SAPTA Certificate

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1. Goods consigned from

(exporter's business name, address, country)

Reference No.
(Combined declaration and certificate)

2. Goods consigned to
(Consignee's name, address, country)

Issued in ...........................................................................
see notes overleaf

3. Means of Transport and route

(as far as known)

4. For Official use

5. Tariff item

6. Marks and
numbers of

7. Number and kind of

description of goods

11. Declaration by the exporter:

The undersigned hereby declares that the above
details and statements are correct: that all the goods
were produced in

8. Origin
(see notes

9. Gross weight
or other

10. Number and

date of invoices

12. Certificate
It is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out,
that the declaration by the exporter is correct

and that they comply with the origin requirements
specified for those goods in SAPTA for goods
exported to
(importing country)
Place and date , signature of authorised signatory

Place and date, signature and stamp
of Certifying authority


General Conditions
To qualify for preference, products must :

fall within a description of products eligible for preference in the schedule of concessions of
SAPTA country of destination;
b) comply with SAPTA Rules of Origin. Each article in a consignment must qualify separately in its
own right; and
c) comply with the consignment conditions specified by the SAPTA Rules of Origin. In general,
products must be consigned directly within the meaning of Rule 5 hereof from the country of
exportation to the country of destination.II.


Entries to be made in Box 8

Preference products must be wholly produced or obtained in the exporting Contracting State in
accordance with Rule 2 of the SAPTA Rules of Origin, or where not wholly produced or obtained in the
exporting Contracting States must be eligible under Rule 3 or Rule 4.

Products wholly produced or obtained; enter the letter A in Box 8.


Products not wholly produced or obtained: the entry in Box 8 should be as follows :


Enter letter B in Box 8, for products which meet the origin criteria according to Rule 3.
Entry of letter would be followed by the sum of the value of materials, parts or produce
originating from nonContracting States, or undetermined origin used, expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the products; (example B 50 per cent);


Enter letter C in Box 8 for products which meet the origin criteria according to Rule 4. Entry
of letter C would be followed by the sum of the aggregate content originating in the territory of the exporting Contracting State expressed as a percentage of the f.o.b. value of the
exported product; (example C 60 per cent);


Enter letter D in Box 8 for products which meet the special origin criteria according to Rule


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