McMartin Preschool Revisited
McMartin Preschool Revisited
McMartin Preschool Revisited
Part One
Welcome to Manhattan Beach
Paul Bynum graduated from college in 1972 and joined the
Hermosa Beach police department a year later. At 31 he was
promoted to the rank of chief detective. Bynum was not a
traditional investigator. One fellow detective often thought he
was "too bright to be a cop." Off duty, he drove an MG and mixed
with the '60s survivors at the Sweetwater Cafe.
In 1976 Bynum was assigned the investigation of the Karen
Klaas murder. Klaas was the divorced wife of Bill Medley, a
vocalist for the Righteous Brothers. She was raped and murdered
one morning about an hour after dropping her five-year-old son
off at the McMartin preschool in Manhattan Beach.
Neighbors told police they'd been alarmed at the sight of
a menacing stranger before the murder wandering through the
neighborhood. Police later entertained speculation that Klaas had
been stalked. Throughout the week her body was found, this same
stranger had popped up several times on her corner. A neighbor
phoned Karen to warn her. She didn't answer. When friends entered
the back door of the house, concerned for her safety, they found
a Caucasian male with a beard, about 5'7", 28 years old, dressed
in a long olive green coat with a tunic collar and boots. He was
leaving through the front door. Klaas was found naked and
unconscious. She died five days later. Nothing was stolen. Police
had no indication that Klaas knew the man who assaulted her.
In 1984, shortly after indictments were handed to
defendants in the McMartin child molestation case, Gerald Klaas,
her husband, drove off a cliff in Oregon and was killed. Children
alleged in a grand jury hearing that teachers at the preschool
had threatened to kill family members if they talked about abuse,
It was rumored around town that the Klaas deaths and the McMartin
engaged in the dig. They weren't. The search for the tunnels was
independent, and scores of volunteers pitched in.
Nathan's refrain of "no evidence" is hollow. She has
been known to contort around the facts of ritual abuse in a
grotesque parody of journalism and is frequently blind to
critical evidence. Nathan continues to find "no evidence" of
abuse at McMartin despite the nightmares, the acting-out, medical
molestation reports and sexual infections. The tunnel excavation,
she assures with psychic certainty (and a sniff of
condescension), is a "hoax."
To come to the point: Nathan's propaganda, repeated in
the New York Times and a host of other corporate publications,
happened to conceal a classified mind control operation the CIA
and Pentagon had undertaken thirty years before....
End of Part One
- Notes 1. Kevin Cody, "Former HB Officer's Suicide Adds Questions
to McMartin Mystery," Easy Reader (Manhattan Beach tabloid news
weekly), November 17, 1987.
2. Ibid.
3. The Easy Reader obituary declares, "none of the half
dozen people questioned who were close to Bynum could think of
any reason why his involvement in the case might have driven him
to commit suicide. But the timing of Bynum's death and the
controversy already surrounding the McMartin case ... inevitably
spawned speculation that a link existed between his suicide and
his pending testimony."
4. Cody.
5. McMartin trial record, evidentiary exhibit one.
6. Interviews with parents.
7. Alex Constantine, "Ray Buckey's Press Corps and the
Tunnels of McMartin," Psychic dictatorship in the U.S.A.
Portland: Feral House, 1995, pp. 77-96.
8. A theme of Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.
9. Debbie Nathan, "What McMartin Started: The Ritual
Abuse Hoax," Village Voice, June 12, 1990.
10. Roland Summit, M.D., "Introduction," Archaeological
Investigations of the McMartin Preschool Site, Manhattan Beach,
California, unpublished report by archaeologist Gary Stickel of
the McMartin Tunnel Project, 1993, p. ii.
11. Gary Stickel, foreword to Archaeological
12. Ibid.
13. Kelly, Brant and Waterman, "Sexual Abuse of Children
in Day Care Centers," Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect (17),
1993, p. 74.
14. Stickel, Archaeological Investigations, p. 95. The
assessment of the tunnel's age was corroborated by Dr. Jon
Michael, a geologist on the McMartin project.
15. Dr. E. Michael, in a letter to Dr. Gary Stickel, July
2, 1992, pp. 2-3.
16. Gerald Hobbs, "Notes on Investigation of the
Neighboring Tri-plex,"in Archaeological Investigations, p. 176.
17. Charles Schwartz, Ph.D., "The McMartin Preschool
Osteological Remains" (2nd report), Archaeological Investigations,
June 15, 1990, p. 1.
Part II
Federally funded biomedical and behavioral research has
resulted in major advances in health care and improved the
quality of life for all Americans.
- Bill Clinton
February 17, 1994
Bad Apples
Intelligence officials squirm through hard questions so
gracefully that their appearance at investigative hearings is
always lively with congressmen bellowing in outraged disbelief at
their agility. A spy is a liar by definition, so no one listened
in 1964 when CIA director Richard Helms, in a letter to the
Warren Commission, made reference to Langley's interest in a
cyborgean form of "biological radio communication"
"Cybernetics," Helms explained, "can be used in molding
of a child's character ... the amassing of experience, the
establishment of social behavior patterns..." -- What was that?
Machines? Molding character? No one at the Warren Commission
thought to ask the CIA official what the devil he was talking
about -- "... control of the growth processes of the
Helms wasn't a lunatic. At McGill University, Georgetown,
Cornell and some 40 other upper-tier academic institutions around
the country, psychiatrists and engineers on the CIA payroll R&D'd
the technology of remote "biological communication." The
obscure biomedical journals and the few books on CIA mind control
available, is "operational," employing "technology that operates
apparently by radio and microwaves, and can broadcast voices and
visual images, including somatic sensations, and affect the
autonomic nervous system across distances.... Though in its
primitive form the MTS mimics psychic phenomena, it involves
man-made technology."10
The are innumerable instances of ritual abuse accompanied
by exotic "psychic" images, voices, sensations, special effects
of the type generated by technology described in documented
histories of CIA mind control. Consider the case of Chad Ingram,
the son of confessed ritual abuser Paul Ingram of Olympia,
Washington. Lawrence Wright, in a 1993 New Yorker feature that
attempted to debunk ritual abuse and exonerate Ingram based on
opinions of psychologists from the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation. The shrinks dismissed the boy's memories of abuse
out-of-hand because "he had heard voices in his head."11
Impossible? A doctor at one of Stockholm's most
prestigious hospitals acknowledges that young children were used
for experiments involving advanced mind control technology to
evaluate their "thought activity and reactions."12 This line of
R&D quite naturally evolved into tinkering with the transmission
of virtual-reality images and voices to the brain.
The devices have been around for decades. And they
weren't produced in the dog-star cluster, shipped by flying
saucer to earth, though the CIA, military intelligence sector and
certain psychologists (with a CIA pedigree) have convinced
hundreds of millions that "aliens" come from untold light-years
away to stick CIA implants in our heads, the most unbelievable
cover story ever told -- one passionately defended by many of the
same skeptics who drown allegations of ritual abuse -- the
torture of children -- in condescending snorts of laughter, and
pride themselves on rational thinking. (But then, about 70% of
the human brain is composed of fat.)
Richard Helms wasn't betraying his own deepest ambitions
when he told the Warren Commission of the Agency's experiments in
"molding a child's character" with cybernetics.
1. Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control, New York: Dell,
1978, p. 256.
2. Anonymous letter, Free Thinking, Freedom of Thought
Submission of articles for publication within the MindNet
Journal on the subjects of mind control, directed-energy
weapons, non-lethal weapons, ritual abuse, UFO abductions,
bioelectromagnetics, hypnosis, and other related topics
will be accepted with the author's statement of permission
to publish. The editor reserves the right to accept or
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