ASHP Pharmaceutical Care PDF
ASHP Pharmaceutical Care PDF
ASHP Pharmaceutical Care PDF
Pharmacists Responsibility
An essential element of pharmaceutical care is that the pharmacist accepts responsibility for the patients pharmacotherapeutic outcomes. The same commitment that is applied to
designing the pharmacotherapeutic regimen and monitoring
plan for the patient should be applied to its implementation.
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5. Shepherd MF. Clinical skills program pharmacotherapy series module 1. Reviewing patient medical
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6. Mason N, Shimp LA. Clinical skills program pharmacotherapy series module 2. Building a pharmacists
patient data base. Bethesda, MD: American Society of
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7. Mason N, Shimp LA. Clinical skills programmodule 3. Constructing a patients drug therapy problem
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8. Jones WN, Campbell S. Clinical skills program pharmacotherapy series module 4. Designing and recommending a pharmacists care plan. Bethesda, MD:
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9. Frye CB. Clinical skills program pharmacotherapy
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10. PL 93-579. 5 U.S.C.A. 552a (88 Stat. 1896).
11. ASHP guidelines for obtaining authorization for documenting pharmaceutical care in patient medical records. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1989; 46:3389.
12. Principles of practice for pharmaceutical care.
Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association;