates of the training sessions, the contents or a summary of the training session; the
names of persons conducting the training, and the
names of all persons attending the training sessions. These records shall be maintained for five
Y.The employer shall assure that all records required
to be maintained by this section shall be made
available upon request. The employee training records required shall be provided upon request for
examination and copying to employees, employee
representatives, and any state or federal surveyors.
Housekeeping practices
Infectious waste disposal
Laundry disposition
Medical recordkeeping
Employee records
Role descriptions should describe all personnel responsibilities for infection control practices. Each
responsibility should stem from a specific policy or
Staff training should be a well-defined and organized process. Content should be clearly defined for
the learner and based on behavioral objectives. The
objectives can be used to accurately and objectively
measure learning, At the end of the sessioxds), the
instrudor should confirm by a written test a d o r
return demonstration that learning has occurred
and that the leamer is able to perform the p d u r e ( s )
independently without error. Test results should
be documented and placed in personnel file.
Comprehension of the purpose and function of infection control principles and procedures requires a
basic understanding of normal physiological concepts, as well as responses associated with uremia
and the hemodialysis therapy. Content should include the specific areas spelled out in the OSHA
regulation previously described.
Need for further education such as inservices or intensive educational sessions can be determined from
the routine quality assurance monitoring process
and the ongoing staff performance appraisal process. When problems are identified, all s t -should
be made aware of the problem and be involved in
its solution; this nearly always includes problem
specific continuing education.
The medical director of the dialysis facility must
verify that the individual has successhlly completed
the initial education and training program. The
medical director is also responsible for assuring that
an annual review has been performed.
Hernodialysis Devices
Note: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E a t the end of this
manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further
investigation for the purpose of training or research on this topic.
3. The QA committee specifies the standard (expected percentage compliance) desired for the
audit; begin not lower than 85%.
4. Schedule the audit with appropriate personnel (head nurse, charge nurse, chief technician).
Employee A:
Glenn Close
William Hurt
Hernodialysis Devices
I i i
ON #
luewdy be 6u!ueep/u~op
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muplum pad-empund u! selpeeu peddeaun Se9eld
Chapter 12
BACKGROUND .............................................. 12-1
T ...................................... 12-1
Hazard Communication
Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monthly Monitoring ....................................
Other Monitoring ......................................
R E F E N C E S ...............................................
Hernodialysis Devices
Chapter 12
Handling of
Toxic Chemicals
Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Povidone Iodine Solution
Chlorhexidine Gluconate
Ethyl Alcohol
Ethyl Chloride
Benzalkonium Chloride
The average dialysis unit has a number of toxic
or hazardous chemicals present. They are used
a s cleaning and disinfecting agents, janitorial
supplies, and for other purposes. A list of the
common chemicals present in a dialysis facility
include, but are not limited to:
Cleaning Agents
Degreasing Agents
Water Treatment Agents
Bactericidal Agents
Janitorial Supplies
Although i t is impossible to avoid all risk associated with use of these toxic chemicals, the facility can significantly reduce that risk by following some practical quality assurance measures. The first step is to be aware of the chemicals found in the unit. A chemical that meets
the criteria of a hazardous substance may be:
Corrosive to living tissues; carcinogenic; toxic
when administered orally, cutaneously, or
through inhalation; irritant; sensitizer; toxic to
target organs including the liver, kidney, central nervous system, blood, lung, reproductive
system, or eyes. Some of the chemicals that
meet this definition that are commonly found in
the dialysis facility include:
Acetic Acid
-* Peracetic Acid
Chlorine Dioxide
Three Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards are especially relevant to the dialysis community and must be incorporated into policies and procedures and clinical practice:
1. hazard communication
2. occupational exposure to formaldehyde, and
Step 1 List the hazardous chemicals in the facility. In general, these chemicals will have a
label warning of a potential hazard such a s eye
Step 2. Obtain the Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) for all chemicals identified. The MSDS,
prepared and supplied by the manufacturer of
the chemical, contains information including:
identification (trade name, chemical name,
chemical family, formula);
hazardous ingredients (components, specific
chemical identity, common name);
physicaVchemica1 characteristics (boiling
point, vapor pressure, vapor density, solubility in water, appearance and odor, specific
gravity, melting point, evaporation rate);
fire and explosion hazard data (flash point,
extinguishing media; special fire fighting procedures, flammable limits, unusual fire and
explosion hazards);
reactivity data (stability, conditions to avoid,
incompatibilities, materials to avoid);
An explanation of the importance of any engineering andlor work practice controls for
employee protection and necessary instmction in the use of these controls.
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
Puerto Rico
South Carolina
Virgin Islands
If your facility is located in a state with a OSHAapproved plan, you must comply with the Hazards Communications Requirements of that
Occupational Exposure to
The OSHA standard for Occupational Exposure
to Formaldehyde stipulates:
A. Exposure Limits
1. Permissible exposure limit: the employer
B . Required Monitoring
1. Initial monitoring shall identify all employ-
ees who may be exposed a t or above the action level or above the short term exposure
limit and accurately determine the exposure
of each employee so identified.
2. Unless the employer chooses to measure the
exposure of each employee potentially exposed
to formaldehyde, the employer shall develop
a representative sampling strategy and measure sufficient exposures within each job clas-
3. The initial monitoring process shall be repeated each time there is a change in production, the equipment process, personnel,
or control measures which may result in new
or additional exposure to formaldehyde.
C. Periodic Monitoring
D. Termination of Monitoring
The employer may discontinue periodic monitoring for employees if results from two consecutive samples, taken a t least seven days apart,
demonstrate that the employee exposure is below the action level and the short term exposure
limits. This must be a statistically significant
F. Regulated Areas
In these areas:
practices performed.
5. Employee training programs in hazards and
proper handling must be provided.
6. Proper housekeeping (preventative maintenance, proper storage, spill contingency plans)
must be implemented and practiced.
G. Emergency Procedures
For all areas where there is a possibility of an
emergency involving formaldehyde, the facility
must assure that appropriate procedures are
adopted to minimize injury. Appropriate procedures must be implemented in the event of any
such emergency.
H. Medical Surveillance
The facility must institute a medical surveillance
program for all employees exposed to formaldehyde a t concentrations equal to, or exceeding,
the action level. Also medical surveillance must
be performed when concentrations exceed the
short term exposure limits, as well as for any
employee developing signs or symptoms of formaldehyde overexposure. Such surveillance and
any examinations must be performed by or under the supervision of a physician and provided
without cost, loss of pay, and a t a reasonable
time and place.
The facility must also administer a medical disease questionnaire to any employee prior to being
assigned to a job where formaldehyde exposure
is a t or above the action level or above the short
term exposure limit including: work history,
smoking history, any evidence of eye, nose or
throat irritation, chronic airway problems, hydroactive airway disease, allergic skin conditions,
dermatitis, respiratory problems. This questionnaire must be administered annually. I t should
also be given to employees experiencing signs
and symptoms indicative of possible over exposure to formaldehyde. Assuming that the facility has already instituted all possible engineering control measures, the physician must determine on the basis of this questionnaire, his examination, and other information whether the
employees are required to wear respirators to
reduce exposure to formaldehyde.
I. Medical Examinations
Medical examinations are to be given to any employee if the physician feels, based on information in the medical disease questionnaire, the
employee may be a t risk from hazardous exposure to formaldehyde. This requirement for
physical examination also pertains to employees exposed during an emergency situation. The
physician's opinion must be documented.
K. Recordkeeping
Recordkeeping must include:
1. Results of all scheduled and unscheduled airborne formaldehyde exposure measurements.
Daily Monitoring
A. Test for the absence of clinically significant
levels of germicide or cleaning agents (toxic
0ther Monitoring
Monthly Monitoring
A. If formaldehyde is used a s the disinfectant
in reuse of hemodialyzers, the AAMI Recommdnded Practice for Reuse of Hemodialyzers
states that "formaldehyde vapors should be
monitored a t least monthly, and whenever
indicated by the discomfort of personnel."
B. Incident reports related to use of toxic chemicals should be reviewed and analyzed by the
quality assurance committee.
D. All policies and procedures related to handling of toxic chemicals must be reviewed annually.
E. Performance appraisal process for all personnel responsible for handling toxic chemicals
and facility review should be completed annually (see Form 2).
Note: A list of additional references on this topic can be found in Appendix E a t the end of this
manual. These additional references are included to enable the reader to pursue further
investigation on this topic for the purpose of training or research.
Location #I
Location #2
Location #3
Location #4
Location #5
Location #6
Location #7
Location #8
Location #1
Location #2
Location #3
Location #4
Location #1
Location #2
Location #3
Location #4
(FORM 2)
The purpose of this audit is to monitor technical
staff compliance with standard practices and procedures related to the water treatment system.
When staff are aware of the importance of the
policies and well trained in the procedures, compliance should be very high.
Employee A:
Glenn Close
Tom Hanks
William Hurt
recommended that the audit be conducted during peak activity times (daily start-up, shift
changeovers, etc.). The time frame should be
long enough to observe each staffmember completely perform the listed activity.
2. For each employee, calculate compliance percentage by dividing the total Ys by the total
observations; again, do not count NAs.
Chapter 13
................................. ............
. . . . . . .. . . ..
Chapter 13
In Appendix A the reader will find a complete analysis of all Medical Device Reporting (MDR) files pertaining to hemodialysis devices for the period from
January 1,1980 through December 31,1989.
Medical Device
2. The "Medical Device Reporting" regulation,
As has been noted elsewhere in this manual, a
large number of these incidents are related to user
error or to inappropriate or inadequate maintenance
mere are basically four mechanisms by which prob
lems related to hemodialysis can be reported:
The "Medical Device and Laboratory Problem
Reporting Program,"
ers are experiencing the same problem, contacting the facility's centralized reporting area,
such as the Biomedical Engineering, Purchasing, or Risk Management departments, may
be helpful before deciding not to report an
isolated occurrence.
When a malfunction results in medical treatment, hospitalization, repeat surgical procedures, or readmission.
Identification numbers (lot number, model number, serial number, etc.). These numbers can
help to identify if problems are recurring in
one particular lot or involve one particular
model and enable the FDA and the manufacturer to rapidly solve the problems.
Complete name of the device and the manufacturer name that appears on the label.
Whether the same firm or another firm is
identified as the distributor and/or manufacturer.
If the directions for use were properly followed; if not, could the directions have been
Indicate whether a sample of the device(s)
has been retained. If possible and practical,
it is important to retain a sample of the device, as well as other devices that may have
been related to the particular problem.
Identify the location of the event (i.e., hospital, clinic, home, transport, etc.).
Include the title or practice specialty of the
practitioner (physician,nurse, technician, etc.)
who was using the device when the problem
Include a complete description of the problem
including any actual or potential adverse effects upon the patient or practitioner. Include any results of physical examinations or
mh Wtem is not designed to replace any rePorting requirement8 that the institution m a y
haw. Remember to also use any mrmat fmility reportirg procedures such as in&nt mports.
In the event of a death or serious injury related to
the use of a medical device or in the event of a malfhction of a medical device that is likely to cause
or contribute to death or serious injury if it recurs
the facility may report to the manufacturer as well
as the PRP. Once the new law goes into effect (no
later than November 28, 1991), facilities will be
required to report deaths to the FDA and serious
injurylserious illness to the manufacturer or the
FDA if the manufacturer is not known. These are
important reporting mechanisms for the swveillance of products by both the manufacturer and
the FDA It is only through such reporting that
serious product defects or other problems can be
discovered, investigated, and resolved.
Reportable events also include improper labeling,
defective components, performance that does not
meet the specificationsof the product, poor packaging, incomplete or confusing instructions, and erroneous information. This information may be filed
as a complaint with the manufacturer as well as
with the PRP.
All facility staff members should be trained in the
problem reporting process. This should be a component of the initial training of new employees and
reviewed annually.
Fonn Approved: OMB No. 08104143
Name of Product and Type of Device
(Indude sires or othec identifying characteristics and attach labeling, If available)
Serial Numbefls)
Manufacturer's Name
Manufacturer's City, State. Zip Code
Your Name
Today's Date
Ext: -
Date event occurred
No public disclosure
If requested, will the actual product involved in the event be available for evaluation by the manufacturer or FDA?
To the manufact~rerldistributor
Robkmnotedorouopectd (Describethe event In as much detail as necessary. Attach additional pages if required. lnclude how and where
the product was used. Include other equipment or products that were involved. Sketches may be helpful in describing problem areas.)
Unlted States Pharmacopeia
12601 Twinbrook Parkway
Rockville, Maryland
Attention: Dr. Joseph G. Valentino
'In himyland. call collect (301) 881-0258
be9:00 AM and 4 3 0 PM
Anythlng you conslder t o be a problem with a device:
When a device problem causes serious hazard, injury, or death (even I user error was involved)
Repeated device repairs are required and problem is not solved
Incompatibility in two products could or did create a hazard and you were not warned of this
possibility by the manufacturer
Improper labeling
Defective components
Performance failures
Poor packaging
Incomplete or confusing instructions
Erroneous information
Again, anything you consider to be a problem with a device!
Your name and title
Facility name, address, telephone number
Product name
Lot number, model number, serial number, product expiration date
Manufacturer's name and address (also Distributor's if notes both)
Problem noted:
Was a disposable device reused?
Were instructions for use followed (could they be improved?)
Has a sample of the device been retained?
Identify location of the event
Identify titlelpractice specialty of person using device at time of problem occurence
Include complete description of problem including any actual or potential adverse effects upon the
patient or practitioner
Appendix A
Summary of Incidents/Problems
Appendix A (Cont.)
Summary of IncidentslProblems
Fadliy podalysls checks;
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Hypvderria; hypotendon
Del Sys-Sngl R
Addods; death
Del Sys-Sngl R
Hypnatrenia; n m k o m ; hemolyds
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Hypvdenia; hyptension
Manut adon
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
d cdib requirermm
Maruf adon
Del Sys-Sngl R
Hypvdenia; hypotendon
Dd Sys.Sngl R
Hypervolemia; hypertendon
~xcessiveblood now
Hypematremia; ws)vorn; seimes; death Check mnd before dhlysis; paper rrtWrepdr/O(: pocedures
Del Sys-Sngl Pt
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngi
Del Sys-Sngi PI
Del Sys-Sngi R
Del SpSngi R
Dd Sys-Sngi Pt
Air emb~lus;death
Del Sys-Sngl R
Del Sys-Sngi PI
Del Sys-Sngl PI
Hypvolenia; hypotension
Pot. air erbdus: Md p m p mnt to run 8 ro danp despite air alrrm; inprop repair
Del SysSngi PI
Del Sys-Sngi PI
Dd Sys-Sngl PI
Pot. air emtdus: Md pump mnt to run 8 no danp despite air alrm; poor mnc
Del Sys-Sngl PI
Del SyrSnd PI
b o d loss; l p t e n d o n ; sepsis
Del Sya-Sngi R
Hypvdenia; hypotendon
Manufachrer action
Del Sys-Sngl R
mfr action
uolwdsq p u m p l u o w leme~nreyy
geqs sMeg-ed l s u w a w d k!lplled04
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~US-SAS lea
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Appendix A (Cant.)
Hypwrenia; n ~ ) v o mhemdyds
NausWvomhing;cardac poMems
Manutaatrw% d o n
Alkylods; m d a c pmtlems
Nausmoriflng; w d a c poblems
before d i w s
Pyrogen readions;sepsis
Pyrogen reaalons;sepsis
before dial
Pyrogen reactions;sepsis
Addods; death
sewmod krpup OIWW MOIPI : w n msnj
weep :spe$qdsuy
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weep : w e W u v
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. !Suuo~uau
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Appendix A (Cont.)
w '*q
w!ps 'eluop uladeq 'les uwpe uolnps 'SWII w o n 'lezC!p JUWIJ~I'.6ulqhne. e m 01w e u W SI I! wowear e ! ! w 10 e s n e q UI
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u!ed '.auo&k~~lseylleunqlse. 'wee4 lo sswuoqs 'eesneu 'upd 1seq3 '6u~31!'buueeqm 'neasp h w ~ d s e:Gu!leel
IOU. '6uneqs 'u!edyJeq :eppul p e w d e ~
'6u!q6m 'uopsdum ~ e a u ' b p y o n'euds UM) bu!~!pe~
Appendix B
Trend Analysis
Assurance Guidelines for Hernodialysis Devices
Appendix B (Cont.)
Trend Analysis
Figure 1
Figure 2
Machine #2 Dialysate Culture Results
Month (1989)
Appendix C
Glossary of Terms
Blending valve: A device, generally a t the beginning of the "pre-treatment," that mixes warm
and cold water to achieve an optimum temperature for operation of the reverse osmosis membranes.
Carbon filter (or granular activated carbon filter): A cylindrical tank containing an
activated carbon filter medium with a central
drainage core. This type of filter is used primarily to remove chlorine and chloramine, as
well as some organics.
Central dialysate delivery system: A system that utilizes a single "centraln dialysate proportioner which prepares dialysate for a number of bedside consoles or bedside stations.
Clearance: Describes the performance of the
dialyzer for solute removal; the amount of blood
completely cleared of a solute by the dialyzer
per minute expressed in ml/min.
Concurrent monitoring: The process of observing or measuring something a t the time it
is occuring.
Deionizer (or deionization tank or DI): A
tank of insoluble spheres or beads, called resin,
which exchanges all types of cations and anions
and replaces them with hydrogen and hydroxide ions which combine to form water. Deionizers may be categorized as "mixed bedn, containing both cation and anion resin in a single vessel, or "dual bedn, where each resin type is in a
Separate vessel.
Appendix C (Cont.)
Limulus amoebocyte lysate assay: A laboratory test for p~rogenicitywhich employs a mat k a l derived from the blood of the horseshoe
Mass solute transfer: The quantity of a solute transferred from the blood into the dialysis
fluid (or vice-versa) across the semipemeable
membrane of the dialyzer per unit of time.
Pyrogen: A fever-producing substance.
Pyrogen reaction: A patient reaction characterized by shaking chills and fever.
Quality assurance: A cyclical Process by which
problems and opportunities for improvement are
identified and analyzed, solutions are developed
and implemented, and reassessment occurs.
Q u a l i t y control: The process by which a
product's performance is measured.
Retrospective monitoring: The process of
measuring something that has already occurred.
Sieving coefficient: A mathematical expression that describes the fraction of specific solute
retained by a membrane during ultrafiltration
Appendix C (Cont.)
Toxic substance: Any chemical that is corrosive to living tissues; carcinogenic; toxic when
administered orally, cutaneously, or through
inhalation; irritant; sensitizer; toxic to target organs.
Ultrafilter: A membrane filter that will remove smaller particles (10,000 to 50,000 MW
cutoff) than depth filters.
Ultrafiltration: The process by which plasma
water is removed from the blood due to a pressure gradient between the blood and dialysate
compartments; expressed in mVmin, mVhr, or
Ultraviolet radiation: A means of disinfecting hemodialysis water that utilizes radiant
energy for the destruction of bacteria. UV light
is produced by means of a low pressure mercury
vapor lamp that emits the majority of its light
a t a bactericidal wave length. Water passing
through an ultraviolet radiator typically flows
over and around a quartz sleeve and does not
contact the lamp itself.
Volumetric ultrafiltration control system:
A delivery system that employs a fluid-filled,
closed, non-compliant dialysate circuit from
which a controlled and measured amount of fluid
(dialysate) is removed, generally, via a volumetric pump, from a closed circuit.
Water softener: A tank of insoluble spheres or
beads, called resin, which exchange cations in
removing calcium and magnesium from incoming hard water.
Appendix D
List of Tables, Figures, and Forms
Chapter 2: The Basics of Quality Assurance
Figure 1
The Quality Assurance Process
Sample Quality Assurance Plan
Figure 2
Quality Assurance Problem Tracking Form
Figure 3
Scope of Care
Table 1
Regulations, Guidelines, and Standards
Table 2
Data Sources
Table 3
Chapter 3: Water Treatment
Table lA
Water Contaminants
Table 1B
Signs and Symptoms and Possible Water Contaminant-Related Causes
Water Treatment System (summary of components)
Table 2
AAMI Requirements for Manufacturers (summary)
Table 3
AAMI Requirements for FacilitieslUsers (summary)
Table 4
AAMI Recommendations for Users (summary)
Table 5
AAMI Recommended Practice for Reuse of Hemodialyzers
Table 6
Water Requirements (summary)
Water Treatment System Log
Form 1
Water Treatment System Monitoring Form (concurrent monitor)
Form 2
Water Treatment System Trend Analysis
Form 3
Chapter 4: Dialysis Delivery System
Table 1
Dialysis Delivery System (summary of components)
Table 2
Summary of AAMI Delivery System Requirements
(Manufacturer Standards)
Form 1
Patient Daily Dialysis Record
Form 2
Delivery System Trend Analysis
Form 3
Delivery System Master Preventative Maintenance Schedule
Form 4
Predialysis Technical Checks Monitor (concurrent monitor)
Form 5
Dialysis Equipment Audit
Form 6
Delivery System Evaluation Checklist
Chapter 5: Dialysate and Dialysate Concentrate
Table 1
Typical Ranges of Dialysate Fluid
Table 2
Summary of AAMI Dialysate Concentrate Standards
Form 1
Patient Daily Dialysis Record
Form 2
Dialysate Concentrate Tank Label and
Dialysate Concentrate J u g Label
Form 3
Dialysate Cultures Trend Analysis
Form 4
Dialysate Concentrate Safety Monitor (concurrent monitor)
Chapter 6: Hemodialyzers
Table 1
Dialyzerhlembrane Characteristics
Table 2
AAMI Dialyzer Requirements (Manufacturer Standards) (summary)
Table 3
Some Useful Formulas in Working with Dialyzers
Form 1
Patient Daily Dialysis Record
Form 2
Dialyzer Problems Trend Analysis
Form 3
Dialyzer Use Monitor (concurrent monitor)
Appendix D (Cont.)
Appendix E
Annotated Bibliography
The Basics of Quality Assurance
Water Treatment
Dialysis Delivery System
Dialysate and Dialysate Concentrate
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Biblwgmphy
Chapter 2
Appendix E (ContJ
Anndated Biblwgmphy
The change from h c t i o n a l to primary nursing.
Dean, L.P. Nurs Clin North Ant, 14 (2), pp. 357-64
(Jun 1979).
Nursingmanagement of multiple dialysisunits: roles
andresponsibilities. Momssey, Z.M. Nephrd Nurse,
1(11, pp. 43-5 (Jan-Feb 1979).
Satisfaction with health care of hemodialysis patients. Ferrans, C.E., Powers, M.J. and Kasch, C.R
Department of Medical-SurgicalNursing, College of
Nursing, University of Illinois, Chicago 60680. Res
Nurs Health, 10 (61, pp. 367-74 (Dec1987). The purpose of this study was to assess the satisfaction with
care of hemodialysis patients, and to explore the r e
lationships between satisfactionwith care, quality of
life, and background variables. No generalizations
can be made.
Minimum performance standards for double-lumen
subclavian cannulas for hemodialysis. Bregman, H.,
Miller, K and Berry, L. ASAIO Trans, 32 (I), pp.
500-2 (Jul-Sep 1986).
Technology assessment. How effective is medical
care? Hazelton,AE. Clin GeriatrMed, 2 (3), pp. 4.8190 (Aug 1986). Technology assessment helps the
physician by determining which technologies are
most apt to benefit the patient, allowing the physician to recommend a prudent course of action. Technology assessment should encourage skepticism of
new technology, causing the clinician to be more
rigorous about accepting the latest invention. By
shunning the useless technologies, physicians can
prevent rationing of the useful techniques and avoid
being caught in the ethical dilemma of doing what is
best for the patient but is detrimental to society.
Quality hemodialysis: a "gold standard" treatment
for survival. Lundin, AP. Kidney Int, Suppl, 17, pp.
S12-4 (Dec 1985).
Investigation of the Karnofsky Performance Status
as a measure of quality of life. Grieco, A and Long,
C.J. Health Psychol, 3 (21, pp. 129-42 (1984). The
Karnofsky Performance Status appears to be the
most widely used scale for objective assessment of
medical patients' quality of life. Evidence for its
reliability and validity is reviewed and new data
Presented. Tests of inter-rater reliability,concurrent
validity, and discriminant validity indicate that,
with standardized observational procedures based
0x1 a mental status exam, the Karnofsky scale is
Veptably reliable and valid as a global measure but
tdoes not adequatelycapturethe conceptualdomain
O f ~ t ofylife.
w i t ~ ~ s s u r a n Guidelines
for Henodialysis Devices
Chapter 2
Appendix E (Cont.)
hnnotated Bibliography
Effect of an algorithm and patient information on
serum phosphoms levels. Deimling, A , Denny, M.,
Harrison, M., Kerr, B., Mayfield, M., PelleShearer,
M., Seaby,N. andTownsend S. AANNTJ, 11(11, pp.
35-8,50 (Feb 1984).
Assessment ofrehabilitationoutcomesamongchronic
dialysis patients. Kutner, N.G. and Cardenas, D.D.
Am JNephml, 2 (31, pp. 128-32(1982). The physical
status of 137 chronic dialysis patients was assessed
by both objectiveand subjectivemeasures; education
and employment statuses were also determined.
Below normal grip strength characterizedthe majority of patients; slowed nerve conduction and subjective fatigue were also observed among a subset of patients. However, patients demonstrated good to
normal muscle strength and relatively normal pinch
strength, and activities of daily living presented no
problems for the large majority of patients. Employment probability was directly related to educational
status. Despite dialysis requirements and other
employment disincentives, 42% of non-diabetic men
aged 21-59 were employed.
Monitoring standards instead of problems. Hexum,
J.M. J Nurs Qua1Assur,l(3), pp. 8-13 (May 1987).
The computer in quality control of hemodialysis
patient care. Pollak, V.E., Peterson, D.W. and Flynn
J. QRB, 12 (6), pp. 202-10 (Jun 1986). Describes a
computerized,custom-designedmedical information
system (MIS)that has been used for more than eight
years in the care ofpatients with chronic renal failure
treated by hemodialysis in a medical center. Application of the MIS in the day-bday management of
patients in one limited-caredialysisclinic is detailed,
with particular attention to its capacity to contribute
to the quality of care of the individual patient.
Morbidity and mortality oflong-termhaemodialysis:
areview. Gabriel, R J R Soc Med, 77 (7), pp. 595-601
(Jul1984). Document Type: Review (90 refs.).
Selected health care maintenance policies in chronic
dialysis centers. Dillingham, M.A and Anderson,
R.J. Am J Kidney Dis, 6 (4), pp. 23740 (Oct 1985).
f i r a survey approach, the authors postulate that
prospective studies to determine optimal methods of
health caremaintenancein the chronicdialysiscenter
are indicated.
Risks and hazards associated with dialyzers and
dialysate delivery systems. Keshaviah, P.R. and
Luehmann, D.A Cn't Rev BiomedEng, 9 (3),pp. 20144 (1983). Document Type: Review (83 refs.).
Chapter 2
The Basics of Quality Assurance
Fadors influencing survival of patients on chronic
hemodialysis: implications for nursing. Rogers, K,
Tzamaloukas, AH. and Avasthi, P.S. J Nephrol
Nurse, 3 (3), pp. 1014 (May-Jun 1986).
Sudden death in hemodialysis patients. Cohle, S.D.
and Graham, M.A JForensic Sci, 30 (I), pp.158-66
(Jan 1985). Hemodialysispatients may die suddenly
and unexpectedly from a number of causes. These
deaths may be divided into those due directly to and
occuningduringhemodialysis,those occurringwhile
the patient is not undergoingdialysis, and those that
may occur at any time. The first groupincludesbrain
herniation, air embolism, acute hemorrhage as a
result of machine malfunction or fistula rupture,
electrocution,cardiac arrhythmia caused byhypokalemia, complicationsof subclavianintra-venouscatheter insertion, thirddegree heart block as a result of
triglyceride emulsion, and disseminated intravascularcoagulation(D1C)orhyperkaIemiacausedby~eated
dialysate. The second group includes deaths due to
pericardial tamponade because of effusion and suicidalcausesofdeath(exSangcLinati~n,electro~imbalance
as a result of excessive intake of salt, fluid, or potassium) as well as more conventional methods of suicide. The last category includes people dying of
arterio-sclerotic cardiovascular disease, hypertensive cardiovascular disease, and internal hemorrhage. Investigation of these deaths, including pertinent historical, laboratory, and autopsy data and
investigation of dialysis equipment is discussed.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Mortality risk factors in patients treated by chronic
hemodialysis. Report of the Diaphane collaborative
study. Degoulet, P., Legrain, M., Reach, I., Aime, F.,
Devries, C., Rojas, P. and Jacobs, C. Nephron, 31 (2),
pp. 103-10(198). A survival analysis was applied to
1,453patients treated between 1972 and 1978in 33
French dialysis centers and prospectively followed
up in the computerized Diaphane Dialysis Registry;
198 deaths (overall mortality (OM) were registered,
of which 87 (43%) were secondary to cardiovascular
factors for OM and CVM (p values less than 0.05)
were age, male sex, nephroangiosclerosis or diabetic
nephropathy as the primary renal disease, elevated
systolic and diastolicblood pressure and two weekly
dialysis rather then three. In contrast with the
results observed for the general population, a high
body mass index and elevated cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid were not found to be associated
with significantly increased CVM or OM. On the
contrary, low body mass index (less than 20 kg/m2),
low cholesterol (less than 4.5 mmoV1) and low mean
predialysis blood urea (less than 4.6 mmoV1) were
associated with increased OM and CVM, and more
especially with high stroke mortality. Results for
urea but not for cholesterol remain significant &r
adjustment for age, sex, weekly dialysisscheduleand
body mass index. They suggest that, in addition to
elevatedblood pressure, apoor nutritional state and,
or low protein intake may be important factors for
explaining the high cardiovascular mortality, particularly for strokes, observed in dialyzed patients.
The Joint Commission Guide to Quality Assurance.
JCAHO, Chicago, IL (1988). An indepth presentation of the "10-StepMonitoring and Evaluation process" providing explanations of each step and examples on how to accomplish each phase.
Chupter 2
The Basics of Quality Assurance
Core Curriculum for Nephmkgy Nursing. L. Lancaster Cedl. American Nephrology Nurses Association; Pitman, NJ (1990). Designed to provide afoundation from which the professional nurse can apply
the nursing process to the care of renal patients,
prepare for certification, and continue the study of
nephrology nursing practice.
Evolution of a QualityAssurance Program. SeabyN.
Nephrdogy News & Issues, 2 (8), p. 34 (1988). A brief
step-by-stepdescription on how to put together a QA
program for a dialysis facility.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Chapter 3
Water Treatment
Surgeon General's advisoryontreatment of water for
use in dialysis. FDA Drug Bull, 11 (I), p. 3 (Mar
FDA safety alert: sodium azide contamination of
hemodialysis water supplies. ANNA J, 16 (41, p. 273
(Jun 1989).
Bacterial contaminationofdialysatein dialysis-associated endotoxaemia Watzke,H.,Mayer, G., Schwan,
H.P., Stanek, G., Rotter, M., Hirschl, AM. and Gra,
H. J Hosp Infect, 13 (21,pp. 109-15 (Feb 1989).
Bacteriological investigations and endotoxin (ET)
determinations were performed during a routine
haemodialysis session for six patients. Inspection of
the dialyzer machines revealed that air-traps and
heater-unit for the incoming (untreated) tap water
before mixing with the dialysate concentrate were
the only sites where high bacterial release was feasible,as this part of the machine escaped disinfection
due to the construction of these devices. Regular
disinfection of all parts of a dialyzer machine is rec-
Appendix E (ContS
Annotated Biblwgmphy
1989). Trihalomethanes CTHM)present in tap water
were also found in dialysis fluid because they were
not eliminated by water treatment. THM, absorbed
through the dialyser membranes, increased considerably in blood and in expired air of patients on
hemodialysis during the dialysis sessions. The u p
take of THM during each dialysis session was about
Aluminium and fluoride in the water supply and
their removal for haemodialysis. Cameron, A.P.,
Drury, P.J., Harston, G.A, Ineson, P.R. Sci Total
Environ,76 (l),pp. 19-28( Sep 15,1988). Aluminium
and fluoride in the water supply and their removal
for haemodialysis were investigated in the Trent
Region, U.K, and wide variations noted. A comparison ofnew andolderwatertreatment systemsshowed
that there is a deteriorationin performance with use.
However, some cases poor removal may be due to the
installation of unsuitable equipment or, more probably, due to a change in the waters used to supply the
different homes. Thus, adequate maintenance of
equipment and frequent sampling of both untreated
and treated waters are required in order to maintain
the provision of waters suitable for the preparation of
Aluminum and chronic renal failure: sources, absorption, transport, and toxicity. Wills, M.R and Savory, J. CRCCrit Rev ClinLab Sci,27 (I), pp. 59-107
(1989). Document Type: Review. An increasedbr@n
content of aluminum appears to be the major etiological factor in the development of a neurological syndrome called either "dialysis encephalopathy" or
"dialysis dementia," an increased bone content, causing a specific form of osteomalacia. An excessof aluminum also appears to be an etiological factor in a
microcytic, hypochromic anemia that occurs in some
patients with chronic renal failure on long-term
treatment with hemodialysis.
Prevalence of non-tuberculous mycobacteria in water supplies of hemodialysis centers. Carson, L . k ,
Bland, L.A,Cusick, LB., Favero, M.S., Bolan, G A ,
Reingold, AL. and Good, C. AppZ Environ Microbial,
54 (121,pp. 3122-5 (Dec 1988). This study was a n d ~ t e d t determine
the prevalence ofN'I'h4and other
bacteria in water samples collected over a 13-week
Period from 115 randomly selected dialysis centers in
the United States. The results of this study support
-commendations to use 4% HCHO or a chemical
germicidal equivalent for disinfecting dialyzers that
to be reused.
Chapter 3
Water Treatment
FDA safety alert: chloramine contamination of
hemodialysis water supplies Detterl. Am J Kidney
Dis,11(51, p. 447 (May 1988).
Ethylene glycol intoxication due to contamination of
water systems. MNWR, 36 (36), pp. 611-4 (Sep 18,
osmosis water treatment. Smith, G.D., Winney, RJ.,
McLean, A. and Robson, J.S. Kidney Int,32 (11, pp.
96-101 ( Ju11987). Those patients in whom bone
mineralization status improved developed hyperparathyroidism aRer reverse osmosis water-treatment, w h e w the staticpatientsremainedeuparathymid. The results suggest that resolution of aluminium related osteomalacia may occur with reduction
in dialysis fluid aluminium, and that parathyroid
hormone plays a role in the healing of aluminium
related osteomalacia The therapeutic implications
are twofold: attempts to remove all traces of hyperparathymidism may be detrimental to the bone
mineralization status; and stimulation of the parathyroid glands by means of a mild reduction in
dialysisfluid calcium may be ofvalue in the management of those caseswith persistent osteomalaciaand
low bone turnover.
Bacterial colonizationand endotoxincontentofanew
renal dialysiswater systemcomposedofacrylonitile
butadiene styrene. du Moulin, G.C., Coleman, E.C.
Jr. andHedley-Whyte,J. ApplEnviron Microbwl, 53
(61,pp. 1322-6 (Jun 1987). The authors measured
endotoxin and bacterial levels in tap water, in water
purified by reverse osmosis,and in dialysate samples
over a 4-month period in a new 10-bedrenal dialysis
unit. Even &r disinfection ofthe system,there was
no significant decrease in culturable bacteria from
the water even though endotoxin levels were lower.
Speciesisolated from the renal dialysis system were
predominately pseudomonads, whereas species isolated from the tap water were Bacillus and Flavobaderium species.
Water quality-a neglected problem in hemodialysis. Bommer, J. and Ritz, E. Nephron, 46 (11, pp. 16 (1987). Document Type: Review (25 refs.).
Aluminum in the dialysis fluid Rahman, H., Channon, S.M., Parkinson, I.S., Skillen,AW., Ward, M.K.
and Kerr, D.N. ClinN e p h d , 24 Suppl 1, pp. S78-83
(1985). D o m e n t Type:Review (44Refs.) The major
source of aluminum in patients with chronic renal
Appertdir E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Chapter 3
Water Treatment
Appendh E (Cont.1
Annotated Bibliography
Chapter 3
Water Treatment
Meyers, AM. SAfrMedJ, 56 (ll), pp. 439-43(Sep 8,
1979). The results showed that symptomatic osteomalacidosteopenia occurs more frequently in the
units using softened water, which has a higher aluminium content, than in the deionized water unit.
The patients dialysed on soRened water also have
significantly higher serum calcium and phosphorus
levels. It is suggested that in Johannesburg, water
softeningalone is inadequate, and that the high aluminium levels in our water may be responsiblefor accelerated osteomalacidosteopenia.
Acute nickel intoxication by dialysis. Webster, J.D.,
Parker, T.F., Alfrey, AC., Smythe, W.R., Kubo, H.,
Neal, G. and Hull, AR. Ann Intern Med, 92 (51, pp.
631-3(May 1980). Nickel intoxication was observed
in a group of dialyzed patients when leaching of
nickel-plated stainless steel water heater tank contaminated the dialysate. Symptoms occurred during
and after dialysis a t plasma nickel concentrations of
approximately 3 m&. Symptomsincluded nausea,
vomiting, weakness, headache, and palpitation. Remission of symptoms occurred spontaneously, generally 3 to 1 3 hours after cessation of dialysis. The
evidence indicated that the nickel became bound in
the plasmaafter crossingthemembrane, resultingin
a higher concentration in the plasma than in the
dialysate and preventing its removal by dialysis.
Dialysisdementia:therole ofdialysatepHin altering
the dialyzability of aluminum. Gacek, E.M., Babb,
AL.,Uvelli, D.A, Fry,D.L. andscribner, B.H. Trans
Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 25, pp. 409-15 (1979).
Bacterialcolonization andendotoxin content ofanew
renal dialysiswater system composedofacrylonitrile
butadiene styrene. duMoulin, G.C., Coleman, E.C.
Jr. and Hedley-WhyteJ. Appl Environ Microbial, 53
(6), pp. 1322-6 (Jun 1987). The authors measured
endotoxin and bacterial levels in tap water, in water
purifiedbyreverse osmosis, and in dialysate samples
over a 4-month period in a new 10-bedrenal dialysis
unit. Even after disinfection of the system, there was
no significant decrease in culturable bacteria from
the water even though endotoxin levels were lower.
Appendix E (ContS
Annotated Biblwgmphy
Chapter 4
Dialysis Delivery System
Comparative analysis of two volumetrical ultrafiltration monitors for hemodialysis. Berden, J.H.,
Wokke, J.M. and Koene RA. Int JArtif Organs, 9 (3),
pp.163-6 (May 1986). Controlled ultrafiltration (UF)
duringhemodialysismay prevent dialysis associated
hypotension. A prerequisite for controlled ultrafiltration is an accurate measurement of ultrafiltration. Volumetric measurement is the best currently
available method for this purpose. In this study the
authors compared in a clinicalsettingtwo volumetric
ultrafiltration monitors. Volumetric monitoring of
UF is accurate and reliable, but its accuracy is
dependent on the type of dialyzer used.
Technical aspects of high-flux hemodiafiltration for
adequate short (under 2 hours) treatment. Miller,
J.H., von Albertini, B., Gardner, P.W. and Shinaberger, J.H. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 30,
pp. 377-81 (1984). The efficiencyofhemodialysis can
be more than doubledby usingmuchhigher than normal blood and dialysate flows, employing dialyzers
with greater surface area and permeability, bicarbonate dialysate, and an apparatus capable of rigid
volumetric control ofthe dialysate. Coupled with the
better treatment tolerance described elsewhere in
this volume, this self-containedand automated technique, providinghigh diffusiveand convectivetransfer,permits drastic reductionsin treatment timeover
conventional dialysis: to under 6 hrdwkin this study.
Long-term hemodialysis a t reduced dialysate flow
rates. Kirchner, KA, White, AR., Kiley, J.E. and
Bower, J.D. Am J Nephrol, 4 (I), pp. 7-12 (1984).
Twenty stable hemodialysis patients were maintained on adialysate flow rate of 300mVmin(QD 300)
Quality Assurance Guidelines for HemodiulysisDevices
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Chapter 4
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Chapter 5
Dialysate and Dialysate Concentrate
Almost no febrile episodes were observed when sterile dialysate was used.
The role of dialysate in the stimulation ofinterleukin1production duringclinicalhemodialysis. Port, F.K,
VanDeKerkhove, KM., Kunkel, S.L. and Huger,
M.J. Am JKidney Dis, 10(2), pp. 118-22(Aug1987).
Authors conclude that IL-1 is produced during clinical HD and that endotoxin or its fragments play a
role in the stimulation of IL-1 production, probably
through monocytes adhering to the dialysis membrane. In addition to this dialysate factor, IL-1 production appears also to be stimulated by a bloodmembrane interaction.
Aluminum in the dialysisfluid. Rahman, H., Channon, S.M., Parkinson, I.S., Skillen,AW., Ward, M.K
and Ken, D.N. Clin Nephml, 24 Suppl 1, pp. S78-83
(1985). DocumentType: Review (44refs.) The major
source of aluminum in patients with chronic renal
failure treated by hemodialysis is the hemodialysis
fluid. The aluminum is derived from both the water
and the chemicalconcentrateused in the preparation
of the hemodialysis fluid. Due to the complex physico-chemistry of aluminum in water and dialysis
fluid,both the total aluminum concentration and the
proportion of aluminum species able to cross the
hemodialysis membrane may vary from water supply to water supply and from day to day within a
supply. A "safe" level of aluminum in dialysis fluid,
which will prevent aluminum transfer from dialysis
fluid to blood, and promotes aluminum removal from
blood, has yet to be determined.
Effect of an optimum dialysis fluid calcium concentration on calcium mass transfer during maintenance hemodialysis. Carney, S.L. and Gillies, AH.
ClinNephml, 24 (I), pp. 28-30 (Jul1985). The effect
of an optimum dialysis fluid calcium concentration
(1.625mmoM) on calciummass transfer from dialysis
fluid to patient was assessed in patients on routine
hemodialysis. A significant correlation was noted
between the mass transfer of calcium and the dialysis
fluid calcium concentration (e0.834, p less than
0.01) which was found to vary by at least 5%. This
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
variation was due to a manufacturing variation and
not due to inaccurate dilution of the dialysis fluid
concentrate. These data suggests that such a manufacturingvariationmay exposemaintenancehemodialysis patients to periods of excessive calcium loss or
gain and thereby favor renal osteodystrophy or soft
tissue calcification.
Sodium modeling during hemodialysis: a new approach. Petitclerc, T., Man,N.K and Funck-Brentano, J.L. Artif Organs, 8 (4), pp. 418-22 (Nov 1984).
Sodium volume modeling during hemodialysis encounters severaldifficulties. First, the actual sodium
distributionvolume isthe extracellularwater, whereas
the ultrafiltration flow reflects the variation of total
body water. Thus, a two-pool model must be considered. This will complicate the model by increasing
the number of parameters and boundary conditions.
An alternative is to consider the total body water as
the apparent distribution volume of loaded or removed sodium, which leads to a single-pool model.
Second, convective sodium transfer induced by ultrafiltration is not negligiblecompared with difbive
sodium transfer. Therefore, sodium transfer modeling must simultaneously take into account the diffusive and the convective part, with the coupling part
related to both processes. Third, the Donnan effect,
due to nondiffusible anionic plasma proteins, modifies the sodium transfer through the membrane.
Pseudomonas stutzeri bacteremia associated with
hemodialysis. Goetz, A , Yu,V.L., Hanchett, J.E. and
Rihs, J.D. Arch Intern Med, 143(lo), pp. 1909-12(Oct
1983). Pseudomonas stutzeri bacteremia developed
in six patients undergoing hemodialysis. Fever,
shaking chills, nausea, and vomiting were observed.
All patients recovered, although only two received
specific antibiotic therapy. The infections occurred
sporadically over a period of nine months. Pseudomonas stutzeri was subsequently isolated from the
dialysate. The ultimate source was the deionized
water. The emphasis on handwashing, strict compliancewith disinfection procedures,and eliminationof
prolonged sitting times for the filled machine after
disinfection resulted in no firrther cases of P stutzeri
Chapter 5
Dialysate and Dialysate Concentrate
across plasma a mitochondria1membranes, and decrease most of the untoward reations now associated
with dialysis, while at the same time improving the
sense of well being in patients.
Potential bacteriologic and endotoxin hazards associated with liquid bicarbonate concentrate. Bland,
L A , Ridgeway, M.R., Aguero, S.M., Carson, L.A
and Favero, M.S. ASAIO Trans,33 (3), pp. 542-5
(Jul-Sep1987). Usingliquidbicarbonateconcentrate
from two commercial sourcesand one facility source,
bacterialcontaminationand excessiveendotoxinlevels
were found in all cases. This contamination was
amplified in dialysis fluid to levels well in excess of
AAMI's Recommended dialysate standard.
Microbiologic contamination of liquid bicarbonate
concentrate for hemodialysis. Ebben, J.P., Hirsch,
D.N., Luehmann, D. A, Collins, AJ. and Keshaviah,
P.R. ASAlO Trans, 33 (3), pp. 269-73(JulSep1987).
With the growing use of bicarbonate dialysate, caution must be paid to microbiology of dialysate. The
following precautions are suggested: (1) avoid prolonged storage ofliquidbicarbonate concentrate(LBC),
(2)perform W sterilization ofRO water and LBC, (3)
thoroughly clean storage and mixing containers, (4)
disinfectdialysismachines at least twice weekly, and
(5)when performingbacterial cultures, use standard
plating techniques with a medium supplemented
with NaCl (e.g., commercially available trypic soy
Pressure controlled single needle hemodialysis usinghigh fluxdialysers and volume regulated ultraf2tration: the problem of dialysate back flow. Zbinden,
M. and Binswanger, U. Life Support Syst, (England)
3, Suppl 1(1985).
Dialysate concentrate: a potential source for lethal
complications. Brueggemeyer, C.D. and Ramirez, G.
Nephron, 46 (4), pp. 397-8 (1987). Report of two incidents where patients were dialyzedwith acid concentrate on an acetate machine. Recommends that
placement of dialysate concentratebe regarded as an
important medical task with concomitant care and
liablility for the responsible individuals that set up
the machines. Any additional available safeguards
should be used.
Rapid high-efficiency bicarbonate hemodialysis.
Keshaviah, P. and Collins, A ASAIO Trans, 32 (I),
pp. 17-23(Jul-Sep 1986). A dialysis time of approximately 2.5 hours was achieved by using blood flow
rates of approx 400 mVmin and large surface area
dialyzers in order to achieve BUN clearances of
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
approx280 mlhnin. Rapid bicarbonatehemodialysis
was associated with lower incidence ofhypotension,
nausea, and vomitingthan rapid acetate or standard
acetate therapies.
Stableliquidbicartwnatehemodialysate(LBD).N i i s o n ,
A R , Ackerman, RA., Meyers, S A and Birdsall,
S.K TransAm Soc ArtifIntern Organs, 30, pp. 6304 (1984). Normally bicarbonate concentratemust be
prepared shortly before dialysis to prevent destabilization before or during dialysis and also requires a
dual pump proportioning system. This paper d e
scribes a trial ofaliquid bicarbonate concentratethat
is stable over a 2.5 year period, and has been shown
to be safe and easy to use.
Hypoxemia during hemodialysis: effect of different
membranes and dialysate compositions. DeBacker,
W A , Verpooten, G.A, Borgonjon, D.J., VanWaeleghem, J.P., Vermeire, P A and DeBroe, M.E. Contrib
Nephrol, 37 pp. 134-41 (1984). Comparing AN69
membrane, cuprophan membrane, acetate dialysate, and bicarbonate dialysate, it is found that the
degree of dialysis-related hypoxemia increases in
severity as follows: combination of AN69 and bicarbonate shows little hypoxemia; AN69 and acetate, as
well as cuprophan and bicarbonate, show intermediate results; and acetate and cuprophan the most
significant drop. Indications are that there are two
componentsto the dialysishypoxemia: a membranerelated component, and a dialysate buffer component.
Side effects in bicarbonate dialysis due to low dialysate pH. Wagner, L., Schindler, B., Marhoffer, W.,
vanEyl, 0. and Strauch, M. Proc Eur Dial Trmnsplant Assoc, 19, pp. 346-50 (1983). In six commercially available bicarbonate containing dialysates
pH and pC02 were determined. Side effectsresulted
from low pH and high $02. Use of two of the six
dialysateswas associatedwith fatigue,musclecramps
and somnolence. The importance of bicarbonate
dialysate with a higher pH (7.48) and low pC02 (c60
mmHg) in alleviating patient syrnptomology is conhed.
Pancreatic affection aRer acute hypotonic hemodialysis. Paus, P.N., Larsen, E.W., Sodal, G. and
Erichsen, A Acta Med S c a d , 212 (1-21, pp. 83-4
(1982). Four male outpatients, all on stable longterm hemodialysis, wereby accident simultaneously
exposed to hypotonicdialysate. Three of them developed increased serum amylase values and one died
from the consequences of a fulminant pancreatitis,
which had been verified by laparatomy.
Chapter 5
Dialysate and Dialysate Concentmte
Hemolysis and consumption coagulopathy due to
overheated dialysate. Tielemans, C.L., Herbaut,
C.R, Geurts, J.O. and Dratwa, M. Nephron, 30 (2),
pp. 190-1(1982). A patient on chronic hemodialysis
was accidentally accidentally exposed to overheated
dialysate (52C) for 100 minutes due to the audible
and visual alarms not being activated due to human
error (the systemcontained a freely adjustable alarm
range of 0" to 60' C which had not been set to the
proper range of 35- 2 "C) and a malfunctioning of the
heater. This resulted in acute hemolysis and consumption coagdapathy.
Reversal of aluminum-inducedhemodialysisanemia
by a low-aluminum dialysate. O'Hare, J.A. and
Murnaghan, D.J. N Eng2 JMed, 306 (ll), pp. 654-6
(Mar 18,1982).
Acetate vs. bicarbonate dialysis. Lesch. EM.Nephrol Nurse, 2 (5), pp. 14-7(SepOct 1980). Life threatening hypokalernia during hemodialysis. Wiegand,
C., Davin, T., Raij, L and &ellstrand, C. Duns Am
Soc Artif Intern Organs, 1979,25, pp. 416-8. The
serum potassium concentration can be dependent on
acid-base status of the patient's serum. Even with a
dialysate concentration of potassium 42% higher
than that of the serum, the authors report ofdecrease
in serum potassium. If a patient is in metabolic
acidosis, they recommend a dialysate potassium of
6.3 mE&.
Dialyskdementia: the role ofdialysatepHin altering
the dialyzability of aluminum. Gacek, E.M., Babb,
A L , Uvelli, D.A., F'ry, D.L and Scribner,B.H. Trans
Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 25, pp. 409-15 (1979).
The pH can alter dialyzabilityof aluminum. If the pH
is between 6.5 and 7.6 there is negligible dialyzability; if lower or higher, the clearance is sigdicant
Trace metal changes in dialysis fluid and blood of
patients on hemodialysis. Salvadeo, A, Minoia, C.,
Segagni, S. and Villa, G. Int JArtif Organs,2 (I), pp.
17-21 ( Jan 1979). Discussion of trace metals in dialysate which can dialyze across the membrane and
result in harmful effectsor harmful accumulation in
the patient.
Haemolytic anaemia caused by overheated dialysate. Lynn, KL., Boots, M.A , Mitchell,T.R Br Med
J , 1 (6159), pp. 306-7 (Feb 3,1979). Home patient
admitted with hemolysis several times. Finally, the
patient noted that the blood lines were "hot" during
dialysis. Upon investigation it was found that the
dialysate temperature was 58OC due to a defective
heater and defective temperature gauge.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Biblwgmphy
Chapter 5
Dialysate and Dialysate Concentrate
Acetate dialysate versus bicarbonate dialysate: a
continuing controversy. Diamond, S.M. and Henrich, W.L.Am JKidney Dis, 9(1),pp.3-11(Jan1987).
Document Type: Review (91 refs.). The use of bicarbonate dialysate as thebdfer during routine dialysis
is growing. This discussion reviews several of the
comparativetrials in which bicarbonate and acetate
buffers have been tested. Patients who seem most
likely to benefit from bicarbonate dialysate include
those with a reduced muscle mass in whom a high
sodium dialysate has not prevented hypotension.
Benefits of bicarbonate dialysis. Mastrangelo, F.,
Rizzelli, S., Corliano, C., Montinaro, AM., DeBlasi,
V., Alfons, L,Aprile, M., Napoli, M. and Laforgia, R
Kidney Znt, Suppl, 17, pp. S188-93 (Dec 1985).
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
mostsatisfactoryfromthe patient's point ofview with
regard to dialysis-associated symptoms. Careful
choice of dialysate sodium concentration appears to
be important in lessening dialysis side-effects. Substitution of bicarbonate for acetate in chronic stable
dialysispatients has comparatively little benefit and
the choice can legitimately be made on the basis of
cost and technical considerations.
Effect ofvariations in dialysate temperature on blood
pressure duringhemodialysis.Sherman,RA,Faustino,
E.F., Bernholc, AS. and Eisinger, RP. Am JKidney
Dis, 4 (I), pp. 6 6 8 (Jul1984). The effect on BP of
alteration in dialysate temperature was studied in
150 hemodialysis treatments in 17 patients using a
randomized, double-blind protocol. Each patient was
treatedusingdialysateat 35.6"C, 36.7"C, and37BC.
Dialysate cooler than that routinely employedhas a
beneficial effect while warmer dialysate has a detrimental one on intradialytic BP. The use of dialysate
at least 1C cooler than "isothermic" levels may be
Cold as cardiovascular stabilizing factor in hemodialysis: hemodynamic evaluation. Coli, U., Landini,
F., Scanferla, F., Onesti, G. and Bazzato, G. Trans
Am Soc ArtifIntern Organs, 29, pp. 71-5(1983). Vascular instability represents the most frequent intradialytic complication of uremic patients. Catecholamine impairment, changes in plasma sodium or
osmolality and, more recently, temperature Q of
dialysate have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. Our hemodynamic study confirms the
important role played by T on intradialytic vascular
stability and may explain the better control observed
duringhemofiltration compared to standard W-HD.
Risks and hazards associated with dialyzers and
dialysate delivery systems. Keshaviah, P.R. and
Luehmann, D.A Crit Rev Biomed Erg,9 (3),pp. 20144 (1983). Document Type: Review (83 refs.).
Increment in dialysate sodium with sodium chloride
or bicarbonate addition. Raja, R.M., Fernandes, M.,
Kramer, M.S., Rosenbaum,J.L. and Barber, K. Artif
Organs, 7 (21, pp. 154-8 (May 1983). Hemodialysis
was performed in 12patients for 2 weeks each utilizing acetate dialysate containing 134 mE@ sodium
anddialysatecontaining143mEq/Lsodium, achieved
by the addition of sodium chloride or sodium bicarbonate to Che acetate dialysate. Intradialytic morbidity was lower, dialysis hypoxemia less marked, and
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Potential bacteriologic and endotoxin hazards associated with liquid bicarbonate concentrate. Bland,
L.A, Ridgeway, M.R., Aguero, S.M., Carson, L.A
and Favero, M.S. ASAIO Trans, 33 (31, pp. 542-5
(Jul-Sep 1987).
Microbiologic contamination of liquid bicarbonate
concentrate for hemodialysis. Ebben, J.P., Hirsch,
D.N., Luehmann, D.A, Collins, A J. and Keshaviah,
P.R. ASAIO Trans, 33 (31, pp. 269-73(JulSep 1987).
Hernodialysis associated hypotension and dialysate
temperature. Quereda, C., Marcen, R, Lamas, S.,
Hernandez-Jodra, M., Oroho, L., Sabater J., Villafruela,J. and Ortuno, J. L$eSupportSyst, 3, Suppl
1, pp. 18-22(1985). Incidence of intradialytic symp
tomatic hypotension was significantly reduced by
lowering dialysate temperature from 37C to 35OC.
This improvementseems not to be mediated by temperature-inducedchangesin membrane biocompatibility, sinceleukocytes,platelets and complementactivation were similar in both situations.
Dialysate concentrate: a potential source for lethal
complications. Brueggemeyer, C.D. and Ramirez,G.
Nephron, 46 (41, pp. 397-8 (1987).
Hypersensitivity reactions related to acetate dialyzate and cellulose acetate membrane. Caravaca, F.,
Pizarro,J.L., Arrobas, M., Cubero,J.J.,Antona, J.M.
and Sanchez, E. Nephron, 45 (2), pp. 158-9 (1987).
Rapid high-efficiency bicarbonate hemodialysis.
Keshaviah, P. and Collins, A RSAIO Trans, 32 (I),
pp. 17-23(Jul-Sep 1986).
The role of glucose in hemodialysis: the effects of
glucose-free dialysate. Ramirez, G., Bercaw, B.L,
Butcher, D.E., Mathis, H.L,Brueggemeyer, C. and
Newton, J.L. Am JKidney Dis, 7 (51, pp. 413-20(May
1986). Glucose-freedialysate has been traditionally
used in patients on chronic hemodialysis, reportedly
without any side effects. Although hypoglycemia is
not produced, several other metabolic changes must
occur to maintain the euglycemic state. This study
looks at patients on chronic hemodialysis usingboth
a glucose-free bath and a glucose bath. Abnormal
EEG changes were observed after dialysis without
glucose that were not present or were minimal with
a glucose bath.
Bone aluminum deposition in maintenance dialysis
patients treated with aluminium-free dialysate: role
~faluminiumhydroxide consumption. Heaf, J.G.,
Pdenphant, J.,Andersen, J.R. Nephron, 42 (31, pp.
210-6 (1986). It is concluded that bone aluminium
Chapter 5
Dialysate and Dialysate Concentrate
deposition occurs despite the use of aluminium-free
dialysate and is associated with total and present
aluminium hydroxide consumption; heavy aluminium depositionis associated with severe and sympb
matic osteomalacia, but can also be observed in the
presence of predominant hyperparathymidism.
Influence of blood temperature on vascular stability
during hemodialysis and isolated ultrafiltration.
Maggiore, Q., Pizzarelli, F., Zoccali, C., Sisca, S. and
Nicolo, F. Znt JArtif Organs, 8 (4), pp. 175-8 (Jul
1985). It is concluded that the temperature changes
in blood flowing through the extracorporeal circuit
largely account for the differing vascular stability
between isolated UF and simultaneous ultrafiltration-hemodialysis.
Amelioration of hemodialysis-associated hypotension by the use of cool dialysate. Sherman, RA,
Rubin, M.P., Cody, RP. and Eisinger, RP. Am J
Kidney Dis, 5 (2), pp. 124-7(Feb1985). Cool dialysate
reduced the frequency of symptomatic hypotension.
In addition, the rate of fall of mean BP during
treatment was substantially slowed with the reduction in dialysatetemperature. Cooldialysate (34.4"C)
substantially ameliorates hemodialysis-associated
Carbon dioxide removal in acetate hemodialysis:
effectson acid base balance. Bosch, J.P., Glabman,
S., Moutoussis, G., Belledonne, M., vonAlbertini, B.
and Kahn,T. Kidney Int, 25 (5), pp. 830-7(May 1984).
Studies were performed in patients on maintenance
acetate hemodialysis to assess the quantity and
processes involved in the removal of carbon dioxide
((202) during the treatment. The data presented
suggest that multiple factors related to the removal
of C02 during acetate dialysis may be responsiblein
part for the low plasma bicarbonate observed in
patients on chronic maintenance hemodialysis.
Appendix E (Cont.1
Annotated Bibliography
Long-term hemodialysis a t reduced dialysate flow
rates. Kirchner, KA., White, A R , Kiley, J.E. and
Bower, J.D. Am J Nephrol, 4 (I), pp. 7-12 (1984).
Twenty stable hemodialysis patients were maintained on a dialysate flow rate of 300mVmin (QD 300)
to determine the safety of prolonged reductions in
dialysate flow rate. Authors conclude that QD 300
does not impair dialysis efficiency for most small
molecules and saves $1.38 per patient per dialysis.
Bacterial contamination of the blood compartment
originating from the dialysate in haemodialysers.
Kolmos,H.J. JHosp Infect, 5 (l), pp. 70-5(Mar 1984).
Microorganisms originating from the dialysate compartment invaded the blood compartment ofahodial
RP6' 2.5 percent of the time. Analysis of the data
suggested that the probable access of bacteria to the
blood compartment was by way of minor defects in
the dialysis membrane. The patients experiencedno
obvious symptoms or signs of sepsis which could be
ascribed to the presence of microorganisms in the
blood compartment
A difference in complement and neutrophil activation. Ivanovich, P., Chenoweth, D.E., Schmidt, R.,
Klinkmann, H., Boxer, L A , Jacob, H.S. and Hammerschmidt, D.E. Contrib Nephrol, 37 pp. 78-82
Side effects in bicarbonate dialysis due to low dialysate pH. Wagner, L., Schindler, B., Marhoffer, W.,
vanEyl, 0. and Strauch, M. P m Eur Dial Tmnsplant Assoc, 19, pp. 346-50 (1983). In six commercially availablebicarbonate containingdialysatespH
and pC02 were determined. Side effects resulted
from low pH and high $02. Use of two of the six
dialysateswas associatedwith fatigue,musclecramps
and somnolence.
Contrasting alterations in pulmonary gas exchange
during acetate and bicarbonate hemodialysis. Eiser,
AR., Jayamanne, D., Kokseng, C., Che, H., Slifkin,
RF. and Neff, M.S. Am J N e p h l , 2 (3), pp. 123-7
(1982). Our studies revealed that oxygen consump
tion increased significantly during acetate dialysis,
while it decreased slightly during biwbonate dialysis. SinceC02 production decreasedwith bothbaths,
dialysisbut did not change d u r i n g b i c h n a t e dialysis. We conclude that hypoxemia during dialysis
relates to decreases in minute ventilation and that a
greater decrease during acetate dialysis is a consequence of enhanced oxygen consumption and its
effect on respiratory exhangeratio. Bicarbonate dialysis does not increase oxygen consumption.
Q d i t y Assurance Guidelinesfor HernodialysisDevices
Chapter 5
Dialysate and Dialysate Concentrate
Electroencephalograminvestigationsofthe disequilibrium syndrome during bicarbonate and acetate
dialysis. Hampl,H., Klopp,H.W.,Michels,N., Mahiout,
A , Schilling, H., WoIfgruber, M., Schiller, R, Hanefeld, F. and Kessel, M. Proc Eur DiaC Transplant
Assoc, 19, pp. 351-9 (1983). Continuous long-time
electroencephalographic (EEG)monitoring was perfbrmedduringacetateandbicarbonate~.
normal basic activity of the EEG without neurological symptoms was found only during the course of
bicarbonate dialysis. The decrease in PaC02 and the
deterioration in EEG activity in the patients during
acetate dialysis was concomitant with severe neurological alterations, e.g., the typical symptoms of socalled 'disequilibrium' causing a cessation of dialysis
in three patients.
Danger of haemodialysis using acetate dialysate in
combinationwithalatge surfaceareadialyser. Viljoen,
M. and Gold, C.H. SAfr Med 4 56 (5),pp. 170-2(Aug
4,1979). Large surface area, high mass transfer dialysers have recently come into widespread use,and
it has been shown that they promote the loss of large
amounts of bicarbonate when acetate is used in the
dialysate. In the chronic dialysis patient in a steady
state, these effectsmay be inconsequentialbut, in an
acutelyill patient, the combinationofa dialysate containing acetate and a high-efficiencydialyser may be
extremelyhazardous. Areturn to the use ofbicarbonate as the source of base would avoid such hazards
and would promote the more physiologicalcorrection
of the metabolic acidosis of renal failure.
Acute nickel intoxication by dialysis. Webster, J.D.,
Parker, T.F., Alfrey, AC., Smythe, W.R, Kubo, H.,
Neal, G. and Hull, A R Ann Intern Med, 92 (5), pp.
631-3(May 1980). Nickel intoxication was observed
in a group of dialyzed patients when leaching of
nickel-plated stainless steel water heater tank contaminated the dialysate. Symptomsoccurred during
and after dialysis a t plasma nickel concentrations of
approximately 3 m&. Symptomsincluded nausea,
vomiting, weakness, headache, and palpitation. Remission of symptomsoccurred spontaneously,generally 3 to 13 hours after cessation of dialysis. The
evidence indicated that the nickel became bound in
the plasma aftercrossingthe membrane, resultingin
a higher concentration in the plasma than in the
dialysate and preventing its removal by dialysis.
Life threatening hypokalemia during hemodialysis.
Wiegand, C., Davin, T., Raij, L.and @ellstrand, C.
Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 25, pp. 416-8
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Trace metal changes in dialysis fluid and blood of
patients on hemodialysis. Salvadeo, A , Minoia, C.,
Segagni,S.andvilla, G. Int JArtifOrgans, Jan 1979,
2 (I), pp. 17-21.
A Clinical Test of a New Device for On-line Preparation of Dialysis Fluid from Bicarbonate Powder: The
Gambro BiCart. Delin, K, Attman, P.O., Dahlberg,
M. and Aurell, M. Dial & Transplant, p. 468 (Sep
Issues in Dialysis: Reuse, Dialysate Toxicity, Short
Dialysis. Vlchek, D. Dialy & Transplant, p.127
(March 1988). Areview of an ASN conferenceon the
three title topics. The benefits and limits of each of
these highly topical factors in dialysis are discussed.
Chapter 5
Dialysate and Dialysate Concentrate
Robinson, P.J. and Davison, AM. Kidney Int, 21 (21,
pp. 411-5 (Feb 1982). Bone fractures were significantly more common in patients exposed to high
dialysate aluminium concentrations. The histologic
indices of osteomalacia were significantly related to
the prevailingdialpate aluminium concentration,in
such a way that higher aluminium levels were associated with more osbmalacia. These findings suggest that aluminium is a toxic agent associated with
a mineralizing defect in the bone of renal failure
concentrations. Bocatelli, F., Pedrini, L., Ponti, R,
Costanzo, R.,DiF'ilippo, S., Marai, P., Pozzi, C. and
Bonacina, G.P. Int JArtif Organs, 5 (I), pp. 17-24
(Jan 1982). Using "physiological" and "pharmacologically high" sodium dialysate,the removal of water
and sodium by convection improvesthe cardiovascular stability and the patient's well-being, without
bringing about the feared long-term cardiovascular
side effects, if an appropriate dry body weight is
achieved, because of better correction of the cellular
Severe hypokalemia induced by hemodialysis. Wie
gand, C.F., Davin,T.D., Raij,L. and Kjellstrand, C.M.
Arch Intern Med 141(2), pp. 167-7O(Feb1981). During dialysis, it is assumed that the serum electrolyte
levels asymptoticallyapproach the concentration in
the dialysate. In five patients, we observed an average 20% fall in serum potassium level, although the
dialysate contained 42% more potassium than the
predialysis serum. The cause of the hypokalemia
was a rapid shift of potassium from the extracellular
to the intracellular space secondary to correction of
acidosis. All patients entered dialysis with a h i s m
suggestingprolonged potassium loss, marked acidosis, and moderate hypokalemia; thus, the dialysate
potassium concentration should be higher than normal, and frequent determinations of the serum potassium level should be performed. Therapy resulting in rapid correction of acidosis in uremic patients
undergoinghemodialysismay cause large transcompartmental shifts of potassium. Potassium transfer
across the dialysis membrane may be inadequate to
compensate for such shifts, and life-threatening
hypokalemia may occur.
A Short Study on the Sodium Controller. Murray,
M.K. J.Nephml Nursing, pp. 106-8(SeptlOct, 1984).
The device is safe and effective and provides the following benefits: fewer medications required to control hyovolemic hyotension, incidence of complica-
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Biblwgmphy
tions reduced with higher sodium dialysate, no a p
preciable M e r e n t of blood pressure or weight gain
on higher sodium, and weight losses increased with
fewer attendant complications.
S.,Hoenich, N A , Laker,M.F., Schorr, W. Jr.,Ward,
M.Kand Ken;D.N. NephdDial Zhnsplant, 2 (3),
pp. 161-8 (1987). Amelioration of hypoxaemia may
be achieved by the use of bicarbonate, but its caw
is multifadorial, with contributionsfrom h m m t i lation secondary to dialyser C02 losses and pubo.
nary dysfunction due to leucostasis. These obsemtions suggest that the treatment ofpatients whohave
compromised cardiovascular function is most optimal with the use of biocompatiblemembraneswhich
induceminimalleucopenia,usedin conjunction with
dialysate that utilises bicarbonate as the base re
Appendix E (ContS
Annotated Bibliogrmphy
Chapter 6
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliogmphy
rived from live bacterial cultures; and nonendotoxin
IL1-inducingtoxins (molecularweight, 24,000)from
Staphylococcusaureus are not rejected or absorbed.
No evidence for endotoxin transfer across high flux
polysulfone membranes. Bommer, J., Becker, KP.,
Urbaschek, R., Ritz, E., and Urbaschek B. Clin
Nephrol, 27 (61, pp. 278-82(Jun 198).Toevaluate the
safety of high-flux polysulfone dialyzers, an in-vitro
recirculation system was examined. It was concluded that LPS and lipid A do not pass from either
side through the filter system used when saline was
recirculated for more than 10 h on both sides of the
Acute anaphylactoid reactions during hemodialysis .
in France. Foret, M., Kuentz, F., Meftahi, H., Milongo, R, Hachache, T., Elsener, M., Dechelette, Eand
Cordonnier, D. Artif Organs, 11(2), pp. 168-72(Apr
1987). A retrospective survey of anaphylactoidreactions during dialysis in France was conducted. The
presence of cellulose-derivedparticles in the rinsing
fluid of such dialyzers and the possible increased incidence of reactions &r the long (weekend) interdialytic interval suggest that allergy to cellulosederived particles eluted from cellulosic dialyzers
may contribute to dialyzer hypersensitivity reactions.
Effect of dialyzer reprocessing methods on complement activation and hemodialyzer-related symptoms. Dumler, F., Zasuwa, G. and Levin, N.W. Artif
Organs, 11(2), pp. 128-31 (Apr 1987). The effects of
differentdialyzerprocessingmethods and ofreuse on
complement activation and dialyzer-related symp
toms were studied in 96 maintenance hemodialysis
patients. The percentage of patients without symp
toms during dialysis was significantly greater with
reused dialyzersthan with new dialyzers. The severity oftotalsymptomscorrelated signifimntly(p=0.0004)
with complement activation. The results suggest
that total symptoms during dialysis are correlated
with the degree of complement activation. However,
trends in the data pertaining to chest pain suggest
that factors other than complement activation may
be important in the pathogenesis of some dialyzerrelated symptoms.
Technical requirements for rapid high-efficiency
therapies. Keshaviah, P., Luehmann, D., Ilstrup, K
and Collins, A Artif Organs, 10 (31, pp. 189-94(Jun
1986).The key technical elements necessary for such
implementation includehigh blood flow rates, higher
efficiency dialyzerddiafilters, ultrafiltration control
systems, and bicarbonate as the buffer source. In
Quality Assurance Guidelines for Hernodialysis Devices
Chapter 6
addition,hemodidtration requires schemesto ensure
sterility and nonpyrogenicityofthe infusionfluid and
appropriate balancing of the rates of ultrafiltration
and reinfbsion.
The current status and b r e of the artificialkidney.
Funck-Brentano,J.L. Artif Organs, 9 (2),pp. 119-26
(May 1985). Document Type: Review (32 refs.). Discussion of the technology, use and determination of
adequacy and related cost.
Role of dialyzer contaminants in the allergic epiphenomena ofhemodialysis. Ward, R.A, Feldhoff, P.W.
and Klein E. Artif Organs, 8 (3), pp. 338-49 (Aug
1984). Cuprophan hollow-fiber dialyzers contain
carbohycontaminants includingl,2,3-propanetriol,
drates, Limulus amebocyte lysate-reactivematerial,
and particulates. In a clinical study, the role of these
substances in the allergic-typeresponse seen in some
hemodialysispatients was examined. Dialyzerpreparation had no effect on predialysis eosinophil counts
or IgE levels. All patients demonstrated transient
leukopeniaand complement activation during dialysis, the magnitudes of which were unaffected by the
type of dialyzer preparation. At the levels found in
the dialyzers studied, it was questioned whether
water-soluble extractables or particulates play any
role in the allergic epiphenomena of hemodialysis.
Anaphylactoid reactionsduetohaemodialysis,haemofiltration, or membrane plasma separation. Nicholls,
AJ. andPlatts,M.M. BrMed J[Clin Resl,285 (63551,
pp. 1607-9( Dec 4,1982). A previously undescribed
anaphylactoid reaction to haemodialysis, haemofiltration, or membrane plasma separation occurred in
15 patients receiving regular dialysis. The illness
varied in severity from urticaria, sneezing, and watering ofthe eyes to severebronchospasm and cardiovascular collapse, and began within aminute ofblood
being returned from the dialyser or filtration device
to the patient. Reactions developed only when a
dialyser sterilised with ethylene oxide was used for
the first time and never after sterilisation with formalin. Several patients had more than one reaction
while three had a reaction each time a new dialyser
was used. Incorrect priming of the dialysers maybe
a partial explanation of these attacks, but the exact
reason for their occurrence is unknown.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
(May 1989). To define the kinetics of beta 2M during
hemodialysis and the effectsof dialyzerreprocessing,
serum beta 2M, plasma C3a, and neutrophil counts
were measured immediately predialysis, 15,90, and
180minutesafterbeginningdialysis, and 1 5minutes
postdialysis in ten chronic hemodialysis patients.
were significantly more marked with cuprammonium, but were not affectedby reprocessing of either
dialyzer. In-vitro adsorption of 1241-beta 2M to
polysulfone fibers was greater than to cuprammonium; adsorption was not influenced by dialper
Biocompatibility of artificial organs: an overview.
Henderson, L.W.and Chenoweth, D. B l d Pruif, 5
(2-3), pp. 100-11 (1987). Review (41 refs.).
Cellulose acetate hemodialysis membranes are better tolerated than Cuprophan. A difference in complement and neutrophil activation. Ivanovich, P.,
Chenoweth,D.E.,Schmidt, R, Klinkmann, H., Boxer,
L A , Jacob, H.S. and Hammerschmidt,D.E. Contrib
Nephrd, 37, pp. 78-82 (1984). The newer cellulose
acetate membranes show lower degree of complement activation and a smaller drop in neutrophil
count during the first 30 minutes of dialysis than do
the cuprophan dialyzers. It is suggested that patients with intradialytic symptoms related to membrane biocompatibility will tolerate the procedure
better on these newer membranes.
Hypoxemia during hemodialysis: effects of different
membranes and dialysate compositions. DeBacker,
WA, Verpooten, G.A, Borgonjon, D.J., Vermeire,
P A , Lins, RR and DeBroe,M.E.Kidney Int, (51, pp.
738-43 Way 23, 1983). Comparing AN69 membrane, cuprophan membrane, acetate dialysate, and
bicarbonate dialysate, it is found that the degree ofdialysis-relatedhypoxemia increases in severity as follows: combination of AN69 and bicarbonate shows
littlehypoxemia;AN69 and acetate as well as cuprophan and bicarbonate showingintermediate results;
and acetateand cuprophan the most significantdrop.
Indicationsare that there are two componentsto the
dialysishypoxemia:a membrane-relatedcomponent,
md a dialysate buffer component.
Bacterial endotoxin in new and reused hemodialyzem:a potential cause of endotoxemia. Petersen, N.J.,
L.A. and Favero, MS. TransAm Soc A d f
Organs, 27, pp. 155-60(1981). New dialyzers
may contain an LAGreactive material, but it is not
mgenic. However, if reuse dialyzers are reprocessedand storedwith a disinfectant that containsen~ssuranceGuidelines for Hemdialysis Deuiees
Chapter 6
dotoxin, that pyrogenic material may stay in the
membrane even &r rinseout of the disinfectant
Methods for avoiding introduction of this endotoxin
to the patient include discarding the recirculating
solution to waste. Water used for dilution ofgermicide should be endotoxin-free.
Neutrophil behavior during hemodialysis. Role of
membrane contact. Neveceral, P., Markert, M. and
Wauters, J.P. ASAIO Trans, 34 (3), pp. 5647 (JulSep 1988). The in-vivo effect of membrane contacton
oxygen radical productionandchemotaxisofdialyzed
neutrophils isolated simultaneously from the arterial and venous sites during dialysis with cuprophane, polycarbonate, polysulfone, and polyacrilonitrile membranes was studied. Cells remaining in
circulation aRer 15minutes of dialysis showed defective responses only when collected at the venous site
of the cuprophane dialyzer, in spite of a similar
leukopeniaa t the venous and arterial sites. With the
other membranes tested, no defects in neutrophil
h c t i o n s were evidenced. These results suggestthat
down-regulationoccurs within the dialyzer and that,
besides complementactivation,the membrane plays
an additional role.
First-use syndrome in patients treated with hollowfiber dialyzers. Villarroel, F. B l d Purif, 5 (2-3),pp.
112-4 (1987). A two-year survey on first-use syndrome (FUS) in hemodialysis showed that there
were an average of 181 FUS reactions per year.
Nearly 39% of the patients who experienced a FUS
reaction had experienced previous FUS reactions. A
strong correlation was found with respect to the age
and race of the patients. The fact that a patient
recently starteddialysistreatmentorhasbeentreated
with dialysis for some time appears to have no
bearing in the risk of experiencing a FUS reaction.
Hypersensitivity to hemodialysis: the United Kingdom experience. Nicholls, AJ. Artif Organs, 11(21,
pp. 87-9 (Apr 1987). A survey of all U.K hemodialysis centers was conducted to investigate the prevalence ofhypersensitivityin the first use of disposable
dialyzers. A total of 117 patients with 243 separate
reactions were identified, suggestingthat 1in 20 to 1
in 50patientsmay be susceptibletoan anaphylactoid
reaction to a new hemodialyzer at some time, while
the risk of reaction occurringwith any singlehemodialysis is approximately 1in 1,000 to 1in 5,000. No
particular brand or type of hemodialyzer nor any
identifiable technique of priming procedure was
associated with reactions, but in those few patients
who suffered repeated reactions, further problems
were avoidedbyincreasingthe volume ofsaline in the
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliogmphy
initial rinse of the hemodialyzer or by changing to
another brand of hemodialyzer.
Effect offirst and subsequent useofhemodialyzerson
patient well-being the rise and fall of a syndrome
associated with new dialyzer use. Charoenpanich,
R., Pollak,V.E., Kant, KS., Robson,M.D. and Cathey,
M. Artif Organs, 11(2), pp. 123-7 (Apr 1987). In a
single large dialysis unit in which dialyzers are
routinely subjected to multiple use, the incidence
rates of intradialytic symptoms during first use and
reuse were compared. The results of this investigation suggest that subjecting dialyzers to an automated reuse processing system before first use can
markedly diminish the incidence of first-use syndrome.
Effect offirst and subsequent useofhemodialyzerson
patient well-being. Analysisofthe incidence of syrnp
toms and events and description of a syndrome associated with new dialyzer use. Robson, M.D., Charoenpanich, R., Kant, KS., Peterson, D.W., Flynn,J.,
Cathey, M. and Pollak, V.E. Am JNephrd, 6 (2), pp.
101-6 (1986). To determine the effect of multiple
dialyzer use on intradialytic symptoms, data from
26,592 successivedialyses on 147patients were analyzed. Over the 26-month period of study 4,933 new
dialyzers were used. All symptoms, considered together, occurred 1.3 times more frequently during
the initial than during the subsequent use of the
dialyzer. No symptom occurred more frequently in
the second or subsequent use ofthe dialyzer. Concurrent chest and back pain were 41 times more frequent when the dialyzer was used for the first time.
A syndrome associated with the first use of the
dialyzer is described.
A survey on hypersensitivity reactions in hemodialysis. Villarroel, F., Ciarkowski, A A Artif Organs, 9
(3), pp. 231-8 (Aug1985).This survey was conducted
from 1982 through 1984 by a cooperative effort
among the Health Industries Manufacturers Association, seven dialyzer manufacturers, and the Food
and Drug Administration. This article presents an
analysis of the 1982-83survey data and a summary
of the 1984 data.
Anaphylatoxin formation during hemodialysis: effects of different dialyzer membranes. Chenoweth,
D.E., Cheung,A K andHenderson, LW. Kidney Int,
24 (6), pp. 764-9 (Dec1983). MeasurabIecomplement
activation resulting in the formation of both C3a and
C5a anaphylatoxins was observed in 12 patients
undergoingmaintenance dialysistreatment with cuprophan hollow fiber dialyzers. The authors surmise
Quality Assurance Guidelinesfor Hernodialysis Devioes
Chapter 6
that their observations provide direct evidence that
anaphylatoxin formation during hemodialysis is a
transient phenomenon and indicate that the biocompatibility of dialysismembranes, as reflectedbytheir
complement activating potential, may be significantly different
Nursingmanagement of the new dialyzer syndrome.
Butsick, E.A, Clyde, C.A, Hudson, P.C., Manion,
B A and Smith, L.J. AANNTJ , 10 (7), pp. 35-9 (Dec
Long-term results of dialysis therapy with a highly
permeable membrane. Chanard, J., Bnmois, J.P.,
Melin, J.P., Lavaud, S. and Toupance, 0. Artif
Organs, 6 (3),pp. 261-6 (Augl982). Afive-year study
of short-term dialysis using highly permeable polyacrylonitrilemembrane AN 69 was started in March
1973to compare the &eds of AN 69 and Cuprophan
membrane (CM). The dialysis sessions were significantly better tolerated with AN 69 than with CM,
however, the main advantage of using AN 69 is the
shortening of dialysis time. The duration of dialysis
was 9.5 k0.2 hours per week with AN69 andl6.4kO.2
hours per week with CM. Shortening of dialysistime
permits better social rehabilitation of the patients.
The shorter dialysis was not associatedwith any recognizable side effects that could be demonstrated by
routine clinical and biological analysis.
Hemodialysis-associatedcomplicationsdue to sterilizingagentsethyleneoxideandformaldehyde.Kessler,
M., Cao-Huu,T., Mariot, A and Chanliau J. Contrib
Nephrd, 62, pp. 13-23 (1988). Document Type: Review (57 refs.).
Allergy in long-term hemodialysis 11: Allergic and
atopic patterns of a population of patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis. Bousquet, J., Maurice,
F., Rivory, J.P., Skassa-Brociek, W., Florence, P.,
Chouzenoux, R, Mion, C. and Michel, F.B. JAlEergy
Clin Zmmunol, 81 (3), pp. 605-10 (Mar 1988). Patients did not have serum-specific IgE against the
released chemicals. Five of 17 patients who had a
pruritus during dialysis had either positive RAST to
released chemicals or skin tests to the effluent. Five
of 8 patients who suffered from anaphylaxis had
positive RAST to released chemicals, but only those
whohad apositive RASTpresenteda severereaction.
Ethylene oxide in dialyzer rinsing fluid: effect of
rinsing technique, dialyzer storage time, and potting
compound. Ansorge, W., Pelger, M., Dietrich,W. and
Baurmeister, U. Artif Organs, 11(2),pp. 118-22(Apr
1987). Ethylene oxide (ETO) is recognized as one of
Appendix E (ContS
Annotated Bibliography
the main causes of dialyzer-associated hypersensitivity reactions. The authors results suggest that the
dose of ETO administered to the patient at the outset
of dialysis can be minimized by rinsing the dialyzer
with 2 L offluid at 37C and by avoiding administration of rinsing fluid that has been allowed to remain
in contact with the dialyzer for more than several
minutes. Use of a long storage interval and use of
dialyzers containing reduced amounts of potting
material will also reduce the ETO load.
Mediation of hypersensitivity reactions during
hemodialysis by IgE antibodies against ethylene
oxide. Lernke, H.D. Artif Organs, 11(21, pp. 104-10
(Apr 1987). We conclude that ETO causes most
severe hypersensitivity reactions by an IgE-mediated mechanism. On the other hand, the pathogene
sis of mild (type I)reactions is less clearly associated
with ETO allergy. The results also suggestthat other
potentially allergenic substances in dialyzers (e.g.,
IPM, 2-chloroethanol) rarely induce specific IgE
antibodies in dialysis patients.
Extractable ethylene oxide from cuprammonium
cellulose plate dialyzers: importance of potting compound. Ing, T.S. and Daugirdas, J.T. ASMO k s ,
32 (l), pp. 108-10(Jul-Sep1986). The results suggest
that ethylene oxide retention aRer sterilizationis increased in cuprammonium cellulose plate dialyzers
containingpotting compound. In contrast, cuprammonium cellulose plate dialyzers without potting
compound were characterized by a rapid disappearance of retained ethylene oxide after sterilization.
Whether these findings explain the low incidence of
SARD with cuprammoniumcellulose plate dialyzers
that do not contain potting material is a matter for
continued study and experimentation.
Association of ethylene-oxide-induced IgE antibodies with symptomsin dialysispatients. Rumpf, KW.,
Seubert, S., Seubert, A, Lowitz, H.D., Valentin, R,
Rippe, H., Ippen, H. and Scheler, F. Lancet, 2 (8469701, pp. 1385-7(Dec 21-28 1985). High RAST values
were commonly associated with anaphylactoid reacti~nsdurin~dial~sisandwithchronicasthma
oxide antibodies should be sought routinely in patients presenting with these symptoms and the necessity of ethylene oxide sterilisation of disposable
dialysis equipment should be re-evaluated.
Dialyzer hypersensitivity syndrome: possible role of
d k g y to ethylene oxide. Report of four cases and
review of the literature. Caruana, R.J., Hamilton,
RW.and pearson, F.C. Am JNephrd, 5(4), pp. 27140985). Document Type: M e w (12refs.). Dialyzer
Chapter 6
hypersensitivity syndrome presents as an acute anaphylactoid reaction, the symptoms of which may
range from mild to life-threatening in severity. The
cause of this syndrome is unknown, but affected patients appear to have a high incidence of positive
radioallergosorbent tests to a conjugate of human
serum albumin and ethylene oxide, suggestingthat
ethylene oxide, a substance used to dry sterilize artificial kidneys, may be an offending allergen.
Severe reactions duringhemodialysis. Rault, R and
Silver, M.R.Am JKi&nqDis, 5 (21, pp. 128-31 (Feb
1985). Severe reactions during dialysis occurred in
1.7%of hemodialysispatients. Respiratorydistress,
agitation, pruritus, and alterations in BP were the
dominant clinical findings, and one patient suffered
arespiratoryarrest. Current evidenceimplicatesthe
dialyzer as the most likely culprit, and experience
suggests that none of the commonly used dialysis
membranes are truly biocompatible.
haphylatoxin formation during hemodialysis:
comparison of new and re-used dialyzers. Chenoweth, D.E., Cheung, A K , Ward, D.M. and Henderson, L.W. Kidney Znt,24 (6), pp. 770-4(Dec 1983).
Hemodialysis of 11 endstage renal failure patients
with new cuprophan hollow fiber dialyzersproduced
signifjcant leukopenia as well as increased plasma
levels ofboth C3a and C5a antigens during the initial
phases of the procedure. These observations suggest
that C3b deposition on the cellulosic membrane surface during first use markedly diminishes the complement-activatingpotential of cuprophan dialyzers
when they are subsequently reused.
Risks and hazards associated with dialyzers and
dialysate delivery systems. Keshaviah, P.R. and
Luehmann, D.A Crit Rev Biomed Eng, 9 (31, pp, 20144 (1983). Document Type: Review (83 refs.).
Hypersensitivity reaction on first-time exposure to
cuprophan hollow fiber dialyzer. Key, J., Nahmias,
M. and Acchiardo, S. Am JEdney Dis, 2 (6),pp. 6646 (May 1983). The cause of the hypersensitivityreaction is unknown. It could be due to substances used
in the sterilizationprocedure, to the membrane itself,
or to substances that leach out of the potting compound or membrane. Hypersensitivity reaction
during hemodialysis has been reported to be very
severe or even fatal. Personnel delivering direct
patient care should be aware of the symptoms and
react quickly with proper treatment. Patients suspected to have this reaction should be changed to a
dialyzer without a cuprophan membrane.
Appendk E (ContS
Annotated Bibliogmphy
Chapter 6
even during a treatment and quickly returns to the
pretreatment level after it is terminated. (2)In shortterm evaluations, occurrence of P rebound during a
treatment does not correlate with factors such as
meal, A l gel, dialyzer type, dialyzer membrane and
therapeutic mode, but with the pretreatment P concentration. Onceitreachesathresholdlevelinherent
to each patient, plasma P seems to rebound. (3) Re
treatment P concentration in eachpatient seemedto
be controlled in a relatively narrow range. (4) While
apparent generationrates (GIestimatedwith asingle
compartmental kinetic model are stable during intra- and interdialytic phases as to BUN, CR and UA,
Gfor P seemsto be significantlyenhanced, especially
during the latter period of the treatment and immediately &r the termination of the treatment.
A clinical study on different cellulosic dialysis membranes. Falkenhagen, D., Bosch, T., Brown, G.S.,
Schmidt, B., Holtz, M., Baurrneister,U., Gurland, H.
and Klinlanann, H. Nephrd Dial Transplant, 2 (6),
pp. 537-45 (1987). A comparison of dialysis membranes made of modified cellulose (Hemophan)with
classical regenerated cellulose (Cuprophan). The
efficacy of the modified cellulosic membrane with
respect to urea and creatinine clearance was shown
to be comparable to that of regenerated cellulose and
celldoseacetate. However,modified celluloseshowed
an increased clearance for inorganic phosphate, significantly different from that demonstrated by both
regenerated cellulose and cellulose acetate. Demonstrated that in comparison to regenerated cellulose,
modified cellulose resulted in significantlyless complement activation and WBC reduction, and appears
to be due to the substitution of hydroxyl groups of
regenerated cellulose.
Compartmental distribution of complement activation products in artificial kidneys. Cheung, AK,
Chenoweth, D.E., Otsuka, D. and Henderson, L.W.
Kidney Znt, 30(1), pp. 74-80 (Jull986). Hemodialysis
membranes may differ with regard to their complemenbactivating potential as well as their ability to
remove circulating anaphyla-toxins fiom the blood
path. Clinical measurements ofanaphylatoxh p*
duction during hemodialysis reflect these dynamic
Direct calculation of KIN. A simplified approach to
monitoringofhemodialysis. Barth,RH. Nephron, 50
(31, pp. 1916(1988). A simpleformulafor calculation
of KTN fiom pre, post- and mid-dialysis blood urea
nitrogen is presented. An evaluation by measure
ment of total dialysate urea revealed that urea ki-
Appendiv E (ContJ
Annotated Bibliography
netic modeling consistently overestimated V and K,
and that KTNderivedhm the simpleformulamore
precisely estimated true KTN.
Chapter 6
Bacterial and endotoxin permeability of hemodialysis membranes. Bernick, J.J., Port, F.K, Favero,
M.S. and Brown, D.G. Kidney Int, 16 (4), pp. 491-6
(Oct 1979). Dialysis fluids containing at least l a 7 1
bacteria per milliliter and as much as 12,500ngofendotoxin equivalents per milliliter were dialyzed and
ultrafiltered with three types of disposablehemodialyzers. Neither bacteria nor endotoxin, as measured
by the Limulus lysate assay, was detected in the
sterile compartment despite ultrafiltration. Under
these favorable conditionsfor endotoxin transfer, the
maximum transfer rate was calculated to be less
than 3.5 ngofendotoxinequivalents per hour. At this
rate, it is unlikely that pyrexia during hemodialysis
is due to the transfer of endotoxin across an intact
dialyzing membrane. Provided that the integrity of
the dialyzingmembrane is maintained, this investigation indicates that the risk of endotoxemia or
bacteremia associated with the use of contaminated
dialysis fluids is negligible.
Chapter six: clinicalevaluation. Evaluation ofhemodialyzers and dialysismembranes. Report of a study
group for the Artificial Kidney-Chronic Uremia ProgramNIAMMDD-1977. Klein, E., Autian, J., Bower,
J.D., Buffaloe, G., Centella, L.J., Colton, C.K, Darby,
T.D., Farrell, P.C., Holland, F.F., Kennedy, R.S.,
Lipps, B. Jr, Mason, R,Nolph, KD., Villarroel, F.
and Wathen, R.L Artif Organs, 3 (1), pp. 47-61 (Feb
Mannitol and maintenance hemodialysis. Swamy,
AP. and Cestero, RV. Artif Organs, 3 (21, pp. 116-9
(May 1979). The extensive use of mannitol during
maintenance hemodialysis prompted a study of
mannitol kinetics. Despite an apparently adequate
clearance rate, mannitol administered during dialysis is incompletelyremoved. Repeated use of mannito1 during dialysis leads to mannitol accumulation.
Clinical significance of the residual mannitol levels
needs further evaluation.
Characteristics of Available Dialyzers. Shinaberger,
J.H., Miller, J.H. and Gardner, P.W. in Clinical Dialysis. AR. Nissenson, R.N. Fine, and D.E. Gentile,
[edsl. Appleton-Century-Crofts,Nowalk CT,pp. 5398 (1984). Methods for characterization of dialyzers
and performance characteristics of many dialyzers
Issues in Dialysis: Reuse, Dialysate Toxicity, Short
Dialysis. Vlchek, D. Dial & Transplant, p. 127
(March 1988). Areview of an ASN conference on the
three title topics. The benefits and limits of each of
these highly topical factors in dialysis are discussed.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Biblwgmphy
Staying Tuned into the High-TechWorld (Part One).
Vlchek, D. Dialy & Transplant, p. 305 (Jun 1989). A
review of treatment modalities used in the late
1980's with descriptionsof each, dialyzers and dialysis membranes, includingfUnctiona1characteristics.
Volumetrically controlled ultrafiltration. Current
experiences and future prospects. Roy, T., Ahrenholz, P., Falkenhagen, D. and Klinkmann, H. Int J
Artif Organs, 5 (3),pp. 131-5(May 1982). Exact control of ultrafiltration (UF) is a prerequisite for high
flux dialysis and hemodiafiltration. Volumetric dialysate balancing is the best current method for the
use of dialyzers with high water permeabilities. The
precision of UF control by volumetric dialysate balancing is in agreement with all medical requirements. A positive influence of volumetric UF control
on patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis can be
shown by the frequencies of dialysis side effects.
Volumetric UF control is only a first step towards an
intelligent UF module to correlate water removal,
solute removal and sodium balance.
Dialyzer ultrafiltration coefficients: comparison between in-vitro and in-vivo values. Keshaviah, P.R.,
Constantini, E.G., Luehmann, D.A, Shapiro, F.L.
Artif Organs, 6 (I), pp. 23-6 (Feb 1982). This study
describes a simple, convenientmethod for the in-vivo
measurementoftheultrafiltrationcoelicientofhemodialyzers. The method is based on a scheme of isolated
ultrafiltration, i.e., ultrafiltration without dialysate
flow through the dialyzer. Results with this method
indicate that it is more accurate than the conventional bed scale technique. Measurements on three
different dialyzers demonstrate that the in-vivo
ultrafiltration coefficientisonlybetween l%and 10%
lower than the correspondingin-vitro value. This is
in contrast to the rule of thumb used by some manufacturers that in-vivocoefficientsare 30%lower than
in-vitro values. The deviation of the in-vivo value
from the in-vitro one seems to be higher with higher
dialyzer ultrafiltration coefficients. Based on these
results it is recommended that to estimate ultrafiltration rates in the clinical setting, the in-vitro ultrafiltration coefficientbeused, transmembrane pressures being correctedforthe colloid osmoticpressure
of plasma proteins.
Toxicity of middle molecules: clinical evaluation using a selectivefiltration artificial kidney. Jorstad, S.,
Smeby, L.C. and Wideroe, T.E. Artif Organs, 4,
Suppl, pp. 98-103(1981). Patients were treated with
a dialyzer able to remove moleculesbetween 10,00040,000 daltons. Returning substances with mol wt
Chapter 6
200-10,000 back to the patients was compared with
the effect ofconventionalhemodialysis. The patients
treated with this system obtained a more stable
hemoglobin concentration without blood transfusions. They also increased mean nerve conduction
velocity and their plasma increased in quality as
culture medium on human mononuclear phagocytes
grown in-vitro.
Hemodialysishypoxemia: evaluationof mechanisms
utilizing sequential ultrafiltration-dialysis. Brautbar, N., Shinaberger, J.H., Miller, J.H. and Nachman, M. Nephron, 26 (2), pp. 96-9 (1980). The
authors studied the role ofblood-dialyzer-membrane
interactions in hemodialysis-inducedhypoxemia by
measuring Pa02 and white blood cell counts during
isolated ultrafiltration (UF)compared to hemodialysis (HD, utilizing the same dialyzer and membrane).
Patients in the UF period displayed no hypoxemia
and rather a slight increase in Pa02; on contrast,
these patientsdisplayed significanthypoxemiawhen
HD was imposed. The authors suggest that the
hypoxemia characteristic of HD initiation is not
solely dependent on blood-dialyzer-membraneinteractions, but also requires blood-dialysate interactions.
Evaluation of dialysisadequacy. Gotch, F.A Contrib
Nephrol, 69, pp. 101-8;discussion 162-7 (1989). Review (20 refs.).
Preliminary clinical results with sodium-volume
modelingofhemodialysistherapy. Gotch, F.A , Lam,
M.A, Prowitt, M. and Keen, M. P m Clin Dial
Transplant Forum, 10, pp. 12-7 (1980).
Mathematic modeling of dialysis therapy. Sargent,
J.A and Gotch, F.A Kidney Int, Suppl, Suppl10,pp.
S2-10 (Sep 1980).
American National Standard: First Use Hemodialyzers. (ANSVAAMIRD16-1984). Association for
Advancement of Medical Instrumentation; Arlington, VA (1984). This standard is intended to provide
minimum requirements to ensure safe and effective
performance ofhemodialyzer devicesthat are manufactured ready-to-use.
Is a Clean Dialyzer a Good Dialyzer? A Hypersensitivity Data Collection Proposal. Chenoweth, D.E.
and Henderson, L.W. Contemp Dial (Mar 1984).
Discussion of possible causes of First Use Syndrome,
or dialyzer hypersensitivity reactions. Includes a
proposal for further study of the phenomenon.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Biblwgmphy
Recommendations to Dialysis Facilities Regarding
Dialyzer Hypersensitivity Reactions (letter). H&ner, M.E. Food and DrugAdministration(Novl983).
rinsing procedures; all staff should be informed of
those rinsing procedures; any reaction be fully and
promptly reported.
Dialysis of the future. Gotch, F.A Kidney Int, Suppl,
24, pp. S100-4 (Mar 1988). The followingpredictions,
scientifically based, are made for dialysis of the
1990's: (1)treatment time will approach two hours;
(2) a K W U d . 0 must be provided in two hours; (3)
this will require a dialyzer &A U 750-1250,QB 200500, and QD 500-750 for individual patients; (4) bicarbonate dialysate will be required; (5) delivery
systems with precise UF control will be required; (6)
sodium,urea, and possiblly potassium modelingwill
probably required; (7) high hydraulic permeability
membranes and high biocompatibility membranes
and pyrogen free dialysate may be required. The
article includes background on all of these issues.
Chapter 6
Calculation of combined diffusive and convective
mass transfer. Sigdell,J.E. Int J h i f Organs, 5 (61,
pp. 361-72 (Nov 1982). In this study, the permeabilities of the boundary layers on both sides are treated
as included in the (equivalent)membrane. In an a p
pendix, the stacking of membranes is studied, giving
a general law for the calculation of overall permeabilities of a stack of individual membranes, regarded
as one (equivalent) membrane (such as a physical
membrane with two boundary layers). Permeability
data for boundary layers are quoted from earlier
works. In other appendices, the variation of the local
ultrafiltration along the dialysis path is studied, as
well as its effect on the effective permeability of the
Clinical Estimates of Treatment Adequacy. Teschan, P.E. Artif Organs, 10 (3), pp. 201-4 (1986).
Principles and biophysics ofDialysis. Sargent,J.and
Gotch, F. ReplacementofRenal Functwn by Dialysis,
[ed. Drukker], Marinus Nijhoff, pp. 53-93 (1983).
National Cooperative Dialysis Study. Lowrie, E.G.
and Laird, N.M. [eds.]. Kidney Int, S-13 (1983).
Effect of the Hemodialysis Prescription on Patient
Morbidity (Report from the National Cooperative
Dialysis Study). Lowrie, E.F., Laird, N.M., Parker,
T.F. and Sargent, J.A NEJM, 305: 20, pp. 1176-81
Release of pyrogens during clinical hemodialysis.
Weingast, J.A, VanDeKerkhove, KM., Eiger, S.M.,
Kluger, M.J. and Port, F.K Trans Am Soc Artif
Intern Organs, 31, pp. 359-62 (1985).
Appendix E (Cont.)
m a t e d Biblwgntphy
Chapter 8
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Pharmacokinetic monitoring of heparin therapy for
regular hemodialysis. Khazine, F. and Simons, 0.
Artif Organs, 9 (1) pp. 59-61 ( Feb 1985). The paper
describes the use of a pharmacokinetic model for
heparin prescription during hemodialysis leads to a
precise monitoring of the coagulation time (CT)
25% less heparin required. Two different populations were distinguished: the first group maintained
stable sensitivity and elimination constant, pennitting stable prescription and giving stable CT values
for up to 2 years. The other group exhibited wide
variations of these parameters, necessitating daily
dose monitoring.
The effect of in-vitro use of heparin in blood transfusions during dialysis on dialyzer clotting. Lowrey,
S.J., Femea, P.L. AANNT J, 11 (2) pp. 26-9 ( Apr
Dialysis membranes and coagulation system. Notohamiprodjo, M., Andrassy, K, Bommer, J. and Ritz,
E. Blood Purif, 4 (1-3), pp. 13041 (1986). Artificial
membranes used for hemodialysis differ from endogenous membranes, i.e. endothelial cells, by their
variable thrombogenicity. The key step in activation
of the coagulation system by dialysis membranes is
of a protein layer of critical thickness. C ~ c i aquesl
tions concerning the quality of this protein membrane as a determinant ofthrombocyteactivation are
not well understood.
Heparin and its biocompatibility. Stiekema, J.C.
Clin Nephml ,26, Suppl 1, pp. S3-8(1986). Recently
heparin fractions and a heparinoid of low molecular
weight (LMW) have been developed because of their
potential to diminishthe hazard ofhemorrhagewhile
retaining their antithrombotic properties. Preliminary reports from pilot studies have confirmed the
increased efficacyin preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of some of the new LMW heparin(oid)s;
however, improved safety with regard to bleeding
stillneedstobe shown. Theuse ofLMWheparinsand
of a new I;MW heparinoid in acute and chronic
hemodialysis has also been shown to be effective.
Chapter 8
unchanged sieving coefficient fador compared with
that of heparin alone, while the ultrafiltration volume significantly (P less than 0.001) improved. The
results of this study confirm those of earlier studies
and suggest that prostaglandin I2 together with lowdose heparin improve the biocompatibility and efficiency of dialysis treatment.
Regional anticoagulation: hemodialysis with hypertonic trisodium citrate. vonBrecht, J.H., Flanigan,
M.J., Freeman, RM. and Lim, V.S. Am JKidney Dis,
8 (3), pp. 196-201(Sep 1986). Describes a simplified
method for performing regional citrate anticoagulation during hemodialysis. This method of citrate
dialysis is safe and effective during continuous blood
flow (doubleneedle) hemodialysis, and is no more
difFicult to perform than conventionalheparin dialysis. Singleneedle (reciprocatingblood flow)hemodialysis was successllly performed by the additional
use of a calcium-free dialysate and separate calcium
chloride inhsion (10% calcium chloride), but risks
the production of unexpected hypercalcemia.
Heparin-free hemodialysis with Cuprophan hollow
fiber dialyzersby a frequent saline flush, high blood
flow technique. Agresti, J., Conroy, J.D., Olshan, A,
Conroy, J.F., Schwartz, A, Brodsky, I., Krevolin, L.
and Chinitz, J. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs,
1985,31 pp. 590-4.
Clinicaluse of heparin fractions,fragments, and h e p
arinoids. Messmore, H.L.Jr. Semin Thromb Hemost,
11 (2), pp. 208-12 (Apr 1985). Document Type:
Review (37 refs.).
Taylor, H. and Curtis, J.J.Am JKidney Dis, 5 (l),pp.
32-5 (Jan 1985). In patients a t high risk of bleeding,
however, use of heparin significantlyincreasestheir
morbidity and, presumably, mortality. Over one
year, the authors performed 156hemodialysis procedures successfully without heparin in the transplant
dialysis unit. No dialysis procedure produced or
aggravated bleeding. Conversely, a coagulopathy
was not induced or worsened by dialysis without
heparin. A significantcomplication, defined as complete clotting of the artificial kidney with or without
clottingin the lines occurred in eight dialyses(5.13%
of the total) and resulted in an average blood loss of
150 ml. Partial clotting of the dialyzer did not interrupt the procedure and occurred nine times (5.8% of
the total). These results comparefavorablywith previously documentedcomplicationsfrom low-dose and
regional heparin.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Hemodialysiswithout anticoagulants:efficiencyand
hemostatic aspects. Casati, S., Moia, M., Graziani,
G., Cantaluppi, A , Citterio, A , Mannucci, P.M., and
Ponticelli, C. Clin Nephrol, 21 (2), pp. 102-5 (Feb
1984). In 29 patients with high risk ofbleeding, 111
hemodialyses have been performed without heparin
(WHD) or other anticoagulants. The same patients
were switched to low dose heparin dialysis (LDHD)
as soon as the bleeding risk had ceased. The dialyzer
had to be changed in 11and the drip chamber in 20
WHDsbecauseof partial clotting. This phenomenon
did not occur during LDHD.
Regional citrate anticoagulation in chronic hemodialysispatients. Seaton, R.D., Duncan, K A , Pinnick,
RV., Diederich, D.A and Wiegmann,T.B. TransAm
Soc Artif Intern Organs, 29, pp. 414-8 (1983). The
pronounced leukopenia caused by cuprophane dialyzer membranes was significantlybluntedby citrate
regional anticoagulation.Cellulose acetate produced
less leukopenia than the cuprophane, regardless of
anticoagulant. The p02 response to the initiation of
hemodialysiswas not affectedby dialyzer membrane
or anticoagulant choice. The authors conclude that
citrate anticoagulationreduces dialyzer-inducedleukopenia. Citrate anticoagulation does not, however,
change the hypoxemia present with acetate dialysis.
The dissociation of leukopenia and hypoxemia with
citrate anticoagulation suggests that pulmonary
sequestration is not a major cause of hypoxemia
during hemodialysis.
Heparin binding and release properties of DEAE
cellulosemembranes. Schmitt,E.,Holtz,M,Klinkmann,
H., Esther, G. and Courtney,J.M. Biomaterials,4(4),
pp. 309-13 (Oct 1983). Heparin release was studied
by contacting heparinized membranes with saline,
glycinebaer,phosphate buffer and plasma Incubation with plasma brought about the release of ~ WofO
the attached heparin. Crosslinking of the heparinized membrane with glutaraldehyde reduced the
heparin release by one half. The release reaction is
more critical in the case of increased heparin uptake
and a more efficient immobilization of heparin a p
pears necessary.
Regional citrate anticoagulation for hemodialysis in
the patient at high risk for bleeding. Pinnick, R.V.,
Wiegmann, T.B. and Diederich, D A N EngWMed,
308 (51, pp. 258-61 (Feb 3,1983).
Effect of heparin on platelet count and platelet aggregation. Shojania, AM. and Turnbull, G. Am J
Quality AsAseurance
Guidelinesfor H e d i a l y s i s Devices
Chapter 8
Hematol, 26 (3),pp. 255-62 (Nov 1987). The authors
speculate that the majority of subjects exposed to
heparin develop an antibody or a proaggregator that
can aggregate or agglutinate platelets in the presence ofheparin andcause destructionofplatelets,but
only in a small percentage of subjects receiving
heparin isthis reaction severe enoughto causethrombocytopenia
Citrate regional anticoagulation in haemodialysis.
Hocken, AG. and Hurst, P.L. Nephron, 46 (11, pp. 710(1987). Using synchronous pre- and post-dialyser
blood samples, measurement of the whole blood clottingtimes demonstrated the restriction ofanticoagulation to the extracorporeal circulation. It is concluded that citrateanticoagulationissafe,acceptable
and simple for use in haemodialysis for patients at
risk from systemic anticoagulation.
Long-term comparisons of citrate and heparin as
anticoagulants for hemodialysis. Wiegmann, T.B.,
MacDougall,M.L. and Diederich,D A Am JKidney
Dis, 9 (5), pp. 430-5 (May 1987). Citrate was compared to heparin as an anticoagulant during chronic
hemodialysis. Use ofcitrate as the sole anticoagulant
for periods of two months was easily accomplished,
free of complications, and resulted in comparable
clearance of solutes. Major laboratory parameters
were similar with both anticoagulants.
Severe metabolic alkalosis complicating regional
citrate hemodialysis. Kelleher, S.P. and Schulman,
G. Am J Kidney Dis, 9 (3), pp. 235-6 (Mar 1987).
Regional citrate hemodialysis has been effectively
used as an alternative to heparin anticoagulation
during dialysisofpatients a t increasedrisk for bleeding. This paper reports the occurrence of severe
metabolic alkalosis in two patients requiring high
infusion rates of citrate during hemodialysis while
being mechanically ventilated. Careful monitoring
of acid-base status is mandatory in this setting, and
reduction of citrate dose may be advisable.
Reducing the hemorrhagic complications of hemodialysis: a controlled comparison of low-dose heparin
and citrate anticoagulation. I?lakigan,M.J., ~ o n B r e cht, J., Freeman, RM. and Lim, V.S. Am J Kidney
Dis, 9 (2), pp. 147-53(Feb 1987). Dialysis-associated
bleeding was more frequent following low-dose controlled heparin anticoagulation than during hypertonic citrate therapy. Dialysis effectiveness measured by postdialysis chemistriesand weightlosswas
equivalent in the two groups.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Regional citrate anticoagulation:areportoflomonth's
experience. Boyd, L.M., Felton, S.E., Highfill, B.K
and Underhill, V.L. J Nephrol Nurs, 2 (4), pp. 162-4
(Jul-Aug 1985).
Studiesof coagulation and platelet functionsinheparin-freehemodialysis.Ivanovich,P.,Xu,C.G.,Kwaan,
H.C.. and Hathiwala, S. Nephron, 33 (2), pp. 116-20
(1983). Usingacellulose acetate dialyzer,both hemodialyzer and blood tubing were periodically flushed
with physiologicsaline, but no heparin was used. No
signscant clottingof the hemodialyzerswas encountered in uneventful dialyses. These findings support
can be used safely and effectively to dialyze patients
at risk for bleeding.
Preventing hemorrhage in high-risk hemodialysis:
regional versus low-dose heparin. Swartz, RD. and
Port, F.K Kidney Int, 16 (4), pp. 513-8 (Oct 1979).
Hemodialysis in patients with increased risk for
hemorrhage can be accomplished with either a regional or a low total dose of heparin. The incidence
of hemorrhage correlated with the estimated degree
of bleeding risk both a t expected and a t occult bleeding sites, and was the same or higher with regional
heparin in all categories. Hemorrhage was not correlated with preexisting coagulation abnormalities,
concurrent anticoagulant drugs, level of azotemia, or
ability to successllly limit systemic heparinization
during dialysis. The incidence of partial clotting of
the dialyzer was 3% to 5% with both heparin protocols. The authors conclude that regional heparinization has no clinical or practical advantage over lowtotaldose heparin in preventing bleeding associated
with hemodialysis.
Low-doseheparin in routine hemodialysismonitored
by activated partial thromboplastin time. Shapiro,
W.B., Faubert, P.F., Porush, J.G. and Chou, S.Y.
Artif Organs, 3 (11,pp. 73-7 (Feb 1979). Use of the
activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), as
measured by (Coag-A-Mate)semi-automaticunit, in
lowering the dosage of heparin in stable chronic
by the Coag-A-Mateunit, provides a simple means of
lowering heparin requirements in routine dialysis
The effects of three different heparin regimes on
heparin concentrations in plasma and fibrin formationindialyzers. Gunnarsson,B., Asaba,H., Dawidson,
S.,Wilhelmsson, S. and Bergstrom,J. Clin Nephrol,
15(3),pp.135-42(Mar1981). Anticoagulation effects
were studied during a 4-hourhemodialysisin six paQuality Assurance Guidelines for Hernodialysis Devices
Chapter 8
tientsusing3 differentheparin regimens: (1)intravenousloadingdose only;(2)primingofthe dialyzer and
continuousinfusion of heparin for two hours; and (3)
intravenous loading dose and continuous infusion of
heparin based on anticoagulationkinetics. The anticoagulation kinetic regimen offered no advantage
over the single loading dose regimen with regard to
the formation and deposition of fibrin in the dialyzers.
Measurement of fibrinopeptideAin the evaluationof
heparin activity and fibrin formationduringhemodialysis. Wilhelmsson, S., Asaba, H., Gunnarsson, B.,
Kudryk, B., Robinson, D. and Bergstrom, J . Clin
Nephrol, 15 (5), pp. 252-8 (May 1981). In order to
monitor heparin activity during hemodialysis, they
evaluatedthree commonlyused methods: whole blood
activated coagulation time (WBACT), whole blood
thrombin time (WBTT), and heparin concentration
in plasma, determined with a chromogenic substrate. They three different heparin regimens: a
single intravenous loading dose only, priming of the
dialyzer with heparin followedby a heparin infusion
and a pharmaco-kinetic model. Good correlations
were found between WBACT, WBTT and heparin
concentration. Heparin activity during a dialysis
may be monitored with any of these three methods
with equal reliability. However, from a practical
point of view, WBACT appears most attractive because of its simplicity. FPAgeneration, frequency of
visible clots in the dialyzer and hemorrhagic manifestations were essentially the same for each of the
heparin dose regimens. The simple administration of
a single loading dose was as safe as the more complicated infusion technique.
Hemodialysis using prostacyclin instead of heparin
as the sole antithrombotic agent. Zusman, RM.,
Rubin, R.H., Cato, AE., Cocchetto, D.M., Crow, J.W.
and Tolkoff-Rubin, N. N Engl J Med, 304 (16), pp.
934-9(Apr16,1981). Anticoagulationduringhemodialysis is necessary to prevent clottingof the blood on
contact with the dialysis membrane. Heparin is the
usual anticoagulant used, but systemic anticoagulation may persist for hours, and hemorrhage is common. The authors successfully used an infusion of
prostacyclin,whichhas an in-vitrohalf-lifeofthree to
five minutes, as the sole anticoagulant on long-term
hemodialysis. Prostacyclin caused no clinically
important changes in the intrinsic clotting system,
and there were no hemorrhages or clotting of the coil.
The authors conclude that prostacyclin can safely
replace heparin as the sole antithrombotic agent
duringhemodialysis and maybe more advantageous
if anticoagulation is contraindicated.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Boyd, L.M. and Felton, S.E. ANNA J, 13,5,p. 267
(Oct 1986). Regional citrate anticoagulation is a
positive alternative to conventional methods of anticoagulation during hemodialysis. For the patient a t
moderate to high risk of bleeding, as well as those
patients with active bleeding at the time of dialysis,
regional citrate anticoagulation can be a safe, effective approach, when performed properly. One of the
major disadvantages, excessive cost, can be reduced
to an acceptable level.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Chapter 9
Vascular Access Devices
Renal replacement therapy. 2-1. Access for haemodialysis. Pavitt, L. Nurs Times, 78 (18),pp. 749-52
(May 5-11,1982). Very basic article on different varieties of vascular access devices and long-termmanagement ofthem. Short discussionon complications.
Includes shunts, A-V fistula, subclavian.
Non-invasive blood flow measurement in expanded
Rittgers, S.E., Garcia-Valdez, C., McCormick, J.T.
and Posner, M.P.JVascSurg, 3 (4), pp. 63542 (Apr
1986). Volume flow rates were measured in 31 ex(6 mm) of 26
panded polytetrafluoroethylene gr&
patients undergoinghemodialysis. Flow was calculated from the known access graft diameter and by
measurement of the mean Doppler shift frequency
waveform. The study demonstrated a safe, repeatable noninvasive measure of access grafk hemodynamics, which maybe useful as a functionalmonitor
and a warning of impending failure.
Dialysis performance of single lumen subclavian
hemodialysis: a comparative study with single lumen fistula hemodialysis. Vanholder, 8,Hoenich,
N. and Ringoir, S. Artiforgum, 6 (41,pp. 429-32 (Nov
1982). Study ofhemodialysisperformance and recirculation ratios of subclaviancatheter hemodialysisis
reported. Data are compared to the results obtained
when a conventionalin~single-lumenhemodialysisneedleisusedundersimilarconditiom.However,
the differences were not significant, and overall extraction ratios, calculated for the entire dialysis period with both access methods in 43 patients, were
identical. Recirculation averaged l2.5%for the fistular approachand 20%for the subclavian approach. It
is concluded that, as a whole, dialysisperformance is
somewhatlower with the subclavianvascular access
Percutaneous subclavian vein catheterization for
hemodialysis: a report of 57 insertions. Al-Mohaya,
S., Sadat-Ali, M., Al-Muhanna, F. and IbrahimSaeed, A Angiology, 40 (61, pp. 569-73 (Jun 1989).
The authors report an analysis of 57 subclavian vein
catheterizations for hemodialysis. A total of 51
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliogmphy
patients (34 men, 17 women) kept the Cobe singleand double-lumen catheters for 1,726 days. Their
experience indicates that percutaneous subclavian
vein catheterization is safe and provides quick access
for hemodialysis with no morbidity and mortality if
done correctly, patiently, and meticulously. The
authors believe that this should be the first choice in
patients with reversible renal failure and in patients
with chronic renal failure, who are usually elderly
and medically compromised, until a permanent vascular access is ready for use.
Clinical experience of arteriovenous fistulae for dialysis during an eighteen year period. Sisto, T. and
Riekkinen, H. Ann Chir Gynaeool, 77 (3), pp. 108-10
(1988). 382 Brescia-Ciminotype arteriovenousfistulae were created for chronic haemodialysis. Success
rate at the first attempt was 73.6% of281 cases. The
most common method of anastomosiswas end to side
vein to artery type. Thrombosis was the most frequent complication, other miscellaneous complications were less common.
Complicationsfrom permanent hemodialysis vascular access. Zibari, G.B., Rohr, MS., Landreneau,
M.D., Bridges, R.M., DeVault, G A , Petty, F.H.,
Costley, KJ., Brown, S.T. and McDonald, J.C. Surgery, 104 (41, pp. 681-6 (Oct 1988). Use of PTFE to
construct permanent hemodialysis vascular access
has a signZcantly higher incidence of thrombosis,
infection, pseudoaneurysm formation, and limb loss
(p less than 0.01 for all complications) and a significantly lower mean length of patency (p less than
0.0001) when compared with autogenous fistulas.
Age, sex, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and the
use of perioperative antibiotics were not found to be
related significantly to access complications.
Chapter 9
Appendh E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliogmphy
Internal jugular vein cannulation using 2 silastic
catheters. Anew, simple and safelong-termvascular
access for extracorporeal treatment. Canaud, B.,
Beraud,J.J., Joyeux,H. and Mion C. Nephron, 43 (2),
pp. 133-8 (1986). Subclavian vein cannulation, although a major progress in temporary vascular access, was associatedwith a significantmorbidity and
mortality. For the last two years, the authors developed a new approach consisting in internal jugular
vein cannulation (IJVC) with two silicone rubber
catheters with a long-term proved biocompatibility.
Infections associated with subclavian dialysiscatheters: the key role of nurse training. Vanherweghem,
J.L., Dhaene, M., Goldman, M., Stolear, J.C., Sabot,
J.P., Waterlot, Y., Serruys, E. and Thayse, C. Nephmn, 42 (2), pp. 116-9 (1986). The incidence was
1,948catheter days) than in ambulatory patients (2
bacteremias during 850 catheters-days) as well as
during a period correspondingto a greater number of
untrainednursesenrolledinthe dialysisteam. During
this period, 6 sepsies occurred in 19 catheters (other
periods: 7 sepsiedl16 catheters, p less than 0.01). Six
of 28 nurses had less than three months of professional experience (other periods: 1of 25, p less than
0.01). These data underline the key role of nurse
training in the prevention of catheter-related infections.
Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in patients on
chronic hemodialysis. Quarles, LD., Rutsky, E.A
and Rostand, S.G. Am JKidney Dis, 6 (6),pp. 412-9
(Dec 1985). Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia occurred 96 timesin 58of671patients on chronichemodialysis during a nine-year period. The authors
suggest that chronic hemodialysis patients with S
aureus bacteremia have a relatively low mortality
and a low risk of infective endocarditis. Antibiotic
treatment shouldbe given for at least 28 daysin order
to minimize the risk of relapse.
Vascular access for hemodialysis. Patency rates and
results of revision. Palder, S.B., Kirkman, RL.,
Whittemore, AD., Hakirn, R.M., Lazarus, J.M. and
Tilney, N.L. Ann Surg, 202 (2),pp. 235-9 (Aug1985).
Failures of Cimino fistulae usually occurred early in
the postoperative period, secondary to attempts to
use inadequate veins. Thrombosis caused the majority of PTFE graft failures and was generally the
result of venous stenosis. Correction of such venous
stenosis is mandatory to restore graft patency and
can result in prolonged graR survival.
Chapter 9
Access Devices
Kozeny, G.A, Venezio, F.R, Bansal, V.K, Vertuno,
L.L. and Hano, J.E. Arch Intern Med, 144 (9), pp.
1787-9(Sep 1984). Report of more than 1,300 dialyses in 74 patients who have had subclavian dialysis
catheters (SDCs) in place for a total of 3,065 days.
Sixty-one of these patients (82%) have had their
SDCs in place for 7 to 21 days, including37 (5Wo)for
longer than 21 days.
Complications of subclavian catheter hemodialysis:
a 5-year prospective study in 257 consecutive patients. Vanholder, R, Larneire, N., Verbanck, J.,
vanRattinghe, R , Kunnen, M. and Ringoir, S. Int J
Artif Organs, 5 (51, pp. 297-303 (Sep 1982). The
complications related to the use of subclavian
catheters for hemodialysis were prospectively studied in 257 consecutiveacute and chronic renal failure
patients. Using 394 catheters, 3006 single needle
dialyseswereperformed Mosthazardouscomplications
were sepsis (9), malposition (6), hemothorax (3),
bleeding(2), vena cava thrombosis (2), and pneurnothorax (2).
Single-needlevenous dialysis: a comparison of three
systems. Weinstein, AM., Frederick, P.M. and Sullivan, J.F. UremiaInvest 85,8 (2), pp. 69-77 (1984).
A comparison of a pressurekime, a timdtime device,
and a pressurdpressure device. Recirculation was
highestwiththe pressurdtime system,but was easily
compensated for with higher blood flow of that system. Clearances actually measured were in good
agreement with those predicted from theoreticalconsiderationsofrecirculationand blood flowin acountercurrent dialysis system.
High-flux hemodiafiltration: under six hourslweek
treatment. vonAlbertini, B., Miller, J.H., Gardner,
P.W. and Shinaberger, J.H. Trmns Am Soc Artif
Intern Organs 1984,30pp. 227-31. Better utilization
of existing high blood flow in mature vascular accesses with the described new technique of simultaneous high diffusion and convection results in a
marked increase of treatment efficiency. Coupled
with the better tolerance to high solute and weight
removal rates, this approach permits drastic reduction of treatment time over conventional hemodialysis without sacrificing treatment adequacy.
Blood recirculation duringhemodialysiswith a coaxial counterflow single-needle blood access catheter.
Ogden, D.A and Cohen, I.M. Tr&ns Am Soc Artif
Intern Organs, 25, pp. 325-7 (1979). (1) The average
Appendix E ( C o d
Annotated Bibliography
and the range of blood recirculation during hemodialysis employing a coaxial counterflow single needle
blood access catheter are markedly reduced compared to those observed in the same patients using a
standard 'Y" type needle and external flow direction
control device. (2) In a large group ofpatients, the
average measured recirculation of blood of .8% at a
blood flow rate of 200 d r n i n is sufficiently small as
to have little or no effect on the efficiency of dialysis.
(3)Recirculation increases with increasing extracorpored blood flowrate but remains sufficientlylow to
not significantly affect increased dialysis efficiency
obtained a t higher blood flow rates. (4) The coaxial
counterflow single needle catheter permits single
fistula puncture, eliminates the need for a flowdirection control device, and is associated with negligible
blood recirculation.
In-vivo measurement of blood recirculation during
'Y" type single needle dialysis. Ogden, D A J Dial,
3 (2-3), pp. 265-76 (1979). A method has been described andvalidated for obtaining a sample ofblood,
without separate venapuncture, which has the same
urea and creatinine composition as systemic venous
blood during hemodialysis. Using this technique, recirculation in-vivo during "Y" type single needle
dialysis, measured in 20 bovine fistulas, ranged from
6.9% to 56.5% and averaged 19.4%. These results .
suggest that fistula puncture methods and devices
that eliminate recirculation in the ex-vivo blood
circuit shouldbe used to maximize dialysisefficiency.
Topical thrombin and control of bleeding from the
fistula puncture sites in dialyzed patients. Vaziri,
N.D. Nephmn, 24 (51, pp. 254-6 (1979). The length of
bleedingfrom the puncture sites ofinternal arteriovenous channels was markedly reduced with the use
of topical thrombin in 12patients treated with hemodialysis. This procedure can, therefore, save patient
and staff time, minimize recurrent blood loss with
each dialysis, and prolong the life of vascular access
by diminishing the length of potentially hazardous
compression needed for proper hemostasis.
Chapter 9
Vasculw Access Devices
Successlluseofdouble-lumen,siliconerubber catheters for permanent hemodialysis access. Shusterman, N.H., Kloss, K and Mullen,J.L. Kidney Int, 35
(3), pp. 887-90 (Mar 1989), ISSN 0085-2538.
Topical anaesthesia for fistula cannulation in haemodialysis patients. Watson, AR, Szymkiw, P. and
Morgan, AG. Nephrd Dial Transplant, 3 (6), pp.
800-2 (1988). A local anaesthetic cream (EMLA;
Astra)gave more pain relief and improved the ease of
venepuncture comparedto lignocaineinjections. Patients expressed a strong preference for the EMLA
cream,which has advantages that outweigh the cost
and convenience factors.
Subclavianstenosis:amajor complicationofsubclavian
dialysis catheters. Barrett, N., Spencer, S., McIvor,
J. and Brown, E A N e p h d Dial Transplant, 3 (4),
pp. 4235 (1988). Subclavian catheterisation is frequently used for acute vascular access for haemodialysis and is thought to rarely result in long-term
clinical problems. Venographyin 36 cases,however,
revealed subclavian stenosis in 18 (50%), of whom 5
developed clinical problems. The incidence of subclavian-vein stenosis was related to the duration of
catheterisation 8 less than 0.05). It may also be
morecommoninblackpatients. Subclaviancatheterisation is therefore not necessarily an ideal form of
acute vascular access.
Recirculation: review, techniquesfor measurement,
and abilityto predict hemoaccess stenosisbefore and
after angioplasty. Nardi, L and Bosch, J. B M
PuriL 6 (21, pp. 85-9(1988). The measurement of recirculation duringtwo-needlehemodialysisprovides
valuable information about hemoaccess integrity
and indicates potential problems with possible compromiseofdialysiseffectiveness(improperclearances).
Recirculation greater than 10% is an indication fbr
further study.
Morbidity and mortality of central venous catheter
hemodialysis: a review of 10years' experience. Vanholder, V., Hoenich, N. and Ringoir, S. Nephron, 47
(41, pp. 2749 (1987). The morbidity and mortality of
hemodialysisby internal central venous catheterization in the subclavian and internal jugular positions
are reviewed. The most frequent complicationswere
and bacteremia (5.1%). The overallcomplicationrate
was 27.2%. Kinking, bleeding, and bacteremia occurred more frequentlyin patients with chronicrenal
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
failure, compared to patients with acute renal failure. Baderemia occurred more frequently after
prolonged periods of catheterization (greater than 1 0
days). The mortality of catheter dialysis could be
estimated to be between 0 and 1.25/l ,000 catheterization~.
Adequacy studies of fistula single-needle dialysis.
Vanholder, R, Hoenich, N. and Ringoir, S. Am J
Kidney Dis, 10 (61, pp. 417-26 (Dec 1987). It is concluded that urea kinetic data (KTN averaged 0.98)
and other parameters of dialysis adequacy indicate
that the efficiency ofthe single-needletechnique is a t
least as good as that obtained in the more currently
used two-needle technique. Fistula survival was
higher, and hospitalization rate and mortality not
different from two-needle dialysis. Subsequently,
the current reluctancetowards single-needle dialysis
as a routine procedure in chronic renal failure, a p
pears to be unjustified.
Thromboticcomplicationsofindwellingcentralcatheters used for chronic hemodialysis. Caruana, R.J.,
Raja, RM., Zeit, R.M., Goldstein, S.J. and Kramer,
MS. Am JKidney Dis, 9 (6), pp. 497-501 (Jun 1987).
A new double-lumen silicone-rubber dialysis catheter, designed to be placed surgically in central veins,
is now available. A review of the literature suggests
that pericatheterthrombus formationwith or without
occlusion of major veins has been a complication of
chronic centralvenouscatheterizationwith avariety
ofcatheters, inboth dialysisand nondialysis settings.
Complications related to subclavian catheters for
hemodialysis. Report and review. Vanherweghem,
J.L., Cabolet, P., Dhaene, M., Goldman, M., Stolear,
J.C., Sabot,J.P., Waterlot, Y. and Marchal,M. Am J
N e p h d , 6 (5),pp. 33945 (1986). Complicationsinclude pneumothoraxes and hemothoraxes due to
subclavian artery puncture; bacteremia related to
subclavian catheter infections; clinical evidences of
subclavian vein thrombosis; pericardial tamponade
due to right atrium perforation; and mediastinal
hematoma and right hemothorax due to superior
vena cava perforation. Review of the literature indicates that pneumothoraxes andlorhemothoraxes
occurred in 1.7% of the catheter insertions and that
sepsis related to subclavian dialysis catheters occurred in 8.9% of the patients, as systematically
investigated subclavian vein thrombosis involved a t
least 50% of the patients. Taking into account all
these complications,recommendationsare made for
the use of subclavian dialysis catheters.
Chapter 9
Vascular Access Devices
Cannulation of arteriovenousfistulae. Stansfield,G.
Nurs Times, 83 (4), pp. 38-9 (Jan 28-Feb 3 1987).
When avascular access site complicates care. Alt, D.,
Balduf, R. and Thompson, E. RN,49 (lo), pp. 36-9
(Oct 1986). High incidence of subclavian dialysis
catheter-relatedbaderemias. Pezzarossi, H.E., Ponce
de Leon, S., Calva, J.J., Lazo, de la Vega, S.A and
Ruiz-Palacios, G.M. Infect Control Dec 1986,7 (12)
pp. 596-9. This retrospective cohort study reviews
the incidence of bacteremia in patients undergoing
hemodialysis using subclavian vein dialysis catheters (SDC) as temporary vascular access. The presence of possible risk factors for SDC-relatedbaderemia, includingdurationofcatheterizationandnumber
of hemodialysis procedures, were not statistically
differentwhen patients with and withoutbacteremia
were compared, with the exception of a significantly
lower incidence of bacteremia among those patients
receivingantibiotictherapy at the time ofcatheter insertion. The use of resterilized catheters was not a
risk factor. Specific guidelinesfor SDC insertion and
care were established and followed, after which the
infection frequency was significantly reduced.
Reassessment of fistula puncture site blood loss.
Vaziri, N.D., Miyada, D.S., Saiki, J.K and Robinson,
MA. JDial, 3 (4), pp. 361-6 (1979). Fistula puncture
site blood loss during and after hemodialysis was
measured in 12 patients with end-stage renal disease. The values obtained in this study are 5 to 10
folds less than those found in the original reports.
Recent advances in dialytic technology are probably
responsible for the observed improvement. The
results also suggest that Cimino A-V fistulas are
superior to the heterologous graft.
In flow time and recirculation in single-needle
hemodialysis. Blurnenthal, S.S., Ortiz, M.A, Meinman, J.G. and Piering, W.F. Am J Kidney Dis, 8 (31,
pp. 202-6 (Sep 1986). The recirculation of previously
dialyzed blood in the lumen of the single-needle
catheter reduces dialysisefficiency andis a drawback
of single-needle dialysis. Maximizing the inflow
volume is essential for minimizing recirculation in
single-needle hemodialysis. Clinically insignificant
recirculation ensues when inflow time is maintained
between three to five seconds and time-time singleneedle devices are used, even in patients dialyzed
with single-lumen subclavian catheters.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
A prospective study of the mechanisms of infection
associated withhemodialysiscatheters. Cheesbrough,
J.S., Finch, RG., Burden, RP. J Infect Dis, 154 (4),
pp. 579-89 (Oct 1986). Comparison of isolates with
skin cultures from the insertion site suggested that
the origin of the colonizing organisms was the skin
(36% of total), intralumenal contamination (57%), or
both routes (7%). Comparison of cultures taken during catheter insertion with those a t removal rarely
suggested that organisms introduced a t insertion
caused subsequent colonization. This study has
subclavianhemodialysis catheters exceed reported
rates for all other modes of vascular access used for
hemodialysis, as well as other indicationsfor central
venous catheterization.
Subclavianhemodialysiscatheterinfections. Dahlberg,
P.J., Yutuc, W.R and Newcomer, KL. Am JKidney
Dis, 7 (5), pp. 421-7 (May 1986). Overall catheter
colonization rate was 21-6%and catheter-associated
bacteremia occurred in 9.4%. Catheters removed
from febrile patients had much higher colonization
(48.3%) and bacteremia (34.5%) rates. In a randomized study comparing infection rates in catheters
tunneled subcutaneouslyor not tunneled, there was
no significant difference in the incidence ofinfection.
Catheters inserted over a guidewire to replace clotted
or malfknctioningcatheters were not associatedwith
higher infection rates.
Chapter 9
Vascular Access Devices
the incidence was greater in hospitalized patients
than in ambulatory patients as well as during a
period correspondingtoagreakrnumberofuntrained
nurses enrolled in the dialysis team. These data
of catheter-related infections.
Complicationsof vascular access in a dialysispopulation. Porter, J A , Sharp, W.V. and Walsh, E.J.
Curr Surg, 42 (4), pp. 298-300 (Jul-Aug1985).
High incidence of infectious complications with the
Hemasite vascular access device. Barth, RH.,
Schwartz, S. and Lynn, RI. Trans Am Soc Artif
Intern Organs, 30, pp. 450-7 (1984).
Renal nursing. Vascular access techniques. Mackenzie, S. Nurs Mirror, 160 (15), pp. 27-9 (Apr 10,
A morphological study ofbacterial colonisation of intravenous cannulae. Cheesbrough, J.S., Elliott, T.S.
and Finch, RG. J Med Microbiol, 19 (2), pp. 14957(Apr 1985). Microbiological findings indicated
colonisation of the intravascular portion haemodialysis cannulae, largely with skin commensalorganisms. Surface defects on the cannulae were shown to
be associated with microbial colonisation which occurred either as isolated colonies or in association
with a cellular fibrinous matrix. These observations
are illustrated and discussed.
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Biblwgrmphy
Chapter 10
Hemodialyzer Reuse
Appendix E (Cont.)
Annotated Bibliography
Methods for avoiding introduction of this endotoxin
to the patient includes discarding the recirculating
solution to waste. Water used for dilution of germicide should be endotoxin-free.
Chapter 10
(Clinitesttablets,SchifPsreagent, Formalert Formotest)
were compared. Two methods ( S c M s reagent and
Clinitest) were inadequate in detecting low concentrations of formaldehyde and were associated with
false positives from interference by chemicals contained in the dialysate. False positives were demonstrated with one (Formotest) while the other was
capable of detectingformaldehydeconcentrations as
low as4.5mgfl. Recommended to selectthe most sensitive of these semiquantitative techniques for routine use and to perform regular screeningfor anti-N
antibodies and to periodically check formaldehyde
levels by the use of the highly specific Hantzsch
Hemodialysisneutropenia and dialyzerreuse: role of
the cleansing agent. Gagnon, RF. and Kaye, M.
Uremia Invest, 8 (I), pp. 17-23 (1984). As part of a
study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of dialyzer
reuse, a comparativestudy oftwomethods ofdialyzer
reprocessing,manual and automated,was conducted.
Five stable end-stage renal disease patients on center hemodialysis were evaluated as to hematological
and metabolic parameters throughout two series of
three consecutive dialyses using first new and then
reused dialyzersreprocessed according to each of the
two methods. It would be reasonable to conclude
from these results that amongthe various differences
of the original level of biocompatibility of the reused
dialyzer's membrane is related to the concentration
of the cleansing agent.
Nursing aspects of dialyzer reuse. Baldasseroni, A
JNephml Nurs, 1(I), pp. 17-9 (Jul-Aug 1984).
Leukopenia with different regenerated haemodialysis membranes. Ksiazek,A , Soko-Lowska,G., Marczewski, K and SolskiJ. Int Uml Nephrol, 16 (11, pp.
61-7 (1984). The white blood cell count CWBC) decreases during haemodialysis and was investigated
as a b c t i o n of different dialysis membranes. Each
of them was used four times, applyingdifferent sterilization methods. The results indicate differences in
biocompatibility between cuprophan and PAN
membranes, independent of the sterilizationmethod
of new and reused dialyzers. Chenoweth, D.E.,
Cheung, A K , Ward, D.M. and Henderson, L.W.
Kidney Int, 24 (6)pp. 7704 (Dec1983). Hemodialysis
of 11 end stage renal failure patients with new
cuprophan hollow fiber dialyzers produced significant leukopenia as well as increased plasma levels of
Appendix E (Cont.)
Anndated Bibliography
KA Jr, Williams, P.L.,Middendorf, P.J. andZakraysek, N. Am Znd Hyg Assoc J , 45 (I), pp. 48-50 (Jan
1984). Ambient levels offormaldehydein kidney dialysis units were discussed. Five kidney dialysis
clinics were surveyed and air sampling was performedin all major work areas. Formaldehydelevels
were found to be below theTLVof 1.O part per million
(ppm)in all samples and the mean ambient level was
below 0.5 ppm. Feasible engineering controls that
would further reduce or eliminate potential employee exposures were identified.
Microbiologic evaluation of a new glutaraldehydebased disinfectant for hemodialysis systems. Petersen, N.J., Carson, L.A, Doto, I.L., Aguero, S.M.
and Favero, M.S. Trans Am SocArtifZntern Organs,
28 pp. 287-90 (1982). Development of anti-N-like
antibodies during formaldehyde reuse in spite of
adequate predialysis rinsing. Vanholder,R., Noens,
L., DeSmet, R. and Ringoir, S. Am JKidney Dis Jun
1988,ll (6) pp. 477-80. Five of 50 patients (10%)
became positive for anti-N-like antibodies 6 to 14
months &r the start of formaldehyde reuse, indicating that even a careful control of effluent formaldehyde concentrationcannot prevent the occurrence
of this abnormality.
Cuprophan reuse and intradialytic changes of lung
diffusion capacity and blood gases. Vanholder, R.C.,
Pauwels,R.k, Vandenbogaerde, J.F., Lamont,H.H.,
Van der Straeten, M.E.and Ringoir,S.M. Kidney Znt,
32 (I), pp. 117-22 (Jul1987). Reuse of cuprophan
dialyzers significantly attenuated the fall in leukocyte counts and the rise in C3a des Arg seen during
first use dialysis. Drop in arterial pa02 normally
seen with Cuprophan dialysis was not seen when the
dialyzer was reused.
Dialyzer performance over prolonged reuse. Gagnon, R.F. and Kaye, M. Clin Nephrd, 24 (11, pp. 217 (Jul1985). Studies were performed in patients on
maintenance hemodialysis to evaluate the role of
prolonged dialyzer reuse in the management of endQuality Assurance Guidilines for HernodialysisDevices
Chapter 10
stage renal disease. The data obtained demonstrate
that membrane permeability to small solutes (urea,
creatinine, phosphate) is maintained up to thirty
dialyzer uses. In-vitro studies confirmed this observation and established that clearances of larger solutes (vitamin B12) are also maintained over similar
extensive dialyzer reuse. Thus, these results clearly
demonstrate that prolonged dialyzer reuse in endstage renal disease patients constitutes a stableform
of renal replacement therapy provided adequate dialyzer reprocessing is applied.
Biocompatibility of dialysis membranes: effects of
chronic complement activation. Hakim, R.M., Fearon, D.T., Lazarus, J.M. Kidney Znt, 26 (21, pp. 1 9 4
200 (Aug1984). Reuse decreases the capacity of the
cuprophane membrane to activate complement but
does not significantly alter the capacity of cellulose
acetate membranes. The extent of complement activation paralleled the ability of these membranes to
induce neutropenia Recurrent dialysiswith new cuprophane and cellulose acetate membranes leads to
a decrease in pre-dialysisand "rebound leukocytosisn
neutrophil count, as well as amore intense activation
of complement and an enhanced endogenous clearance ofproductsof complement activation. The clinical sequelae of recurrent complement activation are
Formaldehyde-related antibodies in hemodialysis
patients. Sander, S.G., Sharon, R., Bush,M., Stroup,
M. and Sabo, B. Transfusion, 19 (6),pp. 682-7 (NovDec 1979). Sera from patients dialyzed with disposable membranes neither had anti-N-likeactivity nor
agglutinated formaldehyde-treated red blood cells.
These findings are consistent with the hypothesis
that anti-N-like reactions of hemodialysis patients'
sera represent cross reactions of formaldehyde related antibodies with N antigens of normal red blood
Haemolysis due to formaldehyde-induced anti-Nlike antibodies in haemodialysis patients. Fassbinder, W., Frei, U. and Koch, KM. Klin Wochenschr,57
(13), pp. 673-9 (Jul3,1979). During reuse of formaldehyde sterilizedKiil-dialysers, red cell survival was
significantly reduced in patients with anti-N-like
positive sera, when compared with 19antibody negative control patients. Replacement of formaldehyde
sterilized dialysers by ethylene-oxide sterilized disposable dialysers resulted in a significant increase in
hematomit. Thisimprovement took place, although
antibody titres declined only slowly. The data demonstrate that formaldehyde sterilisation of dialysers
may cause antibody-mediatedhaemolysis contributE-43
Appendix E (Cant.)
Annotated Biblwgmphy
ing to the extent of renal anaemia This immunohaemolysismay be corrected, in spite of continuing
antibody persistance, when formaldehyde exposure
is totally avoided, or possibly when minimized.
Chapter 10
Hemodialyzer Reuse
Multiple use of dialyzers: safety and efficacy. Kant,
KS., Pollak, V.E., Cathey, M., Goetz, D. and Berlin,
R. Kidney Int, 19 (5), pp. 728-38 (May 1981). The
practice of multiple use of dialyzers was examined
over a 15-month period on all 104 patients in a
chronic maintenance hemodialysis facility. The
incidence of complicationsduring dialysis, of complicationsthat might be related to infection,and the rate
ofhospitalization was not greater in the unit practicing multiple use as compared with the rates in the
unit practicingsingleuse. Events possibly associated
with infection did not occur more frequently during
dialysesin which the dialyzerhad been usedbetween
2 and 20 times than they did with the initial use ofthe
dialyzer. With successive dialyzer use, there was no
signzcant change in the ability to remove fluid or in
the dialysance of urea and creatinine. The neutropenia that characteristicallyoccurs early in dialysis was substantially less with reused dialyzersthan
with their initial use. Under the operatingconditions
described,theauthors concludethatmultiple dialyzer
use over a 15-month period is safe, efficacious, and is
not associated with an increased rate of infection, of
morbidity, or of mortality.
Formation of anti-N-like antibodies in dialysis patients: effect of different methods of dialyzer rinsing
to remove formaldehyde. Lewis,KJ., Dewar, P.J.,
M.K and Kerr, D.N. Clin Nephrol, 5 (11, pp.
Effect of chemical germicides on the integrity of
1981). Use of formalin to sterilize dialyz39-43
hemodialyzermembranes. Bland, L A , Favero,M.S.,
to be responsible for the formation of
son, J.W. MAIO D a m , 34 (31, p. 172-5 (Jul-Sep
Patients dialyzed as in-patients using formalin were
1988). Epidemiologic investigations of bacteremia
found to be completely free of anti-N-like antibody,
in dialysis patients by the Centers for Disease Conwhile amongthose on home dialysis, there was ahigh
trol (CDC) identified an association with the use of
prevalence (31%) and incidence. The hospital padialyzers disinfected with a specific chemical germitients were found to be receiving concentrations of
cide. A collaborative study by the CDC and the Food
formaldehyde less than 1micrograndml while those
and Drug Administration (FDA) was conducted to
on home dialysis received 3-13microgramdml. This
determine the effect of dialyzer disinfectants on five
offered as an explanation for the absence of anti-Ntypes of dialyzer membranes: three cellulosic
in patients usingformalin-sterilizeddialyz(Cuprophan,celluloseacetate,cuprammoniumrayon);
and two synthetic (polysulfone, polyacrylonitrile).
The disinfectants tested were 4% formaldehyde;
Relationshipbetweenformaldehyde-related antibodRenalin; Cidex Dialyzer; Sporicidin HO; Warexin;
ies and cross-reacting anti-N-like antibodies in paand RenNew-D. Water was the control. These
undergoingchronichaemodialysis. Sharon, R
results and those obtained from epidemiologic studJClin
Path01 ,34(1), pp. 41-3(Jan 1981). An attempt
ies suggest that membrane integrity testing (e.g. an
to determine the sequence of events leadair-leak test) shouldbe an integralpart of dialyzerreing
production of two distinct antibodies in
patients with chronic renal failure who regularly
undergo haemodialysis with formaldehyde reused
Effect of multiple use of dialyzers on intradialytic
dialyzers. The production of anti-formaldehydered
symptoms. Bok, D.V., Pascual, L., Herberger, C.,
started about six months after the beginning of
Sawyer, R and Levin, N.W. P m Clin Dial Transhaemodialysis
treatment. Only when the titre of
plant Forum, 10, pp. 92-9 (1980).
Appendix E (Cant.)
Annotated Biblwgmphy
these antibodies reached 64 or 128 another, apparently cross-reacting, antibody appeared which reacted like an anti-N antibody. A strong direct antiglobulin reaction was found to be positive for formalin-treated red cells after five minutes of contact
with specific antibody, indicating a high W t y of
the antibody of the formalin-altered red cell.
Effect of multiple use of dialyzers on hepatitis B
incidence in patients and staff. Favero, M.S., Deane,
N., Leger, RT. and Sosin, AE. JAMA, 245 (2), pp.
166-7(Jan 9,1981). Data pertaining to incidence of
hepatitis B fiom a 1976 Center for Disease Control
Study were matched with responses fiom a Renal
Physicians Association survey on dialyzer reuse in
the United States. Incidence of infection of staff
having a t least one HBsAg positive patient was 2.9%
incenterspracticingreusevs.3.6%in centerspracticing single use. Nearly all (95%) staff who became
HBsAgpositive were associated with centers having
Chapter 10
Hemodialyzer Reuse
at least one HBsAg-positivepatient. The practice of
reusing dialyzers does not appear to be associated
with increased risk of hepatitis B infection among
patients and staff.
Effect of dialyzer reprocessing methods on complement activation and hemodialyzer-related s y m p
toms. Durnler, F., Zasuwa, G. and Levin, N.W. Artif
Organs, 11(21, pp. 128-31 (Apr 1987). The effects of
different dialyzerprocessingmethodsand ofreuse on
complement activation and dialyzer-related symptoms were studied in 96 maintenance hemodialysis
patients. The percentage of patients without symptoms during dialysis was sigdicantly greater with
reused dialyzersthan with new dialyzers. The severity of total symptoms correlated significantly
(p=0.0004)with complement activation. The results
suggest that total symptoms during dialysis are
correlatedwith the degree of complementactivation.
However, trends in the data pertaining to chest pain
suggest that factors other than complement activation may be important in the pathogenesis of some
dialyzer-related symptoms.
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Public Health Service
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Rockville, Maryland 20857