Armstrong's Handbook of HRM Practice
Armstrong's Handbook of HRM Practice
Armstrong's Handbook of HRM Practice
The essence of
human resource
management (HRM)
K e y Co n C e P t s a n d t e r M s
Added value
Agency theory
Institutional theory
AMO theory
Contingency theory
Organizational capability
Resource-based theory
Hard HRM
Soft HRM
Harvard framework
Strategic alignment
HR philosophy
Human relations
L e a r n I n g o u tCoM e s
On completing this chapter you should be able to define these key concepts. You should
also know about:
Models of HRM
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HRM defined
Human resource management can be defined as
a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to
the employment, development and well-being of the
people working in organizations. It was defined by
Boxall and Purcell (2003: 1) as all those activities
associated with the management of employment
relationships in the firm. A later comprehensive
definition was offered by Watson (2010: 919):
HRM is the managerial utilisation of the efforts,
knowledge, capabilities and committed behaviours
which people contribute to an authoritatively
co-ordinated human enterprise as part of an
employment exchange (or more temporary
contractual arrangement) to carry out work tasks
in a way which enables the enterprise to continue
into the future.
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underpinning theories of
The original notion of HRM had a strong theoretical base. Guest (1987: 505) commented that:
Human resource management appears to lean
heavily on theories of commitment and motivation
and other ideas derived from the field of organizational behaviour. A number of other theories,
especially the resource-based view, have contributed
to the understanding of purpose and meaning of
HRM. These theories are summarized below.
The significance in HRM theory of organizational
commitment (the strength of an individuals identification with, and involvement in, a particular organization) was highlighted in a seminal Harvard Business
Review article by Richard Walton (1985).
Source review
From control to commitment
Walton (1985: 77)
Workers respond best and most creatively not
when they are tightly controlled by management,
placed in narrowly defined jobs and treated as
an unwelcome necessity, but, instead, when they
are given broader responsibilities, encouraged to
contribute and helped to take satisfaction in their
work. It should come as no surprise that eliciting
commitment and providing the environment in
which it can flourish pays tangible dividends for
the individual and for the company.
The traditional concept of organizational commitment resembles the more recent notion of organizational engagement (see Chapter 15).
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Institutional theory
Contingency theory
Contingency theory states that HRM practices are
dependent on the organizations environment and
circumstances. This means that, as Paauwe (2004:
36) explained: The relationship between the relevant independent variables (eg HRM policies and
practices) and the dependent variable (performance) will vary according to the influences such as
company size, age and technology, capital intensity,
degree of unionization, industry/sector ownership
and location.
Contingency theory is associated with the notion
of fit the need to achieve congruence between an
organizations HR strategies, policies and practices
and its business strategies within the context of its
external and internal environment. This is a key
concept in strategic HRM.
AMO theory
The AMO formula as set out by Boxall and Purcell
(2003) states that performance is a function of
Ability + Motivation + Opportunity to Participate.
HRM practices therefore impact on individual
performance if they encourage discretionary effort,
develop skills and provide people with the oppor
tunity to perform. The formula provides the basis
for developing HR systems that attend to employees
interests, namely their skill requirements, motivations and the quality of their job.
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Agency theory
Agency theory states that the role of the managers
of a business is to act on behalf of the owners of the
business as their agents. But there is a separation
between the owners (the principals) and the agents
(the managers) and the principals may not have
complete control over their agents. The latter may
therefore act in ways that are against the interests of
those principals. Agency theory indicates that it is
desirable to operate a system of incentives for
agents, ie directors or managers, to motivate and
reward acceptable behaviour.
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These concerns merit attention, but the more important messages conveyed by the original notion
of HRM such as the need for strategic integration,
the treatment of employees as assets rather than
costs, the desirability of gaining commitment, the
virtues of partnership and participation and the key
role of line managers are still valid and are now
generally accepted, and the underpinning theories
are as relevant today as they ever were.
And it should be remembered that these objections, with the exception of the last one, mainly
apply to the original concept of HRM. But today, as
explained in the final section of this chapter, HRM
in action does not necessarily conform to this concept as a whole. The practice of HRM is diverse.
Dyer and Holder (1988) pointed out that HRM
goals vary according to competitive choices, technologies, characteristics of employees (eg could be
different for managers) and the state of the labour
market. Boxall (2007: 48) referred to the profound
diversity of HRM and observed that: Human resource management covers a vast array of activities
and shows a huge range of variations across occupations, organizational levels, business units, firms,
industries and societies. There are in fact a number
of different models of HRM as described below.
Models of HRM
The most familiar models defining what HRM is
and how it operates are as follows.
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multicultural organizations;
participation in decision-making;
continuous learning.
Source review
Conclusions on hard and soft models of
HRM Truss et al (1997: 70)
Even if the rhetoric of HRM is soft, the reality is
almost always hard, with the interests of the
organization prevailing over those of the individual.
In all the organizations, we found a mixture of both
hard and soft approaches. The precise ingredients
of this mixture were unique to each organization,
which implies that factors such as the external and
internal environment of the organization, its
strategy, culture and structure all have a vital role
to play in the way in which HRM operates.
HRM today
As a description of people management activities
in organizations the term HRM is here to stay,
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Chapter 1
Source review
The meaning of HRM Boxall et al
(2007: 1)
Human resource management (HRM), the
management of work and people towards desired
ends, is a fundamental activity in any organization
in which human beings are employed. It is not
something whose existence needs to be radically
justified: HRM is an inevitable consequence of
starting and growing an organization. While there
are a myriad of variations in the ideologies, styles,
and managerial resources engaged, HRM happens
in some form or other. It is one thing to question the
relative performance of particular models of HRM
in particular contexts... It is quite another thing to
question the necessity of the HRM process itself,
as if organizations cannot survive or grow without
making a reasonable attempt at organizing work
and managing people.
HRM defined
Human resource management (HRM) is concerned
with all aspects of how people are employed and
managed in organizations.
Goals of HRM
Philosophy of HRM
Underpinning theories
Human resource management appears to lean
heavily on theories of commitment and motivation
and other ideas derived from the field of
organizational behaviour (Guest, 1987: 505).
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1 What is HRM?
2 What was the main message of the Harvard
3 What was the main message of the matching
4 What are the goals of HRM?
5 What is the difference between hard and soft
Armstrong, M (1977) A Handbook of Personnel
Management Practice, 1st edn, London, Kogan
Armstrong, M (1987) Human resource management:
a case of the emperors new clothes, Personnel
Management, August, pp 3035
Armstrong, M (2000) The name has changed but has
the game remained the same? Employee Relations,
22 (6), pp 57689
Bakke, E W (1966) Bonds of Organization:
An appraisal of corporate human relations,
Archon, Hamden
Beer, M, Spector, B, Lawrence, P, Quinn Mills, D
and Walton, R (1984) Managing Human Assets,
New York, The Free Press
Boxall, P F (2007) The goals of HRM, in (eds)
P Boxall, J Purcell and P Wright, Oxford
Handbook of Human Resource Management,
Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp 4867
Boxall, P F and Purcell, J (2003) Strategy and Human
Resource Management, Basingstoke, Palgrave
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Subject index
ability 126
ability tests 23839
absence management
the Bradford factor 255
causes of absence 25455
defined 254
long-term absence 255
policies 255
recording and measuring
absence 256
short-term absence 255
absenteeism, handling of 65960
ACAS 428, 437
accident prevention 458
accountability profile 60405
Accounting for People
Taskforce 68
achievement motivation 172,
178, 182
action learning
defined 326
in practice 161, 296, 298, 308,
322, 325
action research 156
activity analysis 143
adaptive learning 295
added value
in business cases 653
defined 44
and HR business partners 45
and HRM 54
and human capital
measurement 70
and strategic HRM 21
ADDIE model for learning events
advertising (recruitment) 23031,
affective commitment 187
affective engagement 194
age and employment policy 511
agency theory 8
AIDS policy 511
alignment, vertical 18
AMO theory 7
analytical job evaluation schemes
37273, 78687
analytical job matching 373
analytical skills 569
anchor point 374
annual hours 140
application forms 234, 235
appraisal 334, 338, see also
performance management
appreciative enquiry 156
aptitude tests 239
arbitration 42829
architecture, HR 36
arithmetic average or mean 584
artefacts 122
defined 571
development of 571
justifying 571
assessment centres 240
assimilation policy (pay) 799
attendance management, see
absence management
attitude surveys
analyzing responses 809
assessing results 809
conducting survey 80103
construction of survey 80708
content 80405
described 161
developing 801
and employee voice 432
engagement 201
example of 81112
format 806
issues 805
pilot testing 80809
plan survey 808
post-survey activities 809
reward 764
scoring 806
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Subject Index
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Subject Index
cognitive learning theory 292
collective agreements
defined 427
new style agreements 428
partnership agreements 428
procedural agreements 427
single-union deals 42728
substantive agreements 427
collective bargaining
conjunctive bargaining 427
co-operative bargaining 427
defined 42627
distributive bargaining 427
forms of 427
integrative bargaining 427
as a joint regulating process
policy 407
as a political relationship 427
as a power relationship 427
as a social process 427
collective representation 432
commercial job boards 229
affective commitment 187
and communications 438
critical evaluation 18788
defined 6, 167, 185
developing a commitment
strategy 189
and engagement 187, 19596
factors affecting 18889
and flexibility 188
and HRM 6
importance of 18687
meaning of 18586
and motivation 168, 86
strategy 168
unitary frame of reference 188
communications, see employee
communities of practice 79, 81
compa-ratio analysis 384
competence 86
competence analysis, see
competency modelling
competency-based interviews 237
behavioural 86
and emotional intelligence 93
graded 90
headings 8688
for HR professionals 48
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Subject Index
employee communications
approach to 438
and consultation 437
consultative committees 439
defined 437
face-to-face 43839
importance of 438
methods 43839
speak-up programme 439
strategy 440
team briefing 439
what should be communicated
employee development policy
512, see also learning and
employee engagement
affective engagement 194
and burnout 201
and commitment 168, 187, 195
components of 19596
conclusions 201
defined 19394, 710
diagnostic framework 714
drivers of 19697, 711
the engagement journey 709
enhancing job
engagement 19899
enhancing organizational
engagement 199200
enhancing overall engagement
gap analysis 713
hard and soft approaches to 197
intellectual engagement 194
and job design 198
job engagement 194
and job satisfaction 196
and leadership 187, 200
and learning and
development 198
and line managers 198
management competency
framework 198, 199
meaning of 194
measuring 201
and motivation 168, 195
and organizational citizenship
behaviour 196
and organization
development 158, 162
engagement 194, 199200
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Subject Index
outcomes 197
and performance
management 198
social engagement 194
and reward 19899, 200
survey 712
theory of engagement 19495
toolkit 70914
employee relations
approaches to 40607
basis of 406
climate 408
defined 403
ethical approach 408
ethical guidelines 100
and industrial relations 403
informal processes 429
management style 40809
managing with trade unions
managing without trade unions
objectives 408
pluralism 410
pluralist perspective 188
pluralist viewpoint 409
policies 40608
process of 406
scope 403
strategic employee relations
strategies 408, 410
unitarist approach to 8
unitary frame of reference 188
employee relations climate 408
employee resourcing 207,
see also resourcing
employee turnover
choice of measurement 251
cost of 25152
defined 249
employee turnover index
half-life index 250
length of service analysis 251
measurement of 724
stability index 250
survival rate 250, 251
employee value proposition
211, 24748, 365
employee voice
attitude surveys 432
categorization 43233
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Subject Index
gainsharing 381
Gallup 347
general intelligence 126
general mental ability (GMA)
126, 241
generative learning 297
generic role 605
generic role profile 609, 611
globalization 466
goal theory of motivation 17576,
179, 292, 335
grade structures 373
grade and pay structures
broad-banded structure 373,
broad-graded structure 373, 375
career family structure 373, 375
criteria for choice 376
defined 373
design of 789800
guiding principles 374, 794
individual job grades 374
job family structure 373, 375
narrow graded 373, 375
pay progression 374
pay spine 375
spot rates 374
types of 375
grade and pay structures design
analysis of present
arrangements 791
assimilation policy 799
career family structure design
choice of structure 792
criteria 793
design options 795
design sequence 790
graded pay structure design
implementation 800
job family structure design 799
pay range design 79799
pay spine 375
protection policy 799800
toolkit 789800
grade structures 373
grades 373
graphology 240
grievance procedure 520
grievances policy 513
grounded theory 575, 578, 580
group dynamics 156
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Subject Index
behaviour 12425
defined 124
development 12425
formal 124
ideology 124
informal 124
norms 124
guiding principles 36, 35859
half-life index 250
halo effect 598
handling people problems 65763
harassment 533
harassment policy 514
harmonization 427
hard model of HRM 10
Harvard framework of HRM 9
the Hawthorne studies 4, 155
hazards, safety 455
heads of functions, HR 54748
health and safety
accident prevention 458
aim 453
audits 45657
communicating on 45960
hazards 455
inspections 45758
management of 454
measuring performance 459
occupational health
programmes 45354, 458
organizing 460
policies 45455
risk assessments 45556
safety programmes 453
total loss control 459
training 460
Health and Safety Executive 535
health and safety law 535
Health and Safety at Work etc Act
1974 454
hierarchies 117
hierarchy of needs (Maslow) 171,
management 2627
management 27, 199
High Pay Commission 392
high-performance culture 58
management 26
delivery model 38
ethical dimension of 38
evaluation of 41
fragmentation of 38
as an insight-driven
discipline 549
organization of 3840
responsibilities 507
role of 38
shared service centres 39
staffing ratios 39
strategic business partners 39
structuring issues, dealing with
three-legged stool model 3940
values of HR 46
HR guiding principles 36
HR heads of function, strategic
role of 54748
HR information systems (HRIS)
for absence recording 255
B2E portal 527
cloud computing 527
defined 525
e-HRM achievements 528
enterprise resource planning
(ERS) systems 527
features 52627
functions of 526
integration 527
intranet 527
introducing 52728
reasons for introduction 52526
SaaS 527
self-service 527
software 526
vanilla system 526
HR plans 217
HR policies (general
defined 10, 36, 507, 509
formulating 515
and HR procedures 509
implementing 515
reason for 10, 50911
HR policies (overall) 510
HR policies (specific)
absence management 255
age and employment 511
AIDS 511
attraction and retention 733
bullying 511
career management 27273
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Subject Index
as employee advocates 38
employee champion role 8, 38
and employee needs 2
ethical responsibilities
46, 10102
ethical values 47
as facilitators 43
general role 4243
innovation role 45
insight-led 43
insight requirement 549
leading and delivering change
and organizational behaviour
theory 12930
and organization design 143
political dimension 672
proactive role 43
professionalism in HRM 47
service delivery role 43
skills required 544
specialist role 42
status 4647
strategic business partner role
strategic role 4344, 54548
strategic skills required 548
transactional role 43
transformational role 43
values 46
variety of roles 42
HR programmes 10
HR shared service centres 39, 40
HR skills
analytical 567
business 554
case presentation 65254
change management 632
competency modelling 61217
conflict management 66568
coordinating discussions 655
critical evaluation 570
critical thinking 570
developing and justifying
arguments 571
facilitating 654
financial 55455
handling people problems
influencing 651655
job and role analysis 60512
leadership 64147
leading and facilitating change
learning and
development 61921
logical reasoning 569
making a business case 65354
negotiating and bargaining
political 67173
problem-solving 56365
research 57381
selection interviewing 59098
statistical 58387
strategic 54849
HR specialists, see HR
HR strategies (general
and business strategies 29
criteria for 2829
defined 1, 2526, 36
examples of 27, 28
formulation 29
implementation 29
inside-out approach to
formulation 29
outside-in approach to
formulation 29
purpose 26
and strategic HRM 26
HR strategies (specific)
career development 271
commitment 189
corporate social responsibility
27, 110
employee communications 440
employee relations 27, 408
employee well-being 28
engagement 27
general 2627
high performance 62
human capital management 27
individual learning 287
international HRM 46667
knowledge management
27, 7980
learning and development
27, 28687
and line managers 29
motivation 180181
organization development
27, 15859
organizational learning 287
resourcing 27, 210
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Subject Index
reward 27, 35960
talent management 27, 269
HR system 3637
HR techniques 36
HR values 46
human capital
concept of 68
constitutes of 6970
defined 6869
intellectual capital 69
measuring human capital
organizational capital 6970
and people management 70
significance of 72
social capital 69
structural capital 69
theory 7
human capital advantage 21, 70
human capital index 71
human capital management
approach 685
areas 693
business case for 689
case for 687
defined 68
human capital reporting 7374
goals 692
introduction of 78, 69091
and measurement 7172
measures 7273, 69496
priorities 693
process 86
and strategic HRM 21
strategy 27
toolkit 68596
uses of 688
human capital measurement
approaches to 71
data 7172
defined 70
measures 7173
need for 70
role of 70
human capital monitor 71
human capital reporting 7374
human capital theory 7, 70
human process advantage 21
human relations approach 4
human relations school of
organization theory 118
human resource advantage 21
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Subject Index
instrumentality theory of
motivation 171, 178
integrated strategic change 159
integration of HR and business
plans 18
integration in international firms
integrative bargaining 427
intellectual capital 21, 69, 78
intelligence 126
intelligence quotient (IQ)
126, 239
intelligence tests 238
internal environment 678
internally equitable pay 37071
international human resource
aim 466
centralization 469
contextual factors 467
convergence 466, 46873
cultural differences 46768
decentralizing 469
defined 466
differences between
international and domestic
HRM 46364
divergence 466, 46843
drivers for convergence 470
expatriates, management
of 49502
global managers 479
globalization 466, 468
globalized HRM 466
institutional differences 468
international firms 470
internationalization 466
localization 466
one-country approach
468, 471
management 48285
practice of 477
resourcing 47880
reward management 48587
standardization 466
strategies 46667
talent management 48082
workforce planning 478
International Labour
Organization (ILO) 531
internationalization 466
interventions, OD 156
job analysis 606
research 57677
selection 59098
intranet 79, 439, 527
intrinsic motivation
defined 170
development of 181
effect of 181
and job design 146147
and Herzbergs two-factor
model 173
intrinsic interest and extrinsic
rewards 180
and job satisfaction 177
and non-financial rewards 365
involvement 432
definition of 145, 604
job characteristics model 147
and roles 145
job analysis
defined 604
information provided 605
interviews, use of 606
methodology 60507
outcomes 605
questionnaires, use of 60607
job-based pay 364
job boards 229
jobcentre plus 231
job challenge 196
job characteristics model 146
job description
basis 607
defined 604
example 608
headings 60708
in organization structures 117
job design
approaches to 147
characteristics of jobs 14546
and engagement 198
defined 136, 145
and engagement 198
factors affecting 145
and group activities 147
and intrinsic motivation 146
job characteristics model 147
jobs and roles 145
task structure 146
job engagement 194, 19899
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Subject Index
justice as fairness 97
natural justice 98
procedural justice 98
social justice 98
just-in-time training 309
kaizen 297
key performance indicators
(KPIs) 346, 554
key result areas 336, 609
concept of 7879
defined 78, 79
explicit knowledge 78
tacit knowledge 78
knowledge management
codification strategy 79
contribution of HR to 81
defined 79
issues 8081
and the learning organization
and organization
development 162
and organizational learning
personalization strategy 80
purpose of 79
and the resource-based view 21
significance of 78, 79
strategies 7980
knowledge, skills and abilities
(KSAs) 22627, 237, 303, 336
knowledge workers 395
Kolbs learning cycle 293
labour management 4
labour process theory 415
Labour Research Department 8
labour turnover, see employee
labour wastage, see employee
law of effect 17374
law of the situation 144
authentic leaders 645
charismatic 644
qualities 646
transactional leaders 645
transformational leaders 64445
visionary leaders 644
what leaders do 64243
defined 322
described 125
effective leadership 64647
and engagement 19697
and management 32324
meaning of 641
and motivation 182
reality of leadership 647
styles 643
theories 642
types of leaders 64445
leadership development 324
leadership and management
development 322
leading change 631, 632
lean manufacturing (lean) 141,
blended learning 311
by doing 292
cognitive learning 292, 296
culture 287
defined 284
discretionary learning 292
double loop 297
e-learning 307
evaluation of learning 31114,
743, 745
evaluation levels 744
events 31011
and expectancy theory 292
experiential learning 292, 296
formal learning 305
formal training 305
and goal theory 179, 292
Honey and Mumfords learning
styles 293
how people learn 292
identification of learning needs
Kolbs learning cycle 293
implications of learning theory
individual 287
informal learning 305
the learning curve 294
the learning cycle 293
learning to learn 29394
learning events, planning and
delivery of 73745
learning styles 293, 296
learning theory 292
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Subject Index
median 584
mediation 429
mentoring 307, 62021
merit pay
arguments against 377
arguments for 377
choice of scheme 379
criteria for success 378
critical evaluation of 378
defined 376
summary of schemes 380
metrics 68
minimum critical specification
mode 584
money and motivation 180
morality 96
achievement motivation 172,
cognitive evaluation
theory 176, 179
components of 170
content(needs) theory 17173,
defined 167, 170
and engagement 168, 195
equity theory 176
ERG theory (Alderfer) 172, 178
expectancy theory 57, 17475,
179, 420
extrinsic motivation 170
goal theory 17576, 179, 292
hierarchy of needs
(Maslow) 171
the HR contribution 18182
and HRM 7
improving motivation 170
and incentives 170, 171, 174,
176, 178
instrumentality theory 171, 178
intrinsic motivation 170
and job satisfaction 177, 180
to learn 292
meaning of 170
and money 180
motivating characteristics of
jobs 146
motivating strategies 18182
motivation theory 171
needs (content theory) 17173,
process (cognitive) theory 173
purposeful work behaviour 176
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Subject Index
reinforcement theory 17374
self-determination theory 173,
social learning theory 176
strategies 18081
summary of theories 17879
theory and HRM 7
two-factor model
(Herzberg) 17273, 178
types of 170
use of motivation theory 167
multinational companies (MNCs)
463, 477
multiple causation 56, 586
multiple regression 586
multi-skilling 140
multi-source feedback 337
mutual commitment 26
mutual trust 535
mutuality 8, 188, 406
Myers-Briggs Types Indicator 127
narrow graded pay structure 373
National Minimum Wage
Regulations 1998 536
National and Scottish Vocational
Qualifications (NVQs/SNVQs)
natural justice 98
needs theory of motivation
17173, 178
negative behaviour, handling
of 66062
bargaining 627, 628
commercial negotiations 626
industrial relations negotiations
process of 626
skills 628
stages 62628
network organization 120
networking 124
programming 156
new style agreements 428
new technology policy 513
non-analytical job evaluation
schemes 373
non-financial rewards 25, 163,
173, 178, 181, 198, 24748,
348, 363, 365, 377, 381, 654
normal curve (test results) 239
norms (cultural) 120, 12122,
criticisms of 15657
culture analysis 702
and culture management 157
defined 154
diagnostic checklist
organizational effectiveness
ethical guidelines 9899
and HR 154
integrated strategic change 159
interventions 154, 161
management style analysis 705
nature of 15455
new approaches to 15758
norms analysis 704
objectives, assumptions and
values of OD 15556,
organization development
programmes 16163
and organization design 158
original version of OD 155
story of 15558
strategic perspective on 158
strategy 15859
teamwork analysis 706
toolkit 70108
traditional OD programmes
values analysis 703
organization reviews 143
organization structure 11718
organization theory, schools of
organizational behaviour
characteristics of organizational
behaviour theory 116
defined 116
implications of theory for
HR specialists 12930
sources and applications of
theory 11617
theory 7, 113
organizational capability 17,
organizational capital 6970
organizational choice 143
organizational citizenship
behaviour 168, 196
organizational climate 12324
organizational climate
questionnaire 16061
organizational commitment 6,
see also commitment
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Subject Index
organizational culture
appropriate cultures 123
artefacts 122
classification of 122
climate 12324
components of 12122
culture analysis 702
culture change 157
culture management 157
defined 120
development of 12021
diversity of 121
embedded cultures 123
and international HR practice
management style 122, 254,
40809, 705
norms 120, 12122
norms analysis 704
organizational climate 12324
values 120, 121
values analysis 703
Organizational Culture Inventory
157, 160
organizational development, see
organization development
organizational diagnosis 15961
organizational engagement 6,
194, 199200
Organizational Ideology
Questionnaire 160
organizational learning 163, 287,
295, 297, 298
Organizational Performance
Model (Mercer) 71
organizational politics 125,
67172, 673
organizational processes
communications 127
effect on how organizations
function 118
group behaviour 12425
interaction 124
networking 124
organizational transformation
changes in the nature of 144
defined 117
processes in 118
schools of organization theory
types of 11920
organizing 117
outdoor learning 322
outplacement 258
paradigm 580
participation 432
partnership agreements 428
partnership policy 407
partnership schemes 432
pay determination 364, 37071
pay matrix 385
pay for organizational
performance 81
pay progression 374
pay range 373
pay reviews 38486
pay spine 375, 379
pay structures 37374, 398
pay-work bargain 414
payment-by-results schemes 398
pendulum arbitration 429
pensions 381
people, characteristics of 12529
people management 1, 44, 704
people resourcing 207, see also
defined 331
factors affecting 180
and HRM 5463
meaning of 33435
performance agreement 33637
performance appraisal 334, 338,
see also performance
performance assessment 33941
performance culture 35, 336,
performance drivers 70
performance and reward 331
performance management
aims 334, 33536
analysis of areas for
development 753
analysis of components of the
system 755
analysis of objectives and
success criteria 754
analysis of performance review
practices 750
analytical and diagnostic toolkit
and appraisal 334, 338
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Subject Index
requirements for success 350
reviewing performance 338
and the reward system 366
as a rewarding process 348
SMART objectives 33637
and talent management 267
360-degree feedback 337,
toolkit 74759
underpinning theories 335
use of competencies 91
visual assessment 342, 341
web-enabled 341
performance rating 34041
performance-related pay 181,
376, 377, 378, 379, 380
performance review 303, 33839
person-based pay 364
person specification 230, 605
personal characteristics 125
personal development
planning 308, 337
personal fulfilment 2
personal injury claims 535
defined 12627
traits 127
types 127
personality tests 238
personnel function, see HR
personnel management 4, 5
personnel practitioners/
professionals see HR
persuading people 65152
PESTLE analysis 159
phenomenology 574
piecework 399
planned experience 306307
pluralism 410
pluralist perspective 188
pluralist view of employee relations
point-factor rating job evaluation
policies, see HR policies
political approaches 672
political behaviour 672
political sensitivity 67273
politics, dangers of 673
politics in organizations
125, 67172, 673
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Subject Index
observation 579
paradigm 580
phenomenology 574
philosophy 574
positivism 574
processes involved in research
proposition 575
qualitative methods 576
quantitative methods 576
questionnaires 57778
research design 575
research programmes 57476
research question 575
surveys 578
testing propositions 570
theory 574
triangulation 576
resource-based strategy 21
resource-based theory 7
resource-based view
and competitive advantage 21
critical evaluation 22
defined 20
and HRM 7
and knowledge management 21
rationale for 21
and resourcing strategy 207
significance of 16
strategic goal 21
and strategic HRM 21
resource capability 17, 207
resource dependence theory 7, 21
defined 207
in international firms 47880
plans 211
practice 247
strategic approach to 207
talent 733
resourcing strategy 20910
respect, treating employees with
retention planning
areas for action 25354
factors affecting retention
retention strategy 253
risk of leaving analysis 253
retirement 259
return on expectations 313
return on investment 313
reverse causation 56, 197, 586
reward 331
reward, evaluation of 38183
reward policy 51314
reward management
administration of 38486
aims 370
attitude survey 764
competitive pay 320
defined 331, 370
and engagement 19899
ethical guidelines 100
fair pay 370
financial rewards 181, 36465
guiding principles 35859
influence on performance 364
internally equitable pay 37071
in international firms 48588
job evaluation 372
market pricing 37172
non-financial rewards 365
pay determination 37071
philosophy 358
relational rewards 366
reward strategy 35960
reward system 357, 36364
and stakeholders 358, 359
total rewards 36566
transactional rewards 366
use of competencies 91
reward guiding principles
reward philosophy 358
reward policy 51314
reward segmentation 391
reward strategy
analysis of strategy and practice
arguments for 359
content 360
critical evaluation of the concept
defined 357
development of 765
formulating 361
implementing 361
purpose 359
reward system 36364
rewarding directors and senior
corporate governance 39293
elements of executive
remuneration 39394
executive pay levels 392
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Subject Index
principles of executive
remuneration 39293
rewarding special groups
directors and senior executives
knowledge workers 395
manual workers 398401
sales representatives 396- 97
right-angle forecasting method
risk assessments (health and safety)
analysis 30304, 605, 609
defined 145, 604
development 145, 148
distinction between roles and
jobs 145
generic 605
profiles 226
role analysis
defined 605
for identification of learning
needs 30304
key result areas 609
role development 145, 148
role profiles
defined 604
examples of 610, 611
generic 609
headings 538
for the identification of learning
needs 30304
for recruitment purposes 226
role specifications 498
SaaS 527
inspections 45758
programmes 453
see also health and safety
sales representatives 39697
scenario planning 219
security, employment 189
assessment centres 240
defined 226
interviewing techniques
interviewing 23637
interviewing skills 59098
interviewing panel 237
methods 240
characteristics of a good
test 239
criterion-related measurement
of test validity 239
criterion scores 239
intelligence tests 238
interpreting test results 239
norms 239
personality tests 238
psychometric tests 238
psychological tests 238
reliability of 239
use of 238, 23940
validity of 239
self-determination motivation
theory 173, 178
self-directed learning 284, 289, 306
self-efficacy 176
self-managed careers 274
self-managed learning, see
self-directed learning
self-managing teams 147
self-paced learning 306
self-service (HRIS) 527
senior executives, reward of,
see rewarding directors and
senior executives
service-related pay 379
sexual harassment 44748
share option schemes 394
share schemes 381
shared service centres 39
SHRM, see strategic human
resource management
Sibson 345, 34748
single-loop learning 29798
single status 189, 427
single-union deals 42728
sitting by Nellie 306
skill-based pay 380
skills analysis
defined 605, 609
faults analysis 612
job breakdown 609
job learning analysis 612
manual skills analysis 609, 611
task analysis 61112
SMART objectives 33637
smart working 139, 158, 163
social capital 69, 81
social cognitive theory 335
social exchange theory 7, 19,
195, 200
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Subject Index
social justice 98
social learning 220
social learning theory 176, 179,
social legitimacy 24
social media, use in
recruitment 230
social networks 81, 145
socio-technical model of
organization 119
soft model of HRM 10
software 526
soft skills 86
sorting effect 365
speak-up programmes 439
spot rates 374
stability index 250
stakeholder theory 97
stakeholders 189, 358, 359
standard deviation 584
arithmetic average 584
causality 586
correlation 585
frequency 584
frequency polygon 584
histogram 584
and HR professionals 584
interquartile range 585
lower quartile 585
measures of central tendency
measures of dispersion 585
median 584
mode 584
multiple regression 586
pie chart 584
regression 585
standard deviation 584
testing hypotheses 587
tests of significance 586
types of 58486
upper quartile 585
use of 54
status quo clause 410
strategic business partners
39, 54647
strategic capability 159
strategic change 158
strategic choice 16, 18, 24, 144
strategic configuration 23
strategic employee relations 405
strategic fit 17, 22, 210
strategic reward
analysis of reward strategy and
practice 76263
and business strategy 765
critical evaluation of
concept 36162
defined 357
formulation 769
framework 761
goals 767
implementation 769
integration of reward and HR
strategies 766
purpose 357
reward attitude survey 764
toolkit 76169
see also reward strategy
strategic role of heads of HR
functions 54748
strategic role of HR business
partners 548
strategic role of HR directors 547
strategic role of the HR
professional 54546
strategies, HR see HR strategies
characteristics of 17
concept of 1617
critical evaluation of
concept 1718
defined 1617
emergent 18
formulation of 17
HR strategies 2529
implementation of 17
and strategic fit 17
stress, management of 44647
structural analysis 143
structural capital 69
structural flexibility 139
structured interviews 237
substance abuse policy 514
substantive agreements 427
succession planning 27677
suggestion schemes 432
supply forecasting 220
survey feedback 156
survival rate 250
SWOT analysis 159
systematic training 309, 310
systems school of organization
theory 119
systems theory 144
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Subject Index
talent 265
talent audit 267
talent development 267
talent management
aims 266
analysis of practice 735
audit 267, 732
defined 263, 26466, 480
developing a talent management
strategy 269
and diversity 266
in international firms 48082
people involved 26566
and performance management
planning 267, 729, 731
policy 731
process of 26668
strategy 269, 729, 730
talent development 267, 734
talent identification 267
talent on demand 269, 277
talent pipeline 26667, 268
talent planning 267, 729, 731
talent pool 268
talent relationship management
talent resourcing 267, 733
talent retention 267
toolkit 72935
war for talent 263, 265
what is happening to talent
management? 26970
team briefing 439
team building 163
team pay 379
teamwork 706
technical competencies 86
technical competencies
analysis 617
terminal behaviour 312
testing hypotheses 587
testing propositions 570
tests, selection, see selection tests
tests of significance 586
T-group training 156
theory 574
Theory Y 155, 157, 201
third country nationals (TCNs)
three-legged stool model of HR
function 3940
360-degree feedback 337, 34849
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Subject Index
workforce planning
action planning 221, 725, 727
activity levels forecasting
analysis 219
approaches to 21112
balancing demand and supply
and business planning 217
and the business plan 720
data collection 219
defined 211, 216
demand forecasting 21920,
factors affecting supply and
demand 718
flowchart 218, 717
forecasting activity levels 219
forecasting requirements 219,
forecasting supply of people
function of 216
hard and soft versions 211
incidence of 216
internal supply forecasts 725
in international firms 478
issues 217
link with business planning
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